1988, 06-08 Letter from Spokane County re Precon MinutesSpokane County Department of Building & Safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR TO Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety John Pederson, Planning Department Jerry Sims, Engineer's Department Daryl Way, Health District FROM, r homas L. Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator • epartment of Building and Safety DATE: June 8, 1988 RE June 6, 1988 - Pre- Construction Conference North 12 Adams Road - Change of Use (From Residence to Auto Sales - Alpine Motors) Enclosed is your copy of the minutes to the referenced meeting. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. TLD:jas cc: Mr. Kent Rudeen, Real Estate Agent Mr. Fritz Wolff, Owner Mr. Jim Legat, Utilities Department NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456 -3675 MINUTES PRE - CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE NORTH 12 ADAMS ROAD - CHANGE OF USE (FROM RESIDENCE TO AUTO SALES - ALPINE MOTORS) JUNE 61 1988 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:35 a.m.'by Building and Safety's Code Compliance Coordinator Tom Davis, with the following in attendance. PERMIT REVIEW PARTICIPANTS: Tom Davis, Building and Safety Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety John Pederson, Planning Department Julie Shatto, Building and Safety Jerry Sims, Engineer's Department Daryl Way, Health District APPLICANTS• Kent Rudeen, Real Estate Agent, Alvin J. Wolff Inc., West 907 Riverside, Spokane, 99201, Phone No. 624 -1100 Fritz Wolff, Owner, Contact Person, West 907 Riverside, Spokane, 99201, Phone No. 624 -1100 SCOPE /PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I. General Overview - The applicant has leased the existing house, which will be converted to auto sales, to a car dealer. The car dealer will use the bedrooms as office's. SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: I. Planning Department (456 -2205) A. Discussion /Requirements 1. The site was subject to zone change ZE- 77 -79. The zone only allows retail store use. The applicant will need to get together will Steve Horobiowski, Zoning Administrator, to initiate a "Change of Condition." - 1 - II. Engineering (456 -3600) A. Discussion /Requirements 1. Written comments regarding the proposed project were given to the applicant's and Building and Safety by Jerry Sims. 2. Jerry Sims stated that the project will need to meet the 11208" standards. 3. The zone change, ZE- 77 -78, required that if there were any road improvements made then they would have to be done by a licensed engineer. (Road improvements need to be done on Adams Road). 4. Approach permits for driveway approaches are required. 5. The applicant stated that the existing surface in the parking lot is gravel. Gravel parking areas are considered impervious surfaces requiring 11208" drainage facilities. 6. The applicant was informed that if there is a hearing to consider a "Change of Condition," the Engineer's office would again request a dedication of ten feet of Right -of -Way along Adams Road. It was noted that this ten foot dedication was required at the time of the original zone request but was deleted by the Board of County Commissioners. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. If the applicant continues the use of the property as an auto sales lot, a drainage plan is required to be submitted for review and approval. III. Health District (456 -6040) A. Discussion /Requirements 1. The existing sewage system was installed in 1953. 2. Daryl Way stated that the applicant will need to connect to the valley sewer system. (The applicant has one year to comply beginning. with the date of the final assessment). 3. The applicant will need to abandon the existing septic tank by pumping and filling with pea gravel. - 2 - 4. The applicant stated that there would be no service work done on the site. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Health District is ready to sign their release. IV. Utilities Department (456 -3604) A. Discussion /Requirements 1. The Utilities Department was not present and had no comments regarding the proposed project. VI. Building and Safety (456- 3675) A. Discussion /Requirements 1. It was stated that a Building and Safety inspector had inspected the site to offer suggestions on what items need to be completed to bring the structure into compliance with Uniform Building Code. 2. If the basement is used for any other purpose than as a service area, an one -hour separation ceiling and two exits will be required. 3. If the basement is used as service area then a sign will need to be posted "Service Only." 4. If the existing garage is used for repairs or any other purpose then a one -hour separation wall is required between the house and the garage. 5. Fire extinguishers need to be provided in the office and garage area. 6. The applicant should contact Fire District No. 1 regarding future fire hydrant requirements should additional buildings be contemplated for the site. 7. The existing signage is required to have permits. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. The applicant needs to complete a critical materials list. (A list of those chemicals considered to be a critical material may be obtained from the County Planning Department). - 3 - APPLICANTS COMMENTS /ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The applicant had some concerns with certain requirements placed upon him since this proposal is of less intensity than what was originally approved for the site. CORRECTIONS: To minutes or changes from what appears in the minutes, we should be notified within one day of your receipt of these minutes. To plans as required by any or all of the above- listed departments shall be submitted in sets of 7 to Building and Safety who will then distribute accordingly to each department. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Tom Davis thanked the applicant and the departments for their participation and reminded all that he should be contacted if there are any unforeseen problems which may arise. The meeting was adjourned °at approximately 11:05 a.m. Copies of Minutes to: All participants File - North 12 Adams Road Change of Use From Residence to Auto Sales - Alpine Motors - 4 -