Minutes - 08/25/2005Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave August 25, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Gail Kogle -Present John G. Carroll - Present Ian Robertson - Absent, excused David Crosby - Present • APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gothmann moved that the August 25, 2005 agenda be approved as written. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann seconded by Commissioner Kogle that the minutes of the August 11, 2005, Planning Commission meeting be accepted as written. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comment VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Gothmann attended the city council meeting on Aug. 9, 2005. During the Budget discussion showed that the projected income will be greater than projected expenses. Commissioner Crosby reported that he had been interviewed by Tom Benemann Sunday for short spot on the 6:00 pm news. All other commissioners had nothing to report. • August 25, 2005 Planning Commissbon Minutes Page I of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes • VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: None B. New Business Public Hearing for the Extension of a 6-month Interim Zoning to maintain UR-1 in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Acres areas. Commissioner Crosby opened the Hearing at 6:10 pm Chuck Hafner, 4710 S. Woodruff, Mr. Hafner stepped forward to say that he and his neighbors grateful for the City's involvement in their neighborhood and supporting their efforts to maintain the zoning and other development matters concerning their area. AJ Tondini, 4515 S. Farr Rd. Mr. Tondini states his is a 34 yr resident of the Ponderosa area and moved there for the large lots and all of the amenities that are present in the neighborhood. He hopes that the Commission will vote favorably regarding the passing of this extension. Gail Stilltner, 10119 E. 441h, Moved to the Ponderosa area to achieve the • life style that is developed there. Still feels betrayed by the County for the changes they made. She makes a plea to the Commission to approve the interim zoning to help them try and keep their life style before it is lost for ever. Commissioner Beaulac makes a motion that based on the findings of fact the Commission recommends to Council the approval of the 6 month extension of the Interim Zoning in the Ponderosa and Rotchford areas. Commissioner Carroll seconds, passed unanimous. Commissioner Crosby declares the public hearing closed at 6:22 pm Continuance of the comprehensive plan deliberations - no public comments. Discussion of returning to the beginning of the land use chapter and discussion the first two goals and accompanying policies. Staff will rewrite to reflect new verbiage as was requested to see if they could be consolidated, We will not revisit this now but when we cover the plan as a whole for all corrections made, Mr. Basinger gave an over view of the land use map and some of the sub-maps that he has been working on. Discussion of missed marks under Public/Quasi-Public, Non-conforming uses. We will go over each comment request that are map related. List of all map related. maps is listed below. • August 25, 2005 Plarming Commission Page 2 of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes • M-1, M-30a regarding a split zone. Change both parcels to mixed-use. Approved M-2, m-30g - approved M-3, comment only on approving designation M-4, approved change to mixed-use. Mirabeau Parkway named an aesthetic corridor during the transportation chapter. M-5, will be changed to office, Covered all parcels specific comments first then review the more general requests. M-8, change to office M-13a, change to LDR M-1 3b, change to Neighborhood Commercial M-13c, m-23, change to Office M-1 3d, change to mixed use M-1 3e, m-30f, change to office M-30e, change to MDR MAT leave as LDR M-18, change to mixed-use • M-24, change to office M-27, leave as community commercial M-30b, change to HDR Break M-6, m-7 same, comment only on approval of proposed designation M-10, request staff contact citizen and get a more specific request Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to extend the working time to 9:15 pm, second by Commissioner Kogle, passed. M-11, comment only on approval of proposed designation M-14, Ponderosa change to UR-1, need to wait until appeals have run though the processes. M-15, change to mixed-use M-19 will cut area between Dartmouth and Farr, Sprague to Appleway from City Center, change to Regional Commercial with the proposed Auto-Row overlay. M-20, 21 & 22 are inline with the request of m-10, staff to contact citizens and get better definition. M-28, support a change to corridor mixed-use M-29, change to regional commercial • August 25, 2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes • M-32, Barker is not a designated truck route. Public comments that are map related: • No. Name Comment M-1 James H. Weber Split zoned parcel. ..wants all designated commercial M-2 John Sweitzer, Sweitzer Com an Inc. Properties should be designated commercial M-3 Kerry Orcutt Supports Office designation along Evergreen Road M-4 John G. Miller, Pinecroft Business Park Requests "Business Park" comp plan category, or Mixed Use designation for flexibility and to recognize current and projected development M-5 John T. Peterson, Pring Corp. Property designated HDR in 2003. Office under construction. Requests Community Commercial Desi nation. M-6 Kerry Orcutt Supports Office designation along Evergreen Road M-7 David Gum Supports Office desi nation along Evergreen Road M-8 Paul S. Redlin Requests Commun' Commercial M-9 Skipped M-10 Helen Sargent Property is single-family homes and duplexes and should be returned to UR-3.5 zoning. M-11 David Orahood Supports 1 acre zoning in Ponderosa. Supports impact fees. M-12 Skipped M-13 A J. Grant Person Camp Plan Amendment changed designation to Com Com in 2003 - Mapping Error M-13 B J. Grant Person Property current) zoned B-2, should retain zoning. M-13 C J. Grant Person Portion of property fronting Vercler proposed Office, balance MDR M-13 D J. Grant Person Northern section of property suited for high density with Office bordering Mansfield. Office/assembly on southern portion. Mixed Use designation would be appropriate. M-13 E J. Grant Person Property rezoned to UR-22 specifically for office use. Property direct) south zoned UR-7 for hospice facility. M-14 Chuck Hafner, Deanna Hormann Supports Comp Plan as drafted. Wants areas to retain R-1 zoning. M-15 Robert J. Bo le Supports Mixed Use designation for property of Valle Mall. M-16 David Golden Jan Wesche Portion of property fronting Vercler proposed Office, balance MDR M-17 Danett L. Ma eris Owner would like to build mini storage on property. M-18 Verona Southern Owner wants to use property for commercial on Barker with remainder used for mufti-family. Currently zoned UR-22. M-19 F.J. Dullanty, Jr_ Letter suggests that a new category be added called City Center Reserve. M-20 Helen Sa ent Requests UR-7 designation for property developed with duplexes (Pinecroft) and for property recently approved for a subdivision (View Ranch Estates). M-21 Jill Enzler Wants roe zoned back to UR-3.5. M-22 Linda Gerkin Requests UR-7 designation for property known as View Ranch Estates. M-23 Jan and David Wesche Portion of property fronting Vercler proposed Office, balance MDR 0 August 25, 2005 Planning Commission Page 4 of 5 Spoknnc Valley Planning Commission \1inutes • • No. Name Comment Property is developed with office building. Owner would like to M-24 Eric Ellin sen, DOS expand /develop offices on property direct) north. Andrew Warlock, CLC See M-24 M-26 Associates M-26 Ga Johnson See M-24 Should not downzone this, or any, property within the City of M-27 Dwight J. Hume Spokane Valley. Pines Road not marketable for office development. Should M-28 Dwight J. Hume retain appropriate commercial zoning. Area currently zoned Heavy Industrial and designated Urban Activity Center on Interim Comp Plan. Should be designated Reg. Commercial for expansion of commercial businesses in the M-29 Dwi ht J. Hume future. Split zoned parcel. Designated entire parcel Corridor Mixed M-30A Planning Staff Use. Property currently pending Hearing Examiner decision for M-30B Planning Staff rezone. Property received Comp Plan Amendment to Community M-30C Planning Staff Commercial in 2004. Property received Comp Plan Amendment to High Density Residential for office use in 2004. Property to the south M-30D Planning Staff current! has office constructed on it. M-30E Planning Staff Property should be designated for residential uses. M-30F Planning Staff Property previously zoned for Office use. Parcels are adjacent to Post Office and are isolated from residential neighborhood, bounded by Barker, Appleway and M-30G Planning Staff Laberry M-31 Skipped M-32 Shirley Rademacker Does not want Barker Rd. designated as truck route. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Carroll thanked everyone for allowing a further review of the first two goals and accompanying goals. XI. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gothmann motioned for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Blum to adjourn at 9:15 pm. Passed SUBMITTED: &a",u,a Dea na Griffith, Admin' t tier 'Assistant APPROVED: David Crosby, Chairman Page 5 015 August 25, 2005 Planning Commission