Minutes - 08/28/2003I Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 28, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. [I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 111. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulae - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Ian Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle -Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Crosby moved that the agenda be approved as presented Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. J V. APPROVA_, OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Robertson and seconded by Commissioner Beaulac that the minutes of the August .14, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Al Bevacqua, 8820 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley, OVA W. Bevacqua requested more frequent and effective neighborhood patrolling of the City's commercial zones. He asked the Planning Commission to pass this request on to the appropriate City Department for attention and action. VIL COWN-I.I.SS1ON REPORTS Commissioner Robertson Reported that he was working with the citizens from the Rotchford Acre Tracts on the concerns voiced at the August 14, 2003, Planning Commission meeting. They are presently working on the issue of zoning for large animals. A neighborhood association is being formed, and things are moving ahead favorably. Chairman Gothmann Reported that the /_.x ring Code Enforcement Ordinance was presented to the City ' Council on August 26, 2003. A paragraph was added to the Ordinance which empowers the Comm unityDeve] opment Director to handle invalid chronic complaints. At its meeting on August 26, 2003, the Council adopted a six-month extension of the City moratorium on Adult Entertainment Businesses. There will be a meeting concerning University City's future on Wednesday, September 24, 2003. This meeting was called by Mayor DeVleming. No more than three (3) Planning Commission members may attend without violating the Open Meeting Law, and Mr. Gothmann has already confirmed his attendance. Any other interested Commissioners should let him and/or Sue Larson (688-0186) know as soon as possible. VIII. ADMiNISTRAT[ E REPORT Marina Sukup, Director, advised that the City Council will be briefed on the Junk. Car Ordinance at their meeting on Tuesday, September 2, 2003. IX. COiti INIIiSSION BUS.I:N SS A. O :.D BUSLNESS: There was no Old Business. B. NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing -Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments The Chair declared a Public Hearing to Consider Annual Comprehen.vi.ve ;Flan Amendments open at 6:44 p.m. Members of the public were encouraged to fill out a card if they wished to speak for or against one of the seven amendments. The hearing on each amendment will follow these steps: • Announcement by Commission Chair • Staff overview and recommendation • Testimony by the applicant and/or property owner • Public Testimony • Commission deliberation and vote CPA-03-01: The subject property is located on the north side of Montgomery Avenue about 300 feet west of Argonne Road with a street address of 8915 E. Montgomery Avenue, Spokane, Washington. The site is currently developed with a commercial car wash facility, self-storage and outdoor storage for trucks and recreational vehicles. Greg McCormick., Long Range Planning Manager, explained that the property owner requested a change in land use designation from Low Density Residential to regional Commercial and a change in zoning 2 designation from Urban Residential 7 (UR-7) to Regional Business (13-3). The subject property was zoned commercial in 1970, but was rezoned under the recent Spokane County Comprehensive flan and subsequent Phase I Zoning process. Staff Recommendation: Change land use designation to Community Center, consistent with adjacent properties. Apply the Community Business (B-2) zone consistent with the Phase 1 Development Regulations. All current uses on the property are allowed in the B-2 zone. Applicant Testimony: Gib Brumback, 8915 E. Montgomery, Spokane `'alley, WA The property was zoned B-3 twenty years ago. Two years ago the zone was changed to residential. Now the zoning and land use are out of whack. Mr. Brumback's original request was to restore the land to B-3 zoning status, but he will be satisfied with B-2 zoning. Public Testimony: Al Bevacqua, 8820 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Bevacqua is an opponent of CPA-03-01. He complained of trucks which regularly park on the street across from his residence and outside Mr. Brumback's commercial car wash. He provided the Commission copies of a letter dated December 7, 2000, written to Mr. Brumback by James Richardson, Associate Planner of Spokane County, addressing code violation complaints. He also provided a letter dated August 28, 2003, outlining his personal reasons for opposing CPA.-03-01. Both documents were placed into permanent record. Mr. Bevacqua shared Polaroid photos of some of the more common problems experienced with trucks that are regularly parked outside of fix. Brumback's property. He strongly recommended that the Planning Commission vote against CPA-03-O1. Chairman Gothmann closed the hearing for CPA-03-O1 to further public testimony. Applicant Response: Gib Brumback assured the Planning Commission that he and his staff do everything they can to keep the street clear of unauthorized vehicles, although success can be difficult on weekends. A motion was made by Commissioner Robertson to approve the Staff Recommendation for CPA-03-0.7, to change land use designation to Community Center, with zoning of Community Business (B-2), and was seconded by Commissioner Beaulac. The motion passed unanimously. 3 i i CPA-03-02: The subject property is located on the south side of Appleway Boulevard, east of its intersection of Park Road and is approximately 3 acres in sire. Subject property is currently vacant. Mr. McCormick explained that the applicant is requesting a change of land use designation fi-om'Neighborhood Commercial to Regional Commercial and zoning from Neighborhood Business (13-1) to Regional Business (B- 3). The main issue concerning this property is the potential impact conmiercial development will have on the Dishman Hills Natural Area, located south of the site. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends designating the property Conununity Commercial and applying the Community Business (13-2) zone, which will allow more flexibility and marketability to the site, but will limit the adverse impacts that could result under a Regional Commercial designation and B-3 zone. Applicant Testimony: Edwin Repp, Associated Restaurants, 4512 S. NMadelia Street, Spokane, WA Mr. Repp noted that there had been a history of zoning actions concerning the property. He noted that the triangle of land is located on a highly traveled arterial, and the present -tuning won't allow for development by a business. Mr. Repp urged the Commission to adopt the staff reconunendation. Public Testimony: A9 chael Hamilton, 3415 S. Lincoln Drive, Spokane, WA Mr. Hamilton testified on behalf of the Dishman Hills Natural Association in opposition to CFA-03-02. He expressed concern that conu-nercial development of the tract would have an adverse impact on the Natural Area's fragile envirocunent. Tom Rosseau, 7918 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Rosseau is opposed to C.PA-03-02. His email letter was entered into public record. Mr. Rosseau is in favor of preserving what little undeveloped space is left: for Spokane Valley to preserve the native environment. Claudia Hamilton, 3415 S. Lincoln Drive, Spokane WA Opposed CPA-03-01, but did not wish to speak. Chairman Gothmann closed the hearing for CPA-03-02 to further public testimony. `v 4 Applicant Response: Richard Repp, Associated Restaurants, 3120 S. Raymond Circle, Spokane, WA Mr. Repp affirmed that the subject property is buffered from the Dishman Hills Natural Area by rock formations and 7 acres of UR-3.5 land to the south and cast. The land is owned by the Repp family. Mr. McCon-nick reminded the Planning Commission that there are layers of protection built into the planning system for sensitive areas such as this. Before any development can occur on the subject property, detailed development plans must be submitted and would likely require a State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) review. It ►vas moved by Commissioner Crosby and seconded by Commissioner Blum that the Planning; Commission approve the staff recommendation for CPA-03-02 to designate the property Community Commercial and apphp the .B-2 zone. Commissioners Beaulac, Blunt, Carroll, Crosby, Kogle and Robertson voted in favor of the motion. Chairman Gothmann opposed. Motion passed 6-1. CPA-03-03: The subject property is located on the west side of Pines Road between the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way and 111ansfield ( ) Avenue. It consists of four separate parcels and is a total of approximately 2.5 acres in size. Subject property is currently vacant. Mr. McCormick indicated that the applicant requests a change in the land use designation from High Density Residential to Light Industrial and a change of zoning from Urban Residential (UR-22) to Light Industrial (1- 2). Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the land use designation be changed to Light industrial, with a zone change to Light Tndustrial (I- 2). This will be consistent with its previous 1976 zoning and the Interim Comprehensive Plan policies. Applicant Testimony: John 1). Konen, Storhaug Engineering, N. 1322 Monroe, Spokane, WA Mr. Konen spoke as a representative of Thomas S. Smith, property owner. He explained that the planning staff at the City of Spokane once thought the land would be suitable for apartments, but time has proven that this is not appropriate. Property owners and agents believe the subject property would be better suited for a few of the uses outlined in the Industrial 2 (1- 2) zoning designation. Robert Warner, 918 S. St. Charles, Spokane, WA Mr. Warner is one of the property owners in favor of CPA-03-03. He submitted a card, but did not wish to speak. Public Testimony: There was no Public Testimony on CPA-03-03. Commissioner Robertson moved that the Planning Commission approve the staff recommendation to change the subject property land use designation to Light Industrial and the zoning to Light Industrial (1-2). Commissioner P►ogle seconded the motion. Commissioners Beaulac, Carroll, Croshy, Gothmann, Bogle and /lobertsnn voted inAvor of the motion. Commissioner Blum abstained Alotinn passed 6-0. The Planning Commission took a brief recess. CPA-03-04: The subject property gains access from the terminus of Cataldo Avenue, west of Bradley and is located in the NE of Section 1.3, Township 25 North, Range 43 EWN1. It is comprised of approximately 2.57 acres and is currently developed with an enclosed golf practice facility. N lr. McCormick explained that the subject property was overlooked during the County's 2002 Comprehensive Plan update, and was therefore changed from Regional Commercial with a zoning designation of Regional Business (I3-3) to Low Density Residential with a zoning of Urban Residential 7 (UR-7). This resulted in the existing use becoming "nonconf.'orming". Staf=f Recommendation: Staff recommends a change of land use designation to Light Industrial and a change of zoning to Light Industrial (I-2). Applicant Testimony: John T. Sweitzer, 1202 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Sweizer, speaking on behalf of property owner, Doug Lydig, was available to answer questions. He did not wish to add anything to the staff presentation. Public Testimonv: Orville L. Wilcox, 7208 E. Boone, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Wilcox is opposed to CPA-03-04. He is concerned about the possibility of this property being sold and egress being established in the NE corner of the lot. This would create a hazard to the children living in the residential area surrounding the subject property. 6 r , Bea Koempel-'T'homas, 1303 N. Lily Road, Spokane Valley, OVA Mrs. Koempel-Thomas and her husband support the present use of the subject property. She, however, wanted to affirm Mr. Wilcox's view that a change in the traffic patterns resulting from any further development on the property would create a danger for children in the area. Chairman Gothmann closed the hearing for CPA-03-04 to farther public testimony. Annl.icant .Response: Doug Lydig, 16020 N.:Heathcr Glen, Spokane, OVA 99208 MT..l ydig assured the Planning Commission and the present members of the public that there will never be a northern access created on the subject property. Cont»iissioner f?obertcon moved, and Conrnrissioner Blum seconded, u motion to approve the CPA-03-04 staff recommendation to change land use designation to Light Industrial and Zoning to Light Industrial (I-2). lllotion passed unanimously. CPA-03-05: The subject property is located on the north side of Broadway Avenue, south side of Cataldo Avenue approximately 960 feet west of Pines Road. It is comprised of approximately 3 acres and is predominantly vacant with a single family dwelling existing on a portion of the property. Mr. McCormick indicated that the applicant has requested a change of land use designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and a change of zoning from Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5) to Urban Residential 22 (UR-22). Staff 12ecommendation: Mr. McCormick confirmed that the staff is recon-unending the subject property land use designation be changed to High Density Residential and the zoning be changed to Urban Residential 22 (UR-22). Applicant Testimony: Dave Nerren,12213 E. Broadway Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Nerren plans to develop the space facing Broadway Avenue into an office for his building company, Lexington Homes. At this time, he has no intention of developing the back portion of the property; adjacent to Cataldo Avenue. There is an assisted living facility next door to the vacant lot on Cataldo that may be able to utilize the space for an expansion sometime in the future. 7 Dwight Hume, 9101 N. Mt. View Lane, Spokane, WA ` Mr. Hume is an agent for the property owner, and is in favor of CPA-03- 05. He affirmed that the applicant's intent is to build an office complex on the southern portion of the property. Public festimonv: Planning Commission Vice-Chairman Robertson stated that he had received 30 cards from citizens present who oppose CPA-03-05. The following citizens in attendance testified at the meeting: Kathy Stoy, 1104 N. Terrine, Spokane Valley, WA Mrs. Stoy submitted a petition signed by 68 residents living in the area, expressing concerns over the increased density which would increase traffic and crime, and lower property values. Mrs. Stoy also submitted a document obtained from the Spokane County Sheriffs Department detailing police activity for the apartment building at 12111 1✓. Cataldo, as well as a copy of a page from the applicant's Comprehensive Plan Amendment application which contained erroneous information regarding the location ofa park at North Pines Junior High School. Joe Stoyy, 11.04 N. Perrine, Spokane Valley, OVA O Mr. Stoy is an architect in apposition to CPA-03-05. He suggested a compromise by short platting the property and rezoning the southern half to Urban Residential 22 (UR-22) and keeping the northern half Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5). Gust Abariotes, 1170$ E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Abariotes reported that many residents in his neighborhood have lost thousands of dollars in stolen property since the low income apartment complexes on the northern and southern sides of Cataldo have been built. Homeowner's insurance rates have increased noticeably as well. Chris Keener, 1.010 N. Fox Road, Spokane Valley, OVA Mr. Keener noted the trash on Cataldo Avenue left by the residents of the two existing apartment buildings. He believes that CPA-03-05 is inconsistent with what exists in the surrounding area. iviartha Bayle, 908 N. Wilbur Road, Spokane Valley, OVA Ms. Bayle suggested that the landowner invest his money in the existing apartment buildings on Cataldo and leave his vacant property zoned Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5). _ James Renggli, 1018 N. Perrine, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. R.eaggli has lived in his house for twenty-two years; and strongly believes that any increased traffic from subject property development will devalue his property. Sharry White, 1003 N. Fox Road, Spokane Valley, WA Ms. White expressed concern that increased traffic will be a maior hazard to the children in the neighborhood. She also spoke to the domestic violence issues in the two apartment houses on Cataldo. Carol E. Rell, 1012 N. Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Mrs. Rell is concerned about the elderly folks who live in the assisted living facility on Cataldo; next to the northern end of the subject property. Increased traffic would endanger the few who get out of the facility and begin to warder the streets. Clarion Bergland, 1018 N. Fox Road, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Bergland has lived in his house for thirty-seven years. He wanted to affirm that this is a residential neighborhood and to ask the Platming Commission to vote against CPA-03-05. Phyllis Nloss, 11822 E. Boone, Spokane Valley, WA Mrs. Moss and her family have lived in their house for thirty-four years. They have seen their residential street used as a raceway many tulles and J her son was almost killed because of this. She asked the Planning Commission to vote against CPA-03-05. The following citizens in attendance did not speak; but opposed CPA-03- 05 by signing public hearing cards: Leon Moss, 11822 E. Boone Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA Joel C. Rell, 1012 N. Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, OVA Lauri Keener, 1010 N. Fox Road, Spokane Valley, WA Nick Abariotes, 11813 F. Broadway, Spokane Valley, OVA S. Michael C. Bayle, N. 908 Wilbur, Spokane Valley, WA Gwen L. 1larrett, 1.020 N. Wilbur Road, Spokane Valley, WA Leonard Barrett, 1020 N. Wilbur Road, Spokane Valley, WA Frances Warren, 11722 E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley, WA W.D. Parker, 1004 N. Fox Road, Spokane Valley, WA Sarah A. Kautzman, 1004 N. Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Johnny J. Belcher, N. 1005 Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Wilma Belcher, N. 1005 Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Kathleen Seeger, 1108 N. Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Robert Seeger, 1108 N. Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Toin & Carol Nicholson, N. 1105 Perrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA " Karen Renggli, 1018 N. Perrine, Spokane Valley, WA 9 Velma Marion, 1017 N. dour, Spokane Valley, WA Walter Marion, 10 17 N. Wilbur, Spokane Valley, WA - Bill Dover, 1.1104 N. Terrine Road, Spokane Valley, WA Additional public testimony included; Earlyne Long, 11 124 F.Broadway, Spokane Valley, WA Ms. Long sent a letter to the City Planning Commission in opposition to CPA-03-05- She has lived in her house for twenty-seven years. a,Yd is against the building oFmore: apartments in the nelglib orb ood due to increased traffic. Wayne Hinkley, 12121 L. Broadway, Bldg. 04, Spokane Valley, A Mir- Hinkley sent a letter to the City PI arnning Commission in apposition to CPA-03-05- He recommended that the Planning Commission halt any further rezoning in the area until traffic issues are resolved on Broadway Avemic, Rai arff, 414 N. Burns, Spokane Valley, WA. Mr. Sari~f-spoke in favor of CPA-03-05. He is the owner of the assisted living facility next door to the subject property on ataldo- He believes that Mr. 1V'erren should be able to develop his land, but does aot. thank that [Urban 12 2 {LIR-2 is the correct zanin, designation, 1r- McCormick noted that a Neighborhood Business (B-1) zoning district and deSlgnatIon of the property as Neigbborhood Commercial would allow the proposed office development, but would potential Iy create a groater number of zoning and land use problems for the nelghborhood- hainnan Gothmann closed the hewing for CPA-03-05 to further public testimony. Arsaliieanc Respnnse.: IDwi4At.l-1ume, 9101 N. NIL View Lane, Spokane, Wry Mr. Htune encouraged the citizens in cppo~;ition ofCPA- 03-05 to trust the City's systems of review in order to lie] p resolve traffic and population problems, He believes that these Iayer5 of review will assure adequate protection to the neighborhood residents- Dave Nerren, 1.22J. E. Broadwa Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Nerren has stated his intent to build an office complex on the southern portion of this property, and has no intention of building an apartment building. The Piaiuiuig Comm Ission discussed the many facets of CPA-03-05- 1.0 Commissioner Crosby moved that the Planning Commission extend the meeting anti! 10: 00 p.m. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unaniniouslly. Several alternative zoning designations were discussed and recommended. However, star notified the Commission that they catuiot zone arbitrarily, and that any changes in the CPA would have to be re-noticed and re-heard. Commissioner Carroll moved that the Planning Commission ask staff to review the requested change in CPA-03-05; research, review and discuss property use and zoning alternatives with the applicant;, and return for fierther discussion at a continuation of tonight's Public Hearing of CPA-03-05 on Thursday, September 11, 2003. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Commissioners Beaulac, Blum, Carroll, Gothmann, Kogle and Robertson voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner Crosby opposed. ?Motion passed 6-1. CPA-03-06: The subject property is located on the north side of Broadway Avenue, between Blake and Mamer Roads. It is comprised of approximately 5+ acres and is developed with Broadway Court Estates, which is an independent retirement complex for senior citizens, on the west portion of the subject property. Mr. McCormick explained that the applicant is requesting a change from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential land use designation, and a corresponding zoning map amendment on the eastern portion of the site from Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5) to Urban Residential 22 (UR-22) for the purpose of expanding the facility. The western portion of the site is currently zoned UR-22. Staff Recoaunendation: Amend the land use designation of the property from Low Density Residential to High Density .Residential, including the separate parcel fronting Broadway and surrounded by the subject property. Apply the Urban Residential 22 (1JR-22) zone to the expansion area. Applicant Testimony: Hal Sarlt, 414 N. Burns, Spokane Valley, OVA Mr. Sarff had no initial comment. Public Testimonv: Liz Livingston, 1.3527 F. Cataldo, Spokane Valley, WA Ms. Livingston's fancily lives directly north of the Broadway Courts Estates. She testified that they have already lost their view, and they and their neighbors believe that the developers will continue to encroach upon 11 their property by moving the development south to the vacant property on Cataldo, behveen their houses and the Broadway Court Estate,.;. Chairman Cothmann closed the hearing for CPA-03-05 to further public testimony. Applicant Response: Hal Sarff, 414 N. Burns, Spokane Valley, OVA Mr. Sarff responded to Ms. Livingston's concern regarding development on Cataldo. He does not have any intention of developing that property at present. A motion was made by Commissioner Carroll to accept CPA-03-05 as recommended by the staff, designating the entire site as High Density Residential and the Zoning to Urban Residential 22 (UR-22). Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. CPA-03-07: The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Barker Road and Boone Avenue. It is comprised of approximately 3 acres. The eastern half of the subject property is developed with a convenience store that includes a fast food restaurant and a gas station. The westerly half of the subject property is currently vacant. The applicant proposes to construct multi-family dwellings in this area if the comprehensive plan and zoning map requests are approved. It was moved by Commissioner Crosby that the Planning Commission extend its meeting to 10:15 p.m. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. ilfotton passed unartttttously. Mr. McConn.ick explained that the applicant has requested a change in land use from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential on the western portion, with a zoning of Urban Residential 22 (UR-22), and Community Commercial, with a zoning of Community Business (8-2) on the eastern portion. Staff' Recommendation: Commmunity Development staff supports the requested Community Commercial designation, with a zoning of Community Business (8-2) for the existing commercial business on the eastern portion of the site. However, staff does not support designating the western portion High Density Residential. Staff recommends designating the western site as Medium Density Residential, with a zoning of Urban Residential 12 (UR-12). This will provide for a better transition 12 between commercial and singl family residential and will have less impact on the existing single-family neighborhood. Applir.ant Testimon = John Peterson, E. 8412 Sprague, Spokane, WA. Mr- Peterson spoke on belialf of the applicant, .P &T Partners- In De,oemher, 1999; the gnhject property was zoned Industrial (1-2). Orin nal intent for the property was to build a convenience store (Phase 1 and a Mini Storage (Phase Then, in January of 2002, the County changed the 7.oning to Urban Residentia17 CM-7). This was a mistakle that needs to be corrected. instead of building a mini storage, the property owner would like to blend into the area by building a 30-unit apaU-inent complex. Applicant believes their original request for the western portion of the subject property meets the compreheris1 ve plan requirements far a UR-22 zone, and doesn't tbj:nh,. the UR-12 designation is in anyone's interest. 1r. Peterson submitted colored photo STaphs of the site, its present development, and an example of the proposed apartment complex strucrure to the PIanning o=ission for public record- John Tonani, 1909 E. Westinuister Lane, pnkane, WA 1r. Tonani is an owner of the subject property- He thinks the impact of building a 30-unit apartment complex would be minimal to area residents and tral#io pattems- Public Testimony: Dwayne Parker, 18508 R. Sharp, Spokane Valley, WA Mr- Parker opposed CPA-03-07 because he does not believe that the mini mart is managed adequately. He believes the trash. situation i awful. The area i n question 3s a beauti-fnul; small, rural, single-family nei.gllborhood and he is apposed to apartments being ViliIt. Howard Bruegeman, J.8422 E. Sharp, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. BFLIegenlalY a.,Freed with r- Parker That there is an awful garbage problem in their area due to the mini mart. In addition, he has big rigs using his driveway as a turn are und 5- times a clay, which disturbs lids peace and devalues his property- Bob iLhulland, N. 131.7 Barker Road, Spokane Vallee, OVA M.r- M:iIhoIIand is a 13fetime resident of G reenacres. and testified in favor of CPA-03-07 upon certain conditions. He has seen the increase in traffic on Barker Road, and thinks the mini m trt has been an advantage to the neighborhood. r. IilholIand thinks that the property managers are doing a good job ofkecping the place up. Chairman Gothmann closed the hearuig for PA-03-05 to further public testimony- 13 Commissioner Robertson moved, and Chairman Gothmann seconded, a motion to extend the Planning Commission meeting to 10:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. There was a brief discussion regarding the rural area surrounding the subject property and the land use designation which was requested by the applicant. Commissioner Carroll moved that the Planning Commission accept the applicant's request to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential to High Densitv Residential on the western portion, with a zoning of Urban Residential 22 (UR-22), and Community Commercial, with a zoning of Community Business (B-2) on the eastern portion. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Commissioners Beaulac, Carroll and Gothmann voted in. favor of the motion, Commissioners Blum, Crosbv and Kogle voted in opposition to the motion. Commissioner Robertson abstained Motion failed. A motion to accept the staff recommendation for CPA-03-07 to support the requested Community Commercial land use designation, with a zoning of Community Business (B-2) for the existing commercial business on the eastern portion of the site and to designate the westerly portion of the site as Medium Density Residential, with a zoning of Urban Residential.12 (UR-12) was made by Commissioner Rhun. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Crosby. Commissioners Blum, Crosby, Gothmann, Kogle and Robertson voted in favor of the motion. Commissioners Beaulac and Carroll opposed the motion. Motion passed S-2. Chainnan Gothmann closed the Public Hearing at 10:30 p.m. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER The Visioning Session, which was scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 11, 2003, has been cancelled because of a scheduling conflict, and will be rescheduled at a later date. \1. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:33 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debi Alley Bill Gothmami Administrative Assistant Chairman 14