Minutes - 04/14/2005• Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave April 14, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Vice-Chair Carroll determined we did have a quorum and called the meeting to order at 6:03 in Commissioner Crosby's absence. Staff attending the meeting are Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; Gregory McCormick, Planning Manager; Tom Scholtens, Building Official; Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Community Development II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. C III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Excused David Crosby - Absent' John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle - Excused *Arrived at 6:15 IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gothmann moved that the April 14, 2005 agenda be approved as presented. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Blum seconded by Commissioner Beaulac that the minutes of the March 24, 2005 Planning Commission meeting be approved. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. Vll. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Blum reported that he had spoken with Chris Berg, Code Enforcement Officer and was impressed by the performance of Mr. Berg in his duties and how he deals with the public. He also attended the council meeting in regard to the passing of the amended nuisance ordinance and the discussion of hiring a public information officer. • April 14, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 • Commissioner Beaulac attended a meeting with the North Greenac res Neighborhood group. He said they are organized, well attended and have written their own draft of a neighborhood plan. Commissioner Gothmann reported he attended the Edgecliff neighborhood meeting and there were quite a few businesses there also. They also discussed access in the area of the Zip's on Sprague just before the end of the couplet; and said that the new building at Thierman and the couplet will make visibility more difficult for those businesses in that area. Chairman Crosby began a lengthy discussion of the North Greenacres Neighborhood Planning Committee. We have received a copy of their neighborhood comprehensive plan. Mr. McCormick explained that now is not the appropriate time to be discussing it nor are we clear as to what exactly they are looking for from us. Each Commissioner will receive a copy of the plan but until we have a working copy of our own Comprehensive Plan, we will not be considering their plan. It must be discussed at the appropriate time in the follow- through of our own plan. A letter will be sent to the chair of their committee explaining the process and when it will be appropriate for them to bring forth their suggestions. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS • Director Sukup thanked Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk for all her help and support during the interim of the vacant administrative assistant position. Director Sukup introduced the new administrative assistant to the Community Development department, Deanna Griffith. Ms. Sukup informed the commission that she would be on vacation next week and unable to attend the work study session on April 19, 2005. She also restated that we would draft a letter to the N. Greenacres Neighborhood group explaining the process and when it would be appropriate to bring forward their recorded testimony. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: None B. New Business Tom Scholtens, Building Official, presented to the Commission a draft ordinance to establish a uniform development code relating to the use, handing and storage of critical materials within the Aquifer sensitive area. • April 14, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting Page 2 of 3 • Discussion followed. Mr. Scholtens will provide to the Planning Commission a list of hazardous and critical materials. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Director Sukup reminded everyone of the following dates: Tues, April 19, 2005, Joint meeting, Review of the land use map with Council Xf. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. • • SUBMITTED: /)I MA Deana Griffith, Administrati Assistant Secre a APPROVED: David Crosby, Chairman April 14, 2045 Planning Commission Meeting Page 3 of 3