Minutes - 07/23/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. .July 23, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair; called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 11. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Ill. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Tan Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the agenda he approved as presented. Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion. Alotion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF 'tN'MTUTES .It was moved by Commissioner Crosby and seconded by Cons missioaner Beaulac that the minutes of the July 9, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented Motion passed unanimously. Vl. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. CONEVI1SSION REPORTS Chairman Bill Gothmann Gave a brief overview of the Joint Planning Commission meeting on July 17, 2003. Five out of seven Spokane Valley Commissioners attended the luncheon. The County is presently working on Phase Two of its zoning code, which can be obtained from the County's website at www.spokanecountv.orQ. The Phase Two public comment period begins in September. The next meeting of the Joint Planning Commission will be on October 13, 2003. The City of Spokane Valley will host the event. VITT. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Greg McCormick Notified the Commission that the City of Spokane Valley is awaiting the results of the Growth Management Steering Committee's population study report. These results will provide our planners with an approximate number of citizens to include in the Comprehensive Plan over the next twenty years. L\. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS There was no Old Business. B. NEW BUSLVESS Study Session - Junk Vehicle Ordinance Greg McCormick, Long Range Planning Manager, and Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney, recapped the Junk Vehicle Ordinance history for the Commission, including the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. Following discussion, the Conunission made the following recommendations: Section 4.C - Exceptions: A sentence should be added to the end of Section 4.C clarifying whether the two vehicle exception should be counted per parcel or per residence and should detail the applicable zones. Section 4.1) - Exceptions: There was a question regarding applicable zones in Section 4.1). Cary agreed to explore whether the UR-7 zone ought to be excluded. Section 8 - Infractions - voluntary compliance: the penalty amount . should be $250.00 per vehicle. There being no further discussion, the Study Session ended at 8:27 p.m. The Commission took a brief break. Discussion of planning and implementinp, a Cite Center Greg McCormick handed out research information to give the Commission examples of what will be determined during the Comprehensive Planning process. Lakewood, Colorado, is a prime example of a new City that decided to phase in a City Center at the site of an old mall. The results have been excellent for the economic revitalization of that area. The Commission discussed some of their thoughts relative to a Spokane Valley City Center. A City Center should be a community's hub of activity. The Planning Commissioners were encouraged to develop a vision of the future City. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Excerpts related to animal-keeping from several other cities in Washington State were distributed with the staff request that the Commission study these documents .I and begin to formulate their thoughts about how the City of Spokane Valley should handle animal keeping within City Limits. The Joint Conference of the Washington State Chapter of the American Planning Association and the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation will be held at the Davenport Hotel October 13-15, 2003. Staff is looking into the possibility of the City paying for all or a portion of the registration for Commissioners interested in attending. Chairman Bill Gothmann handed out draft copies of his "Planning Vision for Spokane Valley". There was some discussion about how the Commission wished to proceed. Several Commissioners expressed the view that a more in-depth understanding of city planning should precede articulating a vision. It was pointed out that a draft "vision" should be tested as elements of the Comprehensive Plan are evaluated and as public testimony is received. Commissioner Crosby questioned whether the Planning Commission is the proper forum for individuals to present their testimony regarding individual concerns related to land usage in their residential and commercial areas. It was noted that the Public Comment item on the agenda was listed for that purpose. The Commissioners were reminded about the WCIA Training on Thursday, July 31, 2003, in the Council Chambers from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. This will be a joint training session with the City Council. The next meeting of the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission will be on Thursday, August 14, 2003, from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. X1. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:31 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Der Alley Administrative Assistant Bill Gothmann Chainnan