Minutes - 01/27/2005Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. January 27, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Staff attending the meeting are Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; Gregory McCormick, Planning Manager; Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk; and Thomas Scholtens, Building Official. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum - Present David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Ian Robertson - Excused Absence John G. Carroll - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Crosby requested that a change in the meeting times be considered for the good of the order: Commissioner Beaulac moved that the January 27, 2005 agenda be approved as amended. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Blum stated on page 8 last paragraph 41" line, he would like the words "clear and distinctive" instead of "clean and distinct." It was moved by Commissioner Kogle and seconded by Commissioner Carroll that the minutes of the January 13, 2005 Planning Commission meeting be approved as amended. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Blum attended the January 25, 2005 council meeting. The Pines/Mansfield agreement presentation was informative. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Ms. Sukup reported that City Council adopted the Comprehensive Plan amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission. She reminded the Commission of the Joint City Council meeting to be held on Feb 1, 2005, with dinner 5:00 in 2"d floor conference room. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m... Michael Freedman, Freedman, Tung & Bottomley, Urban Design, a member of the ECONorthwest consultant team is tentatively scheduled to return at Council request on March 1, 2005. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. B. NEW BUSINESS: Hazard Mitigation Plan: Study Session Darrell Ruby, representative of Spokane County Emergency Services, was introduced to the Planning Commission. He was present to help explain the issues and answer any questions the Commission may have. Ms. Sukup briefed the Commission on the purpose of the plan and the draft Hazard Inventory & Vulnerability Analysis. Mr. Tom Scholtens worked on the inventory with Ms. Sukup. The plan was discussed. Staff hopes to complete the preliminary draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for circulation to agencies and service providers by the end of February 2005 with agency/provider review completed not later than March 30, 2005. At that time a public hearing will be scheduled before the Planning Commission. Street Vacation Ordinance Amendments Four street vacations have been processed and some needed changes came to light. 1. City signatures on survey documents are unnecessary on documents prepared by a licensed Washington Surveyor, 2. Survey of properties outside the area of the actual vacation add additional cost to the survey without commensurate benefit to the petitioner; 3. Monuments provide control points for property owners, as well as establishing monuments in areas where monuments have been destroyed as a result of past street construction activities, 2 J 4. Providing the governing body with necessary findings by the hearing body who receive public testimony establishes the basis for legislative findings; 5. Requiring documentation of the transfer of title by means of a quit claim deed formalizes the transfer to abutting owners; and 6. The renumbering of this section provides a more cogent organization of regulations within the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (Title 10 Spokane Valley Code of Ordinances). The DNS, Determination of Non-significance, was issued on January 20, 2005 and the proposed ordinance distributed to CTED and adjacent jurisdictions. The public hearing is scheduled for February 10, 2005. Matrix and Schedule of Permitted Uses & Uniform Development Code The Planning Commission was asked to review this document and come to this meeting with comments. Commission Blum had no comments. Ms. Sukup explained that the consolidated the matrix included residential, commercial and industrial matrices currently included in the County Code. This will make it easier to use Commissioner Gothmann stated he had gone through the list and made comments on his matrix. He suggested that animal processing, the definition of air strip, possibly use only Federal Aviation Administration definitions for chemical manufacturing, airports, computer manufacturing, hardware versus software, be considered among others. Ms. Sukup added that additional definitions and uses should be considered, e.g. hospice and birthing center which are not defined nor provided for in the zoning regulations. Commissioners were asked to e-mail their comments or suggestions. Commissioner Carroll suggested using the SIC codes or the new NIC codes from the Washington Department of Revenue to designate the different types of definitions of business types. Commission Chair Crosby requested the new office zone be put on the list. Commissioner Kogle asked about a Spokane County footnote. Ms. Sukup said that the City will be footnoting the definitions and matrix incorporating the Spokane County footnotes. Commission Chair Crosby asked that the Commissioners forward their comments by e-mail sometime before the next meeting. Commissioner Gothmann reviewed his observations with the Commission. • On page one at the bottom, specific anatomical areas are listed on page 25. Do we need them twice? Instead of using the type of aircraft to define and airport, use ownership of the land and number of aircraft. He indicated that airstrip is not allowed in the matrix at this time. There was a discussion about helicopters and ports and the need to add them to the matrix. Commissioner Carroll suggested looking at utility runway and ultra lights. • Commissioner Gothmann suggested that the sign definitions could be added. • He noted that that the "inoperable" definition is in conflict with the junk car ordinance. • He requested that the definition of 35 feet for recreational vehicles could be reviewed. • Ms. Sukup was asked to add Liberal Arts to the College category. She indicated the whole area needs to be looked at. Hotels/Motels will be another area to review. Commissioner Carroll asked to have adult day care added. He wanted to know if there is a standard that could be used to identify active farms that could be incorporated into the definition X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commission Chair Crosby requested to bring our meeting times in conjunction with City Council times. It is staff friendlier. The consensus is to change the meeting times to 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm and have staff prepare documents to that effect. Commissioner Kogle made a motion to amend rules & procedures for meeting times to be moved from 6:30 pm -9:30 pm to 6:00 pm and 4 no later than 9:00 pm. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. SUBMITTED- APPROVED: , PN (10 1, NA Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk A Ce= David Crosby, Chairman i