Minutes - 10/13/2005Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 14707 E. Sprague Ave October 13, 2000 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:02 Staff members attending the meeting am: Marina ukup, Director Community Development and Deanna Griffrth, Administrative Assistant. tl. PLEDGE OF ALLEG IAN E The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance- Itl. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum'- Present David Crosby - Present Gail ogle - Present *Commissianer can%W1 arrived ai 6-15 pm BIII Gothmann - Absent, Excused Ian RcberNon - Present John G. Carroll - Absent' I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Dimctor Sukup stater that the item under new business be removed from the Oct 13, 2005 agenda - Discussion of Land Use Definitions and Schedules of Permitted Uses. The Commissioners did not receive any documentation on this subject therefore it would be difficult to sfart the discussion. Commissioner Kogie moved that the October 93, 2005 agenda be approved as amended Commissioner Beaufac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES it was moved by Commissioner Robertson seconded by Commissioner Blurry that the minutes of the Sept. 8, 2005 Planning Commission meeting be approved as amended. Correcting the spelling of Mr. Tabbert's last name and the Commissioner Robertson made the motion to adjourn not Commissioner Blum as the minutes stated Motion passed unanimously VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: Pao public cornment given, VII. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Beau lac reported that he understood from the Council meeting on Tuesday night, that they were asking the Planning Flgnning Commission minutes Oct, 13. 2UQ5 Pepe 1 of 4 • Commission member to attend as many of the comp plan meetings as possible. A notice will be posted outside council doors and an email sent stating there could be a quorum but no business would be conducted. Commissioner Beaulac requested that the dates sent to each Commissioner so that they can know where and when these meetings will be held. Commissioner Blum stated he had attended the Conversation with the Community on 10/12/05. He also stated that Director Jackson did a good job explaining the Park's Master Plan. Commissioner Crosby reported he also had attended the City Council meeting on 10111/05. He shared that the Council would like the Commissioners to attend the comp plan meetings if possible. He plans on attending as many as he can. Commissioners Robertson, Kogle, Carroll had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Director Sukup stated the commission needs to be thinking of their schedule for the next two months, but which will be discussed as stated during the good of the order. The Planning Commission by-laws state that the election of officers for the next year is to be held in November. She also mentioned that the by-laws also state that the Commission is to review its policies and practices annually and that will need to be done. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: • A. OLD BUSINESS: Continued Public Hearing regarding amending ordinance 04-046, deleting the requirement for direct access to arterials or collectors in Planned Unit Developments. Commissioner Crosby stated at 6:17 the public hearing was open and asked first person to step to the podium. Meg Arpin, 1117 E. 3e, representing developer. Ms. Arpin stated that she wanted to point out that ooncurrency, as was discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting was not a part of this ordinance. There are other regulations and checks for transportation issues. That this just deals with the land that is included in the requested PUD. Other agencies and departments would be taking care of the rest of those issues. These was discussion that followed in regard to how this ordinance was created for, what are the uses, who takes into account the concurrency issues, what are the alternatives. All concerns were valid, however it was explained that those concerns will be addressed in other ordinances. Commissioner Crosby closed the public hearing at 6.30 pm. Commissioner Robertson made the motion to recommend approval to council to delete the requirement for direct access to arterial and collectors in Planned Unit Developments. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Vote is 4 in favor and 0 against. Commissioner Robertson abstained, and the Chairman did not vote. Motion passed. B. NEW BUSINESS: None C7 Planreng Commission Meeting 10/13105 Page 2 of 3 r~ LJ X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: Discussion of the calendar for the next two and a half moths. All dates will be forwarded to the Commissioners as soon as possible. Commissioner Robertson will be unable to attend the Oct. 27'h meeting or the Nov. 10th meeting, out of the county, excused absence. Second meeting in November falls on Thanksgiving. The Commission decided is to cancel the 11/24105 meeting. Procedures state that commission elections are to be held in November. Council will be making the appointments at the Dec. 6 meeting; it is possible there could be new members appointed to the commission. Commission decided to postpone the lection of officers for the upcoming year until the Dec. 8'h meeting. It was, also decided that the Dec. 220d meeting be cancelled, since it was very close to the holidays. Commission would like to take a closer look at the policies and procedures and discuss meeting days. Holidays are a reoccurring issue at this time of year, election of officers should be sensitive to the schedule for Council will appointments to the Commission. Commissioner Crosby will be out of town for the Oct. 25'" public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. • • SUBMITTED: Roca'&116- A&kl- DeJinna Griffith, Admin 'is APPROVED: vid G'fosby, Chairman Planning Commission Meeting 1(113105 Page 3o13