Ordinance 08-021 Adopting Interim Subdivision Surveying Requirements CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 08-021 AN EMERGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ADOPTING AN INTERIM ORDINANCE AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 20.30.020 AND 20.40.010 RELATING TO SURVEYING AND ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBDIVISIONS; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Uniform Development Code (UDC) pursuant to Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of September, 2007; and WHEREAS,the UDC became effective on 28th day of October, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has identified two provisions that set forth precision standards that are not attainable by the development community and have little value in the subdivision approval process; and WHEREAS, the standard requirement that boundary points for corners to be located by global positioning system (GPS) to the high accuracy reference network (DARN) standards is not currently achievable by many of the local surveying firms and would add significant costs to the average surveying costs; and • WHEREAS, the requirement is not necessary and does not benefit the city or the development community; and WHEREAS, the electronic submittal requirements for preliminary subdivision maps is not necessary at the preliminary plat stage but should be required for the final maps; and WHEREAS, there are currently several short plats and binding site plans ready for final signature that cannot be finalized because they have not met the accuracy standards set forth above, requiring immediate action by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAINS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220 the city adopts this interim zoning ordinance amending sections 20.30.020 and 20.40.010 as is set forth specifically below. This interim ordinance shall be effective for six(6)months from the effective date of adoption. Section Two: Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220, a public hearing before the City Council to consider this interim development ordinance shall be set for December 9, 2008. Section Three: Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.190 the council declares that an emergency exists in that finalization of development applications, without the amendments set forth below, are being withheld pursuant to the existing code, requiring the passage of this emergency ordinance to ensure the timely and appropriate processing of subdivision, short plat and binding site plan applications, and to protect the public's general health, safety and welfare. Ordinance 08-021 Interim Emergency Ordinance re UDC Page 1 of 4 • Section Four: Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.190, this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the City Council. Section Five: SVMC 20.30.020 shall be amended as follows: Title 20, Subdivisions 20.30.020 Contents of application. Every preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan shall consist of the appropriate application form., applicable fees and the following: A. Maps and Exh i b i ts. 1.. Ten copies of the preliminary short plat,plat or binding site plan which shall be a legibly drawn map, 18 by 24 inches in size for short plats; 24 by 36 inches in size for plats and binding site plans at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 100 feet. if approved by the department, an alternative appropriate scale may be used; 2. One reduced (eight and one-half by 11 inches or 11 by 17 inches)copy of the preliminary short plat, plat or binding site plan; 3. One copy of the Spokane County assessor's half-section map clearly indicating the subject property. Additionally, all adjacent properties with parcel numbers must be indicated on the half-section map. Assessor's maps for preliminary subdivisions shall indicate the parcel numbers of all properties within 400 feet of the subject property, unless the applicant owns adjacent property, in which case the map shall show the location and parcel number of all properties within 400 feet of the applicant's ownership; 4. Legal description of the subject property with the source of the legal description clearly indicated; 5. Public notice packet; and 6. SEPA environmental checklist for preliminary subdivisions and binding site plans. B. Preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan data.(to be included on the preliminary short plat, plat or binding site plan). 1.Name,address and telephone number of the owner of the subject property and the person with whom official contact should be made regarding the short plat,plat,or binding site plan; 2. Title of the proposal; 3. Location of subject property by section,township and range; 4. A written narrative describing the proposal including, but not limited to,the number of proposed lots, nature of surrounding properties, proposed access and timing of phasing of the development. The narrative shall also address compliance to applicable sections of the development code and other applicable regulations; 5. Vicinity map that clearly indicates the subject property; 6.North arrow, scale and boundary of the proposed short plat, plat, or binding site plan; 7. Boundaries of all blocks,the designation of lots, lot lines and dimensions; 8. Location of existing utilities; 9.Location, names and widths of all existing and proposed streets,roads and access easements within the proposed short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan and within 100 feet thereof, or the nearest City street if.there is no City street within 100 feet of the subject property; 10. All existing or proposed easements or tracts proposed to be dedicated for any public purpose or for the common use of the property owners of the short plat,plat or binding site plan; l 1.,Location of any natural features such as wooded areas, streams,drainage ways,or critical areas as defined in SVMC Title 21; 12.Location of existing buildings, septic tanks, drainfields,wells or other improvements, indicating if they will rema.i.n or be removed; Ordinance 08-021. Interim Emergency Ordinance re UDC Page 2 of 4 13. Whether adjacent property is platted or unplatted. If platted, give the name of the subdivision. If the proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan is the subdivision of a portion of an existing plat,the approximate lines of the existing plat are to be shown and a copy of the existing plat, along with any and all recorded covenants and easements; 14. Topographic information at two-foot intervals.Topographic information required by this section must be collected by or under the direction of a professional land surveyor; 15. "Site data table" showing number of proposed lots,frontage for each lot, lot area for each lot, existing zoning, water supplier, method of sewerage; and Section Six: SVMC 22.140. 010 shall be amended as follows: Title 20 Subdivisions 20.40.010 Final submittal. A. The final short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan shall incorporate all conditions of the preliminary approval. The final short subdivision, subdivision,or binding site plan shall incorporate all conditions of approval imposed by the hearing examiner. B. All final subdivision, short subdivision or binding site plan submittals shall include the following: 1. A minimum of 10 copies of the proposed final short plat, plat or binding site plan; 2. Appropriate fees; 3. Three copies of a plat certificate; and 4. Maps and exhibits shall also be submitted in one of the following electronic file formats: a. AutoCAD .dwg(National CAD Standard); b. ESRI .shp(fully thematically classified layers); c. Microstation .dgn(National CAD Standard); or d. Other format approved by the director. C. The final short plat, plat or binding site plan shall show: 1. All monuments found, set, reset, replaced or removed, describing their kind, size and location and giving other data relating thereto; 2. Bearing trees, corner accessories or witness monuments, basis of bearings, bearing and length of lines, scale of map and north arrow; 3. Any other data necessary for the interpretation of the various items and locations of the points, lines and areas shown; 4.Ties to adjoining surveys of record; 5.The allowable error of mathematical closure for the final plat map shall not exceed one foot in 80,000 feet or 0.04 foot,whichever is greater; 6. Bearings and lengths are to be shown for all lines; no ditto marks are to be used; 7. Arrows shall be used to show limits of bearings and distances whenever any chance of misinterpretation could exist; 8. Plat boundary and street monument lines having curves shall show radius, arc,central angle and tangent for each curve and radial bearings where curve is intersected by a non-tangent line. Spiral curves shall show chord bearing and length; 9. Lots along curves shall show arc length along curve and radial bearings at lot corners. If a curve table is provided, it shall show angle for each segment of the curve along each lot,arc length, tangent length, and radius. Radial bearings along lot lines will not be required; 10. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot. All bearings and angles shall be shown in degrees, minutes and seconds; 11. When elevations are needed, permanent bench mark(s) shall be shown on the final short plat in a location and on a datum plane approved by the City; Ordinance 08-021 Interim Emergency Ordinance re UDC Page 3 of 4 12. The final short plat,plat or binding site plan shall indicate the actual net area for each platted lot exclusive of the right-of-way. Lots one acre and over shall be shown to the closest hundredth of an acre, and all other lots shall be shown in square feet; and Section Seven: Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Passed by the City Council this 14th day of October, 2008./ . ,_ ,. ayor, : 'c and Munson AT T: / City Clerk, Christine Bain ridge Approved as to Form:C * ';;YA Q I, Office 'the City Attorney Date of Publication: / '�91/ Effective Date: October 14,2008 Expiration Date: April 14,2009 Ordinance 08-021 Interim Emergency Ordinance re UDC Page 4 of 4