Minutes - 05/13/2004.4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11.707 E. Sprague Ave. May 13, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Gothmann called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. U. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. M. ROLL CALL Fred.Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann -Present Bob Blum -Present Ian Robertson - Excused Absent David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle -.Present 1V. APPROVAL, OF AGENDA Commissioner Crosby moved that the May 13, 2004 agenda be approved as presented Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimorssly. 1 V. APPROVAL OF ]VV EWTES It was moved by Commissioner Crosby and seconded by Commissioner Beaulac that the minutes of the April 8, 2004 Planning Cor m&Vion meeting be approved as presented Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Scott Kuhta arranged for Spokane County expert, Stan Miller, to present an overview of the past, present and future of Spokane's watershed at a City Hall noon meeting on April 23rd. Commissioner Kogle attended the meeting and offered copies of her notes to interested Commissioners. Commissioner Kogle attended a TOia Citizens' Advisory Committee meeting on May 3rd. She had nothing; new to report, but encouraged Commissioners to stay after the meeting to view the impressive graphic presentation STA produced for the fight Rail project. A VM. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Ms. Suk-up reported that the City's new Grading Ordinance goes into effect on Friday, May 14th. City Council extended the deadline for selecting community representatives for the Ad Hoc Sign Committee to May 25 h. The Council also voted to work with Spokane County for a permit tracking system. Ms. Sukup will be bringing several new items of business to the Planning Commission in the near future: an amendment to an ordinance regarding Administrative Exceptions and Administrative Variances; and a proposed interim zoning district. DL COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSLN')E;SS: There was no Old Business. B. NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing - Street Vacation Request #STV-01-04. The public hearing was opened at 6:40 p.m. Kevin Snyder, Current Planning Manager, and Sandra Raskell, Assistant Engineer, were introduced to the Commission. Mr. Snyder provided extensive backup (Exhibits 1-10) and a detailed Power Point presentation (Exhibit 12) for this request. STV-0 1-04 is a request by 'Kurt and Mandee Vigessa, 1.420 S-Bettman Road (Parcel No. 35243.1041) and Gene and Lana Balch, 1506 S. Bettman Road (Parcel No. 35243.1014) to vacate a portion of the 15`s Avenue public right-0f--way abutting said parcels. The Vigessa parcel abuts the l 5t° Avenue right-of-w7 on the north and the Balch parcel abuts it on the south. The portion of 1.5 Avenue requested for vacation measures 60 feet wide by 192.5 long for a total area of 11,550 square feet. This street vacation request was originally submitted to Spokane County in December 2002, prior to the City's incorporation, and was transferred by Spokane County to the City of Spokane Valley at time of incorporation on March 31, 2003. The request was placed on hold pending the City's development of street vacation policies and procedures. The Planning Commission publicly thanked the Balch and Vigessa families for their patience in this process. An additional aspect of this street vacation request is the desire of Mr. Vigessa and another neighbor, Clint Weyrauch, to jointly purchase a small area (7,000-8,000 square feet) just west of the area presented in-STV-01- 04. Mr. Snyder provided a highlighted photo of the additional area, along 2 ,1 s with a written note from Mr. Weyrauch confirming his interest in moving forward with a second street vacation (Exhibit 11). The hearing was open to public testimony at 7:05 p.m. Kurt Viaessa,1.420 S. Bettman, Spokane Valley, WA Wished to confirm that he is the legal owner of the small parcel west of his house. In the recent past, his name was not on record as legal owner, and he has taken care of that matter in the past week. The meeting was closed to further public testimony at 7:08 p.m. It was moved that the Planning Commission recommend conditional approval ofSTV-01-04 to City Council, pursuant to the recommended conditions of approval contained on pages 9 and 10 of the May 6, 2004 Staff Report and Recommendation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Crosby. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Carroll stated that he hopes the City can prevent this type of transaction from becoming necessary in the future by not leaving small parcels of land wedged in between vacated areas. Public hearing for STV-01-04 was closed at 7:10 p.m. Public Hearing - Street Vacation Request #STV-02-04. The public hearing was opened at 7:11 p.m. Kevin Snyder and Sandra R.askell continued to present relevant information. Mr. Snyder provided extensive backup (Exhibits 1-7) and a detailed Power Point presentation (Exhibit 8) for this request. S`t'V-02-04 is a complex request in the Valley's Woodland Terrace area This area was platted over 100 years ago, and there have been a number of challenges to developers in the area ever since. Applicants for STV-02-04 include: I) South Terrace Spokane, LLC, c/o Brian Main, 12810 E. Dora Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99216; 2) Rocky Top, LLC, c/o Mike Schuler, 5813 E. Fourth Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99212; 3) Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, 4614 E. 13th Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99202; and 4) Lindsey Construction, Inc., c/o Greg Sti_m, P.O..Box 30792, Spokane, WA 99223. . 3 STV-02-04 is a request to vacate the following approximate public right- of7way dimensions located within the Woodland Terrace Plat: Name of StreetlAlle Width feet Length feet Square Footage of Pro used Vacation Custer Street 60 100 6,000 s.f. Lloyd Street 60 100 6,000 s.f.. 12 Avenue 30 1,525 45,750 s.f. 13 Avenue 60 330 19,800 s.f. Block 2 Public Alley 12 300 3,600 s.f. Block 3 Public.Alle 12 300.. 3,600 s.f. Block 4 Public Alley 12 300 3,600 s.f. M.s.,Raskell verified that the City's Public Works Department doesn't have a problem with vacating 12t' and 13dAvenues in this area. In order to connect them, a bridge would have to be built. The hearing was open to public testimony at 7:32 p.m. John Konen. Storhaue EnEineerine.1322 N. Monroe. Spokane. WA Mr. Konen provided an historical overview of the process used when Woodland Terrace was platted. 100 years ago, there were no criteria for a viable pla. Once a plat got recorded at the County Auditor's office, it was recorded for all time and became "vested". Therefore, neighbors have been working out the land use problems together. STV-02-04 is the result of this type of community effort. Doug Stippleman. 3624 S. Mt. Vernon, formerly of 4713 E.14"'. Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Stippleman, a former resident of this area, encouraged the Planning Commission to approve the staff recommendation and forward the application to the City Council. Time is of the essence with this project, since interest rates and the cost of building materials are both predicted to rise within the nest several months. The meeting was closed to further public testimony at 7:48 p.m. Commissioner Carroll asked Mr. Snyder if 13a' Avenue access would be blocked for property owners who are not named in this application request. Mr. Snyder assured him that access will not be impeded. Commissioner Plum moved that the Planning Commission recommend conditional approval of STV-02-04 to City Council pursuant to the recommended conditions of approval in the May 6, 2004 Staff Report 4 and Recommendation (pages .11-12). Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing for STV-02-04 was closed at 7:55 p.m. The Planning Commission took a short break. The meeting reconvened at 8:04 p.m. Discussion of Comprehensive Plan Housing Chapter Draft. Marina Sukup, Community Development ;Director, introduced 'Heather Kauer, Planning Technician. Ms. Kauer provided much of the research material for this draft. Ms. Sukup presented a detailed Power Point presentation to the Commission regarding the development of a .Housing plan for the new City, in accordance with GMA Statewide Planning Goal #4. There was some discussion of the draft chapter after Ms. Sukup's presentation. Commissioner Gothmann handed her a copy of his proposed changes. Commissioner Kogle praised staff for providing a great deal of useful information. Commissioner Carroll disliked the tone of the draft chapter, which he likened to a social work program, and would like the tone to be more reflective of a City government. There was a spirited discussion regarding the range of governmental obligations to its citizens. Appointment to Ad Hoc Sign Committee Commissioner Crosby submitted an application to serve on this committee. No other Commissioners wished to serve. Commissioner Beaulac moved to nominate Commissioner Crosby to the Ad Hoc Sign Committee. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Carroll Motion paved unanimously. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Before leaving the country, Commissioner Robertson notified Commissioner Gothmann that the July 22nd date tentatively set for the Joint Planning Commission meeting would not work because it conflicts with the Valley Golf Tournament. Commissioners Beaulac and Kogle will not be attending the May 27" Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Gothmann will be unable to attend the Community Meeting scheduled on June 2"4 . XI. AD IOUR AMNr There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. APPROVED: i William H. Gothmann, Chairman SUBMITTED: