Minutes - 12/08/2005• Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave December 8. 2005 CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm Staff members attending the meeting are: Marina Sukup, Director Community Development and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum - Present • David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Ian Robertson - Present John G. Carroll - Present Commissioner Robertson moved that the December 8, 2005 agenda be approved as amended. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann seconded by Commissioner Kogle that the minutes of the November 10, 2005 Planning Commission meeting be approved as written. Motion passed unanimously Mr. Len Bouge, 304 S. Conklin: Mr. Bouge owns a piece of property in the Ponderosa area. When he bought the property it was zoned UR-3.5 and he and his wife intended on having the property split and building a house on the back of this 1.23 acres. Since that time, the neighbors have had the area under a rezone of UR- 1 and a build moratorium, which means he can now not split his property to less than 1 acre per lot_ Mr. Bouge is appealing to the commissioners for any assistance that would allow him to be able to use his property as he had planned- 0 Planning COMMMSlon hMnu*s Dec 8, 2005 Page t 014 gI Commissioner Beaulac stated he attended the City Council meeting and that they • seem to be getting into things and moving forward. Commissioner Kogle and Beaulac have been placed on the consent agenda for another 3 year term on the Planning Commission. Commissioner Kogle attended the City Council meeting also and they appear to be trying to move forward. Commissioner Carroll said that he attended a public hearing for the 5'" addition of Shelly Lake. Commissioner Blum said that he attended the City Council meeting also that he is glad that Commissioners Beaulac and Kogle have been reappointed to the Commission. City Council also placed an appointment on the regular agenda for Marcia Sands, to fill the place that will be vacated by Commissioner Gothmann when he steps up to the City Council in January. Director Mike Jackson and the consultant for the parks master plan made a presentation at the City Council meeting also. It was good to see what can be done and the good things that were in it for the community. Commissioner Crosby also attended the City Council meeting. Commissioners Gothmann and Robertson had nothing to report. I r ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Director Sukup reported that the City Council will deliberate two nights next week in regard to the Comprehensive Plan. On Dec. 20"' • the Planning Department will be making a presentation to the City Council about a Request for Proposal regarding the Sprague/Appleway Sub-area. NEW BUSINESS: John Shambaugh, Senior Aviation Planner and Kerri Woehler, Aviation Planner from the Washington State Department of Transportation, Aviation Division made a presentation in regard to Felts Field, and planning for the airport area. Mr. Shambaugh and Ms. Woehler both explained about the airport, unique characteristics, future plans, state classifications and the impact of future regulations. Ms. Woehler will be the planner in charge of assisting the City with developmental regulations as well as developing a program statewide. Dir. Sukup had requested that the DOT make a presentation to the Planning Commission based on changes that are being made the Planning Commission's Recommended Comprehensive Plan to follow the current regulations. The Planning Commission will also be making zoning and implementation regulations in the future to follow those guidelines. She also told the Commission that a change to the current ordinance would be on the Jan. 12, 2006 agenda for a public hearing. This will be to bring the interim ordinance into line with the actual State guidelines. • tanning Commission Meeting Dec 8. 2005 Page 2 of 4 • Election of Officers: Commissioner Crosby called for the election of officers for the 2006 Planning year. Commissioner Crosby also stated that he would not like to seek reelection to the Chairman position; he then called for nominations for Chairman. Commissioner Robertson nominated Commissioner Gail Kogle for Chairman, second by Commissioner Beaulac. Commissioner Crosby asked if there were any other nominations. Hearing none, he called for discussion. There was no discussion. He then asked if the vote would be by consensus, all agreed. Hearing no objections, Commissioner Gail Kogle will be Chairman of the Planning Commission for 2006. Commissioner Crosby then called for the nominations for Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Beaulac nominated Commissioner Bob Blum for Vice-Chairman, second by Commissioner Robertson. Discussion. Commissioner Robertson stated that he felt that Commissioner Blum would work well to fill the research spot that is being vacated by Commissioner Gothmann. There were no other nominations for Vice-Chair and it was voted by consensus to make Commissioner Bob Blum Vice- Chairman of the Planning Commission for 2006. OLD BUSINESS: Director Sukup stated that she had done some work to the use matrix since the last time the Commissioners saw it. She has made it sortable, which is was not, removed all the 'N' leaving only the 'P' to show permitted uses, sort by NACIS • codes. A suggestion made, that possibly a dot in the permitted uses boxes would make it even easier to read. Dir. Sukup reminded the Commissioners not to forget to do their review for the next time this appears on the agenda. Commissioner Kogle stated it had been an honor to work with Commissioner Gothmann. Commissioner Gothmann said he felt this commission was the hardest working group in the Valley, and that he admired everyone. Commissioner Carroll, along with the rest of the commissioners, thanked Commissioner Crosby for his leadership through this busy and productive year. All the Commissioners extended their thanks to the staff for their hard work and support. Director Sukup said that she has worked with several Planning Commissions and that this is the hardest working most dedicated Planning Commission she has ever had the privilege to work with. Commissioner Crosby thanked the staff and each of the Commissioners for all their hard worts. It was a challenging year, but we did produce a good product and is proud of the comments we have received from the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (CTED). • Planning Commission Meeting Dec a. 2005 Page 3 of 4 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm • SUBMITTED APPROVED-. Vi A r Dea na Griffith, Admin Ott -David sby, Chairman • is Planning Corrimmion Meeting Dec 8. 2005 Page 4 of 4