1999, 08-18 Hearing Examiner DecisionSPOKANE COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER
RE Zone Reclassification from Rural ) FINDINGS OF FACT,
Residential -10 (RR -10) Zone to ) CONCLUSIONS OF LAW,
Light Industrial (I -2) Zone ) .AND DECISION
Applicant Inland Empire Paper Co )
File No ZE -37 -96 )
Proposal: Application for a zone reclassification from the Rural Residential -10 (RR -10) zone
to the Light Industrial (I -2) zone, on approximately 105 8 acres of land, for development of
recreational/community facilities, a business park, vanous commercial uses and those uses allowed
in the Light Industnal (1 -2) zone
Decision: Approved, subject to conditions
A. General Information:
Applicant/Legal Owner Inland Empire Paper Company, 3320 North Argonne Road,
Spokane WA 99212, and YMCA, 507 North Howard, Spokane, WA 99201
Address: of assigned
Location: Generally located south of and adjacent to Euclid Avenue, north of Indiana
Avenue, southwest of the Spokane River and one - fourth (1/4) mile east of Pines Road (Hwy 27),
in Section 10, Township 25 N , Range 44 EWM , Spokane County
Legal Description: That part of the North /2 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 44
EWM, Spokane, Washington descnbed as follows The North 300 00 feet of the East 280 00
feet of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 'A, the North 300 00 feet of the East '/2 of the Northwest '/4,
the North 300 00 fcct of Government Lot 2 lying westerly of the v.esterly right -of- way line of the
Inland Empire Co Railroad, as shown on Record of Survey, Book 45, Page 78, Except Mirabeau
Parkway as recorded under File No CRP 2762, Spokane County, Washington, AND that part of
the East '/2 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington
described as follows The South '/2 of the Southwest '/4 of the Northeast '4, Except the West
200 00 feet, Government Lot 3 lying southerly and westerly of the southwesterly right -of -way
line of the Inland Empire Co Railroad as shown on Record of Survey, Book 45, Page 78, Except
the North '/2 of the North /2 of said Government Lot 3, and that part of the Southeast '/a lying
north of the northerly nght -of -way line of the Uruon Pacific Railroad, Except Mirabeau Parkway
as recorded under File No CRP 2762, Spokane County, Washington
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Zoning: Rural Residential -10 (RR -10) The site is also located in the Aquifer Sensitive
Overlay zone and the Public Transit Benefit Area designated by the Zoning Code
Comprehensive Plan: Rural category The property is also located within the Aquifer
Sensitive Area, Pnonty Sewer Service Area and Urban Impact Area designated by the Plan
IUGA: The site is located inside the intenm urban growth area boundanes designated by
the County pursuant to the State Growth Management Act
Critical Areas: County Cntical Areas maps designate Urban Natural Open Space pnonty
wildlife habitat extending through the majonty of the south portion of the site and all of the north
portion of the site This pnonty habitat extends through most of the north half of Section 10,
between the Spokane River and Pines Road Such maps designate the Spokane River as a
Type I stream, which has a 250 -foot wide npanan pnonty habitat buffer under the County
Cntical Areas Ordinance
Shorelines: The Spokane River is designated as a shoreline of statewide significance by the
County Shoreline Master Program Portions of the site appear to be located within the 200 -foot
wide shoreline area that extends from the ordinary high water mark of the river The shorelines
paralleling the site boundanes are designated either Conservancy Area or Pastoral Area by the
Master Program
Environmental Review: A Determination of Significance (DS) was issued for the proposal
on August 30, 1996 A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued on October 2,
1997, with a comment penod ending November 18, 1997 A Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) was issued on June 12, 1998
Site Description: The subject site is approximately 105 S acres in size, and consists of two -
disconnected areas of land The north 1/3 of the site is approximately 17 3 acres ,n size, lies
directly north of the former Walk m the Wild Zoo, and is accessed by Euclid Avenue The north
portion is generally flat to rolling, undeveloped, covered with native grasses, and located a short
distance west of the Spokane River The south 2/3 of the site is approxunately 88 5 acres m size,
bordered on the south by the Union Pacific Railway nght -of -way, and is accessed by Mirabeau
Parkway, which is currently under construction The south portion is generally flat, covered with
native vegetation, and located a short southwest of the Spokane River A YMCA recreational
facility is currently_under construction on the south portion The site has not been farmed for
several years
Area Road Network: Pines Road (SR -27), a 4 -lane state highway improved with curb and
sidewalk, is located approximately a third of a mile west of the north portion of the site and a half
mile west of the south portion of the site Euclid Avenue, a paved road without curb or sidewalk,
borders the north portion of the site The County has formed a road improvement distract to
improve Euclid Avenue to a 3 -lane artenal road section from Pines Road east to Mirabeau
Parkway Mirabeau Parkway has been paved to a 3 -lane artenal road section halfway between
Euclid Avenue and Indiana Avenue Such roadway is expected to be extended to Indiana
Avenue during 1999, and south of the current site would include a fully signalized railroad
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4 CP
crossing and a transition from 3 lanes to 5 lanes Indiana Avenue, which is designated as a
Minor Artenal by the Artenal Road Plan, lies at varying distances 100 -200 feet southerly of the
south portion of the site
Trent Avenue, a state highway, is located a mile north of the site Interstate 90 lies less
than 600 feet southerly of the south portion of the site at its closest pomt A new freeway
interchange at Evergreen Road and Interstate 90 is planned for construction within a few years
The Arterial Road Plan illustrates Evergreen Road extended north of Interstate 90 as a future
Pnncipal Arterial, following the east boundary of the south portion of the site, crossing the
Spokane River and continuing north to Trent Avenue The County has abandoned such
alignment north of Indiana Avenue, in favor of artenal road type improvements to Euclid
Avenue and Mirabeau Parkway
Surrounding Conditions: The land lying north of the north portion of the site is zoned Light
Industrial (I -2) and undeveloped A single - family home on land zoned RR -10 is located just
west of the north portion of the site Approximately 44 acres of land lying between the two
portions of the site are zoned RR -10, and include facilities and exhibits left over from the old
Walk m the Wild Zoo which previously existed on such acreage Such acreage is otherwise
undeveloped, and compnsed of ponderosa pine woodland, with large rock outcroppings nsmg
more than 100 feet above a native grass plain Immediately east of such area lies approximately
88 acres of undeveloped land owned by the State Department of Natural Resources m a
conservancy status Such land is zoned RR -10, is undeveloped, and also includes part of the old
The land fronting along the east side of Pines Road m the area, between Euclid Avenue
and Mansfield Avenue, is zoned either UR -22 or I -2, and includes a business park, offices, multi-
- family housing and vacant land -This includes -15 acres 'of land located at the southeast corner of
Euclid Avenue and Pines Road, which were recently rezoned 1 -2 and are being developed for a
business park The_land lying along the west side of Pines Road in the area, between Euclid and
Mansfield Avenues, includes an elementary school, vacant land and residential housing The
Staff Report on p 2 incorrectly lists the location and zoning of the 35 -acre property rezoned in
File No PE- 1567- 89/ZE -3 -89 Such land is actually located at the northeast corner of Pines
Road and Mansfield Avenue, and was rezoned m 1989 from the Restncted Industnal zone and
Residential Office zone of the now expired County Zoning Ordinance to the I -2 zone and
Neighborhood Business (B -1) zone
The land lying east of the southerly part of the south portion of the site is zoned I -2, and
is undeveloped The land lying east of the Spokane River in the vicinity is zoned I -2 and Heavy
Industnal (I -3), and includes an aluminum rolling/processmg plant and vacant land The land
lying south and southeast of the south portion of the site, south of the railroad nght of way, is
zoned I -2, Community Business (3-2) and Regional Business (B -3), and consists of vacant land,
a regional shopping mall and a large retail center The land lying southwest of the site, south of
Indiana Avenue, is zoned I -2 and developed pnmanly with light industrial uses and vacant land
Recent land use approvals m the area are listed on page 2 of the Staff Report The land lying
between the Mirabeau Pomt project and the nver is owned by the State Department of Parks and
Recreation, is zoned RR -10 and mcludes the Centennial Trail
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• ; P
Project Description: The applicant proposed a zone reclassification of 105 8 acres of land •
to the I -2 zone for 105 8 acres of land The applicant onginally submitted an application in May,
1996 to rezone approximately 122 acres to the B -2 and B -3 zones, along with proposed changes
to the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site The ongmal application would have rezoned
the north part of the current site to the B -2 zone, and the south part to the B -3 zone In March,
1999, the applicant submitted a revised rezone application to develop the current site of 105 8
acres under the I -2 zone, without a Comprehensive Plan amendment See letter dated 3 -10 -99
from Ramm Associates, Inc to John Pederson
The revised site plan of record submitted on April 29, 1999 represents a conceptual
master plan for the entire 229 -acre Mirabeau Point development The master plan includes the
current site, the land lying directly north of the north portion of the site, the 44 acres of land lying
between the two portions of the site, and the land lying to the east between the nver and the south
portion of the site Inland Empire Paper Co owns the portions of the Mirabeau Point
development outside the current site
The site plan illustrates parts of the south portion of the site lying west of Mirabeau
Parkway developed for a YMCA facility (12 acres), a community complex and an ice arena The
environmental documents indicate that the community complex may include a science center,
educational classrooms, a planetarium and a senior center The YMCA facility will likely
include an indoor aquatics center, teen center and gymnasium The northerly 10 -11 acres of the
44 acres lying between the two portions of the current site are proposed to be reserved for a
County park with playgrounds The remaining portion of this acreage would be reserved as
natural open space with interpretive trails, interpretative facilities, and a Centennial Trail head
parking lot The remainder of the site and the Mirabeau Point development would be developed
for "business park" type uses These will purportedly be limited to offices, light industrial uses
= and limited coniannercial uses -
According to the environmental documents, the Mirabeau Point conceptual elan would be
developed over a 10 -year penod Phase I of the plan would include the YMCA, ice arena, and
retail and recreational uses m the south portion of the plan Phase II would develop the easterly
portion of the concept plan, including a business office park and miscellaneous recreational and
commercial uses Phase III includes development of the north portion of the concept plan for
business park uses and the County park However, at the public hearing, the applicants indicated
that the Euclid Avenue portion of the project might be developed first Access to the Centennial
Trail is illustrated at various locations from the Mirabeau Point development The current
proposal is conditioned for the extension of public sewer and water
County Engmeenng conditions of approval require the applicant to construct a traffic
signal at realigned Mansfield Avenue and Mirabeau Parkway, install sidewalk along Mirabeau
Parkway/Euchd Avenue through the site as building permits are issued, participate m the funding
of the Evergreen/I -90 Interchange through a voluntary agreement with the County, improve
Mansfield Avenue from Mirabeau Parkway to the west boundary of the site to a 3 -lane special
roadway section, improve the other public roads in the project to a commercial local access
roadway section, and dedicate the necessary road nghts of way
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Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) conditions require the
applicant to fund or install off -site unprovements at vanous road intersections with state
highways in the area, and at the I- 90/Pines Road freeway interchange Such conditions also
require the applicant to modify the project, if necessary, to ensure that carbon monoxide limits
are not exceeded County Engineenng and WSDOT conditions require the traffic analysis for the
project to be updated if buildout is not completed by the year 2006, or if traffic generation
exceeds certain trip generation volumes WSDOT and the County are currently working on a
traffic mitigation plan for the area, which the applicant may participate in, if adopted, m lieu of
the improvements to the State transportation system descnbed above
Procedural Matter: The Staff Report and Determination of Completeness issued 3 -23 -99
indicates that the application was deemed "counter- complete" effective June 6, 1996 This is
incorrect, since the current application for a rezone to the I -2 zone was not filed until March 10,
1999 Since the application requested a completely different zone than the onginal rezone
application submitted in 1996, there is no relation back to the previous application and a new
counter- complete date should have been established The Examuier assumes this date to be
March 10, 1999 The current application was deemed "technically complete" on March 23,
1999 The Examiner considers the project to have "vested" on March 23, 1999, for the purpose
of determuung the development regulations applicable to the rezone See County Resolution No
96 -0293, paragraph 040 B 9
B. Procedural Information:
Applicable Zoning Regulations: Spokane County Zoning Code Chapters 14 632 and 14 402
Hearing Date and Location: June 9, 1999, Spokane County Public Works Building,
Lower Level, Commissioners Assembly Room, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane, WA
- Notices: Mailed May 21, 1999 by applicant
Posted - May -21, 1999 by applicant
Published May 21, 1999
Compliance The legal requirements for public notice have been met
Hearing Procedure: Pursuant to County Resolution Nos 96 -0171 and 96 -0294
Tammy Jones
Division of Building and Planning
1026 West Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260 -0240
Cathy Ramm
25 South Altamont
Spokane, WA 99202
Wyn Birkenthal
Pat Harper
Division of Engineenng and Roads
1026 West Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260
John Konen
110 West Cataldo
Spokane, WA 99201
Greg Figg
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 5
Spokane County Parks & Recreation
404 North Havana
Spokane, WA 99202
Wayne Frost
Inland Empire Paper
3320 North Argonne
Spokane, WA 99212
Wayne Andreson
Inland Empire Paper
3320 North Argonne
Spokane, WA 99212
Chns Ashenbrenner
140 South Arthur, Suite 600
Spokane, WA 99202
WA State Department of Transportation
2714 North Mayfair
Spokane, WA 99207
Todd Whipple
Inland Pacific Engmeenng
707 West 7th Avenue, Suite 200
Spokane, WA 99204
Bob Boyle
Hanson Industries
15102 East Indiana Avenue
Spokane, WA 99216
Sue Madsen (no address given)
Richard Wallis
507 North Howard
Spokane, WA 99201
Items Noticed: County Comprehensive Plan, County Zomng Code, County Shoreline
Master Program, County Guidelines for Stormwater Management, and County Standards for
Road and Sewer Construction County Critical Areas maps, County Artenal Road Plan maps
and County Official Shoreline maps County Resolution Nos 98 -0201 (amending Gwdehnes for
Storiwater= Management), 97 -0652 (amending Cntical Areas Ordinance), 97 -0321 (adopting
interim IUGA regulations), -97 -0135 (adopting moratonum outside County IUGAs), 97 -0134
(establishing IUGA boundanes), 96 -1005 (suspending park mitlgatiion tees), 96 -0302 (adopting
Cntical Areas Ordinance), 96 -0294 (Hearing Exathunei Rules of Piucedure), 96 -0293 (ESHB
1724 procedures), 96 -0171 (Heanng Examiner Ordinance), 95 -0498 (adopting Standards for
Road and Sewer Construction, and Guidelines for Stormwater Management), and 85 -0900
(adopting Zoning Code, and Program to Implement Zoning Code)
A Approval cntena
In considering a rezone application, Washington case law generally provides that 1) there is
no presumption m favor of the rezone, 2) the applicant for the rezone must prove that conditions
have substantially changed m the area since the last zoning of the property, and 3) the rezone
proposal must bear a substantial relationship to the public health, safety or welfare Parkrrdge v
Seattle, 98 Wn 2d 454, 462, 573 P 2d 359 (1978), and Bjarnson v Krtsap County, 78 Wn App
840, 899 P 2d 1290 (1995)
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
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A comprehensive plan is considered as a general bluepnnt for land use regulation by local
governments Only general conformance with a'comprehensive plan is required to approve a
rezone See Citizens for Mount Vernon v City of Mount Vernon, 133 Wn 2d 861, 873, 947 P 2d
1208 (1997), Cathcart v Snohomish County, 96 Wn 2d 201, 211 -12, 634 P 2d 853 (1981) Where
a comprehensive plan conflicts with zomng regulations, zomng regulations will usually be
construed to prevail See Weyerhaeuser v Pierce County, 124 Wn 2d 26, 43 (1994), 873 P 2d 498
The County Heanng Examiner Ordinance authonzes the Hearing Examiner to grant, deny
or grant with such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the Examiner finds necessary to
make a rezone application compatible with the Spokane County Generalized Comprehensive
Plan and applicable development regulations See County Resolution No 96 -0171, Attachment
"A ", paragraphs 7 (d) and section 11, and RCW 36 70 970 Development regulations include,
without limitation, the County Zoning Code, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the
County's Local Environmental Ordinance (chapter 11 10 of the Spokane County Code)
Section 14 402 020 of the Zomng Code authonzes amendments to the Code based on any
one of 6 grounds, without differentiating between zoning text revisions and amendments to the
official zoning map Zoning Code 14 402 020 (1) authorizes the Code to be amended if it is "
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is not detrimental to the public welfare" Zoning
Code 14 402 020 (2) authonzes a Code amendment where " [c]hange in economic,
technological, or land use conditions has occurred to warrant modification of this Code" These
are the most relevant local cntena for consideration of the current rezone application.
Section 14 100 104 of the County Zomng Code states that the provisions of the Code shall
be interpreted to carry out and implement the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and
the_general plans for physical development of the county adopted by the Board of County -
Commissioners _Zoning Code 14 100 106 indicates t aafwhen the provisions of the Zoning Cods.._
conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, or other adopted plans and development regulations, the
-more restrictive provisions-shall'govern to the extent legaiiy-periiiissiblc -anti the Zomng Code
provisions will be met as a minimum
Spokane County has designated a wide array of local SEPA policies which may be used to
condition or deny land use actions under the County's Local Environmental Ordinance Such
policies include the Comprehensive Plan, County Zomng Code, County Code, County Road
Standards, County Stormwater Guidelines, recommendations received from County departments
and other public agencies on land use actions, studies performed on a land use action voluntanly
or at the request of a County department, and other listed regulations and policies See chapter
11 10 of Spokane County Code
B The proposal, as conditioned, generally conforms with the Spokane Countv Generalized
Comprehensive Plan, bears a substantial relationship to and will not be detnmental to the public
health. safety and general welfare. and complies with the Spokane County Zoning Code and
other applicable development regulations
The site is designated m the Rural category of the Comprehensive Plan The Rural
category is intended to provide the opportunity for development of agricultural, timber or open
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
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environments m a "countrylike" setting The primary land use within this category is intended to
be very-large lot residential with agricultural uses or open spaces See Comprehensive Plan,
Section 4, "Purpose" The residential density recommended by the Rural category is one unit per
ten (10) or more acres
The Rural category states as follows, in pertinent part
The Rural category includes all the land not already included in the
Urban, Suburban or Semi -Rural categories, or the Major Commercial,
Industrial or Agricultural categories Occasionally, small -scale
commercial and industrial uses will be found to serve local needs of
the surrounding populations, including those associated with
agricultural activities These will usually be located in and near small
incorporated or unincorporated communities The typical land use
mix could include residential, Agricultural, timber, grazing public
lands roads and/or vacant land and large unique and environmentally
sensitive areas Adjacent compatible categories might include
Suburban and Semi -Rural or Agricultural
The aesthetic setting of the Rural Category will be open space Large,
cultivated fields, pastures and timber and natural areas will consume,
most of the land Houses will generally be scattered and at some
distance from each other It will be common to see 1 or 2 houses on a
quarter section (160 acres), while in some areas, as many as 64
houses may be set on a section (640 acres)
Very few public services will be provided to the -Rural Category in
comparison to the other three residential categories -
Mosi Urban. Major Commercial and Industrial activities would be'
incompatible in the Rural category Urban, Suburban and some Semi -
Rural- intensity residential subdivisions not related to agriculture
would also be out of place
[Emphasis added] Comprehensive Plan, Section 4
Decision Guideline 4 3 1 recommends that proposed development m the Rural category be
designed to benefit from, accommodate and complement environmental conditions and features
Land use proposals should consider development impact upon wildlife habitat, and the retention
and maintenance of fragile wildlife and/or unique environmental areas identified by the County
Decision Guidelines 4 3 3 and 4 4 2
Decision Guideline 4 6 2 recommends that land being productively and economically
farmed not be converted to a nonagncultural use Decision Guideline 4 6 3 discourages
development of land currently in agricultural use within the Rural category, and emphasizes that
development should be compatible with adjacent agncultural activities Decision Guideline
4 6 4 finds that a multiple use concept, including such activities as grazing, outdoor recreation,
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wildlife management and similar uses, would be compatible with timber management and
existing agricultural activities m the Rural category
Objective 4 5 b of the Rural category states that residential areas should be discouraged
within high noise level zones, such as m the vicinity of airports, railroads and freeways
Decision Guideline 4 7 b encourages a vanety of lot sizes m outlying areas, with small acreage
tracts distinguished from agncultural areas, to retain a relatively low density and to provide
limited agricultural activities Decision Guideline 4 7 2 indicates that single- family development
is appropnate within the Rural category, provided the development is at a density of one unit per
ten (10) acres or less, there is reasonable access and fire protection, adequate groundwater
supplies exist, soil conditions and topography are considered acceptable for building sites and
on -site sewage disposal systems, and there is adequate energy availability
Decision Guidelme 4 7 3 of the Rural category indicates that land use proposals should
conform to plans, policies and regulations of County utility and special service districts, and for
County transportation systems, resolve any significant adverse impacts on existing utility, special
service distract and traffic systems, and conform to County water, sanitary and drainage policies
and regulations Objective 4 3e and Decision Guidelme 4 3 4 state that future activities affecting
the shoreline areas m the county should be guided by policies outlined within the State Shoreline
Management Act and the County's Shoreline Master Program
The site has not been farmed for several years, nor is there, any evidence that the site would
be productive farm land Accordingly, the policies of the Rural category protective of
agricultural lands generally do not apply to development of the current site
The applicants propose to rezone the site to the Light Industrial (I -2) zone The purpose
of the I -2 zone is-to meetrthe needs for mdustnal land identified in the. Industrial category, of the
Comprehensive Plan Industrial lases in this male typically uichude processing, fabrication, Wit,
assembly, freight handling and similar operations, all of a non - offensive nature It is the intent of
the Light Industrial (I -2) zone to allow for these uses by making them compatible with
surrounding uses Zomng Code 14 632 100
In 1996, the County amended the Zoning Code to allow several new manufacturing uses
and commercial uses to the list of uses permitted m the industnal zones The I -2 zone was also
amended to allow development of all Regional Business (B -3) zone uses, except adult book
stores and adult entertainment establishments, provided all the B -3 zone development standards
listed in Zomng Code 14 628 315 through 14 628 380 are met See Zomng Code 14 629 080
Such development standards included, without limitation, the requirement that any building site
have frontage on a public road of Principal Artenal or higher road classification sufficient for
proper ingress and egress as determined by the County Engineer See Zoning Code 14 628 315
The amendments to allow more commercial uses in the I -2 zone recognize a need for
more intensive and a greater variety of commercial uses to provide support for light industrial
uses in the I -2 zone, and the potential compatibility between light mdustnal uses and intensive
commercial uses
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The proposed rezone to I -2 generally does not implement the Rural category, particularly
considering the intensive commercial uses proposed by the applicant Some proposed uses may
be compatible with the Rural category, including the YMCA project and community complex
These uses provide some internal transition from the business park uses proposed m the south
portion of the site to the proposed open space natural area and County park located to the north
and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conservancy land located to the west
A similar transition is not apparent in the north portion of the current project, where
business park uses are proposed directly north of the DNR conservancy land and the proposed
County park The FEIS for the project suggested development of a recreational vehicle park-m
this area, along with limitations on the intensity of the proposed commercial uses to those
considered compatible with the recreational and entertainment uses proposed to the south in the
Mirabeau development See FEIS, p 2, and response #s 4 -8 in Response to Letter No 5
However, the applicant's representatives currently descnbe development of the north portion of
the site as a continuation of the busmess park theme extended from the newly developed
Pinecroft Business Park, located at the southeast corner of Euclid Avenue and Pines Road (SR-
27) Such development would purportedly include a busmess park geared to offices, light
industrial, and "limited commercial support" See Exhibit E, and letter dated 3 -10 -99 from
Ramm Associates, Inc to John Pederson The habitat management plan prepared for the project
does propose a 50 -foot wide buffer along the southerly border of the north portion of the site
dominated by wildlife habitat functions See Habitat Evaluation and Management Plan, p 25
Some transition is provided between the business park uses proposed along the Spokane
River m the south portion of the site and the adjacent shoreline area The County Critical Areas
Ordinance requires a 250 -foot npanan buffer required between such uses and the ordinary high
water mark under the County Cntical Areas Ordinance The regulations of the County's
Shoreline Master Program for the_Conservancy and Pastoral Areas would also severely restrict or
prohibit cornmercial/uiidustral development of any_ portions of the site located within the 200 -
foot wide shoreline jurisdiction Applicant inland Empire Paper Co (IPCO) suggested that the
btninessliark--u`sds along the liver-in the south part of the Mirabeau Palk deveiopirient would be
of a corporate business park or "high tech" nature, with no retail uses except perhaps a restaurant
or other retail use supportive of the business park Any large "big box" retail uses would
reportedly be limited to locations near or along the south border of the south business park See
testimony of Cathy Ramm
The record indicates an apparent misunderstanding by the applicants that the I -2 zone
allows virtually all B -3 zone uses without having to meet artenal road frontage requirements
See Exhibit E, and letter dated 3 -10 -99 from Ramm Associates, Inc to John Pederson. This
appears true, at a maximum, for those B -3 zone uses separately already listed as permitted uses m
Section 14 629 020 of the Industnal Zones Matrix, such as restaurants, hotels and motels,
automobile and recreation sales, and a few others The FEIS, which was based on a proposed
rezone of the site to the B -2 zone and B -3 zone, recognized that uses developed under the B -3
zone B -2 zone are respectively subject to Pnncipal Artenal and Minor Artenal frontage
requirements See FEIS, response #4 in Response to Letter No 5
None of the public roads running through or adjacent to the site are designated as
Principal Arterials by the County Artenal Road Plan, or classified functionally as Principal
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Artenal Streets by the County Engineer County Engineering currently considers Euclid
Avenue/Mirabeau Parkway as a Collector Artenal This appears to be a functional classification
by the County Engineer under the County's 1995 Standards for Road and Sewer Construction
( "Road Standards ") for the purpose of improvement, rather than a designation by the Board of
County Commissioners under the Arterial Road Plan.
County Engineering has proposed upgrading such designation to a Mmor Artenal, but a
Principal Artenal designation is unlikely See testimony of Pat Harper, Zoning Code
14 300 100, definition of "artenals, principal, major and minor ", and definition of " artenals,
principal, minor and collector ", Road Standards, p 7 -9, and Comprehensive Plan, Section 21
This means that the B -3 zone uses permitted m the project would be limited, at best, to those
specifically listed as permitted outright or as a conditional use in the I -2 zone, without
specifically being subject to the B -3 zone development standards
The south portion of the site is located adjacent to the Major Commercial category of the
Comprehensive Plan on the south and the Industrial category on the east This tuggers
consideration of the "transition area" policy of the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive
Plan defines the "transition area" as the area along the boundary between two or more land use
categories Under the "transition policy ", where a specific proposal crosses the boundary
between 2 or more land use categones, or lies adjacent to another land use category, the proposal
may be deemed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if 1) it complies with the policies of
either category, and 2) will not adversely impact or excessively mtrude into the land use
categories involved Buffenng may be used to mitigate such impacts and intrusion See
Comprehensive Plan, p 11, and definition of "transitional area" and "transitional buffenng" m
the glossary
The Industrial category is intended to provide the opportunity for industrial development and
reserve land for mdustnal purposes l he Industrial category will be composed of a vanety of
industnal, miring and transportation uses Few commercial and residential uses will be found -
Small -scale activatieslelated to industriai,uses :►uch as safes,- service stations and parts and service
stores will also be charactenstic of industrial areas Other commercial services may be provided to
serve the industrial businesses and employees as industnal areas develop See Comprehensive Plan,
Section 7 Objective 7 2 a of the Industrial category encourages balanced communities of
commercial, industrial and residential development in a compatible relationship
Industrial proposals, and industrial and commercial uses proposed as one development, may be
allowed in the Industrial category when the development proposal conforms to County sewer, water,
utility and transportation plans, identifies and takes steps to resolve significant adverse impacts upon
existing infrastructure, and provides necessary landscaping and buffering Decision Guidelines
7 1 4, 7 3 1 The Industrial category discourages strictly non - industrial proposals, unless it is shown
that the land involved is near other non - Industrial land use categories, there is sufficient remaining
land m the Industrial category to meet existing or near future industrial needs, and the proposal is
compatible with existing or potential industnal uses through the use of buffenng or suitable
development covenants See Decision Guideline 7 2 5
Large or medium scale mdustnal sites, relative to other sites in the Industrial category, should be
directly accessible to highways, freeways, artenal roadways or airways, and should not overload or
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 11
congest such routes The number of dnveway or ingress and egress access locations onto highways
or artenals are to be minimized, by providing frontage roads with limited access shared by other
development, providing side street access to the highway or arterial, or sharing limited access
facilities through pnvate frontage roads Decision Guideline 7 1 3
Buffering is recommended between proposed and existing development, particularly when
heavy industrial development is located adjacent to light industrial or commercial uses See
Decision Guidelines 7.1 4 and 7 2 2 The Industrial category indicates that only light mdustry
should be located adjacent to an existing or proposed residential area Decision Guideline 7 1 1
Proposed industrial developments which are not adjacent to residential development or
residential categones, and which are anticipated either to improve the aesthetics or the value of
surrounding industrial property, should not be required to provide any buffenng between
themselves and existing or potential industrial activity Decision Guideline 7 2 2
The recent amendments to the I -2 zone, discussed previously, have changed the way m
which the Zoning Code is perceived to implement the Industrial category by adding more
commercial uses
The Major Commercial category is intended for the development of commercial uses,
particularly "community and regional shopping centers ", and uses related to major traffic
comdors The Major Commercial category discourages most residential uses Decision
Guideline 6 1 1 of the Major Commercial category states that stores and commercial services
established to serve residents within a few blocks radius may be considered compatible, and
therefore appropnate, when located adjacent to residential land -use categones
See Decision Guidelines 6 1 11 and 6 1 13
Heavy mdustrial_uses are generally_considered incompabblein Major Commercial areas
Multiple -use clustenng propos9ls complimentary to existing or proposed commercial
development are encouraged in such category when they share physical facilities and amenities,
and enhance the cost - effectiveness of utilities or transportation Compiehensive 21 w, Decision
Guidelines 6 1 7 and 6 1 9 Light industry is considered acceptable m the Ivlajor Commercial
category, if it is compatible and designed to complement existing and future commercial
activities, such compatibility is assured through appropnate development covenants, and it is
located within or adjacent to a residential community or regional commercial shopping center
Decision Guideline 6 1 2 Compatibility between commercial uses and adjacent land use
categories is to be accomplished through the orientation of structures and facilities to maintain or
approve aesthetics and energy efficiency in the proposal, and through buffenng and landscaping
Decision Guideline 6 1 1
Like the Industnal category, the Major Commercial category strongly recommends
consistency with adopted public and utility infrastructure policies and regulations, such as sewer,
water and drainage, m approving development in such category
The Major Commercial category is implemented by the B -1, B -2 and B -3 zones set forth
in the County Zoning Code The B -3 zone is the most intensive commercial zone, and is
intended to provide for the location of a wide range of retail and service activities, and to
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 12
implement commercial development along Pnncipal Artenals or highways and establish
regional- serving commercial areas See Zoning Code 14 628 100
The northerly portion of the site abuts the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan on
the north and west The Urban category is intended to provide the opportunity for a "citylike"
environment, which includes various land uses, residential development and a high level of
public facilities and urban services It is pnmanly a residential category of single - family, two -
family, multi - family, and condominium buildings along with some neighborhood commercial,
light industrial, and public and recreational facilities
The Urban category recommends a residential net density range of 1 -17 units per acre The
more intensive uses in the Urban category, such as light mdustnal and neighborhood
commercial, would typically be located near or along the heavily traveled streets The least
intensive single- family residential uses should be isolated from the noise and heavy traffic, and
multifamily structures will usually be a transitional use located between single- family residential
and the more intensive areas Major commercial uses and heavy industrial are discouraged See
Comprehensive Plan, Section 1, "Purpose" and "Detailed Definition"
The I -2 zone is not intended to implement the Urban category The only industrial zone
that can reasonably implement such category, in certain limited circumstances, is the Industnal
Park (I -1) zone See Zoning Code 1'4 630 100 The only business zone m the zone that can
reasonably implement the Urban category is the Neighborhood Business (B -1) zone The
applicant has not proposed either such zone
The Staff Report, prepared by the County Division of Building and Planning, and the
County Division of Long Range Planning tended to support application of the transition policy to
the south portion of the project, but not the north portion of the project The Division of Long
Range Planning; as well as the County Parks and Recreation Department, generally opposed thc,,
proposed rezone because it did not provide a sufficient mix of uses, including residential uses
which could be served by the proposed County Park and the shoreline area Visual unpactsIo
the shoreline from mdustnal building were also an expressed concern Such agencies contended
that the applicant should wait until the County completed its planning process under the Growth
Management Act, including the preparation of a new Comprehensive Plan Because of the
general nature of the conceptual site plan for the project, the range and high intensity of uses
possible under the I -2 zone, the need to determine compliance with the County Shoreline Master
Program and County Cntical Areas Ordinance, and the need to determine compliance with all
development standards and conditions of approval, that each phase of the project be subject to
detailed site plan-review through the public hearing process
The only area of concern to the Examiner in the south portion of project with regard to
application of the transition policy is with regard to the intensity and types of business park uses
located along or near the nver, east of Mirabeau Parkway Some of these uses as illustrated are
located within the 250 -foot wide npanan buffer and the 200 -foot wide shoreline area The
Examiner agrees that it would be beneficial to require review of the uses developed m this area
under the I -2 zone through the public hearing process, as a change of condition, considering their
proximity to the shorelines and npanan buffer Some uses allowed in the I -2 zone would be too
intensive to be located in this area The Examiner does not agree with the applicants that the
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 13
Examiner lacks the authonty to impose the pubhc hearing requirement The purpose of the
binding site plan process is to allow the division of industnal and commercial land, not to control
The Examiner also finds that the rezone proposed in the north portion of the site could
allow the development of uses which are too intensive to be located adjacent to the DNR
conservancy land and the proposed County park land zoned RR -10, or promote strip commercial
development along Euclid Avenue Considering the type of I -2 zone uses suggested by the
applicants in this area, the Examiner finds that limiting the development in this area to those uses
allowed m the I -2 zone, which are also allowed m the I -1 zone, would generally accomplish the
applicants' stated plans for this area, and provide needed transition between the I -2 zone located
along the north side of Mirabeau Parkway and the DNR land and the proposed County park The
I -1 zone can implement the Urban category The Examiner has not imposed I -1 zone
development standards on such uses, considering the proximity of such uses to the 1-2 zone on
the other side of Euclid Avenue
The record indicates that there is ample residential development m the area west of the site
already, pnmanly along Pines Road and Mansfield Avenue to the west See testimony of Chns
Ashenbrenner Significant residential development is also located north of Trent Avenue in the
general area A representative for the YMCA testified that it relies on exposure to business to
support use of its recreational facilities See testimony of Richard Wallis Residential
development of the site is also hampered by the proximity of the site to the Kaiser Aluminum
rolling/processing plant located across the nver In authonzing I -2 zoning for the project, the
Examiner also considers the trade -off provided by the applicant's offer to dedicate 10 -11 acres to
the County Parks and Recreation Department, and the setting aside of 33 -44 acres as natural open
-.--" Theyxarm neilias-added- conditicfs of approval requiring thatthe dpplicaiit clodit,ater.the
proposed park land to_the County and reserve the proposed natural area, in consideration of the
habitat plan prepared for the project, the impacts disclosed m the project EIS, and as mitigation
for the impact that I -2 zoning will have on the Urban Natural Open Space designated on the site
Detailed review to consider compliance with applicable County zoning standards will be
administrative, except as discussed above
The proposal makes adequate provision for the impact of the project on the area road
system, and other pubhc infrastructure The Heanng Examiner has no authonty or reason to
require the applicants to make further contnbutions to the road system, or to require
reimbursement to others for the contributions that they have made to the road system serving the
The Examiner has reviewed the environmental documents and concludes that the EIS
adequately discloses the probable, significant adverse environmental impacts of the project, the
mitigation for such impacts, the alternatives to development of the site As conditioned, the
project will not have more than a moderate effect on the quality of the environment. The
procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and the County's Local
Environmental Ordinance have been met
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 14
C Conditions m the area m which the roperty is located have changed substantially since the
property was last zoned
In applying the changed circumstances test, courts have looked at a variety of factors,
including changed public opuuon, changes m land use patterns in the area of the rezone proposal,
and changes on the property itself The Zoning Code references changes m "economic,
technological or land use conditions" as factors that will support a rezone Spokane County
Zoning Code Section 14 402 020 (2) Waslungton courts have not required a "strong" showing
of change The rule is flexible, and each case is to be judged on its own facts. Bassani v County
Commissioners, 70 Wn App 389, 394 (1993) Recent cases have held that changed
circumstances are not required for a rezone if the proposed rezone implements policies of a
comprehensive plan Biarnson, at 846, Save Our Rural Environment v Snohomish County, 99
Wn 2d 363, 370 -371 (1983)
As discussed above, the proposal, as conditioned, generally conforms with the
Comprehensive Plan There is also ample evidence of changed conditions in the area to support
a rezone of the site See Exhibit E, and testimony of Cathy Ramm Among the most significant
changes are the demise of the Walk in the Wild zoo, the development of the Spokane Valley mall
to the south and other commercial development south of the site, road improvements to Euclid
Avenue/Mirabeau Parkway and its extension to Indiana Avenue, the planned Evergreen Road/I-
90 interchange, improvements to Indiana Avenue, the availability of public sewer to the area,
residential growth in the Spokane Valley area, and recent zone changes along Pines Road and
south of the site
° Based on .re F indings of_Fact and Conclusions above, the above applicat&on for a zone,
reclassnficatio*n 4$ hereby approved, subject to the conditions of the various public agencies
specified below Conditions of public agencies which have significantly been altered or
supplemented by the Examiner are italicized
Failure to comply with the conditions of this approval may result in revocation of this
approval by the Hearing Examiner This approval does not waive the applicant's obligation to
comply with all other requirements of other agencies with junsdiction over land development
1 All conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner shall be binding on the "Applicant,"
which term shall include the developer (s) or owner (s) of the property, and their heirs, assigns
and successors
2 The zone change applies to the following real property That part of the North '/2 of
Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM, Spokane, Washington described as follows
The North 300 00 feet of the East 280 00 feet of the West 'A of the Northwest's the North
300 00 feet of the East '/2 of the Northwest '/4, the North 300 00 feet of Government Lot 2 lying
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 15
westerly of the westerly nght -of -way line of the Inland Empire Co Railroad, as shown on
Record of Survey, Book 45, Page 78, Except Mirabeau Parkway as recorded under File No CRP
2762, Spokane County, Washington, AND that part of the East 'A of Section 10, Township 25
North, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington descnbed as follows The South % of the
Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Except the West 200 00 feet, Government Lot 3 lying southerly
and westerly of the southwesterly nght -of -way line of the Inland Empire Co Railroad as shown
on Record of Survey, Book 45, Page 78, Except the North 'A of the North %2 of said Government
Lot 3, and that part of the Southeast 1/4 lying north of the northerly nght -of -way line of the
Union Pacific Railroad, Except Mirabeau Parkway as recorded under File No CRP 2762,
Spokane County, Washington
3 The proposal shall comply with the Light Industrial (I -2) zone, as amended
4 The proposal shall be developed substantially in accordance with the conceptual plan
dated April 29, 1999 and submitted on April 29, 1999, except as modified to comply with
conditions of approval and applicable development regulations Development of the northerly
17 3 acres of the site under the 1-2 zone is limited to those uses which are either permitted
outright or by conditional use in both the 1 -2 zone and the Industrial Park (I -1) zone A public
hearing review by the Hearing Body is required prior to any site development of those uses
proposed along the northerly boundary of the south 88 S acres of the site located east of
Mirabeau Parkway, to determine the suitability of the use with respect to its impacts on the
adjacent shoreline and riparian buffer areas, the Centennial Trail, and compliance with
applicable development regulations The detailed site plan presented at a subsequent hearing
must address all conditions of approval imposed by the Hearing Body Any significant changes
must be approved through the change of conditions process conducted pursuant to a public
3 '
— A ppro—val is required from the Director of the Division of Building—and PI :nr' g /designcc-
of a specific-lighting and signing plan for the described property prior -to the release of any
building permit
6 Direct light from any extenor area lighting fixture shall not extend over the property
7 A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for the maintenance acceptable
to the Director of the Division of Building and Planning/designee shall be subnutted with a
performance-bond or other suitable guarantee for the project prior to release of any buildings
permits Landscaping shall be installed and maintained so that sight distance at access points is
not obscured or impaired
8 The Division of Building and Planning shall prepare and record with the Spokane County
Auditor a Title Notice noting that the property m question is subject to a variety of special
conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action This Title Notice shall serve as
public notice of the conditions of approval affecting the property in question The Title Notice
should be recorded within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal and shall only be
released, in full or in part, by the Division of Building and Planning The Title Notice shall
generally provide as follows
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 16
— tA
7' ,
The parcel of property legally described as is the subject of a land use action by
a Spokane County Hearing Examiner on June 9, 1999, imposing a variety of special
development conditions. File No. ZE -37 -96 is available for inspection and copying in the
Spokane County Division of Building and Planning.
9 The applicant and proposal shall comply with the Spokane County Cntical Areas Ordinance
as amended The site plan presented at time of building permit shall illustrate the required 250 -
foot riparian buffer area from the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of the Spokane River
10 The applicant shall comply with and implement the recommendations contained in the
Mirabeau Point Habitat Evaluation and Management Plan, with regard to the project site and
the off -site portions of the 229 -acre Mirabeau Point development This includes, without
limitation, reservation of the central natural area of the development, provision for avian buffer
zones, and dedication of 10 -11 acres of park land to Spokane County The timing of such
dedication of park land shall be determined by the County Parks and Recreation Department,
after consultation with the applicants and the Division of Building and Planning
11 The Division of Building and Planning shall consult with the Washington State
Department of Wildlife in implementing the habitat management plan for the Mirabeau Point
12 The proposal fall under the jurisdiction of the Washington State Shorelines Management
Act, RCW 90 58, and the Spokane County Shorelme Master Program, WAC 173 - 19-400 The
applicant is advised that one or more shoreline permits may be necessary for development within
the shorelines
13 - --The Division of Building and Planning shall prepare and record with_t1ie -Spol' e- Cbunty
Auditor a Title Notice; which shall generally provide as follow -
"Prior to the issuance of any building permit for any building or any use on the property
described herein, the applicant shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of the
Zoning Code for Spokane County, Section 14 706 (Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone) The
property wluch is the subject of this notice is more particularly descnbed as follows.
Prior to issuance of a building permit or at the request of the County Engineer in conjunction
with a County Road Project/Road Improvement Distract, whichever comes first
1 The applicant shall dedicate 54 feet in width extending from Mirabeau Parkway west to the
western property boundary of this proposal on the new Mansfield alignment for nght of way, this
dedication may be required anytime after the first building permit is issued which vests this zone
2 The applicant shall dedicate 48 feet on all internal public roads other than Mansfield
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 17
Avenue for nght of way
3 The applicant shall dedicate the applicable radius on Mansfield Avenue and Mirabeau
4 Access permits for approaches to the County Road System shall be obtained from the
County Engmeer
5 Access permits and improvements to all State facilities must be approved by the
Washington State Department of Transportation (W S D 0 T )
6 The applicant shall be responsible for the construction of a signal at Mansfield and
Mirabeau Parkway when signal warrants are met Incremental traffic analysis reviewing signal
warrants at this intersection is required at time of building permits
7 The applicant shall submit for approval by the Spokane County Engineer road, drainage
and access plans
8 The applicant shall subnut for approval by the Spokane County Engineer and the Spokane
Regional Health District a detailed combined on -site sewage system plan and surface water
disposal plan for the entire project or portion thereof if the development is phased
9 A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the Spokane
County Engmeer The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be m accordance
with standard engineering practices Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer
will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles
--10_ Spokane County-has approved the creation/formationa Road Improvement_Dismct No 5-:3
_ (County Resolution No 99- 0311), to improve Mtrabean/Fuciid_taa three lane artenal beg,nn,ng
at Pines Road and continuing easterly to a point constructed by County Road Protect No 2730
The applicant shall be responsible for the construction of a standard Spokane County Standards
for Road and Sewer Construction sidewalk at the time of each building permit
11 In addition to the base financial contribution toward the Evergreen Interchange Spokane
County purchased reserve capacity above the public participation requirement on Evergreen
Interchange Spokane County invested 2 1 million dollars, this capital investment will require
the applicant to execute a Developer Agreement for transportation fees to be approved by the
Spokane County Board of County Commissioners pnor to the issuance of any buildmg permits
This development agreement is pursuant to RCW 43 21C 060, RCW 82 02 020, and Article XI
of the Washington State Constitution which provides the County with the authonty to impose
mitigation fees for the costs of certain road projects made necessary by development, provided
the County has identified future road projects necessitated by planned development m certain
areas of Spokane County and is enacted through conditions of approval of a land use action
including a State Environmental Policy Act review, where a reasonable relationship between
impacts to the transportation system from the proposed development and the financial
contribution are roughly proportional Tnps generated by this proposal as detailed m the
Mirabeau Point Environmental Impact Statement warrant financial participation in the Evergreen
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 18
i •
Interchange The Washington State Department of Transportation has other transportation
infrastructure improvements also required based on impacts as discussed m the Mirabeau Point
Environmental Impact Statement affecting State facilities all could be addressed through the
formation of a area wide SEPA Mitigation Area for transportation
12 The construction of the roadway improvements stated herein shall be accomplished as
approved by the Spokane County Engineer
1 The County Engineer has designated a three lane Special Roadway Section for the
improvement of Mansfield west of Mirabeau Parkway which is to constructed within the
proposed development This will require the installation of 46 feet of asphalt Curbmg and
sidewalk must also be constructed
2 The County Engineer has designated a Commercial Local Access Roadway Section for
the improvement of all other public roads within the proposed development This will require the
addition of approximately 40 feet of asphalt Curbing and sidewalk must also be constructed
3 All required improvements shall conform to the current State of Washington Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge construction and other applicable county standards and/or
adopted resolutions pertauung to Road Standards and Stormwater Management m effect at the
date of construction, unless otherwise approved by the County Engineer
4 Per the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Mirabeau Point under response #13 to
Letter No 7,(i e Steve Stairs Memorandum dated November 18, 1997), the following additional
condition is requested If the build -out of this project does not occur pnor to December 31,
2006, the traffic study shall be updated
5 - Roadway standards, typical roadway sections aria drainage_plan rcqu: ements,are our
in Spokane-County RPsolut on No 95 -0498 as anended_and are appl,cab! t, ti-al
6 The regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program shall be observed since the
proposed development is affected by a flood hazard zone A development permit shall be
obtained from the County Engineer before construction or development begins within any area of
the special flood hazard zone (reference Spokane County Ordinance 80 -0726)
7 No construction work is to be performed within the existing or proposed nght of way
until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer All work within the public road right cif
way is subject to inspection and approval by the County Engineer
8 All required construction within the existing or proposed public nght of way is to be
completed prior to the release of a building permit or a bond in an amount estimated by the
County Engineer to cover the cost of construction or improvements shall be filed with the
County Engineer
9 The applicant is advised that there may exist utilities either underground or overhead
affecting the applicants property, including property to be dedicated or set aside future
acquisition Spokane County will assume no financial obligation for adjustments or relocation
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 19
m �
� 4
regarding these utilities The applicant should check with the applicable utilities and Spokane
County Engineer to determine whether the applicant or utility is responsible for adjustment or
relocation costs and to make arrangements for any necessary work
10 The applicant shall grant applicable border easements adjacent to Spokane County Right
of Way per Spokane County Standards
1 Sewage disposal method shall be as authonzed by the Director of Utilities for Spokane
2 Water service shall be coordinated through the Director of Utilities for Spokane County
3 Water service shall be by an existing public water supply when approved by the Regional
Engineer (Spokane), State Department of Health
4 A public sewer system will be made available for the project and individual service will be
provided to each lot pnor to sale Use of individual on -site sewage disposal systems shall not be
5 Use of private wells and water systems is prohibited
- 1 - A wet (live) sewer connection to the cued -wide public. Jvwei system Tail be LonsLtucted A
sewer- connectidn permit is required Applicants far corumer:,ta: p,..r. i shall. submit historical
.ter +. t ti. the •nn •n.�nFa ^f the f�/� ..�.oi.tZn++ �+n.+.�..+ ... .�...i.._ a.. �a a..•f� 1.
and/c1 estimated water usage poor to the •.isu ce c he con ect cr �feaa :t an video esLah/
sewer fees 1 W
2 The applicant shall submit expressly to the Spokane County Utilities Division "under
separate cover" only those plan sheets showing sewer plans and specifications for public sewer
connections and facilities for review and approval Commercial developments shall submit
histoncal and/or estimated water usage as part of the sewer plan submittal
3 - Sewer - plans acceptable to the Division of Utilities shall be submitted pnor to the !ssuance
of the sewer construction permit
4 Security shall be deposited with the Division of Utilities for the construction of the public
sewer connection and facilities and for the prescribed warranty penod Security shall be m a
form acceptable to the Division of Utilities and in accordance with the Spokane County Sanitary
Sewer Ordinance
5 Any water service for this project shall be provided m accordance with the Coordinated
Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 20
1 All air pollution regulations must be met
1 The applicant shall design, fund and mstall to WSDOT standards a left turn lane along with
all other needed components (illumination, sidewalk replacement, etc) on Pines Road to serve
Euclid Avenue both westbound and eastbound This left turn lane shall be constructed as part of
the first phase of this development to allow safe and efficient access to and from Euclid for this
development Pnor to the release of building permits for this development, the applicant shall
enter into a WSDOT developers agreement for this improvement and prepare an intersection plan
for WSDOT approval The applicant is also aware that the construction of this left turn lane
requires that the applicant obtain additional nght of way which is controlled by others
2 In order to adequately accommodate drainage as a result of the widening for the left turn
lane, the applicant shall grant WSDOT a permanent drainage easement on this site This
easement area shall be of sufficient size to treat the stormwater per Spokane County standards
and be accessible by truck for maintenance These drainage plans will need to be reviewed and
approved by WSDOT prior to construction of these drainage facilities
3 The applicant shall design, fund and mstall to WSDOT standards a traffic signal at the
Pines Road and Euclid Avenue intersection This traffic signal shall be installed when signal
warrants are met and when traffic volumes necessitate its mstallation Pnor to the release of
Wilding permits for this development, the apphicani a surety bond -to WSDOT m ant,
amount acceptable to WSDOT for the mstallation of this signal - -
4 The applicant shall construct sidewalk along the property frontage adjacent to Pines Rczd,
and reconstruct the sidewalk where it is to be removed as a result of the left turn lane
5 As a result of the left turn channelization, the one proposed direct access to Pines Road will
be for nght turns in and out only No left turns will be allowed
6 The proposed pnvate access to Pines Road requires that the applicant obtain a WSDOT
Road Approach Permit for the intended site use
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 21
DATED this 17t day of August, 1999
Michael C Dempsey, WSBA #82
Pursuant to Spokane County Resolution Nos 96 -0171 and 96 -0632, the decision of the
Hearing Examiner on an application for a zone reclassification and accompanying SEPA
determination is final and conclusive unless within ten (10) calendar days from the Examiner's
wntten decision, a party of record aggrieved by such decision files an appeal with the Board of
County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington However, RCW 36 70B 110 (9)
indicates that administrative appeals of county land use decisions and SEPA appeals shall be
filed with the board of county commissioners within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of
the decision
This decision was mailed by certified mail to the Applicant on August 17, 1999
31, 1999.
The complete record in this matter including this decision, is on file during the appeal period
with the Office of the Hearing Examiner, Third Floor, Public Works Building, 1026 West
Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington, 99260 -0245, (509) 324 -3490 The file may be inspected
dunng normal working hours, listed as Monday - Fnday of each week, except holidays, between the
hours of 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m Copies of the documents in the record will be made available at
the cost set by Spokane County
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision
ZE -37 -96 Page 22
RE Zone Reclassification from Rural )
Residential -10 (RR -10) Zone to )
Light Industnal (1 -2) Zone )
Applicant Inland Empire Paper Co )
File No ZE -37 -96 )
On August 17, 1999, the Hearing Examiner entered a final wntten decision m the above
matter The decision erroneously included Washington State Department Transportation
(WSDOT) conditions of approval recommended for a different project The correct WSDOT
conditions of approval are contained m a letter dated June 9, 1999 from Greg Figg of WSDOT to
Tammy Jones of Spokane County Planning re Mirabeau Point Rezone (Revised) (ZE- 37 -96)
file The decision also contains an error in the numbermg of County Engineering conditions #
13 -22, which are erroneously numbered #1 -10 after the first 12 conditions
The Hearing Examiner Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision entered on
August 17, 1999 m the above - entitled file is hereby revised to delete the conditions of approval
listed for the Washington State Department of Transportation m such decision, and to add the
conditions of approval contained in the letter dated June 9, 1999 from Greg Figg of WSDOT to
Tammy Jones of Spokane County Planning, re Mirabeau Point Rezone (Revised) (ZE- 37 -96)
Such conditions are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herem Such decision is also
hereby revised to renumber the ten (10) County Engineering conditions appearing after condition
#12 as conditions #13-22
The appeal period indicated m the decision is not modified by this order
DATED this 18th day of August, 1999
Micha 1C Dempsey, WSBA #8
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE -37 -96 Page 1
MAR 2 4 1999
This Notice of Application is being provided to affected agencies and owners /taxpayers
of property located within 400 feet of a proposed land use application received by the
Spokane County Division of Building and Planning This notice is to advise you that the
land use application may affect you and to invite your comments on the project Written
comments may be submitted by any person regarding this project and the
environmental review (SEPA) process All comments received by April 5, 1999, will be
considered by the project planner prior to preparation of a staff report and
recommendation of a decision to the Hearing Examiner Comments will continue to be
welcomed up through the public hearing The project file may be examined between 8
a m and 4 p m Monday through Friday, except holidays, in the Building and Planning
Division of the Public Works Building, 1st Floor Permit Center West, 1026 West
Broadway, Spokane, Washington If you have questions, you may call the project
planner at the phone number identified at the end of this notice Please reference the
PROJECT FILE NUMBER(S) in all your communications
Inland Empire Paper Co
3320 N Argonne Rd
Spokane, WA 99212
Ramm and Associates, c/o Cathy Ramm
25 S Altamont
Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 534 -8159
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Zone reclassification from Rural Residential -10 (RR -10) to
Light lndustrial (1 -2) on approximately 105 8 acres for recreational /community facilities, a
business park, limited commercial uses, and those uses allowed in the Light Industrial
(1 -2) zone
PROJECT ADDRESS AND LOCATION South of and adjacent to Euclid Avenue, north of
Indiana Avenue, southwest of the Spokane River and approximately 1000 feet east of
Pines Road (Hwy 27) in Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM, Spokane
County, Washington
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EXISTING ZONING Rural Residential -10 (RR -10)
ADDITIONAL PERMITS In order for the project to be developed as proposed, additional
permits must be obtained including but not limited to Building permits, sewer connection
permits and access permits
ADDITIONAL STUDIES REQUESTED A traffic analysis, conceptual drainage analysis,
and habitat management plan were submitted by the applicant and accepted by the
reviewing agencies
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS A Determination of Significance (DS) was issued on
August 30, 1996 A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued on
October 2, 1997, with comment penod ending November 1, 1997 A Final
Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was issued on June 12, 1998
DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The proposed project shall comply with the regulations
and development standards identified in the Spokane County Zoning Code, Spokane
County Subdivision Ordinance, Spokane County Critical Areas Ordinance, Uniform
Building Code, Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction, Spokane
County Guidelines for Stormwater Management and the regulations of the Spokane
Regional Health District
ACTION This project is subject to a future public hearing You will be receiving a
Notice of Hearing which will be issued a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public
hearing A written report, including a staff analysis of the project and recommendation
of decision, will be available for inspection seven (7) calendar days prior to the public
hearing Participation in the public hearing is encouraged A copy of the Notice of
Decision issued by the Spokane County Hearing Examiner which identifies the findings
of fact, conclusion, decision and appeal rights will be provided to those individuals who
testify at the public hearing and will be available to all others upon request
ATTACHMENTS Please find an attached site plan and vicinity map for your review
REVIEW AUTHORITY Tammy Jones, Associate Planner
Spokane County Division of Building and Planning
1026 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, Washington 99260 -0050
(509) 477 -3675, extension #225
Fax (509) 477 -2243
Date Issued March 23, 1999
Signature kiiit
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