Minutes - 05/01/2003Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved !Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Nlay 1., 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER: Greg McCormick, hiterim Long Range Planning Manager, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. LC. ROLL CALL: Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present lan Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Present Gail Kogle -Present III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES This is the first meeting of the Spokwie Valley Planning Commission. No previous minutes have been recorded. IV. AUDIENCE CON IENT No public comment. V. ADMhvISTRATIVE REPORT Planning Short Course: Greg McCormick asked the Commission for feedback on. the Planning Short Course, held the previous week. The Commission thought the Short Course was very well done, included good speakers and provided a good overview of planning in Washington State. Presentation Topics: Mr. McCormick explained that the Conunission won't have anything to review in the near future, but would like to present different topics for education and discussion purposes. The topics may include a presentation on current planning and processing permits, a discussion on Code Enforcement, and other topics. Meeting the Planning Commission: The Commission made introductions, shared their backgrounds with the group and explained why they applied to be a member of the Commission. Greg McCormick and Scott Kuhta also made introductions and outlined their respective education and work experience. Other Issues: The comprehensive planning process was discussed, including the designation of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs). Spokane Valley will participate on the Steering Committee of Elected Officials, the regional coordinating body that makes Urban Growth Area recommendations to the County Commissioners. Staff explained that once Urban Growth Areas are designated, the City would consider those areas as "future annexation areas". Bill Gothmann mentioned hot spots, or fires, that must be put out. Greg stated that the City Manager would review'a list of items that has been compiled by Staff, and will present the list to the Council for direction. The urgent items can be worked on over the next few months, then the Comprehensive Plan process wiII commence at the beginning of 2004. Hearing Examiner A question was raised concerning the responsibilities of the Hearing Examiner vs. the Planning Commission. Staff explained that the Planning Commission's role is mainly limited to Comprehensive Planning and drafting Development regulations, or legislative actions. The Hearing Examiner performs quasi- judicial hearings on site-specific land use requests, such as subdivisions, zone changes and conditional use permits. American Planning Association Scott passed out a packet of information on the American Planning Association (APA) and announced the Washington State Chapter APA Conference to be held in October at the :Davenport Hotel. The Commission asked if the City would pay for the membership. Greg stated that the budget is set for 2003, but would look into memberships for next year's budget. Citv Council Ordinance Scott handed out the ordinance adopted by the City Council establishing the Planning Commission. VT. CON TISSION BUS_INIMSS Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Greg opened the meeting up for nomination of Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Conunission. Bill Gothmann stated that he was interested in becoming Chair. Staff explained the responsibilities of the Planning Commission Chair, and Planning Commission Committees were discussed. Ian Robertson nominated Bill Gothmann for Chair, who was elected by unanimous vote. Gail Kogle nominated ]an Robertson for Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission. Fred Beaulac nominated John G. Carroll for Vice-Chair. The Commission voted, 4 votes to Ian Robertson and 3 votes to John G. Carroll. New elections for Chair and Vice-Chair %vill be conducted in December. Draft By Laws Greg explained that he was a little premature in sending the draft By Laws to the Commission. The draft is being reviewed by the City Manager, Attorney and 2 Council, and then will be forwarded to the Commission. The Commission still wanted to provide input at this time. Recording Commission meetings was discussed. The Commission unanimously agreed that all meetings should be recorded, including public hearings and workshops. This is important because ifa Commissioner missed a workshop, he/she could listen to the recording and still participate in making a recommendation on the issue. Scott mentioned that Staff would like to record all meetings digitally in the future, which makes storage and copying significantly easier. The issue of unexcused meetings was discussed next. the Conunission determined that an unexcused meeting is one in which the Chair was not notified a Commission member would not be present, and did not have a reasonable excuse later. The Commission agreed unanimously that as long as the Chair is notified, the absence would be excused. The Commission also recommends changing the By Laws to state the specific number of meetings (6) that can be missed, rather than 25%. Bill suggested placing notices of Planning Commission meetings on the web site. Staff will look into the web site issue. At this time, the City does not have its own site, and relies on a volunteer to update information. The Commission discussed regular meeting days. Greg stated that the Commission will meet one or two times per month, then more often when the Comprehensive Planning process ensues. Due to conflicting schedules, the Commission voted unanimously to hold meetings on the 2° and 4'h Wednesday of every month until the end of July, and then the meetings will be held every other Thursday. The meetings will be held during the 2°d and 4`s weeks of each month. The Commission agreed the Planning Commission Workshops should be changed to Study Sessions, consistent with the City Council (paragraph 8. A. 1.). Greg mentioned that the entire Section 9, Conduct of Hearings, would probably change after review by City Manager and Attorney. David asked if the Commission would have guidance concerning the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. Greg explained that the Commission's work would be mostly legislative, and not subject to the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The Hearing Examiner would be responsible for quasi-judicial hearings. The Short Course book has information regarding the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. Bill suggested changing Item 12, Temporary Committees, to add "or from the Public". Greg said that staff can appoint a Citizens Committee, with a member of the Commission typically participating on the Committee. The subject of time limits on speakers at hearings was discussed (Section 9, Conduct of FCcarings, No. 6.). 'me Chair should have the ability to adjust the time of speakers, and not be limited to 5 minutes. Bill asked if the Commission has to listen to all con-Dents from the public. The Council allows 3 minutes per speaker. Staff explained that the Commission. must allow everyone the opportunity to speak, but can limit testimony to the subject of the hearing. Ian suggested that individuals sign in on cards, with their position on the subject of the hearing, stating "for", or "against". Gail suggested sign-in sheets for the public, and stated that the public should be given the opportunity to speak. Ian would like some guidelines for speaking to the Press. Greg suggested that the Commission should feel free to talk to reporters on what their jobs and responsibilities are, but should stay away from pl-dlosophy and personal opinions. David also suggested training with the media and dealing with the public. Robert Blum will be gone from June 10-July 3, 2003. VII:. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS David suggested setting up an email list for all Commissioners to communicate with each other. Greg explained that email eonununications cannot be used to gain consensus, or make decisions on items before the Commission. 1 V.11. ADJOURN KENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be May 14, 2003, beginning at 6:30 mid ending no later than 9:30. ~ i 4