2011, 10-18 Permit: 11003325 Demo Fire Damage Portionci„. Spokane _.Va11ey® Permit Center 11703 E Sprague Ave Suite B3 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.720 -5240 0 Fax: 509.688.0037 • email: permitcenter®spokanevalley.org Site Information Project Information Site Address: 12509 E MISSION AVE Parcel Number: 45103.0258 Subdivision: Block: Lot: Zoning: 0 Office District Owner: OGLE, RONALD C & SANDRA J Address: 12509 E MISSION SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99216 Building Inspector: NORTH Water Dist: MODERN Demolition Permit Project Number: 11003325 Inv: 1 Issue Date: 10/18/2011 Permit Use: DEMO FIRE DAMAGED PORTION OF STRUCTURE Applicant: RAMEY CONSTRUCTION 5930 N FREYA SPOKANE, WA 99217 Contact: RAMEY CONSTRUCTION 5930 N FREYA SPOKANE, WA 99217 Setbacks - Front: Left: Right: Group Name: Project Name: Phone: (509) 483 -9000 Phone: (509) 483 -9000 Rear: Permits Contractor: RAMEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN License #: RAMEYCC 133D5 DEMOLITION - COMMERICAL 1 $131.00 Total Permit Fee: $13L00 Payment Summary Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwing $131.00 $131.00 $0.00 Tran Date Receipt # Payment Amt 10/18/2011 28780 $131.00 Processed By: DAVIS, JENNA Printed By: MORRIS, HEATHER Page 1 of 1 PERMIT NOTICE The ownership of a Spokane Valley Development Permit will inure to the property owner. The permit applicant, by definition, is the property owner or an authorized agent of the property owner. It is the responsibility of the applicant/permitee that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and that required inspections are requested. Failure to request inspections as listed below and obtain the necessary approvals before progressing beyond the point where inspections are required and may necessitate removal of certain parts of the construction are at the applicant's /permittee's or property owner's expense. At a minimum, the following inspections ARE REQUIRED by the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC): FOOTING - when forms and reinforcements are in place and prior to placement of concrete -all structures, including manufactured homes. NOTE: This inspection includes review of the structures setback from property lines. Minimum setbacks are established by SVMC. Curb lines and fence lines are not necessarily indicative of property lines. The responsibility to comply with applicable setback provisions lies solely with the permitee- neither the City of Spokane Valley nor its authorized representatives assume any responsibility for the verification or location of your property lines. Please verify their location prior to locating your structure. Failure to properly locate the structure may require its relocation at the owner's /permittee's expense. FOUNDATION - when forms and reinforcement are in place and prior to placement of concrete. PLUMBING - after rough -in, before covering and final. MECHANICAL - rough -in of piping, before covering, metal chimneys before concealment and final. FRAMING - after all framing, bracing and blocking is in place, rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems are complete, and prior to concealing. FINAL - when complete and prior to occupancy and /or use; all permits require final inspection. NOTE: In addition to inspection of the structure, this inspection includes review of site improvements (typically depicted on the approved site plan) required by ordinance or as a condition of approval of this permit. Items such as installation of fire hydrants, fire department access, on -site drainage (208' swales), road improvements, parking and landscaping are common requirements of a permit/site plan which must be completed prior to final approval of a building or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. MANUFACTURED HOMES - final inspection required when complete, stairs, handrails, skirting, etc. installed and prior to occupancy; completed inspection record card must be available on site. PLUMBING REVERSALS FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS - prior to cover RIGHT -OF- WAY /APPROACH - prior to placement of concrete / asphalt or, if gravel approach, after completion. In addition to the above, any plumbing or mechanical systems or material which would be concealed by framing, drywall, concrete, etc., must be inspected prior to cover. Check with the Building department for special inspections in conjunction with commercial projects. State law RCW 19.122 requires that prior to any excavation the 'CALL BEFORE YOU DIG' center must be notified. Call 411 at least 3 working days in advance. PERMIT EXPIRATION AND REFUNDS Expirations: Building or other permits (regulated under SVMC Chapter 24) shall expire by limitation and be declared void if a) work is not started within 180 days of obtaining a permit, or b) work is abandoned for 180 days or more after beginning work, or c) after two years from the date of permit issuance, regardless of whether the work is finished. If a permit is expired for time, a new permit may be obtained for half the permit fee based on the value of the remainder of the work required to finish the original permit. Right -of -way permits (regulated under SVMC Chapter 22) issued between April 1, and September 30, are valid for 30 days after the date of issuance, with a one -time 30 -day extension available. Right -of -way permits issued between October 1, and March 31, shall be valid until the following April 30. Refunds: All refund requests must be made in writing by the original permitee to the Building Official no later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. Full refunds will be granted for any permit issued in error. Rate of refund shall be as set forth in the City of Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule in effect at the time of permit application. A copy of this schedule is available at Permit Center and also available for reference on the city website at: http: / /www.spokanevalley.orq and search for "fees" Owner /Agent Staff Approval Date: (C)—(P C/ Date: Spokane Valley Community Development Department Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite B -3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 688 -0036 Fax: (509) 688 -0037 permitcenter@sr okanevalley.orq (Staff Use Only) PERMIT NUMBER: t \--537,S PERMIT FEE: \-?)\ DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT ADDRESS: I aSO ' L 1 s loll ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: BUILDING OWNER NAME: 0 ,9/e Eh��/or1'seS MAILING ADDRESS: l p CITY: C ACI i(G roY CONTACT PERSON NAME:: Pak 05(C PHONE: 00,k- STATE: ZIP: -( '7003 Fax: CELL: CONTRACTOR NAME: Rcuvier Ce s .cfi`an MAILING ADDRESS: 59'30 41, icr ey C:t_ CITY: 5P0 (C e s0�(- Y "3 — good PHONE: STATE: p W,4 FAX: cSo / — ( 2 -a5'2 ZIP: cfcf f7' ` CELL: Soar- !p31- 36b2 rO CONTRACTOR LICENSE No.: (A/1e YCc (33 OSEXPIRES: ji -i -1/ CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO.: 6O f Yo/ f65 - u1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please Provide Site Sketch) ❑ Site Plan Provided jg. Notice of Intent # 30 /1- 038'3 • Spokane County Utilities has approved the disconnection Describe the scope of work in detail Qerilo ii c - 0I- cc /( �hrtc 0..-tce 5 ' e rxR�lr[Cc i K%r(c bvi(Iit-i� .Sv le5 (Oo2, (G'� -0 (� mod, 2D.3 6t-frt(! Ce91/4--Lvvt a -v^e4- �14 DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) if this permit is for construction or on a dwelling, the dwelling is /will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The City of Spokane Valley permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. Signature L --�- Date: /O-(?--e'( Updated 1 -11 -11 Page 1 of 1 http:// www .spokanevalley.org /filestorage/ 124 / 938 / 210 / 948 / 1496 /Demolition_permit_1- 11- 11.doc Heather Morris From: Doug Powell Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 2:33 PM To: Jenna Davis; Mick Bondurant Cc: Mike Turbak; Heather Morris Subject: FW: Notifications for 12509 E. Mission Ave Spokane Valley,WA Attachments: S6OBW- 111101813141.pdf; ATT00001.htm; S6OBW- 111101813140.pdf; ATT00002.htm FYI, I have been in discussions with Ramey Construction regarding the fire damage repair at 12509 E Mission; it is okay to issue a demolition permit when application is made. Thank you Douglas Powell. CB(), CI E Senior .Plans Examiner 11703 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 13-3 509 7'0-5316 dpowell�c'�i spokanevalley.or„ From: Michael Spuler [mailto:Michael @rameyco.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:57 PM To: Doug Powell Subject: Fwd: Notifications for 12509 E. Mission Ave Spokane Valley,WA Doug Can we pull a demo permit today. I will follow up with a call. Michael Spuler Ramey Co. office: (509) 483 -9000 Cell: (509) 939 -3626 www.rameyco.com Begin forwarded message: From: Sarah Rychalski <sarah i �irsenviro.com> Date: October 18, 2011 1:46:28 PM PDT To: 'Dave Seyfert' <dave(lirsenviro.com> Cc: Michael Spuler <Michael @rameyco.com> Subject: Notifications for 12509 E. Mission Ave Spokane Valley,WA Good Afternoon, Attached are the notifications for 12509 E. Mission Spokane Valley,WA. Thank you, 1 ' Sarah Sarah Rychalski IRS Environmental of WA, Inc. Insulation Specialists IRS Phone: 509 - 927 -7867 Insulation Phone: 509 - 927 -0326 Fax: 509 - 928 -3933 sarah @irsenviro.com 2 Page 1 of 2 Dept. of Labor & Industries, Division of Occupational Safety & Health Asbestos Project Notification Form Form ID: 53741 # #1229IRSEn899741 Notice Date: 10/18/2011 Start Date: 10/28/2011 Completion Date: 12/31/2011 Status: Initial Site Work Hours: 7:OOam - 5:OOpm, Site Work Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Contractor: IRS Environmental of WA Inc Job Site C.A.S.: Dave Seyfert Your e-mail address: sarah @irsenviro.com Contractor Phone Number: 509- 927 -7867 Property Owner Name: Ogle Enterprises Owner's Agent: Mike Spuler Company: Ramey Construction Address: P.O. Box 489 City: Chattaroy State: WA Zip +4: 99003 Phone: 509- 483 -9000 Job Site Address: 12509 E. Mission httn•/hxnxnxr lni nra anv/ safety/ tnnicc/ atn7/ achectnc /FnrmfataDicnlav_asn ?FormTD =53741 ___ 10/18/2011 Page 2 of 2 Building Name: Valley Mission Professional Building Room: Through Out City: Spokane Valley Zip + 4: 99216 County: Spokane Facility Type: Commercial Age: 1980 Size: 23,000 SF Type of activity: RemodelMaintenance Quantity of Asbestos to Be Removed Indoors Quantity: 2560 square feet Sheet vinyl Quantity: linear feet Control Measures Neg. pres. enclosure Wet methods HEPA vacuum Critical barriers Manual methods Respiratory Protection 1/2 mask APR Comments: Date /Time Submitted 10/18/2011 1:33:26 PM httn• / /www 1 ni wa anv/ safety/ tnnicc/ atn7/ ashestns /Fnrmfatafisnlay.asn ?FormID= 53741... 10/18/2011 Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency - Print NOI Page 1 of 2 ional Print NOI Back Customer Information Company: IRS Environmental of WA, Inc. Owner: IRS Environmental WA, Inc. Contact: Rob Reed Email: sarah(u)irsenviro.com Phone: 509 - 927 -7867 Address: PO Box 15216 Spokane Valley, WA 99215 Licensed Asbestos YES Abatement Contractor: Demolition Contractor: NO Property Owner: NO Other: NOI Information IDNUM: Project Type: 2011 -0383 Not owner- occupied, single - family residence + 260 - 999 In ft of asbestos removal and /or 160 - 4,999 sq ft of asbestos removal Additional Info: Fee: $500.00 (PAID) Property Owner: Ogle Enterprises 509 - 483 -9000 P.O. Box 489 Chattaroy, WA 99003 Site Address 1: 12509 E Mission Ave Spokane Valley Site Contact: Mike Spuler 509 - 483 -9000 Multiple Structures: 1 Asbestos Survey: YES I- Ittr,c•//txnxnxr cnnleanarlaanalr nra/ Print nnl Acn9irl =1 091 [Q!temnlate =false 10/18/2011 Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency - Print NOI Page 2 of 2 Material Presumed: NO Asbestos Found: YES Survey Date: 10/4/2011 Inspector: David A. Jones Mtn Consulting Services #BIR -11 -007 Project Dates: 10/28/2011 - 12/31/2011 Structure 1 Quantity Type 2560 sqft Sheet Vinyl Removal By: Abatement Contractor Removal Completed: NO Materials: Contractor: IRS Environmental WA, Inc. #14041 Rob Reed 509 - 927 -7867 PO Box 15216Spokane Valley, WA 99215 Demolition Structures: Demolition Date: Demolition By: Fire Damage: Emergency: Alternate: All asbestos to be removed by project completion: NOI Submit Date: 1 NO NO 10/18/2011 1:38:49 PM httnc•/ /wunu cnnkanecleanair nra /print noi.asn ?id= 1091 &template =false 10/18/2011