2006, 08-08 Regular Meeting MinutesMayor Wilhite called the meeting to Attendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday August 8, 2006 order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 97th meeting. City Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Ken Thompson, Finance Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Cal Walker, Police Chief Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner Trish Burns -Hart, HR Analyst Carrie Acosta, Deputy City Clerk/HR Assistant INVOCATION: In the absence of Pastor At Hulten from the Valley Assembly of God, Councilmember Bill Gothmann gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Deputy City Clerk Acosta called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously passed to approve the agenda as presented. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember DeVleming: Reported that he attended National Night Out. Deputy Mayor Taylor: Reported that he attended and chaired the first meeting of the 2006 Spokane Valley Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Councilmember Gothmann: Reported that he attended the Board of Health meeting and that he and his wife visited four of the National Night Out parties. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported she attended National Night Out. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Richard Behm, 321 S. Dishman Road: Commented on the FEMA Chester Creek flood plain proposal and encouraged council to move forward. Mr. Behm also reminded council of the FEMA — Chester Creek public meeting to be held on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. He asked that council advertise the meeting to ensure it will be highly attended. Marina Sukup provided information as to the advertisements placed and notices sent to contacts in her Community Development data base. Council Meeting 08 -08 -06 Approved by Council: 08 -22 -06 Page 1 of 4 VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 7 -17 -06 9493 — 9523 $149,866.33 7 -18 -06 9524 — 9525 $641.35 7 -22 -06 9526 — 9556 $67,629.33 7 -23 -06 9557 — 9585 $54,948.25 7 -29 -06 9586 — 9643 $2,493,832.58 GRAND TOTAL $2,766,917.84 1. OLD BUSINESS: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 06 -019 for Street Vacation STV 01 -06 Tabled 7 -25 -2006 — Karen Kendall It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded to remove Ordinance 06 -019 from the table. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed.It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded to adopt Ordinance 06 -019 for the vacation of Old Indiana Avenue, STV 01 -06. Assistant Planner Kendall outlined for council the boundaries of the proposed street vacation. She then informed them of their ability to require compensation for the vacation based on RCW 35.79.030 requirements. If council chooses, they are able to require compensation up to one -half of the appraised value of the area vacated; or if the area has been a right -of -way for 25 years or more, they could require compensation for the full appraised value. Ms. Kendall noted that this particular area has been a right -of -way for over 25 years. Deputy City Attorney Driskell indicated that while the street vacation ordinance provides language for requiring compensation for vacated property, a process has not yet been developed to determine when to require compensation and what formula to use to calculate payment. Councilmembers Munson, DeVleming, Denenny, and Deputy Mayor Taylor expressed the portion to be vacated has no resale value and they are in favor of not requiring compensation. Councilmember Gothmann commented he would like the Deputy City Attorney to provide more information as to developing a policy for requiring compensation for street vacations in the future, but not apply that requirement to this vacation. Mayor Wilhite expressed the land still has value and will add to the overall assessment for the petitioner's property. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following claim vouchers: b. Payroll for Pay Period Ending July 31, 2006: $235,934.71 It was moved by Councilmember Denenny, seconded, and unanimously passed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Extending UR -1 — Marina Sukup After Deputy City Clerk Acosta read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to approve the third extension of the Interim UR -1 Residential Estate zoning in the Ponderosa and Rotchford neighborhoods until March 6, 2007, and to approve the amended findings of fact and work plan. Community Development Director Sukup discussed needing an extension for development regulations, remapping of Saltese Creek, a restudy of Chester Creek and including them in the overall plan. The plan still hinges on the resolution of the wastewater capacity. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Gail Stiltner 10119 E. 44th - asked council to continue the zoning. The neighborhood is working to retain their special aspects and character and they are working on a neighborhood plan as well as looking at the adequacy of utilities. Ms. Stiltner encouraged council to continue forward with the zoning process. Council Meeting 08 -08 -06 Approved by Council: 08 -22 -06 Page 2 of 4 Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 4. Motion Consideration: School Zone Flashing Beacon Grant — Neil Kersten It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to accept the Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant for School Zone Flashing Beacons in the amount of $22,500.00. Public Works Director Kersten described the recent grant received from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for flashing yellow beacons. This type of grant comes out quickly and the timeline for application is very short for completion. The beacons would be placed at Seth Woodard Elementary, Trentwood Elementary and Broadway Elementary. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited general public comments. Nancy Nishimura, 16816 E Sprague — commented on the sign ordinance as it relates to her business, Green Thumb Nursery. Her business is seasonal and uses its signing to notify customers when they are open. They were recently notified they could no longer use their portable sign. She asked council to consider the original purpose of the sign ordinance which was to help beautify the city. Mayor Wilhite informed Ms. Nishimura of the recruitment currently being conducted for two more representatives to serve on the sign ordinance committee and encouraged her to apply. Carol Martin, 16816 E. Sprague — Ms. Martin works for Green Thumb Nursery and commented on the sign ordinance. Ms. Martin explained that due to the small size of frontage of their property they are not visible from the street and they need a sign to attract business. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Employee Classification — Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor introduced Trish Burns -Hart, Human Resources Analyst, to explain the reclassification of Accounting Manager. In detailing the duties of the Accounting Manager, some of the responsibilities include debt management, investment components crucial to the state audit, and financial reporting to federal, state and local authorities. The Accounting Manager is responsible for the Comprehensive Annual Financial report that is used nationwide to establish the city's bond rating, establish credit and determine the city's ability to continue operations. Currently the position is classified at range 16, nearly 10% lower than other jurisdictions. Staff recommend reclassifying the position to range 17 to remain current and competitive with market. Councilmember DeVleming expressed concern in reclassifying this position and the matter of work -load for all employees. City Manager Mercier explained reclassification is based on the responsibilities of the position and not the work -load of the position. Consensus was to bring before council as a motion consideration on the next regular agenda. 6. Personnel Ordinances and Resolutions Update — Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor reported that as part of the approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in July, staff reviewed the current personnel ordinances and resolutions to make sure they remain current with state and federal laws. The CBA removed "at- will" for represented employees and established a probation period for new employees with a "just cause" approach. The state has updated their list of protected classes making the City's list inconsistent. Harassment is addressed in a limited basis and staff recommends broadening the policy to address the other forms of harassment. Staff also recommends an update to Resolution 03 -015 to reference employee cost - sharing of insurance premiums. Holiday leave also needs to be updated to reflect the CBA. Staff recommends establishing a review date designation to be used for determining leaves without pay rather than the current anniversary date. Council consensus is to keep "at- will" as part of language for non exempt FLSA employees and to refer to the federal list for protected classes. Council Meeting 08 -08 -06 Approved by Council: 08 -22 -06 Page 3 of 4 It was moved by Councilmember Schimmels and seconded to recess for a 5 minute break at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Wilhite called the meeting back to order at 7:47 p.m. 7. TMDL Report — Dick Denenny Councilmember Denenny reported on the progress of the TMDL. The objective of the TMDL is to establish a healthy river and create a Managed Implementation Plan (MIP). In the summer and fall of 2006 public hearings will be held and they will begin developing engineering and budgeting plans. In 2007 a coordinating and monitoring council will be formed to oversee the plan. The MIP will be reviewed after the first ten years before going into the next 10 year period. Councilmemeber Munson expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the work Councilmember Denenny has done on this committee. 8. Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) Walker Army Reserve Center — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier reported on the pending closure of the Walker Army Reserve Center which is a ten acre site consisting of three buildings, scheduled to be surplussed by the Department of Defense. The property has been assessed at about 2.4 million dollars. The question for council is to decide if council should form an LRA or let another public entity such as federal or state agency form the LRA. Once the government determines the property is to be surplussed and it becomes available for public entities, there is a requirement that homelessness issues be analyzed and specific outreach performed to see if the homeless can benefit from the property. Some properties can pass to a public entity at a discounted price as Public Benefit Conveyances (PBC). There are two types of PBCs: Sponsored and Approved. Sponsored PBCs are used for education, public health, parks and recreation, port facilities, etc. Approved PBCs are non - federal correctional facilities, law enforcement, emergency management response, wildlife conservation, historic preservation, airport facilities and power transmission. Once a re -use purpose has been determined, it cannot be changed or the property will go back to the federal government. Mr. Mercier suggested the council work toward a decision that will best posture the city in the process, either by trying to manage the overall process or by being an active stakeholder in the process. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Potential Property Acquisition and Public Employee Evaluation It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to adjourn to executive session for one hour, returning at 9:30 p.m., to discuss a potential property acquisition and public employee evaluation; no decision is expected to be made. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed; the meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:30 p.m. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at 9:20 p.m. It was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m. ATTEST . City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk fcct.titigt JO ditu;r0 Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting 08 -08 -06 Approved by Council: 08 -22 -06 Page 4 of 4 August 8, 2006 Impressions of the Sign Ordinance in the City of Spokane Valley. Background I am a small business owner in the area known originally as Veradale. My business, Green Thumb Nursery is located at 16816 E. Sprague. I share the building with i1RM grocery and am across the side street "Steen Rd" from Ziggy's. For the last 5 years, I have rented a sign from Signs of Change Sign Co. in Post Falls, ID. My business is seasonal, we are open from approximately March until the end of October, if the weather cooperates. My customers look for my sign to see when I am open. This year we received a notice on the door that we couldn't have our portable sign anymore. We didn't have enough revenue to buy a permanent sign, plus we have additional complications in that we share a space with another business, (mentioned in my e-mail that the council members have a copy of.) What I would like to address tonight is the effect that I see that the sign ordinance has had on small businesses on Sprague in area approximately from my business to the area of Argonne Rd. In this area there are many real estate signs and empty store fronts. There are also political signs. It is my understanding that these two types of signs are exempt from the ordinance. Let's imagine that the law was changed to be applied universally, to all portable signs including political signs and real estate signs. What is your first reaction? Is it that real estate companies and politicians would not be able to contact their intended audience? How is it any different for a small business that cannot afford a permanent sign. None of these entities can contact their customers as they drive down Sprague without a sign to attract them. Let's go back to the original purpose of the ordinance. It was to beautify the Sprague corridor. I think that it can be said that empty store fronts are not a beautiful sight in a city. They lead to Toss of tax revenue and inevitably decay. Has this ordinance served our city? Has it served the business community? Has it served citizens and potential customers of the businesses on Sprague? This leads back to the need to readdress this issue. Sprague is becoming a graveyard with real estate signs as the tombstones. Let's shelve the ordinance and back gracefully away from it. 4, 11 • ■_._._�u ■ i_■ __.__■_■_i_i1 I I ., a: .::.4' 4 4 . . 4 • 4 . z 4 4 • Q REE N TM 4 rld I I. I P, J C Cxp E tho Lost! 1 p iur� v;, �1H ea LiU ,gi o . � & T.�anc I er ,i .t. P R rmnix A �t. Anft„1,. 6 i i,; Nancy Nishimura 1 1 I 16816 EAST SPRAGUE " (509) 927 0990 IN VERADALE. WASHINGTON 000v FAX (509) 927 -5962 ? M I • Marina Sukup From: Green Thumb Nursery (gthumb @gwest.netj Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 9:31 PM To: Marina Sukup Subject: Sign Ordinance Green Thumb Nursery 16816 East Sprague Veradale, WA 99037 Tel: 509 - 972 -0990 Fax: 509- 927 -5962 E -mail: gthumb a(�.gwest.net August 1, 2006 Deqar Marina, I am writing to you to ask for your help. My business is a small seasonal nursery. I grow most of the plants that I sell on site in one of my 6 greenhouses located behind the business. I am located at 16816 E. Sprague. I_share the building with URM Grocery and am just across the street from Ziggy's. Some of my customers have mentioned that they missed seeing the specials that I had been posting on my reader board. Many of my customers have not been coming at all. My sales are really off this year. The weather in July has not helped, but I'm off about $15,000 for the month of July and about $50,000 overall. I'm really worried that I may have to close. So waiting for a decision for very long may be too late for me. I am requesting a variance to the sign ordinance. My situation is somewhat unique. My father owns the entire property. He wanted to retire about 6 years ago. At that time, he leased the major portion of his building to URM Grocery and they drew up a 75 page lease agreement. To help seal the deal, he agreed to allow them to have the large reader board sign that is actually located directly in front of the nursery (on the far east side of the property facing Sprague). The electricity was divided and the nursery was not allowed to have a lighted sign on that sign pole. We do have a wooden unlit sign on the pole but no one notices it. In order for Green Thumb Nursery to have a permanent sign in front of our building, I would have to have the large sign and electricity moved (at least $10,000) in front of URM and then purchase and pay for electricity to be brought out to the sign, possibly another $10,000. As I have already mentioned, my sales are really down, and there is no way that I could afford this. I need to get a sign out on the street immediately, basically'in an attempt to survive. I had rented one from Signs of Change in Post Falls. Their signs are of nice quality, black with flourescent letters and graphics. There is a locking cage that protects the letters. Our sign was set back from.the street and did not impede vision. I have checked with them and a sign is still available. I want to follow the rules; but the rules are killing me. Please contact me as soon as possible. Today is Tuesday, August 1, 9:30 p.m. Sincerely, Nancy Nishimura cell phone: 475 -8406 home: 928 -7775 office 927 -0990 fax 927 -5962 8/2/2006 r'1C k k be. Q.L 04 . n61 1'03 Page 1 of 1 A o. 8 Is N She WooIo 1i yeo e s� Hike. ad his . RECEIVED AUG - 4 2006 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane jUalley August 1, 2006 )Mfr. Philip W. Grone Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, Installations and Environment Office of the Undersecretary of Defense 3000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 -3000 Subject: Request for Time Extension to Identify Local Redevelopment Authority for Richard H. Walker Army Reserve Center, Spokane Valley, WA Dear Mr. Grone: 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 - SpokaneValley,WA 99206 - (509) 921 -1000 • Fax (509) 921 -1008 • ciryhall @spokanevalley.org As requested, I gun responding to your.letter of July 5, 2006 seeking infomuttion about how the City of Spokane Valley intends to address the matter of forming dr deferring the the creation, of. a Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) to handle the process associated with the reuse of the Richard .ft Wallcer Army Reserve Center (Walker Center). Spokane Valley requests an extension of time until September 8, 2006 to deliberate and decide the matter. As you may be aware, the alternative scenarios described to the City Council earlier in. the year depicted the Army as the responsible entity should the City elect not to form a 11R.A.. Subsequent to the City Commii's decision not to form an .LRA, a new interpretation was released indicating either the State of Washington or the Department Of Housing and Urban Development may act as the LRA entity. We have been made aware that the State does not intend to forth an IRA. That decision reopens a debate about what the most prudent course of action would be from the City's perspective. Unfortunately, this information comes to us during the simmer when the City Council is on a reduced meeting schedule. Hence, we are forwarding our request for additional time to formulate an informed and appropriate response. Additionally, our City Manager has just returned from a meeting of the Association of Defense Communities where he collected. infonnation highly pertinent to any decision about the formation of a LRA and the City Council needs time to hear his report, assimilate the information and come to conclusion. ;Furthermore, we are hereby requesting that the Army arrange a walk - through of the Walker Center so that the City Council and staff can develop an accurate sense of the facilities before voting on the question of establishment of a LRA. Thank you for your consideration of the timeline extension. The City Council will act responsibly to deliberate and decide the issue by September 8, 2006. Sincerely, Diana Wilhite, Mayor Cc: Spokane Valley City Council David Mercier, City Manager Amanda Leiker, Project Manager O ffi ce of Economic Adjustment, Sacramento, CA Tax Year Land Dwelling !Structure Current Use Land Taxable Personal Prop; Total Value 2001 300,400 Z332,800 0 0 r,) 2,641,200 2002 308 2,332 ;800 0 0 0 2,641,200 2003 8,83 800 T 2,046,000 0 0 0 2,429,800 2004 383,600 2,046,000 0 :0 0 2,429,800 2005 3'03,600 2,0 ,00C 0 0 6 2,429,800 2006 383,800 2,046,000 0 0 10 2,429,800 Parcel Class Appraiser ppralsal ' Date Neighborhood Code Neighborhood Name Neighbor t>tood I esc 67 Service - Governmental 66 12/11/2001 534580 TNTWD COMM IN 51,2,12 T25 R44 Parcel Tyne , Address City Size Size Description Description Tax. Year Tax Code Area ;Stratus PO BOX 37:;'„ Real 30311 N SULLIVAN RD SPOKANE 06:81 Acre{ s 67 Service Governmental 210Ei 0146 Active Dwner /Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Country, Iola "/� USA ,100 US ARMY C0RP OF (ENGINEERS PO BOX 37:;'„ SEATTLE WA 9517_4 -;3755 Pa-rc; (J ar tS1 eet SIB Kote l./Nf y Hclo New Search Modify Search Summary . Parties Values Taxes Sales Info Seg / Merge Event /Notices .hand • IDwelling.1 St,�y, Gti� Parcel,Photo Documents WebPlus Prism! Hist4. sic 1 _EieId -Page Printable Fact Sheet,w /o pX0S• Printable Fact Sheet •- Taxes Only printable Fact Sheetwith Taxes Parcell Number: 45013'.9024 Fact Sheet with Taxes Taxpayer /Name ps ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS Acre(s) Currant Asscss:ed' Valu Tax; Year 2007 Certified Values (Sale Date Land P 383,600 0 0 Spokane County Parcel Data Locator Address 1 PG SOX 375:6 Field Book. No Inspection Cycle 4 ( Active Exemptions Government Property Remarks From Conversion US00 Dwelling / Structure 7.,046,000 1 ttp:/f webpadal %.YarcelFactAiI:l,She.etaspx AIII Data As Of : 08101(2006 Sale Price ISalo Instrument Address 2 City SIEATI State WA Current Use Land l Taxable: 0 I` P1 Zip 08124-3756 Personal Prop 'Excise Number Country Role % USA 100 Millage IRale 14.2651191 68122 0 Pale 1 of 2 mar- 2 Total Value 2,429800 8/2/2006 PUBLIC BE10ERTPROGRALM AUTHORITY 40 MC 545(9)(0) NEGOTIATED SALE 4) USC 464(e)r)00 ELIGIBLE SPONSORING PUBLIC AGENT DISCOUNT AGENCY PUBLIC BOOM OR NONE. MA TAX SUPPORTED :AJ:IIJTA1' 0 '0 TNSTITIRION& NEECOTKT USE RESTRICTION NO EXCESS PROMS ALLO TOE RESTRICTION NONE PROCEDURE OUTLINE GSA NEGOTIATES FM; C CP TIC GENERAL SERVICES 40 USC E571c) EDUCATION 401. 4134;011)(4) PUBLIC BODY OR TAX SUPPORTED DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS UPTO1DD BASED UPON APPROWED?lAlJ FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 10 YEARS 13 YEARS BO SUPPLIER APPLICA.TIOTJ 6 GEED: GSA SUPPLIES ASSICNVENT LETTER TO ED HHS SUPPUCS AP PLICATION 6 PEED: GSA SUPPLIES ASSIGNt.2NT LETTER TO HHS SECRETARY OF TK2 DBPAATI4ENT CF EDUCATION SEWIETTARY OF HEALTH AND I-L14Afl SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH 4C UGC SSO(d) aOUSCa9t{ /)(1 ?U F41C ®ODY GR 1 TAJ(SUP 0 0D DF�ART7.¢NT OP MEDI REALTIONND CAL IN$T 4 TIOtN3 HUMAN SERVICES UP TO T00 CANED UPON APPROFED PLAN FOCI IN HEALTH USE PARK AND RECREATION 40 USC 550(0 USC 40400f1) DEPARTMENT OF ' PG INTERIOR, PUELIC BODY NATIONAL PARK SERNCE UP TO 100 P ARK O R RECREATION AREA USE PERPETUITY COMPS SUPPLIES APPLICATION 6 DEED: GSA SUPPLIES TO DO THF3 LETTER S'ECRtTAP.'f OF THE INTERIOR (NATIONAL PART, SERVICE) HELP HELP HOUSING USC 5500)(3) 40 USC. 4840.)(0) STATE MD OEPARTME0(T OF LOCAL ACEA4' " HOUSING AND AND NON-PROFIT URBAN ORGAACZATION3 DEVELOPMENT UP TO 100 EE'_F -HELP HOUSING ONLY HUD SUPPUES 0.PPLY..ATIOIN 6 DEEP; GSA SUPPLIES 0.4S.1GN'4G7 LETTER TO KM SECRETARY OF T1C:. 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DEPOSAL AGENCY 0.103 49TWORK HIGHWAY USE RE-LAT`s0 TO R.'TNITSTATE HIGHWAY PERPETUITY DISPOSAL A ,0i`NCY SUFPLIES APPLICATION 6 QED DISPOSAL AGENCY POWER TRAIT Sr1ISSION LUNGS 50 U.S.C A 1GZ2(C) FM= 0001 GSA 0 PROJECT PUBLIC OR COO?E:ATIVE P00ER USE NONE ADMINISTRATOR GSA SUPPLIES APPLICATOR 6 DEED OF THE GENERAL SER310E9 LA up9400 SM485 :u, Pro/bus 4 eho6 J CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL RE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 11, 2006 1 l],1 r tifil f'Il MI Vila TOPIC OF CONCERN WILL ,'I°J ;/ Ise 101 VENN MI to Imoaffg YOU ADDRESS NAME PLEASE PRINT TELEPHONE 1(8i(.9 r (,K.._ RZ7 — O c) ( ?O f OW- Arig.rl r .... . di...A .. .1..._ (17 t( tG,E.S0 2 7Z7 67-7 o /, a, .t a . CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL RE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 11, 2006