2006, 05-23 Regular Meeting MinutesAttendance:
Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor
Dick Denenny, Councilmember
Mike DeVleming, Councilmember
Bill Gothmann, Councilmember
Gary Schimmels, Councilmember
Diana Wilhite, Mayor
Rich Munson, Councilmember
City of Spokane Valley
City Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday May 23, 2006
Deputy Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 92
City Staff:
Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager
Mike Connelly, City Attorney
Ken Thompson, Finance Director
Neil Kersten, Public Works Director
Steve Worley, Senior Engineer
Tom Scholtens, Building Official
Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer
Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
INVOCATION: Pastor Linda Crowe of the United Church of Christ gave the invocation.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Deputy Mayor Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Mayor
Wilhite and Councilmember Munson. It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded, and
unanimously agreed to excuse Mayor Wilhite and Councilmember Munson from tonight's meeting.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded, and unanimously
agreed to approve the agenda.
Councilmember Schimmels: reported that he attended the Spokane Regional Transportation meeting
about ten days ago.
Councilmember Denenny: explained that he attended the Spokane Regional Health District Executive
Meeting as well as the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) meeting, and at that STA meeting, the Board
approved a three -year contract for the now interim CEO.
Deputy Mayor Taylor: said that he addressed the Greenacres Sixth Graders who are working to put
together their own city.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Deputy Mayor Taylor invited public comments.
Lorie Mitchell, 18005 E 8 regarding the riding of motorcycles on private property, she stated that she
never had complaints about riding occurring on their own property; that she had no idea this was
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Approved by Council: 06 -13 -06
proposed and found out by reading about it in the paper; and asked if there was any way for Council to
reconsider that ordinance as she feels lawnmowers make more noise than motorcycles.
Brad Rose, 19025 East 4 said he's the reason why this happening; that his neighbor formerly owned his
property and that neighbor feels he should still be in control of the property; that he has no place for his
kids to ride and he feels he should be able to do what he wants on his own property.
Jeanette Vandergriend, 11303 E Boone Ave: explained that she moved in about five years ago and bought
a 1.5 acre parcel; that they have four - wheelers which are used to maintain their property and to have fun;
that they have never had any complaints; that other neighbors have motorcycles; said that it's okay if
people want to relax on their back porch but it's not okay for them to relax on their RV's; that she finds
that offensive, she stated she feels one of the councilmembers has a conflict of interest because that
person has a neighbor who does this. In regard to Broadway Avenue making it two lanes instead of four;
that there are problems in the area of Boone between University and Bowdish, that if Broadway is
changed to two lanes the traffic will go to Bonne; and that she'd like to see turn signals and an arrow for
turns, along with a sign not to turn on a red light.
Mary Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: she asked about Transportation Improvement Plan as it wasn't
on the agenda it was explained that it was on for a public hearing]; said she wanted to discuss the speed
limit on Mission, that during their neighborhood meeting, they expressed a desire to have the speed limit
reduced on Mission Avenue west of Sullivan; and that when the Planning Department reviews a
development, there should be mandatory soil testing; that the area was formerly orchards and the soil
contains residual pesticides and arsenic and she is concerned there is no routine testing or environmental
impact; also that there is no dust control.
Jim Ervin, 8804 E Sinto: stated that he bought his property because of the large backyard and their large
family; that his family enjoys riding motorcycles on their property; that their property is a good place for
kids beginning dirt bike riding, there is good adult supervision; and that he wouldn't want to pass an
ordinance to say that they can't do something they enjoy on their property; and that he has always been
willing to work with his neighbors to resolve any neighborhood problems.
1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2007 -2012 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) — Steve Worley
Deputy Mayor Taylor opened the public hearing at 6:17 p.m. and invited Mr. Worley to give his
presentation. Mr. Worley explained that state law dictates City have a perpetual advanced six -year
transportation plan, updated each year before July 1; that staff examined and research the regional traffic
model to look at growth in traffic; examined the accident history, intersection levels of service; where
development occurs; coordinating the projects with other jurisdictions and with federal grant criteria. Mr.
Worley then explained through Council questions and Mr. Worley's answers, several of the project
descriptions as per his attached document. In reference to Project listed as #41: SR 27 Pedestrian
Crossing; Mr. Worley said staff needs to verify that the school district has changed or will change its
boundaries and that the school district requested some access over Highway 27. Deputy Mayor Taylor
then opened the floor for public comment.
Mary Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: spoke of three concerns: that the speed limit on Mission just
west of Sullivan be reduced to 30 miles per hour; that improvements on Mission Ave between Flora and
Barker Road only be two lanes with bike paths; and that the sidewalks in her neighborhood appear not to
comply with ADA regulations as those sidewalks abruptly end and don't blend into the shoulder of the
road. She added that she feels Broadway should not be a three -lane road.
Deputy Mayor Taylor invited further comments; no further comments were offered and Deputy Mayor
Taylor closed the public hearing at 6:33 p.m.
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Approved by Council: 06 -13 -06
05 -09 -06
9082 -9126
05 -15 -06
9134 -9184
2. PUBLIC HEARING: 2006 Proposed Amended Budget — Ken Thompson
Deputy Mayor Taylor opened the public hearing at 6:34 p.m. and invited Finance Director Thompson to
give his proposal. Mr. Thompson explained the budget amendments for consideration, as per his
PowerPoint slides; and that a first reading of the ordinance to approve those amendments is scheduled
later on tonight's agenda. Deputy Mayor Taylor invited public comment; no comments were offered and
Deputy Mayor Taylor closed the public hearing at 6:38 p.m.
3. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A
Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately.
a. Following claim vouchers:
b. Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 15, 2006: $146,942.83
c. Minutes of May 8, 2006 Special Executive Session Meeting
d. Minutes of May 9, 2006 Regular Council Meeting
e. Minutes of May 16, 2006 Council Study Session
It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent
4. First Reading, Proposed Ordinance 06 -014 Amending 2006 Budget — Ken Thompson
After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Denenny and
seconded, to advance Ordinance 06 -014 to a second reading at the June 13 council meeting. Finance
Director Thompson explained that this first reading begins the process to amend the 2006 budget. Deputy
Mayor Taylor invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor:
Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried.
5. Proposed Resolution 06 -012 Setting Logo Standards — Cary Driskell /Mike Connelly
After City Clerk Bainbridge read the resolution title, it was moved by Councilmember Denenny and
seconded, to approve resolution 06 -012 as drafted. City Attorney Connelly explained that this is the
companion to the ordinance passed last week regulating the City's logo; that this resolution and
accompanying style and standards guide explains the technical specifications for members of the public
on how the logo may be used. Deputy Mayor Taylor invited public comment; no comments were offered.
Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried.
6. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment to Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority
(SCAPCA) Board — Mayor Wilhite
Deputy Mayor Taylor explained that with the approval of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6802, the
structure of the Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors has changed,
allowing one of the five members to be a representative of the City of Spokane Valley. Deputy Mayor
Taylor explained that Mayor Wilhite proposed appointing Councilmember DeVleming. It was moved by
Councilmember Gothmann and seconded, to confirm the appointment of Mr. DeVleming to the SCAPCA
Board. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion
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Approved by Council: 06 -13 -06
Jeanette Vandergriend, 11303 E Boone Ave: regarding the four -wheel vehicles, she stated Council should
consider kids in the community; that there is not a lot for kids to do in this community, and this is
something kids can do at home, with parent supervision.
Ron Roberts, 1116 N Willow: stated that he gets no services where he lives; that his street does not get
plowed or swept; and when he called City Hall, our receptionist suggested he call the County; he stated he
wants to know if anyone keeps a record of what streets have and have not been plowed or swept; and that
his area is one of the oldest parts of the City and needs to be serviced.
Lorie Mitchell, 18005 E 8 concerning the motorcycle riding on private property, she would like council
to re- examine that issue; and she mentioned that her street also has not been swept.
Mary Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: would like the issue of finishing sidewalks and ADA
compliance to be researched by staff as it appears none of the developments are required to do that (see
her May 23, 2006 handout).
As the other items on the agenda were for information only, it was moved by Councilmember
DeVleming, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
tine B l tine Bainbridge, City Clerk
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Diana Wilhite, Mayor
Council Meeting: 05 -23 -06 Page 4 of 4
Approved by Council: 06 -13 -06
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DATE: May 23, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
SUBJECT: 2007 -2012 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Please sign below if you would like to speak at the PUBLIC HEARING.
PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. There may be a time limit for your comments. Any documents
for Council consideration should be provided to the City Clerk for distribution.
nmiq fizi-ow
May 23, 2006
Dear Honorable Mayor & Council Members,
May 3, 2006, North Greenacres Neighborhood held a neighborhood
meeting at Greenacres Christian Church. One of the items of
concern was reducing the speed limit on Mission Ave and making it
consistent with the Mission just west of Sullivan by reducing it to 30
miles an hour. We were advised that only the council can make this
change. We are formally requesting that the council protect their
citizens by reducing the speed limit due to all the traffic cutting
through this area.
In addition, we would like to request that Mission Avenue road
improvements between Flora and Barker Rd. be only a two lane with
bike paths in order to make this pedestrian friendly environment.
Nancy Miller, North Greenacres Transportation Chair attended a
training seminar that the Department of Transportation held here a
week ago and discovered that the sidewalks ending abruptly into
existing properties and not blending into the shoulder of the rod - the
available pedestrian walk area is a violation of the ADA and opens
the city to lawsuits. We have also thought it strange to begin
utilizing a sidewalk and then be cut off by a swale - a handicapped
person would have to back track to the corner to utilize the shoulder
of the road or to walk next to the curb in order to have a continuous
terrain to travel on.
These three issues need to be addressed.
Mary "Pollard
North Greenacres Neighborhood
1//es Gats 4/ xlvscy/a/li
Chris Bainbridge
Public comment given for TIP
May 23, 2006
Official Comment
February 14, 2006
Planning and Public Works
Mary Pollard
Nancy (Pete) Miller
North Greenacres Neighborhood
From: Mary Pollard [maryp @icehouse.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1 :22 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: Fw: transportation Flora Rd -North of Freeway
This comment was already given in February and we do not see anything reflecting keeping a two lane and extending it to the
Centennial trail.
Original Message
From: Mary Pollard
To: Planning @spokanevalley.org ; publicworks @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:37 AM
Subject: transportation Flora Rd -North of Freeway
Page 1 of 1
Please include the rest of Flora from Mission to Montgomery Rd to make the turn - just before the Centennial Trail - trailhead
entrance, as part of the 6 year road improvement plan. I have mentioned this before and phoned and spoke with Mr. Steve Worley.
At the time of our conversation, it was the first that he realized Flora was part of the plan. It is very important that North Greenacres
should be included in discussions regarding this road improvement and also about the extention of the Harvard Road Mitigation.
This is the time to consider moving the Flora centerline over 5 feet to the West in order to utilize a continuous ten foot multipurpose
path on the east side of Flora leading to the trail. The public works department already included this plan on the Flora frontage of
Flora Meadows development. This adjustment of the road would enable to the city to more adequately serve this community without
having to purchase right of way. It would save a great deal of money if this design was utilized. Since the river is to the West and
the freeway to the South. It would not be a great loss to not have a sidewalk on both sides of the road since population by Flora is
very limited by the river, Utilizing the 5 feet of sidewalk ordinarily used on the West side - joining the East side of Flora would enable
this generous path and the ten foot planting strip would further protect people from traffic who would be utilizing this path. I would
appreciate feedback of when we could further discuss this road design.
Chris Bainbridge
From: Mary Pollard [maryp @icehouse.net)
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:16 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: comment on proposed 2007 -2012 TIP
Page 1 of 1
I am concerned if there is 2007 work on Barker Bridge, Sullivan Bridge West, and Pines ramp work - people who are trying to access
roads from Trent won't have access going southbound. Am I misunderstanding ? What roads would be open to give south bound
Also why is Flora going to be a three lane - there isn't anything to access except a few homes to the west. Most are traveling to turn
east. The large trucks coming down this road - would make it all the more important to have a two lane with a more broad shoulder
to accomodate pedestrian, equestrian and bicyclists. It seems a waste of space - does this configuration include a bike lane and it
would seem safer to have one large multi -use path for bikes or pedestrians on just one side of the road that would connect to the
Centennial Trail merging at Montgomery. Stopping at Mission seems short sighted. The present and future construction is
destroying what road quality that is left as they are building homes and sewer is being laid - it would be great to have two lanes with
a multi -use path be continuous from the 1 -90 overpass on Flora to Montgomery. This would be much preferred to the three lane -
since there is still interest in horseback.
The residents on Mission have opposed the three lane concept of Mission avenue. Many have expressed concern of pushing the
street right up to the church doors of the historic Greenacres Christian Church. The citizens have consistently opposed widening the
streets unnecessarily. It is considered more traffic calming to keep the street a two lane and to lower the speed limit as you would
when entering a small town. This is the center of our neighborhood.
People should be allowed to decide what should be paid for. The school is planned to be built in 2012. This would bring more
construction up this road and configuration of what is needed such as possibly curbs that bulb -out at Long and Mission would be
advantageous as shortening the distance for pedestrians in the walkway. The North Greenacres Transportation committee has
looked into this design as a possible configuration.
The city should sit down with the North Greenacres Transportation Committee and colloborative discuss what is most needed for this
community and share their view to better plan for the needs of this area. It was be very helpful for private and public projects to
more carefully be staged in order to give optimal access to residents to this area since we have limited access since we have only 2
doors Barker or Flora to come in.
It would be good to pave Boone Ave since that is the only other
east/west road that connects to Barker. All the detoured traffic has caused more travel on this road and it is dirt. There is
considerable development - providing at least a rural standard pave road on Boone would greatly reduce dust particulate that is
extremely exacerbated by all the heavy development and road work. Residents of this are with any kind of respiratory problem are
well aware of the increased dust in the air and the associated problems this brings. The other consideration should be requiring soil
testing before construction in order to ascertain whether this historically farmed area that had a great deal of orchards has arsenic or
other pesticide residue that has remained in the top soils.
Please acknowledge that you have received this comments for the testimony before the city council meeting tonight_
Thank you,
Mary Pollard
North Greenacres Neighborhood
<maryp @icehouse.net