2007, 08-14 Regular Meeting MinutesAttendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 14, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 121 meeting. City Staff: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Rec Director Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Dave Mercier, City Manager Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Gary Hebden of the Valley Open Bible Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda as presented. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: said he should have attended an SRTC meeting last week but there was no quorum. Other than that, he stated he had no report. Councilmember Denenny: explained that he met with some people from the Sewer board to discuss funding levels for non -point source and that he previously gave some information regarding a mechanism that might allow for broader stormwater funding, to Mr. Mercier for dissemination to councilmembers. Deputy Mayor Taylor: said he had no report. Councilmember Gothmann: reported that in the Mayor's behalf, he attended the Greater Spokane Mayor's Golf Tournament; that he visited some "National Night Out" parties; attended Fire District 8, 60 anniversary celebration; and attended a press conference concerning Spokane County putting up for vote, the 1 /10 of 1% sales tax issue. Councilmember Munson: said that he hosted a National Night Out event; and he went to Olympia last week as the AWC president to attend an AWC orientation; he participated in the streamline sales tax preliminary meeting conference call yesterday; and attended another GMA Ad Hoc committee meeting which showed some progress in trying to develop changes to the County Wide Planning Policies. Councilmember DeVleming: no report other than the mention of a lot of UDC - connected reading. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite said she took a break last week and therefore has no report. Council Meeting: 08 -14 -07 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: 08 -28 -07 VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 07 -17 -2007 12226- 12227; 12230; 12238 -12319 $275,368.96 07 -27 -2007 12228, 12229, 12231 12320 -12397 $530,951.99 GRAND TOTAL $806,320.95 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited general public comment. NA Brown, E 18915 Marietta: said he received a letter from the City in 2005 about trying to get the place next to him straightened out; and that the City filed legal action in Superior Court which is pending, but that he has never heard anything more on that issue and would like to have follow -up. Mr. Brown then read his statement which addressed this issue and mentioned that he not seen any improvement on the property in question. Art Britton, 18812 E Euclid: discussed his previous mention of a plan for 85 houses on Euclid; and said if the plans go through, they will need two intersections on Barker; he mentioned that Buckeye will be the only place to have a decent intersection, and said that the railroad track creates a big problem; he said he lives one house over from the west side of that project, and would prefer to scale back to four units per acre rather than seven. Mike Donahue, 18809 Fairview Court: said that he has agreed with everything done by Council] up to this point, but he now finds there is a split on the council; and he questioned why would a member of council be tied up with the homebuilders; he said it doesn't make sense, and you "can't serve two masters." He asked Council to use good judgment and think hard about allowing seven units on an acre of land as there won't be places for kids to play; and that he is against the idea of jamming people together as it will create a slum. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following Claim Vouchers: b. Payroll for Period Ending July 31, 2007: $251,720.06 c. Minutes from July 17, 2007, Council Study Session Meeting d. Minutes from July 23, 2007 Special Joint Council/County Commissioners Meeting e. Minutes from July 24, 2007, Regular Council Meeting f. Minutes from July 30, 2007, Special Council Executive Session Meeting g. Minutes from July 31, 2007, Study Session Meeting h. Amended Keller Road Short Plat Voluntary Mitigation Agreement i. Intergovernmental Agreement, Spokane Valley /Spokane County Commute Trip Reduction It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS 2. Motion Consideration: Transportation Improvement Board Project Submittals — Neil Kersten It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to approve the submittal of TIB grant applications for the Flora Road and Broadway Avenue projects and the Indiana Avenue Extension project subject to property owner partnership. Public Works Director Kersten said that applications are due August 31; and he explained the three different funding programs, and based on those programs' criteria, the three projects on which to submit applications. Regarding the Indiana Avenue Extension project, Mr. Kersten said that they propose submitting this project under the Urban Corridor Program which will require private partnerships; that this project is not currently on the TIP, but appears to be one that could meet the criteria, and if selected for funding, the TIP will be need to be amended. After brief discussion Council Meeting: 08 -14 -07 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: 08 -28 -07 concerning the projects, including the proposed three -lane urban section on Broadway, Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Setting 2008 Budget Public Hearing Dates — Ken Thompson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to set the 2008 budget hearings for September 11 and October 9. Finance Director Thompson explained that this process sets in motion the beginning of the adoption of the 2008 budget as required per state law. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Dick Behm 3626 S Ridgeview Drive: said that inflation is rising, as are food prices and fuel costs, and delivery of commodities have doubled in the last year as we mostly rely on trucking to supply us with products; taxes are increasing and several municipalities are feeling the pinch; that citizens will be asked to support quality of life issues for public safety, a library bond measure, the 1710 of 1% sales tax, crime check, and school bond issues; and that he hopes citizens will choose their issues wisely, and that Council needs to support those efforts and can do so by decreasing the property tax rate from $1.60 to $1.55. Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment; no further comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Acceptance of Written Comments concerning the Proposed Uniform Development Code — Mike Connelly It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to set 5:00 p.m., August 28, 2007, as the deadline for the City Clerk to receive written public comments concerning any portion of the Uniform Development Code. City Attorney Connelly explained that he realizes Council is in a position where people are submitting written comments about various parts of the UDC, some of which come after a public hearing is closed, and to ensure Council is able to properly receive all citizen comments prior to deliberation, he asks that this motion be considered for that purpose. Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Police Precinct Update — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier said by paying off the Police Precinct Building balance early, the City would save approximately $270,000 over what it would have paid under the original lease agreement; and once accomplished the County would begin making actual lease payments to the City as the County uses its 44% of the building for District Court and Sheriff services dedicated to the unincorporated area; and said that the County has agreed to this early payoff; and if Council concurs, he recommends placing the lease modification on the next Council's consent agenda. Council concurred. 6. Outside Agency Presentations — Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson said that proposals were requested from outside agencies for the 2008 City financial assistance for public services via letters to those submitting in the past, and notification placed in the newspapers and on the City's website; and that ten agencies submitted proposals, as per his accompanying request spreadsheet; and stated that this issue is scheduled for Council approval consideration at the September 11 council meeting. The following entities gave their brief presentations for outside funding assistance: 1. Greater Spokane Substance Abuse: Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council's Executive Director Linda Thompson explained about their media campaign to raise awareness to support youth not drinking by asking adults not to provide youth with alcohol; she mentioned that sometimes parents have "keggors" for their under -age youth as those youth celebrate graduations, Council Meeting: 08 -14 -07 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: 08 -28 -07 etc; she also mentioned that one of their goals is to have schools engaged in training to change how drugs, including alcohol and tobacco are perceived in order to lead the community to support a drug free environment; she said that research shows that positive community norms provide strong protective factors for youth in making health choices, and their media campaign will support that effort as they request $8,500 in support. 2. Spokane Valley Partners: Prior to this presentation, Councilmember Gothmann recused himself from this issue as he said he has a close association with members of this committee, and is on the Weed and Seed Board. Councilmember Gothmann left the dais and the room. Mr. Ken Briggs talked about the proposal and spoke specifically of the Edgeclift area; that the closure of Pratt School had an impact on the community as the school served as a hub for activities, and that now there are no parks or usual gathering places; and that citizens see this as an opportunity to preserve Pratt so there are several groups working together to keep the school open to be used as a community gathering place through 2017, with no debt except the actual cost of electrical and utilities; and that the Spokane Valley Partners said they will act as the fiscal agent to try to keep the Weed & Seed, and SCOPE after school programs alive at the site as the school provides a safe haven for many students. Mr. Briggs said the Spokane Valley Partners seek $20,000 in support for their first year; and mentioned they have secured a $10,000 donation already for this purpose. Councilmember Gothmann returned to the dais. 3. Coalition of Responsible Disabled: CORD Executive Director Linda McClain explained that their grant proposal is for Human Services funding so they can offer greater access to Independent Living Services to a larger number of Valley Citizens with significant disabilities. She defined "significant disabilities" as those that negatively impact consumers' daily living activities such as difficulty seeing, walking, reading, etc. She said that their non - residential center for independent living is for all ages; that their center is one of only seven such centers in Washington, and they serve at least 10% of their consumers in Spokane Valley, and that they hope to remove several Valley residents off the wait -list. She also mentioned that each staff member is someone who lives with a disability. CORD Representative Diane Hansen mentioned their proposal is based on staff and the budget is for the overhead, including rent at the facility on Maple Street in Spokane; and said their funding request is for $20,500. 4. Big Brothers /Sisters: Mr. Darin Christensen, CEO Big Brothers Big Sisters, stated that they seek funding for their mentoring program, currently serving six elementary schools in Spokane Valley; and the funds requested will be used to support one permanent staff person who will be dedicated to providing match support services for the Spokane Valley Schools; and that it is their goal to expand the program further through volunteer development and community involvement; and said their funding request of $9,974 is about 1% of their overall annual budget. 5. Meals Valley -Meals on Wheels: Executive Director Pam Almeida explained that their proposal of $5,000 is to purchase 1400 meals of the expected 10,000 meals they will serve in 2008; she mentioned that 15% of their clients are over 75 years old; and 42% are over 80; and that their service helps these people remain in their own homes; and they have provided this service for the past 33 years, and are the only program that serves home delivered meals to homebound elderly and disabled persons. She mentioned that 95% of their clientele said that receiving these meals helped them remain living in their own home, and that 96% of survey respondents said that home delivered meals make it possible for them to have enough food in their home and get enough to eat. 6. Arts Council: Ms. Norma Ventris, speaking on behalf of Arts Council President Dr. James Harken who could not attend tonight, said that the Arts Council has increased its programming and anticipates growing further, and for 2008, they are requesting $12,000. She mentioned their Council Meeting: 08 -14 -07 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: 08 -28 -07 exhibits at CenterPlace, and their involvement with Valleyfest and the Valley Studio Tour, which she explained, has become a popular community event growing from fifteen artists in 2004 to approximately 42 artists this year. She also mentioned a sculpture they would like to place at CenterPlace, and said she realizes they'll need permission from the City to place that sculpture at CenterPlace. She said that the $12,000 in funds will assist in their activities mentioned, and will be used for the organization's administrative expenses, including the finalization of their website. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:20 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PRESENTORS: 7. Greater Spokane, Inc: President and CEO Richard Hadley gave a brief overview of some of the development goals to complete their 2007 to 2009 strategic planning process; followed by additional comments from Mr. Jim Huttenmaier of the several accomplishments of Greater Spokane, Inc., all as outlined in the proposal. Councilmember Munson asked about a briefing concerning the Site Selector and how many hits we have had in the Valley and asked about the value this site is giving us; and Mr. Huttenmeier said he could furnish those numbers within the next few days. Councilmember Munson asked if the $65,000 request for 2008 would be used to maintain the site selector, and Mr. Huttenmeier said it would not, as that is separate. 8. International Trade Alliance: Mr. Terry Judge, Past President and Director of Sales and Marketing at Hotstart Manufacturing, explained that after former Executive Director Roberta Brooks left the Alliance last year, the individual hired to take her place left a few months ago, and that the new Executive Director is Mark Peters. Mr. Peters said that the financial health of the City of Spokane Valley is largely tied to the international business community; and that many of their members and clients are located in the City of Spokane Valley; and said that they assist Spokane Valley companies by providing valuable trade assistance, extensive research, seminars and workshops, and that their request of $35,000 would assist in those endeavors. 9. Connect Northwest: Executive Director Dennis Leidall explained that Connect Northwest is an independent, non - profit organization dedicated to economic development and fostering entrepreneurship by accelerating growth of promising technologies and early stage companies; that through their programs and forums, they provide entrepreneurs with business mentoring, access to capital providers, and a broad network of essential professionals in the business community; and they are requesting the City of Spokane Valley to become a benefactor by sponsoring Connect Northwest for $25,000, which represents approximately 10% of their annual budget; and these funds will be pooled with other funds and used for operating expenses. 10. Spokane Neighborhood Economic Development (SNEDA): Eric Loewe and Mary Nickerson explained that their application is for support for economic development activities to benefit Spokane Valley citizens; that they provide loans and services and hands -on assistance with local businesses, and said that their organization has grown from no loan funds about three years ago, to nearly $1.6 million in loans or committed dollars for loans. In response to Councilmember Gothmann's question about any similarities between them and SNAP, Mr. Loewe said there is some overlap. 7. Proposed 2007 Budget Amendment — Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson explained that this is the process to amend the 2007 budget, which must be done any time we believe we are in excess of that budget; and that he proposes three amendments: (1) the precinct purchase from Spokane County; (2) setting funds aside for acquisition and construction of other city facilities; and (3) setting funds aside for replacement, repair or expansion of facilities; and he further explained the revenue increases as per his attached documentation. Council concurred with the need for Council Meeting: 08 -14 -07 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: 08 -28 -07 these proposed changes and Mr. Thompson said these will be brought forward as part of the normal budget amendment process. 8. Sprague /Appleway Revitalization Plan /City Center Cost Update — Scott Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta explained that this report is in follow up to that received June 19 where staff mentioned requesting consideration for additional consulting funds to support the adoption of the Subarea Plan and City Center projects; that as part of that pervious meeting, Council authorized $25,000 for Gibbs Planning Group to begin contacting developers; and also authorized staff to proceed with Phase II of ClearPath's scope of work; that staff requests Council's consideration for extra consultant budget funds to support the adoption phase of the subarea plan, and he summarized the additional consulting services needs as per his August 14, 2007 memorandum, which shows a total proposed cost of $139,500, which would cover continued assistance from FTB (Freedman, Tung & Bottomley), Studio Cascade, Glatting Jackson, and property appraisals. Mr. Kuhta explained that in order to talk about property, there is a need to have information on actual property values. As incidental costs, Mr. Kuhta said that the City Manager approved $9,000 for preliminary property appraisal work; but that he asks Council to consider approving the additional funds. As outlined in his memorandum, Mr. Kuhta explained how those funds would be used for FTB plan finalization and adoption, and Studio Cascade public information gathering, and Glatting Jackson for transportation analysis to support the plan. Mr. Kuhta said as the project evolves, staff would like Council to consider authorizing the City Manager to authorize expenditures on the project as needed up to his authority under code, for those occasions where timing is a factor and where we need to react swiftly. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned the library and the need to get them to a "comfort zone" as they could be a key anchor to getting our city center going; and said staff is pushing to keep them in step and go for the bond issue, but they need a location in order to move forward. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned that the idea of having a project manager was previously discussed; and in discussing this with Deputy City Manager Regor, staff feels we have reached the point to dedicate a full time planner, which would have an estimated $82,000 yearly budget impact. It was Council consensus to place these items, (approval consideration of $139,500, authorizing the City Manger to approve certain expenses, and adding a SARP Project Manger) as action items on the August 21 meeting agenda. INFORMATION ONLY: Although the listed items were for information only and not reported upon, Councilmember DeVleming said he would like to have item #13, parking concerns on Collins Road, moved to an upcoming agenda for further discussion. EXECUTIVE SESSION: none. Mayor Wilhite announced that there will be a public hearing August 28, at 6 :00 p.m. at CenterPlace in order to allow for greater seating capacity; and that there will be another special meeting next Monday to continue deliberation on the UDC. There being no further business, it was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor ristine Bainbri . ge, C• Clerk Council Meeting: 08 -14 -07 Approved by Council: 08 -28 -07 c-t,a u 4.0AAla_, Page 6 of 6 NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE ,A-/? 7 Br? aro v ) , (cP l- f c- / > '16 --- OS? ilt, l i Vdp_cdz-kc-(_ i'vld - act r.4e4 g274 4i r PIII - IGN -IN SHEET SUBJECT SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE -' � �� - 7 ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MUST SIGN IN WITH NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE MAY BE A TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR COMMENTS. A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN COMMENTS RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY CLERK Stio `Valley Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cc: Councilmembers; Mary Kate Martin, Building Official From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Date: August 17, 2007 Re: Citizen Comment from NA "Stretch" Brown 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org Attached please find a copy of the comments delivered by Stretch Brown to Council during the August 14, 2007 council meeting. SPOKANE CITY HALL AUGUST 14, 2007 Ihave turneu in 3 sets of pictures to the Spokane Valiey Cffice, and as yet, not seen any improvement on the property next door at E.18909 Marietta. I called the assessors office today, and they said the place is still in Charlotte Bowmans name. About 2 years ago we all -got a letter from the County, stating that they were going to have a delingent tax sale of the property. Charlotte filed Bankruptcy instead. About 2 years ago, my daughter stopped on the way back from Missoula to Shelton. She had to close the bedroom windowr3about 3 A.M. due to a strong chemical odor. I contacted a County Narcotics Officer, and he came and took a' look. He stated that they were either making meth or growing pot. Itold him that were no lights showing, except in the bathroom where they were raking the stuff. The man living there is not a law abiding citizen in EL opinion. He towed a travel trailer in with expired Calif. plates in daylight. The Neighbor watched him take Plates off a car and leave, and come back with the same plates on another car. This man is now hauling in all kinds of junk and piling it in the backyard. Old lumber, tires, metal roofing, etc. The neighbors around the area all keep nice yards, and show pride in thier property. The assassor upped the value of peoples property with this junkyard in the middle. Itturned in a set • of ,35 MM pictures to the Valley Fire Station at U City with a complaint form. Surely something can • be done about junkyard next door, at 18909 Marietta. N.A. "Stretch" Brown GM.3 /C US Navy Armed Guard 4 Ships • LSM 393 - WWII - USS Boyd DD 544 1 USS Los Angeres CA 135 -Korea 11 Trips overseas in war time ..` !! ea u rre/Es -t- 3:_rs 509 - 926 -3066 N.A.Brown E18915 Marietta Spokane Valley, Wn.99027 509- 926 -3066 O S nni�_ Q jValley 24 October 2005 N.A. Brown 18915 E. Marietta Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99027 Dear Mr. Brown; 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org This letter is in response to your appearance at the 18 October 2005 Spokane Valley City Council Meeting. During that appearance you repeated your complaint conceming the condition of the yard surrounding your neighbor's manufactured home. Please be assured that we are trying to correct this problem. As you know, we have visited the site many times, and contacted you at your home concerning these issues. At one point the tot was brought into compliance. But, as you know, last summer the property was out of compliance once again. After repeatedly contacting the property owner and receiving no satisfaction relative to bringing the property into compliance with our Municipal Code, the City has filed legal action in Superior Court. At present that action is pending. Hopefully in the near future we can finally resolve this issue. I personally want to thank you for your interest in our City. Although, as yet, we have not been successful at abating this specific situation in your neighborhood, we are trying. If we didn't have citizens interested in the quality of their neighborhoods as you are, nothing would ever change for our new City. Please feel free to contact me at 688.0024 if you would care to discuss this issue further. Sincerely, Tom Scholtens, C.B.O. Spokane Valley Building Official