2014, 02-04 Minutes Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington February 4,2014 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Dean Grafos,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell,City Attorney Bill Bates, Councilmember John Hohman,Community Development Dir. Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Rod Higgins, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Ed Pace, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. ACTION ITEM: 1.Mayoral Committee Appointment—Mayor Grafos It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Councilmember Bill Bates to the 911 Board in place of previously appointed Councilmember Chuck Hafiter. Mayor Grafos explained that this is being done to more evenly distribute the commitment of Councilmembers among the various committees and boards, and that both Councilmember Hafner and Bates agree with this recommendation. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2. 2014 Transportation Improvement PIan(TIP)—Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley briefly explained the Six-Year TIP which was passed last summer, and this specific year's proposed amendment; and said State requirements stipulate that the only way we can use REET(real estate excise tax) funds for a project, is if a project is included on an adopted list. Mr. Worley mentioned the previous council packet's informational memo and said the only difference between that information and the information contained in tonight's packet, is the inclusion of the Appleway Trail Phase 2; and he explained about the two projects listed on the Request for Council Action form as "selected for funding" and said we applied for and received a grant for the Vista Road project, and that the Appleway trail received partial funding from SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) for some federal funds; and said in the previous Council packet, that the Appleway Trail project was shown as a removed project since it was scheduled out until 2017; but some comments came back to him so he included it back on the list. Mr. Worley talked about the other projects, those removed, those added, and those projects not completed which need to be carried over from 2013; and he went over the changes to the draft amended 2014 TIP. Mr. Worley also noted a correction on the draft section of the TIP for project #28, Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Project, from Vista to Herald, and said the figures do not correctly reflect what we intend to spend this year; and under the City amount, the $98,000 should really be $182,634 in City Funds as match money for the grant, and that the total estimated amount for 2014 Council Study Session 02-04-2014 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:02-11-2014 should really be $1,352,841. Mr. Worley also noted the public hearing for this amendment is scheduled for next week, as is the proposed Resolution to adopt the amended TIP. Mr. Jackson asked if the figure for Appleway Trail is the same figure we previously sent to our lobbyist Briahna Taylor; and Mr. Worley said that project has evolved into several different types of projects, such as safety projects; said staff has broken this project into several different grants; as some grants could just cover building the trail, while other grants could cover some of those trail amenities; and he said that the $2.54 million includes everything. Mr. Worley referenced a previous document which showed us requesting approximately$1.5 million, and said that request was specifically tailored to our application to SRTC for the trail with a few amenities since not all amenities qualified for that grant. Mr. Worley said we put in for a grant for $2.1 million, and we received a $643,000 award; and said he subtracted that $643,000 from that original$2.1 million, and the difference is what we sent to the state. Mr. Jackson said he wanted to make sure Council is aware of the change in figures, based on Mr. Worley's explanation, and that we are unlikely to receive funding this year and when we come back next year, we can make changes as needed; and of course, that the exact number will be based on the outcome of the bids once received. Mr. Worley mentioned some of the positive aspects of having already received the SRTC funding, and that it would hopefully encourage others to fund this project as well. Mayor Grafos said based on Mr. Worley's explanation, the shortfall would be about $1.5 million to complete the project from University to Evergreen, and said if Council is agreeable to start the project early in 2014, that if we went from University to Pines on the first phase, that could be funded with City funds. Mr. Jackson said that is a possibility and said that topic will be covered more at the February 18`x`workshop, and if Council wants to move in that direction, we can come back later with a motion for Council's consideration. Mr. Worley also noted that the TIP can be amended at any time. To assistant Council in the funding aspects of this project, Mr. Worley said he will provide Council a breakdown of all the costs, including all the amenities, to give Council an idea of what those costs are, and include the aspects of the original plan. Mr. Worley said that the estimate has also evolved as the original estimate was based on very little design, and we have now gone through 90% of the design, so that cost has been reduced. Councilmember Hafirer said he would like that detailed list included in the retreat packet, and Mr. Jackson said that staff can have that list ready by then, and in fact, Mr. Worley said he should be able to have that list for Council by the end of this week. 3. 2014 Pavement Preservation—Eric Guth As noted on his Request for Council Action form, Public Works Director Guth explained that Council requested staff bring back the 2014 pavement preservation project list for further discussion. Also as part of Mr. Guth's background materials, a spreadsheet was included showing in blue ink, the preservation projects listed for 2014, and the projects listed in red as those carried over from 2013; and he briefly went over the projects listed. Director Guth explained that the Euclid resurfacing Flora to Barker, and Mullan Road from Dishman to Broadway, are projects they are just starting to look at, and if the funds come in better than expected, it is possible those projects could be added later; and said those came in late in the planning but are identified for this year. Mr. Jackson added that this is also to let Council know that administratively we'll begin the planning for these projects, that it is not something to consider now, but that we strive to plan ahead for projects and their budgeting, and said we are doing our best to keep from needing budget amendments; and said this will come forward in the upcoming months; he said staff worked to get phase 3 completed at the end of last year, but decided because of the weather to carry that forward, which will be coming forward in a future budget amendment. There was brief discussion about the projects in general; and the processing for handling bike lanes, as well as Mr. Jackson mentioning that during a preservation project,we are very careful not to go beyond the scope of preservation. 4. Legislative Agenda for 2014—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said that this is an opportunity to further discuss our legislative agenda, and to give Deputy Mayor Woodard and Councilmember Wick an opportunity to talk about their legislative trip to Council Study Session 02-04-2014 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:02-11-2014 Olympia. In speaking with our lobbyist Briahna Taylor, Mr. Jackson said she indicated it all went very well and Councilmembers were able to meet with all three of our local representatives and had good discussions. Mr. Jackson said Councilmember Wick had requested additional information on the code enforcement item in order to give some examples to our representatives of what the City provided and how it was provided, in dealing with two major cleanups. Councilmember Wick said during this first trip with GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) they spoke with legislators who raised concern about some of our citizens not paying taxes or being foreclosed upon if they can't mow their grass; and Councilmember Wick said he dispelled some of those rumors and showed the Representatives some photographs to help them more clearly understand some of the situations. Deputy Mayor Woodard explained that the legislators did not like the additional lien authority idea and it appeared to be at least somewhat misunderstood by some; and he explained that this is not new authority as the Counties currently have the lien authority, whereas the Cities do not. Deputy Mayor Woodard said that Ms. Taylor will get the legislators information on how the County is set up; and said the feels once they see the information, the legislators will be more likely to commit to the proposed legislation. Other issues brought up by Councilmember Wick and Deputy Mayor Woodard included several bills either supported or opposed by AWC (Association of Washington Cities), including the topic of public defenders and caseload limits, the homeless assistance sunset clause, and forced representation in districts; and they indicated AWC is remaining neutral on that particular bill.Mayor Grafos said he would like more information on that topic and Mr. Jackson said he will forward e-mail to Council of the synopsis from Gordon Thomas Honeywell. Other topics discussed included mention from Councilmember Wick about the voting membership of SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) and of a proposal to add fifteen additional voting members, but said it doesn't appear that bill is moving forward. Shared revenues were discussed, including those from the sale of marijuana, most of which focus on the retail portion, and Councilmember Wick explained that they did not hear about shared revenues for processing or growing. Mr. Jackson said Deputy City Attorney Lamb has been tracking those issues; and Mr. Lamb said the focus is on retail sales, but that it appears the issue is moving through the process; he said we are limited in the number of retail stores, which number is tied to population; said another bill was introduced last week to provide funding for additional law enforcement officers; said he feels something most likely will pass but it is not clear at this point. Mr. Lamb said the State is processing those and they are in the process of whittling down the applications, which will likely result in a lottery to get three for our area; and said we probably won't see those until they get to the end of the process, but due to the high interest, we are likely to see three retail establishments. Councilmember Wick said transportation and revenue was another topic; said he was impressed with the new Secretary of Transportation as they work to implement some changes for WSDOT(Washington State Department of Transportation); and said the Secretary of Transportation said without a revenue packet, they will lose 52% of their maintenance budget for next year overall for WSDOT. Deputy Mayor Woodard said there is also a concern that King County will have a transportation revenue bond for King County and Seattle and feels if such were to pass, it would destroy the system as a statewide package won't move forward without King County. Mr. Jackson said it is his understanding that is not moving forward this year. Mr. Jackson mentioned the work Gordon Thomas Honeywell is doing with CarMax and legislation connected with dealers able to negotiate fees, and said CarMax does not negotiate any fee and they are asking if the legislation could exclude dealerships with a no-negotiation policy; and Mr. Jackson said that Briahna Taylor said that would be brought back next year. 5. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos Subjects Council would like included on future agendas included a suggestion from Councilmember Bates for oil and coal trains, and an update on some of the various proposed bills associated with Council Study Session 02-04-2014 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:02-11-2014 marijuana. Mayor Grafos said he would like to see something about public sidewalks and snow removal to see what can be done to correct the lack of snow removal and to get that information out to the public, especially the commercial areas; and Councilmember Wick suggested joint meetings with Liberty Lake and Spokane City. Concerning the trains, Mr, Jackson said the Environmental Impact Statement takes about two years to prepare and that in the meantime, he is planning to have someone from. the Fire Department come to Council in March to discuss their safety plan. Concerning marijuana, Mr. Jackson said we rely on the firm of Gordon Thomas Honeywell to watch for legislative items for us, and thus far, Ms. Taylor of that firm indicates many of those bills are not likely to proceed, but said we can have more discussion concerning that topic at the February 18'h workshop. Mr. Jackson said he placed some of our informational brochures/flyers at the dais for Council concerning our sidewalk regulations and information; said Council previous passed an ordinance which addresses having the sidewalks clean of snow and ice within a "reasonable" time, and said that staff would like to work to promote that as this issue comes up every year; he said this will be discussed in the near future, and he added that we invest a lot of money in sidewalks so we want to keep them in good shape, but said he also realizes it is difficult to shovel off ice and snow. 9. Executive Session: RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss potential litigation, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 7:34 p.m. At approximately 8:01 p.m., Mayor Grafos declared Council out of Executive Session, at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTES ' Dean Grafos,Maya,/ (4A .r1 iI Art l ✓ . - Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session 02-04-2014 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:02-11-2014