Minutes - 06/11/2003a, Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. June l 1, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Ii. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE There was no Pledge of Allegiance 111. TOLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gotlimann -:Present Bob Blum - Absent lan Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present Jolui G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle -Present TV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA There was a brief discussion regarding an amendment to the Planning Commission agenda to make time for Public Comments earlier in the meeting. Greg McCormick reminded the Commission that if the agenda were to be amended, the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure would also have to be amended. The agenda was unanimously approved as presented. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Conuuission reviewed and unanimously approved the May 28, 2003, minutes as presented. V1. COMMISSION REPORTS Bill Gothmmnn: - Handed out a CD to all Commissioners, which contained the Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan, the Spokane City Comprehensive Plan and the Spokane City Neighborhood Guide. - Handed out a hard copy of the Spokane City Neighborhood Planning Guidebook. - Provided the Commission with an overview of a discussion he had recently with Doug Kelly, Spokane County Plamung Commissioner, and Kim Lyonnais, City of Spokane Valley Current Plaiming Manager, regarding specific neighborhood needs. - Discussed actions taken by the City Council since the last Planning Commission meeting. - Shared the letter fi•om a member of the public in response to his recent Valley Voice article, and the response he sent back to her. - Reviewed his summary of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. - Announced that the Community Development Department has gathered a small group of concerned citizens to serve on an ad-hoc committee to review and revise the Junk Car Ordinance. Bill has been asked to represent the Commission on this committee, and would like to do so. The Commission agreed he would be a valuable representative. - Passed around copies of three different maps he downloaded Rom the Internet and copied off on his new printer. He generously offered to make copies for each Commissioner. - Still has not been able to confirm the (late of the Joint City of Spokane/Spokane County Planning Commission meeting. It will be held sometime between June 26 and July 19, 2003. Greg, McCormick offered to follow up on this item of business and email Commission members with the correct date. Scott Kuhta will work to solicit invitations for our Commissioners. laic Robertson: - Gave the Commission a brief update on his work with solid waste disposal in the community, and asked that this subject be placed on the next regular meeting agenda. - Thanked Bill Gothmann for setting a high standard for the Commission. John G. Carroll: - Asked Bill Gothmann if he could provide the Conunission with copies of his handouts in advance of meetings so they could be reviewed beforehand. - Requested that a list of updated Spokane Valley maps be compiled and provided to the Commission and to the public for reference purposes. Homebuilders are badly in need of these maps for tax coding and other purposes. Kim Lyonnais agreed to compile a list of-these maps as quickly as possible. David Crosb y: - Reported that he and a contractor friend visited the City Permit Center recently and they were quickly and easily assisted through the short plat preapplication process. They thought that the counter staff was great. Kudos was given to Heather, Todd and Micki for their assistance with this piece of business. VIT. ADIWINISTRATWE REPORT - Greg McCorn,ick announced that the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA) training has been tentative set for Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 6:00 p.m. He asked the Commissioners to check their calendars and email him regarding their availability on that date so he could provide the City Clerk with attendance information. Ian Robertson confirmed his availability immediately. VTIJ. COM_MISSIOV BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSMESS: Study Session on Proposed Code Amendment - Zoning Compliance Greg McConnick presented a draft ordinance of the City of Spokane Valley, amending Chapter 14.4061 of the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Code relating to Code Compliance. The City of Spokane Valley adopted the County Code as an interim code, and is now in the process of amending it to fit the specific needs of the Valley. Hand outs included a copy of the entire draft ordinance, a title and summary sheet, and a highlight sheet with specific reference to code enforcement sections of the ordinance. The purpose of the study session was to familiarize the Planning Commission with the draft ordinance in preparation for a Public Hearing scheduled on the evening of Wednesday, June 25, 2003. Planning staff encouraged the Planning Commission to take its time learning what they need to know about this ordinance, to take public comment into consideration, and to discuss it thoroughly before it is presented to the City Council for action. This ordinance is the code violation "backbone". Staff foresees that the biggest issues will be in the areas of junk cars and signage. Cary Diiskell, Deputy City Attorney, drafted the ordinance and will be at the Public Hearing on June 25 to answer questions. After the study session was completed, Commissioners made the following suggestions and recommendations: • First paragraph of draft ordinance: Commissioners recommended an indication that the Zoning Code was "amended by substitution" be added somewhere in the first paragraph. • Second paragraph of draft ordinance: Commissioners felt that this paragraph should be cut. • Planning Commission members would like Cary to provide good, clear definitions of some frequently-used terms contained in this ordinance (e.g. "ordinance", "regulations", "Civil Code", ."Public Rule", "misdemeanor") for clarification at the Public Hearing. • 1.6.406.100, Section C, Number 8: Is a lien against property tine only choice, or can we consider an interim step like wage garnishment first? Please explore this issue. • 14.406.320, Section B: The Planning Commission would like to see something in this section that specifically state that compliance with payment will also be recorded within five days. In addition, clarification should be made regarding whether this refers to five calendar days or five business days. V , • 14.406.500, Section A: The fees listed on this schedule are substantially higher than Spokane County fees for the same penalties. In addition,. Section 2.c in this fee schedule will be reworded to add (0-1) at the end of #1, and (2 or more) at the end of #2. • 14.406.520: Commission members thought that this section ought to be more specific with regard to how code violation compliance actions are reported to the Director, and proposed that they be required to be in writing. • 14.406.560, Section A: The Commission preferred the word "may" to tell in the sentence.... "In addition to the other remedies available under this chapter, the Director n?a.) charge the costs of " Ian Robertson suggested that the Planning staf (levelop a process flow chart to provide a simple reference for the public regarding the administrative process of a code violation from beginning to end. Staff agreed this was an excellent idea and will prepare one for the upcoming Public Hearing. IX. PUBLIC COMMENT None, X. FOR THE GOO[) OF THE ORDER John G. Carroll requested information regarding storage and duplication of meeting tapes, accessibility to these tapes and accommodations provided by the City for public members to listen to the tape recordings of public meetings. Debi ` Alley agreed to discuss this issue with the City Clerk and provide that information to all Commissioners via email. The next meeting of the Planning Convnission will be on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. It will be a Public Hearing to discuss the Draft Ordinance of the City of Spokane Vallee, Washington, Amending Chapter 14.406 of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code Relating to Zoning Code Compliance. X1. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. 4 Bill Gothmann moved that the Zoning Compliance Code be adopted as amended during the Public Nearing, and that the discussion be continued at the July 9, 2003 Planning Commission meeting, 6:30 p.m. at City Ha* 11. David Crosby seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IX. PUBLIC COMMENT John Baldwin shared his thoughts regarding landlord/tenant responsibilities in relation to Zoning Code Enforcement. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Miscellaneous items were discussed by the Commission, including maintaining Commission member contact information privacy; whether the Commission is required to file public disclosure reports; Commission meetings will change to 2"" and 4`1"rhursdays beginning in August. The next meeting ol'the Planning Commission will be on Wednesday, July 9. 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 5