Minutes - 05/12/2005• Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave May 12, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER Planning Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm Staff attending the meeting: Gregory McCormick, Planning Manager; Scott Kuhta, . Long Range Planner 'and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Community Development II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Absent' Gail Kogle -Present John G. Carroll - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present Excused absence, arrived at 6:10 pm • APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Kogle moved that the May 12, 2005 agenda be approved as presented. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Kogle stated that her name was spelled incorrectly. It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac seconded by Commissioner Carroll that the minutes of the April 28, 2005 Planning Commission meeting be accepted as amended. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Kogle stated that she had attended the Light Rail Meeting and that they are looking to have a draft available soon of their plan. As soon as she is able she will get a copy for our review. Commissioner Gothmann stated that he had attended the City Council meeting on May 10`h, 2005. He stated they discussed the Full Width Paving Ordinance. • He thought that this issue should be part of the Comprehensive Plan. Greg McCormick told him it was indeed in the Comprehensive Plan in the April 28, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 11 of 4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes • Transportation Chapter. He_ said they also discussed the Greenacres Moratorium Request. The Council has scheduled further discussion of this matter to June 7'" Study Session. Council stated that they would like to have the Planning Commission's perspective for the reason they recommend denial of their request. Commissioner Crosby reported that he, also, had attended the Council meeting. They had the second reading of the sign ordinance. They have scheduled it for further discussion in June. They have a few questions in regards to the time limits on obsolete signs and time limits. Staff is to discuss concerns about nonconforming signs which may need repairs or replacement. Commissioner Crosby stated more in depth the Council's concern regarding the North Greenacres Moratorium Request. They question if the Commissioners had a copy of their plan when the decision was made for denial. It was at the Nov. 10", 2004 meeting that the recommendation for denial was made. Commissioner Crosby stated that at least a couple of commissioners will need to attend this study session in order to help the Council to understand the Planning Commissions decision. Commissioners Beaulac, Blum, Carroll and Robertson had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Planning Manager, Greg McCormick wanted to remind everyone that we are . having an Open House on May le, and June 15' in the Council Chambers for the Comprehensive Plan. We will not be accepting any public input at that time, but will have copies of the plan for people to read and plenty of maps for them to look at. Also, the joint meeting between the City/County/City Planning Commissions is on Wed. the 18"0 . IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Public Hearing: Street Vacation STV 02-05, for an unimproved remainder of Knox Avenue conveyed as right-of-way deeds and recorded under auditor's File Numbers 7504170236 and 7504170237. Planning Manager Greg McCormick presented the staff report on the proposed vacation. Commissioner Crosby Opened Public Hearing for public comments at 6:25 pm Jeff Johnson, 130 W. High Dr.: Mr. Johnson stated he was representing the investor group, Fort Knox Investors, LLC, who are one of the parties requesting this vacation. Mr. Johnson relayed to the Commission that his group has made arrangements for this property to be developed into a RV/Boat Condominium storage facility. There was then discussion about how the property was to be accessed, how it would affect the surrounding neighbors, why it could not be developed into viable traffic usage and how the public would have access • to it. There are two access points, one to the north end of the property April 14, 2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes • behind Tidyman's and one that would access from the road that feed the 4 B's restaurant and the Super 8 Motel. Ken Scholz, 2119 N. Locust, 99212: Mr. Scholz explained that his father originally owned the property and Knox was never a road between Argonne and Locust His father had planned to develop the site to build a house but it never came about. It was explained that the fire department had been to the site and has said that there is plenty of access to the property as far as they are concerned. Commissioner Crosby, seeing there was no more public comment, closed the public hearing at 6:40. Commissioner Gothmann made a motion that the Planning Commission recommends to City Council that a portion of Knox Ave. located west of Locust St. be vacated to the petitioners subject to the conditions stated in the draft proposal. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. B. New Business None X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER • Commissioner Crosby wants to find a time solution for the Commissioners to meet with staff and go over all the chapters in the Comprehensive Plan in order to be better prepared for the upcoming public hearings on the Plan. Everyone will have hard copies by the middle of next week. Mr. McCormick and Mr. Kuhta explained that they will only explaining what is already in the plan. Because of the process there can be no changes to the Plan now. We will have the public hearings in June, the commissioners will discuss the changes and public input throughout the month of July and they will be taking the recommendation draft to the City Council on August 16u, 2005. It was determined that the Commissioners would meet at 11:30 to approx. 1:00 on the Wednesday dates of May 25, June 15', June 8t' and June 15"'. Commissioner Crosby requested that a list of meetings be sent around to the Commissioners so that they could make sure they had all the dates. It was requested that an inquiry be made to the Deputy City Attomey, Cary Driskell, regarding whether or not it is appropriate for any commissioner, who is considering running for elected position with in the city, to remain on the Planning Commission during that time. • April 14, 2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 4 Spokime Valley PlanningConunission Mintacs • XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. • • SUBMITTED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant APPROVED: David Crosby, Chairman April 14, 2005 Planning Commission Page 4 of 4