2005, 05-24 Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 24, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 67 meeting Attendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Absent: Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor City Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Greg "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Brian Prior, of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL It was moved by Mayor Wilhite, seconded by Councilmember Denenny, and unanimously agreed upon to excuse Deputy Mayor Munson from tonight's meeting. City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all other Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA It was moved by Councilmember Denenny, seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, and unanimously agreed upon to approve the amended agenda. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Schimmels: stated he was happy to be back; and reported that he attended the City of Liberty Lake open house last week. Councilmember Taylor: reported that he attended a prayer breakfast at the Convention Center with over 800 people in attendance; he also attended a Chamber of Commerce Board meeting where they discussed and adopted for forwarding to the Planning Commission, the Chamber's comments for the economic development chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Councilmember Denenny: said that he and Councilmember Munson met with a compensation group hired for Spokane Transit Authority, that they are asking for a very rounded compensation study to look at classifications within the organizations and also to examine capability within the area for compensation benefits; that the STA met Thursday at which time a finalist for the CEO position was hired and negotiations with that individual should commence this week; and that he also attended the military honors program luncheon which included a very impressive flag folding ceremony. Councilmember Flanigan: announced that there will be a spaghetti dinner June 2 at the University High School to raise money to help defray the cost to send eight students to the national debate tournament. Council Meeting: 05 -24 -05 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: 06 -14 -05 VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER Number(s) TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 05 -09 -2005 6760 -6806 131,062.75 05 -16 -2005 6807 -6845 2,139,158.48 GRAND TOTAL 2,270,221.23 MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that she attended the Mirabeau Hotel Restaurant grand opening; participated in the Lilac Parade; traveled to Blue Waters Technology in Idaho where they are doing research to remove phosphorus from the water; and that the Governor was in town and signed a bill dealing with economic development reserve accounts. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comments for items not on the agenda. Erica Sphuler, 17408 E Baldwin Avenue: explained that she has problems in water runoff on her property; that her property is shaped like a bowl and there is no place for the water to run; now that a drywell is being put in place, one of those pipes is outletting to her property adding to the water issue. It was mentioned this issue will be given to staff for follow -up. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. (Note: Council may entertain a motion to waive reading and approve Consent Agenda.) a. Approval of Study Session Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2005 b. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes May 10, 2005 c. Approval of Study Session Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2005 d. Approval of Payroll of May 15, 2005 of $111,283.06 e. Approval of Mobile Data Computer Purchase of up to $198,168 f. Approval of the Following Vouchers: It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, and unanimously agreed upon to waive the reading and approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 05 -019 for Street Vacation STV 01 -05 — Marina Sukup City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, followed by a PowerPoint presentation by Community Development Director Sukup. Director Sukup explained that the vacation will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance; that this portion of 15 Avenue is no longer required of public use or public access; that the property is part of an existing residential development and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and that the Planning Commission recommends approval by a vote of four to zero. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Ms. Sukup also mentioned that Qwest will require a ten -foot easement for cable located along the northern right -of -way of the property to be vacated; and that Avista has no facilities or objections to the proposal. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to advance Ordinance 05 -019 to a second reading. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 05 -020 Helmet Safety — Cary Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Councilmember Schimmels to advance the ordinance to a second reading on an upcoming agenda. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that this ordinance was originally proposed by the Council Meeting: 05 -24 -05 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: 06 -14 -05 Spokane Regional Health District, it was discussed at a previous Council study session, and the draft ordinance has one change since it was seen before, that change is under the proposed 7.40.060 under the penalties, subparagraph C, with the added language at the end of the sentence "with the provisions of Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 1.10.040;" and that is the only difference between the initial draft reviewed several weeks ago and this draft. Mr. Driskell then went over the penalty provisions of the ordinance: that it has an educational function for people between the ages of 5 and 15; and the penalty provisions would apply to violators sixteen years old and older. Mr. Driskell asked if Council would like to suggest a different infraction level other than the one currently set at a class three infraction. Deputy Attorney Driskell also mentioned that while there are no representatives from the Police Department here tonight, there are representatives from the Spokane Regional Health District. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment: The following individuals spoke in favor of the helmet safety ordinance (1) Alvin Fisher, 13808 E Valleyway; (2) Dr. Kim Thornburn, Spokane County Health Officer, Spokane Regional Health District, Spokane; (3) Larry Rider, 10319 E Sprague, Spokane Valley; (4) Linda Thompson, 10913 E 46 Avenue, Executive Director, Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Prevention Council; and (5) Peggy Hodges, Director for Spokane County Traffic Commission, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane. Stacie Schlerf stated that she and her husband are the parents of Samantha Schlerf who passed away two weeks ago; she stated that she doesn't believe an ordinance is necessary; but that it is important that people understand the severities and make choices for themselves and not to be forced to wear a helmet. Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment; no further comments were offered. Council then discussed the merits of the ordinance. Councilmember Denenny stated that he is on the Regional Health District Board; that there are many statistics from what other cities have done; and it is his understanding that compliance occurs when there are ordinances, thus resulting in a substantial reduction in injuries; that there are a great number of head injuries which are taken care of by the State; that anything we can do to get people in the habit of wearing helmets should be commended; that the ordinance has nominal repercussions regarding fines, plus education; and that it could help remove the peer pressure young people might encounter from not wearing helmets. Councilmember Taylor said that he realizes the importance of wearing a helmet, but it should be a question of individual responsibility and parental responsibility; and that it is not a proper role of local government to interfere in this matter; that he would favor a resolution for bike safety week and/or the promotion of an educational campaign on the safety of helmets, but that passing ordinance will make people defiant. Councilmember DeVleming: explained that he has been struggling with this ordinance; that there is no doubt of the benefits of wearing a helmet, but questions whose responsibility this is and where to draw the line; he also wonders about Police Department resources to enforce the ordinance. Councilmember Flanigan: said that he realizes the good intent of ordinance; but has problems in requiring adults to wear helmets; that adults should have the right of choice; that government has a certain element of responsibility to protect the kids. Mayor Wilhite: explained that this could be seen as a personal freedom; and compared this ordinance to the seatbelt law; and when people have a traumatic injury accident, that depletes resources that may have been accumulated; that the costs are great and many times those costs fall on the community members to provide services to that person. Council Meeting: 05 -24 -05 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: 06 -14 -05 Councilmember Schimmels: mentioned that he saw someone on a scooter on the wrong side of the road, traveling about 15 miles per hour with no helmet; which could be a serious problem; that the intent of the ordinance is stated in section 1: the members of community need the protection; and that he would also like to see some statistical compliance regarding this type of ordinance. Vote by Acclamation to advance the ordinance to a second reading: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Flanigan, Denenny, and DeVleming. Opposed: Councilmember Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Watershed Management Plan — Scott Kuhta It was moved by Councilmember Denenny and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, to appoint Scott Kuhta as Spokane Valley's voting member of the Watershed Planning Unit; that Mr. Kuhta is directed to ensure that the "Level of Effort" category of the Watershed Plan Implementation Matrix be changed to "D" wherever applicable, indicating that Spokane Valley is not in the position to make unknown obligations to future watershed planning activities; and that Council directs Mr. Kuhta to vote to adopt the Watershed Plan, with the previously stated changes. Mr. Kuhta said that he is available for questions, as is Mr. Rob Lindsay, of Spokane County Utilities. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Denenny stated that this is an important step as there is a need to participate in regional issues of importance such as this, which is one of the reasons why the City incorporated. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Stormwater Upgrades in 2005 County Sewer Projects — Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to approve $245,333 from the stormwater fund to the County for stormwater repairs and upgrades in the 2005 County Sewer Projects. Public Works Director Kersten explained that as a result of previous Council approval of certain full -width paving, staff requests Council's approval to provide funding to the County for repair, replacement and upgrading of the existing stormwater facilities in the sewer projects for 2005, that the total cost for failing systems is $77,440 and the total cost for upgrading systems for flooding problems is $167,959; and that by completing this work during the construction of the 2005 sewer projects, we save the cost of repaving the street. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Council concurred to take public comments on the pavement cut policy in advance of the administrative report addressing that topic. John Hart, Avista Utilities, 2406 N Dollar Rd (work address); encouraged adoption of the regional asphalt cutting policy as adopted by Spokane County and Spokane City, referring to his handout "Regional Pavement Cut Policy;" that this policy was discussed many times; and feels it in the best interests of all affected agencies to adopt a true regional policy rather than chop up policies among agencies; and that having one policy removes confusion and improves cooperation. Steve Skipworth, Director of Operations, Vera Water & Power: stated that he was a part of the committee that helped develop this regional cut policy; it is an important policy; that committee members looked at the most efficient way to handle this; and feels it will be beneficial to work together. Ty Wick, 5221 E Desmit Avenue: he stressed the "regional" part of this policy; spoke of all the separate water systems and of the need to have one policy to follow; that this includes a tier system; that there is a need to know which roads to take that extra effort to make the perfect patch; and a need to keep the regional policy intact; adding that cost is a concern to all. Council Meeting: 05 -24 -05 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: 06 -14 -05 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: [no public comment] 6. 1-0- Pavement Cut Policy Discussion — Neil Kersten/Nina Regor /Marina Sukup Public Works Director Kersten explained that this topic was discussed at the April 5 and April 26 meetings; that the streets in the City are in significantly better condition than those streets in the City of Spokane; and that staff has the following recommended changes: (1) Under the matrix on page nine, the modified policy is allowed on minor arterials and collector arterials over six years old, and on principal arterials over 12 years old; and (2) also on the matrix on page nine, trench only is allowed in minor arterials and collector arterials over 12 years old; and that all arterials be cut to the lane line and that no cuts be allowed to the center of lanes; that these changes would make the policy easier to implement because it would not have a tiered system. Councilmember Schimmels said that he feels this should be discussed more as it is more expensive to take the cut to the lane edge on the older streets. Mr. Kersten agreed that the 10 -12 years are variable and he does have concerns with longitudinal cuts for hundreds of feet or blocks, and if it were a good street, it would be good to have some flexibility; and the current policy does not have that flexibility. Community Development Director Sukup said that the accompanying information suggests that three additional staff would likely be needed to implement the revised policy; those positions would be a permit specialist, construction inspector, and an IT /database management position. Additionally, at the May 5 Council meeting, Council authorized an additional permit specialist to help better address the volume of development permit activity; and she suggested that if Council desires to implement the new pavement cut policy, the City could take a phased approach with regard to the staff positions; but that staff does recommend adding at least an additional right -of -way construction inspector to implement the revised policy, and recommends increasing the right -of -way permit /inspection fee to $55 from the current $41.00. Director Sukup also mentioned that while the extent is unknown, there are some who work without a permit, and feels if this plan is adopted, there should be penalties for those who cut without permits. Discussion ensued regarding the various inspections, lack of updated street data, application forms, warranties, scheduling cuts, utilities, the volume of permits, inspections, warranties; and the penalties and violations for cutting without a permit. Councilmember DeVleming recommended Council instruct staff to put this item on as a motion consideration for an upcoming agenda in the existing, unmodified current state (as proposed by regional staff without our City's staff modifications), and schedule the issue for a 12 -month review of labor, cost and results, and to encourage staff to participate in the review process throughout the twelve months to make sure the policy works as intended. Mayor Wilhite called for a short recess at 7:34 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:45 p.m. 7. 6, Hearing Examiner Rules — Cary Driskell Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.35 states that the Council will later adopt procedural guidelines for processing appeals of administrative land use decisions from the Hearing Examiner to the City Council; and that staff has, in conjunction with Hearing Examiner Mike Dempsey, drafted cursory rules in early 2004 but such draft rules were never finalized nor approved by Council. As there are currently two appeals pending, Mr. Driskell said that prompted staff to again work to refine the appeal regulation process. Mr. Driskell added that those pending appeals would not be subject to these rules unless the parties agree in writing to be bound by them; that he sent them a letter asking that the parties consider being bound by the rules in order to provide structure to the process, but he has not yet received a response. After brief Council /staff discussion concerning the upcoming process, it was Council consensus to place this issue on an upcoming agenda for a first reading. 8. 7 Replacement Diving Boards for Swimming Pools — Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson reported that the City has contracted with ORB to provide recommendations for existing and future aquatic facilities; and that ORB reported that the diving wells of the three existing pools in Spokane Valley do not conform to current standards; that ORB applied for a Council Meeting: 05 -24 -05 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: 06 -14 -05 variance with the Washington State Department of Health, which application was denied. Another option is to replace the boards at an estimated cost of $73,000; and that ORB identified Paragon as a source for the diving boards. Mr. Jackson further explained that since Paragon is a sole source of this type of board (which will conform to the diving wells), staff bring the option of Council waiving the bidding requirements, which would allow the purchase to begin, although it still would not guarantee that the diving boards would be in place for the 2005 pool openings. After discussion of the current diving boards, the cost breakdown for the design and construction; it was determined that two issues will be placed on the upcoming June 14 consent agenda: a motion to replace the boards; and a separate resolution to waive the bidding requirements. 9.8- CenterPlace Budget/Fees Update — Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson, via his PowerPoint presentation, explained that the CenterPlace building is approximately 87% complete, with the grand opening scheduled for September 24, 2005 in conjunction with Valleyfest. After highlighting the construction budget, the Avista Energy Agreement, review of change orders, proposed fees and miscellaneous fee survey information, and the revenue policy (must comply with regional use requirements); Mr. Jackson requested that formal consideration of CenterPlace fees be placed on the June 14 City Council agenda. Council then discussed the need to generate income to supplement maintenance; renting the space to the community colleges; differences between CenterPlace and a typical convention center; parking needs; and use of fiber optics. It was Council consensus to place this item on the June 14 Council agenda as an update to the fee resolution. 10.9. Law Enforcement 2005 Agreement — Nina Regor and Morgan Koudelka Deputy City Manager Regor gave a brief history of the current contract for law enforcement services with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office, and added that discussions have been ongoing concerning pending public safety dealing with jail staffing, the Valley's holding facility, and emergency communication infrastructure cost; but that tonight's focus is strictly the police agreement. Administrative Analyst Koudelka then gave his PowerPoint presentation of the various aspects of the police agreement including personnel, current methodology for determining costs, proposed new methodology, and rationale for the proposed changes, and asked for Council direction on the revised contract. Mr. Koudelka said that the City and the County have reached an understanding on most items involving a financial impact, and that the agreement still needs refinement. Council discussion then included personnel issues, specifically the three - member Property Crime Task Force, and with the expiration of the grant funding that task force, that the County proposes the City fund one of those positions. Council would like the next report to include information from Sheriff Sterk and Chief Walker on the impact of either keeping or eliminating that team; that staff examine resources for that unit versus funding another patrol officer, and to brief council at the next meeting on the function of that three - member team. There being no further business, it was moved by Councilmember Flanigan, seconded by Councilmember DeVleming, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: / lit Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk cLo kkQLtL Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting: 05 -24 -05 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council: 06 -14 -05 NAME PLEASE PRINT TOPIC OF CONCERN ADDRESS TELEPHONE 4/Ul'N /c,..t x, ti .s ' Ale 4 t'1 z ' 7 ♦ 8 _ '. (41,Y1 oh. d Cs 9) T�� -363- 2z$- S`2.6J `� 9''l 9 9 7 2 .1Z(c A 51>liLfL - be ✓4. oli A, u_ - � ✓►st& 4 yA,,, ) g4-c11,14. � )t ;... " I hACb (AM U 14 e,k e4 Spy c -'t 11 at v✓, falleo • - 324_ tSU OtT S - i itil.e x 013 q (o ki S p,o C TI`a c. SQTe.ty MM�4S,0�1 t om' 7.). Broa d wzi 94210 *VA wAe�E Pow ire. 6 o r X i. eJe2cw2e` 5c,,Jo U3 PO 1 u,: _z. • ow-g 30 4/ �7_ 2.39 �- q 2 4 • 39 ad 3 G - ye i-10.4. 1 ' N.el ,et Sa. - Fe j c T E-v SkIP�RTN 1 As R C4.; tab L 1c PPVu► CO' P -- 1 1), ---1 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL M� "'ET DATE ' ) r� /53 Citizen comments on any item. Please state your name and address for the record. Your time will be limited to THREE MINUTES. Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 9:31 AM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: FW: Bicycle Helmet ordinance Sue Gorman Administrative Assistant City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Averrue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Throne: 509 -688 -0180 (FAX: 509 - 688 -0194 sgolman @spokanevalley.org When a team of dedicated individuals makes a commitment to act as one...the sky's the limit." Original Message--- - From: GSchmauch [mailto:gschmauch ©comcast.net] Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 5:07 PM To: Sue Golman Subject: Bicycle l #elrrttr"l ardlratt City Council: Page 1 of 1 Please do not pass an ordinance requiring bicyclists or skate boarders etc to wear helmets. While I think that wearing helmets is a very good idea, this should be left to individuals and parents to decide if they are to be worn. It is not an area that a city should become involved with. I would hate to think that we will thrust government further and further into our private lives and take away more and more individual choices. Govemments should provide those things that individuals can't provide for themselves, like infrastructure, schools, police and fire protection etc. Please don't make the same mistake that the city of Spokane has made by intruding into individual freedom of choice and try to legislate safety when individuals can make that choice for themselves. If you want to reduce injuries from accidents like the tragic loss of the young girl in the bicycle accident recently, be sure we have bike paths that provide a safer place for bicycles to be ridden and be sure that the intersections are clear and free of obstructions. Wearing a helmet is a good choice but should not be a requirement of the law. I want our police spending their time on reducing crime, not writing a ticket for someone failing to wear a helmet. Sincerely, Gan,/ Schmrlitch 2230 S. Steen Rd Veradale, WA. 99037 Phone 509 -892 -5325 E -mail gsc htnauch@comcast.net 5/16/2005 REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POLICY (Final — 2/28/05) "Pavement cuts are a necessary operation and cannot be avoided. Utilities need to serve new customers and repair existing facilities. There is a common good for all utilities to be placed in the public right -of -way." ♦ Three year moratorium on all new /reconstructed /resurfaced roadways (except for emergencies) • Tiered pavement patch table (No jagged or broken edges): • < 3 years — moratorium policy, if required — half/full pavement replacement • 45 years — full policy on all arterials, modified on remainder (residential) `' • 6 — 12 years — full policy on principle arterials, modified on remainder • >12 years — modified on principle arterials, trench on remainder (no line on 0 wheel track) • Warranty Requirements: • Pavement 10 years or Tess — 5 yr warranty 0 • All others — 3 yr warranty - 0 0 • Repairs: • Emergency — 24 hrs • Non - Emergency (Arterial) — 48 hrs (fort®mpwery repairs) 0 • Non - Emergency (Residential) — 7 days (for temporary repairs) CD • Temporary Patching: L • Concrete for winter • Cold mix per time limits above • Definition of a lane: • Parking, bike, pedestrian, and travel all constitute lanes • On Residential streets — travel lane 12 feet from centerline General Provisions: • Anytime 5 or more patches in a block — look for cost sharing opportunities • Anytime a longitudinal installation — look for cost sharing opportunities • Manholes, water valves, and potholing exempt from policy (< 2'x2' patch max) • All concrete roadway cuts — replace full panels • Agencies will present requirements of this policy during development reviews /conferences /meetings Roadway — Pavement : Public ROW Priorities and Impacts Private utilities work practices Municipal /Co -Op utilities work practices Local agencies work practices Road maintenance as low priority Obsolete or depreciated roads Added vehicle volume Added volume within underground infrastructure Planning — lack of Weather — January vs. July Pedestrians — bike lanes, wheel chairs, signal controls Private utility infrastructure Power — gas — communications — CATV Local agency infrastructure Sewer — water — road maintenance Municipal / Co -Op infrastructure Sewer — water — power. — signal — street lights JOINT UTILITIE'S PRIORITIES 10 -14 -04 Tiered permits: Tie to type and condition of roadway Size of patch relative to depth — shallow cuts use trench only or the lft rule Limit length of cold seams Innovative technologies: Incentives for Boring, windows are exempt from patching size requirements Incentives for key holing and other innovative ideas. Seam sealing charges: Eliminate sealing fee initially review annually Investigate technologies that reduce or eliminate the need for sealing Acknowledge utilities here for long haul Look at grinding as well as saw cuts. Tie to roadway rating Concrete patches: Emergency repairs mainly Warranty longer — 2 attempt make full panel Where's full panel justification — concrete can bridge huge gaps. Gap: Intersections: Define and quantify — over 15ft. longitudinally or l2ft. perpendicular is not considered a gap. Remove for new technologies — i.e. windows Differentiate road types i.e. residential, arterials, core business, and ratings Utilize standardized ratings Implement lft. tee sections and full lane patching requirements based on rating and type Reasonably look at existing road quality. Blend patching money with local agencies money for replacement. Mandates: Only what is in our control. Stipulate 96hr. notification for permanent repairs. Patching timeframes not manageable. Major roads /intersections handled individually Drop permits being held hostage. Cut types: Separate longitudinal and perpendicular, define wants and needs then specify to those. Smaller cuts may be better. Minimize cold seams. t Pavement Cutting and Patching Policy Message Points October 14, 2004 We support the desire to provide excellent roadways within our communities. We encourage all parties involved to strive for best practices for our roads. We support utilizing practices based on sound science and the formation of a Joint Utility Council focused on improving the knowledge and work practices to this end. The Final Draft Regional Utility Cut Policy as presented on October 14, 2004, if enacted, would be extremely burdensome and costly with only mixed benefit to the infrastructure. This could have serious implications for growth in our communities as it would not only have a detrimental effect on roadways, but would have impacts on the costs our customers pay. SPOKANE Cowry INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POLICY rimmusommal SPOIK NE \, 11>> Fcbruary 14, 2005 The local governmental entities within Spokane County arc faced with the same challenges as many other municipalities throughout the country. Pavement cuts are a necessary operation and cannot be avoided. Utilities need to serve new customers and repair existing facilities. There is a common good for all utilities to be placed in the Public Right of Way. All parties shall strive to reduce the burden to the taxpayer /ratepayer, and damage to the roadways. Studies conducted by multiple groups and organizations have determined that poorly restored pavement cuts cause permanent structural and functional damage increasing maintenance costs, future rehabilitation costs, and produce a rough ride. If realized, the increased costs and rough ride are a burden for the taxpayer /ratepayer. As Exhibit A on page eight shows, the pavement beyond the trench may be weakened by sagging which results from loss of lateral support. Heavy construction traffic also weakens the area adjacent to the trench. Studies (see attached bibliography) have shown that the pavement life may be reduced by pavement cuts. Poorly constructed patches tend not to last through the life of the existing road and fail prematurely when there is a lack of good construction techniques used when backfilling and compacting. This causes an additional burden to maintenance departments and taxpayers /ratepayers. A poorly constructed pavement cut usually requires repair before the road needs to be resurfaced; problems typically appear in the first two years. Studies also reveal that patch areas probably require thicker overlays compared to the rest of the pavement in the area. This also results in higher costs to the taxpayer /ratepayer. This document outlines Spokane County and the City of Spokane's joint regional policy regarding pavement cuts. It addresses excavation problems, construction requirements, warranties and other related aspects. In addition, it modifies the five year new pavement cut moratorium, creating a new regional three -year cut moratorium as outlined in this agreement and exhibit B tier chart. Any road will remain available to be cut if there is no other means to take care of an emergency situation (broken water, sewer or gas lines or as approved by the Agency Engineer). The utility shall attempt to use other innovative ideas for servicing customers other than cutting into the public Right of Way while not diminishing safety standards. 1 r CJ n E n 0 0 0 o J (Th DEFINITIONS Permittees: The utility company or contractor who submits an application for a permit to obstruct and/or conduct construction operations in the public right -of -way. Local agencies and their contractors shall be considered permittees for application of this policy even though the respective agencies and /or their contractors may not take out permits. Local Agency: The governing entity having jurisdiction of the area that the permittee has submitted an application to obstruct or conduct construction operations. Agency Engineer: City or County Engineer, his/her designee (Engineers, Inspectors, Project Managers, Field Personnel) representing a Local Agency. Standard Specifications: Current version of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, Supplemental Specifications and/or Drawings as attached by local agencies. Project Completion: Date when the following has occurred: final permanent restoration of roadway is complete and approved by the inspector, and all as -built documentation has been submitted to the local agency. A fax transmittal confirmation ticket of as built' shall be considered confirmation. New Roadway: Any roadway that has had a designed rehabilitation in the permitted excavation location that is Tess than or equal to three years. Length of Patch: For this document the length of all patches is the patch dimension parallel to the roadway. Width of Patch: For this document the width of all patches is the patch dimension perpendicular to the roadway. Assignee: The contractor who is taking out the permit. Patch: Cut in the pavement as part of the current permitted job. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1. A pavement cut moratorium will be in effect for a period of three years for all new roadways (see Exhibit B). 2. No patching material will be allowed within an existing patch if the new patch exceeds seventy percent or more of the existing patch. In this case, the entire existing patch must be replaced. 3. All patching materials and construction requirements not addressed in this document shall conform to each Local Agency's Standards, copies available from local agencies. Longitudinal cuts that extend through multiple tier classifications will require discussion with the local agency to determine appropriate patching approach. In principle, each road section will be patched according to the tier in which it is ranked. 2 c c 4. All existing traffic control markings will be replaced as soon as possible after permanent paving is completed. Temporary markings for lane lines and stop lines shall be in place prior to the roadway opening for traffic. All remaining temporary striping will be completed within seven days of new pavement completion and shall be maintained by permittee until permanently restored. All traffic markings will be replaced per normal work practices. 5. Full depth full lane pavement removal and replacement shall be constructed beyond the nominal completed trench edge longitudinally, and transversely per tier chart and notes. The goal is that the tee section will not arbitrarily force patch into adjacent lanes, dependent on quality and care of trenching. The minimum length of the patch parallel to the road shall be six feet..If any part of the excavation, patch or damaged area intrudes into an adjacent lane, that lane shall also be replaced per the tiered chart. For new patches adjacent to any existing patch, all attempts will be made to install the utility at the existing patch line. When this is not feasible, no gap of 4 feet or less shall exist. 6. The permittee shall be allowed to make emergency repairs provided a more reasonable alternative does not exist. Every reasonable effort will be made to restore the roadway quickly. (Note: an emergency will not allow permittee to coordinate and plan with asphalt company). (See "Repairs of Pavement Cuts "). 7. Only saw cutting or approved grinding device will be allowed. Only parallel and perpendicular pavement cuts will be allowed. No jagged, broken or undermined edges. 8. Bicycle /pedestrian/parking /travel lanes to be repaired per tier chart and attached drawings. 9. Each Local Agency shall have the prerogative to encourage the permittee to contribute permittee's normal patching costs to local agencies to accomplish paving or full depth replacement of the roadway. (This does not apply to work done within larger projects, i.e. sewer projects). The Local Agency should be notified of existing problems with the adjacent roadway to a proposed patch. Every effort will be made to leverage both utility and agency dollars for street improvements. 10. When 2 or more patches are created within a given job that measure 15 feet or less longitudinally or transversely they will be incorporated into a single patch. Anytime five or more patches are required within a 350 -foot longitudinal area, the utility will notify the agency to determine if cost sharing is an option to expand the pavement repair /replacement area. 11. Potholing to find utilities shall be allowed. The use of innovative technologies is encouraged (Keyhole etc.). To be exempt from the gap and patching policy, cuts shall be a maximum of two square feet with no longitudinal joints in the wheel path and shall be backfilled with controlled density or other approved fill from six inches above the utility to six inches below bottom of asphalt. Round vs. square cuts are preferred. 3 U 0 12. Chip sealed roads s _,)e rehabilitated according to construction•., „_'Jirements for asphalt roads as outlined in this document. 13. All temporary traffic control for the work zone shall conform to the MUTCD and Washington State modifications to the MUTCD. All traffic control is subject to the approval of the Agency Engineer or his/her designee (See temporary patching section). 14. All existing pavement types shall be constructed at the existing depth of asphalt and crushed surfacing, in accordance with applicable Local Agency Standards (including any fabric or membranes); however, the replacement section of asphalt and crushed rock shall not be less than the minimum section specified in Local Agency's Design Standards. 15. All concrete road cuts shall be pre- approved before beginning work (except in the case of an emergency situation). Concrete roads shall require full panel replacement unless approved otherwise by local agency. All concrete joints shall require an approved tie bar and dowel retrofit. Depth of concrete replacement shall match the existing thickness, or as per Local Agency's Standards. Care shall be made not to undermine the existing panels. If the adjacent panels are disturbed or damaged, they also shall be replaced at the discretion of the Local Agency. All joints shall be sealed with an approved material. 16. Asphalt over concrete road cuts — if known - shall be pre- approved before beginning work (except in the case of an emergency situation). Saw cutting or other approved practice for removal of the concrete shall be allowed at the discretion of Local Agency. The asphalt portion of the cut shall be constructed according to the pavement cut policy. 17. All areas outside of the roadway that are affected by the work shall be restored to their original condition. All shoulders shall be restored to their original condition. 18. Valve and manhole repairs shall be exempt from the patching requirements of this policy. Valve and manhole patching requirements shall be per each Local Agency's Standards. All warranty and construction requirements shall be met. No longitudinal construction joints shall be allowed in the wheel path. 19. The permittee shall provide a detailed "As- built" record of the pavement cut after construction is completed. The permittee shall provide details indicating existing pavement section, new pavement section and any unusual conditions at the location of the constructed utility. The location shall include the name of the road the work is being performed on and the name of the closest intersections in each direction. Distance measurements shall be from intersecting streets. This information will be provided to the Local Agency's Permit department for a permanent record. This information shall be returned no later than seven days after the completion of the permitted project by mail, fax, or other electronic means by either permittee or patching contractor. The intent of this process is to record small patching details. Larger projects shall be reviewed and approved prior to construction. 20. The moratorium policy will be explained both as to costs and to construction practices by the Local Agencies as part of the permitting/zoning process for new construction or major remodeling projects. Individual permittees/utilities will not be responsible for this function. I.ndividual permittees /utilities will be responsible for doing the work and the costs associated with the moratorium policy as they open roadways for work. Cost recovery from developers will be calculated and coordinated by permittee/utility. SURFACE SMOOTHNESS REQUIREMENTS The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture; smooth, uniform as to crown and grade and free from defects. The completed surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a ten foot straightedge placed parallel to the centerline. Recognition and consideration will be made for existing roadway conditions. The Agency Engineer must approve corrective measures. WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS Pavement cuts on roadways ten years old or less will have a warranty period of five years. The patch in the roadway shall be repaired as necessary until the warranty has passed. All other roadways shall require a minimum three -year warranty period. All warranties shall become void if rehabilitation work is performed to the road within the patching limits. For road cuts performed by a Utility using its internal capability, that Utility or assignee will be responsible for repairs required during the warranty period. All curb, sidewalks and structures that are affected by the excavation shall be included in this policy and have a warranty for five years. WARRANTY PROVISIONS 1) Sunken pavement patches greater than or equal to one- quarter inch (Measured by a ten -foot straight edge). 2) Visual rating of patch = to medium or high (Per Agency's rating procedure). 3) Visual rating of construction joint = to medium or high (Per Agency's rating procedure). 4) Poor workmanship (To be determined by each Agency's Engineer). 5) Compaction requirement per Agency standard. 6) Sunken or damaged curb and sidewalks in excavation work area (To be determined by each Agency's Engineer). 5 \ J _ 7) Sunken or damaged d y als and catch basins in excavation work F', - (To be determined by each Agency's Engineer). REPAIRS OF PAVEMENT CUTS If emergency repairs are needed due to safety concerns, the permittee shall have twenty -four hours in which to make such repairs from time of verbal notice by the Local Agency. For non - emergency repairs on arterial roads the permittee shall have forty -eight hours to make such temporary repairs. Residential streets, the permittee shall have up to seven days to make such temporary repairs. If these repairs are not accomplished within the specified timeframe, the work shall be privately contracted by the Local Agency or the Local Agency's maintenance crew shall perform the needed repairs. The permittee will be assessed all costs associated with the repairs. The costs shall be based on the average bid items for comparable projects for the year preceding plus ten percent overhead fees. If repairs are made other than seam sealing to the warranted patch a new warranty will be implemented for the new patch. The permittee shall have two days to notify their asphalt company of the needed permanent repairs. If the work is not done in a timely manner and following notification the work shall be privately contracted or Local Agency maintenance crews will perform the needed repairs. The permittee shall be assessed the associated fees for the repairs. All utility cut construction shall follow the construction and warranty requirements per local agencies standards. TEMPORARY PATCHING During winter asphalt concrete paving plant closures or outside of temperature specifications (see section 5-04 of the standard specifications) the perrnittee shall install and maintain a temporary patch until it can construct a permanent patch. A temporary patch will be required if the road must be opened to traffic before a permanent patch can be made. The temporary patch shall consist of two inches of crushed surfacing and two inches of cold -mix asphalt pavement and/or steel plates, or upon approval of the Agency Engineer, crushed surfacing top coarse may be used. On arterials, when a temporary patch is required for more than two months, Portland Cement Concrete shall be used to construct the temporary patch (Contact Local Agency for mix design requirements). The permittee shall maintain the temporary patch until the patch has been permanently restored. PERMITS All work in the `Public Right -of Way' requires a permit. Permittee shall take out all permits and perform all work. The permittee shall fax or send a letter to the appropriate Local Agency permit center designating their assignees. The permittee will be required to submit a construction and traffic control plan (traffic control for arterial work and roadways above 30 M.P.H.) when applying for a permit. If the Agency Engineer determines that abuse of obligations are prevalent, future construction permits shall not be issued until the 6 0 permittee has fulfilled all obligations to existing permits. Written notification by Local Agency will be sent prior to this action. RESPONSIBLE PARTY The permittee shall be responsible for all construction and warranty requirements of this policy. Utilities will provide identity of excavator /permittee as known to local agencies. Local agencies will attempt to get permittee to correct warranty defects. If permittee is a subcontractor for utilities, the utilities will assume responsibility if permittee can not/will not make repairs. WAIVERS AND EXEMPTIONS It is understood that field conditions may warrant a waiver or an exemption from these regulations. Permittee may file for a waiver, and such waivers shall be at the discretion of the Agency Engineer or his/her designee. POLICY REVIEW The local agencies will host a meeting with each other and other interested stakeholders at the end of each construction season for the purpose of reviewing the effectiveness of the policy for the completed construction season and suggested improvements for future construction seasons. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Trench Restoration Requirements ". City of Bellevue "Utility Trench Cut Restoration Specifications ". Metropolitan Transportation Commission (January 1997) "Asphalted Pavement Warranties ". Wisconsin Department Of Transportation (June 2001) "Impact of Utility Cuts on Pavement Performance". City of Seattle "Managing Utility Cuts" APWA (August 1997) "Gas Industry's Use of Public Right -of -Way" A.G.A. White Paper (September 1998) "Pavement Cut and Repair Standards Manual" DPW&T City of Dallas (October 2003) 7 TYPICAL TRENCH EXCAVATION EXHIBIT A Li Asphalt Concrete Wearing Surface a _Concrete Pavement Base Supporting Soil • e' • 4 • •4 0 0 • • 7 /77 ■.437 ,4r • • • e 0 a a • 3 ' 3' Pavement Weakened By Excavation 0 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 Undercutting of • *Pavement 0 0 0 Sag from Release of Lateral Support 8 PAVEMENT CUT POLICY EXHIBIT B Exhibit B Notes Moratorium Policy = Half roadway or full roadway replacement for longitudinal cuts in new roadways. This policy requires prior approval from Agency having jurisdiction. Full Policy = Policy w /paving to established/dedicated lane lines. Cut full depth 2 feet beyond excavation. No gaps < 4' from curb or gutter. Modified Policy = If no striping for lane line, lane is = to 12', can patch to middle of lane lines, cannot leave any gap <4' from curb or gutter. Cut 1' beyond excavation. Trench Only = Cut 1' beyond excavation all locations. No longitudinal joints in the wheel path. Note: It is the discretion of each jurisdiction to review the individual road segment ages to determine patch requirements on longitudinal installation over multiple roadway segments with variable ratings. In principle, each road section will be patched according to the tier in which it is ranked. Note: Any deviation from the Tier Policy will require approval in advance by the local agency. Note: Each agency will provide date of Last major reconstruct either electronically or on each permit. Maintenance does not constitute a reconstruct for age determination. Note: Moratorium policy will be reviewed as seam - sealing technology improves. 9 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Arterial Streets: < 3 years Years 4-5 Years 6 -12 > 12 years Principal Moratorium Policy Full Policy Full Policy Modified • Policy Minor Moratorium Policy Full Policy Modified Policy Trench Only Neighborhood Collector Moratorium Policy Full Policy Modified Policy Trench Only Local Access Streets: IndustriaUCommercial Moratorium Policy Modified Policy Modified Policy Trench Only Residential Moratorium Policy Modified policy Modified Policy Trench Only PAVEMENT CUT POLICY EXHIBIT B Exhibit B Notes Moratorium Policy = Half roadway or full roadway replacement for longitudinal cuts in new roadways. This policy requires prior approval from Agency having jurisdiction. Full Policy = Policy w /paving to established/dedicated lane lines. Cut full depth 2 feet beyond excavation. No gaps < 4' from curb or gutter. Modified Policy = If no striping for lane line, lane is = to 12', can patch to middle of lane lines, cannot leave any gap <4' from curb or gutter. Cut 1' beyond excavation. Trench Only = Cut 1' beyond excavation all locations. No longitudinal joints in the wheel path. Note: It is the discretion of each jurisdiction to review the individual road segment ages to determine patch requirements on longitudinal installation over multiple roadway segments with variable ratings. In principle, each road section will be patched according to the tier in which it is ranked. Note: Any deviation from the Tier Policy will require approval in advance by the local agency. Note: Each agency will provide date of Last major reconstruct either electronically or on each permit. Maintenance does not constitute a reconstruct for age determination. Note: Moratorium policy will be reviewed as seam - sealing technology improves. 9 l 1 0 Permittee Name: Project Task #: Date Cut: PO /Job #: Asphalt Width Length X X X x Concrete Width Length X X striping (linear foot) ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR Job Address: Coordinates : (el no bouso numbor. please it twnceoe•block) (Example : 15A7 24W) Unusual Conditions/Special Instructions: Tiert: 1 2 3 4 (Please circle) Policy: Moratorium Full Modified Trench (Please circlo) Condition of Cut Type of Work Type of Repair Existlna Road Condition (Circio any Mal apply) 6' Gravel (required) Gas Asphalt Depth of Asphalt Cold Mix Electric Concrete Depth of Gravel Winter Mix Water Sub Base Type Sawcut CAN Grind Communications Sewer Other C!L Date Sent for Repair: Date Completed: Patching Co. Signoff: (patching company to fax to local agency at completion) Crew: City /County Permit #: 1 cL Fax Completed Form to: Spokane County, Sylvia Lightfoot: 509/477 -7198 City of Spokane, Dan Eaton: 509/625 -6124 •o - t. -=me - 1 ® Street Alley 1 0 CURB UNE LANE UNE STREET C/L LANE UNE --rwN PARKI NG UNE CURB UNE Cr) FF TAEN01 LMTS AT TOP OF PAIEV..ELT EXHIBIT B1 N" `. 1TORIUM/FULL POLICY - ARTERIAL, n X r 411141 (1P) IF(FND; JRANSVER$E CUT *MEN P VENW B MAT ER P4\ENDIT P8101I5 MD TO THESE WTS P0 JOINTS CR REEL/COM IN AREA Ari£ ALLD'AED . 1. FU-0 SH LL EP1H PMENENT PATCH JOINTS ALL CE MALES. 2. ALL 0JT5 TD BE P(FPENDKJJ BON a LAR TO DIREC TRAVEL. d PAVT)ENT REPIACaENT IS Rum TO THE SET ADJACENT OAS, P MOI1. , M OR LA IMO WNNM NCCII A TROpT1 OR 0511. 1ONRCE EF ASPHALT UPOR CR SPT NATL EX1OD3 8ET0r0 SUCH UTE. SOU/WATER SERVICE (TIP) (MI (> EMIR ('11P) 1103101 OR'AVATIW LNIIS SECTION A -A TREN01 LNUTS (TYP) r I A I (1�K#T I NNA1 nit I LANE INN - f TM') { LANE 3 12' (TW) LANE 2 Irk) LANE; 1Y Inn' PARKING SEVER (TTP) • NOM FULL D1PTH REPIACENENT 1S REDD TO CURB UNE *EN REMALNNH DISTANCE DT'AEEN LANE UNE Q 031473 IS LESS THAN 4-R. %ROI PANTHER:T 5 RR 3'S OLD OR LEI= (NERAT RAI M N). A PANEIF PATLN IS 121070 LANE RAM TD THERE L JOf NO I1S N OR REDUCTION N PAV4LO(T t� FLZL- DEPTY. PAVDIENT REMOVAL AREA ARE AUDM£DL MI r 101 (MOTH NAMES) A THAN 3-185 /, (f1P) . . V ■ �` _ �', fr# .....cc REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POLICY ARTERIAL MORATORIUM / FULL POLICY EXHIBIT B2 MORATORIUM/FULL POLICY - RESIDENTIAL /LOCAL ACCESS EXHIBI B1 CURB WE LANE UNE STREET C/1_ PARKING UNE CURB UNE I FGENf; l� =�I Y MN (11P) TRANSVER5'c CUT RM04 PAVEMENT IS 3 170 OLD OR ICES (RORATORUMZ A PA MEAT PATCH IS REDID TO THESE URNS. NO JONTS at REDUCTION IN AREA ARE ALLOWEa 7 Es3 VNEN PAVE1@1T 5 GREATER THAN L\ \ 3-785 CA. A PANANINT PATCH 0 REVD 10 1/E51 UNITS NO JOINTS OR REDUCTION IN AREA ARE ALLEMED.• 1FEN01 OMITS AT TOP OF PAVEMENT PAvEVEAR (TIP) 2 ALL CUTS 10 86 P00 DOCAAR TO °FELTTNN OF TRAVEL 3. REPLACO1E4T 6 IEETD TO 1NE NEXT ADJACENT CURB, PARJSNC. OR LAAT 111E IMENLIER A TR1)40I OR O13'MRTIANCE CP ASPHALT OR SUPPORT Win OCIEJIO3 BEYOND SLOT ANT: SLIER/WATER SFR'H.CE (TIP) LANE UNE CVO (TIP) KILL 00414410 I. FULL -0EPTH PAW:SENT PATCH JOINTS SHALL D ALL 8E SEAL. LERTS WATER MP) h r MIN_ () TRENCH LMTS (TIP) A LONGITUDINAL CUT SEWER (rim) FULL IXPTH PAVEMENT REMOVAL (MOTH VAAES) ECTION A -A PARKING 2 MPt (11?) LANE 2 1Y MP) LANE 1 6' (Ti • PARKING • NOTE: -J PALL DEPTSI REPLA CENEDI f 15 FWD TO CURB UNE 14 11N REMAINING DISTANCE 06TA*DI LANE UNE d 0388 IS LESS TUN 4-FT. REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POIJCY REIRDEJI f1AL 1 LOCAL ACCESS MORATORIUM /FULL POU EXHI BIT 82 11 LE END: IG=7r IlkiiEN PAWN Off IS LIM- THA I T an at El .1 (L191tATIYJJM1. A PAVENI Off PARA r riVID Ta ht'Srt LNITS P.1 JONES OR RF.JC1ION H AWL ARE oac.K1. W-Fii FAMEY T a5 C?Ek1m CIA A PAALRIM PATCH IS FWD 7u THE * uNSS Na X.71 T1. Q2 REDUCTION P1 AREA AALZ ALLMIT,* NtiM PARKING UNE CURB LANE Tr1C11Cii Li INS AT rat N7F PAVE11E1fT CURB LINE LAN UHF srR€Er c /i_ LANE UNE 6- MIP I— • NH { T'I'P ) Ej MEN PAYMENT IS GREATER EHFN 3-TM MD, A PAYELIEHT PATCH F. E41 TO EMESE WIFE. NO.GINT$ ¢R SID tram oN IN Jl. .uRE .1101400 TRENCH LIMITS AT TOP Of R,{�.E.4 1' 1. FLU-Wm PAN PATEN ,.DHTS SKV.L BE SEALED. L ALL CUTS OWL PEAPEFERCM.AR TI3 ORECTD'i OF TILA'.TL. S PA} LJT RIFLACE1E•Cr 1: RE 0 - 0 TO LAW LIE{ CR LANE 0,1. 111-113LIE ERA TRIDIC f COI DSru Rem c< # +ti#H.+L1 ER SOMA i - r. EXTETE)3 L.YFO *WEL P1,SH, EXHIBIT B3 r + + r , MORATORIU44/FULL POLICY - INTERSECTIONS I$BLSVEB5E CUT tam t rIM. -06TH PA'41I NT PATCH -ELMS 4NL.L DE SOLED, £ ALL cxTS ID @E PEW ENPh7JLAR TO c4amm TH aF 1HAWI.. S. PERLAGIDW1T L5 fern TO THE IT DLT ANRDENE GLP9, PAP14N . OR LA*E LIE WiEhtleeR A TFR]i7I aR DILTRIALLARIt4 ADIITHALIF OR SUPPORT NAT'L E'rt1LING3 LIE104.10 SJa1 EP,E. GDAER /TrA1ER SERVICE (T'TF) MITE_ FLLLkPPTll kCALAGEMEIIi R ITEG FO DJM Lre YHEL RE]U.HN6 USDA Cf 1EMl1F' A' LANE IJILE a 0.FREI IS LESS 111'I 1-rt. EXHIBIT B4 MODIFIED POLICY - ARTERIAL FULL tEPT2i PA''EZLFNr R EPL +JC M r1 1# r IAN EEYULE. P ?xW 1.01IM Erna PAVERIE'rr FL^TIR+TI tt t4 LME uHE aft LANE AWL +'+L£R pip{ (Tr?). LSE 4 CLTC (TrFL Wl1 RV) IsLENOI ELORMATLX gCfL4H A-A L00GI1UD1NkL CUT REGIONAL PAVEI1NT CUT POLJCY INTERSEC1JON(T MORATORIUM "'FULL POLICY MN (TYR) MODIFIED POLICY LINE 4 LANE S LT (IW) LANE 2 IY (TP} LANE 1 Er 1r.9 PARKING ME CR LAME UK CR LARS LANE C Puis- PP.Pih PhYS.MEMT HOLNIa 4EEi R'] 1}1E� L IIt pA.YDEINT TO "MEW LILa1S J 1' Mn IREwOu,u ru1S - {Err} Yy5 OUZEL PATH (QM TAMES) I'KM NOT NA .REGIONAL PA'EMENT CUT PC- ICY iffreia Ii4 EXMIT e3 J S (ryPl ' L1¢TE 1 i•'ULL DEPTH REPLACEMENT 13 RE]O'D TO CURB LILT ri4El RE]WHIIIG ▪ 5.TANCE 6OWEN LANE ur.0 # WIm Iu u'SF EINL= +-ITS L _ 0 EXHIBIT 135 MODIFIED POLICY — RESIDENTIAL/LOCAL ACCESS CURB UNE LANE UNE STREET CA. PARKING UNE CURB LINE JRANSbFRSF CTIj 1 FCFt111. ESS I■IW PA16MD4T I$ CRCATtp NAN S-TNS OLD. A PAWACHT PATCH 1S REVD TO TNES5 uWATS. P JOH1S at =UMW IN MLA MC ALLCMED.• TRENCH LOOTS AT MP OP PAV'D.ENT slag: 1, FUU,-COPTH PAVE►EWT PATCH JONT' SNAIL BE SEALED. 2. ALL W15 SHALL BC PERPENDICULAR TO =ECTI> OF TRAVEL 3. PAWNOR RWLAMENT 0 REO'D TD LANE LIE OR LANE CA. NNENLYLR A 1RENCH CR DISTLICE OF ASPHALT OR SUPPORT 1ATt. EXTEAYIS INTO INCIEL PATH. rULL •DEPTH PAr I1ENT REPLACELIVI IS RE014 TO 141 101 BEYOND TNFNCH MTS. EXTEND PAVEMENT RESTCHA110N TO to E UNE OR WE C/L TO AGO WHEEL PATH (TIP) PAVEMENT (P) SENO /WATER SERVICE (2TP) CSTC (TYP) TREJXri ELCAVATIOV U.4fl LAW 1 WATER (TTP) t' NN (1I4) I.0T W�1 PMEE. PAM .� I/ (TVP) A 1' IAN "`_`+ (T11) LANE 2 LCNCATUDINAI CUT SFCT1(1N A —A P ARKINC ix (TYP) LANE 1. 6' (TTP) PARKING sEV R (TYD) f • NOME ROI OEM REPMCDADR 15 650'0 TO OUCPB LIKE Tf£N ROAMING OSTANCE BET65D4 WC LIKE & CURB IS LESS THAN 4-4T. LANE L1IE OR LANE LINE Dt LANG C/L ITAL -OEPTN PA% H0 IEPL 4ENT RE0'0 LAIC co. lO TI OTS *EN 4 15 E S ) �— FALLS -y w lA r-- w/1 MfO PAl)t (MOTH H Y)*4ARFS ►� ICI 1 • t1 l:i 7 4(4 it • • 1 SUEIZIADE REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POLICY RESIDENTIAL /LOCAL ACCCCS MODIFIED POLICY EXHIBIT B5 13 ( :2 j , aLG I OF WAY PERMIT PROVIf GENERAL Fees and Rates In addition to the permit application fee of $16.00, inspection on each permit will be billed to the permittee at a rate of $50.00 per hour with a $25.00 (112 hour) minimum. Permittee signature on permit cony utes an agreement to these and below terms and provisions. SCSFRSC 9,04 2. Definitions 3. Keep Permit on the Job 4. No Precedent Established ( 5. Permits from Others r i. Standards of Construction L.� U ' O 10. City Supervision 1. Expense of Review and Inspection C; C C 0 1. Authority. 3. Other Work 7. Permission from Property Owners 3. Protection to the Pubkxc 2. Restoration of Right -of -Way 3. Existing Utilities 4. Future Moving of Installation I<c ✓a( d .a e_ (e This permit is issued pursuant to the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction as adopted by the City of Spokane Valley and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications'for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. SCSFRSC 1.01, 1.06 The word "City" means the City of Spokane Valley acting by and through the Public Works Director or his duly authorized representative. This permit shall be kept at the site of the work and shall be shown to any representative_of the City, or any law enforcement officer on request. This permit is granted with the understanding that this action is not to be considered to establish a precedent concerning any kind of encroachment within the City right -of -way. SCSFRSC 9.01 When the law requires the consent to any work hereunder from any other public board or person having jurisdiction, this permit shall be suspended in operation unless and until such consent is obtained. SCSFRSC 9.01(7) This Permit is to be strictly construed, and no work other than that specifically mentioned is authorized hereby. SCSFRSC 9.02(1) Whenever it is necessary to secure permission from abutting property owners, such authority must be secured by the permittee prior to commencing work. The work shall cause the least possible inconvenience to the traveling public. At least one - way traffic shall be maintained at all times during the working day (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) .Two-way traffic shall be maintained from the close of the working day to the start of the next working day. All warning signs, lights, devices and procedures shall conform to MUTCD and WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Constnuction. SCSFRSC 1.03, 8.01, 3.12. 9.02 Any matter not specifically mentioned herein, or covered by direct reference, shall conform to the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction and the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. SCSFRSC 1.01 All work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the City. The City may inspect the work but is not required to do so. SCSFRSC 9.02, 9.04, 9.06 On work which in the judgement of the City requires Engineering Review of plans and/or the presence of an employee of the Public Works Department as an inspector, the actual cost (including salary, traveling expense, and overhead) of such inspection shall be paid by the permittee upon presentation of a statement therefor. The cost of any tests required by the City shall be bome by the permittee. SCSFRSC 9.02(1) All portions of the right -of -way, and all adjacent areas directly affecting such, if disturbed by work pursuant to this permit, shall restore the surface of the right- of-way or public property to at least the currently adopted City Standards or as required by the Public Works Director through a right - of-way permit. depending on special circumstances. SCSFRSC 8.04, SC5 -04A . The permittee shall contact all utilities to determine the location of any existing -facilities prior to excavation. The Washington One Call ticket number and name shall be kept on the job site and be available to any representative of the City Public Works Department or any law enforcement officer on request. The permittee shall also contact the local water purveyor, sanitation district or other utility not affiliated with Washington One Call to advise them of the proposed project. The date and name of this contact must also be kept on the job site. The permittee shall immediately notify the owning utility of any damage to their existing facility. In the event it becomes necessary, in the opinion of the City, to remove or relocate the encroachment permitted hereunder, such shall be accomplished by and at the sole expense of the permittee, and within such time and manner as may be required by the City. SCSFRSC 8.01 - • 15. Joint and Several Obligation (� 16. Maintenance i C .i C) 0 UTILITY AND UNDERGROUND 1. Cutting Pavement r , 2. Backfill and Compaction 3. Replacement of Pavement General C�- CJ (, . Responsibility for Failures Five -year prohibition r "here is more than one permittee subject to the '• - 's of this permit, then all of the terms of permit shall bind the permittees individually a .flectively, and said permittees shall be inoividually and collectively liable therefore. SCSFRSC 9.02 The permittee agrees by the acceptance of this permit to exercise reasonable care to maintain properly any encroachment placed by it in the right-of-way and to exercise reasonable care in inspecting for and immediately repairing and making good any injury to any portion of the right - of-way which occurs as a result of the maintenance of the encroachment in the right- of-way or as a result of the work done under this permit, including any and all injury to the right - of-way which would not have occurred had such work not been done or such encroachment not been placed. SCSFRSC 10.02, 10.03 All construction in asphalt shall be horizontal - directional bored wherever possible. Open cut construction must be specifically permitted or may be authorized by the City inspector to accommodate unexpected field conditions. When pavement is cut it shall be done in a manner which causes the least possible damage to the adjacent pavement. After the utility is placed and the trench is backfilled and based, the pavement shall be sawcut to a minimum of 1 foot beyond the edge of the trench in any direction. Any cuts within the traveled way shall be overcut to a full lane width at a minimum. If the cut extends beyond centerline, the final cut shall extend the full lane width. All cuts shall be a minimum of3 feet wide to accommodate sufficient compaction equipment. If the trench edge is within 5 feet of the edge of the roadway pavement. the pavement shall be removed to the edge of the roadway. SCSFRSC 8.04, SC 5-04a, WSDOT 5- 04.3(w) Backfill and pavement material compaction shall conform to Spokane County Standards For Road and Sewer Construction 2 -03.3(14) D, and 4- 04.3(5). The surface of all trenches in the traveled way shall be temporarily patched,otllerwise surfaced at the end of each working day. Such temporary patching or other approved surfacing shall be kept in a smooth, firm, dust -free condition for the safe use of the public until the final surface patching is completed. Cold mix asphalt may be used as a temporary patch material. After ditch edges have been sawcut, the base and pavement shall be replaced. The thickness of the base and paving to be replaced shall be determined in the field and shall be'at least equal in section to that adjacent to the trench area. Pavement shall be a minimum of 2 jnches thick. Pavement shall be replaced with hot mix asphalt which shall conform to state requirements for 3/4' maximum medium grading. Base material shall conform to State requirements for Base Course. SCSFRSC SC5 -04a, WSDOT 5-04.3(5)e Minimum cover over utilities shall be 24 inches below finish grade. Disposal of spoil material shall be outside the right - of-way unless otherwise specifically approved by the City. Maximum length of work under construction at any time shall not exceed 1000 feet. Reasonable care shall be taken to avoid damage to major roots of trees. If an independent contractor installs a utility, the operator of the utility must accept the work before final approval of the work by the City. SCSFRSC SCS- 04a(3), WSDOT 5- 04.3(5)e The permittee shall be responsible for correcting any failures of any work done under this permit for a period of two years after completion of the project. SCSFRSC 10.02 Cutting or trenching pavement surfaces that have been reconstructed within the past five years shall be prohibited in accordance with the requirements of Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction, Section 8.04. *lane #1\,, Anticipated start date Location of property Applicant Name Address PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Provide site Sewer Connection ▪ Curb & Gutter • Cable /Conduit/Pole j Water Installation /Repair Ei Pavement Cut Bond /insurance certification must be on file with the City. Bond # SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Fees Paid$ Work completed satisfactorily (Signed) Call 24 hours before inspection requires Phone 509.688 -0195 Fax 509.688 -003'» DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Permit # ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (Address /Parcel #, if available) Fax Phone Contractor's Name Address Phone Contractor's Reg.# Expires sketch or plan as necessary for clarity) ri Driveway ID Gas Installation /Repair El Sidewalk Repair /Construction f Other Dimensions Permittee Signature Approved Date I hereby authorize the City of Spokane Valley to charge the fee for this permit to my credit card. Card # Expiration Date Name of Holder Signature (Application) (Inspection) In addition to the permit application fee of $16.00 (utility) or $25.00 (construction), inspection on each permit will be billed to the permittee at a rate of $50.00 per hour with a $25.00 (1/2 hour) minimum. Permittee signature constitutes an agreement to these terms and provisions. Permit not valid until One -Call Notification Ticket # entered here PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON SITE Date !nit Date Excerpts from Spokane Valley Standards (3.24, and details AS and A -8a): • Every driveway approach must provide access to an off road parking area located on private property. The driveway shall be of sufficient length so a vehicle In the driveway does not project into the road right of way, sidewalk, or pathway. • Public or private driveways in industrial, commercial, multiple family, church or any like use shall be constructed to allow vehicles to exit without backing onto a public road. • Driveway approaches shall be constructed to avoid interference with existing drainage Inlets, culverts, road lighting standards, utility poles, traffic regulating devices, fire hydrants or other public utilities. The applicant shall bear the cost of relocating any such public facility. • Driveway approach grades within the right of way shall not exceed 8% In urban area, or 2% in rural areas. Driveway grades shall not exceed 10% within ten feet of a city right of way. See Standards for a more complete listing of requirements. : (e.L'X / 1 7 J ! iC■ l� /d ✓rte _ s 2 z4 3 7 i � 0 08/01/00 2B.180 Trench Backfill And Restoration 2B.170 Temporary Street Patching Temporary restoration of trenches shall be accomplished by using 2" Cass B Asphalt Concrete Pavement when available or 2" medium - curing (MC -250) Liquid Asphalt (cold mix), 2" Asphalt Treated Base (ATB), or steel plates. ATB used for temporary restoration may be dumped directly into the trench, bladed and rolled. After rolling, the trench must be filled flush with asphalt concrete pavement to provide a smooth riding surface. All temporary patches shall be maintained by the contractor until such time as the permanent pavement patch is in place. • lithe contractor is unable to maintain a patch for whatever reason, the City will patch it at actual cost plus overhead and materials and contractor shall pay said City costs. Trench restoration shall be either by a patch or patch- plus-overlay as required by the City. A All trench and pavement cuts shall be made by spade - bladed jackhammer or sawcuts. The cuts shall be a minimum of 1 foot outside the trench width. B. All trenching shall be backfilled with crushed surfacing materials conforming to Section 7 - 083(31 of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications. The trench shall be compacted to 95 percent maximum density, as described in Section 2 -03.3(14)D of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications. If the existing material is determined by the City to be suitable for backfill, the contractor may use the native material except that the top 8 inches of trench shall be 3/4 inch minus ballast. All trench backfill materials shall be compacted to 95% density. Backfill compaction shall be performed in 6 -inch lifts. Replacement of the asphalt concrete or Portland concrete cement shall be of existing depth plus 1 inch or 3 inches, whichever is greater. 2 -19 0 08/01/00 2 -20 C. Tack shall be applied to the existing pavement and edge of cut and shall be emulsified asphalt grade CSS -1 as specified in Section 9- 02.1(6) of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications. Tack coat shall be applied as specified in Section 5.04.3(5)(A) of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications. D. Asphalt concrete Class B shall be placed on the .prepared surface by an approved paving machine and shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 5-04 of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications, except that longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of 12 inches unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with Section 9 -03.8 of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete over 2 inches thick shall follow WSDOT 5-04.0(9). All street surfaces, walks or driveways within the street trenching areas affected by the trenching shall be feathered and shimmed to an extent that provides a smooth -riding connection and expeditious drainage flow for the newly paved surface. Shimming and feathering as required by the City Engineer shall be accomplished by raking out the oversized aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate. Surface smoothness shall be per Section 5- 04.3(13) of the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications. The paving shall be corrected by removal and repaving of the trench only. E. All joints shall be sealed using paving asphalt AR4000W. F. When trenching within the roadway shoulder(s), the shoulder shall be restored to its original or better condition. G. The final patch shall be completed as soon as possible and shall be completed within 72 hours after first opening the trench. This time frame may be adjusted if delays are due to inclement paving weather, or other adverse conditions that may exist. However, delaying of final patch of overlay work is allowable only subject to the City Engineer's approval. The Public Works Director may deem it necessary to complete the work within the 30 days time frame and not allow any time extension. If this occurs, the Contractor shall perform the necessary work as directed by the Public Works Director Avista Utilities P.O. 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 May 20, 2004 Subject Unpaid Encroachment permit To Whom It May Concern: The City of Airway Heights has not received payment for an encroachment permit for the work performed on 12th street between King & Beeman Streets. The fee for an Open Street Cut pemdt Is $50.0018 this is according to AHMC 12.10. This fee applies to projects involving Improved and maintained streets and alleys within the City of Airway Heights. The total area of street cuts for this project Is 7 ft., this establishes a fee of $350.00. When will the City of Airway Heights expect payment of these fees? Additionally, the City of Airway Heights has as part of its Public Works Standards, a standard for 'Trench Bacic ihl and Restoration.' This standard may previously not have come to Avista Utilities attention, it is the purpose of this letter to do so. The City desires a strong working relationship with Avista Utilities and wishes to always have good communication. Therefore, I am including a copy of our Public Works Standards, Section 2B.180 for °Trench Bacldll and Restoration.' This is the standard that is to be adhered to. If you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to call me at (509) 2445429. Truly, Public Works Director City of Airway Heights Ph: 509- 244 -5429 Fax 509-244-4317 P.O. Bo* 889 Airway Height, WA 99001 -0969 (508) 244-5578 -ASo 13q o ( 7 c it 0"p-° /3741. a LSb o3$