Public Safety (Sheriff Study Group) Transition Committee - 12/17/2002 flZeport From The Public Safety T'ransition Committee 12-17-02 Yerry Lynch, Chair of The Public Safetv Transition Comenittee Bill Crawford & llon Kachinsky - Sheriff's Studv Group Co Chairs . Patty Platzla - Crcate Yaur Own Studv Group Honorable Gity Council Members: The Public Safety Transition Coffimattee met at Pines Jr. Mah last spring and over the summer months it was determined that there was two main facteons. One group was very concerned we research the ~ current policing program, the Spokane County Sheriff s l)epartment. ~ 'I'he second group was very partial to studying tbe possibilities of creating our own police departrnent. After great due diligence by both study groups the cammittee as a wholc received presentadons from both propnnents. It was detcrmined that if a contract could bc secured at the last fngure presented by the Sheriff, for a short period, one to three years, this was the most practical and least expensave solulion for the new city. I would like to introduce the study committee chairs; Mr. T3ill Crawford f rst for the Sheriff s study group and tben 1VIs. Patty Plotzid and ask they give yau a synopsis of what their group found. When they are done, I expect Captain Cal Waiicer representing the Spokane County Sheriffs Department will speak to this issue and answer your questions. . k'ersonally I com.mend botb committees for workiag very hard to obtai.n useful information. T nk mu, Terry .,ynch, Chair Public Safety Transition Co,ffimittee CC: City Clerk Seven Copies ~ r Spokane Valley Police Department Operations Budget lFeasibility Study Operations Budget Scenarios Law Enforcement Transition Sub-committee Make Your Own Department ~ 11,1 b,02 Spokane Valley Police Department Operations Budget Thc intent of these operating budgets is to provide data to the City Council in order for them to nul:e an informed decision as to the feasibilitv of operating a Spokane Valley Police Department. ft is understaad that the organizational structure in this model will be subject to change depending an the new police Ghief, the city manager, and the city council. No contact has been made with the County or the City of Spekane conoerning possible contracts for some functions in these draft scenarios. This transition sub-committee has attempted to be as accurate as possible and canservativc in its estimates. We are using an estimated populataon of 82,000_ Qther estimates have been as lotiv as 80,700, as givLn by the Boundary Review Board to 87,000, as pcr Greg Bever of the Joumal of Business publication. Our recornmendation on staHYn,g at start-up is 1.5 swom officers per 1,000 population with an uJtimate goal of 2.0 per 1,000. Scenario I shows an estimated budget for 1.511,000 and Scenario II is for 1.25/1,000 fnr comparison to ihe Sheriffs contract proposal. While we triExl not to compane our feasibility study to the Sherifrs proposed contract w-e know that the council will, and should, make comparisons. To assist in an apples-to-apples comparison, we submit Scenazio II and since we cannot hire 6alf-time pcrsonnel in managanent positions, Nve shoNv a full-time Captain in charge of the Investigaiions Bureau and full-time persannci in all functions in the belief that it would be more cf_'ficient to combine functions thau split personnel betwoen positions. Much was said during the campaign for incorporation aQd ihe council eleciion campaigns about independence frnm the City and County of Spokane, and at:out the professionalism of the Sheriffs nersonnel - also about the need to rid our community of the Meth Labs by increasiog the level of service by law eaforcement. Qur Se~,~nario 1 should accomplish those goals. One imporcant nate about die staff of our city's police deparfment is thai state law mandates tbat «re hire all qualified sheriTs personnel that wauld be displaced by starting our oKm deparUnent. That ensures us that we c;rould have the same professionalism that we naw enjoy from the Shcriff's office. capiral ouaay Baagets are scparate from these Opcrsting Budgcts. 11/18l02 Spokane Valley Police Department 11/24/2002 2:21 PM Sen.,aQO COmDansons 811 galaries includ b~ en~fits SCENA O i SCENARIO II 1.5/1 ,000 = 124 1.25/1,000 =103 S,1FFICE OF THE CHIEF Swom sal~rv Chief 112,576 1 112,578 1 112,576 Lieutenant 89,708 1 89,708 L 88•7p8 Sergeant 81,061 J- 81,.051 3 283,345 2 202.284 Syppod staff salarX Admin. Asst. 52,888 1 52.888 1 52,888 Info. Coord. (media) 63,096 l 63.098 1 52,888 2 115,984 illlaint & Ogff Supplies 2,400 2,400 Minor equip 5,600 5,600 Setvices 1Q.000 j 0.000 18,000 18,000 TOTAL OFFICE OF T1iE CHIEF 354,233 336,268 UNIFORM BUREAI! Patrol Division Swo m_salarv Captain 103,293 1 103,293 1 103,293 Lieutenant 89,708 2 179,416 2 179,416 Sergeant 81,061 8 648,488 8 648,486 Corporal 75,899 8 607,192 8 607,192 Potice Officer 62,376 44 2,744.544 * 75 5,031,445 63 4,282,933 SuRPort ff-, a LRrv Secretary 45,431 1 45,431 1 45,431 Clerk III 36,715 1 36.715 L V,715 2 82,146 2 82,146 Maint & Oner _ Patrol Overtime 240,900 215,204 Supplies 7,500 7,500 Minor equip 17,500 17,500 Services 25_000 25.000 290,900 265,204 Total Patrol Division 5,404,491 4,630,283 " Bear in mind, when you factor in to the staff of 75 sworn officers (63 in Scenario II) the regular days off, vacation, holidays, sick days, and court appearances, only 409'a will be on duty on any given day. IncJuded i in the Police Officer numbers are the K-9. DARE and SRO's. Page 1 Spokane Valley Police Department 1112412002 2:21 PM S-CENARIO i SCENARIO 11 Traffic Division Swo 4alarv Sergeant 81,061 1 81,081 1 81,061 Corparal 75,899 2 151,798 1 75,899 Palice Offir,8r 62,376 8- 499,008 I 311.88d 11 731,867 7 468,840 ampport staff salarv Clerk 1 32,298 1 32•2~,B_ 1 32,296 1 32,296 Main ~ r- Tra~c Overtime 35,500 25,000 SuppJies 4,500 5,000 Minor equip 10,500 5,000 Services 15•~g0 30.000 85,500 45,000 Total Traffic Division 829,683 546,136 A ditionaLUniform Bureau M&O TAC (crowd control) 8,000 8,000 EDU (explosive disposal) 4,000 4,000 SWAT 40,000 40,000 K-9 1Q.Qp0 10 QQQ 62,000 62,000 Salary/Benefts 5,877,754 4,784,069 Maint 8 Oper 418.400 37~,204 TOTAL UNIFORiYI BUREAU 6,296,154 5,238,419 Page 2 Spokane Vailey Police Department 11/24J2002 2:21 PPU! SCENARIO I SSE„p1B.Q,IQ-(i 1NVESTIGATIOIdS BUREAU Swom salarv Captain 103,293 1 103,293 1 103,293 Lieutenant 89,708 2 179,416 2 179,416 Se►geant 81,061 4 324,244 4 324,244 Police Officer 62,376 24 1.497.024 a 1247.520 31 2,103,977 27 1,854,473 Sup.Po=aff-Aal= Clerk I 32,296 4. 129,984 4- 129.184 4 129,184 4 129,184 Mai❑ &_Q12&f=10Vpgjga1ions Overtime 88,800 80,000 Supplies 27,000 27,000 Minor equip 83,000 60,000 Meth team 100,000 100,000 Seniices , 46.500 46.5Q0 325,300 313,500 SalaryBenef"rts 2,233,161 1,963,657 Maint S Oper 22~~ ="k TOTAL INVESTIGATlONS BUREAU 2,558,461 2,297,157 Page 3 Spokane Valley Police Qepartment 11/2412002 2:21 PM SGENAi210 1 SCENAB O ll SUPPORT SERVECES BUREAU Swom salaN Captain 103,293 1 103,293 Lieutenant 89,748 1 89,708 Sergeant 81,061 3 243.183 3 243.183 4 346,476 4 332,891 S~g~~ staff salarv Admin Supervisor 62,869 1 81,320 1 81,320 Accountant II 57,272 1 57,272 1 57,272 Cont Spec (Clerk II) 22,697 1 34,846 1 34,846 Grant Spec (Clerk II) 22,697 1 34,846 1 34,846 Payroll clerk (Clerlc i) 20,462 1 32,296 1 32,296 Storekeeper 26,559 1 39,264 1 39,264 Personnel cteric 32,296 1 32,296 1 32,296 Secretary 45,431 1 45,431 1 45,431 Receptionist 28,901 1 28,901 1 28,901 Computer prog 50,368 2 100,738 2 100,736 Desktop speclalist 50,368 1 50,388 1 50,368 Mobile data spec 50,368 1 50,368 1 50,368 Crime prev pract 42,064 1 42,084 1 42,064 Crime analyst 39,880 2 79,920 2 79,920 Clerk I 32,286 6 193,776 6 193,776 Property facil supv 43,858 1 43,858 1 43,858 Property specialist 41,314 3 123,942 3 123,942 Network analyst 58,135 1 56,135 L 0.1..35 Totai Support Pers4nnel • 23 1,127,639 23 1,127,639 [1tLaint & OQer - Suoport Services Overtime 14,800 14,800 Supplies 21,000 21,000 Minor equip 49,000 49,000 Services 30,000 30,000 Training 200,000 165,000 Fleet services 200,000 185,000 Facilities 41,042 41,042 Risk managemeM 300,000 275,000 Worlcers oomp 200,000 180,000 Miscellaneous Z5QQQ 65.0Q0 1,130,842 1,025,842 Salary/Benefits 1,474,115 1,460,530 Maint 8 Oper 1,130,842 1.025.842 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES 2,604,957 2,486,372 " The council may decide that several of the support personnel may not be needed on Day-One of the departmenYs start-up thereby reducing ihe first year costs. Page 4 . Spokane Vailey Police Department 11/24/2002 2:21 PM SCEMARtO 1 SCEiVAR10 II INTFROGFN-CX CONTRACTS ~ou,nlX contrads Ies i matesl f 1) Crime check 250,000 250,000 . IdenUcrime scene 150,000 150,000 Dispatch 1=0- SO.OQO Total 950,000 950,000 City of Saokane conrtraalzoatimatW Recorcis , 220,000 220,000 CAD/RMS 175_00Q 175.000 Total 395,000 395,000 TOTAL CONTRACTS 1,345,000 1,345,000 ESTIMA-TEL~ RF~/~N!~F~ Impound fees 10,000 10,040 Alann fees 10,000 10,000 Protection services fees 10,000 10,000 Grants 450,000 450,000 Forfeit 8 Contributions 100,000 100,000 DUI cost recovery 40,000 90,000 Traffic violation revenues 797,25-8- 224sal TOTAL REVENUES 1,417,258 1,068,629 DEPARTtV1EfdT TOTALS 11,741,547 10,634,587 ('1) Jaii casls are no1 included because we have no way to esimate them and they do not appear anywhere in the Sheriff s propos6d contrad as a separate item. Page 5 ' City oi Spokane Valley Police Qepartment 11/25/2002 Feasibility Study - Staff Budget Comparisons . e' s Contract ~ okane Valiev Police Department 1.25/1,000= 103 1.25/1,000= 103 1.5/1,000= 124 Salary # Total Salary # Total # Total Chief 112,576 1 112,576 1 112,576 Captain 130,587 1.5 195,881 103,283 2206,586 3 309,879 Lieutenant 128,801 4 515,204 89,708 6 538,248 5 448,540 Sefgeant 117,699 9.5 1,118,141 81,061 16 1,296,976 17 1,378,037 DeUCorp 110,434 18.5 2,043,029 75,899 9 683,081 10 758,980 Poiice OfF 97,890 69.5 V89.4a 62,376 §1 4,301944 5,40-9_088 Total Sworn 103 10,681,709 103 7,141,421 124 8,497,110 LESU 1,120,006 CiVllians inGuded 32 1,487,249 31 1,424,153 C011tf2CfS inGuded 1,345,000 1,345,000 M& O included 1,688,504 1,851,500 Revenues inctuded (9,068,629) (1,417,258) Bldg Expense 41 •Q42 41.042 41.042 TotalOverhead L161.048 3,493.16s 3244.437 Total Annual Cost 11,822,757 10,634,587 11,741,547 Capital Outlay Budget Comparisons Sheriff s Contract ~akart~Valle.y Police [?epartment 1.2511,000 1.25/9 ,000 1.5/1,000 Purchase Facility (•1) 180,537 180,537 180,537 Vehicles (*2) o (-3) 551,388 (-a) 780,156 CofTlputefs. ("5) 0 (-8) 29,161 (R7) 31,812 Tefephone System 25..00.0 . 25-001 Total Capital Outlay 1$0,537 786,086 1,017,505 ("1) Per Sheriffs pmposal, page 5. Atsfl see "Facility" on next page. (*2) Financed 3 years @ 4% iMerest ('3) 25 new Crown Victorias, 4-4WD, and 24 2002 Dodge Intrepid or equal ("4) 31 new Crown vctorias, 4-4WD, and 27 . 2002 Dodge intrepid ar equal ("5) Financed 5 years @ 4°k interest (116) 1 Server, 63 Desktops, and 27 Laptops (*7) 1 Server, 67 Desktops, and 31 Laptops Page 6 • Gity of Spokane Valley Police Oepartment 11/25f2002 Other One-time Costs Uniforms, including handguns and equipment, less the uniform allowance in the benefit package will have an initial cost of $394,444 for the Scenario I and $327,643 for Scenario 11. Facility costs, other than for our share of the Sheriffs Precinct, are not included. Eventually, our department wiU require at least 30,000 square feet of building space, plus adequate outdoor parking and vehicle storage. For safety"s sake, this building should not be part of a City Hall but could be combined in a building housing other emergency services such as a City Fire Department and EMS. We did not include starting our own CAD/RMS and Dispatch in our study. FCC frequency allotments in the VHF range are unavailable except through the Sheriffs Department. We could obtain UHF frequencies but then our officers could not communicate directly with the other cities and the sheriff cars. This is something your Chief of Police will have to work out. The vehictes inGude approximately $10,000 in equipment costs in each patrol car and $3,000 in each unmarked car that can be reused when the vehicle is replaced. Step vans for use by SWAT, TAC, Meth Team, etc will probably eventually be needed. Low mileage, late model vans can be purchased for around $20,000. Page 7 City of Spokane Valley Police Department 11125/2002 , OPT10NA1_ OPESATIONB r(1ST C MPARISQN Sheriffs Cont= Cib DQqartment # EmpIg,vees ulid giass jfiotiQ,n Cost ~ Cost Dj~e«nce 1 K-9 (Dnig) 1 Deputy/PO 97,690 162,376 3 DARE 3 Deputy/PO 293,070 3 187,128 3 SRO 3 Deputy/PO 293,070 3 293,070 revenue (57,291) (57,291) 1 Comm Serv .5 Lieutenant 64,400 1 63,036 (Civilian) .5 Deputy 48,845 12.5 Traffic .5 Lieutenant 64,400 1 Sergeant 117,699 1 81,061 0 Corporal 0 1 75,899 11 Deputy/PO 1,074,588 10 623,760 revenue (100,000) (100,000) $7.22$._ (tU1&0) 20.5 Proposed Optional Level 1,895,471 20 1,316,395 (580,076) Qptions the Council May Wish to Consider Assuming you plan to initialty contract with the county for !aw enforcemeni: Have a 90 day csncellation clause so you can negotiaie changes or siart our own department. Hire your own Chief of Police to monitor the contrad and when the time comes, he/she will already be in ptace. You may also wish to negotiate with the county to have operational supervision of contract personnet. Excercise the option to contract only for the Basic Contract and hire the "Optional Operations" staff above as city employees end save the $580,076 difference. The "Scenarios" we are submitting presume contracting for Dispatch and Recorcls Management functions. You and your managemerrt team may weN consitfer having our staff provide those services for the sake of locel control. The costs would probabfy be less but there is an advantage to having our records in the same data base as the County and City of Spokane. We understartd that new cities are etigible forgrants of various types to offset many of our initial expenses. These shoutd be vigorousty pursued. The county may be wifling to sell same equipmerit to us at a reasonable price that wovld no longer be needecl by them. Maybe tney would be willing to give it to us since we probably paid for it. Page 8 Spokaine V_ ey Poi•ce Department . Capita1 Bud,~~ ~easibi~ty Study ~ ; i1 ' L . - ~ , - . y ' - t•~ I ~ . . ~ Law ~~~emm:~ ~ransiti~ ~~C-omErO~ ~ ~~~townt _ 49_ Y 'y • ~ ' - INTRODUCTION The Capital Budget was researched and prepared by the Law Enforcement Sub - Committee assigned to develop a municipal police department for the City of Spokane Valley. The Maintenance and Operation Budget for a municipal police department was presented by Bob Lincoln on September 26, 2002, and is included in this report as Appendix A. The Capital budget is intended solely as a reference guide for the Spokane Valley City Council to utilize in determining the feasibility and desirability of forming a municipal police department and for comparative purposes. Clearly the single largest impact on this budget would be the level of service provided to ths City of Spokane Valley (number of personnel, specialized services such as DARE, School Resource Officers, SWATIMeth TeamlTactical Unit capabilities, etc.). Therefore, when practical, we have utilized figures for Scenarios I and II (103 and 125 officers) from the Operations Budget (see Appendix A). 'While the Committee spent a great deal of time and effort in researching and preparing this Capital Budget, it must be understofld that the formation of a police department is extremely complex, with a myriad of subjective and objective variables. It should also be noted that line items in the budget will vary significantly based on point in time and other factors, such as; availability of grants (which could be substantial and should be vigorously pursued), potential for joint purchasinglventures and contractual agreements. The attached budget, therefore, should not be viewed as an absolute budget proposal, but as an informational proto-type for use in determining the feasibility of creating a municipal police department. If the Spokane Valley City Council determines the potential viability of creating a municipal police department, it is understood that at that point in time an in depth and detailed capital budget would need to be researched and developed. For example, wnile furnishings were included in the cost of a new police facility (see Appendix F), other equipment, such as; computers/printers, telephone system and office equipment have not been calculated. i- "Make our Own Law Enforcement Agency Sub-Committes Members" Fred J. Burns, Chairman dorfordediqacom.net (509) 228-9265 Patty Plotzki, Secretary qtpit a(~.aol.com (509) 742-8130 Cliff Cook, Federal L.E. (Ret.) choosakan eaol.com (509) 921-9138 Inez Hodge, S. P. D. Statistician (509) 622-5853 Home: (509) 928-6588 Ozzie Knezavich, S.C.S.O. (509) 924-3917 Jerry Lane, Lincoln C0. SO.(Ret.) laneinvestehotmail.com (509) 370-7574 Tad Leach, L. E. Consultant leachconsultant(cr~aol.com (208) 765-193 Bob Lincoln, S.P.D. Planning blincoln(@sookanepolice.ora (509) 835-521 Will Long, S.C.S.O. Reserve Debralon4(a~icehouse.net (509) 922-4442 Dean Meyer, S.C.S.O. Deputy dus38(@,cs.com (509) 891-7087 Raymond J. Seely rseelv9434cc{~aol.com (509) 926-5463 . -ii- TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction i & ii Table of Contents iii & iv Budget Summary 1-3 Appendix Maintenance and Operations Budget (9/26/02) A Uniforms B Officer Equipment C Police Vehicles D Weapons E Facility F Police Facility F1-3 Availability of Current Buildings and Vacant Land on East Sprague F4 - iii - Computer Aided Dispatch/ Record Management System (CAD/RMS) G Radio/Dispatch H Commodities/MaterialslExpendables I CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY Uniforms (Appendix B) $ 234,716.40 - $ 286,225.00 (103 Officers) (125 Officers) Officer Equipment (Appendix C) $ 88, 753.04 107, 710. 00 (103 Officers) (125 Officers) Police Vehicles (Appendix D) Patrol & Traffic Units $ 1,3891440.00 Investigations Unit $ 673,552.00 Support Services & Admin. $ 3110040.00 Weapons (Appendix E) Handguns $ 50,882.00 - $ 61,750.00 (103 Officers) (125 Officers) Rifles $ 43,115.80 (125 Officers) -1 - Shotguns $ 24,180.00 (125 Officers) FACI LITY (Appendix F) Build New $ 5,134,500.00 - $ 5,545,970.00 (Plus Land) Remodel $ 31596,615.00 - $ 3,881,800.00 (Plus Land and Existing Bldg) COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH/RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CADIRMS) (Appendix G) Option #1 - Contract With S.C.S.D./S.P.D. To be determined Option #2 - Purchase New PRC System $ 2,3000,000 Option #3 - Purchase New Spillman Systern $ 425,000 + - $516,300 + RADIOIDISPATCH (Appendix H) Option #1 - Purchase Entire Radio System Mobile Radios $ 223,300 (125 officers) Portable Radios $ 154,500 - $ 187,500 (103 4fficers) (125 officers) Base Stations and Ancillary Equipment (To Be Determined) -2- Option #2 - Contract With Spokane County (To be determined) COMMODITIES/MATERIALS/EXPENDABLES (Appendix I) Expendables/Materials $ 82,000 Commodities $ 21,000 -3- ~ ~ r ' C cz ~ c C ~ ~ r- ~ Snokane Valley Police DepartmEnt 1?easibi.lify Study Operations Budget Scenarios as/a6ial) , Salary assumptions Scenario I (1.5/1000) ............................................................4 Scenario (f (1.3/1000) 10 ~ Comparisons ......................................................................16 M8c0 ...............................................19 Revenucs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...20 The intent of these operating budgets is to provide data to the new counei I in order for them to make an informed decisian as to the feasibilitv of operatinD a Spokane Valley Police Department. [t is understoocl that the arganizational structwe in this model will be subject to chan-e depenciing. on the new police chief, the city manacyer, and the city council. No cnntact has been made with the County or thc City of Spoi:ane concerning possible contracts for some ftinctions in these draft scenarios. Estimates of a Capital budget are scparate from these operating budgets. 1 Spokane Valley Police Uepartment Operations Budget 1. Sworn Staff: Poaulation 82.000 85,000 57.000 1.211000 98 142 104 I.3/1000 107 110 113 1.5/1000 123 127 130 1.3/1000 148 153 157 2.0/1000 164 170 174 (1.2 sworn personnel per 1,000 population) 2001 S:ilarv Survev of Comaarable Washiugton Cities i'.O. Del/C4rnoi-a1 Serueant Lievtectant Bellingham (67,000) 41,940 - 53,964 53,443 -56,712 59,592 - 63,223 73,608 Everctt (91,000) 43,080 - 56,484 69:996 82,968 - 86,448 Fcdcral Way (83,000) 41,244 - 55,344 54,043 - 72,492 9:Ent (80,000) 43,356 - 56,460 66;582 77,628 Yakima (72,fl00) 38,460 - 52,080 56,508 - 59,340 59,904 - 72,840 Average 4 t,616 - 54,866 53,448 -56,712 58,050 - 64,865 65,640 - 76,603 SPD 32,344 ->6,125 56,981 - 62,682 64,248 - 70,679 76,003 SCSO 37,521 - 50,636 51,781 - 57,220 56,992 - 62,977 69,176 - 76,442 Caotain Chief Belliagham (67,000) 90,048 Fverett(911000) 39,412 -42,892 77,428-101,340 Federal Way (33,000) 66,523 - 78;528 82,572 - 104,460 Kent (30,000) 35,536 104,230 Yakima (72,000) 66,060 - 84,244 72,940 - 88,476 Average 74,000 - 84,300 77,780 - 97,720 S?D 87,383 37,884 - 107,845 SCSO 31,570 - 90,138 92,000 Estimated averaie salaries i- benefits for Sookane Vallev l82,0001 Vallcy PD % oECnma. Low a<<e. SCSO Median Salaries Benefits ToEal Chief +15% 92,000 90,000 22,576 112,576 Capt. +10% 85,354 81,432 21,361 103,293 Lt. +5% 72,309 65,904 20,304 39,703 Sgt. +5% 59,984 60,928 20,133 31,061 Corp. ~5% 54;500 56,167 19,732 75,399 A.O. +5% 44,078 43.697 18,679 62.376 (benefits on average are approximately 25°l0 of total package) 1) 11. Professional Support StaCf (;itv af Sookane Salarv Survev 2001 Benefiis Salarv (low end of salarv) 'I'otal Police Admin Superv 62,869 - 73,342 13,450 8 020 . rlccountant f I I 49,486 - 61,429 16,402 65,888 Comp. tNetwork Actmin 49,486-61,429 16,402 65,$88 Comp Senior Analyst 47,063 - 58,563 16,033 63,096 . Police Records Managcr 47,063 - 58,568 16,033 63,696 Police (nfo Coordinator 47,063 - 58,568 16,033 63,096 AccoLmtant f I 42;407 -52,784 15,320 57,272 \elwark Ansslyst 41,300 - 51,427 14,835 56,135 GiS programmer 39,171 -43,755 14,825 53,996 Adrnin Assistant 35,210-47,523 14,673 52,333 Comp Syst. Admin 3$,210-47,532 14,678 52,588 Dispatcher Super 37,98 52,137 14,340 52,321 Accountant 1 36,268 - 45,122 14,699 50,368 Comp. Oper Spec 36,268 - 45,122 14,099 50.368 Prog.Analysc 36;268-45,122 14,099 50,368 Deskrop Comp Spec fl 36,268 -45,122 t4,099 50,368 Police Dispatcher 111 33,969 - 46,666 13,767 47,676 Secretary 3 1,904 - 39,583 13,527 45,431 Police pispatchG-r 11 30,861 - 41,196 13,329 44,190 Property Facilities Super 30,563 -40,048 13,290 43,858 Crime Prev. Pract 24,002 -37,751 13,062 405; Police Propercy Spee 23,355 - 36;999 12,959 41,314 Desk4op Comp Spec f 27,165 - 35,606 12,795 39,960 Crime Analyst 27,165 - 35,600 12,795 39,960 Storekeeper 26,559 - 34,786 12,705 39,264 Police vispatcher [ 25,954 - 33,951 12,615 38,569 Police Rec. Shift Supcr 25,954 - 33,95 I 12,615 38,569 CIer1: 1 V 25,934 - 33,951 12,615 38,569 Clerk 111 24,221 -31,842 12,444 36,715 Aceounting clerk 24,221 -31,842 12,494 36,713 Data entry Tech I11 24,221 - 31,842 12,494 36,715 Police Records Spec 23,469 - 30,389 12,266 35,735 Data entry Tech tl 22,696 - 29,587 12,149 34,846 Clerk 1( 22,696 -29,587 12,149 34,546 Clerk 1 20,462 - 25,557 11,834 32,296 Data c-ntry tech l 20,462 - 25,557 11,334 32,296 Recepiianist 17,456 - 21,778 11,445 28,901 - (For City of Spokane VaIley PD, the lowest salarv in each range was usec!) ~ ~ SCENARIO L• 1.5/1000 sworn (124 sworn) 9 sworn % of total Chiefs ofFc,z 3 l% Patro I 75 60% (mestigations 31 25% Support $ervices 4 4% Traff c I I 10% Total 124 100% . tiNtF012►V( BUREAU Patrol Division (75 sworn) (2 professional support staff) 1 Capc. l Secretary ! Clerk [1[ 1 Lt. i s` sh i ft: (a 700-1740) Team i Team 2 Sgt. 1 1 Garp. 1 I P.O. b 6 2ee Sllift: (l i00-2 f40) Team 3 Tcam 4 Sgt. l I Corp. ! I P.O. 7 7 I Lt. 3`d shiR: (1700-0340) Tearn 5 Team 6 S gt. 1 l Corp. 1 l P.O. 7 7 4'' shift: (2100-0740) Tcam 7 '1"eactt 8 Sgt. , I 1 Corp, I ! P.O. 7 7 K-9 P.O. 2 Sworn Salarv + Benefits Capt_ 103,293 x l= 103?93 , i.,t. 89,703 x 2a 179,416 Sgt. 31,061 x 3= 648,488 Corp. 75,899 x 8= 607,192 P.0. 62,376 x 56= 3,493.056 75 5,031,445 4 f'rof, Suoaort staff $afarv + [ienefits Secretary 45,431 x I= 45,431 Clerk 111 36,715 x 1= 36,715 2 $2,146 Salary+genefits Patrol Div. 5,113,591 M&O Patrol Overtime/Add 240,900 Supplies 7,500 , Minor Equip. 17,500 . Secvices 25,000 290,90(1 PaTROL DIVISIOlY' Total SalaryBenefits + M&O 5,404,491 Traffic Units (1 i sworn) (I Prof. Suppar[ staff} i Srt. I cierk Team I Team 2 P.O. a 4 Carp. (Accident reconscruction) I t Sworn Salarv + beneFu Sgt. 81,061 x I= S 1,06 I P.O. 62,376 x 8= 499,003 Gorp 75,399 x 2= 151,798 11 731,867 Prof. Suqoort staff Salarv + benefits Clerk l 32,296 x l= 32,296 Salary + benefits Trafric units: 764,163 M&O Traffic units OvertimelAdd 35,500 Supplies 4,500 . iMinor Equip. 10,500 Serviccs 15.000 65,500 Traffic uniis Total SalAryBenefits ~ YI&O 829,663 Additional Uniform Bureau M&O TAC (crowd controi) $,000 . EDLf (explosive disposal) 4,000 SWAT 40,000 K-9 10 000 62,000 Sa l a ry/Bcnefits 5,877,754 M&O 418,400 T'OTAL UNIFORM BUREAU 6,296,154 ~ Prof. Suooort staff Salarv r Beriefics Secretary 45,4; i x l= 45,431 Clerl:Ilf 36,715 x I= 36,7I5 2 32,146 Salary+l3enc(ifs Patrol Div. 5,113,591 M&O Patrol OvertimelAdd 340,900 S«ppl ies 7.500 tilinur Equip. 17,500 Services 25,000 290.900 ~ PATf20L D1V1S101`° TOtJI SaIJrylBenefits + s11&d 5,404,491 Traffic Units I sworn) (I Prof: Suppnrt stafl) 1 Sgt. I elerk Teaiii 1 1'eam 2 P.O. 4 4 Corp. (Accident ceconsiruc[ion) 1 ! Sworn Salarv + bene(its Sgt. 81,061 x I= 31,061 P.O. 02,370 x S = 494,008 Corp 75,899 r 2= 151,793 11 731,367 Prot. Cupoort staff Salarv + benefics Clerk [ 32,296 x I= 32,296 Salary + bcucfits TraIIie units: 764,163 M&O Traffic units Overiime/Add 35,500 St!Pplies 4,500 . iMinor Equip. 10,300 $ervices 15,000 65,500 Traf7ic uriits Total SalaryBenefits'- Vl&O 829,663 Additional Unifarm Bureau M&O TAC (crowd control) 3,000 EiaU (explasive disposal) 4,000 $1NAl' 40,000 K-9 10,000 62,00() SalaryBenefits 5,377.754 ►N1&O 413,400 TUTAL CENTFORM C3UREAU 6,396,154 : fNVESTiGAT[QNS AURFAU (31 sworn) Profcssipnal suFQoTE staff) i Capt_ 1 Lt. vtajor Crimes 1 Sgt 1 5 PO + i Cierl I Sexual Assaults 1 Ser + 5 PO Clerk I D.V v I PO I Lt. Proprrry Crimrs 1 Sgt. 1 7 PO Y l Cleck l SItJ (dru-!/gang) 1 Sgt. . 6 PO T I Clerk ( Sworn Salarv ~ benefits C.apt_ 103,293 x I= 103,293 l.t. 89;708 x 2= 179,416 S~t. 51,061 x 4 Q 32~,2=t~t PO 62.376 x 24 = 1.497,024 31 2,103,977 Prof. Suooort staff Salarv + benefits Clerk 1 32.296 x J= 129,134 Salary + henefits: 2;233,161 ~-IRO Inves6eations BureaLi OvcrtimeJ,4dd 35,8(}0 Supplies 27,0(}0 Viinor Equip. 63,0(}0 Meth Tearn 100,000 Services 46.500 325,300 Salary/Fienefits 2,233,161 11~C0 325,300 TOTAL IYVESTIGATIOVS BUREAiJ 2,558,461 ~ SIlPPOE2T SEI2VICES BUEtEA[J (4 sxorn) (23 ProF. Suppart siaff) I Capt. 1 Secretary l SEt - training, community 5erviCeS, a'irne preventiqn I crime preventi4n prac[. 2 clerk [ I Set - fleet, special events, volunteer programs 2 c(erk I 1 Sgt. - crime aitialysis ? CTIITit' 3I'13l?st5 ? clerk I I i'olice Adminiscrativr supzrvisor l receptianist 1 accouniani IE I contrac4 specialist (elrrk 11) 1 grant specialist (clerk II) 1 pa}•TOII cicrk (clerk f) t storekeeper t personnel clerk (clerl: I) I computer sr. analyst l computer proo ammers l desktop specialist I Nfobile data specialisl (prograriimer ccale) I Network analyst 1 property facilities supervisor 3 praperty specialists Sworn Salarv = benefits Capc. 103,293 x 1 = 103.293 Sg`. 81,061 x 3 ~ 241183 4 346,476 Professional staff Salarv Bencfts Total Admin Super 62,569 18,430 31,320 x 1= 81,326 Accountant Il 42,407 15,320 57,272 x 1 = 57,272 Contraet spec. (clerk fl) 22,647 12,149 34,346 x l= 34,846 Crant spec. (clerl: 22,697 12,149 34,846 x t- 34,846 Pay7oll cferk (clerk t) 20,462 11,834 32,296 x t= 32,296 Storekeeper 25,559 12;705 39?64 x l° 39,264 Persoiialel clerk l 10,462 11,834 32,296 x 1= 32,296 Secretary 31,904 13;527 45,431 x 1= 45,431 Receptionist 17,456 11,445 23,901 x 1- 25,901 Computer prog. 36,269 14,099 50,363 x 2= 100.736 Desktop spcc. 36,269 14,099 50,368 x]_ 5368 Mobife daw spec 36,269 14,099 50,363 x I= 50.365 Crime prev. pract. 29,002 13,062 42:064 x i= 42,464 7 G•irne analyst 27,165 12,795 39,966 x 2- 79.920 Clerk I 20,462 11,834 32,296x 6= 193.776 Properry facilities super 30,365 13.290 43,354 x I- 43,35S Property specialists 23,355 12,9.59 41,314 x 3= 123,942 Nenvork analysc 41,300 E4,335 56.135 x 1= 56.135 23 1,127,639 Satary + bcnetits: 1,474,115 yi&O Sttaaorc Services Bureau OvertimJAdd 14.800 Supplics 21,000 iklinor Equip. 49,000 Srrvices 30,000 Training 250.000 Ffeet services 500,000 Facilities 100.000 Risf: Manaeemenc 400,000 Workers Comp. 200,1700 ti•tisc. 100.000 Total Ni&O 1,664,300 SslaryBcnefits 1,474,115 vl c~c0 1.664.800 TOTAL SUE'E'ORT SCi FiVICC5 E3[TRCAU 3,138,915 nFFICE OF 'CF[E CFTTEF (3 swrorn) (2 professional support stafl) Sworn salarv + benet~ts 1 Chief 112,576 x t n 112,576 I I,t. (Offiee of Profi: Standards) 39,703 x I= 89,708 I Sgt. Administrative 81,061 x 1- 81,061 3 283,345 Pcof suonort scaff salarv + benefits Adrnin.Assistani 52,333 x i= 52,888 Salary + benefits: 336,233 Office of the Chief M&O Suppl ies 2,400 Minor Equip 5,600 ServiCes 10_000 18,000 S:I IaI"y/B ene fits 336,233 ~-I&O 18,000 TOT.aI.: Or HICE OF THE C[iIEF 334,233 3 nf;PARTM-E\''i' TOT:ILS I'otal Dcpartmcnt Sworn salary + beneRts: 124 ~ 58,497.1 fQ 69':'0 124 86% Total Dept Prof. support salary + bcnefiis: 31= 1.424.13 I?% 31 20% Total Department salary+benefits: S9,921,263 156 100% M&O: 2.426.,00 19% Salary•/benefits & YISU: S12,347,763 100% ,f0int use/inter aeencv contraCtS cOSt estimates: COuntv COWrnct Crime checr 250,000 (cientlerime sccnc 150,000 pispacch 550,000 950,000 Citv of Sookane Contract Records 220.000 CAD/R,yIS 175.000 395,000 To ta I S1,345,000 Cstimated Revenues lrnpound fees 10,000 Alarm fees 10,000 Proiection services fees 10,000 Grants 450,000 Forieitures and contributions 100,000 l7Ul cost recoverv 40;000 "l"raffic violation revenues 797.258 Lcss revenues S1,417,258 Salary/benetits 9,921,263 rt&o 2,426,500 Interagenc}' contracts 1345.000 S13,692,763 ' less revenues (1,417.258) Total 512,275,505 9 SCENARIO II: 1.311000 sworn (1.07 sworn) # sworn % of total Chiefs of'iice 2 1% Paerol 67 63% invescigations 27 ?a $upport Scrvicr5 4 4;/o Traffic 7 7% Tot11 107 100% (1T'iFORM RIJREAU Patral Division (57 sworn) (2 professional suppori staff) I Capt, t Seccetary t Clerk ll E I (.t. 15` shift: (0700-1740) Tearn I Team ? Sgt. I l Corp. I l P.O. 5 5 2"d shift: (1100-2I40) Tc:am 3 Tram 4 Sgt. I i Corp. 1 1 P.O. 6 G ! Lt. 3rd shift: (1700-0340) '1'eam 5 `l'eam 6 SgE. l t Corp. ! l P.O. 6 fi 4i° shift: (2100-0740) Team 7 Team 3 Sgt. I i Corp. I ] P.O. 6 6 K-9 P.O. 2 Sworn Salarv + Sene6ts C3pt. 103,293 x 1= 103,293 LE. 39,708 x Z= 179,416 Sge. 81,061 x 8= 648,438 Corp. 75,899 x 8= 607,192 P.O. 62.376 xaS= 2.944,043 67 4,532,437 10 Prof. Sunport staff Salary + Bencfi[s Secretary 45,431 x I- 45,431 Clerk f[I 36,715 x 1= 36,715 2 82,146 Salary + Benefits Patrol niv. 4,61 4,583 A9&0 Patrol Overtirne/Add 215,204 Supplics 7,500 Nlinor Equip. 17,500 Scrvices 25.000 265,204 E'ATHOL D[VIS[Oi` Total Salarv/F3enefits +NI.CO 4,379,737 Traf(ic Units (7 stvorn) (I Prof. Suppart stati) 1 clerk Team I 5gt. l P.O. 5 Corp. I Sworn Saiarv T benefics Sgt. 81,061 x l= 81,061 Corp. 75,899 x ! = 75,899 P.O. 62,376 x5= 311.880 7 =368,340 Prof. 5unonrt siaff Salarv + benefits Clerk I 32,296 x 1= 32,296 Salary T benefits Traffic uuits: 501,236 M&O Traffie uni[s OvertimE;/Addit 25,000 S uppl i es 5,000 h-tinor Equip. 5,000 Se rv ices l 0,000 45,000 Traffic uoits Total SalarY/Beuefits + INISO 5546,136 Additional Uniform Bureau M&Q TAC 8,000 E DU 4,000 S W'.AT 40,000 K-9 10,000 62,000 Salary/Benefits -5,115,719 M& O 372.204 TOTAI, UN1FOEtN1 13UKE.AU 5,437,923 !1 iIN'VF,S"I"[GAT[ONS sUfZE,AU (27 sHrorn) (4 ProFessional support staff) I Capt. 1 Lt. ytajor Crirnes 1 Sgt . 5 PO +1 CIPrk- I Sexual Assaults I Set - 4 PO + f Clerk i D.V. I PO l t_l. Property Crimrs I Sgt. + 5 PO 1 1 Cterk 1 _ S1U (drug ,/ganR) l SRt. y 3 PO + i CIer6: I Sworn Salarv 1 benefits Capt. 103,293 x I = 103,293 Lc. 39,708 x 2= 179,4116 Sut. 81,061 N 4 a 32~4,_'44 F'O 62,376 x 20 = 1,247.520 27 1,354,473 Prof. Suonort staff Salarv = benefits Clerk l 32,296 x 4= 129,134 Salnry benefits: 1,933,657 .M8:0 lnves[ieaiions Bureau OvertirnelAddit. 80,000 Suppiies 27,000 yteth Team 100,000 ~vlinor Equip. 60,000 Scrvices 46.500 313,500 SalaryBenefits 1,933,657 ~1~t&c0 313500 TpTAi INYESTIGATIONS 13URFAU 2,297,157 1 ? SUPPORT SERVICCS DIVl51ON (4 sworn) (23 nraf. Support staEl) I Lt. 1 Sgt - trzinine, coiiimunity services, trime prevention 1 crime orevention przct. 2 clcrk [ 1 Sgt - tieet, speeial events, vofunteer programs 2 clcrk l 1 Sgt. - crime analysis 3 erimc anal}5ts ? clcrk I I Police Adminisfrative supervisor I secre?arv l receptionist 1 accountant II 1 concract spccialist (cterk ll) { grant specillist (elerlft, f[) 1 payToll clerk (clerk I) I storckeeper I personnel clerk (clerk t eomputcr sr. analyst ' 1 computer programmers 1 desl:tap specialist I h•tobile data spnialist (prograrnmer scale) 1 Netwark anal}5t I properry facilities stlpervisar 3 property specialists Sworn Salarv + benefits (.,t. 89,708 x 1 = 59,703 Sgt. 81,061 x 3= 243.183 4 332,391 Professional staff Salarv Benefics Totaf Admin Suprr 62,369 18,450 31,320 x I= 31.320 Accountant l( 42,407 15,320 57,272 x l= 57,272 CUntrnct spec. (clerk [I) 22,697 12,141 9 34,846 x! W 34,346 Grant sper. (clerk I!) 22,6517 12,149 34,346 x t= 34;846 Payroll clerk (clerk 20,462 11,834 32,296 x t= 32,296 Srorel:eiper 26,559 12;705 39,264 x 1= 39,264 Personnel clerk ! 20,462 11,834 32,296 x[= 32,296 Sccretary 3 1,904 13,527 45,431 x 1 a 4 -5,4 3E Iteceptianist 17,456 l 1,44> 28,401 x 1= ?3,901 Computer prog. 36,269 14,099 50,368 x 2= 100.736 Desktop spec. 36:269 14,099 50,363 x 1 = 50.365 iMobile data spec 36,269 14,099 50.368 x!_ 50.368 Crirne pTev. pract. 39,002 13,062 42,064 x I= 42,064 13 Crime ana{yst 27,165 12,795 39,960 x2 = 79,930 Clerl: I 20,462 11,834 32,396 x 6= 193,776 Property facilities super 30,565 13,290 43,353 x I= 43,3s8 Property specialists 28,355 12,959 41,314 x 3 - 123,942 Network analyst 41,300 14,335 56,135 x I= 56,135 '3 1,127,639 Salary + benefits: 1,460,530 M&O SuoDort Services Qur;,au Overtime/Addit 14,800 Supplies 21.000 e4linor Equiy~. 49,000 Services 30,000 Training 215,000 Fleet servicis 425,000 Facilities I 0G,000 Risk Management 400,000 V1°orkers Camp. 180,000 Geelera[ adciit. Services 85.000 Toral ti1R4 1,519,:300 SalaryBenefits 1,460,530 YI&O 1.519.500 TpTala SUPYORT SE12VtCES BURFAU 2,980,330 OFPICE OF"f'HE CH1EP (2 swqrn) (2 professional support st311) Sworn salarv = benefits t Chief 112,576 e l= I 12,576 I Lt. OPS 89,70$ x I= 89.705 2 202,284 Prof sunoort staff salarv + benefits Admin.Assistant 52,883 x 1= 52,383 Info. Coord. (rnedi3) ' 63,096 x I= 63,096 Z 115,934. Salary + beneGts: 313,263 Oftice of the ChieP' Yt&O Supplies 2,400 ivlinar equip 5,600 Services 10.000 13,000 $alaryBenefits 313T268 ivt&O 18.OtN) "I°p'I'A1.. OFFICE OF TIiE CIiLEF 336,263 1~ U L C'ARTMFiYT TO'CALS Total Qepartmcnc Sworn salary + benefits: 107 =S7,3g0,925 67°'0 107 77% Total Dept PraC support salary t heneits: 32 = 1.437,249 13% 32 23"/0 Total I)epartment salary -f- benefits: $3,878,174 139 100°/4 NI&O: 2.223.504 211?/0 Salary/bcnefits & LNT&O: S 11,10 1,673 100% .loint usclinter .1Qeney cantracts eost estimatcs: Cnuntv C?ntract Crime check 256,000 IdenUcriine scene 150,000 Dispatch 550,000 450,000 C.itv of Snokane Contract Records 220.000 CA Dlltt'vlS 175.000 395.000 Tota I $1,345,000 Estimnted Rcvenucs [mpound fees 10,000 Alsrm fees 10.000 Protection services fees 10,000 Gr•,uits 450,000 Forf'eicures and contributians 100,000 DUl cost recovery 90,000 Traffie violation revenues 398,629 Total S1,068,629 Salary/benefits 3,37$,174 !tit&O 2,223,504 InteragenCY cuntracts 1345,000 S 12,446,678 less revenues f1,068,6291 Total 511,378,U4'I 15 Comparisons SCSO VA.LLEl' VALI,I:Y VALI.FY" VALLEY Contract (1.5 /1,000) ('.-rev) (1.3 /1.000) (+rev) pper. 13udget $ 11,624,407 Si 3,692,76.i $I 2,? 75,505 S I 2 L1=16;673 $I1,37S.049 Per capita $142 S 167 S150 $152 $139 Ofticers 103 124 124 107 107 Ol-Eicersl i Q00 1.23 1.5 1.3 1.3 I.,i Perofficer 5112,353 S110,425 S93,996 S116,334 $106,337 Per emplo}^ec 587,774 $78,639 589,544 $31,856 (13ased on Spokanc Vallcy Population ai 82,000) SCSO (103) Vallcv (124) ValleY (107) Deputies/P0 69.5 39 73 Det/Corp 18.5 9 9 Seroeants 9.5 17 ! fi Lieutenants 4.0 S 6 Captain5 l_5 3 2 Chicf I 1 103 I?4 l 0? 16 SCSp 103 Spokanc Valley PD 125 Spokanc Vallev PD l07 Patro! I Captain 1 Captain I Cantain 2 Lieutenan[ 2 Lieutenant 2 Licutenant 5.5 Sergeant S Sergeant S Sergeant 8 Corporal 3 Corporal 47 Deputies Wolice Officzr 46 Police 0fficers 55.5 7; bS Traff ic .5 i.ieu[eneanc I Sergeant t Sergeant I Sergeant • ! Corporal ? CorDoral 1 Corporal l t Deputies 3 Police Officers 5.police officecs 13.5 11 7 K_9 2.5 Deputies ? Police Officers 2 Policz Offiicers fm-estieations .5 Captain I Capiain 1 Captain l Licutenant 2 Lieu[en3nt 2 Lietttensnt 3 Sergeant 4 Sergeant 4 Sergeant 17.5 Dctcctives 24 t'olice OfFiccrs ?O Police Offiiczrs 2.5 Denutics 24.~ ~ 31 27 Comm. Scrv., Trainine, ficrt, Special events, Volunt. Services I Captsin .3 Lieutenant t Lieu[enant 2 Sergeant 2 Sergeant _5 Qepury l 3 3 Crime analvsis 1 Sergeant I Sergeant SRO 3 Depury DA RE 3 Deputy Office of Chief t Chief 1 Chief I Lieutenant i Lieutenand 1 Srrgcant 3 ? TOTAI, 103 124 107 17 SCSO (103) Vallev (125) ValleV (107) $worn salaryibene.. 7,78 5,364 3,497,110 7,390,925 Overtime/Addit 303,435 330,000 335,004 yt&Q Fuel 81,742 59;675 54.725 Fleei 324,467 400,325 340,275 Otl3er 111,961 1,926,500 I,343.500 2003 adjusted 569:034 Tech impravements 175,000 Poi-tion ofSheriffsalary 4,066 Crime check 2150,000 250,000 Ct10/R,41S 120,304 175,000 175;000 F orensicitdent 141,007 130,000 I 50,000 RaclioJdispatch 513;703 550,000 550.000 i'roplrecords 371,906 400,077 400,077 SCSO Admin Pub Safery Blcl,-. (Valley PD Adrniti in Spok Yslley) Sr. Admin 103.412 DudgeVaccount 133,179 OPS 48,101 89,705 39,703 Trai7inglpalygraph 175,512 in M&O in W&O PIO 36,668 63,096 Crime Analysis 50,779 79,920 79,920 Clerical supaort 95.172 Other actmut 694,448 694.448 Total 11,154,407 13,092,763 12,446,678 Minus revenues (1,417.258) (1,063,629) *Plus Caunty ovcnccad 627,373 **Less: (157.373) TOTaL 511,624,407 S12,275,505 S11,378,049 Total prior co revenues 1 1,624,407 100% 13,692,763 10(}% 12,446,673 100% Sworn salary/bcnefits (7.785.864) 67% (8.497.110) 62% (7.340.925) 60°/a AII other exper►ses 3,338,543 33% 5,195,653 38% 5,0155,753 40% Tocal after revenues 12,275,505 t00°lo 11,375,049 100°io Sworn salarvlbenefits (3.497.110) 69% (7.390,925) 65% All other expenses 3,778,393 31% 3,937,124 35% +Counry ovecheZd. 627,373: is 5.d°/u of 11,624.407 # kUnable to re-concile with SCSO coritrae# propnsai 11,781,780 ( f I .624.407) 157.373 18 Y[&Q SUOkane Vallev {'D IZS Spokane VaIley PD 107 Fleet Services 500,000 ll% =125;000 lg°/a OvertimelAdclit 330,000 16% 335,004 I S°/a Facilities 100,000 4% 100,000 4':'o Minar Lquip. 145,600 6°'0 137,100 6% Servic€.s I26,500 5% 121,500 5% 100.000 4°/a 85,000 4% Supp(ies 62,400 2°Jo 62,400 3% 'I'r:tining 250,000 10%'0 215,000 10°'0 'CAC 8,000 l% 3,000 1% L"C7U 4,000 I% 4,000 f% sWA•r 40,000 i% 40:000 i% Risk Manarternem 4001000 16% 400;000 f 4°10 Workcrs Comp 200,000 3% 1801000 S% K-9 10,000 I% 10,000 1% MiCth "Ccam 100,000 4% 100.000 4% S2,426,500 100% 52,223,504 100% 19 RF VEN[.f ES: Crants SDoksne f'olice Dep3rnnent [..I.EI3G 679,365 Domestic Violence 4,144,465 UHP 2?50,000 "('crn Driving 90,000 Juv. Accountabifi[y lncentive 9,362 Rscial Profiling Prevention 200,000 Property Crimes 509,000 (nternet Crimes Aeainst Chilcfren 45,000 Cops in $cliools 750,000 Project Safe Neighaorhoods 150,000 Schonl 7_one Eqnipme.nt 29,270 ~tiieth 93,000 Cliek i4 or Ticlet 10,000 Kegger Patrols 7,560 Emphasis Patrol 5,400 QOC Gi•ant 35.000 59,062.922 Retail Sales and C.ise Ta.e 53,015,000 Motor Vehicle Criminal lustice Tax 762.732 $3,777,732 (F.etail sales and Use tax coulcl offset Jsil coses, which ve nat fac[orrd into diis bud5et.) (Estimated annual jail bill approximately S:OQ,OQO) Tratl'ic ViolAtion revenue to citv Av;. ticket S36.00 J[S trauma fee: City $4.84 Crime vic4irrE .08 PSEA(1-) 2.322 PSEA (2°") 3.62 11S account 12.09 Traurna fee 6.05 29.00 (29.00) S57.00 Of the balanc° of $57.00, the ciry retains 56.26% or S32.07 +S4.84 = S36.91 Workeng days l30 l"icketSlday x 12 2,160 TrafFc officers x 10 Tickeu 21,600 Avg. tstimated rev. [u city per ticket S36.9 I Rrv. ?o City ofSpokanc Valley $797,253 20 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPENDIX B UNIFORMS This information was obtained from "Blumenthal Uniform" 1306 N. Howard Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 323-1104 The owner "Mitch" has express-ed a big interest in working with the new City of Spokane Valley and has many options available for purchasing equipment from fhem. COST OF UNIFORM PER OFFICER ITEM COST NUMBER NEEDED Wool Pants $ 109.95 2 Wool SS Shirt 69.95 2 UVool LS Shirt 79.95 2 Winter Jump Suit 299.95 Summer Jump Suit 279.95 Duty Badges 102.00 2 WalJet Badge 41.50 Winter Coat 319.95 Boots 239.95 Baseball Cap 10.50 Uniform Patches 14.75 (2lshirt & coat = ~ @ $2,95) Sewing Patches 7.50 (2/shirt & coat = 5@ 1.50) Gloves 25.95 Ballistic Vest 629.00 Under Armor 47.95 TOTAL $ 2,278.80 Per Officer TOTAL (103 Officers): $ 234,716.40 TOTAL (125 Officers): $ 286,225.00 -61- Other Options Available: There are many catalags advertising law enforcement uniforms and equipment such as Gall's, Inc., 2680 Palumbo Drivej Lexington, KY 40509-1000, or www.galls.com. A consideration in this matter would be the time of delivery and personal service that might be required in obtaining colors of uniforms, types of badges, etc. that Blumenthal's could offer first hand, instead of looking at a picture in a catalog. -B2- , +l~ c APPENDIX C OFFICER EQUIPMENT Source of information: Blumenthal Unifarms. COST OF EQUIPMENT NEEDED PER OFFICER ITEM COST NUMBER NEEDED , Inner Pant Belt $ 18.95 Handcuff Case 56.00 (2 @ $28_00) OC Spray 16.00 Flashlight ring 8.95 Baton ring 8.95 Asp Holder 29.00 Magazine Pouch 34.00 Radio Holder 25.95 Handcuffs 29.50 Duty Bag 49.95 Ticket book holder 27.95 Pocket RCW Criminal 7.95 Duty Belt 50.95 Holster 129.95 OC Holder 26.95 Flashlight (StreamLight) 124.99 Side Handle Baton 33.99 Asp 62.00 Belt Keepers 14.95 (5 @ $2.99) Key Holder 21.95 Handcuffs 27.95 Drug Kit 24.95 Report Form holder 25.95 Pocket RClN Traffic 7.95 TOTAL $ 861.68 Per Officer TOTAL (103 Officers): $ 88,753.04 TOTAL (125 Officers): $107,710.00 -C 1- ~~Ut11C~. VEH:CLES ` ~ APPENDIX D POLICE VEHICLES Price per new stripped down car obtained through State bid; $20,336 - Cost ofi equipment and installing law enforcement equipment: light bar, roll bar, shield, shotgun mount, MDC (Nlobile Data Computer) etc. 13,000 Studded tires for winter/car (Approx.) 400 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST PER VEHICLE (CAR ONLY): $ 33,736 (Including equipment and instaiiation) Vehicles required for 125 officer scenario: Number ofi Patrol and Traffic Unit vehicles: 42 This unit requires 24 Patrol Unit cars and 6 four-wheel drive vehicles. This is based on having 18 cars on the street at all times due to shift overiaps. A total oT six cars should be left in reserve to account for cars thaf are damaged or down for scheduled service. In the event of "ice stormn scenarios there is a need for four-wheel drive units, even in #he urban settings. The Traffic Unit would have 12 cars. Cost: 36 patrol cars @$ 33,736 1,214,496 Cost: 6@ four-wheel drive vehicles @$ 43,736 174;944 TOTAL COST PATROL AND TRAFFIC UNIT VEHICLES 1,389,440 Number of Investi4ative Unit vehicles needed: 32 Each officer in the Investigative Unit needs their own vehicle due to the need ror them to be on call and respond directly to crime scenes at all hours. Two pickup trucks would be utitized for hauling large property. Each of these vehicles has specific equipment needs. Vehicles for support services and investigative units could be either bought as "used" or leased with options to buy initially. After the patrol cars acquire a certain total of miles, they can be rotated down to the investigative and support services units. Cost: 30 investigative cars @$ 20,736 622,080 Cost: 2 pickup truclcs @$25,736 51,472 TOTAL COST INVESTIGATIONS UNIT VEHICLES 673,552 - D1 - i Number of Suaport Services and Administration vehicles: 15 TOTAL COST SUPPORT SERVICES AND ADMINISTRATIVE VEHICLES: $ 311,040 (15 @ $ 20,736) Additional Specialty Units vehicles (as required): DARE Program: 3 School Resource Officers: 3 SCOPE vehicles: 5 K-9: 2 Meth Lab Team: 1@ Van for lab processing equipment. 1@ Van for Meth Team transportation and deployment. 1 @ Surveillance van. SWAT: 1@ Van to deploy SWAT Team. 1@ Vehicle to deploy Marksmen/Advanced units. 1@ APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) to deploy SWAT Team. TAC/Riot Team: Potential need for vehicle/s. NOTE: The need for these vehicles is contingent upon such variables as; the ability to participate in joint agreements/contracts for service in these areas and the decision of the Spokane Valley City Council as to what level of service to provide to the community. While new vehicles potentially purchased through State bid were utilized in this appendix, other viable options exist, including; leasing, lease/purchase and used vehicles. D2 i I 0 ~ ~ ~ APPENDIX E WEAPONS Purchase price for the Glock Model 21 was obtained from GW, Inc. (Gunarama). This is a company in Spokane that has worked with most law enforcement agencies in . Eastern Washington. Glock Modef 21 45 acp Trijicon Nite Sites . (3) -13 round high capacity magazines Ti otal $494.00 each TOTAL (103 Officers): $ 50,882.00 TOTAL (125 Officers): $ 51,750.00 Colt AR-15 Model AR6721 Purchase price vras obtained from "Specialized Armament Warehouse". (2) 20 round magazines 223 16 in 1/9 HBAR A3 Tactical Flat Top with remavable carry handle Sliding Stock Total $829.15 each TQTAL (125 Officers): $ 43,115.80 (A) , Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun Mociel 59QA1 Price obtained from www.mossberq 6 shot capacity 18.5" bead Speedfeed Cataiog #51410 Totai (suggested retail) $465.00 TOTAL (125 Officers): $ 24,180 (A) E1- (A) Assumes equipping all 42 Pairol and Traffic Uni# vehicles and 10 Investigations Unit vehicles. NOTE: It is believed that these weapans could be abtained a# significantly reduced prices tnrough state bid, joint purchasing andlor the ability to negotiate a reduced price due to the large purchase. -E2- I APPENDIX F FAClLITY TO: Spokane Vallev Law Enforcement Committee DATF: Au;ust 22; 2002 SLFB.fECT: Police Facility Dale Hickman, AIA., Arincipal with H?A Architects, P.A. in Coeur d'Alene, was involve.d with thc needs assessments, design and construction of the Coeur d"rllene Police Department 1 aeility (completcd in 1999) and the Post Falls Police Facility (currently under construction). Understandably, there are a myriad of variables, however, Ivlr. Hickman was most hE[pFul in providing sqme general and "ball park" figures and insight. Some of the variables include; land prices, site preparation, f'acility requirements (communications ar.d jaiUholding ceils are significantly more expensive than office space) and bids (highly ciependant on the economy). vlr. Hickman's projectinns were intentionally conservative. . r\s police buildings are "Essential Facilities" under the Uniform Buiidina Code, they require upgrading for seismic reyuirements. Thercfore, remodeling would require reinforccment oE' walls and the roof, pnmarily. Remodeting of an existing building still requires about 75% of the construction costs of a new facility (perraps more if the existing building requires extensive dernolition of an existing interior). Construction costs in Washinzon are son,ewbat hi(yher than Idaho, due to the 7 Yz % sales tax nn the entire project, versus 5% un materials only in Idaho. L,and valucs of existing buildings on main thoroughfares are cleaely more expensive than property located elsewhere. Utilizine total personnel oF ISS (I25 stivorn), Mr. Hickman felt the size ofa poliee facility would range from 23,600 - 32,250 square feet. N4TE: This does riot inciude any room far fiiture arowth. The Post Falls facility was designed fnr personnel needs throuah the year 2015. It is hi,hly recommended that any future need for additional personnef be taken into consideration when determinin~ police facility needs. Prudent use of space, consolidation of functions and multiple usage; can reduce the overall spacc requireirients and assoeiated costs. For example, in Lincolnwood, the Police, Fire arjd Emer4ency vledical Services were hoLIsed in ene building. We shared a common Training Rnom; wllich was also served as an Lmergency qperatin~~ Center and_Public L\,teetinv R.ooni. The Physical Teainini, koam anci it's equipment were also shared by the three departmencs. - F1 - CURREN'i' PQ1:,ICE FACI'LITIES Department Site improvement Costs Construction Costs t"(oer snuare foot of siie) lper s4uare foot of buildinO Coeur d'Alene PD S2.15 (3.3 acres) $95.75 (1999) 21,400 sq. Ft. (designed for 90 emplayecs) Post Falls PD S230 (4 acres) $108.40 (Currently under construction) 21,500 sq. fr(desi`ned fnr 75 employees) ti'OTE_ Has cfispatch center. * t Due to the economy at the timc bids were due, the construcrtion cosis for both facilities was "very reasonable". SPOI.'.aYE VAI.,LEY P4LICE FACL1.,iTX OP'TIONS Build iNew Remodel Land ? ? Cristin~ buildin, DtNA ? Siie preparaiion (1) y 230 sq. ft. (S 504,000) $100-125,000 (z) Building constniction (3) S 1] S- 125.00 sq. ft. $ 86.25 - 93.75 sq ft (4) "Soft costs "(5) S592,500 - 637,500 $406,875 - 440,625 Construction contin;encies $197,500 - 244,375 $155,970 - 163,905 (6) Furniture, fixtures & $150,000 $150,000 Equipment (7) Project concinJencies (s) S244,500 - 264,095 $171,270 - 134,$50 TO?AL 55,134,500 - 5,545,970 S31396,615 - 3,881,884 (Pfus land) (Plus ianci and builciinu) -F2- ( I ) Assuming iA ttcres (2) Dependina on exisLing parking, ti_ghting, iandscapisig, erc. (a) Assuming 3e),004) square feet (4) Could be more if extensive demalition oPan intceior is required, (5) Permits. soil analysis, :irchitecture fees, iesting, se%ver L°: tivater hook-ups, site surve;°, ete. (6) 5% for change orders. eic. (7) Does rtnt include "specialized" equiprnciu sueh as radiu eyuipruent and toxver, jaiUholding cells, etc) (3) Qverall confinJenc;° bised oci ~ener:tl I~~ck of liard facts ou this projcrt A°ain, it is importanc to understand that there are a lar`e number of variablcs and unknowns at this point in t2me. The estimates by NIr. Hickrnan were, thereEore, conservative: with thc exception chat iio pravisian was made: for any expaiision in the number of personriel. As the police tacility has an extreme impact on the ability of lativ enforcemeni td perFArm their duties and provide service to the community; it is highly recornmended thai due care be taken to assure that professional quarters are provided. Durinv a recent ride-alona with the Spokane Counry Sheriff s Department, T was able to see the plan for ihe new Sheriff's Substation in the $pok3ne Valley. While this facility would nnt be suf~icient for a municipal department required by the Spokane Valley, it could be a viable option. The facility includes a courtroom, whicif potentially could be readily converted for addi[ional space, Thiss along with a potential addition/s. could make a professional facility (NOTE: It currently includes jaillholdin, cells, secure parkinU and security cameras). Timcly awailability and potential financia( advanta~es in utilizing this building (assumin~ that incorporation ~~oiild cnean some kind of pro-rated ;iivestjture of infra-strticture by the County, whereby the Cit_v of Spokane V"alley could obtain the substation at little or no eost) eould bu advantageous ro the City, as tivell as the County, since this facility is special purpose and would be hard to sell in it's current conf guration. -F3- Availability of Current Buildings on East Sprague Prices obtained August, 2002 1. K-Mar# a. Lease onfy at $3.50 per square foot. Contains 87,405 square feet b. $57,674 in taxes yearly (1) Wauld we be defierred? c. Parking lot is owned by anQ#her individual. This would be a separate cost 2. Home Base building a. On an "as-is" basis only. Lease optian only b. 100,000 square feet which includes 8,500 of outside fencing c. $500,499 per year to lease (1) Needs a!ot of remodeling work (2) Only 2 bathrooms (3) Has 277-480 voltage (good aption) Availability of vacant land on East Sprague 1. Sprague and Herald a. Has electricity, gas and water - b. 8.3 acres available and is flat land c. $6.50 per square foot. Approximately $2.375 million d. Real estate agency has indicated the owners are °very willing" to bUild to suit. 2. Evergreen and Sprague (dental office & surrounding 3 acres) a. Will build to suit b. $8.00 per square faot. Approximately $1.17 million c. We would get 100 feet off af Evergreen and 130 fee# off of Sprague Options Available: We can buy land and build We can buy a building and remodel V11e can fease land only and have owner "build to suit" Points to Consider: Law enforcement will need at least 30,000 square feet Should ccnsider room for growth in the future Should law enforcement be in the same building as Ciiy Hall? What advantage would there be in being separate? 1) Jail patrons not near public doing city transactions What advantage would there be in being together? 1) Courts would be near jail for transporting prisoners to and from courf -F4- i APPENDIX G COiVIPUTER AfDED DISPATCH/RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAD/RMS) Option #1 PRC Orem, Utah This is the current existing system co-awned by the City of Spokane.and Spokane County Sheriff Department. This option would be to contract -ior use of the current sysfem the City oT Spokane and Spokane County Sheriffi Office currently. have. The cosi of this participation wouid be determined through negotiations with the Spokane County Sheriff Department and the City ofi Spokane This computer operation is designed to recQrd a police call as soon as it is ca(led in to Crime Check or is officer initiated. This information is stored into the CAD (Computer aided Dispatch) system. This information will remain in CAD until it becomes a report. Once it is a"report" the basic information from CAD will transfer to RMS (Records Managemeni System). From there, in theory, it is supposed to be transmitted to the proper units that v✓ould be interested. Example* Homicide report to Major Crimes Unit electronically. All other subsequent investigations, findings and pertinent information would be added to ihis report and will be "together' in the computer. This would include any investigations the Major Crimes detective has reported. Because the courts are not connected to this system, the final outcome of the incident is not detailed in RMS under the investigative portion. It can be obtained under the same report numbEr by ioaking up the suspect however. Overall view of PRC is that it was initially purchased under such s#rict and detailed requests that it has not been very functional in the past. The problem is fhat any changes the departments have requested are big costs to them. PRC was very agreeable in the purchase phase. Because the proper people were not available at the fime, the system did not give out the information that was requested. An zxample thai is still in the "needs work phase" is the investigative reports. At the time of purchase, it was requested that Word Perfect 5.0 be obtained for the word processing program. Because there have been giant strides in word processing programs since the initial request, they are "stuck" with Ward Perfect 5.0 and it is not compatible with many of the new programs that increase typing autput and efficiency. The cost of changing the program is astronomical and remains a problem. - G1 - Oqtion #2 Purchase the "new and improved" PRC system that has become available is now more "user friendly". Many of the programs you purchase can be "tweaked" by computer aperators and this leads to less cost to the department. At the time of this writing, there was a PRC representative in Spokane November 13, 2002, who spoke with a sub-committee member, who relayed the following information: !f we purchased the new PRC system they have out now. CAD wauld cost: $750,000 RMS $750,000 This is the "bare bonesu system. Each additional program would be approximately $300,000 extra. Each program has a cost. Examples af extra programs wauld include but not limit themselves to: 1) Technical support . 2) Specialized searches. 3) Identifying names. 4) WACIC/NCIC/lll 5) Evidence tracking. 6} Property room programs 7) Citations. 8) Vehicle tracking. 9) Employee records. The good part about the current PRC programs are that they have been developed as "open architecture" where computer oriented people could go into the system and develop some of their awn programs to fit their individual needs. The old PRC systems were prohibitive of that. -G2- Option #3 Spillman Lvgan, Utah Defiinitions: CAD - Computer Aided Dispatch. RMS - Records Management System. AVL - Auto Vehicle Locator. PDA - Generally referred to as a palm pilot. CDPD - Is a"data line" you can rent from AT & T and no towers. It is currently $40/month/unit. • Panasonic tough books are $7,000 (really the best). Spillman's best quality is its support. You pay for it, but it gives you unlimited calls and training. It currently does not have "open architecture". Any changes you want to be made will be done by Spillman and is very expensive. Main firame should be a Unix, IBM or Sun with a cost of aporoximately $25-30,000 (server). Based on having 130 employees on the department: You get the 1) Hub. 2) Name information module. 3) Property module. 4) Vehicle module. 5) Citations module. 6) CAD. 7) Geo base. 8) Access through CAD only (no convenient WACIC/NCIC/lll). $240,000 12.500 (maintenancelsupporf by Spillmar) TOTAL $252,500 (plus cost of additional modulels to be determined) If you include the State link (you can get Access in the RMS side without having to switch to CAD) This means convenient use of WACIC/NCIC/lll. $325,000 8.800 (maintenance/support by Spillman) TOTAL $343,800 (plus cost of additional module/s to be deterrriined) - G3 MOBILE PRICING Using 30 patrol cars as an average with 1) messaging 2) voiceless CAD (use fhe computer) 3) and AVL $115, 000 52,000 AVL 5,500 (Maintenance/support from Spillman) TOTAL $172,500 witnaut AVL $115, 000 16.000 (Maintenance/support from Spillman) TOTAL $131,000 Maintenance and support are "free" the first year. The second year is when the cost kicks in. The price may increase yearly, depending on how many enhancements they may introduce and train for. LEASING Leases far 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. After the lease is over, you can buy fhe equipment for $1.00 Example (ball park) 3 year contract $230,000 which would be $84,000/year 4 year contract $ 230,000 which would be $64,700/year Can be broken down further. Other Options Available: There are numerous companies ready to present programs that they can offer to you as a new law enforcement agency. - G4 i~ e ~ 0 ~a ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ APPENDIX H RADIO/DISPATCH Option #1 Motorola Representative: Keith Cook Account Manager 467-5852 Fax:467-3255 e-mail; keith.w.cook@motorola_com Currently there are 3 frequencies: 1) VHF 150-170 and Spokane County has them all. They are not private. 2) FCC - UHF 450 - open up. 3) 800 MGH (megahertz) frequency band,(this is the clearest frequency). To obtain this frequency we would need: a. Ta have at least 75 units (portables and Gars). b. To renew license every 5 years (no cost to renew). c. 6 months to get frequency granted (Motorola wculd help). d. To fill out APCO form ($300). e. To purchase each frequency for $750. MDS means: Mobile Data System 1 mobile radio is $2,500 (does not include installation) NOTE: Installation is estimated at $400 77 mobile radios @ $2,900 = $223,300 1 portable radio $1,500 (HT 1250 -$1,Q00 128 channels) 103 portable radios @ $1,500 = $154,500 125 portable radios @ $1,500 = $187,500 Base station or °repeater" cost: $15,000 per base station $ 200-300 per month for site rental If Motorola installed equipment in car they would have mainfenance contracts for ifems To equip 1 car: $1,000 for installation charges $6.400 for MDC equipment $7,400 - H1 - Time required for installation of 1 car is 8 hours per car. E-mail received from Keith Cook - Motorola on 1212/02 °Attached is the document "Understanding Wireless Communications°. This document pretty much gives you considerations for getting started. I thought this would be a good document for your c4mmittee to review to get your arms around the scope of a project. As discussed in our last meeting the following might help you get to a number of at least the magnitude of it? 2- Base station or Repeater 15 K each 3- Dispatch Radio Console 40K - 60K per position 1 - CAD system 450 K to 1.5M 1 - RMS system 450 K to 1.5 M ? - Handheld portables 1 K- 2.5 K each ? - Mobiles 2.5 - 3.5 K each ? - Mobile data terminal - 6K 1 - Radio Network Controller - 75 K 1 - Data Base Station 15 K each Add 40% of the total price to cover installation, optimization and project management. This does not include any frequency coordination/licensing, paging equipment, microwave, phone lines, site leases, towers, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, ongoing maintenance, and etc." Keith Cook Account Manager Motorola Inc. (509) 467-5852 OptiOn #2 Contract with Spokane County for radio/dispatch only (which they have indicat4ed they are not willing to rent or give to us separately). Cost for participation would be determined through negotiations with the Spokane County Sheriff Department. Other options available: There are a myriad of companies willing to work this out with the new City of the Spokane Valley. -H2- i.. t I~ , APPENDIX I COIVIMODIT1ESlfiIIATERIALS/EXPENDABLES While commoditieslmaterials and expendables are normally incorporated into an Operating Budget, establishing a new department would reQuire significant expenditures for tnese items to commence initial operations. Therefore, these items need to be incorporated into the Capital Budget for a new de,partment. While significant research was done; therz are too many items to have speciTic pricing for each one. This, along with ine faci that pricing varies signiTicantly by vendor, quantity purchased and the potentia) far joint purchasing, it must be understood that the figures are "ballpark". An attempt was made to be conservative in the estimates, so as to eliminate the potential for surprises and tried to utilize qualify items for long- term efficiency, effeciiveness and professionalism. These figurES are based on providing initial and reserve supplies of commcditizs, materials and expendables for #he iniiial three manths of ooeration. Arter thes2 iniiial purchases to establish the department, replacement of consumed iter-is on an on- going basis would be incflrporated into the annual Operating BudgEt. EXPENDABLES/MATERIALS Ammunition (Handgun, shofgun and rifle) $25,000 Chemical munitions (A) 10,000 Crime/accident scene materials (initial resRonse) (B) 1,500 Crime scenelaccident scene investigation (C) 10,000 Cameras and fiilm (D) 5,500 Firsf aid kits, equipment and supplies 10,000 Less-lethal munitions (E) 5,000 Miscellaneous (F) 15.000 TOTAL $82:400 COMMODITIES Repart farms/office supplies (G) $10,000 Ticket boofcs 2,500 Miscellaneous 9.500 TOTAL $21,000 GRAND TOTAL $103.000 -11- (A) Defensive Aerosol Weapons (personal issue and crowd control O.C.Spray and tear gas). (B) Flares, traffic cones, barrier tape, reflective vests, etc. (C) Evidence Technician supplies (powders, lifit prints, containers, etc.)(includes the onetime expense of the actual kits), protective suits, etc. (D) Includes onetime expense to purchase cameras and related equipment. (E) Includes onetime expense of less-lethal (kinetic energy) delivery systems. (F) Various supplies and small items necessary to start police operations. (G) Includes onetime expense for form development. ~ -12- , • ~I ~ ~oij`CIL ~ "14IN rrC) ~rMI+~ a[..t... 1l, Zt302 DE - _ ~ . ~ ~ fS~ ~<'•it ' ~tJ,~S~"' ~ - ~ • • ' a ~ - ~ • ~ ' • ~ _ - - ~ ` • - ~ ~ rt ~'z1 i jj~ce ! "Olity contrac s d 6sto • . . s,'; l,~.. . ~ f ~J SCSII~.6'als / \ o ' d i ~ ~ ri~ne :Fcost o prbvid' quality services' 1 cointhit 1 Conimunity e1 P1 .1~'. 6 • d . con§istent • ' ! yay 1 M: 1 pro I ' . . 1 d 1 comniunity r p • -7C6~n 'An Ch6n o * - op . . i i r p'ro.. . o.contiv costs Actkretitypaiticipa~ion in the p . - s , z: Establishment , , ov6sight •~Y': committee Z„ A =r2 eatu r6 &-benefits' 0. =-ity to TailoT your Dcp. 1 o Capit4 Smn-Up o' 1. 1 1 Sam 0aNwximtcly$945.000ofconsmxtioccosL ~ S~vcs 1 p front costs of comnmnic=1o inftWucnrrc D ♦ D Lt y ~r I ~ 2 !f ~ t~~ ~ ~ ' i ~ ~ a _ _ ~ ~ ~ a , ~ - ~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ - / ~ f ~ ' ~ , S' _ ~y. i ♦ ~ - ` " _ ~ , j9 1 ~ ~ r~'~i G . ~ - ~ , _ ~ r:. r.', ' • • i V ~y ~ ` `''N . , ~`14r : ~"T~•+t+ ~;;y` ~~~"7 - ' .~p'~. ~9 ` I ~ ~ ~S `'I~x ~ r~i;~?'+. i . , ' 1 t 1 I ~ . ~ . - ' ~ _ , r ~ I - . ~ an, - - - &-Benefits Full , c., U„ versus , . . s, hic ,a kz"t r ♦-Rwr_t r ~ 'd in Sheiiff budg n s t opponurtitics tD reduce co A j,. . 1 $u, . • . ~ *Economies • K ' 'l 0 d 1 • 1 ..1 Larp .oo offlocrs. i ` Dqxrtise o, •d uiiits ~ =*ss the cndrc d IP, tm ~ : , ~:-Gui • • b'Pdncipa s na c tO 4 Co . pr feel o bifity toward and d• . ~ 4> responsiveness . residents d offic o •nt ~ 1 exibility • 1 ' ievel / / ' 1 1 1 . C 1d 1 1' priorities, . b •t~ , / 1 1 costi. . 4 \ - 71 de • CMMY pm zed . ~ . i: - SCS(),AiII ~ _ .r • • . Pmgrum ess ~ staff, -sex ~ fO, . u _ \ ~ Drtl a d t-, D .n~~ Fame' vit • Waw . _8e,rvices ~ i e Lev . 1 mi Divisicn 41 D .Di_%isio lfwhides p ~ niojoi PPO ~ , p OW T.Y 1an ~r S~WAt d TAC ♦/-1 + ~ S K~ . . . . ~ „ • , ~ , ~ . • ~ . F1 ~ ~ • ~ . ~ ~ - , • _ ~ • ' - 5 ~'t Fes • • ~ ~ . - . SCMCC5 SI" o 4. • ~ 1 Po ~v • ^ • A 41~~ critm ippwt .~y ~ • , ~•S ~ .r--~ '1,' • ~ r ~ r ~ 1 ~ ~ • ~ , ~v~F~~;~1fi,.4 ~ ~ ~ ~ y, . ~ . • . - * its ~ . pavol 0 , Uttits' llotw ~ • ' • w" , ~ j .5~.~ • ' Q Patro • 01130; - _ •u• .1 1 _ f ~ 4l 1 1'3A~I Z carbines, :1 ' Il:,t • . ~ , N~9 Unifdrm ' C P' • Depufy Pusona.1-Equipment, ` uniflonm; t~ d r vigbi, • r. f Affimunitilil: Handcuf6 d Leather di.o _ c ~k ' t 3: Unifbtmed Patrol fik I ` • \I 1 11 e 1 III EqWpmeot ► o ~ / boots, _ - i, 8 ~ Uniform -o ' • ~ , onst n ~ , . .,e s Total plo,iter . o. ~ Frktion qmp. . . ,1;';' ~ . Blackbox , , r~ o"', 7, Uniforriied ' • m:. d , D.U.1 Intervent. D.U.I. iiimrcmtio ollisions"' 2,200 Biipyclc + e" `~3 :a L 770W to 93"A -RU qi~n~ Undera& W ; AD • ' Q P • T k Tracking Dorti d Leif 73 Building Scafchcs and Trncks a Drug Ii~ 6 • d Jakt- 183 Scanihes wilh 116 Findti :omb Dog; Lossn (Nilro, 1,769 Other Calls & Si-nice ' ' , Units Scarch a d Rescue : oodhound• • Cadavci i... 9 / l . o ' Q Patrol Tr'aining re. ' .A P, . ob+ o ~ 'N 1 OfFicers' "1 1 Trzined O fititiuctor b' ' p1 1' ! R/•y• k 1 I 1 tiability 'Cy~tV diform ~ d Patrol 'Ume 'o DARE :nd Schoo Reso" -all cs lerm bvci 11 Public d Schools irl r, , ~ Coinmunity Involvement; Paradcs, Safcty Faim P..treii, Gro. . . q.. ~ ~ ~ ~ Q P • RD . 6i:p.ih RWM i 0 T ~ 6 AdmInisattioni ' ,1. ` S\ 10 • ~ Q P • . r . on,. ~,J~6bood Wakh " Nejoboftcel - ' C-irty ~'!•:r orist ThTeat Asse~sment Pro yz . , ji.~ • ~ c McGruff ePmgrm ~ Y ~ Uniformed • o 1' 1 Uscs o Conununity-Voluntecrs C~ o ~ Enhanm Comywnlty!~volvcntcnI m- 0 Nows JanWry ftough June 200 h 1 ong' wi C~ffwtly 35 S tha fX v~l( C~ Uniformed • b 1 ` t, SuOce - - jr S-Uiiy Demls r•f . 11 ~ ~ ~ : • r - • ~ . d D. , Class 1AcMO'!!' • ~ M,. . ~ - • ~ ~ . ' ~ Cri • Malov, d • . cilses o .`-Y i, ~ ` ~ • ~ ~ ' _ Inve ~ - ~ op. 0 r ~ ~u . ous t 610 6. 6.22 ~ ~ d ~ ► ~ °V", . ~ . , ~ ~ es m6tions D'd ri e1 Solcly 1 aWaymnts ~ . 'rim L,• c,:J nt.F orcd T ~ Ovcr 630 Weirraht 1 date {Y gbbohs 0 Property (Zrimes Task Force - 10 ' / rd Cases } + ` ~ 25 1 I tA • ~ • 1s' li o ~ ants \ y P 11 / 1 1 ~ A. . e is ig6tions ~~s i q Kecip ' \ opal 11' 1 1 ~ oc o . x Individual 1 uct 1~ s•:i r ~ 13 - f~ - ~ f...,, ~ ~ . i , ~ ~ - ~ ~ . f # 4 - . . .S: 3v: ~r. ~ X~ ~3~ rpppp ~1.N~ . - tY.+ D ~ • Inv o \ :6 ~ - ing . gatians and Educatio 1.+ jc• • 11 b Responses to D: • • e 1'1' o• . r:, 1r^ \ ~ r ' EFinyTcmn Hundm6 i ipm RL-i u •A ' O• O0 iT± ei " 1 1 1 Heavily I I o 1 1 R ♦ o ~i _ NtLudgions Gas Dignitary P ♦ ' o 11 o Reg~onail 1 I • 'y +ya 15 ~ .r~ . ~ ~ i r~ • ~ + + + •.I:~/ 1#?~. E ~ ~ :xh F tr~:~;I ~ a I 4 i ~ I F ' '4. ~ ; 16 C ~ ' • . ♦ ' ! ' _ •'~~,.~s- . . . 1.4 . ~ ~ - ! ~ • • • ~ • • • COIMITY fr ` >in .u v iei D T~cu as, ' ti. r~ ~E.R~jt;~•t~ - 4 _ ~ . ~".frt% i ~ . . y,~✓ ° N ~J ~ - ' _ `,~i• 7-7 ~ ~ om -p. 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P-r ~ ~ o e - e., - • e D • a~e'f. 280 Total Employees Y; , ROqjional Employees sEtnul" '00t 7 ~snena s s~a~ + sncr.~ 1 S4lIAqioym - -e aa ~ - s - naA --i tarucw._.._~.- 1.5 amF ' ~.n% d2Ouj.-6o- 3 eimo crni _a t&uu.a - ~f, ~RerEa Co MeN Gru4 -t LatlGm,- _ - _ ..y . i DTFroitOaaUGIMOSenalt~ 1 AYS3y i7.5 NumO.i W WqbnN FieoOprr. ~~.il~ ot iee.l eplal•w) M1~ . { 25 ~ i / Suc oan 6?At~if~e~~{on EmoMV«r+ YY'~~`i,O. : ium I] fm~Y { Mleoyr,~ a ra!nW.St^'U•w - i r,►.vr t~ W.acn 2 )~n~Ap~ I VrdcxL~1-- l ieµcb ( ~ ~Or~~.}tooa'! ! Ckrc~l i OeCedlRbfbV~SYWM 1 la+~srr~ " S ~~1~'i:N 1 lnl~rva 1 Seqa~1 l UelkcT • 1 lk9af~ r~ 1 C~`~'[M I Ct+tr S Q YG~ar . . _ Sf,WIrM • N Mmb~~ e~ 7u{yan~G~ln. Lrpq~~• ~ 6a5c LavM Opcratlons (AuthorizeCl Emvloyc¢s empa. u,n ~m.eer~nry. (w :n,nd w r.oa1s 7 .J K-Y Imrlll IfF lkvrb__ ~J C!¢~~b6_ ] N.A.K0. 7C~VC{T. _li -;2CM:ft _ It $~vpur~l 13 R~t~t61X16. . .UZ4V.CL1p I7 'Pr.pA~ h.{tlpi11~6 ~4L''GVf"+p ` I t! ~ksg h+W ~y4tm J' b1b!U1A . ~ ~ . 0enO,ka e e+vC xa - ~c=,,.w ' , . 'eun- t rov~m ol, „t ' P trifs W .'>~s!f~1M _ t CSCi. - - :1 " t ~ ,i U.tM.sb eu.5 fnmu.r E~Wn~..: ri~ w'..~ Oaoeo:v- •'~r 'Ise.~sfie~~a.~enyq~nD ' G Ootional Employees 2 ~x~91~1_ . _ _ 2 Ccputks 5 ~OAF~ 43In VaG)yj_ 5 P~pn~ 5 '3.R,0.19inVn1bil SDewGCe - 2 Cmmvtyiaa. 1 Lktemnt 75 TrMF.:IFA t LiVe~A ' ' Z °crpcarrs`____ 39 "bor of Optlaul 9rtplpps• _ , 7 (t).% ot Toc•t pplo~'arl ~:4 t 1 f ` 26 -qR, _ ..yo. ~ ~ ~ .~-s~s-~r: -~t• ` . ~n~cocc.c.r wMO.r ua~s . ~ ~o~.~ic>7. 1m~..ul ~ .~o.ru , ♦ I~ . T - • • • ' d City Of Sp Q ane - • 1 _ • _ a' .~G S i~ 2/ l ►~N ~lvllt~YU~~t~a ~ J~ a ~:=v.-...._.. : •_.,r..... 4i~:~. ~r~-~IK.'~JNJ l:✓tSA.i..u~tiJ'f~~~rN ~r '1'~aura Uvb ~n he~! o:~ flry ~Ye • Cm MrM Nl1lC0.~ m~~ b u~NUr ~n YanC~~o/r ~~iV~~W bOalol Wt~n .w ~V/N ~~K Yt~1~sWwt '1M„ O~~W+r bn.vVY'w ~be~~ .~+~L ~00. nW'A! tlfyuNO •Omu.rwrna~ro ~.iu~u+n CC~.n,MOwuw~a0w~~~~.~r CaTU~ ~i~~s~... ~~eM+~^•~~ •Mo+~ 4tr ~c~n aG.4Cxn~~cew ~ lo~d~a ~ 1 larid~m rN~C Fan ~.Y~b Am+rttM C~at . Ci~!%L R nw+n h+n:.rss lYA Se~n PaYtl d roolifT • 31'~Odl1x+ ) ItlldmMwAGN~hnsYqilH Y~ttr~T~ri.rGU,s; ` P•'~ mlk►~ ALOn.- , O~ nYR Id.l~ •i T ~ ~ • C g' scs 0 • :dy kno . ~ 11 y ra OU! 9 An agcncy fillcd with highly trained p• -d law enforcement professi o ~ ~ _ : done^a g' ob and - .ai. bighly w p- ~ T:T ti.. i~ 28 vo • ~ ~0 . , 7in sci ~ . eln W-d . ~ d . d . ~ SCSO be Pla" thi Requifes . • , a ~ ' ; ~jt~ F7~ • ~ .~4... 2 ~ T 2003 SHERIF_F'S OFFICE EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION c. ~ N r;G. 11 ~...i ~ Regionai Employees ~ # Empl. Unit Classifica i n 2 Slieriff & Staff 1 Sheriff 1 Staff Assistant 8 Civil Division 1 Seryeant 4 Deputies 3 Clerical 1 DCA 1 DeUCorp. 1.5 RnTF .25% of 2 Deputies 1 Clcrical 3 F3yrne Grant 3 DeUCorp. 1 Picrcc Co Me1h Grarit 1 DeUCorp. t DT Front Desk/Crthsc Security 1 Deputy 17.5 Number of Regional Employees (6.25% of Total Employees) ~ Support & Administration Employees ~ #-E.ropL tJ.t].it Glassitic.a-tio.n ~RA9.r! 13 Forcnsic i 1 Manager 9 Forensic SpECialists . 3 Clerical 20 Radio 5 Supervisors 15 Operators a Garagc 1 Manager 3 Technicians Adniin• 2 Senior Acimin. 1 Undersherifi 1 Inspector ' 6 Admin. Support 5 CleriCal 1 Office of Professional Standards 1 Lietitenant S TraininglPolygraph 1 Lieutenant 1 Sergeant 1 DeUCorp. 1 Deputy 1 Clerical 1 Public Information Oificer 1 beUCorp. 2 Criine nnalysis 1 Deputy 1 Clerical 5 Clerical Support 5 Clerical 59 Number of SupportlAdmin. Employees (21% of Total Employees) erttpl distr Page 1 914102 2003 SHERIFF'S OFFICE EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION - Base Level Operations (Authorized) Employees ! tLEmal.. lJni.t CJ.assi.fic~tion 94 patrol 94 Deputies 3 2 K-9 Track/1 K-9 Bomb 3 DeWuties 2 I'r1.A.R.Ft. 2 DcUCorp. 17 Patrol Supervision 2 Captains 4 Lieutenanis 11 SErgeants 13 Persons Investigations 13 DeUCorp. 12 f'roperty Investiyations 12 DeUCorp. 11.5 Drug Investigations 7 DeUCorp. 4.5 Deputies 2 Dom. Violence Investig. 1 DeUCorp. 1 Deputy 1 Criiiiinal Intelligence Unit 1OeUCorp. 9 Inveslig. Supervisior7 1 CiWt. 2 Lieutenants 6 Sergeants 164.5 Number Employees: Base Level Operations (58.75% of Total Employccs) C_J ~ Optional Employees , # Emnl. Unj.t (~.I.~~sification 2 K-9 (Drug) 2 DeputiEs 5 [7ARE (3 in Valley) 5 Deputies 5 S_R.O_ (3 in Valley) 5 Deputies Cornmuriity Svs. 1 l_ieutenant 1 Deputy 25 Traffic Unit 1 Lieutenant 2 Sergeants 22 Deputies 39 Number of Optional Employees (13.9% of Total Emp7.oyee4) 2~8U . ;•T;OT~AL~EMPL~OI(EES~LL~-~F~S EH RI~~F''S OFFICrE - ernpl distr 914l02 CONTRACT POSITION COSTS QjequAy Deteclive/Core• Sergeant Lieutenant Staplaul Salaries and Benefits 71,487 82,726 89,755 104,726 105,612 Overtime 1,489 1,725 1,882 0 0 Additional Pay 1,459 1,691 1,845 0 0 Sub-Total: Wages 74,435 86,142 93,481 104,726 105,612 Clothing / Vests 111 111 111 111 111 Ammunition 71 71 71 71 71 Radio M/0 Supplies 119 119 119 119 119 Equiprnent (Gun, Radio, Computer) 169 169 169 169 169 Dafa Processing-CADiRMS 760 760 760 760 760 Telephone/CeIl/Pager 324 324 324 324 324 Training 293 293 293 293 293 Fuel 794 794 794 794 794 Vehicie 2,289 2,289 2,289 2,289 2,289 Sub-Total: Direcl Costs 4,930 4,930 4,930 4,930 4,930 Forensic Unit Support 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,373 Radio Division 5,300 5,306 5,306 5,306 5,306 Garage Unit ~ m 9-15 m m Sub-Total: Support Units 7,594 7,594 7,594 7,594 7,594 i ~ Department Administration: SeniorAdministration 1,004 1,004 1,004 1,004 1,004 \BudgeUAccountinglAdmin Support 1,312 1,312 1,312 1,312 1,312 OffiCe of Professionai Standarcls 472 472 472 472 472 Training 8 I'olygraph Unit 1,726 1,726 1,726 1,726 1,726 Public Iniormatinn OKcer 359 359 359 359 359 Crime Analysis Unit 505 505 505 505 505 Clerical Support 939 939 939 939 939 Sub-Total: Dept. Admin. 6,317 6,317 6,317 6,317 6,317 Sheriffs Office Total 93,276 104,983 112,322 123,567 124,453 County Overhead 6,091 6,091 6,091 6,091 6,091 Grand Total 99,367 111,074 118,413 129,658 130,544 ' Salary figures are from 2003 Budget '*COWCAP from Fiscal 2001 = 1,930,937 -minus Bldg. Deprec. -17,775 -minus Equip. Deprec. -365,5$3 -minus PSB Sq. Fooiage _177•018 1,370,561, position costs Page 2 12/17102 PROPOSED CITY OF SPOKANE.VALLEY:STAFFINGf.-' ' . wrl°fP'. . „ AT CURRENT LEVEL.OF'SERVICE~ ~ BASE LEVEL OPERATIONS ~ # EmnloySes UnlS Classification Cost 47 Patrol 47 Deputies 4,670,239 1.5 K-9 Tracking/Bomb Dog 1.5 Qeputy 149,050 1 - M.A.R.R. 1 Det/Corp. 111,074 8.5 Patrol Supervision 1 Captain 130,544 2 Lieutenants 259,315 5.5 Sergeants 651,272 6.5 Persons Investigations 6.5 Det/Corp. 721,981 6 Property Investigations 6 Det/Corp. 666,444 6 Drug Investigations 4 Det/Corp. 444,296 2 Deputies 198,734 1 Domestic Violence Invest. .50 Det/Corp. 55,537 .50 Deputy 49,683 0.5 Criminal Intelligence Unit .50 Det/Corp. 55,537 4.5 Investigations Supervision .50 Captain 65,272 1 Lieutenant 129,658 3 Sergeants 355,239 82.5 Proposed Base Level Operations Employees 8,713,878 L.E.S.U. 1.042.739 TOTAL BASE LEVEL 9,756,617 ~ OPTIONAL OPERATIONS ! # Em I~oyees UniS Classification C_o_st 1 K-9 (Drug) 1 Depury 99,367 3 DARE 3 Deputies 298,100 3 Schoo! Resource Officers 3 Deputies 298,100 --less revenue' -57.291 1 Community Services .50 Lieutenant 64,829 .SO Deputy 49,683 12.5 Traffic Unit .50 Lieutenant 64,829 1 Sergeant 118,413 11 Qeputies 1,093,035 --less revenue2 -100,000 20:5 Proposed Optional Level of Operations Empl. 1,929,066 ~,~•"Kt-:103%t;"<,CURRENT LEVEL OF',SERVICE,, ~ ;;'`','!;-"z' ~ ` 11,685,6821 valley proposed staff Page 4 12113l02 'Personnel Costs are based on 2003 salary figures ' Costs inClude 2003 COLA cosfs for all Unions and Associalions 'Number of employees for Patrol functions were figured using 50°;0 of Workload 'Number o( employecs for Investigative functions were figurecf by using 50% of Caseload 'Costs will increase each year based on COLA's, M/O Increase or Decrease, and C2pital Expenditures / Imurovements as approvad by the Board of County Commissioners Footnotes 1 Half of revenue received from a Juvenile Accountability Grant = $27,291; plus revenue from Central Valley School District for two SRD's =$15,000 each 2 Walf of revenue received from a"Cops Universal" grant for eight Traffic oKcers; grant provides $25,000lofficer/year; grant expires 12131103 i ~ ~ . ~ valley proposed staFf Page 4 12l17/02 LA1N ENFORCENfEh1T Sl7PPORT UNITS Adjusted 2003 MIO 1,1 56,845 x 5o%_ 578,423 Equipmen#f7echnology for 2003 176,890 x 5o% = 88.345 Properky Room/Records 743,811 x 50% = 371,906 Portion of Sheriff Salary 4,066 4,066 -:7.OTAL,U`:; ;41~~`,.' . : . '-:V;04 7 ~ I ~ ~ I~s~ Page 3 12113102