2007, 02-06 Special Meeting MinutesMayor Wilhite called the meeting to order Attendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 109 meeting. City Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Rec Director Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Manuel Denning of Fountain Ministries gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: reported that he attended yesterday's Solid Waste meeting, and announced the upcoming March 15 solid waste public meeting at CenterPlace. Councilmember Denenny: stated that he attended the Regional Health District Meeting where they discussed an outreach to bring in other parties to the discussion regarding the appointment of a new health director, and of the organization itself concerning administrative functions and health officer functions. Deputy Mayor Taylor: said that he attended yesterday's meeting at the Convention and Visitor's Bureau where they helped to welcome Express Jet to Spokane, which will offer nonstop flight service to California. Councilmember Gothmann: explained that he attended the Government Affairs meeting where they discussed the Sullivan and Freeway projects; he also attended the command change at Fairchild Air Force Base; and in another few weeks, he will make a presentation to the Area Council on Aging to discuss senior - related issues. Councilmember Munson: said that he attended a light rail meeting last Friday, which was attended by the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) Chair, that he was representing the City of Spokane Valley and STA, and that there still appears to be significant disagreement on what needs to be done to complete the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) regarding light rail; that the $8.8 million dollar study STA paid for with government funds indicates that another five million dollars is needed to complete the engineering; and that they'll send a letter to the Federal Transit Authority seeking a determination on exactly what is needed to complete that EIS. Councilmember Munson also reported that last week he hosted an ad hoc meeting for the Council on Governance. Council Meeting: 02 -06 -07 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: 02 -27 -07 MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that Mayor Hession invited her to discuss animal control matters with him; that regarding a memorandum Councilmembers received from Spokane County regarding the north/south corridor, that the County seeks the City's support of that project; and she encouraged all councilmembers to look at their e -mail to read that memorandum, and give feedback to Mayor Wilhite. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited general public comments. Ozzie Knezovich, 1100 West Mallon; Spokane: concerning the use of CenterPlace, he said that it started out as an idea of a partnership with Spokane County Sheriff's Office, the Spokane Valley Police Department, and the Community Colleges; that this project began in 2004; in April 2005 they started laying some groundwork, that they intended to move into CenterPlace by September 2005, but after eight months of contract negotiations, the contract wasn't signed by then Sheriff Sterk until March 2006, and they moved into the building in July. He explained their ability to bring in regional training including offering FBI Leadership training, and said that one of his goals is to make it a requirement that in order to work for the Sheriff's Office, officers must have a two -year degree; and these college credits will assist officers in working toward that goal. He said he hopes Council will look at the dynamics that went on to make this project work, and of the economic impact already felt to the Valley. He added that they have asked the City Manager on multiple times to allow the Sheriff's office to give him a presentation on this subject; and Sheriff Knezovich extended that same invitation to the Council. Gail Stiltner, 10119 E 44 Avenue: concerning the Sheriff's Office use of CenterPlace, she said from a citizen's point of view, she is concerned about the spirit of what that means to the community; that she sees nothing compelling in the presentation to deny the sub- lease; and it appears to be narrow interpretations without a lot of common sense. She said that the courses seem to be of great value to the citizens; that education is mentioned in the Certificate of the City, and she suggested we support their efforts for job training and advancement; and feels they should be allowed to use the place and have a slightly favored status; and that she understands it is an administrative decision but asks Council for a motion of support. Lee Cameron, Mirabeau Park Hotel Managing Partner and Owner: also concerning CenterPlace, he said that he speaks in his capacity as a Chamber of Commerce Board member and represents that Board; that the Chamber has taken up this issue, and that a motion was taken with unanimous support that the Chamber forward the letter to Council that Council received tonight; that he is concerned but realizes there are many details that need to be worked out. Mr. Cameron said the economic impact is substantial, and in examining possible lost revenue in lodging and food, the lost revenue is likely $1.5 million dollars. He added that if this activity is lost, there are competing communities attempting to get this piece of business; and he'd hate to lose that economic impact. Donna Orme, 13713 E 41 Avenue: said she has three concerns about signs: (1) traveling north on Sullivan toward the interstate, that the signs that give direction to the interstate are too small and too close to the interstate as by the time you can read them, there is not ample time to make a lane change if one were in the incorrect lane; and that it is confusing that to go west, one needs to get in the east lane; (2) regarding political signs, she said she would like them regulated, as it is annoying how much clutter they make everywhere, and that they are up for too long a period; (3) concerning Division Street, she realizes it is not in our jurisdiction, but thousands of people travel through the Valley toward Spokane and there is a need to find that sign; that coming from the Valley there is only one small direction to Gonzaga but that the sign does not include Division and it should. She said that she has been trying to get that changed for over two years but to no avail. Dick Behm, 36t26 S Ridgeview Drive: said that as a Board Member of the Spokane Valley Business Association, he supports the Sheriff's position. Council Meeting: 02 -06 -07 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: 02 -27 -07 VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 01 -16 -2007 10824 -10900 907,314.11 01 -22 -2007 10901 -10956 216,503.79 GRAND TOTAL 1,123,817.90 Chuck Hafner, 4710 S Woodruff: said that he has received numerous phone calls regarding this situation; that he represents quite a few people geographically to the Spokane Valley, and he then spoke concerning the letter from Parks and Recreation Director Mike Jackson regarding the termination of the lease with the Sheriff's Office; and he stated that most of those issues could have been solved by talking with each other. Mr. Hafner said that he spoke with Dave Mercier about why the entities have not had a meeting, and he was told that once we set forth an obligation or a regulation when it comes to leases, that we can't look at different circumstances. Mr. Hafner said there's always an exception to the case to make it right for law enforcement for our valley citizens. He said that Sheriff Sterk and Cal Walker started this program, and if it was right then, why isn't it right now. He said this matter should have been resolved at the very beginning, and that Mr. Hafner wants a copy of the written statement from the bond attorney concerning the Certificate of City. Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment. As no further comments were forthcoming, Mayor Wilhite thanked everyone for letting Council know their feelings and thoughts about the various matters. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following Claim Vouchers: b. Payroll for Period Ending January 31, 2007: $239,510.62 c. Minutes of January 23, 2007 Regular Council Meeting d. Minutes of January 27, 2007 Council/Staff Retreat e. Approval of Amended Student Advisory Bylaws f. Approval of Geiger Corrections Center Work Crew Services Agreement It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously passed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07 -003 Amending Dangerous Dog Appeal Procedures — Cary Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to adopt Ordinance 07 -003 as drafted. Deputy City Attorney Driskell briefly re- explained the background of this proposal; and said that since the first reading, he added two references to RCWs, on the top of page 4, and the bottom of page 6. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Senske Contract Approval — Mike Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to authorize a 2% increase in the 2007 contract with Senske Lawn and Tree Care for maintenance of the parks and Centennial Trail. Parks and Recreation Director Jackson explained the proposal as per his February 6, 2007 Request for Council Action form, and said that Senske has honored their contract in being a full service contractor in providing all services; that they have performed full service with no additional billing. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Munson commended Senske for Council Meeting: 02 -06 -07 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: 02 -27 -07 their work. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Tony Lazanis, 10626 E Empire: again expressed his views that the City should control the Valley's assets specifically regarding the wastewater treatment plant; and that we need to own the plant. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 4. Wastewater Update — Bruce Rawls Spokane County Utilities Director Bruce Rawls gave a brief update on the wastewater program activities, and discussed the facility plan, the reclaimed water use study, water reclamation facility, the financial plan and rate study, and the TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) Collaboration- Oversight Committee. Mr. Rawls also mentioned they are going to meet with Department of Ecology (DOE) Representatives tomorrow, and anticipate receiving the DOE comments by the end of this month. Mr. Rawls added that he is aware of Council's concerning with sewer rates, and he would propose a joint meeting with the City of Spokane Valley and the Board of County Commissioners, during which meeting staff would present a report including significant impact to any alternatives. After brief council discussion concerning probable future costs, capital needs, operation and maintenance costs, inflation, and cost of future electricity and chemicals, Council thanked Mr. Rawls for his presentation. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:20 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. 5. Spokane County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Update — Suzanne Tresko & Damon Taam Spokane Regional Solid Waste System. Regional Recycling Coordinator Suzanne Tresko, and Contract Manager Damon Taam reported on the Summary of the Alternatives presented in the draft, 2007 Spokane County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, which alternatives are the choices or options that each adopting city and the County need to consider for inclusion in the final plan. Via their PowerPoint, Mr. Taam started by explaining the basics of what the plan requires, of the review period, and that they are in the process of review now and gathering public comments. They also discussed the draft financial model, and mentioned upcoming Spokane Valley public meetings of March 14 and 15. Mr. Tamm said that after their outreach opportunities with the various municipalities, they would like another opportunity to review this with Council. 6. Contracts and Purchasing Procedures — Cary Driskell Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that staff is undertaking a review of the City's purchasing policies and code provisions in order to later make recommendations to the Council for formal amendments, which amendments should make the policies and code provisions easier to use; and that following potential changes in the Code, staff will draft a comprehensive purchasing and contracting procedure manual. Mr. Driskell said that some of our resolutions grant the City Manager contract level authority without first having to acquire council authorization. He said there are no state law provisions for cities of our size and form of government for establishing levels at which Council can authorize the City Manager on contracts, and staff requests that the level for all four types of contract be set at the same level, i.e., $200,000. The second issue deals with change orders, and staff proposes that for any contract over the cap of $200,000, the City Manager would have blanket authority to approve change orders or additional work under the contract up to 25% of the original contract amount. Mr. Driskell said that 25% is a suggested amount, and that Council may want to discuss a different percentage. Councilmember Munson voiced his concerns about the 25% increase as we could be working with a multi - million dollar contract; and that while he feels Council doesn't necessarily need approval, he would like to have a least an awareness of the financial changes. Councilmember Munson asked if our current policy results in slowing down the process. Mr. Mercier explained that there are many times during a project, that as the Council Meeting: 02 -06 -07 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: 02 -27 -07 roadway is open, there are conditions not previously known necessitating a change order; and in keeping with the three- touches for changes, staff was seeking some way of giving Council a comfort level of policy in how to handle these situations. Mr. Mercier said other options to explore would be some combination; perhaps using a fixed percentage provided it doesn't generate some set amount of funds. Councilmember Munson said he would like to see examples of how this would be implemented. Concerning Mr. Driskell's third issue addressed in his memorandum, Deputy Mayor Taylor said he would have no objection to incorporating the authority from Resolutions 03 -041 and 04 -012 directly into the City's Code. Further Council /staff discussion included the possibility of eliminating the three -touch rule in these instances; discussion about researching what other cities might be doing; providing some examples; and approving the changes in a similar manner as Council currently approves claim vouchers. As this is the first touch on this issue, the matter will be brought back on a future council agenda. 7. CenterPlace Regional Marketing and Communication Plan, and Uses of— Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson went through his CenterPlace PowerPoint presentation, which included CenterPlace's mission statement, the purpose of a marketing plan, goals, research findings, marketing strategies, and CenterPlace use. Mr. Jackson said he will have a draft fee schedule at the next report which will show the fees for 2005, 2006, and 2007. Mr. Jackson also brought Council's attention to the Desautel -Hege regional Marketing and Communications Action Plan draft. Discussion ensued regarding the Center and the way we operate it; the available space, filling a "niche "; marketing and the Convention Visitor's Bureau; and of ways to simplify the rental process. The Center as a regional facility was stressed, and Mr. Jackson explained that regional means outside Spokane County; i.e. Northeast Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana. The subject of the Community College's use was brought up and Mr. Jackson said a copy of the Certificate of City is included in Council's packet; that tonight is to present a draft plan, and the topic can be discussed further within the next several weeks. Council asked about the bond counsel's comments on the Certificate of City, and Ms. Regor said that staff checked with bond counsel on the appropriate uses and they are listed in that Certificate of City; and that the Desautel -Hege report also addresses types of uses in its report. Concerning a written guideline for the Center's use, Ms. Regor said the examples that are in the Certificate of City are our guide as to what we believe to be appropriate usage; and that Council has the prerogative of changing that if Council feels staff is too narrowly focused or too broadly focused. After further questions, Mr. Mercier said that staff would appreciate the continued opportunity to gather relevant information, and hopes to have more information by March 5. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded to extend the meeting to 9:30 p.m. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councilmembers Denenny, Gothmann, and Munson. Opposed: Councilmembers DeVleming and Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 8. Cable Franchise Report — Morgan Koudelka Administrative Analyst Koudelka explained that Council previously adopted a resolution to continue the Cable franchise agreement through March 5, 2007; and he then discussed the amendment process including mention of his meetings with Comcast; and that the attached draft uses the City of Spokane's recently adopted franchise agreement with Comcast as a foundation while incorporating citizen comments; and that this draft agreement has been tailored based on specific Spokane Valley input, and also incorporates our standard franchise agreement language regarding the use of public rights -of -way. Mr. Koudelka also went over the "draft cable franchise agreement highlights" shown on the reverse side of his Request for Council Action form. Discussion included regarding reserved bandwidth; the idea that we could do as Spokane does concerning the 500 per month per subscriber to be used for the PEG channel; and the mention that Comcast has agreed to the agreement. Mr. Koudelka said the plan is to bring an ordinance for council consideration at a future council meeting. Council Meeting: 02 -06 -07 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: 02 -27 -07 INFORMATION ONLY: These topics were not discussed and were included in the Council's packet as informational items only: (9) Spokane County Library District 2006 Fourth Quarter Report; (10) Valleyfest Annual Update; (1 1)Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Call for Projects - Steve Worley; and (12) 2007 Sewer Paveback Program. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Land Acquisition; Litigation It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor to adjourn into Executive Session for a period of 45 minutes for the purpose of discussing land acquisition and litigation; and that no decision is expected thereafter. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 9:25 p.m. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of Executive Session at 9:52 p.m. It was then moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. ATTES -hris me Bainbridge, C Clerk tDAAA,c60),) LL(A.,,a_ Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting: 02 -06 -07 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council: 02 -27 -07 • NAME PLEASE PRINT �ownct �'�rx� GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 6, 2007 CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES Sign in if you wish to make public comments. TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT S` ADDRESS 13713 E 4f , TELEPHON E ?-)7 NAME PLEASE PRINT TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT ADDRESS TELEPHONE Lie /z- 1CaGC26,,,z . 6,4, /4. f W1 i //f C ,,,\ S 1 `',\ C - e •.� --.,, 1 i o r t ci E (-1 -t)_%— (_, 1ti- L.E efAMI ?1 C 0 J PCc C 1iao u Ate6 Li VI J qty 9''6' 40,0 CE.►j y A z Nt b • GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 6, 2007 CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES Sign in if you wish to make public comments. Officer,: Matthew Ewers. Chairman of the Board IEDS Bustin Hall. Chairman Elect. ALSC Architects F7dtanna Shaw. President & CEO Brenda Arthur. Tnasttter. Andre-Romberg Ins. Star Pennyer, Secretary. Office Depot Wayne Frost. Put C11.21111 WI Dr Philip Rudy, DDS. Vier Chair Jim Bowles. Vitt cl,.ur. UBS Financial Brad Piing, Member at Large. Primg Corporation iCCIOrl.' Chris Armauung. Valley Opcn Bible Church Scan Bresnahan. AmericanWest Bank Lce Cameron. Mtiraheou Part Hotel David Crush :, AIonton Dreann Homes Daniel DcHato, Outback Steakhouse Patsy aayrla. STCU Sit", Ilonson, Spokane Community College Bill Ring. ITTTeidmicrl Institute Terri Most tatty, I:,Cyto Pathology Randy Noble. Thomas. Dean and Hoskins Doug Randle ll. ICE Inaxporoc 3 Patricia Scalars, Valley Hospital & bicslical Center John Shaaky. Spokane valley Mall Patty Shea. Arcata L'ulitica Dean Stun. Crown Weat Realty C O flan 2Sircct&rr: Harty Slochch. Spokane Regional CVB Roger Johnson. International Trade .Alliance Bcn CabtWo. AIIANA Ken Briggs. Spokane Valky Community Center Joe Vila. USAF - Fairrhikl AFB Jim I lunennuicr. Spokane Atca EDC Bill Gorhman City of Spokane Valley Steve Fklcnon. City of Liberty Lake Daniel Mork. Town of Miihvood Mari. Richard Spokane County Mayor Diana Wilhite and Members of the City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Sincerely Eldonna Shaw, MA, IOM President & CEO cc: Dave Mercier, City Manager R ATCR SPOKANE GREATER • C HAMBER va i, � r o Re: Use of CenterPlace for Law Enforcement Training by the Spokane County Sheriff's Office Dear Mayor Wilhite and Members of the Council: On behalf of the members of the Board of Directors, I am writing to ask that the City of Spokane Valley take the lead to resolve the recent issue with regard to the contract with Spokane Community Colleges and a subcontracted use by the Sheriffs Office to provide regional law enforcement training. This matter has been brought to our attention by our members who feel that the loss of this program to the business community would have substantial negative economic impact to the community. Since the inception of this training in the Valley in March of 2006, this program attracts law enforcement officials from the other states as well as the inland northwest region. It is estimated that should the program be removed from Spokane Valley, there could be a loss of $1.5 million per year in revenue to businesses, which in turn affects sales tax revenue to the City. We understand that the problem revolves around contract issues and appropriate use of the facilities at CenterPlace. We would encourage the City Manager and the Chancellor of the Spokane Community Colleges to work together to set the ground rules for the use of the leased facilities for this training program and to create the appropriate sublease. Every effort should be made to maintain this program in Spokane Valley. This is important for economic development as well as the fostering of important partnerships to further the growth of our community. We urge you to resolve this issue in the best interests of the total community of Spokane Valley as soon as possible. February 6, 2007 9507 E Sprague • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 • (509) 924 -4994 • Fax (509) 924 -4992 www.spokanevalleychamber.org • info@spokanevalleychamber.org Update on Wastewater Program Activities City of Spokane Valley February 6, 2007 Bruce Rawls - Kevin Cooke - David Moss Spokane County Utilities Discussion Topics Wastewater Facilities Plan Update Reclaimed Water Use Study v Water Reclamation Facility • Design Build Operate Procurement • Conditional Use Permit • NPDES Permit Financial Plan and Rate Study TMDL Collaboration- Oversight Committee Wastewater Facilities Planning Amendment required for TMDL Conditions . 10 ug /L Phosphorus • Delta Elimination for equivalency . Class A reclaimed water • Water Conservation Program . Water Reuse No compliance schedule allowed 1 Wastewater Facilities Planning Draft 2006 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment to Ecology December 20, 2006 Addendum to Environmental Impact Statement issued December 18, 2006 > Notice of Action issued December 22, 2006 Review comments expected by February 23, 2006 Reclaimed Water Use Study Required by TMDL Managed Implementation Plan Will consider opportunities to reuse water from the facility . Urban irrigation . Industrial Reuse . Groundwater Recharge . Wetlands Restoration Draft late 2007 -Final Spring 2008 Water Reclamation Facility Design Build Operate (DBO) Procurement • Request for Statements of Qualifications . Shortlist 2 -4 qualified DBO Teams . Issue Request for Proposals . Value Based Selection Process . Negotiate with selected DBO team • Execute Contract Spring 2008 Design & Construction June 2008 -Dec 2011 2 Water Reclamation Facility Conditional Use Permit . Essential Public Facility is permitted use . Conditional Use Permit required . Requires Design Review by City -Feb 28th . Requires Public Hearing w/ City Hearing Examiner . Anticipate CUP late summer 2007 Water Reclamation Facility National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit . Application in progress . Anticipate submittal to Ecology mid - February . Will be modeled on City of Spokane and Liberty Lake Water and Sewer District permits . Anticipate receiving draft NPDES permit mid- summer Financial Plan & Rate Study Since 2003: Higher Capital Costs Additional Project Elements Higher 0 & M Costs Less favorable Financial Terms 3 Financial Plan & Rate Study > initial Public Meetings -Feb 7/8 > Revenue Requirements, Cost of Service Analysis, Rate Analysis (3 Alternatives) » BoCC, City, & Public Meetings -Early May > Final Rate Recommendations > BoCC Public Hearing -July TMDL Oversight Committee PURPOSES > Track implementations of TMDL > Involvement in specific TMDL efforts • Monitoring of water bodies • Non -paint Source Control Program • Monitor Delta Elimination • Coordinate Regional VVater Conservation > Periodic Reporting 4 Financial Plan & Rate Study Cost Estimate, in millions of $ 2003 2007 . Treatment Plant $73.4 $106 Influent & Cutfall 18.2 23,2 Effluent Reuse 0 10,8 Conservation 0 4.0 Capacity-RPWRF 15.8 34.9 O &Mpermg $946 $1367 Financial Plan & Rate Study > initial Public Meetings -Feb 7/8 > Revenue Requirements, Cost of Service Analysis, Rate Analysis (3 Alternatives) » BoCC, City, & Public Meetings -Early May > Final Rate Recommendations > BoCC Public Hearing -July TMDL Oversight Committee PURPOSES > Track implementations of TMDL > Involvement in specific TMDL efforts • Monitoring of water bodies • Non -paint Source Control Program • Monitor Delta Elimination • Coordinate Regional VVater Conservation > Periodic Reporting 4 TMDL Oversight Committee FORMATION • Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreement • Executive Committee . City of Spokane . City of Spokane Valley . Liberty Lake Water and Sewer District . Spokane County . At -Large member • Technical Committees Advisory Committee • Independent dedicated staffing Questions? 5 A Spacial Section or Alaska /airlines and HariLon .Air Maga Eines Feimary actipir MILLIONS IN RENOVATIONS. IT'S LIKE WINNING THE SLEEP LOTTERY. trk f pith pilltwtop beds, tornpltstu iith triple lhoieting and tpara pillow!. Walk rilte newly vileid i !. with kutleus giTel It e b.thi. kelp you rt.elf fre-t high tpeed viniti trilrirriet acces A lot (3 -LES lAWARDS RED LION' HOTELS has changad at Red Liori, aqid ime think you'll Iow) What you soo. And whim yo(u book onlineist riedliortebrn you'll atwarys.tjat t[v. best tate atraltrble, Just arittgivar way wa mAko your STAY COMFORTABLE*. redlion.com • 800-Red Lion Celdoullu • Coloruclo • ididho • Monitarte • ihrirnd • Clrittg011 WaNiiirstorl . British Columbia Puff Mltrrl K. Kyrtr" Adheirtising Dlrecto rderl h, ,,.yn r Advertising Sales April lane;'_ner Smith, +; tt. �? Editor- lo•ChIrr Nut IrrI4 for Mlttele Andrus Dill Art Director Nancy O'Connell I S4. Business Lender New, expanding and relocating companies are thriving In Spokane. B - neva Lind S12 Play List Eilloyrng Spokane's superlative recreation, By Linda Hagen M1 +der Co we n 5kyilnv, 1, cycIis3. Alan 6 r5SOfl, Computer chlp, GE :[y Images. ParnrligrA Colnimunlc■tions Group iyoi First Ammo, Suote a5o Seattle, Washington *121 zt - 4I- 51i7t; uriave.p.:rad4g CI corn A i,utiakagProductionIllo r Theresa Santltrel The » 1Lurw special %taker 1sA upfiesnrnf 'rl Milan ArrArles MI$71y7 to (ISSN 099 0(51l61, thr in• (Tight rrragarinn rtii alaifia ? irfhrxs. and r- tartron Arr 44r01erJng (ISSN toyo.:. 4oj, If m flirt magazine of I-icrrrin Arr. pablItfrui by paradigm Ca nrrn nic tlans Group, &t STDt rink Avtriuc, Suite a3u, Seattle. WA 9813 1. Cnliyrlght 4? Dby tty Paradigm C*mmun,cat,pats Conopt Aff rights tisc No tit of this puhllcatgn may b+i reprtx7lrced wrthuur Lhr wtlltrn psrrT J r,lnn of the psthsishrt. #I IrrteA In the unites or Art6gfl1tt Th15 p,ut►llr:atkrr h 3 r:rppinnrnt to Ills Trbruarir spur I3sur s, mod it5 par aro rmamhfrrd Indoprtrdently of rive hml nrxarinrts ALASKA AMRLIr f5 V. Heloo4914 AIR MAGAZINES rtlftl_oksrg : j•`, Who's first in our hearts? r' , , rr trarn- 41Ir *smarm andirrii maws cif Deaconry* VlydJrwlGmfrriehEata i.,,,,.t„is ant1 mkt rAttreme ilall,n 0111 art null, must; the brri 1® thr ItnU,IR rival „irss wag Icraidy carom t1 in WrisiriwAt*o rare rta¢ntlf oulfase srsvltlrt. rafilAttluer 41111 tntermillijejd p.aestiutxs un,iti{ILuf+LNt rind vtritin 11111"+ atfoollr>wt to Lin lS1QCr retin*t t,y ilr.1ihtr-4ck*• din nurtaan 'r (raiding tir end , crttluatprril rsuetp_ Arid rim'snos ill. I Irslllia itxlrt• AIMO rroionized Drateineta 101 pad nslruatuual t�tl crtllit1 Ime �rrtkti*i Thohnispa of Min ortoot 4,I* 0.1 t fit .14 it Titalli[NT DP ECKE. 0131auttti7fl tow.. It i . PIK.. a rx. Ext.rHGKAsoet CARDIAC CARE in 114 ASHIFIGTON Cniacilin • ■r++n M,I.wr Ow Capably:. Urslrifv ] lire,. I Ir., Cordial M4j 1 mutifilil for GASTROINTESTINAL CARE tor CRITICAL CARE Too oo* Di 1141 MaTIOM Criia a� ram+ i.II rr FA! Too Tiwl IM Wa oncirori Igftt 104.1 41 4 ,,.. •r••• liktAruuNir 01 rS9. utr.4,1iY G- 4101.1t14 rS..i Ttal,aTHUIT OF SUM Who's firs 1 your Deaconess ukuicAt CCryTtPI A Nfatim, a /corting - - , New, expanding and relocating companies are thriving in Spokane , By Treva Lind NE OF TNT COUNTRY'S fastest - growing private companies, ISR /SprayCool, moved its headquarters to the Spokane arca four years ago. The draw: the area's technically skilled workforce. Ready access to skilled workers is key for the company, which posted 618 percent revenue growth from 2001-2005 and reached S43. million in 2005 sales (2005 was the most - current year for which figures were available as this story was being written). In fact. in 2005. Inc. magazine ranked ISR 286th on the magazine's annual list of the nation's fastest - growing private companies. while Ddoitte's zoo6 Technology Fast 5o rankings placed iSR No. 9 among the fastest-growing Pacific Northwest companies. iSR's workforce has grown nearly as fast as its revenue —from 95 in 2002 to more than 120 today. The company was launched with just two employees in 1988 when Renton, Washington raised engineer Don Tilton was in a doctorate program at the Univer- sity of Kentucky. He developed technology that cools hrgh•performance electronics by using a cycled finr mtat of in a thin layer -that evaporates as it cools. As electronics grow more powerful. they consume more power and thus generate more heat. So much. in fact, that as devices get smaller, !aster and increasingly corn- plea. they generate more heat than can be effectively cooled by air. ISR's SprayCool products address heat. noise and space concerns for next - generation technology. After various moves during the com- pany's first decade, it relocated in 1997 to Clarkston. Washington, after Tilton took a temporary teaching position at Washing- ton State University. However, by 2002, In zoo6, Inc. magazine rated the vibrant Spokane area one of the best midsize U,S cities for doing business The region also has been touted as one of the world's top "Intelligent Communities," thanks to its excellent technology infrastructure. ALASKA AIRLINES A HORIZON Atli MAGAZINES FEBRUARY 2007 Department of Defense contracts and other business had created thr need to relocate to a city offering a larger pool of skilled engineers. "We looked at a number of location in the Northwest and settled on moving near Spokane," says iSR CEO IeffSevers. When the company relocated to Liberty Lake. 15 miles east of Spokane, it found not only talent, but also the dedication it had come to expect from Eastern Washington employe "It may be rooted in the strong agricultural background of the region, but people here are just good people with a good work ethic." Severs says. He adds that the region's quality of life helps him attract and keep excellent employees. 'Where else can you dnve just an hour or two and be in some of the most pristine streams for fly- fishing, and drive just an hour in another direction to be on the ski slopes The company now leases 73,000 square feet in two buildings, has a research center it opened in 2004 near Washington State University. and operates satellite offices in Seattle (opened in Zoos) and Silicon Valley (opened in aoo6). While much of its busi- ness comes from government contracts with customers such as Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Air Force Research Lab. ISR has made inroads commercially, in pan through products that offer a greater-than-threefold increase in the amount of computing power that can be installed in data centers Tits STORY OF ISR —a business relocating to and /or expanding 11i the Spokane area—is a story that's increasingly common in this region known for its affordable cost of !iv- ing, quality lifestyle and trained workforce. In 2006. for instance, Inc. ranked Spo- kane 30i among - 150 Best Midsize U.S. Cities for Doing Business." The magazine analyzed the performance of midsize cities —those with between 150,000 and 450,000 jobs —in current-year employ- ment growth as well as in average annual job growth. in addition. a 2006 second - quarter ranking by the Council for Community and Economic Research, which measured regional differences in the cost of con. sumer goods and services in pi urban areas, showed that Spokane's cot of hying was below the national average (which is always stated as 100). with an index of 95 compared with i56.1 for Los Angeles and 115.3 for Seattle. For instance. Spokane's median home price was just $175,000 at the erid ref 3006. With a population of 44o.000, Spokane County serves as a regional hub for bumi• ness. transportation and services in fields such as health care. education. manufac- turing/technology and aerospace, all buttressed by a strong financial-services industry. in addition, good technological and physual infrastructure is strengthening the area's appeal: • A 1oo•block downtown area with out- door high-speed broadband wireless — called the SpokaneHotZone— offers dual uses: two-hour free public access and a secure domain for fire, police and other city crews. • A roughly 3o -block - Terabyte Tnan. gle" among downtown buildings offers SS L 1 • PhotograPher DOrlinir Bonuca±1111/a:fol1icom "Maplewood Software's products are sold and deployed via the internet so we had the freedom to locate our business virtually anywhere in the country. We hose the Spokane area because of the high quality of life, robust business community and affordable housing."' - John and Nancy Jam Haiitewood Software SPOKANE 7,1 Near nature, Near per' CI'L www.spokaneedc.org www.spokanecharnberorg "21N one of the densest concentrations of high - speed connectivity in the leeched States, • The Virtual Fi s deliIities Netwuruk IVPnet} -- utilizing Boa -plus miles of fiber optics aintrilauted by energyaxervict , hn.forrnation and t , hnalogy company Avista Corporathoti —is a nonprofit consei titrn, of education. private and public groups. Including Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, The participants are intaerar:ting for crwpera research, Joint grant pu rsuits. support of lncubator busi- nesses and e -k i - ning, such as between rural and uriaan rites, VPrick provides high- speed link to 17 rrlanber litre, including ttniavrsities, Khoo! districts. private companies and Simi, a state funded ecot1 rnic- develop- ment agency in Spokane that works to accelerate the development end growth of inland Northwest technology crarrppaaniee, • Such leading -edge technology led to there n`s being named, in aOn4, as one of the world's. Top Sevens Intelligent Com munIties of the Year by the Intelligent Cammuruty For LIm, +wititi, srlecis vibrant digital -age c thee. In zoos. Popular ScienCc listed the region No. a nationally for medical and emergency technology, .ecortd only to San Diego. Spokane scored high thanks to the nuixiber vfhospatals and health care pro - wigs with advanced information iechnol- Ogy and the percentage of emergency vehicles under computer- aided dispatch. - Spokane also scores high in safety A zoo; Forbes online edition ranked Spokane am the fifth-safest U.S. city in terms of rareness of natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, a major benefit for businesseri concerned vital productivity and data storage. • In 2-006 a $75 million, tioO.ntro- squart-lhpt+expansion of they Spokane Convention Center opened downtown, • More than Si eaB niliinii in improve- ments at the Spokane International Airport are taking place- They tncicode a passenger - screening arr;u, new c pons, taxi lanes, a new a.ir•traffic-rottteol tower, a t.ca -frx}t extension cif the main runway, and irraprtave nctits to an existing heavy aircraft maintenance complex- The irnp rovements are scheduled to all Ile own - pl,etg d. by zoro. rpurt sptrke man Todd Woodard bos ti,at darts i$ substantial infrastruc- ttire, and affordable real estate at the air- port and nearby, including y, oca acre z riled "light industrial " —all attractive to hnetnesses whether they need a rna Meat- Ruing plant err speedy access to hieslnese ALASKA AIRLINES 2 HORIZON AIR MAGAzl Ft'tiltiJARw 2 destinations for people and predicts. • Ilusineseee also have many pmdtrcbto- market options via roads and railroads, whirr roadway cnnunuters find relatively smooth travel on east-west Interstate qo and outer routes; the average commute time is 21 tninut IT's Nr-+ WON rIER Spokane has a leo gained the a ttrrition of real estate investors and entre- preneurs. New restaurants, mousing tlev 1. opt - needs, upscale- condos and other pro. ect:s are geeing up to meet demand related to busineaa and residential growth in the county, For example, an Bo -acre urban village called Kendall Yards, past north of downtown, brae a green light from city planners for up to 2.600 apartments, townhouse, and c with 1 million equate feet of space Tax Benefits Owl the past five years. more than 35 companies in greater Spokane have saved more than S5 million while expanding their cperations thanks to tax breaks. Businesses in manufacturing, research and development, and software development can apply for Community Empowerment Zone (CEZ) tax breaks on new equipment, construction and tabor costs related to expansion s or renovations. Busirseases can get tax credits, deferrals and exemptions via the state•governmcnt program, which is designed to encourage Site improvernerits and Job growth. A Community Empowerment Zone Is an area the state d es! goatee as low Income, based on c=ensus Figures. To qualify For the tax incentives, curl must be physi- cally located in a CEZ at hire residents From, a CEZ Spokane has the roost active CEZ program among six in the state. according tt the Washington Departrtl nt or Revenue. Since loot, the 35 -plus companies qualifying for Spokane's program have launched capital Investments totaling more than $76 million, with 1,200 new expansion julaa- 591 of those going to residents °fa CEZ. There are several ways c.ompanies can save money, ineludi sg the Following. rk A company with operations inside the zone can qualify fora businel : and occupa- tion (B &C) tax credit by hiring new employees from the zone. if the business Increases its workforce by at least 45 percen in a year, it can receive a S4.000 Ei&O tax credit for each hired employes from the zone who makes more than Seo,000, Including benefits, or a 52.000 credit for each employee making Sario,000 or len, Inclratfirtg bertiefitx, ea Any company in Spokane Cnunty Cain get a seven -year deferral can sales- and-use tax for bulldrng materials, renovation casts and taxable equipment purchases related to production IF it hires one resident of CEZ For every Sy5o,000 spent- le addition, if the business rnekes the hires and dos the capital investment it proa,iised to do during the seven years, the tax deferral becomes a full tax exemption. lithe company makes fewer hires or does less r_apktal Imrestment than promised, it pairs a portion of the tax, with the amount depending on how close the company carne to meeting its commitment. Hollister -Stier Laboratories and Huntwood Industries are among the Spokane area companies that have benefited from the CEZ tax breaks, Hollister -Stier Laboratories, located within a CEZ, has hired more than aa new employees over the past two years and saved more than Si million through the CEZ program while doing u Sa million warehouse expansion. The company fills vials with its own pharmaceuticals and those of other companies 11 plans to use the tax breaks of an additional Sao million expansion of Its t35,000- square -Coot site, adding 51,o o square feat by early aooS. Hurttwood Industries, located outside a CEZ, gained tax savings by hiring CU rrsi- dents. The major U.S, custom- cabinet manufacturer opened a $51 mllllon, 547,o0-0- square-foot Liberty Lake Factory east of Spokane In January 2006 and hired 20Q new employees Fora total workforce of zoo. On January ;r the Spokane Area Economic Development Council, which has assisted companies with the CEZ process, integrated Into one organization— Greater Spokane Irrearporafed- -with the Spokane Regional Chamber of in a move designed to streamline governance And resources around for regional objectives; business recruitm and expansion, workforce development, public policy and busi- ness support, Spokane's CU program will continue to operate as in the past to benefit Spokane County businesses. —T St sI Washington State University is seeking answers to profound global issues impact. mg human health_ Working with their colleagues in Pullman, 1A'4rtd -Class reSearchers at wslrs Spokane campus are making advances in a variety of health-related fields_ Birth defects. Addictions. Sleep. Crey Belettky, direetcrr of the Sleep and Performance Research Center it WSLi Spokane, studies the relationship between steep and performance in healthy people_ His efforts are heaping our society deal with today's 24/7 world, from war fronts In emergency rooms, As the twenty.firat century unfolds, Washington State University is dedicated to seeking answers---And delivering the economic and social benefits of health - (elated research to the state and the world. www.researchnews.wsu.edu www.spoltane.ww.edu/research Discover. cov e ! . In Hollister -Stier t_aboratoriees, i pharmaceutical company, is increasing its filling line capacity and doubling its lab space as part of a Sao million expansion of its site, intermixed. Envisioned as a plaar for everyone from college students to retirees, Kendall Yards has a design plan that connects it to the nearby Centennial Trail for hiking a nti biking. Since .z too. the Spokane Area Economic Development Council has assisted more than Go bad- nesses with relocation or expan- sion, including 30 from out. side the region and 33 in•area businesses_ Company executives often talk shout Spokane's • Efeltylte advan• tagc.+ says aoo6 EDC President Inn Eliasse'n, who lags crow retired as lie planned with the integration of the EDC and the Spokane Regional Chamber of Commerce_ The new organization. called "Greater Spokane Incorpo tcd," stream. fines business access to resoureeg, £rapport and services_ It is led by Rich Hadley, past preaidcnt and CEO cif the Chamber. " :xectni +es came to my office who had been sent to Spokane by their compel-111 . and so marry times they said, 1'v'e never lived in Spok:.ine before: I never wanted to live here brfore. Now T dun'[ want to lave Spokane; ' Eliassen says. -A lot o( thingvt are going on in our core city and in the county that make fur a very unique lifestyle. People realist' %'1 can he a half hour from the lake, 15 a iniu a from the airport and have all these amenities; There's I combination ()fillings that remake an affordable iifestyie Iaear a vibrant downtown.' Here are 'lust a few examples of thriving businms sectors in Spokane County" Health Care With fotir full - service hospitals, the region hosts the largest concentration ofrtird,ica1 services between Seattle and Salt take City, Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children's Hospital is the second-largest hospital in Washington state. based an number of beds, and is a leader it heart. and kidney - transplant services. It is also a major training facility far robotic heart surges'''. Deacrro+tws Medical Center. Spokane's .next largest hospital, offers a highly . regarded cardiac cane program. New la lc,science technology endeavors have emerged, as well. with more than sots ongoing stud and clinical trials All told. the area has more than t,oca healthcare businesses. powered by awn k- force exceeding a9,000. This sector accounts for t4 percent ofw:zges hi Spo- kane County, with an estimated animal payroll of more than $7,2 ari llkm inland Northwest Health Services is one oldie health- related rotnpanies that consider Spokane a prime location. Ireland operates one a the nation's fat Regional Health Information Organizations: a net work offering }aealth providers instant access to 2.6 millirr medical records (Mtn 38 hospitals. Elect lc files With Al-pedal patient 1D numbers give medical profes- sionals instant and current inferrn.at art, a plus when a patient goes from a rural to a City facility for advanced treatment, or for +srneargrncy -mom visit.£, Premera (Slue Cross is another earnµ ny that v:tlties Spokane's economic climate. In zoo, it renaera Lhosfe Spokane for Su. mil EMI, a35,o squa re - foot expansion — crrating ajc new 'lr tis —ice house core caper - at inns such as membership and billing, claims procession Anil customer FierVicr. Last year. a pharmaceutical company, FEZIRUARY 2007 ALASItA AIRLINES 8 HORIZON MR MAr,AZiNf • 22 t.LTXUR1 I It ?SI ti Ciat►vt waterfront community. 1.akcCoeur d'Alene IVATERI'RONT 1 IVI 2G. Londommlutii, and home. 1 ak t :i1<tlr d'Alene A DEVELOPMENT COMPANY k sic Creating Vision. Developing Dreams. Building A Legacy. lilt Club at Black Rock. .Award - winning golf community. Majestic Lake Coeur d Mene. • 77 ACRES WA'11 El-RUN T 1.1\ An urban mued -use dr.rtupnte t 1 klwntuwn Spokane RI.AC K ROCK DEV ELOPMENT.COMI 1 888989.7625 ( 208.676.8696 110%11 AN!) I It I1111-.S1 I Is Safer ptuuwd:ummunny. LN>'cttv 1..ilke cr Oland- e horror Rxpnl I. do.grwd•q melded r. .MI dad 'Gan Ww .al mod is Woo nyt.v on /llama ta,1«dow,d N ' u !os oodyud did oNt w .. «Yvel II No} nt II l l IIIp t1U.. +d u. eRa.441 w � y dodo pedaluNd lrr Imo � IV . ow w� 946•141 N amino JnuM 1N Iw •nki A pima N odmoo�, rrvl nNMhn►ah Is ntin m dIo lnpow tl n.prNNu Ana ;Ater b addd4.a dada** +wuM cidnip. s .d.. At. AIgM Mt. 111.• h. 111101 YI IIN d...IIl11M i1 5. sillos wldl.nd NAIu Hollister -Stier Laboratories, announced a S5o aulhfln ,nipansiors of its 155,O04• square foot Spokane site. adding 5i,000 square feet to double bb spate, build office5 and increase its filling "line capac- ity. Hollister -Stier produces us own allergy -shot product line and also con - tracts with pharmaceutical mss-- -from startups to giants—to sterilely all liquid pharmaceuticals into vials, Last year it also added 7o employees to a be of 35o work- ers and purchased 6.5 :lt re of adjacent space for future growth. Education The are'a's K12 education system, wiili nearly 3a scihool districts, is considered .among the best its the State. Indeed, Spa.. ka.ne can by slain to being one of the brainiest metro areas in the C. The U.S. Census" sots Arnerican Community Survey report showed that more than ys percent of county residents age a5 -plus have a high school degree or higher— compared with Si pei.-eat nationally. In addition, approximattIL';soot, college degrees —from associate to doctorate —are awarded in Spokane County each year. Eighteen area higher - education institu- tions make it easy for students to pursue advanced degrees. and the state's secnnd- lalt set Crtrrnuunity- -+:ill ,e system offers tone than a3o lechnical programs and degrees, frritn hinmedictl classes to manu- facturing-technology coLtrses. "Another thin ; that is galvanizing national interest in Spokane is the devel• oprnent ofhtgher• education via the Uni- versity District." says Eliasrren frorn thr F. DC_ "It mikes for all binds acclimation, training and research right here. which is powerful.' The downtown University District . includes campuses andiot programs for Washington State University Spokane, Eastern Washington University. Ggrizaga University and Community Collect of Spokane. And last year WSU opened a Sleep and Performance Research Lab, one amity four such labs in the country. The school so has an aware - winning Design Institute, which fades oil ,tents design and slastainability, and a Daylighling Design tab, which helps designers u&e dayli effectively. WSU is also focusing on commercial- izing its research—in areas ranging from ttanamaterials to computational model- ing—and and !bat activity 15 expected to lead to even more companies setting up Shop we slave two options) ir Expanding or Relocating? AIRPORT AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK SPACE Unite pcalr crifporsilif tilintrY. WIMP IitrWidrni- 1410r act and Lb Oping. Si ti+in v ciluw7 a sealed to wri, Est ari.I Irurrlri . +vr ciisrsil IrI mittiry moist& _ "_ u � nion. ,I I.0•1Ata7 a1Pd drri r'An al In SEpVJL ES 560.0-0.611FillthtiN1170,1011. mitt tl,m 09110, l.r li1gIIJ f4111%11161111EJTOri • 1 alit W 1ptit i71 JtL cutler inch. i r.rrrpe iitran stn kir ITtrdurttly J!tCk4L1bI R /Yhp7tl crov v Teri, trail port Write IIt®rnIrruillr; r.1lw W Eel eet f aclIi J Le isn lt.osanke (509) 455-6411 Uttal iherczGrntAiOion a L71rtoii,utA 41irrl1 Gx,rpory4 eilj tti- Wel.t1J'pet fr. frtir. 441 10111 pritn'io r r asi i,TLAretr,r'r titfl ti do , -m i. , . A C C E S S ■ 11mmodl r zcar Stu I al :rat at10 t s ant nrrepumtea O wars n !w7cdiwtr(arl5talUt IR.th �j C r4L Es an+ti urpgdion tnr-ir JueAttorl1 L I tit oThoorisasttldh pt ha" SO 'thre I4gklnr7l pate , ikfie1 t1.0igri Llrllnei 510 in the area, along with residential growth. Developers are already renovating ware - houses and industrial spates to create con- dos and apartnierits_ Additionally, if stale legislators support funding taxis spring, University of Wash- ington first-year medical and dental school classes will begin in fall 1008 at the River. paint Campus, which is already home t&► WSW Spokane 35 well as some EW LT programs-. Spokane wouid join fasst.yetxr teaching sites under the umbrella ofWWAMI (an acronym for the program's states: Wash - ington. Wyoming. Alaska, Montana and Idaho), which allows ao University of Win nmrdiraT stixderlts to do fr rst- year stud Ies outside Seattle before joining classmates in Seattle their second year. WSU Spokane is partnering with the University of Washington on the program, and WSU Spokane faculty will be teaching many of the first -gear classes_ The Spokane area already serves a a clinical training site for LIW third• and fourth-year medical students. Rivrrpolnt also is part of the 1iional IT t tiVeS in Dental Education prrogrlrn. in which eight students study a Fist -}ear UW dental curriculum drat complements E'q6 U "s dental- hygiene program_ In addl. thin, second- and fourth -year dental stu- dents use the Spokane area as a clinical training site. h+l nufactu /Tech gy Manufacturing and technology have long been economic backbones hem, Mort than 5Olc manufacturing hairs, with total work - farm exceeding tg.500. create products ranging from ruggedwir+eless laptops to airplane floor panels_ Here are jusi a few cxmple s of that sitanufacturing and technology success: • 1tronix. General Dynamioi company that builds rugged wireless computing systems —f mn laptops and hand' lieu to tablet PCs - sett by mobile workers In military, utilities. transportation and other areas, ha ,about 400 workers its Spokane_ In zoo6. it expo n+dted into a S9.5 million, io7Moo- squa -foot site, • World Wide Packet, which ranked Nu, it in Delnittie's 2006 Pacific Northwest Technology Fast 5o. makes broadband networking devices. Started in 2000. it has had 552 percent rtnrenue growth over the past five years and employs i25. • atria epic.. a company rated No. ag by. Delouse, snakes metering and daLa.collec- t#rrn software and hardware_ and systems for global. energy and water inck tries. FEBRUARY 2n7 A LASkA AIRLINES a HORIZON AIR MAGAZINES i Ira nix- -which buIids rued wireless computing systems for military and business case — expanded last year Grim a S*a,5 million, io7,00.o.souarefoot site. With about 45c employees in Washington state, ttron moved this fall into a zoo,rJ Square-foot building and reported Five-year sales growth of 145 percent. Purcell system's, founded In s000, ranked No. 319 on the aoo6 inc. list of 5co fastest - grooving private companies. it had sales growth of 425 percent over the past three years. Purcell 11.12nuf i tures outdoor cabinets to house and to power network limes hoof wingers equipment for telecom carriers. • PCO tut., started in i999. ranked No. 48.11. on the 2.006 Inc, fist. It makes indust}iltl and residential security equip - ment emphasizing digital video - surveil. lance products. The company had three. year sales growth of 3o 9.6 percent and reported revenues of 52,11,1 million during the period. Hamtwood Indus-tnes, a leading U,S. custom - cabinet rnaniafacturer that began In 1985, opened .a S50 million 547,000• square -foot factory in Liberty Lake early last year, * Kalier AlurrYiunu.nr landed major contracts in 2006 and plans 2 SrQfj million expansion at its Spokane Valley plant as part of supplying Airbus and Boeing. Kaiser also serves as a leading producer of fabricated aluminum products for aerospace, general engineering, auto. motive arid custom industrial applications. To ensure lcarig success, Spokane area manufacturers are focused on con. tinuaus improvement, For i]35tazice, in aQC15, Mare than 1S manufacturers forged the inland Northwest Lean Management Consortium to improve efficiency of then processes and its improve training programs. The consortium has since grown to represent many industrial sectors, includ- ing durable goods, technology, food prof ceasing banking, and general merchandise distributing. Aerospace Nearly 5o companies and instiitutions throughout greater Spokane and into Idaho provide products and services to the globat aerospace industry, thereby contributing an estimated S43 million in annual average wage impact to Spokane County, along with providing SMITE T,200 jails. Rocket Engineering Corporation — which has 46 employees and specializes in replacing existing piston engines with more - efficient and more-reliable turbine engines—is among the notable companies tl3is field. along with Kaiser Alnrmnum. Goodrich Corporation and !SR. Various aerospace businesses are par. ticipating in a 33-cornpany inland North West Aerospace Consortium that started last spring with the goal of expanding Spokane's role in manufacturing aero- space materials and parts. In November. the consortium received a $5 &, ,o state gram to do :a sturdy to determine pow the area can beet me a "center of excellerue in the aerospace industry. One member, Triumph Composite Systems Inc., which has 45o employees, snakes the composite floors that airplane passengers walk on, the ducting that pro- vides passenger and equipment ventila- tion, and a variety of flight deck parts and systems. Triumph Composite Systems' 394,000- square -foot complex supplies the compa- ny's products to Busing, Airbus and other aerospace businesses, The company won ,a contract last year to provide the floor•panel system for the Bor_iug 787 Prearnllner, art award estimated at 549 million. THe }EmigH ° N t?.fT�NCk}Aic K'tTifra: 1-Es — hoin excellent infrastructure to tax incentives, from qualified workers to leer casts of doing business create a recipe for bust. nerd success, says plfassen from the EDC. 'We've continued to see economic growth from the west Plains to the Idaho border. it is relatively easy for businesses to find a well- trained workforce here and have access to anywhere in the United States by air, road and rail." Those I--trengths are complemented by rairtstanding quality oflife, including lower housing costs, shorter commute times and eat access to diverse recreation, he says "We also are seeing more younger pen pie looking to Spokane as the place they want to raise a family, and those who ¢roved away looking for ways to corm back. We're sea connected to mountains, lakes and recreation that people want to live and work here." s Trevo Clad is a Spokane writer, Alaska Airlines (Sori-AL4Si . il.R, o,askooincriiM) rand Horizon Air f800- 547 -9308, horizanair.caornnly daily da Sp rail . For sure *Irritation an doingbc+liriifss ins Spokane, Garitact Greater Spokane Incorporated. eats wtvu^, greaterspokarreiracerporriifd .org. ALASKA AIRLINES S HORIZON AIR MAGAZINES FERRtJARY 2007 517 By Linda Hagen Miller month who is afraid ofheights, was not buying my claim that a gondola ride so to 7o feet antra•• the Spokane River is a num Ibr every Spokane visitor, Most, Dad and 1 had spent the afternoon at Riverfrrrnr Park. where we'd whirled round on the t9o9 Lr►off Carousel, walked flower -edged paths, taken In an MAX I shoe, and stood on a suspen- sion bridge to enjoy the spray from thundering Spokane Falls. Mom was ready to call it a day. When she did finally agree to the sky ride. it vaasn't my safety assurances ur tray dad's cajoling that swayed her. It was aesthetics. When we left the suspension bridge and rounded the corner to the Spokane Falls Skyrlde,, Mom took one look at the liln- painted alumi- nurn•and•glass bubbles cabling over the river and declared them just too cute to be risk }. The ga dola Skyride —which opened in 1005 aft r replacing a gondola ride that had been created for the 1974 World's Fair —is lust one of the many Spokane attractions that delight nesiden and visI tors. In fact, it was the area's abundance and quality of recreation ion that drew my family here. Teri years ago. my husband, Bob. daughter Leah and 1 stopped in Spo- kane as part of a road trip to determine our next zip code, Our dream. -town check- list wasn't very long] We wanted four dis- tinct seasons, lots of outdoor recreation, good schools. a lively downtown and affordable housing. Spokane delivered on Very count. The city's claims to ref reatiis :Gal fame were impressive—there are 7G lakes and d golf couraew within an hour's drive, several ski resorts within rwe hours. hun- dreds of Inilez of hiking and biking trail,+a, and excellent river rafting (complete with tasting oflocal winesi —boat we found that the written information didn't do justice to the beauty and variety of reality_ It w;isri long after our move that my daughter asked why we didn't have a la kr cabin like everybody else—living in Spa - 11..a ne seemed to automatically confer the deed to lake property_ While we haven't nought a waterfront cabin. we skip from ALASKA AIR LFNES 1 HORIZON AIR MAGAZINES FEBRUARY xCJt]7 Left: Rafters enjoy a trip dowel the Spokane RAM! with Pangaea ftiwrer Rafting. which Pm/ nches whitewater, . fiatwater, bird—watching and wine-float trips it minutes from downtown Spokane_ Below: A diem bet scales the granite Minneh .ha Crud:wig Rocks St# The Suits P r- SPOKAN Near Near nature. Near'wrtcL t. Sh4 Stiles tridraoitt tail' flPFFr1Rtage FQ yak, Anthony D. Bon4rrr.ino, Ph.D. Oil ttI thrr is itr 14ttx.). Ira ,i '11 Jan Rithairds011 lal .:irrd.t +nt' �tfr tl'vo fC.Nrarr4a Heidi Strintey Tani Frit/ roo CIO reJirly xd4 tt�,J! �Jl ll7ii hPrIRIn[5t Jleuifi1 )140. SPOKANE REGIONAL CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Their Pursuits 800.662.0084 Ids easy to see why people who visit often opt to make Spokane their home. If you'd Like to vkit Spokane. whether you re planning a family vacation, business meeting or convention, rd like to extend my personal offer m help. Please feet free to catt me directly We'd be happy to slow you ground! Harry Stadich, President & CEO Spokane Regional CV8 : 509.742.9370 www.visitspokatle.rom 800.662.0084 SPOKANE Nvr.ir r :.alsirv. Nvilr r pv rfvtt. SPOKANE REGIONAL CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU They came. They saw. They stayed. • Stu Stiles Pretidarrt 1 CEO, Advantage IQ. Inc.., wwsw.advantageiq.corn Stu Stiles enthusiastically responds when recalling his first impression of Spokane. - I thought... what a mat plane to raise my family, We Fell In love with the skiing, camping, golfing .., the rot:r season's and all the sunshine. The quality of life was exciting for our family.' At the same time, Stu runs Advantage IQ, a btasirress providing enear,y and telecom tt st saving solutions to Fortune 500 campanie . `Large argerriratans tie to work with companies who add value and with people they trust," says Stiles. "Ma Spokane teem censisttrlttyr delivers on both ar:c+aurrts.." Anthony D. Bonanrino, Ph.D. ?resident, CEO, Hollleter -Stier Laboratories LLC, www.hollistrit- stier.com 'I you Wye the outrioors - -- this place is paradise - ' The truth ecr:oulirug W Anthony Bonanrino, EEO, golfer, rnotorcc tole racer. "Yoga don't have the crush of people in Spokane,` says 'Tony, "i car, leave my office at 6 :0Opm, be on the golf course by 6;15prn and play until dark, People travel four or six hours from all over the region to race at the frank 15 rrrirrutes Frosty my house' As the leader 1 f a company Focused in health and quality of tier;. ""1 have never worked with a group of peotale poseassir4 a greater positive work ethic than right herein Spokane.' Jan Richardson President. Jaguar /land ReverJVclvo 5poleane. exww.jtvspak i.ne.cornr "it was the right time to start a business. in Spakare..," says Jan Rls<liardte , Dallas transplant end owner of Spokane's exclusive Jaguar /Land Rover/Vratvo dealership, 'and I simply wasn't willing to do It anywhere I didn't want to Live, Spokane, no matter what time of year it is, has something for evvrftrne. My son and rrry nephew both work with me here. This tammt.nity feels Like a hometown shouldo.. a place where you can spend your day running your business amid at the end of it still get out and enjoy the abundance of the ou ld€aor}_" Heidi Stanley •� [00 & Vire Chairman, Sterling Savings Wank. www.sterlingsavingsbank.com For Heidi 5tantey, COO of Sterling Savings Bank, there's no place tike home. 1 gam' up sewer the ceruntry. Even now, I travel guinea bit, and its always so good to clause back here," Stanley !loves Spokane's four distinct seasu4ts. "Whatever you love to der in t great outdoors, you can do it here... golf, garden, ski... you don't have to go somewhere else to do it' And, says Stanley, that easy lifestyle paw off wilco she's recruiting employees from across the utiontry "All you have to do is ghat them here so they tar experience Spokane first hand, Then it's an easy sell.' Tom Fritz CEO Inland Northwest Health Services, www.inhs.org We live in a vacation destinattian, dean air, ae,11' water, abundant wildtlfe, great fishing" are Just the kind of assets Tom Fritz rites AI the keys that melee Spokane an extraordinary place to visit. live, and work, "'This . community stwpports a level of cn1h boratinn and sharing of assets that quite simply does not exist in other cornrnurrities," says Fritz. An avid golfer, fly fisherman and family mare, Tom treads one of the Norte werts venom healthcare companies, Ahovc: Purple aerial gondolrt CarS give visitors a grand view of yy.tiuot Spokane Falls at the iglu Mon roc Street IFIridge.. Ole of the aminteets for the bridge. was Kirtland CsitIel, who 4110 d csicned 5pnhtsii's Dtvrrrpoil Hotel. Mallow. Scenic Mount Spokane Is one of the many a st:ellen! tikl areas located near Spokane, ALAS1U■ AlitLINES I, rlak!ZQN A!A MAGAZINES Ft`Fitltj,4 7001 lake co lake depending on wl l we feel like rniri, Trrna[ or perch fishing? I can't get my hr hand to :top rattling gffhla favorites, from Rock Lakr to Deep Laker to Coffer Pot Drainage and mote. People watching? College kids. local families arsd scum of tourists .rill the beach at Lake Coeur d'Alene_ [liking, crow- country skiing and tee- skiIrng? All are available at tucked. awry Slrrnl lake, Weekend esealles? Idaho's lightly developed Priest or Pend Oreille.. House .snug? Long and lazy bike Roosevelt. They're all within two hours of our hone. Arid renowned Hells Cattytlet —nrie of the deepest river gorges 1r1 North Artrrrica —l9 Nett two hours to the smut h. and offers great whitewater boating. witdltle vievsring r and Native and pioneer histrlt sites. Parks Ike In rinser In home are the arras justly raMMus packs, For itartance Riverside State Park gtvrs sus more than to,rois acres of open space in witir:lr to roan, to picnic. to Sop an Q bench with a book or to rut F'ido through the trys. If 1Cro -acre Rie rfront Park 15 Spokane's Mont- apprr;rs- d tarban green .spats, River. Fide State Park is itx "wild thaazg,' This is where we take ra mhstricticaus wee ono. h iteriergy morass and our alpha frith - wperiertce miles of hiking and talking IrdrIR When we stared on the park's 193oS. era swinging bridge. 1 challenge each 'visitor to find the Bowl and pusher forma- tion in the massive basalt mond iths at S17 CEDAQIIVR.LEN ( n1rrx r . Nr4ri t1Nr New Craftsman & Bungalow homes in Sandpoint, Idaho "The West's Best Small Town " u, r S rva amath= Comprehensive Green }Building nap, anti � Ctirr�trie� 1 lFi( .1ittlrl NJiitn Irlt,tr �v9,1i4�rt.lP Prices start in the S29O's • y 1f,rPlllln, rxr ( rRrr/xz www.CedarGreenHomes.com For more details call Kyler wolf T208165-5695 Tnarallrartit &sr) JrJQ Mir S;rcr Slrldp itni td.iri 1.888•.3 5 5252 . , d $111 i ( I c ntres : "f if: 11 ' r',5.6 M a�f ',�trrrsr i �r'i r1 of it airr arry eaten YJ ..5 - enr ,pier nos- lilted rl'rtil fitei !dire fnq r'ttrr,s .literal' 11 "r"Ll flier , Irlfit•rtt rrrt•4trid_tuni •1 i +rt err ilJ�tf /0.1a) rt ri^4•r•a t' alf err, lr ttoir000mi �+uC+;r't " r trsl,',,vt, I 41111:ta r 4l in a - .11ortilit ruLlr INTO for ti i url4 rt ', Wilh11inut1 I:ahs!'t} I.rtis ' 1-ii I1lIruj, 111 r.1 + ^isitrarr a +jrat4 L %FM-> 14'114'4 1 .t',rrt }• I rid lcss lr'tru.iltr.u%, rtiWtlwri'tr7tly 1 14-1 00614 >rltt>pprni , 111141 lird.rri Ono: ahru clplrt o 111 ,rrll h+s - rt rw i liitol411 intt,!: r4i 'iir;teem e 4rlrf1r11.rflit., volt +tilt 1 rPi Ic V14111'J 1141 MI 'litany ra Ili I a4`x x'ura] 111 .arty s. 41 le 4:141I111j t 4t4011 I.ltl44 iitirnc_ 1."14 .al" l..itrcrrlt I Dal ', • r :1 l tt111,114 1,1 1 11414e 1 IfhLrt'4 1,111 I.% ,"l ■+ 1$ 09l •ti711l� wa�v.lit;l14'lp;w�,1at;,i I he river's edge:, {Truth be mld, 1 still can't nlvi it.) Another favorite green one is the South Hirl area's Manitcr Parka 90-acre gem chat benefited from the tectanunenda. lions of the Olmsted Brothers, a firm led by the earn and stepson of Frederick O4an- sted. resigner or Nfelit,. York's Central Parts. The brothers, who were fattndtrig rrien"!- lwr4 of the American Society of Landscape A1r}iite e is. visited Spokane in 1913_ Thanks to their ill put, the park retained nai elernerrt3 s>rwh as plants, ruck fstr- liatiran. ,. pseuds and hills but also includi play strum Itrrs and &weet'pin:g grass lawns: In addition, it has wonderful and diverse gardens. If we're feeling refined ., nil orderly, we w•arale the park's Frerich Renaissance- 5131e Duncan Carden. If we're contemplative, the NishinotaJya lap wiles..? Garden is a no-pa_ sperrt- required ticket to Zrtr tranquility. The Rose Garden and Lilac Garden, are appealingly ,r man - tic, while I get planting ideas for my borne at the Perennial Garden, and on a r hill} day, the steamy Gainer Conservatory' Iraws rile lit like a tropical rainforest, Sivty-livracre Finch Arboretum, less than Five miles west of downtown, Is awash to shades of green in Nixing and summer, they ear i fail, oran and gold shoulder their wayinto the I irneiight- T'errnitr:rll National Wildlife Refuge, r111,, 11r1111 r ° ity center:, is a bird- tat1'.Iter's nirvana, More than 50,oiao featl#Crt* friends call it !rnrnr or migrate through annually. kk'Iten trey new - teenage daughter was little, we ratade seauorial pi Igi - imagrt; to Grre'rl Bluf, a collection of frtsnil} f at titr fool of Mount Spokane, 1 have perfect rnemorieli and treasured photos Dios pick- ing flats of ruhry'•red strawberries, reach 1110 for uic - apples and poking through puiiipkirl parches in search of potential Fork- ,a'.]antern& TI -Ir- H rn'4n Tre Fgrtn, a recent addrtlnn to the mix, offers frozen. home- made meals for sale and gives us a reason to visit Great HI fFrduriaig the brurgal "asset, Stephanie and Davide Trerni craft an authentic Malian soup lima& with ems. eta/ales berm their faun and other Green Blufflkrrnsa, pa,;r Names andpatenta— plerfcct wi nter aural,; 1u era}oy home o`,ir.r n bottle of Spokane wine_ r:onwenierttly" pur€hused At nearby Teown:them/ Cellar_ Snow Motion GUT favorite winter activity, however. is skiing Thanks to the fairly predictable anr •fall that roars the surrounding Set- FEBRUARY .71507 ALASrtA AI RLu'lPS # HORIZON AIR MAGAZfti°5 kirk and Bitterroot ranges with an average of joo inches a year. we can skip from ski hill to ski hill all seawnn, The three of u'. learned to downhill at Mount Spokane. Tess than an hour northeast of Spokane. and so popular with locals that we're apt to ski down a nrn with a sign at the top that notes rt's "sponsored" by our dentist or accountant. Vista I louse, a 1934 former fire lookout, is tucked on the backside of the mountaintop, and welcomes gtarst% with snacks and hot drinks. 49 Degrees North. about an hour north of Spokane, has the long, steep runs we needed to bring our skills up a notch. Apparently, the sisters from Spokane's Mount St. Michael parish agree. More than once we've seen them nn the slopes, maneuvering their turns in full-length. bright-blue habits It gives the phrase "Go with God" a whole new meaning. Since Spokane Is a mere so- minute drive from Idaho, we quite naturally call two Idaho ski resorts "local.' Silver Moran- tam Rrsort, an hour east of Spokane, has cnntr a long way from its !Humble begin- nings as Jackass Mountain. Today an alpine village and luxury condos: have been added at the mountain's base. and a high- speed gondola whisks skiers and ndrrs to the top. And then there's Schweitzer Mountain to the north. The couple sitting next to us on the high-speed quad might as easily be from Phoenix as from Spokane. All airs are drawn to the mountain above Lake Pend Oreille by its range of thrilling ski and snowbo.ud options. Trails Mix Glonous snow hangs around our moon- tatns till March or April. after which Bob and 1 are ready to stow the ski gear. pull the bicycles out of the shed and start pedaling. Trails range frorn urban to wil drrness. paved to gravel, flat to st,rratning- radical. On the fro-mile Centennial Trail I;^ miles are in Washington. as in North Idaho) we've cycled alongside the Spokane River. through neighborhoods. through state and city parks, past a university. past a shopping mull arid past the Minnehaha Climbing Rocks in the city of Spokane Valley, where we've also been tempted by the aroma of Krispy Krrmr doughnuts. We've seen coyotes. rabbits, hawks. mar mots, deer and route than one slithering garter shake. There air no urban distractions on the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes, which we access Just 45 miles south of Spokane, and we've spotted moose. marmots and otters ALASKA AIRLINES A HORIZON AIR MAGAZINES rrBRUARV Too; 1 McEue, Terrace Condominiums. Coeur d'r lone. Mahn I — .•1/w Hollywood and Vine W Hotel and Residential Towers. 1 Hollywood California 0C1 Englneen isa leaching -edge .0 /sutural and civil engineering firm providing some of the most cost efficient engineering developed today. The trademarks of aut services are respanslver►ess.Innovation and value Voted Top t3 Vest Structural f ngqneenng frmrs to Work ion, 2006. by Strutttpuf Engineer MapoPPnc DCI•ENGINEERS 1 \ ,\t A I () ( tr \' 1 tt \ rt 1 •: t' 1 1S11 A STR1 ( - T1 R %I I'r71YFFK1 Phone 888.433.8130 www.du cnglneers.com Serving the United States and Canada frorn Five Regional Offices with Headquarters in Seattle AmrrruurWe t Bank Holiday. Spokane Washington tteranhtYAthle tt. , :eras_ . Spokan. Washington Eighth and Virginia Office Seatttc. Washington 11♦ S3NI2' tpin►aulj uE e1Zuiddts auPytn 11141 !IV 'uobtgatqump artx,r [mow] sApa{ otoatiern satir.I aq"i it pir.,nV tia.na 'ltufei 2 T1 — II P N A-alCe,'t rtgtunIQD oz snj— panganao InA 11111 tss �ugt:ug - 1sre Irarroh 4Tgta0u. s¢J u -radar pun a4Zlett atlt tn a]eyb Suptiprud trta� tunii oar! i; 1 4trt sr 1Huplurs ia,ur. tuptis Uoddu.s dgaI[ imp statruite premn aluaala sauauTJA 11 5,2 MIS ralslx�i Ei pin torarartOri sr vas sio ,Iu 471101 nl 1.D. llr_IVI pure - IsaaiAotine Ka girls 9zrratlltlsilquIga p, rr-rauxt luau 7117 ?s 3LITP4 Httl,t[110 gnat/ nozi .stogel ,so art tit n Jvp, l" iKt atp s{aqua reel • eq . uogriodod part isis{d0s 1,11EM 4itii1p11pii1d Lwow p g 41,1141 ai1r ,neq )rare tf[tl tsl,'Cit-i,U - UlN a ottgtuol rind uaatm. ` iC? co Suipm .patrrrttlstieio Chpuatieru ar! pure) d1 }II3 iao Ira 97,k4OJaaitT.J1t t{ aim £1aurtl in ° pig 's r n 4 m : a r Cut1,b4 sadt}l ally Priduri Arai ?/ , lggli a�iratsalZir. par gngli -i tiaxt.411 ziaoH ' e[lriA vfivit '4a1I A r>:rrilrA zip al spixklulA :rtii v1 l rtrlotr11d aleop. 11115111(11j lgau444 s,imprrasr?rIJ.6 print atnraio ruieisdoalu3, - au ,gads u,wtxt -rtmop at dai{c;aut —!°ui . o Last +Io vonv u r to d sAr „ ` puma" Tani s,ai;3tt1 aa?y +i:csia fiUIQ ! Si A.] iRnptzi arrtm at4L. ilaiz$a 9a {11s' - �ttrigczd stttuawrlu dis pue 111 o aggis d n .42p04. y�4 " *ars4laa.a1 p1.nr1S i P Ju un'3s£'ailirr1,os f aq5?Xgrlsa pm' 6,11131,Elitylgeti 111011 Rau vri parajjo aaetg tllEICri rat-Awed s.ztrJA 1 aLinladg .{ panorliuroi it tptinj ponnaii e `em iJ° lie IT Etlt11d11T "sauiotd tro n1z plans przn a' urs lei8- aarlltzg >? Act paw Fred pug •s:a$praq l iiirt passed (Bra p.a.t stst ra 9iai plan Fuse sprlp'sAi dso 'Fut) lag as }1q lear2 paid® Ram `ucl°u.tagl }s }1 1r' p1]a 4tgy 613 •Ualloatrrult10 Aip VilraJ deleke tuf(pped azkph am •fl! Ala}es atu, klrolxral.g pur 'out auop }O I rtui{ ue }inq ttttlzgen pue "ui-lrid ails 1,-4 uannrrinnc}p utraj , tip 41 sal.nmw 01 Lirm 5T01 lvai}}aeati r 111 drt par gis 1 •drzl l .atotit sit panp anti tuii em ;wall trail .UZ.j Ettisti 1I 9 'aartauzris }ms[ LIB to pat} a tertve afs.gu Ri ' LA 011p11 11 Rai sct ;aim arJerr3, alp api ±t qn ao •z#lq Foie Strl fl Li loads 44,1 aur 11E soa Sugsej zum pule lugie i#UW?) iaia g1in%tz.tarp piela4.11 ilogro rapt 1,x1 ra,i a eq 1 le41 SU!UUr.45 na s i.s?L pair stisoi hrlluiru woos - ol "rda:tu] `saltr7 Wad 'a al sat.u>anid woo} riij 1 trtrot.i 421rlttst4i gait us f gotliu)1,o ungrp lirtldsr rot eq ga+r•al 11luit.04•iiri at{J •4}110]1 azp 8130[e VVYW iiiv NOI1aJOa•1 1 i3N1 T IY V)IW,Vr V tttoe Ativrl sd11lz1r[ai elak 1 slItlw 1 1-1" 1,•., ! NLISVI 4 iti 33 N i 9 N NVVWOD a.1 - "Dion of [Ott la tall 111411 lir11.40•) 411+4lli 44141441i111,1411 aIlwourI11I it iii ihni.It' • nug.W ill «iI j -4 • iriaruattruri%itortatro•ttol tui'J • ia%#I q aiuidtj a a,),1.1,I • u lid 1a.il +n l an! 1.111 'X+ iq *rUb mu1i4 cigo ainl =u11 • Ill 1;fL t lu d a lly • 1et1 4i nul • *111)11111,) .triilrrriiirtpnJIioup • sp414r.1i%, 1% 4 1 1 0 `ill 1 X1 ti ,111 I rr 31l.i1zul ° .I r*. • 11011111,' 11111011,1•0 a U1110111•111111 ! • ii•y•aaul7iuI 11— D • :>ta* iiuuouri Sillya111414e%+t ".111114114,t4; 41111114111li111,1 1i„� tlElr „r .. I141111,, 411 1 V i i )11, + : i r 1 1 4Il 1 • ■ 'e 611)9413431 • • • puaitaq pup. uotSik* xsahm431ON 44J Jo) Suwu>fl 43j•15i1I ill 11WICIY1 4 r 1 +. 11 t ,L 1 1 .1 [) Z ') - mkt ARV 9 :p.4110,11 n • [ /J��i a111 13A 13A p isoq �u1r+a 11 s I` a 1, syyz -M ?1A 'riewoud:sloo s S5a111SfO ]. Vif O Fi. l e/ o wo nz.ktelAt ].Ila4 i ',rtt^1 kwW 1r k t 4 : 9 1 LYN7I1IF, f a l t 1 1 4 i 1 e 1 N 11 10k1 ti'1 J auI innayotli'suaialaasii+ bli ilJeW a 4 sti111ri1gW 5110 ,,rr1vempir,etti an1111a6 eipa rrgieaa leim old t�IW !1lEf Lug IUUsid xumri Yui III 1 5v04 9 VptY i• SIAN uoss8ja 6uruia t • * &rr{rrrow Ape ;. sprig xiaaJQ- mad ig i i auojzs.rira1rry • sofriiA g ul yg o1oitfwii UP3 slualaing • dAW = Vg W LFDVZNOD JCHM ors 1 1 Signature Events Athletes from around the world come to Spokane to compete in two "biggest -In -the world" events. which also attract hundreds of spectators from across the globe * Bloomsday. the longest timed footrace In the world, goes from seri. ous to silly thanks to Its 50,000 or so participants. Locals content to walk the tzK dress up in goofy cos- tumes, whole athletes from around the region and elite runners from as far away as Kenya dress as tightly as possible. The race takes place the first Sunday In May. www- blooms• dayrun.org, * Downtown Spokane streets close for Hoopfest, the nation's larg- est three.on•three basketball tourna- ment, the last weekend to June. More than 6.000 teams participate each year and include kids as young as third graders. wheelchair athletes, baby boomers and pnmetime hoop- stets from across the country. wow. spukanehoopfest.org. - L.H.M. W Viiwi Ail'1"isttngs 11 Real Estate Companies' o iH IC All \s( )..\ RI \( I\ The Leading Real Estate Company the Markets We Serve: Eastern Washington Spokane, Cheney. Moses lake North Idaho Coeur d'Alene. Sandpoint, Kellogg, Moscow, Lewiston Residential • Commercial New Construction 1 800 - 930 -55178 ALASKA AIRI INES i HORIZON AIR MAGAZINES r{ BRUARY 2QQ7 Spokane's growing culinary sophistica- tion. in less than two years. at least 3o restaurants haw opened downtown and in outlying neighborhoods, with choices including Asian fusion. Pacific Rim. organic and regionally harvested dishes. A sushi restaurant called Raw and a steak. seafood and sushi place named Bluefish are both packed each night with couples and singles. Brand -new Isabella's fills its menu with the freshest of the fresh and plans to harvest veggies from its roof- top garden. Every bun and loaf of bread baked at The Davenport Hotel's Paint Court comes from Shepherd's Grain. a sustainable- awe ulture cooperative based in rural Ilarringtun, about 5o miles west of Spokane. And the folks at Latah Bistro, about five miles south of downtown. are on a first -name bassos with arra farmers who provide the restaurant's fresh fruit. vegetables, organic beef and chicken. in addition. dozens of nightspots swing open their doors for films. musk and live theater at venues that range from cinc- plezrs to funky old playhouses. from the elegant opera house to the multipurpose arena. And by tire end of this year, the Art Deco Fox Theatre will open after a INSTITUTE FoR SYSTEMS MEDICINE Sai million renovation. Wander downtown cm a weekend night and you'll see bustling streets and the meet- arid- mingle crowds jockeying for position at places such as the ultra -cool Bistango Martini Lounge. the Steelhead Bar and Grille, and the elegant Davenport Hotel Peacock Lounge. Great Greens No story about the Spokane lifestyle is complete without a glowing golf report. "Spokane is the best golf value in the coun- try." says resident Btad Moeller, and he should know. ilrad worked for Ping Colf and has played at some of the best courses in the United States. Thirty -three private and municipal courses within to to 3o minutes of down- town offer heavily treed fairways. lush greens, challenging holes and rock-bottom fees. At less than Sao for :8 holeti- -even on Saturday mornings in summer —golf is a real bargain in Spokane. Indian Canyon. for instance. has drawn golfers since it opened in 1935 and is con- sistently listed among the top a5 public co in the United States by Golf Digest. "Generatinns of Spokane families play golf at Indian Carryon.' says Spokane weer ismedlctne. ore "If people were meant to 01, 41 01# fly, they'd have wings." We've all heard the saying. And, it those with ndventumus minds had lett it at ttiat. You wouldn't be soanng through the air right now At the Institute for Systems Medicine. we believe in the power et Adventurous minds to translate novel ideas into pinnnering research and. ultimately. mtu advancements in {satirist care institute for Systems Mediciie Bringing the lab to your fife. 5]I Wiz IpPtofti 4411 • 5 ,1 fllflrrlt I . I tltrtttrt� 4 a; 1bt perfect business getaway! • 24. inducir pool & hnl Ikltl Colmplimeolar r On the Co 4 hot hretkfast * FREE vfirelem high sjxv l Interne' • free Park ti' FIti sl•tw' Visit it at Nor'ir'J impfnrrrini.rtrilt Kalispell, MT Richland, WA Spokane, WA P40F,b 75;•7900 13091 94J -4400 (5109) 747. Fl00 E�Owloo. tY. Ovid NOW YOU CAN FINALLY SAY, 111. SEEN IT AiL.. ANFJ MEAN 11, Ott 1r rare hire satyr thin Soutane is the olocc fu! yttu. Moil froth tl twdet tilling to rrtuurrtlttr tAitintv to beautiful non t hiklrx� wnti„r rjot 11 .I I!, Tlivk the re's Out grewl r° 40 +, utt' prrsgratntand notiortei F r+,rnr+t Eha,t WAIF out yoat rt3wpc1 • ,arc}tincrr. WA We truly are a :Dortli town_ r}oata rfii{ .- wis.arg fea.4f :6.5$12 iU1 ft Limn 2U r native Gail L oeller, She trM +'k lessons there as a youngster arid itrtersd.x to toads her grabikdren how to play golf atthe course 0tiler favorirry, include Meadr Wood. which promise ranugh variety that FO treed to Malt every dub out of your hag, and the Creek at'gunte —a trttagh,, wooded and hilly coo rse with five pniad — that oleanders along Utah Creek_ You can see why Spokane was the place my family decided to settle. It offered everything we wanted. You col ACE Wr4Y Shill ANI was the place my Foully decided to settle. It offered every. Ihitig we wanted. The only thing: we hadn't monied leer wait 010 oeed IND (Isparta our budget for rrcrr°a:lfuf gear, Villas we moved to Spo -kanr. CHIT rlvtticJ.u equipment Waded a modest akisortnieni of hiking,, inking and camping stuff A dude later, we }rave four pairs of snovi• skis, twn road lrtr }°rte, three mountain bikes. two pairs of t11•llrlr akArc, cowgirl clothes, new 11ik. trig txrst_s and river :sntl;l for all. "i'herr.`s lust no end in t Frr- nirtdrxrr L4par we treed round here. S Linda Hagen Mditer EFII y T Wr thin rab4ur the outdoor rra-rxrtt .n rtertr her horns'. Ai'#ako. Airlines ( &ra- 4:tAS! AAJR, aluskauir „r:urrr,I oriel Horizon .4ir (co 5 - 9iQ8, horizon air coot) fly a'atfp rr} Sp krgnr. r3„ tntp 1, Hcn.zon Air ',al lra,r izc:h nc r bet wren Spokane n and Sawmill roto areal add + lu r pct am( between. Spakar tiroa ices Anse.irs., For non infmnarion about Spuk inc- rarest rtcrration, cart the Spokane Regivoul Coteau oft and Vintnrs &Irving ai &SS-SPOKANE or go to www.Vi Spoir 0.11r. rater. t ALASKA AIPt1Nr5 1 MAt.A Na. all day. Hear the Synriphony. Stay all night. Weekend Shop & Stay Packages in Spok Starting at just S259. For a limited time. 're altering Shop & Stay packages right in ttie heart t of Spokane's bustling aril and .h di�tnct Stay one ntgi-it at the [uxorious Davenport Hotel with the new 21 -story tower and you `U rsc a oamrrlirnar tarry bbttFe of wine, tw r tickets to the renowned Sp4a.kane Symphony nd certiltreete to River Park SQurill the finest :and most unique s w pping destination ir, the rrilaruj Nor W �, eat, Ek $50 y,� C early by onilllnQ Tl is Daverrioon fff Hotel and Tower at 1.8 0,f390.1482 POK fsiE V koflesyrnphanny.org Ttivzoi fiJI K 5QWame eiverparituquarri-clorn Ti lr DAVMP RT HOTEL Olaf thodawanparthurtoi.cef i SMALLER SCARS, LESS PAIN. AND SHORTER RECOVERY TIMES. Sore tirnes heart surgery means a Long, painful recrti:ery — and a pretty noticeable scar. But not ahoyays„ Today, there are ether °ptk n s. Tanks in rasa rnt]ntic ter_hnology and spilled physicians who are leadinfi the way, our patients get tack to ttlerr ties and laved ones taster than ever before, Sacred Heart. Advanced care. Far life. vrvorshmC.org I, 5 u a.na., Washington J I5U i 47- HEART There's only one experienced provider of robotic Sacred r -tart Medical Center heart surgery in the region. Its Sacred Heart. a 1 hi _f Mem, 10.iomrsa