2013 Accomplishments Presentation (sans PD) 2003.2013 "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play, and businesses will flourish and prosper." 2013 Accomplishments • • 1 2013 Budget Goals • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. • Pursue the topic of Solid Waste, to include identifying the issues and obtaining alternatives of joining the consortium or handling it ourselves and the consequences of each alternative. • Develop a Shoreline Master Program to appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance as required by state statute. Pursue a legislative capital budget request for possible Va11 yP financial assistance in the restoration of the Sullivan Bridge; purchase of a Transfer Station; and the assistance with creating the Appleway Trail Project. Did not receive funding for this project due to state budget limitations. Sullivan Bridge replacement However, funding for the $15,349,000 modified estimate Sullivan Bridge replacement is from the following: $8,000,000 - Federal Bridge Program $1 ,529,000 - Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) $3,500,000 - Washington State Transportation Improvement Board, as well as a commitment of up to $500,000 in contingency funding, and $2,320,000 - City of Spokane Valley Artist's depiction of the new bridge n Create an Economic Development Plan including review and Hey: evaluation of Spokane Valley's development regulations and how they compare with other jurisdictions; and keeping options open for an alternative city hall Economic Development - Council Reserved $200,000 to continue the City's Media Campaign on our permitting process 2013 Totals 1 ,319 • 1 ,616 • 47 • 5 i - T.V. spot ads (KHQ, KREM, KXLY, Comcast) - Radio spot ads (KEYF, KBBD, KXLY AM, KISC FM, KKZX FM, RKZX FM, KZZU FM) - Print Ads (Spokesman Review, Journal of Business, Inlander, Splash, Spokane Home Builders Assoc., Wash. Economic Development Guide) - Billboards (Dishman Mica, Argonne, Sprague, Pines, Sullivan) One of the best experiences of my career... -Bruce R.C3arany,Owner,Ace Hardware .0000 Valley rCY1 C(1Ffl/�l1KJD'mo?4EMr spokanevaEley.org, One of the most positive experiences we've had... -John Wolfe, Executive Advisor,Tacoma Screw Products Stiokan `` \al ley LCECED1LCOrw NILYk VV tfC'AO.v,K yE.1 spokanevalley.org •4 Staane aa11e Executive/ Legislative City Manager Admin.Assistant City Clerk Deputy City Clclft Accomplishments by Department Public Safety Operations & Administration Legal C Ity A torney Mtn nlatrallve Assistant Administrative AselsLaII1 Fteoroatior Gxa1711 rdLr r AgminioIralJye Analyst Public PL 1,Wu! Works pi n.:I' 711110— Public Worts .1.nenntenentn1 Mnll I.el InOLr1 Construction instrfieFuti r-s Flit Sento Denier Spat—idiot l.entarl-lace Lust Role ti u olFacill lied Cnrrdlnstnr DeliterPlace AdlnIn. As'slsLallt C,....Place Office truisfitttni k Mnl lnue. Pl.hllc Informatlut 011-.0 Senior Pk[Ener P2 rt FTF7 Planer (.7n FrF) 6ui�Jh w 0110n1 3n IIIA Flans FYarldilPa Plans Fvs[Elm. Fr1FI Bulldlnp IanneCha (art FrF: Permit Pecillteu r R1 Planner FTF) 0111rPAmistara I Finance Accounting Ma'lager Ancountanel3vdget An alys1 13?5,PE) IT Cpccialisl f2.O FTE1 Delebeae Atlminsaator Arw.ounvny Teti mTlan p n FRP) Community & Economic Development Fnolneer L11eFTFr AasIslanr Fn171neeer RCM In_sm C]Hlra 0.slctenl 1 Errypirlenrir1 Ter_nnlrtlan C1.i P IP7 C sminllnn lompsernr 5 ��l� Legislative & Executive/Legislative Services City Council, City Manager and Support Staff Spokane ..000V alley ley Regional Representation Estimated: - 405 Total Councilmember Hours in 2013 • Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce • Visit Spokane (Spokane Regional Convention & Visitor Bureau Board of Directors) • Emergency Communications Board 911 • Greater Spokane Incorporated • Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials • Spokane Regional Health District Board • Spokane County Housing & Community Development Advisory Committee • International Trade Alliance • Mayors/ Association of Northeast Washington • Solid Waste Liaison Board • Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency • Spokane Regional Transportation Council • Spokane Solid Waste Advisory Board • Spokane Transit Authority • Tourism Promotion Area Tax Advisory Committee • .7 Executive/Legislative Support Provided to Council • Regular Council Meetings 19 • Study Sessions 21 • Special Meetings 13 • TOTAL MEETINGS 53 • Resolutions Approved 13 • Ordinances Enacted 20 • Contracts Approved 16 • Bids Awarded 6 0 g Executive/Legislative: City Clerk's Office Public Record Requests: • 297 Total Requests (- 5 a week) • .55 average days to respond • 3.26 average days to completion • 92 electronic responses • 133 hard copy responses • 2,555 paper & 4 cd copies for $625.43 total fees collected • 21 referred to outside agencies • 20 no records on file • 4 referred to the website as a response Records Management: • 53 new boxes to storage • 50 boxes destroyed • 652 additional files & documents destroyed (records not previously stored) .9 Operations & Administrative Services • Deputy City Manager o Contract Administration o Public Information Office • Human Resources o Front Desk Reception • Finance o IT • 10 Law Enforcement • Evaluated the staffing level of the Spokane Valley Police Department compared to changes in calls for service, population and business growth, costs, and revenues. District Court • Worked with District Court Judges to develop a new methodology that is based on current workload measures, accounts for all facets of operation, and allocates costs equitably across all case types and to all jurisdictions. Contract Administration Contract evaluation, negotiation, preparation, and presentation • Negotiated and prepared final drafts for Manager and Council consideration for the following contracts resulting in an annual savings of more than $200,000: o Commute Trip Reduction o ESRI GIS Licensing o Traffic School o Justice Assistance Grant o District Court, Emergency Management, Hearing Examiner, Pretrial • 11 ran%� Contract Administration .000 Val ley • Organized team to perform citywide SWOT Analysis • The purpose: To help departments evaluate programs and identify potential areas which may help or hinder in delivering services • 12 1 Public Information Come celebrate at Spokane Valley's... NNIVERSARY SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2013 10:00am - 3:00pm CenterPlace Regional Event Center (2426 N.Discovery Place) BAZAAR Entertainment-Music Prizes-Crafts Games- Food MORE INFO AT W W W.SPOKANEVALLEY1 O.COM • 13 Public Information Provided public information and marketing support to the City's economic development and tourism promotion efforts. 2013 Visit Spokane Guide Bike Tourism Map Wheeler Its the RUSH of your first ruck climb, PERFECT selecte for your seasonal wardrobe, SAVORING nuances of Ioc I wines&mfcrobrew or sampling the FRESH local cuisIne, enjoy It all from the quiet comfortable BEAUTY or www.visits Wlane.cornispolonevalley Spokane Valley for your 6usirnrss suere'e 2013 GSI Relocation Guide Public Information oti Orchard Far Likrty Lake Important Information Worked with Google Maps and National Geographic to ensure Spokane Valley's appropriate inclusion/designation on their maps • 15 ran%` Public Information .000 Val ley • Citywide mailing of newsletter o Finalized key messages pertaining to City Budget, Fiscal Policies and Taxes • Developed a 2014 budget for expanding communications outreach in support of community issues/projects, particularly for economic development and/or tourism promotion. • 16 Valley Human Resources • Developed & launched Employee Intranet for added service to City employees • Implemented new compensation system more closely aligning employee performance to pay • Developed and deployed the City's mobile app supporting tourism • Increased the number of timely completed employee evaluations from 35% to 83% • Streamlined payroll process & document transfers from HR to Finance reducing payroll errors „ ea • Envalwoe IN eaten - NelM]eiere • edoent, idle.I .t.teesd by Maisie 01T YW idw Cailcittrm 6.roah.11p Argegamrd Play Shop Stay • Assisted with: • Front Desk Reception 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 6,533 1,699 6,846 iir .6,164 New Renewed Visitor Answering Business Business Support Phones Licenses Licenses • 18 SpOkane ' fl ley Front Desk Reception Economic Development Support Con 'ratulationsl 1,622 letters mailed in 2013 (Increased by 662 letters over 2012) On behalf of the City of Spokane Valley, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Spokane Valley and welcome you as one of our newly registered businesses. We are thrilled to have you with us! The City Council and staff make it our priority to offer responsive, competent and excellent service. Our businesses are very important to us and we work to ensure your complete satisfaction in any way we might be able to help you succeed in your business ventures. Enclosed, please find two brochures which provide the City's points of contact should you need any help. We encourage you to call any of the Councilmembers or staff with your questions, comments or feedback. If you are not sure who to contact, please call either of us or our front desk reception at 921-1000 for help or, visit www.spokanevalley.org and select the Business link at the top of the home page. Agai Sinc Dea May n, welcome to the City of Spokane Valley. erely, Grafos, Mike Jackson, or City Manager Valley' Finance & IT • Completed the 2012 annual financial report and the related annual audit process conducted by the State Auditor's Office. o Result was a "clean" audit opinion with few audit recommendations and no findings. • Implemented State Auditor recommendations. • Implemented the reorganization and renumbering of City account numbers which was mandated by the State Auditor's Office through their update of the BARS (budgeting, accounting and reporting systems) manual. •20 Finance & IT • Worked with the City Manager's Office and all other departments to successfully complete the 2014 Budget development process by October 22, 2013. • In the 2014 Budget document: o Reflected two years of actual revenue and expense activity. o Provided a General Fund summary of departmental budget comparisons between 2013 and 2014. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2014 ANNUAL BUDGET o Further expanded budget narratives to provide the reader with a better sense of revenue sources, nature of the operation and historical perspective. • Worked with City Manager's Office and Public Works personnel to update the Pavement Preservation funding to provide financing at a level of at least $2.1 million per year through 2018. •21 dostirVal ley Finance & IT • Purchased two vehicles for the Community Development Department and developed a repeatable process for future vehicle acquisitions. • Worked with City Staff to identify surplus/obsolete/broken equipment and develop a Surplus Resolution for adoption by the Council. • Worked with the City Manager and Finance Committee_ to renegotiate the lease for City space at the Redwood - Properties that resulted in a first year lease savings of $73,600. • Worked with the Legal Department to incorporate State- Legislature mandated changes in the application and award process for lodging tax distribution. •22 • • • • Finance & IT Acquired and set-up i-Pads for the Council and those Directors who didn't already have them available. As a requirement of our insurance coverage through the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA) we underwent a network vulnerability scan that tested our susceptibility to outside attack. On a scale of 0.0 to 5.0 (with 0 being best) we received a score of 0.5. IT Staff closed 851 support calls during 2013. • Revised the capital projects software to accommodate the use of one project number across multiple funds because many projects have multiple funding sources. • Replaced projectors in Council chambers with large screen televisions. • No system wide outages occurred during the normal business hours during 2013. •23 ��� Office of the City Attorney • Provided advice, drafted and presented ordinance restricting unlawful public exposure. • Provided legal support to City staff regarding solid waste options for collection, transfer and disposal. • Provided advice to Community Development in drafting and reviewing shoreline regulations. doolcValley Office of the City Attorney • Reviewed and provided advice on ongoing implementation of Initiative 502 and legalization of marijuana, including the City's options. • Advised and assisted in drafting agreements relating to state legislative changes to lodging tax distribution process. • Successfully litigated against Hollywood Erotic Boutique. •25 Office of the City Attorney • Reviewed, drafted or negotiated 206 contracts for all departments throughout the City. • Reviewed and advised on 19 of the most complex public record requests. 26 Office of the City Attorney • Provided training classes to inside and outside organization on public records, open government, marijuana legislation and emergency declarations. • Member of the SWOT team and assisted in conducting SWOT analysis. •27 Community and Economic Development • Permitting • Planning o Code Enforcement • Development Engineering • Economic Development •28 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Permitting • Curnpleted SmartGov implementation o Online permitting active o Online reports now available • Roadmap for Enhanced Permitting o Development Services Coordinator o Permit Facilitators o Assigned additional personnel to the Permit Center for improved operations o Reconfigured Permit Center to add work space and improve efficiency • •29 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Permitting (con't) • Maintain partnering efforts with Spokane and Spokane County • Revised commercial sign permit requirements and review process • Continued strong relationship with local and regional fire departments • Included Health Department earlier in the review process to help avoid known problems • •30 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2993 Total Permits 3340 4010 3454 3538 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $- $1,580,026 Revenue $1,278,238 i $1,083,255 $1,552,558 $1,520,504 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 .32 $105,111,785 1 Permit Valuation $86,403,059 $65,369,891 $113,700,260 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Planning • Processed 5 Municipal Code Amendments - Townhouses, SEPA thresholds, new manufactured housing homes, sign code, lighting • Processed 17 BLAs, 3 Short Plats, 2 Subdivisions, 5 Final Plats, 8 SEPA Decisions, 3 Rezones, 3 BSPs, 2 street vacations, plus 517 other miscellaneous planning actions • Prepared draft Code Enforcement procedures • •34 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Planning (con't) • Prepared draft Shoreline Master Program Development Regulations • Processed 2013 Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments • Code Enforcement opened 360 cases and closed 379, processed one major abatement • •35 Code Enforcement Abatement - Before 4601 N Best Rd. *36 Before (con't) After , 4 .�A 1-110612013 11 : 2; Spokane .Valley Development Engineering • Standard Construction Detail Plans have been updated • Engineering Technician reassigned to the Permit Center • Webpage updated to match the format of the other CD pages, modified to provide better access to the Street Standards •39 Spokane Economic Development • Created an Economic Development Coordinator position • Created and implemented the Certified Sites Program • Prepared revised Permitted Use Matrix • Updated City's Economic Development webpage • Inventoried and analyzed Industrial land in the City • Coordinated City marketing efforts • Collaborated and monitored ED partners • Worked on Regional Site Selector • •40 Spokane 1.Valley Construction Updates Spokane 1 . Va11ey New Housing mum -family Projects • Homestead Apartments Phase 2 (4th Ave and Sullivan) • Riverhouse Phase 1 (16621 E Indiana Pkwy) • Mirabolante Apartments (16102 E Broadway) • Appleway Court - Phase 2 (223 S Farr) Single Family Plats • Covey Glenn North (Hodges & Sprague) • Centennial Place (Flora & Indiana) • Roth Subdivision (Evergreen & Wellesley) • Wynfield Subdivision (Selkirk & 6th Ave) • •42 Roth Subdivision Homestead Apartments Phase 2 44 Appleway Court — Phase 2 Spokane 1 . Va11ey New Commercial • Providence Medical Center ( 1 6528 E Desmet Ct) • Cancer Care Northwest ( 1204 N verger Rd.) • Total Wine ( 13802 E Indiana) • Buffalo Wild Wings ( 14702 E Indiana) • United Health Care CU ( 16402 E Sprague) • Pinecroft Office Shell (3310 N Pines ) New Commercial • Sprague Retail (4902 E Sprague) • Sunshine Boarding Home ( 1102 S Raymond) • Zips Drive In ( 13621 E Trent) • Sam's Stop & Shop ( 12309 E Mansfield) • Argonne Village (9321 E Montgomery) • I -Guard Dog Training ( 19223 E Appleway) Providence Medical Center 48 Total Wine 49 Buffalo Wild Wings Sprague Retail New Starbucks 51 Spokane `�' ey Manufacturing/Industrial • Wagstaff - New Casting Facility (3910 N Flora Rd) • Berg Company (6811 E Mission) • Industrial Park - 14 Tenant improvements (Bldg # 17, Bldg # 15, Walkers Furniture, EPR-Hydra Fab, Mattress Firm, IEDS, Spokane Industries, Hollister-Stier, Goodwill Inds., • CRUX - TI (4308 N Barker ) • Thermofluids expansion (3808 N Sullivan) Mfg/Ind • Scafco new warehouse (5400 E Broadway) • Vandermeer Forest Products (4516 E Barker) • IEDS/Evans Enterprises (3808 N Sullivan Rd) • Precision Cutting Technologies ( 16208 E Lacrosse) • Intermountain West Insulation new bldg ( 16314 E Lacrosse) • •53 Wagstaff CRUX PCT - Precision Cutting Technologies 56 Spokane jValley Tenant Improvements • Seattle Reproductive Medicine ( 15920 E Indiana) • Riverview Corporate Center - 7 Build-Outs • SCRAPS (6815 E Trent) • Value Village ( 12205 E Sprague) TIs • Valley Hospital ( 12606 E Mission) • Spokane Valley Tech Center - Phase 2 ( 115 S University) • Ace Hardware ( 1330 N Argonne) • Cafe Rio ( 13920 E Indiana) • La Quinta Hotel - Industrial Park ( 15520 E Kiernan) Spokane Walley Tenant Improvements • Valley Mall o Bohme Boutique o Champs Sports o Foot Locker o Justice for Girls o Francesca's o Icing o JCPenney • 1/ALLEY IOU Valley Hospital ACE Hardware - Argonne L 61 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Auto Row Projects • AutoNation Toyota • Gus Johnson Ford • AutoNation Subaru • CarMax • AutoNation Chevrolet Collision Center • AutoNation Audi • AutoNation VW • •62 AutoNation Toyota •63 Gus Johnson Ford 64 CarMax 65 Spokane 1 . Va11ey f Public Works Snow Removal • Received and responded to 70 citizen action requests • Used 122,000 Gallons of deicer • Used 612 Tons of granular deicer • 67 Spokane Street Maintenance Street and Stormwater Maintenance • Pavement Preservation - 4550 Tons • Sidewalk repair - 135 Yards • Crack sealing - 27 Tons • Curb and Gutter repair - 370 LF • Gravel road grading - 2. 1 miles maintained • Shoulder repair - 65 miles • Drainage structure repair • •68 Spokane Street Maintenance r Geiger Work Crew • Geiger Work Crew picked up 42,620 pounds of garbage • Mowed 104 acres of dry land grass • DOC Work Crew and Geiger Work Crew cleaned up and mowed the Appleway Right-of-Way • Mowed Noxious Weeds in cooperation with the Spokane County Weed Board along our ROW's • ®69 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Traffic Division I-90 Business Route Signage • Worked with the WS DOT to update the 1 - 90 exit signs at WB Barker Rd and EB Sprague. • Installed 18 " 1 -90 Business Loop" signs on Sprague and Appleway. Spokane _Valley Traffic Division r City Wide Sign Upgrades • Upgraded 1500+ signs throughout the City • Replaced old signs that did not meet current standards of retroreflectivity. ®71 Spokane �Valle�� Traffic Division Citizen Action Request Examples • Responded to 153 citizen action requests Examples: • Eastbound traffic merging at Broadway and Argonne/Mullan. o Added signing on Broadway between Argonne and MuIlan directing traffic. • Dead end sign not visible until you turn onto the dead end street. o Added "Dead End ->" sign to be visible to cross street. DENT Philip I • 72 Spokane • • Va11ey Traffic Division r Signal Improvements • Upgraded traffic signal cabinets and/or controllers at 5 intersections • Mission/McDonald • Montgomery/Shopping Center • Broadway/Park • Dishman-Mica/Bowdish • 32nd/Bowdish • Broadway/Argonne-Mullan & Mission/Argonne- MuIlan o Installed accessibly push buttons with audible and vibratory notification and • countdown heads rDON'T START Finish Crossing II Started IIITIME REMAINING To Finish Crossing PUSH BUTTON TO Spokane �Valley� Traffic Division Signal Improvements 32nd and Bowdish - Upgraded signal controller and replaced with flashing yellow arrows. • Modified the phasing at Sprague and Bowdish. • •74 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Traffic Division L __ Capital Project Support • Designed/Reviewed Traffic Control Plans for 15 Projects o Detours o Signal Timing Adjustments o Regular field reviews to check traffic control & deal with signal or ADA related concerns • Managed construction phase of 3 HSIP grants • Provided traffic data for project designs • •75 I 2'0 r -a 7-i - 7.4 -/c. /AII=RIZ IZII,EA•1 1 EINI 7-S r------------r- - i 1 ---...___ __.....----- t i Trent/Argonne 1 ADA Upgrades Montgomery/Argonne — ADA Upgrades 1-90/Argonne ADA Upgrades Broadway/Argonne-Mullan ADA Upgrades 8,Radios r-- Traffic Improvements Si 411■10 Bi • Safety/Operation Project • Signal Cabinet/Controller Upgrades gnal Timing Work cycle Improvements L. Montgomery/Shopping Center [ Mission/Mullan ADA Upgrades&Radios 1 Bowdish/32nd Added FYA (111111 [ Mission/McDonald Sok ne Sprague/Bowdish Changed Phasing 4v) Pines 1 20th Striping [ Dishman-Mica/Bowdish Sullivan/Marietta ADA Upgrades \fel aclol, (3,eenacres •^ !-----j 1 j Stormwater Utility r 2013 "Notables" • Formalized Stormwater Capital Improvement Program, produced first plan • Finalized Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for Regional Decant Facility • Acquired property for Bettman-Dickey project at no cost to the City • Received State/UPRR permitting for multi- year Chester Creek maintenance cleaning Spokane 1 . Va11ey Stormwater Utility r 2013 Funding Summary • Received $470,000 in grant reimbursements o Regional Decant Facility planning, design, construction of Phase 1 o Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit • Awarded $1 ,220,000 in new grant funding o $750k SE Yardley Retrofits (25% local match) o $120k Broadway, Diversion and Overlay Projects (design only - no local match) o $300k Eastern Washington Effectiveness Studies Project (no local match) o $50k in Permit Implementation support • Stormwater Utility (402) revenue: $1 ,800,000 • Aquifer Protection Area (403) revenue: $500,000 •78 Spokane �Valley� Stormwater Utility 2013 System Improvements • Bettman-Dickey Stormdrain • 14th Avenue Improvements • Retrofits with Overlay Projects - Sullivan, Indiana, Carnahan • Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit • Regional Decant - Phase 1 • Sidewalk Projects support (3) locations • Repair & Replace at (27) locations • •79 2O 7 3 STORM WATER /M1=0170 1, /%1E/V �.�. Wellesley Sidewalk Adams Sidewalk 7���11111111+��� / ••••• [ Frederick&Wilbur �_•����� 111 �1111:1111111_ , Millwood "+, +i ■-�r.— ��■■■■� Dickey, N of Trent ";'�;E=E�� --�i-� --21 II� ' .� ..`I Decant Facility Frederick&Perrin Indiana, Mirabeau to Pines Sullivan Rd Indiana to Trent Blake, S of Mission Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit Mission, W of Barker 1�r'�1 - ■.\�l.�I�■ Herald, N 207 ��■�� —■ IA Sri Dyer&Alk�=+■` r — rogue,• =Etna( m. Sprague, Park 1 'f` �� Raymond& t.�� �� o i�t■' Valleyvvay I■�_ �- ■�II��� t �� Vista' t Park: Park&Appleway IQ� Dishman Mica& Progress, S 507 �� I �� '■Illlllla Dishman Mica&6th INK 1■1 A� I i Appleway 101 Bowdish&10th Pines, 18th-19th Bettman/Dickey 14th Ave, Custer to Carnahan In =�7=K11l•, EmakiM 1 22nd&Skipworth Stormwater Improvements Stormwater CIP Project(5 Locations) Maintenance Division Project(27 Locations) Stormwater Improvements on PW CIP Project(7 Locations) 10th&Robie Rotchford&10th !mow eumu ii tporms .�`ii r ��■1�-fA—p��i. t `f11��'��^`s�■ "� L 1 Chester Creek I�y.� �� Maintenance IP r` ■' 4th, E 11'06 _fir 4 24th Sidewalk Date: 1/21/2014 8 80 Spokane _Valley Stormwater Utility 14th Avenue Project *Wane Stormwater Utility Bettman-Dickey Improvements • 82 j� Stormwater Utility r 2013 Operations • Responded to 50 citizen action requests involving flooding or drainage problems • Renewed Service Contracts for: o Roadway Landscape Services o Storm Drain Cleaning o Street Sweeping 1 ,240 cubic yards of street debris swept Structures Cleaned: o 402 drywells o 260 catchbasins o 21 sidewalk/curb inlets • Maintained over 11 acres of irrigated turf in roadside stormwater facilities•83 Spokane _Valley r Stormwater Utility Drainage Structure Inspections • Developed Inspection Tracking Tool/Database • Input inspection data into GIS • 4,366 "Debris Only" Inspections • 857 "Condition Assessment" Inspections • 2013 STORMIWATER INSPECTIONS / RESPONSE i Ile a pp Do'so ■ -1° a Millwood °op•O 9° S ��t. ° a te �° 00 IRREqo ° ° o ° 8 0 mfiD P n� ' O 2ie-• oa: 4YD°08 gT, ■ 0 9oo '004 as 2013 Stormwater Inspections 1 Response Illicit Discharge a. Spill Response QDrywalls-Condition Assessment Inspection Drywells-Debris Only Inspection :°. Y @° � a B e. Date:1/29/2014 84 Spokane 1Valley CIP Division Capital Improvement Projects • Completed 2014-2019 Six Year TIP • Submitted 12 grant applications for Federal & State funding • Received approximately $2, 149,593 in grant funding from 5 applications C!P DIVISION 2013 Construction Projects Sprague Ave.ADA Improvement Project Carnahan Rd. Kanhuna to 8th 4 VVellesley/Adams Sidewalk Project Pines Rd.ITS (SR 27) Argonne Rd. Bike/Pedestrian Safety Argonne/Mullan Rd. Corndor Safety Project Sprague Ave. Thierman to Park Legend - Bike/PedlStudy Projects - Sidewalk Projects - Preservation Projects - ITS Projects - Misc.Projects Argonne Rd. Patching University Rd./I-90 Overpass Study Indiana Ave. Pines to Mirabeau Ls• Sullivan Road Flora Pit to Trent Sullivan Road Bridge SB Over UP RR Overlay Pines/Mansfield UPRR Crossing Sidewalk [Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade „.. Sullivan Rd.West Bridge Replacement Phase 1 Park Improvements Sprague/Sullivan ITS 24th Ave.Sidewalk Adams to Sullivan Pines Rd. 16th to 23rd, ... Sullivan Rd. Bridge#4511 Drain Retrofit • .• u_u_au 86 Spokane P ML y CIP Division Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost Sprague Avenue ADA Improvements Bacon Concrete $79k Sullivan Rd Bridge Drain Retrofit West Co. $232k Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit Sprague Ave ADA Improvements 87 i Spokane �Valle�� CIP Division L Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost 24th Avenue Sidewalk Cameron-Reilly $251k Pines ITS Aztech Electric $959k Sprague/Sullivan ITS — Phase 2 Aztech Electric $206k Spokane Valley CIP Division Completed Projects 1 Project Contractor Total Cost 2 013 Street Preservation Projects • Phase 1 -Sullivan Rd-Flora Pit Rd to Trent Ave • Phase 3 -Carnahan-Kahuna to 8th Ave Indiana Ave-E of Pines to Mirabeau Inland Asphalt Spokane Rock Products $1 .1m $999k Sullivan Rd Street Preservation Carnahan-Kahuna to 8t"Ave Indiana-East of Pines to Mirabeau 9 Spokane Walley CIP Division Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost Sprague Swale - overlay Inland Asphalt $270k Pines Rd — 16th to 23rd Wm Winkler $80k Sprague Swale—Park to Thierman Pines Rd—16th to 23rd *lime .Valley CIP Division 2013 Project Phase: Design Project Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements University Rd Overpass Study Sullivan Rd Corridor Traffic Study Designer Staff Fehrs & Peers HDR Total Cost $500k $229k $175k Spokane .Valley CIP Division 2013 Project Phase: Design Project Designer Total Cost Citywide Safety Improvements Staff $47k Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan concrete intersection Staff $2.4m Mansfield Avenue Connection Staff $1 .9m r �'S? llup 9 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Mansfield Ave Connection Spokane Walley. CIP Division 2013 Project Phase: Design Project Designer Total Cost Pines SR27/Grace Intersection Safety Imp Staff $671k Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail — Phase 1 Staff $745k Pines(SR27)/Grace Valley-Millwood Trail 93 Spokane �.Valiey CIP Division 2013 Project Phase: Design Project Designer Total Cost Sullivan/Euclid concrete intersection Staff $1 .5m Vista-BNSF Crossing Safety Imp Staff $50k Mission Ave — Flora to Barker Imp Staff $4.9M 1P _nr, � yI Sullivan/Euclid Vista/UPRR Xing m�I - • 311 oak- • e gromor 11 E1 • aarea R1.1Sarn a erae.rwe mmer�v ' Yami*d9.1 e,✓—I III FFyrM 0,o $miq e1 .91r. Carp song ARM Ro5d2Nff RR Creessa Sear lmew 8 So, Gensler,Sar, Sr,auenUeve Harem lo 190 a�°mme J I snare m' .rMt °Pig-RIMER NAM Imminrum. j, puma Ematml a-Eli a�I itTh 0 Sag rne Reed Leagreda Be Ire Summar ranpem-Sumner City of Spokane re Argon,1,pad Sprees.Speeds Begin Winne nm. a m Summer Bed r Ii I 1 ewe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l I Marsfieid Meru, Cantles Bean Summer Carpets-Bummer II !- 11!' Hearin a Len era ry G Ida SUnma �e� /5aSRepewnert Bags-Wrter2013 crreele,15 City of Liberty Lake �cItasll a" �11 �11. os eeng WNW ICsIt Ban.SeSe0 carnaH SP na N Eral • al 11121W4 &sl,SO Ids BO CarnsIatte sum ma r 11X0111,901fflif Eta. 111 Sriv, rlr<r ELloormAm Ritmo Z 4�J5_ DI ed 4. si�1 .000Vailey Ira City of Spokane Valley 2014 Road Construction Projects Street Projects Street Preservation Projects Street Preservation Contingency Projects ITS Projects Storm Improvements Public Works Department Maned eal,BB B BB. 95 _ Valley Parks & Recreation 40r.fpction START j�alley Parks Administration & Maintenance Facilitated and managed the Park/Library Conceptual Site Plan Project k. Parks and Recreation. Master Plan 2013 Update 1 fi ° • Completed the 2013 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update Spokane 1 . Va11ey Parks Administration & Maintenance • Partnered with Washington State Parks, City of Spokane, and Spokane County regarding a draft Interlocal Agreement for jurisdiction and maintenance/repair needs of the Centennial Trail • Renewed various contracts including: Park Maintenance, Aquatics, Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS), Central Valley School District (CVSD), Red Rock Catering, and ISS Janitorial 98 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Parks Administration & Maintenance • Involved with conceptual planning for the proposed Appleway Trail Corridor • Worked with Public Works on Sullivan Bridge park expansion project • Partnered with Spokane Community Colleges on a Geology Study of Mirabeau Point Park •99 j�alley Parks Administration & Maintenance • Managed numerous projects such as: • Various updates to the Police Precinct building, including an office addition • Demolition of the Ray Brown residence adjacent to Greenacres Park j�alley Parks Administration & Maintenance • Projects, continued: • Installed ADA accessible walkway for new Discovery Playground shelters • Completed West Entry Gateway Sign project with dedication held in May BEFORE AFTER • 101 j�lley CenterPlace Regional Event Center Installed acoustical panels in the Great Room • Replaced the CenterPlace chiller system • Coordinated Valleyfest activities at CenterPlace, including Bloom Fest, Pancake Feed, Car Show, Robotics, and Kendama demonstrations Spokane _Valley CenterPlace Regional Event Center • Hosted 2nd annual Open House to showcase our venue to area businesses and brides/grooms Began offering themed Birthday Party Packages AU Spokane 1 . Va11ey CenterPlace Regional Event Center • Increased our marketing program • Hosted approximately 116,000 participants in our building which does not include walk-in visitors • Booked 812 events and scheduled an additional 1000+ events for CVSD and CCS Spokane 1 . Va11ey Aquatics • Hem 2nd annual " Paws in the Pool" dog swim event with 62 tail -wagging participants over two days • Installed ADA lifts at our swimming pools • Painted the pool tank at Terrace View Park Now selling swimming -related items • - .10 Spokane Valley Recreation • Provided two free Summer Outdoor Movies in the Park with approximately 1 ,000 in attendance • Developed a Sponsorship Packet creating an opportunity for businesses to sponsor the Movies • Hosted Greater Spokane Valley Healthy Communities Network Resource Fair, "Get Connected " IMP Spokane _Valley Recreation • Served 506 happy campers during 10-week Summer Day Camp program • Offered Free Summer Park Program and led approx. 2000 kiddos in fun games, crafts, and activities • Coordinated 97 high school volunteers to spook 833 brave souls at 4th annual Valley Mission Haunted Pool 755.7595 �,.�-- Vat d Pool Oct. 113. 19.,15&r6 �Rpn 1 Orn , per person flt Ifte 107 Spokane 1 . Va11ey Recreation • Hosted " Breakfast With Santa " with Rotary Club of Spokane Valley; coordinated 44 high school volunteers; fed 520 hungry people • Held the first ever Winter Break Cool Camp over the holiday break • 108 Senior Center • Continued to emphasize and provide seminars for health and well being • Hosted an Open House and Veterans Appreciation to create awareness within the community of what the Senior Center has to offer • 109 Skikane 40,•*Valley Senior Center • rrovided general information to many seniors who are looking for services and/or assistance • Over 36,000 Seniors participated in a variety of events, programs, activities, and classes creating lasting friendships 0