Finance & Admin Minutes 09/16/2002FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION TRANSITION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 Location: Fire District #I-Spokane Valley, Training Room, 2411 N Pioneer Lane The meeting was called to order at 7:10p.m. Diana Wilhite, Committee Chairperson, announced we would be reviewing what each of the sub-committees had been working on and what their status was, Robin Palachuk, Facilities & MIS (Management Information Systems) Sub-committee Chairperson, announced they had been working on several items. They had just received a lower copier machine quote. They have received quotes on computer hardware based on 40 employees coming from the study done. They were looking towards at least two methods for hardware. One method would require two separate components purchased separately and the other method purchased as a whole. They have also looked at sofhvare and have been doing research with the county, Association of WA Cities and Municipal Research & Services Center. They have also been working with several vendors on software systems and pricing. They have taken a look at the study done regarding 40 employees and have looked at what information Systems staffing level our city might need. They felt we could see a cost savings in this area. Robin also announced that they continue'to research buildings and furniture needed. They have acquired some free furniture. They continue to get quotes on items like photocopiers. Suggestions for Council meeting sites were mentioned along with what requirements would be needed. This included accommodations for citizens under the ADA, number of attendees, audio & recording equipment and heating/air conditioning. Suggestions were also made for building facilities such as power requirements for computer equipment and phones. Robin mentioned they would continue to look at things like pricing on software and hardware along with specifics for facilities. The committee members were thanked for their efforts in researching these needs. Debra Tong, Administration/Human Resources/Risk Management/Legal Sub-committee Chairperson, announced they had been working on a packet to give the council- This would include an organizational chart showing the current structure (including the committee contacts), a suggested structure for November and approximately six months down the road. They will present this to the council along with information on wages and benefits, job descriptions, handbooks, code of ethics, risk management, civil service or not and ordinances needed immediately. Debra talked about researching banks for the city needs. Committee members mentioned the size of the bank, funding, fees, warrants versus checks and mentioned several banks being researched. Joining the State Retirement System and Social Security were also mentioned. 401 k(etc) benefits were mentioned as well. :Richard Munson, Finance Sub-committee Chairperson was unable to attend. Committee members said they have done a lot of research on the revenue budget and would hopefully have the spending budgets wrapped up soon. The individual assignments were almost completed also. :Diana Wilhite said each committee should have their information put together by mid- October. The committees agreed we would simplify software versions for compiling information using MS Word, 12 point font and Times New Roman wherever possible. We have a volunteer to compile all materials into one file. Diana mentioned that the next Chairs meeting will be held Thursday, September 26th at Vera Water & Power, 601 N Evergreen. The Chairperson from each committee will be there and the community is welcone to attend. This will be at 6:00p.m. due to a Public Safety meeting being held at 7:00p.m. at the Valley Library. The meeting adjourned at 7:40p.m. and each sub-committee met afterwards. Carey Butler Assumptions for City of Spokane Valley Incorporation Study Population of unincorporated portion of Spokane County 2000 census Population of City of Spokane 2000 census Population Growth 0.96% per year- 2001 population estimate 82,100 Annual increase in assessed valuation Annual increase in assessed valuation from commercial construction Annual increase in assessed valuation from residential construction Sales tax growth 2002-2005 Utility tax growth 2002-2005 199,135 195,629 3% $47,000,000 $27,000,000 4% 4% Utility tax calculations base on City of Spokane Valley population as a % of City of Spokane population applied to City of Spokane utility tax revenues Salaries determined from 90% of average of salaries paid by the cities of .Kennewick, Richland, Pasco, Yakima, Spokane and Spokane County as reported in the Washington City & County Employee 2000 Salary & Benefit Survey using high end of formal salary range. Benefits are estimated at 28% of salary for full time employees Temporary employee benefits estimated at 10% of wages Supply costs as a percent of salaries 5% Annual telephone cost per employee $1,000 Annual computer costs per employee $500 Facilities cost 15,000 sq. ft. Class B office space gross lease Q $12/sq. ft. $180,000 use $100,000 as base facility cost based on Steering Committee recommendation Copier costs - 2 copiers on 5 yr. Lease 30,000 copies per month each includes fax and on line printer $8,000 annual cost Debt Capacity based on 2001 Assessed Valuation estimate of 54,450,000,000 Non voted 1 '/2% of assessed valuation $66,750,000 Voted General Purpose 2 '/2% of A.V. $111,250,000 Note: Combination of non-voted and voted general purpose debt cannot exceed 2 a.v. Voted Utilities 2 '/2% of A.V. Voted Parks & Open Space 2 '/z% of A. V. $111,250,000 $111,250,000 Insurance Public Officials and General Liability $14 million first dollar coverage also includes liability administration. Annual premium based on total number of employee hours ( $1.30 per employee hour) first year $106,000.