2005, 08-09 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 9,2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 72nd meeting Attendance: City Staff: Diana Wilhite,Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Rich Munson,Deputy Mayor Nina Regor,Deputy City Manager Dick Denenny, Councilmember Cary Driskell,Deputy City Attorney Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Steve Taylor, Councilmember Neil Kersten,Public Works Director Mike Jackson,Parks and Recreation Director Absent: Tom Scholtens,Building Official Councilmember DeVleming—excused "Bing"Bingaman,IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Deputy Mayor Munson gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember DeVleming. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson, seconded by Councilmember Denenny, and unanimously approve, to excuse Councilmember DeVleming. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson, seconded by Councilmember Denenny, and unanimously approved to approve the Agenda as presented. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE,BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Denenny: reported that he attended the Regional Health Board Meeting where they discussed concerns with the flue outbreak and vaccinations; that he also attended the steering committee for the wastewater dischargers to set an agenda for an upcoming meeting at the end of this month. Councilmember Flanigan: explained that he attended six separate National Night Out events; he attended the 100th Anniversary of Modern Electric; and spent a day in a dunk tank for the Valley Museum. Deputy Mayor Munson: stated that he also attended and hosted a National Night Out event; that he accompanied Parks and Recreation Director Jackson, Public Information Officer Carolbelle Branch, and CenterPlace Coordinator Lisa Bracco on a tour of CenterPlace and that he looks forward to the grand opening and invites everyone to come see the center during Valleyfest; he mentioned he also attended Modern Electric's 100th Anniversary celebration. Councilmember Taylor: mentioned he attended the Modern Electric celebration; and several National Night Out events. Councilmember Schimmels: said that he too attended National Night Out; and Modern Electric's Celebration; and encouraged people to come to the Planning Commission meeting this Wednesday and Thursday to discuss the comprehensive plan. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite attended National Night Out and reported there were approximately 32 events throughout Spokane Valley; she attended Modern Electric's celebration; went to the Fair Grounds for a press Council Meeting: 08-09-05 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 08-23-05 conference to show off the new fairgrounds facility and heard the announcement of this year's theme: Fair Factor (a derivative of the television show title "Fear Factor"); that she attended a presentation for Mirabeau Park Building; Hot August Nights; a free operetta in the park; and a CORE picnic in the park which highlighted employment opportunities for the disabled. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comments. Lloyd Petersen, 3001 N Joel Court: explained a situation concerning a 208 drainage swale on his property, which swale was put in too steep, making it difficult to mow; that he fixed the situation but when the contractor put the street in, he left a raised place in one area of the street and a ditch in another; and that he contacted Spokane Valley City staff who refuse to allow him to fix the situation. It was indicated staff will research the issue and respond to Mr. Petersen. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. (Note: Council may entertain a motion to waive reading and approve Consent Agenda.) a. Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER TOTAL DATE Number(s) VOUCHER AMOUNT 07-22-05 7244-7282 $320,300.80 07-29-05 7283-7306 $1,200,701.30 GRAND TOTAL $1,521,002.10 b. Approval of Payroll of July 31, 2005 of$ 187,983.17 c. Approval of Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 26, 2005 d. Approval of Special Council Executive Session Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2005 e. Approval of Probation Services Agreement f. Ratification of Authorization Expenditure and Logo Use It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan, seconded by Councilmember Taylor, and unanimously approved to waive the reading and approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 05-024 Amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.25— Dave Mercier After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 05-024. Mr. Mercier explained that there currently exists an inconsistency between the City's Municipal Code and State Statute regarding the appointment of the city attorney; and this ordinance will ensure consistently. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Abstentions: None. Motion Carried. 3. Proposed Resolution 05-015 for Senior Permit Specialist and Senior Plans Examiner—Nina Regor It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Deputy Mayor Munson to approve Resolution 05-015 creating the Senior Plans Examiner and Senior Permit Specialist classification and position description. Deputy City Manager explained the background leading to the proposed Resolution, and then gave her PowerPoint presentation, which included the budget impact, and that the permit specialist is proposed at grade 14 and the plans examiner position at a grade 16. In response to Council questions, Ms. Regor explained that there is only one plans examiner position which is currently filled and she would look to re-examine and re-classify that position; that one of the current four positions for permit specialist would be re-classified to the senior position, that no one is at the top of their grade and Council Meeting: 08-09-05 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 08-23-05 the approval would result in a 5-10% difference. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Taylor stated that given the strenuous nature of the permitting and building departments and plans examiner, which have been operating efficiently but need additional resources, that this should make the process smoother and add to the business friendly nature for which we all strive. Vote by acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Abstentions:None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: [no public comment] 4. Proposed 2006 Revenues and Expenditures—Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson gave his PowerPoint presentation, explaining that this is a first look at the 2006 proposed budget, and the budget hearing is scheduled for August 23, 2006 to take comment on projected revenues and expenditures. Mr. Thompson added that conditions change almost daily, and Council could expect to see more changes before the budget is finalized. Finance Director Thompson mentioned that the $60 million budget is down about four million from the amended 2005 budget; and that he did not include the fuel tax in next year's budget as there is a movement to repeal that tax; and that all total the amount in reserves is approximately $3.8 million. In response to Councilmember Denenny's question concerning any change in the gambling tax as a result of the County's change, Mr. Thompson stated that we lost one casino but added two; that the second quarter returns appear to be close; but we will know better in another quarter. 5. Outside Agencies' Presence at CenterPlace—Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson explained that there was a previous verbal request from SCOPE that the City consider housing a SCOPE station in CenterPlace; and staff broadened the topic to include the discussion of potential similar requests from other outside agencies. Mr. Jackson said that CenterPlace is funded in part through the Spokane Public Facilities District, which places legal requirements of regional use on the facility based upon the definition of the term "regional" as defined in RCW 36.100 and 35.57.020, and accordingly, Bond Council Michael Ormsby developed a Certificate of City qualifying the regional use as 40% for the Senior Wing; 20% for the conference/educational wing; 100% conference/meeting; and 74% circulation/basement. Discussion ensued regarding the facility, the senior's space and of the possibility of sharing that space with a SCOPE officer; discussing that scenario possibility with the Senior Association; restrictions on the type of use in the facility; and that one office is still available. Mr. Mercier added that traditional SCOPE station offices are open to all ages and all people; and that this would be more SCOPE interaction with those who populate the senior center, rather than establishing a SCOPE station in CenterPlace. Mr. Jackson will research permanent use of the space as opposed to more casual use; and any long term commitment which might be available for space use that is not regional. 6. Street Dedication Process—Neil Kersten/Cary Driskell As per his August 9, 2005, Request for Council Action form, Public Works Director Kersten explained that the City does not now have a process to accept new right-of-way and street improvements that a developer would be doing and want to dedicate to the City; that such a process would include gathering information on identifying the parties; stipulating how the property would be transferred; clearly stating the description of the land and the location of the area to be dedicated; potential or proposed improvements to confirm compliance with city standards; checking utilities so all improvements meet those standards; and any other conditions of dedication necessary to the process. Mr. Kersten said staff would like to develop the process and bring back a proposed ordinance and standard form to address this issue. There was Council consensus for staff to draft a right-of-way dedication ordinance for future council consideration. 7. Permitting On-line—Tom Scholtens Council had previously requested a report on the current status of on-line permitting for construction permits, and Building Official Scholtens explained in his PowerPoint presentation, which permits are Council Meeting: 08-09-05 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 08-23-05 available on line, how customers pay for those on-line permits, and gave an assessment of the current system. Deputy Mayor Munson stated that it was Council's intent three years ago to establish a simple, less complicated system for the lower-tiered functions to be able to be done on-line, and then to try to expand that service within the current system. Discussion then included tracking and the possibility of gathering the data to put on the website for citizens to track; faxing and/or a-mails of documents and information; and that staff is researching options to accomplish the goal of having the most effective, easily modified,and relatively technologically uncomplicated method for on-line permitting and tracking. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:25 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 8.Urban Growth Areas,Zonint and Development—Scott,Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta explained that while the City is developing its first Comprehensive Plan, it also is concerned with the accompanying development issues, such as the ability of the City's infrastructure to support specific development proposals; and he mentioned there have been several activities recently in the region that impact Spokane Valley's growth. After Mr, Kuhta's PowerPoint presentation and explanation of the history of the urban growth areas, zoning and development in the region, Deputy Mayor Munson stated that he would like to ascertain if based on the information discussed,council feels a need for joint planning and to designate several cities' contiguous UGAs as future annexation areas for those contiguous cities. Councilmember Taylor concurred and stated he feels it important to future development and to the entire region as the development places pressure on transportation infrastructure concerning growth adjacent to boundaries; and also feels it would be beneficial to hold a joint meeting with the Board of County Commissioners, Further Council/staff discussion included whether the boundaries should be expanded, urban areas serviced by cities; and population allocation numbers. It was Council consensus when Deputy Mayor Munson meets tomorrow, to urge the County to come together with an interlocal agreement regarding joint planning, City Manager Mercier mentioned a few procedural issues regarding the question of appeal, which is a legislative council issue; and that SEPA challenges are an administrative determination if such neighboring jurisdiction's SEPA report would be appealable or acceptable; if there were any further court appeals,that still stays within the administrative realm. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Public Employee Evaluation It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan, seconded by Deputy Mayor Munson and unanimously approved to adjourn into executive session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss a public employee evaluation. Council adjourned into executive session. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at 8:33 p.m.; and no decisions or action was taken. It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan, seconded by Councilmember Schimrnels, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m. 1"-& 11Q-kittU Diana Wilhite, Mayor AT : Aft .h'ristine Bainbridge, Ci•Clerk Council Meeting: 08-09-05 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 08-23-05 S�okane Valle ,• . . y PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET • SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 9,2005 CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT INCLUDED ONTO1 JGJT'SAGENDA. Please include your name and address for the record. Your time will be limited to three (3) minutes. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN ADDRESS TELEPHONE PLEASE PIRI:NT L- waif la iilL.. t1oc1 c", 924.-9'381-- • • /70 '1 CC1T1'UE Valle y 11707 F Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org ..... M- ..•s.MSI.avi�a. rY >• -. -f....r....L ti .. r• ..) >.. �. . �. M+4..ra T-i.b. .... A. ..T3 L(Iw. b T. 3, w-.✓•.. n. ..a.• .c1•--n:.N Ta t. July 21, 2005 Lloyd Peterson • 3001 N Joel Rd • Spokane Valley, WA 99027 Re: 3001. N Joel.Rd-Drainage Facilities • Dear Mr. Peterson • This letter is in response to your concern regarding the swale located at 3001 N Joel Rd. You had indicated that you were concerned about the volume of runoff your swale gets.and your adjacent neighbor owns a swale that receives little to no runoff due to the grade of the cul-de-sac. Our research indicates that Spokane County approved the drainage plans for Meadowark. • Addition Coach-Lite Estates in 1992. . On those plans, the stormwater for Joel Court was designed to flow along the curb into the drainage swale facility located on your property. The swale on your neighbors property was not part of the approved drainage plans. However, it was installed when the house was built because your driveway encroached into the drainage easement • designated in the plat. - • During a visit to your property,the following was observed: • • Stormwatcr flowing into the swale on your property, as designed by the engineer. • Due.to the road grade, runoff does not flow towards the curb inlet into your neighbor's swain. ' • • Your swale appears to infiltrate at an acceptable rate. Based on the information available to us at this time, it appears that the drainage system is operating per the original engineered plans. The revised plans did not require a change in the • road design. Therefore, the City has no grounds to get involved. If you have any other questions or concerns,please contact me at 688-0229. Sincerely, Aaron Clary • Stormwater Technician c: Councilmen Gary Schimmels Neil Kasten,Public Works Director • P:\Public Works\Stortnwaxer Management\Coniplaints\Response to Public\2005Uoe1 Ct,3001 (Peterson).doc P- igo No. of Pages ir,NN Asfp <T Finn Asphalt Services, Inc. Olio' FIN21ASI003K6 P.O. Box 91 S� L. Spokane, WA 99016 R ICES:- Phone (509) 892-7372 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE STREET J08 NAME ^J 1 • CRY,STATE,ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHJTECT a ATE OF PLANS J08 PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for. • . r p A ■ – - tL _.. r<M _ r : - • Y • •L-. i' P /I t t r Cs-c � . . f .1, a .• Ii - $�i kMe< •�. rcti��. e: (b� t...7:11.___2 eseg ( 0. Pe.ivet r - t. ► C • . 4 f 1 "moo. a at o — Cl L' F ie.. : cSs .) tb.,11 IN E Propose hereby to furnish material and labor—complete In accordance with abovo specifications,for the sum of: ' ft .-T, . _ ) I , e e . Payment to be made as follows: 41 r II Al)realcuol Is guaranteed to be as epadded.All work to be completed in o wo,uaedke manner so• canting to standard practices.Arry altemtlon a dentation from nbovo adooilira!lons Involving axes Authorized costs will be executed O1 ty upon written ordeie.and will become en onto charge over and above the Signature AN .ra astimate.All egreonsnts contngcnt upon streces,accidents or Mays beyond our cannot.Owner to Note:This proposal may be ' carry tire,tornado and oilier nary insurance.Our werketa are hdlg covered by Wa ltman's Corr• demotion Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within V?.!days. iu"CEp�a*we of proposal - The above prices,specifications and core tions are satisfactory end see hereby accepted.You are authorized to do the wont Signature as specified.Payment will bo made as outlined above. • Date of Acceptance:, Signature 23 Apr 93 rJ f MIMORAMDOM TO: Bill Hemmings FROM: Ed Parry PI(o43 RE: i4! - Meadowlark Addition to Coach-Lite Estates Storm Pond/208 Swale 1. I met with Mari Webb ( landscape architect for Mr. & Mrs. Loyd • Petersen) to address possible alternatives to locating the entire storm pond for this project on the Petersen's lot. The meeting occurred at 3 p.m. on 22 Apr 93 at the project site, located on Joel Road north of Buckeye, in the Coach-Lite Estates mobile home park. 2 . The curbing for the project appears to pitch toward the north edge of the cul-de-sac bulb with Fairview, with the low point at approximately the lot line between Lot 5 and Lot 6. The approved plans indicate the curb line pitches from the east project line around the cul-de-sac bulb to a curb inlet on the west edge of the project, at about the mid-point of Lot 6. This curb cut feeds the storm pond located in the southeast portion of Lot 6 (pond appears to be located per the approved plans) . From the apparent pitch of the existing curb, the portion of the storm runoff from the eastern potion of the project site will not reach the storm pond on Lot 6; the runoff will instead tend to pond near the Lot 5 / Lot 6 boundary. 3. The owners of Lot 6, Mr. and Mrs. Petersen, apparently have an ongoing discussion with the developers of the parcel as to the placement of the entire stormwater disposal system on the their parcel; this discussion stems from the Petersen's assertion that the Lot plan on which they based their purchase shows no easements of any sort for the storm pond. 4 . Based on the existing conditions, the size of the storm pond on Lot 6 could be reduced if a curb cut was installed at the apparent low point, and directed to a disposal pond on the western boundary of Lot 5. There also appears to be sufficient space in the cul-de- sac curb return on Lot 4 to install a 208 swale (which would treat the easterly 50± feet of Fairview) ; this swale could then be piped under the driveways at Lots 4 & 5 to the new storm pond on Lot 5 . 5. The impacts of the existing storm pond on Lot 6 could be minimized by the installation of a rockery or low retaining wall along the south and west sides of the pond; the existing fence negates the need for any sort of slope from the existing ground surface to the floor of the pond. The north and east edges of the pond could be sloped at a somewhat flatter slope than indicated on the plans, provided that the resulting loss of storm pond volume and 208 swale floor is compensated elsewhere on the project. MEMORANDUM RR: P1603 - Meadowlark Addition to Coach-Lite Estates Storm Pond/208 Swale 23 Apr 93 Page 2 6. RECOMMENDATIONS: a. The County should require the developers to verify the as- built grades on the curb. b. If the grades on the curb do not conform to the approved plans, the County should require the developers to take corrective action. The County could suggest to the developers that in lieu of removal and replacement of the non-conforming curb, installation of a storm pond on Lot 5 (fed from the apparent low point) and a 208 swale in the cul-de-sac curb return on Lot 6 would be an acceptable resolution of the condition. c. The County should inform the developers that any revisions to the approved plans must be stamped and signed by a Washington State - licensed Professional Engineer, and approved by the County prior to construction of the intended revisions. "" ne Valley County Land Use : UGAs , Zoning and Development Report to City Council August 9, 2005 Spokane Valley Urban Growth Areas ( UGAs ) • Spokane Valley UGA • City Incorporations • Remnant UGAs • UGAs adopted by County in consultation with cities County Urban Land Use Adjacent to CSV • Urban Land Use Categories — Low Density Residential (6 DU/Acre) — Medium Family Residential ( 12 DU/Acre) — Light Industrial — Mixed Use ( Residential , Commercial ) — Community Commercial County Rural Land Use Adjacent to CSV • Rural Land Use Categories — Urban Reserve ( 1 DU/20 acres ; or 1 DU/5 acres w/cluster) — Rural Traditional ( 1 DU/ 10 acres ) — Rural Conservation ( 1 DU/20 acres ; or 1 DU/ 10 acres w/cluster) — Rural-5 ( 1 DU/5 acres) County Comprehensive Plan Map tilts 36 Rural Categories - LDR r� •4 a�.. " _ �., _,i� • Urban Reserve (U R) .,. ,0 . - , t - ���-� ; ,K 1-- ii • Rural Traditional (RT) ag_°� �?y ' �";'r� S •-` • Rural Conservation (RC) "a '`���'�_'__'I'-`�'S5• !�"''�= - "' oil� fi-11 ter; vrIA k.-1a,a ,,: UGA Revisions • CWPP Require 5-year UGA update • UGA can be amended annually • UGA amendments must be reviewed by Steering Committee of Elected Officials — recommendation to County Commissioners • County Commissioners make final UGA decisions Recent UGA Amendments • In 2004, previous Commission denied a number of UGA expansion requests . • Decisions appealed to EWGMHB • New Commission elected - agree to one public hearing to settle appeals • County adopted UGA amendments on July 19 , 2005 adding 700 +\- acres to UGA • 244+/- acres undeveloped land in Turtle Creek/Morn ingside area • Amendments were not reviewed by Steering Committee Development Projects in County UGAs • Development in UGAs impact City • LOS failures at intersections • GMA requires denial of new development if transportation concurrency cannot be met 2005 PM PM Peak LOS Intersection Peak Hour LOS w/approved developments Sprague/Sullivan D E* Saltese/Sullivan C F* 32nd/SR 27 C - ' LOS from Back 9 Sports Bar and Timberlane Terrace traffic impact analyses. SEPA • Determination of Nonsignificance ( DNS) • Mitigation Determination of Nonsignificance ( MDNS ) — Requires mitigation as part of project • Determination of Significance ( DS ) — Requires Environmental Impact Statement • County has been issuing DNSs on projects with known environmental issues Joint Planning • Counties must adopt policies for joint city/county planning for UGAs • CWPP include policies for Joint Planning • UGAs = Future Annexation Areas • Coordinated transition from County to City governance • Interlocal agreement — Land use issues — Development Impacts Spokane County Comp Plan Update • County must update Comp Plan by 2006 — Includes UGA evaluation • New 20-year population projection — 657,946 County Population Projection — 436, 300 April 1 , 2005 County population • County looking to add 11 + square miles to UGA to accommodate population projection • UGA/Population Projection coordinated through Steering Committee ice%" 6.P3 City of Spokane Valley Proposed Budget - Draft 2006 2005 2006 2004 Amended Proposed Actuals Budget Budget 001 - General Fund General Fund Resources: Beginning Fund Balance $ (2,432,278) $ 3,784,250 $ 4,784,250 Property Taxes 8,980,837 9,870,000 8,950.000 Property Taxes - Delinquent - 185,316 225,000 Sales Tax 14,681,175 13,998,000 15,400,000 Gambling Tax 880,153 800,000 810,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registration 657,083 650,000 681.750 State Shared Revenues 1,104,311 1,121,709 1,121,000 Service Revenues 1,815,575 1,863,000 1,600,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,261,955 1,200,000 1,350,000 Recreation Program Revenues 152,034 170,000 345,516 Miscellaneousllnvestment Interest 76,104 41,000 133,800 Interfund Transfers 34,300 207.140 247,000 Total General Fund Resources $ 27,211,249 $ 33,890,415 $ 35,648,316 General Fund Expenditures Legislative Branch 195,140 288,226 304.267 Executive and Legislative Support 363,622 442,887 470,105 Public Safety 14,483,635 15,909,424 17,057,640 Deputy City Manager 234,833 350.692 499,405 Finance 363,744 511,219 516,895 Legal 195,374 262,307 263,750 Human Resources 42,182 170.383 161,120 Public Works 615,769 800.490 972,942 Planning 748,112 928,006 1,095,808 Building 694.366 801.309 1,013.126 Library 2,020,296 2,270.000 - Parks Admin 960,961 1,070,262 1,168,703 Recreation 77,333 158,215 199,475 Aquatics 249,547 255,818 299,921 Senior Center 77,726 126.592 69,269 CenterPlace 14,675 348,299 438,298 General Government 1,075,355 9.196,306 6,866,000 Total General Fund Expenditures 22.412,671 33,890,415 31,396,724 General Fund Estimated Fund Balance S 4.798.578 $ - $ 4,251.592 8/9/2005 1003 AM