Minutes - 12/18/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers- City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. December 18, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:40 p. in. H. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum -Excused Absence David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Present Bill Gothmann -Present Ian Robertson - Present John G. Carroll - Excused Absence IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Beaulac moved that the agenda be approved as presented. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL. OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Crosby and seconded by Commissioner Robertson that the minutes of the December 11, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as prevented Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no Commission reports. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT There were no administrative reports. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Mr. Greg McCormick introduced Ted Gage of the Washington Department of Community, Trade & Economic Development. Mr. Gage invited all persons present to introduce themselves and to describe their interest in Comprehensive Planning. Mr. Gage then introduced the speakers for the Washington Cities 25`, Short Course on Local Planning in 2003. The presentation's focus is the development of the Capital facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan. 7 Mr. Greg Dohrn, AICP, Associate Principal, Jones & Stokes, gave an overview l of Capital Facilities and the requirements for both capital and financial planning. He emphasized the importance of community based decision making and local control. Mr. Randy Young, Henderson, Young & Company, presented the Washington Growth Management Act requirements for capital facilities planning, noting the adequacy of alternative approaches to plan development. Mr. Ron Loewen, Senior "Traffic Engineer with Jones & Stokes, outlined the requirements for developing a Capital facilities Plan for transportation. Mr. Dohm concluded the presentation by summarizing the relationship of the Capital Facilities element to the rest of the Comprehensive Plan and fielded questions. Commissioner Robertson asked what other new cities had found to be the greatest challenges in developing the Comprehensive Plan. The presenters responded that the zeal of program advocates and service providers for influence in the development of the Plan, the difficulty of setting priorities because of community expectations and the legacy of unresolved pre-incorporation problems. Commissioner Beaulac asked whether it would be permissible to establish different levels of service in different parts of the community. He was advised that the Plan should establish the basis for different levels of service. Mr. Gage concluded by observing that Washington cities which did not have a Capital Facilities Plan were at a financial disadvantage, both in their inability to forecast future capital and financing requirements to meet development needs and in lost economic development opportunities. Mr. Gage thanked the speakers, Commissioners and other attendees, and Greg McCormick for assistance in putting the Short Course together. X. ARIOUI2NMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: L e_~ Marina Sukup, AICP, Secretary Bill Gothmann, Chairman 2 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved 'Minutes Council Chambers - City, Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. December 11, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gotlunami, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. IT. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience; and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ITT. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gotluilann - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Excused Absence John G. Carroll - excused Absence Gail Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Contrnis:viotter Beaulac tttoved that the tt~~etida be approved as pres•ettted. Commissioner Robertson seconded the tttotion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It ivas moved by Conttnissioner.81ttnt and seconded by Commissioner Robertson that the minutes of the lovetttber 13, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously. vi. PU I.,IC COMMENT There was no public comment. VIM. COMiMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Kogle attended the most recent STA Citizen Advisory Committee for transportation meeting. Commissioner Beaulac reported that he and Commissioner Kogle attended the Transit Oriented Development Workshop on December 10`', 2003. The consultant Crandall & Arambula presented the final proposal for the University City Light rail Station. This alternative would pen-nit the alignment along either Applewa_y or Sprague Avenue. The next meeting will be on Wednesday. January 21 st, 2003 at Decades. The Commission requested that Staff send the Commission a reminder of this meeting. Chairman Gothmann reported that the City Council had approved amendments to the adult entertaitunent ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission. Fill. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Director Sukup noted that the agenda packet had been sent to the Commission by e-mail and requested any suggestions from the Commission concerning improvements in distributing the agenda. She noted that this system would allow the staff to make the information available earlier and eliminate the cost of reproduction and mailing. IX. CONi -IISSION BUSLN ESS A. PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Floodplain Ordinance Chairman Goth riann opened the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. Ms. Sukup presented the information to the Commission, noting that the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the City's application for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. The proposed ordinance designated the Spokane Valley Community Development Director as the Floodplain Administrator. The proposed ordinance is based on the Washington Model Ordinance and provides for the lowest floor elevation to be at least twelve inches about Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for both residential and non-residential properties. These requirements are the same as those adopted by Spokane County. Changes from the County provisions include requiring that for manufactured housing that the bottom of the crawl space be at least one foot above BFE, and that ww engineering report that shows no impact on the ability of the floodplain to infiltrate, store and release floodwaters for construction along Chester Cree, downstream of Mohawk Road; Forker, south of the intersection of Forker Road and Progress Road; Central park, west of Park Road; and Glenrose, west of Carnahan Road and south of 8°i Avenue. She reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was updating the floodplain maps and some areas might be expected to change as a result of the update. The requirement for an engineering study replace the limitation of 5% impervious cover established by Spokane County. There was no member of the public wishing to speak. Commissioner Blum questioned the requirement for a performance bond. Following discussion, Commissioner Bum moved to continue the public hearing until the regular Commission meeting of January 8, 2004 to permit Staff the opportunity to research the need for a performance bond and to allow for additional citizen comment. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion, which passed unaniunously. 2 O A. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Continued Discussion of Proposed Amendments to Ordinance No. 35 relating to the Planning Commission. 2. Proposed Amendments to the Planning Commission Rules of Order. Cotrunissioner Kogle reported on the deliberations of the ad hoc Committee comprised of herself and Commissioner Blum. The Committee had researched Roberts Rules of Order and the Council and the Governance Coordination Manual adopted by the City Council. The changes recommended were the annual election of officers, retaining the "Rules of Procedure" designation, continuing to require the. Chairman to announce the Rules of Order governing public hearings, and amending the Rules of Procedure to allow some flexibility in scheduling. The Commission also considered the communication of Commissioner Carroll concerning the proposed amendments. -0, The Commission reviewed drafts which incorporated the recommendations of the ad hoc Committee. Following discussion, Chairman Gothmann moved to recommend to City Council those changes included in the attached draft of Ordinance No. 35. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robertson and passed unanimously. Chairman Gothmann moved to recommend to City Council those changes included in the attached dram of the Rules of Procedure. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beaulac and passed unanimously X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Conunissioner Gothmann reminded the Commission that he will be unable to attend the January 8U' Joint Planning Session with the City Council. X1. ADJOURNAI-ENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. SUBMITTED: t-Uo' ~ L Marina Sukup, AICP, Secretar AKIROVED: z ~At' L 0, 1, 6, Bill Gothmann, Chairman