Information Systems Steering - 01/02/2003City of Spokane Valley Information Systems Steering Committee Report Robin Palachuk Chairman The committee: Bob Davis Frankie DeWitt Dan Meckel Lien Wick Kurt Parker Dan Cenis Mike McGuire Jamie Harris Bob Sultmeier Bob Deilke Arlene Fisher Susan Bishop Mike McGuire Special thanks to: : Bob Graham for working to locate the potential facilities and for dealing with the commercial realtors brotherhood. Joan Hamilton for steering us clear of the issues the City of Spokane has found in systems and software. s• Rich Schraner, of SAFECO, for guidance with Compaq hardware design and selection. Gene Jackson, Executive Vice President Eden Solutions, for offering their sofhvare free of charge. : Jennifer Harkestad, of Ascentis software, for information on their HROfficc Enterprise software solution. Bill Fiedler, County MIS director, for his time in steering us in the right direction for the answers we needed early in the process. Doti Walde, of Cerium networks, for taking the time to make up not one, but two different hardware scenarios for us. Tom Tate, City of Spokane assistant MIS director, for investigating the Eden systems software. : Marti Stevens for helping with the meeting at the County MIS. Roy Olstad, of Phones Plus, for coming up with a reasonable approach to our phone issues. BGC networks for detailed hardware quotes and information. John Whalen and associates, of Resource Computing, for loaning us ten new machines for the interim city government when we need them most and can afford them I=t. Special acknowledgement to two real go-getters on the committee: John Schneider for his dedication, not only to show up at every meeting to lend wisdom and advice, but also his dedication to finding donations of furniture, storage space, and getting other invaluable leads. God bless you! : Karin Bosworth (who wasn't even on my committee) for taking the lead in gathering every form of information on all the little items we all forget about from workstations, copiers and printers to pencils and paper sources. You're the best! City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report information Systems report preface: *,***,,*3 Hardware: 4 ................................................Servers: 4 ...........................................Data servers: * 4 ....SQL servers: 4 Exchange server: 5 ....................................Desktops: 5 Workstations: 6 ...Desktops: 6 ....................Network equipment: * 6 Software: 7 Operating systems: * 7 ...Applications :........................................................................................................................................................13 Contracted services: 15 Labor: 16 Phone system: * 17 Summaries: 18 Scenario 1: full implementation to accommodate 40 users ................................................................................18 Scenario 2: minimal implementation ...................................................................................................................19 Appendices: 20 Appendix A: Hardware specifications and costs .................................................................................................20 Appendix B: Software specifications and costs ..................................................................................................23 Appendix C: Estimated total cost of ownership (hardware) per user per year ...................................................41 Appendix D: Phone systems calculations ...........................................................................................................42 1 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Information Systems report preface: In an effort to ensure knowledgeable and informed leadership for the city as Spokane Valley, it is with the utmost respect that the Information Systems sub-committee makes the following report of findings and recommendations. Based on our collective expertise in the fields of Information Technology Services, and the time spent researching the situation, we feel that it is in the city's best interest that we make these recommendations. As always, the city management can opt not to follow the recommendations if it sees fit. In either event we recommend hiring a good information systems director as early as possible to avoid costly technical errors. One important factor to keep in mind when viewing the information is that we still don't have exact numbers of potential users. This information is crucial for the cost of hardware, software and licensing. This missing factor could mean the difference between purchasing 10 computers in the first year versus 40 computers in the first year this represents someplace the neighborhood of $50,000 in software licensing and $50,000 in hardware purchase costs. The committee made comparisons between other cities of comparable size in Washington, and other states, and has decided to take a modest approach to the issue of providing information storage, as opposed to investing in a large mainframe system. We wanted to provide a foundation on which the City of Spokane Valley can build. The Infonation Technology department must be responsive to the needs of the customers it serves, in this case the employees and citizens of the city. It is with this thought in mind that we recommend employing an internal staff' for this purpose. The system however, must not be too bulky for the individuals hired to install and maintain. In addition the cost to own, operate, and maintain the equipment and software, should not impose an unnecessary burden on the taxpayers. For the reasons listed above, the committee offers the following options and recommendations for network operating systems. We recommend starting with enough servers as to limit the possibility of having to add servers in the first few years. This way, the entire infrastructure for the planned system is in place from the start. This is because all the data, which is stored, should be on the network servers and not on the workstations. It is more beneficial to have more server space than will be needed in order to avoid having to move data to a new server when it is added to the network later. By the same token we did not want to overbuild the servers to a level that they had excess space, which would not be useful. In all scenarios we used a constant number of servers. Regarding workstations acquiring 100% of the workstations at the same time offers the benefit of having one type of machine throughout the network and saves on the cost of supporting a mixed environment. We realize however that it may not be in the city's best interest to purchase all of the workstations in the first year. City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Hardware: We have gathered two estimates for Network hardware and computers based on the same requirements for approximately 40 employees. One estimate is from Cerium Networks and one from BCG Inc. of Issaquah, WA. We also have an estimate from Phones Plus separately, as BGC did not include telephone information in their estimate. It is our feeling that between the three there is enough information to give a realistic figure for what will be required for our network, and information system hardware. The purpose of the estimates was less for an exact figure, and more for general ideas if cost, and the recommendations they made based on the minimal information we had to work with. We did use the figures supplied by the vendors as much as possible because they were accurate at the time of the proposal but we realize that the information has a limited lifcspan. See the detailed breakdown for all the hardware in appendix A: Servers: There appear to be seven separate departments, which will need space on the network to save files, and have them secured and backed up. By sharing the space on three servers, and administering the shared space with permissions, the network files can be secured from departments which do not need access, and still be available to the users who do. Data servers: We would recommend three data servers. One shared by Administration, Human Resources, and Financial departments. A second server, which serves only Public Works, and Planning, because of the size of the data they store. The third server will service the IT department and the Legal department, as they are the only two departments with sufficient security clearances and need for access to the information stored on that server, and their storage needs compliment each other well enough to share the space. Each of these servers can do extra duty as a security or print server. These servers would be three mid-level Compaq DL380 P2 machines running two Pentium 111 I AGB processors, with 1GB of RArv1, and a storage hard drive array, which can hold a minimum of 91GB each. If storage becomes an issue later, external drive arrays can be added. We would also propose that these servers be leased to keep the annual costs down, and to keep the city on the newest equipment every three years, so a major capitol improvement is never necessary. The machines would cost $10,199 each for a total of $30,597, or the three combined could be leased for $826.95 per month, or $9,923.35 per year. It is likely and hopeful that the city will opt not to replace these servers every three years but may double their usefi,l lifespan to six years. SQL servers: The software for the majority of the city's functions, like permits, Human Resources, financials, etc, will need a dedicated server running Microsoft SQL. That server will be a stand-alone single function server with the highest performance, and reliability because of the nature of its job. We would recommend one SQL server, for this function. Because of the critical nature of the information on this server, we would recommend a higher end Compaq DL760 machines running two Xenon 700Iv11-1z processors, with 1GB of RAM, and a storage hard drive array, which can hold a minimum of 162GB of data. If storage becomes an issue later, external drive arrays can be added. We would also propose that this server be leased to keep the annual costs down, and to keep the city on the newest equipment every three, years so a major capitol improvement is never necessary. The machine would cost $21,750 or, it could be leased for about $587.84 per month, or $7,054.05 per year. It is likely 4 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report and hopeful that the city will opt not to replace these servers every three years but may double their useful lifespan to six years. Exchange server: Lastly, but possibly the most used server would be dedicated to Exchange for e-mail. This server because of the nature of how e-mail is handled, and stored needs to run on it's own platform for best performance, and reliable backing up of data. We would recommend one e-mail server, for this function. Because of the critical nature of the information on this server, we would recommend another DL380 P2 Compaq machines running two Pentium III 1.4GB processors, with 1GB of RAM, and a storage hard drive array, which can hold a minimum of 91 GB. If storage becomes an issue later, external drive arrays can be added. We would also propose that this server be leased to keep the annual costs down, and to keep the city on the newest equipment every three years, so a major capitol improvement is never necessary. The machine would cost $10,199 or, it could be leased for about $275.65 per month, or $3,307.78 per year. Once again, it is likely and hopeful that the city will opt not to replace these servers every three years but may double their useful lifespan to six years. See the detailed breakdown for all the hardware in appendix A: Desktops: Perhaps the largest variable any information system estimation process is the number of users that we need to anticipate providing hardware and system support for. We decided to use the study provided by the boundary review board, after gathering additional information from its creator regarding what the anticipated number of users would be within the first two years. The estimate that we were given was 42 users in the various different departments within the first 24 months. The remainder of the information on desktops and workstations was based on this information and is therefore subject to change depending upon the number of actually users that the city has at any given time. Bearing in mind that it is easiest to support a minimum of hardware platforms we think it is prudent to purchase all of the equipment as quickly as possible because hardware quickly becomes unavailable when it becomes obsolete. There are two classes of desktop computers. Average users will work with standard office and applications, and need average desktop computers. Power users will be using large power hungry applications to do the planning / engineering for the city will need workstations. Of the power users, there are perhaps three who will need not only the power, but also larger monitors and special pointing devices for drawing the plans for the city. The remaining power users will need the power to open and read the plans, but will not be manipulating them to the degree that the others will. Having made those three distinctions, we have three separate packages for the end users. In order to make figures more manageable, we have broken the cost of each additional workstation down to a single figure. This figure represents the cost of the machine, and software licensing for a single year, plus the cost of labor to maintain the machine for a single year. By simplifying this one aspect it is easy to adjust the cost of the entire system based on the number of employees. The network equipment cost does not change based on the number of employees, it's costs are a constant. The total cost of ownership information can be found in the table in appendix C at the back of this report. 5 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Workstations: For the Planners who need the most power and larger monitors we would recommend Compaq Evo W6000 workstations with one Xenon 2AGB processor, 1GB of RAM and a 22" monitor. These two machines would cost $7,178 each for a total of $14,356, or a monthly lease of $388, for an annual lease figure of $4,656. Any special pointing devices would be an additional cost of approximately $500 each. The other two power users in Planning and public works would get basically the same machine, with a few items left out They would have only 512MB of RAM, and 19" monitors. These two machines would cost $5,680 each for a total of $11,360, or a monthly lease of $307.03, for an annual lease figure of $3,684.32. Any special pointing devices would still be an additional cost of approximately $500 each. Desktops: The remaining 38 standard users including the Human Resources, Financial, Legal, Administration, and all clerical staff would need mid to high-end desktops. We would recommend Compaq Evo D5000 desktops, which have Pentium 4 1.8GB processors, and 256-13 of RA- M, with 19" monitors. These machines would cost $1,338 each for a total cost of $50,844 or could be leased for $1,374.16 per month for an annual lease cost of $16,489.95. See the detailed breakdown for all the hardware in appendix A. All of the recommended machines chosen have three years parts and labor warranty coverage to minimize total cost of ownership in the first three years. Network equipment: In addition to the computers you normally see and hear about, there is another group of equipment, which we have grouped together as Network equipment. This includes a server dedicated to performing backups of the system, the tape library for the backups, the rack that all the servers are mounted in, the Power supply and power filters for the servers, the server keyboard and monitor, and a number of other components which enable the system to connect to the internet, and function as an intranet as well. The ` breakdown of costs for these devices can be found in appendix A at the back of this report. The backup server and tape library costs $46,788 or can be leased for $1,264.54 per month for an aiuiual lease figure of $15,174.49. The server rack and power components costs $15,381 or can be leased for $415.70 per month for an annual lease figure of $4,988.43. The LAN (large area network) components costs $88,140 or can be leased for $2,382.16 per month for an annual lease figure of $28,585.96. These will all be one-time (long term) acquisitions and the costs will not continue beyond the first three years. 6 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Sofhvare: Computers use two types of sollware, operating systems, which allow the system to run and load other applications, and application software, which allows us to be productive by helping us interface with the processing side of the computer. We will deal with them separately. Operating systems: Below are four options, regarding which operating system to choose for the network servers and workstations. Because the hardware required for either operating system is met or exceeded the hardware is treated as a separate issue and discussed elsewhere. We looked exclusively at two operating systems. We looked at Windows and Linux as the only two options because the popularity and cost of applications for these two systems made them candidates for our purposes. We all know Windows is a product of the Microsoft Corporation, and that it's use is wide spread and has become the default system for many computer systems and networks. It does have the drawback of being expensive to buy and keep licensed. It is because of the cost to license and buy the operating system that we looked into Linux. Linux is a less well-known name to the general public, but very well regarded in the IT community. It is free, stable, and runs faster than the more cumbersome Windows product. It is not, however capable of running every application we looked at, and would require quite a bit of time to test it's functionality for our needs. We included it as an option in some scenarios where it could run without any worries at all. 7 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report qt-.ennrin 1 • All Mirm.,mft network Windows 2000 Operating System with Office NP and SQL Client Licenses per user 6-armual Annual 375.00 68.75 each 2 $15,750.00 Total S2,887.50 Support is on a per incident basis at $245.00 each incident. 2 Server computer, running the Windows 2000 Advanced server latform with 25 client licenses. Each server license $39 9. $2,666 Su ort is on a per incident basis at $245.00 each incident. 3 Server computer, running the Windows 2000 Advanced server platform with 25 client licenses. Each server license $3999. $3,999 Su ort is on a per incident basis at $245.00 each incident. $9.552.50 Analysis: Pros ❖ Easy to find applications to operate on this system. ❖ Easier to find qualified people to support the entire system. ❖ Uniform user interface on all machines. ❖ Cheaper to support in the long run because the number of qualified technicians is larger. Cons Expensive to purchase. Expensive to get support if needed. ❖ Not the most secure platform available. ❖ Requires higher hardware standards to function well. ❖ Licenses cost grow exponentially with each machine added to the network. ❖ Each application requires an additional license. 8 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Q.. 7• I enrvcare avid. K4; -rnenf1 avnrDctotinnc 5 Server computers, each running the Linux Red Hat 7.3 $0.00 Advanced server platform. No cost for operating system, no license fee. 12 month Linux Red Hat Advanced Server support contract. O tional 2500.00 each server. Renewable at will. 42 Each workstations and desktops running Windows 2000 $2887.50 Professional or XP with Office XP and a client license for SQL 375. Support is on a per incident basis at $245.00 each incident. $2,$87.50 Analysis: Pros Easy to find applications to operate on the workstations system. ❖ Easier to find qualified people to support the workstations. ❖ More security for the overall network. No cost to install or use the server operating systems. ❖ Little expensive to purchase as a whole. *e Requires lower hardware standards for the servers to function well. Cons Few if any government management applications designed to work on it. Can be expensive to get support if needed for workstations. Server support, if opted for, is a flat fee of 52500.00 for each year. ❖ Not the most familiar workstation platform available. ❖ More difficult to find qualified people to support the servers. ❖ Many applications cannot run on servers other than Microsoft. Training can become expensive to learn to operate workstations. 9 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Scenario 3: All Linux network. 5 Server computers, each running the Linux 7.3 Advanced server $0.00 -platform. No cost for Operating system. no license fee. 12 month Linux Red Hat Advanced Server support contract. $0.00 O tional 2500.00 each server. Renewable at will. 42 Workstations and desktops running Linux 7.3 platform. No cost $0.00 for Operating system no license fee. 12 month Linux Red Hat 7.3 basic support contract. Optional 199.00 each machine. Renewable at will. 50.00 Analysis: Pros ❖ Most applications that operate on the workstations system are shipped with the system or are available free of charge. ❖ Most security for the overall network. No cost to install or use the server or workstation operating systems. Least expensive to purchase as a whole. ❖ Requires lower hardware standards for the servers and workstations to function well. Cons Few if any government management applications designed to work on it. ❖ Not as easy to find qualified people to support the workstations or servers, although training is offered. Qualified technicians demand higher wage as a rule. Limited workstation support (installation and configuration), if opted for, is a flat fee of $199.00 for each year. ❖ Server support, if opted for, is a flat fee of $2500.00 for each year. Not the most familiar platform available. ❖ Many applications cannot run on servers other than Microsoft. Many applications cannot run on workstations other than Microsoft. ❖ 'Graining can become expensive to learn to operate workstations. 10 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Scenario 4: Hybrid networks. 3 Server computers, each running the Linux 7.3 Advanced server 0.00 12 month Linux Red Hat Advanced Server support contract. O tional • 2500.00 each server. Renewable at will. $0.00 2 Server computer, running the Windows 2000 Advanced server latform with 25 client licenses. Each server license 3999. $2,666 Support is on a per incident basis at $245.00 each incident. 42 Each workstations and desktops running Windows 2000 Professional or XP with Office XP and a client license for SQL $375. $207.50 Su ort is on a per incident basis at 245.00 each incident. $5,553.50 Analysis: Pros ❖ Most applications that operate on the majority of the workstations system are shipped with the system or are available free of charge. ❖ A very high level of security for the overall network. ❖ Minimum cost to install or use the server and workstation operating systems. ❖ Less expensive to purchase as a whole. Requires lower hardware standards for most of the servers and workstations to function well. Provides a balance of stability and high security, while also allowing for select applications to be used that require Microsoft systems. Cons ❖ Creates a mixed environment to be supported. ❖ Not as easy to find qualified people to support the workstations or servers, although training is available. ❖ Limited workstation support (installation and configuration), if opted for, is a flat fee of $199.00 for each year. ❖ Server support, if opted for, is a flat fee of $2500.00 for each year. ❖ Not the most familiar platform available. ❖ Training can become expensive and time consuming to learn to operate workstations. 11 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the following points: 1. The taxpayers of the city of Spokane Valley are paying for the investments we recommend. 2. Balancing cost with the necessity to have a secure and stable environment in which to store sensitive and mission critical data. 3. The city will rely on this system to do its job for the citizens, and must be functional for all its needs. 4. The cost to license software is usually the highest cost associated with and operating system. Despite the attractiveness of saving up to $12,000 it would not be prudent to suggest budgeting zero dollars for a network operating system. Although it is technically possible, and many hurdles can be overcome to make the Linux open source operating system work in our network envirotunent, there are necessary software packages, which cannot be found to run on that system. Additionally, no information Technology manager would be willing to take a job with the city if his budget was $0 for obvious reasons. It is, however, possible to integrate the cost savings and stability of the Linux operating system into the network in strategic places, if desired. That decision we leave to the Information Technology manager whom the city hires for their network. It is the recommendation of this committee that we attempt to use a form of hybrid environment, which makes the best use of the familiarity, and functionality of the Microsoft operating system for workstations, with the stability and security of the Linux operating system for servers where possible (in the event the Linux administrator cannot be found we have left enough money in the budget to be an all Microsoft network if needed). Because there is no accurate way to determine the exact number of applications the city will need, and what system requirements they may impose, we would recommend budgeting for all of the servers to run Windows, and leave it to the director to determine if the city would be better served running Linux where possible. The result will be a homogenous environment, which will offer the good security, and stability, but leaves the option to improve security by using another operating system being free. The network will also have the necessary Microsoft servers and workstations available for the specific applications which the Spokane County, and the State of Washington require a windows interface. I would feel comfortable budgeting no more than $10,000 per year for the operating systems (This figure is based on the current estimate of 5 servers and 42 workstations, and will need to be revised when more accurate information is available). 12 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Applications: We did some research through contacts at the County MIS, and internet resources at the Association of Washington Cities, ht;n-//%cnv v_awenet.,oxg and at the Municipal Research & Service Center of Washington' . //www_mrsc egg web sites to determine what the applications in use by other governments are. Unfortunately, the software required is extremely varied in price and functionality, based on what "tasks" the city decides to take on internally, as opposed to contracting out. We initially started looking at software, which would address the needs of the financial management department, and found it better to incorporate that into a packaged application, which would also assist in managing the Human resources needs of the city. Ascentis makes an application called HR-Office, which does both these functions and more, but is not specifically designed to focus on the financial needs of a municipality. There is always the option to run this application separately from the others, which are going to be needed by the city. The pricing for HR-Office is based on the number of active (not retired or terminated) employees stored in the database. Using the numbers given by the boundary review board study (40) we would pay $8,335 per employee or 5333,400 plus annual support and maintenance of $66,800. See detailed information on the software's capabilities in appendix B. We continued our search looking for one suite of applications, which would fit all our needs. We found two software manufacturers whose applications may fit our needs PeopleSofi, Eden Systems-in forum Gold package. We have gotten figures on what it will cost to install and support Eden systems. We have contacted PeopleSoft a well-known employment management application for an estimate, but haven't heard back. We have an estimate from Eden Systems, the second most popular application suite in use throughout Washington, along with an offer to give us the sof fare, and only charge for the installation, and annual support. Tom Tate assistant MIS director from the City of Spokane has agreed to look in to the functionality and usefulness of the Eden systems software, and has reported back to us favorably from other cities that are using this product. As a comparison, Eden systems itemized the costs related to licensing, installing, configuring, and annual maintenance for their system for us. They will sell us their application suit for $341,500 and discount the price by $338,500 (the portion that they own excludes Crystal Reports application, which is needed by their software). Therefore, our net purchase cost would be $3,000 for the Crystal Reports database search engine and $0 (zero) for their application suite. The only consideration they require is that we allow them to have a story written about the city using their software. This sounds like publicity for our new city as well, and should be a good opportunity for us to get national exposure for free as well. Considering no other software vendors have made any effort to present their applications, there is not really much else to recommend. There would be setup and configuration labor and expenses, which they estimated at $290,364 based on us using nearly every module of their application. If we select fewer modules, we can cut that cost. The payment method is pay as you go. For each module installed, they want payment at that time. In their 13 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report proposal for al l modules, then we would need to make one payment in the first year of 5290,364, if we take all modules which we have not decided are all necessary. See appendix B for detailed pricing. There is then an annual maintenance agreement based on the number of concurrent users working on the application. We estimated this at 20 concurrent users at an annual cost of $57,545. In keeping with the studies figure of 42 users will need to double this number to stay in line with the rest of the report. That would give us a total $115,000 for 40 users. The software will require Microsoft SQL database to run on the back end. We have worked up rough estimates for costs of Microsoft operating systems, and Microsoft Office software as well as the Microsoft SQL database connections. We contacted Microsoft to get firm figures for licensing and were able to determine a cost of about 112.00 per employee per year. This is in addition to the costs associated with any other server licensing of software needed for managing the city. This is discussed above in the Operating Systems portion of this report. The application includes the following modules: Financial Applications Land-Based A lications GLIAP Parcel Manager Purchasing Permits & Inspections Re uisitionin Utility Management AR Cash Recei tin Interface Budget Preparation Business License Project Accounting Other Web Applications Data Dictionary/ Eden Menus Fixed Assets Payroll Position Budgeting Human Resources / Applicant Tracking Invento Detailed information on both of the software suites can be found in appendix B. 14 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Contracted services: GIS services are accounted for separately in the study but will be nowhere near what was estimated. Because of an inter-local agreement with the County GIS and the new city, which allows us nearly free access to their information ($40 per month for connection), and allows us to contract out for modifications we make to the information, as long as we get the completed information back to the county. We will have to pay for modifications we need made to the GIS information, as we need them. We have contacted Ascent GIS (a local company who does exactly this kind of data manipulations), and they are in touch with Ian Vonllssen at the county to make sure that we haven't overlooked some aspect of that process. At a bare minimum, GIS services required just to produce the occasional map for presentations and to maintain the city's streets and parcel information would run approximately $70,000 per year. If we were to try to develop our own GIS department in-house we would incur additional labor costs for a minimum of 3 technicians with a combined salary of $130,000 and we would incur costs for three additional workstations, three laptops, and other digitizing equipment, which would cost approximately $40,000. In addition to the labor and equipment we would need specific software, which would cost approximately $40,000. The combined total exceeds $210,000 to implement a GIS system in-house with no experience and the bare essentials to complete the simplest task. In comparison, we were given an example of one city who has continually contracted in their GIS services out and over the course of two years has spent approximately $500,000 for GIS consulting services. This equates to approximately $250,000 per year if we contract out for full-scale GiS consultant for a full-blown planning department, which we may or may not have. The decision it to contract out or to implement our owner GIS department therefore becomes integrated with decisions being made by the planning department regarding what we contract out. In the final analysis we recommend that we only contract out those services, which are necessary until such time as we can determine whether it is truly cost effective to establish our owner GIS department. 15 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Labor: The Boundary Review Board study was based on 42 users, within the first two years, and had 6 information technology employees to support them. The national average is 100 to 1 ratio, so I think we can lean out the department. The salary information 1 have was titled "City of Spokane Valley Revised Positions_i~sing90YO of original salaries". We could not rationalize why anyone would consider taking a job at 90% of what the going rate was, so we had to look elsewhere for valid information. The report also indicated the IT department labor at $258,000. This figure included two programmers at $80,000 each, which we do not see a need for. There was however a position for a web developer which was not listed, and would serve the city well. We feel that we will be closer to $201,000 by hiring three good people, plus the Director. We feel we need three basic jobs to be identified, but that most of the people will fit into more than one job description. We anticipate one Sr. network analyst, one web developer / network analyst, and one workstation support analyst. Although the Web developer/program may appear to be a luxury, we could easily spend the $50,000 to have an outside firm develop our web page and we would not enjoy the benefit of having a programmer in-house nor would we have the luxury of updating our web page when we see fit. It is conceivable that the city could start with a two person IT staff made up of a working director, and a dedicated network/workstation analyst. This would get us off the ground with as little as $113,900 per year in labor. We found the wages for these positions based on data from an Information Technology Compensation study by Janco associates on the Internet; the 2002 Salary Data - Cities & Towns supplied by the Association of Washington Cities, from IT trade magazines as well as the data supplied in the study from the Boundary Review Board. The ranges that have been regionally refined to reflect the economic environment on the east side of the state, and our recommendation are as follows: Otv Title Eastside Median Washington Low Washington High l IT Director $62.917 $59,700 $77,064 1 Sr. Network analyst $50,983 $45.732 $58.980 1 Web developer / Programmer analyst '50.953 $45,732 0 $58, 1 Workstation analyst 36.156 $38,91 4 050 4 Totals $201,039 $190,080 $244,104 16 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Phone system: We received two proposals for phone systems, one from Phones Plus, and one from Cerium Networks, who also made a proposal for the network system. The one from Cerium networks is capable of being converted to voice over IP when we are ready, but will function as a stand-alone system now. This system with 40 desk sets is $29,418.54. The system from Phones-Plus is designed in phases, as we need them. It starts at $11,500 and upgrades after 6 users to around $19,000. Obviously these are both a-la-carte and have to be built for the city as needed. It would be safe to assume that we will be in the $20-30,000 range depending on what we demand. It's important to bear in mind that both of these proposals were based on information and numbers we gave the companies. It is entirely likely than open discussion with these or other vendors will allow us to create a desirable phone system and minimal cost. See the detailed breakdown in appendix D. 17 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Summaries: Scenario 1: full implementation to accommodate 40 users item Cost to purchase Individual rice Annual payment Hardware Data Servers 3 $30 597 $10,199 S9,923 SQL Server 1 $21,750 $21,750 $7,054 Exchanee Server 1 $10.199 $10.199 S3,307 Workstations 2 $14,356 .7.178 .4.656 S aceBall ointer 500 $500 0 Workstations 2 $11,360 $5,680 3.684 S aceBall ointer 500 500 0 Desktops 38 $50,844 $1,338 $16,489 Backup V stem S46.788 $46,788 $15,174(3) Server rack/ power $15,381 L5,381 $4.988(3) LAN corn onents S88,140 $88,140 $28,585(3) Three year purchase $90,635 Software and licenses Item Cost to purchase Total payment Annual a meat Desktop Operating systems 42 $375 ea. Included with machines $15,750 over three years $5,250 Server Operating systems 5 Included with machines $19,995 over three ears $6,665 Office Suite $599 $599 0 Exchange 1,349.00 $1,349 0 SQL database 1.499 $1,499 $0 Eden Systems Inforum Gold package $0 $290,364 $120,844 C stal Reports 3.000 $3,000 . 0 -,293,364 $142,311 antract services and Labor Item Cost to purchase Total payment Annual a lent GIS consultin $70,000 est. Phone system 130,000 $11,100 Labor $201,039 $272,139 Annual payment Year 1 payment $293,364 505.085 Year I Total $799,449 Year 2 payment $505,085 Year 3 payment $505,085 Year 4 payment $414,450 18 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Scennrin 2- minimal imnlementation. Item Cost to purchase Individual rice Annual payment Hardware Data Servers 3 $30,597 $10,199 $9,923 S L Server 1 $21,750: $21,750 7.054 Exchange Server 1 $10,199 $10,199 $3.307 Workstations 2 S14,356 $7,178 $4,656 S aceBall pointer 500 500 $0 Workstations 2 11.360 $5,680 $3,684 S aceBall pointer $500 $500 0 Deskto s 10 $13,380 $1,338 $4,339 Back-up s stem $46,788 $46,788 $15.174(3) Server rack/ power $15,381 $15,381 $4,988(3) LAN components $88,140 $88,140 S28,585(3) Three year purchase $81,710 Software and licenses Item Cost to purchase Total avment Annual payment Desktop Operating stems 10 $375 Included with machines $11,250 over three ears $3,750 Server Operating s stems 5 Included with machines $19,995 over three ears $6,665 Office Suite $599 599 0 Exchange L.- 34-9.00 $1,349 0 SQL 1.499 $1,499 0 Eden Systems In.forum Gold acka e $0 $290,364 $28,772 Crystal Reports $3,000 S3,000 0 $293,364 $39,187 Contract services and Labor Item Cost to purchase Total payment Annual a yment GIS consulting $70.000 est. Rhone system S12,000 $12,000 $400 Labor $113,900 1 4 300 Annual payment Year I payment 1293,364 305.197 Year 1 Total 598.561 Year 2 payment 5305.197 Year 3 payment S305,197 Year 4 payment "223.487 19 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report APpentlices: Appendix A: hardware specifications and costs Qty. Part Number t t Description Unit Price Et1. Price 1 470)32-370 F,vn WQXXI, Xonn 1401z-31 2K& ICE. 18.2GH IOK Drivc S 3,674.00 $ 3,674.00 2 1039964121 51LMDMemory Optitnt S 549.(10 1,IY.)5dN) $ 1 284279-n21 NVIDIA Quadrat 9DOXCL Graphic Adup(er S 999-W S 999.00 1 159764-D21 1&2Gn IIM Wive $ 2!P).(X) $ 299,00 1 2"374-COI P1220 22' CRT Cok r Mooitnr S 909,DD S MOO 1 4017594)()2 3 1'enrs, 4x5, 4hr Res(xvue (S)stem} S 199.(X) S 199.C0 Quantity: S 7.178.00 3 Workmatitzt Submit]: $ 21531,00 Qty. Part Number Na iplhm Unit Price Eat. Price 1 470032-:17(1 Eva W6000. Xe,m'_.4GIiz.512YD, IGB, IS.20610Y Ddyr.. $ 3,614.00 S 3,674AD 1 254279-821 YVIDIA Comma 900XGI. Graphic Adapter $ 99'1.x0 S 999-W 1 159764-021 18,2GH WK Drisn S 299,90 S 201K) 1 2443750DI P920 I9' CRT Color Ms'm0to S 509.0.) S 509.OD 1 401789-x,(l2 3 Yearn, 9x5, 41•s Response (Systm) $ 199.00 S 199.00 Ouaiuh3: S 5,680)(X) 5 Wortstatinn Subtotal- S 7$,000-00 Qty. Part Number Descriplion 1 470,073.^ 145 F;vo D510 CJ4T, 1'4.1.BG)lz, 256KI.0, 2000 Disk. Wim6.- 2rQ,'1 1 261695-003 Cimrpcq MI) 19" GRl' Monitor Snbostal: );UinulcA Lease Cost: 54,219-00 $118.26 S354.78 Pct mouth S4,25736 Per Year Subtotal: S3.89 = Fstimated Lease Cost: 5109.23 5546.15 Per month S4.553.sJ0 Per Year rva D511 Uali Price 1st. Price S 1,069-00 S 1)X.9.00 S (y ).(In S 269.1X) S 1,338,x0 SuhtMnl: Quanliry: 30 Estimated Leone Cost: DeAtop Subtotal: S 10.140.00 20 S1,187.00 S33.27 $99$.10 Per mnntb 511,977.20 Per Ycu City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report I 201694-021 1(1241.1D Memory Optiat Kit 42 z 312NU) S 1,036.00 S 1,036.00 I 2_5011.001 Compaq Hof Plug Redundant Pouvr Supply S 224.00 S 224.00 I 225012-B21 Hot Plug Redunclanl F4m Option ECG $ 170.00 S 170M 5 ISSI22.622 IS.2OBWide YlugpblcU11mt3E5KDrivc4l') S 459.00 S 21295.00 1 153375-821 1 7131 CigrbitSaverAdapter, laIOdIOOO•T S 277,00 S 277.00 1 157866001 Remote lw;S l Lights-Out Edition S 599.00 $ 599A0 1 162657{a 3 Yeas, 7224, 4ht Respertse (S)eem) S 1,450.00 S 1,450.OD Sen•er Qumnity: S 10,17).0 t 7 Server SuInntak S i1p93.00 Subtotal: S6A9.00 Esti nstrd Lcne Cost: $184.95 SI,294.65 Per month 515.535.80 Per Ycm (2q•. Past umber BACKUP SERVER and TAPE LIBRARV Description Unit Nice l:rL Price 1 253864-rOl PhLiantDL38002,P1.100-51288,2561,18 $ 3,1)49,1X1 S 3.4)49.00 1 201694.1)21 1024MB Mettaaty Optirm Kit 12 x 5121.18) S 1.036.00 S 1,036.00 1 225011-C01 Compaq I[at Plug Redundsrs Power Supply S 224.00 S 224.00 1 225012.821 Hot Plug Redundant Fan Option Kit S 170.OD S - 2 188122-822 18.2 GB 'A N ode Ph3SSz'le Ulaat I5K Drive (I') $ 459.07 S 918.00 1 129800-821 64-hicr66-,%4Hx SCSI Atbpw S 454.00 S 454.00 1 341 174821 SCSI Cubic. 6' S 57.C0 S 700 1 157£66-001 Remote Imighl Li&W-QiI Edition S 599.00 S 599.00 1 162617-01, 3 Yarn, 7.a24,4'!v Rapamsu 4S)xcrt) S 1,45(1.00 S 1,450.(X) 1 231592.022 A[SL3026SL Library, 2 SDLT I I X2^_0, LVD, 26 Slaa S 22,500.00 S 22.500.00 1 231824-1421 h15LSODO, Pass ftoulJt mccitin us S 2,716.00 S 2,716" 3 188527-026 SDLT Meta 20. pack S 2.990.00 S 3,970.00 1 110828.002 3 Yens, 7x24, 41w Response (Library) S 4,643.00 $ 4E-5.C0 I UhrmySubcmnl: S 46,788.00 Qty. Part Number Descriytiom Unit Price Est- Prim 1 :45161-HZ2 CcaapNIOCs30Scrit:3P ck.42U S 1,640.00 $ 1.640.07 1 2460199-B21 42U Side Panel $ 320.00 S 320.00 1 120672.821 nallsct Option Kit S 194.07 S 194.00 1 246107.621 StabiliecrOptionKit S 195•CO S 191W I 1,53214-UM Blanking Panel Kit (1 U, 2U, 40, BlJ) S 46.00 S 46.00 I 22156(x821 TM600RKA1 latt grated Monitor wd Ke)tuwd S 2300.00 S 2.500.00 I 400337-031 IXS-Po" Kvh1 S 1,01$.00 S Sf 7 11 W36-825 7 Fntt (2tn) KVM TO SERVER CABLE S 45.00 S $33,813.00 5877.11 5877.11 Pcr =nth 510.525J2 Per Year 21 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report 315.00 -1 1 3 192186001 R3O00 X:It UPS, 271NIW, S - IA Rcccoxks S 1.703.0o S 5.10?M 3 19:153-8:1 P~Iemied Runtinw.Moduk(IS ntinwcs pa moduko S 1.349.00 S 4,047.00 Subtotal: 53.461A0 I Yxmmn" Leaxc Coda S-1-IS-91 Rrck Subtotal: $ 15181.00 522.5.91 Per matttb &2,710.9-1 PCr Yea Qty. Part Number Dncription Unit Price Ezt. Wee 1 411633 Ciatio Cataiy516509 Swimh $ 14,995.00 S 14,995.00 1 2W-'417 Cntnl)%l 6509 Supcr ixor Engine 2 S 34,995.,0 S 34,995.00 1 410822 40 Pon ItVl00Nkafuk S 12.995.00 $ 12.99513 1 001019 8 Pon Gbc Mnd+tdc $ 9,995.03 S 9.995.00 S 258322 GR1CCopper S M.00 S 3,160.00 1 634799 1 Yr. 7.224 Omiic Service S 12,000.00 S 12.000.00 1 Ncmvrkitu Sobiml: S 88,140.00 Rudge. T Total: S 311,776.00 IJrtanwn 1)1yepUlu 1 JU.= 1/37th Subtotal; of Prise F.Qlatated beau Coxt: 52,3 •16 per nbntb 5'$,585 oS Per Yecr S6 ti78.; 6 Per noontS 573.59255 Per Ycm 22 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Appendix B: Software specifications and costs Eden Systems Inforum Gold Accounting Eden Systems InForum Gold Financials A collection of modules that meets the financial needs of local government. The fully integrated suite of modules in InForum Gold Financials supports multiple relational databases with its outstanding feature set. Your Financial Workhorse InForum Gold Financials comprise an integrated set of essential modules that support fund and encumbrance accounting. At the hub of this system is General I edgier, around which all the other Financials modules revolve. From budgeting through to the procurement process, Financials provides agencies with ultimate control of their financial processes. The application suite also has a familiar Windows-based environment, extensive flexibility and complies with state and federal regulations. Comprehensive and Easy-to-use InForum Gold Financials offers an enterprise-wide rather than departmental approach. All Financials modules such as Accounts Receivable, AccounN Payable, Purchasing, Project Accounting, Fined Assets, and Invento integrate with General Ledger. Many of theta integrate with each other, as well. All of this adds up to an easy-to-use, comprehensive package for any local government agency. General Ledger InForum Gold General Ledger serves as the hub of the Financials application suite. General Ledger integrates seamlessly with other InForum Gold Financials, modules as well as with modules within the InForum Gold 12mannel and f itizen_S.- vices application suites. You can instantly review and report on relevant financial information with complete drill-down detail into any transaction - from a journal entry entered directly into the General Ledger module or an invoice from Acaow s_PAayahle. General Ledger provides one central repository for all accounting information, making access to all data simple and quick. Budgeting InForum Gold Budgeting provides all the tools necessary for you to manage the budgeting process. Budgeting supports multiple budget versions, user-defined budget scenarios and customized budget reports. All budgeting tools fully integrate with InForum Gold General Ledger providing access to crucial historical information. This allows you to create budget scenarios for future years, while eliminating the need to generate time-consuming external spreadsheets and export or import information. Using the Position Budgeting component (provided with InForum Gold gayrnll), you can model and forecast future labor and benefits costs with one-click updating of the General Ledger. Accounts Payable Think of InForum Gold Accounts Payable as the workhorse for making payments in your organization. This module can manage every aspect of an accounts payable office, from extracting purchase order line items to writing checks. A dynamic link with InForum Gold Purchasing, allows you to extract previously entered data, thus streatnlining data entry. Complete integration with InForum Gold General_Ledgcr means Accounts Payable seamlessly validates accounts, enforces user security, monitors budget availability and manages other control issues. Its extensive configuration options allow you to tailor the package to meet your agency's needs. 23 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Accounts Receivable InForurn Gold Accounts Receivable meets the most demanding accounts receivable office requirements and serves as the central repository for all receivables information. This module provides a complete, full-featured billing and cash receipting solution running the spectrum from miscellaneous billings to automated recurring receivables. The comprehensive Accounts Receivable system integrates with other InForum Gold financial modules, including Cicneral Ledger. In addition, it comes with fully functioning interfaces to third-party point-of-sale devices. Accounts Receivable validates accounts and user security, manages other control issues, provides flexible invoice and receipt processing and tracks exhaustive customer information and history. Purchasing InForum Gold Purchasing presents a comprehensive tool for agency purchasing decisions. It manages all processes from electronic approval of purchase requisitions and automated purchase order generation to change orders and user-defined purchase order printing. As the central repository for all purchasing infonmation, Purchasing makes it easy to track all transactions throughout an item's acquisition. Its integration with General Ledger allows it to seamlessly validate accounts, user security and budget availability as well as manage other control issues. Fixed Assets InForum Gold Fixed Assets provides complete asset management - from acquisition through disposal. Designed specifically to meet local government needs, Fixed Assets supports GASB 34 requirements. Boosted by the features of InForum Gold core Financials, Fixed Assets gives you a powerful, fully integrated tool for tracking and reporting all fixed assets. Single-source asset entry and integration with Accounts Payable and Rurchasing eliminates duplicate data-entry efforts. The General Led r interface 9C - eases the accounting burden by removing the need for manual journal entries. InForum Gold Fixed Assets sets the standard with complete financials integration, support for the entire life cycle and - comprehensive standard reports. Project Accounting InForum Gold Project Accounting provides a central location for collecting data, such as Capital Projects or Grant Accounting, to support the General Ledger. Eden Systems developed the Project Accounting module with flexibility as a main goal. Designed with inception-to-date reporting in mind, Project Accounting delivers all aspects. This module can budget, track progress and provide full financial reporting. Additionally, it handles those pesky Grant Funding requirements with ease, by tying qualifying expenditures to the appropriate funding sources. Project Accounting features an integrated project accounting system with drill-down views on transactions from other InForum Gold modules. Regardless of a transaction's origin, (Payroll, Purchasing or Aj cuumts_Payable), all project-related information is captured here. Inventory In.Forum Gold Inventory empowers government agencies to accurately manage items within central stores or warehouses. With Inventory, you can oversee the acquisition and storage of materials, equipment, supplies, parts, etc. It directs the distribution of items to internal departments or external agencies. Inventory also tracks the billing and receiving of items and handles returns. InForum Gold Inventory integrates with other InForum Gold Financials modules, (Punch to ing, General I :edger, A ..o a sf2ayable, and AGGOlIrntS Receivable) which ensures accurate and timely information. The flexible structure makes it easy for you to configure processes to meet the needs of your agency. 24 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Personnel Eden Systems In-Forum Gold Personnel Powerful modules to assist local government with Payroll and Human Resources. InForum Gold Personnel enables agencies to manage not only funding and staff issues, but also authorized, frozen and filled positions. The position-based design provides excellent control and management of the entire human resources process. For example, the Position Budgeting function enables users to model and forecast f.'uture labor and benefit costs. Position Control controls positions to the maximum number allowed making it an ideal tool for managing job-sharing situations. InForum Gold Human Resources has an optional Web application that allows Web-based employee "self- service." inForum Gold Personnel also has a familiar Windows -based environment, extensive flexibility and complies with state and federal regulations. Solutions that Work Together Integration between InForum Gold Payroll and Human Resources means that data modified in one application is seamlessly reflected in the other - while the user has control over the configuration of the relationship behveen the two applications. The powerful user interface, combined with the user-defined security tools, enables agencies to easily configure either module to meet their particular needs. All of this adds up to an easy-to-use, comprehensive package for any government agency. Payroll In-Forum Gold Payroll, as secure as it is robust, meets local governments' most complex payroll requirements. This module allows you to control authorized positions and handle complex benefit and deduction calculations. Payroll supports Cafeteria Plans, an unlimited number of leave types and plans, COBRA, 401K, EIC, etc. and it complies with all federal and state requirements. InForum Gold Payroll offers seamless integration with InForum Gold General Ledger. Rudgeting. Arrnunts_La)jable, and Project Accounting. Integration with InForum Gold Human Resources means that data modified in one module is seamlessly reflected in the other. Human Resources In.Forum Gold Human Resources provides a comprehensive solution to track employee data and produce a variety of regulatory reports such as those required for OSHA, FMLA and EEOC reporting. Comprehensive employee records enable you to store all employee information, including promotions, transfers and terminations, in one location. True integration with the In orum Gold Pam module provides instant updates between modules, eliminating the need for duplicate data entry. The Web-based employee self-service option reduces demand on busy HR departments by enabling the employees to access pre-defined information. The combination of a powerful user interface, user-defined security tools and the optional Web application enables agencies to easily configure the Human Resource system to meet their particular needs. Citizen services InForum Gold Citizen Services with GIS A collection of modules that help local government work with the public. 25 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report InForum Gold Citizen Services with GIS offers "front-office" solutions that increase the efficiency in working with your constituents. Modules such as Permits 8- lnsne~ ct~ons, Parcel Mwnagcr, Licensing and Ihili y Rillin contain an outstanding feature set and offer an enterprise-wide approach for completing outward-facing services. All of this adds up to an easy-to-use, comprehensive package for any government agency. Harnessed Technology The embedded Geographical Information System (GIS) and mapping functions, combined with databases and financial capabilities, highlights the strength of the Citizen Services offering. All modules feature the dynamic MapObjects®, from leading GiS provider ES.1 I. This straightforward software makes InForum Gold Citizen Services ideal for GIS and non-GIS users alike. The application suite also has a familiar Windows-based environment, extensive flexibility and complies with state and federal regulations. The optional Web component further enhances the strengths of Citizen Services modules. It provides a portal for citizens to schedule inspections, look at parcel maps, view summary-to-detail information and make payments. Parcel Manager InForum Gold Parcel Manager maintains a comprehensive database of property information that serves as the foundation for all Eden Systems' Citizen Services modules. Parcel Manager tracks all important parcel and property attributes, stores information on buildings and businesses, centralizes your agency's address maintenance and integrates desktop mapping directly within the interface of the module. InForum Gold Parcel Manager centralizes parcel data in one place; so multiple modules can share it. This feature also reduces data entry and redundancy in other modules. Any electronic file, including scanned images such as deeds, easements and photographs, can be stored in this database and linked to the associated parcel record. Parcel Manager also has an optional Web component that allows citizens to view parcel maps and other data through a browser. Permits & Inspections InForum Gold Permits & Inspections provides a complete solution for community development, building, engineering and public works departments. This module features integrated, email-enabled workflow and routing, as well as embedded mapping and Geographical Information System (GIS) functionality. The embedded GIS and mapping functions allow you to see where permit activity is taking place directly on the parcel map. Complete integration with inForum Gold .financials modules provides robust financial processing and controls. The seamless integration between Permits & Inspections and PaEce.1 Manager means that land use, owner and zoning information is instantly available during the permitting process. Tile optional Web application extends the permit counter to the Internet, reducing time spent in handling customer inquiries. Now, both contractors and citizens alike can pay for permits, schedule and pay for inspections and view inspection results online. Utility Billing InForum Gold Utility Billing manages the accounts receivable process of billing and receipting for utility services. This module comprises tools to help you manage a variety of tasks with ease. Track an unlimited number of customers, service locations, services and fees with any account. Utility Billing links directly to InForum Gold General I .edger and Acc01111ts Payable for posting and refund processing. Utility Billing also integrates with InForum Gold Parcel Manager, making it possible to view actual 26 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report routes and address locations via embedded mapping functions. The optional Web application allows utility customers to send inquiries, place service order requests and pay bills via the hiternet. Licensing InFOnlm Gold Licensing tracks and supports the process for businesses and animal licenses. This module works in conjunction with InForum Gold Parcel Manager, building upon the Parcel Managr business tables, thereby eliminating the need to re-enter data. The combination of an embedded G1S and an integrated financial subsystem makes this the soffivare of choice for licensing professionals. The email-based workflow in Licensing improves efficiency during the inter-departmental approval process. The optional Web application saves time for citizens applying for licenses and for office staff processing those license applications. Eden Systems Advanced Technology InForum Gold Architecture While Eden Systems InFortun Gold demonstrates many outward and visible uses of current technology (native Windows user-interface, client/server computing model, relational database data storage), the application's internal architecture truly sets it apart from the competition. Eden Systems designed InForum Gold from the ground up to utilize the latest software development concepts and tools. It is written using an object-oriented (00) paradigm, using a true object-oriented development envirotunent Borland's Delphi. It is this 00 architecture and implementation that confers to InForum Gold its rapid development and enhancement capability. inForum Gold is a multi-tier application, with separate software layers for user interface, application logic, local data access, and database management. The User Interface layer comprises the forms that you see on the screen. All Forms are derived from templates, and are constructed with custom data entry controls that we have written to maximize performance and UI consistency. Significant changes to the UI layer can be implemented at the template level, such that all forms derived from that template will inherit the new behavior with a simple recompilation of the application. The real power of InForum Gold is realized at the Business Object layer. All "entities" such as vendors, accounts, customers, permits, and employees, are implemented as true objects. All of the business logic for a particular entity (valid field values, inter-object relationships, object behaviors) is contained within that sole business object. All data entry forms bind to business objects, and other business objects access related functionality only through business objects. This architecture ensures that there is only one place that contains the business logic for a vendor, which makes vendor data and associated behavior easily extensible. The Data Server layer manages a local clients access to the database. All business objects access the database through a single COM-based component. This data server layer is responsible for actually talking to the database. Therefore, there is a single point of contact between the entire inForum Gold application and the database, and that point of contact is responsible for managing all connections, queries, and transactions. Significant performance enhancements (creating cached datasets, read-forward datasets, etc.) can be easily implemented by changing this single layer. 27 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Finally, the Database Engine layer, managed by a relational database such as Microsoft SQL Server, stores the data for the system and manages access by the various clients. All database engines supported by InForum Gold support online backup and recovery and transaction-based processing with rollback, thus insuring that your database remains available and consistent. InForum Gold Internet Extensions Municipal governments are pressured continually to deliver more service with fewer resources. One easy way to address this seeming paradox is to implement online services. By extending the power and functionality of your InForum Gold software to the Web, you can provide around the clock service to your constituents and employees. Several InForurn Gold modules support Internet Extensions now, and more are on the way. Our e-conunerce capabilities, provided by Verisign, ensure secure and reliable web-based transactions. With InForurn Gold Internet Extensions, you can take payments for utility bills; business licenses, permits, etc. all from one easy-to-navigate Citizen Services portal. What's more, your citizens are able to go to a single Web page to initiate all transactions, regardless of their origin, providing a true "one- stop-shopping" approach to service. InForurn Gold Internet Extensions are implemented as two distinct layers. The first layer resides on the web server, and consists of an extension to Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). This ITS application dynamically generates the HTML for the user interface for the browser using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). The ITS application communicates with an lnhorum Gold application server in order to retrieve data and perform other system functions. The second layer consists of our InFonun Gold Application Servers. These server-based applications provide an eXtensible Markup Language (XML)-based interface to the application logic implemented in InForurn Gold, and communicate via T CPAP with the ITS application. Since the application servers contain all the business logic found in InForum Gold, no new logic has to be rewritten, and any business rules you define within InForum Gold carry through to the Web. InForum Gold Programming Environment IniForum Gold is written in DelphiO, an object-oriented rapid development environment from Borland Corporation. Delphi is the recipient of numerous industry awards, including Software Development's Productivity Award, the Best Ol' LAN Times award, and has been named to the Windows Magazine Windows 100 list for several years ninning. Delphi is also the number-one rated Windows development environment by deja.com outdistancing competitors like MicrosoftVisual Basicby abetter than 2-to-1 margin. Eden Systems' development team has extended the Delphi environment with our oxvil inForum Gold Application Framework. The InForum Gold Framework provides a set of wizards, code generators, and form templates that significantly reduce the time required to develop complex database applications like InForum Gold. Maximizing the benefits of object-oriented technology, all screens in InForurn Gold "inherit" properties defined at the framework level, thus enforcing common menus, toolbars, and other user interface features throughout the product line. This interface consistency means less required training as users move from module to module. In addition, changes made at the framework level automatically propagate to the entire application, making the addition ofsystem-wide features easy to implement. InForum Gold User interface 28 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report The InForum Gold user interface easily outshines that of the competition, because it is a true native Windows interface, rather than a glorified, screen-scraped version of a traditional host based application. The interface utilizes a familiar tabbed-notebook metaphor for data entry forms, standard drop-down and context menus, and native Windows controls (buttons, text fields, combo-boxes, check boxes, radio buttons). InForum Gold puts all the information that is related to a particular item (vendor, customer, account) on one easy-to-use form. Because all forms in In.Forum Gold are based on standard templates, they have a consistent look and behavior. Once you learn the basic user interface, you'll seam.lessly navigate from one InForum Gold module to the next. While we're rightfully proud of our user interface, a pretty screen can only go so far. You need powerful features to get the information you need in a timely fashion. That is where InForum Gold really stands out. Tired of having to locate information by a programmer's designated "key field"? Our revolutionary query-by-example (QBE) technology allows you to find information based on any field on a .form. QBE fully supports meta-characters (such as less than, greater than, wildcards, etc.) so you can pose complex queries using our standard interface - no digging through reports manually extracting the information you need. If you need to know "how many employees in the street department earn over $40,000/year and have signed up for our HealthPlus medical plan" (and need to know NOW), QBE is for you. Not only do you know how many, but also you'll know who they are. 1nForum Gold is set-based, meaning you work with "sets" of records, not one at a time like many other applications. Navigating through the set is easy with our navigation and browse features. You can pass this information on to your colleague, too! Simply email the set directly to that person. A simple click of the email button will allow you to address a message to any other InForum Gold user, and include your record(s) as an attachment in the email. When the recipient double-clicks the embedded attachment; the appropriate InForum Gold form is launched and the selection set is automatically retrieved! Do you have data fields that you want to track that we haven't thought of? Our unique user defined-field technology lets you define an unlimited number of fields that you can optionally attach to any record. You also specify the type of data that the field should hold, and the appropriate range of values; you can even define your own lookup lists to ensure consistent data entry. InForum Gold will do the validation for you. In addition to user-defined-fields, InForum Gold also supports digital attachments. You can attach an unlimited number of formatted notes, documents, images, spreadsheets, sounds and the like to any record, and retrieve them simply and easily. You can also note the date that the attachments were created, who created them, give them a description - even secure them so that only authorized users can retrieve them. Any software application is only as good as the information that you can get out of it. All In.Forum Gold reports are created in the award-winning Crystal DecisionsO 0 Crystal Reports. Not only does that give you the ability to modify our standard reports directly (in addition to easily creating your own custom reports), but you also gain all of the features that have made Crystal the #1 selling reporting tool in the market today. Preview any report to the screen, save it in any number of standard formats, export 29 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report it to H T ML for Web publishing, or even email the contents to another user. Once you experience the richness of the InForum Gold user interface, we are confident that nothing else will compare. InForum Gold Deployment Options In keeping with the flexibility afforded by the InForum Gold supported Platforms, you have a number of deployment options with which to tailor your 1nForum Gold installation. Which one you choose is dependent on the capabilities and capacity of your existing network infrastructure and client workstations. Eden Systems InForum Gold uses the award winning lnstallShield Professional installation engine for distribution. Each of the installation options can easily be accommodated via easy to use options available within the installation engine. Aletwork Deployment A network-based installation houses the InForum Gold applications on a network file-server (such as Novell or Windows 2000 Server). Client workstations have a very limited installation footprint, consisting of only of essential system libraries and "start menu" shortcuts that point to the network-based applications. This type of installation allows for easy distribution of application updates and requires less disk resource on the client workstations. Local Workstation Deployment A local installation houses the entire InF orum Gold application suite on each client workstation. This type of installation maximizes the performance of the applications, as the programs themselves load directly from a local hard disk rather than from the network file server. This is especially attractive if you utilize "push-style" distribution applications such as Novell 7enWorks, Microsoft System Management Server (SMS), or application publishing using Windows 2000 Active Directory. Thin-Client and Web-based Deplovrnent In this scenario, you install InForum Gold on a dedicated serve running MicrosoftD WindowsO C]Terminal Services or Citrix Metaframe, and the workstation clients actually "run" the application on that server, using a very thin client to manage the local display. This option is ideal for agencies that have client hardware that does not meet the InForum Gold minimum specifications, or which have remote sites that require access to InForum Gold over low-speed network/internet connections. -Using this technology allows you to run the entire InForum Gold suite within a browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer >4.x), completely eliminating workstation installs. 30 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report InForum Gold System Requirements Client PC Database Server Web Server Application Server Operating Systems: Operating Systems: Operating Systems: Operating Systems: Windows XP Professional Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Server or Professional Windows 2000 Professional Windows NT Server Windows NT Server Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation Unix variant supported by Workstation DBMS vendor Web Servers: Windows XP Professional Hardware: Internet Information Database Engines: Services 4.x or 5x 300 MHz CPU (450MHz Hardware: recommended) Microsoft SOL Server 2000 900MHz CPU (dual CPUs 128MB RAM (256MB Microsoft SOL Sarver 7 Hardware: recommended) recommended) Informix Dynamic Server 500 MHz CPU 512MB RAM (113B SVGA display (XGA Orate 81 512A4B RAM recommended) recommended) 200MB available disk space Hardware (Windows- Note: Web Server required Note: Application Server Based) only if deploying tnForum required only if deploying Gold Internet Extensions InForum Gold Intemet 500 MHz CPU (dual CPUs Extensions recommended) 512M B RAM (11 GB recommended) RAID-5 storage system Hardware (Unix-based): Consult with your DBMS vendor for recommended hardware 31 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report June 28, 2002 Mr. Dennis Scott City of Spokane Valley 15319 East Indiana, Suite 4 Spokane, WA 99216 Mr. Scott, Congratulations to you and your team on the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley! My name is Gene Jackson and I am the executive vice president of Eden Systems, Inc. located in Seattle. Eden Systems provides software for local government in the areas of Financials, Personnel and Citizen Services. I am writing to propose an opportunity for us to collaborate, which I will explain in a moment. Eden Systems has worked exclusively with local government for over 20 years. The business was born and has thrived here in Seattle. We have clients nationwide, but many of them are municipalities here in Washington. In fact, several of our clients have been with us since the company started. Eden Systems can confidently claim that we understand the needs of local government in Washington! Now about that opportunity... Eden Systems recognizes the challenges and expense involved in setting up a new city government. We would like to propose the following: Eden Systems is prepared to offer our !nForunr Gold software to the City of Spokane Valley for free! This offer includes licensing for Financials, Personnel and Citizen Services application suites - all fur free. All we ask in return is that you cover the service days plus expenses involved with implementing the software and allow us to pitch this as a profile story to a magazine that covers local government. The idea is to invite a journalist to cover the "purchase," implementation and "go live" in a serial step-by-step fashion. I anticipate this media activity being coordinated by the City's public information officer and our marketing director, to ensure resulting press coverage benefits the City and Eden Systems. 1 have enclosed an information packet for your perusal. In it, you will find more in-depth information about Eden Systems and InForum Gold software. You can also visit our Web site at www_edeninc_com. I hope this idea is of interest to you and the City. I will follow up with you by phone during the week of July 8th. Alternatively, please feel free to contact me at your convenience via email (gjAckgao6Zedenin~cam) to indicate a good time in your schedule for us to speak. I can also be reached on my cell phone at 206-618-8989. Either way, I look forward to speaking with you to discuss this opportunity more thoroughly. Sincerely, Gene Jackson Executive Vice President 32 W W Lkwatit Foos Sarvlces Travel a Taxes Tool On. 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Tool Osuhaa, lamb 1 { t f f Ona►ae Sarver 1 t t f 1`1e01 Mdnwnanca t 1 Calk Reeluar Raealptiat t f t ln onanta Management { 1 t cumsnt Ims In ld mt f f 1 0 t 1 Subtolal S S 1 S S t lases S 76/!10 S )MM Subtotal S /teen t ~6400 Total is S ;,-I -W n I a{ tae no S zAJ tis4 m Standard Stsym - Edan Prodnets f 77 -1- p N sne Yaffe N Iat-arum Guld 20 Concul IzAU a? City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report People Soft Budgeting: Achieve accurate and reliable operating budgets with our next-generation budgeting solution, PeopleSoft Budgeting. This new solution supports your strategic objectives by creating an interactive and collaborative budget process. It also fully integrates with PeopleSoft Business Planning to create a complete planning and budgeting solution, aligning your top-down strategic planning with continuous forecasting and bottom-up budgeting. Features List Key )Benefits Manage budget data in a pure intemet environment by using collaborative tools and advanced workflow technology. Leverage an intuitive spreadsheet-like interface for planning, analysis, and reporting budget data. Build control and oversight into the budgeting process through user-defined rules to model your way of doing business. Use responsive driver-based methodology for cohesive financial projections thnt dynamically respond to changes in business plans and budgets. Support unlimited budget versions. Budget at any level within an organization for any time frame and for any account code or data field combination. integrate with PeopleSoft and non-PeopleSoft data to align budgets with all current and historical business data (from both PeopleSoft and non-PeopleSoft systems). Synchronize your budgets with your business plans by combining PeopleSofl Budgeting with PeopleSoft's new Business Planning product. This complete solution will enable you to use your business plans as the foundation (or your budget so that high-level goals relate; to line-item detail. In addition, you can use the solution for performance management by easily comparing actual results against budgets and plans, and then taking action or adjusting; targets as necessary. Learn more about the new Peohlehuft Business Planning andgetingsol u ion_ Financials: "PeopleSoft 8.4 Financials is one of the best products ever developed by a software company. Quality is certainly Job # I at PcopleSoft. The code is the cleanest ever and the release is right on schedule. Financials 8.4 far exceeded my expectations." - Paul kfartht. University of If'estern Ontario PeopleSoft Financials 9.4 will licit) you: Increase visibility, ensure compliance: The Pure Internet Architecture' M of PcopleSoft 8.4 financials enables your company to operate on a single, consolidated database, improving the consistency, transparency. and predictability ofyour financial results. Control expenditures, eliminate surprises: PeopleSotl 8.4 Financials helps deliver consistent, predictable re-,tilt-; thanks to new commitment control functionality that tracks expenditures against 34 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report budgets in real time. Our new CFO Portal also helps control costs and eliminate surprises by enabling managers to continuously monitor and analyze key financial and performance data. Gain insights, improve decision-making: All PeopleSoft financial performance management solutions incorporate embedded analytics to give you and your employees the ability to monitor and measure real- time performance. Government Portal: The PeopleSoft Government Portal solution delivers integrated self-service transactions for employees, suppliers, elected officials, and citizens--all through a single doorway. A combination of our Enterprise Portal and Portal Packs, it functions as a single point of entry to PeopleSoft and non-PeopleSoft applications alike, as well as to web and intranet sites. Grant Management: Part of our new PeopleSoft 8.4 Financial Management Solutions release - now generally available. PeopleSoft Grant Management provides an integrated solution that organizes the entire scope of grants accounting and sponsored research administration - from proposal creation and submission to the conversion of proposals to awards. Take advantage of powerful award tracking, facilities and administration processing, comprehensive bill generation, and the ability to create financial management reports. This comprehensive product suite includes PeopleSoft Grants, General Ledger, Projects, Billing and Contracts. Human Capital Management: PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) enables organizations to improve business results and increase workforce performance by leveraging technology and applications within and beyond the enterprise. PeopleSoft HCM already includes HR.MS, Collaborative Applications, Workforce Analytics (WFA), Portal Solutions, and more. To continue our leadership position in HCM, PeopleSoft will deliver Enterprise Incentive Management (ELF, Performance Management, and Enterprise Learnmg. The result is an integrated HCM suite enabling you to: Manage and mobilize a unified, global workforce Connect people, processes, and systems Align workforce contribution with business objectives Every day, nine out of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies use our HCM solutions, including Exxon- Mobil, Wal-Mart, General Motors, Ford, Citigroup, IBM, AT&T, and Verizon. Human Resources Management: PeopleSoft 8 HRMS lets you manage HR business processes--from recruitment to retirement--with pure internet applications built on a best-practices performance record of more than 10 years. In addition, we extend the reach of your organization by pulling external content into our suite of employee and manager self-service applications, all delivered through a role-based portal. And finally, we drive your organization with integrated workforce analytics for better, faster decision making to build a real-time enterprise. That's why PeopleSoft HRMS applications are used every day by nine out of the top 10 35 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Fortune 500 companies, including Exxon-Mobil, AT&T, and Verizon Communications. PeopleSoft for Public Sector Wal-Mart, General Motors, Ford, Citigroup, IBM, Public sector organizations recognize that much like the private sector, they too have customers- constituents, suppliers, employees, and other stakeholders that expect service to be delivered effectively and efficiently. To keep up with the increasing demands for quality service, your organization needs updated tools that make it easy to run reports, input and update data, and access information. With this technology, your organization can find the most talented professional, the most effective training program, the best valued procurement item, or the most innovative approach to deliver high quality service to your customers. PeopleSoft's pure internet solutions provide more than 300 public sector customers-including states, local governments, and K-12 organizations-valuable information and access to systems they need to do their jobs at anytime from anywhere. From finances and human resources to customer service and purchasing practices, our eGovernment solutions deliver the business intelligence you need with speed and efficiency. 36 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report h1ROff ice and HROffice Enterprise... HROffice is an integrated HR and benefits management solution for small to medium sized organizations. The product provides complete full-scale HR management capabilities for information such as performance appraisals, attendance, compensation, COBRA administration, FNLLA tracking and benefits management functionality such as supporting multiple benefits plans (including non-standard options like AFLAC, paid legal), reporting capabilities, and billing reconciliation. HROffice Enterprise is designed for organizations requiring an enterprise class backend database. Based on Microsoft SQL Server, HROffice Enterprise offers fast performance, top-notch security, and greater reliability, while maintaining ease of installation and administration. HROffice and HRO1f'ice Enterprise are both available in two versions, US and Canadian KROffice Benefits... HROffice gives organizations: Greater employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction is an ongoing challenge at most companies. By putting information at the fingertips of HR staff and department managers, employees will find their needs are being met with improved response time and quicker answers to their most frequently asked questions. Administrative efficiency to create a more strategic HR department. HROffice automates the HR department by providing quick access to H information 24 hours a day. The result is a reduction in errors, a wider variety of benefit options, and a renewed focus of HR personnel to concentrate on high value strategic issues for the company. Reduced benefits costs. HROffice improves efficiency in benefits administration, enabling ease of management of multiple plans, and reporting features that can alert you to any issues or differences with the bills you receive from your plan providers. Quick Payback. HROffice is easy to implement and quick to learn. The system does not require high- priced consultants to set up and train employees, meaning a faster return for a company's investment dollar. Features and Functionality... Integrated HR Administration. HROffice saves valuable time typically spent searching paper-based files by maintaining a wide range of employee information in a single database. Users have the ability to manage and maintain a wide range of employee information such as name, address, marital status, W4 R 19 status, employment status, complete dependent information, compensation and performance reviews, payroll, and more. Full-Scale Benefits Management. HROfEice is built on a flexible, robust benefits engine that supports multiple types of benefits ranging from medical, dental, disability, 401(k), life insurance to non- traditional benefits such as paid employee parking, health club memberships, AFLAC, and other perks. COBRA Administration. Managing and tracking COBRA is critical for companies as penalties for non-compliance are steep. HROffice features the ability to track and manage COBRA including rates, coverage information, employee COBRA status, and more. Reporting Capabilities. To help improve response times for information requests, HR.Office's reporting capabilities enable users to create a variety of customized reports through the Report Wizard. Reports options include summary vs. detail, sorting, subtotaling, and other criteria. 37 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Security. When allowing other departments to view employee information, security is critical. HROffice allows users to create multiple security levels and define what areas of HROffice users with those security levels can access. Data Import and Export. To reduce data entry time, HROffice easily integrates with Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123, Paradox, dbase, and other programs for ease in data integration. Add-on solutions to HROffice HROffice Alerts delivers timely, relevant information from your critical HR business data. This provides HR administrators the opportunity to step out of day-to-day notification and have more time for the role of strategic HR with senior management. The relevant managers can be automatically prompted via email about new hires, payroll changes, benefits eligibility, reviews due, changes in employee status, birthdays, 1-9, W-4, COBRA or FMLA activities and more. With HROffice Alerts, HR transaction times improve, manager and employee conununication increases, and employees enjoy personalized attention in every transaction. Payroll T,ink will deliver payback for you immediately, saving time in both the set-up and continued operation of your HR and Payroll solution. If your company is using ADP PC/Payroll for Windows or ACCPAC Payroll, then Payroll Lank and HROffice make a great solution for you! Payroll Link lets you enter your employee data one time and avoid double entry. When you hire a new employee or make changes to your existing employees in HROffice, simply run Payroll Link and this information will be automatically transferred to your payroll system. Payroll Link compares the payroll system and HROffice databases and ensures that they are synchronized. Applicant Manager enables companies to speed the new hire process when searching for the perfect job candidate. This simple-to-use solution streamlines all aspects of the collection of information on prospective employees including personal details, previous employers, references, resumes, interview notes and so on. With the customization wizard users can add any information relevant to the applicant. Company DirectoU allows you to stop printing all those phone lists as changes happen within your organization, providing a dynamic, up to date, online directory of employees, and easy navigation of your organizational structure, that is accessible to all your employees via your Intranet. Driven from your HR information stored in HROffice as new hires arrive or as others leave, the directory is always up to date. 38 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Lkamt+0 mthrbd t.o.rr.09 MW PftkW HRDNko is MWMN orr the rwntnw al aQM arr10b9a~ M 00 dwaboa. larmat"Od and Mind artrpbpaa MOM Er 1amn" Puf a Yaw "MOVOM lows haitxlrl twterM.a rrrluum ttarrorrp wd rrtrort tloarraMQ PYraaa anaa tM lur reatyY (mw. tlrn 7) tatpnq p+av nsw ino a prd me adlan po&xh om tho ptor a and ama. to to 150 I*w1l>m Lwr.wm1LLam1 L,nt or.e reogr.s tamirsk." i:.SE 110EV, sl4;--~ Prins w • la each Addat and b?3 I u.)0 54" tip is 5W L"M70 widI= UOA.-WMMI Crrylupa GnpA Croeyms IMUEnq~lta s1 [fin &J ?4) $2;4n V11 f) 39 HW%w tntada HR. BMUtb Mwwv wws. AttMtdMroa CMMk Catr*M"Wtan Crotorwdlew Raponro Orl Chnntro Qud AM Ora 1r%-1 an/ Export"IH few Satppen and Mitkamura* Pepa Lhk ApOxxva M"w Corp" Dreddwy City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report crxtaponent CtIont Wotstdton Sarver OPWSONY SYSION" VAndows 95. or 1/Andows 98,01 VAndows 2000. or V4 dowr+ NT Wolkatatlort. VAndows NT or 2000 Sarver. Now/ Netwom. or any lie server Database Nona HROflica: Nona HROfflce EnlsrprMo: Maosolf SOL server 7.0 or 2000 Prtx»sSw Intal Pensum 133 MW of taahr Intol PeMUm 133 WU or lastat Maagory 64 Ma or more rOcaorrrrrMded l Arsrrrsn nw,x ry 641 Pam 128145 ot more rvoomnsnded MoMW VOA (Super VGA 800x600 tecorrtmendeM VOA (Super VGA 800sa00 (wAm artdso CDAOM Drive Rogwod Roquuod Odw Oplional ktnttral cortrraciom fo rl a 6- 2 100 M10pe nahwak cad for nekwork k arsrons (10 Mbpe mldmusrq Frog Disk span MAMnum of SO MO Mandaione, 10 MIS kx GerM-8arva HROMlce: 50 MB ►MtOflka Entaryrisa: 100 MB Total anxKw of dak spry lot sppMcauon data depends on nu-bar of active. uwmnrted, and rNred enr Wj*oe, and sw of attadrnonia Typical rapukarnnd are 100 Ks per errtpbyga. Athdsrrmb tot Enlatprlsa Edam roqurg addionol spay Pointing Device A Mlcrosoll cont0 Ml rrtors e Printer Windows ow"IM M" prVrlar (OP"nM) AddkkmW Product Requirements Payroll Unk ADP's PC Payroll kw W4tdows v2S or newer A other Enhanced or Super Dos Access Marts 30 MS adddlonal tree hard disk apow Company Directory Intornot Womwoon Somor err! o Wob Browser 40 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub committee report appendix C: Estimated total cost of ownership (hardware) per user per year Minimum network acute Cost per yew (3yew lease Quantl,y t Support TCO per Estimated esertyear TCO F.aeh rile S S $ $ a 16 571.88 49.715.63 E-Ma0 S S S $ 7 6J72.98 -j 9.772.54 9,77254 SQL S S S S 21,750.00 21-75000 6 ' 17 13.622.0 13.622.98 One tim Hackup s S S S I Library S 46, U.00 7 4 7 .00 11,968.88 2IMB-59 Rack and S S S S a WAIN S $ $ S 9 7' PL75188 S $ _ 7 cw 12RSA 1 1109,188.92 1142-332,67 s I-NclAnalvout 50-M Wakatarions wd Dcsktaus End-Lml-C-mb thaud on 3 vent 1kcmia=L_ Om pct ycrr(3yew lease ` -i f 1 Support rco per Esdusated $ S S $ 4 PtannUm 14,174,0D 4,724.67 86016 s-MsM " ' S $ S $ t : t S S 42 Tntul MAIM 7 1- Workstation S _1nuk>1 f. tSn. Ni F,atimrtnl tint year Total Cost to (hen S31-MI L- - 41 City of Spokane Valley Information Systems and Facilities sub-committee report Appendix D: Phone systems calculations 1 nw Annual Minh annual FlatRate FlatRate Information Systems - R8C w ties - tows "AY BC 197 9.70 $6,422 WM 16,057 . _ Average - Formal High Steps (Flat Rates Include 8 Annual Ann a ;4 ~Vj _tiS,i84 $5,688 - atL §2 9 Low An ( i I Annual Fladuft- F,(4 Systems Analy at/PrQ9rammer all cNes - towns -11611 $45,732 $4,915 $58.980 _ . Average - Formal High Steps (Flat Rates cluded) t91,L SMINO _ Ar u-al . - L Annual 40 978 I ~ - - - ! LQW punt High Annual T• Computer Support Speclallst A"" for all Odes - towns 43 ~QQ Y2, 15 Average - Formal High Steps (Flat Rates Included: 4041 _ S48.492 Annual Annual $3,013 $47,447 Median Li><1.1 42