Minutes - 09/08/2005Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave September 8, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner and Deanna Griffith, Administf`ative Assistant 311. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE _Tbe Commission, audience, and staff recited the pledge of Allegiance. 111. ROLL CALL Commissioner Mauiac - Present Bill Goth mann -Present Ccrnmiss € ner Blum - Present Commissioner Kogle Present Commissioner lnhn G. Carroll - Present Ian: Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present APPROVAL OF AGENDA Cvrnr AIWofW GoMmr0170 moved t tfte % rber 9, 2005 agenda be approved as wrfttm. Corrtrr i"As rrer KagAe .seconded the m orlon. Mohian paw' UfrafrirnOus# IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was n7oved by Co mismoner Kogle se dL-d by Commissioner Beaufac ffiat the minutes of the August 25, 2005, Planning Cammmimdan eddy be acwpted as written. Afodan passed unanimousfy. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comment VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Crosby reported that he attended a meeting to discuss impact fees and how to work with dhem. It was well attended by several groups and some elected officials. All other commissioners had nothing to r rt. September 8, 2005 Ranming f:~ammaslon Minutes page I of a Spokimc Vallcy Planning Commissicm Minutcs • VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing for PUD 04-046. Commissioner Crosby opens the hearing at 6:09 pm. Director Sukup explained to the Commission the background for making this change. She also answered questions from the Commissioners. Meg Arpin, representing Black Rock. Ms. Arpin explained that this is a significant change. She stated that over 70% of the city does not connect, with an arterial or collector. None of these areas can change in future with this wording. Ms Arpin explained that she had spoken to the City's engineers; they indicated to her that they did not write or have any input to this ordinance. According to Ms. Arpin, they do not want more access to arterials or collector streets. This wording is contrary to good transportation planning, according to Ms. Arpin. Ms. Arpin expressed this • ordinance doesn't promote new growth. This should only apply to environmental/special cases. She indicated that she was aware of two PUDs were in process, six others are waiting for this ruling. lames Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin, the dates on staff report are incorrect, stating this had already been finished. Director Sukup stated that this was an error on her part. She would amend the dates before it is signed. Mary Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin, Mrs. Pollard requested some clarification on the changes. Was this in the ordinance when it was in effect with the County, Director Sukup said that no it was not in the county document, it was changed last November (2004) She stated that she does not approve'of having this ordinance changed. Mrs. Pollard shared that the neighborhood is not developed outside of the PUD to handle the cars that are generated by these PUDs. The rest of the area roads are underdeveloped and it places a large burden on the community. Maybe in the future the roads will be able to handle this increased traffic but not now. Mrs. Pollard would like to have the Comp Plan in place before this is changed. Mrs. Pollard said that passing this change is premature and feels it is only catering to the developer. Unapproved of • by rest of the North Greenacres community. Leads out onto roads there should be no changes in Phase I regulations, no bonus densities. Adding September 8, 2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 8 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes density without impact fees it forces the cost of development on rest of • community. Kathy Tabbert, 18505 E. 4t' Ave., Ms. Tabbert stated she is directly affected by the PUD which first brought this question to light. She lives across the street from this development. The road that is being accessed is only 19 feet wide. The winter seasons do not allow enough room for cars and kids to both be on road. The road is unimproved and all the run off from the development will be running into her yard. Ms. Tabbert feels that the builder gets preference. She feels that the PUD only increases traffic in the area along with high densities when the roads unable to handle it. Ms. Tabbert shared that she has an autistic child and worries that her child will not be safe with the changes that are going on. Ms. Tabbert feels that we will allow the developers tear up road just for their own purposes and the developers do not understand needs of the community. Ms. Tabbert said she is worried for children walking on street. Ms. Tabbert said this issue is more than just changing a requirement but is also about the problems they developer is to rush this and not dealing with dangerous road conditions. Brian Main, property owner/developer of a PUD now. Mr. Main stated • that this change does not affect his project now, but He is concerned about the future development. Mr. Main feels growth will not continue if you choose to limit it now. It will affect the potential for growth. The Spokane County recognizes the need for housing. They are working with the housing authority in order to acquire a grant. Mr. Main stated that changes to the ordinance could cancel out the program by making it too expensive for moderate/low income brackets to afford housing. He said he felt it will cancel program because of the restriction, making it more expensive for the developer. How will citizen be able to afford homes in future? Mr. Main stated that the county has agreed to open the West Plains to higher density. Mr. Main said he feels the commission should think about it. Tom Tabbert, 18505 E. 4th, Mr. Tabbert said he was part of the appeal against the current development. He said that many of the neighbors feel that this type of development is awkward, but recognizes this is not the issue tonight. Mr. Tabbert encourages Commissioners to look at this development. Mr. Tabbert submits pictures taken earlier in the day. The road is 18 ft. wide. 80 or more cars went by this point between Barker and the elementary school, around 8:00-8:30 am. Mr. Tabbert wants to address the safety issue for families, children. Mr. Tabbert said we do not have a definition for of an arterial. He said there is no room for • pedestrians, now you want to add 22 more houses. Mr. Tabbert feels that September B, 2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 8 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes • we need to stop and look at what we are doing. 70% of the Valley is rural. Mr. Tabbert would like to know what acceptable? Mr. Tabbert spoke to some of the neighbors today and they are feeling like this has already been decided and railroaded and that it won't make any difference. Mr. Tabbert submits a letter with pictures from Steve Hormel. Ms. Arpin stepped to the podium and asked to be allowed to address the statements made by the last two people testifying. Commissioner Crosby explained to Ms. Arpin that if he allowed her to give a rebuttal then he would have to allow all of the people who spoke to come up to the podium again. Ms. Arpin stated that was fine with that she had already made the comment in her testimony previously. The commission began their discussion. Commissioner Crosby states that before discussion we should have a motion. There was discussion between the commissioners as to whether they were ready to have a motion. Commissioner Crosby informed the commission that if the commission is not discussing a motion then they cannot have any discussion either for or against it. Commissioner Gothmann made a motion that the sentence read "all PUDs having greater than 8 residential units have direct access to a designated collector or arterial." Commissioner Beaulac second. Why 8 units? Commissioner Gothmann • said that he just picked a number to get things started. Commissioner Gothmann made a motion that the sentence read "all PUDs having greater than 8 residential units have direct access to a designated collector or arterial." Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. There was then considerable discussion as to what it would mean to change the ordinance. Questions were raised as to what information they would like to have to make a better decision. Issues raised were traffic, concurrency, levels of service, peak trips. Commissioner Gothmann made a motion to table the item until the staff can provide the information needed to make an educated decision, to the next meeting date of 10/13/2005. Commissioner Blum second. Commissioner Carroll feels it is not enough time for the staff to be able to come back with all the information the commission is requesting. Commissioner Crosby calls for the vote on this motion. Commissioner Gothmann and Robertson vote for, Commissioners Beaulac, Kogle, Carroll and Blum against. Motion fails. Return to the main motion, approve with amendment of 8 houses. Discussion. What other information desired? Traffic counts, concurrency, LOS. Commissioner Blum said that he had 2nd the previous motion but would like to have information, before he votes on it. Call for the vote on original motion • (more than 8) Commissioner Gothmann yes, Commissioner Beaulac no, September 8. 2005 Planning Commission Page 4 of 8 Spokane Vallcy Planning Commission Minutas • Commissioner Kogle no, Commissioner Carroll no, Commissioner Robertson abstain, Commissioner Blum no. The motion is defeated. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to table until 10/13 in order to get as much information as possible not only transportation but concurrency, levels of service and anything else that might help this body make their decision. Commissioner Robertson 2nd. Discussion. Would more public testimony be accepted? It is closed at this time. The public testimony can be re-opened. Do we have to re-notify? Not if you re-open it tonight. Re open for 10/13, you do have to notice it. Stated that 4 commissioners are looking for more information before make a decision. Mr. McCormick/Director Sukup can continue public hearing? Can continue to a date certain tonight. Take care of table first. Amend now? Take care of it later. Director Sukup, City Council has asked the same question as the commission is this evening about PUD. Director Sukup is preparing a primer for the council which she will share also with the Commission. Commissioner Carroll, looking for a set of criteria that allows PUDs but also minimizes the impacts that occur in unsafe areas. Vote to table the amendment item will table to 10/13, staff to provide information on the issues we have clarified tonight. Commissioners Blum, Robertson, Carroll, Beaulac and Gothmann vote in favor, Commissioner Kogle votes no, 5 to 1, tabled to 10/13. Leaves floor open to continue the Public Hearing to 10/13. Commissioner Blum moves that we re-open and continue the public hearing in regard to the PUD ordinance amendment to 10/13/05. Commissioner Robertson second. There is discussion. Commissioner Gothmann more opportunity to discuss with public the better decision you can make, Commissioner Kogle agreed. Motion passes 6 in favor. Public Hearing is continued to 10/13. Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Crosby opens the public hearing in regard to the Comprehensive Plan at 7:33. Hal Sarff, 13505 E. Broadway. - Mr. Sarff is not a resident but is a developer for a private senior independently living facility located at this address. Most land around this property is zoned UR-22. Mr. Sarff would like to see the parcel below this address be changed to medium density. The parcels are across the street, 13420 E. Broadway. 3.7 and 2.25 acres. Have option on these parcels. Would like to have this zoned to medium density. Engineers want to extend Blake Rd. south of Broadway. Have an agreement not to fight county on the north side of Broadway. But does not make sense south through private development. Children going to school, thinks a light for children to cross road would be a good addition. Not against impact fees. Thinks they should be taken care of as long as those fees are used for improvements roadways, sidewalks, and • the like. September 8, 2005 Planning Commission Page 5 of 8 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutcs • Bob Scarfo, 514 W. 25th Ave. Not a resident of SV. Has been reviewing comp plan and would like to lay out some things for consideration on the larger picture. Things no evident in comp plan. Did not get a sense that the plan was looking 20 yrs, ahead. Trends are coming is end of cheap oil and less driving. Creates more density and pedestrian oriented. 2nd trend, the aging of the county. 3rd trend is flexible packages for re-hire back to work. 4th trend. Work force facing higher demands on time and work. Move closer to work, less travel. Failing health is another concern and walking is not only a means of travel but helps with your health, walking is a good exercise. In the end a city center will create people using alternative methods of getting around, demand high density around the city to keep things closer to home. Mary Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin Rd. - Mrs. Pollard stated she is the chairman of the North Greenacres Neighborhood Group. Had a meeting to address traffic, attended by Engineer Steve Worley. 85 people attended the discussion. They talked about traffic issues surrounding the I-90/Barker interchange, linking Indiana with a road for a pass through to Liberty Lake. Mrs. Pollard stated that most residents and some of the developers would prefer to have the extension of Indiana link with Boone • Ave. Would like to see a policy that allows engineers to develop roads with the character of the neighborhood in mind. Include transit, sidewalks. Developer Greenstone wants to have Mission downgraded as it fits into his development. Feels that the railroad right of way is a better thing for a connector than mission. Too much traffic now, too many kids walking down the street. James Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin Rd. Mr. Pollard is submitting a written statement by a neighbor who would not attend. Pete Miller, 18124 E. Mission. Mr. Pollard stated that Ms. Miller wrote that Mission is a minor arterial. There is no change to the comp plan concerning road widths in the area. Her suggestion is to state the road diagrams in the comp plan are only a suggestion and not an actual standard. Boone is listed as a minor 3 lane road. Dave Black, not a resident, but a developer. He owns a piece of property on Carnahan Road, just south of 8"' Ave. Is currently zoned as public/quasi-public. Would like to have it down graded to house a self- storage facility he would like to build there. He bought it from a church, it is across from a quarry. Please consider changing it so that he can develop it. Bob Boyle, Hanson Industries - talk about Hanson Center east. Talk • about Indiana going east. Change it from the turn that would go through September 8, 2005 Planning Commission Page 6 of 8 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Centennial Properties and put it through Boone. The curve now is what is • in the plan, inherited from county. Sewer line also follows that path. It would be a straighter too. Next talk about the zone in the area, it will go to a mixed use zone, we support that. We have worked with the staff as to what we would like to see there. Last issue. Aesthetic corridor for Indiana. We inherited it from the county. We would like the planning commission to drop that designation from Sullivan to Flora. It is not a gateway to the city. It is not a major focal point coming into the city. Can see that Sullivan to Pines might be because it leads to another corridor. Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner. Wants to make sure that some suggestions be places on the record for consideration by the commission. Information comes from Mr. Boyle, who just spoke, with Hansen Industries, Mr. Dullanty, in regard to auto dealers, Mr. Cragg with the Industrial Park and a specific request to change the property at 102 N. McDonald Rd. to commercial, there is a defensive arts academy and dance studio. Commissioner Crosby closes the public hearing regarding the comp plan comments at 8:06 pm. • B. OLD BUSINESS - Comp Plan deliberations. We are now at the point where we are going to be approving changes that have already been made to the comp plan chapters and propose that they be added as amended. Begin with chapter 7, economic development. Director Sukup realizes that the planning commission does not have her version of the chapter for consideration. She asks that the commission go to another chapter while she makes copies of what they should be looking at. Commission moves to chapter 8, natural environment. After the review of changes Commissioner Kogle makes a motion to accept chapter 8 natural environment as amended. Commissioner Beaulac seconds, passed as revised. Chapter 10, Neighborhood Chapter. Commissioner Robertson makes the motion to include Chapter 10, Neighborhood/Sub-Areas to the Comp Plan as amended. Second by Commissioner Beaulac. Several concerns are raised in regard to this chapter. Have we decided to include this chapter in the plan? Not, yet but we are at that. Look at changes made, than vote to include. Commissioner Carroll states that he believes that there are no implementation tools in place for these goals and procedures. He feels it is a bastion of prejudice and bias. Does not address how to guide the neighborhood. Commissioner Blum is concerned that a small group could come in and try to force the way they want it. Commissioner Robertson says he believes the plan will allow for this. Commissioner Beaulac • agrees. Commissioner Gothmann states that all the information was in the plan already we just moved it to its own chapter. Commissioner Carroll expresses his September 6, 2005 Planning Commission Page 7 of 8 Spokane Valley Pla fining Commissim Minutes concern that people will come in and say they represent a neighborhood and they don't. Commissioner Beaulac shared that we do not have regulations yet to support many of the things we have proposed so far but they are the next step. Vote, to include Neighborhoods as amended: vote is as follows Commissioner Gothmann yes, Commissioner Beaulac yes, Commissioner Kogle yes, Commissioner Carroll no, Commissioner Robertson yes, Commissioner Blum no. Chairman Crosby states it passes with a 4 to 2 vote. Commissioners Carroll and Blum directly request that Commissioner Crosby vote and that his vote is stated for the record. Commissioner Crosby votes no, noting that it is 4 to 3 and the chapter is included as revised. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Decision to meet next Thursday for another meeting at 6:00 pm Sept. 15. A note from staff that Manna and Greg will be gone to a Planner's Conference and Scott Kuhta will be in charge that evening. XI. AD30URNMENT Commissioner Robertson motioned for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Kogle to adjourn at 9:00 pm. Passed SUBMITTED: APPROVED: c 5xd W~- DGriffith, Adm& i a 've Assistant DavW-Crosby, Chairman • September 8. 2005 Planning Commission Page 8 of 8