Minutes - 05/28/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers- City flail 11707 1". Sprague Ave. May 28, 2003 i. CALL TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 630 pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It had been decided at the May 14, 2003 Planning Commission meeting that the Pledge of Allegiance would not be recited at meetings. Therefore, this agenda item was shipped. 111. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum - Present David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Absent Bill Gothmann - Present Ian Robertson - Present John G. Carroll - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Bill Gotlunann announced that one item of New Business, Public `Yorks TIP, would be placed on the agenda ahead of Old Business. The agenda was unanimously approved as amended. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission reviewed and unanimously approved the May 14, 2003, minutes as presented. VI. CONIMISSiON REPORTS - Bill Gothmann handed out a copy of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, 75'x' Edition, page 46, regarding General Consent. This handout clarified the fact that only the chair can assume general (unanimous) consent until someone objects. - Bill Gothmann provided a written and oral summary of his visit to the Spokane Planning Commission meeting at 10:00 a.m. on May 28, 2003. There is a joint Spokane County - City of Spokane Planning Commission meeting to be held on July 19, possibly at the County Health building. Spokane Valley Planning Commissioners were encouraged to attend. -Bill Gothmann said he had a discussion with Mayor DeVleming, who affirmed that the Plannine Commission is heading in the right direction. VIi. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - Greg McCormick reminded the Commission that a corrected version of the minutes from the first Planning Commission meeting on May 1, 2003 has been distributed. - Greg McCormick announced that the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WC1A) is working to schedule a joint training session with the City Council and Planning Commission sometime in the near ftiture. The WCIA has openings during the last week in July, the first week in August and the second week in September. Greg wanted to get some possible training dates from Commission members so that the Clerk of Court can work with WCIA and the City Council to make the final arrangements. Commission members noted that July 29 and August 4 were both good dates for training sessions. It is unknown at this time whether the training session will be considered a special meeting, a substitute for a regular meeting, or simply a training session. City Attorney, Cary Driskell, will research this issue and report back to the Planning Commission. The Coni nission agreed to remain flexible on this point. - Greg McCormick reported that a Junk Car Ordinance, based on information from earlier discussions at the City Council, was drafted and presented to the City Council for formal action on May 27, 2003. No supporters of the ordinance were present, but there were a number of classic car hobbyists present who had a problem with some of the recommended restrictions. After a long and lively debate, the ordinance was tabled until staff could get some additional input from affected groups on the issue. The Community Development staff is working to come up with options on a staff level and is putting together a small - committee to discuss major issues. The City's Zoning Code would need to be changed to accommodate the new ordinance. Cary Driskell explained that the Zoning Code changes and the Junk Car Ordinance would need to be approved at the same time to avoid confusion and inadvertent infractions. VLii. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUShNESS: Dick Thiel, City Engineer, was introduced to the Planning Commission. Mr. Thiel handed out an overview of the six-year Trnisportation Improvement Program ('I"IP), a detailed drat} of construction timelines, and a City map. The TIP is being presented to the Commission for information purposes only. It will be presented for approval to the City Council at a Public Hearing on June 10, 2003. After adoption by the City Council in June, the TIP goes to State, Regional and Federal Governmental agencies for formalization and funding purposes. The Planning Commission discussed the TIP in detail, and thanked Mr. Thiel for his presentation. OLD BUSENESS: A. Draft 5.16.03 of the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission Rules of Procedure was distributed to the Commission, along with a copy of Bill Gothmann's comments. After a discussion, the following changes were proposed: 2 Section 8.4 - Meetings: The language will be changed to read: "The recommended order of business is as follows:" Section 16.B - Appearance of Fairness: A new paragraph was added by Cary Driskell after the last review to relate to ex parte communications with proponents or opponents about a proposal involved in a pending proceeding. Section 17 - New Section - Mandatory Review of Rules: it was moved and seconded that a new paragraph be added, requiring a mandatory review of the Rules of Procedure at the one-year anniversary, and every two years thereafter. Motion passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded that the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission Rules of Procedure be recommended to the City Council as amended. Motion passed unanimously. Cary Driskell will work with Greg McCormick to revise the Rules. The City Council will review them in June. B. Kim Lyonnais, Current Planning Manager, handed out a proposed monthly report to the Commission. This report is in the development stage, and will evolve as improvements are made to the data gathering system. In its early stages, the monthly report will be a tool with which to track Planning and Building trends and to help determine staffing needs. Kim asked the Commission for any suggestions they may have regarding the report, and also invited them to stop by and visit the permit processing area at their convenience. C. Greg McCormick and Scott Kuhta shared a Code Enforcement slide show with the Planning Conuuission. Code Enforcement is an important area of City Planning. As many Commission members discovered at the City Council meeting the night before, passing codes can be a difficult process if approached aggressively and without visible public support. At present, the Spokane Valley has only one Cade Enforcement Officer and several hundred complaints to investigate. Public health, safety and welfare drive the development of City Ordinances and code enforcement. The three mabi complaints the City is presently receiving are related to junk vehicles, solid waste and trash, and general nuisance. Community Development is looking to the City Council for direction, resources and support and would like the Council to adopt and fund an aggressive Solid Waste Cleanup program and an aggressive Junk Vehicle Ordinance. As was stated earlier in the meeting, the Junk Vehicle Ordinance was tabled at the last City Council meeting. Planners are presently working to develop proactive solutions for Solid Waste Management. This plan will call for extensive community participation, and many Commission members had ideas for volunteer groups and agencies to assist. Meanwhile, aggressive code enforcement will begin with zoning code violations and illegal businesses. M PUBLIC COMMENT None. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Nothing. \i. ADJOURNAIIENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2003. 4