Minutes - 08/12/2004.i l" Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 12, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Gothmann called the meeting to order at 6.32 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 111. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann -Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle - Present TV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that "New Business" be amended so that the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Greenacres Neighborhood Areawide Rezone Proposal be presented first.. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Gothmann explained that although a change had been recommended to the July 8'h minutes, the change was not approved. Therefore, amendments to both the July 81h and July 22"d meeting minutes are required. In addition, a typographical error on Page 7 of the July 22"d minutes was corrected. It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann and seconded by Commissioner Kogle that the minutes of the July 8, 2004 and July 22, 2004 Planning Commission meetings be approved as amended Motion passed unanimously. Vl. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. V11. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Gothmann handed out a report presented at the most recent meeting of the Spokane Valley Business Association. It was written by Gonzaga student, Evan Marques, with oversight by Scott Bozman, Assistant Dean of Gonzaga's School of Business Administration. This report contains information on the impact of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor and its effect on Valley : businesses. Commissioner Blum reported on the August I Oh City Council meeting. The UR- i 1 7-one proposal was moved to a second reading. Commissioner Beaulac added that both the Dimensional Standards and the Administrative Variance/ Administrative Exception (amended) proposals were approved by City Council. Commissioner Kogle provided the Commission with an update on the Light Rail Citizens' Advisory Committee. There will be a joint meeting on September 9ch between the Spokane Transit Authority Board and the Light Rail Steering Committee to determine where to go from here. Commissioner Crosby, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Sign Committee, reported that the next meeting will be tomorrow (8/13) from 8:00 - 10:00 am. in Council Chambers. The Committee has completed its discussion on Sign Code Definitions, and will now tackle the subject of billboards in the Valley. Vlll. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS There were no administrative reports. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. B. NEW BUSINESS: Briefing on 2004 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Mr. Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, presented a brief overview of eight (8) 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications which were received on or before July Is`. Amendment applications will be brought to Public Hearing at the Planning Commission's meeting on September 23, 2004. Property owners within 400 feet of applicant properties will be given adequate notice of the hearing. The following is a list of 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments: CPA-01-04: 4.23 acres on the south side of Dishman-Mica Road, west of Bowdish. Present Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential and Community Commercial, UR-3.5 and B-3. Proposed Designation: Community Commercial, B-2. Current use: Office, residence, vacant property. CPA-02-04: 1.4 acres on the north side of Broadway, east of Ella Road. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, UR-3.5. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: High Density Residential, UR-22. Current use: Residence, vacant property. 2 CPA-03-04: 5 acres on the south side of Springfield, west of Sullivan. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Medium Density Residential, UR-7. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: High Density Residential, UR-22. Current Use: Vacant property- CPA-04-04: 4.85 acres on the south side of Broadway, 4000 feet east of Sullivan Road. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, UR-3.5. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: High Density Residential, UR-22. Current Use: Residence and vacant property. CPA-05-04: 1.75 acres on the north side of Valleyway, 150 feet east of Sullivan Road. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, UR-22 (as of 2001). Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Regional Commercial, B-1. Current use: Two residences. CPA-06-04: 8 acres on the west side of Adams Road, 400 feet south of Mission Avenue. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, UR-3.5. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: High Density Residential, UR-22. Current use: Vacant property. CPA-07-04: Amended Arterial Road Plan - proposal to remove Mansfield Avenue between Houk Street and Mirabeau Parkway. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Surrounding Zoning: Mixed Use and Light Industrial, SRR-10 and I-2. Current Land Uses: Mostly vacant property and office space. CPA-08-04: 10 acres north of Rutter Road, west of Dora Avenue, on the southeastern boundary of Felts Field Airport, the only Airport property located within the City of Spokane Valley. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, UR-3.5 and UR-22. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Light Industrial, I-2. Current use: Airplane hangars, vacant property. The Commissioners discussed each proposal briefly, and thanked Mr. Kuhta for his concise presentation. Briefing on Greenacres Neighborhood Areawide Rezone Proposal: 457 acres, bounded by Spokane River to the north and west, Mission to the south, and Barker to the east. Current Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, UR-7*. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning: Low Density Residential, _ LJR-3.5. Current uses: Large lot development. The City of Spokane Valley Zoning Code provides for areawide rezone by petition of 51 % or more of property owners. Mr. Kuhta explained that he counted and checked the petitioner signatures with County Auditor records and verified that the Greenacres Neighborhood had obtained more than 51% of property owner signatures in the area proposed for rezone. The Greenacres Areawide Rezone Proposal will be presented to the Planning Commission in a hearing scheduled at its meeting on September 23, 2004. A brief overview of the Areawide Rezone proposal was presented to Commissioners. Commissioner Gothmann voiced his displeasure that the citizens of Greenacres were required to pay $1,800 for their areawide rezone proposal. Mr. Kuhta assured him that the fee is approved by City Council, and all applicants are required to pay it. Convnissioner Crosby asked for a clarification of how many residences exist in this 457-acre area Mr. Kuhta and Ms. Mary Pollard confirmed that there are 264 residences at present, making this a lightly-inhabited area. Discussion of Clear View Triangle Ms. Sukup presented an overview of the Clear View Triangle request. This ordinance regulates placement of fences and shrubbery on property lines at intersections, as well as fences around swimming pools. Clear View Triangles are designed to prevent blind corners and protect motorists and pedestrians. As written, the standards for a Clear View Triangle are difficult to enforce. The current clear view standards for an uncontrolled intersection are 110' x 110' from the center line of the road. Proposed standards for an uncontrolled intersection would be 50'x 50' from the curb/edge of the pavement. Current clear view standards for a controlled intersection are 32' x 400' from the center line of the road. Proposed standards for a controlled intersection would be 16'x (varies Mth speed limit) from the curb/edge of the pavement. Special cases may be established by the City's Traffic Engineer. Six to eight cases per year maybe adjudicated, predicated on a fence permit. Commissioners discussed technical aspects of this ordinance, and requested clarification regarding property owner liability for accidents, curb cuts at corner lots, electric fences, and the impact on property owners should the City decide to widen existing streets in the future. 4 The Clear View Triangle request will be brought to Public Hearing at the L Planning Commission Meeting on August 26, 2004. The Planning Commission took a break from 7:53 to 8:00 p.m. Presentation of first draft: Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3 - Transportation. Ms. Sukup presented the first draft of Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3 - Transportation, which includes: plans to preserve the community's investment in roadway infrastructure, expansion of multi-modal choices available to individuals and improvement of intermodal connectivity, provisions for safe and efficient freight mobility, and establishment of appropriate design standards for transportation facilities. Copies of the Countywide Planning Policies relating to transportation were handed out to Commissioners. Commissioners discussed the draft chapter briefly, touching upon the future of Barker Road, the Sprague/Appleway Corridor, the SRTC's traffic model, and a definition of the "region" this Comprehensive Plan chapter will affect. Discussion of transportation issues will continue with the next series of Community Meetings set to begin in September. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Discussion regarding meeting dates in November and December, - ' 2004. Meeting dates in November and December were discussed. Both meetings in November are preempted by national holidays. The second meeting in December is scheduled two days before Christmas. The Commission did not yet wish to establish a meeting schedule for the holiday season. The subject will be revisited at a later date. City Council will need to nominate new Planning Commission members in October or November. Commissioners Blum and Crosby will end their terms in December. The Commission needs to elect new officers at its first meeting in November. Commissioner Robertson announced that Commissioner Kogle had received a promotion at work. She was congratulated for being named Goodwill's first General Manager of Marketing and Contracts. 5 XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. SUBMITTED: Debi Alley, Administrative APPROVED: William H. Gothmann, Chairman 6