Minutes - 05/14/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. May 14, 2003 1. 11 CALL, TO ORDER Bill Gothmann, Planning Commission Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bob Blum - Present David Crosby - Present Gail Kogle - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Ian Robertson - Absent John G. Carroll - Present Ila. AGENDA Bill Gothmann handed out a proposed agenda format, similar to the agenda used by the City Council. The Conunission made revisions to the format. The Pledge of Allegiance was discussed, with the Commission voting 4 to 2 to not recite the Pledge at general meetings. Mr. Crosby and Mr. Blum voting no. The Commission unanimously decided not to have an invocation at meetings. The Chair will have discretion to announce special guests and presentations. The revised agenda was unanimously approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission reviewed and unanimously approved the May 1, 2003, minutes with minor modifications. IV. AUDIENCE COMMENT No public comment. 1Va. COMMISSION RLPORTS - Bill Gothmann discussed his article submitted to the Valley Voice. - Bill Gothmann discussed parameters for email use by the Planning Commission. Staff will look into the possibility of Spokane Valley email addresses for Commissioners. - Bill Gothmann said Ile had a discussion with Scott about planning issues and that Scott was VERY helpful, nice, and courteous and had some planning books for Commissioners to borrow. - Bill Gothmann said he had a discussion with Mayor DeVleming, who said the Commission was welcome to report to the Council at any tune. V - V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Council Resolutions 03-27 and 03-28: Greg McCormick handed out the noted Resolutions, which are the Council's Core Beliefs and Rules of Procedure for the Commission's review. CQBG Mr. McCormick stated that the Council authorized a letter to be sent to Spokane County, addressing the City's participation in the Corrimunity Development Block Grant program. VI. CONIAIISSION BUSWESS A. Staff presented the Long Range work program that was presented to the City Council the previous night. B. Greg distributed the Spokane County Guidelines for Citizen Participation. The Commission's packet included a summary of Spokane County's citizen participation efforts in developing their Comprehensive Plan. C. Greg passed out CD's with the County Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan D. Jolui Carroll asked questions concerning Concurrency, Neighborhood Planning, the new SFPA ordinance, and the Joint Planning meeting to be held with the City of Spokane and Spokane County in September. VII. ADDITIONAL, BUSINESS None V11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held on May 28, 2003.