Incorporation Celebration - 01/17/2003City of Spofwne VaQry 11:07 (L Sprague}dvenue, Suite 106 Spo4ne $G aQey, 4414 99 206 (509) 921-1000 City YfaQ (509) 921-1008 NFU January 17, 2003 White House Inter-government Affairs Mr. Toby Burke 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington D. C. 10502 Dear Mr. Burke. The City of Spokane Valley invites President George W. Bush or his appointed representative to attend, or a letter of congratulations to be read at our official Incorporation Ceremony on March 3l, 2003. In May of 2002, our community voted to incorporate a 38 square mile area east of the City of Spokane in the State of Washington. This past November, the 7 Council Members. signed below, were elected and have been working very hard to establish the 8'' largest city in the state of Washington. Our population of 81,000 residents are hard working conservatives who are mostly Republicans. President Bush was our choice, by an overwhelming margin, in the 2000 elections. On March 31, 2003, we will mark the end of a week of events commemorating the establishment and official incorporation of our city. We will be honored if President Bush, or his representative, could attend this celebration of true grass roots government at work. In lieu of such an honor we would welcome a letter of congratulations from President Bush. We will read the letter at the ceremony. and it will be displayed in a place of honor in our New City Hall. If you have any questions, please call our City Hall !,d! 509-921-1000. Kenneth Lisaius was kind enough to give us your name. Respectively. Mayor Michael De 1gmi%, DenuiN Mayor Diana Wilhite Co~wcilmembcr, Dick / I'll . Gary Schimmel Munson , Steve Taylor sl GEORGE R. NETHERCUTT. JR COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS IGUKOMMt1F I s AGRICULTURE 0MR1GR DEFFNSE to niAmwm4 COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE c+ A!co"MrME 5 ENERGY SPACE ANC A=_NONAU nCS Congregg of for cUnItea 6tateg I)Ot13e of RrPreseiltatibeg U-iashtngton, MC 20515-4705 March 31. 2003 The Honorable Michael DeVleming Office of the Mayor City of Spokane Vallcy 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mayor DeVieming: 27 CANNON HOUSE OrFEE BUILDING WAS,-xNOTOK WC MM 12= 22S-:D06 920 WEST RIYERSIDi SUITF 04 SPUIrANE. WA 9920T 9805 EAST MISSION AVENUE- SUITE SPWRANE. WA 2120e ItOO n:a-trxc_ 29 SOUTH •A LOUSE WALLA WALLA, WA 9971!;7 19064 !29 -sm %5 SOUTH MAIN 51REET. SUITE C COLVILLf. WA "114 IW2195413"1 www bawww". won mill tw"I www Naune nov,"a"w ra.tt'ennteA le-enrol On this important day of new beginnings for your fine city, and in recognition of our enduring democratic form of government, I offer my congratulations to the citizens of Spokane Valley for the official incorporation of your city. This celebration would not be possible without the commitment of Spokane Valley residents to create a new city. Their enterprising spirits were honored by the vote last spring when Spokane Valley decided to form an independent government, one close to the people and responsive to the specific needs of its citizens. Spokane Valley residents were then challenged to select the inaugural City Council to which the enormous task of shaping the new government was granted. Again, Spokane Valley citizens accepted that challenge and chose seven dedicated representatives who have performed their responsibilities with one overriding principle in mind: do what is right for the people. I havc been pleased to observe the spirit of cooperation that has developed among Spokane Valley's elected officials. I know great things lie ahead for this shining jewel of the inland `vortltwest. Good luck to you in the celebration of your incorporation and best wishes for a prosperous future. God Bless. Cordially, 00 ~ EORGE NETHERCUTT, JR, Representative in Congress THIS STAI u]'IEs %Qi'. fED ON nAPffi MADE OF Rf0rLED FIRER. CITY OF UNIVERSITY PLACE .+715 Bridgelmni Wo 1. fm ermrv Place. W4 4X466- ISM March 31, _'(K)3 Mayor Michael neVleming and City Council Members City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague #1106 Spokane; Valley. WA 99206 Mayor DeVleming and Council Members: Phone: (253) 566-5656 • Fat_ (253) 566.5658 em _halllsei_unit ersin -place- waaus RECEIVED City Ot Spokane Va!!e v Congratulations on your incorporation as Washington's newest City! On behalf of Mayor Brooks, the rest of our City Council and myself. we wish you all the best. Only those who have gone through the dreaming and hard work. know the frustrations and joys of being on that first Council and management team. Know that you can call upon us and the other new cities for help at any time. We will see you in June at the AWC Conference in Spokane. Celebrate your community's cityhood. and get on with making those dreams a reality! Yours truly, R rt. Jean City Manager Cc: Mayor and City Council H:Nfio WSFk*xw 2 dm Mayor Joe Qtrtuum Deputy Mayor 13on ocHan Councilmt:tnbm Gene Fisher Kay M Lasco Terry Anderson Frua ltulwn it-nil L O\ \S~ATAG/ L' City Manager l~ Brvcc A. RayLwm -4ay City Manager Eliabeth A. Spencer AssiMat City Manager Craig R. Ward City Attora y Robert L McAdams City Clerk r 4"rrr'rrrm Judith L. Carv "The The Hoshiralin, City' April 1, 2003 The City Council and City Manager City of Spo"ie Valley 11707 Fast Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Michael DeVieming, Mayor Steve Taylor, Councilmember Richard Munson, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Dear City Council and City Manager: Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Lee Walton, City Manager Inasmuch as the City of SeaTac celebrated the thirteenth anniversary of its official date of incorporation on February 28, 2003, we take great pleasure in acknowledging the March 31, 2003 official date of incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. We most heartily welcome you to the elite roster of incorporated Cities of Washington State. We also extend our congratulations upon your respective elections to the City Council and appointment as City Manager. Although thirteen years have passed since incorporation of our City of SeaTac, we can well recall the trials and tribulations of organizing and developing a new city. We can therefore appreciate your hard work and sacrifices hut, at the same time, we can assure you that achieving the many goals of municipal service and public improvements for the benefit of Spokane Valley residents, landowners, and business persons will be well worth the effort. 48M South 188th Strw SaTac. WA 4818&MO5 City Hai1:20697i.4800 • Fax: 206.973.4809 TDD 206.973.480A • www mscatw.wa us City of Spokane Valley Apn 1 1.2043 Pagr 2 Our best wishes are extended to you and to the new City of Spokane Valley. We look forward to the time, perhaps thirteen years hence, when you also will review your accomplishments and be able to proudly say that it was a job well done. Sincerely, The City of SeaTac 7 ]q~ Brennan, Mayor I Fisher, Councilmember 1~2 Arid rson, Councilmember Mayor Kay Pasco, Councilmember Frank Hansen. Councilmember Will Wurdeman, Councilmember Bruce A. Rayburn, ty Manager MARIA CANTWELL WASHINGTON r-1-j 'AtliifeZN fufVg iC-11afe WASHINGTON, D- C. 20510 March 31. 003 City of Spokane Valley City Han 11707 E. Sprague Ave Dear Mayor, Council Members, Citizens and Honored Guest: It is with regret I cannot be with you in person to celebrate this special day as you. and the residents of City of Spokane Valley take another step in your .journey from a gold vision to a thriving community as you officially open for business and become the 90 largest city the great state of Washington. I commend each and everyone one of you here today for showing your appreciation and excitement for your new city form of government. I also want to say a special thank you to your newly elected officials and your growing staff of seasoned professionals who will work hard to establish this fine new city. There is no higher a calling than serving your fellow citizens and I want to recognize your leadership in fulfilling this bold vision. I. look forward to meeting and working with each of you in the future to build a lasting relationship of coopcration in the common goal of ennching the lives and futures of the residents of the Spokane Valley. As our state's newest community, i know you are poised to work with other civic leaders to overcome whatever differences of opinion may present themselves and stnve to fulfill the promise of your new city to increase the voice of the residents of the Spokane Valley. 1 am proud to represent you and the residents of the City of Spokane Valley in the United States Senate. And as your United States Senator, I take great pnde in welcoming you into office and wish you and your new city all the best. This is a wonderful day for the residents of the Spokane Valley and I applaud your efforts to make this dream a reality. Congratulations! Sincerely. :4an- hvel l United States Senator s Y ' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 24, 2003 I send greetings to the residents of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, as you celebrate the incorporation of your city. America's towns and cities provide the foundation for our Nation's vitality and prosperity. In local communities across the country, families, entrepreneurs, business and industry leaders, and countless other individuals pursue their dreams and work hard to reach their full potential. During this time of great consequence, it is important that we continue to strengthen our Nation by encouraging citizens to remain involved in making our communities better places to live for all Americans. 1 commend your contributions to the development of the City of Spokane Valley and for adding to the rich heritage of the area. Your love for community provides an important example for others. Laura joins me in sending best wishes on this special occasion. -Q ~ //0 71Q 3 City of Spokane Valley January 23, 2003 The Spokesman-Review Attn: Steven A. Smith, Editor 999 W. Riverside Avenue Spokane, `VA 99201 Mr. Smith, The City of Spokane Valley's Council Members join me in extending appreciation to all of the hundreds of Valley citizens who attended our recent Open House held Thursday, January 16'h in the New City Hall. We would like to express gratitude to each person who attended the special event. The general public is invited to continue to bring their questions, concerns and comments to the Council Meetings held each Tuesday evening at 6pm at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague, or come by the office Monday through Friday, Sam to 5pm because we feel you are a valued resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Your questions are respected concerns and you will be welcomed and served by our friendly staff. Respectfiilly, Mayor Michael DeVle ing City of Spokane Valley sl 11707 E. Sprague • Suite 106 - Spokane Valley, Wa. - 99206 • (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 Page 1 of 1 Ruth Muller From: Karin & Michael Bosworth [kmbosworth@woddnet.att.net] Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 7:33 AM To: Iwalton@spokanevalley.org; smcnutt@spokanevalley.org; bnoack@spokanevalley.org; slarson@spokanevalley.org; Ruth Muller; Mike DeVleming; Jessica Suiter Cc: Diana Wilhite; Greg Prothman; Stan M Schwartz; Rick Bertholf; BJean@cityofup.com; kbosworth@spokanevalley.org Subject: "Open house at City Hall" news article FYI, in today's S-R newspaper about the Open House on Thursday Thanks, Karin Open house at City Hall You can meet and mingle with the elected officials and staff for the city of Spokane Valley Thursday. The city will hold a community open house from 4 to 6 p.m. at the interim City Hall, 11707 F. Sprague Ave., Suite 106. It's in the Redwood Plaza, across the street from the Opportunity Post Office. Residents will be able to meet the City Council and staff for the new city informally, share ideas for the new city and see the interim City Hall. 1/19/2003 MEMO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000, Fax (509) 921-1008 TO: Jessica . ///9- ~/V FROM: Lee Walton ` DAU: 12115 SUBJECT: City Open House Jessica; 1 understand you need a brief paragraph for your chamber Newsletter re an open house at the City Office. The following is offered but feel free to spruce it up as you see r t. The new City of Spokane Valley is now operating on an "interim" basis and preparing to make it official on March 31. It's a very busy time for the Council and interim staff. An office has been set up and they are busy adopting policies, rules, sere=ice contract and ordinances that will become effective on March 31. However, the Council is determined to make Spokane Valle) 'a service orientated city by encouraging public participation in City affairs. As a first step the City Council in cooperation with the Spokane Valley Chamber has designated Thursday, January 16 for the I" City GE Af1UAINTED- Ol'EN HOUSE. So, come one, come all between 4 and 6 PiV1 for a chance to meet your Council Member informally and exchange ideas regarding the future of Spokane Valley S ~iey 11707 E. Sprague Ave. - Suite 106 - Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 - cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 1.0, 2003 Dr. Philip Rudy 720 North Argorme Road Spokane Valley, W.A 99212 Dear Dr. Rudy: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for. residents of our conlnzunity as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVleming Mayor kb S pokane jUalley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 Mr. Bill Varner Players Sr. Spectators 12828 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Dear 4.r.. Varner: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the Cite of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Hall Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our coinmu-nity as a result of your support for oux new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVlem_ing Mayor kb 000 S06'koaane ,,;oOValley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 1.0, 2003 Mr. Ferry Lynch Spokane Valley Business Association 4412 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99212-0803 Dear Mr. Lynch: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our necv City .Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVlcming Mayor kb SP okane 46500Ualley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 1.0, 2003 Ms. Diana Tesdal Happy Cake Company 131.2 North Mullan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Ms. Tesdal: Spokane Valley Councilmernbers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and. the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at ou_r new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of, your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVleming Mayor kb S 'OF ~ney 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 -Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 - cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 ivls. Catherine Mason Cravens Coffee 1003 East Trent Spokane Valley, WA 99202 Dear Ms. Mason: Spokane Valley Councilmeinbers join me in extending appreciation for. your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVleming Mayor kb SOdd:'~ jUalley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106- Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 Mr.'Pobert Duron Coffee Systems anc. North 111 Vista Road, Building 5 Spokane Valley, OVA 99212 Dear Mr. Duron: Spokane Valley Council.member.s join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official 'Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of ouy community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, ro % Michael DeVletning ki ~ Mayor kb 0010 SPoKane jValley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. - Suite 106 - Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 - Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 Mr. Lee Weddle Krispy Kreme 15401 East Indiana Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Dear. Mr. Weddle: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join m.e in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Mall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVleming Mayor kb 00 SP okane jUalley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. - Suite 106 - Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 - cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce 8817 East Mission, Suite B Spokane Valley, <,\TA 99212 Ladies and Gentlemen: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. 'Cho Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on Mard131, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael 17eVleming Mayor kb copy: Eldon.na Gossett, President & CEO Valley Chamber Commodores Spokan0000 e jValley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 Farmers and Merchants Bank 25 North Mullah Road Spokane Valley, CIA 99206 Ladies and Gentlemen: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me i_n extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, w Miclhael DeVlemulg Mayor kb copy: Farmers & Merchants Bank Valley Branch S CM' Uf' kane p Valle Y 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 AmericanWest Bank Valley Financial Center 9019 Bast Appleway Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Ladies and Gentlemen: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Q-~A - Michael DeVlemir Mayor - kb copy: AmericanWest Bank, Valley Branch Sp Skane ,,;OoValley 1] 707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org April 10, 2003 Global Credit Union 9329 Fast Montgomery Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ladies and Gentlemen: Spokane Valley Councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. The Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003, are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new City. Sincerely, Michael DeVlen Mayor kb ?ao ~F-cq~ vtf,-)~ 0.. Ia THANK. YOU'S FROM 3/37/03 l.abal Credit Union Mayors gall? RIBBON-CUTTING CELEBRATION NAME COMPANY DONATION/SERVICE Diana Tesdal Happy Cake Company Sheet cake 1312 North Mullah Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ms. Catherine Mason Cravens Coffee Coffee and cups? 1003 East Trent Spokane, WA 99202 Robert Duron Coffee Systems Inc. Coffee and cups? North 111 Vista Road, Building #5 Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Lee Weddle, Manager Krispy Kreme 3 Dozen of donuts for Building 15401 East Indiana Avenue Department Spokane Valley, WA 99216 ldonna Gossett and Valley Valley Chamber of Commerce Participation in celebration Chamber Commodores 8817 East Mission, Suite B -Spokane Valley, WA 99212 s" Farmers' & Merchants Bank Sponsoring Ribbon Cutting U,6 Ceremon ; banner QO / merican West Mayors Ball? U C ,1 , 9~aa~ THANK YOU'S FROM 3/31/03 RI-B~BON-CU T=T-fNG---C-£t-E-B-RAT0N Jv NAME COMPANY DONATION/SERVICE Happy Cake Company 1312 North Mullan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Sheet cake Cravens Coffee Coffee and cu s? Robert Coffee Systems Coffee? Farmers 8: Merchants-Bank Sponsoring Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; banner, Lee - Manager Krispy Kreme Donuts for Building Department Eldonna Gossett and Chamber Commodores Valley Chamber. Participation in celebration ~ I e Q/-) jI- s~dl.w April 10, 2003 Spokane Valley councilmembers join me in extending appreciation for your generous donation to the City of Spokane Valley. We are grateful for this donation that assisted us in having a very successful incorporation celebration. I he Mayor's Gala Ball Saturday evening and the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new City Hall on March 31, 2003 are memorable events for residents of our community as a result of your support for our new city. Sincerely, Mayor Michael DeVlcming MD/mb Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. - Suite 106 - Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 - Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org APPI_EWfkY FLORIST 1,~-ath~, MovLt& ~a~q,LeUe T-hook Uou for be'mq a port of the MoUor's -F>PL1. YoL,cr svggestbovt,s were wovJerfu.L OvO ossbstc Le wos extroorotLv.Oru. VoUe~ b ks Lvk,esses LLkze ~ okrs, o vO ~ ou r wLU'L' nr) ness to step forwor~ are wh Ot v &R VZes th Ls new cLt~ stP nco op o rt frovi/t the rest. ( cw s' OA e r ~ o u. a v,P ~ o k r stpff sLcperb 'b' n cr.cstonter servLce. we WUL see 0k a0aLvL v1,ext dear for tKs ~eorL ~ evev\.t. It Ls hard for vve to express the gratLU.4u le OoA 0 VK0-Zewt eVAt 'b' V\, UotX r of foits. T-k av\,~, ~ou for v>A.a our evev ne) spectO cLdO r. rn n Mayor Council member Pennie DeVleming Michael DeVleming Mike Flanigan Sp oka000 ne jUalley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 - Fax (509) 921-1008 - cityhall@spokanevalley.org S R v1• R-P, vutR 1. Dove, T-hanlz (Uok for b6ne) o port of the MO~or's $i2LL- yokr sL/cegest-bov S were wowzier f RL o VO Pssbsto nce wos ex.troorla'bv,,a ru . VP ue~ b'.s'bwesses L%42e d ours, o v c, ~ okr W'bL Vk'q wess to step fo rwp 0 are whof ntoIles t!~bs vuew city stanL PpOrt frovilt the rest. we WUL see WR POPIW, v~tXt dear for th%s UeorLU evevkt. T-nPv1JZ lJi ou for n&P kz%v~.e) ovr evevubo,q specUuAo r. Mayor Michael DeVleming Council member Mike Flanigan -AJ~JAP'If AA.' . /1-1 Pennie DeVleming 7 06koaane S 41, Valle Y 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org 5~W.pL~ Northwest via V\t, Thowk,-) you for be" iv~.e) a port of the v i2Uor's ga[L Your VZbnd Wss was VerU vltiuch apprecuateol. ale deer a wj trees reci LLU broLcoht the tken'te P" event tooether. ThOfV~Jz uou for oou.r trust i2oJ ded'~cat'Lovu to the con&v , uvatlU. Your wil,I,r, Lq ness to step forwPrc~ is what vu,Mnes th L.- vkew c.,td stPKA ciport frovi&'Che rest. AgPibv~,, ChPvdZ dou for VI&PlZ'LIK19 our evevav~,g spectocuh2r. c~~o ~)L Mayor Mike DeVleming L Councilman Pennie QeVleming Mike Flanigan Mayor MJChAN D. WONO CouncWYNwrobors Don Stevens • Robert Wh,9man • Doe Cragun • LucNe Harmon • Richard H eydet 376 East Cra~. PO Box F Deer Park. Washington 99006.=5 (509) 276.MW • FAX (509) 276.5764 ermd uty d deerparkwashrngron. com Webpage: www deerparkwashuVton corn April 4, 2003 Mayor Mike DeVleming City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mayor DeVleming: RECEIVED CitY Ot Spokane Valley Please find attached a grant application from the Qty of Deer Park. Our budget for this year indicates an obvious lack of revenue, as does the budget for most small cities. I have been made aware that your financial condition is somewhat different, in that you actually have a sizeable surplus. I am looking forward to assisting you with managing that surplus. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Michael D. Wolfe Mayor MDW/vs Enclosure y APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDING PROJECT: City Pool Operation Expenses for year 2003 SUMMARY OF PROJECT: The City of Deer Park has identified what expenditures are required to operate the city pool for the year 2003. Without these grant funds the City will not be able to open and operate their pool for the 2003 year. BUDGET: Identified expenditures: $82,000.00 Budgeted Revenue: $21,000.00 Grant request: $61,000.00 Please contact Mayor Michael D. Wolfe when approval has been decided at 509-276-8802. S IN 0"00 49;00 11707E Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Valley Spofone `valley, OVA 99206 509-921-1000 (Phone 509-921-1008 (Fax Jesse Borden In appreciation for your musical talent in singing the National Anthem for the Official Incorporation Ceremony and Ribbon Cutting on March 31 , 2003. I, Mayor Michael DeVleming, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, thank you for being apart of our historical event. Mayor Michael DeVleming CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON INCORPORATION CELEBRATION EVENTS MARCH 25 - 31, 2003 DATE: MARCH 25 - 31, 2003 EVENT'. VALLEY HISTORIC DISPLAY LOCAnow VARIOUS LACATIONS DATE MARCH 25, 2003 EVENT. CHASE YOUTH AWARDS LOcAT10N: SPOKANE OPERA HOUSE DATE MARCH 26, 2003 EVENT: SPOKANE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS FAIR LOCATION: SPOKANE FAIRGROUNDS FoR MWW nrroM44rMw oK ms [vLPrr, P%XAM CALL rM VA4A" GcAXd9M OFrXX Ar Il2s4"4 DATE: MARCH 28, 2003 EVENT: COMMUNITY NETWORKING BREAKFAST LOCATION: DOUBLETREE HOTEL SPOKANE VALLEY TIME: 7 AM r=oa moNs wyon Avow om rHarvarr, PL&mw CALL rra VALL[r CmAM o►sx:a Ar 92I-d"4 DATE: MARCH 28, 2003 EVENT. SPOKANE VALLEY TALENT SHOW LOCATION: TRENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TIME: 7 PM For wwr mro*mAnoK r r arr CALL MAwr FAwLrr • 2 722 DATE: MARCH 28, 2003 EVENT: VALLEY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION WINE TASTING & AUCTION LOCATiow DECADES (NEXT TO PERCY'S AMERICANA) TIME: 6:30 PM ~J TWPIXTs A VA)LA2 r AT WmpLr NoRTHwasr. ViHoS, Ano WILLIAMS SWAFaoo DATE: MARCH 29.2003 EVENT: FIRST ANNUAL MAYOR'S BALL (DINNER & DANCING TO THE SPOKANE JAZZ ORCHESTRA) LOCATION: SPOKANE VALLEY DOUBLJ<TRKE HOTEL TIME: 6 TO 10:30 P.M. DATE: MARCH 31, 2003 EVENT: OFFICIAL INCORPORATION CEREMONY & R113SON CUTTING LOCATION: Cmr HALL. AT REDWOOD PLAZA 1 1707 EAST SPRAGUE AVENUE. SUITE 1 06 TIME: 4:30 PM DATE MARCH 31, 2003 EVENT: CITY HALL OPEN HOUSE LOCATION: CITY HALL, AT REDWOOD PLAZA 1 1707 EAST SPRAGUE AVENUE, SUITE 106 TIME: 5 TO 6 PM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PiFASE CALL CrTr HALL AT 92 I-1000 73-0 --v 3 Incorporation Day 3-31-03 program agenda • Will Gov Lock attend? • Coffee, juice, cake • Decorations? 4:30 Ribbon Cutting 4:33 Color Guard Firemen 4:35 National Anthem U-HI Student 4:40 welcome Mayor 9 recognize special guests 9 Introduce Gov. Lock? Introduce Commissioner Harris or McCaslin r preview of what is going to happen 4:45 signing of offrciat-pape AQfk ; 4:50 Opportunity for council comment All • Deputy Mayor Wilhite • Councilmember Steve.Taylor • Councilmember Gary Schimmels • Councilmember Rich Munson • Councilmember Mike Flanigan (no) • Councilmember Dick Denenny > 'honorary first council 5:00 Open House Mayors Ball 3-29-03 program agenda • reserve next year • Power Point / slide show (Singleton) 6:00 - 6:30 receiving line (council and spouses) 6:30 - 7:00 social hour 6:50 first call for seating 7:00 blessing 7:05 Recognition of guests • Elected officials - • Council candidates • Others ( • Interim staff • Greg Prothman Ian Robertson Mayor Thank you Mayor • Sponsors American West > Global Credit Union Farmers & Merchants Spokane Valley Business Association Appleway Florists Dr. Rudy • Celebration Committee • Double Tree Staff • 7:00 - 7:45 dinner 8:00 Spokane Jazz Orchestra starts (Mayors first dance) G 6::nC SPOKANEVALLEYBUSINESS ASSOCIATION ROARD MEMBER PRESlDEv. r YI('E rkfstDE.tiT 'tRF:AA.%I RER BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER PURl.lt RF:1 1T10NS Terry Lymb Ray Perry Dick Bebaa. Jr. Clark Itaser. Sr. Anaene Rewshard Wit %raumann Martin Bururttt. Jr. 535.16A 926-8421 924.7500 928-3151 8934060' 426.31110 464-:4q8 Past Presidents Cecil Cleveinnd Mark Hollenback Tom Hamilton March 121h, 2003 Mayor Mike DeVieming City Of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. # 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Hello Mayor Mike. On behalf of the Spokane Valley Business Association and our membership, we are pleased to provide you with the enclosed check. It is our intention for these funds to help provide flowers and decorations for The Mayors Ball. We look forward with great anticipation to the Celebration of the official birthing of the City Of Spokane Valley. As our first mayor, we realize the task of steering our new city down a path of security and prosperity to be a huge undertaking. With this in mind Mr. Mayor, we (SVBA) want to re- mind you of our continued commitment in your support and the support of the city council members. We look forward to working with you and the City Of Spokane Valley for many nears to come. Beat regards, 04 Martin A. Burnette, Jr Public Relations Director Attachment: $500. check ,S - %Kd["aG~ cacao. &J". e" ;z>84*4& .544we 1"I P.O. BOX 14485 SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGON 99214 Ruth Muller From: Kim Osso [info@svnc.org] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 9:16 AM To: rmuller@spokanevalley.org Subject: Regarding Mayor's Ball Invocation Ruth, I had emailed Pastor Ian Robertson in England telling him about the Mayor wanting him to do the invocation. He said he would be happy to do that. So he is confirmed to do that for you and you will not have to have a back up just in case. Have a great day. Kim Osso Communications Spokane Valley Nazarene Church CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON INCORPORATION CELEBRATION EVENTS ..MARCH 25 - 31, ,2003 DATE: MARCH 25 - 31, 2003 EVENT: VALLEY HISTORIC DISPLAY LOCATION: VARIOUS LOCATIONS DATE: MARCH 25, 2003 EVENT: CHASE YOUTH AWARDS LOCATION: SPOKANE OPERA HOUSE DATE: MARCH 26, 2003 EVENT: SPOKANE VALLEY CHAMBER OF:.COMMERCE BUSINESS FAIR LOCATION: SPOKANE FAIRGROUNDS FOR MORE /NFORMA770N ON TNL4 EVP•M; PL cASE L:A" THB.VALLEY CHAMHLD4 0P7;7CE AT 924+4994 ATE: MARCH 28, 2003 EVENT: COMMUNITY NETWORKING BREAKFAST LOCATION: DOUBLETREE HOTEL SPOKANE VALLEY T/ME' 7AM FOR MORg iNP>7RMATLON ON TH/S RVRM; PLFASE G u ma VALLEY CHAmaa OPF7CE AT 0. 4994 n1DATE S`MARCH 28, 2003 ~EYENT: SPOKANE.VALLEY TALENT SHOW LOCATION: TRENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TIME: 7 P.M ' . FOR MORE INFoRMA770N, PLEAS@ CALL Mil1PY PARLEY L 217$722 DATE: MARCH 28, 2003 EVENT: VALLEY FIREFIGH$ERS ASSOCIATION WINE TASTING & AUCTION LOCATION: DECADES (NEXT TO PERGY'S AMERICANA) -'TIME: 6:30 PM 7-LCKL'7S AVA/L 4&LE'AT S/MPLYNORTHWEST, V/NOS; AND WfLLLAMS SC4FOOD DATE: MARCH 29, 2003 EVENT:=OMAYORF SxGALAZE;VENT (DINNER & DANCING TO THE SPOKANE JAZZ ORCHESTRA) LOCATION: SPOKANE VALLEY D.OUBLETREE HOTEL TIM,it."16 Tdl i 6:30'P:M. DATE: NIARCH2003 EVENT: OFFICIAL INCORPOkAT'ION'CEFtEMONY &?RIBBON CUTTING y Y LOCATI~N: CITY HALL;eAT REDWOOD'PLAZA 1 1 7071EAS7'SPRAGU€ AVENUE; SUITE 1 06 TmE.'A:30 PM~ t DATE: MARCH 31, 2003> EVENT6-`ditY'-HALL OPEN Ho67SE LOCATION:-',`CITY HALL, AT REDWOOD PLAZA 1 1707 EAST SPf2:ACU,E:AVENUE', SUITE 106 TIME: 5 TO 6 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL CITY HALL AT 921-1000 City of Spokane Valley Incorporation (Celebration) Events March 25 thru 31, 2003 (w of3/11/03) Date: March 25 - 31, 2003 Event: galley Ristoric Display Location: Vsrious Locations Date: March 25, 2003 Event: Chase Youth Awards Location: Spokane Opera K.)use Date: March 26, 2003 Event: Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Fair Location: Spokane Fairgrounds For more information on this cvcny please can the Valley Chamber otrice at 924-4994 Date: March 28, 2003 Event: Community Nemoddng Breakfast Location: Doubletrec Flotel Spokane Valley "Picric: arrr ror more information on rhic e:ve:ret, plra.r can ripe Valley Chamber o171ce at 974-4994 Date: March 28, 2003 Event: Spokane Valley Talent Show Location: Trent Elementary School Time: 7 p.m. l or more information, please call Alwy Farley @ 217-6722 Date: lferch 2$, 2003 Event: Valley Firefighters Association Wine Tasting & Auction Location: Decades (next to ferry's Americana) Time: 6:30 p.m. Tickets available at Simply Northwest, Vinos, and WVliams Seafood Date: March 29, 2003 Event: Mayor's Gala Event (dinner & dancing to the Spokane )an, Orchestra) Location: Doubletree Hotel Spokane Valley Time: 6:30 p.m. Date: March 31, 2003 Event: Official Incorporation Ceremony Location: City 1•lall Time: Date: March 31, 2003 Event: City Hall Open House Location: City Hall, Redwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Time: Sponsors: Purrfect Logos, lne. P.O. Box 141111--Remit to: 12018 E. First Ave. Spokane, WA 99214 (509) 893-2424 NAME/ADDRESS City of Spokane Valley Estimate DATE ESTIMATE NO. 3/7/2003 257 PROJECT DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL Cloisonne, Gold background with blade laser color 1,000 1.42 1,420.001' Cloisonne, white background, gold plating three colors 1,000 1.71 1,710.OOT Cloisonne, white background, black plating (black outlines 1,000 1.365 1,365.00T surrounding the whole mountain and river Cloisonne, white background, black plating, green and blue laser 1,000 1.56 1,560.OOT color (black lines only underneath the mountain & at right of side of river per an expedited freight to meet deadline of March 28 Sales Tax 1 28.50 8.10% 2.8.50T 4Wi'6 Tll~ prank you for your business. TOTAL City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 921-1000 - City Hall 921-1008 - Fax # facsimile transmittal - Please deliver ASAP to::~ TO: ~fm FROM: Ruth Muller - City Clerk RE: FAX Date: Pages: ;6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHffNGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-08 A RESOLUTION OF WEB CITY OF SPOKANE, VALLEY, SPOKANFa COUNTY, WASFUNGTON, DESIGNATING M ARCH' 31, 2003 AS THE OFFICIAL DATE OF MTCORPORATI.ONN FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, Chapter 35.02 RCW permits the City of Spokane Valley to become incorporated at a date from 180 days to 360 days following a successful vote on the question of incorporation, WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.130 provides that the City Council shall adopt a Resolution during the above period which establishes the official date of incorporation, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley to incorporate on March 31, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washingtop, as follows: Section 1. Incomoration Date. The official date of incorporation for the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, shall be March 31, 2003, at 12:01 a.m. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council and on the date of incorporation. Adopted this /d day of December, 2002. ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming T er n City r y, Stanley. Schwartz DucumenA City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 921-1000 - City Hall 921-1008 - Fax # facsimile transmittal - Please deliver ASAP to: TO: 7 r^. Td- FROM: Ruth Muller - City Clerk RE: d FAX Date: a~vt3 Pages: Page 1 of 1 Ruth Muller From: Richard Munson [rmmunson@gwest.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 9:17 AM To: Ruth Muller; Stan McNutt; Bob Noack; Lee Walton; DeVleming, Michael; Diana Wilhite; Dick Denneny; Gary Schimmels; Mike Flannigan; Stan M Schwartz; Steve Taylor Subject: White House Hi Everybody, I have made contact with a friend of mine who works in the White House Press department. I asked him how we can get President Bush to send us a letter of congratulations to be read at our incorporation ceremony on 31 March. I will keep you posted on what I find out. I suspect we will be asked to send a letter, signed by all the members of the council, inviting him to our celebration. Obviously, he will not attend, but the letter will be nice. Rich RICHARD M. MUNSON, COUNCILMAN CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY q5 70 Y - 25' / l 6/2 003 Darwin `Woody' Woods 1 -3 24 & 240 A}entw, .ti jx4ane. 11A 9921 6 L RECEIVED s~1'-9`-`8'I MAR07N Spokane Valley Council 11707 E. Sprague. Suite 106 4pxvkanc, WA To Whom It May Concern: City of Spokane Valley march 7, 2003 Hi folks! I had such a blast last year when l moved to Spokane, only to find a block party at the- park a half a block away from my new home. I filmed the event, the Valley Fest, in parts and pieces all day long, capturing; the event for my arrluves, and I'll soon be working on a special `Valley Fest' commercial in my computer! 'that's the 'secret' project that 1 will only show the council, when it's finished. I will tell you this, with the footage I've got now, and the first storyboard 1 used - all of the Spokane - Coeur d'Alene area will be enticed to attend next year's event. After the Valley Fact, the very next dav, l walked into the home movie set of the Just Park It Tour for INCC. I produced the movie for their clubs and they loved it - many people saying it was the best ever' I also have an "ensive background in the production ofsouvenirs, i.e.: hats. T-shirts, coffee muffs key chains, pesters, bumper stickers, matches, pens, pencils, post cards and on and on. I also have some mule-meiia experience in video and radio production - and now locally with the Just Park It Tour home movie. I would like to propose to you a new position to work with the council A film photographer for all evems and historian to archive Spokane Valley film materials combined with a souvenir specialist to work- with local manufacturers to produce Spokane Valley products! I've fallen in love with this place and I sincerely believe this is a very special opportunity for me and the Spokane Vallee to use my extensive talents- I can provide samples of souvenirs and a copy of the Just Park It Tour video at any meeting 1 believe vour needs are time constricted and I would luvc to talk as soon as possible! Sincerely. Darwin 'Woody' woods City of Spokane Valley Proposed Incorporation Celebration Tuesday, March 26, 2003 Valley Historic Display Neighborhood/Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Public Relations/Media Coverage Wednesday, March 26, 2003 Valley Retail/Service Business Promotion Valley Historic Display Neighborhood/Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Public Relations/Media Coverage Thursday. March 27, 2003 Valley RetaiUService Business Promotion Neigh borhood/Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Historic Display Public Relations/Media Coverage Friday, March 28, 2003 Mayor's Breakfast (Business Community Networking) Valley Retail/Service Business Promotion Neighborhood/Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Valley Business Fair Spokane Valley Youth ConcertlDance Public Relations/Media Coverage Saturday, March 29, 2003 Valley Retail/Servioe Business Promotion Neighborhood/Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Mayor's Annual Gala/Ball Public Relations/Media Coverage Sunday, March 30, 2003 Valley Retail/Service Business Promotion Neighborhood/Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Public Relations/Media Coverage Official Incorporation Ceremony (Founder's Day) Public Relations/Media Coverage P 'L L r- `z a • 1Now1 024-{9N4 • 3.1[ ~'~n~~ ti t 4VH S .:anuary 9, 2003 W,, Mayor Mike DeVleming City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Proposal for Incorporation Celebration Activities Deco Mayor DeVleming: S P O K A N E VALLEY CHAMBER C) F 1) M %1 E. 1, 1 F. The Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce has reviewed the proposal submitted by Bill Burke of Burke Marketing/Promotions. We believe that the proposal has merit and provides a variety of activities that could be enjoyed by citizens of all ages and interests. Mr. Burke has a distinguished record of success in producing large events through out the country, is a local resident and a member of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce. This will be the community's celebration and an opportunity to recognize an important event in our city's history. We support this proposal and as an organization will be prepared to assist where appropriate. Sincerely. Eldonna Gossett President & CEO L-..4t :'B~1'7C4 }L~*VL4m%K-Y't'ey,,r i-,,.--.. c' - r-)tlp Aty Ma YIJ " Vi,9.141 ~''4 LU"a. G 4 rta mri rc~I city itaa c'?wtv ffot rju"`sday, j A Nitro w Spakct-ru--, V&djey, WA 99206 ~.L m - frrmi,4 tb-6 . Yw