2005, 11-01 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 78 meeting Attendance: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember City Staff: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Cal Walker, Police Chief Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Greg McCormick, Planning Manager "Bing" Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor David Johnson, Valley United Methodist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson, seconded by Councilmember DeVleming, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda as presented. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: New Employee Introductions: Finance Director Thompson introduced Charlotte "Charlie" Pfieger, new Accountant /Budget Analyst. Council welcomed Charlie to the staff. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Flanigan: reported that he attended a board meeting for the Public Health District where Dr. Thorburn discussed the bird flu articles reported by the press. Councilmember Denenny: said that he also attended the Public Health District meeting; and that he also attended an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) meeting; and a TMDL(total maximum daily load) steering committee meeting, and said it is anticipated that a full -group meeting will be held the end of November. Councilmember DeVleming• mentioned he is working on the Community Christmas Tree and has hopefully solved the shorting malfunction problem. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that she met with teachers and students of West Valley School District which runs a special school called City School where they have their own city council, and they expressed interest in learning what we do; and that she invited them to participate in a meeting after the first of the year; and that she also attended a ribbon cutting for a new business; and attended a Ponderosa Neighborhood Visioning Committee meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comment, and reminded citizens if they have comments about the comprehensive plan, such comments won't be part of the public record unless taken during a public hearing, or submitted in writing. No public comments were offered. Council Meeting: 11 -01 -05 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 11 -15 -05 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers list dated 10- 24 -05, Vouchers 7833 to 7897, total amount $254,236.95 b. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of October 11, 2005 c. Minutes of Special Council Meeting of October 18, 2005 It was moved by Councilmember Denenny, seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, and unanimously agreed upon to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. NEW BUSINESS 2. Proposed Resolution 05 -023, Amending Fee Resolution — Ken Thompson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to approve the amendments to the fee resolution, resolution 05 -023, as presented. Finance Director went over the proposed changes to the fee resolution; mentioned that staff sent out 66 letters to architects, engineers and developers concerning fees, and that 12 people attended the meeting, and that a summary of that meeting in included in the council packet. Mr. Thompson also mentioned that these proposed changes include the changes proposed by the fire department. Mr. Thompson added that staff also would like to add a blasting permit fee of $60.00 for life safety purposes, and asked that be part of the motion to approve the resolution. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to amend the motion to include a $60.00 blasting permit fee for safety purposes. Vote to amend the motion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Building Official Scholtens explained that we relied on L &I to provide the State compliance on blasting that takes place in the City, but didn't look at the safety of citizens on a different level, as we want them to use seismic devices to measure ground motion and to ensure that residents in the immediate area will be notified of impending blasting; such notification to include placing signs, barricades, and sirens if deemed appropriate. Mr. Scholtens said that $60.00 is about how much it would cost to regulate that and do the administrative work; and in response to Council questions, said that this permit fee is for the occasional road blasting as mining would not be subject to this fee. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation on the amended motion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Appointment to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite explained that there were several applications submitted for this one position, and while she was pleased with the response, it makes choosing that one person very difficult. It was moved by Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Deputy Mayor Munson to appoint Mike Conway from Latah Creek Winery to this position on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Taylor expressed concern that there has been no time to discuss the merits of the individuals; and Councilmember Flanigan responded that resumes were distributed to all Councilmembers several weeks ago, and if any councilmember wished, they could have expressed their preference or questions to Mayor Wilhite. After further brief council discussion on the procedure to take in filling appointments, it was decided that each councilmember should feel free to give input to the Mayor on applicants; and the Mayor will inform councilmembers earlier in the process, of the applicant she intends to choose. It was also noted this method should be applied to the upcoming open positions on the Planning Commission. It was also determined that Mr. Conway's term will complete the term of the person is he replacing, that of Lisa Bracco. Councilmember DeVleming mentioned the need for having staggered terms and it was determined that staff will research that to see if the ordinance needs amending. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Munson, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Flanigan, and Denenny. Opposed: Councilmembers Taylor and DeVleming. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered. Council Meeting: 11 -01 -05 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 11 -15 -05 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 4. Amending 2005 Budget — Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson explained that any time it appears we are going to exceed the budget, the budget must be amended; that most of the changes are of a housekeeping nature; such as receipt of the two Community Development Block Grants, implementing the Comprehensive Plan, and CenterPlace construction; which construction was still below overall budget. Mr. Thompson mentioned that a first reading of an ordinance will be to council within the next several weeks, along with a public hearing on the proposed budget amendment. 5. Preliminary Legislative Agenda Initial Thoughts — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite explained that several councilmembers will be traveling to Olympia in January and talking with the legislature, and in anticipation of that, Council needs to begin discussion of some of the issues that AWC (Association of Washington Cities) feels are important. It was mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce forms a list of capital projects for regional consideration, and that the Children's Universal Park would be a good candidate for inclusion. Council discussed the idea of the park and of the positive aspects of having such a park. Other ideas included an indoor swimming pool with or without a teen center. Deputy Mayor Munson then discussed the AWC High Priorities, Other Priorities, GMA Revisions, and Other Issues including Streamlined Sales Tax, which were in the Council packet. Mayor Wilhite suggested Councilmembers save this section of their council packets for further consideration; and to send any other legislatives suggestions to City Clerk Bainbridge for distribution to council. Deputy Mayor Munson indicated the strategic planning is scheduled to be held in Olympia November 17, and he would like to have council and staff representation there if possible. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:10 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:20 p.m. DISCUSSION: Council Deliberation: Transportation Chapter of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. As a reminder, Mayor Wilhite stated that Council last time concurred to go through the goals and policies, and she suggested beginning that on page 30 of the Transportation Chapter. Council started on page 30 and went though TG -1 through TP -9.10, discussing some and not discussing others where they had no comments or suggested changes. Council chose not to make any changes to several goals and policies, and therefore, only those goals and policies (TG -1 through TP -9.10) with recommended changes are noted below. Streets and Roadways Goals & Policies Policies: TP -1.1 The following issues were discussed: how this policy applies to cul -de -sacs, do we want to encourage or discourage cul -de -sac; the desire to have connectivity and what that means, i.e. perhaps the ability to come out of an area, hit some kind of collector and move into another residential area; cut - through traffic; large planned communities fenced off without adequate access; "dumping" one neighborhood's traffic into another; that roads must be capable of safely dealing with traffic; the need to have developments with clear access to arterials or collectors; and the definition of street types, i.e. principles, minors, arterials, and collectors. There was Council consensus to amend the policy to read: Street design should provide for connectivity between residential neighborhoods and collectors. We want to and discourage cut - through traffic. Policy TP 2.3 The following issues were discussed: question on how this beautification and landscaping would be paid for, whether by the developer, impact fees, or other means; and whether to mandate this or encourage adherence to this policy. There was Council consensus to amend the policy to read: Incorporate Encourage landscaping, street lighting and beautification in the design standards for local access streets, collectors, and arterials. Council Meeting: 11 -01 -05 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 11 -15 -05 Goal TG -9: There was Council consensus to amend the goal to read: Encourage community livability and transportation by encouraging providing a connected system of pedestrian and bicycle ways that is integrated into a coordinated regional network. Policy TP 9.8 There was Council consensus to amend the policy to read: Include pedestrian friendly facilities such as sidewalks in city street reconstruction and improvement projects, and require pedestrian friendly facilities such as sidewalks in all new development. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, and seconded by Deputy mayor Munson to extend the meeting to 9:15 p.m. In Favor: Deputy Mayor Munson and Councilmember Taylor. Opposed: Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Schiminels, Flanigan, Denenny, and De Vleming. Abstentions: None. Motion failed. Prior to adjournment, it was determined that the starting point for next Council deliberation will be TG 10 of the Transportation Chapter. There being no further business, it was moved by Councilmember Flanigan, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p. rn. ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk DU QFut Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting: 11 -01 -05 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 11 -15 -05