Minutes - 09/23/2004Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved N-linutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. September 23, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Gothmann called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 111. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Excused Absence John G. Carroll - Present Gail Bogle -Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gothmann suggested that the Public Hearings for REZ-17-04 (Greenacres Area-`Vide Rezone) and CPA-06-04 be moved to the top of the scheduled list of hearings. Commissioner Robertson moved that the.September 23, 2004 agenda be approved as amended. Commissioner Bogle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL. OF MINUTES Commissioner Gothmann asked that the record reflect an excused absence for Mr. Crosby on August 26, 2004. It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac and seconded by Commissioner Robertson that the minutes of the August 26, 2004 Planning Commission meetings be approved as amended. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COINMIENT "T"here was no public comment. VLI. CONINII_SSION REPORTS Commissioner Robertson thanked the Planning staff for the new Comprehensive Plan Community Meeting format. Tt worked very well at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church on September 9, 2004. Ms. Sukup announced the dates of the final three Community Meetings: October 7, 2004 at Bowdish Middle School, October 28, 2004 at Pratt Elementary School, and November 4, 2004 in the City Hall Council Chambers. Commissioner Kogle reported that the Clear View Triangle Ordinance and Street Vacation Request #STV-04-04 were both advanced to a second reading on October 28, 2004, by the City Council. Commissioner Gothmann reminded the Commissioners that there will be two vacancies on the Planning Commission as of December 31, 2004. City Council has decided to open the positions up to interested community members, and Commissioners Crosby and Blum have been asked to submit applications to formally reapply. He also complimented the Planning staff on the Couplet Economic Analysis presentation and Charrette held on Monday, September 20, 2004. V111. A NIINISTRATIVE REPORTS Ms. Sukup notified the Planning Commission that some of their regularly scheduled meetings in October and November have been changed to accommodate the final three Comprehensive Plan Community Meetings. The October 28, 2004 regular meeting has been cancelled to accommodate a Community Meeting at Pratt Elementary School on that date. Since both regular meetings in November fall on City holidays, meetings wilt be changed to the first and third Thursdays of the month with a Community Meeting on November 7, 2004, and a regular meeting on Thursday, NNovember 18, 2004. A current Community Development Calendar was passed out to all Commissioners. IX. COI`-fM_ISSION BUSINESS A. NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing: Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Application #REZ-1.7-04 Chairman Gothmann opened the public hearing for REZ-17-04 at 6:50 pan. Mr. Greg McCormick, Planning Division Manager, provided the Commission and audience with a brief overview of the area-wide rezone application. REZ-17-04 is a request from over 51% of Greenacres area citizens to rezone a site generally bounded by Mission Avenue on the south, Barker Road on the cast, and the Spokane River on the north and west from UR-3.5 and UR-7* to UR-3.5 only. Planning Division stag' reconunended the requested rezone be approved with one exception: existing property owners in the area maintain the ability to rezone back to UR-7* through the City's formal application and Hearing Examination process. Commissioner Carroll asked Mr. McCormick if there were any property owners within the boundaries of this area-wide rezone who were already 2 vested to be zoned outside the proposed UR-3.5 zone. Mr. McCormick affinned that the City has some preliminary plat applications from this area that are consistent with the UR-7* usage. Commissioner Carroll responded that it would be worthwhile for the Planning Commission to be provided a map containing details about the properties which are already vested to be zoned outside the UR-3.5 zone. In preparation for public testimony, Commissioner Gothmarui read the audience the associated Rules of Procedure. He explained that individual testimony would be limited to three minutes. Those providing testimony for groups would be allowed to speak for five minutes. Public Testimony for REZ-17-04 was opened at 6:55 p.m. Mary Pollard, Applicant, 17216 E. Baldwin Ave., Spokane Valley Ms. Pollard was speaking on behalf of the 71 % of Greenacres area citizens who signed the petition in favor of an area-wide rezone to UR-3.5. She thanked the Planning, Commission and Planning Division staff for their assistance with this area-wide rezone application. Ms. Pollard strongly suggested that after this area has been successfully rezoned; all property owners within the stated borders be required to present their rezone requests as annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments to limit sudden and random land use activity. The application for IZEZ-17-04 contained a written narrative of citizens' concerns, which were briefly outlined during Ms. Pollard's presentation to the Commission. She emphasized her community's belief that building high density structures within this area would be detrimental in many ways. She assured the Commission that she and other members of her group will be paybig careful attention to any new developments, and will be forwarding their zoning, concerns throughout the GMA process. Vicky Dalton, 1816 N. Greenacres, Spokane Vallee' `1s. Dalton spoke in favor of the area-wide rezone request. She has lived in Greenacres for thirteen years, and it is a very close knit community. Greenacres citizens understand that development will occur. They would, however, like to participate in the desig=n and structure of what their neighborhood will look like in the future. This rezone application was submitted to buy them time so they can continue to share the closeness of the community with everyone moving in or visiting. Ms. Dalton thanked the Planning Conunission and Planning Division staff for their help with the area-wide rezone application. Commissioner Robertson read the names of audience members who were in favor of the proposed area-wide rezone but did not wish to speak. They were: % A Bob and Pat Loweree, E. 16908 Indiana, Spokane Valley John Bowditch, 17725 E. -Montgomery, Spokane Valley Rich & Alice Beattie, 17324 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley Nahlah Abdal-Wahed and Mohamed El-Bakkush, 1840 E. Riverway, Spokane Valley Mr. Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, submitted letters and emails from citizens in favor ofREZ-17-04 to the Planning Commission. These letters will become part of the permanent record and were from: John Bowditch, 17725 E. Montgomery Ave., Spokane Valley Grace & Al Frederick (no address provided) Bob and Pat Loweree, E. 16908 Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley A petition in favor of the rezone application was submitted by Gary & Laurie Hopkins, 1306 N. Long Road, in Greenacres and signed by eighteen other citizens living in or around the subject area. It will be placed in the permanent record. Citizens opposing the proposed Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone were called to testify: Jayn Courchaine. 17201 E. Cat.ldo, Spokane Vallev Ms. Courchaine was opposed to REZ-17-04. She owns and operates l Arbor Grove Mobile Home Park, which is a 96-unit adult Mobile Home Park. She purchased some U12-7* zoned property on the comer of Indiana and Greenacres in December 2003 to extend her Mobile Home Park and potentially build duplex units. She recently discovered that this property is now within the proposed boundaries of the area-wide rezone to UR-3.5, which would prohibit her from development. Ms. Courchaine has already hired an engineer to begin development of her property. She was told by a City Planner that if she requested an exclusion of her property from the area-wide rezone, the Planning Commission could grant her request. Mr. McCormick affirmed that the Planning Commission does have the power to exclude Ms. Courchaine's property from the rezone request at this time so it could maintain its UR-7* zoning. Rick Bert, 18313 E. Riverway, Spokane Vallev Mr. Berg requested his property and another parcel of land at 18319 E. Riverway be exempted by the Planning Commission from KEZ-1 7-04 so the U.R-7* zoning can be maintained. Dan Frick-le, 18400 E. Indiana, Spokane Vallev Mr. Frickle lives next door to Ms. Courchaine, and requested that the Planning Commission exempt his property from REZ-17-04 so it can maintain its present UR-7* zoning. 4 Mr. Kuhta submitted two letters to be placed into the permanent record in opposition to REZ-17-04. One was a letter from Attorney Margaret L. Arpin, Arpin Law Office, and requesting exemption of the following properties: Lots N Land, L.L.C. Properties: Parcel numbers 55073.0715, 55073.1235 and 55074.0303 have received preliminary plat approval and are vested to be reviewed under the zoning in effect today. The second was a letter from: Joe & Jayne House, 17406 E. Montgomery Ave., Spokane Valley Vicky Dalton, 1816 N. Greenacres. Spokane Vallev Ms. Dalton stepped up to the microphone a second time to ask the Planning Commission not to remove the requested parcels from the area- wide rezone application. They are directly north of her home and there are serious electrical infrastructure issues in that area. The applicants wish to have their area looked at in its entirety, she asked the Planning Commission not to allow spot zoning at this time. t` ' I Javn Courchaine, 17201 .E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley Her main concern in attending this public hearing was to protect her rights as a landowner. She has no intention of growing quickly, but wishes to take her time to do it right. Jerrv Norman. 18321 E. Riverwav. Spokane Vallev Mr. Noonan explained that Greenacres citizens are not afraid of development, but they wish to halt congested development. He doesn't want to see empty lots fill up with seven houses per acre. He is against spot zoning as well. The hearing was closed to further public testimony at 7:30 p.m. The Commission raised the question of the different processes for exemption from the requested rezone to UR-3.5. Property owners have two options: to gain exemption fiom the UR-3.5 zoning designation by direct request to the Planning Conunission at the time of public hearing, or to subnut a rezone request to the City at a cost of $1,800 for processing and Hearing Examiner fees. Commissioner Robertson moved that the Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Request #REZ-17-04 be approved as presented by the staff. 41otion seconded by Commissioner Beaulac. Motion tabled. Ms. Sukup explained to the Planning Commission that it could draw the boundaries for the area-wide rezone proposal, excluding requested parcels, but she did not recommend that. .It was moved by Commissioner Blum that an amendment be made to Commissioner Robertson's original motion to exclude the four parcels requested by Jayn Courchaine, Rick Berg and Dour Fricke, plus life three parcels requested in Attorney Margaret Arpin's letter on behalf of Lots NLand,.L.L.C. Properties. The amendment was seconded by Commissioner Carroll. Commissioners Carroll, Blum and Robertson voted in favor of the amendment. Commissioners Kogle, Beaulac and Gothmann voted against the amendment. Afotion for amendment to the original motion failed to carry. The Planning Commissioners continued its discussion of REZ-17-04. Commissioner Kogle moved to table the original motion to approve lire Greenacres .Area-Wide .Rezone as presented, and to table the Public Hearing on RE-Z-1 7-04 to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission October 14, 2004. Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion. Commissioners Kogle, Beaulac, Blum and Carroll voted in favor of the motion. Commissioners Gothmann and Robertson voted against the motion. Motion passed 4-2. Planning ]division staff will gather information on present land actions and requested parcel exemptions in order to prepare a map for the Commissioners to study and discuss at the October 14, 2004 public hearing. At 7.50 p.m., Public Hearing on REZ-17-04 was tabled for continuation on October 14, 2004. The Commission took a break from 7:50 to 8:00 p.m. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-06-04 Commissioner Gothmann opened the hearing for CPA-06-04 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this.apphcation by the Crosby Family Land, LLC for approximately 8 acres of land located on the east 6 side of Adams Road, approximately 400 feet south of Mission Avenue; Parcel No. 45141.9003. Applicant's proposal: change the property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and to change the zoning from UR-3.5 to UR-22. The application states the intent to develop the property into an adult living/assisted living facility. Staff recommendation: no change to the current Comprehensive Plan designation. The area is surrounded by large, undeveloped parcels of land with limited infrastructure available to support higher densities. The area should be reviewed during the City's Comprehensive Plan process with community input into the design of the Land Use Plan. Public Testimony for CPA-06-04 was opened at 5:03 p.m. Commissioner Robertson explained that there were no speaker cards submitted in favor of the proposal. The following, citizens spoke in opposition to CPA-06-04: Ron Van Tassel, 1003 N. Burns Road, Spokane Valley Mr. Van Tassel's rear property line abuts the subject property. Staff recommendation coincides with his opinion. He submitted a petition signed by over 200 residents of the area in opposition to the change in Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning. Existing infrastructure cannot support a high-density development. Area residents don't want this development. Ruth Maddox, 919 N. Burns Road, Spokane Valley M .S. Maddox explained that the vacant lot is presently being used as a park. She is happy to know that the staff doesn't recommend the proposed changes. Cary Ramsey, 1207 N. Adams Road, Spokane Valley Mr-Ramsey reported that the sewer is new this year, and is not capable of high-density flow. Doug Slaton, 1531.1 F. 15`i' Avenue, Spokane Vallev Mr. Slaton concurs with the staff recommendation and the views of the previous speakers. Gillian Mittman. 1010 N. Burns Road, Spokane Vallev Ms. Mittman concurs with al I the previous speakers in opposition to this proposal. She has lived in this neighborhood since 1957, and finds it stable and established. There are already many care centers in the area. Sewer capabilities are of major concern to area residents. Bill Downie, 14215 E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley Mr. Downic agrees with the previous speakers. He doesn't believe adding high-density development to this low-density neighborhood would be prudent. Traffic, especially on the corner of Cataldo and Evergreen, has become a problem. He believes that this vacant lot would be a perfect location for a park. Commissioner Gothmann suggested that Mr. Downie speak to Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director, about the Parks Department Long Range Plan. Gretchen Hoy, 1218 N. Marcus, Spokane Vallev Ms. Hoy owns four properties adjacent to the Crosby Family Land property. Access to the Crosby property is a concern to her. She presented the Commission with a copy of a letter to be placed into the permanent record. Amanda Clemmons, 1006 N. Warren, Spokane Vallee Ms. Clemmons' concern is for the safety of her children. She moved to a low-density area so there would be less traffic danger. Jill Woolf, 524 N. Adams Road, Spokane Valley Ms. Woolf teaches school at Progress 1~lernentary. All of the school children in this area walk to school. There are no sidewalks or curbs, and no street lights except on l3roadway. This high-density development adds to the safety issues already existing in the neighborhood. Other citizens present, who were opposed to Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application No. CPA-06-04 but did not wish to speak, were: Vic Hcadlce, 1.017 N. Burns Road, Spokane Valley *Linnea and Karin Hall, 1021 N. CalAn Road, Spokane Valley Mary E.:Summerson, 1107 N. Warren Road, Spokane Valley iVlartlia L. Summerson Witter, 1105 N. Warren Road, Spokane Valley Sam and Andria Delgado, 14513 E. Mallon, Spokane Valley Franklin and Nancy Smith, 917 N. Warren Road, Spokane Valley Karl H. Garlock, 921 N. Burns Road, Spokane Valley Dave and Dani Fergen, 1.4316 E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley Robert and Maryann Adams, 14507 E. Marlon, Spokane Valley Chris and Jamic Owens, 14511 E. Mallon, Spokane Valley Thomas Endicott, 1115 N. Warren, Spokane Valley Rich and Peggy Cannon, 1103 Burns Road, Spokane Valley Debbie Downie, 14215 E. Cataldo Avenue, Spokane Valley Leonard and Lena Lyson, 1111 N. Burns Road, Spokane Valley Eric and Colleen Meyer, 14207 E. Cataldo Avenue, Spokane Valley Tanner Woolf, 524 N. Adams Road, Spokane Valley Jeff and Kristie James, 14315 E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley *Joan E. Colwell-Etartung, 918 N. Calvin Road, Spokane Valley Paul Swavely, 924 N. Calvin Road, Spokane Valley *Letters front these citizens were received by the.Planning Commission and placed into permanent record. Mr. Kuhta presented the Commission with a letter opposing CPA-06-(A to include in the permanent record from: Gary L. Collins, 1204 N. Calvin, Spokane Valley Public Testimony for the hearing on CPA-06-04 was closed at 8:24 p.m. Commissioner Carroll moved that the Planning Commission accept the stuffs recommendation on CPA-06-04 as written, and forivard it to the Cih, Council for further action. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bluer. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Robertson commended the neighborhood for banding together on this issue. The Commission took a second break from 8:25 to 8:33 p.m. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-01-04 Commissioner Gothmann opened the hearing for CPA-01-04 at 8:33 p.m. Mr. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this application submitted by Warren and Sylvia Riddle for approximately 4.23 acres of land located on the south side of Dishman-Mica Road, west of Bowdish Road: Parcel Glos. 45333.9024 and 45333.9155. Applicants' proposal: change the land use designation fi•onn Low-Density Residential to Community Commercial; change zoning, from B-3 and U.R.-3.5 to B-2. Staff recommendation: change property to Community Commercial and zone entire property B-2. The property is not suited for residential use due to railroad adjacent to southern parcel boundary and a busy arterial intersection. Public Testimony for CPA-01-04 was opened at 8:36 p.m. Svlvia Riddle, Applicant, 13616 E. Mt. Spokane Drive, Spokane Countv (home), 11210 E. Dishman-Mica Road, Spokane Vallev (work) Mrs. Riddle grew up in the Chester Township. She and her husband bought this property in chunks with the express purpose of breathing new life into a stretch of property that was once Chester Township's commututy center (post office, grade school, etc.). They now need to sell 9 _..i the property, and wish to have it rezoned consistently with the surrounding parcels so it can more easily be sold to another entrepreneur. She asked the Planning Con rudssion to approve the request. Public Testimony for CPA-01-04 was closed at 8:43 p.m. It vas moved by Commissioner Robertson and seconded by Commissioner Carroll that the Planning Commission accept the staffs recommendation on CPA-01-04 as written, and forward it to the City Council for further action. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment #CPA-01-04 was closed at 8:45 p.m. Ms. Sukup explained to the Commission and audience that Comprehensive Plan Amendments will be presented to the City Council for a first reading at its November 23, 2004 meeting. Public Wearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-02-04 Public Hearing on CPA-02-04 was opened at 8:46 p.m. Mr. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this application submitted by Robert G. Cum, for approximately 1.4 acres of land located on the north side of Broadway Avenue, east of Ella Road; Parcel No. 45812.9035. Applicant's proposal: change land use designation from Low-Density Residential to High-Density Residential; change zoning from UR-3.5 to UR-22. Staff recommendation: change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High-Density Residential for the subject property and the property surrounding the subject that is currently zoned UR-22. Staff also recommends changing the zone of the subject parcel to UR-22. Public Testimony for CPA-02-04 was opened at 8:48 p.m. Robert Curry, Applicant, P.O. Box 1031, Chewelah, WA 99109 Mr. Curry's aim with this application is to make the subject and surrounding property more compatible for development. Public Testimony for CPA-02-04 was closed at 8:49 p.m. It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac that the Planning Commission accept the staffs recommendation for CPA-02-04 as written, and forward it to the City Council for further action. Motion passed unanimously. 10 Public Hewing on CPA-02-04 was closed at 3:50 p.m. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-03-04 Chairman Gothmann opened the public hearing for CPA-03-04 at 8:50 p.m. Mr. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this application submitted by Dwight .Flume, representing the Pring Corporation, for 1.45 acres of land located on the south side of Springfield Avenue, west of Sullivan Road, one block north of Valleyway; Parcel No. 45144.0245. Applicants' proposal: change the land use designation from Medium-Density Residential to High-Density Residential; change zone from UR-7 and B-2 to UR-22. The Applicant indicates that the site would be an ideal location for a medical office facility, and that the current Comprehensive Plan designation would not allow for medical offices. Staff recommendation: staff recommends changing the Comprehensive Plan designation to High- Density Residential and implementing with the UR-22 zone. Public Testimony for CPA-03-04 was opened at 8:53 p.m. Dwight flume, Applicant, 9101 N. Mt. View Lane, Spokane Mr. Hume reviewed the staff report and agreed with the recommendation. Grec Waggoner, 1,5317 E. Sprinetield Avenue. Spokane Valley Mr. Waggoner approves the zoning change with the understanding that a medical office, not an apartment building, will be built on the land. Road improvements are needed in this area, and this development may encourage pavement and curbs. John Rohrback, 15311 E. Springfield, Spokane Valley Mr. Rohrback's major concern with the zone change is that apartments may be built on the land, and he is totally opposed to any use of the property other than for a medical office building. Planning staff' explained to Mr. Waggoner and Mr. Rolirback that the Planning Commission has no control over land use after a zone has been determined. Public Testimony for CPA-03-04 was closed at 8:56 p.m. Commissioner Kogle mowed, and Commissioner.8lum seconded, a motion for Planning Commission to accept the staff's recommendation for CPA-03-04 as written, and forward it to the City Council for further 11 action. Commissioners.81►rm, Beaulae, Gatlin:ann, Robertson and Kogle voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner Carroll voted against the motion. tkfotion passed 5-1. Staff explained that UR-22 is the only existing zone that would allow for a medical office to be built on the property, so it was the only viable rezone option. 1'ut)I1C riearm%4 for t-FA-03-U4 was CIOSCCI at 9:UU D.111. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-04-04 Public Hearing for CPA-04-04 was opened at 9:00 p.m. M.r. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this application submitted by Paul Gillespie, Jr. for 4.85 acres of land located on the south side of Broadway Avenue, about 4,000 feet east of Sullivan Road; Parcel No. 45134.0206. Applicant's proposal: change property from Low-Density Residential to High-Density Residential; change zone to UR-22. Staff recommendation: staff recommends no change to the current Comprehensive Plan designation. The area is surrounded by large, undeveloped parcels of land with limited infrastructure available to ` support higher densities. The area should be reviewed during the City's Comprehensive Plan process with community input into the design of the Land Use Plan. Public Testimony for CPA-04-04 was opened at 9:03 p.m. Paul Gillespie, 740 E. Plateau Road, Spokane Mr. Gillespie explained that there is some development occurring in the area, noting the Val-Mart shopping area, and he doesn't think east Broadway will remain a two-lane road forever. He foresees a need in the area for small; well-built, multi-family areas. Public Testimony for CPA-04-04 was closed at 9:07 p.m. Staff explained that the City of Spokane Valley has not scheduled any road improvements for east Broadway in its six-year road plan. There are no sewers in the area. Mr. Gillespie's proposal does not appear to be the best choice for his property at this time. Although Mr. Gillespie has made some good points in his application, the absence of design standards negatively affects the timing for approval. Commissioner Beaulac moved that the Planning Commission accept the staff's reeom►nendation for CI'A-04-04 as written, and fonvard it to the 12 City Council for further action. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Carroll !Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing for CPA-04-04 was closed at 9:10 p.m. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-05-04 Public Hearing for CPA-05-04 was opened at 9:11 p.m. Mr. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this application submitted by Vernon Eden .for 1.75 acres of land located on the north side of Valleyway Avenue, about 150 feet off Sullivan -Road; Parcel Nos. 45133.0524 and 45133.0540. Applicants' proposal: change property from Low-Density Residential to Regional Commercial; change zone from UR-22 to 13-1. Staff recommendation: Planning staff recommended changing the property to Regional Commercial and applying the B-2 zone. Staff further recommended no further commercial zoning east of the subject property along Valleyway. There was no Public Testimony for CPA-05-04. Commissioner Robertson proved that the Plunning Commission accept the stuffs recommendation for C!'A-05-04 as written, and forward it to the City Council for further action. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing for CPA-05-04 was closed at 9.19 p.m. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-07-04 - Mansfield Road Alignment Public Hewing for CPA-07-04 was opened at 9:20 p.m. Mr. Kuhta introduced Sandra l7askell, P.E., who works in the City's Public Works Department. He provided a brief overview of this application submitted by Todd R. Whipple, P.E., on behalf of Chris Ashenbrener and Bill Lawson, for the undeveloped portion of Mansfield Avenue bet peen Houk and Mirabeau Parkway, mcaSUring approximately 2,000 feet. Applicants' proposal: amend the Interim Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan by removing Mansfield Avenue between Houk Street and "rabeau Parkway. Staff recommendation: Community Development and Public Works staff recommends denial of the proposed Arterial Road Plan change. 13 - Extension of Mansfield Avenue would provide traffic relief from Indiana Avenue and connectivity of the City street system. Public Testimony for CPA-07-04 was opened at 9:23 p.m. Chris Ashenbrener, 202 E. Trent, #400. Spokane Ivir. Ashenbrener presented the Commissioners with copies of a document entitled "Argument for Removal of Mansfield Extension to Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan This document will become a part of the permanent record. Commissioner Gothmann moved that the nneeting be extended to 9:45 p.m. Motion was seconded by Commissioner I►ogle. Afotion passed unanimously. Mr. Ashenbrener spoke to each of the points detailed in his four-page proposal to remove the Mansfield Extension from the Spokane Valley Road Plan. In SUmmary, he believes that the existing north and south streets provide adequate access in that particular area of development. It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann, and seconded by Commissioner Robertson that the meeting be at-tended to 10:00 p.m. jVotion passed unanimously. ' Todd Whipple, 13218 E. Spraizue Ave., Spokane Vallee Mr. Whipple presented the Commissioners with copies of his five-page letter intended to help clarify points from his testimony. This document will become a part of the permanent record. He spoke to each of the points detailed in his letter, giving the Commission and remaining audience a historical overview of the issue. In summary, Mr. Whipple believes that the line that was drawn from Houk to Mirabeau Parkway was a mistake. Commissioner Gothmann ►moved to eoY1end the rmeetino to 10:15 p.m. tl'lotion was seconded by Commissioner Kogle. Motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Commissioner Carroll that the Planning Commission continue the hearing and public testinioiq fior CPA-07-04, and table the Commissioners discussion until October 14, 2004. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Alotion passed unaninnous4l. Mr. Whipple asked that Mr. Wayne Frost be allowed to speak at this hearing. The Commission agreed to hear Mr. Frost. 14 Wayne li rost, Centennial Properties, 3320 N. Argonne Rd., Sgokanc Valley Mr. Frost works with the Inland Empire Paper Company and stated that it is true that his organization has extended Mansfield to the west of their property line. They also plan to extend Mirabeau Parkway. He asked the Commission to take into consideration the "Bridging the Valley" project which could potentially provide better arterial access for the City within the next ten years. Staff will take a look at the information that was handed out at the public hearing by Mr. Ashenbrener and INIT. Whipple before the October 14`h meeting. Public Works staff will present the City's proposal at that time. Commissioner Gothmann moved to et:tend the meeting to 10:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kogle. eilotion passed ununimonshy. At 10:12 p.m., Public Hearing for CPA-07-04 was tabled for continuation on October 14, 2004. V Public Hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application #CPA-08-04 Public Hearing for CPA-08-04 was opened at 10:12 p.m. Mr. Kuhta provided a brief overview of this application submitted by the City of Spokane Valley, for ten (10) acres of land located north of Rutter Road and west of Dora Avenue, on the southeastern boundary of Felts Field. It is the only portion of Airport property located within the City of Spokane Valley. Applicant's proposal: change the land use designation from Low-Density Residential to Light Industrial; change zoning from UR-3.5 to 1-2. Staff recommendation: change property to Light Industrial and zone 1-2, consistent with current uses. Public Testimony for CPA-08-04 was opened at 10:13 p.m. Rodney Rick. 1920 N. Dora Road, Spokane Valley Mr. Rick's family has had problems with the fumes from landing airplanes. The fumes get stuck in his basement. He doesn't know what to do about this, and is worried that if the Planning Commission approves this proposal, things will get worse for his family. Conunissioner Gothtnatui suggested that Mr. Rick contact the F.A.A. He offered the City's support with Mr. Rick's efforts. Commissioner Kogle also recommended that shrubs or other protective landscaping be 15 1 considered by both Mr. Rick and the Airport. Mr. Kuhta agreed to speak with someone from the Airport about considering fume mitigation through the use of protective landscaping. John Gordon, 7105 E. Euclid, Spokane Valley Mr. Gordon believes that increased Airport traffic will break up the roads in that area well before their time. He is also concerned about the property values in the area, having already lost his view of the sunset. Mr. Gordon is concerned about adequate Airport use regulation, and an increase of hazardous waste in the area. Public Testimony for CPA-08-04 was closed at 10:2 p.m. Mr. Kuhta explained that this is a routine and expected land transaction, which is not really negotiable. It was moved by Conunissioner Blum that the Planning Commission accept the staffs recommendation for CPA-08-04 as written, and forward it to the City Council for further action. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Public hearing for CPA-08-04 was closed at 10:27 p.m. Commissioner Kogle recommended that the Planning Commissioners and staff members use respect and caution when speaking in public. It was obvious to her that people were tired and wanted to rush the hearing process, and she felt the final two citizens waiting all night to testify bore the brunt of that impatience unnecessarily. OLD BUSINESS: B. Tabled Public Hearing on Street Vacation Request No. STV-03-04 There was a change of scope for Street Vacation Request #S'CV-03-04, so it has been re-noticed and will be opened again for public testimony on October 14, 2004. Ms. Sukup handed out a revised Request for Planning Commission Action on this proposal. X. FOR THE. GOOD OF THE ORDER Corgi nissioner Carroll asked staff if the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code contain information regarding air quality issues. He asked staff if the City should consider this in the Comprehensive Plan process. Ms. Suk-up explained that this is typically the job of the Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority. 16 X1. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business. the meeting was adjourned at 10:32 p.m. Debi Alley, Administrative APPROVED: 'Villiam H. G~th.rnann, Chairman 17 SUB M-ITTED: