Minutes - 11/18/2004Spokane Vallee Planning Commission Approved Alinutes Council Chambers-City fall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. November 18, 2004 11 CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Gotlvrtann called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.nt. PLEDGE 017 ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum - Present David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Ian Robertson - Present .John G. Carroll - Present IV. APPROVAL: OF AGENDA Commissioner Gothlntntn moved that the November 18, 2004 agenda be approved as presentec% Conrmissittier Crosby seconded the motion. Motion pulsed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Gothmann requested addition of the lollowinb sentence to the end of the fifth motion made for RCZ-17-04, located at the bottom of Page 4: 'Motion tier! 3-3. The motion failecl. It was inmyed by Commissioner Robertson and secon(led by Commissioner K(~,,,le that the minutes oj'the October 14, 2004 Planning Commission meeting be approiWd as amentled. :11otion passed unanimously. V1. PUBLIC CON[NTENT There was no public comment. V[I. COQ NIISSION REPORTS Commissioner Crosby reported that the Ad Hoc Sign Conunittee has completed its immediate work and will be attending the December 9, 2004 Planning Commission meeting for a study session to review changes made to the existing Sign Standards. Commissioner Beaulac attended the Parks Nlastcr Plan public meeting on November 4, 2004 at Spokane Valley Church of the Nazarene, as did Commissioner Gothmann. Nluch of the meeting was dominated by equestrian issues. It was obvious that strong support to keep the Mission Horse Arena open exists. Commissioner Gothmann and several other Commissioners attended the Joint Planning Commissioners' meeting recently. County-Wide Planning Policies (CWPPs) were discussed, and he wanted to assure that all Commissioners receive an updated copy. He asked Ms. Alley to provide Commissioners Crosby, Robertson, Blum and Carroll with a copy. V111. ADMINISTRATIVE R.E,PORTS Mr. McComlick introduced Mike Basinger to the Commission. Mr. Basinger is an Associate Planner who was recently hired by the City to assist with the Long Range and Current Planning workload. He formerly worked with the Boundary Review Board, and is very familiar with the Spokane Valley and its geographic and governmental evolution. There will be only one Planning Commission meeting in December. It will be held on Thursday, December 9. The meeting schedule will return to the second and fourth Thursdays of each month beginning on January 13, 2005. The County Commission took new action this past week by making population allocations for the City of Spokane Valley and the City of Liberty Lake based on a recommendation by the Steering Committee of Elected Officials. This allocation is calculated to reflect potential growth within the next five years, using available area and resources. The Cite of Spokane Valley was allocated an additional 20;666 citizens to its population census. The Liberty Lake annexation request was denied by the Boundary Review Board. 1\. COINE ISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Continued Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-07-04. This hearing was continued by motion on October 14, 2004. rNIr. Kuhta directed the Corrrmission's attention to a memorandum written by Sandra Raskell; P.E., dated Novc►rrber 12, 2004. In it, Ms. Raskell explained that the City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department received three copies of the Applicants' Traffic Impact Analysis for Mansfield Avenue Corridor Assessment and Lawson Property on November 10. The City s Public Works Department requested that the public hearing for CPA-07- 04 be tabled until January 13; 2005 to allow staff sufficient time to review and comment on the study. Commissioner Carroll requested a copy of the study to review betbre tile public hearing ern .January 13. Mr. Kuhta explained that the entire document may not be available, but lie would endeavor to make an executive summary available to all Commissioners in the near future. Commissioner Gothmann moved that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing; on Comprehensive Plan Amendment Alo. 0114-07-04 to January 13, 2005. tlfotion was seconded by Commissioner Robertson. Motion passed unanhnous y. C_:reenacres Area-Wide Rezone Application No. REZ-17-04 Before moving on to \jew Business, Chairman Gothmann requested time to discuss what happened at the public hearing on October 14, 2004, for the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Application No. REZ-17-04. Several Commissioners expressed dissatisfaction with the tied vote, which resulted in moving the matter to City Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission. After reviewing "Robert '.s Rrrles of Order-". Commissioner Gothmarun concluded that the Commission could reopen the matter for further discussion iha motion is made to reconsider the original motion. A Motion to Reconsider can be made at the same meeting or at the next meeting if nothing has been done on the motion itself since the last meeting; and a Commissioner on the winning side (Commissioners Crosby, Carroll and Blum) or one who did not vote but is well-versed on the matter (Commissioner Koglc) must make the iviotion to Reconsider. It was moved by Co►n►triUiOner Kogle that the original request for a _ Greenacres Area-Pfiicle Rezone, Application AVo. REZ-17-04, be reconsidered by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Gothniann seconded the motion. Commissioners Beaulac, Carroll, Crosby, Gothnrann and Kogle voted in favor of the motion. C'ontmissioner Bltnn Doted to opposition of the ►notton. Contm►1sioner Robertson abstained from the vote. Motion carried 5-1. Staff provided the Commissioners copies of handouts from two previous meetings in which the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone request was heard. There was a discussion among Commissioners regarding the responsibility of a Government agency to honor original zoning designations which were intended fior development in residential areas equally to the zoning requests of residents who wish to limit development in their residential areas. Commissioner Carroll is greatly concerned that if our City does not respect past decisions or is not consistent in its land use decisions, businesses or other investors may not feel confident enough in our government to commit to long term development plans. Commissioners were reminded that City procedures exist which allow landowners to rezone their property if they choose to do so. It was proved by Co►►tntissioner Carroll, and seconded by Commissioner Crosby,, that the Plannh► Commission antend the original motion to approve the Greenacres Area-l-fide Rezone request as presented by e_ventpting the areas on the map colored in pink, orange and bhre-gray. ('onrrnissiorrers Blunt, Carroll, and Crosby noted in favor of*tile amended motion. Commissioners Beaulac, Gothmann, Kogle and Robertson voted in opposition of the amended motion. Alotron failed 4- 3. Commissioner Crosby moved that the Planning Commission atuend the or{,inal motion to approve the Greenacres Area-Wide Re one request as presented by excluding the area west of Flora and north of Alission and the areas on the map colored pink, orange and bhre-grtq. The amended motion was seconded by Commissioner Carroll. Coin inissioners Carroll and Crosby voted in favor of the amended motion. Commissioners Bearrlac, Blum, Gothmann, Ko,,le and Robertson voted in opposition of the amended motion. Afotion failetl 5-2. Chairman Gothmann called for a vote on the original motion for the Pla►ntin, Commission to approve tile Creenact Application JNI& RE-Z-17-04, as presented. Commissioners Reaulac, Gothrnann, Kogle and Robertson voted in favor of the original motion. Commissioners Blinn, Croskj, and Carroll voted in opposition of the original motion. Motion passed 4-3. The Planning Commission will additionally request that the Council consider a recommendation to allow those landowners in the pink areas of the reap be exempted from paying the City's rezone application fee if thel, choose to return to the UR-7* Zonin; designation within the next two ,years. Mr. Cate Driskell spoke to the legality of the recommendation for a fee exemption, stating that he would advise against it because it could be construed as a "gift of a fund" by the City to the landowners involved. The Commissioners took a ten-minute break from 7:40 - 7:50 p.m. B. NEW BUSINESS: Greenacres Area Petition Requesting a Moratorium on New Development. The City Clerk received a request for a temporary moratorium on new development in the North Greenacres area on August 10, 2004. The request was delivered to the City in the form of a petition signed by area residents. City Council has requested that the Planning Commission review the request and Forward a recommendation to them. The moratorium request is scheduled to be discussed by the Commission on December 9, 2004. Moratoriums are enacted when there is an inunediate threat to the general public's health, safety and welfare. The Commission must decide if eun-em zoning within the North Greenacres area threatens 4 the public's health, safety or welfare and make specific findings reflecting these threats. The Commission discussed the staff report and the issues involved in this request. Mr. Kuhta explained that Mr. Driskel) was present to answer any legal questions the Commission might have on this issue. Commissioner Crosby proved that the Plannin,- Commission reconlnrcnd denial ofthe moratorium petition to City Council. Mr. Crosby's Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blinn. illotion passed unanimously. The Commission agreed that it may want to revisit this moratorium request if the City Council doesn't agree with its recommendations on the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone request. Election of Planning Commission Officers - 2005. Mr. McCormick agreed to facilitate the nominations for Commission Chair. Commissioner Robertson nominated Commissioner Gothmann for the office of'Chairman. There was a bricfdiscussion about tills nomination because officer positions are limited to two consecutive telins and several Commissioners understood that Mr. Gothmann had served his two terms. Commissioner Blum nominated Commissioner Crosby for the office of Chairman. Commissioner Gothmann received three votes from Commissioners Beaulac, Gothmann and Robertson. Commissioner Crosby received four votes from Commissioners Blum, Can-oil, Crosby and Kogle. As a result of majority vote, Commissioner Crosby mill serve as Nanning Commission Chairman, cffcctive Jarura►y 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005. Chairman Gothmann facilitated the nominations for Commission Vice Chair. Commissioner Beaulac nominated Commissioner Carroll for the office of Vice Chairman. Commissioner Gothmann nominated Commissioner Robertson for the office of Vice Chairman. Commissioner Carroll received five votes from Commissioners Beaulac. Blum, Carroll, Crosby and Kogle. Commissioner Robertson abstained from votin and received one vote from Commissioner Gothmann. As a result of majority vote, Co►m►lrssionel' Cal-roll will serve as Plallnilkq. Commission Vice Chair, of festive ./anualy 1, 2005 througgh December 31, 2005. Commissioners Gothmann and Robertson were commended on their work as officers of the Planning Commission for the past two terns. Deputy Mayer Richard Munson addressed the Commission with regard to fl IlleelJng he had attended earlier in the morning, Eastern Washington University has estimated a 5.3%, growth in sales tax revenue for all areas of Spokane County except the City of Spokane. Fie jokingly told Mayor Jim West that the Valley had abandoned its efforts to annex the City of Spokane when they heard that zero growth in sales tax revenues were projected for them. Discussion of Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. This matter was placed on the agenda because of the tie vote at the last Commission meeting regarding the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone request. The tie vote enabled a public request to be forwarded to City Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission. After a brief discussion the Commission agreed that this will seldom occur. If it does; the Chair has the option to extend discussion after the vote instead of ending Commission deliberations without closure. 0k X. \1. FORTH E GOOD OF -rHE ORDER There were no matters to discuss. ADJOURN,NIE-N'T There being no further business. the meeting was adjourned at $:30 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debi Alley; Administrate ,e . ssistant Piam 1.1. ~othmann; 4irman 6