Minutes - 08/14/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers -City Hall 11707E. Sprague Ave. August 14, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gotlunann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 11. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission and audience recited the fledge of Allegiance. 1H. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulae - Present Bob Blum - Present David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Bill Gothmann - Present Ian Robertson - Present John G. Carroll - Present Ian Robertson proved that the agenda be approved as presented Fred Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by David Crosby and seconded by rail Bogle that the minutes of the July 23, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously. VT. PUB] IC COMM. --NT Five citizens signed up to give public testimony. Commission Chair, Bill Gothmann, allowed five minutes at the podium to people speaking on behalf of a group and three minutes to individuals. Chuck Hafner, 4710 S. Woodruff, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Hafner and his family live in the Ponderosa Fifth Addition area. At one time this neighborhood was zoned as a suburban, single-family dwelling area which allowed horses and other large animals. Yesterday, Mr. Hafner discovered that Spokane County had changed the zoning to that of an urban area. The citizens living in this area were never aware of the zoning change. He asked that the Planning Commission to do whatever need to be done to have the area rezoned back to its original zoning status. Robert E. Lee, 1.5620 E. 14`x' Avenue, Spokane Vallee, WA Mr. Lee and his family live in the Ponderosa Fifth Addition area. He wished to affirm Mr. Hafner's statements and stated that keeping horses had been the - primary reason for his selection of a home site. He urged the Planning Commission to reconsider the present development regulations to allow horses on . their property. Lisa Young, 1512 S. Shamrock, Spokane Valley, WA Ms. Young presented the Planning Commission with a letter and a petition signed by residents of Rotchford Acre Tracts. (attached) Myrna Gothmann, 100:10 E. 48'h, Spokane Valley, WA Mrs. Gothmann affirmed that no one in the area where she and her family reside realized that their property had lost its original zoning status. Gene Strunk, 12902 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley, OVA Mr. Strunk strongly urged the Planning Commission to recommend adoption of the draft Junk Vehicle Ordinance to the City Council. He stated that junk vehicles adversely affect property values and that this Ordinance is important for the protection of tax payers in our community. Jean C:ulden, 1.0226 E. 44`h, Spokane Valley, `VA Ms. Gulden also lives in the Ponderosa area. She affirmed the previous public comments made about her neighborhood, and asked the Planning Commission to take the requested rezoning action so their neighborhood would not be degraded. Mr. Gothunann closed the public comment session at 7:00 p.m. 101 The Planning Commission discussed its role in this and other rezone requests made at previous meetings. Marina Sukup explained that she would be giving a brief presentation at the end of the meeting with regard to the land use element of Comprehensive Plan Development. There is a citizen participation plan built into the process. She encouraged concerned citizens from the Ponderosa area to stay for this presentation. VII. CO1\ WUSSION REPORTS There were no Commission reports. VI1:1. ADVIINISTR4TRTE REPORT Marina Sukup introduced the City's new Current Planning Manager, Kevin Snyder, to the Planning Commission. IA. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSMSS: Public Hearing: Junk Vehicle Ordinance Bill Gothmar n, Planning Commission Chair, declared the Public Hearing open at 7:07 p.m. 2 C An Ordinance of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, Regulating the Storage of Junk Vehicles on Private Property. Scott Kuhta, Planner, provided the Commission and the audience with a brief outline of the process used to develop the proposed Junk Car Ordinance. Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney, reviewed the proposed Ordinance and provided the Planning Commission with a copy of new abatement procedural changes which were recommended by the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA). The Commission had no questions for the staff. Mr. Gothmaiui opened the Hearing up to Public Testimony at 7:22 p.m. Jim Poston, P.O. Box 1.:1.7, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Poston is an opponent of the Ordinance. As an old car enthusiast, he doesn't think that the proposed Ordinance gives people who build street rods enough time to complete their work. Dale .Hearn, 12714 E. Guthrie, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Hearn spoke in support of the Ordinance and presented photos of an existing property. He noted that the junk cars shown are used in demolition derbies and then returned to the property and stored in the garage or driveway. The demolished parts are scattered around the yard and the cars drip oil and antifreeze down the driveway, into the street, and into the and into the public water system, creating a safety hazard to animals, children and adults. He encouraged the Planning Commission to recommend adoption of the Junk Car Ordinance to the City Council. A. Gene Hinkle, 11916 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA Dr. Hinkle is a proponent of the Ordinance. His neighbor in a business zone opened a tune-up shop and has proceeded to store old cars on site for over a year. Dr. Hinkle presented photos to the Planning Conunission for reference and pennanent record. He encouraged adoption of the Ordinance. George Feldm.iller, 14023 E. 25"' Court, Spokane Valley, A'L'A Is an opponent of the Ordinance. He believes that ten years world be a more adequate timeframe for hobbiests. Following discussion of screening, Mr. Driskell affirmed that screening from the view of an individual standing a ground level view would be considered reasonable, rather than from someone looking down from a deck. r- ~ 4.~ Grant Rice, E. 16620 Valleyway, Spokane 'Valley, WA. Mr. Rice is a proponent of the Ordinance. He was originally against the Ordinance, but has worked with staff to rewrite the trouble spots. Mr. Rice now encourages the Planning Commission to recommend adoption of the Ordinance to the City Council. John Baldwin, E. .1. 1905 22" a Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Baldwin is a proponent of the Ordinance. He works for University SCOPE and takes many photos of junk cars, so he understands the impact this Ordinance will have on the community. Mr. Baldwin believes the proposed Ordinance is fair, and thinks the City has done an outstanding job to develop it. Lloyd and Marianne Thomas, 1.2920 E. 26"' Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA (testimony provided via email and placed into permanent record) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are proponents of the Ordinance. They are pleased with the City's efforts to clean up neighborhoods and private property. (Attached) Gene Strunk, 12902 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Strunk is a strong proponent of the Ordinance. He testified earlier during the public comment session, and wanted to reaffirm his support. Chuck Hafner, 4710 S. Woodruff, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Hafner is a proponent of the Ordinance. Derelict cars located on three sides of his property in the Ponderosa area adversely affect the value of his property. Ron Sythe, 12715 E. Guthrie Drive, Spokane Valley, WA Mr. Sythe supports the proposal and testified that the junk cars leaking toxic chemicals into the street are a danger hazard. Mr. Gothmann closed the Public Testimony portion of the Hearing at 7:52 p.m. The Planning Commission took a brief break. The Planning Commission recommended that the following changes be made to the language of the Orduiance: SECTION 3: "Except as provided in Seclion 4 all.junk vehicles or ports thereofplaced, stored or permitted to be located... " SECTION 7, fart D: "The lien shall be subordinate to all previously existing special assessvnent liens imposed on the same property and shall be superior to all other liens, except for state and county taxes, with which it shall share priori 011 Ian Robertson moved that the amended City Ordinance Regulating the Storage of Junk Vehicles on Private Property, along with related changes to the City's Zoning Code, be recommended to the City Council for adoption. Fred Beaulae seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4 The Public Hearing ended at 8:25 p.m. B. NE:W 13USI-NESS Study Session - Adult Oriented Business Regulations Scott K.uhta presented the Planning Commission with an overview of the background and zoning regulations for Adult Oriented Businesses in the Spokane Valley. City Council placed a six-month moratorium on establishment of new adult businesses in early April. This moratorium is near its end staff has proposed an extension. Presently, there are only three areas in the Spokane Valley where a new adult business can locate. Development of policies and procedures will be handled slowly and carefully. Planning staff will continue to study the issue and provide the Planning Commission with further detailed information. Comprehensive Plan/Land Use Presentation Ms. Sukup briefed the Planning Commission on the Land Use element of the Comprehensive Plan, noting that the schedule for completion of the Plan is aggressive. A preliminary draft should be available by the Summer 2004. 10 X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Bill Gothmann requested that the Planning Commission meet for a special Vision De~,elopment Session in September. He handed out revised copies of his draft Vision Statement. Ms. Sukup will facilitate the session. It was determined that there will he a Vision Development Workshop on Thursday, September 11, 2003, from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers preceding the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. The next meeting of the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission will be on Thursday, August 28, 2003, from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debi Allcy Administrative Assistant Bill G othniann Chairman