Minutes - 09/25/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers- City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. September 25, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:31 p. m. 11. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Ill. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmatui - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Excused Absence David Crosby - Lxcused Absence John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle -Present IV. APPROVAL. OF AGENDA Commissioner Beaulac moved that the agenda be approved aspresented Commissioner Kogle seconded Ilse motion. Motion passed unanimously. i V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Beaulac requested that the September 11, 2003 draft minutes be corrected on Page 9 to read..."... its meeting on thefourth Thursday oJlVovember would be precluded by Thanksgivings. The meeting on the fourth Thursday of December would be precluded by Christmas. It was moved by Contmis.eioner Gothmann and seconded by Commissioner Beaulac that the minutes oJ'the .September 11, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as amended Motion passed unanimously. Vt. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. V11. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioners Gothmann, Kogle and Beaulac briefly reported on their attendance at the past two City Council meetings and the University City property owners' visioning session. The City is trying to raise $18,000 to purchase a large artificial tree which would be used for a Tree Lighting Ceremony in the University City parking; lot on December 4, 2003. Donations can be made to the American West Bank's Spokane Valley 'free Fund. r Commissioner John C. Carroll stated that he would not be in attendance at the Planning Commission's regular meeting on October 23, 2003. ViIL ADMIMSTRATIVi REPORT Community Development Director, Marina Sukup reported that she attended the Growth Management Steering Committee meeting earlier in the week. Liberty Lake wants to annex up to the Valley's eastern border. The Valley has some issues with their proposal, and it will be revisited. A quorum was not present for a vote. A joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission has been tentatively set for October 30, and is awaiting approval by the City Council. If that date doesn't work, the joint meeting may be scheduled for Thursday, November 6. Commissioners asked stal'_f'to notify them of the actual date as soon as possible. The terms of Planning Commission members will be discussed at the upcoming City Council Study Session. Planning staff checked with Council records and found the terms and expiration dates, but no effective year. The unanswered question is: Will Commissioners serve their first term through December 31 of 2003 or 2004? F Ms. Sukup noted that a landscape architect who also teaches wished to discuss the possibility of using the University City as a classroom project. Scheduling of a Joint Planning Commission meeting with the County and the City of Spokane is still pending, and was tentatively set for October 13. However, because the Washington State APA is meeting in Spokane on that date, attendance might be limited. Associate Planner, Scott Kuhta, agreed to check on the availability of budget funds to pay for Commissioners' registration to the APA Conference. iX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion of meeting schedule for November & December 2003 Director Sukup proposed that the Planning Commission meetings scheduled for Thanksgiving and Christmas Day be rescheduled for Thursday, November 20, 2003 and Thursday, December 18, 2003. The Commission agreed to these dates. The change in meeting schedule will be publicly posted. B. NEW BUSINESS: Critical Arcas/Shorelines Presentation Director Sukup presented a slide show to Commissioners regarding Critical Areas and Shoreline Management. 2 r- 11 Long Range Planning Manager, Greg McCormick, explained that the Department of Lcology is involved in shoreline issues more than in any other component of the Comp Plan. The City of Spokane Valley adopted the County's Shoreline Master Program upon incorporation. The County is scheduled to receive a large grant to rework the program, and the Valley will work with them to help reclassify shoreline designations. Critical Areas are separate from the shoreline, and include wetlands, critical aquifer recharge areas, frequently flooded areas, geologically hazardous areas, and fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas. Spokane County has one of the best Critical Areas Ordinances in the Pacific Northwest, so the Valley will continue working with them in this area as well. Open iVleetings Act Discussion Cary Driskell was unable to attend this meeting to explain the Open Meetings Act with the Commission. Mayor DeVleming was present, and he spoke to the Commission regarding their presence at public meetings. If a quorum (four or more) of Commissioners wishes to attend the same public event or meeting, then a meeting notice must be posted at least 24 hours in advance. The Mayor would like Planning Commissioners to be involved in everything the City does, and does not want this extra step to r inhibit their involvement. In the future, if a Planning Commissioner wishes to attend a public meeting or event, s/he can call Mr. Kuhta, Mr. McCormick or Ms. Sukup. They will track attendance at different functions, and will notify the City Clerk if a quorum will be in attendance so a public notice can be posted. Definitions Section - Unificd Development Code Discussion A 24-page definitions section for the Unified Development Code was sent to Commissioners. Director Sukup asked them for their feedback. During a brief discussion, several changes were made to the original document. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER There were no statements, comments or questions at this time. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROV FD: Debi Alley Bill Gothmann - Administrative Assistant Chairman