Minutes - 03/11/2004Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 11, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL, Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA I Commissioner Beaulac moved that the March II, 2004 agenda be approved as presenter! Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Coin missioncr Beaulac and seconded by Commissioner Kogle that the minutes of the February 26, 2004 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Corrunissioner Gothmann attended the March 2"d City Council meeting. The proposed International Building Code had its second reading and was passed. Chapter I of the Unified Development Code was read for the first time and moved to its second reading. There was also a discussion regarding hours of operation for Adult Entertainment businesses in the Valley. One of the ways this can be handled is to amend the Zoning Code, and if that is done this issue will come before the Planning Commission before Council approval. Conunissioner Crosby had an opportunity to discuss development on the south side of Appleway with a reporter from the Spokesman-Review recently. A recent land use request and public hearing for a lot on the southeast corner of Appleway and Farr was the topic of discussion. 1 Vlll. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Mr. McCormick reminded Commissioners that their next joint meeting with the City Council will be Monday, March 15'h. Dinner will be served at 5:00 in the meeting room upstairs. Commissioners Blum and Carroll will be unable to attend the dinner or meeting. Commissioners Gotlunatin, Robertson, Kogle, Crosby and Beaulac will be in attendance for both the dinner and the meeting. The joint group will discuss a vision statement for the Valley, potential city planning processes (RUDAT and Charrette), and the Comp Plan Citizen Participation element. The next Planning Commission meeting will be held at Redeemer Lutheran Church, the site of the City's first Comp Plan Community Meeting. The Open House will begin at 6:30 p.m., and the formal meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners Gothmann and Beaulac would like to distribute flyers throughout the conumnity before this meeting is held. Mr. McCormick has designed some simple flyers, and will print out a hundred copies to begin with. If the flyer supply diminishes quickly, he will print more as needed. The Rotary Club Public Presentation date was changed to Tucsday, March 23nd at noon. It will be held at the Mirabeau Park Hotel, on the northeast corner of Mission and Sullivan. Commissioners are welcome to attend if their schedules allow. Staff is hoping that more Community Meetings and Public Presentations C~ can be scheduled during the months of April and May. M.r..Kuhta announced that the City of Spokane Valley's new website has been launched. He encouraged Commissioners to browse through it, paying close attention to the Community Development Department pages. The website address is Nv,,Nnv.spokanevalley.org. Commissioners asked Mr. McCormick about the City's choice for the Comp Plan Community Survey. Mr. McCormick explained that the Boise firm provided a competitive bid, a list of good references, and a commitment to the City's budget and timeline for completion of the work. The results of the survey will be made available to the Commission as soon as they are submitted. City Council plans to hold a study session in late April or early May, at which time representatives from the Boise firm will give a brief presentation on the results of the survey. LAC. COMA ISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: There was no Old Business. 2 B. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan Introduction Chapter Draft Mr. McConnick explained that the draft of the Corp Plans first chapter is missing a Community Profile with demographics of the area. He and Intr. Kuhta are working on sorting through the Year 2000 .Census data to complete this section. It was agreed that the entire Comp Plan will need to be edited by a professional for consistency in format and language, so the Commissioners decided that any comments provided at tonight's meeting would relate only to substantive material. Commissioner Gothmann recommended several books which would be helpful to staff in their research of the Valley's history. Ple provided Mr. i%,IcCormick with a copy of his "Vision" which contains the names of several very prominent Spokane Valley settlers whom he believes should be included in the City's introduction. Commissioner Blrun complimented staff on this first draft, he believes it is an excellent overview. Some important business endeavors of a young Spokane Valley were suggested for inclusion in this section of the Comp Plan: export of the "Flearts of Gold" cantaloupe, American Sign & Indicator Corporation, Keytronic, and Maxey's Peed and Seed. It was suggested that historical photos be included in this chapter to enhance the Valley's historical significance. Other draft chapters of the Comp Plan will be discussed by the Planning Commission between now and the end of August. X. FOR THE GOOD Or THE ORDER Mr. McCormick will discuss the change of location for the next Planning Commission meeting with Ms. Sukup and confirm it with Commissioners next week. XC. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debi-)CIley, Admil strative Assistfl William H. Gothmann, Chairman