2013, 11-19 Study Session minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington November 19 2013 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Torn Towey,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schiinmels, Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Recreation Director Rod Higgins, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Arne Woodard,Councilmember Rick VanLeuven,Police Chief Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councihnembers were present. Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey announced that this month's recipient of the Key to the City and Certificate of Appreciation is Dr. James Harken. Mayor Towey said our Parks & Recreation Director Mike Stone nominated Dr. Harken, and on the nomination form Mr. Stone stated that "Dr. Harken has been a tremendous advocate and champion of visual arts in Spokane Valley for many years. Through his leadership, the Spokane Valley Arts Council has worked closely with the City of Spokane Valley in commissioning and donating two monumental bronze sculptures to the City for the enjoyment of citizens and visitors alike. Through his passion and love of the arts, Dr. Harken has increased our community's awareness of the value and benefits of public art. Our City is a better place to Iive, work, and play thanks to Dr. James Harken." After Mayor Towey presented the key and certificate to Dr. Harken, Dr. Harken expressed his appreciation for the honor, and said that what he started out to do is working well and said they are getting recognition; and that their object was to help the city in which they live; he said that the Arts Council is also communicating with the schools to find out what they need and how the Arts Council can help them. Dr. Harken also recognized and thanked members of the Arts Council Board. Parks and Recreation Director Stone also extended his thanks to Dr. Harken and the Board for their contribution to the culture of our City. 1. Construction Improvement Plan Annual Update--Eric Guth As the construction season comes to a close, Public Works Director Guth explained that this presentation will give Council an update on the status of many projects. As Director Guth went through the slides of the PowerPoint,he explained that some of the projects listed on slide 13 were not yet complete but expect to be complete by the end of this year; he said Sullivan Corridor should not be on this list however, as the project is just beginning and said that study will come to council in the upcoming months. Director Guth explained that concerning the Appleway Trail Design pathway project, staff continues to look for additional funding and plan to put out a call this spring. Council thanked Mr. Guth for this update and for the progress on the varied and numerous projects, Council Study Session: 11-19-2013 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 12-10-2013 2.Draft Legislative Agenda—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson explained that Council has seen this draft a few times in the last several weeks; said he wanted to go over this and if Council is comfortable, bring this back next week. Mr. Jackson stated that the Finance Committee met to primarily discuss what capital projects to include in the legislative agenda, and said that two projects were discussed and considered. The first project, Mr. Jackson said was the Appleway Trail Project,which could also have an economic development impact; he said he proposes including that in the 2014 legislative agenda to keep the issue before the legislators and have them familiar with the project; and the second project is the Balfour Park/Library Project. Mr. Jackson explained that one of the drawbacks of this project is waiting for the library to secure funding, and said it makes it difficult to move forward with conviction. Mr. Jackson spoke a little about the Appleway Trail and the grant we received; said there had been discussion about development of half of the trail from University to Evergreen, and that if we move this forward, we know we can't get it funded until 2015, but said that doesn't mean we can't do partial funding. Other issues discussed by the Finance Committee, Mr. Jackson said, included the list of capital projects, such as Balfour Park, or City Hall, and whether we want to set some funds aside for the Appleway Trail; and said the decision now is whether to include this as a main capital request for the 2014-2015 legislative agenda, and if there is general Council agreement to move this project forward. There was discussion concerning the two projects with Councilmember Wick expressing his desire to have Balfour Park as the higher priority while still moving forward with the Appleway Trail.Mr. Jackson said the difficulty in taking that forward as a partnership is we are not sure it would carry the same weight if it were just a single venture; he said this was the same discussion held by the Finance Committee which felt that is the drawback of that project. Councilmember Wick said this gives us the opportunity to start talking about and socializing the project, and said we can always come back the following year; adding that it takes time to get the word out and convince the legislators, and that he would hate to start that a year later. Mayor Towey said that for the 2014 session, the legislators are not going to accept any capital fund projects, so whatever we put on our legislative agenda would just make them aware of the project, but that they would not consider allocating any funding until 2015; and said we have learned from the past that the more projects we put on the list, the less likely we will get funding. Councilmember Woodard said that we could always put the Balfour Project on the list after the library has their funds, but that he feels the most immediate impact now is the trail and said it meets many of the state's priorities such as multi-modal, green belts, etc., and said the citizens are excited about the project, Mayor Towey said he feels a commitment to Balfour Park now would be premature. Councilmembers Hafner, Grafos and Woodard agreed with the Trail as the top funding priority while Councilmember Wick expressed his concern that waiting to include the Balfour Park could delay possible funding for two years. City Manager Jackson mentioned that the Legislative Agenda can always be amended later, and similar to the Sullivan Bridge project, a project could be removed from or added to the Legislative Agenda in the future; adding that he feels there will be plenty of time to come back with the Balfour Park Project, although we could add both projects; and said he will discuss this with our Lobbyist Briahna Taylor; and he said we will also look at expanding the scope to include the entire trail. The benefits of waiting for grants and other funding possibilities were discussed such as public/private partnerships, with Deputy City Attorney Lamb commenting that there would be no legal impediment to such an arrangement but we would have to work out the details. Councilmember Wick also mentioned the Barker Road Grade Separation and that it would be nice to list that as well. Mr. Jackson said that no new transportation projects will be accepted by legislators, but said he believes that GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.)will continue to discuss that project; and said he will research that issue as well. Concerning our local state shared revenues, Mr. Jackson said we have had some decrease mostly through the liquor profits and excise tax; that we know with the liquor profit revenues the state has set us a fixed amount, and if there are more profits over time,they would go into the state coffers; he said this is also in Council Study Session: 11-19-2013 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 12-10-2013 the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) agenda and we'd like an ongoing distribution of those revenues from additional sales and they would like the cities to profit as well since it is the cities' law enforcement that handles occurrences that happen as a result of alcohol sales. Mr. Jackson explained that we have seen substantial reduction in our excise tax as our 2011 actual was $437,486 while the 2014 estimate is only $109,000; and said the difference could fund the recently discussed need for two additional police officers, adding that we support the AWC agenda for that item as well. Councilmember Wick suggested adding language to"restore"as well as distribute those funds. Mr. Jackson said the last item concerns the lien authority; said some of these abatement issues could cost the city $3,000 to $4,000 and we don't recoup our money any time in the future; but if we have a fixed lien on the property that has a higher priority, it would be beneficial; said there have been a few occasions in the past where the cost was upwards of$15,000; said this legislation, which was initiated by our City, would give cities equal weight with counties to have the authority to place a lien on property to recover funds expended as a result of code enforcement; said there has been some resistance from the banks as they see this as a possible threat to recover full costs of their liens, and said we continue to work on that issue, and said Mr. Driskell will keep Council updated. Council indicated they are supportive of that item, After Mr. Jackson discussed the four main priorities of the 2014 AWC Legislative Agenda, he asked for Council input. Council discussed proposed tax increases, of the impact of those increases to our region; and that the North/South Freeway, once completed, would have a positive economic impact to our city; and Mayor Towey and Councihnembers Wick, Hafner, Grafos and Woodard agreed with the need to complete the entire project as the completion means a connection to Spokane Valley; and with those comments of Council agrees with the reform and that Mr. Jackson will not comment on this during the meeting on Thursday. The issue of shared revenues was discussed and it was agreed we want to support that AWC agenda item, and could add verbiage concerning the state shared revenues without explicitly naming marijuana, but that we want a share of all revenues where the city has responsibility to expend funds. Mr. Jackson said our Legislative Agenda will be brought back next week, and Councilmember Wick asked about the mobile home park group and some legislation that would allow them to purchase parks or make it easier to acquire loans. Mr. Jackson said he will have to research that, and again said that Council's legislative agenda can be amended at any time. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:23 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:33 p.m. 3. Parks and Recreation Master Plan—Mike Stone Via his PowerPoint presentation,Parks and Recreation Director Stone briefed Council on the draft update of the 2006 Parks and Recreation Master Plan; he explained the update is intended to supplement the 2006 plan,yet function as a"stand alone"document as it cross-references and draws from that 2006 plan; he explained that one of the most critical aspects is that the plan adoption meets requirements for Recreation and Conservation office grant eligibility, provides direction and guidance, and provides a range of options. Mr. Stone explained that a Master Plan is an inventory of existing parks and facilities and their condition, and establishes needs based on citizen input and generally accepted standards; he said the process began June 2012 so it has been a long process; said the is pleased to start a dialogue with council, and is willing to spend whatever time necessary on the plan before moving forward. Director Stone said that modifications of note are the priority for land acquisition, and priority in developing park facilities to accommodate needs of user groups, like pet parks, or disc golf. Mr. Stone also mentioned some of the significant changes since 2006, such as the development of Discovery Park, Greenacres Park, adding eight acres on Sprague for Belfour Park, and the renovation of the three outdoor swimming pools. Mr. Stone stressed that this plan does not commit us or bind us in any direction or specific priority, but is more of a road map for the future, and makes it so we are eligible for grants. Mr. Stone said this topic can Council Study Session: 11-19-2013 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 12-10-2013 be brought back for additional Council discussion, and it will eventually be placed on an upcoming agenda for approval consideration, Council discussion included the need for additional park space; levels of service; the different types of parks, and areas seeing some recent improvement such as the Sullivan Park; the idea of private partnerships and sponsorships, and he mentioned the recent Lodging Tax funding allocation to help with the sand volleyball courts. Councilmember Woodward said he would like further opportunity to discuss the plan to talk about some specialized facilities, and said the general concept is we need more ground and the sooner we can buy or trade property, the better, as this is a great time to get land; and said the more the public knows about our plans, the better opportunity for the more wealthy citizens who believe in this community, to get involved. Concerning the idea of public/private partnerships, Mr. Jackson said Parks and Recreation and Community Development are working with others to put in a new trailhead and other amenities for trail users; and in the past, Dr. Harken and the Arts Committee has donated greatly to help beautify our community, and even before incorporation, the land was donated for Mirabeau Park, and said he agrees with the need to continue to push that partnership idea forward; adding that staff is looking at possible sponsorships for the movies in the park,but cautioned we must move carefully in how we involve others. Council concurred to bring this back for further discussion at the December 3 meeting,and to schedule the adoption for the December 10 council meeting. 4.Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey Mr. Jackson said the draft amended legislative agenda will be brought back December 3; he mentioned he will discuss the transportation issue with Lobbyist Brialma Taylor and that he will not comment at this Thursday meeting concerning that transportation budget. Councilmember Grafos shared some photos with Council, of STA (Spokane Transit Authority) bus shelters and benches, and asked if staff could examine that issue, and Mr. Jackson agreed that is a good topic. Councilmember Hafner also agreed with the idea of improving the STA shelters and benches not just in Spokane, but also throughout the area including Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake. Councilmember Wick mentioned that in other cities, some citizens have been able to implement a main street program by forming an association with businesses. Councilmember Woodard noted the AWC Convention will be held in Spokane next June and said he would like to have discussions concerning a mobile workshop in Spokane Valley, and said he feels we need to get involved early. Councilmember Grafos said he has noticed some businesses are not maintaining their 208 swales, and said he noticed a car was parked in one of those areas; and would also like a way to encourage businesses to improve the appearance of some of their properties. Mr. Jackson said we have had some enforcement issues concerning the swales. Councilmember Wick said he spoke with Eric Sawyer of the Sports Commission about an issue they will be taking to the legislature this year and he would like to get more information. Mr. Jackson said he has not yet had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Sawyer. 5. Council Check-In—Mayor Towey Councilmember Grafos stated that he watched the televised interview of Mr. Jackson concerning our City's tenth anniversary, and he expressed thanks to Mr. Jackson and staff for their work, and agreed with Mr. Jackson's statement that we operate lean and efficient. Councilmember Wick mentioned the idea of having a legislative committee similar to our finance committee. Mayor Towey said that idea was discussed yesterday at the pre-agenda meeting with Mr, Jackson, and said he feels an ad-hoc committee would be beneficial. Councilmember Wick said he would prefer having a standing committee; and Councilmember Hafner said Councilmembers are already involved in many committees, and asked if this isn't one of the roles of our lobbyist Briahna Taylor. Mr. Council Study Session: 11-19-2013 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 12-10-2013 Jackson said that idea can be placed on our pending agenda for future discussion about the form of the committee, and that it might be better to wait until next year since those type of committee appointments are made by the Mayor and can't exceed the term of the Mayor. 6. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson Mr. Jackson had no additional comments. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ,, r ATTES : ' homas • ow'y, Mayor (4:? , Christine Bainbri.ge, City Cler Council Study Session: 11-19-2013 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 12-10-2013 i. ,- `' ' ` \ t % 4A / 1 f A r,i ": �'1 • 4 i ��. y 5 , / 'A , a \ `J ti., i {' (• 1'" , \ ' i�eP�. I \ - i' . 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