2014, 02-11 Minutes Regular MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,February 11,2014 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff: Dean Grafos,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Bill Bates, Councilmember John Holman, Community Dev Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Ed Pace, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Chris Bainbridge,City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a Pastor, Mayor Grafos asked for a few moments of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Grafos led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Amended Agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Hafner: said he attended the recent Health Board Meeting, and that he and the Board welcomed Councilmember Pace to the Board; said next month they will be talking about a lawsuit. Councilmember Pace: reported that his first Health Board meeting included an orientation; said he went to an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) planning and development committee meeting where they reviewed part of STA's Comprehensive Plan; and said he also participated in this City's Governance Committee to discuss changes to the manual,which is part of tonight's agenda. Councilmember Higgins: said he had no report. Councilmember Bates:reported that the also participated in the Governance Committee meeting; went to the Clean Air Agency Board Meeting and said he is still learning about that committee and is amazed at the things they do, adding that we have a stagnate air problem in the winter and a problem County-wide with the older model wood stoves, and said they have a program for trading older models for newer ones. Councilmember Bates said that last year 225 old models were traded which reduced air pollutants by about 9.5 tons. Councilmember Wick: reported that he attended the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) Orientation; said they had a meeting With the U.S. Accountability Office for freight congestion and that some of the highlights from their interview was SRTC presenting the idea of Bridging the Valley and the impacts of the coal and oil cars. Deputy Mayor Woodard: said he had no report. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Grafos said he attended the GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc)Board of Trustees meeting where they discussed the 1-90 Barker Road interchange to Harvard Road and the Barker Road Grade Separation project,and of the hope for funding the projects. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comments.No comments were offered. Council Regular Meeting 02-11-2014 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:02-25-2014 1.PUBLIC HEARING! Propoccd Amended 2014 Transportation Improvement Plan Steve Worley Item was previously removed from the agenda 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a.Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 01-09-2014 31186-31209 $44,489.39 01-10-2014 31210-31222 $31,030.62 01-10-2014 31223-31280; 106140008 $440,573.24 01-15-2014 31281-31295 $277,440.53 01-15-2014 3; 4666, 4667,4669, 4670; 31296 $109,443.13 01-16-2014 31297-31330 $214,667.90 01-16-2014 31331-31361 $52,369.03 01-22-2014 31362-31371 $151,020.93 01-24-2014 31372-31390 $153,344.82 01-24-2014 31391-31419 $25,438.47 01-28-2014 31420-31430 $15,444.53 01-30-2014 31431-31446 $425,718.55 01-30-2014 31447 $115.00 01-30-2014 31448-31454; 128140150 $452,278.61 01-31-2014 31455-31466 $13,248.88 GRAND TOTAL $2,406,623.63 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending January 15,2014: $345,941.50 c.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending January 31,2014: $430,036.26 d. Approval of January 14, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal Meeting Format e. Approval of January 21,2014 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format f. Approval of February 4,2014 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS. 3.Proposed Ordinance 14-002 Interim Marijuana Regulations—Erik Lamb After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 14-002, adopting interim marijuana regulations. Deputy City Attorney Lamb explained that this ordinance is as a result of Council's desire to implement additional regulations concerning marijuana businesses, and of desire to include vacant school properties and trails in particular,to those areas included in the 1,000 foot buffer. Mr. Lamb went over the sections of the Ordinance, and mentioned that the Recitals are being included as Council's Finding; said these are interim regulations and according to law, a public hearing will be held later, and is currently scheduled for March 25, at which time the public will have additional opportunity for comment; adding that this ordinance will be in effect for six months and that in the interim, the process for final adoption of rules will be followed. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked about the Millwood trail and Mr. Lamb said after research, staff felt that trail was not appropriate to include now, but that we have a design concept already for the Appleway trail. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. Isaac Curtis of Spokane Valley said he appreciates this City's support and encouragement of this industry. Mike King, of NAI Black Real Estate office, 107 S Howard in Spokane, mentioned from a real estate point of view,that business placement has largely been in the light industrial areas, and he mentioned some of the tenant rent paying processes, including a get-away clause. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Wick mentioned the numerous discussions on this subject in connection with AWC (Association of Washington Cities), and said he feels the interim regulations are good ideas; but that much still remains unsettled. Mr. Lamb said after the Council Regular Meeting 02-11-2014 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:02-25-2014 March public hearing, Council will need to adopt Findings of Fact, and the ordinance could be modified at that point. Vote by Acclamation on the Motion to Adopt the Ordinance: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed. None. Motion carried. Item was previously removed from the agenda ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Governance Manual Review—Chris Bainbridge City Clerk Bainbridge explained that the Governance Committee met Friday and discussed several proposed changes to the manual, and aside from some of the minor edits, the topics discussed included changes to the voting for Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Ballot Issues, and Internet Use. Council and staff discussed these changes and there was Council consensus for staff to bring this back at a future Council meeting for approval consideration. 6.Annual Accomplishments Report for 2013—Mike Jackson,Department Directors City Manager Mike Jackson started the report by going through PowerPoint slides beginning with the 2013 Council Budget Goals, and moving through the slides describing accomplishments in the Executive/Legislative department, including the City Clerk's office, and Operations and Administrative Services, which includes the Deputy City Manager,Human Resources, and Finance and IT, as well as the Public Information Officer. Human Resources Manager Whitehead went through the slides dealing with Human Resources,which include the front desk reception and their volume of work; which was followed. by Finance Director Calhoun explaining the slides dealing with our financial audit report, the budget, surplus equipment, and the services of the IT (Information Technology) staff. City Attorney Driskell explained his office's accomplishments, including the number of contracts drafted, reviewed and/or negotiated, successful litigation against Hollywood Erotic Boutique, legal support to City staff on numerous issues, and providing training classes inside and outside the City's organization on such topics as public records, open government, marijuana legislation, and declarations. Next Community Development Director Hohman reported on some of his Department's accomplishments, including implementation of the SmartGov permitting system, and showed graphs and charts showing the total permits,revenue, and permit valuation comparisons from 2009 through and including 2013; he mentioned the code amendments, short plats, rezones and other miscellaneous planning actions; drafting of the Shoreline Master Program Development Regulations, and of the number of Code Enforcement cases opened and mitigated. Moving to Development Engineering, Director Holman mentioned that the standard construction detail plans have been updated and the Engineering Technical position reassigned to the Permit Center; explained about the creation of the Economic Development Coordinator position and the creation and implementation of the Certified Sites Program, as well as his Department's work on inventorying and analyzing the industrial land in the City, and their coordinated City marketing efforts. Mr. Hohman mentioned some of the hew housing projects, new commercial projects, new manufacturing/industrial projects, as well as tenant improvements to various businesses, and the new projects along Auto Row. Public Works Director Guth then discussed his department's accomplishments over the last year, which included the number of citizen action requests received and responded to; amount of deicer and granular deicer used; that there was 4,550 tons of pavement preservation, 135 yards of sidewalk repair, and 65 miles of shoulder repair; said the Geiger Work Crew picked up 42,620 pounds of garbage along roads and streets and mowed 104 acres of dry land. Mr. Guth mentioned the projects done in conjunction with WSDOT(Washington State Department of Transportation) such as installation of the I-90 Business Loop signs; said over 1,500 signs where upgraded throughout the City and old signs replaced which no longer meets standards of retroreflectivity; he mentioned the upgrading of traffic signals; said they formalized the Stormwater Capital Improvement Program and received state and United Pacific Railroad permitting for multi-year Chester Creek maintenance; he mentioned the grants awarded including over $1.2 million in new grant funding and $470,000 in grant reimbursements; he went over some of the storm drain improvements, briefly talked about their work on the drywells and catchbasins; and said they maintained Council Regular Meeting 02-11-2014 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:02-25-2014 over eleven acres of irrigated turf in roadside stormwater facilities;reported that they completed the 2014- 2019 six year Transportation Improvement Program, and received approximately$2.1 in grants. Mr. Guth also summarized some of the Capital Improvement Program projects, such as the Sullivan Road Bridge Drain Retrofit, Sprague Avenue ADA Improvements, 24th Avenue Sidewalk project, and mentioned such completed projects including the Sullivan Road Phase 1, Carnahan to Kahuna Phase 3, Sprague Swale overlay; and mentioned the University Road Overpass study, Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study, and Citywide Safety Improvements, as well as Phase 1 of the Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail design project, and the Vista-BNSF Railroad Crossing Safety Improvement Design. Parks and Recreation Director Stone mentioned the Completion of the 2013 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update, as well as his department partnering with others such as the Washington State Parks, and Spokane County and City in an Interlocal Agreement for maintenance of the Centennial trail; said his department was involved with conceptual planning for the proposed Appleway Trail Corridor, worked with Public Works on the Sullivan Bridge park expansion project, and partnered with Spokane Community Colleges on a Geology Study of Mirabeau Point Park. Some of the projects Parks and Recreation was involved with included updates to the Police Precinct, and demolition of the Ray Brown residence adjacent to Greenacres Park; he mentioned the completion of the Gateway Sign, ADA accessible walkway for new Discovery Playground shelters, new acoustical panels in the Great Room in CenterPlace, and Valleyfest activities throughout CenterPlace; said they hosted their second annual Open House of the Events Center, increased the marketing program, booked over 800 events and hosted over 116,000 participants to the Building. Director Stone said the second annual dog swim event was successful, as well as the outdoor movies in the park, the ten-week Summer Day Camp, and the fourth annual Valley Mission Haunted Pool. Mr. Stone said "Breakfast with Santa" went very well with over 500 people attending; said the Senior Center continues to emphasize health and well-being seminars, and that over 36,000 seniors participated in a variety of events and classes. Council as well as City Manager Jackson congratulated the City staff for all their accomplishments and hard work. 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos There were no suggestions for the advance agenda. INFORMATION ONLY: n/a CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Jackson mentioned that Councilmember Wick had suggested some topics for the Council of Governments meeting, such as marijuana regulations and code enforcement lien authority, and Mr. Jackson said he would contact the County in that regard. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn, The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Dean Grafos,Mayor ALI;: e �..Y i.L ' 1 hristine :ainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 02-11-2014 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:02-25-2014 'GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET \\\\ SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 11, 2014 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE: Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT 156iaG . .c;1 Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure.