PC APPROVED Minutes 01-23-14 Spokane Valley Planning Plannin Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers-City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. January 23,2014 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Stoy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff,and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance Ill. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Joe Stoy- Chair x r Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager Christina Carlsen-Vice x 1- Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Chair Steven Neill x Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Kevin Anderson x i- Gloria Mantz, Engineer Mike Phillips x E Robert McCaslin x �- Chris Sneider x p Can Hinshaw, secretary Commissioner Neill was excused from the Planning Commission Meeting. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Carlsen moved to approve the agenda as presented, a second was made and the motion was passed 6-0. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the January 9, 2014 minutes as presented, a second was made and the motion was passed 6-0. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Scott Kuhta gave an update on the Planning Commission advance agenda. February 13, 2014 a Study Session for the annual Comprehensive Plan will get started. The Shoreline Management Program Update will begin March 13, 2014. There will be no Planning Commission Meeting April 10, 2014 due to spring break. Commissioner Stoy asked how many Comprehensive Plan Amendments will we have this year. Mr. Kuhta responded that there are three site specific proposed amendments. One of Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5 them is proposed by the City, two are proposed by private entities and then there are number of chapter and text amendments. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Unfinished Business: Study Session, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 19.120, Schedule of Permitted and Accessory Uses (Permitted Use Matrix) and Appendix A, Definitions. Senior Planner Mike Basinger stated this study session was put together for the purpose of being able to go over the working document that was put in the Planning Commissioners packets. Mr. Basinger opened the floor for questions or comments. Commissioner Carisen stated she found a couple of things that had an S designation without something in the comment section. She asked if they are going to match up that way in the description. Mr. Basinger stated that the final document would reflect all the supplemental conditions if there is an S. Commissioner Anderson had concerns that the changes to the adopted Matrix were not articulated in the working document. Mr. Basinger stated that they put together this working document to identify as much as possible how they were consolidating uses and the process for doing that. They wanted to assure the Planning Commission that they were not doing anything that was inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The goal was to make the Permitted Use Matrix more reflective of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Basinger noted that the additions and deletions in the working document are identified using track changes. Planning Commissioner Anderson stated he did not see the changes because the blue and black texts were hard to identify. Commissioner Sneider had concerns regarding transfer stations and how it was allowed with supplemental conditions in Regional Commercial (RC) zones. He wanted to know why it's no longer allowed and how is it still comparable to before. Mr. Basinger explained that staff looked at the Comprehensive Plan and determined that Regional Commercial is not an appropriate place for a transfer station. This would be the transfer sites that you would take your garbage to with your truck. The regional commercial designations described in the Comprehensive Plan are described as areas that would attract regional commercial type destination activities. Commissioner Phillips had concerns relating to staff documenting their work. Mr. Basinger assured Commissioner Philips that the working document included all changes relating to the consolidation of the permitted use matrix. Planning Commissioner Anderson provided a copy of a list he put together that indicates permitted uses as indicated in the Old Matrix which have been changed in the New Matrix. He stated 20 items were not highlighted. (See attached) Commissioner Anderson was concerned about the process for consolidating the matrix. Mr. Basinger noted that all the changes are articulated in the working document for Planning Commissioners Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 consideration and recommendation. He stated if there is something that is in the working document that the Planning Commission does not agree with then it should be discussed. Mr. Basinger stated that in the working document they have identified under current use, all the uses that were in the existing Matrix. The working document also shows all the changes relating to the consolidation process. Commissioner Sneider had some questions on Community Garden. Starting on zone MUC, CMU, etc. those are all P's, then you go to the final document and it just has two S's. He was confused and asked why they were not the same. Mr. Basinger responded that the consolidated Matrix articulates the final product for the Commissioners review. He stated that a good way to see when there is brand new use is to look under current use in the working document, it should be reflected as a brand new use in blue underlined text. This is a good way to see where things have been added. There are very few of them, such as marijuana, community garden and entertainment. Commissioner Carlsen commented that in the old Matrix, medical, dental and office, were separate from medical, dental clinic in the old Matrix and now is combined in the new Matrix. She wanted to know if there was a distinction between getting rid of an office and a clinic. Mr. Basinger stated that there was not a distinction in the definitions. He said they were looking at the difference between an office and a clinic. There is actually an office category where we allow offices. Mr. Basinger added that clinics are a little bit different. They wanted to get away from the confusion of having medical office and medical clinic considering there is an office designation in place. Commissioner Sneider commented on the education category, that schools were added in with College and University. He asked what the thinking was on it because the definition of schools is quite different from Universities and Colleges. Mr. Basinger stated that it was for the ease of finding the use. The way the schedule of Permitted Use Matrix works online is if you type in the word "school", "college" or "university" it searches based on that string. He commented that adding schools would help people in finding that use if they were searching under the premise of school. Commissioner Anderson had concerns regarding light industrial and heavy industrial. In the Industrial light use category, machine shops are listed in light use but not listed in the heavy use. Commissioner McCaslin commented that the difference in the industrial heavy is the word:processing. Mr. Basinger stated that they tried to define the different types of industrial uses such as assembly, manufacturing and processing. Commissioner Carlsen stated that in the definitions under bakery products manufacturing where it says see light industrial use category it's not listed on the Matrix under light industrial and she did not see it in the industrial light definition that it's for baked goods. Mr. Basinger stated under processing that bakery could be put in there as an example of a processing use in the definition for industrial, light use category. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 19.120, Schedule of Permitted and Accessory Uses (Permitted Use Matrix), and Appendix A, Definitions. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 Chair Stoy opened ened the Public Hearing at 7:13 PM g Commissioner Carlsen read aloud the rules for the Public Hearing. There was no public comment. Commissioner Stoy closed the Public Hearing at 7:16 PM Ten-minute break Resumed the Meeting at 7:23 PM Motion: Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council the Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 19.120, Schedule of Permitted, and Accessory Uses (Permitted Use Matrix), and Appendix A, Definitions. A second was made. Discussion: 1. The Planning Commission conducted deliberations. The Planning Commission discussed and decided the following changes to Appendix A Definitions (see below). a. The Planning Commission recommended that struck out definitions be added back into Appendix A Definitions and that references be made to the new use category definitions. b. The Planning Commission recommended including the word "bakery" as an example of a processing use in the defmition for industrial, light use category. c. The Planning Commission recommended including language stipulating that all the uses allowed in the industrial, light use category be allowed in the industrial,heavy use category. d. The Planning Commission recommended deleting the historical element ("In the past, such a shelter was more commonly referred to as a dog pound, a term which had its origins in the impoundments of agricultural communities, where stray cattle would be penned up or impounded until claimed by their owners") from the definition for animal shelter. e. The Planning Commission recommended changing the word "products" to "materials" in the definitions for industrial, heavy use category and industrial, light use category. f. The Planning Commission recommended removing the word "fashion"from the definition for showroom. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 Amended Motion: Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to amend the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 19.120, Schedule of Permitted and Accessory Uses (Permitted Use Matrix), and Appendix A, Definitions as described by staff. A second was made. Planning Commission action: to forward to the City Council as presented, the motion was passed 6-0 Planning Commissioner Neill was absent for the vote. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There were no comments. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Joe Stoy, Chairperson e /� � /IL) Carl Hinshaw, PC Secre Date signed /7" i Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5