Minutes - 01/13/2005Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. January 13, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Ms. Sukup asked that the Spokane Transit Authority presentation be delayed until their representative arrives. Commissioner Beaulac moved that the January 13, 2005 agenda be approved as amended. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Robertson recommended that a change be made on Page 5 of the December 9, 2004, meeting in the "For the Good of the Order" section. The fourth sentence should read: nCommissioner Robertson will speak at the December 1710' Chamber meeting on the topic "Season of Sharing." It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann and seconded by Commissioner Blum that the minutes of the December 9, 2004 Planning Commission meeting be approved as amended. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Carroll was not present at the last meeting when the November 18th minutes were approved as presented. He proposed replacing the existing summary of his thoughts in the fourth paragraph on Page 3 with the following: "Commissioner Carroll is greatly concerned that if our City does not respect past decisions or is not consistent in its land use decisions, businesses or other investors may not feel confident enough in our government to commit to long term development plans." It was moved by Commissioner Carroll that the November 18, 2004 minutes be amended to contain his suggested correction. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Crosby explained that during his term of office he will act as Chairman and Commission meeting facilitator. As such, he will direct and help the Commission move the meeting forward, but he will not propose motions or vote on motions unless there is a tie vote. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS The Planning Commission will meet with City Council on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. for a Joint Meeting/Study Session on core values as they apply to the Comprehensive Plan. Deputy City Manager, Nina Regor, will facilitate the meeting. Ms. Sukup announced Ms. Alley's resignation, effective January 21, 2005. The Commission and staff and wished her well in her new position as Executive Assistant to the President at Spokane Community College. Commissioner Gothmann moved that the Planning Commission express their appreciation and commend Ms. Alley for her work. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blum. Motion passed unanimously. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. NEW BUSINESS: The Commission delayed this section until representatives of the Spokane Transit System arrived. B. OLD BUSINESS: Commission Consideration: Findings of Fact for 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone. Chairman Crosby recommended that the Commission decide upon a method for handling the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Findings of Fact. A motion was made by Commissioner Beaulac to handle all Comprehensive Plan Amendment Findings together and the Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 January 13, 2005 Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone separately. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. McCormick presented a brief overview of the Comprehensive Plan process to date. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Nos. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 08 were presented to City Council at a study session on November 30, 2004, and then forwarded to first ordinance reading on December 14, 2004. The ordinances were then forwarded to second reading on December 21, 2004, at which time the Council was advised by the City's Deputy Attorney that formal Findings of Fact were required to be formulated and signed by the Planning Commission. These Findings of Fact will establish a written record of Planning Commission recommendations. The Council remanded the amendments back to the Planning Commission to review and sign Findings of Fact, and set January 25, 2005, as the date to receive the Commission's Findings. Chairman Crosby requested comments from the Commissioners on Findings of Fact for each Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application. No comments or changes were proposed. - Commissioner Gothmann moved that the Planning Commission adopt the Findings of Fact and recommendations for Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-01-04, CPA-02-04, CPA-03-04, CPA-04-04, CPA-05-04, CPA-06-04, and CPA-08-04 as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kogle. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Crosby requested comments from the Commissioners relative to the Findings of Fact for the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Application REZ-17-04. Mr. Gothrnann recommended elimination of the word "from' from #6 at the top of Page 3, so it reads: "The Commission heard significant testimony in support........ " Commissioner Beaulac moved to approve Mr. Gothmann's amendment to the Findings of Fact for REZ-17-04. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac, and seconded by Commissioner Blum, that the Planning Commission adopt the Findings of Fact and recommendation for the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Application (REZ-17-04) as amended. Motion passed unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 January 13, 2005 f Continued Public Hearing: Stormwater Ordinance. Ms. Sukup provided the Commissioners with an update regarding the proposed Stormwater Ordinance. Planning Commission heard public testimony at its last meeting on December 9, 2004, and moved to continue the Public Hearing to January 13, 2005. Mr. John Hohman, Senior Engineer, took the Planning Commissions recommendations from the December 9ht hearing and incorporated them into a revised ordinance. Some changes were also made by the Deputy City Attorney. The Planning Commission asked questions regarding aesthetics, thresholds and property-owner responsibility for maintaining private property drywells. Ms. Sandra Raskell, Associate Engineer, assisted Ms. Sukup in responding to the Commissioners' questions and concerns. Commissioner Gothmann moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Ordinance No. 04-007: "An Ordinance of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, establishing Section 9.08 Stormwater Management regulations or the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, repealing regulations in conflict, providing for severability and effective date" to City Council. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beaulac. Motion passed unanimously. A. NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Molly Meyers, Communications Expert at Spokane Transit Authority (STA), introduced herself. Last year, STA was trying to figure out how to cut services to match a potentially large budget cut. This year, thanks to sufficient voter-approved funding, they are working with neighborhoods, passengers, community groups, planning commissions and stakeholders of every variety on a revamped and improved system. Ms. Meyers handed out a copy of the STA newsletter "Crossroads", Volume 2, Issue 5 (December 2004-January 2005) which contained a draft of the STA's Draft Long Range Service Plan. Spokane Transit Authority has acknowledged that the Spokane Valley has historically been underserved. That is why Ms. Meyers asked to meet with the Planning Commission tonight. STA is proposing an increase of transit service to the Spokane Valley through the use of smaller buses, greater connectivity and more frequent service on improved routes. She asked the Planning Commission to review the draft plan carefully and provide STA with any comments or recommendations in the near future. A public Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 2005 Page 4 hearing will be held in early winter 2005. STA Board approval of the new service plan is anticipated for March 2005. A final plan is slated to take effect September 2005. Commissioner Kogle thanked Spokane Transit Authority for its hard work on this draft long range service plan. Commissioner Robertson commended STA for its work with the elderly and handicapped citizens of the community. B. OLD BUSINESS: Continued Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application No. CPA-07-04. Mr. McCormick provided the Commission with a brief overview of this application, and introduced Ms. Raskell as the City's Public Works representative who could answer questions. At this time, the Applicant is requesting another continuation of the hearing to February 10, 2005, in order to review documents that City Public Works staff collected from various agencies. However, Planning and Public Works staff members recommend denial of another continuation as well as the proposed amendment. Mr. McCormick reminded the Commission that hearing on this Comprehensive Plan Amendment has already been continued to two previous meetings: l October 14, 2004 and November 18, 2004. After a brief discussion regarding how to proceed with the matter, Chairman Crosby suggested that the Public Hearing be open to further testimony, so the Commissioners can decide whether to move forward or continue the hearing to February 1& Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application No. CPA-07-04 was opened at 7:30 p.m. The Public Testimony section was opened at 7:32 p.m. Commissioner Crosby asked participants to come forward and state their case within a reasonable time limit. Todd Whipple Whipple Consulting Engineers/Applicant. 13218E Sprague Spokane Valley. WA 99216 Mr. Whipple explained to the Planning Commission that the traffic impact analysis his firm prepared for the City Public Works Department was submitted in October 2004. It is a 500-page document, and he is surprised by the lack of technical analysis review done by area agencies before recommending denial of the application. The Developer is seriously considering withholding a significant amount of money from the Pines/Mansfield road project because of these responses to the application. Mr. Whipple Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 January 13, 2005 proposed a series of meetings between now and February 10, 2005, in order to come to a clearer understanding with the City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department, Spokane Valley Fire District #1, and other public agencies who have responded to his application. There being no further testimony, the Public Testimony portion of the hearing for CPA-07-04 was closed at 7:45 p.m. Commissioners were concerned that the Applicant and Public Works staff may not be fully prepared to conclude the hearing by February 10, 2005. Both Mr. Whipple and Ms. Raskell assured the Commission that they would meet regularly and be fully prepared to conclude the hearing on CPA-07-04 at the February 10, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Gothmann to continue Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application No. CPA-07-04 to February 10, 2005. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kogle. All in favor of the motion: Commissioners Beaulac, Blum, Gothmann, Kogle and Robertson. All opposed to the motion: Commissioner Carroll. Motion passed 5-1. Mr. McCormick and Ms. Raskell will work with Mr. Whipple to provide him with the resources he will need to make his presentation on February 10, 2005. The Commissioners took a five-minute break between 7:50 and 7:55 p.m. Public Hearing for an Ordinance of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, establishing Section 7.09: Sign Regulations of the Uniform Development Code, repealing Section 14.804 Signage Standards of the Interim Development Regulations adopted pursuant to Ordinance 03-053 Interim Development Regulations; providing for severability and effective date. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:55 p.m. Ms. Sukup provided a brief PowerPoint overview and update regarding the work of the Ad-Hoc Sign Committee and its review and revisions of the existing Sign Code Ordinance. She explained that although the committee spent a great deal of time discussing Aesthetic Corridors and the present moratorium on new Billboards, proposed revisions of these topics will be held in reserve until the Valley's Comprehensive Plan is adopted. At the December 9, 2004 meeting, the Planning Commission made several suggestions to clarify the Revised Sign Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 January 13, 2005 \1 Code Ordinance. Those suggestions were incorporated into tonight's discussion draft, as well as several changes recommended by the Deputy City Attorney. The Public Testimony portion of this hearing was opened at 8:11 p.m. Because he served as Chair of the Ad-Hoc Sign Committee, Mr. Crosby turned the Public Hearing over to Commission Vice- Chair Carroll so that he could answer Sign Code questions without creating confusion. Denny York S 2617 McCabe, Spokane Valley, WA. Mr. York served on the Ad-Hoc Sign Committee as a Spokane Valley Business Community representative. He works for a chain of grocery stores in the Spokane region. The Committee met every two weeks between June to November, 2004. Meetings were open to the public, and were posted on the City's website well in advance of the meeting date. The 'Definitions' section of the Revised Sign Code Ordinance took five meetings to complete, and then the Committee worked through the requirements and put them into easy-to-read charts. One Committee goal was to assure that the new City regulations would allow for continued economic growth. Therefore, many of the revisions for signage pertained to B-2 and greater zoning designations. He is satisfied that the Committee did its best to provide a good set of signage guidelines, and asked that the Planning Commission recommend the Revised Sign Code to City Council for approval and adoption. Bob Boyle, Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana, Spokane Valley, WA. Mr. Boyle asked the Planning Commission to approve this proposal and get it to City Council as quickly as possible. He thanked the Ad-Hoc Sign Committee for doing an "amazing" job. Signage is a key component to business success, and the proposed Revised Sign Code gives local businesses a matrix to work with. Duane Halliday, 1015E Cataldo Spokane, WA. Mr. Halliday works for Lamar Outdoor Advertising, and served as a Sign Industry representative on the Ad-Hoc Sign Committee. He believes that a great deal of thought was put into the proposed Revised Sign Code, and asked that the Planning Commission recommend it to City Council. Vice-Chair Carroll submitted an email letter for the public record from: Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 January 13, 2005 Susan Scott, 2312 Bolivar Road, Spokane Valley, WA. Ms. Scott wrote to urge the Planning Commission to accept the Ad- Hoc Sign Committee's proposal. She believes that utilizing monument signs as the primary source of marking business locations is "not a real user friendly method". Ms. Scott believes the Committee's proposal hits the right balance for signs in the Spokane Valley. There being no further testimony, the Public Testimony section of the Public Hearing was closed at 8:20 p.m. The Commission discussed specific questions related to Aesthetic Corridors, Billboard Cap and Replace Policies, the reasoning for sign location setback changes, wall sign size, murals, requirements for signage support structures, and the wisdom/reasoning for a 36- month deadline to remove obsolete signs. Commissioner Robertson moved that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation for approval to City Council for an Ordinance establishing Section 7.09 Sign Regulations of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, repealing Section 94.804 of the Interim Development Regulations, providing for severability and effective date and amending of the Sign Regulations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kogle. All in favor of the motion: Commissioners Carol, Kog/e, Gothmann and Robertson. All opposed to the motion: Commissioners Beau/ac and Blum. Motion passed 4-2. Commissioner Gothmann believes that it is essential for the City to have good signage, and he thanked the Ad-Hoc Committee for their good work. He believes his concerns were met satisfactorily. Commissioner Robertson pointed out a typographical error at the bottom of Page 3, and recommended that the definition for'Use(s)" be changed to read Institutional Serni-Public includes a churches, public park,........". Ms. Sukup agreed to make the change before it is submitted to City Council. Commissioner Blum agreed that the tables and the definitions are a great plus, but he has a problem with lowering the distances between signs and increasing the size of signs. He thinks it would be nice if we have a clear and distinctive community. Commissioner Beaulac thinks the proposed Revised Sign Code will create more "visual spam" in the Valley. He was hoping to see the Committee make more improvements on the County Sign Code. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 January 13, 2005 r , J Commissioner Carroll warned that because this Revised Sign Code doesn't address support structures, we may have people finding "creative" ways to use support structures for signage purposes. Chairman Crosby thanked the Planning Commission for its consideration, and the Ad-Hoc Sign Committee for its hard work. Public Hearing on the proposed Revised Sign Code for the City of Spokane Valley was closed at 8:45 p.m. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Beaulac will be unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, February 24, 2005. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: k00AA Debi Alley, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 January 13, 2005