2005, 05-10 Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 10, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 66 meeting Attendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember (arrived late) Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Absent: Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember City Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Cal Walker, Police Chief Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Tom Scholtens, Building Official Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Greg "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Others Present: David Crosby, Sign Committee Chair INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Sager of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson, seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, and unanimously agreed upon to excuse Councilmembers Schimmels and Denenny from tonight's meeting.. City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all other Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Wilhite announced that an Executive Session will be added at the end of this meeting, in order to discuss labor negotiations, that the Executive Session will last for approximately 30 minutes, after which, no action will be taken and the meeting will adjourn. It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to approve the amended agenda. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Munson, and Councilmembers Taylor and Flanigan. Opposed: Councilmember DeVleming. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Taylor reported that he attended the Junior Lilac Parade this past Saturday. Deputy Mayor Munson reported that he attended a meeting in Seattle dealing with the Association of Washington Cities' upcoming agenda for legislative action; that they discussed the new gas tax and the possible affects it could have on us, and that the tax will likely start this fall. He also reported that he attended the Junior Lilac Parade; and the Light Rail Committee Operations meeting last week and that they are implementing the new route schedule which is also available on -line at the STA website. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that she attended the Junior Lilac Parade; and a Board of County Commissioner's meeting; she then gave the highlights of the Tourism Week proclamation, and proclaimed May 7 through 15 as Tourism Week. Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER Number(s) TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 04 -22 -05 6674 -6707 1,249,924.50 05 -02 -05 6720 -6758 146,559.14 GRAND TOTAL 1,396,483.64 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comments for items not on the agenda; no comments were given. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. (Note: Council may entertain a motion to waive reading and approve Consent Agenda.) a. Approval of Joint Council /Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of April 19, 2005 b. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 26, 2005 c. Approval of Payroll of April 30, 2005 of $156,709.25 d. Approval Authorizing the City Manager to sign City Hall office space sub -lease for Suite 103, 2005 -2008 First Federal Securities, Sub - Lessor; and for office space lease for Suite 103, 2008 -2010 Northwest Christian Schools f. Approval of the Following Vouchers: Councilmember Taylor requested that Consent item #le be removed from the Consent Agenda to be discussed separately. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded, to waive the reading and approve the consent agenda minus item #1e. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. e. Approval of Resolution 05 -007 Setting Planning Commission Public Hearing for Lawson Street Vacation Request Councilmember Taylor asked that in examining the drawings included with this agenda item, if this road was something that planning to going to use for an alternate access route if Mansfield was not extended. Public Works Director Kersten replied that Mansfield is shown as an arterial on the drawings, and is on the arterial road plan, which would go through that property; that the current vacation is half of the right - of -way along the railroad property, and that this part would be vacated with the intention that the arterial would remain in place. Councilmember Taylor then asked if there is an issue with an existing apartment building along Mansfield, and if Mansfield were to go through without curving around down toward Shannon, if that apartment complex would have to be torn down. Mr. Kersten replied that eventually for Mansfield to go through, the property (shown on the map as the arrow on the yellow dotted line) would have to be taken for right -of -way and construction of the road. Taylor stated asked if it is correct that if there were an alternate access route coming from Mirabeau Parkway, an alternate route after this right -of- way vacation could not go down around Shannon. Mr. Kersten said that is correct; that several different alignments were examined and the problem with the curve coming from Mansfield is those curves don't meet current standards; that several alignments were examined, but because the roadways were already established at each end, with the current alignment standards, there is very little room to maneuver around which results in that being detrimental to the property that is left over and would not work well. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to approve the resolution setting May 26, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. as the date for a public hearing before the Spokane Valley Planning Commission dealing with this street vacation. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 2 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 NEW BUSINESS 2. Motion Consideration: Full -width Paving — Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Mayor Wilhite, that the City of Spokane Valley provide for full width paving on the listed properties: Mica Park /Sherwood Johnston; Edgerton; Parks Road; Orchard Avenue; and nothing [no amount listed] for Inland. Public Works Director Kersten explained that the County has completed bids on Mica Park, Sherwood, and Johnson, and those bids for the full -width paving were $205,167; they also completed bids on Edgerton with a cost of $67,553; they are currently in the process of bidding the remaining projects of Parks Road with an estimated cost of $87,774, and Orchard Avenue with an estimated cost of $97,604. In response to Deputy Mayor Munson's question of available choices in funding the balance of 2005's road activities, Mr. Kersten said that there are available funds within the 2005 budget; and brought Council attention to the spreadsheet entitled "City of Spokane Valley - Capital Improvement Program Funding" showing resources and expenditures for years 2005 through 2011; he mentioned that pave -back estimates are difficult until the project has been designed, but that in years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, the road preservation would need to be reduced by about half to fund those projects; again that all are based on incoming revenues and actual cost of each project. In response to a question from Councilmember Flanigan on projected life -span of patching; Mr. Kersten responded that each road's life -span is dependent upon the current age of the road; and that cutting and patching older roads (20+ years old for example) creates more stress on the roads than doing the full -width paving; which actually decreases the life of the pavement. Mr. Kersten stated that the roads in Mica Park/Sherwood/Johnston area are approximately 30 years old, and would require some work within five years of patching. Director Kersten said that if the patchwork were done, it would be a good idea to do some type of sealant to give the road a few more years; and in the Mica Park/Sherwood area, the cost would be approximately $80,000; as opposed to pave -back wherein the roads would not need any type of maintenance for a long period of time, approximately another 20 years. In response to other questions about width of a typical patch, Mr. Kersten explained that wider streets (as in Sherwood Forest) usually have about half the street patched; and depending on where the connections are to the home, every home or every other home will have a trench across to the other side; which results in over half the road being torn up and patched; he added that the cut or main seam would be at the center of the road which allows cross -cuts all the way across. Mr. Kersten said that wherever there are curbed streets and wider roads, there will typically be a lot of patching and cutting; and those without curbs and with narrow roads, most of those will be replaced. Deputy Mayor Munson said it would be good to get an idea of how many projects are already approved, and how many more would be slated for this work; and then determine how many capital projects will not be completed if this full -width paving receives approval. Mr. Kersten went over the "Draft 6 -Year Residential Preservation Street Plan" showing the projects which might not be completed or partially completed; he stated that if revenues stay as projected, the Slurry seal coats (those projects are the ones in the older neighborhoods to extend the pavement for a few more years) would likely be deleted; and that there is about one slurry project every year at a cost of approximately $500,000 each. Mr. Taylor mentioned that for 2006 the only project next year is the Sprague Avenue at Evergreen and Sullivan for a grind and inlay, and there will be future needs for another revenue source to maintain the streets. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. The following individuals spoke in favor of moving forward with full -width paving as stated in the above motion: 1. John Hart, 2406 N Dollar Road; representing Avista Utilities 2. Ed Simpson, 9720 E Archery 3. Terry Johnson, S 1019 Marian, Sherwood Forest 4. David Gnotta, 805 S Marian Ct 5. Margaret Heimerman, 1317 S Mica Park Drive 6. Mark Weidman, S 1021 Little John Court Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 3 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 7. Richard Harmon, 17610 E Mission 8. Steve Durgin, 1108 S Maraim 9. Tony Lazanis, Spokane Valley 10. Howard Herman, 117 N McDonald 11. Bill Gothmann, 10010 E 48 12. Dennis Stancieu, 1020 S Little John Court 13. Patty Muncy, 1014 S Dishman Rd 14. Kyle Robertson, 1320 S Robin Hood Lane Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment; no further comments were issued. Council discussion ensued regarding the worthiness of the project; the bond issue as proposed for the ballot issue that failed; that the majority of those who voted were opposed to this proposal; the likelihood of another bond measure of this type passing; full width paving compared with patching; cost effectiveness of patching versus full -width paving; budget implications; maintaining good roads; other neighborhoods which might need full funding in the future; other aspects of future funding; completion of the STEP program (Sewer Tank Elimination Program); the economy; and equal advantage for all. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, and Councilmembers Taylor and Flanigan. Opposed: Deputy Mayor Munson and Councilmember DeVleming. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:15 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:29 p.m. 3. Second Reading Proposed Sign Ordinance 05 -016 — David Crosby After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember DeVleming to approve ordinance 05 -016 amending the sign regulations. Mr. Crosby briefly gave the background of the sign ordinance leading up to this second reading. Deputy Mayor Munson stated that he wanted to ensure that all recommended changes brought up at the study session are included in the ordinance, specifically that previously Councilmember Denenny brought up the sign replacement issue in that if a sign were damaged, that he felt it should be replaced with the same size sign. It was mentioned that change was not made. Mr. Driskell also mentioned there are two provisions in the proposed ordinance which might need amending: page 2, obsolete sign: a sign not removed within 36 months by the owner; and page 10, section — in the existing sign that no longer advertises a bona fide business, referring to 60 days; and that he suggests the time limit be consistent with either 36 months or 60 days. Mr. Crosby stated that page 2 deals with the sign structure, and the reference on page 10 deals with the copy area. Councilmember Taylor asked that that section be clarified. After discussion concerning sign structure, definition of support structure and the possibility of referring to that in the obsolete sign section; copy area, the length of time to keep a sign if the business no longer exists; the idea of granting one -year extensions; cost to remove and/or replace signs; and Councilmember Denenny's previous concerns, Deputy Mayor Munson withdrew his motion; with concurrence from seconder Councilmember DeVleming. It was Council consensus to bring this issue back for further council consideration so that staff can address these issues. 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 05 -018, Amending 2005 Budget — Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Deputy Mayor Munson to pass ordinance 05 -018. Finance Director Thompson gave a brief overview of the ordinance and the changes since the first reading. In response to Council question, Mr. Thompson stated that in regard to full -width paving, adequate appropriations for that fund have been allowed, and whether those funds are spent on full -width paving or something else, the funds are available. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 5. Motion Consideration: Authorization of Permit Specialist Position — Nina Regor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Mayor Wilhite to approve the authorization of 1.0 FTE Permit Specialist. Deputy City Manager Regor explained the need for this position, the background of the proposal, that the position is included in the proposed budget amendment just passed, and that there already exists a classification and position description for the permit specialist. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. No comments were offered. After brief council discussion concerning the cost and duties, the vote was taken by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: City /County Park Facility Cooperative Use Pilot Project — Mike Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to authorize the City Manager or his designee to negotiate and execute a letter of agreement with Spokane County for cooperative use of park and recreation facilities. Parks and Recreation Jackson explained the proposal of facility sharing as shown on his May 10, 2005 Request for Council Action form. Mr. Jackson mentioned that the cost of field preparation is included in the Senske contract at a fixed rate; that should this be approved, we would be able to use Camp Carro for summer camp and summer programs; and the County would have access to our ballfields; that he proposes we develop a letter of agreement and once agreed upon, staff will track the use and report back in the fall. Director Jackson added that Plantes Ferry would be included in the exchange, but he would have to check on the question of including the Fair Grounds. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. No comments were offered. Discussion then included frequency of ballfield use; that other options can be examined later; our actual use and the County's actual use; other possible facilities for exchange purposes, and adding a list of all facilities in the agreement letter; and that this is a pilot program and the first year can be viewed as a learning year. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda. Dick Behm, 9405 E Sprague: said that he would like to comment on the proposed sign ordinance as public comments were omitted as the motion to approve the ordinance was withdrawn. Council concurred that Mr. Behm may comment. Mr. Behm stated that signs are worth thousands of dollars and are viewed as permanent structures, and are appraised and taxed as real property; and if the City takes a sign down in that 36 month period, that would be a taking and he suggests Council ask the Attorney to examine that issue. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: [no public comment] 7. Helmet Safety Update — Michelle Wolkey, Spokane Regional Health District Michelle Wolkey, legal council for the Health District, and Spokane Valley resident, updated Council on the status of the helmet safety issue. She stressed the importance of this issue as she sees many bicycle riders without helmets; and yesterday on her way home from work, she saw a crunched up bike in the bike lane, that the rider had obviously suffered a traumatic head injury and she understands that person is in critical condition. She briefed Council on the proposed ordinance, and mentioned that the helmets would be required for bicycle riders, scooter operators, and skateboard riders; she explained the different penalties proposed for the different ages (five to fifteen; and 16 and over); the need for education; how to get helmets if the rider could not afford one; and that guardians could be cited if their charge were riding a bike without a helmet while in the presence of the guardian. She also addressed that special events would require the use of helmets to participate in the event; and mentioned the idea of having promotional materials to educate the public on the change, if approved. [ Councilmember Denenny arrived at 8:20 p.m.] There was discussion concerning the penalty of civil infraction; the enforceability of such an ordinance; discretionary citing capabilities of officers; and other cities that have enacted similar ordinances. It was Council consensus to move forward for formal consideration. Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 5 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 8. Initiative /Referendum — Cary Driskell Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that staff was requested to provide an update on the initiative /referendum issue; that one question that arose was whether initiative and referendum must be linked or if one power can be adopted without adopting the other; that at this point there is no case law, and no Attorney General Opinion; and therefore he feels the issue is still open. Discussion then included the possibility of citizens asking for a levy for full -width paving and other taxing issues; and Mr. Driskell indicated he would check on the limitations of the powers. It was Council consensus to place this issue in ordinance form for an upcoming study session agenda item. 9. Mansfield Road Development Agreement — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten reported that A& A Construction & Development are proposing to develop their property on Mansfield Road between Pines and Mirabeau Parkway; that they participated in the Pines /Mansfield development and entered into voluntary agreement on this property also; that Phase I can begin immediately, they have submitted a building permit request for their apartment complex; and that while they are still working to ensure all conditions will be met, staff proposes moving this forward for a motion consideration at the May 24 council meeting. Discussion then ensued regarding concerns of the road width; grant funds to cover some costs; parking restrictions; peak traffic numbers; the question of a quit claim deed to be signed within a certain number of days of agreement finalization; access to the development; and concurrency. It was decided staff will bring this issue forward at the May 24 Council meeting. 10. Greenacres Moratorium Request — Scott Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta stated that this is an attempt to finalize any remaining issues dealing with last August's citizen petition requesting a moratorium against development of densities of more than one house per acre until interim zoning is adopted; that the Planning Commission voted not to grant the moratorium; that the issue was resolved on the area -wide rezone; that since then he spoke with Mary Pollard (who brought the petition forward) who asked that Mr. Kuhta express that they (the petitioners) want it to have time to finish the planning, that they are currently working on the transportation network planning, and are concerned the area will be fully developed before they have time to implement any plans. Mr. Kuhta stated that he believes the intent is for the neighborhood group to have a moratorium of no more development until plans are developed and then development would have to abide by those plans. Council asked if the Planning Commission realized that intent when they made their recommendation to deny, and Mr. Kuhta stated he is uncertain if the Planning Commission was aware of such intent. Discussion followed on the length of moratoriums, time constrains for renewals; procedural requirements for such; and of the desire to hear Planning Commission perspective on this issue; and of the desire to have closure for those residents. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, seconded by Deputy Munson, and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting five additional minutes. It was determined that this issue will be placed on the June 7 study session in an attempt to come to some resolution of this issue. EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember Denenny, to extend the meeting for 35 minutes for purposes of entering into Executive Session. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Munson, Councilmembers Taylor, Denenny, and Flanigan. Opposed: Councilmember DeVleming. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Mayor Wilhite, seconded by Deputy Mayor Munson and unanimously agreed upon to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing labor relations for approximately 30 minutes; and thereafter the meeting would adjourn without further decisions being made. Council adjourned into Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 6 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 Executive Session at 9:07 p.m. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at approximately 9:50 p.m. It was then moved by Mayor Wilhite, seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, , and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m. ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk "67.-- 0-uoti, lAikk.(k Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting: 05 -10 -05 Page 7 of 7 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 SOOkane May 2, 2005 Spokane Valley City Council 11707 East Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 RE Greenacres Moratorium Request Council Members- On November 18, 2004, the Spokane Valley Planning Commission considered a request for a development moratorium in the North Greenacres neighborhood. The moratorium request was forwarded to the Commission via the City Clerk in the form of a petition signed by Greenacres residents After discussion, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council deny the requested moratorium. The Commission did not find that a development moratorium was warranted, but did believe that the Greenacres areawide rezone would address many of the neighborhood's issues. Thank you, r� c David Crosby, Chair Spokane Valley Planning Commission 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhallwspokanevalley.org Attachment: November 19, 2004 Planning Commission meeting minutes NAME PLEASE PRINT TOPIC OF CONCERN ADDRESS TELEPHONE h� --AVti �! � ,d 1-L. ; Al . /(Rt( 9) 7z E6 v / ,tit f's J ` P74. /4 f `x_ / _ / r 5;rj T /7/t /.._Th /1 `e* t// A.,- , s /41/9 -14 4 '.... -, 9„I 2 7 ) e 72 v r d C. Nor( A va4 A, i, , 8o 5 1 9 1) vS � , , Al E /Q9° 4 ' 7Z ( ,�ol.A) , . '08 L j Mi P: ;JP li• , ►e 1 . 1 1 , r k 5 'Pt (l (Lt- i Avt 962% -( E Grrck ° )Z`1-23 T`o .r>�6tts 6c: ct ; , 9 (c-ay L /1rct-4 , qa4 - .;- ,-S;4.,,Qi C (L ,, P /4.0 /o r s s 1_46 Jol 8 21- - 38s g /.tom :, . a. • , I. __ , ; • __.. - f 7 / 1 / � : , 01 -4 411.41. a:tiAit s & • - / I.4iI ± !_.. i akdatSL = "...A.;. fl 1 7/< INA laiDg4' /0111 A , J4) /I.kwafik - _ it 7L q C -540 /Z Ir/Li. , 7 1 0#4 o f 1 eit. AA1.= 41oAJ I icrly L. N ISs ,0•.1 79 P- - ' 2 K Stevt hpi '„„ pav sl lob lht04,o.v, (2.(0-)-391-1 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE 4 -/ -a s CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS AGENDA. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. YOUR TIME WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES • Mansfield Road Development Agreement anlre • May 10, 2005 Phase I • Upon approval of this agreement by the Parties, the City shall issue a building permit for Phase I. Page 2 Mansfield Road May 10, 2005 Pha F he Develop er shall prepare the Mansfield Avenue et plans. Upon plan acceptance by the city, the eloper shall post a bond for the construction of the improvements, as identified in Paragraph 11 above. The Developer shall secure a street easement across parcel 45103.0203 from the owner allowing for public travel and construct an access street in accordance with the paragraph entitled "Phase 11 Access" of this agreement. The City shah then issue a building permit for Phase II, providing all other conditions have been met. Page 4 Mansfield Road _I May 10 2005 I - F Phase III • When the City obtains funding and right of way to connect the Developer's property and street improvements to the existing Mansfield Avenue intersection with Pines Road (SR 27), the Developer shall then construct Mansfield Avenue through the Property in accordance with the construction plans accepted by the City as described in Phase II. . Any street improvements must be accepted by the City before they will be deemed to be in compliance with this Agreement or City standards. Page 6 Mansfield Road May 10, 2005 iM • •. �:,- - 1 i •