Minutes - 08/26/2004r0 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City llall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 26, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Gothmann called the meeting to order at 6:40 P.M. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. lli. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gotlunann - Present Bob Blum - Excused Absent Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Excused Absent John G. Carroll - Present Gail .Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the August 26, 2004 meeting agenda be approved as presented. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Robertson and seconded by Commissioner Kogle that the minutes of the August 12, 2004 meeting be approved as written. it otion passed unanimously. VI:. PUBLIC COIViMENT Richard Harmon, 1.7610 E. Mission, Spokane Vallev, OVA Mr. Harmon asked for clarification of the Greenacres Area Rezone request, which has recently been proposed to change his neighborhood from UR-3.5 and ITIt-7* zoning to UR-3.5 zoning exclusively. He has seen a Notice of Hearing before the Hearing Examiner for a rezone application on Flora & Mission. This application proposes to change the zoning of a parcel of land across the street from his neighborhood to UR-7* exclusively, and he wished to understand how these things work. Mr. Greg McCormick, Planning Division Manager, explained that the rezone request on Flora & Mission is a "site specific" rezone and is handled internally by planning staff.. The Planning Commission deals only with "areawide" rezone requests. It was suggested that Mr. Hannon make an appointment with Mr. McCormick to discuss this issue in greater detail. Wt. COl\tiV11SS10)\° REPORTS ` f1 Commissioner Beaulac reported that the Interim UR-1 Zone was adopted by the City Council on August 24"i. He also wanted to publicly thank the Council for their individual conununity service and involvement. Commissioner Gothmann mentioned a petition recently submitted by people in the Grccnacres area calling for a temporary moratorium against development of densities of more than one house per acre until interim zoning is adopted; and for a zone change that accommodates the recent rights under SR-l. Ms. Sukup explained that the Greenacres Areawide Rezone will have the same effect, and is scheduled for Public Hearing on September 23, 2004. VIII. ADMIN TISTRATWU REPORTS Ms. Sukup advised that the City Council approved to cap Building Plans Check Fees at $35,000. IX. CONINIISSION BUSINESS A. OL,DUSIN.IZSS: There was no old business. B. NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Amending Provisions in Spokane Valley Ordinance Nos. 03-053 and 03-083 Relating to "Clear ` View Triangles" The Public Hearing was opened at 6:55 p.m. Ms. Sukup presented an overview of the purpose, background, and specifics related to the proposed amendments. Staff recommended approval of the following: • Establishment of Section 7.06 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code; • Amendment of City Ordinance No. 03-083 to reference Section 7.06 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code; and • Deletion of provisions in the Interim Zoning Regulation Section 14.810.020 Fences which conflict with the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code and the International Building Codes. Commissioners asked Ms. Sukup questions regarding the size of sign poles in relation to tree size regulations, public/private responsibility for removing weeds and debris, placement of electric fences inside of regular fences, and a regulation for the height of barbed wire fences. Public Testimony for Clear View Triangles was opened at 7:17 p.m. 2 Mr. Gary Schimmels, 301.5 N. Joel Road, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Schimmels submitted a photograph from the corner of Driftwood and Woodruff, where a recent scooter accident occurred. He challenged the Commissioners to find the stop sign in the photograph, and urged them to approve the recommended amendments. Richard Harmon, 17610 E. Mission, Spokane Vallee, WA Mr. Hannon spoke to the problems which might occur to a Clear View Triangle if citizens build their fences before there are curbs on their streets. He also mentioned the problem with shrubs on street corners. There being no further continents, the Public Testimony portion of the hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Ms. Sukup explained to Mr. Harmon that fences are not supposed to be built on the public right-of-way, but rather on private property. Therefore, addition of curbs to a public street should not affect visibility around an existing fence. She stated that shrubbery is always a seasonal issue, and it is the responsibility of citizens to keep their shrubs trimmed down. Commissioner Kogde moved that the Planning Commission recommend Council adoption of the staff recommendations for Clear View Triangle regulations, with inclusion of an amendment to prohibit use of barbed wire on fences under six feet tall, and an allowance for electric fencing to be placed inside an existing fence structure if a proper buffer is provided between the two fences. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. i1fotion passed unanimously. Ms. Sukup will work on the best language for the requested amendments before the issue is presented to City Council. The Clear View Triangle Public Hearing was ended at 7:35 p.m. Public Hearing: Street Vacation Request STV-03-04 The Public Hearing was opened at 7:36 p.m. Street Vacation Request (STV-03-04) is being made for the remainder of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway, west of Thierman Road. Chris Linc Properties, L.L.C., 2320 N. Atlantic Street, Spokane WA, is the owner of abutting Parcel No. 35242.0102. Spokane Utilities has noted that the parcel is located over an existing sewer line which will require establishment of an easement. Spokane County Engineering has also indicated that the parcel for which vacation has been requested may remain within the jurisdiction of WSDOT, precluding any vacation at this time. WSDOT has been contacted concerning their interests in this property. A copy of Mr. Richard 13irr's email response, dated 8/20/04, l-~ was handed out to all Commissioners and will become a part of the permanent record. Staff recornniended that the Planning Conuiiission defer any decision concernuig the proposed vacation request pending the reservation of a sewer easement and confirmation of the City's authority, if any, to vacate the right-of-way. Public Testimony for STV-03-04 was opened at 7:33 p.m. Richard Harmon, 17610 E. 1'lission, Spokane Valley, OVA Mr. Harmon asked the Planning Commission if turning Sprague back into a hvo-way again was an option for the Valley's future. If so, the City will need that section of David Road. There being no further comments, the Public Testimony portion of the hearing was closed at 7:42 p.m. It was moved by Commissioner Robei on, and seconded by Commissioner Gothmann that staff recommendations be heeded in the matter of STV-03-04. .The request will be tabled indefinitely, pending reservation of a sewer easement and confirmation of the City's authority to vacate right-of-way. Motion passed unanimously. ` Public Hearing on STV-03-04 was ended at 7:43 p.m. Public Hearing: Street Vacation Request STV-04-04 Public hearing on STV-04-04 was opened at 7:44 p.m. The applicant, McCollum Ford Sales, Inc., 8200 F. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, N' IA, is the owner of adjacent Parcel Nos. 45192.0101 and 45192.0102. They are requesting vacation of a twenty-foot alley on Lewis Road, located east of First Avenue in between its parcels. Property to the east is fully developed. The alley is unimproved, but appears to have power lines in place. Modern Electric Water Company has been contacted. The City has no objection to vacation of the alley, but power easements may need to be reserved. Staff recommended that the street vacation request be submitted to City Council, subject to reserving necessary private utility easements. There was no public testimony on STV-04-04. Corti m issioner Carroll moved that the Planning Commission recommend Street Vacation Request IVo. STV-04-04 to City Council for approval, subject to reservation of necessary private utility easement.. 4 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beaulac. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing on STV-04-04 was ended at 7:45 p.m. The Commissioners took a break from 7:45 p.m. to 7:54 p.m. Briefing on Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2 - Land Use Element Mr. McCormick presented an overview of the City of Spokane Valley's Land Use Element. Information for this chapter was compiled fi•om a vast number of resources, including the Washington State Growth Management Act, Countywide Practices and Policies, transit studies, and information obtained from Valley Citizen surveys. In drafting the plan, staff used three land use alternatives: "Modified Existing Conditions", "Urban Activity Centers", and "City Center Emphasis". Long Range Planning Staff has been working with the Steering Committee of Elected Officials to determine population projections for the City of Spokane Valley. There will be a public hearing regarding population allocations for the City of Spokane Valley and the City of Liberty Lake on September 30, 2004. The results of this hearing will provide staff with a number that can be used for Comprehensive Plan development purposes. An environmental impact statement is also required. , I Staff members were praised for their good work on this element. Commissioner Gothmann provided a number of continents and suggestions for improvement of the chapter. Commissioner Beaulac asked Mr. McCormick if a cost analysis could be applied to each of the land use alternatives. Mr. McCormick responded that the City will be in a better position to evaluate money when a direction has been determined. Other issues of Commission concern were: a process for design review and sewer system development. X. FOR THE GOOD OF TH_ _E ORDER Commissioner Robertson reminded staff of his willini riess to become more involved with neighborhood groups during the Comp Plan development process. He plans to work with the Weed and Seed program as well. Commissioner Carroll addressed a grave concern about individual members of the Planning Commission sharing their personal opinions aloud durng a public hearing before hearing from the public or allowing the entire Commission to thoroughly discuss the matter first. 5 Xl. ADJOURNNTENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: ZV ~ vim. Debi Alley, Administrative tint Viii iam -H. Gothma m, Chairman 6