Street Master Plan Pavement Management Plan ••00"4%, \/ãiley Pavement Management Program Pavement Management Plan Update 2011 Prepared for City of Spokane Valley September, 2011 Adopted by Council on March 27, 2012 rJUB J-U-B Engineers, Inc. 422 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 304 Spokane, Washington 99201-0302 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE 2011 1 INTRODUCTION 1 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS 3 2011 ANALYSIS AND UPDATE 7 1. Segment Consolidation 7 2. Automated Pavement Inspection 8 Local Access (residential) Street Deterioration 9 Pavement Performance Issues and Recommendations 10 Evaluation of Repair and Maintenance Treatments 11 BUDGET SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT 13 Arterial and Collectors 13 Local Access (residential) Streets 19 RECOMMENDATIONS 25 APPENDICES 1. AUTOMATED PAVEMENT INSPECTIONS METHODOLOGY 2. PROJECT EVALUATION RECOMMENDATIONS 3. DETERIORATION OF ROAD SEGMENTS 4. COMPARISON OF PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI) AND OVERALL CONDITION INDEX (OCI) 5. ARTERIAL PROJECTS 2011 OCI Map: Arterials and Collectors Arterials and Collectors, 2012 — 2017 Projects Map — Overlays, Reconstruction, and Preventative Maintenance • 2012-2017 Proposed Budget —Arterials and Collectors — Preservation and Maintenance Projects List and Cost 6. LOCAL ACCESS (RESIDENTIAL) PROJECTS 2011 OCI Map: Local Access (Residential) Local Access (Residential), 2012 — 2017 Projects Map — Overlays, Reconstruction, and Preventative Maintenance • 2012-2017 Proposed Budget — Local Access (Residential) — Preservation and Maintenance Projects List and Cost PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE 2011 INTRODUCTION In June of 2007, the city completed their first development of a citywide Pavement Management Plan (PMP) and in 2008 the first update was completed. This update to the PMP is intended as an effort to monitor roadway pavement conditions on an ongoing basis. RCW 46.68.113 requires "large cities" to collect pavement condition data on the functionally classified Arterial and Collector network every two years. The pavement condition data is due to the Washington State Department of Transportation in September every even numbered year. J-U-B ENGINEERS INC. (J-U-B) assisted the City of Spokane Valley with this effort and submitted the pavement conditions per the RCW. This 2011 update includes additional field condition inspections of city streets and input of updated data into a computer model, Cartegraph Pavement View and Pavement View Plus. The computer model allows the City to analyze and rate the city streets by Overall Condition Index (OCI) of 0 (failed) to 100 (new). The primary goal of a PMP is to develop long term maintenance strategies that minimize the costs to the city. Instrumental in that effort is maximizing the maintenance of roads through annual crack sealing and fog sealing, while minimizing major rehabilitation and reconstruction costs. Budget scenarios were developed for existing city funding levels to compare with proposed funding levels that attempt to maintain the streets at a minimum average 70 OCI for Arterials/Collectors and 65 OCI for Local Access (residential) roads. This report updates the results of 2010 field inspections, modeling updates and modified recommendations for budget strategies. As recommended in the 2007 report, roadway condition surveys should occur bi-annually for Arterials, and every three to five years for Local Access (residential) roads. Over time, the data will aid the city in establishing road condition trends and appropriate budget forecasting. Major components of the 2011 Update include the following: ➢ Use of an Automated Pavement Inspection Process. (Infrastructure Management Services [IMS] was tasked with completing the Automated Pavement Process) Previously inspections were conducted visually. 1 ➢ Field inspected one-third of Local Access (residential) streets. (PMP recommended re-inspecting all Local Access (residential) streets every three- five years.) ➢ Field inspected one-half of the Arterial roads. (WSDOT bi-annual report on Arterials was due in the fall of 2010). ➢ Consolidated the Road Network Segments from 5,000 to 2,000. ➢ Updated the Cartegraph computer database. Updated Activity Unit Costs, input construction projects over the past three years including Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) projects. ➢ Evaluated pavement condition changes experienced in 2010. ➢ Refined project prioritization, protocols, and strategy procedures. ➢ Analyzed budget strategies to evaluate the impact on long term roadway conditions to include: o The current $2.3 million City budget o Budget needed to maintain the desired OCI and prevent additional road segments from falling into the reconstruction OCI range 2 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Table 1 summarizes the City's estimated 2012 annual street Maintenance & Rehabilitation (M&R) revenue distribution. Preservation includes work such as crack sealing, fog sealing, patching, shoulder repair, grading, and overlays and mill & overlays. Major reconstruction involves total reconstruction of the roadway, including the base material. This estimated revenue was provided by City staff as the baseline for evaluating strategies for future recommendations. Table 1 . 2012 Estimated Annual City Streets M&R Anticipated Revenue Distribution for Pavement Preservation Estimate Future 2012 City Revenue City Revenue Capital Projects $300,000 $800000 Street Maintenance Fund $1,500,000 $1 ,500000 Street Maintenance $500,000 Fund* Total $2,300,000 $ 2,300,000 *One-time contribution from Street Maintenance Fund undesignated fund balance. The principle of pavement management is to perform regular maintenance of the roadways at lower costs and retain a higher overall pavement condition. The goal being to minimize or delay higher cost reconstruction in future years. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is the agency that recommends historical pavement characteristics. The general overall Pavement Deterioration Curve recommended by ASTM shows that $1 of preservation at 75% of its life will cost $4 to $10 if delayed until 40% of its life remains. Figure 1 depicts this relationship of condition deterioration over time. For example, completing a maintenance project such as crack sealing on a road segment with 75% of life remaining will cost 8 to 10 times less than allowing that road to deteriorate to a level that would require a full reconstruction. The cost differential between mill and overlay and reconstruction is on the order of 4 to 6 times more for reconstruction projects. It should be noted that$1 million dollars of the $2.3 million dollar budget is typically allocated to PMP related projects to address immediate needs such as pothole repairs, patches, one-lane overlays. The dollars allocated for these repairs may or may not be listed in the PMP plan but these repairs do provide improvements to the road segment OCI. 3 Figure 1. General Pavement Deterioration Curve Crack Seal Mill & Overlay Excellent u 40% drop i IfIife h\ ,.,,,,,..---#` x quality Each $1 of repair C 75% not done here . . c Good - ' 0 . . .will cost $4 a Fair - to $10 if o 40% drop in ,,- delayed to C quality a) Poor - here E Cli r12% of life co Failed 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f 5 10 15 20 25 30 Year Results of the field inspections and computer analysis of existing roads in 2011 finds that the overall OCI for the road network compared to 2008 is as follows: 2008 2011 2017 • Arterial/Collector OCI 67 64 58 • Local Access (residential) OCI 71 71 58 The projected OCI for the Arterial/Collector roads is expected to deteriorate to an OCI of 58 by the end of 2017 using the current estimated $2.1 million dollar Arterial budget. The projected OCI for the Local Access (residential) roads is expected to deteriorate to an OCI of 58 by the end of 2017 using the current $200,000 Local Access (residential) road budget. Figures 2a and 2b illustrate this predicted pavement condition 4 deterioration over the next 6 years for both Arterial and Local Access (residential) roads using the current $2.3 million dollar budget. The 2008 Report projected the 2010 Arterial OCI to be 68 using the City's projected budget of$2.9 million dollars annual average. The report also predicted a 2010 Local Access (residential) OCI of 63 using the City's projected average annual budget of$1.7 million dollars. The OCI increase for the Local Access (residential) roads can be attributed to the STEP projects as described below. The decrease in OCI for the Arterial roads from 67 in 2008 to 64 in 2011 can be attributed to several factors including a decline in grant funding and database refinements such as segment consolidation and updated pavement inspection information. The key factor for the OCI decrease was due to the lack of significant projects in the year 2010 and 2011 . This budget does not include grant or STEP dollars received by the City to fund the reconstruction or upgrade of Arterial roads. The 2011 Updated Arterial OCI follows closely the projected trend from the 2008 report showing a difference in OCI of 4 points. The Local Access (residential) roads are showing a substantial increase in OCI from 2008 to 2011. Two reasons for the increase in Local Access (residential) roads OCI are 1) the analysis software did not account for predicted future STEP projects and 2) the 2010 analysis has included three years of substantial completed STEP projects. The software does not provide for the inclusion of future anticipated projects, only predicted projects defined by the program protocols. In the future, anticipated projects will need to be incorporated into the program by hand to account for their impact on road condition. 5 Figure 2a. Predicted Six-Year OCI Using 2010 M & R Revenue (Arterials) Arterials 100 90 Excellent 80 69 Very Good 70 O4 63 62 61 60 – 59 58 60 Good - O 40 IF 40 ■ ■ ■ Fair ■ ■ 30 ■ ■ ■ Poo ■ ■_ 20 — 10 ■ ■ Very Poo ■ ■ ■ 0 ■ Failed ■ ■ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (2010) Plan Year (2017) Figure 2b. Predicted Six-Year OCI Using 2010 M & R Revenue (Local) Locals 100 — 90 Excellent 80 74 71 Very Good 69 68 66 70 63- — 61 58 60 ■ ■ ■ Good ■ • O 50 = = = = = - - = = - 40 30 ■ ■ ■ Poor ■ ■ ■ 20 Very Poo = = - Failed 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (2010) Plan Year (2017) 6 Several strategies were evaluated to develop a future budget that would continue to maintain the overall city roads. The 2011 recommendations are separated into functionally classified roads, (Arterials and Collectors), and Local Access (residential) roads. As established in previous reports, the goal over time is to maintain a 70 OCI for Arterials/Collectors and a 65 OCI for Local Access (residential) roads. Another condition was added to ensure additional road segments do not fall into the reconstruction status. Table 1 illustrates a comparison of funding levels for 2007 and 2011. Grant funds for maintenance and rehabilitation projects such as mill and overlays have decreased over the last three years. Table 1 also shows the 2012 estimated City Revenue for road preservation and rehabilitation for both Arterials and Local Access (residential) roads. 2011 ANALYSIS AND UPDATE Updating the citywide PMP began with field inspection of one-third of the Local Access (residential) streets and half of the Arterial streets. The PMP recommends inspecting all of the Local Access (residential) streets in a three year cycle and all of the Arterials and Collectors every two years. Two significant changes occurred this year in the process of analyzing the road systems. 1 . The massive data files for each individual roadway segment were consolidated into more manageable segments, thus streamlining analysis. 2. Inspections were conducted using automated equipment rather than visual field inspections These two changes described in detail below, have added a significant level of difficulty to this year's analysis when compared against the old data. 1. Segment Consolidation The large pavement database was consolidated into larger road segments, reducing the database from 5,000 to approximately 2,000 segments. The consolidation process involved re-segmenting the roads into more logical and longer segments. Previously the database road segments were broken down by each city block, each segment being one block. The road network has been re-calibrated; segments now begin and end at a functionally classified road. For example, Sprague Avenue from University to 7 Evergreen is now two segments instead of 10. Since the 2008 update the amount of historical data in the database has grown substantially. This historical data, including, past mill and overlay projects, reconstruction projects, STEP projects, crack seal projects, mill and inlay projects, etc. have been used to update and refine the database. 2. Automated Pavement Inspection A significant change to the field inspection procedures for the 2011 update included using Automated Inspection instead of the manual (visual) inspection conducted in the past. Automated field inspection provided several advantages such as: ➢ Time savings ➢ Safety ➢ Consistency ➢ Easily input into the Cartegraph database In previous updates field inspection was accomplished using manual inspection by field personnel consisting of 4 -6 people in groups of two. Each group went out into the field to measure pavement distress on a sample segment basis. The inspections covered approximately two-fifths of all of the Local Access (residential) roads and all of the Arterials and Collectors. This work took approximately three months to complete. Using the automated field inspection method one-half of the Arterials and Collectors and one-third of the Local Access (residential) roads were cataloged in five days. The automated inspection is by far safer in that staff will no longer have to venture into the traveled lanes to measure or review pavement distresses. All work is done inside the comfort of a vehicle. Consistency increased due to the highly technical equipment used for the automated inspection. The tools used to measure distress do not rely on a subjective human eye. All of the pavement inspection data collected using automation was successfully transferred into the existing Cartegraph database. This saved several days of database 8 manipulation and formatting. While the cost of inspection increased, the cost of data manipulation decreased for an overall net zero (0) cost differential. IMS was chosen to provide the automated pavement inspection for this project. IMS had the ability to meet the schedule and provide high quality inspection information for the model. IMS also has a Cartegraph expert on their staff to manage the data transfer into the existing database. Refer to Appendix for additional IMS inspection information. Local Access (residential) Street Deterioration Figure 3 shows the deterioration curves used in the City's analysis. The first line, "Fitted Spokane Valley OCI curve (Local)" is the deterioration curve for the Local Access (residential) roads only. The second curve is the default deterioration curve for the Arterials, Collector and Local Access (residential) roads as provided by the Cartegraph software and the third curve is the PCI curve. The difference between the OCI and PCI is that the PCI is calculated solely based on the pavement inspections. The OCI is calculated based on the pavement inspection, pavement age, pavement type. See Appendix 4.Figure 3. Option 1 — Comparison of Deterioration Curves Arterial/Collector OCI Comparison 120 100 - "'°' —Fitted 80 Spokane Valley OCI 60 Curve Cr) ((Loc Default al)) OCI 0 40 (Arterial & Local) 20 Curve 0 ® ••■■• PCI Curve -20 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 35 40 Age 9 Initially the standard, default ASTM deterioration curves were used in the analysis. Since the 2006 and 2008 updates a historical database has been collected. The historical data can now be used to refine the pavement deterioration and OCI curves to fit actual conditions. As a result, the Local Access (residential) OCI deterioration curve has been updated based on the historic information. See Figure 3. The OCI curve for Arterials and Collectors will be retained until the historic data analysis results in a curve update. The Local Access (residential) OCI deterioration curve was updated based on 1-2 years of pavement inspections between 2006 and the 2011 update. Over the past 4 years we have inspected all Local Access (residential) roads at least once and in some cases multiple times. The curve adjustment is based on the inspection of each of the approximately 1 ,700 Local Access (residential) road segments. It was very clear that the curve based on pavement inspections did not follow the standard ASTM curve as shown in Table 3. The Local Access (residential) road segments followed the fitted deterioration curve much more closely compared to the ASTM curve thus prompting the adjustment. The Arterial OCI deterioration curve is much more difficult to justify an adjustment with so few data points. There are 304 Arterial road segments, each road segment having been inspected at least 2 times. There are not enough inspection points to confidently adjust the Arterial deterioration curve at this time. Adjustments will be made after additional information is collected in future years. Pavement Performance Issues and Recommendations The City of Spokane Valley will need to continue to modify the deterioration curves to more accurately reflect the actual field conditions of the roadway network. There appears to be areas in which the Arterial/Collector roads are deteriorating prematurely. Included in the Appendix are examples of premature deterioration on Sprague and Appleway Boulevard. This section shows the OCI trends and an estimated cost to improve these road segments. Again, there is a serious need to reserve funds for ongoing maintenance of the road network. There is also a need to utilize current design 10 and construction standards to ensure that future overlay and reconstruction projects perform adequately for 20+ years. Road segments such as Sprague and Appleway, as described above, and Argonne are all showing signs of premature failure. These roads are showing substantial cracking and are nearing failure. These road segments are between 5-10 years old with a design pavement life of 20 years, yet these roads need overlays within the next few years. In order to prevent premature failure of the road section in the future the City conducted a pavement performance study in 2008. Some of the recommended changes are as follows: 1. Increased geotechnical investigations of existing soil. 2. Accurate truck traffic assessments. 3. Require "Engineered" pavement section design. 4. Careful evaluation of asphalt cement mix design. 5. Increase minimum pavement section. 6. Increase fractured face requirement. 7. Increase moisture and compaction compliance testing. 8. Enhanced joint and pavement density compaction requirements. 9. Improved asphalt temperature monitoring and placement. 10.Use of stabilized subbase (Asphalt or Cement Treated Base). The full extent of the report developed by J-U-B can be found under separate cover in "Pavement Performance Issues and Recommendations" October, 2008. Evaluation of Repair and Maintenance Treatments The City of Spokane Valley is in need of an effective surface treatment between crack sealing and overlay for the Arterial/Collector and Local Access (residential) road network. Potential solutions include Fog Seals, Seal Coats, Slurry Seals and Micro- Pave. Fog seal is not an effective treatment in extending the life of the pavement for the higher volume Arterials/Collectors roadways. As a result, the City may want to experiment with various treatments over time to find the most effective preventive maintenance treatment. Identifying and using a high quality surface treatment 2-3 years 11 prior to mill and overlay will bring down the long-term cost by further extending the life of the pavement. A high quality surface treatment could delay the need for a mill and overlay 3-5 years assuming the treatment is done on the correct road segment and at the appropriate time. It is recommended that the City select 2-3 treatments to be applied to several roadways throughout the city. City staff will evaluate the performance of the treatments on a yearly basis. Once the City is confident on the performance of a particular treatment it will be added to the PMP as a recommended activity for future years. This treatment will be used to bridge the gap between crack seal and mill and overlay. A potential solution to fill this gap is a seal coat called GSB88. GSB88 seal coat rejuvenates the asphalt by penetrating the surface asphalt. GSB88 contains polymers that adhere to the aggregates thus adding new life the oxidized asphalt. Typical Fog Seals such as a CSS-1 h do not penetrate the asphalt; the oil remains on the top surface and tends to wear out more quickly over time. The goal being to extend the life of the pavement 3-5 years until an overlay can be completed. This type of treatment allows the City to extend the life of pavements while preventing the road segment from falling into the reconstruction category, a much more costly alternative. J-U-B's recommendation is to conduct site specific test seal coats to gauge the potential of this and other products. The City has discovered a treatment for severe longitudinal joint cracking. This crack seal material is used to seal the longitudinal pavement joints on Arterial/Collector roadways. The crack repair material is called Deery Level and Go, manufactured by Craftco. This product has been successfully applied to the failed longitudinal joints on Thierman, Dishman-Mica, 32nd with great success. The advantages of this product are as follows: • Structurally sound material — this material can withstand heavy traffic loads while being flexible to allow for shrinking and swelling. • Plastic— this material is very flexible and will not pull away from the existing asphalt during times of expansion and contraction. 12 • This product is very easy to apply and will setup quickly to minimize road closures/restrictions. This treatment will improve and extend the life of a road which a failed longitudinal pavement joint is the only real distress in the that particular segment. BUDGET SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT The 2011 Pavement Management Plan Update evaluated the impact to road conditions for various City budgets moving forward. In the current economic state, additional funding options are limited. This budget analysis update will attempt to keep as many of the pavements from serious deterioration as possible. The 2011 update evaluates two options for funding the maintenance of streets with limited budget over the next six years until a more focused program can be developed: ➢ Option 1 — Continue with 2011 revenue of $2,100,000 for Arterials and Collectors and $200,000 for Local Access (residential) streets. The overall network OCI is expected to be much lower than 70. ➢ Option 2 — Establish a budget that maintains a "good" rating equal to a 65 OCI for Local Access (residential) streets and a "very good" rating equal to a 70 OCI for Arterials and Collectors. The results of these options are presented herein for both the Arterial and Collectors and the Local Access (residential) streets separately. These are separated since they use different deterioration curves while preventing additional roads from falling into the reconstruction OCI range. Arterial and Collectors In general, the changes to the protocols and priorities have been refined and improved to give better OCI values and a project list that enables the City to select projects that will provide the most value for the dollar spent. Several of the high priority Arterial roads have mill & overlay work recommended within the six year forecast. As a result of not fully funding the 2008 pavement management plan, the analysis identified 14 road segments that are currently failed with an OCI less than 30. The list of failed road 13 segments is summarized below. The goal is to head off more expensive future reconstruction projects as well as preventing future roads from falling into the reconstruction OCI range. In addition to costing 4-6 times more than preservation projects, reconstruction results in other significant impacts. • Increase in the time needed to construct the project • Major Impact to businesses on or near the project • Traffic congestion for the motoring public • Traffic safety concerns during construction Tables 3 and 4, and figures 4a & 4b summarize the six year projects for both Option #1 and Option #2 and compares the OCI trend. Option 2 will maintain an average 70 OCI and prevent future roads from falling into the reconstruction range. Reconstruction project costs are not included in the Option 2 budget at this time. The reconstruction project list is provided to give the City the option to reconstruct these roads as funds become available. Roads that are failed may not necessarily need to be reconstructed immediately, project evaluation should occur on a case-by-case basis. Over the six year program we recommend the reconstruction projects be systematically improved at a rate of$2.83 million per year. As described above, there are currently 14 road segments that are in need of a reconstruction. If steps are not taken to maintain the existing pavements immediately this number will steadily grow over time. For example, if no action is taken in 2012, the number of roads in the reconstruction category grows from 14 to 19 road segments. 14 2011 Proposed Budget-Arterials and Collectors-Preservation Program City of Spokane Valley 2011 Pavement Management Plan Update Project No. Segment ID OCI Route From To Plan Activity Number of Lanes Pavement Area(SF) Improved OCI Plan Cost Suggested Budget** Over/Under Suggested Budget Stormwater Upgrades (Y/N) Plan Year Reconstruction Projects: 27 68 23.27 Sprague Av Evergreen Adams AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 7 232919 99.68 $3,125,772.98 51 69 25.3 Sprague Av Adams Sullivan AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 7 234429 99.68 $3,146,037.18 75 11 21.42 Euclid Av Barker End AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 52665 99.68 $706,769.67 76. 10 27.3 Euclid AWIr Flora r AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 111.1 2 133870 27.3 $1,796,535.40 104 9 21.42 Euclid Av End Sullivan AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 38434 99.68 $515,790.72 105 206 22.06 Madison Rd 40th MADISON AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 107581 99.68 $1,443,741.31 106 245 27.96 Flora Rd Euclid Trent AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 94153 illik $1,263,533.26 124 1902 28.41 Euclid Av Sullivan Marietta AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 145693 99.68 $1,955,203.28 125 215 17.15 Progress Rd Wellesley Crown AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 32860 99.68 $440,989.52 126 145 rw . 1903 ... 29.21 ....n_. Euclid Av ..� Marietta 3,a. ... AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 Flora 99322 99.68 $1,332,902.31 146 246 25.03 Flora Rd Euclid Euclid AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 18240 99.68 $244,780.80 147 1906 24.73 Sullivan Rd Wellesley End AC-Reconstruct-Arterial 2 29172 99.68 $391,500.05 148 .,. ' .63 Sub-total $225,496.26 $17,086,075.86 ** The City of Spokane Valley's budget total is$2.3 million dollars.$1.O million dollars of the$2.3 million is spent on PMP related projects such as pothole repairs,patching,single lane overlays and other immediate needs as they arise. The highlighted roadways could have been overlayed in 2008,now the recommended treatment is a full reconstruct The highlighted roadways could have been overlayed in 2011,now the recommended treatment is a full reconstruct There are 17 consolidated roads in 2008 that are shown as needing a reconstruction.Several of which have been reconstructed or had an OCI adjustment based on the 20101MS inspection Note:The cost between a mill and overlay and full reconstruction is approximately 6times 15 Table 3 indicates that continuing at the present budget will result in a downward trend in overall pavement condition for Arterials and Collectors. If this is not reversed, the cost for future repairs will increase as described in the general ASTM Deterioration Curve Figure 1. Table 3. Option 1 — Six Year Budget at $2.1 Million Year Total OCI 2012 $2,100,000 65.1 2013 $2,100,000 63.4 2014 $2,100,000 61.7 2015 $2,100,000 60.3 2016 $2,100,000 58.9 2017 $2,100,000 57.5 Total $12,600,000 Figure 4a - Option 1 — Six Year Budget at $2.1 Million Arterials 100 90 80 - - - 70 65 63 62 60 59 58 60 0 50 40 30 20 10 II- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (2012) Plan Year 16 Table 4. Option 2 - Six Year Need Year Total OCI 2012 $5,663,000 67.8 2013 $6,058,000 68.4 2014 $6,184,000 69.2 2015 $6,163,000 70.1 2016 $6,203,000 71.0 2017 $6,053,000 71.5 Total $36,322,000 Table 4 shows the ongoing funding must be increased by approximately $4,000,000 annually to maintain a 70 OCI. The total plan year budget represents $175,000 in preventative maintenance with the balance dedicated to mill and overlay projects. Figure 4b - Option 2 - Six Year Budget Arterials 100 90 80 68 68 69 70 71 72 70 60 . v 50 . O 40 30 . . . 20 . . . 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (2012) Plan Year 17 Figures 5 and 6 graphically compare the budgets and OCI for Options 1 and 2. Figure 5. Arterial Streets Budget Comparison $10.0 -_ - $9.0 $8.0 $7.0 $6.0 $5.0 $4.0 $3.0 $2.0 r $1.0 r $0.0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Budget Year •2011 Option 1,$2.1M •2011 Option 2,Maintain Level 70 OCI Figure 6. Arterial Streets OCI Comparison Arterial/Collector OCI Comparison 75 - 70 65 60 U O 55 50 - Option 1,$2.1M Option 2 45 - Do Nothing 40 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Budget Year 18 Local Access (residential) Streets The tables and charts below show the resultant pavement conditions using the existing funding level compared to a budget option for maintaining the Local Access (residential) street network at a 65 OCI level. Tables 5 and 6 summarize the six year needs for Options 1 and 2. Table 5. Option 1 - Six Year Budget at $200,000 Year Total OCI 2012 $200,000 70.8 2013 $200,000 68.3 2014 $200,000 65.8 2015 $200,000 63.3 2016 $200,000 60.7 2017 $200,000 58.2 $1,200,000 Figure 7a — Six Year Budget at $200,000 Locals 100 90 - 80 71 70 68 66 63 61 60 58 0 50 • • 40 • • • 30 • • • 20 • • • • 10 • • • • • 0 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 (2012) Plan Year 19 Table 6. Option 2 — Six Year Need Year Total OCI 2012 $2,999,000 73.4 2013 $2,776,000 72.2 2014 $2,999,000 70.8 2015 $2,996,000 69.5 2016 $2,899,000 68.0 2017 $2,996,000 66.5 $18,001,000 Figure 7b — Six Year Budget at $3 Million Dollars Locals 100 90 80 73 72 71 70 68 70 _67 60 , • 50 , • O 40 , . p 30 I 20 • - 10 , • 0 , • 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plan Year At the present budget, the pavement condition will deteriorate beyond the desired 65 OCI level. Even with Option 2 funding increases, the pavement conditions will still deteriorate slowly over time. But the Option 2 funding level will keep the local access OCI at or above 65 though the year 2019. 20 Funding has been lacking for Local Access (residential) street projects. Local Access (residential) streets make up approximately 85% of the city's street network. Typically the maintenance treatment costs for these streets is lower than that for Arterials and Collectors so money spent on Local Access (residential) streets will go further and last longer than money spent on the classified roads. Figure 8 compares the funding levels for each option. Figure 8. Local Access (residential) Street Budget Comparison $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 ■ . . . . . . . 1 $2.0 o $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $o.o I IF I 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Budget Year •Option 1,$200K •Option 2,$3,000,000 21 Comparing pavement condition for each option in Figure 8, it can be seen that the Local Access (residential) street network is in good condition now but its condition is dropping rapidly under the existing funding level. Over the past three years the Local Access (residential) road OCI has improved due to the Spokane County STEP program. The program resulted in a complete reconstruction for many of the Local Access (residential) roads that otherwise would have not received a treatment. Each year of delay in increasing Local Access (residential) street funding adds a significant cost to keep the Local Access (residential) streets at a 65 OCI and maintaining that level. Figure 9. Local Access (residential) Street OCI Comparison Local Street OCI Comparison 75 - 70 Alikbb■ ♦ ♦ 65 U ♦ O 60 -Option 1 ♦ -Option 2 55 — — Do Nothing 50 , 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Budget Year Most of the recommended Local Access (residential) road work is focused in the area of the city south of Sprague between Dishman-Mica Road and Sullivan Road. Local Access (residential) street projects were grouped together by neighborhood as much as possible. This resulted in some streets being done ahead of others for the sake of efficiency over the identified priority of work. There may be situations where a street segment is omitted from work even when adjacent segments are done because it is in too poor of condition to be overlaid and there is not enough funding for reconstruction. It is possible some of these roads could 22 have minor repairs done and then be overlaid rather than reconstructed but the decision must be made by city staff on a case-by-case basis. Reconstruction project costs are not included in the Option 2 budget at this time. The reconstruction project list is provided to give the City the option to reconstruct these roads as funds become available. Roads that are failed may not necessarily need to be reconstructed immediately, project evaluation should occur on a case-by-case basis. Over the six year program we recommend the reconstruction projects be systematically improved at a rate of $1 .79 million per year. As described above, there are currently 27 road segments that are in need of a reconstruction. If steps are not taken to maintain the existing pavements immediately this number will steadily grow over time. 23 2011 Proposed Budget-Local Access(Residential)Roads-Preservation Program City of Spokane Valley 2011 Pavement Management Plan Update Segment ID OCI Segment ID\Route Segment ID\Route Back Segment ID\Route Ahead Plan Activity Segment ID\Number of Lanes Segment ID\Pavement Area Improve d OCI Plan Cost Plan Year Reconstruction Projects 1953 17.76 Vera Crest Dr End 24th AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 143326.80 17.76 $1,686,956.44 605 11.15 Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr End Jackson AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 4600.00 11.15 $54,142.00 928 14.89 Whipple Rd End Main AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 5020.08 14.89 $59,086.34 597 18.05 Marietta Av McMillan Montgomery AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 25262.40 18.05 $297,338.45 1715 18.1 Sonora Dr 24th End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 28702.08 18.1 $337,823.48 1594 18.5 20th Ct Vera Crest End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 17603.60 18.5 $207,194.37 607 20.94 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr Montgomery End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 3800.00 20.94 $44,726.00 1006 21.5 Alki Av Barker Michigan AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 38822.16 21.5 $456,936.82 604 29.47 McMillan Rd Montgomery Buckeye AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 34139.20 29.47 $401,818.38 606 9.04 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr Montgomery End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 4520.00 9.04 $53,200.40 554 21.69 Bridgeport Av End Barker AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 51446.00 21.69 $605,519.42 1703 22 Best Rd 24th 32nd AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 58428.04 22 $687,698.03 1960 22.94 33rd Av Pierce Woodward AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 41018.00 22.94 $482,781.86 300 29.63 Mansfield Av End Eastern AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 41543.36 29.63 $488,965.35 1923 23.61 Balfour Rd Sprague Main AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 21237.12 23.61 $249,960.90 550 24.02 Kiernan Av End Sullivan AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 43423.60 24.02 $511,095.77 1599 24.14 Conklin Ct 22nd End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 7600.00 24.14 $89,452.00 1915 24.19 Dollar Rd Trent Utah AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 38698.20 24.19 $455,477.81 1595 24.56 22nd Av Vera Crest Conklin AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 47247.12 24.56 $556,098.60 1233 25.81 6th Av Farr Woodruff AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 25962.00 25.81 $305,572.74 863 26.07 Dyer Rd Sprague End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 7860.80 26.07 $92,521.62 865 26.07 Val leywayAv Park Ella AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 40329.60 26.07 $474,679.39 305 26.18 Dickey Rd Trent Knox AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 16964.64 26.18 $199,673.81 380 27.72 University Rd End Montgomery AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 17464.60 27.72 $205,558.34 1601 27.93 Conklin Rd Vera Crest 23rd AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 68715.60 27.93 $808,782.61 1934 28.99 Buckeye Av Barker End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 68403.40 28.99 $805,108.02 1114 29.09 Elizabeth St 8th End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 8845.00 29.09 $104,105.65 Total $10,722,274.62 24 RECOMMENDATIONS The City's road network is one of its greatest assets. The current overall road condition is "very good", at the current funding levels the network will fall into the "fair" range within the next 4-5 years. The impact of which will result in future projects that will cost the City 4 — 10 times more than they would have if the road was maintained regularly. (Refer to Figure 1). The Arterial and collector roads need an annual funding level of approximately $6,000,000 to maintain a very good pavement condition. The Local Access (residential) roads represent approximately 85% of the City's road system. The maintenance budget for the Local Access (residential) streets needs to be increased to approximately $3,000,000 annually including funds allocated for overlays of those roads that are beyond maintenance. A list of the proposed Arterial and Local Access (residential) street projects for the next six years is provided in the Appendix. Table 7 summarizes the recommended street budget program to meet long-term maintenance needs of your facilities. Table 7 Recommended Annual Average Budget Local Access Arterials & (residential) Collectors Roads Preventive $ 175,000 $500,000 Mill and Overlay $5,825,000 $2,500,000 Total $6,000,000 $3,000,000 Reconstruction $2,500,000 $1,787,000 25 Appendix 1. Automated Pavement Inspections Methodology 2. Project Evaluation Recommendations 3. Deterioration of Road Segments 4. Comparison of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Overall Condition Index (OCI) 5. Arterial Projects 6. Local Access (residential) Projects Automated Pavement Inspections Methodology Automated Pavement Inspections Methodology For the Spokane Valley project, IMS used their Laser Road Surface Tester (RST) enhanced with digital imagery and GPS capabilities. The RST, with , nilits 11 laser sensors collected a full _�F array of pavement condition data 1M Li_ complete with high accuracy GPS coordinates and forward view digital images for both rigid and flexible pavements (in real time), as it traversed the roadway. An integrated Digital Condition Rating Subsystem supplements the RST data for additional distress data elements, quality assurance and inventory information. Specialized data processing, using GIS as its backbone, allows the pavement data to be quickly checked for completeness and quality. The main components of the Laser RST are: • A transducer bar with an array of 11 laser cameras, rate gyroscopes, inclinometers and accelerometers to measure pavement roughness, rutting, and cracking. • Digital Condition Rating Subsystem that was customized to collect a variety of roadway attributes and extent-severity based pavement distresses through trained operator input. • Ability to collect dual wheel path roughness to International Roughness Index (IRI) standards. • A single forward facing camera was mounted for IMS QA/QC procedures. The images can be provided for digital viewing purposes. • High accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver with inertial navigation for geo-locating of pavement and asset information with excellent accuracy. • Dual distance measuring instruments to measure linear distances to within +1- 0.5%. The distress data was collected continuously and then reported in 100 foot intervals, complete with their respective GPS coordinates. The data was then aggregated to the section level, following the sectioning and referencing methodology contained in the existing Spokane Valley Cartegraph database. Laser Camera Array The laser camera array collects automated pavement condition data in the form of roughness to International Roughness Index (IRI) standards, wheel path rutting, transverse ` cracking, block cracking, alligator cracking and -� texture. The technology driving the laser-camera ,,,; ,, ,1� array removes the subjective nature of pavement __ �'� �r condition data collection. The pavement condition y-,',-;'' Irtq data was processed to provide extent-severity distress ratings that were loaded into Cartegraph. The data was collected in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers protocols commonly referred to as ASTM D6433-09. Digital Collection/Rating System (DCRS) The Digital Collection Rating System is a touch screen 'r%\\\'' r , is based tablet computer that allows the user to define what ; information (distresses & attributes) is to be collected and , ''+� how it is to be quantified. The DCRS is integrated into the 7, vg. data flow through time code, GPS, distance, and inventory control. In the context of this survey, the DCRS was configured to be used as a data collection and checking device. Distress data was collected continuously, while inventory and attribute data was checked as the survey proceeded. Survey events (such as detours or obstructions) and inventory related items were collected and noted in the data. RST operators note the surveyed lane and direction on a section-by-section basis. Automated Pavement Inspection Adjustments/Calibration One aspect of the Automated Pavement Inspection that warranted a closer look was the "rutting" distress. Initially an observer would measure rutting in the field by visual means. Occasionally, a straightedge was used to measure the depth of rut but due to time constraints a majority of the rutting inspection was just visual. IMS used a rut bar to measure the depth and extents of rutting in a particular road segment. The rut bar uses extremely sensitive lasers to measure rutting as the inspection vehicle travels roadways. The laser measures to the nearest millimeter every 4'±to develop an average every 100 feet. In order to develop a baseline for rutting sensitivity J-U-B and IMS worked together to modify the range at which rutting was recorded by the rut bar. The original rutting scale from 6 mm to 25 mm was as follows: 6 — 13 millimeters low severity rutting (approximately 1/4" — '/2") 13 — 25 millimeters moderate severity rutting (approximately 1/2" — 1") 25 millimeters high severity rutting (greater than 1") The baseline rutting scale shown above is based on ASTM D6433. However, the inspection procedures used for past pavement inspections where based on the Northwest Pavement Management Association's Pavement Surface Conditions Field Rating Manual for Asphalt Pavements, current edition. The discrepancy between the inspection methods leads to large discrepancies in the OCI. For example, in a typical road segment that is 2,640 feet long the IMS inspection would yield 660 data points where as the manual pavement inspection method would yield 2 points at best. Typically, the manual pavement inspection would yield a data point mid segment at a location most representative of the entire segment. Using the above scale the inspection by IMS using the rut bar is so accurate that any and all pavement anomalies would be interpreted as rutting which in turn translated in to a very low OCI for the actual age and condition of the roadway. J-U-B selected six roads to manually inspect this year (2011) in order to compare the overall inspection results as well as to more properly calibrate the rutting scale. Upon careful consideration and coordination with IMS, the rutting scale was adjusted to 10 mm to 25 mm as follows: 10 — 15 millimeters low severity rutting 15 — 25 millimeters moderate severity rutting 25 millimeters high severity rutting The adjustment was made to reduce the occurrence of anomalies being interpreted as rutting but at the same time retain the accuracy and consistency of the rut bar technology. With fewer occurrences of rutting throughout the road network, the OCI became more in line with the six manual test inspections (2011) and the 2008 manual road inspections. Project Evaluation Recommendations Project Evaluation Recommendations The following recommendations should be used during the street preservation project evaluation process, for both Maintenance and Rehabilitation projects as well as capital projects, just prior to the Pavement Design Phase. All prospective Arterials/Collectors planned for an overlay, mill and overlay or reconstruction should be cored to a minimum depth of 6-inches below existing subgrade. The advantages of taking cores prior to the pavement design are as follows: ➢ Determine if there is moisture in the base and sub-base course ➢ If the road had been previously overlaid, look for delamination ➢ Determine if a Performance Grade (PG) adjustment is necessary in the mix design, i.e. PG 64-28 vs. PG 70-28. ➢ Verify assumptions generally used for a pavement design The following recommendations may be considered during the construction process as a supplement to the WSDOT Standard Specifications: ➢ Verify moisture and compaction requirements through increased testing (2008 Pavement Management Plan Update) ➢ Enhanced joint density testing (2008 Pavement Management Plan Update) ➢ Enforce proper timing on asphalt delivery. Do not allow trucks to stack up waiting to be dumped. ➢ Diligent monitoring of asphalt temperature. Deterioration of Road Segments Deterioration of Road Segments The following section highlights 3 principle Arterial road segments and how each road has deteriorated over the past 3 years. The 3 road segments include: IIM Route Back Route Ahead 2008 OCI 2010 OCI I i (Average) (Average) Sprague Havana to Fancher 67.5 55.6 Sprague Evergreen to Sullivan 31.5 24.3 Appleway Dishman-Mica to University 59.4 51.0 In 2008 the segment of Sprague from Evergreen to Sullivan would have been a borderline candidate for a mill and overlay. The OCI threshold for a mill and overlay is OCI 30-60, an OCI below 30 calls for a complete reconstruction. Had this section of Sprague been overlaid in 2008 the cost would have been approximately $2.7 million dollars. Moving forward as recommended in the current 2010 update would require a complete reconstruction with a cost of approximately $3.8 million dollars. The segments of Sprague from Havana to Fancher and Appleway from Dishman-Mica to University are currently great candidates for a mill and overlay because of the existing pavement condition. The 2011 update recommends Sprague from Havana to Carnahan be overlaid in 2014 and Sprague from Carnahan to Fancher be overlaid in 2013. Appleway from Dishman- Mica to Farr is recommended to be overlaid in 2014 and Appleway from Farr to University is recommended to be overlaid in 2012. Should no treatment be completed on these road segments, they will fall into the reconstruction range within the next 7 years. The currently recommended overlays costing $700k - $800k would cost well over $3 million per project if no treatments are done. In the interim between now and the time it would take to complete an overlay, the City may want to consider the following preventative maintenance: • Crack seal • Seal coat (GSB88 or similar) • One lane grind and overlay • Patching • Slurry Seal These maintenance measures will buy the city additional time until an overlay can be funded. This section is intended to emphasize the importance of following the PMP. It is recommended that the City increase funding so preventative maintenance is a top priority, followed by overlays, and lastly reconstruction projects. The goal is to maintain the City's roads at a high level OCI and to keep individual segments from falling into more costly treatment categories. This PMP update is especially critical because of the completion of the STEP projects. With the completion of the STEP projects the City will need to maintain hundreds of newly reconstructed roads both now and into the future to keep these roads in great condition. Comparison of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Overall Condition Index (OCI) Comparison of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Overall Condition Index (OCI) PCI OCI 1 . Longitudinal Cracks 1. Longitudinal Cracks 2. Rutting 2. Rutting 3. Patches 3. Patches 4. Transverse Cracks 4. Transverse Cracks 5. Alligator Cracking 5. Alligator Cracking 6. Pavement Age 7. Pavement Type/ Structure Arterial Projects City of Spokane Valley 2011 Overall Condition Index Arterials and Collectors -• - - c • , . - 7 . v. • . ' • -• 11 ••••.1. . , , .. -;7•,-,' - ',--E 1 .--;-.-,-'-., , ; F "..-', ,-- -• __-- _. -.. , • :, 7... -L. — ; ,1 ' I ---.,•: ',... " I.,r-f — _._.___.7.• • ".- .',: x.. --r—e— _— '- ! .":.:-. ••••1 44:1- -..q•-_,_ -.,...:--4: .,, -,---- -----4------7--4, • ,••••••.... :_ _ t --- i • 1, I ".+7 -• -. --• Novembe r 201-1 -• y• • Legend Over II Conditio ii Index -I- Foiled) — - WOW,44 Pox) -Ei-103(Corti) Pese e:Wimple OCI I ICI )17 Preservation Projects Map 104F24 A age= imp lidelill Pr - 1110=r---- • 6 Mission Av- Mission Av 1 -v nnw■ i mini r= Pin N i 46-1 79 98,... 53 29 i� 107 t_ ` ' Broadway-Av N o 111111111141 ro W ■■ - _ 58 �� fr 30 130 108 1 32 109 Sprague CI rague Av manm 16th.Av =1 •-th 47 ■ 88 112 .2 63 32nd Av 65 10 O cn 2012 Treatments Mill &Overlay Reconstruct Preventative Maintenance 2013 Treatments ■ Mill &Overlay ■ Reconstruct Preventative Maintenance Legend 2015 Trea Mill & Recor Preve 2016 Trea Mill & Recor Preve 24111wr7t7514rd Cull[ui-Arteriabal xlCtrllerters-Presarxa[isrn Pre-attire Ciyof Sao-tint Vevey 2011 Pa7eolent Manadernene Plan Update Prplett No Segment ID geoid From 1- Plan Activity Number of tares Pavement Area(SF) Improved °CI Plan CCr`t Suggested Budget== I Over/(Under Suggested Budget stprmw#R4r Upgrades(Y/Nf Mannar 2915- evarkratrleitaWA 1 32 35.22 MRdVal AV Union Paws AC-Min and SFVerkat Art 2Ll(l312l ft 944 $152,66731 13 2145 8 .... Ar Ultimata: 9arirrr AC-Mil and INeridy Art 2 15363.L2 ft 21.53 536391.63 3 it 3732 At l.wly& Farr VnN4rslt1 AC-Mililand Darla?Art 43254544411 9234 5465.205.-1 BS 325 ilh lea Crld1ln nMks Farr AC-MITI S.Weil4lr ■d I 41145102 rt 54.19 $102,E15.10. 1 121 31233 ]2nd Ay Unhnrtftf B4wr$Irli AC-Mil and DArlay Art 3 1323R31,2 ft _,9433 _ $715301.72 s• Ili 4019 32LidAv _ Wirr _ SR 27 _ AC•Maland Cvertay Art 9. 1- 19,775 bP Ft 7442 .121l 15.75 4%.56 5453$4550: 7 134.. 405133ndPw SR 17 Elea AC-Mil and Ow Art 5150,11105: 5122,45A15 I 152 4415 Argonne Rd Minas Mo+n.: . - AC-4.pl and OradayArt 64I491,20ft 44,61 I 3$3 4054 Argarine Pdl Mullin IGnwl AC-61214W Overlay Art It 37973.77 ft 41.11 $72.4T745 20 151 38,47 0ihmso Ku Rd 1345* 24ili AC Hell;old G.c.t.w Arr 4 194345160 Fr 96,74 8467.96653 11 162 35.19 fflishmill Mira Rd 2413. 32.1 AC-6611 rood O'rn.trr Art S 154762W II 35.71 1163.24155 12 19113 3104 Bahama mi.lid 31rc1 9rda d. AC-hill:urn Overlay Art s 5796924 A 1439 $233,15751 13 173 IN Fan-Rd SQralpm APFA.95 y AC-24111 E'.Overlay•Cd 11 2111:24.30 it 44-18 144410245 71 180 3'5..47 ilrawaraiy ltd Appieway AC.Mill and Overlay Art 150221fl6tt 93,34 $147,27636 IS 182 3e Urdver*ty lM 5th 16th AC.Mill and Overlay Art 4124710143 Ft ' 94.114 '3ZI3.1.51_W 12 2114 3511!draw Rd 9 Eefi 74th A{' rtilll and(herby Art 7 40783.9I T7 93.7 5714.612 TA 1.7 242 31.1'Warm Rd. 24th End AC-Mlland li>nntly Art _ 214558.0045 917 1134.69562 111 258 .#5x77 2artter4td Eudi9 T.cnt AC Mill dad Chkrlay Art 2 105(11,21 It 9641 520478.75 19 951 30.21-9irkerlEd End Eudd AC-Mill nrrd Overlay Art 2 69171.54 it 95.83 524799250 211 1267 3416 Panther Rd - Spralrue Broadway AC-Will and Geerhy Art _ 5 IIIIIKIG It 4753 5441,321 21 1269 3596 Further Rd Broadway- 5hatp AC-Mill end 0141toy An 4 79'164.00 it 45.75 S1 .9911 t2 22 1474 34A7 Yii11.Rd Massirin Snag rtC-Mill A Wed-lad-Col 2 394593111 6814 $99,913,28 a 39n 41144 11714ta1G Rd 1r14T Lid AC-Mill Barran-Col 2 454449 ft 611$ 537,765,20 24 1281 3901 IJN7efsirtr R4 SAMEad- Min AC-Mill Ind:Ur7717y Art A 331511214! 9224 $83,67324 25 1683 3275 LIAledrI$y Rd 441 95h AC•MIII 1111 MAKIN Art 4 56744.14)Tt 9153 jt42.190J2 r_ 1686 3411 2owdish Rd 16th add AC•Mill.r.d ov raw Art E 8229634 Ft 4536 $2107.25020 SPA-RATA 56.448.10'7.27 51109.929.90 nca,t9'trV{li{1M1 ry*pis 7 66 23.27 5ptagueAv Everitt ri Adams AC,Reratalrtiti.6u7-1111 7 292919 91.15 53,125,772.96 5211711.41 53x25,7729 Maintenance Praj-tr Cyan Seal and Petrddrg $1175,50961 sramrw a Sub-eats[ $175,500.80 $SOI,119AO_59 <.. - - Srm.mdl Beer yard 7-esenra Live Prerenlalfe' 149 51,267.27 Total 137711•7 Bedallatruotion and 59.73331111 25 S1r70i5ccal0 151.434.51111751 1ho Ctlyad adelorr4 Va budget told 4$23 million dal brs.$324 ndlllondolhr of the 373 notion Is spent an P■iP re6[ad:pW/e2i soda as polholo repairs,patthmg.Single Imrc pytrbyr and lather vend ow mends ai tfwy arise. Toe hiattiE Fed rpadwayn cooed haw:boost mac elayod In 7o0I,now the rerAmmevrdod tree anent is a full roonlatrmint There axe li annaolldaled roads In mmol that aro shown ea roadang r mos.-truckled,.several of which have been remrne,rsmd or had an{IQ adjustment based on the 7033 ma Impaction Mate:Thesort between a rredl and oreriay and Full r.31bri rrmon Fs approxirnatehf 6 raves 1013.Proposed Budget-Arterials and C nt-dors-Pherervaticn Program d Ity of Spotone Valley 2013 Pdvernent Management Mar Update Project NO. Segment ID Oa ROUIke FrOm TO Plan Activity Number Pavement of Lanes Area jSF) Improved DCI Plan Cost Suggested Budget=' Storms ter Upor3de5 (Y/NJ Plan Yg,r 24513 OlerLW PrdjEE 26 37 36,39 Broadway AV Yardley Fandset AC-Min and Ouret1 Art. A 936 EOM ft. 516.45 5254,070.20 24 41 3574 BroadwayAv Park Vista AC-Mill and Cnrarlay All 4 311E.51.1517 ft 55145 515,T,1 44 30 55 AR,SR Snrnue Av Orrtuhan Panther AC-MIII and Overlay Art 515634 i.D ft 97.16 540$,22137 31 56 3583 SpraRu4 Ay Far4her Mao' AC-Mill and C)verley Art 5 3773R.U10 IS 95.73 $224,201.66 3i. 6O 3391 Apnleway 6f Thierman Park AC-MIII and Overlay Art 4 1537E4.63 ft 5145 53952.26.63 -- 33 199 4349 16t1,Av Pints Sotto AC-MITI and 63ver1ay JVrt 2 11133.00 It 55,139 426,61181 O4 115 261924th Av Pinar MidPaned AC-Mill 1.averhy-Col 212205&OCIt 35.65 53/5,077.7G 35 150 37,05 1;3mph:rt.Rd 5th End AC-Mill and Overlay Art 2 i 3552.00ft 97.25 $163,326..54 15 155 3931 Argonne Rd Broadway Mission AC-Min and Overlay Art 3 95177.52 ft 96.9 5244685.23 37 183 373911 University Rd 16th 14th AC-AMR and Overlay Ail 5 159204.00 ft 95.02 $$.393,734.28 36 tog 78,19 5 tom Rd 16th Mrdlanafd AC-MIfl&averlay-Cal 2 4709209 ft 84.18 $E214-.2 44 35 212 2675 Blake Rd Sallee 34th AC-Min$Overlay-Col 2 51516,60ft 2555 S 532,96.52 40 216 3.,45 Sullivan Rd Euclid grant A1:-Mill and overlay Art S 174731.60 ft `54.2 5449..una:6I 41 219 37.29 Sullivan Rd Indiana tuciid AC-Mill and 0varlay Art 6 325711.00 ft 55.3.9 5/611477.27 42 225 3613 5ull r e n Rd 5pra5uc Atii AC-Mill and Mel Ity Art 4 77315.16 ft 55.73 1L56,A545.85 43 238 36.45 Adams Rd 2nd 4th AC-Mill and Ovarlay Art 2 28617.04 ft 99,02 $73.545:63 44 239 42.59 Adams Rd Sprague 7914 AC-MITI and overlay Art 1 2 13755,130 it '3155 $35x35035 IS 1.1363 39.£4 Park ltd Mission Tttnt AC-Mill and Oysrlay Art 2 714SL96 ft 97.15 5193,708.54 45 1675 3/25 I 214Ieym _ - Argonne -err r C-MdI and tiredly Art 4 M x43 J it 95.9 $221,315.56 47 5B37 36.5? P4thAy University Rovrclsi7 AC-Mi91&Overlay-Col 262092=It 64.35 "7255,246.44 90 1506 37.4? Cver>Qeen Rd 24th 32nd AC-MllI and Overlay Art 2-69161.070 R 75.67 $177,743.77 49 1598 2824 24th Ay Adana Sullivan AC-Mill&Overlay-Col 2.555E43.00ft 56.12 5286,31314 50 1371 34.64 Park Rd Alleyway Broadway AC-Mill and Overlay Art 2 34292.00 ft 95.45 $243.87144 5Ii -tOt2l Ss.662,97g41 51500 000,00 Peorretructlan PrialecK r1 65 75-3 Splagu!43 Adams Ri1I-Marl AC-Reenretrtuer-Arterni' 7 734449 55.55 53.146,937,1$ Sub-total $.541ii,027.23 add Crack Seal and Patching 5175.000.00 5510,000110 S47-02t3 $115,244.44 550$,202.00 - Sif6-east Overlay and PreveMate 51057,972.41 Total OYCriay,REconnrIlt3Nrn and Nevem-Aire 59.204,909.59 55,30OAUd-04 157,504.00959i •v The City of Spokane Valley's budget total is 52..35511rwndd kit.$1.01lnilllon 62/ION is wont on n6511MP rotated preiectsand irivnedietc needs. The hurlighted roadways could have!seen 0vetayed in 2003 now the recommended treatment it 3 full reoanstruek 1 here alt 11 consolidated roads in 205 that are 5h4wna5 needing a r4rron5tru4han.Several d1 which have heen re3dnstrotaed or had an 5751 adjustment basal on the 24]2U IM5 iaipeeinrr Note:The cost between a mill and overlay and MI reconstruction is approxlmacedy fi Owes Project Hunter-Mr tine lane wrxmcund Mb-Mi 54ing projeettvmpleted in i1311 City mayt544se 10 move this projttttn s later date. 2011Prontsed Budget-Arterials and Tolle etors-Preservation Pro4rrn Cltyaf Swim.,vatl.y 2501Pavement Management Plan Update Prdjti!Ct No Segment ID OD Roue From To Plan Activity Nuretter of Lanes Pavement Area[SF) tmpraved C7CI Plan Cost Suggested Budget** OOwtiUnder Suggested Budget Strtnnwater Upgrades[YjNJ Plan Vow ama 52 Orerlay7rolen 26 AC-MIIR&Nverlay-Col 2 64683.16ft 8764 36.73 Mission Ow Patdr Vista 5177.505.91 53 45• 57.43 3rmdwayA. . Bcrodlsh Pimps AC-Mill and[ erla'y Art 4 9.17221.03 ft 96.32 5324,7215$ 54 512. 54.66 $rradL'aM At Sullivan Ltmkln_ - AC-Mill and Overlay Art 2 3.24251-Du ft 9.266 51722,923.33 55 54- 37A swum Aar End caravan AC-M6lartd Overby Alin 5 1580144_00 ft 97.76 $497,887J60 55 s7 74.67 9v 1alerr Thicrman AC-Mdlarsd Overrate Mt S 44738.04 ft 55,36 9194 51240114.66 537 174.37 57 63 35.41 SeraionAv . Reread Unevenly AC-Mliland Watley Art 5 135031.01Itt 59 63 30.75Aip6lewavDl Dis-hrriar.M144 Farr AC-MB Ord Overby An 49462753ft 9160 $8612118.441 59 90 323 4th As Pines McDonald AC-MiI&1}verray-Col 2.15E67.5CFt 89.74 5237At759 6a 91 3&27 4thAv MeDoneld Evergreen AC-Mindy Dberray-Cd 2 85359100 ft 2457 $236,399.01 61 Y14 3658 24th Av Bawd.sh Pwes AC-MIIl&rnverlay-col F 9325930 ft 87.64 $45893743 62. 119 37_24 24th AU Ever47een 6X1161 AC-Mai A Oyer -dad 21232610X It _ _ 5612 $444115-37 699 139 53,46 240,Mo Banner, Rdatr:. AC-MIA&Overlay-Cal 2:O3IBLOC ft 8612 5222960.07 64 7.3:2 35,46 32idAv Brawr111, Pine. AC-MilandOrmrlanAIL 9.1997. eft 46°91 ttMeat= as .2! 31-90. Thsi-p ltd blehnran mice Ma I5a4 AC Mill A ewer*-Col 731733.0011 49,25 $39.315.41 66 164 36.99 Park Rd S6rp.ue Fimulewn. AC-MlandOverlayArt 42406LOCft 9661 serima97 67 159 53.53.. Argonne ltd 5Prague Broadway AC-Mill and Overlay Art 3 95133.16it 96.51 $MM.663.& 43 - 176 5636 Mullen Rd Du hman tem Brevet/ay At-Mldand Overlay out a 115435.66 ft 96.61 E264,310.55 65 162 30.76 un6ter_ftFM 24'61 3266 Ad-M(AaP4 Imre,.An 5 15a1344.00 R 94.53 5423,93L68 70 7.85 32..61 Unmanly1td 32rtd Distwnala Mies AC-Mime Ovtrla Art 5471724C At 9266 $186,066.44 $49,598,07 _. 71 207 37.33 McDonald lid 16th 5e1M.x AC-MR and Watley Art 3 33326.06 ft 42 72 231 3537 Everrreen Rd 5P-Afte 1.4 mica Conrechnr AC-Mama Overlay Mt. 3 34243L51 k. 9832 5948,70259 62119.38230 73 255 94.24 Ererlpwl&i 16th 24Th AiC-M31 and Overlay Art 2--799&.00At 9601 74 1895 35.52 3riwdr-dn M 0tA 16th AC-Mall and Overlay Are 2.#3756.19 ft 55..74 $.193_44722 $4+00464.09 $990.000.64 Iteraatr o ction yrejeeilo 2' 75 11 21.32 ;wild ho _ Barker uE,nd AC-Res:muJ6I-7wteria4 52655 Sutirldxd 749.67 51503.36501 WAD 1%sirtmance Pro jets: Gast San47114 Pa6ehln6 596-0Wal $175.60000 5175.335.00 $5065 $500,.000.00 Serb total Credal and PrrrsnFFLne $6,193,643.07 Total O,reriey,Reorru4ndionardF,r'edalrvr $1.1„0.6,101.1115 51.16 0000 1S7.5616.9i1d21dt ---r The C5y 9l.5pakame Xra3tavc budlret total is$23 relllon dollars.51.6 mllion dollars}spent on non MP rst4rted Pmests sriW?Mrelot5 reed;, The,hrE1442hte1 rrad4'r4t5 ceukr hawk Wenc.51a1ed°n 2003,nnw the',mom-emit-et treatment a full errtweh uct The h~led roadways.could have been nreriayed#20174 rrnw the recc.nmendcdtre.trnerrt ire full rertrr.-trurl There are 17 mnrm1ldated reads in 2069 sincere shown as reeding a reconstruction.Several'Or which hare been reconstructed or bwd i6171.1 adiuiineirt bastd on the B310IM5 inspection No-1c T 3ooslb¢twrrtnamilandovert ayandfullree ae nintctiion:sapproximately6times Prepe3t N 16#b&55'Ire l arrf 4a.ithaad neo nfarily Pr1jed earnplri.d it 2651,Ear rt.tr ciaooro to rno4.this Pojrt to a haw-data. 2021 Proposed Budget-Arterials and Mc4ectors-llreseewation Program CiryetSpr,larre Valk) 2411 Pavement Management Plan Update Project N . Segment ID OCI Route Frr3lh Ti, Karr ActiVity Number of Lane Pavement 11cea[SF' Improved CCI Plan Cost Suggested Budget" Cver/Under Suggested Budget Stormwater .pi grades jYl N) Plan Year 1015 77 Overlay Praia= 5 13.96 WelleslevAv Sudlan Clora Ad•Milani/O print Art 2 t06951,641ft 96,06 #18.054.90 39 28 93.68fAissionAV A40nne Herald Ac-Ma and Dn11ayj41't 214521,176ft 96.32 543T,d53_i9 79 43 33.328111e4441 AV F417 Nerald AC-Mil irid t]verlav Art A .9ae45.r.0 it w.32 $1P.uutla9 so 44 33.36 Brea asy Av LJnrecraty 5nrod-ra AC-Mai arrd Cverlav Asr d 715737.608 96613 $350.21L06 BS 38 343 Sat,agw Av Thia=an_ Park AC-M17 and Cviriar Ail $ 203559.44 k 94,5 5610.762.90 92 61 3324 Sprague Av A.®oorr Foe AC-Mal and Our rlay,Ht 5 590216.00 135114.90llt ft 515 913 5405r342.60 $270.61&00 58 52 33325araaprAv Farr Hesakl At•MEondOve&SayArt f4d 43 34.1 Cth Aw Carnahan IXcierr AC Mal and Cverlay Art 2 EMMA}ft 97-19 $797,OOLQrP 85 96 3266 SthAV DishmtnMics Farr 4C-M2 arrdOmen Aft 2 34694,00ft 92 5104.gd<2! 39 99 °34.75 8th av Unfraralty Bawd'idh McDonald AC-M ill and Overlay Art A.c we 1.nre Dwrlay.Art 7 2 9111791A6 ft 143661.00 ft 95.95 91.66 $770,1449J06 $747,1933.04 57 130 93.96190 AY 53kRse 09 116 93.76 34t11 Av MelS nafd Inks AC-Mull&0 l Cot 2.43871.00 ft 95.73 5137 613.00 Ri 90 _ ice_ 35 339 35.32 3341AV Thw:rman St Dfthrran Mka UM�ersky AS Mill end flvtaffiv N4 2 19551.44f 92.39 SSa.e.tas F 4th Nile AC-Mal and v Art 2 97811.96 it 9632 3143.43S446 91 157 36.15 A1112011111 P4 Sor321.111 Apphway AC•Mill and Overlay Art ! 9:73.2E-Mft 97.19 399.669.75 97 166 34.13 Duhni r tlra ltd sands Thome AG-Mill and wry Art 2 703811.40 ft 96.74 6=8032.00 93 169 33.3$ Malan Rd 19rOndv0y WW1 1C-Mill And v Are 3 9522150 ft 93.37 6285.670.83 94 190 35.77 Bo'rrdishAd Sarague 4th AC-Mill and Overlay Art 532354041 44.04 5149.70430 95_ 96 _ 19® 59,76 :2725 32,49 6owd-ahRd Il lnt'mn Mi'r3 San& AC-Mill A Overlay-Cal 4213349.00 It 87.96 561,047.09 _ Sullivan Rd 5aaadaay ad--n AC-Mill and OVerlav Are 7 421246.170 ft 943 5376:55900 97 757 3:5.47 Fandr# l14 Rd 5 gainaad AC-Mil t&Overlay-Col 217964.13015 8418 293852:00 911 1876 74.51 Nraed Poe humid 1ln AC-M3 and Ore - Art 4 57498.40 ft 69,74 $761,494130 95 1974 3431 herald Rd Spraeu* Main AC Mill prerlay-Col 2 17294.00 ft 213.01 $5 71700 _ 100 1111X11 3339 5owdahPA .32nd 37th AC-MEarse!Overlay Art 2 51dif00ft. 95_74 5153,046,00 305 1950 39,45 1117.A. PMas 54th Yard. 24th lie-AIM and Eva Hay art AC-Millard cvertav Art 2 40297,o6R 2 29713.0615 97.119 $126,1191 5236,135,00 102 3.997 15.07 Adams Rd 92.62 103 1911 33.25 Mir1beau Pk Indiana M a n s f i e l d AC-WI&Ovvrliy•Col 5.96629.56 F5_ 57,96 5140,03913 506-42101 55.914754731 S806,000.00 Reeertat,tidlm.Pne)eea _ Sfaa - - 9 11_44 Eddit Ax _ 633 Suntan AC-Remnmeet-Att2rdl 2 48434 99.69 $515,795.72 _ 1055 Sib 2106 Madison Rd 40th MAD1501 AC•13etartstrtret-Alarm I 2. 147581 99.56 $1,445,74131 109 5ubtodP $329.465.1 50.06 Ma4r6asonce Projsdt . track foal and Patch,Ire $176;004.04 $500)000.00 Subialal $175.00990 $500,609000 Sulu-total 0'4i1ay and Prayetaartret $6,162,34751 To Overlay Penorstr-,r tten and 9nrventathre $4.785.91280 $7,3 9,00.04 1$0,075.5•12101 I •' The GtyoFSpo4.na 4rallnjrhuuligateob3 ir:$73rellior daPnrs_5Ln million down:ars-pant en non PM9 r>1tedpmjeds and i.rmeda..nods. 1'h�e l`FhFPshted roadways could have been overtayed in 2509,now the recommended treatment is a fve reconstruct The h lhlighted ro.dnay.sro1,1d have Leo-enoverlayezt 22411,stew the r -rrnn.vroded tr,rat,r,ntas Pr7 naeortarmt Them are 17 cdemeIidatad ro'.4 rn 21109 that ars shrern ar no edIrga r-or.trucftan.9vreral tf r.hkh haw.helm recv.vatn,9Fed ar had an DC adjustnwrr Saud 4Pee 21010 149 dnucstrn male.The cmtlrctw:sn o mill and ove Flay.and Purl reconstruction 15 eoprori.n1ItF 9 Limes 2011 Proposed @octet-Arterials and Collectors-Preservation Femora 6Ly E-Spodrve Wary 2911.Pavement Managers enr Pon Update. Project Pica, Segment ID PCI Route From TO Plan Activity Number of Lanes Pavement Area{5F} Improved OCI Plan COO Suggested Budget** Over/Under Suggested Budget Storrnwater upgrades WIN) Flan Year MI6 Overlay Projerst 107 42 3296 Broadway Av Viuta Ar¢anrle AC-Mil and flvertaf Art 111534S-W ft 175-51 337351732 1.0.2 CO 4441 3pra�n Au Vlrr Argonne AC-MR acrd❑rnarlay Art 5 1964}07 M ft 9639 553�Am_51 t09 ftZ r 3337 Appkw-ay 91 Vice ItaArnan Me AC•Mil and e]ver4y Art c d34 371s4 ft - _ 91963 $447=„571.24 510 37 37..4 IIIP AV Thlerman McDonald Fork tverown AC-Mal 0OvfrlOV-COI AC•Mrl and Cverlara Art 2 2 5679900ft 74e 2.0o ft 56,12 4251 5222900.76 5742.402. 3.1.1 193 32.04 Rh Ai 112 117 31.64 24thAv hake E'.verereen AC-MrT&Overlay-Cad 2 071335.00 ft 0534 $15.1•tb4446 113 132 3438 Fandeer Rd SFvrP Tr.nt A.i-M‘aad'Ova r6y Ark - 9 430104.00 ft P7.26 S422232.96 524 155 31.57PltWf nMk-and 4012 Sandi AC-MT and Overlay Art 179005.00ft 95.45 3253.Vedau 115 157 32.5:59 outman vim R I thorpr. and AC-MT aratCmorinf Art 2 57559 30ft 45_45 $186,441_16 i15 177 3.21 Herald itd Nth 16433 AC-MT&creetYY-col 2;106'92 2ft 0534 $346.445.72 117 191 32_06130 dish Rd 6th 6th AC-MT and Creche Art 2.52445,00 Ft 91.2 92 $16992 E0 $1724401.5. . - - 119 2'010 31,86 MoD.rakJ Rd dlh nth AC-MT andCwrlay An 2 5299A-10 ft 133 201 32.17 Mdscroatd Rd 34h :14413 AC•Mel and Ovedry Art 2 197332.90 ft 51.32 _ $ 47.755.68 - 120 211 54.59Iak5Rd 24th 5R 27 AC•Mit&Overlay•Cal 205437.00 ft 145331 $141.747. 121 222 412 Sulam ltd Sprague 9roaduoy AC-Mid and°verb*Art 7.246330.60 ft 94.24 $798.10920 122 1878 3528 ParkNd Broadway Mimic 4th AC-MT andOvertay Art AC NO snd0•rodea Art 2 4524&00fk P7-14 $3448.716.64 170 1892 33.56 M4POi•ald Rd 1Pravg 2 52417,00 ft 02 $322,74?.9/ Sutre01eaI _16)028.511% 5It J00d10 Reconstruct=Yroieees:r - 1 - 174 i 1902 70541 Etefrd Aa. Sulli.n Ma<rietla AC•Reconstruet•Ar4eeaf 2 145093 98-58 C. 520323 125 _ 275 17.15 Prusners RI Wnll.fry Orwm A{-Nit-Artsrbl 3. 32964 99.63 120 -- 55rb 40141 32.493.7.15.92 Maintenance MOW= __.. track Seal and Pntehlr' $175,000.00 $x75.0 t 17 r4a0311100rn 5500.000100 Sub-thob Sub-tolel Overlay and Revert:3We $52113.51L96 - Tole:€lver�rl+rI4ear trpord id Preve dvc $9,4194727.03 - $3 06,000.06 1$'7r776,.727.W1 I Thy Spokane Yallyy'€budget total n 52.8 million dolars,51.0 million dollars fsspenton non PMS'rented preteen and immediate needs_ The hithrrehtl d roadways pould have been bveday l iq mice.nhw t]`M1&OilinieedCd t0B2!5I RR it 4 for MCC I)Mel The htrrrrehfed roadways could have been overleyed in 2111.dow the recommended taatdmeat is hill ram ristauci These are 13 coesc,Idated roads in Zoos that are shown asneediisdafemans7r.xlW,Severel elf which hove teen renanatu rted or lad art 042 adjwtm.ne ,sad om The wet between a rnal and overlay and Tull recottsmacaan is apprwdntately 6 t m ,7011 I161.S laspPCnnn 2111 Pr cd Brdeel-Arterbb and Ca[krfars-Preservation Program {Ay oriSpokane YaOcy 2911 Paowrne rt Marasenrent Plan Update Project Pio. Segment ID OC I To Plan Activity Plumber of Lanes PanremeHt A ea fSF} Inv,metl OCI Plan Cost Silmested Budget** Over/Under Suggested Budget Starmwater Upgrades(WWP Flan Year 2117 Overlay Proiedfa j 117 18 3278 Mnntgdm iy 0r Wiltart Pil.es AC-Ma and Dy rW Ike 2 90893.49ft 9347 5326,32346 126 19 331 Indiana 4u Montgomery Mrahe u AC•Mil and Overlay Art 524312251 It 93_61 5872,935-19 529 27 31-93 MoatunAr• VDU Arinnne AC-MIa@um-by-Cal 711224.-30 ft 3796 5277,2ASAS 130 59 31.58 Spra r,•Rv Park_ yfrsGr AC-MI and Overlay Art 5 A 169306,O9 R 95.00 $561.67A.06 131 76 dt46 speartlre u ' 5.L9ivan Conlon AC-Mil and Overby Art 117110.80 ft 24.8 3es4,2.4.4.o13 ,$4913,905.0u 131 72 3276 Sprague All F6ra - Car$in AC-Mi anef Overby Art 5 110'7.00 ft +t7.1y 1 3 76 33.11 Av 6arlger Kod$G AC-MO li Overlay-COI 2 53969A0 ft 39.17 $166,7W.0U 734 135 32-6917iirerin Rd 9r0idvriy Marian AC-Mil&Overlay-Cal 211513&00 ft 90-12 $299,033D0 135 199 33.E1 mono-mid go 59 au onononmy 3 ne AC-ME and Co ertro Arr AC-Mill and Overlay Art 4 127bdA00 It 96.41 $446,71294 Lab 204 31.5 Pines Rd 24th 29oE0i1RtOft 95a4 521924656 137 217 33.17 5aihan Rd 9Qf1 WIIIRS4Y AC-MJI a*Overlay Aft 4 7721900 ft 97:2I $.770-7156.511. 136 227 1129 &Oran Rd 24th End AC-Mill and Overlay At 3 2025030 ft 95-79 S u,BTri05 134 2 744 19.43 31-73 NerpeenRd r Rd i10'IYMOOfr Trvrrt Ind-norm Wesley AC.Mdl.T'a.rerby Art AC-Ma a.,410 eslay Art 67176.801 2 Usar.7Gft 94.66 95-09 ,$256,11$30 $132•425.36 -- ma 141 7854 3193 4th At end data AC-Mdl and OvwrLy Art 2 1774O It 9936 $65,731,90 142 - 1877 39-96 Heralded End Broadway AC-MAI&@uaday-Col 2449552,00 ft 17,24 5157,342.00 149 1992 323 4th Av Unrrrrslbt 3rtJhh AC-Mald Overlay-Col 234851.6) ft 16.65 $39701336 -- 144 1284 IL? 4[h Av 6owdidtr Pings AC•Mdl&Overlay-Ltl 1 C4 S.uI ft 55.39 $297,447541 sr,trroeal 55278.43745 5800.000,00 Reconstnuettonllnaleerm 145 1503 1321 Dew.Av Wank= Flare AC•Raprauut-Amami. 2 22322 94.113 $1,337,947,31 149 246 25.03 Flomftn 1 tW 2n Rd Eudld Lt1111441¢0 fuoldd EricL ,ac-neGp✓flaRuct-trtermr ALC•RtCO.Ktooct•Arterial 2 2 192•W 29172 94.98 9163. 5.244.73111.80 5391306.95 147 1906 7673 341 Stlb•Taral 92.1946T1A2 eneolr seal end Pat.-,t $175,670.09 $990,900.99 _ &Ai-1.u'. $$179.009f?Q $900.9ormo Sub4atal El.erby and Pravantativa $6,0591437,15 To-lag Overlay,Rescn action and Prey enralhve 93241.11637 $1.300.063u15 156.949.11637 The Cry SPChtroValler'sbudgettote!Is52,1mllbndollars,5I0man ndollarsorthe52.3tainitreIsspurttinPMI Actedpiujettssurlyasre+ylwk:repou,.patt huy;,airgleImo-merkrysandotherimmedFetenettsaseat e91tt, The hithUghted•eadyeayr road have been overleyed in 2004,now to reosmmended treatrnrrrt is a full rwomrdnxt The herlighted roadwayxtoeld have horn crerl4yed Fr 2611,now the recommended treatment Is a full moo-none TbOrCn*a 17801956665 Mt Is1d1 in 2993 that are:haven as wading amoans-Emotion,Sons rat'of Ouch hays been narar@ttueted orhadae O[1 adilutment based an the 2016 IMO intpr4tian 4otr:Mao-art between asnit and overlay and full reconrtrvotfarLteppro4fmatelyGlimas 2411 Proposed eudm- Artemis and Collectors rrer.errauo.n Program GIr ul 5ulArle V■ncr 11111 Pavan EEC hlanapm#II tier 110051r e PtgjeSt ND_ Segment iCt Route From To PblJtu city WthSiWr of tames Pennerle rrt Area ME) len artnite 00 Plan Cost Stt gge5ted Budget"" Over/Under Suggested Budget Stt1713nuater Upgrades[Yfn) run wear Itecoactrueslare Pre— rf 671 71175pmva 2533demit AV Pe F.s,mErwn Marc Af.-QiX9aCmrld-Anoiol 7 7329'.9 994 Se.s.B,771-48 51 69 Achim SulGwn hG-R246611rutr-AS184i1 2 731439 19,81 Sa.1.4.6.,3 -S 15 11 11421udid AV darker knd NC-Mecum Auct-Maul 1 52fid4i 5914 7L9.57 - 71 1111 5 2142 a tlid Acv Ent Sutlirifi AC-Reddriucet-Mean I 38431 99.63 $S15s79,Y2. 105 ; 121 12'1. ]131 3982 2201. 1147 Ma 1Mi Rd Euclid Av 18e1 5u.5var FMCISITN 114ar■etta AC-Reransmure•rn9eria.1 Ai:-Rccrnclralet.Mena.l ? 2 9075211 115673 d9.AA. 99.68 51.411.71101 ` S39s5a402 r 135' 215 17.15 -^Rd Weheilev Crow AC-Reoer Lind-NMe% 2 22111 99.65 ':-.52 1.26 145. 1903 29.21 add Al Musieha Flora AC-Rerrnffiuct.Antuial 2 99371 *AA $1,.#.22,03 At 146 246 25.116 liar Uzi Euael Euclid AC-liggmmUeM'i-Eetpiil 2 28240 5768 524iw7e05 0 147 MIX 477 &Ilivan Rd Weil_-.. Frei AG"------..Arterial 2 29172 99.65 Lit-'r,95 Su total 57..7.035.41 75•86 The:icy at Smkanc V1b S F bidlitc 10101 i5 523 millet)dandra,Sib rnRlipl ddmuf3 Cl the 12.3 rnilliorr is span e11 PhiP minted projects audh as amide ropers,punching,=flu Ione ovnrloye acid amber immndlate omic in 7hry ark,. The h∎ liferetedaaadvrapsmold have beeraeriseed'n 2500,nowthe recommended lc...A,,a hellrr.r...r.,r. Tht late bthtedlradw icouldhealbMtnaertrondin2011,nowthelelornrnendedmatrnenittsiullreetcrouet T'hesr o4ri7 ee,.s.i'darrd rueh Ir.2048 rl..a e glum,as nmlilr:a veonseruurm.sr,rrAofwlyd,Iraae kern rear rifled ar had an ooadfuslaeent based on to Z01611e letweelrpa Rut e:The axes between a min arid overlay-and Irrn reoanatrudfon b approadmate#r I times Local Access (residential) Projects City of Spokane Valley 2011 Overall Condition Index Local Streets • •e -- . • :--- • ' •---..1- : ••-1';ii,...1 ..77,-,-, 74 _et , __ ,• - r -c--it • .......if c.-, =11 g • •._. -■. '1-.1 1,—, '11. ' r r-.1 ,-••-.. .... - .''.--*tr . 11. •_,... , .. . •. -...--•••• -'-'. .- •.V=.- ...7-;""r .•• • _ --. _ ..... ..._.,r, ...ti-. .11=1... ... .;... ., ■ . . •,ri. . •. . ,.• , -. -.Wm g• - ■ __.c -. .r. .'..S. L.'... .1- ._ " 1 "--' r '• ,Tr.. ... ... /4..... .t 4g .L..-,.... . . , .1 •.a--..1-.:-..• ..• ''' .0...• . --:-... ----.. i' l. -• - ,. - - L-.4.-1•-•;. - .. ..'..02 1.-B■cemim • r • 'c"-Ei.,...E, • 1 December 972011 • - -• • .. - • - • .• .1 . • Legend ova rail Co nd lode -1-30(F14idli •31-GO(indium ta Paoli 19 -1 DC M.a.c4 Dais 74cIscalrOCD117141 Local Streets City of Spokane Valley 2012- 2017 Preservation Projects Map • dr per_ IL fir. �t—��d aN I dedmber T,2E11 C 7 ale_ Lea end Eel Mesa Em e.b 2014 Tnrnli+rnM -xrecrf., - • c..• Norvaniz 411 11atl1114.Y% i0A41lb4TAle Ali -Lri2r•I. —c.aiae.r rr..__n.......d ...r,F•• ■• 2C14 Frealnierla 7097 Tram. vary n.a,..1 it 11.:2.me.:es.la ltrrilrAmIng. TN Pm.P221.212 51w(M1T Fe and Potpa®q artl Undoo7. 2411Prepascd8u4 L0ca1A2xs5{Ilssidsrstiar)Raidl Pntsc ratan Pr.want CAy 1-599157n4Vi116Y 1411 Pavement Mana11ment Plan Updzte Project Ito. Segment IC DCI F1 use From TD Plan AC11vity Number of Lan Pavemflest AYEa(SF) 1r1Lprovgd CU Plan Con Suggested Budget.' Over/Under Suggested Budget Starrnwater Upgrades IY/N1 17194 VOr 7917 Chte33ap Ring= 1 1604 96.11 Carnln4G1 22nd .End -. .AC- ACL5mlOYerta' 2 2348190 re 93,19 546.5" 136 3 22,-A 30.35 94t1.4 Av Plerse Eawdiah AC AC Loral 6'erlxw 2 531247Off It 90. 51195.72lrv.71 3 1097. 392.7E Kilwna A3 End Cupallan AC-AC 1•0721 Ocatchy 7 3i758 MA' 4736L 5/1.163.32 4 556 3041: Mark 0r Bud r MdM1Yn AC-AC Local Owerlly 2%5d0,iL0 IV 9D16I $1125I1E13 _S- 269 31.43 Mind Ay Alcsnne Lad. ' AC•AC Loral CNA1124 2 1411 2.A9 117 9417: 529,99447 �r0 1298 7335 Cjr.rnnCt End %coca 'AC -AC Loral Overby 21548298 RR 99:18. 520,61693 7 13.5 9131. 13th dot Houk End AC•AC Lam!Ore day 2 9256.49 fr. 79-38 518,60730 A 397 7L4mgr. Rd End 14alie*ka AC-AC LLial OredLis, 214724-29 Fi 92,44 1 321,342.1.5 9 599 11139.3gr 1,d 11r1 nparr 8th emu rd.,nd AC-AC Latal Ore rfaY 2 29044 99.16. 527,742317 10 1oc7 i1Si vnitarrette54 End AC AC.Lvt4I1:trerla' 2 2,076.00 IV _ 91.24 511736.21 11 OM 31571.1anpevn+ ere Dr Drornrmsnd 6Aal¢tta AC.AC Lea INA,Lim 299857.4G n= 96.11 ImW,7ri.I7 12 861. 31,72IGrs/sileAy N9a74+aa0 Aadenier, AC-ACluv1!arm Soy 21679s31it, 89.77 130.47 521.43173 88 5.74 13 1178. 3195 2nd Av Best Add rm , AC.AC Lad Creriny 2 4467630 re _14 15 ]717 Aga ow 11tl erbadway Sharp AC.AC Loo!Dmrkry 1539$9.49 IV 98.29 $167,111176 4711 3758 Mssfrld Ay fines Hn6k AC-AC Loop❑rertay 1749.,441 rt _ 91.75 §75.993.85 16 1154 32.33 GUEIrle Pr 17th 25th AC-AC Lard dwertsw 21 744444.'90 1299345 fY It 9968: 9916 5741.537.61 5 552555 17 1602 3L64 Rtd¢s3nant CT VIVI Q13 Can kin AC-AC 1.0 1=1 Oyrtlew 18 724 37.52 144ud3h Rd MLCIIIA 3111 AC.AC tiAll Overt w 2 5449.59 ft1 34.41 $911,24751 1! 960 3.22 1I11t l Rd 6pe1E31e MAN AC•At LEI I MIIIY 2 26583.80 Ile 9637 552.9013E 20 723 23.13 M946011.Ar C6e+iin UUnnrn.:ity 35th AC•At La..I OYsr4Y AC-At Larala.,e.lay 2 27463,D2 17595.29 0? ft1 94.19 Mgt. $34.A1235 .514,115.1_12 71 1757 33.11.Fn2C1 End 22 5451 39.22 Cep el R d B:nld•fn ■drana AC•AC L41 f Vr1l y 2 .7191:00 ft' _ 93.12. 529.517X3 73 1598 53.523rdCL Ver1Cre5.I End AC-AC GoalUve14y 2544111d10ft. 3847 510.7a*,00 29 599 33.69 ract_ton Ph 9.01,9r rdeirterr MOAgatreery Ely Guth& AC-AC.LLCM Overlay AC.AC 1.911 O'YE11311 AC-AC Luca!Owl-gay 24132692011 2 2 219743672- 511 19-190 ft' 6118. 9342 90,11- 580,17551 542,!33.99_ 5131•%••.41 25 528.. 3132 943evad Ay 25 1046 3427 nth Ay vkEi14 27 17E9 35 39th A. E1rfltwntd Rldezylen AC-AC L sI I)5 lay 2 13529.00 ftt star 72030490 776 55d 2823 Calton Av 1.e679 9nawrod AC-A{mar tin day 234..'91.32 ft 9933 568,657.93 39 1833 15_3 Man..Rol 3-94317 84411/pnrt AC-AC 4,r al r11Y AC AC Loral Oreday 2 7 2O35EA9 fe moons fe 9121 9L 76 $60.47311 517,144.90 372 1349 35,7 19th Ct Rude/Ridge EM 21 107 25.729511 Aw 3er€ler With[ AC At Loo!Ornriay 2'119909A90. 91..24- $179,023.73 37 1744 3592 34511Al 9dwd:sh Leretn AC-AC Lflol Ornrioy 221173u90 Et, 94:15 559,50732 33 1173 33,92 Yakeyra,e Air Eastrm Inter AC-AC Lao!O'nriery 212173 -92 rt 1.0574a.AC fr. 99-16 521,92220 34 . 1956 3£414 r,±6 Rd 15th 74th AC-AC Lapel Overlay 2 91118 52,13.m -6B 35 383 3645 124440631119 Masr4snnry End AC-AC1951605111111y - 2729198:54 ft' 9423' 545,74733 35 736 36:43 Houk 51 Minion End AC-ACL M Ore rl33 219507A0 Ft' BB.-84 531.845--73 37 675 3647 IWO A5 Finds[ End AC-AC L•ml 05113133 2 79614.73 7121 99.18' Sls$2519 35 381 365 M031465,7e417 AY minfenrrary End AC-AC Lora(Oynrliy 7.14102,76 Et. 54.19 $3692449 39 1689 33.19 29th 41 End Ea1wr AC-A C LO721 Omit.; 7 962100 ft, 90.18 _ $9.31330 40 1214 515-2 71mibe rial 76th End AC-AC Lao1.6verl.7 1.40001]0 fti 91.19 57y•9Ar1 sub-mil 52.41 w35 47 90340 41 11 51 17.76 Vera Crest Dr En.j 24th AC-111mArritsuctler-{c1 _.. 2 143326-.901 17.76 51141695.6M f sull.total 57.595.336.44 3053@ {'rack Sea l and Pit nine 5590,909909 S19.W 53b•tCOE +£090.909190 • Sub-4=1 i}Jlrlly and Proventrors $2,399933543 m.n INV brf RemmtI t 91 wilt inwentr1FR $0.615.89191 I Note_11.6t.;yt bstwrena 172111 sad werday and fuA rocarrdnicdon A appictInusety 6lintel 2911 Pna -Ltrt4)AeatiS{ilklidenli+ Adads,2656ArA ide Varam CapedS{Wkant Ltrlky 2644 P919!nraf1 lwarogamewl Flan Ltsd73e Project Fin.. Segment ID OCd R1111tC From To_ Plan Act. _.. Number of Lanes Pavement Area{5F} Irnprlwed DCI Plan C415t Suggested Budget"' OierfUnder Suggested Smrmwater Upgrades(YWM) 414. 12..4339th1nnv 13 47 17th Ar Waraandl_- 10ndah En AC-,4C Lora l@vaflay 2174610417 23161 __ 134,55934 115L1132S I 43 1751! lrcellr AC-AC Local 4rc147- 3 74959.4581 15.61 44 1575 33..5.1 27th 4V Mc Ewnzrnen AC-#C Lao I4411.74 7 53385.501' 91-24 5114.+79.64 i5 1541 3157 23rd AV Ever man Wen AC-A4:Laal 1284==0111 127. 32.513 46 1054 34.21 15th Ad 51227ey rancher AC-AC 1,5e5113srrLa.n 2 4613=2581 39t11 5109.44&70 47 1947 1417 P,-__e4 sea, 24th AG.ALlAchl tree flair 21114419672' 89311 5717.21230 13 1137. 34.23BMW Rd 59181162 DA AC-AL Lain LVrrIrr 257®1.12 f11 94.41 $17342.26 ers 1623 ESA! Glenn hd 241h Sind _ _ At-AC LasafOw61. _ 2 1.456$•96141 *mar WI-M22 S4 3322; 31.31 aid Fad End AL.AC[n.al.&Avlay. 2 1114118326 It' _- 2416 527'}4.250 51 551 9455 Rtich19td51 Enid Errd AC-AC 1[rtal Cwe719+r 2 15SFS:22111 5.1.88 534.325.1® 52 177: 14.54 erda Frd and at-nt lnarnvrrt3, 7 walla W 3418. 577.711121 522 =i1==: Orl. R1Ihr14 AC•AC tnrmlra.mrta 54 1 705 3af3251R.14 WIM£aess !Wow A[- lout Mc day 77961711111! 90.18 957-215.66 5S 114? 34.75 hanky Ridge Br. 15th rid 4.5-44L12=10,91a4 7 55415.00111 41.24 5118.424.90 S5 1x44 34,13 Ih A. 4ak!? Lau 15 AC-4CLaeltWvl3 3 3417.10401 MU 5€9.337.56 ® Jr],'-^ 1-aahe1•7ne[1 End ALAS:tacit weday l _ 2 ,5Lt1.2u de Y 21.1_125.1 -� 817 21.2.5 Yo16.13! 7091 Ukdr AL-AL lac/Meta 4 24725.35111 _ I - 4.54172 5a 1173 33,720 391dA4 (4124446 111 _ 191141. AL.acldrsI(lySft2y 2 aigiii.Lue le - - MX 511a21.!.0%_Da 50 906 252 Mar Ac NM. Colinr At.AC Lama Overby 2 1457180 in 11.37 $34.776.96 51 52 7546 35.14 1674 25.13. Bonn,4a __ 3me5 A4 214_ ... 654 ___ . _ 5w43¢l90 AG-AClrnN4v47F47 AC-AC 13la14witty 2 2 27441735111 _- 5.3s64:64 111 12.13 41.24 563.913.97 9129„405.72 d 312.1 15441 7.91,Art End W1rhsin A6-AC ltaulerrvWV 2 851.1,0111 41.24 514.71215 61 671 1035 Fis iam Pd 134 hekld 3roadx9N AC-AC irsade anthy 2 0870441.1: 39 _ 16.7416S0 6S 1.955 36.22 rgsrss 54 2A0e 32nd AG-A41.4441.1nesAnn a 106 0 352 0 1t" 79-16 5217.55-19 E6 594 3631 Eak,d..ret 61. lud AC.At Lod - 2 1175080 fa. 99111 r 15306 57 06 3549 Railroad Aw Halls Maim AG•AC load 4hrtrb7 2 22735251P 89.86 944.22215 C& 230 2L1133 AV Die! Lard AC-An.SAW 13594 ' 7 2773E197u1 - 42.19 533,115.610 52 1734 91175 Qum Cl End 3910 At.h[111d Overlap 3 24&6423 h' 1.!.416 374.755.1.5 54 7.'%13 3791421444 NWGSIH Er41 AC-AtOW4144-422 2 241.67.36 fie 9477 71 1235 37.12. Holmes R1 5Sra624 _ 3nr AL-ALLae1142Untrr 15151431141 5419 549,70722 Seda4inal 61rc455 Saes 72. 15415 11.1S Ibik369 CUl-01`554IN EMI /seism AC-013n09.41kril I3 l 4841 1115 54542 73 926 1439 WSip5ts Rd tad Maw, 4C-6e5iGVL Ja14O4 6429913 1gd9� zaa 6' •.•+ 9RanertaAa Mt/Allan Mampornery ao1 • _ 1S 1711 1111 Son on Dv 24th End At.lAm1o _•-. 7 737521/1 181 2571512.1118 76 1594 155 22711 CS `era 7s-3 End AClccansSLGlwl{[alai 2 175936 18.5 207195372 907 I Mnasurwn.ry radal.3.zr Dr 02=1= Fnr1 dC.439-nfarnrdfwa r.,ra7 55m. eaarF 1542252131 78 1045 215 Ana AV Whim AC-Dem-Wm r15113e-a1 7 331 215 79 544 29,1751W41an Rd audcrr A1:Iecrnsl nu chm 1 oral 7 34139_7 }9,47 441015354 5141-11911 51,159,695.12 5920 Maboesweoe Project. grad seal a34 WM&n4 y254t,1760.110 $11.188 511 $45505190 Sw h.{pts I FvvA9s y s nrl Art.,ovyrA ivt0 $2,176,915 711 Wad C rtriia Itrwwwno tWn iM PrrwntrAirr._ 14.535,91253 Rae 1549x1 brow.en smsacrd WO,lhr 519111814 demns1111i:un aepdtvnvcattlr6 urnr, •411t Impaled€ud€ri.[pod Arta(ibtadeai4)road.+.-Prr6xrwLLre Prredram crkf o 5potmne Valley 011 Pas,me ni Mormon-ma flied ti,d rk e Project PI6. SCgment ILI IJCl Route Faun Ts Pfau Attiviky Number of Manes Pavement Area ESF} tmpreved i OCI Plaik Cast Suggested Budget" Over/Linder Suggested audget St:reTlyrote' Upgrades MINI: Piro'trAl 201_. - - - - Oveday Praleds 119 1384 34.{I 11thAv 11.r.1d unnero f AC AC Lace IUverfry 2 6128100 fie )118 SiiV215,9n 194 1652 34a39 31d/iv End Elkton AC AC Lrcrrlfhedmr 297470.68 ft' 76.56 :35_M m -= 1 e111$&Rd 1511 515898 AC-ACLockave.Ilr --_2Sa 7 1r46ft' WE ,raft" 0]2.,5.49341 SO2.167.a ®� 1 1e II Sxth 10th AC-At:Le 4ave.1ly MIZEZI=Z3MIZMIEM r AC-AC[sal CNE7lew ©43835.09ft ® 5114.,28.. IIMII 11N 2.522 22,12 1,41M-NJ 5aksr. , Sawa AC-ACLaWT9verlav 2 ra6526R' 1167 2 3513403 te 91L24 3-133 ..S..1.1}U.,,Fn nd v 2 xn1.7 AO fe-- - _AU A 141111.0 AC-Jut t l over 2 1,049.60 r 10.37 ?30.99 ®■IZI®5illi$Ht1 . ■Mil ■■•11.1MI 27th AV ra T.tl Trod - 98.}a ®�t[n1L 3511 AY 2.3.1 47 a$ [jJ® at®Ca..tterdAv 52 35 3,01 90.18 vek. fiori44eed 89.27 5851: , ® E:i 1911 =MO 35.66 2.d AY 10101111. End da3.07 544.090,82 riven 0. mil knd 4124 • 374.211-19 asa4 ak da 3401 flays ® 32.]7 9 aIx Rd B h aikvwar 8s.4'7 3055064.7 $195 S46a 7 Main Av Exrives., r R8 Q7 544r,454,R€ 86.37 SernI0 N7 M1itGQluld . 56720 AP 88.67 $142.38€90 e_l 9236 harm St .11 •AC Luid CArtr Z 7-3150,00 IV 90.E SZ.206,50 Q E:I=MEZI 1311,Pa ., 4Yaodavrn . i - IlligEREEMMI RS.0 1111=11 5reda As Yld�k = . .144 747 7 91tl,Q Avalot - 1 l3 L307 34.15 6700•a0th PA 13tlr mil A,G-As Lend 0etrlar 2 2.4449.4 IC' 9C.K riE599 144 1 71 36.117 Centel-y.01 [red 224d AC-Mind O.e,by 2 171978.88 fe scum $3142648 L45 195R 5.7.oz`m,Ma et Rd 321d Ered AC-AC 14tal Ore[* 2 33490& Tat' 91_81 5611_6699/ 1_44 liberty Ar v.lo. Mace AE•AC Lutes 07.1160 2 24370.9212.' 9-1N $61,1.7._02 Lay 667 Jell 6mtrrn Nd Broadway Maim AC-AC!mall 6re+tay - - - _ 2 7736`.4. 8±442.90 ft. 86.77 MC i1' 91.r6. 21,191_68 1_48 350 arm.t la 3.cl M150.1 Hard At:-AL I. (110114 5w-114.16 1_49 959 37.1 rr. rRLL WW1 111211 AG-AC.I#aCWerbv 23142$..66'11' i "F *9` 1_56 1771 37.2 Needham er Tlnehcbne fnd AC•AC L.d+].vbv 217625.2011' €917 $44.74L25 1_5! 943 7.37 11puk Rd 5pmgle 044tH AC-AC Lad Avrebv 218Mi4.LO4' MOT. $47.29€.04 416- sal 52.045.5€9.91 $0.+Y11 Aocermrul.tian rrtlleSCRL^ COLE 27.63. Mansfield As End Eastern .SC r2.ilena nd.t 2 41_'4335 EIS33 awe.34 72 in 198 nmen. Balfour Rd SP1.50.4 Marc AE-Reaarteiractionelaacal 2 2'1'8712 24.61 34992519014 VA SSO 7442 Menial"Ar Er,d 54,11mn M- ufreaclioo-L 2 13421.5 243)2 5.11095.772 1.514 2411:. Conglin T1 22nd [rd AC-&caastruttiamtnul 2 7640 24.14 43452 1415 21.19 Chad r PA T siva trlaI, AG"r-'"-t:ian-LA0.1 3 375917- 24.13 452177.2L1 511-1 251 $2.794,551M $CAa niskomme Pre( L:rRdP seal and ratshmg 5510.01111 DV 517 15C Sub413t31 SM.oe0.Cv Suls-tatal Userlae and Prevorra[rve; i7e9438990 Teaal OVarYy,Riennstrudion end Preventative 91,79oS1L7a 14 it:The mat ka4%ee''.a roil and urerLye ri ed iulY,er.+auin.d un is.ant,.uniFrUL,1y 6 tones 7911 Prvaposied 0u3450-local A...u.11tc:+dentialP Rnx6-rve.wrvalion Erman ORs of 6pllans yeller 2011 Pavwnaml Managerwrl Place Update Proj¢ct I1u. Segment ID OCI Route Ftorrt To Plan Activity Numbar of Lams Paw ment Area(SF) Improved DM Plan LOSE St es-ted nudger!d Over/Under Su ested Rudeet Starenlwater LIRgrades!W/M} Wan Tau 7016 7 157 1761 03.78 A94h Av Retvc VA AC Leee Ge,ley AC-AC Lace thee - _ 2 2 791 AO l'tn 9611156 F11 MA2 PPM 174.24,114 571.97236 S 2 159 _ 0674 3443131vsns Y41493 1511 149 1167 3427 NM.741 Sprague 1'2. AC-AC local Eheerl rr At•AC Local t6re day ... 2 7 13466.69 EN 8547 53062752 1 166 Soo 3433 15esmet AV La lm r. r 76.786.641ta 89.58 $7L49955 5 151 1356 34.31 WOMB.Sr 13th 15th Av-AC LPP•I CMelav 2. 3il842IEC IV _ 8$37 5195.65424 5 152 ]73.1 _ 34.35. 44e111 A. Pldsl?GI4 M161 L2w615 AC-Ptc Vets!pre day 7 9PStti.o4 rt. 922E 5138,524,52 5 163 1•--4 343t 26th Av Make perks aC-AC Lcc1I0 Medal. 2 45877.34 Et' 90.18 $12"l.55L4.a _ i 164 1114 94,46 Paidian Ad 14th 1514 AC-AC Local eraertiy A nel_46dr' 6y-s3. 32034 34 S 1E3 1164 14331st Ay End LM7an AC-AC Local Overlay 2 188.e4.Ca7 h' EM07 $51,314,48 5 166 3495 34.7 SaltsseS667otFmntigVanier &radish Mldrlcetald Wlhur AC-AC Localtreeclay AC-AC Loral t)w+txr 2 218622.24 14051.9•2 Rs te 5.37 45.72 592.523.22 $5467152 1 167 921 34..92. Main dei 168 1424 5525 Newer Rd 1415 16th _ AC-NC l.oeeC sirens" 5 2116411•M Fe w]ra 555149.80 - 165 1121 35.2 5rd Av Rees _ End AC-AC Lace Overlay 2 27714.917 re 6837 560,422.46 5218.225,64 5 5 150 1302 35.23 WatnCR Rd Wde 16th AC-AC Local Orvlae i 2 96126.901e° 9415 114 1-1t1l SA.5 VoaPlAr 115 5411rse Farm# AC-AC WPM'Overtire ! 2. 3624112 rc _ _ 0937 $45.579,53 5 122 35.5 5535 Mayer rod 5prsAue Fetid AC.11 Loma Ileeed.y ? 26711114 rt° 57.76 555,3:31-20 5 123 Id84 35+66 219 Au Cherry Gat. AC.PC Locd C1rrrlaP i 2 2 11111,181 AO 4747.740 Fe 05.17 12,37 195,5 5•.7 5 $179,663,03 5 171 1507 35.:7 WrQO 5aAs Rd 5al5ese Furst AC-AC Lace Cher* 4 175 1956 35:71 Neck St 2615 2525 AC-4C Local Clew*F I 21495E4011 99.77 44,g71•g1 5 176 91P 354 Main fw Mlcmnahi End AC-AC LawEiialror 21485A.40ILss 213275CI1 87.76 94.49 561,61125 5 594.376.24 S ' 537 497 35.91 Indians dl End End PLC-RE Lacer:Nei* ! 172 294 55.91 Utch Av 64x529 EFrratP.h AC-AC Local Llverl0 2 35J556C 15. 89-65 _ $95295.75 5 . 179 1975. 35.94 Main Au. +Npbur rums AG-FUG Lu^.rll CP.e11ar 2 65412.51 AN 31ifl'7 $1 75.83434 S 110 475 35.9E Dr.{Rd VIBeyydrav 5rwdwar AC-AC Local U•lc Ow 213923.32 Et. 89.51 5131,72939 5 181 ir1 944 1563, 3641 36.15 4511ins Rd VI-rle 14.241.• 5:•AC lapl Skrerlay 2.59054.40 ee 87.75 S105255,L7 5 Wrdodidwd!ld 55I51ew 3244 AC-AC La[d Cheerier 2 %MILaen It 34.01 $82,227.75 5 25317' 1 t. 211E2 End Tirn66rlene AC-AC Local uvula"- 2 9061172 21 81197 ri.TM.TA L 191 7567 31 G7 Mercy &stare Old Schdfea &C-AC unACl...lsr 2 7723,0611' 31.11 1E1,486,'S5 S 135 1412 57.225tChadelSt End 1315 AC-AC wall llverlar 2/229200 It 31175 subtol I r97,7d7.$6 5 $2,149,41811 54.44 _ ReawlsmraSOnProetas ! i 185 1.565 24.56 22nd Av Vert Crete. Canldin AC-Aemr u9Centitotal 2 4724712 25.55 55626555524 167 7.733 35.81 5th lilt Fur Woothvil AC-Rencrr6lnfctiwl'toca1 ! 2 2151 25.51 355512.71.. 1111 J06 7r 16.67 1SLS.r0 rt _ 10.v,E. End AGReennnin OnnAcin0l E 2 75603 36.47 41152161G 189 615 MT tiredIo'.sv&r Park ERA AC-Reconalimclian term 2 463253 3527 +tt4674.397 194 405 26.11. Miley Rd Tame A4 R[tCnstAitt<5 tixil 2 142554-51 20 Ill 10957191116 191 380. 2772 U52291!lLy Rd End Meng7p/neN AL I77.7c rtrwe2iun71.dta1 I 2 12465.6 27.72 905555342 _ 5t b takeI 91.134 5431 51139 ►ltdrtesnancs Prof Crack Seel ma Paddling $599,046.90 Am 307-omrl 5 5CdroDf7.m _ 34b-2lI5lCv1,2,2 andPrt-ra 62ian 52,109,456.15 562114rrerlav Amory rs[rurdon and Preveretadse K733,554337 litter The cost between a n111 and o errai and inl recoratn]tt Ion 1s sppmuMsatnty 4 Horn, 71U Pnopsced®1*IgaS-Lagr04;' IReSidentmll Reads.Prennratean Prom ray or sp bane vain./ 2011 Pavement Manxernene Plan update Panjort r.o Cogrna nit ID Oa Ra altc Fraxn rilirrI1242F Pavern¢nt Area a l Improved Od Plan COSt Sltggeaxetk Budget OverfUrder Sir geS1511 Budget St nrmwate.e t'Pgrad?s(YWM) -. a.bi1 166 3Ain Av Ikrerdish ., • 106430.08 r1.t Mfg �3.ii Is296 EEIMEDEIM Vender 11h .... AC-AC.LamI C]vMan AC-RL Letsl + MMEI 1,801N $9.88 $727.Md-56 ik' N17�t6 MI= 13,13 kle6dttidRd +1C-!RCLenla]witily �i6341+,8tti 6tF533.F0ik' . - -= J - 34 lh PihC. awC-hClsol . 3GGi3.0011a SU7M9 55 Ww.d.. Et: tiYnidwolrllRd 13tH AC-A[Lc n - .. -. ._ _ � �5144n- 1 aI 1 flO1' �d4i1 9504-0r1 R� 99904,110- �py :13M �� $151.944.30 - .200 � '.,. - 1513'1<*9R.'E7[+�'.11 203 ©==2 E.T.A. AL-.V•Loral rilT7EM= ®a9954,00fllt � 1-1 MMEE=� ■Ml= - Q® I'. .Lai AC-4 I.Wa(>�gwdar M=M_=ZEITGel. MEEM■r11=MTI Fad.Cl i . nail Lowry .1 1 WZM■MIIMEE 2011. 68-07 gEMZI 210 1137 =4.55 Z41 Rd 32nd 33rd AC-Af lam' 2 /goo no hI 211 169'3 310.2 Canaan CI Ead lid AC-AC total 2 12448,86W a1 aab-r vaa Yw'�i+rwV� .fl�cQ� nConlin, Rd n•a ard. 27.93 8+1878 T_Gt2 PI� 'V ' I ii■=3 MN ®=M19 AC-Pkrmmanartidn-Lcwal ■711M 845146-B IS ' F A ..-Cowl 1 L129175 15 III 51.717,99626 50_110 - -�� -- Crode Soil Ind Mehl 5'500,0110 De la-110 IMMO &Jib-Ws:a 5 . (061)6 �.- --- Sub-sotal:-- Bri Prevera a L S49%41C1.11 oald PrewenuRwe 34.71A,477_89 L Pantr 111.rod bwhimen .all and rnaraayend Aril Fir ontrtic? 57i Inc.} 2011 Proposed Budget-local Access[Residential Roads-Preservation Program it of Spokane ila1Jey 2011 Pavement Managenlent Plan UGdate Segment II) OCI Segment ID\Route Segment 11\noate Back Segment I6\Route they d Plan Activity Segment 70\Numbrr of Lanes Segment ID\Pavement Area Improved OC1 Plan Cost Reconstruction Projects 1933. 1736 Vera Crest©r End 24th AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 14.3326,30 17.76 $1,626,956,47 605 1.1,15 Jackson Cul-De-Sac C?r End Jackson AC-Reconstruction-I.CCal 2 460000 11.15 $54,142.00 928 14.89 Whipple Rd End Main AC-Reconstruction-Caul 2 502008 14.69 $59,1986.34 597 18.05 Marietta Av McMillan Montgomery AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 25261.4D 18.05 $297,336.45 1715 18.1 Sonora Dr 24th End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 22702.08 18.I X337,823.48 1594 1.85 20th Ct Vera Crest End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 17603 617 13.5 $207,194.37 607 20,94 Montgomery Ctrl-De-SaCDr Montgomery End AC-Reconaructlon-Lo l 2 384600 20.04 $41,7161.40 1006 21.5 AIkrAv 3arker Michigan AG-Reconstruction-Local 2 38822.15 21.5 $45€•935.82 EA 29.47 McMillan Rd Montgomery guekeye AC-Reconstruction-Leal 2 34139.20 29.47 $401,816.35 G06 9.04 Montgomery Cul-De Sac Dr Mont:!mery End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 4520,00 9.04 553,200.40 554 21..69 Bridgeport Av End Parker AC-Rec+anstruCtlon-Coal 2 51446,00 21.69 $605,519.42 1703 22 Rest Rd 24th 32nd AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 58422.04 22 $521,692.03 1960 22.54 23rd Au Pierce Woodward AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 41012,00 22.94 $412,781-8G 300 29.53 Mansfield Av End Eastern AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 41543 35 29.63 $488,965.35 1923 23.61 Balfour Rd Sprague Main AC:-Reconstruction-local 2 21237.12 23.61 $249,960.90 550 24.02 Kiernan Av End Sullivan AC Reconstruction-Local 2 4342160 24.02 $511,095.77 1599 24.14 Conklin Ct ?2nd End AC-ReconstructivrrLacal 2 7600 00 24.14 $139,452.00 1915 24.19 Dollar rid Trent 1Jtah AC-R nstruction-Local 2 38692.20 24.19 $.455,477.81 1595 24.56 22nd Av Vera Crest Conklin AC-R.epanslruetion-Lotsi 2 47247.12 24.56 $556,096.60 1233 25.8[ 6th Av Farr Woodruff AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 259G21}0 15111 $305,572.74 663 26_07 pryer Rd Sprague End AC-Reconstruction-Lflra! 2 7560.80 26.07 $02,521.62 865 261)7 Valteyway Av Pork Ella AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 032,SM 26.07 5474,679.39 305 26.15 Dickey!d Trent Knox AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 16964_54 76.18 $199,673.51 380 27,72 University Lid End Montgomery AC-Reconstruction-Loma 2 17464.60 27.72 $20S,SSB_D4 1501 27.93 Conklin Rd Vera Crest 231d AC-Recanstrr,ction-Local 2 £8715.50 27.93 S8fl8,782.61 1934 28.99 Buckeye Av 6arker End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 584113.40 78.99 $605,108.02 1114 79.019 Eiizzhr;th St 8t$a End AC-Reconstruction-Local 2 5845.00 29.09 $104.105.65 Total $10,722,274.62