Minutes - 01/08/2004Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. January 8, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER Ian Robertson, Planning Commission Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. TI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Ill. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum - Present David Crosby - Present Gail Koele - Present Bill Gothmann - Excused Absence Ian Robertson - Present John G. Carroll - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the agenda be approved as presented Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Blum requested that his name be stricken from the December 18, 2003 meeting record as having made the motion to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2003 Planning Commission meeting, since he was absent. Commissioner Crosby stated that he made that motion. It was moved by Commissioner Kogle and seconded by Commissioner Beaulac that the minutes of the December 18, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as amended Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Kogle attended a Citizen's Advisory Committee for Transportation recently. The Light Rail was discussed, and Option #4 was deemed the most favorable option. She will bring a copy of Option #4 to the Commission when one becomes available. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Tonight will be a continuation of the Public Wearing on the Floodplain Ordinance. The Commission will also hold the first discussion on a proposal to adopt the International Building Code. This will be the beginning of a new two-phase approach. The first phase will be to "clean up" the code, the second phase will be to propose substantive changes down the road as amendments. There will be a Joint Planning Session with the City Council and Planning Commission next Thursday, January 150, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Commissioners present confirmed they would be in attendance at the planning session. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Continuation of Floodplain Ordinance Public Hearing Commissioner Robertson declared the Public Hearing open at 6:38 p.m. Director Sukup gave a brief overview of the Spokane Valley's Floodplain and the need for the proposed ordinance. She pointed out that there are only two provisions in the proposed Spokane Valley Ordinance which differ from those of Spokane County: the requirement for a crawl space with a footprint one-foot higher than base flood elevation for manufactured housing; and the prohibition of impervious cover without completion of an engineering study. The City of Spokane Valley can't begin the one-year waiting period to obtain acceptance of its own National Flood Insurance Program until the City Council adopts this Floodplain Ordinance. Existing flood insurance policies will be continued under the umbrella of Spokane County NFIP participation during this one-year waiting period. Since the first Public Hearing on the Floodplain Ordinance at the December 11, 2003, Planning Commission meeting, staff has researched the Commission's question regarding the proposed requirement for a performance bond. Staff determined that enforcement of the provision is better effected through changing procedural requirements to secure elevation certificates as part of the building permitting process, so the provision was deleted. Commissioner Carroll asked for clarification of the defmition for Critical Facility. Ms. Sukup explained to him that the definitions used in the Spokane Valley ordinance are FEMA definitions. Commissioner Robertson opened the Hearing to public comment at 6:48 p.m. Wayne Frost, 3320 N. Argonne .Road, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Frost works for Inland Empire Paper Company, which owns a great deal of land within the city limits. Before his present work, he was a trained Civil Engineer. 2 He stated that he is in favor of a Floodplain Ordinance for the City of Spokane Valley, but had the following; observations: 1. Page 7. Section Interpretation of Firm Boundaries - Section 5.04 generally establishes the responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator, including the responsibility for interpreting boundaries. He stated that FEMA maps contain errors, and would like a provision in the ordinance that would allow citizens to go to planning staff to handle FEMA map errors instead of requiring them to go to the Hearing; Examiner for resolution. 2. Page 13, Section 5.06.11, Items 2 & 3: Relating to construction of "water dependent works". Mr. Frost objected to language that requires "a professional civil engineer registered as such by the State of Washington "to certify" (emphavis added) work that will withstand 100- year flood flows and velocities or cause no increase in the 100-year flood elevation". 3. Page 7, Section 5.05.01, Item l.vi. Relating to procedures for variances. Mr. Frost does not believe that the Hearing Examiner should be allowed to consider alternative locations in considering approval of a variance to specified construction. He thinks that there will always be an alternative location, and thinks that this provision will be used to delay construction at the desired site(s). 4. Page 10, Section 5.06.07. Relating to the issuance of building permits in areas where elevation data is not available. Mr. Frost objected to the discretion allowed the Floodplain Administrator to require a minimum floor elevation two feet above adjacent natural ground surface. He also questioned the wisdom of noting that insurance rates would be adversely affected by a lower elevation. 5. Page 12, Section 5.06.09(5). Relating to requiring; the consent of adjacent property owners impacted by a rise in base flood elevation resulting from a project. Mr. Frost felt that this item is open to interpretation. It would require adjacent impacted property owners to provide written, notarized approval for increased base flood elevations upon their property as a condition of approval. 6. Page 14, Section 5.06.13. Relating; to local amendments requiring; a study by a registered engineer verifying that a proposed development located within specific areas would have no impact. 7. Page 14, Section 5.06.14. Relating to requirements for construction of "Critical Facilities" in the floodplain. He noted that provision requires floor elevation of three feet "above BFE" or to the height of the 500 year flood, whichever is higher. . The Public Hearing was closed to further public comment at 7:20 p.m. The Commission asked Director Sukup if one, two or three feet made a big difference in Floodplain insurance rates. Ms. Sukup explained that any construction that goes beyond the minimum FEMA standards to insure safety and stability makes a very big difference in rates. Flood Insurance is the only insurance that is provided by the federal government. The proposed Floodplain Ordinance is to assure safe construction, it is not driven by insurance rates. She noted that the Floodplain Administrator is required to maintain records of floor elevation for structures located in the 100-year floodplain. This information drives the rate of insurance. B. NEW BUSINESS: Study Session - Sign Code Revision Mr. Kuhta briefed the Commission on a Sign Code Text Amendment for hospitals within the UR-22 Zone. The applicant requested the code text amendment to allow greater flexibility in size and location of signage for hospitals. Code changes would be made on page 804-4, section 14.804.070, item 3.a.ii with the deletion of the word "hospital"; and in the two tables on page 804-5, item 3.b.i and 3.c.i. to include new language specifically for hospitals in UR-22 zones. Commissioner Beaulac asked if this code would have to be changed if the zoning around the hospital changes. Mr. Kuhta responded that if the zone around the hospital changes, staff would assure that hospital needs would be addressed. Commissioner Carroll asked why the applicant didn't request a variance instead of a code text amendment. Mr. Snyder explained that the variance was offered as an option to the applicant, but the applicant chose to pursue a code text amendment. Commissioner asked staff if it would still be more reasonable to give the applicant a variance until we could create a suitable zone for hospital facilities. Mr. Kuhta reminded the Commissioners that they will have an opportunity to discuss this issue with the applicant at the January 22"d Public Hearing. A Staff Report will be forwarded to the Commission on this subject as well. Study Session - International Building Codes Mr. Tom Scholtens, City of Spokane Valley Building Official, was introduced to the Planning Commission. He explained that the Washington Association of Building Officials passed resolution 2003-02 that, in part, promotes the local adoption of the International Building Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code with as few local amendments as possible. The City of Spokane Valley Building Division has followed that direction and is offering a very simple adoption ordinance for approval. 4 He welcomed Planning Commission discussion today, in preparation for a Public I-fearing on January 22"x. Mr. Scholtens' goal is for the City Council to adopt this Ordinance within the next several months so that the new code can take effect by July 1, 2004. Commissioner Kogle asked if Code updates will be automatic since ours will be the same as all those in the state. Mr. Scholtens explained that Washington State statute requires us to adopt a new code each time it is amended. Commissioner Carroll recommended that the reference to the "sheriff s office" on page 5, item 19.4, be changed to read "Spokane Valley Chief of Police". Mr. Scholtens mentioned that &ction 3.02 - Professional Review of Plans will also be revised. The Commission praised Mr. Scholtens for a job well done. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Crosby requested a complete packet of meeting backup at his place at the dais before each meeting. Ms. Alley agreed to provide this for the Commissioners. Mr. Snyder announced that the Commission will be receiving information on a Street Vacation Ordinance, scheduled for briefing on January 22, 2004. Xf. ADJOURNM_ENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. SUBMIT TED: APPROVED: r Debi A ley, Administrative Assist Bill Go hmann, Chairman 5