2014 Pavement Management Analysis Report City of Spokane Valley, WA Pavement Management Analysis Report January 2014 City of Spokane Valley Attn.: Eric Guth, Director of Public Works 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99206 IIIMIIIMINIMIIMI .. 1711 „ -- -., � , T -, . ofe Aa 1 IMF J _ 0 l i.! Yin's A d a r 11111111 l MS I Int ] 1 ac -"to' 440_ t, , -- -.,:, :, ;41 b IMS Infrastructure Management Services I M M 1820 West Drake Drive, Suite 108, Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: (480) 839-4347, Fax: (480) 839-4348 www.ims-rst.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 1.1 Principles of Pavement Management 1 1.2 The Pavement Management Process 4 1.3 Understanding the Overall Condition Index Score 7 2.0 ROADWAY NETWORK CONDITION AND FINDINGS 16 2.1 Roadway Network Size 16 2.2 Network Present Condition (Entire Network) 17 2.3 Network Present Condition (2013 Segments) 19 2.4 Load Associated Distress Analysis 20 2.5 Index Distribution By Functional Classification 21 2.6 Reconstruction Backlog 22 3.0 REHABILITATION PLAN AND BUDGET DEVELOPMENT 23 3.1 Key Analysis Set Points 23 3.2 Fix All and Annual Estimates 29 3.3 Network Budget Analysis Models 32 3.4 Spokane Valley Comparison to Other Agencies 34 3.5 Network Recommendations and Comments 35 APPENDED REPORTS Following Page 36 Appendix A Street Inventory and Condition Summary Appendix B $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment Appendix C $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year Appendix D $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment Appendix E $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year Appendix F $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials) Appendix G $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access) Appendix H $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials) Appendix I $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access) IMSInfrastructureManagementServices Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page Abbreviation or Acronym Definition $k Dollars in thousands($,000) $M Dollars in Trillions %SP Percent Spreadability-corrponent of deflection analysis AC Asphalt Concrete-asphalt streets,flexible pavements,also known as ACP ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavemrent-asphalt streets,flexible pavements,also known as AC ART Arterial roadw ay functional classification ASTM American Society of Testing Methods Avg Average BCI Base Curvature Index-component of deflection analysis Brk Break CAL Coarse Aggregate Loss CDV Corrected Deduct Value-part of the ASTM D6433 FCI calculation COL Collector roadw ay functional classification Crk Crack DefICON Deflection Condition-structural load analysis based on traffoic loading and deflection DMD Dynanic Maximum Deflection-temperature corrected deflection Dvdd Slab Divided Slab DynaCON Dynanic Condition-structural layer analysis ft or FT Foot ft2 or FT2 Square foot FunCL Functional Classification FWD Falling w eight deflectometer GCI Gravel Condition Index GFP Good-Fair-Fbor GIS Geographic Information System GISID GIS segment identification number H&V Horizontal and Vertical RI International Roughness Index Jt Joint L&T Longitudinal and Transverse LAD Load associated distress LOC Local roadw ay functional classification-same as RES LOG Lip of Gutter m netre or meter M Moderate rr2 sqaure netre or square peter MART Major arterial roadw ay functional classification Max Maximum MaxDV Maximum Deduct Value MCOL Major collector roadway functional classification rri or Mi Mile Min Minimum MnART Minor arterial roadw ay functional classification MnCOL Minor collector roadway functional classification MOD Moderate NLAD Non-load associated distress OCI Overall condition index,also known as FCI Olay Overlay PART Rirrery arterial roadway functional classification Pavetype Pavement Type FCC Portland Cenent Concrete-concrete streets FCI Pavement Condition Index-generic term for OCI R&R Remove and replace RART Rural arterial roadway functional classification Recon Reconstruction Rehab Rehabilitation RES Local roadw ay functional classification-same as LOC RI or RCI Roughness Index S or Strg Strong SART Secondary arterial roadw ay functional classification SCI Surface Curvature Index-corrponenent of deflection analysis SDI Surface Distress Index SI Structural Index STA Station or chainage Surf Trtrrt Surface Treatment TDV Total Deduct Value W Weak IMSInfrastructureManagementServices Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page ii 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 PRINCIPLES OF PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT Nationwide, billions of dollars have been invested in roadway networks by municipal, state and federal governments. Locally, the City of Spokane Valley has approximately 439 miles of paved roadways within its entire network. For the survey update in 2013, approximately 158 centerline miles of the city's northern network were surveyed. Overall, there are approximately 125 miles of major roadways (arterials and collectors) and 314 miles of local roadways, encompassing over 81,000,000 square feet of asphalt and concrete surfacing. At an average replacement cost for a typical roadway approaching $859K per mile, not including the value of the land, the City has over$375 million invested in its paved roadway network. C&G &Drainage 13% Sidewalks&Ramps 12% Pavements x5igns&Striping 23% - 2% Landscaping Miscellaneous 1% 101444linimiiii 5% Subgrade&Base Total Network Valuation=$375.9M 44% Cost Per Mile= 5359k Figure 1 — Replacement Value of the City of Spokane Valley Paved Roadway Network Preservation of existing roads and street systems has become a major activity for all levels of government. There is a shortage of funds to maintain street systems at the state and local government levels. Funds that have been designated for pavements must therefore be used as effectively as possible. One proven method to obtain maximum value of available funds is through the use of a pavement management system. Pavement management is the process of planning, budgeting, funding, designing, constructing, monitoring, evaluating, maintaining, and rehabilitating the pavement network to provide maximum benefits with available funds. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 1 A pavement management system is a set of tools or methods that assist decision makers in finding optimum strategies for providing and maintaining pavements in a serviceable condition over a given time period. As shown in Figure 2, streets that are repaired when they are in a good condition will cost less over their lifetime than streets that are allowed to deteriorate to a poor condition. Without an adequate routine pavement maintenance program, streets require more frequent reconstruction, thereby costing millions of extra dollars. Over time, pavement quality drops until the pavement condition becomes unacceptable. For each street, the shape of the curve, and hence rate of deterioration, is dependent on many factors — foremost of which are the strength of the roadway structure and traffic loading. The key to a successful pavement management program is to develop a reasonably accurate performance model of the roadway, and then identify the optimal timing and rehabilitation strategy. The resultant benefit of this exercise is realized by the long term cost savings and increase in pavement quality over time. As illustrated in Figure 2, pavements typically deteriorate rapidly once they hit a specific threshold. A $1 investment after 40% lifespan is much more effective than deferring maintenance until heavier overlays or reconstruction is required just a few years later. Excellent 5 '¢drop inquaiit in 40%of life Very Geed LSD GOIXI $1 spent now -10%drop in qua! Fair in 15%of lire E Marginal CES CL Poor Costs delayed ,-"/ Very Poor Time Figure 2—Pavement Deterioration and Life Cycle Costs Once implemented, an effective pavement information management system can assist agencies in developing long-term rehabilitation programs and budgets. The key is to develop policies and practices that delay the inevitable total reconstruction for as long as practical yet still remain within the target zone for cost effective rehabilitation. In more specific terms, as each roadway approaches the steep part of its deterioration curve, apply a remedy that extends the pavement life at a minimum cost, thereby avoiding costly heavy overlays and reconstruction. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 2 Thus, the goal of a pavement management system is to identify the optimal level of funding, timing, and renewal strategy that agencies should adopt to keep their roadway network at a satisfactory level of service. Figure 3 illustrates the concept of extending pavement life through the application of timely rehabilitations. Pavement Life Cycle Curve a Target Zone for Pavement Rehabilitation a) .-. Increased Pavement Life-'•. m Un-rehabilitated • Pavement pertor a..., nce Time Figure 3—Pavement Life Cycle Curve Ideally, the lower limit of the target zone shown in Figure 3 would have a minimum value in the 65 to 75 range to keep as many streets as possible requiring a thin overlay or less. The upper limit would tend to fall close to the higher end of the very good category, which is a pavement condition score approaching 85. Other functions of a pavement management system include assessing the effectiveness of maintenance activities, new technologies, and storing historical data and images. As selected by the City of Spokane Valley, Cartegraph is the software used for its citywide survey and assessment. The Cartegraph Pavementview Plus application was used to analyze the network condition and develop the proposed 5-year rehabilitation plan for the roadway network. The software operating methodologies and data collection technologies have been updated to the latest version of ASTM D6433 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys for assessment of pavement surface condition and the International Roughness Index (IRI) for quantification of pavement roughness. These two measurements of pavement quality are combined to form an overall 0 to 100 Overall Condition Index (OCI), with 100 being the best. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 3 1.2 THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS The actual pavement management process involves three unique, but important, steps and is presented graphically in Figure 4. Each activity builds on the previous until the end result is a prioritized paving and rehabilitation program. 1. System Configuration Local constraints& requirements GIS or Information j Exchange Network urk sectioning& } f/011 JO referencing,GIS linkage rr1riMli Feedback& Utilities,Other Commitments Departments& o d 'Collection Council Data Distribution& Discussions 2. Field Surveys 3.Analysis and Reporting �, Draft Prioritized Roadwa Paving Plan 1111714 Y Pavement Draft Results •�/ Inventory Data Loading Management QA QC SYstem 1! Surface Final Condition& ' Results Roughness fir„ Information Exchange % x ��� Structural � Integrated -- .�'7"- s Testing History,costs Paving Plan �� &local practices Figure 4-The Pavement Management Process Highlights of the pavement management process include: 1. System Configuration — This step involves identifying all roadways in the City's network, assigning them a unique identifier, listing their physical characteristics (length, width, etc.) and demographic attributes (pavement type, traffic, functional classification), and linking the network to the City's GIS map. 2. Field Surveys — Following a set of predefined assessment protocols matching the pavement management software (ASTM D6433), a specialized piece of survey equipment, referred to as a Laser Road Surface Tester (Laser RST, pictured on page 6), was used to collect observations on the condition of the pavement surface, as well as collect digital imagery and spatial coordinate information. The Laser RST surveyed each street within this partial network survey from end-to- end in a single pass, with arterial and collector roadways completed in two passes. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 4 Key pavement condition data elements collected by the Laser RST include: • Roughness Index— Roughness is measured following the industry standard "International Roughness Index" (IRI). It is an open-ended score that measures the number of bumps per mile and reports the value as millimeters/meter. The IRI value is converted to a 0 to 100 score and reported as the Roughness Index (RI) as follows: RI = (10.5—3.50 x In(IRI))x 10, where In(IRI) is the natural logarithm of IRI. In common terms, a newer street would have a Roughness Index above 85, while one due for an overlay would be in the range 45 to 75. Failed streets typically have roughness values below 45. • Surface Distress Index—The Laser RST collects surface distress observations based on the extent and severity of distresses encountered along the length of the roadway following ASTM D6433-09 protocols for asphalt and concrete pavements. The surface distress condition (cracking, potholes, raveling, etc.) is considered by the traveling public to be the most important aspect in assessing the overall pavement condition. Presented on a 0 to 100 scale, the Surface Distress Index is an aggregation of the observed pavement defects. Within the Surface Distress Index, not all distresses are weighted equally. Certain load associated distresses (distresses caused by traffic loading), such as rutting or alligator cracking on asphalt streets, or divided slab on concrete streets, have a much higher impact on the surface distress index than non-load associated distresses such as raveling or patching. Even at low extents and moderate severity (less than 10% of the total area), load associated distresses can drop the Surface Distress Index considerably. ASTM D6433 also has algorithms within it to correct for multiple or overlapping distresses within a segment. For this project, extent and severity observations were collected and loaded into the pavement management system for the following distresses (listed in order from greatest to lowest impact), and then converted to a 0 to 10 rating for review and reporting: • Alligator Cracking — This is quantified by the severity of the failure and number of square feet. Similar to rutting, alligator cracking, even at low extents can have a large impact on the condition score as this distress represents a failure of the underlying base materials. • Wheel Path Rutting — Starting at a minimum depth of % inch, wheel path ruts are quantified by their depth and the number of square feet encountered. Even low densities of rutting can have a large impact on the final condition score. • Longitudinal, Transverse, Block (Map) and Edge Cracks — These are quantified by their length and width. Multiple longitudinal cracks that intertwine are the start of alligator cracking. • Patching — Patching is quantified by the extent and quality of patches. When the majority of a roadway surface is covered by a patch, such as a large utility replacement, the rating of the patch is minimized. All potholes are rated as patches. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 5 • Distortions — All uneven pavement surfaces, such as depressions, bumps, sags, swells, heaves, and corrugations, are included as distortions and are quantified by the severity and extent of the affected area. • Raveling — This is the loss of fine aggregate materials on the pavement surface and is measured by the severity and number of square feet affected. • Bleeding —This is the presence of free asphalt on the roadway surface caused by too much asphalt in the pavement or insufficient voids in the matrix. The result is a pavement surface with low skid resistance and is measured by the amount and severity of the area. 3. Analysis and Reporting — following the field surveys, the condition data is assembled to create a single score representing the overall condition of the pavement. The Overall Condition Index (OCI) is calculated as follows: OCI = 33% Roughness Index+ 67% Surface Distress Index On previous surveys, the ratio between roughness and surface distress was 15:85. This modification to the OCI formula, while not a significant change, places more emphasis on quantifying the level of deterioration of the pavement surface using an objective measurement. Analysis was completed using Spokane Valley specific rehabilitation strategies, unit rates, priorities and pavement performance curves. M*+ • e. II PIM NO 1/1/ Laser Road Surface Tester(Laser RST) IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 6 1.3 UNDERSTANDING THE OVERALL CONDITION INDEX SCORE The following illustration compares the Overall Condition Index (OCI) to commonly used descriptive terms. The divisions between the terms are not fixed, but are meant to reflect common perceptions of condition. 100 City of Spokane Valley Pavement Condition Definitions Using Excellent Routine and preventative maintenance.some 90 - crack and joint sea ling,localized repairs Common Terms 80 Very Good-Surface treatments(slurry,microsurface,chipseals, PCC localized remove and replace,crack seal and jointsealing V Q 70 - Good-Surfacetreatments with localized repairtothin overlays, x PCC slight panel replacement Fair-Thin to moderate overlays smith some remove and replace, 60 - FCC moderate panel replacement O C50 - Marginal-Progressively thickeroverlayswith remove and 0 replace,FCC extensive panel replacement N 40 - Poor-Thick overlays to partial reconstruction(surface removal,com paction,etc.),PCC extensive panel O replacement and grinding 30 - 20 Very Poor-Full reconstruction and hasestahilization 10 - 0 I I I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time(Years) Figure 5— Understanding the Overall Condition Index (OCI) Score The general idea of what these condition levels mean with respect to remaining life and typical rehabilitation actions is included in the following table: Relative OCI Range Description Remaining Life Definition 85—100 Excellent 15 to 25 Years Like new condition—little to no maintenance required when new, routine maintenance such as crack and joint sealing. 75—85 Very Good 12 to 20 Years Routine maintenance such as patching,crack sealing with surface treatments such as seal coats or slurries. 65—75 Good 10 to 15 Years Heavier surface treatments and thin overlays. Localized panel replacements. 45—65 Fair to Marginal 7 to 12 Years Heavy surface treatments with inlays or overlays with localized repairs. Moderate to extensive panel replacements. 30—45 Poor 5 to 10 Years Sections will require very thick overlays,surface replacement, base reconstruction and possible subgrade stabilization. 0—30 Very Poor 0 to 5 Years High percentage of full reconstruction. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 7 The images presented below provide a sampling of the Spokane Valley streets that fall into the various condition categories with a discussion of potential rehabilitation strategies. ' ..' .._ y fir1 19111 ' :NI • r _ latir — - - .• _ ., . .=.' -.. .--4,6:' - ‘,. +:. �_� + 4-_-` sir �„ - • - �i_ - ` -- , _.-__,...„:„.„_,,-,.,-,-„,-;.---. , ,.,- . _,. 5-.-, „. . _ . .; _. _ __*_,_‘,..-- : ` -- # tT .• t j '7`a ^ z .tilt-r � -7-s`"Y . ; � is- •. r'`:. 7 Bessie Rd. from Sprague Ave. to End (GISID 877, OCI = 6) — rated as Very Poor (0 to 30). This street displays extensive base failure as evidenced by the severe amount of fatigue (alligator) cracking and wheel path rutting. A mill and overlay on this street would not be suitable as the base has failed and would not meet an extended service life of at least 15 years. Deferral of reconstruction of streets rated as very poor will not cause a substantial decrease in pavement quality as the streets have passed the opportunity for overlay based strategies. Due to the high cost of reconstruction, very poor streets are often deferred until full funding is available in favor of completing more streets that can be rehabilitated at lower costs, resulting in a greater net benefit to the City. This strategy however must be sensitive to citizen complaints forcing the street to be to be selected earlier. In addition, this type of street can pose a safety hazard for motorists, since severe potholes and distortions may develop. It is important to consistently monitor these streets and check for potholes or other structural deficiencies until the street is rebuilt. For Spokane Valley, due to the low number of very poor streets, the priority assigned to them was set low with the intention of maximizing their remaining life and having them become a critical need when their OCI drops below a 10. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 8 1, 04 ....„ j� ,,....„, ., , s A r a - i - -- ' Fairgrounds Rd. from End to End (GISID 646, OCI = 13) — also rated as Very Poor (0 to 30). On this street, the base has failed extensively due to the excessive alligator cracking and will continue to spread across the full width and length of the pavement. On arterial roadways, very poor streets require full reconstruction, which is the removal of the pavement surface and base down to the subgrade and rebuilding from there. On local roadways, they require removal of the pavement surface through grinding or excavation, base repairs, restoration of the curb line and drainage, and then placement of a new surface. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 9 t. _ I - Sharp Ave. from Fancher Frontage to Thierman St. (GISID 658, OCI = 41) — rated as Poor (35 to 45). This road is suitable for either a partial reconstruction or full width mill and overlay based rehabilitation. This street exhibits large amounts of rutting, alligator cracking, raveling, and patching. Thus its assigned priority is higher because if it is rehabilitated soon, it can be completed with a less costly alternative. In general, the service life of poor streets is approaching the end of the opportunity for a complete overlay based rehabilitation, and if deferred for too long it would require a more costly full reconstruction. Streets rated as poor are typically selected first for rehabilitation as they provide the greatest cost benefit to the City — that is the greatest increase in life per rehabilitation dollar spent. The thickness of the milling and overlay is dependent on the functional classification of the road, traffic, and existing pavement thickness. Coring and possibly structural testing would confirm the design of overlay and result in the optimum pavement thickness being applied and determine the extent of any base repairs. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 10 t Euclid Ave. from Sullivan Rd. to Marietta Ave. (GISID 1902, OCI = 46) — rated as Marginal (45 to 55). Marginal streets have distresses that tend to be localized and moderate in nature — that is they do not extend the full length of the segment and can be readily dug out and repaired. This street segment highlights this characteristic as the failed area does not extend the full length or width of the roadway and is still serviceable. However, it also highlights the relationship between base and pavement quality. Placing an overlay on this street without repairing the base would not achieve a full 15 year life as the failure would continue to occur over time. Similar to streets rated as poor, marginal streets that display high amounts of load associated distresses are selected as a priority for rehabilitation as they provide the greatest cost benefit to the City —that is the greatest increase in life per rehabilitation dollar spent. If left untreated, marginal streets, with high amounts of load associated distresses would deteriorate to become partial reconstruction candidates. Marginal streets that are failing due to materials issues or non-load associated failures may become suitable candidates for thick overlays if deferred without a significant cost increase. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 11 fti 1^�1 / ti ( Wabash Ave. from Best Rd. to Calvin Rd. (GISID 459, OCI = 56) t .r , lipaL Mission Ave. _.. from McDonald Rd. to Mission Connection (GISID 34, OCI = 62) 70,14 I - h Both of these streets are rated as Fair (55 to 65), requiring thin to moderate overlays depending on the actual OCI and nature of the distresses. The distresses are present but tend to be more localized and moderate in severity. They can be dug out and the street resurfaced immediately if funding is available or deferred for a few years and a heavier overlay applied. Streets rated as fair tend to receive a lower priority when developing a rehabilitation program. This is because the cost to complete an overlay now would be on the order of$15 to $20/yd2 depending on the functional classification. If deferred, the rehabilitation cost would only increase by about $3 to $5/yd2 in about 5 to 10 years. Thus, the cost of deferral is low when compared to deferring a thick overlay to a reconstruction with a two to threefold increase in cost. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 12 x, 1 �l 1, - iii.:NO,__' : II •' '_...1...- . V?/%4 . '.'.- --....,. 4 ' 1_i i 4" ., ii4 '1,:- to:k ,.. v:_ ''''P I . I ik Perrine Rd. from Sprague Ave. to Main Ave. (GISID 926, OCI = 67) — rated as Good (65 to 75). It displays small amounts of distresses that can easily be removed, replaced, and covered to restore the visual appearance of the roadway. Streets rated as good are ideal candidates for thinner surface based rehabilitations and local repairs. Depending on the amount of localized failures, a thin edge mill and overlay, or possibly a surface treatment, would be a suitable rehabilitation strategy for streets rated as good. Streets that fall in the high 60 — low 70 OCI range provide the greatest opportunity for extending pavement life at the lowest possible cost, thus applying the principals of the perpetual life cycle approach to pavement maintenance. Additional benefits of early intervention include: • Less use of non-renewable resources through thinner rehabilitation strategies • Less build-up of crown for the first and possibly second rehabilitation cycle • Less intrusive rehabilitation and easier to maintain access during construction • Easier to maintain existing drainage patterns IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 13 \ _ _ _ _I ' I ummumminummmiwii y ♦ M1 111114111 % .11' ) i Illi ti'li'_ -:1144A-11, I ' ' "7-2! II( ..'a A 1 I : _ , : ' Valleyway Ave. from Argonne Rd. to Farr Rd. (GISID 883, OCI =78) — rated as Very Good (75 to 85). This road displays minor amounts of cracking that are localized and in good condition (this is about the worst part of the street). The ride is smooth, curb lines appear to be straight, and the drainage looks adequate. Streets rated as very good generally need light weight surface based treatments such as slurries, chip seals and microsurfacing. Routine maintenance such as crack sealing and localized repairs often precede surface treatments. The concept is to keep the cracks as waterproof as possible through crack sealing and the application of a surface treatment. By keeping water out of the base layers, the pavement life is extended without the need for thicker rehabilitations such as overlays or reconstruction. Surface treatments also tend to increase surface friction and visual appearance of the pavement surface but do not add structure or increase smoothness. Surface treatments may include: • Double or single application of slurry seals (slurries are a sand and asphalt cement mix) • Micro surfacing —asphalt cement and up to 3/8 sand aggregate • Chip seals and Cape seals (Chip seal followed by a slurry) IVISInfiastructureManagementServices Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 14 IIMPIEr �_ .. ,"'fit■ N. i a+,. _-_ ' Evergreen Rd. from Wellesley Ave. to Sanson Ave. (GISID 213, OCI = 94) - rated as Excellent (85 to 100). This road displays little to no rutting and very minor amounts of cracking that are localized. The ride is smooth and the surface is non-weathered and the base is still strong. In a couple of years, this street segment would be an ideal candidate for routine maintenance activities such as crack sealing. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 15 2.0 ROADWAY NETWORK CONDITION AND FINDINGS 2.1 ROADWAY NETWORK SIZE The paved roadway network consists of four functional classes covering approximately 439 miles of pavement. The average overall condition index (OCI) of the entire roadway network is 68. The network has two pavement types: asphalt and concrete, with asphalt being predominant. The following table summarizes the functional class splits within the system. Pavetype Network PART MnART COL LOC Segment(Block)Count AlI Streets 1932 69 153 85 1625 Asphalt 1922 63 150 85 1624 Concrete 10 6 3 0 1 Length(mi) All Streets 438.9 27.9 62.3 34.8 313.9 Asphalt 437.4 26.8 62.0 34.8 313.8 Concrete 1.4 1.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 Area(Ft2) Network 80,963,155 9,110,546 12,662,792 5,789,126 53,400,691 Asphalt 80,489,867 8,740,582 12,562,224 5,789,126 53,397,935 Concrete 473,288 369,964 100,568 0 2,756 -rincipal Arterial- Asphalt 5.8% . ___principal Arterial- Concrete D.2% " • 1 ti Minor Arterial-Asphalt 14% I I a Local-Asphalt Collector-Asphalt 72% 8% ` Total Mileage=438.9 Miles Total Area=81M 5q.Ft. ..---->. ' Figure 6— Network Split by Functional Classification and Pavement Type IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 16 2.2 NETWORK PRESENT CONDITION (ENTIRE NETWORK) Figure 7, presented below, shows the distribution of pavement condition for the full roadway network in the City of Spokane Valley on a 0 to 100 scale, 0 being worst and 100 being best condition. The average OCI for the network is 68. While direct comparisons to other agencies is difficult due to variances in ratings systems, overall, Spokane Valley is above the average of agencies recently surveyed by IMS which typically fall in the 60 to 65 range. 25 .. City of Spokane Valley Overall Condition Index(OCI)Distribution by Area 20 Network Average Condition =68 15 1 z 6 m (° 10 u 0. 0 5 0 ■ 0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 90 to 100 Overall Condition Index(OCI) Figure 7—Roadway Network Present Status This is reflective of a network with a low percentage of concrete roadways coupled with an effective program to not let too many streets deteriorate past their prime. It is also important to note the OCI distribution graph peaks in the 70 to 80 range (Good to Very Good categories). Normal distributions generally reach their peak in the range of 60 to 70, and tend to taper off to the right. Given the size of the network, it is evident Spokane Valley's rehabilitation program has been able to capture streets in a timely fashion that maximizes pavement life while minimizing cost. Figure 8, on the following page, plots the same pavement condition information, but instead of using the actual Overall Condition Index (OCI) value, descriptive terms are used to classify the roadways. From the chart, 20% of the network can be considered in Excellent condition with an OCI score greater than 85. These streets are in like new condition and require only routine maintenance. Nationwide, the amount of roadways falling into the Excellent category is about 15%, so this value is well above the average. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 17 Nineteen percent (19%) of the network falls into the Very Good classification. These are roads that benefit most from preventative maintenance techniques such as microsurfacing, slurry seals and localized repairs. If left untreated, these roadways will drop in quality to become heavy surface treatment or overlay candidates. 25 City of Spokane Valley Pavement Condition Using Descriptive Terms 20 Network Average Condition =68 CO 41 L d 15 "F O 10 �.a a, a 5 0 Very Poor(0to 30) Poor(30 to 45) Marginal(45 to 55) Fair(55to65) Good(65 to 75) Very Good(75 to 85) Excellent(85 to 100) Pavement Condition Using Descriptive Terms Figure 8— Roadway Network Present Status Using Descriptive Terms Twenty one percent (21%)of the streets are rated as Good —and are candidates for lighter surface based rehabilitations such as heavy microsurfacing or thin overlays. Thirty-one percent (31%) of the network can be considered in Fair to Marginal condition, representing candidates for progressively thicker overlay based rehabilitation or panel replacements. If left untreated, they will decline rapidly into reconstruction candidates. The remaining 9% percent of the network (backlog) is rated as Poor or Very Poor, meaning these roadways have failed or are past their optimal due point for overlay or surface based rehabilitation and may require progressively heavier or thicker forms of rehabilitation (such as surface reconstruction or deep patch and paving)or total reconstruction. Overall, the City of Spokane Valley has a very solid network foundation. The majority of the network falls under the Good to Excellent categories, and the city's amount of failed streets is below the ideal average of 12%, which gives the City more financial flexibility in managing pavements. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 18 2.3 NETWORK PRESENT CONDITION (2013 SEGMENTS) The figures presented below reflect the present conditions of only the segments surveyed in 2013, which are primarily found in the northern part of the City. The average OCI score for these segments is 73. 30 City of Spokane Valley Overall Condition Index MCI)Distribution by Area 25 Network Average Condition =73 20 Distribution of Pavement _ Condition Scores on a 0-100 scale for streets surveyed this year. 5 0 ■ 0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 50 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 90 to 100 Overall Condition Index(OCI) 40 City of Spokane Valley Pavement Condition Using Descriptive Terms 35 Network Average Condition =73 30 N N 25 The northern part Y of the City 20 contains a considerable amount of 15 Excellent streets. 2) U . 10 a 5 a Very Poor(Ste 30) Poor(30 to 45) Marginal(45 to 55) Fair(55 to 65) Good(65 to 75) Very Good(75 to 35) Excellent)85to 1C0) Pavement Condition Using Descriptive Terms IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 19 2.4 LOAD ASSOCIATED DISTRESS ANALYSIS (2013 ASPHALT ONLY) Closer examination of the surface defects as they relate to the overall pavement condition support the findings of the pavement condition survey. Load associated distresses include traffic and truck loading. Generally, load associated distresses affect the overall condition score more than non-load associated distresses such as materials and the environment. Figure 9 plots the relationship of the load associated distresses against pavement condition. The plot illustrates that at higher OCI scores, the non-load associated distresses have a higher concentration of deducts over load associated distresses. As the OCI score drops, the load associated distresses typically affect the OCI score to a higher degree. This is indicative of a network that has good pavement performance for the first half of a street's life and then suffers from progressive structural or base failures over time. High OCI score rehabilitation selection (OCI scores above 65) should focus on pavement preservation activities such as microsurfacing and thin overlays, possibly with some localized pavement repairs and crack sealing. 100 City of Spokane Valley 90 -, Overall Condition Index(OCI)Versus Sum of Distress Deducts 6f1 • • 's• • Sum of Non-Load Associated Distresses • Sum of Load Associated Distresses �+ 70 - • t •V •• • •• •t•• • •60 •0 . • • N • • 2 L 50 • •• 6 rn • • •' •, • • • • • • ••y • • • .. • • G 10 20 10 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Overall Condition Index(OCI) Figure 9—Structural Adequacy of the Roadway Network The sum of the Load Associated Distress (LAD) deducts is also used to qualify the appropriate rehabilitation strategy selection in addition to the overall pavement condition score. For example, a street that has a good OCI score (that is between 65 and 75) and is displaying relatively low load associated distress deducts would be a suitable candidate for a surface treatment in place of a thin overlay in that the OCI score is more influenced by materials issues such as transverse cracking or raveling. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 20 2.5 INDEX DISTRIBUTION BY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Figure 10 highlights the pavement condition distribution for the principal arterial, minor arterial, collector, and local streets. From the plot, it is apparent that the principal arterial roadways (shown in red) have an average OCI of 63 and minor arterials have an average OCI of 66, which are just below the overall network average. Arterial roadways are the streets that have the majority of traffic use and link various parts of the City together. They may be considered the thoroughfares of the City and during the budget development process should receive the highest priority when selecting rehabilitation candidates. The local roadway network forms the majority of the City's street system and has the highest OCI score at 70. Local roadways are the streets that people live on or are used for inner community driving. Collector streets seem to fall in line with the overall network average with an OCI of 68. 40 City of Spokane Valley Overall Condition Index(OCI)Distribution 35 Average Overall Condition Index(OCI)=68 30 Average Principal Arterial OCI=63 Average Minor Arterial OCI=66 ro 41 25 Average Collector OCI=68 Average Local OCI=70 O 20 f 4! 17; 15 41 U L r2 10 WEM s Very Poor(0to 30) Poor(30 to 45) Marginal(45 to 55) Fair(55 to 65) Good 465 to 75) Very Good(75 to 55) Excellent 185 to 100) Pavement Condition Using Descriptive Terms Figure 10—OCI Distribution by Functional Class IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 21 The following table presents the current condition scores by pavement type and functional class at the time of the survey. Also included are the surface distress and roughness indices. City of Spokane Valley-Network Summary Pave-type Network PART MnART COL LOC Length(mi) All Streets 438.9 27.9 62.3 34.8 313.9 Asphalt 437.4- 26.8 62.0 34.8 313.8 Concrete 1.4 1.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 Overall Condition Index(QCI) All Streets 68 63 66 68 70 Asphalt 68 63 66 68 70 Concrete 74- 73 79 0 95 Surface Distress Index(SDI; All Streets 74- 56 66 74 79 Roughness Index(RI) All Streets 55 67 77 72 46 2.6 RECONSTRUCTION BACKLOG Backlog roadways are those that have dropped sufficiently in quality to the point where surface based rehabilitation efforts would no longer prove to be cost efficient. These roadways are rated poor or very poor and will require either partial or total reconstruction. Backlog is expressed as the percentage of roads requiring reconstruction as compared to the network totals. The concept of Overall Condition Index (OCI) score and backlog must be fully understood in order to develop an effective pavement management program. The OCI score indicates the overall pavement condition and represents the amount of equity in the system; it is the value most commonly considered when gauging the overall quality of a roadway network. It may also be used to define a desired level of service. More specifically, an agency may wish to develop a pavement management program such that in five years the overall network score meets a set minimum value. It is the backlog, however, that defines the amount of work an agency is facing and is willing to accept in the future. Further, it is the combination of the two that presents the true picture of the condition of a roadway network, and conversely defines improvement goals. With the City of Spokane Valley's current average OCI at 68 and the reconstruction backlog at about 9%, the City's short-term objectives need to focus on not letting this backlog percentage increase. The current rehabilitation program should focus on the asphalt network to arrest any potential OCI slide. Generally, a backlog of 10% to 15% of the overall network is considered manageable from a funding point of view. Backlogs approaching 20% and above tend to become unmanageable unless aggressively checked through larger rehabilitation programs. For cities such as Spokane Valley with a manageable backlog, it is important that this value be adequately maintained. It is far more costly to let the backlog amount increase further and then attempt to reduce it later than to maintain its current state. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 22 3.0 REHABILITATION PLAN AND BUDGET DEVELOPMENT 3.1 KEY ANALYSIS SET POINTS Pavement management systems require user inputs in order to complete its condition forecasting and prioritization. The existing Cartegraph operating parameters were reviewed and updated accordingly to match current network conditions, available rehab technologies, and unit rates. Several key changes were implemented to the rehabilitation plan development process, namely: • The pavement performance curves that are used to predict future pavement condition were expanded to reflect the recent work done on the system through the introduction of strength rating. As streets are upgraded, the ratio of pavement condition to load associated distresses improves and the street performs better for longer periods of time. Asphalt streets are classified as weak, moderate, or strong and then assigned the appropriate pavement performance curve to use in the analysis. The concept of load associated distresses does not apply to concrete streets. • The shape of performance curves was modified to reflect the concept of deferred maintenance and salvage life. Instead of dropping to an absolute value of 0 after 40 years of service, the curves were designed to become asymptotic to the age axis and have a whole life of approximately 75 to 150 years depending on pavement type. This change reflects the concept that once a street deteriorates past a specific threshold, about an OCI of 20, age becomes less important in rehab selection. • Priority ranking — the Cartegraph application utilizes the concept of Network Priority Ranking (NPR) for rehab candidate selection. In the past, the NPR was based more on a worst first approach, however, a more cost-effective approach is suggested based on selecting candidates in their need year (to maximize pavement service life) and obtaining the greatest benefit to the overall network. Other factors that were included in the NPR were pavement type, strength and functional classification. Pavement Performance Curves The basic shape of the curves follows traditional sigmoidal performance models such as those contained in MicroPaver and other commonly used pavement management applications. Curves were created for asphalt and concrete street segments. The deterioration curves are designed to integrate the pavement condition distribution performance curves for the network, with the applied rehabilitation strategies and their expected life cycle. The curves do not drop to an OCI score of 0 and have been designed to recognize the salvage value of even the worst pavements. Also, the effective service life of concrete streets was extended to match real world conditions as the existing curves had an effective life of only 41 years. It is important to recognize that even though all streets fall into specific rating categories (as highlighted by the horizontal black dotted lines in Figure 12) and their respective rehabilitation strategies, it is not until a street falls to within a few points of the lower end of the range that it will become a critical need selected for rehabilitation. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 23 100 90 _City of Spokane Valley `�►,�r„� �' Asphalt Pavement Performance Curves -101114.41.4. 70 44111116-411111111M � 60 o• 50 1 411 11114111EIREll 4q 30 -ACP Cr.-:PART 20 ACP Gu uru 2:PART V�ok4o d i kinART 1ryk h„„„„.. -ACP Cure 3:PA RT_5SVg/COL__cd/ICQL_Wk � -ACP Grote 4:AInART_SBg J GQL_Alod 1 LQC_Wk 1 q ACP Cur.5:OD L_Strg?LOC_Aiod 0 fl 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time(Years) 100 90 City of Spokane Valley Concrete Pavement Performance Curves 80 U O 70 x 41 60 0 c 50 O co v • 40 30 20 -PCC Cr LI'?-:PART k'o] 10 - -FCC CLrt_2:PrART k'o. -FCC Cy.3:CDL Pou 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time(Years) Figure 12-Asphalt(ACP) and Concrete (PCC) Performance Curves IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 24 Rehabilitation Strategies and Unit Rates The rehab strategies, unit rates, OCI ranges, and selection criteria used in the pavement analysis are presented in the following paragraphs and tables. • Rehab Activity — This is the assigned name to each rehabilitation strategy. The term "+RR" in the table refers to remove and replace, which is structural patching. When this term is present, additional funds have been assigned to the strategy to allow for an increased amount of preparation work and patching. The "1" and "2" suffixes after the name are simply a placeholder to separate one rehabilitation from another. The relative terms of thin, moderate and thick are used to describe the overlay thickness, while the number beside it (in parentheses) represents the depth in inches. For instance, a thick overlay on an arterial street is assumed to be anything greater than 3 inches, while a thick overlay on a local street is only 2 inches. • Min OCI, Max OCI, and Critical OCI — This defines the Overall Condition Index (OCI) range applicable to the rehab selection. Segments with an OCI score between the Minimum and Critical OCI are referred to as Critical. These streets and associated rehabilitations must be completed in their need year. If deferred, they will decline to an OCI past the point in which the rehabilitation is no longer appropriate. Consequently, a thicker rehabilitation activity will be required. • Unit Rates — The rehabilitation costs are presented on a per square yard basis for each pavement type, functional class, and rehabilitation activity combination. The rates were developed using typical national averages for similar activities and adjusted for Spokane Valley's location and unique conditions. • Reset Values (OCI, LAD, NLAD) — Define key condition values to be applied once the street segment has been rehabilitated. LAD and NLAD apply only to asphalt segments. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 25 City of Spokane Valley Rehabilitation Strategies and Unit Rates(Asphalt) N 64 d7 N a 0 to 0 27 [ OD _ O O Q ye ms o a e ' �i 2 2 Rehab Activity r2 to & ! Z 1 Asphalt 0 10 30 LOC 70 470 Full Reconstruction 47.00 39.17 144 0 0 1 Asphalt 30 33 45 LOC 60 460 Partial Reconstruction 30.00 25.00 93 1 1 1 Asphalt 30 33 45 LOC 50 456 Thick Olay+RR2(>2.5) 15.25 12.71 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 43 55 LOC 50 453 Thick 0lay+RR1 (>2.5) 14.75 12.29 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 48 55 LOC 50 450 Thick Olay(>2.5) 13.75 11.46 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 48 55 LOC 40 446 Moderate 0lay+RR2(1.5-2.5) 13.50 11.25 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 LOC 40 443 Moderate Clay+RR1 (1.5-2.5) 13.25 11.04 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 LOC 40 440 Moderate Olay(1.5-2.5) 12.00 10.00 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 LOC 30 436 Thin Olay+RR2(<=1.5) 11.75 9.79 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 LOC 30 433 Thin O lay+RR1 (<=1.5) 11.50 9.58 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 LOC 30 430 Thin Olay(<=1.5) 10.25 8.54 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 LOC 20 426 Surface Treatment+RR2 3.45 2.88 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 75 77 80 LOC 20 423 Surface Treatment+RR1 3.45 2.88 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 75 77 80 LOC 20 420 Surface Treatment 2.85 2.38 94 7 3 1 Asphalt 0 10 30 COL 70 370 Full Reconstruction 56.00 46.67 100 0 0 1 Asphalt 30 33 45 COL 60 360 Partial Reconstruction 36.50 30.42 96 1 1 1 Asphalt 20 33 45 COL 50 356 Thick 0lay+RR2(>3.0) 18.25 15.21 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 43 55 COL 50 353 Thick 0lay+RR1 (>3.0) 17.75 14.79 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 48 55 COL 50 350 Thick 0lay(>3.0) 16.50 13.75 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 48 55 COL 40 346 Moderate Olay+RR2 0 16.25 13.54 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 COL 40 343 Moderate 0 lay+RR1 (2.0-3.4) 15.75 13.13 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 COL 40 340 Moderate 0lay(2.03.0) 14.25 11.88 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 COL 30 336 Thin Olay+RR2(1.5--2.0) 14.25 11.88 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 COL 30 333 Thin Olay+RR1 (1.5-2.0) 13.75 11.46 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 COL 34 330 Thin Olay(1.5-2.0) 12.25 10.21 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 COL 24 326 Surface Treatment+RR2 3.60 3.00 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 75 77 80 COL 20 323 Surface Treatment+RR1 3.60 3.00 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 75 77 80 COL 20 320 Surface Treatment 3.00 2.50 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 0 10 30 PARTIMnART 70 170 Full Reconstruction 63.00 52.50 100 0 0 1 Asphalt 30 33 45 PARTIMnART 60 160 Partial Reconstruction 41.00 34.17 98 1 1 1 Asphalt 30 33 45 PARTIMnART 50 156 Thick 0lay+RR2(>3.0) 20.50 17.08 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 48 55 PARTtP1nART 50 153 Thick 0lay+RR1 (>3.0) 20.00 16.67 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 43 55 PARTIMnART 50 150 Thick 0lay(>3.0) 18.50 15.42 96 3 1 1 Asphalt 45 48 55 PARTIMnART 40 146 Moderate Clay+RR2(2.0-3.0) 18.25 15.21 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 PARTil.inART 40 143 Moderate 0 lay+RR1 (2.0-3.0) 17.75 14.79 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 PARTIMnART 40 140 Moderate 0lay(2.03.0) 16.25 13.54 95 3 2 1 Asphalt 55 57 65 PARTIMnART 30 136 Thin Olay+RR2(<=2.0) 16.00 13.33 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 PARTIMnART 20 133 Thin Olay+RR1 (<=2.0) 15.50 12.92 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 PARTIMnART 30 130 Thin Olay(<=2.0) 13.75 11.46 94 4 2 1 Asphalt 65 67 75 PARTtP1nART 20 126 Surface Treatment+RR2 3.80 3.17 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 75 77 80 PARTIMnART 20 123 Surface Treatment+RR1 3.80 3.17 90 7 3 1 Asphalt 75 77 80 PARTiMnART 20 120 Surface Treatment 3.10 2.58 90 7 3 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 26 100 I I I 1 t City of Spokane Valley I !• 90 Overall Condition Index(OCI)Versus Surn of Load Associated Distress Deducts • • With Applied Rehabilition Activities I I p • Weak Pavements 5 70 ••••.....:.......‘,:..: .___ I Moderate Pavements •� 153)Thick lu 50 j60) Olay+ - I ❑ Partial RR1 Recoil I ;O • • (43)Mod Qlay+ _ (33)Thin I '0 RR1 Qlay+ 0 (70}Full RR1 to, n I d (50)Th ick ' -p 40 °fay>2,5 (23)Surf Itl Trtmnt+ 0 l REM (40)Mod O )ahi k • Day 1.5-oIy r ta 30 RR2 . - • • •.\ _ L • T r` t ( ) hin I Nay 20 (46)Mod t" — <=1.5 I Olay+ (3&)Thin Strong Pavements R� Qlay+ --L�—=r ; RR2 (20)Surf • 10 - A Trtmeit •. (26)Surf a.��;• TRR2• I . • r•r,. •\••�`• 0 +IL y4:�6r�. 1i1•.. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Overall Condition Index(OCI) Figure 13—Asphalt(ACP) Rehabilitation Strategies Figure 13 visually presents the application of the asphalt rehabilitation strategies against the pavement condition and sum of load associated distresses. The black diagonal lines represent the boundaries between the weak, moderate and strong pavements, while the green vertical lines represent the OCI limits for application of the rehabilitation strategies. The numbers in parentheses are simply a placeholder to separate one rehabilitation from another. Street segments not covered by the 2013 survey were assigned a moderate pavement strength for the purpose of analysis. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 27 Network Priority Ranking (NPR) The Cartegraph pavement management program incorporates a user defined formula, referred to as the Network Priority Ranking (NPR), to prioritize the street segments for rehabilitation selection. The Spokane Valley NPR incorporates the following criteria: • Pavement Type - Each street is assigned a score based on its pavement type. The effect of the pavement type is to place increased emphasis on asphalt streets over concrete streets. The rationale for including this in the NPR calculation is because asphalt streets deteriorate at a higher rate than concrete streets. Pavement type makes up 10% of the overall NPR. • Condition - Each street is assigned a score based on its overall condition index (OCI). The effect of the condition NPR factor is to place increased emphasis on the worst streets first. This factor(100—OCI) makes up 10% of the overall NPR. • Functional Class — Each street is assigned a value based on its functional classification. The effect of the functional class NPR factor is to place increased emphasis on arterials, followed by collectors then locals. Functional class makes up 20%of the overall NPR. • Pavement Strength — Each street is assigned a strength rating based on its ratio of Load Associated Distresses to OCI and Structural Index. The Strength NPR has the effect of placing increased priority on weaker streets in an attempt to capture them in the budget stream as they deteriorate at an accelerated rate. Strength makes up 20% of the overall NPR. • Need Year (Sequence Factor) — Each street is assigned a score based on the incremental cost of deferring rehabilitation past its need year. Streets that fall within a few points of the minimum OCI range defined in the above table are considered critical and in their need year, and thus receive a higher priority rating. Streets that fall below their need year are suitable for being deferred and receive a low priority rating. The effect of the sequence factor in the NPR calculation is to prioritize the network in terms of capturing segments in their need year that have the highest incremental cost if deferred. The sequence factor accounts for 40% of the overall NPR. The assigned NPR scores for the five NPR categories are presented on the following page. A sample NPR calculation for an asphalt collector with an OCI score of 30 is as follows: NPR Category Criteria NPR Factor Weighting NPR Rating Pavetype: Asphalt 100 10 1000 Condition: 30 70 10 700 Functional Class: Collector 75 20 1500 Strength: Moderate 80 20 1600 Need Year/Sequence: Critical Partial Recon_ 90 40 3600 Totals: 100 8400 NPR: 84 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 28 City of Spokane Valley NPR Calculator Need Year Prioritizes Candidates in Their Need Year Based on Cost of Deferral OCI B/P Range Activity Criticality Action NPR Factor Weighting 0 0 to 10 Full Reconstruction Critical Critical Full Reconstruction 80 40 10 10 to 30 Full Reconstruction Non-Critical Non-Critical Full Reconstruction 30 30 30 to 33 Partial Reconstruction/Thick Olay Critical Critical Partial Reconstruction/Thick Olay 90 33 33 to 45 Partial Reconstruction/Thick Olay Non-Critical Non-Critical Partial Reconstruction/Thick Olay 40 45 45 to 48 Thick Olay/Moderate Olay Critical Critical Thick Olay/Moderate Olay 100 48 48 to 55 Thick Olay/Moderate Olay Non-Critical Non-Critical Thick Olay/Moderate Olay 50 55 55 to 57 Moderate Olay/Thin Olay Critical Critical Moderate Olay/Thin Olay 65 57 57 to 65 Moderate Olay/Thin Olay Non-Critical Non-Critical Moderate Olay/Thin Olay 15 65 65 to 67 Thin Olay/Surface Treatment Critical Critical Thin Olay/Surface Treatment 75 67 67 to 75 Thin Olay/Surface Treatment Non-Critical Non-Critical Thin Olay/Surface Treatment 25 75 75 to 77 Surface Treatment Critical Critical Surface Treatnent 70 77 77 to 80 Surface Treatment Non-Critical Non-Critical Surface Treatment 20 80 80 to 82 Slurry Seal Critical Critical Slurry Seal 60 82 82 to 85 Slurry Seal Non-Critical Non-Critical Slurry Seal 10 85 85 to 100 Routine Maintenance Routine Maintenance 1 100 100 Routine Maintenance Routine Maintenance 1 Pavement Strength Assigns Higher Priority to Weaker Pavements Criteria Code Description NPR Factor Weighting Weak 1 Based on LAD or 0 to 50 Score Deflection Testing 100 20 Moderate 2 Based on LAD or 50 to 75 Score Deflection Testing 80 Strong 3 Based on LAD or 75 to 100 Score Deflection Testing 60 Functional Classification Assigns Higher Priority to Higher FunCLs Criteria Code Description NPR Factor Weighting PART 4 Major Arterials or Highways 100 20 MhART 5 Minor or Secondary Arterials 90 COL 2 Collectors 75 LOC 3 Locals or Residentials 50 Pavement Type Assigns Higher Priority to Asphalt Over Concrete Criteria Code Description NPR Factor Weighting ACP 1 Asphalt or Flexible 100 10 PCC 2 Concrete or Rigid 50 Condition All Things Being Equal Selects Lower OCI Criteria Code Description NPR Factor Weighting OCI Introduces Worst First Bement =100-OCI 10 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 29 3.2 FIX ALL AND ANNUAL ESTIMATES Three different approaches may be taken to identify and confirm the amount of funds the City needs to set aside each year to maintain the roadway network at its current condition. All three are completed externally to the pavement management system and are simply used to validate the final results. It is worth noting that because only a portion of the city was surveyed, the non-surveyed segments' OCI scores were deteriorated using the appropriate distress curves. Rehabilitated streets since the previous survey were also taken into account, and assigned appropriate scores based on Cartegraph software and rehab activities. Option 1 —Estimated Life Cycle Cost Based on Network Value A ballpark value for the annual street maintenance budget may be quickly determined by taking the total value of Spokane Valley's roadway network, estimated at$375.9M, and dividing that by the ultimate life of a roadway — assumed to be 50 to 100 years for asphalt and concrete respectively (please note, the 50 and 100 year lifespan of the roadway is the theoretical life of the road from construction, until the point at which there is nothing left but the right of way, it is not simply the lifespan of the pavement surface). By this method, the annual budget is estimated at$7.5M. Life Cycle Pavement Ultimate Life Annual Cost Pavement Type Value($) Span(yrs) ($/yr) Asphalt Network 375,885,000 50 7,520,000 Concrete Network 0 100 0 All Streets 375,885,000 7,520,000 Option 2—Estimated Life Cycle Cost Based on Current Condition A second method to validate the annual budget is to identify the average network OCI and associated rehabilitation requirements, and then estimate the number of miles required to be rehabilitated each year based on a typical life cycle for that rehabilitation activity. For Spokane Valley, the average OCI for asphalt roads is 68, which places the City in the thin overlay range, and 74 for concrete roads. At an average cost of$14.40/yd2 for an overlay, and considering the negligible amount of concrete streets, the City needs to spend approximately$8.5M/year to maintain the current condition average. Overall Typical Rehab Blended Average Life Cycle Condition Based on Rehab Unit Rehab Life Miles To Do Cost Per Mile Annual Cost Pavement Type Index(OCI) Condition Rate($/yd2) Cycle(yrs) Each Year(mi) ($/mi) ($/yr) Asphalt Network 68 Thin Olay 14.4 15 29.2 290,000 8,460,000 Concrete Network 74 Slight Pnl Rplcmnt 0.00 15 0.1 0 0 All Streets 8,460,000 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 30 Option 3 -Estimated Life Cycle Cost Based on Network Deficiency The third methodology to confirm the required amount of annual funding is to identify the current network deficiency, that is the amount required to rehabilitate all streets in the network assuming unlimited funding, and then divide by the typical life cycle of each rehabilitation activity. This is referred to as the Fix All Estimate and Life Cycle Cost. The rehab strategies listed in the table are generic in nature and not necessarily the final set that was applied to Spokane Valley. For Spokane Valley, the Fix All Estimate for the network deficiency is approximately $122 million and the Life Cycle Cost is $7.1M/year, broken down as follows: Total Cost Life Cycle Life Cycle Asphalt Deficiency ($) %of Total PART MnART COL LOC (years) Cost($) Full Reconstruction 12,994,100 10.7 4,072,500 1,563,000 528,400 6,830,200 50 260,000 Partial Reconstruction 26,586,600 21.9 5,271,300 4,053,400 539,900 16,722,000 30 886,000 Thick Olay 19,080,400 15.7 2,484,300 2,239,000 1,657,900 12,699,200 20 954,000 Moderate Olay 29,426,500 24.2 2,224,200 6,077,800 1,228,400 19,896,100 15 1,962,000 Thin Olay 27,087,700 22.3 1,702,600 3,784,200 1,689,400 19,911,500 15 1,806,000 Surface Treatment 3,649,600 3.0 780,100 468,200 207,800 2,193,500 10 365,000 Slurry Seal 1,928,300 1.6 434,800 259,600 39,600 1,194,300 5 386,000 Routine Maintenance 908,900 0.7 10,800 69,800 65,400 762,900 2 454,000 Total Asphalt Network: 121,662,100 100 16,980,600 18,515,000 5,956,800 80,209,700 7,073,000 Total Cost Life Cycle Life Cycle Concrete Deficiency ($) %of Total PART MnART COL LOC (years) Cost($) Full PCC Reconstruction 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 75 0 Partial PCC Recon 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 50 0 Extensive Pnl Rplcmnt 405,600 61.2 405,600 0 0 0 25 16,000 Moderate Pnl Rplcmnt 150,300 22.7 150,300 0 0 0 20 8,000 Slight Pnl Rplcmnt 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 15 0 Localized Rehab 37,200 5.6 0 37,200 0 0 10 4,000 Crack Sealing 65,100 9.8 54,600 10,500 0 0 5 13,000 Routine Maintenance 4,400 0.7 4,200 0 0 200 2 2,000 Total Concrete Network: 662,600 100 614,700 47,700 0 200 43,000 Total Network: 122,324,700 17,595,300 18,562,700 5,956,800 80,209,900 7,116,000 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 31 3.3 NETWORK BUDGET ANALYSIS MODELS An analysis containing a total of 3 budget runs ($2M, $7.25M, and $10M per year) plus Unlimited and Do Nothing options was prepared for the City of Spokane Valley. The budget analysis results are summarized below: • Unlimited - The Unlimited budget assumes each street is rehabilitated with unlimited funds available. The idea is to identify the upper limit of spending the City would require without any constraints on budget. For Spokane Valley, the unlimited budget is approximately$105 million over 5 years and increases the network OCI to a maximum of 92 tapering off to an 85 within 5 years. • Do Nothing - This option identifies the effect of spending no capital for 5 years. After 5 years, the Do Nothing option results in an OCI drop from a 68 to a 60. • $2M through $10M - Identifies the resultant network OCI at various funding levels. The $2M analysis represents the City's current budget. The results of the analysis are summarized in Figure 14 below. The X axis highlights the annual budget, while the Y axis plots the 5 Year Post Rehab OCI value. The diagonal blue line is the analysis results. As can be seen from the plot, a budget of $7.25M per year would maintain the roadway network at its current OCI of 68. 75 - — City of Spokane Valley V O C 70 • C 8 et 65 G1 9 Steady State= 7.251V1 Annual Budget 5 Year PCI=68 Z 60 $2M Annual Budget } 5 Year PCI=62 u LL 55 C 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9 10.0 Annual Budget Each Year for Five Years($M/Year) Figure 14—5 Year Network OCI Analysis Results IVISInfiastructureManagementServices Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 32 Figure 15 below presents the same analysis results on an annual basis. This shows that if the budget falls below $7.25M per year, over time, the overall condition of the roads will deteriorate. 95 City of Spokane Valley Analysis Results Annual OCI by Budget 85 -Unlimited $2M Annual 0 u g0 -$7.25M Annual V -$10M Annual se -Do Nothing 75 70 55 60 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year Ending Figure 15—5 Year Annual OCI IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 33 3.4 SPOKANE VALLEY COMPARISON TO OTHER AGENCIES The following table presents the steady state versus actual funding levels of various agencies that use similar reporting and analysis software. The list is by no means representing all agencies that use a pavement management system, but rather is a sampling of what other agencies are doing. Network Funding Comparison Steady State Actual Mileage Budget Steady State Funding Agency Year (mi) PCI Backlog ($M/yr) Rate($/mi) ($M/yr) Comments Agency CB 2010 333 81 2% $3.40 $10,000 $3.40 Fully funded Agency FW 2011 233 79 4% $2.25 $10,000 $2.25 Fully funded,well structured Agency B 2010 442 78 6% $3.20 $7,000 $1.60 Slightly underfunded Agency MF 2013 270 77 3% $3.00 $11,000 $2.25 Slightly underfunded,very low backlog Agency L 2012 339 77 9% $5.25 $15,000 $5.00 Slightly underfunded, majors only Agency K 2010 188 76 9% $1.50 $8,000 $1.50 Fully funded Agency CG 2010 310 76 4% $3.00 $10,000 $2.00 Underfunded Agency ST 2011 78 76 4% $0.90 $12,000 $2.25 Fully funded,well structured Agency LM 2010 141 76 12% $2.40 $17,000 $2.00 Slightly underfunded Agency FT 2013 497 73 7% $6.50 $13,000 $6.50 Fully funded,well structured Agency F 2012 439 72 9% $6.00 $14,000 $4.00 Underfunded Agency SS 2012 311 72 10% $4.75 $15,000 $3.20 Underfunded,does not do surface treatments Agency GD 2009 717 71 4% $15.00 $21,000 $2.00 Underfunded and struggling Agency H 2010 120 70 4% $0.85 $7,000 $0.50 Underfunded Agency DW 2009 147 69 14% $2.75 $19,000 $2.75 Fully funded Spokane Valley 2013 439 68 9% $7.25 $17,000 $2.00 Underfunded,but solid backlog Agency Y 2011 199 68 5% $1.60 $8,000 $1.00 Underfunded,decreasing PCI Agency CY 2010 314 68 4% $2.50 $8,000 $2.50 Fully funded Agency TC 2010 1270 68 7% $11.00 $9,000 $8.00 Underfunded Agency LV 2011 108 68 7% $2.80 $26,000 $0.55 Underfunded-looking for alternate funding Agency DL 2010 578 68 14% $18.50 $32,000 $8.50 Very high unit rates for providing a high LOS Agency LA 2010 100 67 11% $1.50 $15,000 $1.50 Fully funded and working to increase PCI Agency WF 2012 170 66 15% $1.40 $8,000 $0.66 Underfunded Agency C 2011 54 66 12% $1.10 $20,000 $1.10 Fully funded Agency BV 2012 130 65 11% $1.25 $10,000 $1.25 Fully funded and working to increase PCI Agency KW 2012 65 65 7% $0.75 $12,000 $0.75 Fully funded Agency C 2012 442 64 12% $6.00 $14,000 $5.00 Slightly underfunded Agency LC 2012 457 63 17% $5.60 $12,000 $3.00 Underfunded and concerned about backlog Agency D 2010 436 61 16% $10.00 $23,000 $3.20 Extremely underfunded and passing a bond Agency V 2012 472 60 14% $7.50 $16,000 $2.50 Underfunded and concerned about backlog Agency LC 2012 102 59 15% $1.00 $10,000 $0.75 Underfunded Average: $14,000 In comparison to other agencies, Spokane Valley's steady state budget requirement of approximately $17,000/mile is above the national average of $14,000. This suggests that the city is underfunded. However, the backlog is manageable and remains below the national average, which in turn keeps costs down. IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 34 3.5 NETWORK RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS The following recommendations are presented to the City of Spokane Valley as an output from the pavement analysis, and must be read in conjunction with the attached reports. 1. The City should adopt a policy statement identifying the desired level of service and acceptable amount of backlog. We suggest a target that maintains the current network profile at or above an OCI of 68 for 5 years, while maintaining or reducing the amount of backlog. An annual budget of at least$7.25M is required to achieve this goal. The total 5 year cost to achieve this is $36.3M. 2. Should the city decide to stay with the proposed $2M budget, the average network level OCI will drop by 6 points to 62. The backlog would slightly increase as well. 3. The financial impact of underfunding network rehabilitation below the steady state amount and allowing the network OCI to drop may be estimated by examining the cost of eventually having to replace the equity removed from the system. The following table compares the five year total cost of annual budget plus equity replacement for various budget options ranging from Do Nothing through to the Steady State budget of$7.25M annually. Do Nothing Steady State Line Annual Budget($M/Year) 0.00 2.00 5.00 7.25 Comment A. Starting Network OCI 68 68 68 68 OCI average from report B. 5 Year Average Fa ALL OCI 88 88 88 88 5 year average from analysis C. Fix All OCI Increase 20 20 20 20 Line B.minus Line A. D. Fix All Cost Total Cost($M) 105 105 105 105 Fix All cost from analysis E Cost/Point to Replace Equity($M/point) 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 Line D.divided by Line C. F. Starting Network OCI 68 68 68 68 OCI average from report G. 5 Year Post Rehab OCI 60 62 65 68 5 year post rehab OCI from analysis H. 5 Year OCI Drop 8 6 3 0 Line F.minus Line G. 5 Year Budget Total($M) 0 10 25 36 Annual budget times 5 years J. Cost of Equity Replacement($) 42.0 31.5 15.8 0.0 Product of Line E.times Line H. K. 5 Year Total Cost($M) 42.0 41.5 40.8 36.3 Sum of Line I.plus Line J. L. Increase Over Steady State($M) 5.8 5.3 4.5 0.0 Line K.minus Steady State Budget From the table, it may be estimated that the City will remove approximately $31.5M of equity from the network over the next five years at its current funding level of$2.0M annually for a total five year expenditure of$41.5M. This is approximately $5.3M more costly than maintaining the network at a steady state level with an annual funding level of$7.25M. 4. The full suite of proposed rehabilitation strategies and unit rates should be reviewed annually as these can have considerable effects on the final program. 5. All costs are in constant 2013 dollars. No allowances have been made for inflation or fluctuations in rehabilitation costs. No allowance has been made for network growth or conversion of gravel roadways to pavement. As the City expands or increases the amount of paved roads, increased budgets will be required. 6. No allowance has been made for routine maintenance activities such as asphalt crack sealing, sweeping, striping or patching within the budget runs and analysis. These costs are assumed to be IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 35 outside the pavement management costs. However, the City has made great strides to account for this by setting aside $1M in funds for these types of activities. 7. The City should resurvey their streets every few years to update the condition data and rehabilitation program. 8. The analysis results presented within this report are reflective of the entire network. Pavement condition scores for streets surveyed in 2013 were updated. Pavement condition scores for streets not surveyed were deteriorated based on their proper distress curve. Recently rehabilitated segments have also been accounted for and updated accordingly. 9. The breakdown of average OCI and recommended annual funds between Arterials (includes Collectors)and Local Access roads can be found in the table below: Functional $2M Plan 57.25M Plan Year Class Average OCI I Cost Average OCI I Cost 1 Arterials 66 $1,978,397 65 $5,426,730 Local 69 $21,139 70 $1,522,567 2 Arterials 65 $1,798,562 68 $5,553,6=6 Local 65 $200,671 70 $1,695,931 3 Arterials 64 $1,978,058 68 $5,591,362 Local 66 $22,198 70 $1,658,842 4 Arterials 62 $1,853,187 67 $3,861,984 Local 63 $146,878 69 $3,387,663 5 Arterials 61 $1,984,111 67 $3,858,526 Local 62 $16,743 69 $3,391,421 Total: $9,999,944 $36,248,972 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page 36 Appendix A Street Inventory and Condition Summary IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page a City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1434 1434 10 1434 1716 1716 20 1716 1717 1717 30 1717 1718 1718 30 1718 1913 1913 40 1913 E 120 120 50 120 E 121 121 50 121 E 122 122 50 122 E 123 123 50 123 E 124 124 50 124 E 125 125 60 125 E 126 126 60 126 E 1899 1899 70 1899 E 507 507 80 507 N 647 647 90 647 E 670 670 90 670 E 864 864 90 864 E 871 871 90 871 E 882 882 90 882 E 895 895 90 895 E 896 896 90 896 E 905 905 90 905 E 919 919 90 919 E 73 73 100 73 E 74 74 100 74 E 79 79 110 79 E 80 80 110 80 E 81 81 110 81 E 82 82 110 82 E 151 151 120 151 N 152 152 120 152 N 153 153 120 153 N 154 154 120 154 N 155 155 120 155 N 157 157 120 157 S 344 344 130 344 E 705 705 130 705 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services 10TH LN 17th 18th 18th 1st Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 44th Av 44th Av 8th Av Adams Rd Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Appleway Av Appleway Av Appleway BI Appleway BI Appleway BI Appleway BI Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Augusta Av Augusta Av End End End End 190 E285 OFF Dishman Mica University Bowdish Pines SR 27 End Schafer Barker Trent End Fancher Ella Vista Willow Dartmouth Felts Glenn Bowdish Corbin Barker Dollar Thierman Park Dish man Montgomery Knox Mullan Mission Broadway Sprague Center Herald End End Steen Steen Thierman University Bowdish Pines SR 27 Best Schafer Van Marter Hodges Wellesley Fancher Dyer Vista Argonne Locust Felts Raymond Bowdish Pines Barker End Thierman Park Vista Dishman Mica Trent Montgomery Knox Mullan Mission Appleway Vista Felts Local Access ACP City 18 605 10,888 Moderate Local Access ACP City 33 574 18,951 Moderate Local Access ACP City 33 608 20,067 Moderate Local Access ACP City 42 213 8,959 Moderate Principal Arterial PCC City 38 1,318 50,089 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 42 652 27,371 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 50 2,660 132,984 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 46 2,664 122,564 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 50 3,994 199,725 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 40 2,663 106,510 Moderate Collector ACP City 29 2,251 65,292 Moderate Collector ACP City 29 2,101 60,918 Moderate Collector ACP City 24 2,640 63,368 Moderate Local Access ACP City 26 1,976 51,380 Moderate Local Access ACP City 40 975 38,994 Moderate Local Access ACP City 30 1,757 52,701 Moderate Local Access ACP City 20 1,324 26,486 Moderate Local Access ACP City 22 2,654 58,387 Moderate Local Access ACP City 25 653 16,315 Moderate Local Access ACP City 40 816 32,640 Strong Local Access ACP City 25 662 16,547 Moderate Local Access ACP City 24 1,921 46,106 Moderate Local Access ACP City 28 2,664 74,602 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 70 3,829 267,999 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 70 2,769 193,798 Moderate Principal Arterial PCC City 33 739 24,371 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 58 2,651 153,784 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 58 2,445 141,805 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 56 3,263 182,740 Weak Principal Arterial PCC City 96 866 83,151 Moderate Principal Arterial ACP City 78 660 51,491 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 78 423 32,973 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 35 1,557 54,479 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,644 95,177 Weak Principal Arterial ACP City 49 738 36,174 Moderate Local Access ACP City 40 1,815 72,599 Moderate Local Access ACP City 36 663 23,867 Moderate 100 100 81 83 52 52 45 44 44 81 100 100 40 97 75 89 83 100 100 78 98 99 89 83 90 88 34 31 25 49 21 12 63 49 50 99 88 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 1 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 1434 1434 10 1434 1716 1716 20 1716 1717 1717 30 1717 1718 1718 30 1718 1913 1913 40 1913 E 120 120 50 120 E 121 121 50 121 E 122 122 50 122 E 123 123 50 123 E 124 124 50 124 E 125 125 60 125 E 126 126 60 126 E 1899 1899 70 1899 E 507 507 80 507 N 647 647 90 647 E 670 670 90 670 E 864 864 90 864 E 871 871 90 871 E 882 882 90 882 E 895 895 90 895 E 896 896 90 896 E 905 905 90 905 E 919 919 90 919 E 73 73 100 73 E 74 74 100 74 E 79 79 110 79 E 80 80 110 80 E 81 81 110 81 E 82 82 110 82 E 151 151 120 151 N 152 152 120 152 N 153 153 120 153 N 154 154 120 154 N 155 155 120 155 N 157 157 120 157 S 344 344 130 344 E 705 705 130 705 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services 10TH LN 17th 18th 18th 1st Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 32nd Av 44th Av 44th Av 8th Av Adams Rd Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Appleway Av Appleway Av Appleway BI Appleway BI Appleway BI Appleway BI Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Argonne Rd Augusta Av Augusta Av End End End End 190 E285 OFF Dishman Mica University Bowdlish Pines SR 27 End Schafer Barker Trent End Fancher Ella Vista Willow Dartmouth Felts Glenn Bowdlish Corbin Barker Dollar Thierman Park Dish man Montgomery Knox Mullan Mission Broadway Sprague Center Herald End End Steen Steen Thierman University Bowdlish Pines SR 27 Best Schafer Van Marter Hodges Wellesley Fancher Dyer Vista Argonne Locust Felts Raymond Bowdlish Pines Barker End Thierman Park Vista Dishman Mica Trent Montgomery Knox Mullan Mission Appleway Vista Felts Local Access ACP City 18 605 10,888 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 33 574 18,951 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 33 608 20,067 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 42 213 8,959 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial PCC City 38 1,318 50,089 10.0 9.3 10.0 4.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 42 652 27,371 7.8 7.6 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 50 2,660 132,984 7.9 8.5 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 46 2,664 122,564 6.9 8.2 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 Principal Arterial ACP City 50 3,994 199,725 6.5 8.7 8.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 40 2,663 106,510 8.6 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 29 2,251 65,292 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 29 2,101 60,918 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 24 2,640 63,368 8.1 8.8 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 1,976 51,380 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 975 38,994 9.0 9.3 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,757 52,701 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,324 26,486 9.3 9.2 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,654 58,387 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 653 16,315 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 816 32,640 10.0 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 662 16,547 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,921 46,106 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 2,664 74,602 10.0 9.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 70 3,829 267,999 8.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 70 2,769 193,798 9.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial PCC City 33 739 24,371 10.0 8.9 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 2,651 153,784 5.8 8.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 2,445 141,805 5.2 7.6 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 56 3,263 182,740 5.8 7.7 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial PCC City 96 866 83,151 10.0 8.8 10.0 4.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 78 660 51,491 4.5 9.1 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 78 423 32,973 3.8 9.5 7.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 35 1,557 54,479 7.1 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,644 95,177 5.8 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 49 738 36,174 9.2 8.3 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,815 72,599 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 663 23,867 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 2 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 706 706 130 706 E 707 707 130 707 E 709 709 130 709 E 710 710 130 710 E 708 708 140 708 E 504 504 150 504 N 323 323 160 323 E 340 340 160 340 E 341 341 160 341 E 342 342 160 342 E 701 701 160 701 E 776 776 170 776 E 720 720 180 720 N 1923 1923 180 1923 N 508 508 190 508 N 443 443 200 443 N 250 250 210 250 N 251 251 210 251 N 252 252 210 252 N 254 254 210 254 N 255 255 210 255 S 256 256 210 256 S 1900 1900 210 1900 N 1901 1901 210 1901 N 387 387 220 387 N 415 415 230 415 N 725 725 230 725 N 808 808 230 808 N 923 923 230 923 N 468 468 240 468 N 353 353 250 353 N 363 363 250 363 N 753 753 250 753 N 875 875 250 875 N 876 876 250 876 N 877 877 250 877 N 444 444 260 444 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Ct Avalon Rd Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Balfour Ct Balfour Rd Balfour Rd Bannen Ct Bannen Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Bates Ct Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Bellevue Ct Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Best Rd Raymond University Walnut Bates Glenn Trent Fancher Park End End Oberlin Desmet Nora Sprague Rich Wellesley Euclid End Mission Sprague Sprague 8th Broadway Cataldo End Ermina Mission Broadway Val leyway Olympic Knox End Broadway Harrington End Sprague Crown End Glenn Herald Wilbur End Rich Dickey Center End Vista University Oberlin End Main Longfellow End Trent Euclid End Appleway 8th End Cataldo Mission Railroad Carlisle Augusta Boone Alki End Mansfield Knox Mission Broadway Main End End Local Access ACP City 35 301 10,527 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 36 918 33,047 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 289 11,564 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 32 353 11,293 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 43 347 14,912 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 20 922 18,432 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 27 657 17,726 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 40 732 29,297 Moderate 71 70 Local Access ACP City 36 643 23,153 Moderate 86 68 Local Access ACP City 36 377 13,559 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 32 402 12,860 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 858 34,316 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 489 19,568 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 39 664 25,882 Moderate 58 52 Local Access ACP City 32 340 10,880 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 2,689 80,667 Moderate 91 71 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 4,791 162,908 Weak 44 60 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,777 99,972 Weak 13 69 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 2,766 132,759 Moderate 71 78 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 1,293 28,445 Moderate 97 74 Minor Arterial ACP City 18 2,667 48,002 Moderate 99 82 Minor Arterial ACP City 23 425 9,772 Moderate 99 75 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 1,364 57,306 Weak 31 65 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 1,485 66,819 Moderate 54 71 Local Access ACP City 50 99 4,931 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 349 13,960 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 29 277 8,045 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 25 1,443 36,063 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,603 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 42 371 15,566 Moderate 65 57 Local Access ACP City 30 331 9,932 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,313 52,535 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 27 2,653 71,644 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 23 2,062 47,418 Weak 60 57 Local Access ACP City 21 312 6,544 Moderate 61 35 Local Access ACP City 21 155 3,249 Moderate 6 6 Local Access ACP City 36 936 33,704 Moderate 100 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 3 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 706 706 130 706 E 707 707 130 707 E 709 709 130 709 E 710 710 130 710 E 708 708 140 708 E 504 504 150 504 N 323 323 160 323 E 340 340 160 340 E 341 341 160 341 E 342 342 160 342 E 701 701 160 701 E 776 776 170 776 E 720 720 180 720 N 1923 1923 180 1923 N 508 508 190 508 N 443 443 200 443 N 250 250 210 250 N 251 251 210 251 N 252 252 210 252 N 254 254 210 254 N 255 255 210 255 S 256 256 210 256 S 1900 1900 210 1900 N 1901 1901 210 1901 N 387 387 220 387 N 415 415 230 415 N 725 725 230 725 N 808 808 230 808 N 923 923 230 923 N 468 468 240 468 N 353 353 250 353 N 363 363 250 363 N 753 753 250 753 N 875 875 250 875 N 876 876 250 876 N 877 877 250 877 N 444 444 260 444 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Ct Avalon Rd Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Balfour Ct Balfour Rd Balfour Rd Bannen Ct Bannen Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Bates Ct Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Bellevue Ct Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Best Rd Raymond University Walnut Bates Glenn Trent Fancher Park End End Oberlin Desmet Nora Sprague Rich Wellesley Euclid End Mission Sprague Sprague 8th Broadway Cataldo End Ermina Mission Broadway Val leyway Olympic Knox End Broadway Harrington End Sprague Crown End Glenn Herald Wilbur End Rich Dickey Center End Vista University Oberlin End Main Longfellow End Trent Euclid End Appleway 8th End Cataldo Mission Railroad Carlisle Augusta Boone Alki End Mansfield Knox Mission Broadway Main End End Local Access ACP City 35 301 10,527 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 918 33,047 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 289 11,564 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 353 11,293 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 43 347 14,912 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 922 18,432 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 657 17,726 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 732 29,297 8.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 643 23,153 10.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 377 13,559 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 402 12,860 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 858 34,316 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 489 19,568. 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 39 664 25,882 10.0 8.2 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 340 10,880 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 2,689 80,667 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 4,791 162,908 6.5 9.7 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.6 9.9 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,777 99,972 6.3 8.2 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 2,766 132,759 8.2 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 1,293 28,445 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 18 2,667 48,002 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 23 425 9,772 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 1,364 57,306 4.8 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 1,485 66,819 7.7 8.6 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 50 99 4,931 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 349 13,960 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 29 277 8,045 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 1,443 36,063 9.3 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,603 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 42 371 15,566 10.0 9.1 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 331 9,932 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,313 52,535 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 2,653 71,644 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 2,062 47,418 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 5.1 Local Access ACP City 21 312 6,544 10.0 8.4 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 155 3,249 5.9 8.4 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 936 33,704 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 4 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 445 445 260 445 N 506 506 260 506 N 766 766 270 766 N 442 442 280 442 N 638 638 290 638 E 661 661 290 661 E 684 684 290 684 E 738 738 290 738 E 748 748 290 748 E 759 759 290 759 E 787 787 290 787 E 804 804 290 804 E 474 474 300 474 N 188 188 310 188 N 386 386 310 386 N 724 724 310 724 N 270 270 320 270 N 314 314 320 314 N 315 315 320 315 N 689 689 320 689 N 734 734 320 734 N 308 308 330 308 N 309 309 330 309 N 687 687 330 687 N 262 262 340 262 E 466 466 350 466 E 467 467 350 467 E 471 471 350 471 E 36 36 360 36 E 37 37 360 37 E 38 38 360 38 E 39 39 360 39 E 40 40 360 40 E 44 44 360 44 E 45 45 360 45 E 46 46 360 46 E 47 47 360 47 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Best Rd Best Rd Boeing Rd Bolivar Rd Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boulder Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bridgeport Av Broad Av Broad Av Broad Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Wellesley Trent Sharp End Stanley Fancher Lily End Vista Argonne University Bowdish Broad Broadway Ermina Mission Euclid Trent End Boone Broadway Mansfield Trent Cataldo Coleman Burns Lucille Moore End Yardley Fancher Thierman Heacox University Bowdish Pines McDonald Olympic Wellesley Maxwell End Howe Seehorn Park Vista Argonne Herald Bowdish Pines End Mission Railroad End Liberty Montgomery Utah Mission Cataldo Marietta Mansfield Mission Edgerton Lucille Progress End Sullivan Fancher Thierman Heacox Park Bowdish Pines McDonald Evergreen Local Access ACP City 36 1,191 42,885 Moderate 65 57 Local Access ACP City 35 2,075 72,632 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 39 765 29,831 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 38 1,031 39,175 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 37 657 24,317 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 30 436 13,092 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 34 984 33,458 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 26 1,554 40,396 Moderate 72 51 Local Access ACP City 25 2,652 66,302 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 29 3,314 96,115 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 24 2,654 63,703 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 26 2,664 69,262 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 41 293 12,025 Moderate 67 47 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,662 106,484 Moderate 82 79 Local Access ACP City 40 2,746 109,857 Moderate 81 62 Local Access ACP City 16 565 9,039 Weak 6 33 Local Access ACP City 16 669 10,704 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 16 750 12,005 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 399 8,777 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 52 1,384 71,984 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 662 26,496 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 25 1,190 29,760 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 1,078 25,866 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 36 2,384 85,834 Weak 62 71 Local Access ACP City 18 1,660 29,887 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 35 618 21,613 Moderate 58 53 Local Access ACP City 36 195 7,020 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 32 2,706 86,578 Moderate 79 61 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 6,136 282,246 Moderate 57 78 Principal Arterial ACP City 46 1,977 90,951 Moderate 44 64 Principal Arterial ACP City 50 2,511 125,551 Moderate 78 62 Minor Arterial ACP City 68 1,466 99,660 Strong 73 60 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,356 59,676 Weak 69 67 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,653 116,737 Moderate 61 75 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,664 117,228 Moderate 73 71 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,657 116,927 Moderate 96 78 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,668 117,390 Moderate 87 80 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 5 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 445 445 260 445 N 506 506 260 506 N 766 766 270 766 N 442 442 280 442 N 638 638 290 638 E 661 661 290 661 E 684 684 290 684 E 738 738 290 738 E 748 748 290 748 E 759 759 290 759 E 787 787 290 787 E 804 804 290 804 E 474 474 300 474 N 188 188 310 188 N 386 386 310 386 N 724 724 310 724 N 270 270 320 270 N 314 314 320 314 N 315 315 320 315 N 689 689 320 689 N 734 734 320 734 N 308 308 330 308 N 309 309 330 309 N 687 687 330 687 N 262 262 340 262 E 466 466 350 466 E 467 467 350 467 E 471 471 350 471 E 36 36 360 36 E 37 37 360 37 E 38 38 360 38 E 39 39 360 39 E 40 40 360 40 E 44 44 360 44 E 45 45 360 45 E 46 46 360 46 E 47 47 360 47 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Best Rd Best Rd Boeing Rd Bolivar Rd Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boulder Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bowman Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bridgeport Av Broad Av Broad Av Broad Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Wellesley Trent Sharp End Stanley Fancher Lily End Vista Argonne University Bowdish Broad Broadway Ermina Mission Euclid Trent End Boone Broadway Mansfield Trent Cataldo Coleman Burns Lucille Moore End Yardley Fancher Thierman Heacox University Bowdish Pines McDonald Olympic Wellesley Maxwell End Howe Seehorn Park Vista Argonne Herald Bowdish Pines End Mission Railroad End Liberty Montgomery Utah Mission Cataldo Marietta Mansfield Mission Edgerton Lucille Progress End Sullivan Fancher Thierman Heacox Park Bowdish Pines McDonald Evergreen Local Access ACP City 36 1,191 42,885 10.0 9.5 7.1 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 35 2,075 72,632 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 39 765 29,831 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 38 1,031 39,175 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 657 24,317 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 436 13,092 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 10.0 Local Access ACP City 34 984 33,458 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 1,554 40,396 7.8 9.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 2,652 66,302 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 29 3,314 96,115 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,654 63,703 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 2,664 69,262 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.2 10.0 Local Access ACP City 41 293 12,025 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,662 106,484 9.6 8.9 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 2,746 109,857 10.0 9.2 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 16 565 9,039 8.1 10.0 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 4.8 Local Access ACP City 16 669 10,704 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 16 750 12,005 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 399 8,777 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 52 1,384 71,984 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 662 26,496 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 1,190 29,760 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,078 25,866 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 2,384 85,834 10.0 10.0 6.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 1,660 29,887 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 35 618 21,613 10.0 8.9 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 195 7,020 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 2,706 86,578 9.3 9.3 9.2 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 6,136 282,246 7.1 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 46 1,977 90,951 6.5 7.5 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 50 2,511 125,551 9.3 8.6 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 68 1,466 99,660 10.0 7.6 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,356 59,676 7.4 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,653 116,737 8.1 8.6 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,664 117,228 7.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,657 116,927 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,668 117,390 8.7 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 6 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 48 48 360 48 E Broadway Av 49 49 360 49 E Broadway Av 52 52 360 52 E Broadway Av 53 53 360 53 E Broadway Av 736 736 360 736 E Broadway Av 668 668 370 668 E Broadway Av Extension Av 13 13 380 13 E Buckeye Av 405 405 380 405 E Buckeye Av 411 411 380 411 E Buckeye Av 418 418 380 418 E Buckeye Av 451 451 390 451 N Burns Rd 519 519 390 519 N Burns Rd 521 521 390 521 N Burns Rd 449 449 400 449 N Calvin Rd 450 450 400 450 N Calvin Rd 511 511 400 511 N Calvin Rd 296 296 410 296 E Carlisle Av 318 318 410 318 E Carlisle Av 416 416 410 416 E Carlisle Av 640 640 420 640 E Cataldo Av 685 685 420 685 E Cataldo Av 735 735 420 735 E Cataldo Av 739 739 420 739 E Cataldo Av 750 750 420 750 E Cataldo Av 760 760 420 760 E Cataldo Av 762 762 420 762 E Cataldo Av 789 789 420 789 E Cataldo Av 806 806 420 806 E Cataldo Av 195 195 430 195 N Cement St 274 274 440 274 N Center Rd 282 282 440 282 N Center Rd 285 285 440 285 N Center Rd 319 319 440 319 N Center Rd 332 332 440 332 N Center Rd 345 345 440 345 N Center Rd 349 349 440 349 N Center Rd 694 694 440 694 N Center Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Evergreen Adams Flora Greenacres Coleman Fancher Park End Bowdish End Wellesley End Trent Olympic Wellesley Longfellow Bradley Ella Bowdish Yardley Bradley Girard Ella Vista Argonne Rudolf Van Marter Wilbur Pines Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission End Adams Sullivan Long Barker Lily Broadway Vista Bowdish Pines University Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,644 116,322 Weak 77 85 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,667 117,342 Moderate 93 80 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,629 105,153 Moderate 100 75 Minor Arterial ACP City 32 1,365 43,688 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 313 12,503 Moderate 80 61 Local Access ACP City 32 419 13,416 Moderate 48 32 Collector ACP City 22 2,586 56,901 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 38 603 22,896 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 2,655 106,202 Moderate 95 74 Local Access ACP City 26 799 20,766 Moderate 84 66 End Local Access ACP City 34 1,935 65,798 Moderate 65 46 Wellesley Local Access ACP City 40 453 18,100 Moderate 100 75 Rich Local Access ACP City 28 617 17,287 Moderate 100 75 End Local Access ACP City 36 802 28,873 Moderate 71 49 Olympic Local Access ACP City 40 1,203 48,125 Moderate 41 56 Heroy Local Access ACP City 32 370 11,836 Moderate 95 73 Park Local Access ACP City 26 1,968 51,166 Moderate 100 75 Vista Local Access ACP City 22 1,314 28,913 Moderate 100 75 Wilbur Local Access ACP City 40 754 30,174 Moderate 92 72 Howe Local Access ACP City 24 1,322 31,730 Moderate 90 71 End Local Access ACP City 31 464 14,373 Weak 18 32 Park Local Access ACP City 36 660 23,754 Moderate 97 74 Vista Local Access ACP City 32 1,326 42,441 Moderate 82 65 Argonne Local Access ACP City 24 2,652 63,652 Weak 75 71 Locust Local Access ACP City 31 1,327 41,134 Moderate 100 75 MacArthur Local Access ACP City 26 306 7,945 Moderate 82 64 Pierce Local Access ACP City 28 977 27,357 Moderate 95 73 Pines Local Access ACP City 40 1,989 79,546 Moderate 86 67 Empire Collector ACP City 26 690 17,940 Moderate 88 69 South Riverway Local Access ACP City 21 2,311 48,535 Moderate 100 75 Euclid Local Access ACP City 16 395 6,318 Moderate 100 75 Utah Local Access ACP City 32 779 24,942 Moderate 100 75 Buckeye Local Access ACP City 28 1,784 49,956 Moderate 99 75 Railroad Local Access ACP City 36 415 14,950 Moderate 89 75 Indiana Local Access ACP City 40 182 7,292 Weak 23 29 Nora Local Access ACP City 36 657 23,648 Moderate 100 75 Mission Local Access ACP City 32 636 20,362 Moderate 91 71 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 7 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 48 48 360 48 E Broadway Av 49 49 360 49 E Broadway Av 52 52 360 52 E Broadway Av 53 53 360 53 E Broadway Av 736 736 360 736 E Broadway Av 668 668 370 668 E Broadway Av Extension Av 13 13 380 13 E Buckeye Av 405 405 380 405 E Buckeye Av 411 411 380 411 E Buckeye Av 418 418 380 418 E Buckeye Av 451 451 390 451 N Burns Rd 519 519 390 519 N Burns Rd 521 521 390 521 N Burns Rd 449 449 400 449 N Calvin Rd 450 450 400 450 N Calvin Rd 511 511 400 511 N Calvin Rd 296 296 410 296 E Carlisle Av 318 318 410 318 E Carlisle Av 416 416 410 416 E Carlisle Av 640 640 420 640 E Cataldo Av 685 685 420 685 E Cataldo Av 735 735 420 735 E Cataldo Av 739 739 420 739 E Cataldo Av 750 750 420 750 E Cataldo Av 760 760 420 760 E Cataldo Av 762 762 420 762 E Cataldo Av 789 789 420 789 E Cataldo Av 806 806 420 806 E Cataldo Av 195 195 430 195 N Cement St 274 274 440 274 N Center Rd 282 282 440 282 N Center Rd 285 285 440 285 N Center Rd 319 319 440 319 N Center Rd 332 332 440 332 N Center Rd 345 345 440 345 N Center Rd 349 349 440 349 N Center Rd 694 694 440 694 N Center Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Evergreen Adams Flora Greenacres Coleman Fancher Park End Bowdlish End Wellesley End Trent Olympic Wellesley Longfellow Bradley Ella Bowdlish Yardley Bradley Girard Ella Vista Argonne Rudolf Van Marter Wilbur Pines Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission End Adams Sullivan Long Barker Lily Broadway Vista Bowdlish Pines University Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,644 116,322 7.7 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,667 117,342 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,629 105,153 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 32 1,365 43,688 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 313 12,503 10.0 8.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 419 13,416 7.7 9.8 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.5 10.0 Collector ACP City 22 2,586 56,901 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 38 603 22,896 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 2,655 106,202 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 799 20,766 10.0 9.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 End Local Access ACP City 34 1,935 65,798 9.0 8.6 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Wellesley Local Access ACP City 40 453 18,100 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Rich Local Access ACP City 28 617 17,287 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 End Local Access ACP City 36 802 28,873 10.0 9.9 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Olympic Local Access ACP City 40 1,203 48,125 10.0 8.4 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 Heroy Local Access ACP City 32 370 11,836 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Park Local Access ACP City 26 1,968 51,166 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Vista Local Access ACP City 22 1,314 28,913 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Wilbur Local Access ACP City 40 754 30,174 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Howe Local Access ACP City 24 1,322 31,730 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 End Local Access ACP City 31 464 14,373 7.6 8.9 5.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Park Local Access ACP City 36 660 23,754 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Vista Local Access ACP City 32 1,326 42,441 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Argonne Local Access ACP City 24 2,652 63,652 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Locust Local Access ACP City 31 1,327 41,134 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 MacArthur Local Access ACP City 26 306 7,945 10.0 9.5 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Pierce Local Access ACP City 28 977 27,357 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Pines Local Access ACP City 40 1,989 79,546 9.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Empire Collector ACP City 26 690 17,940 10.0 9.8 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 South Riverway Local Access ACP City 21 2,311 48,535 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Euclid Local Access ACP City 16 395 6,318 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Utah Local Access ACP City 32 779 24,942 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Buckeye Local Access ACP City 28 1,784 49,956 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Railroad Local Access ACP City 36 415 14,950 9.3 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Indiana Local Access ACP City 40 182 7,292 10.0 10.0 2.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Nora Local Access ACP City 36 657 23,648 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Mission Local Access ACP City 32 636 20,362 10.0 9.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 8 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 267 267 450 267 N Coleman Rd 311 311 450 311 N Coleman Rd 480 480 460 480 N Conklin Rd 547 547 460 547 N Conklin Rd 437 437 470 437 E Crown Av 454 454 470 454 E Crown Av 460 460 470 460 E Crown Av 366 366 480 366 N Dale Rd 272 272 490 272 E Dalton Av 718 718 500 718 N Dartmouth Rd 899 899 500 899 N Dartmouth Rd 441 441 510 441 N Davis Rd 662 662 520 662 E Dean Av 778 778 520 778 E Dean Av 788 788 520 788 E Dean Av 805 805 520 805 E Dean Av 639 639 530 639 E Desmet Av 659 659 530 659 E Desmet Av 660 660 530 660 E Desmet Av 686 686 530 686 E Desmet Av 749 749 530 749 E Desmet Av 777 777 530 777 E Desmet Av 278 278 540 278 N Dick Rd 287 287 540 287 N Dick Rd 321 321 540 321 N Dick Rd 338 338 540 338 N Dick Rd 742 742 540 742 N Dick Rd 870 870 540 870 N Dick Rd 304 304 550 304 N Dickey Rd 305 305 550 305 N Dickey Rd 324 324 550 324 N Dickey Rd 325 325 550 325 N Dickey Rd 158 158 560 158 S Dishman Mica Rd 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 160 160 560 160 S Dishman Mica Rd 171 171 560 171 S Dishman Mica Rd 1915 1915 570 1915 N Dollar Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Rutter Trent Wellesley End Davis Bannen Calvin Shannon Park Augusta Alki End Lake Felts End Bowdish Yardley Fancher Lake Thierman End Felts Euclid Buckeye Trent Indiana Boone Harrington Knox Trent Baldwin End Appleway 4th 8th Sprague Trent Bridgeport Utah Broad Wellesley Evergreen Calvin Progress Knox Edgerton Nora Broadway Sanson Thierman End Woodward Bates Howe Lake Dyer Bradley Sargent Oberlin South Riverway Utah Buckeye Knox End Broadway Mansfield Knox Trent Baldwin 4th 8th 16th Appleway Utah Local Access ACP City 30 2,157 64,717 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 30 2,431 72,935 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 37 606 22,426 Moderate 77 57 Local Access ACP City 40 1,096 43,840 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 36 317 11,413 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 34 1,118 37,998 Moderate 78 58 Local Access ACP City 36 2,063 74,275 Moderate 78 66 Local Access ACP City 40 255 10,191 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 18 320 5,767 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 363 14,501 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 40 637 25,482 Moderate 88 69 Local Access ACP City 40 773 30,930 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 35 1,754 61,395 Moderate 85 66 Local Access ACP City 40 995 39,816 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 32 640 20,469 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 32 195 6,256 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 26 1,321 34,347 Moderate 88 69 Local Access ACP City 30 877 26,302 Moderate 90 71 Local Access ACP City 30 876 26,286 Moderate 69 48 Local Access ACP City 36 663 23,882 Weak 17 49 Local Access ACP City 36 269 9,690 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 40 939 37,567 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 22 1,759 38,701 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 1,187 26,105 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 1,389 30,559 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 22 656 14,435 Weak 54 49 Local Access ACP City 40 966 38,622 Moderate 86 67 Local Access ACP City 20 1,772 35,434 Moderate 72 50 Local Access ACP City 27 314 8,485 Moderate 59 24 Local Access ACP City 27 628 16,965 Moderate 67 42 Local Access ACP City 27 314 8,477 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 31 486 15,059 Moderate 57 30 Principal Arterial ACP City 63 943 59,408 Weak 51 66 Principal Arterial ACP City 62 1,259 78,084 Weak 46 80 Principal Arterial ACP City 62 2,871 178,028 Weak 63 83 Principal Arterial PCC City 37 614 22,735 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 34 1,935 65,787 Weak 29 43 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 9 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 267 267 450 267 N Coleman Rd 311 311 450 311 N Coleman Rd 480 480 460 480 N Conklin Rd 547 547 460 547 N Conklin Rd 437 437 470 437 E Crown Av 454 454 470 454 E Crown Av 460 460 470 460 E Crown Av 366 366 480 366 N Dale Rd 272 272 490 272 E Dalton Av 718 718 500 718 N Dartmouth Rd 899 899 500 899 N Dartmouth Rd 441 441 510 441 N Davis Rd 662 662 520 662 E Dean Av 778 778 520 778 E Dean Av 788 788 520 788 E Dean Av 805 805 520 805 E Dean Av 639 639 530 639 E Desmet Av 659 659 530 659 E Desmet Av 660 660 530 660 E Desmet Av 686 686 530 686 E Desmet Av 749 749 530 749 E Desmet Av 777 777 530 777 E Desmet Av 278 278 540 278 N Dick Rd 287 287 540 287 N Dick Rd 321 321 540 321 N Dick Rd 338 338 540 338 N Dick Rd 742 742 540 742 N Dick Rd 870 870 540 870 N Dick Rd 304 304 550 304 N Dickey Rd 305 305 550 305 N Dickey Rd 324 324 550 324 N Dickey Rd 325 325 550 325 N Dickey Rd 158 158 560 158 S Dishman Mica Rd 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 160 160 560 160 S Dishman Mica Rd 171 171 560 171 S Dishman Mica Rd 1915 1915 570 1915 N Dollar Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Rutter Trent Wellesley End Davis Bannen Calvin Shannon Park Augusta Alki End Lake Felts End Bowdish Yardley Fancher Lake Thierman End Felts Euclid Buckeye Trent Indiana Boone Harrington Knox Trent Baldwin End Appleway 4th 8th Sprague Trent Bridgeport Utah Broad Wellesley Evergreen Calvin Progress Knox Edgerton Nora Broadway Sanson Thierman End Woodward Bates Howe Lake Dyer Bradley Sargent Oberlin South Riverway Utah Buckeye Knox End Broadway Mansfield Knox Trent Baldwin 4th 8th 16th Appleway Utah Local Access ACP City 30 2,157 64,717 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 2,431 72,935 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 606 22,426 7.8 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,096 43,840 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 317 11,413 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 34 1,118 37,998 7.8 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 2,063 74,275 9.3 9.8 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 255 10,191 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 320 5,767 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 363 14,501 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 637 25,482 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 773 30,930 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 35 1,754 61,395 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 995 39,816 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 640 20,469 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 195 6,256 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 1,321 34,347 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 877 26,302 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 876 26,286 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 663 23,882 7.8 9.4 5.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 269 9,690 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 939 37,567 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,759 38,701 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,187 26,105 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,389 30,559 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 656 14,435 10.0 10.0 5.6 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 966 38,622 10.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,772 35,434 9.1 9.7 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 314 8,485 10.0 10.0 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 628 16,965 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 8.8 8.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 314 8,477 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 31 486 15,059 10.0 9.6 6.3 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 63 943 59,408 7.1 8.9 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 62 1,259 78,084 7.2 9.5 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 62 2,871 178,028 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial PCC City 37 614 22,735 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 34 1,935 65,787 9.1 9.9 4.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.3 9.6 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 10 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 326 326 580 326 N 266 266 590 266 N 310 310 590 310 N 744 744 600 744 N 745 745 600 745 N 679 679 610 679 N 862 862 610 862 N 863 863 610 863 N 1917 1917 610 1917 N 306 306 620 306 N 666 666 620 666 N 667 667 620 667 N 677 677 620 677 N 678 678 620 678 N 478 478 630 478 E 273 273 640 273 N 281 281 640 281 N 331 331 640 331 N 348 348 640 348 N 307 307 650 307 N 276 276 660 276 N 284 284 660 284 N 286 286 660 286 N 320 320 660 320 N 334 334 660 334 N 347 347 660 347 N 350 350 660 350 N 695 695 660 695 N 740 740 660 740 N 869 869 660 869 N 509 509 670 509 N 510 510 670 510 N 277 277 680 277 N 336 336 680 336 N 337 337 680 337 N 696 696 680 696 N 741 741 680 741 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Dollar St Dora Rd Dora Rd Dorn Ct Dorn Ct Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastland Ct Edgerton Rd Edgerton Rd Edgerton Rd Edgerton Rd Elizabeth Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ellen Rd Ellen Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd End Rutter Trent End Broadway Val leyway Riverside Sprague Broadway Trent Mallon Broadway Nixon Springfield End Euclid Rutter Indiana End Montgomery Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission Sinto Broadway End Rich Trent Euclid Shannon Indiana End Boone Trent Euclid Mansfield Boone Cataldo Broadway Nixon End Sharp Utah Dean Mallon Springfield Broadway Conklin South Riverway Euclid Railroad Nora Utah South Riverway Euclid Utah Buckeye Knox Indiana Nora Mission End Broadway Longfellow End South Riverway Knox Shannon Mission Sinto Local Access ACP City 32 262 8,381 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 18 1,270 22,865 Moderate 100 76 Local Access ACP City 40 1,012 40,467 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 428 17,120 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 21 664 13,938 Weak 52 58 Local Access ACP City 34 1,101 37,423 Weak 34 41 Local Access ACP City 30 645 19,346 Moderate 56 36 Local Access ACP City 32 246 7,861 Moderate 50 38 Local Access ACP City 21 1,682 35,320 Moderate 44 49 Local Access ACP City 24 1,620 38,872 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 30 280 8,414 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 30 281 8,443 Moderate 95 74 Local Access ACP City 30 1,120 33,603 Moderate 85 67 Local Access ACP City 25 279 6,975 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 37 395 14,619 Moderate 65 40 Local Access ACP City 18 2,466 44,395 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 18 515 9,276 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 31 334 10,352 Moderate 59 58 Local Access ACP City 47 411 19,323 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 20 915 18,298 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 20 2,001 40,018 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 20 172 3,431 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 20 1,020 20,396 Moderate 98 77 Local Access ACP City 20 1,591 31,816 Moderate 98 78 Local Access ACP City 21 542 11,381 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 32 329 10,533 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 36 657 23,655 Moderate 65 37 Local Access ACP City 32 479 15,313 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 41 1,898 77,801 Moderate 87 68 Local Access ACP City 32 1,947 62,311 Moderate 22 49 Local Access ACP City 28 293 8,202 Weak 46 51 Local Access ACP City 20 679 13,576 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 20 1,840 36,803 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 21 282 5,926 Moderate 66 49 Local Access ACP City 20 345 6,900 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 32 295 9,430 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 658 26,312 Moderate 42 56 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 11 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 NO 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 326 326 580 326 N 266 266 590 266 N 310 310 590 310 N 744 744 600 744 N 745 745 600 745 N 679 679 610 679 N 862 862 610 862 N 863 863 610 863 N 1917 1917 610 1917 N 306 306 620 306 N 666 666 620 666 N 667 667 620 667 N 677 677 620 677 N 678 678 620 678 N 478 478 630 478 E 273 273 640 273 N 281 281 640 281 N 331 331 640 331 N 348 348 640 348 N 307 307 650 307 N 276 276 660 276 N 284 284 660 284 N 286 286 660 286 N 320 320 660 320 N 334 334 660 334 N 347 347 660 347 N 350 350 660 350 N 695 695 660 695 N 740 740 660 740 N 869 869 660 869 N 509 509 670 509 N 510 510 670 510 N 277 277 680 277 N 336 336 680 336 N 337 337 680 337 N 696 696 680 696 N 741 741 680 741 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Dollar St Dora Rd Dora Rd Dorn Ct Dorn Ct Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastland Ct Edgerton Rd Edgerton Rd Edgerton Rd Edgerton Rd Elizabeth Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ella Rd Ellen Rd Ellen Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd Elton Rd End Rutter Trent End Broadway Val leyway Riverside Sprague Broadway Trent Mallon Broadway Nixon Springfield End Euclid Rutter Indiana End Montgomery Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission Sinto Broadway End Rich Trent Euclid Shannon Indiana End Boone Trent Euclid Mansfield Boone Cataldo Broadway Nixon End Sharp Utah Dean Mallon Springfield Broadway Conklin South Riverway Euclid Railroad Nora Utah South Riverway Euclid Utah Buckeye Knox Indiana Nora Mission End Broadway Longfellow End South Riverway Knox Shannon Mission Sinto Local Access ACP City 32 262 8,381 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 1,270 22,865 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,012 40,467 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 428 17,120 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 664 13,938 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 4.4 Local Access ACP City 34 1,101 37,423 8.5 10.0 5.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 645 19,346 10.0 9.6 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 246 7,861 6.9 9.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 1,682 35,320 10.0 9.4 5.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,620 38,872 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 280 8,414 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 281 8,443 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,120 33,603 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.7 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 279 6,975 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 395 14,619 8.2 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,466 44,395 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 515 9,276 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 31 334 10,352 10.0 8.7 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 47 411 19,323 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 915 18,298 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 2,001 40,018 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 172 3,431 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,020 20,396 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,591 31,816 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 542 11,381 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 329 10,533 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 657 23,655 7.2 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 479 15,313 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 41 1,898 77,801 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,947 62,311 10.0 9.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.7 3.4 Local Access ACP City 28 293 8,202 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 3.3 Local Access ACP City 20 679 13,576 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,840 36,803 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 282 5,926 10.0 9.4 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 345 6,900 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 295 9,430 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 658 26,312 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 4.5 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 12 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 275 275 690 275 N Ely Rd 283 283 690 283 N Ely Rd 333 333 690 333 N Ely Rd 346 346 690 346 N Ely Rd 7 7 700 7 E Empire Wy 417 417 710 417 E Ermina Av 6 6 720 6 E Euclid Av 9 9 720 9 Euclid Av 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 11 11 720 11 E Euclid Av 264 264 720 264 E Euclid Av 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 1903 1903 720 1903 E Euclid Av 436 436 730 436 E Everett Av 453 453 730 453 E Everett Av 213 213 740 213 N Evergreen Rd 214 214 740 214 N Evergreen Rd 228 228 740 228 N Evergreen Rd 229 229 740 229 N Evergreen Rd 230 230 740 230 N Evergreen Rd 231 231 740 231 N Evergreen Rd 549 549 740 549 Evergreen Rd 646 646 750 646 E Fairgrounds Rd 265 265 760 265 E FairviewAv 291 291 760 291 E FairviewAv 402 402 760 402 E FairviewAv 409 409 760 409 E FairviewAv 714 714 780 714 N Farr Rd 767 767 780 767 N Farr Rd 768 768 780 768 N Farr Rd 719 719 790 719 N Felts Rd 779 779 790 779 N Felts Rd 900 900 790 900 N Felts Rd 244 244 800 244 N Flora Rd 245 245 800 245 N Flora Rd 246 246 800 246 N Flora Rd 247 247 800 247 N Flora Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Rutter Indiana End End Bowdish Park End Flora Barker Dora Sullivan Marietta End Best Wellesley Trent 190 W290 OFF 190 E290 OFF Mission Connection Sprague South Riverway Local Access ACP City 18 2,156 38,809 Moderate 100 75 Euclid Local Access ACP City 18 275 4,958 Moderate 100 75 Railroad Local Access ACP City 48 498 23,895 Moderate 58 57 Indiana Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,867 Moderate 86 72 Cement Collector ACP City 20 5,828 116,551 Moderate 97 74 Wilbur Local Access ACP City 36 737 26,530 Moderate 99 75 Vista Minor Arterial ACP City 22 2,588 56,927 Moderate 100 75 Sullivan Collector ACP City 24 1,373 32,944 Weak 14 46 Barker Collector ACP City 22 5,149 113,275 Weak 39 63 End Collector ACP City 16 2,633 42,132 Weak 24 56 Park Local Access ACP City 16 1,661 26,572 Moderate 99 75 Marietta Collector ACP City 65 3,311 215,229 Moderate 34 70 Flora Collector ACP City 65 2,257 146,726 Moderate 49 67 Davis Local Access ACP City 45 264 11,898 Moderate 100 75 End Local Access ACP City 36 534 19,210 Moderate 100 75 Sanson Minor Arterial ACP City 21 2,216 46,535 Moderate 100 80 Wellesley Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,168 56,362 Moderate 96 74 Indiana Principal Arterial ACP City 102 915 93,300 Moderate 65 70 190 W290 OFF Principal Arterial PCC City 89 595 52,959 Moderate 93 72 190 E290 OFF Principal Arterial ACP City 89 1,103 98,131 Moderate 72 77 Mission Connection Principal Arterial ACP City 73 4,692 342,492 Weak 32 70 Trent Local Access ACP City 36 1,408 50,685 Moderate 56 56 End End Local Access ACP City 54 708 38,258 Weak 1 38 Dora Rutter Local Access ACP City 16 1,516 24,255 Weak 71 65 Ella Vista Local Access ACP City 19 1,312 24,922 Moderate 96 74 University Bowdish Local Access ACP City 34 2,654 90,248 Moderate 78 67 Bowdish End Local Access ACP City 40 2,043 81,738 Moderate 100 75 Mission End Local Access ACP City 40 638 25,538 Moderate 74 58 Maxwell Mission Local Access ACP City 26 336 8,747 Moderate 99 75 Boone Maxwell Local Access ACP City 24 969 23,260 Moderate 98 75 Mission End Local Access ACP City 24 1,218 29,221 Moderate 97 74 Broadway Mission Local Access ACP City 24 2,648 63,561 Moderate 95 73 Main Broadway Local Access ACP City 28 1,993 55,810 Moderate 86 68 Trent Wellesley Minor Arterial ACP City 29 1,339 38,830 Moderate 63 61 Euclid Trent Minor Arterial ACP City 42 3,923 164,769 Weak 28 58 Euclid Euclid Minor Arterial ACP City 45 760 34,200 Moderate 42 46 Mission Montgomery Collector ACP City 31 2,140 66,326 Weak 83 71 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 13 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 275 275 690 275 N Ely Rd 283 283 690 283 N Ely Rd 333 333 690 333 N Ely Rd 346 346 690 346 N Ely Rd 7 7 700 7 E Empire Wy 417 417 710 417 E Ermina Av 6 6 720 6 E Euclid Av 9 9 720 9 Euclid Av 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 11 11 720 11 E Euclid Av 264 264 720 264 E Euclid Av 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 1903 1903 720 1903 E Euclid Av 436 436 730 436 E Everett Av 453 453 730 453 E Everett Av 213 213 740 213 N Evergreen Rd 214 214 740 214 N Evergreen Rd 228 228 740 228 N Evergreen Rd 229 229 740 229 N Evergreen Rd 230 230 740 230 N Evergreen Rd 231 231 740 231 N Evergreen Rd 549 549 740 549 Evergreen Rd 646 646 750 646 E Fairgrounds Rd 265 265 760 265 E FairviewAv 291 291 760 291 E FairviewAv 402 402 760 402 E FairviewAv 409 409 760 409 E FairviewAv 714 714 780 714 N Farr Rd 767 767 780 767 N Farr Rd 768 768 780 768 N Farr Rd 719 719 790 719 N Felts Rd 779 779 790 779 N Felts Rd 900 900 790 900 N Felts Rd 244 244 800 244 N Flora Rd 245 245 800 245 N Flora Rd 246 246 800 246 N Flora Rd 247 247 800 247 N Flora Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Rutter Indiana End End Bowdlish Park End Flora Barker Dora Sullivan Marietta End Best Wellesley Trent 190 W290 OFF 190 E290 OFF Mission Connection Sprague South Riverway Local Access ACP City 18 2,156 38,809 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Euclid Local Access ACP City 18 275 4,958 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Railroad Local Access ACP City 48 498 23,895 10.0 8.7 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Indiana Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,867 10.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Cement Collector ACP City 20 5,828 116,551 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Wilbur Local Access ACP City 36 737 26,530 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Vista Minor Arterial ACP City 22 2,588 56,927 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Sullivan Collector ACP City 24 1,373 32,944 8.4 9.2 6.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.7 10.0 10.0 6.4 Barker Collector ACP City 22 5,149 113,275 6.6 9.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 9.9 10.0 End Collector ACP City 16 2,633 42,132 7.1 9.1 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.8 8.6 Park Local Access ACP City 16 1,661 26,572 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Marietta Collector ACP City 65 3,311 215,229 9.5 7.7 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 Flora Collector ACP City 65 2,257 146,726 9.8 8.6 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.5 10.0 10.0 Davis Local Access ACP City 45 264 11,898 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 End Local Access ACP City 36 534 19,210 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Sanson Minor Arterial ACP City 21 2,216 46,535 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Wellesley Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,168 56,362 10.0 9.9 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Indiana Principal Arterial ACP City 102 915 93,300 7.8 8.6 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 190 W290 OFF Principal Arterial PCC City 89 595 52,959 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1 90 E290 OFF Principal Arterial ACP City 89 1,103 98,131 8.7 8.4 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Mission Connection Principal Arterial ACP City 73 4,692 342,492 5.3 8.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 Trent Local Access ACP City 36 1,408 50,685 10.0 7.1 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 End End Local Access ACP City 54 708 38,258 8.5 8.8 5.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 5.8 Dora Rutter Local Access ACP City 16 1,516 24,255 8.9 10.0 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Ella Vista Local Access ACP City 19 1,312 24,922 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 University Bowdlish Local Access ACP City 34 2,654 90,248 9.1 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Bowdlish End Local Access ACP City 40 2,043 81,738 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Mission End Local Access ACP City 40 638 25,538 9.3 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Maxwell Mission Local Access ACP City 26 336 8,747 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Boone Maxwell Local Access ACP City 24 969 23,260 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 Mission End Local Access ACP City 24 1,218 29,221 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 Broadway Mission Local Access ACP City 24 2,648 63,561 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 Main Broadway Local Access ACP City 28 1,993 55,810 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Trent Wellesley Minor Arterial ACP City 29 1,339 38,830 7.4 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.9 10.0 Euclid Trent Minor Arterial ACP City 42 3,923 164,769 6.6 9.6 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 Euclid Euclid Minor Arterial ACP City 45 760 34,200 7.8 9.1 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Mission Montgomery Collector ACP City 31 2,140 66,326 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 14 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 248 248 800 248 N 810 810 820 810 N 924 924 820 924 N 290 290 830 290 E 401 401 830 401 E 408 408 830 408 E 393 393 840 393 N 385 385 850 385 N 913 913 860 913 N 682 682 870 682 E 269 269 880 269 N 313 313 880 313 N 691 691 880 691 N 733 733 880 733 N 261 261 890 261 E 723 723 900 723 N 792 792 910 792 N 911 911 910 911 N 912 912 910 912 N 292 292 920 292 E 403 403 920 403 E 410 410 920 410 E 868 868 930 868 E 874 874 930 874 E 176 176 940 176 N 717 717 940 717 N 482 482 950 482 E 492 492 950 492 E 493 493 950 493 E 513 513 950 513 E 528 528 950 528 E 534 534 950 534 E 538 538 950 538 E 540 540 950 540 E 522 522 960 522 E 643 643 970 643 N 645 645 970 645 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Flora Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Frederick Av Frederick Av Frederick Av Gary Lauri Ct Gillis Ct Gillis Rd Girard Ct Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Glass Av Glenn Ct Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Grace Av Grace Av Grace Av Harrington Av Harrington Av Herald Rd Herald Rd Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Ln Howe St Howe St Broadway Cataldo Main Dick End Bowdish Kalb Fairview Sprague Maxwell Fairview Trent End Broadway End End Maxwell Alki Olive Ella University Bowdish Ella Vista Broadway Augusta End McDonald Mayhew Calvin Progress Tolford Lillian Sunnyvale End Sharp Broadway Mission End End Vista Bowdish End End End Main Bowman Bridgeport Montgomery Boone Cataldo End Nora Mission Broadway Alki Vista Bowdish Pines Vista Hutchinson Mission Nora McDonald Mayhew Evergreen Warren St Charles Isenhart Conklin End Lucille Railroad Sharp Collector ACP City 30 2,664 79,933 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 20 483 9,659 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 20 328 6,570 Strong 77 57 Local Access ACP City 22 654 14,399 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,189 47,574 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 40 2,052 82,082 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 40 596 23,848 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 28 350 9,800 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 676 20,268 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 23 869 19,992 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 16 1,702 27,237 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 26 814 21,167 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 22 254 5,586 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 42 660 27,713 Moderate 86 67 Local Access ACP City 18 2,569 46,237 Moderate 77 58 Local Access ACP City 36 499 17,955 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 40 501 20,023 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 38 682 25,930 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 40 322 12,860 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 20 1,309 26,180 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 2,654 95,558 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 36 2,651 95,437 Moderate 83 74 Local Access ACP City 26 1,301 33,825 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 22 2,399 52,775 Weak 81 69 Collector ACP City 26 2,637 68,574 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 541 21,640 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 29 886 25,682 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,688 67,526 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 997 39,866 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 32 255 8,157 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 40 389 15,553 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,974 78,951 Moderate 87 68 Local Access ACP City 36 340 12,240 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 580 23,194 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 30 332 9,965 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 565 13,568 Moderate 99 89 Local Access ACP City 28 1,633 45,731 Moderate 94 73 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 15 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 248 248 800 248 N 810 810 820 810 N 924 924 820 924 N 290 290 830 290 E 401 401 830 401 E 408 408 830 408 E 393 393 840 393 N 385 385 850 385 N 913 913 860 913 N 682 682 870 682 E 269 269 880 269 N 313 313 880 313 N 691 691 880 691 N 733 733 880 733 N 261 261 890 261 E 723 723 900 723 N 792 792 910 792 N 911 911 910 911 N 912 912 910 912 N 292 292 920 292 E 403 403 920 403 E 410 410 920 410 E 868 868 930 868 E 874 874 930 874 E 176 176 940 176 N 717 717 940 717 N 482 482 950 482 E 492 492 950 492 E 493 493 950 493 E 513 513 950 513 E 528 528 950 528 E 534 534 950 534 E 538 538 950 538 E 540 540 950 540 E 522 522 960 522 E 643 643 970 643 N 645 645 970 645 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Flora Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Frederick Av Frederick Av Frederick Av Gary Lauri Ct Gillis Ct Gillis Rd Girard Ct Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Glass Av Glenn Ct Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Grace Av Grace Av Grace Av Harrington Av Harrington Av Herald Rd Herald Rd Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Av Heroy Ln Howe St Howe St Broadway Cataldo Main Dick End Bowdlish Kalb Fairview Sprague Maxwell Fairview Trent End Broadway End End Maxwell Alki Olive Ella University Bowdlish Ella Vista Broadway Augusta End McDonald Mayhew Calvin Progress Tolford Lillian Sunnyvale End Sharp Broadway Mission End End Vista Bowdlish End End End Main Bowman Bridgeport Montgomery Boone Cataldo End Nora Mission Broadway Alki Vista Bowdlish Pines Vista Hutchinson Mission Nora McDonald Mayhew Evergreen Warren St Charles Isenhart Conklin End Lucille Railroad Sharp Collector ACP City 30 2,664 79,933 9.7 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 483 9,659 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 328 6,570 10.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 654 14,399 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,189 47,574 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 2,052 82,082 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 596 23,848 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 350 9,800 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 676 20,268 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 869 19,992 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 16 1,702 27,237 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 814 21,167 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 254 5,586 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 42 660 27,713 10.0 9.4 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,569 46,237 7.9 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 499 17,955 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 501 20,023 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 38 682 25,930 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 322 12,860 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,309 26,180 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 2,654 95,558 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.3 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 2,651 95,437 10.0 8.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 1,301 33,825 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,399 52,775 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 26 2,637 68,574 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 541 21,640 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 29 886 25,682 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,688 67,526 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 997 39,866 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 255 8,157 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 389 15,553 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,974 78,951 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 340 12,240 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 580 23,194 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 332 9,965 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 565 13,568 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 1,633 45,731 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 16 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 356 356 980 356 N Hutchinson Rd 368 368 980 368 N Hutchinson Rd 880 880 980 880 N Hutchinson Rd 10004 991 5 Indiana 10005 992 5 Indiana 19 19 990 19 E Indiana Av 20 20 990 20 E Indiana Av 21 21 990 21 E Indiana Av 339 339 990 339 E Indiana Av 359 359 990 359 E Indiana Av 361 361 990 361 E Indiana Av 373 373 990 373 E Indiana Av 1904 1904 990 1904 E Indiana Av 1905 1905 990 1905 E Indiana Av 472 472 1000 472 N Isenhart Rd 473 473 1000 473 N Isenhart Rd 543 543 1000 543 N Isenhart Rd 317 317 1020 317 E Jackson Av 406 406 1020 406 E Jackson Av 419 419 1020 419 E Jackson Av 390 390 1030 390 N Johnson Ct 798 798 1040 798 N Johnson Rd 439 439 1050 439 N Keller Rd 503 503 1050 503 N Keller Rd 260 260 1060 260 E Kiernan Av 550 550 1060 550 E Kiernan Av 14 14 1070 14 E Knox Av 303 303 1070 303 E Knox Av 329 329 1070 329 E Knox Av 330 330 1070 330 E Knox Av 369 369 1070 369 E Knox Av 371 371 1070 371 E Knox Av 1922 1922 1070 1922 E Knox Av 486 486 1080 486 E Lacrosse Av 665 665 1090 665 N Lake Rd 676 676 1090 676 N Lake Rd 475 475 1100 475 N Larch Ct IMS Infrastructure Management Services Knox Dale Riverside Old East Mission Indiana Montgomery Mirabeau Sullivan Park Sipple Hutchinson Skipworth Evergreen End Broad Wellesley Rich Ella Montgomery Woodruff End Broadway Wellesley Rockwell End End Vista End Ella Dick Argonne Woodruff End End Broadway End End Montgomery Knox Val leyway Indiana Flora Mirabeau Evergreen End Vista Sargent Argonne Montgomery End Sullivan End Broad Wellesley Vista Wilbur End Grace End Sanson Rich South Riverway Sullivan Argonne Eastern Dick Vista End End Woodruff Vercler Sharp Broadway Broad Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,424 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,793 71,735 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 28 1,177 32,968 Moderate 97 74 Collector ACP City 24 1,164 27,944 Weak 76 72 Collector ACP City 24 2,033 48,786 Moderate 86 68 Minor Arterial ACP City 67 3,723 249,422 Weak 10 66 Minor Arterial ACP City 69 2,699 186,201 Weak 20 81 Collector ACP City 70 3,830 268,072 Weak 70 74 Local Access ACP City 26 2,584 67,184 Moderate 82 63 Local Access ACP City 40 1,017 40,682 Weak 28 35 Local Access ACP City 44 211 9,286 Weak 24 35 Local Access ACP City 36 1,630 58,686 Weak 19 47 Minor Arterial ACP City 59 3,028 178,673 Weak 46 86 Minor Arterial ACP City 79 1,955 154,409 Moderate 56 72 Local Access ACP City 44 180 7,920 Moderate 88 69 Local Access ACP City 40 498 19,914 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,838 Moderate 61 68 Local Access ACP City 20 1,311 26,225 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,769 70,767 Moderate 63 60 Local Access ACP City 19 574 10,906 Weak 13 38 Local Access ACP City 43 205 8,803 Moderate 90 71 Local Access ACP City 28 563 15,767 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 22 2,213 48,685 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 417 9,185 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 18 1,256 22,615 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 44 987 43,423 Strong 31 50 Collector ACP City 34 2,643 89,862 Weak 68 67 Local Access ACP City 28 646 18,092 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 22 780 17,151 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 21 467 9,797 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 40 353 14,112 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 30 2,646 79,374 Moderate 58 65 Local Access ACP City 28 640 17,909 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 30 166 4,980 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 1,680 50,385 Weak 30 61 Local Access ACP City 30 1,522 45,665 Moderate 76 56 Local Access ACP City 42 298 12,516 Moderate 93 72 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 17 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 356 356 980 356 N Hutchinson Rd 368 368 980 368 N Hutchinson Rd 880 880 980 880 N Hutchinson Rd 10004 991 5 Indiana 10005 992 5 Indiana 19 19 990 19 E Indiana Av 20 20 990 20 E Indiana Av 21 21 990 21 E Indiana Av 339 339 990 339 E Indiana Av 359 359 990 359 E Indiana Av 361 361 990 361 E Indiana Av 373 373 990 373 E Indiana Av 1904 1904 990 1904 E Indiana Av 1905 1905 990 1905 E Indiana Av 472 472 1000 472 N Isenhart Rd 473 473 1000 473 N Isenhart Rd 543 543 1000 543 N Isenhart Rd 317 317 1020 317 E Jackson Av 406 406 1020 406 E Jackson Av 419 419 1020 419 E Jackson Av 390 390 1030 390 N Johnson Ct 798 798 1040 798 N Johnson Rd 439 439 1050 439 N Keller Rd 503 503 1050 503 N Keller Rd 260 260 1060 260 E Kiernan Av 550 550 1060 550 E Kiernan Av 14 14 1070 14 E Knox Av 303 303 1070 303 E Knox Av 329 329 1070 329 E Knox Av 330 330 1070 330 E Knox Av 369 369 1070 369 E Knox Av 371 371 1070 371 E Knox Av 1922 1922 1070 1922 E Knox Av 486 486 1080 486 E Lacrosse Av 665 665 1090 665 N Lake Rd 676 676 1090 676 N Lake Rd 475 475 1100 475 N Larch Ct IMS Infrastructure Management Services Knox Dale Riverside Old East Mission Indiana Montgomery Mirabeau Sullivan Park Sipple Hutchinson Skipworth Evergreen End Broad Wellesley Rich Ella Montgomery Woodruff End Broadway Wellesley Rockwell End End Vista End Ella Dick Argonne Woodruff End End Broadway End End Montgomery Knox Val leyway Indiana Flora Mirabeau Evergreen End Vista Sargent Argonne Montgomery End Sullivan End Broad Wellesley Vista Wilbur End Grace End Sanson Rich South Riverway Sullivan Argonne Eastern Dick Vista End End Woodruff Vercler Sharp Broadway Broad Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,424 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,793 71,735 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 1,177 32,968 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 24 1,164 27,944 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 24 2,033 48,786 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 67 3,723 249,422 7.3 8.9 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.8 8.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 69 2,699 186,201 7.4 8.7 5.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 70 3,830 268,072 9.7 9.7 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 Local Access ACP City 26 2,584 67,184 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,017 40,682 8.4 9.5 4.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 211 9,286 7.8 9.3 5.6 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,630 58,686 7.6 9.4 4.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 59 3,028 178,673 8.0 9.4 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 79 1,955 154,409 7.4 8.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 180 7,920 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 498 19,914 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,838 7.3 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,311 26,225 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,769 70,767 9.1 8.6 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 19 574 10,906 10.0 10.0 2.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 43 205 8,803 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 563 15,767 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,213 48,685 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 417 9,185 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 1,256 22,615 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 987 43,423 9.0 9.3 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 5.6 9.4 10.0 Collector ACP City 34 2,643 89,862 7.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 646 18,092 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 780 17,151 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 467 9,797 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 353 14,112 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 2,646 79,374 8.8 9.7 8.6 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 640 17,909 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 166 4,980 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,680 50,385 8.2 9.3 8.6 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.4 9.7 6.7 Local Access ACP City 30 1,522 45,665 8.4 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 42 298 12,516 10.0 9.7 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 18 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 476 476 1110 476 544 544 1110 544 364 364 1120 364 752 752 1120 752 279 279 1130 279 743 743 1130 743 263 263 1140 263 477 477 1150 477 545 545 1160 545 546 546 1160 546 268 268 1170 268 312 312 1170 312 688 688 1170 688 732 732 1170 732 421 421 1180 421 374 374 1190 374 382 382 1190 382 713 713 1190 713 765 765 1190 765 888 888 1190 888 483 483 1200 483 494 494 1200 494 514 514 1200 514 515 515 1200 515 523 523 1200 523 535 535 1200 535 537 537 1200 537 539 539 1200 539 452 452 1210 452 520 520 1210 520 771 771 1220 771 206 206 1230 206 1863 1863 1230 1863 675 675 1240 675 E 860 860 1240 860 E 873 873 1240 873 E 885 885 1240 885 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Larch Rd Larch Rd Laura Rd Laura Rd Lewis Rd Lewis Rd Liberty Av Lillian Ct Lillian Rd Lillian Rd Lily Rd Lily Rd Lily Rd Lily Rd Lockwood Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Lucille Rd Lucille Rd MacArthur Rd Madison Rd MADISON RD Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Broad Longfellow Nora Sinto Euclid Boone Coleman End Longfellow Trent Fairview Trent End Broadway Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Sprague Woodlawn Mayhew End Bannen End Tolford Larch Conklin Broad Longfellow Cataldo 40th Thorpe Fancher Dyer Harrington Argonne Olympic Wellesley Knox End Liberty End Vista Olympic Wellesley Rich Liberty Montgomery Mission End End Montgomery End Nora Mission Broadway End End Adams Best Progress Isenhart Lillian Sunnyvale Crown Wellesley Boone MADISON End End Thierman Argonne Willow Local Access ACP City 32 474 15,172 Moderate 98 80 Local Access ACP City 40 767 30,672 Moderate 87 72 Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,846 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 325 12,991 Moderate 100 76 Local Access ACP City 18 639 11,509 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,167 46,684 Moderate 82 63 Local Access ACP City 18 3,918 70,528 Moderate 72 57 Local Access ACP City 48 149 7,169 Moderate 87 68 Local Access ACP City 40 777 31,093 Moderate 72 54 Local Access ACP City 40 255 10,196 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 22 1,359 29,907 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 30 926 27,783 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 21 1,586 33,308 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 403 8,874 Moderate 90 70 Local Access ACP City 20 1,026 20,517 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 1,444 43,329 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 34 772 26,231 Moderate 88 69 Local Access ACP City 24 863 20,700 Moderate 82 64 Local Access ACP City 28 2,639 73,893 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 2,647 58,234 Moderate 90 70 Local Access ACP City 36 157 5,637 Weak 19 29 Local Access ACP City 36 307 11,044 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 32 1,064 34,058 Moderate 98 74 Local Access ACP City 32 511 16,348 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 32 666 21,298 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,744 69,742 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,610 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 404 16,146 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 1,110 39,944 Moderate 61 54 Local Access ACP City 36 855 30,793 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 24 618 14,830 Moderate 99 75 Collector ACP City 28 2,988 83,674 Moderate 60 64 Local Access ACP City 27 1,539 41,547 Moderate 78 72 Local Access ACP City 40 489 19,549 Weak 35 44 Local Access ACP City 24 881 21,151 Weak 56 54 Local Access ACP City 22 2,228 49,007 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 671 26,848 Moderate 84 66 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 19 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0)0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 476 476 1110 476 544 544 1110 544 364 364 1120 364 752 752 1120 752 279 279 1130 279 743 743 1130 743 263 263 1140 263 477 477 1150 477 545 545 1160 545 546 546 1160 546 268 268 1170 268 312 312 1170 312 688 688 1170 688 732 732 1170 732 421 421 1180 421 374 374 1190 374 382 382 1190 382 713 713 1190 713 765 765 1190 765 888 888 1190 888 483 483 1200 483 494 494 1200 494 514 514 1200 514 515 515 1200 515 523 523 1200 523 535 535 1200 535 537 537 1200 537 539 539 1200 539 452 452 1210 452 520 520 1210 520 771 771 1220 771 206 206 1230 206 1863 1863 1230 1863 675 675 1240 675 E 860 860 1240 860 E 873 873 1240 873 E 885 885 1240 885 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Larch Rd Larch Rd Laura Rd Laura Rd Lewis Rd Lewis Rd Liberty Av Lillian Ct Lillian Rd Lillian Rd Lily Rd Lily Rd Lily Rd Lily Rd Lockwood Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Locust Rd Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Longfellow Av Lucille Rd Lucille Rd MacArthur Rd Madison Rd MADISON RD Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Broad Longfellow Nora Sinto Euclid Boone Coleman End Longfellow Trent Fairview Trent End Broadway Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Sprague Woodlawn Mayhew End Bannen End Tolford Larch Conklin Broad Longfellow Cataldo 40th Thorpe Fancher Dyer Harrington Argonne Olympic Wellesley Knox End Liberty End Vista Olympic Wellesley Rich Liberty Montgomery Mission End End Montgomery End Nora Mission Broadway End End Adams Best Progress Isen hart Lillian Sunnyvale Crown Wellesley Boone MADISON End End Thierman Argonne Willow Local Access ACP City 32 474 15,172 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 767 30,672 10.0 9.8 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,846 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 325 12,991 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 639 11,509 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,167 46,684 10.0 9.6 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 3,918 70,528 10.0 10.0 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 48 149 7,169 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 777 31,093 10.0 10.0 7.3 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 255 10,196 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,359 29,907 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 926 27,783 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 1,586 33,308 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 403 8,874 9.2 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,026 20,517 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,444 43,329 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 34 772 26,231 10.0 9.5 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 863 20,700 8.3 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 2,639 73,893 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,647 58,234 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 157 5,637 4.6 9.7 8.3 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 307 11,044 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,064 34,058 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 511 16,348 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 666 21,298 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,744 69,742 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,610 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 404 16,146 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,110 39,944 10.0 9.5 6.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 855 30,793 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 618 14,830 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Collector ACP City 28 2,988 83,674 7.9 9.2 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 1,539 41,547 10.0 8.8 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 489 19,549 7.3 9.6 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 881 21,151 10.0 9.8 5.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,228 49,007 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 671 26,848 10.0 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 20 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 886 886 1240 886 E 898 898 1240 898 E 921 921 1240 921 E 1924 1924 1240 1924 E 1925 1925 1240 1925 E 641 641 1250 641 E 663 663 1250 663 E 790 790 1250 790 E 791 791 1250 791 E 196 196 1260 196 E 300 300 1260 300 E 301 301 1260 301 E 302 302 1260 302 E 352 352 1260 352 E 355 355 1270 355 N 367 367 1270 367 N 755 755 1270 755 N 879 879 1270 879 N 295 295 1280 295 E 316 316 1280 316 E 404 404 1280 404 E 412 412 1280 412 E 413 413 1280 413 E 680 680 1290 680 E 692 692 1290 692 E 756 756 1290 756 E 773 773 1290 773 E 784 784 1290 784 E 785 785 1290 785 E 801 801 1290 801 E 440 440 1300 440 N 500 500 1300 500 N 501 501 1300 501 N 502 502 1300 502 N 198 198 1310 198 N 212 212 1310 212 N 438 438 1310 438 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd Willow Herald Bowdish University Wilbur Yardley Lake Van Marter Johnson Wilbur End Eastern Bradley End Knox End Broadway Harrington Elizabeth Park Van Marter End Fox Lily Park Boeing Oberlin University End End Wellesley Heroy Longfellow Rich Broadway Trent Wellesley Locust University Wilbur Skipworth Pines Howe Thierman Pierce Skipworth Pines Eastern Dollar Lily Marguerite Montgomery Knox Mission Broadway Park Vista End Wilbur Pines Bowman Ella Sunderland University Pierce Bowdish Pines Sanson Wellesley Heroy Longfellow Mission Wellesley Sanson Local Access ACP City 22 652 14,343 Moderate 81 62 Local Access ACP City 28 1,987 55,647 Moderate 85 72 Local Access ACP City 22 665 14,637 Moderate 85 66 Local Access ACP City 22 1,982 43,594 Moderate 27 50 Local Access ACP City 28 1,970 55,162 Moderate 71 49 Local Access ACP City 24 1,321 31,698 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 26 1,756 45,658 Moderate 62 51 Local Access ACP City 30 976 29,283 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 30 233 6,978 Moderate 99 75 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 1,999 95,947 Moderate 84 75 Local Access ACP City 22 1,298 28,561 Moderate 49 39 Local Access ACP City 28 662 18,547 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 20 1,042 20,837 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,447 57,877 Moderate 99 77 Local Access ACP City 40 659 26,346 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 659 26,344 Moderate 92 71 Local Access ACP City 24 2,647 63,524 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 19 2,250 42,750 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 20 2,305 46,090 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 18 2,587 46,561 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 31 423 13,098 Weak 37 45 Local Access ACP City 33 369 12,183 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,458 58,301 Moderate 90 71 Local Access ACP City 22 790 17,389 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 1,262 45,418 Moderate 66 53 Local Access ACP City 24 650 15,600 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 438 17,505 Weak 19 38 Local Access ACP City 40 1,447 57,899 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 24 663 15,914 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 24 2,318 55,635 Moderate 84 74 Local Access ACP City 18 2,213 39,827 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 365 14,602 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 230 8,274 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 640 14,090 Moderate 100 75 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,652 116,676 Moderate 63 70 Collector ACP City 24 2,398 57,559 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 22 2,210 48,628 Moderate 100 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 21 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 886 886 1240 886 E 898 898 1240 898 E 921 921 1240 921 E 1924 1924 1240 1924 E 1925 1925 1240 1925 E 641 641 1250 641 E 663 663 1250 663 E 790 790 1250 790 E 791 791 1250 791 E 196 196 1260 196 E 300 300 1260 300 E 301 301 1260 301 E 302 302 1260 302 E 352 352 1260 352 E 355 355 1270 355 N 367 367 1270 367 N 755 755 1270 755 N 879 879 1270 879 N 295 295 1280 295 E 316 316 1280 316 E 404 404 1280 404 E 412 412 1280 412 E 413 413 1280 413 E 680 680 1290 680 E 692 692 1290 692 E 756 756 1290 756 E 773 773 1290 773 E 784 784 1290 784 E 785 785 1290 785 E 801 801 1290 801 E 440 440 1300 440 N 500 500 1300 500 N 501 501 1300 501 N 502 502 1300 502 N 198 198 1310 198 N 212 212 1310 212 N 438 438 1310 438 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd Willow Herald Bowdish University Wilbur Yardley Lake Van Marter Johnson Wilbur End Eastern Bradley End Knox End Broadway Harrington Elizabeth Park Van Marter End Fox Lily Park Boeing Oberlin University End End Wellesley Heroy Longfellow Rich Broadway Trent Wellesley Locust University Wilbur Skipworth Pines Howe Thierman Pierce Skipworth Pines Eastern Dollar Lily Marguerite Montgomery Knox Mission Broadway Park Vista End Wilbur Pines Bowman Ella Sunderland University Pierce Bowdish Pines Sanson Wellesley Heroy Longfellow Mission Wellesley Sanson Local Access ACP City 22 652 14,343 10.0 8.9 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 1,987 55,647 10.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 665 14,637 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,982 43,594 10.0 8.7 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.8 4.7 Local Access ACP City 28 1,970 55,162 8.9 9.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,321 31,698 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 1,756 45,658 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.4 7.2 Local Access ACP City 30 976 29,283 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 233 6,978 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 1,999 95,947 8.3 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,298 28,561 8.9 9.9 6.8 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 662 18,547 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,042 20,837 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,447 57,877 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 659 26,346 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 659 26,344 10.0 9.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,647 63,524 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 19 2,250 42,750 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 2,305 46,090 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,587 46,561 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 31 423 13,098 5.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Local Access ACP City 33 369 12,183 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,458 58,301 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 790 17,389 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,262 45,418 10.0 9.4 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 650 15,600 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 438 17,505 8.2 10.0 3.9 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,447 57,899 10.0 9.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 663 15,914 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,318 55,635 10.0 9.9 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,213 39,827 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 365 14,602 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 230 8,274 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 640 14,090 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,652 116,676 7.6 8.7 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 24 2,398 57,559 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,210 48,628 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 22 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 751 751 1320 751 N Mesa Rd 358 358 1330 358 E Michielli Av 197 197 1340 197 N Mirabeau Pk 1911 1911 1340 1911 N Mirabeau Pk 1912 1912 1340 1912 E Mirabeau Pk 10003 993 5 Mission Av 22 22 1350 22 E Mission Av 23 23 1350 23 E Mission Av 27 27 1350 27 E Mission Av 28 28 1350 28 E Mission Av 29 29 1350 29 E Mission Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 31 31 1350 31 E Mission Av 32 32 1350 32 E Mission Av 33 33 1350 33 E Mission Av 34 34 1350 34 E Mission Av 35 35 1350 35 E Mission Av 916 916 1360 916 N Moffitt Rd 15 15 1370 15 E Montgomery Av 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 297 297 1370 297 E Montgomery Av 299 299 1370 299 E Montgomery Av 351 351 1370 351 Montgomery Av 381 381 1370 381 E Montgomery Av 17 17 1380 17 E Montgomery Dr 18 18 1380 18 E Montgomery Dr 298 298 1390 298 E Montgomery Rd 542 542 1400 542 N Moore Rd 1931 1931 1400 1931 N Moore Rd 491 491 1410 491 N Morrow Ct 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 169 169 1420 169 N Mullan Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 674 674 1430 674 E Nixon Av 859 859 1430 859 E Nixon Av 884 884 1430 884 E Nixon Av 908 908 1430 908 E Nixon Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sinto Sargent Mansfield Indiana Pines Flora Flora Barker Vista Argonne Herald University Bowdish Union Pines McDonald Mission Connection Sprague Argonne Woodruff End Lily End Montgomery University Wilbur Elizabeth End Wellesley Rich Mission Broadway Dishman Mica Lake Dyer Willow Van Marter End Marguerite Pinecroft Mansfield Pinecroft Old East Mission Barker End Argonne Herald University Bowdish Union Pines McDonald Mission Connection Adams Main Woodruff University Eastern Park Argonne End Wilbur Pines Bradley Wellesley End End Argonne Mission Broadway Eastern Thierman Locust Pierce Local Access ACP City 36 316 11,388 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 40 617 24,671 Moderate 99 75 Collector ACP City 35 4,416 154,555 Moderate 77 75 Collector ACP City 76 614 46,679 Moderate 86 67 Collector ACP City 46 2,524 116,123 Moderate 96 74 Collector ACP City 24 1,009 24,206 Moderate 100 75 Collector ACP City 25 5,253 131,327 Moderate 96 79 Collector ACP City 44 2,776 122,157 Moderate 99 78 Collector ACP City 30 2,641 79,224 Moderate 80 76 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 3,314 145,818 Weak 34 74 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,988 87,467 Moderate 67 85 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,656 116,882 Weak 51 84 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,510 66,445 Moderate 75 86 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 1,154 48,484 Moderate 87 68 Minor Arterial ACP City 50 2,652 132,595 Weak 47 73 Minor Arterial ACP City 49 3,154 154,542 Moderate 55 77 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 2,286 109,737 Moderate 72 84 Local Access ACP City 26 676 17,568 Moderate 93 72 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,644 119,002 Weak 62 67 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,872 129,220 Weak 54 64 Local Access ACP City 44 140 6,168 Weak 23 23 Local Access ACP City 20 891 17,827 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 44 1,401 61,652 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 26 696 18,103 Moderate 76 56 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 3,750 157,516 Moderate 59 73 Minor Arterial ACP City 35 2,680 93,808 Moderate 73 67 Local Access ACP City 20 376 7,527 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,308 52,326 Moderate 74 56 Local Access ACP City 25 859 21,484 Weak 30 42 Local Access ACP City 45 292 13,140 Moderate 93 73 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 1,612 58,016 Weak 63 68 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,645 95,223 Weak 39 77 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,651 95,419 Weak 39 70 Local Access ACP City 30 443 13,277 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 26 843 21,914 Weak 36 39 Local Access ACP City 24 652 15,652 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 980 23,513 Moderate 100 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 23 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 751 751 1320 751 N Mesa Rd 358 358 1330 358 E Michielli Av 197 197 1340 197 N Mirabeau Pk 1911 1911 1340 1911 N Mirabeau Pk 1912 1912 1340 1912 E Mirabeau Pk 10003 993 5 Mission Av 22 22 1350 22 E Mission Av 23 23 1350 23 E Mission Av 27 27 1350 27 E Mission Av 28 28 1350 28 E Mission Av 29 29 1350 29 E Mission Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 31 31 1350 31 E Mission Av 32 32 1350 32 E Mission Av 33 33 1350 33 E Mission Av 34 34 1350 34 E Mission Av 35 35 1350 35 E Mission Av 916 916 1360 916 N Moffitt Rd 15 15 1370 15 E Montgomery Av 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 297 297 1370 297 E Montgomery Av 299 299 1370 299 E Montgomery Av 351 351 1370 351 Montgomery Av 381 381 1370 381 E Montgomery Av 17 17 1380 17 E Montgomery Dr 18 18 1380 18 E Montgomery Dr 298 298 1390 298 E Montgomery Rd 542 542 1400 542 N Moore Rd 1931 1931 1400 1931 N Moore Rd 491 491 1410 491 N Morrow Ct 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 169 169 1420 169 N Mullan Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 674 674 1430 674 E Nixon Av 859 859 1430 859 E Nixon Av 884 884 1430 884 E Nixon Av 908 908 1430 908 E Nixon Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sinto Sargent Mansfield Indiana Pines Flora Flora Barker Vista Argonne Herald University Bowdlish Union Pines McDonald Mission Connection Sprague Argonne Woodruff End Lily End Montgomery University Wilbur Elizabeth End Wellesley Rich Mission Broadway Dishman Mica Lake Dyer Willow Van Marter End Marguerite Pinecroft Mansfield Pinecroft Old East Mission Barker End Argonne Herald University Bowdlish Union Pines McDonald Mission Connection Adams Main Woodruff University Eastern Park Argonne End Wilbur Pines Bradley Wellesley End End Argonne Mission Broadway Eastern Thierman Locust Pierce Local Access ACP City 36 316 11,388 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 617 24,671 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Collector ACP City 35 4,416 154,555 8.4 9.5 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 76 614 46,679 10.0 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 46 2,524 116,123 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 24 1,009 24,206 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 25 5,253 131,327 9.6 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 44 2,776 122,157 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 30 2,641 79,224 10.0 8.3 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 3,314 145,818 8.4 9.0 5.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,988 87,467 8.9 8.7 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,656 116,882 7.6 8.7 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,510 66,445 9.4 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 1,154 48,484 9.1 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 50 2,652 132,595 8.0 8.4 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 49 3,154 154,542 9.2 8.0 7.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 2,286 109,737 8.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 676 17,568 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,644 119,002 7.6 9.7 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,872 129,220 6.6 9.3 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 140 6,168 7.5 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 891 17,827 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 1,401 61,652 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 696 18,103 10.0 9.8 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 3,750 157,516 8.2 7.6 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 35 2,680 93,808 9.0 8.1 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 376 7,527 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,308 52,326 8.8 8.7 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 859 21,484 5.4 9.9 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 45 292 13,140 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 1,612 58,016 6.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,645 95,223 5.4 9.1 9.2 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,651 95,419 5.3 9.3 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 443 13,277 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 843 21,914 9.1 10.0 4.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 652 15,652 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 980 23,513 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 24 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 327 327 1440 327 E 343 343 1440 343 E 360 360 1440 360 E 699 699 1440 699 E 700 700 1440 700 E 702 702 1440 702 E 703 703 1440 703 E 704 704 1440 704 E 379 379 1450 379 N 780 780 1450 780 N 781 781 1450 781 N 782 782 1450 782 N 783 783 1450 783 N 671 671 1460 671 E 906 906 1460 906 E 457 457 1470 457 E 462 462 1470 462 E 463 463 1470 463 E 470 470 1470 470 E 140 140 1480 140 N 141 141 1480 141 N 142 142 1480 142 N 271 271 1480 271 N 1869 1869 1480 1869 N 394 394 1490 394 N 395 395 1500 395 N 811 811 1500 811 N 926 926 1500 926 N 795 795 1510 795 N 914 914 1510 914 N 915 915 1510 915 N 423 423 1520 423 N 424 424 1530 424 E 425 425 1530 425 E 215 215 1540 215 N 216 216 1540 216 N 455 455 1550 455 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Olive Av Olive Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Perrine Ct Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pit St Portland Av Portland Av Progress Rd Progress Rd Queen Av End Park Vista Locust Woodruff University Felts Wilbur End Maxwell Sharp Dean End Lake End Bolivar Calvin Burns End Rutter Buckeye Trent Euclid Mission Marietta Buckeye Cataldo Sprague Broadway Alki Main Trent End Pit Wellesley Trent Bannen Park Vista Sargent Woodruff Dartmouth Glenn Raymond End Montgomery Mission Sinto Sharp Dean Dyer End Rees Burns Lucille Sunnyvale Euclid Rutter Buckeye Bridgeport Trent End Frederick Boone Main Mission Springfield Val leyway Empire Lockwood End Crown Wellesley Rees Local Access ACP City 40 1,087 43,478 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 20 2,585 51,705 Moderate 62 69 Local Access ACP City 40 1,326 53,029 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,326 53,020 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 40 961 38,448 Moderate 60 63 Local Access ACP City 36 611 21,986 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 641 25,623 Weak 47 54 Local Access ACP City 37 302 11,157 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 37 425 15,730 Weak 30 67 Local Access ACP City 40 549 21,955 Moderate 99 78 Local Access ACP City 40 345 13,784 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 996 39,853 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 46 253 11,645 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 394 11,808 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 30 539 16,175 Moderate 84 66 Local Access ACP City 32 1,282 41,015 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 857 30,842 Moderate 34 28 Local Access ACP City 36 678 24,412 Moderate 72 57 Local Access ACP City 36 720 25,903 Moderate 67 48 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 640 26,898 Moderate 100 80 Minor Arterial ACP City 33 711 23,461 Moderate 82 63 Minor Arterial ACP City 32 1,983 63,464 Moderate 70 72 Local Access ACP City 38 1,002 38,079 Weak 74 66 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 1,986 83,396 Moderate 46 53 Local Access ACP City 53 193 10,246 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 990 39,602 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 664 23,889 Moderate 99 76 Local Access ACP City 44 673 29,611 Moderate 74 53 Local Access ACP City 24 2,660 63,852 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 24 295 7,092 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 664 15,934 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 690 15,180 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 18 532 9,578 Moderate 98 74 Local Access ACP City 18 2,020 36,369 Moderate 100 75 Collector ACP City 54 1,264 68,249 Weak 6 53 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 1,880 37,598 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 29 794 23,032 Moderate 99 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 25 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 327 327 1440 327 E 343 343 1440 343 E 360 360 1440 360 E 699 699 1440 699 E 700 700 1440 700 E 702 702 1440 702 E 703 703 1440 703 E 704 704 1440 704 E 379 379 1450 379 N 780 780 1450 780 N 781 781 1450 781 N 782 782 1450 782 N 783 783 1450 783 N 671 671 1460 671 E 906 906 1460 906 E 457 457 1470 457 E 462 462 1470 462 E 463 463 1470 463 E 470 470 1470 470 E 140 140 1480 140 N 141 141 1480 141 N 142 142 1480 142 N 271 271 1480 271 N 1869 1869 1480 1869 N 394 394 1490 394 N 395 395 1500 395 N 811 811 1500 811 N 926 926 1500 926 N 795 795 1510 795 N 914 914 1510 914 N 915 915 1510 915 N 423 423 1520 423 N 424 424 1530 424 E 425 425 1530 425 E 215 215 1540 215 N 216 216 1540 216 N 455 455 1550 455 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Olive Av Olive Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Perrine Ct Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pit St Portland Av Portland Av Progress Rd Progress Rd Queen Av End Park Vista Locust Woodruff University Felts Wilbur End Maxwell Sharp Dean End Lake End Bolivar Calvin Burns End Rutter Buckeye Trent Euclid Mission Marietta Buckeye Cataldo Sprague Broadway Alki Main Trent End Pit Wellesley Trent Bannen Park Vista Sargent Woodruff Dartmouth Glenn Raymond End Montgomery Mission Sinto Sharp Dean Dyer End Rees Burns Lucille Sunnyvale Euclid Rutter Buckeye Bridgeport Trent End Frederick Boone Main Mission Springfield Val leyway Empire Lockwood End Crown Wellesley Rees Local Access ACP City 40 1,087 43,478 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 2,585 51,705 9.0 8.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,326 53,029 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,326 53,020 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 961 38,448 6.8 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 611 21,986 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 641 25,623 10.0 9.4 5.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 302 11,157 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 425 15,730 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 5.2 Local Access ACP City 40 549 21,955 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 345 13,784 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 996 39,853 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 46 253 11,645 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 394 11,808 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 539 16,175 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,282 41,015 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 857 30,842 8.5 9.4 6.3 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 678 24,412 10.0 9.5 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 720 25,903 7.2 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 640 26,898 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 33 711 23,461 10.0 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 32 1,983 63,464 9.2 8.1 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 38 1,002 38,079 7.5 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 42 1,986 83,396 7.1 8.7 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 53 193 10,246 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 990 39,602 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 664 23,889 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 673 29,611 10.0 8.5 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,660 63,852 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 295 7,092 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 664 15,934 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 690 15,180 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 532 9,578 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,020 36,369 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 54 1,264 68,249 4.9 9.6 6.3 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.8 9.9 9.8 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 1,880 37,598 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 29 794 23,032 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 26 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 456 456 1550 456 E 461 461 1550 461 E 328 328 1560 328 E 399 399 1560 399 E 635 635 1560 635 E 636 636 1560 636 E 400 400 1570 400 E 721 721 1580 721 N 901 901 1580 901 N 902 902 1580 902 N 446 446 1590 446 N 447 447 1600 447 N 448 448 1600 448 N 807 807 1610 807 E 484 484 1620 484 E 495 495 1620 495 E 516 516 1620 516 E 524 524 1620 524 E 525 525 1620 525 E 530 530 1620 530 E 536 536 1620 536 E 861 861 1630 861 E 881 881 1630 881 E 909 909 1630 909 E 922 922 1630 922 E 396 396 1640 396 N 397 397 1650 397 N 485 485 1660 485 E 496 496 1660 496 E 517 517 1660 517 E 518 518 1660 518 E 526 526 1660 526 E 527 527 1660 527 E 505 505 1670 505 E 769 769 1680 769 N 12 12 1690 12 E 288 288 1690 288 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Queen Av Queen Av Railroad Av Railroad Av Railroad Av Railroad Av Railroad Ci Raymond Rd Raymond Rd Raymond Rd Rees Ct Rees Rd Rees Rd Rego Ct Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Riverside Av Riverside Av Riverside Av Riverside Av Robie Ct Robie Rd Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Rd Rudolf Rd Rutter Av Rutter Av Bolivar Calvin Edgerton Frederick Sharp Howe End Mission Val leyway Sprague Everett Olympic Wellesley Bates End McDonald Bannen End Burns Progress End Dyer Hutchinson University Bowdish Marietta End Vercler Avalon Evergreen Ellen Adams End Keller Cataldo End Park Bannen Burns Ely End Howe Mission End End Broadway Val leyway End Crown End Wilbur McDonald Evergreen Ellen Burns Progress Sommer End Thierman Argonne End End End Marietta Woodlawn Evergreen Best End Burns Progress End Boone Park Ella Local Access ACP City 32 497 15,893 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 875 26,256 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 27 597 16,106 Moderate 33 33 Local Access ACP City 32 2,939 94,034 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 1,923 46,148 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 23 776 17,854 Moderate 72 55 Local Access ACP City 40 1,099 43,966 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,157 46,261 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 27 1,324 35,746 Moderate 92 71 Local Access ACP City 32 1,334 42,682 Moderate 72 50 Local Access ACP City 43 348 14,967 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 29 601 17,441 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 898 32,335 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 20 382 7,638 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 28 1,039 29,079 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 2,636 63,255 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 32 1,030 32,950 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 37 301 11,154 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 28 754 21,123 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 36 667 24,012 Moderate 98 74 Local Access ACP City 40 2,060 82,420 Moderate 79 66 Local Access ACP City 30 882 26,451 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 20 318 6,350 Moderate 46 29 Local Access ACP City 30 461 13,839 Moderate 83 64 Local Access ACP City 22 371 8,152 Weak 44 48 Local Access ACP City 48 193 9,279 Moderate 88 69 Local Access ACP City 35 268 9,385 Moderate 52 30 Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,184 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 22 492 10,830 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 28 1,343 37,602 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 44 390 17,162 Weak 40 50 Local Access ACP City 28 634 17,741 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 24 521 12,498 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 35 234 8,179 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 628 15,068 Moderate 94 73 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 2,155 43,092 Weak 73 80 Local Access ACP City 20 1,358 27,155 Moderate 99 79 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 27 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 456 456 1550 456 E 461 461 1550 461 E 328 328 1560 328 E 399 399 1560 399 E 635 635 1560 635 E 636 636 1560 636 E 400 400 1570 400 E 721 721 1580 721 N 901 901 1580 901 N 902 902 1580 902 N 446 446 1590 446 N 447 447 1600 447 N 448 448 1600 448 N 807 807 1610 807 E 484 484 1620 484 E 495 495 1620 495 E 516 516 1620 516 E 524 524 1620 524 E 525 525 1620 525 E 530 530 1620 530 E 536 536 1620 536 E 861 861 1630 861 E 881 881 1630 881 E 909 909 1630 909 E 922 922 1630 922 E 396 396 1640 396 N 397 397 1650 397 N 485 485 1660 485 E 496 496 1660 496 E 517 517 1660 517 E 518 518 1660 518 E 526 526 1660 526 E 527 527 1660 527 E 505 505 1670 505 E 769 769 1680 769 N 12 12 1690 12 E 288 288 1690 288 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services Queen Av Queen Av Railroad Av Railroad Av Railroad Av Railroad Av Railroad Ci Raymond Rd Raymond Rd Raymond Rd Rees Ct Rees Rd Rees Rd Rego Ct Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Rich Av Riverside Av Riverside Av Riverside Av Riverside Av Robie Ct Robie Rd Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Av Rockwell Rd Rudolf Rd Rutter Av Rutter Av Bolivar Calvin Edgerton Frederick Sharp Howe End Mission Val leyway Sprague Everett Olympic Wellesley Bates End McDonald Bannen End Burns Progress End Dyer Hutchinson University Bowdlish Marietta End Vercler Avalon Evergreen Ellen Adams End Keller Cataldo End Park Bannen Burns Ely End Howe Mission End End Broadway Val leyway End Crown End Wilbur McDonald Evergreen Ellen Burns Progress Sommer End Thierman Argonne End End End Marietta Woodlawn Evergreen Best End Burns Progress End Boone Park Ella Local Access ACP City 32 497 15,893 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 875 26,256 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 597 16,106 10.0 10.0 4.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 2,939 94,034 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,923 46,148 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 776 17,854 10.0 10.0 7.6 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,099 43,966 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,157 46,261 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 1,324 35,746 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,334 42,682 10.0 8.5 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 43 348 14,967 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 29 601 17,441 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 898 32,335 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 382 7,638 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 1,039 29,079 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,636 63,255 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,030 32,950 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 301 11,154 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 754 21,123 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 667 24,012 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 2,060 82,420 10.0 8.8 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 882 26,451 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 318 6,350 8.3 10.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 461 13,839 10.0 9.3 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 371 8,152 8.1 9.7 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 48 193 9,279 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 35 268 9,385 7.7 9.2 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,184 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 492 10,830 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 1,343 37,602 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 390 17,162 3.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 634 17,741 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 521 12,498 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 35 234 8,179 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 628 15,068 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 2,155 43,092 10.0 9.8 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,358 27,155 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 28 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 Ul 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 293 293 1690 293 E 435 435 1700 435 E 354 354 1720 354 N 365 365 1720 365 N 698 698 1720 698 N 754 754 1720 754 N 878 878 1720 878 N 186 186 1730 186 S 187 187 1730 187 S 664 664 1740 664 N 479 479 1750 479 N 335 335 1760 335 E 357 357 1760 357 E 372 372 1760 372 E 637 637 1770 637 E 658 658 1770 658 E 683 683 1770 683 E 690 690 1770 690 E 747 747 1770 747 E 761 761 1770 761 E 775 775 1770 775 E 497 497 1780 497 N 498 498 1790 498 N 499 499 1790 499 N 681 681 1800 681 E 693 693 1800 693 E 737 737 1800 737 E 746 746 1800 746 E 757 757 1800 757 E 758 758 1800 758 E 774 774 1800 774 E 786 786 1800 786 E 802 802 1800 802 E 803 803 1800 803 E 362 362 1810 362 N 797 797 1820 797 N 799 799 1830 799 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Rutter Av Sanson Av Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Schafer Rd Schafer Rd Seehorn Rd Shamrock Ct Shannon Av Shannon Av Shannon Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Silas Ct Silas Rd Silas Rd Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sipple Rd Skipworth Ct Skipworth Rd End McDonald Knox End Mission Broadway Harrington Dishman Mica Cimmaron Desmet End Ella Sargent Locust Railroad Fancher Frontage Lily Bowman Bessie Boeing Felts End End End End Park Elton Vista Argonne Sunderland End Van Marter End Wilbur Nora Boone Mallon End Evergreen Montgomery Knox End Mission Broadway Cimmaron 44th Sharp Sunnyvale Elton Dale Woodruff Yardley Thierman Bowman Park Sargent Sunderland University Wellesley Heroy Rich Bowman Ella Vista Argonne Boeing Woodruff University End Wilbur End Knox End End Local Access ACP City 20 2,092 41,838 Weak 18 38 Local Access ACP City 18 2,663 47,942 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 658 26,337 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 36 1,322 47,586 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 22 408 8,971 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 2,649 63,573 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 22 2,181 47,993 Moderate 100 75 Collector ACP City 36 2,518 90,631 Moderate 96 74 Collector ACP City 36 2,107 75,846 Moderate 100 83 Local Access ACP City 30 560 16,802 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 50 118 5,912 Moderate 88 69 Local Access ACP City 22 485 10,671 Moderate 99 77 Local Access ACP City 40 267 10,676 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,320 52,782 Moderate 78 69 Local Access ACP City 20 509 10,180 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 26 2,534 65,896 Weak 31 59 Local Access ACP City 22 576 12,683 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 56 223 12,482 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 40 663 26,520 Moderate 99 77 Local Access ACP City 24 632 15,169 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 40 1,328 53,134 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 47 171 8,054 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 177 7,065 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 32 630 20,160 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 33 180 5,940 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 32 1,320 42,242 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 40 995 39,813 Moderate 90 71 Local Access ACP City 27 2,650 71,557 Moderate 95 73 Local Access ACP City 30 1,667 50,007 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 24 336 8,064 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,122 44,867 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 36 403 14,507 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 28 316 8,858 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 18 338 6,080 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 36 1,144 41,198 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 516 20,620 Moderate 30 34 Local Access ACP City 28 707 19,800 Moderate 99 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 29 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 293 293 1690 293 E 435 435 1700 435 E 354 354 1720 354 N 365 365 1720 365 N 698 698 1720 698 N 754 754 1720 754 N 878 878 1720 878 N 186 186 1730 186 S 187 187 1730 187 S 664 664 1740 664 N 479 479 1750 479 N 335 335 1760 335 E 357 357 1760 357 E 372 372 1760 372 E 637 637 1770 637 E 658 658 1770 658 E 683 683 1770 683 E 690 690 1770 690 E 747 747 1770 747 E 761 761 1770 761 E 775 775 1770 775 E 497 497 1780 497 N 498 498 1790 498 N 499 499 1790 499 N 681 681 1800 681 E 693 693 1800 693 E 737 737 1800 737 E 746 746 1800 746 E 757 757 1800 757 E 758 758 1800 758 E 774 774 1800 774 E 786 786 1800 786 E 802 802 1800 802 E 803 803 1800 803 E 362 362 1810 362 N 797 797 1820 797 N 799 799 1830 799 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Rutter Av Sanson Av Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Schafer Rd Schafer Rd Seehorn Rd Shamrock Ct Shannon Av Shannon Av Shannon Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Silas Ct Silas Rd Silas Rd Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sipple Rd Skipworth Ct Skipworth Rd End McDonald Knox End Mission Broadway Harrington Dishman Mica Cimmaron Desmet End Ella Sargent Locust Railroad Fancher Frontage Lily Bowman Bessie Boeing Felts End End End End Park Elton Vista Argonne Sunderland End Van Marter End Wilbur Nora Boone Mallon End Evergreen Montgomery Knox End Mission Broadway Cimmaron 44th Sharp Sunnyvale Elton Dale Woodruff Yardley Thierman Bowman Park Sargent Sunderland University Wellesley Heroy Rich Bowman Ella Vista Argonne Boeing Woodruff University End Wilbur End Knox End End Local Access ACP City 20 2,092 41,838 7.2 8.7 6.5 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,663 47,942 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 658 26,337 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,322 47,586 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 408 8,971 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,649 63,573 10.0 9.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,181 47,993 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 36 2,518 90,631 9.7 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 36 2,107 75,846 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 560 16,802 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 50 118 5,912 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 485 10,671 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 267 10,676 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,320 52,782 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 509 10,180 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 2,534 65,896 8.4 9.8 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.2 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 576 12,683 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 56 223 12,482 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 663 26,520 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 632 15,169 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,328 53,134 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 47 171 8,054 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 177 7,065 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 630 20,160 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 33 180 5,940 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,320 42,242 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 995 39,813 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 27 2,650 71,557 10.0 9.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,667 50,007 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 336 8,064 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,122 44,867 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 403 14,507 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 316 8,858 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 338 6,080 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,144 41,198 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 516 20,620 10.0 9.2 3.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 707 19,800 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 30 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 917 917 1830 917 N Skipworth Rd 918 918 1830 918 N Skipworth Rd 533 533 1840 533 N Sommer Ct 259 259 1850 259 E South Riverway Av 867 867 1860 867 E Spear Av 64 64 1870 64 E Sprague Av 65 65 1870 65 E Sprague Av 66 66 1870 66 E Sprague Av 67 67 1870 67 E Sprague Av 669 669 1880 669 E Springfield Av 893 893 1880 893 E Springfield Av 894 894 1880 894 E Springfield Av 903 903 1880 903 E Springfield Av 904 904 1880 904 E Springfield Av 531 531 1890 531 N St Charles Rd 642 642 1900 642 N Stanley St 644 644 1900 644 N Stanley St 1719 1719 1910 1719 Steen 422 422 1920 422 N Stegner Rd 763 763 1930 763 N Stout Rd 221 221 1940 221 N Sullivan Rd 222 222 1940 222 N Sullivan Rd 223 223 1940 223 S Sullivan Rd 224 224 1940 224 S Sullivan Rd 225 225 1940 225 S Sullivan Rd 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 227 227 1940 227 S Sullivan Rd 1906 1906 1940 1906 N Sullivan Rd 465 465 1950 465 E Summerfield Ct 376 376 1960 376 N Sunderland Rd 770 770 1960 770 N Sunderland Rd 891 891 1960 891 N Sunderland Rd 481 481 1970 481 N Sunnyvale Dr 548 548 1970 548 N Sunnyvale Dr 541 541 1980 541 N Tolford Rd 727 727 1990 727 N Union Rd 925 925 1990 925 N Union Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Val leyway Sprague End Alki End Upland End Park End University Bowdish Bowdish Pines Pines McDonald McDonald Evergreen Lake Dyer Felts Raymond Raymond University University Glenn Pierce Bowdish Heroy Wellesley Sharp Railroad Broadway Sharp 23rd End Trent Empire Cataldo Sinto Broadway Mission Sprague Broadway Sprague 4th 4th 8th 8th 16th 16th 24th 24th End Wellesley End Burns End End Shannon Sharp Maxwell Sprague End Wellesley Shamrock Longfellow Wellesley Longfellow Wellesley Mission End Main Valleyway Local Access ACP City 24 664 15,932 Moderate 81 66 Local Access ACP City 28 965 27,030 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 40 731 29,252 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 18 2,777 49,984 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 28 986 27,598 Moderate 89 69 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,652 233,367 Moderate 82 73 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,661 234,196 Moderate 92 72 Principal Arterial ACP City 84 2,667 224,017 Moderate 85 68 Principal Arterial ACP City 82 2,666 218,644 Moderate 90 70 Local Access ACP City 26 880 22,870 Moderate 89 70 Local Access ACP City 25 664 16,588 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,451 Moderate 96 74 Local Access ACP City 33 690 22,765 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 1,301 31,217 Moderate 91 71 Local Access ACP City 40 473 18,932 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 23 364 8,369 Moderate 94 73 Local Access ACP City 23 1,628 37,449 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 40 2,747 109,879 Weak 56 61 Local Access ACP City 23 694 15,959 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 24 1,276 30,620 Moderate 95 74 Principal Arterial ACP City 102 884 90,139 Weak 27 62 Principal Arterial ACP City 93 2,649 246,330 Weak 27 70 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 1,333 77,315 Weak 13 57 Principal Arterial ACP City 57 1,334 76,024 Weak 23 63 Principal Arterial ACP City 50 2,663 133,139 Weak 24 66 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,668 181,446 Weak 35 78 Principal Arterial ACP City 45 1,350 60,750 Weak 33 78 Principal Arterial ACP City 22 1,326 29,173 Moderate 33 46 Local Access ACP City 43 333 14,301 Moderate 75 54 Local Access ACP City 28 283 7,927 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 25 760 19,005 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,039 41,576 Moderate 89 69 Local Access ACP City 33 1,173 38,697 Moderate 61 47 Local Access ACP City 40 823 32,902 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 843 33,727 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 34 458 15,557 Moderate 92 72 Local Access ACP City 21 661 13,887 Moderate 99 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 31 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 917 917 1830 917 N Skipworth Rd 918 918 1830 918 N Skipworth Rd 533 533 1840 533 N Sommer Ct 259 259 1850 259 E South Riverway Av 867 867 1860 867 E Spear Av 64 64 1870 64 E Sprague Av 65 65 1870 65 E Sprague Av 66 66 1870 66 E Sprague Av 67 67 1870 67 E Sprague Av 669 669 1880 669 E Springfield Av 893 893 1880 893 E Springfield Av 894 894 1880 894 E Springfield Av 903 903 1880 903 E Springfield Av 904 904 1880 904 E Springfield Av 531 531 1890 531 N St Charles Rd 642 642 1900 642 N Stanley St 644 644 1900 644 N Stanley St 1719 1719 1910 1719 Steen 422 422 1920 422 N Stegner Rd 763 763 1930 763 N Stout Rd 221 221 1940 221 N Sullivan Rd 222 222 1940 222 N Sullivan Rd 223 223 1940 223 S Sullivan Rd 224 224 1940 224 S Sullivan Rd 225 225 1940 225 S Sullivan Rd 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 227 227 1940 227 S Sullivan Rd 1906 1906 1940 1906 N Sullivan Rd 465 465 1950 465 E Summerfield Ct 376 376 1960 376 N Sunderland Rd 770 770 1960 770 N Sunderland Rd 891 891 1960 891 N Sunderland Rd 481 481 1970 481 N Sunnyvale Dr 548 548 1970 548 N Sunnyvale Dr 541 541 1980 541 N Tolford Rd 727 727 1990 727 N Union Rd 925 925 1990 925 N Union Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Val leyway Sprague End Alki End Upland End Park End University Bowdish Bowdish Pines Pines McDonald McDonald Evergreen Lake Dyer Felts Raymond Raymond University University Glenn Pierce Bowdish Heroy Wellesley Sharp Railroad Broadway Sharp 23rd End Trent Empire Cataldo Sinto Broadway Mission Sprague Broadway Sprague 4th 4th 8th 8th 16th 16th 24th 24th End Wellesley End Burns End End Shannon Sharp Maxwell Sprague End Wellesley Shamrock Longfellow Wellesley Longfellow Wellesley Mission End Main Valleyway Local Access ACP City 24 664 15,932 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 965 27,030 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 731 29,252 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 2,777 49,984 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 986 27,598 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,652 233,367 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,661 234,196 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 84 2,667 224,017 9.3 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 82 2,666 218,644 9.3 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 880 22,870 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 664 16,588 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,451 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 33 690 22,765 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,301 31,217 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 473 18,932 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 364 8,369 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 1,628 37,449 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 2,747 109,879 8.3 9.5 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 694 15,959 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,276 30,620 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 102 884 90,139 4.2 8.8 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 93 2,649 246,330 7.0 8.9 6.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 1,333 77,315 5.7 8.7 6.6 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 57 1,334 76,024 7.3 8.4 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 50 2,663 133,139 7.3 8.6 6.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,668 181,446 7.4 8.4 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 45 1,350 60,750 7.3 8.3 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Principal Arterial ACP City 22 1,326 29,173 8.2 9.4 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 7.8 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 43 333 14,301 10.0 8.8 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 283 7,927 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 760 19,005 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,039 41,576 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 33 1,173 38,697 8.6 9.2 8.9 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 823 32,902 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 843 33,727 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 34 458 15,557 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 661 13,887 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 32 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd 179 179 2000 179 N University Rd 380 380 2000 380 N University Rd 722 722 2000 722 N University Rd 532 532 2010 532 E Upland Ct 529 529 2020 529 E Upland Dr 289 289 2030 289 E Utah Av 294 294 2030 294 E Utah Av 1916 1916 2030 1916 E Utah Av 672 672 2040 672 E Valleyway Av 673 673 2040 673 E Valleyway Av 865 865 2040 865 E Valleyway Av 866 866 2040 866 E Valleyway Av 872 872 2040 872 E Valleyway Av 883 883 2040 883 E Valleyway Av 889 889 2040 889 E Valleyway Av 890 890 2040 890 E Valleyway Av 897 897 2040 897 E Valleyway Av 907 907 2040 907 E Valleyway Av 920 920 2040 920 E Valleyway Av 384 384 2050 384 N Van Marter Rd 793 793 2050 793 N Van Marter Rd 794 794 2050 794 N Van Marter Rd 910 910 2050 910 N Van Marter Rd 1907 1907 2050 1907 N Van Marter Rd 488 488 2060 488 N Vercler Rd 280 280 2070 280 N Vista Rd 1871 1871 2070 1871 N Vista Rd 1872 1872 2070 1872 N Vista Rd 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 1874 1874 2070 1874 N Vista Rd 458 458 2080 458 E Wabash Av 459 459 2080 459 E Wabash Av 469 469 2080 469 E Wabash Av 464 464 2090 464 E Wabash Ct 716 716 2100 716 N Walnut Rd 892 892 2100 892 N Walnut Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Montgomery Broadway End Mission End Sommer Park Eastern Coleman Fancher Eastern Park Ella Vista Argonne Farr Walnut Herald University Bowdish Montgomery Cataldo Broadway Main Mallon Walton Euclid Buckeye Trent Knox Mission Bolivar Best Moore Burns Augusta Sprague Trent Mission Montgomery Baldwin Sommer Sullivan Vista Elizabeth Park Eastern Dyer Ella Vista Argonne Farr End Herald University Bowdish Pines Marietta Sinto Mallon Valleyway Cataldo Heroy Liberty Euclid Buckeye Trent Knox Bannen Calvin Broad End Nora Broadway Minor Arterial ACP City 20 1,765 35,302 Moderate 49 55 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,662 117,111 Moderate 83 74 Local Access ACP City 41 873 35,802 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 848 25,436 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 786 31,446 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 761 30,459 Moderate 98 77 Local Access ACP City 20 2,700 54,010 Weak 29 54 Local Access ACP City 20 1,763 35,256 Moderate 63 58 Local Access ACP City 20 1,406 28,127 Weak 22 41 Local Access ACP City 20 1,319 26,370 Weak 47 53 Local Access ACP City 20 367 7,337 Moderate 44 56 Local Access ACP City 23 1,260 28,987 Weak 27 61 Local Access ACP City 22 1,323 29,100 Moderate 56 55 Local Access ACP City 24 2,659 63,806 Weak 62 64 Local Access ACP City 24 1,987 47,698 Moderate 84 65 Local Access ACP City 18 621 11,181 Moderate 97 74 Local Access ACP City 24 340 8,164 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 24 1,988 47,716 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 24 2,654 63,695 Moderate 97 76 Local Access ACP City 24 2,663 63,911 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 344 10,322 Moderate 93 72 Local Access ACP City 30 1,156 34,668 Moderate 81 62 Local Access ACP City 30 347 10,398 Moderate 98 75 Local Access ACP City 24 667 16,013 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 23 319 7,339 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 42 1,798 75,521 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 611 21,994 Moderate 71 53 Collector ACP City 34 1,414 48,078 Moderate 96 74 Collector ACP City 30 1,188 35,641 Moderate 94 73 Collector ACP City 44 754 33,170 Moderate 53 42 Collector ACP City 24 1,644 39,459 Moderate 85 69 Local Access ACP City 36 509 18,333 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 29 756 21,918 Weak 59 48 Local Access ACP City 40 918 36,711 Moderate 86 68 Local Access ACP City 44 335 14,740 Moderate 85 66 Local Access ACP City 40 540 21,618 Moderate 84 69 Local Access ACP City 26 2,656 69,065 Weak 35 55 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 33 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd 179 179 2000 179 N University Rd 380 380 2000 380 N University Rd 722 722 2000 722 N University Rd 532 532 2010 532 E Upland Ct 529 529 2020 529 E Upland Dr 289 289 2030 289 E Utah Av 294 294 2030 294 E Utah Av 1916 1916 2030 1916 E Utah Av 672 672 2040 672 E Valleyway Av 673 673 2040 673 E Valleyway Av 865 865 2040 865 E Valleyway Av 866 866 2040 866 E Valleyway Av 872 872 2040 872 E Valleyway Av 883 883 2040 883 E Valleyway Av 889 889 2040 889 E Valleyway Av 890 890 2040 890 E Valleyway Av 897 897 2040 897 E Valleyway Av 907 907 2040 907 E Valleyway Av 920 920 2040 920 E Valleyway Av 384 384 2050 384 N Van Marter Rd 793 793 2050 793 N Van Marter Rd 794 794 2050 794 N Van Marter Rd 910 910 2050 910 N Van Marter Rd 1907 1907 2050 1907 N Van Marter Rd 488 488 2060 488 N Vercler Rd 280 280 2070 280 N Vista Rd 1871 1871 2070 1871 N Vista Rd 1872 1872 2070 1872 N Vista Rd 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 1874 1874 2070 1874 N Vista Rd 458 458 2080 458 E Wabash Av 459 459 2080 459 E Wabash Av 469 469 2080 469 E Wabash Av 464 464 2090 464 E Wabash Ct 716 716 2100 716 N Walnut Rd 892 892 2100 892 N Walnut Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Montgomery Broadway End Mission End Sommer Park Eastern Coleman Fancher Eastern Park Ella Vista Argonne Farr Walnut Herald University Bowdlish Montgomery Cataldo Broadway Main Mallon Walton Euclid Buckeye Trent Knox Mission Bolivar Best Moore Burns Augusta Sprague Trent Mission Montgomery Baldwin Sommer Sullivan Vista Elizabeth Park Eastern Dyer Ella Vista Argonne Farr End Herald University Bowdlish Pines Marietta Sinto Mallon Valleyway Cataldo Heroy Liberty Euclid Buckeye Trent Knox Bannen Calvin Broad End Nora Broadway Minor Arterial ACP City 20 1,765 35,302 6.3 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,662 117,111 9.2 9.1 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 41 873 35,802 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 848 25,436 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 786 31,446 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 761 30,459 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 2,700 54,010 8.9 10.0 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 10.0 8.2 Local Access ACP City 20 1,763 35,256 8.8 9.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,406 28,127 7.5 10.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.9 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 1,319 26,370 8.9 10.0 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 20 367 7,337 10.0 10.0 5.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 1,260 28,987 10.0 9.2 4.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 1,323 29,100 10.0 9.3 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,659 63,806 10.0 9.9 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 5.9 Local Access ACP City 24 1,987 47,698 10.0 9.6 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 621 11,181 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 340 8,164 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 1,988 47,716 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,654 63,695 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 2,663 63,911 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 344 10,322 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,156 34,668 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 347 10,398 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 24 667 16,013 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 23 319 7,339 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 42 1,798 75,521 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 611 21,994 7.8 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 34 1,414 48,078 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Collector ACP City 30 1,188 35,641 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Collector ACP City 44 754 33,170 7.9 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.2 10.0 Collector ACP City 24 1,644 39,459 9.1 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 509 18,333 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 29 756 21,918 10.0 10.0 5.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 918 36,711 10.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 44 335 14,740 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 540 21,618 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 2,656 69,065 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 8.5 9.6 4.2 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 34 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 487 487 2110 487 E Walton Av 512 512 2120 512 N Warren Rd 1 1 2130 1 E Wellesley Av 2 2 2130 2 E Wellesley Av 3 3 2130 3 E Wellesley Av 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av 5 5 2130 5 E Wellesley Av 398 398 2140 398 N Whipple Ct 927 927 2150 927 N Whipple Rd 928 928 2150 928 N Whipple Rd 389 389 2160 389 N Wilbur 388 388 2170 388 N Wilbur Ct 407 407 2180 407 N Wilbur Rd 726 726 2180 726 N Wilbur Rd 809 809 2180 809 N Wilbur Rd 929 929 2180 929 N Wilbur Rd 420 420 2190 420 N Williams Rd 712 712 2200 712 N Willow Rd 764 764 2200 764 N Willow Rd 887 887 2200 887 N Willow Rd 489 489 2210 489 N Woodlawn Rd 490 490 2210 490 N Woodlawn Rd 377 377 2220 377 N Woodruff Rd 383 383 2220 383 N Woodruff Rd 715 715 2220 715 N Woodruff Rd 772 772 2220 772 N Woodruff Rd 391 391 2230 391 N Woodward Rd 796 796 2230 796 N Woodward Rd 800 800 2230 800 N Woodward Rd 1341 10th Av 1102 10th Av 1313 10th Av 1376 10th Av 1146 10th Av 1323 10th Av 1393 10th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Vercler Longfellow End McDonald Evergreen Progress Sullivan Marietta Main End Fox End Montgomery Mission Broadway Main Trent Mission Cataldo Sprague Rich Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Jackson End Broadway Vercler End University Best Edgerton Bowdish Marigold Woodlawn Heroy McDonald Evergreen Progress Sullivan Flora End End Main Frederick Railroad Jackson End Mission Main Empire End Boone Broadway Heroy Rockwell Montgomery End Baldwin Mission Buckeye Mission Boone McDonald Dickey Bowdish Adams Center Pines Burns Local Access ACP City 45 409 18,392 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 32 370 11,836 Moderate 99 75 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,068 38,431 Weak 37 66 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,660 95,761 Moderate 100 82 Minor Arterial ACP City 49 3,963 194,196 Moderate 92 78 Minor Arterial ACP City 43 1,321 56,785 Weak 49 68 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 5,283 190,173 Moderate 56 71 Local Access ACP City 47 193 9,086 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 21 292 6,130 Moderate 73 51 Local Access ACP City 18 193 3,475 Moderate 40 20 Local Access ACP City 32 1,685 53,935 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 43 181 7,783 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 1,229 44,261 Moderate 93 74 Local Access ACP City 32 517 16,551 Weak 12 43 Local Access ACP City 22 2,667 58,670 Moderate 86 67 Local Access ACP City 25 140 3,507 Moderate 56 34 Local Access ACP City 18 699 12,587 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 37 495 18,325 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 32 648 20,736 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 26 2,645 68,779 Moderate 61 54 Local Access ACP City 36 899 32,376 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 40 1,101 44,042 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 30 1,257 37,707 Weak 14 47 Local Access ACP City 40 958 38,314 Weak 30 52 Local Access ACP City 26 1,164 30,252 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 28 2,632 73,708 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 40 663 26,526 Moderate 99 75 Local Access ACP City 37 187 6,934 Moderate 100 75 Local Access ACP City 36 1,325 47,684 Moderate 98 74 Local Access ACP City 36 1,342 48,324 Local Access ACP City 36 515 18,553 Local Access ACP City 24 2,653 63,668 Local Access ACP City 28 1,494 41,839 Local Access ACP City 40 354 14,163 Local Access ACP City 24 2,654 63,706 Local Access ACP City 36 489 17,594 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 35 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 487 487 2110 487 E Walton Av 512 512 2120 512 N Warren Rd 1 1 2130 1 E Wellesley Av 2 2 2130 2 E Wellesley Av 3 3 2130 3 E Wellesley Av 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av 5 5 2130 5 E Wellesley Av 398 398 2140 398 N Whipple Ct 927 927 2150 927 N Whipple Rd 928 928 2150 928 N Whipple Rd 389 389 2160 389 N Wilbur 388 388 2170 388 N Wilbur Ct 407 407 2180 407 N Wilbur Rd 726 726 2180 726 N Wilbur Rd 809 809 2180 809 N Wilbur Rd 929 929 2180 929 N Wilbur Rd 420 420 2190 420 N Williams Rd 712 712 2200 712 N Willow Rd 764 764 2200 764 N Willow Rd 887 887 2200 887 N Willow Rd 489 489 2210 489 N Woodlawn Rd 490 490 2210 490 N Woodlawn Rd 377 377 2220 377 N Woodruff Rd 383 383 2220 383 N Woodruff Rd 715 715 2220 715 N Woodruff Rd 772 772 2220 772 N Woodruff Rd 391 391 2230 391 N Woodward Rd 796 796 2230 796 N Woodward Rd 800 800 2230 800 N Woodward Rd 1341 10th Av 1102 10th Av 1313 10th Av 1376 10th Av 1146 10th Av 1323 10th Av 1393 10th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Vercler Longfellow End McDonald Evergreen Progress Sullivan Marietta Main End Fox End Montgomery Mission Broadway Main Trent Mission Cataldo Sprague Rich Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Jackson End Broadway Vercler End University Best Edgerton Bowdlish Marigold Woodlawn Heroy McDonald Evergreen Progress Sullivan Flora End End Main Frederick Railroad Jackson End Mission Main Empire End Boone Broadway Heroy Rockwell Montgomery End Baldwin Mission Buckeye Mission Boone McDonald Dickey Bowdlish Adams Center Pines Burns Local Access ACP City 45 409 18,392 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 370 11,836 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,068 38,431 3.7 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,660 95,761 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 49 3,963 194,196 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 43 1,321 56,785 10.0 9.4 5.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 5,283 190,173 8.6 8.9 8.2 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 47 193 9,086 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 21 292 6,130 10.0 9.6 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 193 3,475 6.9 10.0 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.5 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 1,685 53,935 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 43 181 7,783 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,229 44,261 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 517 16,551 5.1 9.8 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 22 2,667 58,670 10.0 9.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.1 10.0 Local Access ACP City 25 140 3,507 10.0 10.0 5.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 18 699 12,587 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 495 18,325 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 32 648 20,736 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 2,645 68,779 7.2 9.1 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 899 32,376 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 1,101 44,042 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 30 1,257 37,707 5.9 9.1 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.7 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 958 38,314 10.0 10.0 4.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 26 1,164 30,252 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 28 2,632 73,708 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 40 663 26,526 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 Local Access ACP City 37 187 6,934 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,325 47,684 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Local Access ACP City 36 1,342 48,324 Local Access ACP City 36 515 18,553 Local Access ACP City 24 2,653 63,668 Local Access ACP City 28 1,494 41,839 Local Access ACP City 40 354 14,163 Local Access ACP City 24 2,654 63,706 Local Access ACP City 36 489 17,594 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 36 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1433 1946 1291 1107 1302 1290 1396 1395 1324 1103 1974 1417 1342 1394 1314 1108 1361 1303 1941 1049 1343 1418 1377 1943 1104 1110 1153 1109 1362 1397 1942 1304 1398 1379 1345 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 9th McDonald Robin hood End Raymond Woodruff Progress End Bowdish Turtle Creek End Mariam Park University Herald St Charles Progress Wilbur End Dickey Dickey Eastern Sullivan Homestead Vercler McDonald End End Pierce Bowdish Eastern Park McDonald Blake Raymond University Mariam Herald End Dishman Pines McDonald Shamrock Steen Evergreen Adams Bowdish Pines End Bettman Coleman Park Edgerton Park Bettman Eastern McDonald Evergreen Adams Sullivan University Bowdish Herald University End Progress End Adams Houk End Local Access ACP City 36 1,148 41,328 Local Access ACP City 40 1,667 66,685 Local Access ACP City 36 688 24,768 Local Access ACP City 20 4,438 88,760 Local Access ACP City 32 710 22,720 Local Access ACP City 36 738 26,578 Local Access ACP City 40 511 20,452 Local Access ACP City 24 266 6,375 Local Access ACP City 40 649 25,959 Local Access ACP City 30 468 14,029 Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,048 Local Access ACP City 30 1,574 47,226 Local Access ACP City 40 1,328 53,108 Local Access ACP City 36 281 10,104 Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,913 Local Access ACP City 36 3,975 143,100 Local Access ACP City 40 1,519 60,775 Local Access ACP City 29 723 20,967 Local Access ACP City 36 923 33,236 Local Access ACP City 40 227 9,092 Local Access ACP City 32 2,682 85,808 Local Access ACP City 30 327 9,818 Local Access ACP City 30 2,653 79,588 77 64 68 75 55 59 58 66 69 75 89 86 60 79 60 75 64 65 71 73 54 86 83 Local Access ACP City 32 2,660 85,107 54 Local Access ACP City 28 197 5,505 72 Local Access ACP City 24 1,367 32,803 68 Local Access ACP City 36 99 3,552 74 Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,056 74 Local Access ACP City 22 2,666 58,658 53 Local Access ACP City 30 2,662 79,846 79 Local Access ACP City 28 2,653 74,288 62 Local Access ACP City 32 1,915 61,289 46 Local Access ACP City 40 181 7,255 69 Local Access ACP City 28 689 19,288 81 Local Access ACP City 40 234 9,350 40 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 37 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 I-I re U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 1433 1946 1291 1107 1302 1290 1396 1395 1324 1103 1974 1417 1342 1394 1314 1108 1361 1303 1941 1049 1343 1418 1377 1943 1104 1110 1153 1109 1362 1397 1942 1304 1398 1379 1345 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 9th McDonald Robin hood End Raymond Woodruff Progress End Bowdlish Turtle Creek End Mariam Park University Herald St Charles Progress Wilbur End Dickey Dickey Eastern Sullivan Homestead Vercler McDonald End End Pierce Bowdlish Eastern Park McDonald Blake Raymond University Mariam Herald End Dishman Pines McDonald Shamrock Steen Evergreen Adams Bowdlish Pines End Bettman Coleman Park Edgerton Park Bettman Eastern McDonald Evergreen Adams Sullivan University Bowdlish Herald University End Progress End Adams Houk End Local Access ACP City 36 1,148 41,328 Local Access ACP City 40 1,667 66,685 Local Access ACP City 36 688 24,768 Local Access ACP City 20 4,438 88,760 Local Access ACP City 32 710 22,720 Local Access ACP City 36 738 26,578 Local Access ACP City 40 511 20,452 Local Access ACP City 24 266 6,375 Local Access ACP City 40 649 25,959 Local Access ACP City 30 468 14,029 Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,048 Local Access ACP City 30 1,574 47,226 Local Access ACP City 40 1,328 53,108 Local Access ACP City 36 281 10,104 Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,913 Local Access ACP City 36 3,975 143,100 Local Access ACP City 40 1,519 60,775 Local Access ACP City 29 723 20,967 Local Access ACP City 36 923 33,236 Local Access ACP City 40 227 9,092 Local Access ACP City 32 2,682 85,808 Local Access ACP City 30 327 9,818 Local Access ACP City 30 2,653 79,588 Local Access ACP City 32 2,660 85,107 Local Access ACP City 28 197 5,505 Local Access ACP City 24 1,367 32,803 Local Access ACP City 36 99 3,552 Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,056 Local Access ACP City 22 2,666 58,658 Local Access ACP City 30 2,662 79,846 Local Access ACP City 28 2,653 74,288 Local Access ACP City 32 1,915 61,289 Local Access ACP City 40 181 7,255 Local Access ACP City 28 689 19,288 Local Access ACP City 40 234 9,350 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 38 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1070 1399 1364 1325 1344 1400 1378 1292 1363 1118 1139 1071 1305 1315 1402 1072 1346 1366 1347 1326 1349 1401 1419 1348 1098 1294 1365 1306 1099 1316 1327 1351 1404 1380 1295 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Ct 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Ct 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av Custer Marigold McDonald Perrine Virginia End Bannen Woodruff Avalon Eastern Hazel End Herald End St Charles Custer Vercler McDonald Pines Fox Woodlawn Adams Sullivan End End Blake Whipple Woodlawn Sullivan End Herald End Hazel End Custer University End Sullivan Carnahan Virginia Blake Houk Reeves End Burns Galway End Vercler End Fancher Woodruff Herald Avalon End Herald University Stanley Fancher University End Fox Union Virginia Woodlawn St Charles Newer Bolivar Bannen Woodruff Herald Local Access ACP City 31 265 8,227 Local Access ACP City 36 222 7,978 Local Access ACP City 21 1,333 27,992 Local Access ACP City 40 557 22,264 Local Access ACP City 40 204 8,142 Local Access ACP City 40 965 38,594 Local Access ACP City 36 517 18,605 Local Access ACP City 32 738 23,628 Local Access ACP City 36 132 4,735 Local Access ACP City 36 1,166 41,964 Local Access ACP City 36 848 30,513 Local Access ACP City 30 1,437 43,124 Local Access ACP City 32 1,917 61,334 Local Access ACP City 36 661 23,792 Local Access ACP City 40 991 39,626 Local Access ACP City 24 1,160 27,848 Local Access ACP City 40 180 7,207 Local Access ACP City 28 1,331 37,265 Local Access ACP City 36 662 23,826 Local Access ACP City 40 358 14,320 Local Access ACP City 36 205 7,384 Local Access ACP City 36 965 34,744 Local Access ACP City 30 2,533 75,979 78 79 64 70 48 73 80 57 48 84 84 56 68 72 58 53 47 67 58 69 59 63 86 Local Access ACP City 28 310 8,681 68 Local Access ACP City 28 1,187 33,249 78 Local Access ACP City 32 739 23,649 67 Local Access ACP City 36 281 10,133 66 Local Access ACP City 32 1,917 61,339 65 Local Access ACP City 36 1,337 48,138 39 Local Access ACP City 29 1,104 32,002 62 Local Access ACP City 38 452 17,181 68 Local Access ACP City 40 381 15,235 57 Local Access ACP City 40 475 18,991 61 Local Access ACP City 40 507 20,295 80 Local Access ACP City 32 739 23,636 62 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 39 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1070 1399 1364 1325 1344 1400 1378 1292 1363 1118 1139 1071 1305 1315 1402 1072 1346 1366 1347 1326 1349 1401 1419 1348 1098 1294 1365 1306 1099 1316 1327 1351 1404 1380 1295 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Ct 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Ct 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av Custer Marigold McDonald Perrine Virginia End Bannen Woodruff Avalon Eastern Hazel End Herald End St Charles Custer Vercler McDonald Pines Fox Woodlawn Adams Sullivan End End Blake Whipple Woodlawn Sullivan End Herald End Hazel End Custer University End Sullivan Carnahan Virginia Blake Houk Reeves End Burns Galway End Vercler End Fancher Woodruff Herald Avalon End Herald University Stanley Fancher University End Fox Union Virginia Woodlawn St Charles Newer Bolivar Bannen Woodruff Herald Local Access ACP City 31 265 8,227 Local Access ACP City 36 222 7,978 Local Access ACP City 21 1,333 27,992 Local Access ACP City 40 557 22,264 Local Access ACP City 40 204 8,142 Local Access ACP City 40 965 38,594 Local Access ACP City 36 517 18,605 Local Access ACP City 32 738 23,628 Local Access ACP City 36 132 4,735 Local Access ACP City 36 1,166 41,964 Local Access ACP City 36 848 30,513 Local Access ACP City 30 1,437 43,124 Local Access ACP City 32 1,917 61,334 Local Access ACP City 36 661 23,792 Local Access ACP City 40 991 39,626 Local Access ACP City 24 1,160 27,848 Local Access ACP City 40 180 7,207 Local Access ACP City 28 1,331 37,265 Local Access ACP City 36 662 23,826 Local Access ACP City 40 358 14,320 Local Access ACP City 36 205 7,384 Local Access ACP City 36 965 34,744 Local Access ACP City 30 2,533 75,979 Local Access ACP City 28 310 8,681 Local Access ACP City 28 1,187 33,249 Local Access ACP City 32 739 23,649 Local Access ACP City 36 281 10,133 Local Access ACP City 32 1,917 61,339 Local Access ACP City 36 1,337 48,138 Local Access ACP City 29 1,104 32,002 Local Access ACP City 38 452 17,181 Local Access ACP City 40 381 15,235 Local Access ACP City 40 475 18,991 Local Access ACP City 40 507 20,295 Local Access ACP City 32 739 23,636 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 40 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1350 1367 1119 1403 1073 103 104 1420 1075 1053 108 109 107 110 111 113 106 112 105 1530 1508 1531 1572 1120 1455 1553 1463 1552 1573 1509 1122 1533 1465 1124 1481 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Ct 17th Ct 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av SR 27 Connection McDonald Eastern Adams Morrill End Stanley Sullivan Havana Yale Bluff Bowdish Pines University Saltese McDonald Adams Herald Evergreen Dishman Mica Bolivar Mamer Early Dawn Timberlane Seehorn Glenn Adams Linda End Limerick Davis Eastern Early Dawn Union Seehorn Pines Vercler Blake End Burns Gloria Stanley Bettman Shamrock Custer Dishman Mica Pines Saltese Bowdish McDonald Evergreen Sullivan University Adams Herald Airpark Evergreen Adams Rotchford David Bowdish End Union St Charles End Evergreen End Adams Pines Bettman End Local Access ACP City 30 1,205 36,139 Local Access ACP City 21 1,332 27,963 Local Access ACP City 36 1,395 50,207 Local Access ACP City 36 966 34,772 Local Access ACP City 30 1,424 42,728 Collector ACP City 26 1,387 36,074 Collector ACP City 26 1,738 45,188 Local Access ACP City 30 2,974 89,212 Local Access ACP City 16 1,192 19,064 Local Access ACP City 45 397 17,862 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,668 90,718 Minor Arterial ACP City 24 464 11,133 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,652 90,182 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 2,232 102,661 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 2,665 122,598 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,670 120,151 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 1,917 92,016 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 2,656 122,182 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 1,101 52,850 Local Access ACP City 40 1,270 50,813 Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,055 Local Access ACP City 40 597 23,896 Local Access ACP City 36 889 31,995 53 58 86 68 74 90 90 86 58 75 73 55 69 60 76 64 68 68 68 62 57 57 68 Local Access ACP City 40 2,250 90,014 86 Local Access ACP City 40 1,986 79,450 61 Local Access ACP City 36 946 34,051 56 Local Access ACP City 40 897 35,880 66 Local Access ACP City 36 317 11,412 77 Local Access ACP City 36 160 5,760 75 Local Access ACP City 40 332 13,263 56 Local Access ACP City 36 1,252 45,081 86 Local Access ACP City 40 852 34,090 52 Local Access ACP City 40 1,335 53,407 72 Local Access ACP City 36 339 12,215 86 Local Access ACP City 40 630 25,210 56 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 41 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1350 1367 1119 1403 1073 103 104 1420 1075 1053 108 109 107 110 111 113 106 112 105 1530 1508 1531 1572 1120 1455 1553 1463 1552 1573 1509 1122 1533 1465 1124 1481 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Ct 17th Ct 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av SR 27 Connection McDonald Eastern Adams Morrill End Stanley Sullivan Havana Yale Bluff Bowdlish Pines University Saltese McDonald Adams Herald Evergreen Dishman Mica Bolivar Mamer Early Dawn Timberlane Seehorn Glenn Adams Linda End Limerick Davis Eastern Early Dawn Union Seehorn Pines Vercler Blake End Burns Gloria Stanley Bettman Shamrock Custer Dishman Mica Pines Saltese Bowdlish McDonald Evergreen Sullivan University Adams Herald Airpark Evergreen Adams Rotchford David Bowdlish End Union St Charles End Evergreen End Adams Pines Bettman End Local Access ACP City 30 1,205 36,139 Local Access ACP City 21 1,332 27,963 Local Access ACP City 36 1,395 50,207 Local Access ACP City 36 966 34,772 Local Access ACP City 30 1,424 42,728 Collector ACP City 26 1,387 36,074 Collector ACP City 26 1,738 45,188 Local Access ACP City 30 2,974 89,212 Local Access ACP City 16 1,192 19,064 Local Access ACP City 45 397 17,862 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,668 90,718 Minor Arterial ACP City 24 464 11,133 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,652 90,182 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 2,232 102,661 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 2,665 122,598 Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,670 120,151 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 1,917 92,016 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 2,656 122,182 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 1,101 52,850 Local Access ACP City 40 1,270 50,813 Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,055 Local Access ACP City 40 597 23,896 Local Access ACP City 36 889 31,995 Local Access ACP City 40 2,250 90,014 Local Access ACP City 40 1,986 79,450 Local Access ACP City 36 946 34,051 Local Access ACP City 40 897 35,880 Local Access ACP City 36 317 11,412 Local Access ACP City 36 160 5,760 Local Access ACP City 40 332 13,263 Local Access ACP City 36 1,252 45,081 Local Access ACP City 40 852 34,090 Local Access ACP City 40 1,335 53,407 Local Access ACP City 36 339 12,215 Local Access ACP City 40 630 25,210 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 42 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1439 1532 1456 1464 1554 1482 1127 1467 1534 1125 1440 1441 1457 1468 1466 1143 1555 654 655 1181 1054 1927 656 1055 1036 1164 1170 1208 1458 1483 1576 1511 1443 1558 1556 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Ct 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Ct 19th Ct 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av Fawn Bannen University Linda End Pines End Linda Evergreen Seehorn Dishman Mica Sunrise University Union Bowdish Rocky Ridge End End Chronicle Progress Dishman Mica Union Howe Willow Sipple End Pines End University Pines Sullivan Saltese Balfour Progress Adams Felts Early Dawn Bowdish Union St Charles Guthrie Wardson 18th Airpark Lake Felts University Bowdish Pines Linda End St Charles Custer Carnahan End Willow Pines End Farr Dish man Union Houk Greenacres Bowdish Guthrie Sonora Evergreen Sunrise St Charles Progress Local Access ACP City 40 1,217 48,690 Local Access ACP City 40 1,086 43,425 Local Access ACP City 40 2,653 106,118 Local Access ACP City 40 866 34,640 Local Access ACP City 36 317 11,421 Local Access ACP City 50 760 37,988 Local Access ACP City 36 184 6,611 Local Access ACP City 40 674 26,969 Local Access ACP City 29 1,165 33,773 Local Access ACP City 26 553 14,390 Local Access ACP City 40 1,310 52,420 Local Access ACP City 28 160 4,482 Local Access ACP City 40 2,656 106,258 Local Access ACP City 40 1,389 55,552 Local Access ACP City 40 440 17,603 Local Access ACP City 40 140 5,600 Local Access ACP City 36 177 6,373 Local Access ACP City 18 814 14,656 Local Access ACP City 24 652 15,654 Local Access ACP City 24 592 14,199 Local Access ACP City 32 339 10,849 Local Access ACP City 28 1,315 36,810 Local Access ACP City 30 497 14,918 56 52 65 72 62 56 39 69 59 86 66 62 62 66 58 34 68 63 76 58 48 47 62 Local Access ACP City 34 1,321 44,897 46 Local Access ACP City 37 1,548 57,258 71 Local Access ACP City 28 674 18,864 50 Local Access ACP City 30 576 17,281 58 Local Access ACP City 36 189 6,822 86 Local Access ACP City 40 2,657 106,296 58 Local Access ACP City 40 962 38,478 53 Local Access ACP City 36 1,483 53,371 77 Local Access ACP City 30 2,007 60,217 59 Local Access ACP City 38 470 17,861 62 Local Access ACP City 36 511 18,406 77 Local Access ACP City 36 1,479 53,253 58 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 43 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1439 1532 1456 1464 1554 1482 1127 1467 1534 1125 1440 1441 1457 1468 1466 1143 1555 654 655 1181 1054 1927 656 1055 1036 1164 1170 1208 1458 1483 1576 1511 1443 1558 1556 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Ct 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Ct 19th Ct 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av Fawn Bannen University Linda End Pines End Linda Evergreen Seehorn Dishman Mica Sunrise University Union Bowdish Rocky Ridge End End Chronicle Progress Dishman Mica Union Howe Willow Sipple End Pines End University Pines Sullivan Saltese Balfour Progress Adams Felts Early Dawn Bowdish Union St Charles Guthrie Wardson 18th Airpark Lake Felts University Bowdish Pines Linda End St Charles Custer Carnahan End Willow Pines End Farr Dish man Union Houk Greenacres Bowdish Guthrie Sonora Evergreen Sunrise St Charles Progress Local Access ACP City 40 1,217 48,690 Local Access ACP City 40 1,086 43,425 Local Access ACP City 40 2,653 106,118 Local Access ACP City 40 866 34,640 Local Access ACP City 36 317 11,421 Local Access ACP City 50 760 37,988 Local Access ACP City 36 184 6,611 Local Access ACP City 40 674 26,969 Local Access ACP City 29 1,165 33,773 Local Access ACP City 26 553 14,390 Local Access ACP City 40 1,310 52,420 Local Access ACP City 28 160 4,482 Local Access ACP City 40 2,656 106,258 Local Access ACP City 40 1,389 55,552 Local Access ACP City 40 440 17,603 Local Access ACP City 40 140 5,600 Local Access ACP City 36 177 6,373 Local Access ACP City 18 814 14,656 Local Access ACP City 24 652 15,654 Local Access ACP City 24 592 14,199 Local Access ACP City 32 339 10,849 Local Access ACP City 28 1,315 36,810 Local Access ACP City 30 497 14,918 Local Access ACP City 34 1,321 44,897 Local Access ACP City 37 1,548 57,258 Local Access ACP City 28 674 18,864 Local Access ACP City 30 576 17,281 Local Access ACP City 36 189 6,822 Local Access ACP City 40 2,657 106,296 Local Access ACP City 40 962 38,478 Local Access ACP City 36 1,483 53,371 Local Access ACP City 30 2,007 60,217 Local Access ACP City 38 470 17,861 Local Access ACP City 36 511 18,406 Local Access ACP City 36 1,479 53,253 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 44 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1469 1536 1535 1442 1594 1470 1579 1559 1538 1484 1471 1459 1513 1580 1578 1561 1595 1560 1472 1444 1539 1499 1516 1460 1583 1582 1581 1541 1518 1461 1597 1588 1517 1951 1540 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Ct 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Ct 21st Ct 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av Bowdish Evergreen End Fawn Vera Crest Whipple Timberlane End Evergreen Cherry Union University End End End End Vera Crest Adams Bowdish Sunrise End Woodlawn McDonald University End Sonora Timberlane Evergreen McDonald University Conklin End End Forrest Bolivar 19th Sunnyside End Dartmouth End Pines End St Charles Sunnyside Guthrie Whipple Skipworth Evergreen Timberlane Pioneer Sullivan Conklin Progress Pines University Calvin McDonald Blake Skipworth Timberlane End End Bolivar McCabe Bowdish Steen End Evergreen McDonald Calvin Local Access ACP City 36 2,070 74,538 Local Access ACP City 40 620 24,800 Local Access ACP City 40 820 32,795 Local Access ACP City 40 821 32,854 Local Access ACP City 40 440 17,604 Local Access ACP City 40 644 25,771 Local Access ACP City 36 659 23,710 Local Access ACP City 36 1,453 52,293 Local Access ACP City 36 1,071 38,551 Local Access ACP City 40 915 36,584 Local Access ACP City 38 567 21,564 Local Access ACP City 40 1,991 79,624 Local Access ACP City 36 667 24,003 Local Access ACP City 36 253 9,091 Local Access ACP City 36 450 16,200 Local Access ACP City 36 1,143 41,152 Local Access ACP City 36 1,312 47,247 Local Access ACP City 36 1,334 48,038 Local Access ACP City 40 2,670 106,786 Local Access ACP City 35 370 12,952 Local Access ACP City 40 897 35,885 Local Access ACP City 40 858 34,339 Local Access ACP City 40 1,346 53,855 69 61 59 70 20 54 70 74 61 51 70 43 60 51 78 62 27 55 56 60 62 51 51 Local Access ACP City 40 1,991 79,624 63 Local Access ACP City 50 99 4,927 59 Local Access ACP City 36 270 9,720 56 Local Access ACP City 50 176 8,809 59 Local Access ACP City 40 320 12,801 42 Local Access ACP City 40 988 39,520 57 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,408 63 Local Access ACP City 40 880 35,184 51 Local Access ACP City 45 96 4,338 76 Local Access ACP City 36 492 17,711 59 Local Access ACP City 26 1,682 43,722 54 Local Access ACP City 40 1,676 67,035 62 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 45 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1469 1536 1535 1442 1594 1470 1579 1559 1538 1484 1471 1459 1513 1580 1578 1561 1595 1560 1472 1444 1539 1499 1516 1460 1583 1582 1581 1541 1518 1461 1597 1588 1517 1951 1540 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Ct 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Ct 21st Ct 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av Bowdlish Evergreen End Fawn Vera Crest Whipple Timberlane End Evergreen Cherry Union University End End End End Vera Crest Adams Bowdlish Sunrise End Woodlawn McDonald University End Sonora Timberlane Evergreen McDonald University Conklin End End Forrest Bolivar 19th Sunnyside End Dartmouth End Pines End St Charles Sunnyside Guthrie Whipple Skipworth Evergreen Timberlane Pioneer Sullivan Conklin Progress Pines University Calvin McDonald Blake Skipworth Timberlane End End Bolivar McCabe Bowdlish Steen End Evergreen McDonald Calvin Local Access ACP City 36 2,070 74,538 Local Access ACP City 40 620 24,800 Local Access ACP City 40 820 32,795 Local Access ACP City 40 821 32,854 Local Access ACP City 40 440 17,604 Local Access ACP City 40 644 25,771 Local Access ACP City 36 659 23,710 Local Access ACP City 36 1,453 52,293 Local Access ACP City 36 1,071 38,551 Local Access ACP City 40 915 36,584 Local Access ACP City 38 567 21,564 Local Access ACP City 40 1,991 79,624 Local Access ACP City 36 667 24,003 Local Access ACP City 36 253 9,091 Local Access ACP City 36 450 16,200 Local Access ACP City 36 1,143 41,152 Local Access ACP City 36 1,312 47,247 Local Access ACP City 36 1,334 48,038 Local Access ACP City 40 2,670 106,786 Local Access ACP City 35 370 12,952 Local Access ACP City 40 897 35,885 Local Access ACP City 40 858 34,339 Local Access ACP City 40 1,346 53,855 Local Access ACP City 40 1,991 79,624 Local Access ACP City 50 99 4,927 Local Access ACP City 36 270 9,720 Local Access ACP City 50 176 8,809 Local Access ACP City 40 320 12,801 Local Access ACP City 40 988 39,520 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,408 Local Access ACP City 40 880 35,184 Local Access ACP City 45 96 4,338 Local Access ACP City 36 492 17,711 Local Access ACP City 26 1,682 43,722 Local Access ACP City 40 1,676 67,035 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 46 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1485 23rd Av 1473 23rd Av 1563 23rd Av 1562 23rd Av 1584 23rd Av 1598 23rd Ct 1590 23rd Ct 116 24th Av 1887 24th Av 115 24th Av 117 24th Av 114 24th Av 118 24th Av 119 24th Av 1898 24th Av 1446 24th Av 1952 24th Av 1487 24th Av 1445 24th Av 1492 24th Ct 1642 25th Av 1704 25th Av 1672 25th Av 1617 25th Av 1668 25th Av 1624 25th Av 1685 25th Ct 1674 26th Av 1686 26th Av 1606 26th Av 1669 26th Av 1643 26th Av 1706 26th Av 1625 26th Av 1618 26th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Union End End End Vera Crest Sonora McDonald University Pines Blake Bowdish Evergreen Bannen Adams End Sullivan Vercler Balfour 25th Houk Progress Blake University Forrest Bowdish End Blake Evergreen Dishman Mica Forrest Pines Progress 25th University Guthrie Pines Sullivan End Sonora End End Blake Bowdish McDonald Evergreen Pines Bannen Adams Sullivan Dishman Mica Vera Crest Guthrie Sunrise End 24th Newer Davis Bowdish Blake Pines Bannen Davis Bannen Balfour Blake Tall Tree Newer Pines Bowdish Local Access ACP City 36 1,227 44,170 Local Access ACP City 40 1,333 53,318 Local Access ACP City 36 667 24,027 Local Access ACP City 32 495 15,856 Local Access ACP City 36 649 23,363 Local Access ACP City 40 135 5,400 Local Access ACP City 36 361 13,005 Collector ACP City 38 1,207 45,871 Collector ACP City 35 2,660 93,092 Collector ACP City 40 3,074 122,968 Collector ACP City 36 1,329 47,835 Collector ACP City 35 2,665 93,259 Collector ACP City 36 647 23,281 Collector ACP City 40 2,012 80,491 Collector ACP City 36 2,662 95,842 Local Access ACP City 30 348 10,432 Local Access ACP City 40 2,049 81,963 Local Access ACP City 40 938 37,510 Local Access ACP City 26 510 13,262 Local Access ACP City 36 155 5,580 Local Access ACP City 36 541 19,493 Local Access ACP City 40 647 25,884 Local Access ACP City 40 1,089 43,574 53 70 74 53 76 40 66 59 51 50 61 56 58 53 53 46 83 57 64 56 56 53 57 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,420 58 Local Access ACP City 40 876 35,053 61 Local Access ACP City 40 2,665 106,604 66 Local Access ACP City 36 138 4,967 56 Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,828 51 Local Access ACP City 36 647 23,281 60 Local Access ACP City 33 482 15,900 57 Local Access ACP City 40 609 24,370 59 Local Access ACP City 40 2,498 99,904 52 Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,612 44 Local Access ACP City 25 1,668 41,689 72 Local Access ACP City 40 2,666 106,624 64 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 47 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1485 23rd Av 1473 23rd Av 1563 23rd Av 1562 23rd Av 1584 23rd Av 1598 23rd Ct 1590 23rd Ct 116 24th Av 1887 24th Av 115 24th Av 117 24th Av 114 24th Av 118 24th Av 119 24th Av 1898 24th Av 1446 24th Av 1952 24th Av 1487 24th Av 1445 24th Av 1492 24th Ct 1642 25th Av 1704 25th Av 1672 25th Av 1617 25th Av 1668 25th Av 1624 25th Av 1685 25th Ct 1674 26th Av 1686 26th Av 1606 26th Av 1669 26th Av 1643 26th Av 1706 26th Av 1625 26th Av 1618 26th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Union End End End Vera Crest Sonora McDonald University Pines Blake Bowdlish Evergreen Bannen Adams End Sullivan Vercler Balfour 25th Houk Progress Blake University Forrest Bowdlish End Blake Evergreen Dishman Mica Forrest Pines Progress 25th University Guthrie Pines Sullivan End Sonora End End Blake Bowdlish McDonald Evergreen Pines Bannen Adams Sullivan Dishman Mica Vera Crest Guthrie Sunrise End 24th Newer Davis Bowdlish Blake Pines Bannen Davis Bannen Balfour Blake Tall Tree Newer Pines Bowdlish Local Access ACP City 36 1,227 44,170 Local Access ACP City 40 1,333 53,318 Local Access ACP City 36 667 24,027 Local Access ACP City 32 495 15,856 Local Access ACP City 36 649 23,363 Local Access ACP City 40 135 5,400 Local Access ACP City 36 361 13,005 Collector ACP City 38 1,207 45,871 Collector ACP City 35 2,660 93,092 Collector ACP City 40 3,074 122,968 Collector ACP City 36 1,329 47,835 Collector ACP City 35 2,665 93,259 Collector ACP City 36 647 23,281 Collector ACP City 40 2,012 80,491 Collector ACP City 36 2,662 95,842 Local Access ACP City 30 348 10,432 Local Access ACP City 40 2,049 81,963 Local Access ACP City 40 938 37,510 Local Access ACP City 26 510 13,262 Local Access ACP City 36 155 5,580 Local Access ACP City 36 541 19,493 Local Access ACP City 40 647 25,884 Local Access ACP City 40 1,089 43,574 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,420 Local Access ACP City 40 876 35,053 Local Access ACP City 40 2,665 106,604 Local Access ACP City 36 138 4,967 Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,828 Local Access ACP City 36 647 23,281 Local Access ACP City 33 482 15,900 Local Access ACP City 40 609 24,370 Local Access ACP City 40 2,498 99,904 Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,612 Local Access ACP City 25 1,668 41,689 Local Access ACP City 40 2,666 106,624 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 48 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1705 26th Ct 1626 27th Av 1675 27th Av 1709 27th Av 1628 27th Av 1615 27th Av 1644 27th Av 1645 27th Av 1954 27th Av 1687 27th Ct End 1688 28th Av Evergreen 1676 28th Av Blake 1609 28th Av Dishman Mica 1619 28th Av University 1667 28th Av Guthrie 1646 28th Av Virginia 1620 29th Av University 1647 29th Av Vercler 1677 29th Av Avalon 1689 29th Ct End 1176 2nd Av Best 1185 2nd Av Newer 1184 2nd Av Progress 1210 2nd Av Moen 1182 2nd Av Adams 1183 2nd Av End 657 2nd Av End 1160 2nd Av End 1024 2nd Av 2ND AV 1030 2nd Av Thierman 1221 2nd Av Barker 1630 30th Av Bowdish 1679 30th Av Avalon 1621 30th Av University 1631 30th Av Fox End Skyview Blake Sullivan Bowdish Sunrise 29th Pines University IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sullivan Pines Evergreen Timberlane Bates University Tall Tree Collins Bowdish Bolivar Best Davis University Bowdish Guthrie Guthrie Bowdish Guthrie Davis Bolivar Adams Sullivan Newer Local Access ACP City 37 560 20,720 Local Access ACP City 40 839 33,546 Local Access ACP City 40 1,335 53,386 Local Access ACP City 40 786 31,428 Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,200 Local Access ACP City 26 656 17,055 Local Access ACP City 40 1,382 55,274 Local Access ACP City 40 1,025 41,003 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,406 Local Access ACP City 36 129 4,649 Local Access ACP City 36 1,378 49,604 Local Access ACP City 40 1,150 45,981 Local Access ACP City 40 1,156 46,224 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,414 Local Access ACP City 50 2,364 118,199 Local Access ACP City 40 1,670 66,819 Local Access ACP City 40 2,661 106,433 Local Access ACP City 40 2,250 89,987 Local Access ACP City 40 968 38,718 Local Access ACP City 36 130 4,680 Local Access ACP City 40 1,116 44,626 Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,596 Local Access ACP City 36 990 35,629 54 73 42 86 70 54 49 57 63 58 74 60 52 53 62 40 55 40 60 45 33 64 71 End Local Access ACP City 36 213 7,661 86 End Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,582 47 End Local Access ACP City 40 479 19,160 80 Carnahan Local Access ACP City 22 2,633 57,919 68 Bowdish Local Access ACP City 36 235 8,460 54 Thierman Local Access ACP City 28 1,499 41,974 64 Park Local Access ACP City 26 2,642 68,688 66 Holiday Local Access ACP City 40 1,640 65,600 91 Bates Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,190 71 Evergreen Local Access ACP City 40 1,314 52,561 45 Bowdish Local Access ACP City 40 2,661 106,430 51 31st Local Access ACP City 40 902 36,085 74 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 49 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1705 26th Ct 1626 27th Av 1675 27th Av 1709 27th Av 1628 27th Av 1615 27th Av 1644 27th Av 1645 27th Av 1954 27th Av 1687 27th Ct End 1688 28th Av Evergreen 1676 28th Av Blake 1609 28th Av Dishman Mica 1619 28th Av University 1667 28th Av Guthrie 1646 28th Av Virginia 1620 29th Av University 1647 29th Av Vercler 1677 29th Av Avalon 1689 29th Ct End 1176 2nd Av Best 1185 2nd Av Newer 1184 2nd Av Progress 1210 2nd Av Moen 1182 2nd Av Adams 1183 2nd Av End 657 2nd Av End 1160 2nd Av End 1024 2nd Av 2ND AV 1030 2nd Av Thierman 1221 2nd Av Barker 1630 30th Av Bowdish 1679 30th Av Avalon 1621 30th Av University 1631 30th Av Fox End Skyview Blake Sullivan Bowdish Sunrise 29th Pines University IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sullivan Pines Evergreen Timberlane Bates University Tall Tree Collins Bowdish Bolivar Best Davis University Bowdish Guthrie Guthrie Bowdish Guthrie Davis Bolivar Adams Sullivan Newer Local Access ACP City 37 560 20,720 Local Access ACP City 40 839 33,546 Local Access ACP City 40 1,335 53,386 Local Access ACP City 40 786 31,428 Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,200 Local Access ACP City 26 656 17,055 Local Access ACP City 40 1,382 55,274 Local Access ACP City 40 1,025 41,003 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,406 Local Access ACP City 36 129 4,649 Local Access ACP City 36 1,378 49,604 Local Access ACP City 40 1,150 45,981 Local Access ACP City 40 1,156 46,224 Local Access ACP City 40 2,660 106,414 Local Access ACP City 50 2,364 118,199 Local Access ACP City 40 1,670 66,819 Local Access ACP City 40 2,661 106,433 Local Access ACP City 40 2,250 89,987 Local Access ACP City 40 968 38,718 Local Access ACP City 36 130 4,680 Local Access ACP City 40 1,116 44,626 Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,596 Local Access ACP City 36 990 35,629 End Local Access ACP City 36 213 7,661 End Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,582 End Local Access ACP City 40 479 19,160 Carnahan Local Access ACP City 22 2,633 57,919 Bowdish Local Access ACP City 36 235 8,460 Thierman Local Access ACP City 28 1,499 41,974 Park Local Access ACP City 26 2,642 68,688 Holiday Local Access ACP City 40 1,640 65,600 Bates Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,190 Evergreen Local Access ACP City 40 1,314 52,561 Bowdish Local Access ACP City 40 2,661 106,430 31st Local Access ACP City 40 902 36,085 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 50 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1650 1691 1690 1652 1692 1680 1611 1622 1632 1651 1960 1722 1743 1774 1775 1777 1746 1723 1744 1724 1776 1779 1726 1725 1748 1778 1788 1749 1780 1729 1730 1750 1753 1754 1732 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 30th Av 30th Ct 30th Ct 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Ct 33rd Av 33rd Av 33rd Av 33rd Ct 33rd Ct 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Ct 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 36th Av 36th Av 36th Av 36th Av 37th Av 37th Av 37th Ct 38th Av 38th Av End End Sunnybrook End Evergreen Mamer Raymond University Bates Clinton Pierce University Wilbur End End Woodlawn Melissa Pierce Bowdish Glenn Vercler McDonald University Pierce Bates Vercler Woodruff Bates Vercler Pierce End Bowdish Union Bowdish Johnson Collins Bolivar End Clinton Best Davis University Bowdish Whipple End Woodward Pierce Robie Vercler McDonald McDonald Pines Bowdish Loretta Gillis End End Pierce Woodward Loretta Woodlawn Ridgeview Fox Woodlawn Bowdish Bowdish Loretta End Bates Skipworth Local Access ACP City 40 467 18,670 Local Access ACP City 36 130 4,680 Local Access ACP City 36 211 7,580 Local Access ACP City 40 2,436 97,425 Local Access ACP City 36 1,336 48,092 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,202 Local Access ACP City 40 539 21,574 Local Access ACP City 40 2,661 106,422 Local Access ACP City 40 1,711 68,440 Local Access ACP City 36 376 13,518 Local Access ACP City 40 1,025 41,018 Local Access ACP City 36 1,336 48,082 Local Access ACP City 36 1,250 45,000 Local Access ACP City 36 174 6,281 Local Access ACP City 36 256 9,201 Local Access ACP City 36 375 13,506 Local Access ACP City 36 1,017 36,621 Local Access ACP City 40 1,328 53,129 Local Access ACP City 36 705 25,378 Local Access ACP City 36 300 10,800 Local Access ACP City 36 337 12,147 Local Access ACP City 36 150 5,400 Local Access ACP City 36 1,376 49,553 57 57 77 49 75 58 63 67 71 58 20 40 56 68 77 77 51 29 31 51 68 77 41 Local Access ACP City 40 1,033 41,332 69 Local Access ACP City 36 948 34,111 39 Local Access ACP City 36 864 31,105 77 Local Access ACP City 40 361 14,455 61 Local Access ACP City 36 889 31,995 47 Local Access ACP City 36 797 28,686 57 Local Access ACP City 40 1,334 53,345 66 Local Access ACP City 36 1,768 63,661 69 Local Access ACP City 40 1,874 74,969 38 Local Access ACP City 36 803 28,917 78 Local Access ACP City 36 534 19,210 56 Local Access ACP City 36 226 8,139 55 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 51 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1650 1691 1690 1652 1692 1680 1611 1622 1632 1651 1960 1722 1743 1774 1775 1777 1746 1723 1744 1724 1776 1779 1726 1725 1748 1778 1788 1749 1780 1729 1730 1750 1753 1754 1732 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 30th Av 30th Ct 30th Ct 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Ct 33rd Av 33rd Av 33rd Av 33rd Ct 33rd Ct 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Ct 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 36th Av 36th Av 36th Av 36th Av 37th Av 37th Av 37th Ct 38th Av 38th Av End End Sunnybrook End Evergreen Mamer Raymond University Bates Clinton Pierce University Wilbur End End Woodlawn Melissa Pierce Bowdlish Glenn Vercler McDonald University Pierce Bates Vercler Woodruff Bates Vercler Pierce End Bowdlish Union Bowdlish Johnson Collins Bolivar End Clinton Best Davis University Bowdlish Whipple End Woodward Pierce Robie Vercler McDonald McDonald Pines Bowdlish Loretta Gillis End End Pierce Woodward Loretta Woodlawn Ridgeview Fox Woodlawn Bowdlish Bowdlish Loretta End Bates Skipworth Local Access ACP City 40 467 18,670 Local Access ACP City 36 130 4,680 Local Access ACP City 36 211 7,580 Local Access ACP City 40 2,436 97,425 Local Access ACP City 36 1,336 48,092 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,202 Local Access ACP City 40 539 21,574 Local Access ACP City 40 2,661 106,422 Local Access ACP City 40 1,711 68,440 Local Access ACP City 36 376 13,518 Local Access ACP City 40 1,025 41,018 Local Access ACP City 36 1,336 48,082 Local Access ACP City 36 1,250 45,000 Local Access ACP City 36 174 6,281 Local Access ACP City 36 256 9,201 Local Access ACP City 36 375 13,506 Local Access ACP City 36 1,017 36,621 Local Access ACP City 40 1,328 53,129 Local Access ACP City 36 705 25,378 Local Access ACP City 36 300 10,800 Local Access ACP City 36 337 12,147 Local Access ACP City 36 150 5,400 Local Access ACP City 36 1,376 49,553 Local Access ACP City 40 1,033 41,332 Local Access ACP City 36 948 34,111 Local Access ACP City 36 864 31,105 Local Access ACP City 40 361 14,455 Local Access ACP City 36 889 31,995 Local Access ACP City 36 797 28,686 Local Access ACP City 40 1,334 53,345 Local Access ACP City 36 1,768 63,661 Local Access ACP City 40 1,874 74,969 Local Access ACP City 36 803 28,917 Local Access ACP City 36 534 19,210 Local Access ACP City 36 226 8,139 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 52 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1731 1961 1790 1789 1223 1161 1165 1031 1025 1177 1171 1196 1186 1211 1173 78 77 1178 1733 1773 1755 1765 1768 1792 1756 1816 1796 1815 1817 1797 1810 127 1852 1824 1827 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 38th Av 38th Av 39th Av 39th Av 3rd 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Ct 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Ct 40th Ct 41st 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 43rd Av 43rd Av 43rd Ct 44th Av 45th Av 45th Av 46th Av End 37th Sunderland Driftwood End University Union Thierman David Evergreen Pines Flora Sommer Greenacres Blake Carnahan End End Dishman Mica MADISON Union Reeves End Moffitt Pines Driftwood Ridgeview End Pierce Robie Park Thierman Best End Tschirley Newer End End Fancher Carnahan Rees Bowdish End Robie Union End End Driftwood End BATES End Bowdish Woodruff End Forest Meadows End Forest Meadows End Locust End Pondra End Van Marter Sands Woodward Bowdish End Farr End Van Marter Local Access ACP City 36 198 7,118 Local Access ACP City 36 1,757 63,247 Local Access ACP City 38 892 33,911 Local Access ACP City 38 356 13,520 Local Access ACP City 40 260 10,400 Local Access ACP City 40 1,365 54,598 Local Access ACP City 25 612 15,301 Local Access ACP City 30 2,643 79,286 Local Access ACP City 30 331 9,923 Local Access ACP City 28 1,168 32,711 Local Access ACP City 32 694 22,214 Local Access ACP City 30 1,306 39,173 Local Access ACP City 40 325 13,004 Local Access ACP City 36 339 12,203 Local Access ACP City 40 627 25,076 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,543 101,700 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,631 105,243 Local Access ACP City 36 92 3,302 Local Access ACP City 40 1,457 58,281 Local Access ACP City 28 863 24,167 Local Access ACP City 36 712 25,648 Local Access ACP City 36 717 25,797 Local Access ACP City 36 185 6,660 69 57 53 34 44 70 57 67 60 80 50 86 62 86 65 80 80 74 50 48 68 49 66 Local Access ACP City 36 198 7,129 50 Local Access ACP City 33 475 15,675 61 Local Access ACP City 36 585 21,045 71 Local Access ACP City 28 462 12,932 86 Local Access ACP City 36 270 9,720 61 Local Access ACP City 36 1,007 36,259 70 Local Access ACP City 36 537 19,350 86 Local Access ACP City 30 225 6,750 86 Collector ACP City 24 2,933 70,394 69 Local Access ACP City 40 352 14,060 73 Local Access ACP City 40 330 13,202 86 Local Access ACP City 36 334 12,025 86 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 53 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 I-I re U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O _ 0 Ii 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 1731 1961 1790 1789 1223 1161 1165 1031 1025 1177 1171 1196 1186 1211 1173 78 77 1178 1733 1773 1755 1765 1768 1792 1756 1816 1796 1815 1817 1797 1810 127 1852 1824 1827 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 38th Av 38th Av 39th Av 39th Av 3rd 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Ct 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Ct 40th Ct 41st 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 43rd Av 43rd Av 43rd Ct 44th Av 45th Av 45th Av 46th Av End 37th Sunderland Driftwood End University Union Thierman David Evergreen Pines Flora Sommer Greenacres Blake Carnahan End End Dishman Mica MADISON Union Reeves End Moffitt Pines Driftwood Ridgeview End Pierce Robie Park Thierman Best End Tschirley Newer End End Fancher Carnahan Rees Bowdlish End Robie Union End End Driftwood End BATES End Bowdlish Woodruff End Forest Meadows End Forest Meadows End Locust End Pondra End Van Marter Sands Woodward Bowdlish End Farr End Van Marter Local Access ACP City 36 198 7,118 Local Access ACP City 36 1,757 63,247 Local Access ACP City 38 892 33,911 Local Access ACP City 38 356 13,520 Local Access ACP City 40 260 10,400 Local Access ACP City 40 1,365 54,598 Local Access ACP City 25 612 15,301 Local Access ACP City 30 2,643 79,286 Local Access ACP City 30 331 9,923 Local Access ACP City 28 1,168 32,711 Local Access ACP City 32 694 22,214 Local Access ACP City 30 1,306 39,173 Local Access ACP City 40 325 13,004 Local Access ACP City 36 339 12,203 Local Access ACP City 40 627 25,076 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,543 101,700 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,631 105,243 Local Access ACP City 36 92 3,302 Local Access ACP City 40 1,457 58,281 Local Access ACP City 28 863 24,167 Local Access ACP City 36 712 25,648 Local Access ACP City 36 717 25,797 Local Access ACP City 36 185 6,660 Local Access ACP City 36 198 7,129 Local Access ACP City 33 475 15,675 Local Access ACP City 36 585 21,045 Local Access ACP City 28 462 12,932 Local Access ACP City 36 270 9,720 Local Access ACP City 36 1,007 36,259 Local Access ACP City 36 537 19,350 Local Access ACP City 30 225 6,750 Collector ACP City 24 2,933 70,394 Local Access ACP City 40 352 14,060 Local Access ACP City 40 330 13,202 Local Access ACP City 36 334 12,025 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 54 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1825 1841 1858 1842 1860 1826 1843 91 1882 1893 90 87 1894 88 1884 89 1224 1197 1191 1212 85 86 1865 1864 1836 1861 1213 1272 1059 1264 1232 1091 1280 1079 1273 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 46th Av 46th Av 47th Av 47th Av 48th Av 48th Av 48th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 50th Av 50th Ct 5th 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av Farr Van Marter End Van Marter Bates Woodruff Van Marter McDonald University Evergreen Pines Thierman Adams Dishman Mica Bowdish Farr Barker Steen Sullivan End Carnahan Fancher Custer Woodruff Bates Sands 46th Sands End Bates Evergreen Bowdish Adams McDonald Park Sullivan Farr Pines University Hodges Tschirley Rotchford Barker Fancher Thierman Carnahan End Custer End Ferret End Ponderosa End McKee Evergreen Bolivar End Custer McDonald Mamer Raymond Oberlin Thierman Park End End Carnahan McKinnon Crystal Adams Local Access ACP City 27 660 17,815 Local Access ACP City 36 2,788 100,370 Local Access ACP City 40 964 38,546 Local Access ACP City 40 1,342 53,689 Local Access ACP City 40 903 36,112 Local Access ACP City 27 2,072 55,944 Local Access ACP City 40 2,776 111,022 Collector ACP City 32 2,667 85,339 Collector ACP City 32 2,652 84,861 Collector ACP City 32 2,650 84,808 Collector ACP City 32 2,677 85,667 Collector ACP City 26 2,646 68,799 Collector ACP City 32 2,657 85,022 Collector ACP City 34 1,269 43,145 Collector ACP City 32 2,656 84,985 Collector ACP City 32 3,309 105,898 Local Access ACP City 16 2,644 42,305 Local Access ACP City 26 1,971 51,257 Local Access ACP City 26 2,568 66,766 Local Access ACP City 16 3,319 53,112 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,643 89,878 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,680 69,689 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 1,313 44,636 86 81 65 73 74 86 69 55 66 80 54 62 66 74 64 73 91 74 63 77 80 80 70 Minor Arterial ACP City 14 1,343 18,797 64 Local Access ACP City 27 436 11,759 86 Local Access ACP City 40 491 19,636 73 Local Access ACP City 33 200 6,600 76 Local Access ACP City 28 664 18,600 70 Local Access ACP City 24 1,323 31,743 77 Local Access ACP City 32 2,066 66,121 54 Local Access ACP City 36 465 16,747 57 Local Access ACP City 28 2,637 73,834 75 Local Access ACP City 36 258 9,276 75 Local Access ACP City 16 960 15,363 66 Local Access ACP City 36 441 15,874 78 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 55 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re I-I U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1825 1841 1858 1842 1860 1826 1843 91 1882 1893 90 87 1894 88 1884 89 1224 1197 1191 1212 85 86 1865 1864 1836 1861 1213 1272 1059 1264 1232 1091 1280 1079 1273 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 46th Av 46th Av 47th Av 47th Av 48th Av 48th Av 48th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 50th Av 50th Ct 5th 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av Farr Van Marter End Van Marter Bates Woodruff Van Marter McDonald University Evergreen Pines Thierman Adams Dishman Mica Bowdish Farr Barker Steen Sullivan End Carnahan Fancher Custer Woodruff Bates Sands 46th Sands End Bates Evergreen Bowdish Adams McDonald Park Sullivan Farr Pines University Hodges Tschirley Rotchford Barker Fancher Thierman Carnahan End Custer End Ferret End Ponderosa End McKee Evergreen Bolivar End Custer McDonald Mamer Raymond Oberlin Thierman Park End End Carnahan McKinnon Crystal Adams Local Access ACP City 27 660 17,815 Local Access ACP City 36 2,788 100,370 Local Access ACP City 40 964 38,546 Local Access ACP City 40 1,342 53,689 Local Access ACP City 40 903 36,112 Local Access ACP City 27 2,072 55,944 Local Access ACP City 40 2,776 111,022 Collector ACP City 32 2,667 85,339 Collector ACP City 32 2,652 84,861 Collector ACP City 32 2,650 84,808 Collector ACP City 32 2,677 85,667 Collector ACP City 26 2,646 68,799 Collector ACP City 32 2,657 85,022 Collector ACP City 34 1,269 43,145 Collector ACP City 32 2,656 84,985 Collector ACP City 32 3,309 105,898 Local Access ACP City 16 2,644 42,305 Local Access ACP City 26 1,971 51,257 Local Access ACP City 26 2,568 66,766 Local Access ACP City 16 3,319 53,112 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,643 89,878 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,680 69,689 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 1,313 44,636 Minor Arterial ACP City 14 1,343 18,797 Local Access ACP City 27 436 11,759 Local Access ACP City 40 491 19,636 Local Access ACP City 33 200 6,600 Local Access ACP City 28 664 18,600 Local Access ACP City 24 1,323 31,743 Local Access ACP City 32 2,066 66,121 Local Access ACP City 36 465 16,747 Local Access ACP City 28 2,637 73,834 Local Access ACP City 36 258 9,276 Local Access ACP City 16 960 15,363 Local Access ACP City 36 441 15,874 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 56 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1198 1265 1241 1928 1242 1092 1275 1266 1267 1274 1085 1225 1205 1233 1938 1214 1234 1199 1254 1060 1247 1970 1061 1226 1243 1269 1255 1086 1093 1268 1057 1248 1429 1144 1045 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 5th Av 5th Ct 5th Ct 5th Ln 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Ct 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av Flora End End Perrine University Thierman End McDonald 7th Evergreen 8th Michigan End Farr Vercler Tschirley End Arc Houk End Bowdish Rees End Michigan University Blake Houk Eastern Thierman End Dishman Mica Wilbur Long Park Dish man Tschirley Evergreen Pierce End Bowdish Park Adams Blake Mamer Bolivar Thierman Hodges End Woodruff End Long University Tschirley Collins Carnahan Pines Adams End End Bowdish Mamer Vercler Thierman End Blake Farr End Barker Vista Dishman Mica Local Access ACP City 40 1,273 50,928 Local Access ACP City 36 328 11,803 Local Access ACP City 37 609 22,537 Local Access ACP City 36 286 10,282 Local Access ACP City 36 2,655 95,564 Local Access ACP City 30 2,632 78,947 Local Access ACP City 36 1,284 46,217 Local Access ACP City 32 1,334 42,698 Local Access ACP City 40 1,090 43,592 Local Access ACP City 20 707 14,137 Local Access ACP City 30 2,772 83,163 Local Access ACP City 33 1,207 39,841 Local Access ACP City 40 99 3,959 Local Access ACP City 38 683 25,962 Local Access ACP City 20 897 17,940 Local Access ACP City 20 1,335 26,699 Local Access ACP City 36 1,084 39,038 Local Access ACP City 40 626 25,031 Local Access ACP City 36 270 9,721 Local Access ACP City 22 2,633 57,919 Local Access ACP City 28 2,654 74,313 Local Access ACP City 36 1,178 42,403 Local Access ACP City 14 1,544 21,610 86 77 53 62 70 70 81 62 62 67 64 77 84 24 44 86 68 86 61 74 58 70 76 Local Access ACP City 33 372 12,288 77 Local Access ACP City 21 2,652 55,695 64 Local Access ACP City 40 738 29,518 66 Local Access ACP City 40 358 14,316 57 Local Access ACP City 28 1,357 37,993 72 Local Access ACP City 28 2,272 63,615 73 Local Access ACP City 36 1,066 38,368 66 Local Access ACP City 40 907 36,271 61 Local Access ACP City 30 191 5,717 53 Local Access ACP City 24 2,699 64,786 75 Local Access ACP City 32 295 9,440 53 Local Access ACP City 50 161 8,040 60 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 57 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 I-I re U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y A U O `w at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 1198 1265 1241 1928 1242 1092 1275 1266 1267 1274 1085 1225 1205 1233 1938 1214 1234 1199 1254 1060 1247 1970 1061 1226 1243 1269 1255 1086 1093 1268 1057 1248 1429 1144 1045 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 5th Av 5th Ct 5th Ct 5th Ln 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Ct 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av Flora End End Perrine University Thierman End McDonald 7th Evergreen 8th Michigan End Farr Vercler Tschirley End Arc Houk End Bowdlish Rees End Michigan University Blake Houk Eastern Thierman End Dishman Mica Wilbur Long Park Dish man Tschirley Evergreen Pierce End Bowdlish Park Adams Blake Mamer Bolivar Thierman Hodges End Woodruff End Long University Tschirley Collins Carnahan Pines Adams End End Bowdlish Mamer Vercler Thierman End Blake Farr End Barker Vista Dishman Mica Local Access ACP City 40 1,273 50,928 Local Access ACP City 36 328 11,803 Local Access ACP City 37 609 22,537 Local Access ACP City 36 286 10,282 Local Access ACP City 36 2,655 95,564 Local Access ACP City 30 2,632 78,947 Local Access ACP City 36 1,284 46,217 Local Access ACP City 32 1,334 42,698 Local Access ACP City 40 1,090 43,592 Local Access ACP City 20 707 14,137 Local Access ACP City 30 2,772 83,163 Local Access ACP City 33 1,207 39,841 Local Access ACP City 40 99 3,959 Local Access ACP City 38 683 25,962 Local Access ACP City 20 897 17,940 Local Access ACP City 20 1,335 26,699 Local Access ACP City 36 1,084 39,038 Local Access ACP City 40 626 25,031 Local Access ACP City 36 270 9,721 Local Access ACP City 22 2,633 57,919 Local Access ACP City 28 2,654 74,313 Local Access ACP City 36 1,178 42,403 Local Access ACP City 14 1,544 21,610 Local Access ACP City 33 372 12,288 Local Access ACP City 21 2,652 55,695 Local Access ACP City 40 738 29,518 Local Access ACP City 40 358 14,316 Local Access ACP City 28 1,357 37,993 Local Access ACP City 28 2,272 63,615 Local Access ACP City 36 1,066 38,368 Local Access ACP City 40 907 36,271 Local Access ACP City 30 191 5,717 Local Access ACP City 24 2,699 64,786 Local Access ACP City 32 295 9,440 Local Access ACP City 50 161 8,040 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 58 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI K 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 102 1890 98 1891 93 101 1895 99 92 94 97 96 100 95 1971 1392 1359 1105 1312 1288 1374 1431 1340 1106 1360 1289 1101 1301 1430 1069 1375 1432 237 238 242 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Ct 9th Ct Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Pines Herald Vercler Carnahan McDonald Evergreen University Sullivan Vercler University McDonald Dickey Evergreen Adams Bowdish End Carnahan Dickey Thierman Farr Herald Dishman Mica Farr Bowdish Pines Thierman Park Union Pines End Sullivan McDonald Blake Eastern Thierman University Bowdish Woodruff Herald Warren Adams End Harmony Vercler McDonald Elizabeth Park Mamer Evergreen Robinhood Mariam End Dickey Herald University End End Chronicle Carnahan Evergreen End Harmony End Sprague Broadway 2nd 4th 24th End Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,653 68,977 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,343 40,297 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,916 68,959 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,344 40,311 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 3,283 65,667 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 2,668 74,692 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,650 68,892 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,655 90,281 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 2,635 52,706 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 1,996 39,910 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,404 50,549 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 789 34,694 Minor Arterial ACP City 32 2,651 84,821 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 2,648 52,966 Local Access ACP City 36 1,325 47,690 Local Access ACP City 36 623 22,417 Local Access ACP City 36 1,507 54,269 Local Access ACP City 36 1,327 47,786 Local Access ACP City 19 2,652 50,388 Local Access ACP City 32 738 23,618 Local Access ACP City 40 471 18,858 Local Access ACP City 37 529 19,582 Local Access ACP City 28 1,344 37,631 75 57 65 66 50 68 79 60 71 72 64 59 63 75 60 68 67 75 68 63 80 56 57 Local Access ACP City 24 2,436 58,460 75 Local Access ACP City 40 506 20,238 56 Local Access ACP City 36 819 29,483 70 Local Access ACP City 36 632 22,762 74 Local Access ACP City 32 1,915 61,290 59 Local Access ACP City 36 1,714 61,709 77 Local Access ACP City 28 659 18,446 74 Local Access ACP City 36 515 18,540 65 Local Access ACP City 37 151 5,575 77 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 2,637 58,004 69 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 715 28,617 53 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 663 14,578 34 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 59 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 I-I re U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i 0 C� Y U A m O w C at 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 0) N N C w t.E o O FU U o t C .'is 102 1890 98 1891 93 101 1895 99 92 94 97 96 100 95 1971 1392 1359 1105 1312 1288 1374 1431 1340 1106 1360 1289 1101 1301 1430 1069 1375 1432 237 238 242 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Ct 9th Ct Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Pines Herald Vercler Carnahan McDonald Evergreen University Sullivan Vercler University McDonald Dickey Evergreen Adams Bowdlish End Carnahan Dickey Thierman Farr Herald Dishman Mica Farr Bowdlish Pines Thierman Park Union Pines End Sullivan McDonald Blake Eastern Thierman University Bowdlish Woodruff Herald Warren Adams End Harmony Vercler McDonald Elizabeth Park Mamer Evergreen Robinhood Mariam End Dickey Herald University End End Chronicle Carnahan Evergreen End Harmony End Sprague Broadway 2nd 4th 24th End Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,653 68,977 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,343 40,297 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,916 68,959 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,344 40,311 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 3,283 65,667 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 2,668 74,692 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,650 68,892 Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,655 90,281 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 2,635 52,706 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 1,996 39,910 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,404 50,549 Minor Arterial ACP City 44 789 34,694 Minor Arterial ACP City 32 2,651 84,821 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 2,648 52,966 Local Access ACP City 36 1,325 47,690 Local Access ACP City 36 623 22,417 Local Access ACP City 36 1,507 54,269 Local Access ACP City 36 1,327 47,786 Local Access ACP City 19 2,652 50,388 Local Access ACP City 32 738 23,618 Local Access ACP City 40 471 18,858 Local Access ACP City 37 529 19,582 Local Access ACP City 28 1,344 37,631 Local Access ACP City 24 2,436 58,460 Local Access ACP City 40 506 20,238 Local Access ACP City 36 819 29,483 Local Access ACP City 36 632 22,762 Local Access ACP City 32 1,915 61,290 Local Access ACP City 36 1,714 61,709 Local Access ACP City 28 659 18,446 Local Access ACP City 36 515 18,540 Local Access ACP City 37 151 5,575 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 2,637 58,004 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 715 28,617 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 663 14,578 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 60 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1897 240 241 239 236 1546 994 960 932 944 959 976 1727 83 84 1489 1010 624 586 1204 1203 623 1287 156 1003 1217 628 583 611 1372 1682 581 576 610 1451 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Airpark Dr Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Aloha Ct Appleway BI Appleway BI April Ct Arbor Ci Arc Ct Arc Rd Arc St Arc St Arc St Archery Av Argonne Rd Arties Ct Arties Ln Arties Rd Augusta Av Augusta Ct Avalon Ct Avalon Rd Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Ct Balfour BI 16th 4th 8th Sprague Broadway 16th Flora 24th 8th 16th 2nd Mission End Barker End Best End McDonald McDonald End Best Adams Adams End Pierce End Dishman Mica Farr Farr University End 24th Laberry Laberry Cataldo End Mission Knox 5th 6th 3rd 4th End Mission Robinhood Mariam Sprague Broadway Sprague End Long End End Mission McKee Barker End Drummond 12th 14th 28th 32nd End Barker Flora Tschirley End Drummond 16th 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 30 2,657 79,712 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 1,344 29,570 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 2,670 58,749 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 625 13,755 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 1,773 49,648 Local Access ACP City 40 1,335 53,387 Local Access ACP City 24 5,270 126,468 Local Access ACP City 40 662 26,498 Local Access ACP City 40 1,325 53,011 Local Access ACP City 40 1,001 40,043 Local Access ACP City 32 1,324 42,380 Local Access ACP City 36 340 12,240 Local Access ACP City 36 427 15,367 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 1,632 94,628 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 3,370 195,465 Local Access ACP City 40 297 11,896 Local Access ACP City 40 501 20,054 Local Access ACP City 36 455 16,376 Local Access ACP City 32 1,656 52,999 Local Access ACP City 40 225 9,000 Local Access ACP City 40 290 11,600 Local Access ACP City 36 658 23,699 Local Access ACP City 40 817 32,692 59 82 72 54 77 62 91 79 74 74 79 74 71 74 74 56 87 89 87 86 86 87 79 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,644 95,186 79 Local Access ACP City 36 300 10,787 87 Local Access ACP City 33 582 19,216 69 Local Access ACP City 40 1,260 50,392 87 Local Access ACP City 36 476 17,134 89 Local Access ACP City 30 125 3,735 77 Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,858 54 Local Access ACP City 40 1,449 57,967 55 Local Access ACP City 36 1,009 36,337 89 Local Access ACP City 30 1,241 37,234 89 Local Access ACP City 30 125 3,735 77 Local Access ACP City 26 2,755 71,618 61 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 61 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1897 240 241 239 236 1546 994 960 932 944 959 976 1727 83 84 1489 1010 624 586 1204 1203 623 1287 156 1003 1217 628 583 611 1372 1682 581 576 610 1451 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Airpark Dr Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Aloha Ct Appleway BI Appleway BI April Ct Arbor Ci Arc Ct Arc Rd Arc St Arc St Arc St Archery Av Argonne Rd Arties Ct Arties Ln Arties Rd Augusta Av Augusta Ct Avalon Ct Avalon Rd Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Ct Balfour BI 16th 4th 8th Sprague Broadway 16th Flora 24th 8th 16th 2nd Mission End Barker End Best End McDonald McDonald End Best Adams Adams End Pierce End Dishman Mica Farr Farr University End 24th Laberry Laberry Cataldo End Mission Knox 5th 6th 3rd 4th End Mission Robinhood Mariam Sprague Broadway Sprague End Long End End Mission McKee Barker End Drummond 12th 14th 28th 32nd End Barker Flora Tschirley End Drummond 16th 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 30 2,657 79,712 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 1,344 29,570 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 2,670 58,749 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 625 13,755 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 1,773 49,648 Local Access ACP City 40 1,335 53,387 Local Access ACP City 24 5,270 126,468 Local Access ACP City 40 662 26,498 Local Access ACP City 40 1,325 53,011 Local Access ACP City 40 1,001 40,043 Local Access ACP City 32 1,324 42,380 Local Access ACP City 36 340 12,240 Local Access ACP City 36 427 15,367 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 1,632 94,628 Principal Arterial ACP City 58 3,370 195,465 Local Access ACP City 40 297 11,896 Local Access ACP City 40 501 20,054 Local Access ACP City 36 455 16,376 Local Access ACP City 32 1,656 52,999 Local Access ACP City 40 225 9,000 Local Access ACP City 40 290 11,600 Local Access ACP City 36 658 23,699 Local Access ACP City 40 817 32,692 Principal Arterial ACP City 36 2,644 95,186 Local Access ACP City 36 300 10,787 Local Access ACP City 33 582 19,216 Local Access ACP City 40 1,260 50,392 Local Access ACP City 36 476 17,134 Local Access ACP City 30 125 3,735 Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,858 Local Access ACP City 40 1,449 57,967 Local Access ACP City 36 1,009 36,337 Local Access ACP City 30 1,241 37,234 Local Access ACP City 30 125 3,735 Local Access ACP City 26 2,755 71,618 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 62 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1607 1612 1309 1975 1697 1699 1696 1698 258 844 1384 972 1382 971 1383 1545 1544 845 253 1771 1764 1763 1757 1857 1633 559 1436 587 585 1202 997 1846 1180 1703 1385 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Balfour BI Balfour BI Balfour Rd Balfour Rd Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Barker Rd BATES Bates Ct Bates Dr Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Beige Rd Beige Rd Bell Bell Bell St Bell St Bernhill Ct Best Ct Best Rd Best Rd 26th 24th 13th Appleway 25th End 31st Raymond 26th 16th 4th End 31st End Local Access ACP City 26 366 9,515 Local Access ACP City 26 566 14,726 Local Access ACP City 32 1,075 34,401 Local Access ACP City 32 393 12,576 Local Access ACP City 36 489 17,612 Local Access ACP City 36 346 12,449 Local Access ACP City 36 165 5,955 End End Local Access ACP City 36 360 12,960 24th 25th Collector ACP City 36 320 11,518 Boone Sinto Local Access ACP City 40 664 26,541 End 15th Local Access ACP City 40 144 5,740 Sprague Valleyway Local Access ACP City 30 1,462 43,868 8th End Local Access ACP City 40 644 25,758 Valleyway Alki Local Access ACP City 40 522 20,883 12th 13th Local Access ACP City 36 507 18,258 23rd 24th Local Access ACP City 40 721 28,835 17th Sunnyside Local Access ACP City 40 1,012 40,490 Mallon Cataldo Local Access ACP City 40 335 13,386 Appleway Broadway Principal Arterial ACP City 36 1,165 41,949 End End Local Access ACP City 33 633 20,902 End End Local Access ACP City 36 190 6,840 37th Bowdish Local Access ACP City 36 1,036 37,302 End 37th Local Access ACP City 40 1,613 64,513 44th Ponderosa Local Access ACP City 40 2,007 80,282 67 25th 31st Local Access ACP City 40 1,916 76,628 68 Bridgeport Courtland Local Access ACP City 36 387 13,941 40 8th 10th Local Access ACP City 36 590 21,240 77 Nora End Local Access ACP City 28 537 15,022 87 Knox End Local Access ACP City 32 514 16,462 89 Coach 3rd Local Access ACP City 40 495 19,786 86 End Alki Local Access ACP City 30 648 19,454 77 Marble End Local Access ACP City 40 484 19,346 72 Rees 2nd Local Access ACP City 36 1,081 38,913 57 24th 32nd Local Access ACP City 22 2,656 58,428 26 8th 10th Local Access ACP City 40 668 26,740 81 68 64 58 89 73 53 60 77 74 77 77 66 82 79 77 61 61 77 56 71 66 58 42 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 63 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1607 1612 1309 1975 1697 1699 1696 1698 258 844 1384 972 1382 971 1383 1545 1544 845 253 1771 1764 1763 1757 1857 1633 559 1436 587 585 1202 997 1846 1180 1703 1385 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Balfour BI Balfour BI Balfour Rd Balfour Rd Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Barker Rd BATES Bates Ct Bates Dr Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Beige Rd Beige Rd Bell Bell Bell St Bell St Bernhill Ct Best Ct Best Rd Best Rd 26th 24th 13th Appleway 25th End 31st Raymond 26th 16th 4th End 31st End Local Access ACP City 26 366 9,515 Local Access ACP City 26 566 14,726 Local Access ACP City 32 1,075 34,401 Local Access ACP City 32 393 12,576 Local Access ACP City 36 489 17,612 Local Access ACP City 36 346 12,449 Local Access ACP City 36 165 5,955 End End Local Access ACP City 36 360 12,960 24th 25th Collector ACP City 36 320 11,518 Boone Sinto Local Access ACP City 40 664 26,541 End 15th Local Access ACP City 40 144 5,740 Sprague Valleyway Local Access ACP City 30 1,462 43,868 8th End Local Access ACP City 40 644 25,758 Valleyway Alki Local Access ACP City 40 522 20,883 12th 13th Local Access ACP City 36 507 18,258 23rd 24th Local Access ACP City 40 721 28,835 17th Sunnyside Local Access ACP City 40 1,012 40,490 Mallon Cataldo Local Access ACP City 40 335 13,386 Appleway Broadway Principal Arterial ACP City 36 1,165 41,949 End End Local Access ACP City 33 633 20,902 End End Local Access ACP City 36 190 6,840 37th Bowdlish Local Access ACP City 36 1,036 37,302 End 37th Local Access ACP City 40 1,613 64,513 44th Ponderosa Local Access ACP City 40 2,007 80,282 25th 31st Local Access ACP City 40 1,916 76,628 Bridgeport Courtland Local Access ACP City 36 387 13,941 8th 10th Local Access ACP City 36 590 21,240 Nora End Local Access ACP City 28 537 15,022 Knox End Local Access ACP City 32 514 16,462 Coach 3rd Local Access ACP City 40 495 19,786 End Alki Local Access ACP City 30 648 19,454 Marble End Local Access ACP City 40 484 19,346 Rees 2nd Local Access ACP City 36 1,081 38,913 24th 32nd Local Access ACP City 22 2,656 58,428 8th 10th Local Access ACP City 40 668 26,740 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 64 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1386 1179 1936 846 1550 973 1972 1132 1151 1150 830 210 211 1370 1371 953 1174 1939 1525 1011 1496 1514 1051 1052 841 1694 1693 1276 1543 843 1695 969 1542 1381 842 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Bettman Rd Bettman Rd Beverly Dr Beverly Dr Blake Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Bloom Ci Blossey Av Blossey Av Bluff Dr Bluff Dr Bolivar Av Bolivar Ct Bolivar Ct Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd 12th End End Broadway 23rd Valleyvway 12th 16th Winter Park End Saltese 24th 12th 8th Sprague Sprague 4th 16th Laberry Vercler McDonald Mica Park 13th 4th Valleyvway Mission 24th Broadway 16th 19th Skyline Winter Mission 24th SR 27 16th 12th Valleyvway 4th 8th Saltese Laberry McDonald McCabe End End 16th Sharp Sinto 31st End End 26th 4th 6th 21st End Cataldo Desmet 26th 31st Sprague Main 16th 20th 14th 16th Sinto Mission Local Access ACP City 36 505 18,169 Local Access ACP City 28 517 14,486 Local Access ACP City 20 1,116 22,311 Local Access ACP City 40 2,225 89,014 Local Access ACP City 40 411 16,434 Local Access ACP City 32 1,184 37,888 Collector ACP City 24 1,037 24,888 Local Access ACP City 24 1,466 35,177 Local Access ACP City 26 271 7,048 Local Access ACP City 26 1,602 41,651 Local Access ACP City 20 1,989 39,781 Collector ACP City 20 2,576 51,516 Collector ACP City 23 1,543 35,487 Local Access ACP City 20 1,338 26,760 Local Access ACP City 40 1,342 53,665 Local Access ACP City 32 1,327 42,457 Local Access ACP City 30 1,332 39,954 Local Access ACP City 35 1,333 46,656 Local Access ACP City 28 1,928 53,981 Local Access ACP City 40 652 26,070 Local Access ACP City 40 1,418 56,737 Local Access ACP City 40 1,347 53,878 Local Access ACP City 36 245 8,818 83 77 76 77 62 79 86 86 64 63 76 50 62 47 67 48 51 60 49 89 52 53 61 Local Access ACP City 36 509 18,306 77 Local Access ACP City 30 313 9,400 77 Local Access ACP City 36 165 5,955 64 Local Access ACP City 36 243 8,759 59 Local Access ACP City 20 592 11,848 81 Local Access ACP City 40 726 29,032 60 Local Access ACP City 40 337 13,477 77 Local Access ACP City 36 1,666 59,980 58 Local Access ACP City 40 793 31,728 48 Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,914 61 Local Access ACP City 40 668 26,716 72 Local Access ACP City 40 374 14,967 78 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 65 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1386 1179 1936 846 1550 973 1972 1132 1151 1150 830 210 211 1370 1371 953 1174 1939 1525 1011 1496 1514 1051 1052 841 1694 1693 1276 1543 843 1695 969 1542 1381 842 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Bettman Rd Bettman Rd Beverly Dr Beverly Dr Blake Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Bloom Ci Blossey Av Blossey Av Bluff Dr Bluff Dr Bolivar Av Bolivar Ct Bolivar Ct Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd 12th End End Broadway 23rd Valleyvway 12th 16th Winter Park End Saltese 24th 12th 8th Sprague Sprague 4th 16th Laberry Vercler McDonald Mica Park 13th 4th Valleyvway Mission 24th Broadway 16th 19th Skyline Winter Mission 24th SR 27 16th 12th Valleyvway 4th 8th Saltese Laberry McDonald McCabe End End 16th Sharp Sinto 31st End End 26th 4th 6th 21st End Cataldo Desmet 26th 31st Sprague Main 16th 20th 14th 16th Sinto Mission Local Access ACP City 36 505 18,169 Local Access ACP City 28 517 14,486 Local Access ACP City 20 1,116 22,311 Local Access ACP City 40 2,225 89,014 Local Access ACP City 40 411 16,434 Local Access ACP City 32 1,184 37,888 Collector ACP City 24 1,037 24,888 Local Access ACP City 24 1,466 35,177 Local Access ACP City 26 271 7,048 Local Access ACP City 26 1,602 41,651 Local Access ACP City 20 1,989 39,781 Collector ACP City 20 2,576 51,516 Collector ACP City 23 1,543 35,487 Local Access ACP City 20 1,338 26,760 Local Access ACP City 40 1,342 53,665 Local Access ACP City 32 1,327 42,457 Local Access ACP City 30 1,332 39,954 Local Access ACP City 35 1,333 46,656 Local Access ACP City 28 1,928 53,981 Local Access ACP City 40 652 26,070 Local Access ACP City 40 1,418 56,737 Local Access ACP City 40 1,347 53,878 Local Access ACP City 36 245 8,818 Local Access ACP City 36 509 18,306 Local Access ACP City 30 313 9,400 Local Access ACP City 36 165 5,955 Local Access ACP City 36 243 8,759 Local Access ACP City 20 592 11,848 Local Access ACP City 40 726 29,032 Local Access ACP City 40 337 13,477 Local Access ACP City 36 1,666 59,980 Local Access ACP City 40 793 31,728 Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,914 Local Access ACP City 40 668 26,716 Local Access ACP City 40 374 14,967 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 66 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 970 836 618 631 817 826 619 1004 1854 1856 193 1821 1855 191 1885 1888 1889 192 190 189 1886 1115 1094 1033 554 1159 50 43 1875 51 42 1876 41 1934 1557 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Bolivar Rd Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Bow Av Bowdish High Ct Bowdish Low Ct Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bridgeport Av Broadview Dr Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Buckeye Av Burns Ct Main Evergreen Greenacres Barker Pines McDonald Long Greenacres End 48th Dishman Mica Sands 45th 6th 8th 32nd 37th 24th Sprague Sprague 16th 8th 4th Sprague End End Sullivan Farr Argonne Conklin Vista Herald Park Barker 20th Val leyway Best Barker Hodges Vercler Blake Barker Barker Bowdish Low End Sands 44th 46th 6th 16th 37th Dishman Mica 32nd 4th Broadway 24th 11th 8th Local Access ACP City 40 672 26,868 Local Access ACP City 40 1,325 52,986 Local Access ACP City 16 1,308 20,934 Local Access ACP City 20 2,432 48,632 Local Access ACP City 26 1,336 34,726 Local Access ACP City 40 1,316 52,643 Local Access ACP City 20 2,664 53,275 Local Access ACP City 20 1,433 28,662 Local Access ACP City 40 385 15,418 Local Access ACP City 40 211 8,439 Collector ACP City 36 565 20,349 Local Access ACP City 40 1,336 53,442 Local Access ACP City 40 292 11,669 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,311 52,445 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,684 69,786 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 1,822 51,016 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 1,784 49,956 Minor Arterial ACP City 33 2,654 87,581 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,331 53,235 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,666 106,630 Minor Arterial ACP City 33 2,645 87,290 Local Access ACP City 30 999 29,980 Local Access ACP City 24 1,328 31,867 57 77 87 87 44 74 87 87 63 58 58 58 73 62 55 55 56 71 60 73 40 74 72 4th Local Access ACP City 32 1,322 42,309 68 Barker Local Access ACP City 40 1,286 51,446 25 End Local Access ACP City 14 393 5,504 51 Conklin Minor Arterial ACP City 24 2,601 62,429 56 Herald Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,326 58,323 53 Farr Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,987 87,438 39 Flora Minor Arterial ACP City 24 2,694 64,653 90 Argonne Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,656 116,848 58 University Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,989 87,498 58 Vista Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,584 113,692 88 End Local Access ACP City 26 2,631 68,403 37 End Local Access ACP City 32 225 7,200 57 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 67 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 970 836 618 631 817 826 619 1004 1854 1856 193 1821 1855 191 1885 1888 1889 192 190 189 1886 1115 1094 1033 554 1159 50 43 1875 51 42 1876 41 1934 1557 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Bolivar Rd Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Bow Av Bowdish High Ct Bowdish Low Ct Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bridgeport Av Broadview Dr Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Buckeye Av Burns Ct Main Evergreen Greenacres Barker Pines McDonald Long Greenacres End 48th Dishman Mica Sands 45th 6th 8th 32nd 37th 24th Sprague Sprague 16th 8th 4th Sprague End End Sullivan Farr Argonne Conklin Vista Herald Park Barker 20th Val leyway Best Barker Hodges Vercler Blake Barker Barker Bowdish Low End Sands 44th 46th 6th 16th 37th Dishman Mica 32nd 4th Broadway 24th 11th 8th Local Access ACP City 40 672 26,868 Local Access ACP City 40 1,325 52,986 Local Access ACP City 16 1,308 20,934 Local Access ACP City 20 2,432 48,632 Local Access ACP City 26 1,336 34,726 Local Access ACP City 40 1,316 52,643 Local Access ACP City 20 2,664 53,275 Local Access ACP City 20 1,433 28,662 Local Access ACP City 40 385 15,418 Local Access ACP City 40 211 8,439 Collector ACP City 36 565 20,349 Local Access ACP City 40 1,336 53,442 Local Access ACP City 40 292 11,669 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,311 52,445 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,684 69,786 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 1,822 51,016 Minor Arterial ACP City 28 1,784 49,956 Minor Arterial ACP City 33 2,654 87,581 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,331 53,235 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,666 106,630 Minor Arterial ACP City 33 2,645 87,290 Local Access ACP City 30 999 29,980 Local Access ACP City 24 1,328 31,867 4th Local Access ACP City 32 1,322 42,309 Barker Local Access ACP City 40 1,286 51,446 End Local Access ACP City 14 393 5,504 Conklin Minor Arterial ACP City 24 2,601 62,429 Herald Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,326 58,323 Farr Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,987 87,438 Flora Minor Arterial ACP City 24 2,694 64,653 Argonne Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,656 116,848 University Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,989 87,498 Vista Minor Arterial ACP City 44 2,584 113,692 End Local Access ACP City 26 2,631 68,403 End Local Access ACP City 32 225 7,200 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 68 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1410 980 1566 855 1565 1408 1187 1409 1129 1388 1387 1551 1278 975 849 1708 1012 1919 129 130 1600 621 828 851 820 838 632 1222 1154 1155 1282 1571 1416 1415 1653 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Buttercup St Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Cameron Ct Cane Ci Carnahan Rd Carnahan Rd Carnahan Rd Carnine Ct Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Rd Cecilia Center Dr Center Dr Century Ct Century Ct Century Rd Century Rd Cherry Ct 14th Val leyway 21st Broadway 17th 8th 2nd 11th 16th 10th 8th Early Dawn 6th Main Mallon End Laberry Sprague 4th 8th 22nd Flora McDonald St Charles Virginia Evergreen Barker End End Skyline Sullivan End 14th 12th 24th 16th Broadway End Mission 20th 10th 4th 12th End 12th 10th 24th 7th Nixon Sharp Sonora Laberry 3rd 8th End End Long End Mission McDonald Adams End End Skyline Beverly End 22nd 16th 12th End Local Access ACP City 36 642 23,126 Local Access ACP City 30 1,319 39,581 Local Access ACP City 36 818 29,448 Local Access ACP City 40 1,578 63,125 Local Access ACP City 32 777 24,874 Local Access ACP City 36 486 17,505 Local Access ACP City 40 494 19,750 Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,865 Local Access ACP City 36 847 30,497 Local Access ACP City 40 643 25,732 Local Access ACP City 36 680 24,475 Local Access ACP City 40 1,915 76,602 Local Access ACP City 40 320 12,804 Local Access ACP City 40 377 15,071 Local Access ACP City 40 1,281 51,223 Local Access ACP City 36 430 15,483 Local Access ACP City 40 544 21,752 Local Access ACP City 16 991 15,850 Minor Arterial ACP City 18 1,328 23,910 Minor Arterial ACP City 24 2,648 63,552 Local Access ACP City 40 585 23,400 Local Access ACP City 18 2,989 53,810 Local Access ACP City 22 1,639 36,060 66 74 44 74 52 78 82 81 74 81 74 60 80 80 77 40 87 58 72 84 35 89 74 Local Access ACP City 40 940 37,585 74 Local Access ACP City 40 964 38,545 74 Local Access ACP City 40 2,697 107,880 77 Local Access ACP City 28 2,848 79,734 87 Local Access ACP City 40 265 10,600 44 Local Access ACP City 12 1,402 16,821 66 Local Access ACP City 20 560 11,205 61 Local Access ACP City 40 362 14,494 44 Local Access ACP City 36 350 12,600 50 Local Access ACP City 40 516 20,629 58 Local Access ACP City 40 1,002 40,069 68 Local Access ACP City 40 206 8,257 54 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 69 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1410 980 1566 855 1565 1408 1187 1409 1129 1388 1387 1551 1278 975 849 1708 1012 1919 129 130 1600 621 828 851 820 838 632 1222 1154 1155 1282 1571 1416 1415 1653 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Buttercup St Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Cameron Ct Cane Ci Carnahan Rd Carnahan Rd Carnahan Rd Carnine Ct Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Rd Cecilia Center Dr Center Dr Century Ct Century Ct Century Rd Century Rd Cherry Ct 14th Val leyway 21st Broadway 17th 8th 2nd 11th 16th 10th 8th Early Dawn 6th Main Mallon End Laberry Sprague 4th 8th 22nd Flora McDonald St Charles Virginia Evergreen Barker End End Skyline Sullivan End 14th 12th 24th 16th Broadway End Mission 20th 10th 4th 12th End 12th 10th 24th 7th Nixon Sharp Sonora Laberry 3rd 8th End End Long End Mission McDonald Adams End End Skyline Beverly End 22nd 16th 12th End Local Access ACP City 36 642 23,126 Local Access ACP City 30 1,319 39,581 Local Access ACP City 36 818 29,448 Local Access ACP City 40 1,578 63,125 Local Access ACP City 32 777 24,874 Local Access ACP City 36 486 17,505 Local Access ACP City 40 494 19,750 Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,865 Local Access ACP City 36 847 30,497 Local Access ACP City 40 643 25,732 Local Access ACP City 36 680 24,475 Local Access ACP City 40 1,915 76,602 Local Access ACP City 40 320 12,804 Local Access ACP City 40 377 15,071 Local Access ACP City 40 1,281 51,223 Local Access ACP City 36 430 15,483 Local Access ACP City 40 544 21,752 Local Access ACP City 16 991 15,850 Minor Arterial ACP City 18 1,328 23,910 Minor Arterial ACP City 24 2,648 63,552 Local Access ACP City 40 585 23,400 Local Access ACP City 18 2,989 53,810 Local Access ACP City 22 1,639 36,060 Local Access ACP City 40 940 37,585 Local Access ACP City 40 964 38,545 Local Access ACP City 40 2,697 107,880 Local Access ACP City 28 2,848 79,734 Local Access ACP City 40 265 10,600 Local Access ACP City 12 1,402 16,821 Local Access ACP City 20 560 11,205 Local Access ACP City 40 362 14,494 Local Access ACP City 36 350 12,600 Local Access ACP City 40 516 20,629 Local Access ACP City 40 1,002 40,069 Local Access ACP City 40 206 8,257 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 70 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1488 1654 1655 431 432 1710 1712 1586 1452 649 1064 1068 1794 1806 1814 950 1368 1519 1369 1666 584 622 1201 1195 1095 1116 1035 1490 1257 1500 940 1658 1354 1503 1659 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Cherry Rd Cherry Rd Cherry Rd Cherry St Cherry St Cheryl Ct Cheryl Ct Cheryl Ct Chinook Rd Chronicle Rd Chronicle Rd Chronicle Rd Cimmaron Dr Cimmaron Dr Cimmaron Dr Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Coach Coach Coach Ct Coach Dr Coleman Rd Coleman Rd Coleman Rd Collins Ct Collins Ct Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd 20th 26th Skyview Mirabeau Mansfield 27th End End Balfour Sprague 4th 8th Sunderland Schafer End Sprague 8th 16th 10th Skyview End Maxwell 4th 21st 27th End Pinecroft End End 27th 20th 19th 3rd 6th 9th Schafer End Forest Meadows Main 10th Wick 12th 32nd Shannon End End 3rd Tschirley 4th 8th 8th 12th Sprague 4th End 23rd End 6th Saltese Houk Olive Broadway 26th Skyview 8th End 16th Saltese Lenora 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,190 Local Access ACP City 40 510 20,380 Local Access ACP City 40 505 20,211 Local Access ACP City 44 642 28,240 Local Access ACP City 32 1,160 37,118 Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,856 Local Access ACP City 36 705 25,373 Local Access ACP City 36 400 14,416 Local Access ACP City 30 730 21,912 Local Access ACP City 18 989 17,808 Local Access ACP City 21 669 14,040 Local Access ACP City 28 332 9,290 Local Access ACP City 32 1,821 58,273 Local Access ACP City 36 1,005 36,182 Local Access ACP City 40 291 11,651 Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,584 Local Access ACP City 40 670 26,807 Local Access ACP City 40 615 24,616 Local Access ACP City 28 671 18,787 Local Access ACP City 40 707 28,275 Local Access ACP City 32 755 24,160 Local Access ACP City 24 326 7,824 Local Access ACP City 36 438 15,764 54 53 50 68 61 86 76 78 61 68 76 66 64 84 71 41 57 58 67 76 87 87 86 Local Access ACP City 36 1,674 60,275 86 Local Access ACP City 32 1,331 42,601 73 Local Access ACP City 24 1,171 28,092 75 Local Access ACP City 32 1,319 42,214 63 Local Access ACP City 36 389 13,992 54 Local Access ACP City 36 139 4,987 56 Local Access ACP City 40 484 19,366 48 Local Access ACP City 40 977 39,064 49 Local Access ACP City 40 823 32,938 56 Local Access ACP City 40 673 26,913 67 Local Access ACP City 40 259 10,352 53 Local Access ACP City 40 825 32,998 56 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 71 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1488 1654 1655 431 432 1710 1712 1586 1452 649 1064 1068 1794 1806 1814 950 1368 1519 1369 1666 584 622 1201 1195 1095 1116 1035 1490 1257 1500 940 1658 1354 1503 1659 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Cherry Rd Cherry Rd Cherry Rd Cherry St Cherry St Cheryl Ct Cheryl Ct Cheryl Ct Chinook Rd Chronicle Rd Chronicle Rd Chronicle Rd Cimmaron Dr Cimmaron Dr Cimmaron Dr Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Coach Coach Coach Ct Coach Dr Coleman Rd Coleman Rd Coleman Rd Collins Ct Collins Ct Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd 20th 26th Skyview Mirabeau Mansfield 27th End End Balfour Sprague 4th 8th Sunderland Schafer End Sprague 8th 16th 10th Skyview End Maxwell 4th 21st 27th End Pinecroft End End 27th 20th 19th 3rd 6th 9th Schafer End Forest Meadows Main 10th Wick 12th 32nd Shannon End End 3rd Tschirley 4th 8th 8th 12th Sprague 4th End 23rd End 6th Saltese Houk Olive Broadway 26th Skyview 8th End 16th Saltese Lenora 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 355 14,190 Local Access ACP City 40 510 20,380 Local Access ACP City 40 505 20,211 Local Access ACP City 44 642 28,240 Local Access ACP City 32 1,160 37,118 Local Access ACP City 36 524 18,856 Local Access ACP City 36 705 25,373 Local Access ACP City 36 400 14,416 Local Access ACP City 30 730 21,912 Local Access ACP City 18 989 17,808 Local Access ACP City 21 669 14,040 Local Access ACP City 28 332 9,290 Local Access ACP City 32 1,821 58,273 Local Access ACP City 36 1,005 36,182 Local Access ACP City 40 291 11,651 Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,584 Local Access ACP City 40 670 26,807 Local Access ACP City 40 615 24,616 Local Access ACP City 28 671 18,787 Local Access ACP City 40 707 28,275 Local Access ACP City 32 755 24,160 Local Access ACP City 24 326 7,824 Local Access ACP City 36 438 15,764 Local Access ACP City 36 1,674 60,275 Local Access ACP City 32 1,331 42,601 Local Access ACP City 24 1,171 28,092 Local Access ACP City 32 1,319 42,214 Local Access ACP City 36 389 13,992 Local Access ACP City 36 139 4,987 Local Access ACP City 40 484 19,366 Local Access ACP City 40 977 39,064 Local Access ACP City 40 823 32,938 Local Access ACP City 40 673 26,913 Local Access ACP City 40 259 10,352 Local Access ACP City 40 825 32,998 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 72 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1805 1593 1599 243 1193 1601 730 1002 999 553 996 1293 1918 1063 1078 1039 556 1812 1449 1307 1058 1136 1029 1138 1529 1673 1681 1528 1684 1605 648 1062 837 818 827 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Conifer Ct Conklin Ct Conklin Ct Conklin Rd Conklin Rd Conklin Rd Corbin Ct Corbin PI Corbin Rd Courtland Av Cowley Av Crossbow Ct Custer Rd Custer Rd Custer St Dale Rd Dalton Av Darcy Dr Dartmouth Rd Dartmouth Rd Dartmouth Rd David St David St David St Davis Ct Davis Ct Davis Ct Davis Rd Davis Rd Daybreak Ln Dearborn Rd Dearborn Rd Desmet Av Desmet Av Desmet Av End End 22nd Sprague Sprague Vera Crest Broadway Appleway Appleway Velox Corbin Robinhood Sprague 4th 16th 1st Velox End 19th 13th Sprague 14th 1st 17th 23rd End 31st 17th 25th Dusk Sprague 4th Evergreen Pines McDonald Cimmaron Limerick End Broadway Rotchford 23rd End Appleway Alki Donwood Barker End 3rd 8th End Appleway Donwood University 20th 16th Appleway 17th 4th 18th End 25th End 20th 31st End 3rd 8th Best Vercler Blake Local Access ACP City 36 706 25,413 Local Access ACP City 36 155 5,580 Local Access ACP City 40 190 7,600 Collector ACP City 24 2,654 63,701 Local Access ACP City 44 1,459 64,211 Local Access ACP City 40 1,718 68,716 Local Access ACP City 37 286 10,593 Local Access ACP City 22 949 20,885 Local Access ACP City 18 2,029 36,530 Local Access ACP City 36 942 33,918 Local Access ACP City 22 3,886 85,498 Local Access ACP City 40 487 19,496 Local Access ACP City 24 990 23,762 Local Access ACP City 20 1,332 26,637 Local Access ACP City 31 1,199 37,165 Local Access ACP City 40 259 10,362 Local Access ACP City 36 958 34,501 Local Access ACP City 40 498 19,926 Local Access ACP City 40 282 11,282 Local Access ACP City 32 1,077 34,449 Local Access ACP City 30 836 25,086 Local Access ACP City 36 852 30,678 Local Access ACP City 26 992 25,781 86 67 26 69 74 32 69 91 90 49 91 77 58 78 73 54 43 86 62 48 66 86 52 Local Access ACP City 36 389 14,004 86 Local Access ACP City 36 265 9,540 57 Local Access ACP City 60 108 6,463 59 Local Access ACP City 60 133 7,971 57 Local Access ACP City 40 982 39,291 55 Local Access ACP City 40 1,914 76,574 58 Local Access ACP City 31 1,196 37,064 69 Local Access ACP City 24 990 23,754 64 Local Access ACP City 22 1,327 29,203 70 Local Access ACP City 40 1,325 53,017 77 Local Access ACP City 32 1,334 42,695 74 Local Access ACP City 40 1,317 52,667 74 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 73 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C 0 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1805 1593 1599 243 1193 1601 730 1002 999 553 996 1293 1918 1063 1078 1039 556 1812 1449 1307 1058 1136 1029 1138 1529 1673 1681 1528 1684 1605 648 1062 837 818 827 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Conifer Ct Conklin Ct Conklin Ct Conklin Rd Conklin Rd Conklin Rd Corbin Ct Corbin PI Corbin Rd Courtland Av Cowley Av Crossbow Ct Custer Rd Custer Rd Custer St Dale Rd Dalton Av Darcy Dr Dartmouth Rd Dartmouth Rd Dartmouth Rd David St David St David St Davis Ct Davis Ct Davis Ct Davis Rd Davis Rd Daybreak Ln Dearborn Rd Dearborn Rd Desmet Av Desmet Av Desmet Av End End 22nd Sprague Sprague Vera Crest Broadway Appleway Appleway Velox Corbin Robinhood Sprague 4th 16th 1st Velox End 19th 13th Sprague 14th 1st 17th 23rd End 31st 17th 25th Dusk Sprague 4th Evergreen Pines McDonald Cimmaron Limerick End Broadway Rotchford 23rd End Appleway Alki Donwood Barker End 3rd 8th End Appleway Donwood University 20th 16th Appleway 17th 4th 18th End 25th End 20th 31st End 3rd 8th Best Vercler Blake Local Access ACP City 36 706 25,413 Local Access ACP City 36 155 5,580 Local Access ACP City 40 190 7,600 Collector ACP City 24 2,654 63,701 Local Access ACP City 44 1,459 64,211 Local Access ACP City 40 1,718 68,716 Local Access ACP City 37 286 10,593 Local Access ACP City 22 949 20,885 Local Access ACP City 18 2,029 36,530 Local Access ACP City 36 942 33,918 Local Access ACP City 22 3,886 85,498 Local Access ACP City 40 487 19,496 Local Access ACP City 24 990 23,762 Local Access ACP City 20 1,332 26,637 Local Access ACP City 31 1,199 37,165 Local Access ACP City 40 259 10,362 Local Access ACP City 36 958 34,501 Local Access ACP City 40 498 19,926 Local Access ACP City 40 282 11,282 Local Access ACP City 32 1,077 34,449 Local Access ACP City 30 836 25,086 Local Access ACP City 36 852 30,678 Local Access ACP City 26 992 25,781 Local Access ACP City 36 389 14,004 Local Access ACP City 36 265 9,540 Local Access ACP City 60 108 6,463 Local Access ACP City 60 133 7,971 Local Access ACP City 40 982 39,291 Local Access ACP City 40 1,914 76,574 Local Access ACP City 31 1,196 37,064 Local Access ACP City 24 990 23,754 Local Access ACP City 22 1,327 29,203 Local Access ACP City 40 1,325 53,017 Local Access ACP City 32 1,334 42,695 Local Access ACP City 40 1,317 52,667 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 74 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 819 Desmet Av 1759 Diana Ct 134 Dickey Rd 433 Discovery PI 165 Dishman Mica Rd 166 Dishman Mica Rd 164 Dishman Mica Rd 167 Dishman Mica Rd 161 Dishman Mica Rd 163 Dishman Mica Rd 162 Dishman Mica Rd 1042 Dishman Rd 1044 Dishman Rd 1040 Dishman Rd 1043 Dishman Rd 1112 Dollar Rd 1028 Dollar Rd 560 Donwood Rd 1034 Dora St 1013 Dove Ci 1793 Driftwood Ct 1795 Driftwood Dr 609 Drummond St 602 Drummond St 1596 DuskLn 1027 Dyer Rd 1135 Dyer Rd 1700 Early Dawn Ct 1548 Early Dawn Dr 1134 Eastern Rd 1111 Eastern Rd 1026 Eastern Rd 1090 Eastern Rd 1083 Eastwood Av 591 Eden IMS Infrastructure Management Services Virginia Loretta 8th Mansfield 40th Sands Schafer Thorpe 16th 32nd 24th 1st 8th Sprague Appleway 8th Appleway Dalton Sprague Laberry 39th Cimmaron Mission Montgomery End Sprague 14th 31st 17th 17th 8th 2ND AV End Koren Michielli McDonald End 12th End Sands Thorpe 40th Local Access ACP City 40 962 38,460 Local Access ACP City 36 445 16,020 Collector ACP City 24 1,528 36,672 Local Access ACP City 36 1,060 38,169 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 1,718 79,005 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,734 109,344 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,050 81,993 End Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,439 57,559 24th Principal Arterial ACP City 66 2,942 194,146 Schafer Principal Arterial ACP City 76 1,289 97,963 32nd Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,864 194,783 Appleway Local Access ACP City 37 530 19,602 Siesta Local Access ACP City 50 1,850 92,486 1st Local Access ACP City 37 325 12,032 8th Local Access ACP City 26 2,527 65,698 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,207 43,437 1st Local Access ACP City 50 333 16,632 Courtland Local Access ACP City 36 776 27,934 3rd Local Access ACP City 26 989 25,722 Laberry Local Access ACP City 40 893 35,724 End Local Access ACP City 36 257 9,250 Sunderland Local Access ACP City 30 1,671 50,144 Indiana Local Access ACP City 32 932 29,813 Marlin Local Access ACP City 40 932 37,270 47 End Local Access ACP City 31 907 28,130 69 1st Local Access ACP City 40 346 13,843 53 17th Local Access ACP City 36 844 30,394 86 End Local Access ACP City 36 207 7,470 68 Sunnyside Local Access ACP City 40 1,462 58,487 61 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,472 52,995 86 12th Local Access ACP City 28 1,327 37,148 75 4th Local Access ACP City 32 552 17,663 53 8th Local Access ACP City 20 1,195 23,898 74 Howe Local Access ACP City 21 566 11,889 76 End Local Access ACP City 28 1,056 29,568 87 74 51 75 67 63 66 72 60 77 75 77 76 78 61 62 67 68 54 66 89 59 86 77 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 75 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0)0 C� Y U A m 0 w C 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 819 Desmet Av 1759 Diana Ct 134 Dickey Rd 433 Discovery PI 165 Dishman Mica Rd 166 Dishman Mica Rd 164 Dishman Mica Rd 167 Dishman Mica Rd 161 Dishman Mica Rd 163 Dishman Mica Rd 162 Dishman Mica Rd 1042 Dishman Rd 1044 Dishman Rd 1040 Dishman Rd 1043 Dishman Rd 1112 Dollar Rd 1028 Dollar Rd 560 Donwood Rd 1034 Dora St 1013 Dove Ci 1793 Driftwood Ct 1795 Driftwood Dr 609 Drummond St 602 Drummond St 1596 DuskLn 1027 Dyer Rd 1135 Dyer Rd 1700 Early Dawn Ct 1548 Early Dawn Dr 1134 Eastern Rd 1111 Eastern Rd 1026 Eastern Rd 1090 Eastern Rd 1083 Eastwood Av 591 Eden IMS Infrastructure Management Services Virginia Loretta 8th Mansfield 40th Sands Schafer Thorpe 16th 32nd 24th 1st 8th Sprague Appleway 8th Appleway Dalton Sprague Laberry 39th Cimmaron Mission Montgomery End Sprague 14th 31st 17th 17th 8th 2ND AV End Koren Michielli McDonald End 12th End Sands Thorpe 40th Local Access ACP City 40 962 38,460 Local Access ACP City 36 445 16,020 Collector ACP City 24 1,528 36,672 Local Access ACP City 36 1,060 38,169 Minor Arterial ACP City 46 1,718 79,005 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,734 109,344 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,050 81,993 End Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,439 57,559 24th Principal Arterial ACP City 66 2,942 194,146 Schafer Principal Arterial ACP City 76 1,289 97,963 32nd Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,864 194,783 Appleway Local Access ACP City 37 530 19,602 Siesta Local Access ACP City 50 1,850 92,486 1st Local Access ACP City 37 325 12,032 8th Local Access ACP City 26 2,527 65,698 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,207 43,437 1st Local Access ACP City 50 333 16,632 Courtland Local Access ACP City 36 776 27,934 3rd Local Access ACP City 26 989 25,722 Laberry Local Access ACP City 40 893 35,724 End Local Access ACP City 36 257 9,250 Sunderland Local Access ACP City 30 1,671 50,144 Indiana Local Access ACP City 32 932 29,813 Marlin Local Access ACP City 40 932 37,270 End Local Access ACP City 31 907 28,130 1st Local Access ACP City 40 346 13,843 17th Local Access ACP City 36 844 30,394 End Local Access ACP City 36 207 7,470 Sunnyside Local Access ACP City 40 1,462 58,487 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,472 52,995 12th Local Access ACP City 28 1,327 37,148 4th Local Access ACP City 32 552 17,663 8th Local Access ACP City 20 1,195 23,898 Howe Local Access ACP City 21 566 11,889 End Local Access ACP City 28 1,056 29,568 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 76 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 O K o• U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 557 1152 1032 1114 233 1896 234 235 232 594 257 1969 1140 1868 1867 132 322 1866 175 172 173 174 1297 1800 1834 1447 1808 1838 1450 1308 1238 1837 1829 1844 564 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Eden St Edgerton Rd Elizabeth Rd Elizabeth St Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Fairview Ct Fancher Frontage Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Fawn Dr Felts Ct Felts Ln Felts Rd Felts Rd Felts Rd Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Flora Pit Rd Euclid Vista Sprague 8th 4th 24th 8th 16th Sprague End 12th 4th End 8th 32nd 16th 24th 4th End Joel Sharp Railroad Woodlawn 8th 14th 15th Broadway Sharp Sprague Broadway Sharp Trent Trent End Sprague 3rd 4th 8th Sprague Broadway Sprague Appleway Appleway 4th 8th Archery 43rd 44th 44th Holman 18th Herald Pondra End 48th End 16th Balfour 8th 9th 4th 8th Holman 50th 50th Van Marter Van Marter Ponderosa Sullivan End Local Access ACP City 43 1,663 71,510 Local Access ACP City 40 1,407 56,292 Local Access ACP City 22 1,320 29,038 Local Access ACP City 20 442 8,845 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,336 40,088 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,660 69,161 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 2,673 80,194 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 2,646 79,380 Minor Arterial ACP City 73 1,338 97,654 Local Access ACP City 36 325 11,700 Collector ACP City 20 898 17,964 Local Access ACP City 20 343 6,858 Local Access ACP City 32 308 9,867 Minor Arterial ACP City 52 1,527 79,404 Minor Arterial ACP City 70 2,651 185,598 Minor Arterial ACP City 52 2,510 130,504 Local Access PCC City 52 53 2,756 Minor Arterial PCC City 40 872 34,865 Collector ACP City 28 1,323 37,036 Collector ACP City 28 2,649 74,177 Collector ACP City 28 737 20,634 Collector ACP City 28 600 16,803 Local Access ACP City 30 195 5,851 57 68 64 26 78 80 77 76 79 46 59 55 48 39 37 57 95 82 32 66 74 31 46 Local Access ACP City 36 495 17,820 86 Local Access ACP City 27 1,704 46,017 86 Local Access ACP City 40 1,968 78,731 62 Local Access ACP City 30 241 7,240 86 Local Access ACP City 27 1,563 42,206 86 Local Access ACP City 36 1,368 49,259 65 Local Access ACP City 32 360 11,511 67 Local Access ACP City 30 1,319 39,584 68 Local Access ACP City 27 205 5,542 86 Local Access ACP City 27 2,357 63,637 86 Local Access ACP City 40 2,413 96,532 78 Local Access ACP City 24 5,924 142,167 77 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 77 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 FI re U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 557 1152 1032 1114 233 1896 234 235 232 594 257 1969 1140 1868 1867 132 322 1866 175 172 173 174 1297 1800 1834 1447 1808 1838 1450 1308 1238 1837 1829 1844 564 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Eden St Edgerton Rd Elizabeth Rd Elizabeth St Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Fairview Ct Fancher Frontage Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Fawn Dr Felts Ct Felts Ln Felts Rd Felts Rd Felts Rd Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Flora Pit Rd Euclid Vista Sprague 8th 4th 24th 8th 16th Sprague End 12th 4th End 8th 32nd 16th 24th 4th End Joel Sharp Railroad Woodlawn 8th 14th 15th Broadway Sharp Sprague Broadway Sharp Trent Trent End Sprague 3rd 4th 8th Sprague Broadway Sprague Appleway Appleway 4th 8th Archery 43rd 44th 44th Holman 18th Herald Pondra End 48th End 16th Balfour 8th 9th 4th 8th Holman 50th 50th Van Marter Van Marter Ponderosa Sullivan End Local Access ACP City 43 1,663 71,510 Local Access ACP City 40 1,407 56,292 Local Access ACP City 22 1,320 29,038 Local Access ACP City 20 442 8,845 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,336 40,088 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,660 69,161 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 2,673 80,194 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 2,646 79,380 Minor Arterial ACP City 73 1,338 97,654 Local Access ACP City 36 325 11,700 Collector ACP City 20 898 17,964 Local Access ACP City 20 343 6,858 Local Access ACP City 32 308 9,867 Minor Arterial ACP City 52 1,527 79,404 Minor Arterial ACP City 70 2,651 185,598 Minor Arterial ACP City 52 2,510 130,504 Local Access PCC City 52 53 2,756 Minor Arterial PCC City 40 872 34,865 Collector ACP City 28 1,323 37,036 Collector ACP City 28 2,649 74,177 Collector ACP City 28 737 20,634 Collector ACP City 28 600 16,803 Local Access ACP City 30 195 5,851 Local Access ACP City 36 495 17,820 Local Access ACP City 27 1,704 46,017 Local Access ACP City 40 1,968 78,731 Local Access ACP City 30 241 7,240 Local Access ACP City 27 1,563 42,206 Local Access ACP City 36 1,368 49,259 Local Access ACP City 32 360 11,511 Local Access ACP City 30 1,319 39,584 Local Access ACP City 27 205 5,542 Local Access ACP City 27 2,357 63,637 Local Access ACP City 40 2,413 96,532 Local Access ACP City 24 5,924 142,167 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 78 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1200 1932 249 1818 1670 392 1752 1330 1251 1636 1166 1751 1491 1426 1832 1735 1736 1845 1849 1117 1096 1921 1734 1244 1318 1317 1949 1623 1476 595 430 1908 1909 633 1080 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Flora Rd Flora Rd Flora Rd Forest Meadows Dr Forrest Av Fox Fox Ct Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox St Gails Park Ct Galway St Gertrude Dr Gillis Ct Gillis Rd Gillis St Gillis Way Ct Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Glenn Ct Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenview Ci Grace Ct Grace Ln Grady Ln Grady Ln Grady Rd Granite Dr 4th End Sprague Sundown 24th Jackson End 12th 4th Lenora Sprague 35th 23rd End Ponderosa End 34th 44th 48th 8th 4th Sprague End 4th Euclid Broadway 44th 26th End 35th 15th 6th 32nd 1st 37th End Limerick End 33rd 35th 46th End 12th 8th 4th 35th Local Access ACP City 30 1,721 51,616 Local Access ACP City 24 1,412 33,888 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,652 68,965 Local Access ACP City 40 2,391 95,634 Local Access ACP City 40 836 33,456 Local Access ACP City 32 400 12,800 Local Access ACP City 36 207 7,463 Local Access ACP City 38 1,046 39,753 Local Access ACP City 40 660 26,391 Local Access ACP City 40 1,344 53,768 Local Access ACP City 28 322 9,027 Local Access ACP City 36 645 23,220 Local Access ACP City 65 80 5,201 Local Access ACP City 36 426 15,330 Local Access ACP City 50 1,444 72,209 Local Access ACP City 36 205 7,381 Local Access ACP City 36 465 16,740 Local Access ACP City 40 651 26,031 Local Access ACP City 40 330 13,212 Local Access ACP City 24 1,167 28,010 Local Access ACP City 28 1,327 37,166 Local Access ACP City 28 1,324 37,083 Local Access ACP City 36 961 34,584 83 45 83 70 57 58 35 62 54 75 44 47 52 84 86 42 47 67 72 75 66 66 42 7th 6th Local Access ACP City 23 1,045 24,035 64 12th 15th Local Access ACP City 38 1,015 38,557 72 15th 16th Local Access ACP City 28 375 10,494 61 16th 24th Local Access ACP City 40 2,642 105,682 38 24th 32nd Local Access ACP City 32 2,642 84,558 39 22nd 22nd Local Access ACP City 40 1,072 42,888 62 End Joel Local Access ACP City 36 325 11,700 48 Pines Cherry Local Access ACP City 36 303 10,907 60 4th End Local Access ACP City 40 410 16,411 63 6th End Local Access ACP City 40 121 4,846 63 Boone Mission Local Access ACP City 36 825 29,684 89 5th Granite Point Local Access ACP City 17 649 11,029 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 79 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1200 1932 249 1818 1670 392 1752 1330 1251 1636 1166 1751 1491 1426 1832 1735 1736 1845 1849 1117 1096 1921 1734 1244 1318 1317 1949 1623 1476 595 430 1908 1909 633 1080 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Flora Rd Flora Rd Flora Rd Forest Meadows Dr Forrest Av Fox Fox Ct Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox St Gails Park Ct Galway St Gertrude Dr Gillis Ct Gillis Rd Gillis St Gillis Way Ct Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Glenn Ct Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenview Ci Grace Ct Grace Ln Grady Ln Grady Ln Grady Rd Granite Dr 4th End Sprague Sundown 24th Jackson End 12th 4th Lenora Sprague 35th 23rd End Ponderosa End 34th 44th 48th 8th 4th Sprague End 4th Euclid Broadway 44th 26th End 35th 15th 6th 32nd 1st 37th End Limerick End 33rd 35th 46th End 12th 8th 4th 35th Local Access ACP City 30 1,721 51,616 Local Access ACP City 24 1,412 33,888 Minor Arterial ACP City 26 2,652 68,965 Local Access ACP City 40 2,391 95,634 Local Access ACP City 40 836 33,456 Local Access ACP City 32 400 12,800 Local Access ACP City 36 207 7,463 Local Access ACP City 38 1,046 39,753 Local Access ACP City 40 660 26,391 Local Access ACP City 40 1,344 53,768 Local Access ACP City 28 322 9,027 Local Access ACP City 36 645 23,220 Local Access ACP City 65 80 5,201 Local Access ACP City 36 426 15,330 Local Access ACP City 50 1,444 72,209 Local Access ACP City 36 205 7,381 Local Access ACP City 36 465 16,740 Local Access ACP City 40 651 26,031 Local Access ACP City 40 330 13,212 Local Access ACP City 24 1,167 28,010 Local Access ACP City 28 1,327 37,166 Local Access ACP City 28 1,324 37,083 Local Access ACP City 36 961 34,584 7th 6th Local Access ACP City 23 1,045 24,035 12th 15th Local Access ACP City 38 1,015 38,557 15th 16th Local Access ACP City 28 375 10,494 16th 24th Local Access ACP City 40 2,642 105,682 24th 32nd Local Access ACP City 32 2,642 84,558 22nd 22nd Local Access ACP City 40 1,072 42,888 End Joel Local Access ACP City 36 325 11,700 Pines Cherry Local Access ACP City 36 303 10,907 4th End Local Access ACP City 40 410 16,411 6th End Local Access ACP City 40 121 4,846 Boone Mission Local Access ACP City 36 825 29,684 5th Granite Point Local Access ACP City 17 649 11,029 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 80 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1081 Granite Point Dr 592 Greenacres 1435 Greenacres Rd 627 Greenacres Rd 1001 Greenacres Rd 1219 Greenacres Rd 1494 Guthrie Dr 603 Harmony Rd 1017 Harmony Rd 1438 Harmony Rd 1074 Havana Yale Rd 1137 Hazel Rd 136 Heacox Av 177 Herald Rd 1877 Herald Rd 1878 Herald Rd 1879 Herald Rd 1448 Herald Rd 1237 Herald Rd 1850 High Way Ct 1147 Highland Dr 1022 Hodges Rd 1231 Hodges Rd 634 Hodges Rd 1228 Holiday 1020 Holiday Ct 1023 Holiday Rd 1229 Holiday Rd 1820 Hollow Ct 1819 Hollow St 1828 Holman Rd 1423 Homestead Ct 1657 Houk Ct 821 Houk Rd 1353 Houk Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Carnahan Mission 8th End Sprague Sprague 19th Marlin Sprague 8th Yale End Thierman 8th End Main Sprague 20th 4th End Center Main Sprague Boone Michigan Main Sprague 6th End Sundown Spencer End 26th Sinto End McKinnon Mansfield 9th Mission End 4th 25th Buckeye Val leyway End 16th 14th Broadway 16th Broadway End Main Dishman Mica End Low Way Beverly Laberry 8th Mission End End Main 7th Sundown 44th Van Marter End End Mission 14th Local Access ACP City 18 1,249 22,480 Local Access ACP City 18 2,482 44,676 Local Access ACP City 36 290 10,438 Local Access ACP City 14 2,035 28,489 Local Access ACP City 18 3,012 54,213 Local Access ACP City 18 1,333 23,991 Local Access ACP City 50 2,479 123,939 Local Access ACP City 40 466 18,646 Local Access ACP City 40 868 34,700 Local Access ACP City 37 794 29,393 Local Access ACP City 20 404 8,078 Local Access ACP City 36 205 7,384 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 3,316 119,393 Collector ACP City 40 2,673 106,928 Collector ACP City 26 1,729 44,952 Collector ACP City 36 265 9,540 Collector ACP City 26 663 17,239 Local Access ACP City 40 1,643 65,722 Local Access ACP City 22 331 7,277 Local Access ACP City 40 404 16,144 Local Access ACP City 28 987 27,629 Local Access ACP City 40 1,373 54,905 Local Access ACP City 14 2,665 37,309 76 87 77 87 60 86 37 48 89 75 49 86 68 60 67 64 59 63 77 66 63 87 91 Local Access ACP City 36 764 27,504 89 Local Access ACP City 33 1,321 43,583 77 Local Access ACP City 40 155 6,198 89 Local Access ACP City 40 498 19,929 89 Local Access ACP City 33 462 15,249 77 Local Access ACP City 40 400 16,000 72 Local Access ACP City 40 1,010 40,390 69 Local Access ACP City 24 3,959 95,013 84 Local Access ACP City 30 745 22,344 86 Local Access ACP City 40 203 8,132 53 Local Access ACP City 40 681 27,233 46 Local Access ACP City 30 979 29,364 62 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 81 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O _ 0u 1081 Granite Point Dr 592 Greenacres 1435 Greenacres Rd 627 Greenacres Rd 1001 Greenacres Rd 1219 Greenacres Rd 1494 Guthrie Dr 603 Harmony Rd 1017 Harmony Rd 1438 Harmony Rd 1074 Havana Yale Rd 1137 Hazel Rd 136 Heacox Av 177 Herald Rd 1877 Herald Rd 1878 Herald Rd 1879 Herald Rd 1448 Herald Rd 1237 Herald Rd 1850 High Way Ct 1147 Highland Dr 1022 Hodges Rd 1231 Hodges Rd 634 Hodges Rd 1228 Holiday 1020 Holiday Ct 1023 Holiday Rd 1229 Holiday Rd 1820 Hollow Ct 1819 Hollow St 1828 Holman Rd 1423 Homestead Ct 1657 Houk Ct 821 Houk Rd 1353 Houk Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Carnahan Mission 8th End Sprague Sprague 19th Marlin Sprague 8th Yale End Thierman 8th End Main Sprague 20th 4th End Center Main Sprague Boone Michigan Main Sprague 6th End Sundown Spencer End 26th Sinto End McKinnon Mansfield 9th Mission End 4th 25th Buckeye Val leyway End 16th 14th Broadway 16th Broadway End Main Dishman Mica End Low Way Beverly Laberry 8th Mission End End Main 7th Sundown 44th Van Marter End End Mission 14th Local Access ACP City 18 1,249 22,480 Local Access ACP City 18 2,482 44,676 Local Access ACP City 36 290 10,438 Local Access ACP City 14 2,035 28,489 Local Access ACP City 18 3,012 54,213 Local Access ACP City 18 1,333 23,991 Local Access ACP City 50 2,479 123,939 Local Access ACP City 40 466 18,646 Local Access ACP City 40 868 34,700 Local Access ACP City 37 794 29,393 Local Access ACP City 20 404 8,078 Local Access ACP City 36 205 7,384 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 3,316 119,393 Collector ACP City 40 2,673 106,928 Collector ACP City 26 1,729 44,952 Collector ACP City 36 265 9,540 Collector ACP City 26 663 17,239 Local Access ACP City 40 1,643 65,722 Local Access ACP City 22 331 7,277 Local Access ACP City 40 404 16,144 Local Access ACP City 28 987 27,629 Local Access ACP City 40 1,373 54,905 Local Access ACP City 14 2,665 37,309 Local Access ACP City 36 764 27,504 Local Access ACP City 33 1,321 43,583 Local Access ACP City 40 155 6,198 Local Access ACP City 40 498 19,929 Local Access ACP City 33 462 15,249 Local Access ACP City 40 400 16,000 Local Access ACP City 40 1,010 40,390 Local Access ACP City 24 3,959 95,013 Local Access ACP City 30 745 22,344 Local Access ACP City 40 203 8,132 Local Access ACP City 40 681 27,233 Local Access ACP City 30 979 29,364 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 82 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1497 1258 1256 1172 429 943 1352 1656 728 653 651 1088 1920 1728 574 575 608 697 414 605 599 601 1437 1740 1097 1281 1521 1522 1520 578 370 573 652 1141 1087 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk St Houk St Howe Rd Howe Rd Howe Rd Howe St Hula Ct Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Ct Jackson Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr Jackson Dr Joel Rd Joel Rd Johnson St Kahuna Dr Kailas Ct Keller Rd Keller Rd Keller Rd Knox Knox Av Knox Av Koren Rd Koren Rd Koren Rd Saltese 7th 4th Sprague Shannon Sprague 8th 24th Mission Koren Sprague 4th 14th End Arc Tschirley Barker End Fox End Barker Buckeye Vercler 8th End 1st Mansfield Main End 25th End 3rd Koren Eastwood 16th Woodward Tschirley Barker End End End Jackson Montgomery End 8th 9th 38th 40th End Carnahan End End Wick Saltese Saltese Semro 16th Wick Eden Greenacres Locust End End Tschirley Howe 3rd 16th Rocky Ridge 4th Eastwood Local Access ACP City 40 1,237 49,462 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,214 Local Access ACP City 40 659 26,363 Local Access ACP City 38 447 16,976 Local Access ACP City 40 622 24,860 Local Access ACP City 28 673 18,844 Local Access ACP City 40 655 26,216 Local Access ACP City 40 374 14,956 Local Access ACP City 35 472 16,507 Local Access ACP City 39 699 27,277 Local Access ACP City 39 423 16,502 Local Access ACP City 21 827 17,358 Local Access ACP City 36 643 23,150 Local Access ACP City 36 320 11,531 Local Access ACP City 32 260 8,320 Local Access ACP City 16 3,903 62,441 Local Access ACP City 40 2,715 108,615 Local Access ACP City 18 1,846 33,227 Local Access ACP City 40 400 16,000 Local Access ACP City 40 115 4,600 Local Access ACP City 40 1,007 40,289 Local Access ACP City 36 805 28,992 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,203 52 57 45 63 73 48 66 51 43 60 69 76 48 70 89 95 87 53 58 14 42 48 62 Local Access ACP City 36 495 17,820 70 Local Access ACP City 36 993 35,763 33 Local Access ACP City 36 200 7,200 63 Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,607 58 Local Access ACP City 40 682 27,265 48 Local Access ACP City 40 719 28,772 55 Local Access ACP City 30 390 11,700 89 Local Access ACP City 30 472 14,174 60 Local Access ACP City 32 1,198 38,338 89 Local Access ACP City 30 701 21,016 60 Local Access ACP City 40 963 38,512 44 Local Access ACP City 21 1,130 23,730 77 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 83 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1497 1258 1256 1172 429 943 1352 1656 728 653 651 1088 1920 1728 574 575 608 697 414 605 599 601 1437 1740 1097 1281 1521 1522 1520 578 370 573 652 1141 1087 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk St Houk St Howe Rd Howe Rd Howe Rd Howe St Hula Ct Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Ct Jackson Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr Jackson Dr Joel Rd Joel Rd Johnson St Kahuna Dr Kailas Ct Keller Rd Keller Rd Keller Rd Knox Knox Av Knox Av Koren Rd Koren Rd Koren Rd Saltese 7th 4th Sprague Shannon Sprague 8th 24th Mission Koren Sprague 4th 14th End Arc Tschirley Barker End Fox End Barker Buckeye Vercler 8th End 1st Mansfield Main End 25th End 3rd Koren Eastwood 16th Woodward Tschirley Barker End End End Jackson Montgomery End 8th 9th 38th 40th End Carnahan End End Wick Saltese Saltese Semro 16th Wick Eden Greenacres Locust End End Tschirley Howe 3rd 16th Rocky Ridge 4th Eastwood Local Access ACP City 40 1,237 49,462 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,214 Local Access ACP City 40 659 26,363 Local Access ACP City 38 447 16,976 Local Access ACP City 40 622 24,860 Local Access ACP City 28 673 18,844 Local Access ACP City 40 655 26,216 Local Access ACP City 40 374 14,956 Local Access ACP City 35 472 16,507 Local Access ACP City 39 699 27,277 Local Access ACP City 39 423 16,502 Local Access ACP City 21 827 17,358 Local Access ACP City 36 643 23,150 Local Access ACP City 36 320 11,531 Local Access ACP City 32 260 8,320 Local Access ACP City 16 3,903 62,441 Local Access ACP City 40 2,715 108,615 Local Access ACP City 18 1,846 33,227 Local Access ACP City 40 400 16,000 Local Access ACP City 40 115 4,600 Local Access ACP City 40 1,007 40,289 Local Access ACP City 36 805 28,992 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,203 Local Access ACP City 36 495 17,820 Local Access ACP City 36 993 35,763 Local Access ACP City 36 200 7,200 Local Access ACP City 40 340 13,607 Local Access ACP City 40 682 27,265 Local Access ACP City 40 719 28,772 Local Access ACP City 30 390 11,700 Local Access ACP City 30 472 14,174 Local Access ACP City 32 1,198 38,338 Local Access ACP City 30 701 21,016 Local Access ACP City 40 963 38,512 Local Access ACP City 21 1,130 23,730 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 84 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1008 1131 1133 1126 1175 1649 1629 1261 555 1425 1574 1475 1298 1077 1799 1230 590 1216 1000 626 1745 1283 1486 947 1021 966 948 990 995 967 935 840 852 839 829 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Laberry Dr Lake Rd Lake Rd Lake Rd Leatha Ln Lenora Dr Lenora Dr Leta Rd Liberty Av Limerick Dr Limerick Dr Linda Ln Little John Ct Lloyd St Locust Rd Lone Tree Rd Long Rd Long Rd Long Rd Long Rd Loretta Dr Lucille Ln Macy Ct Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Ct Barker Seehorn Moreland 19th 3rd Cherry Bates 4th Velox Galway 16th 16th 10th End End 4th Mission Sprague Applevway Cataldo 34th 4th End End End 19th Seehorn 4th Virginia Pines Local Access ACP City 32 2,890 92,489 Local Access ACP City 36 562 20,228 Local Access ACP City 36 641 23,080 Local Access ACP City 36 839 30,196 Local Access ACP City 40 441 17,650 Local Access ACP City 40 1,401 56,058 Local Access ACP City 40 2,512 100,480 6th Local Access ACP City 40 657 26,281 McKee Local Access ACP City 36 677 24,371 16th Local Access ACP City 30 1,117 33,524 Sonora Local Access ACP City 36 1,528 55,017 19th Local Access ACP City 40 1,060 42,386 End Local Access ACP City 36 272 9,792 15th Local Access ACP City 30 330 9,914 44th Local Access ACP City 36 660 23,771 6th Local Access ACP City 33 543 17,930 Riverway Local Access ACP City 18 3,214 57,852 8th Local Access ACP City 22 2,490 54,776 End Local Access ACP City 16 2,370 37,915 Mission Local Access ACP City 18 2,021 36,383 Pines Local Access ACP City 40 2,235 89,409 End Local Access ACP City 37 571 21,138 April Local Access ACP City 40 194 7,776 End Evergreen Local Access ACP City 36 1,001 36,038 48 Holiday End Local Access ACP City 40 718 28,702 89 End Bolivar Local Access ACP City 40 406 16,250 50 McDonald End Local Access ACP City 40 621 24,858 49 Conklin End Local Access ACP City 30 1,339 40,165 83 Flora Tschirley Local Access ACP City 18 1,059 19,067 91 Best Adams Local Access ACP City 36 1,312 47,236 46 Pines McDonald Local Access ACP City 24 2,665 63,960 46 End Warren Local Access ACP City 40 601 24,031 77 Progress St Charles Local Access ACP City 50 267 13,346 74 Evergreen Best Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,925 77 McDonald End Local Access ACP City 40 517 20,664 74 89 86 86 86 66 56 74 64 51 86 75 70 77 66 86 77 87 84 91 87 54 62 53 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 85 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1008 1131 1133 1126 1175 1649 1629 1261 555 1425 1574 1475 1298 1077 1799 1230 590 1216 1000 626 1745 1283 1486 947 1021 966 948 990 995 967 935 840 852 839 829 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Laberry Dr Lake Rd Lake Rd Lake Rd Leatha Ln Lenora Dr Lenora Dr Leta Rd Liberty Av Limerick Dr Limerick Dr Linda Ln Little John Ct Lloyd St Locust Rd Lone Tree Rd Long Rd Long Rd Long Rd Long Rd Loretta Dr Lucille Ln Macy Ct Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Ct Barker Seehorn Moreland 19th 3rd Cherry Bates 4th Velox Galway 16th 16th 10th End End 4th Mission Sprague Applevway Cataldo 34th 4th End End End 19th Seehorn 4th Virginia Pines Local Access ACP City 32 2,890 92,489 Local Access ACP City 36 562 20,228 Local Access ACP City 36 641 23,080 Local Access ACP City 36 839 30,196 Local Access ACP City 40 441 17,650 Local Access ACP City 40 1,401 56,058 Local Access ACP City 40 2,512 100,480 6th Local Access ACP City 40 657 26,281 McKee Local Access ACP City 36 677 24,371 16th Local Access ACP City 30 1,117 33,524 Sonora Local Access ACP City 36 1,528 55,017 19th Local Access ACP City 40 1,060 42,386 End Local Access ACP City 36 272 9,792 15th Local Access ACP City 30 330 9,914 44th Local Access ACP City 36 660 23,771 6th Local Access ACP City 33 543 17,930 Riverway Local Access ACP City 18 3,214 57,852 8th Local Access ACP City 22 2,490 54,776 End Local Access ACP City 16 2,370 37,915 Mission Local Access ACP City 18 2,021 36,383 Pines Local Access ACP City 40 2,235 89,409 End Local Access ACP City 37 571 21,138 April Local Access ACP City 40 194 7,776 End Evergreen Local Access ACP City 36 1,001 36,038 Holiday End Local Access ACP City 40 718 28,702 End Bolivar Local Access ACP City 40 406 16,250 McDonald End Local Access ACP City 40 621 24,858 Conklin End Local Access ACP City 30 1,339 40,165 Flora Tschirley Local Access ACP City 18 1,059 19,067 Best Adams Local Access ACP City 36 1,312 47,236 Pines McDonald Local Access ACP City 24 2,665 63,960 End Warren Local Access ACP City 40 601 24,031 Progress St Charles Local Access ACP City 50 267 13,346 Evergreen Best Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,925 McDonald End Local Access ACP City 40 517 20,664 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 86 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1527 1270 831 956 1271 1683 1526 729 957 1373 577 427 572 428 1564 1405 1299 597 562 596 563 1406 1407 1947 598 612 615 613 614 813 812 955 954 1523 951 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Mamer Ct Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mansfield Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Marcus Ct Marcus Ct Mariam St Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marigold Ct Marigold Rd Marigold St Marlin Dr Maxwell Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd McCabe Rd McCabe Rd End 5th Broadway Val leyway 7th 30th 16th Mission Main 8th Eden End End Pines End 8th Archery McMillan End Harmony Sullivan End 8th 12th Buckeye End Greenacres End Long End Pines Sprague Main 16th Alki 24th 7th Mission Alki 8th 32nd 20th Nora Val leyway End Greenacres Mirabeau End Houk 20th End Robinhood Montgomery Sullivan McMillan Euclid 12th End 14th McMillan End Barker End End McDonald Houk Riverside Val leyway Wick Broadway Local Access ACP City 36 238 8,555 Local Access ACP City 40 683 27,321 Local Access ACP City 24 2,627 63,037 Local Access ACP City 36 650 23,394 Local Access ACP City 40 318 12,720 Local Access ACP City 40 421 16,851 Local Access ACP City 36 1,324 47,668 Local Access ACP City 30 635 19,043 Local Access ACP City 36 534 19,228 Local Access ACP City 40 1,338 53,527 Local Access ACP City 30 390 11,700 Local Access ACP City 48 2,550 122,420 Local Access ACP City 32 659 21,088 Local Access ACP City 40 950 37,994 Local Access ACP City 32 330 10,560 Local Access ACP City 40 344 13,760 Local Access ACP City 36 1,530 55,070 Local Access ACP City 40 632 25,262 Local Access ACP City 38 638 24,252 Local Access ACP City 40 561 22,428 Local Access ACP City 58 3,428 198,832 Local Access ACP City 36 480 17,280 Local Access ACP City 28 315 8,831 57 42 74 74 66 60 57 74 74 68 89 68 87 39 57 79 79 22 66 54 76 68 77 Local Access ACP City 36 706 25,406 81 Local Access ACP City 40 1,414 56,541 39 Local Access ACP City 36 390 14,040 87 Local Access ACP City 18 1,302 23,440 87 Local Access ACP City 36 325 11,711 87 Local Access ACP City 40 855 34,218 87 Local Access ACP City 40 981 39,243 74 Local Access ACP City 36 670 24,135 47 Local Access ACP City 40 518 20,710 49 Local Access ACP City 36 513 18,473 73 Local Access ACP City 30 835 25,046 68 Local Access ACP City 40 664 26,578 74 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 87 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1527 1270 831 956 1271 1683 1526 729 957 1373 577 427 572 428 1564 1405 1299 597 562 596 563 1406 1407 1947 598 612 615 613 614 813 812 955 954 1523 951 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Mamer Ct Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mansfield Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Marcus Ct Marcus Ct Mariam St Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marigold Ct Marigold Rd Marigold St Marlin Dr Maxwell Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd McCabe Rd McCabe Rd End 5th Broadway Val leyway 7th 30th 16th Mission Main 8th Eden End End Pines End 8th Archery McMillan End Harmony Sullivan End 8th 12th Buckeye End Greenacres End Long End Pines Sprague Main 16th Alki 24th 7th Mission Alki 8th 32nd 20th Nora Val leyway End Greenacres Mirabeau End Houk 20th End Robinhood Montgomery Sullivan McMillan Euclid 12th End 14th McMillan End Barker End End McDonald Houk Riverside Val leyway Wick Broadway Local Access ACP City 36 238 8,555 Local Access ACP City 40 683 27,321 Local Access ACP City 24 2,627 63,037 Local Access ACP City 36 650 23,394 Local Access ACP City 40 318 12,720 Local Access ACP City 40 421 16,851 Local Access ACP City 36 1,324 47,668 Local Access ACP City 30 635 19,043 Local Access ACP City 36 534 19,228 Local Access ACP City 40 1,338 53,527 Local Access ACP City 30 390 11,700 Local Access ACP City 48 2,550 122,420 Local Access ACP City 32 659 21,088 Local Access ACP City 40 950 37,994 Local Access ACP City 32 330 10,560 Local Access ACP City 40 344 13,760 Local Access ACP City 36 1,530 55,070 Local Access ACP City 40 632 25,262 Local Access ACP City 38 638 24,252 Local Access ACP City 40 561 22,428 Local Access ACP City 58 3,428 198,832 Local Access ACP City 36 480 17,280 Local Access ACP City 28 315 8,831 Local Access ACP City 36 706 25,406 Local Access ACP City 40 1,414 56,541 Local Access ACP City 36 390 14,040 Local Access ACP City 18 1,302 23,440 Local Access ACP City 36 325 11,711 Local Access ACP City 40 855 34,218 Local Access ACP City 40 981 39,243 Local Access ACP City 36 670 24,135 Local Access ACP City 40 518 20,710 Local Access ACP City 36 513 18,473 Local Access ACP City 30 835 25,046 Local Access ACP City 40 664 26,578 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 88 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1671 McCabe Rd 952 McCabe Rd 1524 McCabe Rd 1957 McDonald Rd 201 McDonald Rd 199 McDonald Rd 200 McDonald Rd 1892 McDonald Rd 207 McDonald Rd 208 McDonald Rd 1784 McDonald St 1914 McKee 1220 McKee 593 McKee Ct 1933 McKee Rd 650 McKinnon Rd 1082 McKinnon Rd 1019 McMillan Ct 1018 McMillan Rd 604 McMillan Rd 1227 McMillan Rd 1747 Melissa Dr 1785 Mercy Ct 1802 Mercy Dr 1048 Mica Park Dr 580 Michielli 24 Mission Av 26 Mission Av 25 Mission Av 566 Mission Av 832 Mission Connection Av 1218 Moen St 1739 Moffitt St 606 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr 607 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr IMS Infrastructure Management Services 26th Sprague 22nd 27th 8th Sprague 4th Sprague 16th Saltese 32nd 5th End Augusta Euclid Sprague 4th Valleyvway Riverside Montgomery End 33rd End Schafer Dishman Eden Railroad Park Thierman End Evergreen Sprague 38th Montgomery Montgomery Blake Valleyvway 24th 31st 16th Broadway 8th Local Access ACP City 40 652 26,079 Local Access ACP City 32 1,329 42,543 Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,432 Local Access ACP City 40 1,513 60,533 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,683 107,332 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 2,659 127,632 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,323 52,904 4th Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,333 53,317 Saltese Minor Arterial ACP City 40 846 33,826 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 50 1,884 94,202 36th Local Access ACP City 36 1,155 41,568 End Local Access ACP City 40 390 15,600 5th Local Access ACP City 40 260 10,400 End Local Access ACP City 36 636 22,906 Bridgeport Local Access ACP City 40 759 30,366 3rd Local Access ACP City 34 991 33,679 8th Local Access ACP City 21 1,337 28,080 End Local Access ACP City 60 96 5,767 Valleyvway Local Access ACP City 40 750 30,020 Buckeye Local Access ACP City 40 853 34,139 8th Local Access ACP City 33 400 13,185 Whipple Local Access ACP City 36 1,441 51,892 Schafer Local Access ACP City 36 647 23,274 Old Schafer Local Access ACP City 36 215 7,723 51 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,812 65,235 79 Greenacres Local Access ACP City 30 531 15,935 89 Thierman Collector ACP City 24 2,635 63,231 77 Vista Collector ACP City 24 2,670 64,083 56 Park Collector ACP City 24 2,622 62,933 69 Flora Local Access ACP City 22 1,470 32,342 87 Mission Local Access ACP City 56 711 39,820 75 4th Local Access ACP City 40 1,333 53,331 86 40th Local Access ACP City 36 495 17,820 70 End Local Access ACP City 40 113 4,520 25 End Local Access ACP City 40 95 3,800 27 59 76 57 52 61 66 62 61 57 61 75 90 65 89 43 64 69 87 87 37 77 53 67 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 89 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y A U 0 `w a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1671 McCabe Rd 952 McCabe Rd 1524 McCabe Rd 1957 McDonald Rd 201 McDonald Rd 199 McDonald Rd 200 McDonald Rd 1892 McDonald Rd 207 McDonald Rd 208 McDonald Rd 1784 McDonald St 1914 McKee 1220 McKee 593 McKee Ct 1933 McKee Rd 650 McKinnon Rd 1082 McKinnon Rd 1019 McMillan Ct 1018 McMillan Rd 604 McMillan Rd 1227 McMillan Rd 1747 Melissa Dr 1785 Mercy Ct 1802 Mercy Dr 1048 Mica Park Dr 580 Michielli 24 Mission Av 26 Mission Av 25 Mission Av 566 Mission Av 832 Mission Connection Av 1218 Moen St 1739 Moffitt St 606 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr 607 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr IMS Infrastructure Management Services 26th Sprague 22nd 27th 8th Sprague 4th Sprague 16th Saltese 32nd 5th End Augusta Euclid Sprague 4th Valleyvway Riverside Montgomery End 33rd End Schafer Dishman Eden Railroad Park Thierman End Evergreen Sprague 38th Montgomery Montgomery Blake Valleyvway 24th 31st 16th Broadway 8th Local Access ACP City 40 652 26,079 Local Access ACP City 32 1,329 42,543 Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,432 Local Access ACP City 40 1,513 60,533 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 2,683 107,332 Minor Arterial ACP City 48 2,659 127,632 Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,323 52,904 4th Minor Arterial ACP City 40 1,333 53,317 Saltese Minor Arterial ACP City 40 846 33,826 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 50 1,884 94,202 36th Local Access ACP City 36 1,155 41,568 End Local Access ACP City 40 390 15,600 5th Local Access ACP City 40 260 10,400 End Local Access ACP City 36 636 22,906 Bridgeport Local Access ACP City 40 759 30,366 3rd Local Access ACP City 34 991 33,679 8th Local Access ACP City 21 1,337 28,080 End Local Access ACP City 60 96 5,767 Valleyvway Local Access ACP City 40 750 30,020 Buckeye Local Access ACP City 40 853 34,139 8th Local Access ACP City 33 400 13,185 Whipple Local Access ACP City 36 1,441 51,892 Schafer Local Access ACP City 36 647 23,274 Old Schafer Local Access ACP City 36 215 7,723 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,812 65,235 Greenacres Local Access ACP City 30 531 15,935 Thierman Collector ACP City 24 2,635 63,231 Vista Collector ACP City 24 2,670 64,083 Park Collector ACP City 24 2,622 62,933 Flora Local Access ACP City 22 1,470 32,342 Mission Local Access ACP City 56 711 39,820 4th Local Access ACP City 40 1,333 53,331 40th Local Access ACP City 36 495 17,820 End Local Access ACP City 40 113 4,520 End Local Access ACP City 40 95 3,800 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 90 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 600 Montgomery Dr 571 Montgomery Rd 1591 Moore Ct 986 Moore Rd 1123 Moreland Dr 1603 Morningside Ln 1076 Morrill Rd 1263 Morrow Rd 1507 Morrow Rd 1664 Morrow Rd 1711 Needham Dr 1948 Newer Ct 1569 Newer Ct 1414 Newer Rd 1286 Newer Rd 1190 Newer Rd 1570 Newer Rd 1046 Nina Ci 946 Nixon Av 964 Nixon Av 1015 Nixon Av 963 Nixon Av 965 Nixon Av 989 Nixon Ct 582 Nora Av 1930 Nora Av 1240 Oberlin Rd 1453 Oberlin Rd 1311 Oberlin Rd 1616 Oberlin Rd 1803 Old Schafer Rd 937 Olive Av 936 Olive Av 1547 Owl Ct 147 Park Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Drummond Flora End Val leyway Bettman Dusk 15th Marietta Riverway Limerick Broadway Eastern Starlight 16th Local Access ACP City 40 2,095 83,808 Local Access ACP City 18 4,002 72,038 Local Access ACP City 36 200 7,200 Local Access ACP City 40 1,339 53,556 Local Access ACP City 36 779 28,041 Local Access ACP City 31 452 14,012 Local Access ACP City 31 314 9,722 End 8th Local Access ACP City 32 423 13,520 16th Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 714 28,571 Skyview 31st Local Access ACP City 40 510 20,400 Timberlane End Local Access ACP City 40 446 17,825 13th End Local Access ACP City 28 1,056 29,569 End 22nd Local Access ACP City 36 355 12,780 14th 16th Local Access ACP City 40 516 20,640 4th End Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,058 2nd 3rd Local Access ACP City 40 264 10,564 23rd 24th Local Access ACP City 36 483 17,375 Dishman Dishman Local Access ACP City 40 917 36,693 McDonald McCabe Local Access ACP City 40 837 33,481 End End Local Access ACP City 40 524 20,957 Harmony Hodges Local Access ACP City 40 1,717 68,663 Evergreen Bolivar Local Access ACP City 40 629 25,144 End Adams Local Access ACP City 40 345 13,808 Shamrock End Local Access ACP City 36 395 14,220 83 Bell Arc Local Access ACP City 32 165 5,268 89 Pines Mamer Local Access ACP City 30 4,903 147,104 68 5th 6th Local Access ACP City 36 332 11,970 69 16th Chinook Local Access ACP City 26 759 19,738 58 8th 16th Local Access ACP City 32 2,668 85,368 67 Raymond 31st Local Access ACP City 40 565 22,601 62 End End Local Access ACP City 32 578 18,503 80 Woodlawn McDonald Local Access ACP City 40 673 26,917 74 Pines Collins Local Access ACP City 20 844 16,873 44 23rd End Local Access ACP City 40 250 10,011 61 8th End Collector ACP City 20 1,854 37,070 75 40 89 58 83 86 69 78 53 52 54 57 47 54 50 70 52 77 66 74 80 89 76 74 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 91 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 600 Montgomery Dr 571 Montgomery Rd 1591 Moore Ct 986 Moore Rd 1123 Moreland Dr 1603 Morningside Ln 1076 Morrill Rd 1263 Morrow Rd 1507 Morrow Rd 1664 Morrow Rd 1711 Needham Dr 1948 Newer Ct 1569 Newer Ct 1414 Newer Rd 1286 Newer Rd 1190 Newer Rd 1570 Newer Rd 1046 Nina Ci 946 Nixon Av 964 Nixon Av 1015 Nixon Av 963 Nixon Av 965 Nixon Av 989 Nixon Ct 582 Nora Av 1930 Nora Av 1240 Oberlin Rd 1453 Oberlin Rd 1311 Oberlin Rd 1616 Oberlin Rd 1803 Old Schafer Rd 937 Olive Av 936 Olive Av 1547 Owl Ct 147 Park Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Drummond Flora End Val leyway Bettman Dusk 15th Marietta Riverway Limerick Broadway Eastern Starlight 16th Local Access ACP City 40 2,095 83,808 Local Access ACP City 18 4,002 72,038 Local Access ACP City 36 200 7,200 Local Access ACP City 40 1,339 53,556 Local Access ACP City 36 779 28,041 Local Access ACP City 31 452 14,012 Local Access ACP City 31 314 9,722 End 8th Local Access ACP City 32 423 13,520 16th Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 714 28,571 Skyview 31st Local Access ACP City 40 510 20,400 Timberlane End Local Access ACP City 40 446 17,825 13th End Local Access ACP City 28 1,056 29,569 End 22nd Local Access ACP City 36 355 12,780 14th 16th Local Access ACP City 40 516 20,640 4th End Local Access ACP City 36 668 24,058 2nd 3rd Local Access ACP City 40 264 10,564 23rd 24th Local Access ACP City 36 483 17,375 Dishman Dishman Local Access ACP City 40 917 36,693 McDonald McCabe Local Access ACP City 40 837 33,481 End End Local Access ACP City 40 524 20,957 Harmony Hodges Local Access ACP City 40 1,717 68,663 Evergreen Bolivar Local Access ACP City 40 629 25,144 End Adams Local Access ACP City 40 345 13,808 Shamrock End Local Access ACP City 36 395 14,220 Bell Arc Local Access ACP City 32 165 5,268 Pines Mamer Local Access ACP City 30 4,903 147,104 5th 6th Local Access ACP City 36 332 11,970 16th Chinook Local Access ACP City 26 759 19,738 8th 16th Local Access ACP City 32 2,668 85,368 Raymond 31st Local Access ACP City 40 565 22,601 End End Local Access ACP City 32 578 18,503 Woodlawn McDonald Local Access ACP City 40 673 26,917 Pines Collins Local Access ACP City 20 844 16,873 23rd End Local Access ACP City 40 250 10,011 8th End Collector ACP City 20 1,854 37,070 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 92 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 145 144 1870 146 143 1973 1334 1253 1847 1862 1950 1245 1955 1320 1162 1959 426 205 204 203 1421 1585 1831 1807 982 856 1707 1188 1284 1411 1567 1575 858 853 1721 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Pierce Ct Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce St Pinecroft Wy Pines Rd Pines Rd Pines Rd Pioneer Ct Pioneer St Ponderosa Dr Pondra Dr Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Radco Dr Ravalli Ct Ravalli Dr Raymond Ci Applevway Sprague Broadway 4th Sprague Valleyvway 12th 4th Applevway Mission 8th Valleyvway Broadway End Minor Arterial ACP City 22 933 20,522 Minor Arterial ACP City 61 394 24,061 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,647 95,286 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 1,324 29,127 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,636 94,892 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,636 94,892 Local Access ACP City 40 539 21,544 5th 6th Local Access ACP City 36 324 11,653 End 47th Local Access ACP City 40 395 15,784 Gertrude End Local Access ACP City 36 511 18,404 16th 24th Local Access ACP City 40 2,644 105,740 4th 8th Local Access ACP City 22 1,317 28,982 24th 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 2,646 105,838 8th 16th Local Access ACP City 24 2,684 64,418 3rd 4th Local Access ACP City 36 253 9,100 32nd 37th Local Access ACP City 24 1,826 43,836 End Mirabeau Local Access ACP City 44 2,797 123,070 32nd 40th Collector ACP City 40 2,700 107,998 24th 32nd Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,657 90,343 16th 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,655 90,281 11th End Local Access ACP City 30 480 14,400 20th End Local Access ACP City 36 472 17,009 End Bates Local Access ACP City 40 3,452 138,094 University 44th Local Access ACP City 30 2,241 67,226 86 Sprague Broadway Local Access ACP City 34 2,642 89,826 73 Broadway Mission Local Access ACP City 34 1,351 45,947 73 24th 26th Local Access ACP City 21 625 13,125 53 Sprague 4th Local Access ACP City 30 1,339 40,156 44 4th 8th Local Access ACP City 30 1,337 40,118 62 8th 16th Local Access ACP City 30 2,667 79,996 68 16th 24th Local Access ACP City 26 2,663 69,226 52 Sonora End Local Access ACP City 36 1,155 41,594 59 End End Local Access ACP City 40 172 6,880 74 St Charles Cataldo Local Access ACP City 40 825 33,013 74 32nd University Local Access ACP City 34 754 25,650 67 67 56 58 69 90 54 69 67 72 56 37 66 41 70 69 46 68 78 64 75 86 76 80 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 93 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 145 144 1870 146 143 1973 1334 1253 1847 1862 1950 1245 1955 1320 1162 1959 426 205 204 203 1421 1585 1831 1807 982 856 1707 1188 1284 1411 1567 1575 858 853 1721 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Pierce Ct Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce St Pinecroft Wy Pines Rd Pines Rd Pines Rd Pioneer Ct Pioneer St Ponderosa Dr Pondra Dr Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Radco Dr Ravalli Ct Ravalli Dr Raymond Ci Applevway Sprague Broadway 4th Sprague Valleyvway 12th 4th Applevway Mission 8th Valleyvway Broadway End Minor Arterial ACP City 22 933 20,522 Minor Arterial ACP City 61 394 24,061 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,647 95,286 Minor Arterial ACP City 22 1,324 29,127 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,636 94,892 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 2,636 94,892 Local Access ACP City 40 539 21,544 5th 6th Local Access ACP City 36 324 11,653 End 47th Local Access ACP City 40 395 15,784 Gertrude End Local Access ACP City 36 511 18,404 16th 24th Local Access ACP City 40 2,644 105,740 4th 8th Local Access ACP City 22 1,317 28,982 24th 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 2,646 105,838 8th 16th Local Access ACP City 24 2,684 64,418 3rd 4th Local Access ACP City 36 253 9,100 32nd 37th Local Access ACP City 24 1,826 43,836 End Mirabeau Local Access ACP City 44 2,797 123,070 32nd 40th Collector ACP City 40 2,700 107,998 24th 32nd Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,657 90,343 16th 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 34 2,655 90,281 11th End Local Access ACP City 30 480 14,400 20th End Local Access ACP City 36 472 17,009 End Bates Local Access ACP City 40 3,452 138,094 University 44th Local Access ACP City 30 2,241 67,226 Sprague Broadway Local Access ACP City 34 2,642 89,826 Broadway Mission Local Access ACP City 34 1,351 45,947 24th 26th Local Access ACP City 21 625 13,125 Sprague 4th Local Access ACP City 30 1,339 40,156 4th 8th Local Access ACP City 30 1,337 40,118 8th 16th Local Access ACP City 30 2,667 79,996 16th 24th Local Access ACP City 26 2,663 69,226 Sonora End Local Access ACP City 36 1,155 41,594 End End Local Access ACP City 40 172 6,880 St Charles Cataldo Local Access ACP City 40 825 33,013 32nd University Local Access ACP City 34 754 25,650 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 94 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1610 Raymond Ci 1310 Raymond Rd 1839 Raymond Rd 1239 Raymond Rd 1613 Raymond Rd 1678 Redlin Av 974 Rees 847 Rees Ct 1277 Rees Rd 848 Rees Rd 1331 Reeves Rd 1577 Renz Dr 1602 Ridgemont Dr 1787 Ridgeview Dr 1016 Riverside Av 991 Riverside Av 938 Riverside Av 949 Riverside Av 939 Riverside Av 570 Riverway St 1335 Robie Ct 1167 Robie Rd 1168 Robie Rd 1336 Robie Rd 1337 Robie Rd 1769 Robie St 1760 Robie St 1296 Robinhood St 1142 Rocky Ridge Dr 1194 Rotchford Dr 1592 Rotchford Dr 1424 Rotchford Dr 551 Rotchford St 1495 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd 1512 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services University 8th 44th 5th Balfour Avalon Val leyway End 6th End 12th Sonora Vera Crest End Harmony Conklin Pines End End Long 13th Sprague 1st 10th 8th 37th 32nd Archery 16th 4th 16th Galway Euclid Vercler McDonald 32nd 16th 48th 6th 28th 29th End Mission 8th Sharp 14th Radco Conklin Cimmaron Holiday End Houk Evergreen McDonald Barker End 1st 3rd 12th 9th 40th 34th Woodruff End Galway Limerick 16th End McDonald 24th Local Access ACP City 40 1,436 57,450 Local Access ACP City 36 2,670 96,102 Local Access ACP City 27 1,267 34,219 Local Access ACP City 36 335 12,067 Local Access ACP City 26 640 16,643 Local Access ACP City 40 641 25,639 Local Access ACP City 21 418 8,774 Local Access ACP City 40 130 5,200 Local Access ACP City 40 645 25,800 Local Access ACP City 40 259 10,372 Local Access ACP City 40 652 26,096 Local Access ACP City 36 1,304 46,949 Local Access ACP City 40 1,100 44,005 Local Access ACP City 40 3,095 123,783 Local Access ACP City 40 1,114 44,557 Local Access ACP City 32 669 21,395 Local Access ACP City 26 664 17,268 Local Access ACP City 40 966 38,627 Local Access ACP City 26 219 5,696 Local Access ACP City 18 4,129 74,319 Local Access ACP City 40 240 9,600 Local Access ACP City 30 449 13,466 Local Access ACP City 25 439 10,982 58 58 84 63 65 61 79 74 75 77 57 57 38 60 87 81 50 52 51 89 69 49 54 Local Access ACP City 30 668 20,030 69 Local Access ACP City 40 354 14,158 53 Local Access ACP City 36 890 32,055 69 Local Access ACP City 36 559 20,111 63 Local Access ACP City 36 2,460 88,561 78 Local Access ACP City 40 1,377 55,086 37 Local Access ACP City 40 2,081 83,243 73 Local Access ACP City 36 672 24,196 76 Local Access ACP City 36 2,489 89,619 86 Local Access ACP City 40 399 15,965 44 Local Access ACP City 24 1,419 34,052 50 Local Access ACP City 24 2,528 60,669 59 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 95 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y A U 0 `w 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1610 Raymond Ci 1310 Raymond Rd 1839 Raymond Rd 1239 Raymond Rd 1613 Raymond Rd 1678 Redlin Av 974 Rees 847 Rees Ct 1277 Rees Rd 848 Rees Rd 1331 Reeves Rd 1577 Renz Dr 1602 Ridgemont Dr 1787 Ridgeview Dr 1016 Riverside Av 991 Riverside Av 938 Riverside Av 949 Riverside Av 939 Riverside Av 570 Riverway St 1335 Robie Ct 1167 Robie Rd 1168 Robie Rd 1336 Robie Rd 1337 Robie Rd 1769 Robie St 1760 Robie St 1296 Robinhood St 1142 Rocky Ridge Dr 1194 Rotchford Dr 1592 Rotchford Dr 1424 Rotchford Dr 551 Rotchford St 1495 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd 1512 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services University 8th 44th 5th Balfour Avalon Val leyway End 6th End 12th Sonora Vera Crest End Harmony Conklin Pines End End Long 13th Sprague 1st 10th 8th 37th 32nd Archery 16th 4th 16th Galway Euclid Vercler McDonald 32nd 16th 48th 6th 28th 29th End Mission 8th Sharp 14th Radco Conklin Cimmaron Holiday End Houk Evergreen McDonald Barker End 1st 3rd 12th 9th 40th 34th Woodruff End Galway Limerick 16th End McDonald 24th Local Access ACP City 40 1,436 57,450 Local Access ACP City 36 2,670 96,102 Local Access ACP City 27 1,267 34,219 Local Access ACP City 36 335 12,067 Local Access ACP City 26 640 16,643 Local Access ACP City 40 641 25,639 Local Access ACP City 21 418 8,774 Local Access ACP City 40 130 5,200 Local Access ACP City 40 645 25,800 Local Access ACP City 40 259 10,372 Local Access ACP City 40 652 26,096 Local Access ACP City 36 1,304 46,949 Local Access ACP City 40 1,100 44,005 Local Access ACP City 40 3,095 123,783 Local Access ACP City 40 1,114 44,557 Local Access ACP City 32 669 21,395 Local Access ACP City 26 664 17,268 Local Access ACP City 40 966 38,627 Local Access ACP City 26 219 5,696 Local Access ACP City 18 4,129 74,319 Local Access ACP City 40 240 9,600 Local Access ACP City 30 449 13,466 Local Access ACP City 25 439 10,982 Local Access ACP City 30 668 20,030 Local Access ACP City 40 354 14,158 Local Access ACP City 36 890 32,055 Local Access ACP City 36 559 20,111 Local Access ACP City 36 2,460 88,561 Local Access ACP City 40 1,377 55,086 Local Access ACP City 40 2,081 83,243 Local Access ACP City 36 672 24,196 Local Access ACP City 36 2,489 89,619 Local Access ACP City 40 399 15,965 Local Access ACP City 24 1,419 34,052 Local Access ACP City 24 2,528 60,669 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 96 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 209 194 1859 434 1038 1041 1130 1515 1498 992 1427 579 1929 133 835 834 816 617 1050 833 815 616 814 1037 1246 1741 1851 1737 1321 1956 1163 1462 1148 1149 1156 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Saltese Rd Sands Rd Sands Rd Sanson Ln Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Seehorn Rd Semro Av Semro Av Shamrock St Shamrock St Shannon Shannon Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Siesta Dr Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sipple Rd Skipworth Ct Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skyline Dr Skyline Dr Skyline PI 16th Bowdish 47th End Sprague Appleway 17th McDonald Vercler Main 12th End Houk Yardley Best Evergreen End Greenacres 12th End End Greenacres Pines Sprague End 36th 44th 32nd 12th 24th End 16th Center End End McDonald 44th 48th McDonald Appleway End End 22nd McDonald Val leyway 16th Eden End Fancher Frontage Warren Bannen End Barker End Best McDonald Barker Houk Collector ACP City 20 2,355 47,092 Collector ACP City 36 1,538 55,368 Local Access ACP City 40 210 8,400 Local Access ACP City 40 1,043 41,705 Local Access ACP City 40 550 22,005 Local Access ACP City 24 790 18,969 Local Access ACP City 36 912 32,825 Local Access ACP City 40 836 33,434 Local Access ACP City 40 1,418 56,720 Local Access ACP City 36 663 23,884 Local Access ACP City 40 1,675 67,005 Local Access ACP City 30 130 3,900 Local Access ACP City 40 1,505 60,205 Collector ACP City 24 2,094 50,253 Local Access ACP City 40 1,007 40,296 Local Access ACP City 40 1,034 41,344 Local Access ACP City 36 636 22,908 Local Access ACP City 18 1,305 23,498 Local Access ACP City 40 716 28,626 Local Access ACP City 40 857 34,279 Local Access ACP City 30 976 29,271 Local Access ACP City 18 1,305 23,485 Local Access ACP City 36 671 24,138 53 72 72 90 58 71 84 54 49 83 86 89 77 74 77 77 74 87 77 77 77 87 48 1st Local Access ACP City 40 294 11,751 64 6th Local Access ACP City 36 196 7,071 71 End Local Access ACP City 36 736 26,479 55 48th Local Access ACP City 40 1,491 59,633 67 33rd Local Access ACP City 40 195 7,800 50 16th Local Access ACP City 40 1,343 53,733 72 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 2,649 105,979 58 4th Local Access ACP City 17 415 7,050 56 24th Local Access ACP City 40 2,644 105,764 51 End Local Access ACP City 20 578 11,552 62 Beverly Local Access ACP City 26 904 23,504 70 End Local Access ACP City 24 611 14,673 54 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 97 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 209 194 1859 434 1038 1041 1130 1515 1498 992 1427 579 1929 133 835 834 816 617 1050 833 815 616 814 1037 1246 1741 1851 1737 1321 1956 1163 1462 1148 1149 1156 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Saltese Rd Sands Rd Sands Rd Sanson Ln Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Seehorn Rd Semro Av Semro Av Shamrock St Shamrock St Shannon Shannon Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Siesta Dr Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sipple Rd Skipworth Ct Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skyline Dr Skyline Dr Skyline PI 16th Bowdlish 47th End Sprague Appleway 17th McDonald Vercler Main 12th End Houk Yardley Best Evergreen End Greenacres 12th End End Greenacres Pines Sprague End 36th 44th 32nd 12th 24th End 16th Center End End McDonald 44th 48th McDonald Appleway End End 22nd McDonald Val leyway 16th Eden End Fancher Frontage Warren Bannen End Barker End Best McDonald Barker Houk Collector ACP City 20 2,355 47,092 Collector ACP City 36 1,538 55,368 Local Access ACP City 40 210 8,400 Local Access ACP City 40 1,043 41,705 Local Access ACP City 40 550 22,005 Local Access ACP City 24 790 18,969 Local Access ACP City 36 912 32,825 Local Access ACP City 40 836 33,434 Local Access ACP City 40 1,418 56,720 Local Access ACP City 36 663 23,884 Local Access ACP City 40 1,675 67,005 Local Access ACP City 30 130 3,900 Local Access ACP City 40 1,505 60,205 Collector ACP City 24 2,094 50,253 Local Access ACP City 40 1,007 40,296 Local Access ACP City 40 1,034 41,344 Local Access ACP City 36 636 22,908 Local Access ACP City 18 1,305 23,498 Local Access ACP City 40 716 28,626 Local Access ACP City 40 857 34,279 Local Access ACP City 30 976 29,271 Local Access ACP City 18 1,305 23,485 Local Access ACP City 36 671 24,138 1st Local Access ACP City 40 294 11,751 6th Local Access ACP City 36 196 7,071 End Local Access ACP City 36 736 26,479 48th Local Access ACP City 40 1,491 59,633 33rd Local Access ACP City 40 195 7,800 16th Local Access ACP City 40 1,343 53,733 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 2,649 105,979 4th Local Access ACP City 17 415 7,050 24th Local Access ACP City 40 2,644 105,764 End Local Access ACP City 20 578 11,552 Beverly Local Access ACP City 26 904 23,504 End Local Access ACP City 24 611 14,673 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 98 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1627 Skyview Av 1648 Skyview Av 983 Sommer Rd 1189 Sommer Rd 1715 Sonora Dr 987 Sonora St 1589 Sonora St 1833 SpencerLn 76 Sprague Av 75 Sprague Av 63 Sprague Av 68 Sprague Av 72 Sprague Av 56 Sprague Av 71 Sprague Av 58 Sprague Av 60 Sprague Av 70 Sprague Av 59 Sprague Av 55 Sprague Av 62 Sprague Av 61 Sprague Av 69 Sprague Av 57 Sprague Av 54 Sprague Av 930 Springfield Av 958 Springfield Av 993 Springfield Av 1568 St Charles Rd 1413 St Charles Rd 857 St Charles Rd 1937 St Charles Rd 1285 St Charles St 1412 St Charles St 1100 Stanley Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Wilbur Pines Val leyway 2nd 24th Val leyway 17th Pines Guthrie End 3rd End End 23rd End Holman Barker Hodges Corbin Barker Herald University Evergreen Adams Flora Corbin Fancher Dollar Conklin Flora Thierman Park Vista Argonne Sullivan Conklin Park Vista Carnahan Fancher Farr Herald Argonne Farr Adams Sullivan Dollar Thierman End Carnahan End McDonald Evergreen Best Long End 16th End End 13th Broadway Mission 2nd 4th 6th 8th End 15th 15th 16th Local Access ACP City 40 2,054 82,145 Local Access ACP City 40 3,528 141,136 Local Access ACP City 36 616 22,190 Local Access ACP City 30 264 7,920 Local Access ACP City 36 797 28,702 Local Access ACP City 32 663 21,231 Local Access ACP City 36 2,076 74,738 Local Access ACP City 40 383 15,320 Collector ACP City 20 2,653 53,060 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 3,684 73,685 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 1,986 135,081 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,647 232,919 Principal Arterial ACP City 71 1,645 116,830 Principal Arterial ACP City 44 1,983 87,238 Principal Arterial ACP City 71 2,670 189,591 Principal Arterial ACP City 77 2,644 203,589 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,882 196,007 Principal Arterial ACP City 71 2,635 187,110 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,357 160,308 Principal Arterial ACP City 60 2,647 158,841 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 1,327 90,216 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 1,987 135,114 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,664 234,429 75 65 74 67 19 83 66 84 66 76 76 21 63 79 68 77 60 63 82 83 59 59 21 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 659 44,798 57 Principal Arterial ACP City 60 2,635 158,080 83 Local Access ACP City 32 464 14,847 63 Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,901 79 Local Access ACP City 36 923 33,221 77 Local Access ACP City 40 1,999 79,950 74 Local Access ACP City 40 1,183 47,302 52 Local Access ACP City 40 1,291 51,649 74 Local Access ACP City 40 484 19,380 70 Local Access ACP City 36 701 25,221 69 Local Access ACP City 26 462 12,023 52 Local Access ACP City 20 255 5,095 51 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 99 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1627 Skyview Av 1648 Skyview Av 983 Sommer Rd 1189 Sommer Rd 1715 Sonora Dr 987 Sonora St 1589 Sonora St 1833 SpencerLn 76 Sprague Av 75 Sprague Av 63 Sprague Av 68 Sprague Av 72 Sprague Av 56 Sprague Av 71 Sprague Av 58 Sprague Av 60 Sprague Av 70 Sprague Av 59 Sprague Av 55 Sprague Av 62 Sprague Av 61 Sprague Av 69 Sprague Av 57 Sprague Av 54 Sprague Av 930 Springfield Av 958 Springfield Av 993 Springfield Av 1568 St Charles Rd 1413 St Charles Rd 857 St Charles Rd 1937 St Charles Rd 1285 St Charles St 1412 St Charles St 1100 Stanley Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Wilbur Pines Val leyway 2nd 24th Val leyway 17th Pines Guthrie End 3rd End End 23rd End Holman Barker Hodges Corbin Barker Herald University Evergreen Adams Flora Corbin Fancher Dollar Conklin Flora Thierman Park Vista Argonne Sullivan Conklin Park Vista Carnahan Fancher Farr Herald Argonne Farr Adams Sullivan Dollar Thierman End Carnahan End McDonald Evergreen Best Long End 16th End End 13th Broadway Mission 2nd 4th 6th 8th End 15th 15th 16th Local Access ACP City 40 2,054 82,145 Local Access ACP City 40 3,528 141,136 Local Access ACP City 36 616 22,190 Local Access ACP City 30 264 7,920 Local Access ACP City 36 797 28,702 Local Access ACP City 32 663 21,231 Local Access ACP City 36 2,076 74,738 Local Access ACP City 40 383 15,320 Collector ACP City 20 2,653 53,060 Minor Arterial ACP City 20 3,684 73,685 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 1,986 135,081 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,647 232,919 Principal Arterial ACP City 71 1,645 116,830 Principal Arterial ACP City 44 1,983 87,238 Principal Arterial ACP City 71 2,670 189,591 Principal Arterial ACP City 77 2,644 203,589 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,882 196,007 Principal Arterial ACP City 71 2,635 187,110 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 2,357 160,308 Principal Arterial ACP City 60 2,647 158,841 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 1,327 90,216 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 1,987 135,114 Principal Arterial ACP City 88 2,664 234,429 Principal Arterial ACP City 68 659 44,798 Principal Arterial ACP City 60 2,635 158,080 Local Access ACP City 32 464 14,847 Local Access ACP City 40 1,323 52,901 Local Access ACP City 36 923 33,221 Local Access ACP City 40 1,999 79,950 Local Access ACP City 40 1,183 47,302 Local Access ACP City 40 1,291 51,649 Local Access ACP City 40 484 19,380 Local Access ACP City 36 701 25,221 Local Access ACP City 26 462 12,023 Local Access ACP City 20 255 5,095 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 100 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1604 1428 1720 1935 217 218 219 220 1798 1235 1804 1813 1786 1702 1549 1701 1537 1614 1608 1454 1474 1665 135 1113 138 139 137 128 1714 1587 1713 985 1422 1848 625 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Starlight Ln Steen Ct Steen Rd Steen Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sunderland Rd Sunderland Rd Sundown Dr Sundown Dr Sundown Dr Sunnybrook Ct Sunnybrook Dr Sunnybrook Rd Sunnyside Dr Sunrise Rd Sunrise Rd Sunrise Rd Sunview Ci Tall Tree Rd Thierman Rd Thierman St Thierman St Thierman St Thierman St Thorpe Rd Timberlane Ct Timberlane Dr Timberlane Dr Timberlane Rd Timberlane St Tipaway Dr Tschirley Ct Morningside End 23rd Sprague B Off Euclid Indiana Mission End 6th Schafer End Ridgeview 31st Sunnyside 28th 20th 24th 27th 19th 22nd 25th Broadway 8th Appleway 4th Sprague Dishman Mica 24th 16th 24th End 11th 47th Cataldo Steen 12th End End Wellesley Trent Euclid Indiana Woodruff 8th End Bowdish Schafer End 23rd 31st End 27th Raymond 24th 22nd 28th Mission 11th 4th 8th Appleway MADISON End 24th End Val leyway 14th 48th End Local Access ACP City 40 686 27,448 Local Access ACP City 37 931 34,460 Local Access ACP City 36 1,589 57,204 Local Access ACP City 16 2,955 47,275 Principal Arterial ACP City 42 1,839 77,219 Principal Arterial ACP City 51 3,426 174,731 Principal Arterial ACP City 60 5,429 325,711 Principal Arterial PCC City 84 1,627 136,660 Local Access ACP City 32 3,665 117,292 Local Access ACP City 22 636 13,995 Local Access ACP City 40 877 35,098 Local Access ACP City 40 2,067 82,688 Local Access ACP City 40 2,431 97,242 Local Access ACP City 36 239 8,616 Local Access ACP City 40 605 24,200 Local Access ACP City 36 673 24,217 Local Access ACP City 40 1,551 62,039 Local Access ACP City 26 700 18,196 Local Access ACP City 26 233 6,068 Local Access ACP City 26 1,627 42,312 Local Access ACP City 40 1,045 41,818 Local Access ACP City 40 1,236 49,456 Collector ACP City 30 2,848 85,438 62 84 48 77 66 81 79 79 86 66 86 73 57 59 61 60 56 62 58 64 70 56 63 Local Access ACP City 36 994 35,783 73 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,006 30,184 65 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,328 47,811 58 Minor Arterial PCC City 59 314 18,514 85 Collector ACP City 23 1,358 31,233 56 Local Access ACP City 40 100 4,000 56 Local Access ACP City 36 2,799 100,770 70 Local Access ACP City 40 1,456 58,241 44 Local Access ACP City 33 664 21,921 83 Local Access ACP City 30 966 28,975 86 Local Access ACP City 40 492 19,662 72 Local Access ACP City 36 490 17,640 87 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 101 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1604 1428 1720 1935 217 218 219 220 1798 1235 1804 1813 1786 1702 1549 1701 1537 1614 1608 1454 1474 1665 135 1113 138 139 137 128 1714 1587 1713 985 1422 1848 625 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Starlight Ln Steen Ct Steen Rd Steen Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sunderland Rd Sunderland Rd Sundown Dr Sundown Dr Sundown Dr Sunnybrook Ct Sunnybrook Dr Sunnybrook Rd Sunnyside Dr Sunrise Rd Sunrise Rd Sunrise Rd Sunview Ci Tall Tree Rd Thierman Rd Thierman St Thierman St Thierman St Thierman St Thorpe Rd Timberlane Ct Timberlane Dr Timberlane Dr Timberlane Rd Timberlane St Tipaway Dr Tschirley Ct Morningside End 23rd Sprague B Off Euclid Indiana Mission End 6th Schafer End Ridgeview 31st Sunnyside 28th 20th 24th 27th 19th 22nd 25th Broadway 8th Appleway 4th Sprague Dishman Mica 24th 16th 24th End 11th 47th Cataldo Steen 12th End End Wellesley Trent Euclid Indiana Woodruff 8th End Bowdlish Schafer End 23rd 31st End 27th Raymond 24th 22nd 28th Mission 11th 4th 8th Appleway MADISON End 24th End Val leyway 14th 48th End Local Access ACP City 40 686 27,448 Local Access ACP City 37 931 34,460 Local Access ACP City 36 1,589 57,204 Local Access ACP City 16 2,955 47,275 Principal Arterial ACP City 42 1,839 77,219 Principal Arterial ACP City 51 3,426 174,731 Principal Arterial ACP City 60 5,429 325,711 Principal Arterial PCC City 84 1,627 136,660 Local Access ACP City 32 3,665 117,292 Local Access ACP City 22 636 13,995 Local Access ACP City 40 877 35,098 Local Access ACP City 40 2,067 82,688 Local Access ACP City 40 2,431 97,242 Local Access ACP City 36 239 8,616 Local Access ACP City 40 605 24,200 Local Access ACP City 36 673 24,217 Local Access ACP City 40 1,551 62,039 Local Access ACP City 26 700 18,196 Local Access ACP City 26 233 6,068 Local Access ACP City 26 1,627 42,312 Local Access ACP City 40 1,045 41,818 Local Access ACP City 40 1,236 49,456 Collector ACP City 30 2,848 85,438 Local Access ACP City 36 994 35,783 Minor Arterial ACP City 30 1,006 30,184 Minor Arterial ACP City 36 1,328 47,811 Minor Arterial PCC City 59 314 18,514 Collector ACP City 23 1,358 31,233 Local Access ACP City 40 100 4,000 Local Access ACP City 36 2,799 100,770 Local Access ACP City 40 1,456 58,241 Local Access ACP City 33 664 21,921 Local Access ACP City 30 966 28,975 Local Access ACP City 40 492 19,662 Local Access ACP City 36 490 17,640 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 102 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1206 1207 589 588 998 561 1767 1762 1926 1252 1639 1333 1638 1478 1332 1477 1637 1766 1811 180 183 1880 182 1881 1883 185 184 181 1121 984 988 933 1014 978 962 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Union Ct Union Ct Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union St University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd Valley View Dr Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Sprague End Baldwin Indiana Sprague Euclid 40th Loretta Sprague 4th Skyview 15th 26th 21st 8th 16th 24th 38th Pondra Sprague 16th Main 8th Sprague 4th 32nd 24th Appleway 17th Sullivan Conklin Pines Harmony Adams Evergreen 8th Sprague Indiana Mansfield Main End End Local Access ACP City 20 2,659 53,186 Local Access ACP City 30 471 14,129 Local Access ACP City 16 282 4,509 Local Access ACP City 32 535 17,110 Local Access ACP City 22 709 15,602 Local Access ACP City 40 2,633 105,339 Local Access ACP City 36 251 9,019 End Local Access ACP City 36 515 18,541 4th Local Access ACP City 28 1,328 37,174 6th Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,588 Lenora Local Access ACP City 40 415 16,600 16th Local Access ACP City 38 325 12,337 Skyview Local Access ACP City 40 350 14,000 24th Local Access ACP City 40 992 39,681 12th Local Access ACP City 24 1,355 32,521 20th Local Access ACP City 40 1,326 53,036 25th Local Access ACP City 40 356 14,251 40th Local Access ACP City 36 521 18,754 44th Local Access ACP City 40 1,074 42,957 Appleway Minor Arterial ACP City 80 748 59,822 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 58 2,641 153,204 Broadway Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,985 87,325 16th Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,669 120,110 Main Minor Arterial ACP City 52 676 35,157 74 8th Minor Arterial ACP City 45 1,328 59,744 75 Dishman Mica Minor Arterial ACP City 58 1,158 67,172 54 32nd Minor Arterial ACP City 58 2,639 153,044 55 4th Minor Arterial PCC City 80 590 47,189 81 Eastern Local Access ACP City 36 817 29,430 86 Conklin Local Access ACP City 32 2,619 83,817 83 Flora Local Access ACP City 32 2,682 85,827 83 McDonald Local Access ACP City 28 2,661 74,511 71 Hodges Local Access ACP City 40 1,693 67,709 87 Sullivan Local Access ACP City 32 2,662 85,188 74 Adams Local Access ACP City 30 2,645 79,352 80 89 84 89 87 66 66 71 69 53 66 73 45 73 69 60 72 70 70 86 75 53 79 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 103 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 1206 1207 589 588 998 561 1767 1762 1926 1252 1639 1333 1638 1478 1332 1477 1637 1766 1811 180 183 1880 182 1881 1883 185 184 181 1121 984 988 933 1014 978 962 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Union Ct Union Ct Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union St University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd Valley View Dr Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Sprague End Baldwin Indiana Sprague Euclid 40th Loretta Sprague 4th Skyview 15th 26th 21st 8th 16th 24th 38th Pondra Sprague 16th Main 8th Sprague 4th 32nd 24th Appleway 17th Sullivan Conklin Pines Harmony Adams Evergreen 8th Sprague Indiana Mansfield Main End End Local Access ACP City 20 2,659 53,186 Local Access ACP City 30 471 14,129 Local Access ACP City 16 282 4,509 Local Access ACP City 32 535 17,110 Local Access ACP City 22 709 15,602 Local Access ACP City 40 2,633 105,339 Local Access ACP City 36 251 9,019 End Local Access ACP City 36 515 18,541 4th Local Access ACP City 28 1,328 37,174 6th Local Access ACP City 40 665 26,588 Lenora Local Access ACP City 40 415 16,600 16th Local Access ACP City 38 325 12,337 Skyview Local Access ACP City 40 350 14,000 24th Local Access ACP City 40 992 39,681 12th Local Access ACP City 24 1,355 32,521 20th Local Access ACP City 40 1,326 53,036 25th Local Access ACP City 40 356 14,251 40th Local Access ACP City 36 521 18,754 44th Local Access ACP City 40 1,074 42,957 Appleway Minor Arterial ACP City 80 748 59,822 24th Minor Arterial ACP City 58 2,641 153,204 Broadway Minor Arterial ACP City 44 1,985 87,325 16th Minor Arterial ACP City 45 2,669 120,110 Main Minor Arterial ACP City 52 676 35,157 8th Minor Arterial ACP City 45 1,328 59,744 Dishman Mica Minor Arterial ACP City 58 1,158 67,172 32nd Minor Arterial ACP City 58 2,639 153,044 4th Minor Arterial PCC City 80 590 47,189 Eastern Local Access ACP City 36 817 29,430 Conklin Local Access ACP City 32 2,619 83,817 Flora Local Access ACP City 32 2,682 85,827 McDonald Local Access ACP City 28 2,661 74,511 Hodges Local Access ACP City 40 1,693 67,709 Sullivan Local Access ACP City 32 2,662 85,188 Adams Local Access ACP City 30 2,645 79,352 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 104 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 945 1009 1830 1958 1840 558 1953 1781 1355 1259 1493 1660 1661 822 1944 1501 1504 1260 941 1505 1662 1783 1262 1356 1357 148 149 150 1145 1300 1128 1390 1389 1391 1279 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Valleyway Av Valleyway Ct Van Marter Ct Van Marter Rd Van Marter Rd Velox Rd Vera Crest Dr Vercler Dr Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Virginia Ct Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia St Virginia St Vista Rd Vista Rd Vista Rd Vista Rd Walnut Rd Wardson Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd McDonald Laberry End 33rd 44th Dalton End Woodlawn 14th 4th Guthrie 25th Lenora Broadway 8th Saltese 16th 7th Alki 15th 29th 35th 6th 13th 12th Broadway Sprague Sprague Edgerton 8th 16th 10th 8th 13th 4th Evergreen End End End End Courtland 24th Local Access ACP City 28 2,667 74,679 Local Access ACP City 37 513 18,991 Local Access ACP City 40 410 16,383 Local Access ACP City 36 930 33,494 Local Access ACP City 40 3,088 123,511 Local Access ACP City 36 1,013 36,473 Local Access ACP City 40 3,583 143,327 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,519 54,669 16th Local Access ACP City 28 802 22,455 6th Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,459 25th Local Access ACP City 40 1,210 48,412 29th Local Access ACP City 40 879 35,144 31st Local Access ACP City 40 500 20,006 Mission Local Access ACP City 28 2,652 74,259 12th Local Access ACP City 10 1,355 13,549 Forrest Local Access ACP City 40 906 36,242 Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 377 15,085 8th Local Access ACP City 40 422 16,898 End Local Access ACP City 40 511 20,444 Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 646 25,837 31st Local Access ACP City 40 1,006 40,228 36th Local Access ACP City 36 390 14,049 8th Local Access ACP City 32 660 21,111 15th Local Access ACP City 40 971 38,842 48 13th Local Access ACP City 40 170 6,794 56 Mission Collector ACP City 32 2,641 84,511 67 Broadway Collector ACP City 40 2,687 107,464 69 Appleway Collector ACP City 40 690 27,617 71 End Local Access ACP City 32 53 1,690 68 16th Local Access ACP City 30 2,674 80,230 49 19th Local Access ACP City 36 1,361 48,992 68 12th Local Access ACP City 28 643 18,010 77 9th Local Access ACP City 40 353 14,122 70 16th Local Access ACP City 28 859 24,039 82 5th Local Access ACP City 36 373 13,443 78 74 87 84 37 86 49 19 72 69 58 57 58 54 74 71 50 55 52 74 54 49 76 62 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 105 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 945 1009 1830 1958 1840 558 1953 1781 1355 1259 1493 1660 1661 822 1944 1501 1504 1260 941 1505 1662 1783 1262 1356 1357 148 149 150 1145 1300 1128 1390 1389 1391 1279 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Valleyway Av Valleyway Ct Van Marter Ct Van Marter Rd Van Marter Rd Velox Rd Vera Crest Dr Vercler Dr Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Virginia Ct Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia St Virginia St Vista Rd Vista Rd Vista Rd Vista Rd Walnut Rd Wardson Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd McDonald Laberry End 33rd 44th Dalton End Woodlawn 14th 4th Guthrie 25th Lenora Broadway 8th Saltese 16th 7th Alki 15th 29th 35th 6th 13th 12th Broadway Sprague Sprague Edgerton 8th 16th 10th 8th 13th 4th Evergreen End End End End Courtland 24th Local Access ACP City 28 2,667 74,679 Local Access ACP City 37 513 18,991 Local Access ACP City 40 410 16,383 Local Access ACP City 36 930 33,494 Local Access ACP City 40 3,088 123,511 Local Access ACP City 36 1,013 36,473 Local Access ACP City 40 3,583 143,327 End Local Access ACP City 36 1,519 54,669 16th Local Access ACP City 28 802 22,455 6th Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,459 25th Local Access ACP City 40 1,210 48,412 29th Local Access ACP City 40 879 35,144 31st Local Access ACP City 40 500 20,006 Mission Local Access ACP City 28 2,652 74,259 12th Local Access ACP City 10 1,355 13,549 Forrest Local Access ACP City 40 906 36,242 Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 377 15,085 8th Local Access ACP City 40 422 16,898 End Local Access ACP City 40 511 20,444 Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 646 25,837 31st Local Access ACP City 40 1,006 40,228 36th Local Access ACP City 36 390 14,049 8th Local Access ACP City 32 660 21,111 15th Local Access ACP City 40 971 38,842 13th Local Access ACP City 40 170 6,794 Mission Collector ACP City 32 2,641 84,511 Broadway Collector ACP City 40 2,687 107,464 Appleway Collector ACP City 40 690 27,617 End Local Access ACP City 32 53 1,690 16th Local Access ACP City 30 2,674 80,230 19th Local Access ACP City 36 1,361 48,992 12th Local Access ACP City 28 643 18,010 9th Local Access ACP City 40 353 14,122 16th Local Access ACP City 28 859 24,039 5th Local Access ACP City 36 373 13,443 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 106 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 850 1641 1640 1338 1479 1169 1339 1770 1761 1510 1249 1329 1772 1758 1328 1250 1634 1635 1067 1056 1157 1158 1084 1782 1506 1358 1502 942 825 1663 824 1945 1791 1835 1801 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Warren Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple St Whipple St Wick Av Wilbur Ct Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Willamette St Willow Rd Winter Rd Winter Rd Woodlawn Dr Woodlawn Dr Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodruff Ct Woodruff Rd Woodruff Rd Mallon Lenora 24th 12th 18th End 10th 38th End Clinton 7th 10th End 32nd 12th 4th 24th Lenora 8th Sprague Broadview Skyline 8th 32nd 16th 13th Saltese Val leyway Broadway Skyview Sharp 8th End 44th 36th Sharp 32nd 26th End 21st 4th 12th Local Access ACP City 40 1,185 47,412 Local Access ACP City 40 859 34,364 Local Access ACP City 40 707 28,272 Local Access ACP City 40 527 21,100 Local Access ACP City 38 1,077 40,912 Local Access ACP City 40 558 22,323 Local Access ACP City 40 658 26,331 End Local Access ACP City 36 117 4,227 Loretta Local Access ACP City 36 1,113 40,064 Blake Local Access ACP City 18 1,025 18,449 8th Local Access ACP City 30 282 8,468 12th Local Access ACP City 40 670 26,787 Dishman Mica Local Access ACP City 16 630 10,082 34th Local Access ACP City 40 506 20,246 16th Local Access ACP City 40 1,343 53,726 6th Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,424 Skyview Local Access ACP City 40 734 29,344 31st Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,842 End Local Access ACP City 36 611 21,979 Appleway Local Access ACP City 26 656 17,049 Skyline Local Access ACP City 26 451 11,714 Beverly Local Access ACP City 22 586 12,897 Fancher Local Access ACP City 32 857 27,431 End Local Access ACP City 40 2,985 119,395 77 Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 595 23,804 51 15th Local Access ACP City 40 966 38,643 54 Forrest Local Access ACP City 40 1,192 47,670 50 End Local Access ACP City 14 987 13,814 73 End Local Access ACP City 24 590 14,170 71 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 756 30,231 52 Mission Local Access ACP City 40 982 39,277 74 12th Local Access ACP City 28 1,344 37,638 59 End Local Access ACP City 40 130 5,200 50 Holman Local Access ACP City 33 1,662 54,838 86 44th Local Access ACP City 36 4,047 145,710 72 77 73 67 58 69 54 63 77 54 56 69 70 71 47 63 69 55 76 30 55 56 61 61 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 107 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 0 re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c 0 Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w 0 0i 0 C� Y U A m 0 w C a 2 U N .2 01 O 0 u 850 1641 1640 1338 1479 1169 1339 1770 1761 1510 1249 1329 1772 1758 1328 1250 1634 1635 1067 1056 1157 1158 1084 1782 1506 1358 1502 942 825 1663 824 1945 1791 1835 1801 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Warren Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple St Whipple St Wick Av Wilbur Ct Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Willamette St Willow Rd Winter Rd Winter Rd Woodlawn Dr Woodlawn Dr Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodruff Ct Woodruff Rd Woodruff Rd Mallon Lenora 24th 12th 18th End 10th 38th End Clinton 7th 10th End 32nd 12th 4th 24th Lenora 8th Sprague Broadview Skyline 8th 32nd 16th 13th Saltese Val leyway Broadway Skyview Sharp 8th End 44th 36th Sharp 32nd 26th End 21st 4th 12th Local Access ACP City 40 1,185 47,412 Local Access ACP City 40 859 34,364 Local Access ACP City 40 707 28,272 Local Access ACP City 40 527 21,100 Local Access ACP City 38 1,077 40,912 Local Access ACP City 40 558 22,323 Local Access ACP City 40 658 26,331 End Local Access ACP City 36 117 4,227 Loretta Local Access ACP City 36 1,113 40,064 Blake Local Access ACP City 18 1,025 18,449 8th Local Access ACP City 30 282 8,468 12th Local Access ACP City 40 670 26,787 Dishman Mica Local Access ACP City 16 630 10,082 34th Local Access ACP City 40 506 20,246 16th Local Access ACP City 40 1,343 53,726 6th Local Access ACP City 40 661 26,424 Skyview Local Access ACP City 40 734 29,344 31st Local Access ACP City 40 1,146 45,842 End Local Access ACP City 36 611 21,979 Appleway Local Access ACP City 26 656 17,049 Skyline Local Access ACP City 26 451 11,714 Beverly Local Access ACP City 22 586 12,897 Fancher Local Access ACP City 32 857 27,431 End Local Access ACP City 40 2,985 119,395 Saltese Local Access ACP City 40 595 23,804 15th Local Access ACP City 40 966 38,643 Forrest Local Access ACP City 40 1,192 47,670 End Local Access ACP City 14 987 13,814 End Local Access ACP City 24 590 14,170 32nd Local Access ACP City 40 756 30,231 Mission Local Access ACP City 40 982 39,277 12th Local Access ACP City 28 1,344 37,638 End Local Access ACP City 40 130 5,200 Holman Local Access ACP City 33 1,662 54,838 44th Local Access ACP City 36 4,047 145,710 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 108 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Pavement Condition Summa ry 0 0 FI re 0 Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) r w Structural Rating 1940 1236 1738 1322 1853 1742 131 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Woodruff Rd Woodruff Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Yardley St 8th 8th 34th 14th 45th 37th Broadway 16th End 34th 16th 46th End Sharp Local Access ACP City 32 2,675 85,587 Local Access ACP City 36 837 30,140 Local Access ACP City 40 1,296 51,860 Local Access ACP City 36 670 24,129 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,185 Local Access ACP City 36 241 8,692 Collector ACP City 32 1,631 52,206 53 52 52 63 74 70 75 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 109 of 110 City of Spokane Valley Invento ry Distress Ratings 0 0 re U Street Number Block Number Street Prefix On Street From Street To Street Agency FunCL c O Pavement Width(Ft) Pavement Length(Ft) w U 0i C Y U m A U `w C a 2 U N .2 0 NO 0 u w 0) v a 0 01'0 01- c w c 0i 0 c O F U ma ern 1940 1236 1738 1322 1853 1742 131 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Woodruff Rd Woodruff Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Yardley St 8th 8th 34th 14th 45th 37th Broadway 16th End 34th 16th 46th End Sharp Local Access ACP City 32 2,675 85,587 Local Access ACP City 36 837 30,140 Local Access ACP City 40 1,296 51,860 Local Access ACP City 36 670 24,129 Local Access ACP City 40 480 19,185 Local Access ACP City 36 241 8,692 Collector ACP City 32 1,631 52,206 Appendix A,Street Inventory page 110 of 110 Appendix B $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page b City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1434 1434 10 1434 10TH LN 1716 1716 20 1716 17th 1717 1717 30 1717 18th 1718 1718 30 1718 18th 1913 1913 40 1913 E 1st Av 120 120 50 120 E 32nd Av 121 121 50 121 E 32nd Av 122 122 50 122 E 32nd Av 123 123 50 123 E 32nd Av 124 124 50 124 E 32nd Av 125 125 60 125 E 44th Av 126 126 60 126 E 44th Av 1899 1899 70 1899 E 8th Av 507 507 80 507 N Adams Rd 647 647 90 647 E Alki Av 670 670 90 670 E Alki Av 864 864 90 864 E Alki Av 871 871 90 871 E Alki Av 882 882 90 882 E Alki Av 895 895 90 895 E Alki Av 896 896 90 896 E Alki Av 905 905 90 905 E Alki Av 919 919 90 919 E Alki Av 73 73 100 73 E Appleway Av 74 74 100 74 E Appleway Av 79 79 110 79 E Appleway BI 80 80 110 80 E Appleway BI 81 81 110 81 E Appleway BI 82 82 110 82 E Appleway BI 151 151 120 151 N Argonne Rd 152 152 120 152 N Argonne Rd 153 153 120 153 N Argonne Rd 154 154 120 154 N Argonne Rd 155 155 120 155 N Argonne Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services End End End End 1 90 E285 OFF Dishman Mica University Bowdish Pines SR 27 End Schafer Barker Trent End Fancher Ella Vista Willow Dartmouth Felts Glenn Bowdish Corbin Barker Dollar Thierman Park Dishman Montgomery Knox Mullan Mission Broadway End End Steen Steen Thierman University Bowdish Pines SR 27 Best Schafer Van Marter Hodges Wellesley Fancher Dyer Vista Argonne Locust Felts Raymond Bowdish Pines Barker End Thierman Park Vista Dishman Mica Trent Montgomery Knox Mullan Mission ACP Local Access 605 18 10,888 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 574 33 18,951 1 37 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 608 33 20,067 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 213 42 8,959 1 33 68 68 0 PCC Principal Arterial 1,318 38 50,089 5 69 46 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 339,155 ACP Principal Arterial 652 42 27,371 3 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 62,832 ACP Principal Arterial 2,660 50 132,984 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 314,284 ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 46 122,564 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 267,871 ACP Principal Arterial 3,994 50 199,725 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 472,016 ACP Principal Arterial 2,663 40 106,510 1 40 77 77 0 ACP Collector 2,251 29 65,292 1 26 91 91 0 ACP Collector 2,101 29 60,918 1 26 91 91 0 ACP Collector 2,640 24 63,368 1 69 46 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 117,654 ACP Local Access 1,976 26 51,380 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 975 40 38,994 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Local Access 1,757 30 52,701 1 45 82 82 0 ACP Local Access 1,324 20 26,486 1 49 76 76 0 ACP Local Access 2,654 22 58,387 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 653 25 16,315 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 816 40 32,640 1 32 73 73 0 ACP Local Access 662 25 16,547 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 1,921 24 46,106 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 2,664 28 74,602 1 25 83 83 0 ACP Principal Arterial 3,829 70 267,999 1 39 79 79 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,769 70 193,798 1 31 86 86 0 PCC Principal Arterial 739 33 24,371 1 50 80 80 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 58 153,784 1 51 43 43 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,445 58 141,805 1 51 43 43 0 ACP Principal Arterial 3,263 56 182,740 1 51 36 36 0 PCC Principal Arterial 866 96 83,151 3 69 47 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 510,642 ACP Principal Arterial 660 78 51,491 1 36 31 31 0 ACP Principal Arterial 423 78 32,973 1 49 23 23 0 ACP Principal Arterial 1,557 35 54,479 1 39 65 65 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,177 3 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 236,145 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 1 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 157 157 120 157 S Argonne Rd 344 344 130 344 E Augusta Av 705 705 130 705 E Augusta Av 706 706 130 706 E Augusta Av 707 707 130 707 E Augusta Av 709 709 130 709 E Augusta Av 710 710 130 710 E Augusta Av 708 708 140 708 E Augusta Ct 504 504 150 504 N Avalon Rd 323 323 160 323 E Baldwin Av 340 340 160 340 E Baldwin Av 341 341 160 341 E Baldwin Av 342 342 160 342 E Baldwin Av 701 701 160 701 E Baldwin Av 776 776 170 776 E Balfour Ct 720 720 180 720 N Balfour Rd 1923 1923 180 1923 N Balfour Rd 508 508 190 508 N Bannen Ct 443 443 200 443 N Bannen Rd 250 250 210 250 N Barker Rd 251 251 210 251 N Barker Rd 252 252 210 252 N Barker Rd 254 254 210 254 N Barker Rd 255 255 210 255 S Barker Rd 256 256 210 256 S Barker Rd 1900 1900 210 1900 N Barker Rd 1901 1901 210 1901 N Barker Rd 387 387 220 387 N Bates Ct 415 415 230 415 N Bates Rd 725 725 230 725 N Bates Rd 808 808 230 808 N Bates Rd 923 923 230 923 N Bates Rd 468 468 240 468 N Bellevue Ct 353 353 250 353 N Bessie Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sprague Center Herald Raymond University Walnut Bates Glenn Trent Fancher Park Appleway ACP Principal Arterial 738 49 36,174 3 74 45 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 83,039 Vista ACP Local Access 1,815 40 72,599 1 21 90 90 0 Felts ACP Local Access 663 36 23,867 1 45 80 80 0 End ACP Local Access 301 35 10,527 1 21 86 86 0 Glenn ACP Local Access 918 36 33,047 1 21 91 91 0 Herald ACP Local Access 289 40 11,564 1 21 90 90 0 Wilbur ACP Local Access 353 32 11,293 1 21 90 90 0 End ACP Local Access 347 43 14,912 1 21 90 90 0 Rich ACP Local Access 922 20 18,432 1 21 90 90 0 Dickey ACP Local Access 657 27 17,726 1 45 81 81 0 Center ACP Local Access 732 40 29,297 1 32 70 70 0 End End ACP Local Access 643 36 23,153 1 29 79 79 0 End Vista ACP Local Access 377 36 13,559 1 37 91 91 0 Oberlin University ACP Local Access 402 32 12,860 1 21 89 89 0 Desmet Oberlin ACP Local Access 858 40 34,316 1 21 91 91 0 Nora End ACP Local Access 489 40 19,568 1 21 91 91 0 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 664 39 25,882 1 49 56 56 0 Rich Longfellow ACP Local Access 340 32 10,880 1 37 91 91 0 Wellesley End ACP Local Access 2,689 30 80,667 1 25 83 83 0 Euclid Trent ACP Minor Arterial 4,791 34 162,908 1 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 366,725 End Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 2,777 36 99,972 1 46 28 28 0 Mission End ACP Minor Arterial 2,766 48 132,759 1 40 72 72 0 Sprague Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 1,293 22 28,445 1 29 88 88 0 Sprague 8th ACP Minor Arterial 2,667 18 48,002 1 29 92 92 0 8th End ACP Minor Arterial 425 23 9,772 1 29 89 89 0 Broadway Cataldo ACP Minor Arterial 1,364 42 57,306 1 49 39 39 0 Cataldo Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,485 45 66,819 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 169,052 End Railroad ACP Local Access 99 50 4,931 1 37 91 91 0 Ermina Carlisle ACP Local Access 349 40 13,960 1 21 85 85 0 Mission Augusta ACP Local Access 277 29 8,045 1 37 91 91 0 Broadway Boone ACP Local Access 1,443 25 36,063 1 21 85 85 0 Valleyway Alki ACP Local Access 665 40 26,603 1 21 91 91 0 Olympic End ACP Local Access 371 42 15,566 1 29 63 63 0 Knox Mansfield ACP Local Access 331 30 9,932 1 37 91 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 2 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 363 363 250 363 N Bessie Rd 753 753 250 753 N Bessie Rd 875 875 250 875 N Bessie Rd 876 876 250 876 N Bessie Rd 877 877 250 877 N Bessie Rd 444 444 260 444 N Best Rd 445 445 260 445 N Best Rd 506 506 260 506 N Best Rd 766 766 270 766 N Boeing Rd 442 442 280 442 N Bolivar Rd 638 638 290 638 E Boone Av 661 661 290 661 E Boone Av 684 684 290 684 E Boone Av 738 738 290 738 E Boone Av 748 748 290 748 E Boone Av 759 759 290 759 E Boone Av 787 787 290 787 E Boone Av 804 804 290 804 E Boone Av 474 474 300 474 N Boulder Rd 188 188 310 188 N Bowdish Rd 386 386 310 386 N Bowdish Rd 724 724 310 724 N Bowdish Rd 270 270 320 270 N Bowman Rd 314 314 320 314 N Bowman Rd 315 315 320 315 N Bowman Rd 689 689 320 689 N Bowman Rd 734 734 320 734 N Bowman Rd 308 308 330 308 N Bradley Rd 309 309 330 309 N Bradley Rd 687 687 330 687 N Bradley Rd 262 262 340 262 E Bridgeport Av 466 466 350 466 E Broad Av 467 467 350 467 E Broad Av 471 471 350 471 E Broad Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Broadway Harrington End Sprague Crown Wellesley Trent Sharp End Stanley Fancher Lily End Vista Argonne University Bowdish Broad Broadway Ermina Mission Euclid Trent End Boone Broadway Mansfield Trent Cataldo Coleman Burns Lucille Moore Knox Mission Broadway Main ACP Local Access 1,313 40 52,535 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 2,653 27 71,644 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 2,062 23 47,418 1 30 59 ACP Local Access 312 21 6,544 1 44 54 End ACP Local Access 155 21 3,249 1 40 11 End ACP Local Access 936 36 33,704 1 21 91 Olympic ACP Local Access 1,191 36 42,885 1 29 62 Wellesley ACP Local Access 2,075 35 72,632 1 21 91 Maxwell ACP Local Access 765 39 29,831 1 25 84 End ACP Local Access 1,031 38 39,175 1 21 88 Howe ACP Local Access 657 37 24,317 1 25 84 Seehorn ACP Local Access 436 30 13,092 1 25 85 Park ACP Local Access 984 34 33,458 1 21 91 Vista ACP Local Access 1,554 26 40,396 1 52 67 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,652 25 66,302 1 21 88 Herald ACP Local Access 3,314 29 96,115 1 25 84 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 24 63,703 1 21 89 Pines ACP Local Access 2,664 26 69,262 1 21 85 End ACP Local Access 293 41 12,025 1 29 62 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 40 106,484 1 37 79 Railroad ACP Local Access 2,746 40 109,857 1 49 75 End ACP Local Access 565 16 9,039 1 39 17 Liberty ACP Local Access 669 16 10,704 1 37 91 Montgomery ACP Local Access 750 16 12,005 1 21 91 Utah ACP Local Access 399 22 8,777 1 37 91 Mission ACP Local Access 1,384 52 71,984 1 21 91 Cataldo ACP Local Access 662 40 26,496 1 21 91 Marietta ACP Local Access 1,190 25 29,760 1 21 91 Mansfield ACP Local Access 1,078 24 25,866 1 21 88 Mission ACP Local Access 2,384 36 85,834 1 29 62 Edgerton ACP Local Access 1,660 18 29,887 1 21 91 Lucille ACP Local Access 618 35 21,613 1 49 56 Progress ACP Local Access 195 36 7,020 1 25 85 End ACP Local Access 2,706 32 86,578 1 32 73 91 0 87 0 59 0 54 0 11 0 91 0 62 0 91 0 84 0 88 0 84 0 85 0 91 0 67 0 88 0 84 0 89 0 85 0 62 0 79 0 75 0 17 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 88 0 62 0 91 0 56 0 85 0 73 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 3 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 36 36 360 36 E Broadway Av 37 37 360 37 E Broadway Av 38 38 360 38 E Broadway Av 39 39 360 39 E Broadway Av 40 40 360 40 E Broadway Av 44 44 360 44 E Broadway Av 45 45 360 45 E Broadway Av 46 46 360 46 E Broadway Av 47 47 360 47 E Broadway Av 48 48 360 48 E Broadway Av 49 49 360 49 E Broadway Av 52 52 360 52 E Broadway Av 53 53 360 53 E Broadway Av 736 736 360 736 E Broadway Av 668 668 370 668 E Broadway Av Extension Av 13 13 380 13 E Buckeye Av 405 405 380 405 E Buckeye Av 411 411 380 411 E Buckeye Av 418 418 380 418 E Buckeye Av 451 451 390 451 N Burns Rd 519 519 390 519 N Burns Rd 521 521 390 521 N Burns Rd 449 449 400 449 N Calvin Rd 450 450 400 450 N Calvin Rd 511 511 400 511 N Calvin Rd 296 296 410 296 E Carlisle Av 318 318 410 318 E Carlisle Av 416 416 410 416 E Carlisle Av 640 640 420 640 E Cataldo Av 685 685 420 685 E Cataldo Av 735 735 420 735 E Cataldo Av 739 739 420 739 E Cataldo Av 750 750 420 750 E Cataldo Av 760 760 420 760 E Cataldo Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Yardley Fancher Thierman Heacox University Bowdish Pines McDonald Evergreen Adams Flora Greenacres Coleman Fancher Park End Bowdish End Wellesley End Trent Olympic Wellesley Longfellow Bradley Ella Bowdish Yardley Bradley Girard Ella Vista Argonne Sullivan Fancher Thierman Heacox Park Bowdish Pines McDonald Evergreen Adams Sullivan Long Barker Lily Broadway Vista Bowdish Pines University End Wellesley Rich End Olympic Heroy Park Vista Wilbur Howe End Park Vista Argonne Locust ACP Minor Arterial 6,136 46 282,246 1 37 62 62 0 ACP Principal Arterial 1,977 46 90,951 2 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 198,778 ACP Principal Arterial 2,511 50 125,551 1 42 72 72 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,466 68 99,660 1 40 70 70 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,356 44 59,676 1 60 66 66 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 44 116,737 1 60 65 65 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,664 44 117,228 1 40 71 71 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 44 116,927 1 29 88 88 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 44 117,390 1 33 83 83 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 44 116,322 1 57 75 75 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,667 44 117,342 1 29 87 87 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,629 40 105,153 1 29 90 90 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,365 32 43,688 1 29 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 313 40 12,503 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 419 32 13,416 1 64 45 45 0 ACP Collector 2,586 22 56,901 1 26 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 603 38 22,896 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 2,655 40 106,202 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 799 26 20,766 1 30 78 78 0 ACP Local Access 1,935 34 65,798 1 29 61 61 0 ACP Local Access 453 40 18,100 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 617 28 17,287 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 802 36 28,873 1 29 65 65 0 ACP Local Access 1,203 40 48,125 1 64 46 46 0 ACP Local Access 370 32 11,836 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 1,968 26 51,166 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 1,314 22 28,913 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 754 40 30,174 1 25 85 85 0 ACP Local Access 1,322 24 31,730 1 25 82 82 0 ACP Local Access 464 31 14,373 1 39 23 23 0 ACP Local Access 660 36 23,754 1 21 88 88 0 ACP Local Access 1,326 32 42,441 1 49 76 76 0 ACP Local Access 2,652 24 63,652 1 32 71 71 0 ACP Local Access 1,327 31 41,134 1 21 91 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 4 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 762 762 420 762 E Cataldo Av 789 789 420 789 E Cataldo Av 806 806 420 806 E Cataldo Av 195 195 430 195 N Cement St 274 274 440 274 N Center Rd 282 282 440 282 N Center Rd 285 285 440 285 N Center Rd 319 319 440 319 N Center Rd 332 332 440 332 N Center Rd 345 345 440 345 N Center Rd 349 349 440 349 N Center Rd 694 694 440 694 N Center Rd 267 267 450 267 N Coleman Rd 311 311 450 311 N Coleman Rd 480 480 460 480 N Conklin Rd 547 547 460 547 N Conklin Rd 437 437 470 437 E Crown Av 454 454 470 454 E Crown Av 460 460 470 460 E Crown Av 366 366 480 366 N Dale Rd 272 272 490 272 E Dalton Av 718 718 500 718 N Dartmouth Rd 899 899 500 899 N Dartmouth Rd 441 441 510 441 N Davis Rd 662 662 520 662 E Dean Av 778 778 520 778 E Dean Av 788 788 520 788 E Dean Av 805 805 520 805 E Dean Av 639 639 530 639 E Desmet Av 659 659 530 659 E Desmet Av 660 660 530 660 E Desmet Av 686 686 530 686 E Desmet Av 749 749 530 749 E Desmet Av 777 777 530 777 E Desmet Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Rudolf Van Marter Wilbur Pines Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission MacArthur ACP Local Access 306 26 7,945 1 49 76 Pierce ACP Local Access 977 28 27,357 1 21 86 Pines ACP Local Access 1,989 40 79,546 1 30 79 Empire ACP Collector 690 26 17,940 1 50 82 South Riverway ACP Local Access 2,311 21 48,535 1 21 91 Euclid ACP Local Access 395 16 6,318 1 37 91 Utah ACP Local Access 779 32 24,942 1 21 91 Buckeye ACP Local Access 1,784 28 49,956 1 21 90 Railroad ACP Local Access 415 36 14,950 1 25 83 Indiana ACP Local Access 182 40 7,292 1 39 25 Nora ACP Local Access 657 36 23,648 1 21 91 End Mission ACP Local Access 636 32 20,362 1 25 84 Rutter Bridgeport ACP Local Access 2,157 30 64,717 1 21 90 Trent Utah ACP Local Access 2,431 30 72,935 1 21 91 Wellesley Broad ACP Local Access 606 37 22,426 1 32 71 End Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,096 40 43,840 1 21 89 Davis Evergreen ACP Local Access 317 36 11,413 1 37 91 Bannen Calvin ACP Local Access 1,118 34 37,998 1 32 72 Calvin Progress ACP Local Access 2,063 36 74,275 1 32 74 Shannon Knox ACP Local Access 255 40 10,191 1 37 91 Park Edgerton ACP Local Access 320 18 5,767 1 37 91 Augusta Nora ACP Local Access 363 40 14,501 1 21 86 Alki Broadway ACP Local Access 637 40 25,482 1 45 81 End Sanson ACP Local Access 773 40 30,930 1 37 91 Lake Thierman ACP Local Access 1,754 35 61,395 1 30 77 Felts End ACP Local Access 995 40 39,816 1 21 87 End Woodward ACP Local Access 640 32 20,469 1 21 86 Bowdish Bates ACP Local Access 195 32 6,256 1 37 91 Yardley Howe ACP Local Access 1,321 26 34,347 1 45 81 Fancher Lake ACP Local Access 877 30 26,302 1 25 83 Lake Dyer ACP Local Access 876 30 26,286 1 29 64 Thierman Bradley ACP Local Access 663 36 23,882 1 39 26 End Sargent ACP Local Access 269 36 9,690 1 21 88 Felts Oberlin ACP Local Access 939 40 37,567 1 21 91 76 0 86 0 79 0 82 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 90 0 83 0 25 0 91 0 84 0 90 0 91 0 71 0 89 0 91 0 72 0 74 0 91 0 91 0 86 0 81 0 91 0 77 0 87 0 86 0 91 0 81 0 83 0 64 0 26 0 88 0 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 5 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 278 278 540 278 N Dick Rd 287 287 540 287 N Dick Rd 321 321 540 321 N Dick Rd 338 338 540 338 N Dick Rd 742 742 540 742 N Dick Rd 870 870 540 870 N Dick Rd 304 304 550 304 N Dickey Rd 305 305 550 305 N Dickey Rd 324 324 550 324 N Dickey Rd 325 325 550 325 N Dickey Rd 158 158 560 158 S Dishman Mica Rd 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 160 160 560 160 S Dishman Mica Rd 171 171 560 171 S Dishman Mica Rd 1915 1915 570 1915 N Dollar Rd 326 326 580 326 N Dollar St 266 266 590 266 N Dora Rd 310 310 590 310 N Dora Rd 744 744 600 744 N Dorn Ct 745 745 600 745 N Dorn Ct 679 679 610 679 N Dyer Rd 862 862 610 862 N Dyer Rd 863 863 610 863 N Dyer Rd 1917 1917 610 1917 N Dyer Rd 306 306 620 306 N Eastern Rd 666 666 620 666 N Eastern Rd 667 667 620 667 N Eastern Rd 677 677 620 677 N Eastern Rd 678 678 620 678 N Eastern Rd 478 478 630 478 E Eastland Ct 273 273 640 273 N Edgerton Rd 281 281 640 281 N Edgerton Rd 331 331 640 331 N Edgerton Rd 348 348 640 348 N Edgerton Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Buckeye Trent Indiana Boone Harrington Knox Trent Baldwin End Appleway 4th 8th Sprague Trent End Rutter Trent End Broadway Val leyway Riverside Sprague Broadway Trent Mallon Broadway Nixon Springfield End Euclid Rutter Indiana End South Riverway ACP Local Access 1,759 22 38,701 1 21 91 Utah ACP Local Access 1,187 22 26,105 1 21 91 Buckeye ACP Local Access 1,389 22 30,559 1 21 90 Knox ACP Local Access 656 22 14,435 1 44 51 End ACP Local Access 966 40 38,622 1 30 79 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,772 20 35,434 1 52 66 Mansfield ACP Local Access 314 27 8,485 1 44 50 Knox ACP Local Access 628 27 16,965 1 29 60 Trent ACP Local Access 314 27 8,477 1 21 88 88 0 Baldwin ACP Local Access 486 31 15,059 1 44 51 51 0 4th ACP Principal Arterial 943 63 59,408 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,400 8th ACP Principal Arterial 1,259 62 78,084 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 184,539 16th ACP Principal Arterial 2,871 62 178,028 1 62 66 66 0 Appleway PCC Principal Arterial 614 37 22,735 1 26 89 89 0 Utah ACP Local Access 1,935 34 65,787 1 42 33 33 0 Trent ACP Local Access 262 32 8,381 1 21 86 86 0 Euclid ACP Local Access 1,270 18 22,865 1 21 91 91 0 Mansfield ACP Local Access 1,012 40 40,467 1 21 91 91 0 Boone ACP Local Access 428 40 17,120 1 25 83 83 0 Cataldo ACP Local Access 664 21 13,938 1 44 52 52 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,101 34 37,423 1 42 36 36 0 Nixon ACP Local Access 645 30 19,346 1 44 51 51 0 End ACP Local Access 246 32 7,861 1 64 47 47 0 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,682 21 35,320 1 64 46 46 0 Utah ACP Local Access 1,620 24 38,872 1 21 90 90 0 Dean ACP Local Access 280 30 8,414 1 21 89 89 0 Mallon ACP Local Access 281 30 8,443 1 21 87 87 0 Springfield ACP Local Access 1,120 30 33,603 1 30 79 79 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 279 25 6,975 1 45 82 82 0 Conklin ACP Local Access 395 37 14,619 1 29 59 59 0 South Riverway ACP Local Access 2,466 18 44,395 1 21 91 91 0 Euclid ACP Local Access 515 18 9,276 1 37 91 91 0 Railroad ACP Local Access 334 31 10,352 1 30 58 58 0 Nora ACP Local Access 411 47 19,323 1 45 81 81 0 91 91 90 51 79 66 50 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 6 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 307 307 650 307 N Elizabeth Rd 276 276 660 276 N Ella Rd 284 284 660 284 N Ella Rd 286 286 660 286 N Ella Rd 320 320 660 320 N Ella Rd 334 334 660 334 N Ella Rd 347 347 660 347 N Ella Rd 350 350 660 350 N Ella Rd 695 695 660 695 N Ella Rd 740 740 660 740 N Ella Rd 869 869 660 869 N Ella Rd 509 509 670 509 N Ellen Rd 510 510 670 510 N Ellen Rd 277 277 680 277 N Elton Rd 336 336 680 336 N Elton Rd 337 337 680 337 N Elton Rd 696 696 680 696 N Elton Rd 741 741 680 741 N Elton Rd 275 275 690 275 N Ely Rd 283 283 690 283 N Ely Rd 333 333 690 333 N Ely Rd 346 346 690 346 N Ely Rd 7 7 700 7 E Empire Wy 417 417 710 417 E Ermina Av 6 6 720 6 E Euclid Av 9 9 720 9 Euclid Av 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 11 11 720 11 E Euclid Av 264 264 720 264 E Euclid Av 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 1903 1903 720 1903 E Euclid Av 436 436 730 436 E Everett Av 453 453 730 453 E Everett Av 213 213 740 213 N Evergreen Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Montgomery Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission Sinto Broadway Utah South Riverway Euclid Utah Buckeye Knox Indiana Nora Mission End End Broadway Rich Longfellow Trent End Euclid South Riverway Shannon Knox Indiana Shannon End Mission Boone Sinto Euclid South Riverway Rutter Euclid Indiana Railroad End Indiana End Cement Bowdish Wilbur Park Vista End Sullivan Flora Barker Barker End Dora Park Sullivan Marietta Marietta Flora End Davis Best Wellesley ACP Local Access 915 20 18,298 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 2,001 20 40,018 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 172 20 3,431 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 1,020 20 20,396 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 1,591 20 31,816 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 542 21 11,381 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 329 32 10,533 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 657 36 23,655 1 30 59 ACP Local Access 479 32 15,313 1 21 88 ACP Local Access 1,898 41 77,801 1 29 80 ACP Local Access 1,947 32 62,311 1 42 33 ACP Local Access 293 28 8,202 1 64 46 ACP Local Access 679 20 13,576 1 21 88 ACP Local Access 1,840 20 36,803 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 282 21 5,926 1 29 61 ACP Local Access 345 20 6,900 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 295 32 9,430 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 658 40 26,312 1 64 47 ACP Local Access 2,156 18 38,809 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 275 18 4,958 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 498 48 23,895 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 524 36 18,867 1 45 80 ACP Collector 5,828 20 116,551 1 26 89 ACP Local Access 737 36 26,530 1 21 89 ACP Minor Arterial 2,588 22 56,927 1 29 90 ACP Collector 1,373 24 32,944 1 44 25 ACP Collector 5,149 22 113,275 1 69 45 ACP Collector 2,633 16 42,132 1 47 34 ACP Local Access 1,661 16 26,572 1 21 90 ACP Collector 3,311 65 215,229 1 69 45 ACP Collector 2,257 65 146,726 4 69 47 ACP Local Access 264 45 11,898 1 37 91 End ACP Local Access 534 36 19,210 1 37 91 Sanson ACP Minor Arterial 2,216 21 46,535 1 29 92 A-COL-Thick Olay+RR1 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 91 0 91 0 91 0 89 0 90 0 84 0 87 0 59 0 88 0 80 0 33 0 46 0 88 0 91 0 61 0 91 0 91 0 47 0 91 0 91 0 58 0 80 0 89 0 89 0 90 0 25 0 96 226,298 34 0 90 0 96 399,608 96 315,298 91 0 91 0 92 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 7 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary 0 fA O U t7 N ro a N LL e Pave Class to E R E N L c C C L LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 214 214 740 214 N Evergreen Rd 228 228 740 228 N Evergreen Rd 229 229 740 229 N Evergreen Rd 230 230 740 230 N Evergreen Rd 231 231 740 231 N Evergreen Rd 549 549 740 549 Evergreen Rd 646 646 750 646 E Fairgrounds Rd 265 265 760 265 E Fairview Av 291 291 760 291 E Fairview Av 402 402 760 402 E Fairview Av 409 409 760 409 E Fairview Av 714 714 780 714 N Farr Rd 767 767 780 767 N Farr Rd 768 768 780 768 N Farr Rd 719 719 790 719 N Felts Rd 779 779 790 779 N Felts Rd 900 900 790 900 N Felts Rd 244 244 800 244 N Flora Rd 245 245 800 245 N Flora Rd 246 246 800 246 N Flora Rd 247 247 800 247 N Flora Rd 248 248 800 248 N Flora Rd 810 810 820 810 N Fox Rd 924 924 820 924 N Fox Rd 290 290 830 290 E Frederick Av 401 401 830 401 E Frederick Av 408 408 830 408 E Frederick Av 393 393 840 393 N Gary Lauri Ct 385 385 850 385 N Gillis Ct 913 913 860 913 N Gillis Rd 682 682 870 682 E Girard Ct 269 269 880 269 N Girard Rd 313 313 880 313 N Girard Rd 691 691 880 691 N Girard Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Trent Wellesley ACP Minor Arterial 2,168 26 56,362 1 29 87 87 0 190 W290 OFF Indiana ACP Principal Arterial 915 102 93,300 1 62 66 66 0 190 E290 OFF 190 W290 OFF PCC Principal Arterial 595 89 52,959 1 26 86 86 0 Mission Connection 190 E290 OFF ACP Principal Arterial 1,103 89 98,131 1 42 71 71 0 Sprague Mission Connection ACP Principal Arterial 4,692 73 342,492 1 51 42 42 0 Trent ACP Local Access 1,408 36 50,685 1 49 56 56 0 End End ACP Local Access 708 54 38,258 1 40 12 12 0 Dora Rutter ACP Local Access 1,516 16 24,255 1 52 66 66 0 Ella Vista ACP Local Access 1,312 19 24,922 1 21 87 87 0 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 34 90,248 1 32 74 74 0 Bowdish End ACP Local Access 2,043 40 81,738 1 21 91 91 0 Mission End ACP Local Access 638 40 25,538 1 32 69 69 0 Maxwell Mission ACP Local Access 336 26 8,747 1 21 90 90 0 Boone Maxwell ACP Local Access 969 24 23,260 1 21 89 89 0 Mission End ACP Local Access 1,218 24 29,221 1 21 89 89 0 Broadway Mission ACP Local Access 2,648 24 63,561 1 21 87 87 0 Main Broadway ACP Local Access 1,993 28 55,810 1 29 80 80 0 Trent Wellesley ACP Minor Arterial 1,339 29 38,830 1 37 64 64 0 Euclid Trent ACP Minor Arterial 3,923 42 164,769 1 49 36 36 0 Euclid Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 760 45 34,200 1 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 71,211 Mission Montgomery ACP Collector 2,140 31 66,326 1 54 76 76 0 Broadway Mission ACP Collector 2,664 30 79,933 1 30 83 83 0 Cataldo End ACP Local Access 483 20 9,659 1 21 90 90 0 Main End ACP Local Access 328 20 6,570 1 32 73 73 0 Dick Vista ACP Local Access 654 22 14,399 1 21 91 91 0 End Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,189 40 47,574 1 25 83 83 0 Bowdish End ACP Local Access 2,052 40 82,082 1 21 87 87 0 Kalb End ACP Local Access 596 40 23,848 1 21 90 90 0 Fairview End ACP Local Access 350 28 9,800 1 21 91 91 0 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 676 30 20,268 1 21 87 87 0 Maxwell Bowman ACP Local Access 869 23 19,992 1 37 91 91 0 Fairview Bridgeport ACP Local Access 1,702 16 27,237 1 21 89 89 0 Trent Montgomery ACP Local Access 814 26 21,167 1 21 90 90 0 End Boone ACP Local Access 254 22 5,586 1 37 91 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 8 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 733 733 880 733 N Girard Rd 261 261 890 261 E Glass Av 723 723 900 723 N Glenn Ct 792 792 910 792 N Glenn Rd 911 911 910 911 N Glenn Rd 912 912 910 912 N Glenn Rd 292 292 920 292 E Grace Av 403 403 920 403 E Grace Av 410 410 920 410 E Grace Av 868 868 930 868 E Harrington Av 874 874 930 874 E Harrington Av 176 176 940 176 N Herald Rd 717 717 940 717 N Herald Rd 482 482 950 482 E Heroy Av 492 492 950 492 E Heroy Av 493 493 950 493 E Heroy Av 513 513 950 513 E Heroy Av 528 528 950 528 E Heroy Av 534 534 950 534 E Heroy Av 538 538 950 538 E Heroy Av 540 540 950 540 E Heroy Av 522 522 960 522 E Heroy Ln 643 643 970 643 N Howe St 645 645 970 645 N Howe St 356 356 980 356 N Hutchinson Rd 368 368 980 368 N Hutchinson Rd 880 880 980 880 N Hutchinson Rd 1976 10004 991 5 Indiana 1977 10005 992 5 Indiana 19 19 990 19 E Indiana Av 20 20 990 20 E Indiana Av 21 21 990 21 E Indiana Av 339 339 990 339 E Indiana Av 359 359 990 359 E Indiana Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Broadway End End Maxwell Alki Olive Ella University Bowdish Ella Vista Broadway Augusta End McDonald Mayhew Calvin Progress Tolford Lillian Sunnyvale End Sharp Broadway Knox Dale Riverside Old East Mission Indiana Montgomery Mirabeau Sullivan Park Sipple Cataldo ACP Local Access 660 42 27,713 1 29 80 End ACP Local Access 2,569 18 46,237 1 32 71 Nora ACP Local Access 499 36 17,955 1 21 86 Mission ACP Local Access 501 40 20,023 1 21 90 Broadway ACP Local Access 682 38 25,930 1 21 89 Alki ACP Local Access 322 40 12,860 1 21 91 Vista ACP Local Access 1,309 20 26,180 1 21 91 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 36 95,558 1 25 84 Pines ACP Local Access 2,651 36 95,437 1 30 79 Vista ACP Local Access 1,301 26 33,825 1 45 82 Hutchinson ACP Local Access 2,399 22 52,775 1 32 74 Mission ACP Collector 2,637 26 68,574 1 26 89 Nora ACP Local Access 541 40 21,640 1 37 91 McDonald ACP Local Access 886 29 25,682 1 21 91 Mayhew ACP Local Access 1,688 40 67,526 1 21 91 Evergreen ACP Local Access 997 40 39,866 1 21 91 Warren ACP Local Access 255 32 8,157 1 21 87 St Charles ACP Local Access 389 40 15,553 1 37 91 lsenhart ACP Local Access 1,974 40 78,951 1 29 80 Conklin ACP Local Access 340 36 12,240 1 37 91 End ACP Local Access 580 40 23,194 1 21 88 Lucille ACP Local Access 332 30 9,965 1 21 91 Railroad ACP Local Access 565 24 13,568 1 21 93 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,633 28 45,731 1 21 85 Montgomery ACP Local Access 661 40 26,424 1 21 91 Knox ACP Local Access 1,793 40 71,735 1 45 81 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,177 28 32,968 1 21 88 Indiana ACP Collector 1,164 24 27,944 1 37 72 Flora ACP Collector 2,033 24 48,786 1 34 79 Mirabeau ACP Minor Arterial 3,723 67 249,422 1 46 26 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,699 69 186,201 1 49 36 End ACP Collector 3,830 70 268,072 1 37 69 Vista ACP Local Access 2,584 26 67,184 1 49 75 Sargent ACP Local Access 1,017 40 40,682 1 26 30 80 0 71 0 86 0 90 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 84 0 79 0 82 0 74 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 87 0 91 0 80 0 91 0 88 0 91 0 93 0 85 0 91 0 81 0 88 0 72 0 79 0 26 0 36 0 69 0 75 0 30 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 9 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 361 361 990 361 E 373 373 990 373 E 1904 1904 990 1904 E 1905 1905 990 1905 E 472 472 1000 472 N 473 473 1000 473 N 543 543 1000 543 N 317 317 1020 317 E 406 406 1020 406 E 419 419 1020 419 E 390 390 1030 390 N 798 798 1040 798 N 439 439 1050 439 N 503 503 1050 503 N 260 260 1060 260 E 550 550 1060 550 E 14 14 1070 14 E 303 303 1070 303 E 329 329 1070 329 E 330 330 1070 330 E 369 369 1070 369 E 371 371 1070 371 E 1922 1922 1070 1922 E 486 486 1080 486 E 665 665 1090 665 N 676 676 1090 676 N 475 475 1100 475 N 476 476 1110 476 N 544 544 1110 544 N 364 364 1120 364 N 752 752 1120 752 N 279 279 1130 279 N 743 743 1130 743 N 263 263 1140 263 E Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Av Isenhart Rd Isenhart Rd Isenhart Rd Jackson Av Jackson Av Jackson Av Johnson Ct Johnson Rd Keller Rd Keller Rd Kiernan Av Kiernan Av Knox Av Knox Av Knox Av Knox Av Knox Av Knox Av Knox Av Lacrosse Av Lake Rd Lake Rd Larch Ct Larch Rd Larch Rd Laura Rd Laura Rd Lewis Rd Lewis Rd Liberty Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Hutchinson Skipworth Evergreen End Broad Wellesley Rich Ella Montgomery Woodruff End Broadway Wellesley Rockwell Argonne ACP Local Access 211 44 9,286 1 Montgomery ACP Local Access 1,630 36 58,686 1 39 End ACP Minor Arterial 3,028 59 178,673 4 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 1,955 79 154,409 1 37 60 End ACP Local Access 180 44 7,920 1 45 81 Broad ACP Local Access 498 40 19,914 1 21 88 Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,838 1 29 63 Vista ACP Local Access 1,311 20 26,225 1 21 91 Wilbur ACP Local Access 1,769 40 70,767 1 29 62 End ACP Local Access 574 19 10,906 1 39 21 Grace ACP Local Access 205 43 8,803 1 25 82 End ACP Local Access 563 28 15,767 1 21 89 Sanson ACP Local Access 2,213 22 48,685 1 37 91 Rich ACP Local Access 417 22 9,185 1 37 91 End South Riverway ACP Local Access 1,256 18 22,615 1 21 91 End Sullivan ACP Local Access 987 44 43,423 1 41 41 Vista Argonne ACP Collector 2,643 34 89,862 1 57 65 End Eastern ACP Local Access 646 28 18,092 1 25 84 Ella Dick ACP Local Access 780 22 17,151 1 25 84 Dick Vista ACP Local Access 467 21 9,797 1 45 82 Argonne End ACP Local Access 353 40 14,112 1 21 87 Woodruff End ACP Local Access 2,646 30 79,374 1 30 59 End Woodruff ACP Local Access 640 28 17,909 1 21 90 End Vercler ACP Local Access 166 30 4,980 1 37 91 Broadway Sharp ACP Local Access 1,680 30 50,385 1 41 38 End Broadway ACP Local Access 1,522 30 45,665 1 32 70 End Broad ACP Local Access 298 42 12,516 1 21 85 Broad Olympic ACP Local Access 474 32 15,172 1 21 90 Longfellow Wellesley ACP Local Access 767 40 30,672 1 45 81 Nora Knox ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,846 1 21 91 Sinto End ACP Local Access 325 40 12,991 1 37 91 Euclid Liberty ACP Local Access 639 18 11,509 1 21 91 Boone End ACP Local Access 1,167 40 46,684 1 50 75 Coleman Vista ACP Local Access 3,918 18 70,528 1 33 67 39 26 26 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 26 0 26 0 96 465,542 60 0 81 0 88 0 63 0 91 0 62 0 21 0 82 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 41 0 65 0 84 0 84 0 82 0 87 0 59 0 90 0 91 0 38 0 70 0 85 0 90 0 81 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 75 0 67 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 10 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class R • E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 477 477 1150 477 N Lillian Ct 545 545 1160 545 N Lillian Rd 546 546 1160 546 N Lillian Rd 268 268 1170 268 N Lily Rd 312 312 1170 312 N Lily Rd 688 688 1170 688 N Lily Rd 732 732 1170 732 N Lily Rd 421 421 1180 421 N Lockwood Rd 374 374 1190 374 N Locust Rd 382 382 1190 382 N Locust Rd 713 713 1190 713 N Locust Rd 765 765 1190 765 N Locust Rd 888 888 1190 888 N Locust Rd 483 483 1200 483 E Longfellow Av 494 494 1200 494 E Longfellow Av 514 514 1200 514 E Longfellow Av 515 515 1200 515 E Longfellow Av 523 523 1200 523 E Longfellow Av 535 535 1200 535 E Longfellow Av 537 537 1200 537 E Longfellow Av 539 539 1200 539 E Longfellow Av 452 452 1210 452 N Lucille Rd 520 520 1210 520 N Lucille Rd 771 771 1220 771 N MacArthur Rd 206 206 1230 206 S Madison Rd 1863 1863 1230 1863 MADISON RD 675 675 1240 675 E Main Av 860 860 1240 860 E Main Av 873 873 1240 873 E Main Av 885 885 1240 885 E Main Av 886 886 1240 886 E Main Av 898 898 1240 898 E Main Av 921 921 1240 921 E Main Av 1924 1924 1240 1924 E Main Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Longfellow Trent Fairview Trent End Broadway Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Sprague Woodlawn Mayhew End Bannen End Tolford Larch Conklin Broad Longfellow Cataldo 40th Thorpe Fancher Dyer Harrington Argonne Willow Herald Bowdish University Olympic ACP Local Access 149 48 7,169 3 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Wellesley ACP Local Access 777 40 31,093 1 52 67 Rich ACP Local Access 255 40 10,196 1 21 90 Liberty ACP Local Access 1,359 22 29,907 1 21 90 Montgomery ACP Local Access 926 30 27,783 1 21 91 Mission ACP Local Access 1,586 21 33,308 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 403 22 8,874 1 25 82 End ACP Local Access 1,026 20 20,517 1 21 91 Montgomery ACP Local Access 1,444 30 43,329 1 21 87 End ACP Local Access 772 34 26,231 1 45 81 Nora ACP Local Access 863 24 20,700 1 49 76 Mission ACP Local Access 2,639 28 73,893 1 21 91 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,647 22 58,234 1 25 83 End ACP Local Access 157 36 5,637 1 39 20 End ACP Local Access 307 36 11,044 1 37 91 Adams ACP Local Access 1,064 32 34,058 1 21 89 Best ACP Local Access 511 32 16,348 1 37 91 Progress ACP Local Access 666 32 21,298 1 37 91 Isenhart ACP Local Access 1,744 40 69,742 1 21 85 Lillian ACP Local Access 340 40 13,610 1 37 91 Sunnyvale ACP Local Access 404 40 16,146 1 37 91 Crown ACP Local Access 1,110 36 39,944 1 30 59 Wellesley ACP Local Access 855 36 30,793 1 21 85 Boone ACP Local Access 618 24 14,830 1 21 89 MADISON ACP Collector 2,988 28 83,674 1 34 62 End ACP Local Access 1,539 27 41,547 1 32 75 End ACP Local Access 489 40 19,549 1 42 37 Thierman ACP Local Access 881 24 21,151 1 44 54 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,228 22 49,007 1 21 91 Willow ACP Local Access 671 40 26,848 1 30 78 Locust ACP Local Access 652 22 14,343 1 49 75 University ACP Local Access 1,987 28 55,647 1 29 79 Wilbur ACP Local Access 665 22 14,637 1 30 78 Skipworth ACP Local Access 1,982 22 43,594 1 41 37 90 2,533 67 0 90 0 90 0 91 0 91 0 82 0 91 0 87 0 81 0 76 0 91 0 83 0 20 0 91 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 85 0 91 0 91 0 59 0 85 0 89 0 62 0 75 0 37 0 54 0 91 0 78 0 75 0 79 0 78 0 37 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 11 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1925 1925 1240 1925 E 641 641 1250 641 E 663 663 1250 663 E 790 790 1250 790 E 791 791 1250 791 E 196 196 1260 196 E 300 300 1260 300 E 301 301 1260 301 E 302 302 1260 302 E 352 352 1260 352 E 355 355 1270 355 N 367 367 1270 367 N 755 755 1270 755 N 879 879 1270 879 N 295 295 1280 295 E 316 316 1280 316 E 404 404 1280 404 E 412 412 1280 412 E 413 413 1280 413 E 680 680 1290 680 E 692 692 1290 692 E 756 756 1290 756 E 773 773 1290 773 E 784 784 1290 784 E 785 785 1290 785 E 801 801 1290 801 E 440 440 1300 440 N 500 500 1300 500 N 501 501 1300 501 N 502 502 1300 502 N 198 198 1310 198 N 212 212 1310 212 N 438 438 1310 438 N 751 751 1320 751 N Main Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marguerite Rd Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd Mesa Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Wilbur Yardley Lake Van Marter Johnson Wilbur End Eastern Bradley End Knox End Broadway Harrington Elizabeth Park Van Marter Pines Howe Thierman Pierce Skipworth Pines Eastern Dollar Lily Marguerite Montgomery Knox Mission Broadway Park Vista End End Wilbur Fox Pines Lily Bowman Park Ella Boeing Sunderland Oberlin University University Pierce End Bowdish End Pines Wellesley Sanson Heroy Wellesley Longfellow Heroy Rich Longfellow Broadway Mission Trent Wellesley Wellesley Sanson Sinto End ACP Local Access 1,970 28 55,162 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 1,321 24 31,698 1 21 85 ACP Local Access 1,756 26 45,658 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 976 30 29,283 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 233 30 6,978 1 21 89 ACP Minor Arterial 1,999 48 95,947 1 37 80 ACP Local Access 1,298 22 28,561 1 64 48 ACP Local Access 662 28 18,547 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 1,042 20 20,837 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 1,447 40 57,877 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 659 40 26,346 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 659 40 26,344 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 2,647 24 63,524 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 2,250 19 42,750 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 2,305 20 46,090 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 2,587 18 46,561 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 423 31 13,098 1 41 39 ACP Local Access 369 33 12,183 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 1,458 40 58,301 1 25 83 ACP Local Access 790 22 17,389 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 1,262 36 45,418 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 650 24 15,600 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 438 40 17,505 1 39 25 ACP Local Access 1,447 40 57,899 1 25 85 ACP Local Access 663 24 15,914 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 2,318 24 55,635 1 29 80 ACP Local Access 2,213 18 39,827 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 365 40 14,602 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 230 36 8,274 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 640 22 14,090 1 37 91 ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 44 116,676 1 60 65 ACP Collector 2,398 24 57,559 1 26 90 ACP Local Access 2,210 22 48,628 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 316 36 11,388 1 21 89 66 0 85 0 58 0 89 0 89 0 80 0 48 0 87 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 84 0 90 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 39 0 91 0 83 0 91 0 62 0 91 0 25 0 85 0 84 0 80 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 65 0 90 0 91 0 89 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 12 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary 0 w ?� w E fA O U t7 N ro a N LL e Pave Class to E R E N L c C C L LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 358 358 1330 358 E Michielli Av 197 197 1340 197 N Mirabeau Pk 1911 1911 1340 1911 N Mirabeau Pk 1912 1912 1340 1912 E Mirabeau Pk 1978 10003 993 5 Mission Av 22 22 1350 22 E Mission Av 23 23 1350 23 E Mission Av 27 27 1350 27 E Mission Av 28 28 1350 28 E Mission Av 29 29 1350 29 E Mission Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 31 31 1350 31 E Mission Av 32 32 1350 32 E Mission Av 33 33 1350 33 E Mission Av 34 34 1350 34 E Mission Av 35 35 1350 35 E Mission Av 916 916 1360 916 N Moffitt Rd 15 15 1370 15 E Montgomery Av 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 297 297 1370 297 E MontgomeryAv 299 299 1370 299 E MontgomeryAv 351 351 1370 351 Montgomery Av 381 381 1370 381 E MontgomeryAv 17 17 1380 17 E Montgomery Dr 18 18 1380 18 E Montgomery Dr 298 298 1390 298 E Montgomery Rd 542 542 1400 542 N Moore Rd 1931 1931 1400 1931 N Moore Rd 491 491 1410 491 N Morrow Ct 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 169 169 1420 169 N Mullan Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 674 674 1430 674 E Nixon Av 859 859 1430 859 E Nixon Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sargent Mansfield Indiana Pines Flora Flora Barker Vista Argonne Herald University Bowdish Union Pines Marguerite ACP Local Access 617 40 24,671 1 21 90 90 0 Pinecroft ACP Collector 4,416 35 154,555 1 37 75 75 0 Mansfield ACP Collector 614 76 46,679 1 34 78 78 0 Pinecroft ACP Collector 2,524 46 116,123 1 26 88 88 0 Old East Mission ACP Collector 1,009 24 24,206 1 26 91 91 0 Barker ACP Collector 5,253 25 131,327 1 26 89 89 0 End ACP Collector 2,776 44 122,157 1 26 91 91 0 Argonne ACP Collector 2,641 30 79,224 1 54 77 77 0 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 3,314 44 145,818 1 49 44 44 0 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,988 44 87,467 1 40 71 71 0 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,882 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 304,544 Union ACP Minor Arterial 1,510 44 66,445 1 57 76 76 0 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,154 42 48,484 1 37 80 80 0 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 50 132,595 3 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 328,982 McDonald Mission Connection ACP Minor Arterial 3,154 49 154,542 1 37 60 60 0 Mission Connection Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,286 48 109,737 1 40 74 74 0 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 676 26 17,568 1 21 85 85 0 Argonne Woodruff ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 45 119,002 1 37 61 61 0 Woodruff University ACP Minor Arterial 2,872 45 129,220 4 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 336,689 End Eastern ACP Local Access 140 44 6,168 1 39 22 22 0 Lily Park ACP Local Access 891 20 17,827 1 37 91 91 0 End Argonne ACP Local Access 1,401 44 61,652 1 25 85 85 0 Montgomery End ACP Local Access 696 26 18,103 1 32 70 70 0 University Wilbur ACP Minor Arterial 3,750 42 157,516 1 37 63 63 0 Wilbur Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,680 35 93,808 1 40 70 70 0 Elizabeth Bradley ACP Local Access 376 20 7,527 1 21 91 91 0 End Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,308 40 52,326 1 33 68 68 0 Wellesley End ACP Local Access 859 25 21,484 1 42 34 34 0 Rich End ACP Local Access 292 45 13,140 1 21 86 86 0 Mission Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 1,612 36 58,016 5 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 158,706 Broadway Mission ACP Principal Arterial 2,645 36 95,223 1 54 48 48 0 Dishman Mica Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 36 95,419 1 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 214,799 Lake Eastern ACP Local Access 443 30 13,277 1 21 89 89 0 Dyer Thierman ACP Local Access 843 26 21,914 1 42 36 36 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 13 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 884 884 1430 884 E 908 908 1430 908 E 327 327 1440 327 E 343 343 1440 343 E 360 360 1440 360 E 699 699 1440 699 E 700 700 1440 700 E 702 702 1440 702 E 703 703 1440 703 E 704 704 1440 704 E 379 379 1450 379 N 780 780 1450 780 N 781 781 1450 781 N 782 782 1450 782 N 783 783 1450 783 N 671 671 1460 671 E 906 906 1460 906 E 457 457 1470 457 E 462 462 1470 462 E 463 463 1470 463 E 470 470 1470 470 E 140 140 1480 140 N 141 141 1480 141 N 142 142 1480 142 N 271 271 1480 271 N Nixon Av Nixon Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Nora Av Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Olive Av Olive Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Olympic Av Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd 1869 1869 1480 1869 N Park Rd 394 394 1490 394 N Perrine Ct 395 395 1500 395 N Perrine Rd 811 811 1500 811 N Perrine Rd 926 926 1500 926 N Perrine Rd 795 795 1510 795 N Pierce Rd 914 914 1510 914 N Pierce Rd 915 915 1510 915 N Pierce Rd 423 423 1520 423 N Pit St IMS Infrastructure Management Services Willow Van Marter End Park Vista Locust Woodruff University Felts Wilbur End Maxwell Sharp Dean End Lake End Bolivar Calvin Burns End Rutter Buckeye Trent Euclid Mission Marietta Buckeye Cataldo Sprague Broadway Alki Main Trent Locust Pierce Park Vista Sargent Woodruff Dartmouth Glenn Raymond End Montgomery Mission Sinto Sharp Dean Dyer End Rees Burns Lucille Sunnyvale Euclid Rutter Buckeye Bridgeport Trent ACP Local Access 652 24 15,652 1 37 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 980 24 23,513 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 1,087 40 43,478 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 2,585 20 51,705 1 29 63 63 0 ACP Local Access 1,326 40 53,029 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 1,326 40 53,020 1 25 83 83 0 ACP Local Access 961 40 38,448 1 29 60 60 0 ACP Local Access 611 36 21,986 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 641 40 25,623 1 64 47 47 0 ACP Local Access 302 37 11,157 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 425 37 15,730 1 41 38 38 0 ACP Local Access 549 40 21,955 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 345 40 13,784 1 37 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 996 40 39,853 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 253 46 11,645 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 394 30 11,808 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 539 30 16,175 1 30 78 78 0 ACP Local Access 1,282 32 41,015 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 857 36 30,842 1 42 36 36 0 ACP Local Access 678 36 24,412 1 33 67 67 0 ACP Local Access 720 36 25,903 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Minor Arterial 640 42 26,898 1 29 92 92 0 ACP Minor Arterial 711 33 23,461 1 40 75 75 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,983 32 63,464 1 40 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 1,002 38 38,079 1 32 69 69 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,986 42 83,396 1 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 173,648 End ACP Local Access 193 53 10,246 1 37 91 91 0 Frederick ACP Local Access 990 40 39,602 1 21 91 91 0 Boone ACP Local Access 664 36 23,889 1 21 90 90 0 Main ACP Local Access 673 44 29,611 1 33 67 67 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,660 24 63,852 1 21 85 85 0 Springfield ACP Local Access 295 24 7,092 1 21 91 91 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 24 15,934 1 21 91 91 0 Empire ACP Local Access 690 22 15,180 1 37 91 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 14 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 424 424 1530 424 E Portland Av 425 425 1530 425 E Portland Av 215 215 1540 215 N Progress Rd 216 216 1540 216 N Progress Rd 455 455 1550 455 E Queen Av 456 456 1550 456 E Queen Av 461 461 1550 461 E Queen Av 328 328 1560 328 E Railroad Av 399 399 1560 399 E Railroad Av 635 635 1560 635 E Railroad Av 636 636 1560 636 E Railroad Av 400 400 1570 400 E Railroad Ci 721 721 1580 721 N Raymond Rd 901 901 1580 901 N Raymond Rd 902 902 1580 902 N Raymond Rd 446 446 1590 446 N Rees Ct 447 447 1600 447 N Rees Rd 448 448 1600 448 N Rees Rd 807 807 1610 807 E Rego Ct 484 484 1620 484 E Rich Av 495 495 1620 495 E Rich Av 516 516 1620 516 E Rich Av 524 524 1620 524 E Rich Av 525 525 1620 525 E Rich Av 530 530 1620 530 E Rich Av 536 536 1620 536 E Rich Av 861 861 1630 861 E Riverside Av 881 881 1630 881 E Riverside Av 909 909 1630 909 E Riverside Av 922 922 1630 922 E Riverside Av 396 396 1640 396 N Robie Ct 397 397 1650 397 N Roble Rd 485 485 1660 485 E RockwellAv 496 496 1660 496 E RockwellAv IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Pit Wellesley Trent Bannen Bolivar Calvin Edgerton Frederick Sharp Howe Lockwood ACP Local Access 532 18 9,578 1 21 88 End ACP Local Access 2,020 18 36,369 1 21 91 Crown ACP Collector 1,264 54 68,249 1 44 19 Wellesley ACP Minor Arterial 1,880 20 37,598 1 29 88 Rees ACP Local Access 794 29 23,032 1 21 90 Bannen ACP Local Access 497 32 15,893 1 21 91 Burns ACP Local Access 875 30 26,256 1 21 91 Ely ACP Local Access 597 27 16,106 1 42 35 End ACP Local Access 2,939 32 94,034 1 21 91 Howe ACP Local Access 1,923 24 46,148 1 21 90 Mission ACP Local Access 776 23 17,854 1 33 67 End End ACP Local Access 1,099 40 43,966 1 37 91 Mission End ACP Local Access 1,157 40 46,261 1 21 90 Valleyway Broadway ACP Local Access 1,324 27 35,746 1 25 84 Sprague Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,334 32 42,682 1 52 66 Everett End ACP Local Access 348 43 14,967 1 37 91 Olympic Crown ACP Local Access 601 29 17,441 1 37 91 Wellesley End ACP Local Access 898 36 32,335 1 37 91 Bates Wilbur ACP Local Access 382 20 7,638 1 25 83 End McDonald ACP Local Access 1,039 28 29,079 1 37 91 McDonald Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,636 24 63,255 1 21 91 Bannen Ellen ACP Local Access 1,030 32 32,950 1 21 91 End Burns ACP Local Access 301 37 11,154 1 21 87 Burns Progress ACP Local Access 754 28 21,123 1 21 87 Progress Sommer ACP Local Access 667 36 24,012 1 21 89 End End ACP Local Access 2,060 40 82,420 1 32 74 Dyer Thierman ACP Local Access 882 30 26,451 1 21 90 Hutchinson Argonne ACP Local Access 318 20 6,350 1 41 43 University End ACP Local Access 461 30 13,839 1 49 77 Bowdish End ACP Local Access 371 22 8,152 1 41 45 Marietta End ACP Local Access 193 48 9,279 1 45 81 End Marietta ACP Local Access 268 35 9,385 1 64 48 Vercler Woodlawn ACP Local Access 355 40 14,184 1 37 91 Avalon Evergreen ACP Local Access 492 22 10,830 1 37 91 88 0 91 0 19 0 88 0 90 0 91 0 91 0 35 0 91 0 90 0 67 0 91 0 90 0 84 0 66 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 83 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 87 0 87 0 89 0 74 0 90 0 43 0 77 0 45 0 81 0 48 0 91 0 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 15 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 517 517 1660 517 E RockwellAv 518 518 1660 518 E RockwellAv 526 526 1660 526 E RockwellAv 527 527 1660 527 E RockwellAv 505 505 1670 505 E Rockwell Rd 769 769 1680 769 N Rudolf Rd 12 12 1690 12 E Rutter Av 288 288 1690 288 E Rutter Av 293 293 1690 293 E Rutter Av 435 435 1700 435 E Sanson Av 354 354 1720 354 N Sargent Rd 365 365 1720 365 N Sargent Rd 698 698 1720 698 N Sargent Rd 754 754 1720 754 N Sargent Rd 878 878 1720 878 N Sargent Rd 186 186 1730 186 S Schafer Rd 187 187 1730 187 S Schafer Rd 664 664 1740 664 N Seehorn Rd 479 479 1750 479 N Shamrock Ct 335 335 1760 335 E Shannon Av 357 357 1760 357 E Shannon Av 372 372 1760 372 E Shannon Av 637 637 1770 637 E Sharp Av 658 658 1770 658 E Sharp Av 683 683 1770 683 E Sharp Av 690 690 1770 690 E Sharp Av 747 747 1770 747 E Sharp Av 761 761 1770 761 E Sharp Av 775 775 1770 775 E Sharp Av 497 497 1780 497 N Silas Ct 498 498 1790 498 N Silas Rd 499 499 1790 499 N Silas Rd 681 681 1800 681 E Sinto Av 693 693 1800 693 E Sinto Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Evergreen Ellen Adams End Keller Cataldo End Park End McDonald Knox Best End Burns Progress End Boone Park Ella End Evergreen Montgomery End Knox Mission End Broadway Mission Harrington Broadway Dishman Mica Cimmaron Cimmaron 44th Desmet Sharp End Sunnyvale Ella Elton Sargent Dale Locust Woodruff Railroad Yardley Fancher Frontage Thierman Lily Bowman Bowman Park Bessie Sargent Boeing Sunderland Felts University End Wellesley End Heroy End Rich End Bowman Park Ella ACP Local Access 1,343 28 37,602 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 390 44 17,162 1 41 42 ACP Local Access 634 28 17,741 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 521 24 12,498 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 234 35 8,179 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 628 24 15,068 1 21 86 ACP Minor Arterial 2,155 20 43,092 1 40 71 ACP Local Access 1,358 20 27,155 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 2,092 20 41,838 1 39 25 ACP Local Access 2,663 18 47,942 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 658 40 26,337 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 1,322 36 47,586 1 21 88 ACP Local Access 408 22 8,971 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 2,649 24 63,573 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 2,181 22 47,993 1 21 91 ACP Collector 2,518 36 90,631 1 26 88 ACP Collector 2,107 36 75,846 1 26 92 ACP Local Access 560 30 16,802 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 118 50 5,912 1 45 80 ACP Local Access 485 22 10,671 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 267 40 10,676 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 1,320 40 52,782 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 509 20 10,180 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 2,534 26 65,896 1 41 39 ACP Local Access 576 22 12,683 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 223 56 12,482 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 663 40 26,520 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 632 24 15,169 1 21 88 ACP Local Access 1,328 40 53,134 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 171 47 8,054 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 177 40 7,065 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 630 32 20,160 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 180 33 5,940 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 1,320 32 42,242 1 21 87 91 0 42 0 90 0 91 0 91 0 86 0 71 0 90 0 25 0 90 0 90 0 88 0 91 0 84 0 91 0 88 0 92 0 89 0 80 0 91 0 90 0 74 0 89 0 39 0 91 0 87 0 90 0 88 0 91 0 91 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 87 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 16 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 737 737 1800 737 E Sinto Av 746 746 1800 746 E Sinto Av 757 757 1800 757 E Sinto Av 758 758 1800 758 E Sinto Av 774 774 1800 774 E Sinto Av 786 786 1800 786 E Sinto Av 802 802 1800 802 E Sinto Av 803 803 1800 803 E Sinto Av 362 362 1810 362 N Sipple Rd 797 797 1820 797 N Skipworth Ct 799 799 1830 799 N Skipworth Rd 917 917 1830 917 N Skipworth Rd 918 918 1830 918 N Skipworth Rd 533 533 1840 533 N Sommer Ct 259 259 1850 259 E South Riverway Av 867 867 1860 867 E Spear Av 64 64 1870 64 E Sprague Av 65 65 1870 65 E Sprague Av 66 66 1870 66 E Sprague Av 67 67 1870 67 E Sprague Av 669 669 1880 669 E Springfield Av 893 893 1880 893 E Springfield Av 894 894 1880 894 E Springfield Av 903 903 1880 903 E Springfield Av 904 904 1880 904 E Springfield Av 531 531 1890 531 N St Charles Rd 642 642 1900 642 N Stanley St 644 644 1900 644 N Stanley St 1719 1719 1910 1719 Steen 422 422 1920 422 N Stegner Rd 763 763 1930 763 N Stout Rd 221 221 1940 221 N Sullivan Rd 222 222 1940 222 N Sullivan Rd 223 223 1940 223 S Sullivan Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Elton Vista Argonne Sunderland End Van Marter End Wilbur Nora Boone Mallon Val leyway Sprague End Vista Argonne Boeing Woodruff University End Wilbur End Knox End ACP Local Access 995 40 39,813 1 25 83 83 0 ACP Local Access 2,650 27 71,557 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 1,667 30 50,007 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 336 24 8,064 1 37 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 1,122 40 44,867 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 403 36 14,507 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 316 28 8,858 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 338 18 6,080 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 1,144 36 41,198 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 516 40 20,620 1 26 33 33 0 End ACP Local Access 707 28 19,800 1 21 90 90 0 Alki ACP Local Access 664 24 15,932 1 49 76 76 0 End ACP Local Access 965 28 27,030 1 45 81 81 0 Upland ACP Local Access 731 40 29,252 1 21 90 90 0 End ACP Local Access 2,777 18 49,984 1 21 91 91 0 Park End ACP Local Access 986 28 27,598 1 45 81 81 0 University Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,652 88 233,367 1 40 77 77 0 Bowdish Pines ACP Principal Arterial 2,661 88 234,196 1 35 84 84 0 Pines McDonald ACP Principal Arterial 2,667 84 224,017 1 39 79 79 0 McDonald Evergreen ACP Principal Arterial 2,666 82 218,644 1 55 82 82 0 Lake Dyer ACP Local Access 880 26 22,870 1 45 81 81 0 Felts Raymond ACP Local Access 664 25 16,588 1 21 87 87 0 Raymond University ACP Local Access 661 40 26,451 1 21 88 88 0 University Glenn ACP Local Access 690 33 22,765 1 37 91 91 0 Pierce Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,301 24 31,217 1 25 84 84 0 Heroy Wellesley ACP Local Access 473 40 18,932 1 21 91 91 0 Sharp Railroad ACP Local Access 364 23 8,369 1 21 86 86 0 Broadway Sharp ACP Local Access 1,628 23 37,449 1 21 88 88 0 23rd End ACP Local Access 2,747 40 109,879 1 49 55 55 0 Trent Empire ACP Local Access 694 23 15,959 1 21 91 91 0 Cataldo Sinto ACP Local Access 1,276 24 30,620 1 21 87 87 0 Broadway Mission ACP Principal Arterial 884 102 90,139 1 52 35 35 0 Sprague Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 2,649 93 246,330 1 51 38 38 0 Sprague 4th ACP Principal Arterial 1,333 58 77,315 1 49 25 25 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 17 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c 5 co c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 224 224 1940 224 S Sullivan Rd 225 225 1940 225 S Sullivan Rd 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 227 227 1940 227 S Sullivan Rd 1906 1906 1940 1906 N Sullivan Rd 465 465 1950 465 E Summerfield Ct 376 376 1960 376 N Sunderland Rd 770 770 1960 770 N Sunderland Rd 891 891 1960 891 N Sunderland Rd 481 481 1970 481 N Sunnyvale Dr 548 548 1970 548 N Sunnyvale Dr 541 541 1980 541 N Tolford Rd 727 727 1990 727 N Union Rd 925 925 1990 925 N Union Rd 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd 179 179 2000 179 N University Rd 380 380 2000 380 N University Rd 722 722 2000 722 N University Rd 532 532 2010 532 E Upland Ct 529 529 2020 529 E Upland Dr 289 289 2030 289 E Utah Av 294 294 2030 294 E Utah Av 1916 1916 2030 1916 E Utah Av 672 672 2040 672 E Valleyway Av 673 673 2040 673 E Valleyway Av 865 865 2040 865 E Valleyway Av 866 866 2040 866 E Valleyway Av 872 872 2040 872 E Valleyway Av 883 883 2040 883 E Valleyway Av 889 889 2040 889 E Valleyway Av 890 890 2040 890 E Valleyway Av 897 897 2040 897 E Valleyway Av 907 907 2040 907 E Valleyway Av 920 920 2040 920 E Valleyway Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 4th 8th 16th 24th Wellesley Burns End Sharp Sprague Wellesley Longfellow Longfellow Mission Main Montgomery Broadway End Mission End Sommer Park Eastern Coleman Fancher Eastern Park Ella Vista Argonne Farr Walnut Herald University Bowdish 8th 16th 24th End End End Shannon Maxwell End Shamrock Wellesley Wellesley End Valleyway Trent Mission Montgomery Baldwin Sommer Sullivan Vista Elizabeth Park Eastern Dyer Ella Vista Argonne Farr End Herald University Bowdish Pines ACP Principal Arterial 1,334 57 76,024 1 52 33 33 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,663 50 133,139 1 52 34 34 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,668 68 181,446 1 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 408,455 ACP Principal Arterial 1,350 45 60,750 1 51 43 43 0 ACP Principal Arterial 1,326 22 29,173 1 51 38 38 0 ACP Local Access 333 43 14,301 1 33 68 68 0 ACP Local Access 283 28 7,927 1 21 88 88 0 ACP Local Access 760 25 19,005 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 1,039 40 41,576 1 45 82 82 0 ACP Local Access 1,173 33 38,697 1 44 54 54 0 ACP Local Access 823 40 32,902 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 843 40 33,727 1 21 88 88 0 ACP Local Access 458 34 15,557 1 25 84 84 0 ACP Local Access 661 21 13,887 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,765 20 35,302 2 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 77,155 ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 44 117,111 1 37 79 79 0 ACP Local Access 873 41 35,802 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 848 30 25,436 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 786 40 31,446 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 761 40 30,459 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 2,700 20 54,010 1 42 36 36 0 ACP Local Access 1,763 20 35,256 1 29 61 61 0 ACP Local Access 1,406 20 28,127 1 38 28 28 0 ACP Local Access 1,319 20 26,370 1 64 47 47 0 ACP Local Access 367 20 7,337 1 64 48 48 0 ACP Local Access 1,260 23 28,987 1 42 35 35 0 ACP Local Access 1,323 22 29,100 1 49 55 55 0 ACP Local Access 2,659 24 63,806 1 29 61 61 0 ACP Local Access 1,987 24 47,698 1 30 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 621 18 11,181 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 340 24 8,164 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 1,988 24 47,716 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 2,654 24 63,695 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 2,663 24 63,911 1 21 91 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 18 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 384 384 2050 384 N Van Marter Rd 793 793 2050 793 N Van Marter Rd 794 794 2050 794 N Van Marter Rd 910 910 2050 910 N Van Marter Rd 1907 1907 2050 1907 N Van Marter Rd 488 488 2060 488 N Vercler Rd 280 280 2070 280 N Vista Rd 1871 1871 2070 1871 N Vista Rd 1872 1872 2070 1872 N Vista Rd 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 1874 1874 2070 1874 N Vista Rd 458 458 2080 458 E Wabash Av 459 459 2080 459 E Wabash Av 469 469 2080 469 E Wabash Av 464 464 2090 464 E Wabash Ct 716 716 2100 716 N Walnut Rd 892 892 2100 892 N Walnut Rd 487 487 2110 487 E Walton Av 512 512 2120 512 N Warren Rd 1 1 2130 1 E Wellesley Av 2 2 2130 2 E Wellesley Av 3 3 2130 3 E Wellesley Av 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av 5 5 2130 5 E Wellesley Av 398 398 2140 398 N Whipple Ct 927 927 2150 927 N Whipple Rd 928 928 2150 928 N Whipple Rd 389 389 2160 389 N Wilbur 388 388 2170 388 N Wilbur Ct 407 407 2180 407 N Wilbur Rd 726 726 2180 726 N Wilbur Rd 809 809 2180 809 N Wilbur Rd 929 929 2180 929 N Wilbur Rd 420 420 2190 420 N Williams Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Montgomery Cataldo Broadway Main Mallon Walton Euclid Buckeye Trent Knox Mission Bolivar Best Moore Burns Augusta Sprague Vercler Longfellow End McDonald Evergreen Progress Sullivan Marietta Main Marietta ACP Local Access 344 30 10,322 1 25 85 85 0 Sinto ACP Local Access 1,156 30 34,668 1 32 75 75 0 Mallon ACP Local Access 347 30 10,398 1 21 89 89 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 667 24 16,013 1 37 91 91 0 Cataldo ACP Local Access 319 23 7,339 1 21 90 90 0 Heroy ACP Local Access 1,798 42 75,521 1 21 91 91 0 Liberty ACP Local Access 611 36 21,994 1 52 66 66 0 Euclid ACP Collector 1,414 34 48,078 1 26 88 88 0 Buckeye ACP Collector 1,188 30 35,641 1 26 86 86 0 Trent ACP Collector 754 44 33,170 3 69 46 A-COL-Thick Clay>2.5 96 67,889 Knox ACP Collector 1,644 24 39,459 1 34 79 79 0 Bannen ACP Local Access 509 36 18,333 1 37 91 91 0 Calvin ACP Local Access 756 29 21,918 1 44 55 55 0 Broad ACP Local Access 918 40 36,711 1 29 80 80 0 End ACP Local Access 335 44 14,740 1 30 78 78 0 Nora ACP Local Access 540 40 21,618 1 30 78 78 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,656 26 69,065 1 41 40 40 0 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 409 45 18,392 1 21 90 90 0 Heroy ACP Local Access 370 32 11,836 1 21 89 89 0 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 1,068 36 38,431 1 49 43 43 0 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,660 36 95,761 1 29 92 92 0 Progress ACP Minor Arterial 3,963 49 194,196 1 29 85 85 0 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 1,321 43 56,785 3 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,891 Flora ACP Minor Arterial 5,283 36 190,173 1 37 60 60 0 End ACP Local Access 193 47 9,086 1 37 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 292 21 6,130 1 52 66 66 0 End Main ACP Local Access 193 18 3,475 1 41 37 37 0 Fox Frederick ACP Local Access 1,685 32 53,935 1 21 91 91 0 End Railroad ACP Local Access 181 43 7,783 1 37 91 91 0 Montgomery Jackson ACP Local Access 1,229 36 44,261 1 21 86 86 0 Mission End ACP Local Access 517 32 16,551 1 39 22 22 0 Broadway Mission ACP Local Access 2,667 22 58,670 1 30 79 79 0 Main Main ACP Local Access 140 25 3,507 1 44 52 52 0 Trent Empire ACP Local Access 699 18 12,587 1 21 91 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 19 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary 0 _1 O_ w v w E d' N O a) 2 O U t7 N ro it N LL Pave Class to F R E N L c C C L LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 712 712 2200 712 N Willow Rd 764 764 2200 764 N Willow Rd 887 887 2200 887 N Willow Rd 489 489 2210 489 N Woodlawn Rd 490 490 2210 490 N Woodlawn Rd 377 377 2220 377 N Woodruff Rd 383 383 2220 383 N Woodruff Rd 715 715 2220 715 N Woodruff Rd 772 772 2220 772 N Woodruff Rd 391 391 2230 391 N Woodward Rd 796 796 2230 796 N Woodward Rd 800 800 2230 800 N Woodward Rd 1102 10th Av 1107 10th Av 1146 10th Av 1290 10th Av 1291 10th Av 1302 10th Av 1313 10th Av 1323 10th Av 1341 10th Av 1376 10th Av 1393 10th Av 1433 10th Av 1946 10th Av 1103 11th Av 1108 11th Av 1303 11th Av 1314 11th Av 1324 11th Av 1342 11th Av 1361 11th Av 1394 11th Av 1395 11th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Mission Cataldo Sprague Rich Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Jackson End Broadway End End Edgerton Woodruff Robinhood Raymond University Bowdish Vercler Best Marigold 9th McDonald End Eastern Raymond Pierce Bowdish Vercler McDonald End End End ACP Local Access 495 37 18,325 1 21 90 90 0 Boone ACP Local Access 648 32 20,736 1 37 91 91 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,645 26 68,779 1 29 59 59 0 Heroy ACP Local Access 899 36 32,376 1 21 91 91 0 Rockwell ACP Local Access 1,101 40 44,042 1 21 91 91 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 1,257 30 37,707 1 39 25 25 0 End ACP Local Access 958 40 38,314 1 42 35 35 0 Baldwin ACP Local Access 1,164 26 30,252 1 21 91 91 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,632 28 73,708 1 21 90 90 0 Buckeye ACP Local Access 663 40 26,526 1 21 91 91 0 Mission ACP Local Access 187 37 6,934 1 37 91 91 0 Boone ACP Local Access 1,325 36 47,684 1 21 89 89 0 Dickey ACP Local Access 515 36 18,553 1 32 74 74 0 Park ACP Local Access 4,438 20 88,760 1 49 75 75 0 Center ACP Local Access 354 40 14,163 1 29 62 62 0 Herald ACP Local Access 738 36 26,578 1 30 59 59 0 Mariam ACP Local Access 688 36 24,768 1 33 68 68 0 University ACP Local Access 710 32 22,720 1 44 55 55 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,653 24 63,668 1 29 64 64 0 Pines ACP Local Access 2,654 24 63,706 1 52 66 66 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,342 36 48,324 1 30 59 59 0 Adams ACP Local Access 1,494 28 41,839 1 32 74 74 0 Burns ACP Local Access 489 36 17,594 1 32 71 71 0 Turtle Creek ACP Local Access 1,148 36 41,328 1 65 77 77 0 End ACP Local Access 1,667 40 66,685 1 29 64 64 0 Dickey ACP Local Access 468 30 14,029 1 32 75 75 0 Park ACP Local Access 3,975 36 143,100 1 32 75 75 0 University ACP Local Access 723 29 20,967 1 29 65 65 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,913 1 29 60 60 0 Wilbur ACP Local Access 649 40 25,959 1 32 69 69 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,328 40 53,108 1 29 60 60 0 Blake ACP Local Access 1,519 40 60,775 1 29 64 64 0 End ACP Local Access 281 36 10,104 1 29 79 79 0 Progress ACP Local Access 266 24 6,375 1 52 66 66 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 20 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1396 1417 1941 1974 1049 1104 1109 1110 1153 1343 1362 1377 1397 1418 1942 1943 1070 1292 1304 1325 1344 1345 1364 1378 1379 1398 1399 1400 1363 1071 1072 1098 1118 1139 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Ct 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av Progress Sullivan Mariam Dickey St Charles ACP Local Access 511 40 20,452 1 30 58 Homestead ACP Local Access 1,574 30 47,226 1 21 86 Herald ACP Local Access 923 36 33,236 1 32 71 Eastern ACP Local Access 668 36 24,048 1 21 89 End Dishman ACP Local Access 227 40 9,092 1 32 73 End Bettman ACP Local Access 197 28 5,505 1 32 72 Bettman Eastern ACP Local Access 668 36 24,056 1 32 74 Coleman Park ACP Local Access 1,367 24 32,803 1 33 68 Edgerton Park ACP Local Access 99 36 3,552 4 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Pines McDonald ACP Local Access 2,682 32 85,808 1 44 54 McDonald Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,666 22 58,658 1 44 53 Evergreen Adams ACP Local Access 2,653 30 79,588 1 25 83 Adams Sullivan ACP Local Access 2,662 30 79,846 1 29 79 Shamrock Steen ACP Local Access 327 30 9,818 1 21 86 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,653 28 74,288 1 29 62 Bowdish Pines ACP Local Access 2,660 32 85,107 1 44 54 Custer End ACP Local Access 265 31 8,227 1 30 78 Woodruff Herald ACP Local Access 738 32 23,628 1 30 57 Herald University ACP Local Access 1,915 32 61,289 1 64 46 Perrine Whipple ACP Local Access 557 40 22,264 1 32 70 Virginia Woodlawn ACP Local Access 204 40 8,142 1 44 48 Houk End ACP Local Access 234 40 9,350 1 41 40 McDonald Blake ACP Local Access 1,333 21 27,992 1 29 64 Bannen End ACP Local Access 517 36 18,605 1 29 80 End Adams ACP Local Access 689 28 19,288 1 45 81 End Progress ACP Local Access 181 40 7,255 1 32 69 Marigold End ACP Local Access 222 36 7,978 1 30 79 End Sullivan ACP Local Access 965 40 38,594 1 32 73 Avalon End ACP Local Access 132 36 4,735 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End Custer ACP Local Access 1,437 30 43,124 1 49 56 Custer Carnahan ACP Local Access 1,160 24 27,848 1 44 53 End Fancher ACP Local Access 1,187 28 33,249 1 30 78 Eastern Hazel ACP Local Access 1,166 36 41,964 1 25 84 Hazel End ACP Local Access 848 36 30,513 1 25 84 58 0 86 0 71 0 89 0 73 0 72 0 74 0 68 0 94 4,744 54 0 53 0 83 0 79 0 86 0 62 0 54 0 78 0 57 0 46 0 70 0 48 0 40 0 64 0 80 0 81 0 69 0 79 0 73 0 96 7,692 56 0 53 0 78 0 84 0 84 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 21 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1294 14th Av 1305 14th Av 1315 14th Av 1326 14th Av 1346 14th Av 1347 14th Av 1348 14th Av 1349 14th Av 1366 14th Av 1401 14th Av 1402 14th Av 1419 14th Av 1365 14th Ct 1073 15th Av 1099 15th Av 1119 15th Av 1295 15th Av 1306 15th Av 1316 15th Av 1327 15th Av 1350 15th Av 1351 15th Av 1367 15th Av 1380 15th Av 1403 15th Av 1404 15th Av 103 16th Av 104 16th Av 105 16th Av 106 16th Av 107 16th Av 108 16th Av 109 16th Av 110 16th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Woodruff Herald Herald ACP Local Access 739 32 23,649 1 33 67 67 0 University ACP Local Access 1,917 32 61,334 1 33 68 68 0 End End ACP Local Access 661 36 23,792 1 48 72 72 0 Fox Reeves ACP Local Access 358 40 14,320 1 32 69 69 0 Vercler Virginia ACP Local Access 180 40 7,207 1 64 47 47 0 Pines Houk ACP Local Access 662 36 23,826 1 30 58 58 0 End Vercler ACP Local Access 310 28 8,681 2 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 10,514 Woodlawn End ACP Local Access 205 36 7,384 1 30 59 59 0 McDonald Blake ACP Local Access 1,331 28 37,265 1 52 67 67 0 Adams Burns ACP Local Access 965 36 34,744 1 29 63 63 0 St Charles Sullivan ACP Local Access 991 40 39,626 1 30 58 58 0 Sullivan Galway ACP Local Access 2,533 30 75,979 1 21 86 86 0 Avalon End ACP Local Access 281 36 10,133 1 52 66 66 0 Morrill Gloria ACP Local Access 1,424 30 42,728 1 32 74 74 0 Stanley Fancher ACP Local Access 1,337 36 48,138 1 41 39 39 0 Eastern End ACP Local Access 1,395 36 50,207 1 21 86 86 0 Woodruff Herald ACP Local Access 739 32 23,636 1 29 62 62 0 Herald University ACP Local Access 1,917 32 61,339 1 29 65 65 0 University End ACP Local Access 1,104 29 32,002 1 29 62 62 0 Fox Union ACP Local Access 452 38 17,181 1 33 68 68 0 SR 27 Connection Vercler ACP Local Access 1,205 30 36,139 1 44 53 53 0 Virginia Woodlawn ACP Local Access 381 40 15,235 1 30 57 57 0 McDonald Blake ACP Local Access 1,332 21 27,963 1 30 58 58 0 Bolivar Bannen ACP Local Access 507 40 20,295 1 45 80 80 0 Adams Burns ACP Local Access 966 36 34,772 1 33 68 68 0 St Charles Newer ACP Local Access 475 40 18,991 1 29 61 61 0 End Stanley ACP Collector 1,387 26 36,074 1 26 90 90 0 Stanley Bettman ACP Collector 1,738 26 45,188 1 26 90 90 0 Dishman Mica Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,101 48 52,850 1 40 68 68 0 Herald University ACP Minor Arterial 1,917 48 92,016 1 40 68 68 0 University Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 34 90,182 1 40 69 69 0 Bowdish Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 34 90,718 1 40 73 73 0 Pines Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 464 24 11,133 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 28,166 Saltese McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,232 46 102,661 1 37 60 60 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 22 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 111 112 113 1053 1075 1420 1120 1455 1463 1508 1530 1531 1553 1572 1552 1573 1122 1124 1439 1456 1464 1465 1481 1509 1532 1533 1554 1125 1127 1440 1441 1457 1466 1467 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Ct 17th Ct 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Ct 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av McDonald Evergreen Adams Bluff Havana Yale Sullivan Seehorn Glenn Linda Mamer Bolivar Early Dawn Adams Timberlane End Limerick Eastern Seehorn Fawn University Linda Union Pines Davis Bannen Early Dawn Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,665 46 122,598 1 57 76 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 46 122,182 1 40 68 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 45 120,151 1 37 64 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 397 45 17,862 1 49 75 Custer ACP Local Access 1,192 16 19,064 1 30 58 Shamrock ACP Local Access 2,974 30 89,212 1 21 86 David ACP Local Access 2,250 40 90,014 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,986 40 79,450 1 29 61 Union ACP Local Access 897 40 35,880 1 52 66 Evergreen ACP Local Access 668 36 24,055 1 30 57 Airpark ACP Local Access 1,270 40 50,813 1 29 62 Adams ACP Local Access 597 40 23,896 1 30 57 End ACP Local Access 946 36 34,051 1 49 56 Rotchford ACP Local Access 889 36 31,995 1 33 68 St Charles ACP Local Access 317 36 11,412 1 49 77 End ACP Local Access 160 36 5,760 1 32 75 End ACP Local Access 1,252 36 45,081 1 21 86 Bettman ACP Local Access 339 36 12,215 1 21 86 Felts ACP Local Access 1,217 40 48,690 1 49 56 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,653 40 106,118 1 29 65 Union ACP Local Access 866 40 34,640 1 32 72 Pines ACP Local Access 1,335 40 53,407 1 32 72 End ACP Local Access 630 40 25,210 1 49 56 Evergreen ACP Local Access 332 40 13,263 1 49 56 Early Dawn ACP Local Access 1,086 40 43,425 1 44 52 Adams ACP Local Access 852 40 34,090 1 44 52 End St Charles ACP Local Access 317 36 11,421 1 29 62 Seehorn Lake ACP Local Access 553 26 14,390 1 21 86 End Wardson ACP Local Access 184 36 6,611 1 41 39 Dishman Mica Felts ACP Local Access 1,310 40 52,420 1 52 66 Sunrise University ACP Local Access 160 28 4,482 1 29 62 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,656 40 106,258 1 29 62 Bowdish Linda ACP Local Access 440 40 17,603 1 30 58 Linda 18th ACP Local Access 674 40 26,969 1 32 69 76 0 68 0 64 0 75 0 58 0 86 0 86 0 61 0 66 0 57 0 62 0 57 0 56 0 68 0 77 0 75 0 86 0 86 0 56 0 65 0 72 0 72 0 56 0 56 0 52 0 52 0 62 0 86 0 39 0 66 0 62 0 62 0 58 0 69 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 23 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1468 1482 1534 1143 1555 654 655 656 1036 1054 1055 1164 1170 1181 1208 1927 1442 1443 1458 1469 1483 1511 1535 1536 1556 1558 1576 1594 1459 1470 1471 1484 1513 1538 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Ct 19th Ct 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Ct 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av Union Pines Evergreen Rocky Ridge End End Chronicle Howe Sipple Dishman Mica Willow Pines ACP Local Access 1,389 40 55,552 1 52 66 Guthrie ACP Local Access 760 50 37,988 1 49 56 Airpark ACP Local Access 1,165 29 33,773 1 29 59 End ACP Local Access 140 40 5,600 1 42 34 St Charles ACP Local Access 177 36 6,373 1 33 68 Custer ACP Local Access 814 18 14,656 1 29 63 Carnahan ACP Local Access 652 24 15,654 1 49 76 End ACP Local Access 497 30 14,918 1 29 62 Dishman ACP Local Access 1,548 37 57,258 1 32 71 Willow ACP Local Access 339 32 10,849 1 64 48 Farr ACP Local Access 1,321 34 44,897 1 64 46 End Union ACP Local Access 674 28 18,864 1 44 50 Pines Houk ACP Local Access 576 30 17,281 1 30 58 Progress End ACP Local Access 592 24 14,199 1 30 58 End Greenacres ACP Local Access 189 36 6,822 5 50 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Union Pines ACP Local Access 1,315 28 36,810 1 64 47 Fawn Dartmouth ACP Local Access 821 40 32,854 1 32 70 Balfour Sunrise ACP Local Access 470 38 17,861 1 29 62 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,657 40 106,296 1 30 58 Bowdish 19th ACP Local Access 2,070 36 74,538 1 32 69 Pines Guthrie ACP Local Access 962 40 38,478 1 44 53 Saltese Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,007 30 60,217 1 30 59 End End ACP Local Access 820 40 32,795 1 29 59 Evergreen Sunnyside ACP Local Access 620 40 24,800 1 29 61 Adams Progress ACP Local Access 1,479 36 53,253 1 30 58 Progress St Charles ACP Local Access 511 36 18,406 1 49 77 Sullivan Sonora ACP Local Access 1,483 36 53,371 1 49 77 Vera Crest End ACP Local Access 440 40 17,604 1 39 20 University Skipworth ACP Local Access 1,991 40 79,624 1 41 43 Whipple Pines ACP Local Access 644 40 25,771 1 44 54 Union Whipple ACP Local Access 567 38 21,564 1 32 70 Cherry Guthrie ACP Local Access 915 40 36,584 1 44 51 End Evergreen ACP Local Access 667 36 24,003 1 29 60 Evergreen Sunnyside ACP Local Access 1,071 36 38,551 1 29 61 66 0 56 0 59 0 34 0 68 0 63 0 76 0 62 0 71 0 48 0 46 0 50 0 58 0 58 0 90 2,660 47 0 70 0 62 0 58 0 69 0 53 0 59 0 59 0 61 0 58 0 77 0 77 0 20 0 43 0 54 0 70 0 51 0 60 0 61 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 24 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1559 1579 1578 1580 1444 1460 1472 1499 1516 1539 1560 1561 1595 1581 1582 1583 1461 1473 1485 1517 1518 1540 1541 1562 1563 1584 1588 1597 1951 1590 1598 114 115 116 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 21st Av 21st Av 21st Ct 21st Ct 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Ct 23rd Ct 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av End Timberlane End End Sunrise University Bowdish Woodlawn McDonald St Charles ACP Local Access 1,453 36 52,293 1 32 74 End ACP Local Access 659 36 23,710 1 32 70 Pioneer ACP Local Access 450 36 16,200 1 30 78 Timberlane ACP Local Access 253 36 9,091 1 44 51 University ACP Local Access 370 35 12,952 1 29 60 Skipworth ACP Local Access 1,991 40 79,624 1 29 63 Pines ACP Local Access 2,670 40 106,786 1 49 56 McDonald ACP Local Access 858 40 34,339 1 44 51 Blake ACP Local Access 1,346 40 53,855 1 44 51 End Calvin ACP Local Access 897 40 35,885 1 29 62 Adams Progress ACP Local Access 1,334 36 48,038 1 49 55 End Sullivan ACP Local Access 1,143 36 41,152 1 29 62 Vera Crest Conklin ACP Local Access 1,312 36 47,247 1 39 27 Timberlane End ACP Local Access 176 50 8,809 1 30 59 Sonora End ACP Local Access 270 36 9,720 1 49 56 End Timberlane ACP Local Access 99 50 4,927 1 29 59 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,408 1 29 63 Union Pines ACP Local Access 1,333 40 53,318 1 32 70 End Guthrie ACP Local Access 1,227 36 44,170 1 44 53 End Evergreen ACP Local Access 492 36 17,711 1 30 59 McDonald McCabe ACP Local Access 988 40 39,520 1 49 57 Bolivar Calvin ACP Local Access 1,676 40 67,035 1 29 62 Evergreen Bolivar ACP Local Access 320 40 12,801 1 41 42 End End ACP Local Access 495 32 15,856 1 44 53 End Sullivan ACP Local Access 667 36 24,027 1 32 74 End Sonora ACP Local Access 649 36 23,363 1 49 76 End End ACP Local Access 96 45 4,338 1 49 76 Conklin Steen ACP Local Access 880 40 35,184 1 44 51 Forrest McDonald ACP Local Access 1,682 26 43,722 1 44 54 Sonora End ACP Local Access 361 36 13,005 1 52 66 Vera Crest End ACP Local Access 135 40 5,400 1 41 40 Bowdish Pines ACP Collector 2,665 35 93,259 1 54 56 Pines McDonald ACP Collector 3,074 40 122,968 3 69 46 McDonald Blake ACP Collector 1,207 38 45,871 1 34 59 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 74 0 70 0 78 0 51 0 60 0 63 0 56 0 51 0 51 0 62 0 55 0 62 0 27 0 59 0 56 0 59 0 63 0 70 0 53 0 59 0 57 0 62 0 42 0 53 0 74 0 76 0 76 0 51 0 54 0 66 0 40 0 56 0 96 251,674 59 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 25 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 117 118 119 1445 1446 1487 1887 1898 1952 1492 1617 1624 1642 1668 1672 1704 1685 1606 1618 1625 1643 1669 1674 1686 1706 1705 1615 1626 1628 1644 1645 1675 1709 1954 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Ct 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Ct 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Ct 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av Blake Evergreen Bannen Balfour End Vercler University Adams Sullivan 25th University Bowdish Houk Forrest Blake Progress End Dishman Mica University 25th Pines Forrest Blake Evergreen Progress End Sunrise Skyview Bowdish 29th Pines Blake Sullivan University Evergreen ACP Collector 1,329 36 47,835 1 34 61 Bannen ACP Collector 647 36 23,281 1 35 58 Adams ACP Collector 2,012 40 80,491 1 49 53 Sunrise ACP Local Access 510 26 13,262 1 29 64 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 348 30 10,432 1 64 46 Guthrie ACP Local Access 938 40 37,510 1 49 57 Bowdish ACP Collector 2,660 35 93,092 3 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Sullivan ACP Collector 2,662 36 95,842 1 49 53 Vera Crest ACP Local Access 2,049 40 81,963 1 25 83 End ACP Local Access 155 36 5,580 1 49 56 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,420 1 30 58 Pines ACP Local Access 2,665 40 106,604 1 52 66 24th ACP Local Access 541 36 19,493 1 49 56 Blake ACP Local Access 876 40 35,053 1 29 61 Davis ACP Local Access 1,089 40 43,574 1 49 57 Newer ACP Local Access 647 40 25,884 1 44 53 Bannen ACP Local Access 138 36 4,967 1 49 56 Balfour ACP Local Access 482 33 15,900 1 49 57 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,666 40 106,624 1 29 64 Pines ACP Local Access 1,668 25 41,689 1 32 72 Tall Tree ACP Local Access 2,498 40 99,904 1 44 52 Blake ACP Local Access 609 40 24,370 1 29 59 Davis ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,828 1 44 51 Bannen ACP Local Access 647 36 23,281 1 29 60 Newer ACP Local Access 665 40 26,612 1 41 44 Sullivan ACP Local Access 560 37 20,720 1 44 54 University ACP Local Access 656 26 17,055 1 44 54 Pines ACP Local Access 839 40 33,546 1 32 73 Bates ACP Local Access 355 40 14,200 1 32 70 Tall Tree ACP Local Access 1,382 40 55,274 1 44 49 Collins ACP Local Access 1,025 40 41,003 1 49 57 Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,335 40 53,386 1 41 42 Timberlane ACP Local Access 786 40 31,428 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,406 1 29 63 61 0 58 0 53 0 64 0 46 0 57 0 96 190,528 53 0 83 0 56 0 58 0 66 0 56 0 61 0 57 0 53 0 56 0 57 0 64 0 72 0 52 0 59 0 51 0 60 0 44 0 54 0 54 0 73 0 70 0 49 0 57 0 42 0 86 0 63 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 26 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1687 1609 1619 1646 1667 1676 1688 1620 1647 1677 1689 657 1024 1030 1160 1176 1182 1183 1184 1185 1210 1221 1621 1630 1631 1650 1679 1690 1691 1611 1622 1632 1652 1680 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 27th Ct 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 29th Av 29th Av 29th Av 29th Ct 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 30th Av 30th Av 30th Av 30th Av 30th Av 30th Ct 30th Ct 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av End Dishman Mica University Virginia Guthrie Blake Evergreen University Vercler Avalon Bolivar ACP Local Access 129 36 4,649 1 30 58 University ACP Local Access 1,156 40 46,224 1 44 52 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,414 1 44 53 Guthrie ACP Local Access 1,670 40 66,819 1 41 40 Guthrie ACP Local Access 2,364 50 118,199 1 29 62 Davis ACP Local Access 1,150 40 45,981 1 29 60 Best ACP Local Access 1,378 36 49,604 1 32 74 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,433 1 44 55 Guthrie ACP Local Access 2,250 40 89,987 1 41 40 Davis ACP Local Access 968 40 38,718 1 29 60 End Bolivar ACP Local Access 130 36 4,680 1 41 45 End Carnahan ACP Local Access 2,633 22 57,919 1 33 68 2ND AV Thierman ACP Local Access 1,499 28 41,974 1 29 64 Thierman Park ACP Local Access 2,642 26 68,688 1 52 66 End Bowdish ACP Local Access 235 36 8,460 1 44 54 Best Adams ACP Local Access 1,116 40 44,626 1 26 33 Adams End ACP Local Access 340 40 13,582 1 64 47 End End ACP Local Access 479 40 19,160 1 45 80 Progress Newer ACP Local Access 990 36 35,629 1 32 71 Newer Sullivan ACP Local Access 340 40 13,596 1 29 64 Moen End ACP Local Access 213 36 7,661 1 21 86 Barker Holiday ACP Local Access 1,640 40 65,600 1 21 91 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,430 1 44 51 Bowdish Bates ACP Local Access 355 40 14,190 1 32 71 Fox 31st ACP Local Access 902 40 36,085 1 32 74 End Collins ACP Local Access 467 40 18,670 1 49 57 Avalon Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,314 40 52,561 1 41 45 Sunnybrook End ACP Local Access 211 36 7,580 1 49 77 End Bolivar ACP Local Access 130 36 4,680 1 49 57 Raymond University ACP Local Access 539 40 21,574 1 29 63 University Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,422 1 52 67 Bates Whipple ACP Local Access 1,711 40 68,440 1 32 71 End Clinton ACP Local Access 2,436 40 97,425 1 44 49 Mamer Davis ACP Local Access 480 40 19,202 1 30 58 58 0 52 0 53 0 40 0 62 0 60 0 74 0 55 0 40 0 60 0 45 0 68 0 64 0 66 0 54 0 33 0 47 0 80 0 71 0 64 0 86 0 91 0 51 0 71 0 74 0 57 0 45 0 77 0 57 0 63 0 67 0 71 0 49 0 58 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 27 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1692 31st Av 1651 31st Ct 1722 33rd Av 1743 33rd Av 1960 33rd Av 1774 33rd Ct End 1775 33rd Ct End 1723 34th Av Pierce 1724 34th Av Glenn 1744 34th Av Bowdish 1746 34th Av Melissa 1777 34th Av Woodlawn 1776 34th Ct Vercler 1725 35th Av Pierce 1726 35th Av University 1748 35th Av Bates 1778 35th Av Vercler 1779 35th Av McDonald 1729 36th Av Pierce 1749 36th Av Bates 1780 36th Av Vercler 1788 36th Av Woodruff 1730 37th Av End 1750 37th Av Bowdish 1753 37th Ct Union 1731 38th Av End 1732 38th Av Johnson 1754 38th Av Bowdish 1961 38th Av 37th 1789 39th Av Driftwood 1790 39th Av Sunderland 1223 3rd End 77 3rd Av End 78 3rd Av Carnahan Evergreen Clinton University Wilbur Pierce IMS Infrastructure Management Services Best End Pierce Robie Woodward Vercler McDonald Bowdish Gillis Loretta Pines McDonald End Woodward Pierce Loretta Woodlawn End Bowdish Fox Woodlawn Ridgeview Bowdish Loretta ACP Local Access 1,336 36 48,092 1 32 75 ACP Local Access 376 36 13,518 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 1,336 36 48,082 1 41 40 ACP Local Access 1,250 36 45,000 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 1,025 40 41,018 1 39 20 ACP Local Access 174 36 6,281 1 33 68 ACP Local Access 256 36 9,201 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 1,328 40 53,129 1 38 29 ACP Local Access 300 36 10,800 1 44 51 ACP Local Access 705 36 25,378 1 26 31 ACP Local Access 1,017 36 36,621 1 44 51 ACP Local Access 375 36 13,506 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 337 36 12,147 1 33 68 ACP Local Access 1,033 40 41,332 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 1,376 36 49,553 1 41 41 ACP Local Access 948 36 34,111 1 41 39 ACP Local Access 864 36 31,105 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 150 36 5,400 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 1,334 40 53,345 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 889 36 31,995 1 64 47 ACP Local Access 797 36 28,686 1 49 57 ACP Local Access 361 40 14,455 1 29 61 ACP Local Access 1,768 36 63,661 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 1,874 40 74,969 1 41 38 End ACP Local Access 803 36 28,917 1 30 78 Moffitt ACP Local Access 198 36 7,118 1 32 69 Skipworth ACP Local Access 226 36 8,139 1 44 55 Bates ACP Local Access 534 36 19,210 1 49 56 Pines ACP Local Access 1,757 36 63,247 1 49 57 Ridgeview ACP Local Access 356 38 13,520 1 42 34 Driftwood ACP Local Access 892 38 33,911 1 44 53 End ACP Local Access 260 40 10,400 1 41 44 Carnahan ACP Minor Arterial 2,631 40 105,243 1 29 91 Fancher ACP Minor Arterial 2,543 40 101,700 1 29 91 75 0 58 0 40 0 56 0 20 0 68 0 77 0 29 0 51 0 31 0 51 0 77 0 68 0 69 0 41 0 39 0 77 0 77 0 66 0 47 0 57 0 61 0 69 0 38 0 78 0 69 0 55 0 56 0 57 0 34 0 53 0 44 0 91 0 91 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 28 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1025 1031 1161 1165 1171 1173 1177 1186 1196 1211 1178 1733 1755 1765 1773 1768 1792 1756 1796 1815 1816 1797 1817 1810 127 1824 1852 1825 1827 1841 1842 1858 1826 1843 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Ct 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Ct 40th Ct 41st 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 43rd Av 43rd Av 43rd Ct 44th Av 45th Av 45th Av 46th Av 46th Av 46th Av 47th Av 47th Av 48th Av 48th Av David Thierman University Union Pines Blake Evergreen Sommer Flora Greenacres End Dishman Mica Union Reeves MADISON End End End Woodruff Forest Meadows End Locust Forest Meadows Pondra Van Marter End Woodward Farr End Van Marter Van Marter End Woodruff Van Marter Thierman Park Pierce Robie ACP Local Access 331 30 9,923 1 29 60 ACP Local Access 2,643 30 79,286 1 52 67 ACP Local Access 1,365 40 54,598 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 612 25 15,301 1 49 57 End ACP Local Access 694 32 22,214 1 44 50 End ACP Local Access 627 40 25,076 1 52 65 Best ACP Local Access 1,168 28 32,711 1 45 80 Newer ACP Local Access 325 40 13,004 1 29 62 Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,306 30 39,173 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 339 36 12,203 1 21 86 Rees ACP Local Access 92 36 3,302 1 32 74 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,457 40 58,281 1 44 50 Roble ACP Local Access 712 36 25,648 1 33 68 Union ACP Local Access 717 36 25,797 1 44 49 End ACP Local Access 863 28 24,167 1 64 48 End ACP Local Access 185 36 6,660 1 52 66 Driftwood ACP Local Access 198 36 7,129 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 BATES ACP Local Access 475 33 15,675 1 29 61 End ACP Local Access 462 28 12,932 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 270 36 9,720 1 29 61 Bowdish ACP Local Access 585 36 21,045 1 32 71 End ACP Local Access 537 36 19,350 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 1,007 36 36,259 1 32 70 End ACP Local Access 225 30 6,750 1 21 86 Sands ACP Collector 2,933 24 70,394 1 37 69 Farr ACP Local Access 330 40 13,202 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 352 40 14,060 1 32 73 Woodruff ACP Local Access 660 27 17,815 1 21 86 Van Marter ACP Local Access 334 36 12,025 1 21 86 Bates ACP Local Access 2,788 36 100,370 1 45 81 46th ACP Local Access 1,342 40 53,689 1 32 73 Sands ACP Local Access 964 40 38,546 1 52 65 End ACP Local Access 2,072 27 55,944 1 21 86 Bates ACP Local Access 2,776 40 111,022 1 32 69 60 0 67 0 70 0 57 0 50 0 65 0 80 0 62 0 86 0 86 0 74 0 50 0 68 0 49 0 48 0 66 0 96 12,769 61 0 86 0 61 0 71 0 86 0 70 0 86 0 69 0 86 0 73 0 86 0 86 0 81 0 73 0 65 0 86 0 69 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 29 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1860 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 1191 1197 1212 1224 1864 1865 1882 1884 1893 1894 1836 1861 1213 1059 1079 1091 1198 1232 1264 1272 1273 1280 1241 1265 1928 1060 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 48th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 50th Av 50th Ct 5th 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Ct 5th Ct 5th Ln 6th Av Bates Carnahan Fancher Thierman Dishman Mica Farr Pines McDonald Sullivan Steen End Barker End Custer University Bowdish Evergreen Adams End Sands Fancher Thierman Park Farr University McDonald Evergreen Rotchford Tschirley Barker Hodges Custer Carnahan Bowdish Pines Adams Sullivan Ferret End Ponderosa End McKee End Custer Carnahan McKinnon Thierman Park Flora Tschirley Raymond Oberlin McDonald Mamer Evergreen Bolivar Crystal Adams End End End Pierce End Evergreen Perrine End End Carnahan ACP Local Access 903 40 36,112 1 32 74 ACP Minor Arterial 2,643 34 89,878 1 37 80 ACP Minor Arterial 2,680 26 69,689 1 53 80 ACP Collector 2,646 26 68,799 1 34 62 ACP Collector 1,269 34 43,145 1 26 91 ACP Collector 3,309 32 105,898 1 37 73 ACP Collector 2,677 32 85,667 1 49 54 ACP Collector 2,667 32 85,339 1 54 55 ACP Local Access 2,568 26 66,766 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 1,971 26 51,257 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 3,319 16 53,112 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 2,644 16 42,305 1 21 91 ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 14 18,797 1 37 64 ACP Minor Arterial 1,313 34 44,636 1 40 70 ACP Collector 2,652 32 84,861 1 57 66 ACP Collector 2,656 32 84,985 1 34 64 ACP Collector 2,650 32 84,808 1 50 80 ACP Collector 2,657 32 85,022 1 57 66 ACP Local Access 436 27 11,759 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 491 40 19,636 1 32 73 ACP Local Access 200 33 6,600 1 49 76 ACP Local Access 1,323 24 31,743 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 960 16 15,363 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 2,637 28 73,834 1 32 75 ACP Local Access 1,273 40 50,928 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 465 36 16,747 1 49 57 ACP Local Access 2,066 32 66,121 1 44 54 ACP Local Access 664 28 18,600 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 441 36 15,874 1 30 78 ACP Local Access 258 36 9,276 1 49 75 ACP Local Access 609 37 22,537 1 44 53 ACP Local Access 328 36 11,803 1 30 77 ACP Local Access 286 36 10,282 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 2,633 22 57,919 1 32 74 74 0 80 0 80 0 62 0 91 0 73 0 54 0 55 0 63 0 74 0 77 0 91 0 64 0 70 0 66 0 64 0 80 0 66 0 86 0 73 0 76 0 77 0 66 0 75 0 86 0 57 0 54 0 70 0 78 0 75 0 53 0 77 0 62 0 74 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 30 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1085 6th Av 1092 6th Av 1199 6th Av 1205 6th Av 1214 6th Av 1225 6th Av 1233 6th Av 1234 6th Av 1242 6th Av 1247 6th Av 1254 6th Av 1266 6th Av 1267 6th Av 1274 6th Av 1275 6th Av 1938 6th Av 1057 7th Av 1061 7th Av 1086 7th Av 1093 7th Av 1226 7th Av 1243 7th Av 1255 7th Av 1268 7th Av 1269 7th Av 1970 7th Av 1248 7th Ct 92 8th Av 93 8th Av 94 8th Av 95 8th Av 96 8th Av 97 8th Av 98 8th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th Thierman Arc End Tschirley Michigan Farr End University Bowdish Houk McDonald 7th Evergreen End Vercler Dishman Mica End Eastern Thierman Michigan University Houk End Blake Rees Wilbur Thierman ACP Local Access 2,772 30 83,163 1 29 64 64 0 Park ACP Local Access 2,632 30 78,947 1 32 70 70 0 Tschirley ACP Local Access 626 40 25,031 1 21 86 86 0 End ACP Local Access 99 40 3,959 4 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 1,469 Long ACP Local Access 1,335 20 26,699 1 21 86 86 0 Hodges ACP Local Access 1,207 33 39,841 1 49 77 77 0 Woodruff ACP Local Access 683 38 25,962 1 39 24 24 0 University ACP Local Access 1,084 36 39,038 1 33 68 68 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,655 36 95,564 1 32 70 70 0 Pines ACP Local Access 2,654 28 74,313 1 30 58 58 0 Collins ACP Local Access 270 36 9,721 1 29 61 61 0 Blake ACP Local Access 1,334 32 42,698 1 29 62 62 0 Mamer ACP Local Access 1,090 40 43,592 1 29 62 62 0 Bolivar ACP Local Access 707 20 14,137 1 33 67 67 0 Adams ACP Local Access 1,284 36 46,217 1 45 81 81 0 End ACP Local Access 897 20 17,940 1 41 44 44 0 Farr ACP Local Access 907 40 36,271 1 29 61 61 0 End ACP Local Access 1,544 14 21,610 1 65 76 76 0 Thierman ACP Local Access 1,357 28 37,993 1 32 72 72 0 End ACP Local Access 2,272 28 63,615 1 32 73 73 0 End ACP Local Access 372 33 12,288 1 49 77 77 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,652 21 55,695 1 29 64 64 0 Vercler ACP Local Access 358 40 14,316 1 30 57 57 0 Blake ACP Local Access 1,066 36 38,368 1 52 66 66 0 Mamer ACP Local Access 738 40 29,518 1 52 66 66 0 Adams ACP Local Access 1,178 36 42,403 1 32 70 70 0 End ACP Local Access 191 30 5,717 1 44 53 53 0 End Carnahan ACP Minor Arterial 2,635 20 52,706 1 40 71 71 0 Carnahan Dickey ACP Minor Arterial 3,283 20 65,667 2 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 143,519 Dickey Thierman ACP Minor Arterial 1,996 20 39,910 1 40 72 72 0 Thierman Park ACP Minor Arterial 2,648 20 52,966 1 40 75 75 0 Dishman Mica Farr ACP Minor Arterial 789 44 34,694 1 37 59 59 0 Farr Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,404 36 50,549 1 37 64 64 0 Herald University ACP Minor Arterial 1,916 36 68,959 1 37 65 65 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 31 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 99 100 101 102 1045 1144 1429 1890 1891 1895 1069 1101 1105 1106 1288 1289 1301 1312 1340 1359 1360 1374 1392 1430 1431 1971 1375 1432 236 237 238 239 240 241 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Ct 9th Ct Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services University Bowdish McDonald Adams Dishman Park Long Pines Vercler Evergreen Chronicle End Eastern Elizabeth Woodruff Robinhood Herald University Vercler McDonald Mamer Warren Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,655 34 90,281 1 37 60 60 0 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,651 32 84,821 1 37 63 63 0 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 28 74,692 1 40 68 68 0 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 26 68,977 1 57 75 75 0 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 161 50 8,040 1 29 60 60 0 Vista ACP Local Access 295 32 9,440 1 44 53 53 0 Barker ACP Local Access 2,699 24 64,786 1 32 75 75 0 Vercler ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 30 40,297 1 38 57 57 0 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 30 40,311 1 60 66 66 0 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,650 26 68,892 1 37 79 79 0 Carnahan ACP Local Access 659 28 18,446 1 32 74 74 0 Dickey ACP Local Access 632 36 22,762 1 32 74 74 0 Thierman ACP Local Access 1,327 36 47,786 1 49 75 75 0 Park ACP Local Access 2,436 24 58,460 1 32 75 75 0 Herald ACP Local Access 738 32 23,618 1 29 63 63 0 Mariam ACP Local Access 819 36 29,483 1 32 70 70 0 University ACP Local Access 1,915 32 61,290 1 30 59 59 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,652 19 50,388 1 33 68 68 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,344 28 37,631 1 30 57 57 0 Blake ACP Local Access 1,507 36 54,269 1 33 67 67 0 Evergreen ACP Local Access 506 40 20,238 1 49 56 56 0 Adams ACP Local Access 471 40 18,858 1 45 80 80 0 End Sullivan ACP Local Access 623 36 22,417 1 33 68 68 0 End End ACP Local Access 1,714 36 61,709 1 65 77 77 0 End Harmony ACP Local Access 529 37 19,582 1 49 56 56 0 Union Pines ACP Local Access 1,325 36 47,690 1 29 60 60 0 Evergreen End ACP Local Access 515 36 18,540 1 29 65 65 0 Harmony End ACP Local Access 151 37 5,575 1 49 77 77 0 Broadway Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,773 28 49,648 1 38 77 77 0 Sprague Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,637 22 58,004 1 40 69 69 0 2nd 4th ACP Minor Arterial 715 40 28,617 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 68,967 Sprague 2nd ACP Minor Arterial 625 22 13,755 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 34,800 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 22 29,570 1 33 82 82 0 8th 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 22 58,749 1 40 72 72 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 32 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 242 Adams Rd 1897 Adams Rd 1546 Airpark Dr 932 Alki Av 944 Alki Av 959 Alki Av 960 Alki Av 976 Alki Av 994 Alki Av 1727 Aloha Ct 83 Appleway BI 84 Appleway BI 1489 April Ct 1010 Arbor Ci 624 Arc Ct 586 Arc Rd 623 Arc St 1203 Arc St 1204 Arc St 1287 Archery Av 156 Argonne Rd 1003 Arties Ct 1217 Arties Ln 628 Arties Rd 583 Augusta Av 611 Augusta Ct 1372 Avalon Ct 1682 Avalon Rd 576 Baldwin Av 581 Baldwin Av 610 Baldwin Ct 1451 Balfour BI 1607 Balfour BI 1612 Balfour BI IMS Infrastructure Management Services 24th End 16th 24th 16th End End McDonald McDonald End Best Adams End Best Adams End Flora Barker Pierce End Dishman Mica Farr Farr University End 24th Laberry Laberry Cataldo End Mission Knox End Mission 3rd 4th 5th 6th Robinhood Mariam Sprague Broadway Sprague End Long End End Mission McKee Barker End Drummond 12th 14th 28th 32nd Flora Tschirley End Barker End Drummond 16th 24th 26th Raymond 24th 26th ACP Minor Arterial 663 22 14,578 1 50 34 34 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 30 79,712 1 37 59 59 0 ACP Local Access 1,335 40 53,387 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Local Access 1,325 40 53,011 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,001 40 40,043 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,324 32 42,380 1 30 79 79 0 ACP Local Access 662 40 26,498 1 29 79 79 0 ACP Local Access 340 36 12,240 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 5,270 24 126,468 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 427 36 15,367 1 32 71 71 0 ACP Principal Arterial 1,632 58 94,628 1 31 91 91 0 ACP Principal Arterial 3,370 58 195,465 1 31 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 297 40 11,896 1 49 56 56 0 ACP Local Access 501 40 20,054 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 455 36 16,376 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 1,656 32 52,999 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 658 36 23,699 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 290 40 11,600 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 225 40 9,000 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 817 40 32,692 1 30 79 79 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,186 1 31 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 300 36 10,787 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 582 33 19,216 1 32 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 1,260 40 50,392 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 476 36 17,134 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 125 30 3,735 1 45 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 524 36 18,858 1 44 54 54 0 ACP Local Access 1,449 40 57,967 1 49 55 55 0 ACP Local Access 1,241 30 37,234 1 37 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 1,009 36 36,337 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 125 30 3,735 1 45 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 2,755 26 71,618 1 29 61 61 0 ACP Local Access 366 26 9,515 1 33 68 68 0 ACP Local Access 566 26 14,726 1 29 64 64 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 33 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1309 Balfour Rd 1975 Balfour Rd 1696 Bannen Ct 1697 Bannen Ct 1698 Bannen Ct 1699 Bannen Ct 258 Bannen Rd 844 Bannen Rd 845 Bannen Rd 971 Bannen Rd 972 Bannen Rd 1382 Bannen Rd 1383 Bannen Rd 1384 Bannen Rd 1544 Bannen Rd 1545 Bannen Rd 253 Barker Rd 1771 BATES 1764 Bates Ct 1763 Bates Dr 1633 Bates Rd 1757 Bates Rd 1857 Bates Rd 559 Beige Rd 1436 Beige Rd 585 Bell 587 Bell 997 Bell St 1202 Bell St 1846 Bernhill Ct 1180 Best Ct 846 Best Rd 973 Best Rd 1179 Best Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 13th Appleway 31st 25th 16th 4th ACP Local Access 1,075 32 34,401 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 393 32 12,576 1 37 89 End ACP Local Access 165 36 5,955 1 29 60 End ACP Local Access 489 36 17,612 1 32 73 End End ACP Local Access 360 36 12,960 1 49 77 End 31st ACP Local Access 346 36 12,449 1 44 53 24th 25th ACP Collector 320 36 11,518 1 37 74 Boone Sinto ACP Local Access 664 40 26,541 1 30 77 Mallon Cataldo ACP Local Access 335 40 13,386 1 30 77 Valleyway Alki ACP Local Access 522 40 20,883 1 29 79 Sprague Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,462 30 43,868 1 52 66 8th End ACP Local Access 644 40 25,758 1 25 82 12th 13th ACP Local Access 507 36 18,258 1 30 77 End 15th ACP Local Access 144 40 5,740 1 49 77 17th Sunnyside ACP Local Access 1,012 40 40,490 1 29 61 23rd 24th ACP Local Access 721 40 28,835 1 29 61 Appleway Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 1,165 36 41,949 1 59 56 End End ACP Local Access 633 33 20,902 1 32 71 End End ACP Local Access 190 36 6,840 1 52 66 37th Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,036 36 37,302 1 30 58 25th 31st ACP Local Access 1,916 40 76,628 1 33 68 End 37th ACP Local Access 1,613 40 64,513 1 41 42 44th Ponderosa ACP Local Access 2,007 40 80,282 1 52 67 Bridgeport Courtland ACP Local Access 387 36 13,941 1 41 40 8th 10th ACP Local Access 590 36 21,240 1 65 77 Knox End ACP Local Access 514 32 16,462 1 37 89 Nora End ACP Local Access 537 28 15,022 5 65 76 End Alki ACP Local Access 648 30 19,454 1 49 77 Coach 3rd ACP Local Access 495 40 19,786 1 21 86 Marble End ACP Local Access 484 40 19,346 1 32 72 Rees 2nd ACP Local Access 1,081 36 38,913 1 30 57 Broadway Mission ACP Local Access 2,225 40 89,014 1 30 77 Valleyway Broadway ACP Local Access 1,184 32 37,888 1 29 79 End 4th ACP Local Access 517 28 14,486 1 49 77 A-LOC-Suit Trtmnt 58 0 89 0 60 0 73 0 77 0 53 0 74 0 77 0 77 0 79 0 66 0 82 0 77 0 77 0 61 0 61 0 56 0 71 0 66 0 58 0 68 0 42 0 67 0 40 0 77 0 89 0 90 5,859 77 0 86 0 72 0 57 0 77 0 79 0 77 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 34 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1385 Best Rd 1386 Best Rd 1550 Best Rd 1703 Best Rd 1936 Best Rd 1132 Bettman Rd 1972 Bettman Rd 1150 Beverly Dr 1151 Beverly Dr 830 Blake 210 Blake Rd 211 Blake Rd 953 Blake Rd 1174 Blake Rd 1370 Blake Rd 1371 Blake Rd 1525 Blake Rd 1939 Blake Rd 1011 Bloom Ci 1496 Blossey Av 1514 Blossey Av 1051 Bluff Dr 1052 Bluff Dr 841 Bolivar Av 1693 Bolivar Ct 1694 Bolivar Ct 842 Bolivar Rd 843 Bolivar Rd 969 Bolivar Rd 970 Bolivar Rd 1276 Bolivar Rd 1381 Bolivar Rd 1542 Bolivar Rd 1543 Bolivar Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th 12th 23rd 24th 10th ACP Local Access 668 40 26,740 1 45 81 13th ACP Local Access 505 36 18,169 1 25 83 24th ACP Local Access 411 40 16,434 1 29 62 32nd ACP Local Access 2,656 22 58,428 1 39 26 End Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,116 20 22,311 1 49 76 16th 19th ACP Local Access 1,466 24 35,177 1 21 86 12th 16th ACP Collector 1,037 24 24,888 1 26 86 Park Winter ACP Local Access 1,602 26 41,651 1 29 63 Winter Skyline ACP Local Access 271 26 7,048 1 29 64 End Mission ACP Local Access 1,989 20 39,781 1 65 76 Saltese 24th ACP Collector 2,576 20 51,516 3 69 47 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 24th SR 27 ACP Collector 1,543 23 35,487 1 34 62 Sprague Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,327 32 42,457 1 64 48 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,332 30 39,954 1 44 51 12th 16th ACP Local Access 1,338 20 26,760 1 64 47 8th 12th ACP Local Access 1,342 40 53,665 1 33 67 16th Saltese ACP Local Access 1,928 28 53,981 1 44 49 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,333 35 46,656 1 29 60 Laberry Laberry ACP Local Access 652 40 26,070 1 21 89 Vercler McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,737 1 44 52 McDonald McCabe ACP Local Access 1,347 40 53,878 1 44 53 Mica Park End ACP Local Access 245 36 8,818 1 29 61 End 16th ACP Local Access 509 36 18,306 1 30 77 Sharp Sinto ACP Local Access 313 30 9,400 1 49 77 End 26th ACP Local Access 243 36 8,759 1 30 59 31st End ACP Local Access 165 36 5,955 1 29 64 Sinto Mission ACP Local Access 374 40 14,967 1 30 78 Cataldo Desmet ACP Local Access 337 40 13,477 1 30 77 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 793 40 31,728 1 44 48 Main Valleyway ACP Local Access 672 40 26,868 1 49 57 4th 6th ACP Local Access 592 20 11,848 1 45 81 14th 16th ACP Local Access 668 40 26,716 1 32 72 16th 20th ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,914 1 29 61 21st End ACP Local Access 726 40 29,032 1 29 60 81 0 83 0 62 0 26 0 76 0 86 0 86 0 63 0 64 0 76 0 96 105,436 62 0 48 0 51 0 47 0 67 0 49 0 60 0 89 0 52 0 53 0 61 0 77 0 77 0 59 0 64 0 78 0 77 0 48 0 57 0 81 0 72 0 61 0 60 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 35 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1695 Bolivar Rd 618 Boone Av 619 Boone Av 631 Boone Av 817 Boone Av 826 Boone Av 836 Boone Av 1004 Bow Av 1854 Bowdish High Ct 1856 Bowdish Low Ct 189 Bowdish Rd 190 Bowdish Rd 191 Bowdish Rd 192 Bowdish Rd 193 Bowdish Rd 1821 Bowdish Rd 1855 Bowdish Rd 1885 Bowdish Rd 1886 Bowdish Rd 1888 Bowdish Rd 1889 Bowdish Rd 1033 Bradley Rd 1094 Bradley Rd 1115 Bradley Rd 554 Bridgeport Av 1159 Broadview Dr 41 Broadway Av 42 Broadway Av 43 Broadway Av 50 Broadway Av 51 Broadway Av 1875 Broadway Av 1876 Broadway Av 1934 Buckeye Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 26th Greenacres Long Barker Pines McDonald Evergreen Greenacres End 48th Sprague Sprague 31st ACP Local Access 1,666 36 59,980 1 30 58 58 0 Barker ACP Local Access 1,308 16 20,934 1 21 87 87 0 Barker ACP Local Access 2,664 20 53,275 1 37 87 87 0 Hodges ACP Local Access 2,432 20 48,632 1 21 87 87 0 Vercler ACP Local Access 1,336 26 34,726 1 41 44 44 0 Blake ACP Local Access 1,316 40 52,643 1 32 74 74 0 Best ACP Local Access 1,325 40 52,986 1 49 77 77 0 Barker ACP Local Access 1,433 20 28,662 1 21 87 87 0 Bowdish Low ACP Local Access 385 40 15,418 1 29 63 63 0 End ACP Local Access 211 40 8,439 1 30 58 58 0 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,666 40 106,630 1 40 73 73 0 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,331 40 53,235 1 37 60 60 0 6th 6th ACP Minor Arterial 1,311 40 52,445 1 37 62 62 0 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,654 33 87,581 1 40 71 71 0 Dishman Mica Sands ACP Collector 565 36 20,349 1 34 58 58 0 Sands 44th ACP Local Access 1,336 40 53,442 1 30 58 58 0 45th 46th ACP Local Access 292 40 11,669 1 32 73 73 0 8th 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,684 26 69,786 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 176,559 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,645 33 87,290 1 49 40 40 0 32nd 37th ACP Minor Arterial 1,822 28 51,016 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 129,070 37th Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,784 28 49,956 4 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 120,394 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,322 32 42,309 1 33 68 68 0 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,328 24 31,867 1 32 72 72 0 8th 11th ACP Local Access 999 30 29,980 1 32 74 74 0 End Barker ACP Local Access 1,286 40 51,446 1 39 25 25 0 End End ACP Local Access 393 14 5,504 1 44 51 51 0 Park Vista ACP Minor Arterial 2,584 44 113,692 1 29 88 88 0 Vista Argonne ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,848 1 37 58 58 0 Farr Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,326 44 58,323 4 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 140,558 Sullivan Conklin ACP Minor Arterial 2,601 24 62,429 1 57 56 56 0 Conklin Flora ACP Minor Arterial 2,694 24 64,653 1 29 90 90 0 Argonne Farr ACP Minor Arterial 1,987 44 87,438 1 49 39 39 0 Herald University ACP Minor Arterial 1,989 44 87,498 1 37 58 58 0 Barker End ACP Local Access 2,631 26 68,403 1 41 37 37 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 36 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1557 Burns Ct 855 Burns Rd 980 Burns Rd 1187 Burns Rd 1408 Burns Rd 1409 Burns Rd 1410 Burns Rd 1565 Burns Rd 1566 Burns Rd 1129 Buttercup St 849 Calvin Rd 975 Calvin Rd 1278 Calvin Rd 1387 Calvin Rd 1388 Calvin Rd 1551 Calvin Rd 1708 Cameron Ct 1012 Cane Ci 129 Carnahan Rd 130 Carnahan Rd 1919 Carnahan Rd 1600 Carnine Ct 621 Cataldo Av 820 Cataldo Av 828 Cataldo Av 838 Cataldo Av 851 Cataldo Av 632 Cataldo Rd 1222 Cecilia 1154 Center Dr 1155 Center Dr 1282 Century Ct 1571 Century Ct 1415 Century Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 20th Broadway Val leyway 2nd End Mission Broadway ACP Local Access 225 32 7,200 1 49 57 ACP Local Access 1,578 40 63,125 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 1,319 30 39,581 1 32 74 4th ACP Local Access 494 40 19,750 1 45 82 8th 10th ACP Local Access 486 36 17,505 1 30 78 11th 12th ACP Local Access 524 36 18,865 1 45 81 14th 16th ACP Local Access 642 36 23,126 1 52 66 17th 20th ACP Local Access 777 32 24,874 1 44 52 21st End ACP Local Access 818 36 29,448 1 41 44 16th End ACP Local Access 847 36 30,497 1 32 74 Mallon Sharp ACP Local Access 1,281 40 51,223 1 30 77 Main Nixon ACP Local Access 377 40 15,071 1 29 80 6th 7th ACP Local Access 320 40 12,804 1 45 80 8th 10th ACP Local Access 680 36 24,475 1 32 74 10th 12th ACP Local Access 643 40 25,732 1 45 81 Early Dawn 24th ACP Local Access 1,915 40 76,602 1 29 60 End Sonora ACP Local Access 430 36 15,483 1 41 40 Laberry Laberry ACP Local Access 544 40 21,752 1 21 87 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 18 23,910 1 40 72 8th End ACP Minor Arterial 2,648 24 63,552 1 28 95 Sprague 3rd ACP Local Access 991 16 15,850 1 30 58 22nd End ACP Local Access 585 40 23,400 1 42 35 Flora Long ACP Local Access 2,989 18 53,810 1 21 89 Virginia McDonald ACP Local Access 964 40 38,545 1 32 74 McDonald End ACP Local Access 1,639 22 36,060 1 32 74 Evergreen Adams ACP Local Access 2,697 40 107,880 1 49 77 St Charles Mission ACP Local Access 940 40 37,585 1 32 74 Barker End ACP Local Access 2,848 28 79,734 1 21 87 End End ACP Local Access 265 40 10,600 1 41 44 End Skyline ACP Local Access 1,402 12 16,821 1 52 66 Skyline Beverly ACP Local Access 560 20 11,205 1 29 61 Sullivan End ACP Local Access 362 40 14,494 1 41 44 End 22nd ACP Local Access 350 36 12,600 4 64 45 12th 12th ACP Local Access 1,002 40 40,069 1 33 68 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 57 0 74 0 74 0 82 0 78 0 81 0 66 0 52 0 44 0 74 0 77 0 80 0 80 0 74 0 81 0 60 0 40 0 87 0 72 0 95 0 58 0 35 0 89 0 74 0 74 0 77 0 74 0 87 0 44 0 66 0 61 0 44 0 96 22,568 68 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 37 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c a LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1416 Century Rd 1653 Cherry Ct 1488 Cherry Rd 1654 Cherry Rd 1655 Cherry Rd 431 Cherry St 432 Cherry St 1586 Cheryl Ct 1710 Cheryl Ct 1712 Cheryl Ct 1452 Chinook Rd 649 Chronicle Rd 1064 Chronicle Rd 1068 Chronicle Rd 1794 Cimmaron Dr 1806 Cimmaron Dr 1814 Cimmaron Dr 950 Clinton Rd 1368 Clinton Rd 1369 Clinton Rd 1519 Clinton Rd 1666 Clinton Rd 584 Coach 622 Coach 1201 Coach Ct 1195 Coach Dr 1035 Coleman Rd 1095 Coleman Rd 1116 Coleman Rd 1257 Collins Ct 1490 Collins Ct 940 Collins Rd 1354 Collins Rd 1500 Collins Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 14th 16th ACP Local Access 516 40 20,629 1 30 58 24th End ACP Local Access 206 40 8,257 1 44 54 20th 21st ACP Local Access 355 40 14,190 1 44 54 26th 27th ACP Local Access 510 40 20,380 1 44 53 Skyview End ACP Local Access 505 40 20,211 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Mirabeau Pinecroft ACP Local Access 642 44 28,240 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Mansfield End ACP Local Access 1,160 32 37,118 1 29 61 End 20th ACP Local Access 400 36 14,416 1 30 78 27th End ACP Local Access 524 36 18,856 1 21 86 End 27th ACP Local Access 705 36 25,373 1 49 76 Balfour 19th ACP Local Access 730 30 21,912 1 29 61 Sprague 3rd ACP Local Access 989 18 17,808 1 33 68 4th 6th ACP Local Access 669 21 14,040 1 49 76 8th 9th ACP Local Access 332 28 9,290 1 52 66 Sunderland Schafer ACP Local Access 1,821 32 58,273 1 29 64 Schafer End ACP Local Access 1,005 36 36,182 1 25 84 End Forest Meadows ACP Local Access 291 40 11,651 1 32 71 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 665 40 26,584 1 41 41 8th 10th ACP Local Access 670 40 26,807 1 49 57 10th 12th ACP Local Access 671 28 18,787 1 33 67 16th Wick ACP Local Access 615 40 24,616 1 30 58 Skyview 32nd ACP Local Access 707 40 28,275 1 49 76 End Shannon ACP Local Access 755 32 24,160 1 21 87 Maxwell End ACP Local Access 326 24 7,824 1 21 87 4th End ACP Local Access 438 36 15,764 1 21 86 3rd Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,674 36 60,275 1 21 86 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,319 32 42,214 1 29 63 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,331 32 42,601 1 32 73 8th 12th ACP Local Access 1,171 24 28,092 1 32 75 End 6th ACP Local Access 139 36 4,987 1 49 56 End 23rd ACP Local Access 389 36 13,992 1 44 54 Olive Broadway ACP Local Access 977 40 39,064 1 44 49 8th End ACP Local Access 673 40 26,913 1 33 67 Saltese Houk ACP Local Access 484 40 19,366 1 64 48 58 0 54 0 54 0 53 0 96 36,200 94 34,201 61 0 78 0 86 0 76 0 61 0 68 0 76 0 66 0 64 0 84 0 71 0 41 0 57 0 67 0 58 0 76 0 87 0 87 0 86 0 86 0 63 0 73 0 75 0 56 0 54 0 49 0 67 0 48 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 38 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1503 Collins Rd 1658 Collins Rd 1659 Collins Rd 1805 Conifer Ct 1593 Conklin Ct 1599 Conklin Ct 243 Conklin Rd 1193 Conklin Rd 1601 Conklin Rd 730 Corbin Ct 1002 Corbin PI 999 Corbin Rd 553 Courtland Av 996 Cowley Av 1293 Crossbow Ct 1063 Custer Rd 1918 Custer Rd 1078 Custer St 1039 Dale Rd 556 Dalton Av 1812 Darcy Dr 1058 Dartmouth Rd 1307 Dartmouth Rd 1449 Dartmouth Rd 1029 David St 1136 David St 1138 David St 1529 Davis Ct 1673 Davis Ct 1681 Davis Ct 1528 Davis Rd 1684 Davis Rd 1605 Daybreak Ln 648 Dearborn Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 16th 26th Lenora End End 22nd Sprague Sprague Vera Crest Broadway Appleway Appleway Velox Corbin Robinhood 4th Sprague 16th 1st Velox End Sprague 13th 19th Saltese Skyview 32nd Cimmaron Limerick End Broadway Rotchford 23rd End Appleway Alki Donwood Barker ACP Local Access 259 40 10,352 1 44 53 53 0 ACP Local Access 823 40 32,938 1 49 56 56 0 ACP Local Access 825 40 32,998 1 49 56 56 0 ACP Local Access 706 36 25,413 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 155 36 5,580 1 33 67 67 0 ACP Local Access 190 40 7,600 1 39 26 26 0 ACP Collector 2,654 24 63,701 1 37 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 1,459 44 64,211 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,718 40 68,716 1 26 32 32 0 ACP Local Access 286 37 10,593 1 32 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 949 22 20,885 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 2,029 18 36,530 1 21 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 942 36 33,918 1 44 49 49 0 ACP Local Access 3,886 22 85,498 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 487 40 19,496 1 30 77 77 0 8th ACP Local Access 1,332 20 26,637 1 30 78 78 0 3rd ACP Local Access 990 24 23,762 1 30 58 58 0 End ACP Local Access 1,199 31 37,165 1 32 73 73 0 Appleway ACP Local Access 259 40 10,362 1 44 54 54 0 Donwood ACP Local Access 958 36 34,501 1 41 43 43 0 University ACP Local Access 498 40 19,926 1 21 86 86 0 Appleway ACP Local Access 836 30 25,086 1 52 66 66 0 16th ACP Local Access 1,077 32 34,449 1 44 48 48 0 20th ACP Local Access 282 40 11,282 1 29 62 62 0 1st 4th ACP Local Access 992 26 25,781 1 44 52 52 0 14th 17th ACP Local Access 852 36 30,678 1 21 86 86 0 17th 18th ACP Local Access 389 36 14,004 1 21 86 86 0 23rd End ACP Local Access 265 36 9,540 1 30 57 57 0 End 25th ACP Local Access 108 60 6,463 1 30 59 59 0 31st End ACP Local Access 133 60 7,971 1 49 57 57 0 17th 20th ACP Local Access 982 40 39,291 1 49 55 55 0 25th 31st ACP Local Access 1,914 40 76,574 1 30 58 58 0 Dusk End ACP Local Access 1,196 31 37,064 1 32 69 69 0 Sprague 3rd ACP Local Access 990 24 23,754 1 29 64 64 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 39 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1062 Dearborn Rd 818 Desmet Av 819 Desmet Av 827 Desmet Av 837 Desmet Av 1759 Diana Ct 134 Dickey Rd 433 Discovery PI 161 Dishman Mica Rd 162 Dishman Mica Rd 163 Dishman Mica Rd 164 Dishman Mica Rd 165 Dishman Mica Rd 166 Dishman Mica Rd 167 Dishman Mica Rd 1040 Dishman Rd 1042 Dishman Rd 1043 Dishman Rd 1044 Dishman Rd 1028 Dollar Rd 1112 Dollar Rd 560 Donwood Rd 1034 Dora St 1013 Dove Ci 1793 Driftwood Ct 1795 Driftwood Dr 602 Drummond St 609 Drummond St 1596 Dusk Ln 1027 Dyer Rd 1135 Dyer Rd 1700 Early Dawn Ct 1548 Early Dawn Dr 1026 Eastern Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 4th Pines Virginia McDonald Evergreen Loretta 8th Mansfield 16th 24th 32nd Schafer 40th Sands Thorpe Sprague 1st Appleway 8th Appleway 8th Dalton Sprague Laberry 39th Cimmaron Montgomery Mission End Sprague 14th 31st 17th 2ND AV 8th Vercler McDonald Blake Best ACP Local Access 1,327 22 29,203 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Local Access 1,334 32 42,695 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 962 40 38,460 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,317 40 52,667 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,325 40 53,017 1 49 77 77 0 End ACP Local Access 445 36 16,020 1 44 51 51 0 12th ACP Collector 1,528 24 36,672 1 54 75 75 0 End ACP Local Access 1,060 36 38,169 1 52 67 67 0 24th ACP Principal Arterial 2,942 66 194,146 1 31 91 91 0 32nd ACP Principal Arterial 2,864 68 194,783 1 31 91 91 0 Schafer ACP Principal Arterial 1,289 76 97,963 1 31 91 91 0 40th ACP Minor Arterial 2,050 40 81,993 1 40 72 72 0 Sands ACP Minor Arterial 1,718 46 79,005 1 37 63 63 0 Thorpe ACP Minor Arterial 2,734 40 109,344 1 60 66 66 0 End ACP Minor Arterial 1,439 40 57,559 1 37 60 60 0 1st ACP Local Access 325 37 12,032 1 29 61 61 0 Appleway ACP Local Access 530 37 19,602 1 49 76 76 0 8th ACP Local Access 2,527 26 65,698 1 29 62 62 0 Siesta ACP Local Access 1,850 50 92,486 1 30 78 78 0 1st ACP Local Access 333 50 16,632 1 33 68 68 0 End ACP Local Access 1,207 36 43,437 1 33 67 67 0 Courtland ACP Local Access 776 36 27,934 1 44 54 54 0 3rd ACP Local Access 989 26 25,722 1 52 66 66 0 Laberry ACP Local Access 893 40 35,724 1 21 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 257 36 9,250 1 29 59 59 0 Sunderland ACP Local Access 1,671 30 50,144 1 21 86 86 0 Marlin ACP Local Access 932 40 37,270 1 64 47 47 0 Indiana ACP Local Access 932 32 29,813 1 45 77 77 0 End ACP Local Access 907 31 28,130 1 32 69 69 0 1st ACP Local Access 346 40 13,843 1 44 53 53 0 17th ACP Local Access 844 36 30,394 1 21 86 86 0 End ACP Local Access 207 36 7,470 1 33 68 68 0 Sunnyside ACP Local Access 1,462 40 58,487 1 29 61 61 0 4th ACP Local Access 552 32 17,663 1 44 53 53 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 40 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1090 Eastern Rd 1111 Eastern Rd 1134 Eastern Rd 1083 Eastwood Av 591 Eden 557 Eden St 1152 Edgerton Rd 1032 Elizabeth Rd 1114 Elizabeth St 232 Evergreen Rd 233 Evergreen Rd 234 Evergreen Rd 235 Evergreen Rd 1896 Evergreen Rd 594 Fairview Ct 257 Fancher Frontage Rd 132 Fancher Rd 322 Fancher Rd 1140 Fancher Rd 1866 Fancher Rd 1867 Fancher Rd 1868 Fancher Rd 1969 Fancher Rd 172 Farr Rd 173 Farr Rd 174 Farr Rd 175 Farr Rd 1297 Farr Rd 1800 Farr Rd 1834 Farr Rd 1447 Fawn Dr 1808 Felts Ct 1838 Felts Ln 1238 Felts Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services End 8th 17th Koren Michielli Euclid Vista Sprague 8th Sprague 4th 8th 12th End Howe End ACP Local Access 1,195 20 23,898 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,327 28 37,148 1 49 75 75 0 ACP Local Access 1,472 36 52,995 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 566 21 11,889 1 49 76 76 0 ACP Local Access 1,056 28 29,568 1 21 87 87 0 End ACP Local Access 1,663 43 71,510 1 30 57 57 0 12th ACP Local Access 1,407 40 56,292 1 33 68 68 0 4th ACP Local Access 1,320 22 29,038 1 29 64 64 0 End ACP Local Access 442 20 8,845 1 39 26 26 0 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,338 73 97,654 1 37 79 79 0 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,336 30 40,088 1 37 78 78 0 8th 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,673 30 80,194 1 38 77 77 0 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,646 30 79,380 1 29 91 91 0 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,660 26 69,161 1 28 95 95 0 End Joel ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 46 46 0 Sharp Railroad ACP Collector 898 20 17,964 1 34 59 59 0 Sharp Trent ACP Minor Arterial 2,510 52 130,504 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 330,175 Trent End PCC Local Access 53 52 2,756 1 31 95 95 0 14th 15th ACP Local Access 308 32 9,867 1 44 48 48 0 Sprague 3rd PCC Minor Arterial 872 40 34,865 1 48 82 82 0 Sprague Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,651 70 185,598 1 49 37 37 0 Broadway Sharp ACP Minor Arterial 1,527 52 79,404 1 49 39 39 0 Woodlawn 8th ACP Local Access 343 20 6,858 1 50 55 55 0 Sprague Broadway ACP Collector 2,649 28 74,177 1 57 66 66 0 Sprague Appleway ACP Collector 737 28 20,634 1 26 91 91 0 Appleway 4th ACP Collector 600 28 16,803 1 31 31 31 0 4th 8th ACP Collector 1,323 28 37,036 1 31 32 32 0 8th Archery ACP Local Access 195 30 5,851 1 64 46 46 0 43rd 44th ACP Local Access 495 36 17,820 1 21 86 86 0 44th Holman ACP Local Access 1,704 27 46,017 1 21 86 86 0 18th Herald ACP Local Access 1,968 40 78,731 1 29 62 62 0 Pondra End ACP Local Access 241 30 7,240 1 21 86 86 0 48th End ACP Local Access 1,563 27 42,206 1 21 86 86 0 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,319 30 39,584 1 33 68 68 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 41 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1308 1450 1829 1837 1844 564 249 1200 1932 1818 1670 392 1752 1166 1251 1330 1636 1751 1491 1426 1832 1735 1736 1845 1849 1096 1117 1921 1734 1244 1317 1318 1623 1949 Felts Rd Felts Rd Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Flora Pit Rd Flora Rd Flora Rd Flora Rd Forest Meadows Dr Forrest Av Fox Fox Ct Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox St Gails Park Ct Galway St Gertrude Dr Gillis Ct Gillis Rd Gillis St Gillis Way Ct Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Glenn Ct Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th 16th 50th Holman Van Marter Sullivan Sprague 4th End Sundown 24th Jackson End Sprague 4th 12th Lenora 35th 23rd End Ponderosa End 34th 44th 48th 9th Balfour Van Martel- 50th Ponderosa End Broadway 4th Euclid 44th ACP Local Access 360 32 11,511 1 52 67 ACP Local Access 1,368 36 49,259 1 29 65 ACP Local Access 2,357 27 63,637 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 205 27 5,542 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 2,413 40 96,532 1 30 78 ACP Local Access 5,924 24 142,167 1 65 77 ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 26 68,965 1 33 83 ACP Local Access 1,721 30 51,616 1 25 83 ACP Local Access 1,412 24 33,888 1 41 45 ACP Local Access 2,391 40 95,634 1 32 70 26th ACP Local Access 836 40 33,456 1 30 57 End ACP Local Access 400 32 12,800 1 30 58 35th ACP Local Access 207 36 7,463 1 42 35 1st ACP Local Access 322 28 9,027 1 41 44 6th ACP Local Access 660 40 26,391 1 44 54 15th ACP Local Access 1,046 38 39,753 1 29 62 32nd ACP Local Access 1,344 40 53,768 1 49 75 37th ACP Local Access 645 36 23,220 1 64 47 End ACP Local Access 80 65 5,201 1 44 52 Limerick ACP Local Access 426 36 15,330 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 1,444 50 72,209 1 21 86 33rd ACP Local Access 205 36 7,381 1 41 42 35th ACP Local Access 465 36 16,740 1 64 47 46th ACP Local Access 651 40 26,031 1 52 67 End ACP Local Access 330 40 13,212 1 32 72 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,327 28 37,166 1 52 66 8th 12th ACP Local Access 1,167 24 28,010 1 32 75 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,324 28 37,083 1 52 66 End 35th ACP Local Access 961 36 34,584 1 41 42 7th 6th ACP Local Access 1,045 23 24,035 1 29 64 15th 16th ACP Local Access 375 28 10,494 1 29 61 12th 15th ACP Local Access 1,015 38 38,557 1 32 72 24th 32nd ACP Local Access 2,642 32 84,558 1 41 39 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,642 40 105,682 1 41 38 67 0 65 0 86 0 86 0 78 0 77 0 83 0 83 0 45 0 70 0 57 0 58 0 35 0 44 0 54 0 62 0 75 0 47 0 52 0 90 5,689 86 0 42 0 47 0 67 0 72 0 66 0 75 0 66 0 42 0 64 0 61 0 72 0 39 0 38 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 42 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1476 Glenview Ci 595 Grace Ct 430 Grace Ln 1908 Grady Ln 1909 Grady Ln 633 Grady Rd 1080 Granite Dr 1081 Granite Point Dr 592 Greenacres 627 Greenacres Rd 1001 Greenacres Rd 1219 Greenacres Rd 1435 Greenacres Rd 1494 Guthrie Dr 603 Harmony Rd 1017 Harmony Rd 1438 Harmony Rd 1074 Havana Yale Rd 1137 Hazel Rd 136 Heacox Av 177 Herald Rd 1237 Herald Rd 1448 Herald Rd 1877 Herald Rd 1878 Herald Rd 1879 Herald Rd 1850 High Way Ct 1147 Highland Dr 634 Hodges Rd 1022 Hodges Rd 1231 Hodges Rd 1228 Holiday 1020 Holiday Ct 1023 Holiday Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 22nd End Pines 22nd ACP Local Access 1,072 40 42,888 1 29 62 62 0 Joel ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 48 48 0 Cherry ACP Local Access 303 36 10,907 1 29 60 60 0 4th End ACP Local Access 410 40 16,411 1 29 63 63 0 6th End ACP Local Access 121 40 4,846 1 29 63 63 0 Boone Mission ACP Local Access 825 36 29,684 1 21 89 89 0 5th Granite Point ACP Local Access 649 17 11,029 1 49 75 75 0 Carnahan McKinnon ACP Local Access 1,249 18 22,480 1 49 76 76 0 Mission Mansfield ACP Local Access 2,482 18 44,676 1 21 87 87 0 End Mission ACP Local Access 2,035 14 28,489 1 21 87 87 0 Sprague End ACP Local Access 3,012 18 54,213 1 29 60 60 0 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,333 18 23,991 1 21 86 86 0 8th 9th ACP Local Access 290 36 10,438 1 65 77 77 0 19th 25th ACP Local Access 2,479 50 123,939 1 41 37 37 0 Marlin Buckeye ACP Local Access 466 40 18,646 1 64 48 48 0 Sprague Valleyway ACP Local Access 868 40 34,700 1 21 89 89 0 8th End ACP Local Access 794 37 29,393 1 32 75 75 0 Yale 16th ACP Local Access 404 20 8,078 1 44 49 49 0 End 14th ACP Local Access 205 36 7,384 1 21 86 86 0 Thierman Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 3,316 36 119,393 1 40 68 68 0 8th 16th ACP Collector 2,673 40 106,928 1 34 60 60 0 4th End ACP Local Access 331 22 7,277 1 30 77 77 0 20th Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 1,643 40 65,722 1 29 63 63 0 End Broadway ACP Collector 1,729 26 44,952 1 57 67 67 0 Main End ACP Collector 265 36 9,540 1 34 64 64 0 Sprague Main ACP Collector 663 26 17,239 1 34 59 59 0 End Low Way ACP Local Access 404 40 16,144 1 52 66 66 0 Center Beverly ACP Local Access 987 28 27,629 1 29 63 63 0 Boone Mission ACP Local Access 764 36 27,504 1 21 89 89 0 Main Laberry ACP Local Access 1,373 40 54,905 1 37 87 87 0 Sprague 8th ACP Local Access 2,665 14 37,309 1 21 91 91 0 Michigan End ACP Local Access 1,321 33 43,583 1 49 77 77 0 Main End ACP Local Access 155 40 6,198 1 21 89 89 0 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 498 40 19,929 1 21 89 89 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 43 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1229 Holiday Rd 1820 Hollow Ct 1819 Hollow St 1828 Holman Rd 1423 Homestead Ct 1657 Houk Ct 429 Houk Rd 821 Houk Rd 943 Houk Rd 1172 Houk Rd 1256 Houk Rd 1258 Houk Rd 1352 Houk Rd 1353 Houk Rd 1497 Houk Rd 728 Houk St 1656 Houk St 651 Howe Rd 653 Howe Rd 1088 Howe Rd 1920 Howe St 1728 Hula Ct 574 Indiana Av 575 Indiana Av 608 Indiana Av 697 Indiana Ct 414 Jackson 605 Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr 599 Jackson Dr 601 Joel Rd 1437 Joel Rd 1740 Johnson St 1097 Kahuna Dr 1281 Kailas Ct IMS Infrastructure Management Services 6th End Sundown Spencer End 26th Shannon Sinto Sprague Sprague 7th Sundown 44th Van Martel- End End Mansfield Mission Main ACP Local Access 462 33 15,249 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 400 40 16,000 1 32 72 ACP Local Access 1,010 40 40,390 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 3,959 24 95,013 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 745 30 22,344 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 203 40 8,132 1 44 53 ACP Local Access 622 40 24,860 4 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 681 40 27,233 1 64 46 ACP Local Access 673 28 18,844 1 44 48 1st ACP Local Access 447 38 16,976 1 29 63 4th End ACP Local Access 659 40 26,363 1 64 45 7th 8th ACP Local Access 480 40 19,214 1 49 57 8th End ACP Local Access 655 40 26,216 1 52 66 End 14th ACP Local Access 979 30 29,364 1 29 62 Saltese Vercler ACP Local Access 1,237 40 49,462 1 44 52 Mission End ACP Local Access 472 35 16,507 1 41 43 24th 25th ACP Local Access 374 40 14,956 1 44 51 Sprague Koren ACP Local Access 423 39 16,502 1 32 69 Koren 3rd ACP Local Access 699 39 27,277 1 29 60 4th Eastwood ACP Local Access 827 21 17,358 1 49 76 14th 16th ACP Local Access 643 36 23,150 1 64 48 End Woodward ACP Local Access 320 36 11,531 1 32 70 Arc Tschirley ACP Local Access 260 32 8,320 1 37 89 Tschirley Barker ACP Local Access 3,903 16 62,441 1 21 95 Barker End ACP Local Access 2,715 40 108,615 1 21 87 End End ACP Local Access 1,846 18 33,227 1 44 53 Fox End ACP Local Access 400 40 16,000 1 30 58 End Jackson ACP Local Access 115 40 4,600 1 40 14 Barker Montgomery ACP Local Access 1,007 40 40,289 1 41 42 Buckeye End ACP Local Access 805 36 28,992 1 64 48 8th 9th ACP Local Access 480 40 19,203 1 29 62 38th 40th ACP Local Access 495 36 17,820 1 32 70 End Carnahan ACP Local Access 993 36 35,763 1 42 33 End End ACP Local Access 200 36 7,200 1 29 63 77 0 72 0 69 0 84 0 86 0 53 0 94 33,202 46 0 48 0 63 0 45 0 57 0 66 0 62 0 52 0 43 0 51 0 69 0 60 0 76 0 48 0 70 0 89 0 95 0 87 0 53 0 58 0 14 0 42 0 48 0 62 0 70 0 33 0 63 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 44 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1520 Keller Rd 1521 Keller Rd 1522 Keller Rd 578 Knox 370 Knox Av 573 Knox Av 652 Koren Rd 1087 Koren Rd 1141 Koren Rd 1008 Laberry Dr 1126 Lake Rd 1131 Lake Rd 1133 Lake Rd 1175 Leatha Ln 1629 Lenora Dr 1649 Lenora Dr 1261 Leta Rd 555 Liberty Av 1425 Limerick Dr 1574 Limerick Dr 1475 Linda Ln 1298 Little John Ct 1077 Lloyd St 1799 Locust Rd 1230 Lone Tree Rd 590 Long Rd 626 Long Rd 1000 Long Rd 1216 Long Rd 1745 Loretta Dr 1283 Lucille Ln 1486 Macy Ct 935 Main Av 947 Main Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 16th Wick Saltese Eden Locust End Howe 4th 16th Barker 19th Seehorn Moreland Wick Saltese Sem ro Greenacres End Tschirley 3rd Eastwood Rocky Ridge End Seehorn End ACP Local Access 719 40 28,772 1 50 55 ACP Local Access 340 40 13,607 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 682 40 27,265 1 44 48 ACP Local Access 390 30 11,700 1 37 89 ACP Local Access 472 30 14,174 1 29 60 ACP Local Access 1,198 32 38,338 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 701 30 21,016 1 29 60 ACP Local Access 1,130 21 23,730 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 963 40 38,512 1 41 44 ACP Local Access 2,890 32 92,489 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 839 36 30,196 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 562 36 20,228 1 21 86 19th ACP Local Access 641 36 23,080 1 21 86 3rd 4th ACP Local Access 441 40 17,650 1 52 66 Bates Pines ACP Local Access 2,512 40 100,480 1 32 74 Cherry Virginia ACP Local Access 1,401 40 56,058 1 49 56 4th 6th ACP Local Access 657 40 26,281 1 29 64 Velox McKee ACP Local Access 677 36 24,371 1 44 51 Galway 16th ACP Local Access 1,117 30 33,524 1 21 86 16th Sonora ACP Local Access 1,528 36 55,017 1 49 75 16th 19th ACP Local Access 1,060 40 42,386 1 32 70 10th End ACP Local Access 272 36 9,792 1 65 77 End 15th ACP Local Access 330 30 9,914 1 52 66 End 44th ACP Local Access 660 36 23,771 1 21 86 4th 6th ACP Local Access 543 33 17,930 1 65 77 Mission Riverway ACP Local Access 3,214 18 57,852 1 21 87 Cataldo Mission ACP Local Access 2,021 18 36,383 1 21 87 Appleway End ACP Local Access 2,370 16 37,915 1 21 91 Sprague 8th ACP Local Access 2,490 22 54,776 1 25 84 34th Pines ACP Local Access 2,235 40 89,409 1 44 54 4th End ACP Local Access 571 37 21,138 1 29 62 End April ACP Local Access 194 40 7,776 1 44 53 Pines McDonald ACP Local Access 2,665 24 63,960 1 64 46 End Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,001 36 36,038 1 64 48 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 55 0 58 0 48 0 89 0 60 0 89 0 60 0 77 0 44 0 89 0 86 0 86 0 86 0 66 0 74 0 56 0 64 0 51 0 86 0 75 0 70 0 90 3,144 66 0 86 0 77 0 87 0 87 0 91 0 84 0 54 0 62 0 53 0 46 0 48 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 45 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 948 Main Av 966 Main Av 967 Main Av 990 Main Av 995 Main Av 1021 Main Av 839 Mallon Av 840 Mallon Av 852 Mallon Av 829 Mallon Ct 1527 Mamer Ct 729 Mamer Rd 831 Mamer Rd 956 Mamer Rd 957 Mamer Rd 1270 Mamer Rd 1271 Mamer Rd 1373 Mamer Rd 1526 Mamer Rd 1683 Mamer Rd 577 Mansfield 427 Mansfield Av 428 Mansfield Av 572 Mansfield Av 1405 Marcus Ct 1564 Marcus Ct 1299 Mariam St 562 Marietta Av 563 Marietta Av 596 Marietta Av 597 Marietta Av 1406 Marigold Ct 1407 Marigold Rd 1947 Marigold St IMS Infrastructure Management Services McDonald End Best Conklin Flora Holiday Evergreen End Progress McDonald End Mission Broadway Val leyway Main End ACP Local Access 621 40 24,858 1 44 49 Bolivar ACP Local Access 406 40 16,250 1 44 50 Adams ACP Local Access 1,312 36 47,236 1 64 46 End ACP Local Access 1,339 30 40,165 1 25 83 Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,059 18 19,067 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 718 40 28,702 1 21 89 Best ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,925 1 49 77 Warren ACP Local Access 601 40 24,031 1 49 77 St Charles ACP Local Access 267 50 13,346 1 32 74 End ACP Local Access 517 40 20,664 1 32 74 24th ACP Local Access 238 36 8,555 1 49 57 Nora ACP Local Access 635 30 19,043 1 32 74 Mission ACP Local Access 2,627 24 63,037 1 32 74 Alki ACP Local Access 650 36 23,394 1 32 74 Valleyway ACP Local Access 534 36 19,228 1 32 74 5th 7th ACP Local Access 683 40 27,321 1 41 42 7th 8th ACP Local Access 318 40 12,720 1 52 66 8th End ACP Local Access 1,338 40 53,527 1 33 68 16th 20th ACP Local Access 1,324 36 47,668 1 30 57 30th 32nd ACP Local Access 421 40 16,851 1 29 60 Eden Greenacres ACP Local Access 390 30 11,700 1 37 89 End Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,550 48 122,420 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Pines Houk ACP Local Access 950 40 37,994 1 41 39 End End ACP Local Access 659 32 21,088 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 8th End ACP Local Access 344 40 13,760 1 30 79 End 20th ACP Local Access 330 32 10,560 1 30 57 Archery Robinhood ACP Local Access 1,530 36 55,070 1 30 79 End Sullivan ACP Local Access 638 38 24,252 1 52 66 Sullivan Euclid ACP Local Access 3,428 58 198,832 1 49 76 Harmony McMillan ACP Local Access 561 40 22,428 1 44 54 McMillan Montgomery ACP Local Access 632 40 25,262 1 39 22 End 12th ACP Local Access 480 36 17,280 1 33 68 8th End ACP Local Access 315 28 8,831 1 49 77 12th 14th ACP Local Access 706 36 25,406 1 45 81 49 0 50 0 46 0 83 0 91 0 89 0 77 0 77 0 74 0 74 0 57 0 74 0 74 0 74 0 74 0 42 0 66 0 68 0 57 0 60 0 89 0 94 148,264 39 0 90 8,224 79 0 57 0 79 0 66 0 76 0 54 0 22 0 68 0 77 0 81 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 46 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 598 Marlin Dr 612 Maxwell 613 Maxwell Av 614 Maxwell Av 615 Maxwell Av 812 Maxwell Av 813 Maxwell Av 954 Mayhew Rd 955 Mayhew Rd 951 McCabe Rd 952 McCabe Rd 1523 McCabe Rd 1524 McCabe Rd 1671 McCabe Rd 199 McDonald Rd 200 McDonald Rd 201 McDonald Rd 207 McDonald Rd 208 McDonald Rd 1892 McDonald Rd 1957 McDonald Rd 1784 McDonald St 1220 McKee 1914 McKee 593 McKee Ct 1933 McKee Rd 650 McKinnon Rd 1082 McKinnon Rd 1019 McMillan Ct 604 McMillan Rd 1018 McMillan Rd 1227 McMillan Rd 1747 Melissa Dr 1785 Mercy Ct IMS Infrastructure Management Services Buckeye End End Long Greenacres Pines End Main Sprague Alki Sprague 16th 22nd 26th Sprague 4th 8th 16th Saltese Sprague 27th 32nd End 5th Augusta Euclid Sprague 4th Valleyway Montgomery Riverside End 33rd End McMillan ACP Local Access 1,414 40 56,541 1 41 39 39 0 End ACP Local Access 390 36 14,040 1 37 87 87 0 End ACP Local Access 325 36 11,711 1 21 87 87 0 End ACP Local Access 855 40 34,218 1 21 87 87 0 Barker ACP Local Access 1,302 18 23,440 1 21 87 87 0 Houk ACP Local Access 670 36 24,135 1 64 47 47 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 981 40 39,243 1 32 74 74 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 513 36 18,473 1 32 73 73 0 Riverside ACP Local Access 518 40 20,710 1 44 49 49 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 664 40 26,578 1 32 74 74 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,329 32 42,543 1 65 76 76 0 Wick ACP Local Access 835 30 25,046 1 33 68 68 0 24th ACP Local Access 661 40 26,432 1 49 57 57 0 Blake ACP Local Access 652 40 26,079 1 30 59 59 0 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,659 48 127,632 1 60 66 66 0 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,323 40 52,904 1 37 62 62 0 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,683 40 107,332 1 37 61 61 0 Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 846 40 33,826 1 38 57 57 0 24th ACP Minor Arterial 1,884 50 94,202 1 37 61 61 0 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,333 40 53,317 1 37 61 61 0 31st ACP Local Access 1,513 40 60,533 1 44 52 52 0 36th ACP Local Access 1,155 36 41,568 1 49 75 75 0 5th ACP Local Access 260 40 10,400 1 29 65 65 0 End ACP Local Access 390 40 15,600 1 21 90 90 0 End ACP Local Access 636 36 22,906 1 21 89 89 0 Bridgeport ACP Local Access 759 40 30,366 1 41 43 43 0 3rd ACP Local Access 991 34 33,679 1 29 64 64 0 8th ACP Local Access 1,337 21 28,080 1 32 69 69 0 End ACP Local Access 96 60 5,767 1 21 87 87 0 Buckeye ACP Local Access 853 40 34,139 1 41 37 37 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 750 40 30,020 1 21 87 87 0 8th ACP Local Access 400 33 13,185 1 65 77 77 0 Whipple ACP Local Access 1,441 36 51,892 1 44 53 53 0 Schafer ACP Local Access 647 36 23,274 1 33 67 67 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 47 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c I0 E LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1802 Mercy Dr 1048 Mica Park Dr 580 Michielli 24 Mission Av 25 Mission Av 26 Mission Av 566 Mission Av 832 Mission Connection Av 1218 Moen St 1739 Moffitt St 606 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr 607 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr 600 Montgomery Dr 571 Montgomery Rd 1591 Moore Ct 986 Moore Rd 1123 Moreland Dr 1603 Morningside Ln 1076 Morrill Rd 1263 Morrow Rd 1507 Morrow Rd 1664 Morrow Rd 1711 Needham Dr 1569 NewerCt 1948 NewerCt 1190 Newer Rd 1286 Newer Rd 1414 Newer Rd 1570 Newer Rd 1046 Nina Ci 946 Nixon Av 963 Nixon Av 964 Nixon Av 965 Nixon Av Schafer Dishman Eden Railroad Thierman Park End Evergreen Sprague 38th Montgomery Montgomery Drummond Flora End Val leyway Bettman Dusk 15th Old Schafer ACP Local Access 215 36 7,723 1 End ACP Local Access 1,812 36 65,235 1 Greenacres ACP Local Access 531 30 15,935 1 Thierman ACP Collector 2,635 24 63,231 1 Park ACP Collector 2,622 24 62,933 1 Vista ACP Collector 2,670 24 64,083 1 Flora ACP Local Access 1,470 22 32,342 1 Mission ACP Local Access 711 56 39,820 1 4th ACP Local Access 1,333 40 53,331 40th ACP Local Access 495 36 17,820 End ACP Local Access 113 40 4,520 End ACP Local Access 95 40 3,800 Marietta ACP Local Access 2,095 40 83,808 Riverway ACP Local Access 4,002 18 72,038 Limerick ACP Local Access 200 36 7,200 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,339 40 53,556 Eastern ACP Local Access 779 36 28,041 Starlight ACP Local Access 452 31 14,012 16th ACP Local Access 314 31 9,722 End 8th ACP Local Access 423 32 13,520 16th Saltese ACP Local Access 714 40 28,571 Skyview 31st ACP Local Access 510 40 20,400 Timberlane End ACP Local Access 446 40 17,825 End 22nd ACP Local Access 355 36 12,780 13th End ACP Local Access 1,056 28 29,569 2nd 3rd ACP Local Access 264 40 10,564 4th End ACP Local Access 668 36 24,058 14th 16th ACP Local Access 516 40 20,640 23rd 24th ACP Local Access Dishman Dishman ACP Local Access McDonald McCabe ACP Local Access Evergreen Bolivar ACP Local Access End End ACP Local Access End Adams ACP Local Access 44 51 51 0 30 79 79 0 21 89 89 0 54 77 77 0 37 69 69 0 54 56 56 0 21 87 87 0 49 75 75 0 1 21 86 86 0 1 32 70 70 0 1 39 25 25 0 1 39 27 27 0 1 41 40 40 0 1 21 89 89 0 1 30 58 58 0 1 25 83 83 0 1 21 86 86 0 1 32 69 69 0 1 30 78 78 0 1 44 53 53 0 1 44 52 52 0 1 44 54 54 0 1 30 57 57 0 1 44 54 54 0 1 64 47 47 0 1 44 52 52 0 1 32 70 70 0 1 44 50 50 0 483 36 17,375 1 49 77 77 0 917 40 36,693 1 52 66 66 0 837 40 33,481 1 32 74 74 0 629 40 25,144 1 49 76 76 0 524 40 20,957 1 29 80 80 0 345 40 13,808 1 32 74 74 0 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 48 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1015 Nixon Av 989 Nixon Ct 582 Nora Av 1930 Nora Av 1240 Oberlin Rd 1311 Oberlin Rd 1453 Oberlin Rd 1616 Oberlin Rd 1803 Old Schafer Rd 936 Olive Av 937 Olive Av 1547 Owl Ct 143 Park Rd 144 Park Rd 145 Park Rd 146 Park Rd 147 Park Rd 1870 Park Rd 1973 Park Rd 1253 Perrine Rd 1334 Perrine Rd 1847 Pierce Ct 1162 Pierce Rd 1245 Pierce Rd 1320 Pierce Rd 1862 Pierce Rd 1950 Pierce Rd 1955 Pierce Rd 1959 Pierce St 426 Pinecroft Wy 203 Pines Rd 204 Pines Rd 205 Pines Rd 1421 Pioneer Ct IMS Infrastructure Management Services Harmony Sham rock Bell Pines Hodges ACP Local Access 1,717 40 68,663 1 21 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 395 36 14,220 1 25 83 83 0 Arc ACP Local Access 165 32 5,268 1 37 89 89 0 Mamer ACP Local Access 4,903 30 147,104 1 33 68 68 0 5th 6th ACP Local Access 332 36 11,970 1 32 69 69 0 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,668 32 85,368 1 33 67 67 0 16th Chinook ACP Local Access 759 26 19,738 1 30 58 58 0 Raymond 31st ACP Local Access 565 40 22,601 1 29 62 62 0 End End ACP Local Access 578 32 18,503 1 29 80 80 0 Pines Collins ACP Local Access 844 20 16,873 1 41 44 44 0 Woodlawn McDonald ACP Local Access 673 40 26,917 1 32 74 74 0 23rd End ACP Local Access 250 40 10,011 1 29 61 61 0 Sprague Valleyway ACP Minor Arterial 2,636 36 94,892 1 29 90 90 0 Sprague Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 394 61 24,061 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 60,874 Appleway 4th ACP Minor Arterial 933 22 20,522 1 60 67 67 0 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,324 22 29,127 1 40 69 69 0 8th End ACP Collector 1,854 20 37,070 1 54 75 75 0 Broadway Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,647 36 95,286 1 37 58 58 0 Valleyway Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,636 36 94,892 1 52 54 54 0 5th 6th ACP Local Access 324 36 11,653 1 52 67 67 0 12th End ACP Local Access 539 40 21,544 1 33 69 69 0 End 47th ACP Local Access 395 40 15,784 1 32 72 72 0 3rd 4th ACP Local Access 253 36 9,100 1 32 69 69 0 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,317 22 28,982 1 52 66 66 0 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,684 24 64,418 1 32 70 70 0 Gertrude End ACP Local Access 511 36 18,404 1 49 56 56 0 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,644 40 105,740 1 42 37 37 0 24th 32nd ACP Local Access 2,646 40 105,838 1 41 41 41 0 32nd 37th ACP Local Access 1,826 24 43,836 1 64 46 46 0 End Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,797 44 123,070 1 33 68 68 0 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,655 34 90,281 1 29 91 91 0 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 34 90,343 1 37 64 64 0 32nd 40th ACP Collector 2,700 40 107,998 1 34 78 78 0 11th End ACP Local Access 480 30 14,400 1 21 86 86 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 49 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c I0 E LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1585 Pioneer St 1831 Ponderosa Dr 1807 Pondra Dr 856 Progress Rd 982 Progress Rd 1188 Progress Rd 1284 Progress Rd 1411 Progress Rd 1567 Progress Rd 1707 Progress Rd 1575 Radco Dr 858 Ravalli Ct 853 Ravalli Dr 1610 Raymond Ci 1721 Raymond Ci 1239 Raymond Rd 1310 Raymond Rd 1613 Raymond Rd 1839 Raymond Rd 1678 Redlin Av 974 Rees 847 Rees Ct 848 Rees Rd 1277 Rees Rd 1331 Reeves Rd 1577 Renz Dr 1602 Ridgemont Dr 1787 Ridgeview Dr 938 Riverside Av 939 Riverside Av 949 Riverside Av 991 Riverside Av 1016 Riverside Av 570 Riverway St IMS Infrastructure Management Services 20th End University Broadway Sprague Sprague End Bates 44th Mission Broadway ACP Local Access 472 36 17,009 1 49 ACP Local Access 3,452 40 138,094 1 ACP Local Access 2,241 30 67,226 1 ACP Local Access 1,351 34 45,947 1 ACP Local Access 2,642 34 89,826 1 4th ACP Local Access 1,339 30 40,156 1 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,337 30 40,118 1 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,667 30 79,996 1 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,663 26 69,226 1 24th 26th ACP Local Access 625 21 13,125 1 Sonora End ACP Local Access 1,155 36 41,594 1 End End ACP Local Access 172 40 6,880 1 St Charles Cataldo ACP Local Access 825 40 33,013 1 University 32nd ACP Local Access 1,436 40 57,450 1 32nd University ACP Local Access 754 34 25,650 1 5th 6th ACP Local Access 335 36 12,067 1 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,670 36 96,102 1 Balfour 28th ACP Local Access 640 26 16,643 1 44th 48th ACP Local Access 1,267 27 34,219 1 Avalon 29th ACP Local Access 641 40 25,639 1 Valleyway End ACP Local Access 418 21 8,774 1 End Mission ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 1 End Sharp ACP Local Access 259 40 10,372 1 6th 8th ACP Local Access 645 40 25,800 1 12th 14th ACP Local Access 652 40 26,096 1 Sonora Radco ACP Local Access 1,304 36 46,949 1 Vera Crest Conklin ACP Local Access 1,100 40 44,005 1 End Cimmaron ACP Local Access 3,095 40 123,783 1 Pines Houk ACP Local Access End McDonald ACP Local Access End Evergreen ACP Local Access Conklin End ACP Local Access Harmony Holiday ACP Local Access Long Barker ACP Local Access 76 76 0 45 80 80 0 21 86 86 0 32 73 73 0 32 73 73 0 41 44 44 0 29 62 62 0 33 68 68 0 44 52 52 0 44 53 53 0 30 59 59 0 32 74 74 0 32 74 74 0 30 58 58 0 33 67 67 0 29 63 63 0 30 58 58 0 52 65 65 0 25 84 84 0 29 61 61 0 30 79 79 0 32 74 74 0 30 77 77 0 50 75 75 0 30 57 57 0 49 57 57 0 41 38 38 0 29 60 60 0 664 26 17,268 1 44 50 50 0 219 26 5,696 1 44 51 51 0 966 40 38,627 1 44 52 52 0 669 32 21,395 1 45 81 81 0 1,114 40 44,557 1 21 87 87 0 4,129 18 74,319 1 21 89 89 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 50 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1335 Robie Ct 1167 Robie Rd 1168 Robie Rd 1336 Robie Rd 1337 Robie Rd 1760 Robie St 1769 Robie St 1296 Robinhood St 1142 Rocky Ridge Dr 1194 Rotchford Dr 1424 Rotchford Dr 1592 Rotchford Dr 551 Rotchford St 1495 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd 1512 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd 209 Saltese Rd 194 Sands Rd 1859 Sands Rd 434 Sanson Ln 1038 Sargent Rd 1041 Sargent Rd 1130 Seehorn Rd 1498 Semro Av 1515 Semro Av 992 Shamrock St 1427 Shamrock St 579 Shannon 1929 Shannon Av 133 Sharp Av 617 Sharp Av 816 Sharp Av 834 Sharp Av 835 Sharp Av 1050 Siesta Dr IMS Infrastructure Management Services 13th End ACP Local Access 240 40 9,600 1 32 69 Sprague 1st ACP Local Access 449 30 13,466 1 44 49 1st 3rd ACP Local Access 439 25 10,982 1 44 54 10th 12th ACP Local Access 668 30 20,030 1 32 69 8th 9th ACP Local Access 354 40 14,158 1 44 53 32nd 34th ACP Local Access 559 36 20,111 1 29 63 37th 40th ACP Local Access 890 36 32,055 1 32 69 Archery Woodruff ACP Local Access 2,460 36 88,561 1 30 78 16th End ACP Local Access 1,377 40 55,086 1 41 37 4th Galway ACP Local Access 2,081 40 83,243 1 32 73 Galway 16th ACP Local Access 2,489 36 89,619 1 21 86 16th Limerick ACP Local Access 672 36 24,196 1 49 76 Euclid End ACP Local Access 399 40 15,965 1 41 44 Vercler McDonald ACP Local Access 1,419 24 34,052 1 44 50 McDonald 24th ACP Local Access 2,528 24 60,669 1 30 59 16th McDonald ACP Collector 2,355 20 47,092 4 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Bowdish 44th ACP Collector 1,538 36 55,368 1 37 72 47th 48th ACP Local Access 210 40 8,400 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End McDonald ACP Local Access 1,043 40 41,705 1 21 90 Sprague Appleway ACP Local Access 550 40 22,005 1 30 58 Appleway End ACP Local Access 790 24 18,969 1 32 71 17th End ACP Local Access 912 36 32,825 1 25 84 Vercler McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,720 1 44 49 McDonald 22nd ACP Local Access 836 40 33,434 1 44 54 Main Valleyway ACP Local Access 663 36 23,884 1 25 83 12th 16th ACP Local Access 1,675 40 67,005 1 21 86 End Eden ACP Local Access 130 30 3,900 1 37 89 Houk End ACP Local Access 1,505 40 60,205 1 65 77 Yardley Fancher Frontage ACP Collector 2,094 24 50,253 1 37 74 Greenacres Barker ACP Local Access 1,305 18 23,498 1 21 87 End End ACP Local Access 636 36 22,908 1 32 74 Evergreen Bannen ACP Local Access 1,034 40 41,344 1 30 77 Best Warren ACP Local Access 1,007 40 40,296 1 49 77 12th End ACP Local Access 716 40 28,626 1 30 77 69 0 49 0 54 0 69 0 53 0 63 0 69 0 78 0 37 0 73 0 86 0 76 0 44 0 50 0 59 0 96 101,195 72 0 94 10,677 90 0 58 0 71 0 84 0 49 0 54 0 83 0 86 0 89 0 77 0 74 0 87 0 74 0 77 0 77 0 77 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 51 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 616 814 815 833 1037 1246 1163 1321 1462 1737 1741 1851 1956 1148 1149 1156 1627 1648 983 1189 1715 987 1589 1833 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sipple Rd Skipworth Ct Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skyline Dr Skyline Dr Skyline PI Skyview Av Skyview Av Sommer Rd Sommer Rd Sonora Dr Sonora St Sonora St Spencer Ln Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Greenacres Pines End End Sprague End Barker Houk McDonald Best ACP Local Access 1,305 18 23,485 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 671 36 24,138 1 64 48 ACP Local Access 976 30 29,271 1 30 77 ACP Local Access 857 40 34,279 1 30 77 1st ACP Local Access 294 40 11,751 1 29 64 6th ACP Local Access 196 36 7,071 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End 4th ACP Local Access 415 17 7,050 1 49 56 12th 16th ACP Local Access 1,343 40 53,733 1 32 72 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,644 40 105,764 1 44 51 32nd 33rd ACP Local Access 195 40 7,800 1 44 50 36th End ACP Local Access 736 36 26,479 1 50 55 44th 48th ACP Local Access 1,491 40 59,633 1 52 67 24th 32nd ACP Local Access 2,649 40 105,979 1 30 58 Center End ACP Local Access 578 20 11,552 1 29 62 End Beverly ACP Local Access 904 26 23,504 1 32 70 End End ACP Local Access 611 24 14,673 1 44 54 Wilbur Pines ACP Local Access 2,054 40 82,145 1 32 75 Pines Guthrie ACP Local Access 3,528 40 141,136 1 52 65 Valleyway End ACP Local Access 616 36 22,190 1 32 74 2nd 3rd ACP Local Access 264 30 7,920 1 33 67 24th End ACP Local Access 797 36 28,702 1 39 19 Valleyway End ACP Local Access 663 32 21,231 1 25 83 17th 23rd ACP Local Access 2,076 36 74,738 1 52 66 End Holman ACP Local Access 383 40 15,320 1 25 84 End Carnahan ACP Principal Arterial 2,635 60 158,080 1 30 95 Carnahan Fancher ACP Principal Arterial 2,647 60 158,841 1 30 95 Fancher Dollar ACP Principal Arterial 1,983 44 87,238 1 30 95 Dollar Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 659 68 44,798 1 59 57 Thierman Park ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 77 203,589 1 31 91 Park Vista ACP Principal Arterial 2,357 68 160,308 1 30 95 Vista Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 2,882 68 196,007 1 39 60 Argonne Farr ACP Principal Arterial 1,987 68 135,114 1 39 59 Farr Herald ACP Principal Arterial 1,327 68 90,216 1 39 59 Herald University ACP Principal Arterial 1,986 68 135,081 1 30 95 87 0 48 0 77 0 77 0 64 0 94 8,988 56 0 72 0 51 0 50 0 55 0 67 0 58 0 62 0 70 0 54 0 75 0 65 0 74 0 67 0 19 0 83 0 66 0 84 0 95 0 95 0 95 0 57 0 91 0 95 0 60 0 59 0 59 0 95 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 52 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 68 Sprague Av 69 Sprague Av 70 Sprague Av 71 Sprague Av 72 Sprague Av 75 Sprague Av 76 Sprague Av 930 Springfield Av 958 Springfield Av 993 Springfield Av 857 St Charles Rd 1413 St Charles Rd 1568 St Charles Rd 1937 St Charles Rd 1285 St Charles St 1412 St Charles St 1100 Stanley Rd 1604 Starlight Ln 1428 Steen Ct 1720 Steen Rd 1935 Steen Rd 217 Sullivan Rd 218 Sullivan Rd 219 Sullivan Rd 220 Sullivan Rd 1235 Sunderland Rd 1798 Sunderland Rd 1786 Sundown Dr 1804 Sundown Dr 1813 Sundown Dr 1702 Sunnybrook Ct 1549 Sunnybrook Dr 1701 Sunnybrook Rd 1537 Sunnyside Dr IMS Infrastructure Management Services Evergreen Adams Sullivan Conklin Flora Corbin Barker End Evergreen Long Broadway End 16th Adams ACP Principal Arterial 2,647 88 232,919 1 49 21 Sullivan ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 88 234,429 1 49 21 Conklin ACP Principal Arterial 2,635 71 187,110 1 39 63 Flora ACP Principal Arterial 2,670 71 189,591 1 42 68 Corbin ACP Principal Arterial 1,645 71 116,830 1 39 63 Barker ACP Minor Arterial 3,684 20 73,685 1 57 76 Hodges ACP Collector 2,653 20 53,060 1 57 66 McDonald ACP Local Access 464 32 14,847 1 29 63 Best ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,901 1 30 79 End ACP Local Access 923 36 33,221 1 49 77 Mission ACP Local Access 1,291 40 51,649 1 32 74 13th ACP Local Access 1,183 40 47,302 1 44 52 End ACP Local Access 1,999 40 79,950 1 32 74 2nd 4th ACP Local Access 484 40 19,380 1 32 70 6th 8th ACP Local Access 701 36 25,221 1 32 69 End 15th ACP Local Access 462 26 12,023 1 44 52 15th 16th ACP Local Access 255 20 5,095 1 44 51 Morningside Steen ACP Local Access 686 40 27,448 1 29 62 End 12th ACP Local Access 931 37 34,460 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 23rd End ACP Local Access 1,589 36 57,204 1 44 48 Sprague End ACP Local Access 2,955 16 47,275 1 49 77 B Off Wellesley ACP Principal Arterial 1,839 42 77,219 1 62 66 Euclid Trent ACP Principal Arterial 3,426 51 174,731 1 30 98 Indiana Euclid ACP Principal Arterial 5,429 60 325,711 1 30 95 Mission Indiana PCC Principal Arterial 1,627 84 136,660 1 34 79 6th 8th ACP Local Access 636 22 13,995 1 52 66 End Woodruff ACP Local Access 3,665 32 117,292 1 21 86 Ridgeview Schafer ACP Local Access 2,431 40 97,242 1 30 57 Schafer End ACP Local Access 877 40 35,098 1 21 86 End Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,067 40 82,688 1 32 73 31st End ACP Local Access 239 36 8,616 1 30 59 Sunnyside 23rd ACP Local Access 605 40 24,200 1 29 61 28th 31st ACP Local Access 673 36 24,217 1 29 60 20th End ACP Local Access 1,551 40 62,039 1 49 56 21 0 21 0 63 0 68 0 63 0 76 0 66 0 63 0 79 0 77 0 74 0 52 0 74 0 70 0 69 0 52 0 51 0 62 0 90 12,788 48 0 77 0 66 0 98 0 95 0 79 0 66 0 86 0 57 0 86 0 73 0 59 0 61 0 60 0 56 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 53 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c IS m c c. LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1454 Sunrise Rd 1608 Sunrise Rd 1614 Sunrise Rd 1474 Sunview Ci 1665 Tall Tree Rd 135 Thierman Rd 137 Thierman St 138 Thierman St 139 Thierman St 1113 Thierman St 128 Thorpe Rd 1714 Timberlane Ct 1587 Timberlane Dr 1713 Timberlane Dr 985 Timberlane Rd 1422 Timberlane St 1848 Tipaway Dr 625 Tschirley Ct 561 Tschirley Rd 588 Tschirley Rd 589 Tschirley Rd 998 Tschirley Rd 1206 Tschirley Rd 1207 Tschirley Rd 1762 Union Ct 1767 Union Ct 1252 Union Rd 1332 Union Rd 1333 Union Rd 1477 Union Rd 1478 Union Rd 1637 Union Rd 1638 Union Rd 1639 Union Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 19th 24th ACP Local Access 1,627 26 42,312 1 29 64 Raymond ACP Local Access 233 26 6,068 1 30 58 27th ACP Local Access 700 26 18,196 1 29 62 22nd ACP Local Access 1,045 40 41,818 1 32 70 28th ACP Local Access 1,236 40 49,456 1 49 56 Mission ACP Collector 2,848 30 85,438 1 34 63 Appleway PCC Minor Arterial 314 59 18,514 1 28 85 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,006 30 30,184 1 37 65 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 36 47,811 1 37 58 11th ACP Local Access 994 36 35,783 1 32 73 MADISON ACP Collector 1,358 23 31,233 1 54 56 End ACP Local Access 100 40 4,000 1 49 56 24th ACP Local Access 2,799 36 100,770 1 32 70 End ACP Local Access 1,456 40 58,241 1 41 44 End Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 33 21,921 4 65 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 11th 14th ACP Local Access 966 30 28,975 1 21 86 47th 48th ACP Local Access 492 40 19,662 1 32 72 Cataldo End ACP Local Access 490 36 17,640 1 21 87 Euclid End ACP Local Access 2,633 40 105,339 1 52 66 Indiana Mansfield ACP Local Access 535 32 17,110 1 21 87 Baldwin Indiana ACP Local Access 282 16 4,509 1 37 89 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 709 22 15,602 1 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Sprague 8th ACP Local Access 2,659 20 53,186 1 21 89 End Sprague ACP Local Access 471 30 14,129 1 25 84 Loretta End ACP Local Access 515 36 18,541 1 32 69 40th End ACP Local Access 251 36 9,019 1 32 71 4th 6th ACP Local Access 665 40 26,588 1 52 66 8th 12th ACP Local Access 1,355 24 32,521 1 29 60 15th 16th ACP Local Access 325 38 12,337 1 41 45 16th 20th ACP Local Access 1,326 40 53,036 1 32 72 21st 24th ACP Local Access 992 40 39,681 1 32 69 24th 25th ACP Local Access 356 40 14,251 1 32 70 26th Skyview ACP Local Access 350 40 14,000 1 32 73 Skyview Lenora ACP Local Access 415 40 16,600 1 32 73 27th 24th 22nd 25th Broadway Sprague Appleway 4th 8th Dishman Mica 24th 16th 24th 64 0 58 0 62 0 70 0 56 0 63 0 85 0 65 0 58 0 73 0 56 0 56 0 70 0 44 0 90 8,135 86 0 72 0 87 0 66 0 87 0 89 0 94 17,995 89 0 84 0 69 0 71 0 66 0 60 0 45 0 72 0 69 0 70 0 73 0 73 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 54 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1926 Union Rd 1766 Union St 180 University Rd 181 University Rd 182 University Rd 183 University Rd 184 University Rd 185 University Rd 1811 University Rd 1880 University Rd 1881 University Rd 1883 University Rd 1121 Valley View Dr 933 Val leyway Av 945 Val leyway Av 962 Valleyway Av 978 Valleyway Av 984 Valleyway Av 988 Valleyway Av 1014 Val leyway Av 1009 Valleyway Ct 1830 Van Marter Ct 1840 Van Marter Rd 1958 Van Marter Rd 558 Velox Rd 1953 Vera Crest Dr 1781 Vercler Dr 822 Vercler Rd 1259 Vercler Rd 1260 Vercler Rd 1355 Vercler Rd 1493 Vercler Rd 1501 Vercler Rd 1504 Vercler Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sprague 38th Sprague Appleway 4th 40th Appleway 4th ACP Local Access 1,328 28 37,174 1 44 53 53 0 ACP Local Access 521 36 18,754 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Minor Arterial 748 80 59,822 1 29 91 91 0 PCC Minor Arterial 590 80 47,189 1 48 81 81 0 8th 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,669 45 120,110 1 29 91 91 0 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,641 58 153,204 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 387,606 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,639 58 153,044 1 52 55 55 0 32nd Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,158 58 67,172 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 169,945 Pondra 44th ACP Local Access 1,074 40 42,957 1 21 86 86 0 Main Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 1,985 44 87,325 1 37 79 79 0 Sprague Main ACP Minor Arterial 676 52 35,157 1 29 91 91 0 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 45 59,744 1 29 91 91 0 17th Eastern ACP Local Access 817 36 29,430 1 21 86 86 0 Pines McDonald ACP Local Access 2,661 28 74,511 1 48 71 71 0 McDonald Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,667 28 74,679 1 32 74 74 0 Evergreen Adams ACP Local Access 2,645 30 79,352 1 45 80 80 0 Adams Sullivan ACP Local Access 2,662 32 85,188 1 32 74 74 0 Sullivan Conklin ACP Local Access 2,619 32 83,817 1 25 83 83 0 Conklin Flora ACP Local Access 2,682 32 85,827 1 25 83 83 0 Harmony Hodges ACP Local Access 1,693 40 67,709 1 21 87 87 0 Laberry End ACP Local Access 513 37 18,991 1 21 87 87 0 End End ACP Local Access 410 40 16,383 1 25 84 84 0 44th End ACP Local Access 3,088 40 123,511 1 21 86 86 0 33rd End ACP Local Access 930 36 33,494 1 41 37 37 0 Dalton Courtland ACP Local Access 1,013 36 36,473 1 44 49 49 0 End 24th ACP Local Access 3,583 40 143,327 1 39 19 19 0 Woodlawn End ACP Local Access 1,519 36 54,669 1 32 72 72 0 Broadway Mission ACP Local Access 2,652 28 74,259 1 32 74 74 0 4th 6th ACP Local Access 661 40 26,459 1 30 58 58 0 7th 8th ACP Local Access 422 40 16,898 1 44 52 52 0 14th 16th ACP Local Access 802 28 22,455 1 32 69 69 0 Guthrie 25th ACP Local Access 1,210 40 48,412 1 30 57 57 0 Saltese Forrest ACP Local Access 906 40 36,242 1 44 50 50 0 16th Saltese ACP Local Access 377 40 15,085 1 44 55 55 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 55 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1660 Vercler Rd 1661 Vercler Rd 1944 Vercler Rd 941 Virginia Ct 1262 Virginia Rd 1505 Virginia Rd 1662 Virginia Rd 1783 Virginia Rd 1356 Virginia St 1357 Virginia St 148 Vista Rd 149 Vista Rd 150 Vista Rd 1145 Vista Rd 1300 Walnut Rd 1128 Wardson Rd 850 Warren Rd 1279 Warren Rd 1389 Warren Rd 1390 Warren Rd 1391 Warren Rd 1169 Whipple Rd 1338 Whipple Rd 1339 Whipple Rd 1479 Whipple Rd 1640 Whipple Rd 1641 Whipple Rd 1761 Whipple St 1770 Whipple St 1510 Wick Av 1249 Wilbur Ct 1250 Wilbur Rd 1328 Wilbur Rd 1329 Wilbur Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 25th Lenora 8th Alki 29th ACP Local Access 879 40 35,144 1 30 58 58 0 31st ACP Local Access 500 40 20,006 1 44 54 54 0 12th ACP Local Access 1,355 10 13,549 1 32 71 71 0 End ACP Local Access 511 40 20,444 1 32 74 74 0 6th 8th ACP Local Access 660 32 21,111 1 29 62 62 0 15th Saltese ACP Local Access 646 40 25,837 1 44 54 54 0 29th 31st ACP Local Access 1,006 40 40,228 1 44 49 49 0 35th 36th ACP Local Access 390 36 14,049 1 49 76 76 0 13th 15th ACP Local Access 971 40 38,842 1 44 48 48 0 12th 13th ACP Local Access 170 40 6,794 1 49 56 56 0 Broadway Mission ACP Collector 2,641 32 84,511 1 38 67 67 0 Sprague Broadway ACP Collector 2,687 40 107,464 1 37 69 69 0 Sprague Appleway ACP Collector 690 40 27,617 1 37 71 71 0 Edgerton End ACP Local Access 53 32 1,690 1 33 68 68 0 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,674 30 80,230 1 44 49 49 0 16th 19th ACP Local Access 1,361 36 48,992 1 33 68 68 0 Mallon Sharp ACP Local Access 1,185 40 47,412 1 49 77 77 0 4th 5th ACP Local Access 373 36 13,443 1 30 78 78 0 8th 9th ACP Local Access 353 40 14,122 1 32 70 70 0 10th 12th ACP Local Access 643 28 18,010 1 30 77 77 0 13th 16th ACP Local Access 859 28 24,039 1 25 82 82 0 End 4th ACP Local Access 558 40 22,323 1 44 54 54 0 12th End ACP Local Access 527 40 21,100 1 30 58 58 0 10th 12th ACP Local Access 658 40 26,331 1 29 63 63 0 18th 21st ACP Local Access 1,077 38 40,912 1 32 69 69 0 24th 26th ACP Local Access 707 40 28,272 1 52 67 67 0 Lenora 32nd ACP Local Access 859 40 34,364 1 32 73 73 0 End Loretta ACP Local Access 1,113 36 40,064 1 44 54 54 0 38th End ACP Local Access 117 36 4,227 1 65 77 77 0 Clinton Blake ACP Local Access 1,025 18 18,449 1 49 56 56 0 7th 8th ACP Local Access 282 30 8,468 1 32 69 69 0 4th 6th ACP Local Access 661 40 26,424 1 32 69 69 0 12th 16th ACP Local Access 1,343 40 53,726 1 29 63 63 0 10th 12th ACP Local Access 670 40 26,787 1 32 70 70 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 56 of 57 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1634 Wilbur Rd 1635 Wilbur Rd 1758 Wilbur Rd 1772 Wilbur Rd 1067 Willamette St 1056 Willow Rd 1157 Winter Rd 1158 Winter Rd 1084 Woodlawn Dr 1782 Woodlawn Dr 824 Woodlawn Rd 825 Woodlawn Rd 942 Woodlawn Rd 1358 Woodlawn Rd 1502 Woodlawn Rd 1506 Woodlawn Rd 1663 Woodlawn Rd 1945 Woodlawn Rd 1791 Woodruff Ct 1236 Woodruff Rd 1801 Woodruff Rd 1835 Woodruff Rd 1940 Woodruff Rd 1322 Woodward Rd 1738 Woodward Rd 1742 Woodward Rd 1853 Woodward Rd 131 Yardley St IMS Infrastructure Management Services 24th Lenora 32nd Skyview ACP Local Access 734 40 29,344 1 44 55 31st ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,842 1 49 76 34th ACP Local Access 506 40 20,246 1 64 47 End Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 630 16 10,082 1 32 71 8th End ACP Local Access 611 36 21,979 1 38 30 Sprague Appleway ACP Local Access 656 26 17,049 1 44 55 Broadview Skyline ACP Local Access 451 26 11,714 1 49 56 Skyline Beverly ACP Local Access 586 22 12,897 1 29 61 8th Fancher ACP Local Access 857 32 27,431 1 29 61 32nd End ACP Local Access 2,985 40 119,395 1 49 77 Sharp Mission ACP Local Access 982 40 39,277 1 32 74 Broadway End ACP Local Access 590 24 14,170 1 32 71 Valleyway End ACP Local Access 987 14 13,814 1 32 73 13th 15th ACP Local Access 966 40 38,643 1 44 54 Saltese Forrest ACP Local Access 1,192 40 47,670 1 44 50 16th Saltese ACP Local Access 595 40 23,804 1 44 51 Skyview 32nd ACP Local Access 756 40 30,231 1 44 52 8th 12th ACP Local Access 1,344 28 37,638 1 29 59 End End ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 8th End ACP Local Access 837 36 30,140 1 44 52 36th 44th ACP Local Access 4,047 36 145,710 1 32 72 44th Holman ACP Local Access 1,662 33 54,838 1 21 86 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,675 32 85,587 1 44 53 14th 16th ACP Local Access 670 36 24,129 1 29 63 34th 34th ACP Local Access 1,296 40 51,860 1 44 52 37th End ACP Local Access 241 36 8,692 1 32 70 45th 46th ACP Local Access 480 40 19,185 1 32 74 Broadway Sharp ACP Collector 1,631 32 52,206 1 37 75 55 0 76 0 47 0 71 0 30 0 55 0 56 0 61 0 61 0 77 0 74 0 71 0 73 0 54 0 50 0 51 0 52 0 59 0 96 9,314 52 0 72 0 86 0 53 0 63 0 52 0 70 0 74 0 75 0 Appendix B,$2M Analysis by Segment 57 of 57 Appendix C $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page c City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary 0 fA O O U t7 N ro a N LL e Pave Class to F R E N L c C C L LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1298 Little John Ct 998 Tschirley Rd 246 246 800 246 N Flora Rd 1899 1899 70 1899 E 8th Av 1869 1869 1480 1869 N Park Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 250 250 210 250 N Barker Rd 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 1363 13th Ct 1348 14th Av 431 Cherry St 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd 158 158 560 158 S Dishman Mica Rd 93 8th Av 427 Mansfield Av 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 37 37 360 37 E Broadway Av 122 122 50 122 E 32nd Av 121 121 50 121 E 32nd Av 123 123 50 123 E 32nd Av 477 477 1150 477 N Lillian Ct 1246 Skipworth Ct 1859 Sands Rd 120 120 50 120 E 32nd Av 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 157 157 120 157 S Argonne Rd 210 Blake Rd 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av 1887 24th Av 155 155 120 155 N Argonne Rd 115 24th Av 33 33 1350 33 E Mission Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 10th Sprague Euclid Barker Mission Dishman Mica Flora Euclid Sullivan 16th Avalon End Mirabeau Montgomery Appleway Carnahan End 4th Yardley Bowdish University Pines End Main Euclid Hodges Trent Broadway Barker Trent Marietta 24th End Vercler Pinecroft Trent 4th Dickey Mirabeau 8th Fancher Pines Bowdish SR 27 Olympic ACP Local Access 272 36 9,792 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 709 22 15,602 1 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Minor Arterial 760 45 34,200 1 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Collector 2,640 24 63,368 1 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Minor Arterial 1,986 42 83,396 1 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 36 95,419 1 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Collector 5,149 22 113,275 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Minor Arterial 4,791 34 162,908 1 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Collector 3,311 65 215,229 1 69 45 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 ACP Principal Arterial 2,668 68 181,446 1 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 132 36 4,735 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 310 28 8,681 2 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 642 44 28,240 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Minor Arterial 1,765 20 35,302 2 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Principal Arterial 943 63 59,408 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Minor Arterial 3,283 20 65,667 2 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 2,550 48 122,420 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Principal Arterial 1,259 62 78,084 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Principal Arterial 1,977 46 90,951 2 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 46 122,564 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Principal Arterial 2,660 50 132,984 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Principal Arterial 3,994 50 199,725 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 End ACP Local Access 149 48 7,169 3 49 76 A-LOC-Suit Trtmnt End 6th ACP Local Access 196 36 7,071 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 47th 48th ACP Local Access 210 40 8,400 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Dishman Mica University ACP Principal Arterial 652 42 27,371 3 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 Knox Trent ACP Collector 754 44 33,170 3 69 46 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 Sprague Appleway ACP Principal Arterial 738 49 36,174 3 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 Saltese 24th ACP Collector 2,576 20 51,516 3 69 47 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 Progress Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 1,321 43 56,785 3 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 University Bowdish ACP Collector 2,660 35 93,092 3 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Broadway Mission ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,177 3 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 Pines McDonald ACP Collector 3,074 40 122,968 3 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Pines McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 50 132,595 3 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 90 3,144 94 17,995 96 71,211 96 117,654 96 173,648 96 214,799 96 226,298 96 366,725 96 399,608 96 408,455 96 7,692 94 10,514 94 34,201 96 77,155 96 140,400 96 143,519 94 148,264 96 184,539 96 198,778 96 267,871 96 314,284 96 472,016 90 2,533 94 8,988 94 10,677 96 62,832 96 67,889 96 83,039 96 105,436 96 140,891 96 190,528 96 236,145 96 251,674 96 328,982 Appendix C,$2M Analysis by Year 1 of 2 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 151 151 120 151 N Argonne Rd 1205 6th Av 1153 12th Av 1426 Galway St 985 Timberlane Rd 1791 Woodruff Ct 1792 40th Ct 1428 Steen Ct 1571 Century Ct 429 Houk Rd 1655 Cherry Rd 238 Adams Rd 209 Saltese Rd 1889 Bowdish Rd 43 Broadway Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 1903 1903 720 1903 E Euclid Av 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 1904 1904 990 1904 E Indiana Av 1208 1st Av 587 Bell 572 Mansfield Av 109 16th Av 239 Adams Rd 144 Park Rd 1888 Bowdish Rd 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 1901 1901 210 1901 N Barker Rd 185 University Rd 1885 Bowdish Rd 132 Fancher Rd 1913 1913 40 1913 E 1st Av 183 University Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Montgomery End Edgerton End Trent PCC Principal Arterial 866 96 83,151 3 69 47 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 510,642 End ACP Local Access 99 40 3,959 4 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 1,469 Park ACP Local Access 99 36 3,552 4 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 4,744 Limerick ACP Local Access 426 36 15,330 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 5,689 End Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 33 21,921 4 65 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 8,135 End End ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 9,314 End Driftwood ACP Local Access 198 36 7,129 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 12,769 End 12th ACP Local Access 931 37 34,460 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 12,788 End 22nd ACP Local Access 350 36 12,600 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 22,568 Shannon Mansfield ACP Local Access 622 40 24,860 4 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 33,202 Skyview End ACP Local Access 505 40 20,211 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 36,200 2nd 4th ACP Minor Arterial 715 40 28,617 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 68,967 16th McDonald ACP Collector 2,355 20 47,092 4 69 48 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 101,195 37th Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,784 28 49,956 4 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 120,394 Farr Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,326 44 58,323 4 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 140,558 University Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,882 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 304,544 Marietta Flora ACP Collector 2,257 65 146,726 4 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 315,298 Woodruff University ACP Minor Arterial 2,872 45 129,220 4 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 336,689 Evergreen End ACP Minor Arterial 3,028 59 178,673 4 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 465,542 End Greenacres ACP Local Access 189 36 6,822 5 50 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 2,660 Nora End ACP Local Access 537 28 15,022 5 65 76 A-LOC-Suit Trtmnt 90 5,859 End End ACP Local Access 659 32 21,088 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 8,224 Pines Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 464 24 11,133 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 28,166 Sprague 2nd ACP Minor Arterial 625 22 13,755 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 34,800 Sprague Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 394 61 24,061 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 60,874 32nd 37th ACP Minor Arterial 1,822 28 51,016 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 129,070 Mission Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 1,612 36 58,016 5 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 158,706 Cataldo Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,485 45 66,819 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 169,052 32nd Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,158 58 67,172 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 169,945 8th 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,684 26 69,786 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 176,559 Sharp Trent ACP Minor Arterial 2,510 52 130,504 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 330,175 190 E285 OFF Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 1,318 38 50,089 5 69 46 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 339,155 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,641 58 153,204 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 387,606 Appendix C,$2M Analysis by Year 2 of 2 Appendix D $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page d City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1434 1434 10 1434 10TH LN 1716 1716 20 1716 17th 1717 1717 30 1717 18th 1718 1718 30 1718 18th 1913 1913 40 1913 E 1stAv 120 120 50 120 E 32nd Av 121 121 50 121 E 32nd Av 122 122 50 122 E 32nd Av 123 123 50 123 E 32nd Av 124 124 50 124 E 32nd Av 125 125 60 125 E 44th Av 126 126 60 126 E 44th Av 1899 1899 70 1899 E 8th Av 507 507 80 507 N Adams Rd 647 647 90 647 E Alki Av 670 670 90 670 E Alki Av 864 864 90 864 E Alki Av 871 871 90 871 E Alki Av 882 882 90 882 E Alki Av 895 895 90 895 E Alki Av 896 896 90 896 E Alki Av 905 905 90 905 E Alki Av 919 919 90 919 E Alki Av 73 73 100 73 E Appleway Av 74 74 100 74 E Appleway Av 79 79 110 79 E Appleway BI 80 80 110 80 E Appleway BI 81 81 110 81 E Appleway BI 82 82 110 82 E Appleway BI 151 151 120 151 N Argonne Rd 152 152 120 152 N Argonne Rd 153 153 120 153 N Argonne Rd 154 154 120 154 N Argonne Rd 155 155 120 155 N Argonne Rd 157 157 120 157 S Argonne Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services End End End End 1 90 E285 OFF Dishman Mica University Bowdish Pines SR 27 End Schafer Barker Trent End Fancher Ella Vista Willow Dartmouth Felts Glenn Bowdish Corbin Barker Dollar Thierman Park Dishman Montgomery Knox Mu11an Mission Broadway Sprague End ACP Local Access 605 18 10,888 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 574 33 18,951 1 37 91 91 0 Steen ACP Local Access 608 33 20,067 1 32 74 74 0 Steen ACP Local Access 213 42 8,959 1 33 68 68 0 Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 1,318 38 50,089 5 69 46 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 339,155 University ACP Principal Arterial 652 42 27,371 2 54 49 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 59,821 Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,660 50 132,984 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 314,284 Pines ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 46 122,564 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 267,871 SR 27 ACP Principal Arterial 3,994 50 199,725 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 472,016 Best ACP Principal Arterial 2,663 40 106,510 2 59 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 39,054 Schafer ACP Collector 2,251 29 65,292 1 26 91 91 0 Van Marter ACP Collector 2,101 29 60,918 1 26 91 91 0 Hodges ACP Collector 2,640 24 63,368 1 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 117,654 Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,976 26 51,380 1 21 87 87 0 Fancher ACP Local Access 975 40 38,994 1 32 70 70 0 Dyer ACP Local Access 1,757 30 52,701 1 45 82 82 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,324 20 26,486 1 49 76 76 0 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,654 22 58,387 1 21 91 91 0 Locust ACP Local Access 653 25 16,315 1 21 91 91 0 Felts ACP Local Access 816 40 32,640 1 32 73 73 0 Raymond ACP Local Access 662 25 16,547 1 21 89 89 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,921 24 46,106 1 21 91 91 0 Pines ACP Local Access 2,664 28 74,602 1 25 83 83 0 Barker ACP Principal Arterial 3,829 70 267,999 3 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 103,031 End ACP Principal Arterial 2,769 70 193,798 1 31 86 86 0 Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 739 33 24,371 5 54 75 P-PART/MnART-Local Rehab 92 20,337 Park ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 58 153,784 1 51 43 43 0 Vista ACP Principal Arterial 2,445 58 141,805 1 51 43 43 0 Dishman Mica ACP Principal Arterial 3,263 56 182,740 1 51 36 36 0 Trent PCC Principal Arterial 866 96 83,151 3 69 47 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 510,642 Montgomery ACP Principal Arterial 660 78 51,491 1 36 31 31 0 Knox ACP Principal Arterial 423 78 32,973 1 49 23 23 0 Mullan ACP Principal Arterial 1,557 35 54,479 4 59 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 125,968 Mission ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,177 3 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 236,145 Appleway ACP Principal Arterial 738 49 36,174 2 54 49 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 79,060 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 1 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 344 344 130 344 E 705 705 130 705 E 706 706 130 706 E 707 707 130 707 E 709 709 130 709 E 710 710 130 710 E 708 708 140 708 E 504 504 150 504 N 323 323 160 323 E 340 340 160 340 E 341 341 160 341 E 342 342 160 342 E 701 701 160 701 E 776 776 170 776 E 720 720 180 720 N 1923 1923 180 1923 N 508 508 190 508 N 443 443 200 443 N 250 250 210 250 N 251 251 210 251 N 252 252 210 252 N 254 254 210 254 N 255 255 210 255 S 256 256 210 256 S 1900 1900 210 1900 N 1901 1901 210 1901 N 387 387 220 387 N 415 415 230 415 N 725 725 230 725 N 808 808 230 808 N 923 923 230 923 N 468 468 240 468 N 353 353 250 353 N 363 363 250 363 N 753 753 250 753 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Av Augusta Ct Avalon Rd Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Balfour Ct Balfour Rd Balfour Rd Bannen Ct Bannen Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Barker Rd Bates Ct Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Bellevue Ct Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Bessie Rd Center Herald Raymond University Walnut Bates Glenn Trent Fancher Park End End Oberlin Desmet Nora Sprague Rich Wellesley Euclid End Mission Sprague Sprague 8th Broadway Cataldo End Ermina Mission Broadway Valleyway Olympic Knox End Broadway Vista ACP Local Access 1,815 40 72,599 1 21 90 Felts ACP Local Access 663 36 23,867 1 45 80 End ACP Local Access 301 35 10,527 1 21 86 Glenn ACP Local Access 918 36 33,047 1 21 91 Herald ACP Local Access 289 40 11,564 1 21 90 Wilbur ACP Local Access 353 32 11,293 1 21 90 End ACP Local Access 347 43 14,912 1 21 90 Rich ACP Local Access 922 20 18,432 1 21 90 Dickey ACP Local Access 657 27 17,726 1 45 81 Center ACP Local Access 732 40 29,297 1 32 70 End ACP Local Access 643 36 23,153 1 29 79 Vista ACP Local Access 377 36 13,559 1 37 91 University ACP Local Access 402 32 12,860 1 21 89 Oberlin ACP Local Access 858 40 34,316 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 489 40 19,568 1 21 91 Main ACP Local Access 664 39 25,882 5 64 47 Longfellow ACP Local Access 340 32 10,880 1 37 91 End ACP Local Access 2,689 30 80,667 1 25 83 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 4,791 34 162,908 1 72 48 Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 2,777 36 99,972 1 46 28 End ACP Minor Arterial 2,766 48 132,759 4 60 66 Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 1,293 22 28,445 1 29 88 8th ACP Minor Arterial 2,667 18 48,002 1 29 92 End ACP Minor Arterial 425 23 9,772 1 29 89 Cataldo ACP Minor Arterial 1,364 42 57,306 1 49 39 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,485 45 66,819 2 57 55 Railroad ACP Local Access 99 50 4,931 1 37 91 Carlisle ACP Local Access 349 40 13,960 1 21 85 Augusta ACP Local Access 277 29 8,045 1 37 91 Boone ACP Local Access 1,443 25 36,063 1 21 85 Alki ACP Local Access 665 40 26,603 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 371 42 15,566 1 29 63 Mansfield ACP Local Access 331 30 9,932 1 37 91 Knox ACP Local Access 1,313 40 52,535 1 21 91 Mission ACP Local Access 2,653 27 71,644 1 21 87 90 0 80 0 86 0 91 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 81 0 70 0 79 0 91 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 48,688 91 0 83 0 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 366,725 28 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 237,786 88 0 92 0 89 0 39 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 128,293 91 0 85 0 91 0 85 0 91 0 63 0 91 0 91 0 87 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 2 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 875 875 250 875 N Bessie Rd 876 876 250 876 N Bessie Rd 877 877 250 877 N Bessie Rd 444 444 260 444 N Best Rd 445 445 260 445 N Best Rd 506 506 260 506 N Best Rd 766 766 270 766 N Boeing Rd 442 442 280 442 N Bolivar Rd 638 638 290 638 E Boone Av 661 661 290 661 E Boone Av 684 684 290 684 E Boone Av 738 738 290 738 E Boone Av 748 748 290 748 E Boone Av 759 759 290 759 E Boone Av 787 787 290 787 E Boone Av 804 804 290 804 E Boone Av 474 474 300 474 N Boulder Rd 188 188 310 188 N Bowdish Rd 386 386 310 386 N Bowdish Rd 724 724 310 724 N Bowdish Rd 270 270 320 270 N Bowman Rd 314 314 320 314 N Bowman Rd 315 315 320 315 N Bowman Rd 689 689 320 689 N Bowman Rd 734 734 320 734 N Bowman Rd 308 308 330 308 N Bradley Rd 309 309 330 309 N Bradley Rd 687 687 330 687 N Bradley Rd 262 262 340 262 E Bridgeport Av 466 466 350 466 E Broad Av 467 467 350 467 E Broad Av 471 471 350 471 E Broad Av 36 36 360 36 E Broadway Av 37 37 360 37 E Broadway Av 38 38 360 38 E Broadway Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Harrington End Sprague Crown Wellesley Trent Sharp End Stanley Fancher Lily End Vista Argonne University Bowdish Broad Broadway Ermina Mission Euclid Trent End Boone Broadway Mansfield Trent Cataldo Coleman Burns Lucille Moore End Yardley Fancher Broadway ACP Local Access 2,062 23 47,418 1 30 59 59 0 Main ACP Local Access 312 21 6,544 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 11,720 End ACP Local Access 155 21 3,249 3 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon 100 18,947 End ACP Local Access 936 36 33,704 1 21 91 91 0 Olympic ACP Local Access 1,191 36 42,885 1 29 62 62 0 Wellesley ACP Local Access 2,075 35 72,632 1 21 91 91 0 Maxwell ACP Local Access 765 39 29,831 1 25 84 84 0 End ACP Local Access 1,031 38 39,175 1 21 88 88 0 Howe ACP Local Access 657 37 24,317 1 25 84 84 0 Seehorn ACP Local Access 436 30 13,092 1 25 85 85 0 Park ACP Local Access 984 34 33,458 1 21 91 91 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,554 26 40,396 1 52 67 67 0 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,652 25 66,302 1 21 88 88 0 Herald ACP Local Access 3,314 29 96,115 1 25 84 84 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 24 63,703 1 21 89 89 0 Pines ACP Local Access 2,664 26 69,262 1 21 85 85 0 End ACP Local Access 293 41 12,025 1 29 62 62 0 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 40 106,484 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 40,937 Railroad ACP Local Access 2,746 40 109,857 1 49 75 75 0 End ACP Local Access 565 16 9,039 1 39 17 17 0 Liberty ACP Local Access 669 16 10,704 1 37 91 91 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 750 16 12,005 1 21 91 91 0 Utah ACP Local Access 399 22 8,777 1 37 91 91 0 Mission ACP Local Access 1,384 52 71,984 1 21 91 91 0 Cataldo ACP Local Access 662 40 26,496 1 21 91 91 0 Marietta ACP Local Access 1,190 25 29,760 1 21 91 91 0 Mansfield ACP Local Access 1,078 24 25,866 1 21 88 88 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,384 36 85,834 1 29 62 62 0 Edgerton ACP Local Access 1,660 18 29,887 1 21 91 91 0 Lucille ACP Local Access 618 35 21,613 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,657 Progress ACP Local Access 195 36 7,020 1 25 85 85 0 End ACP Local Access 2,706 32 86,578 1 32 73 73 0 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 6,136 46 282,246 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 568,883 Fancher ACP Principal Arterial 1,977 46 90,951 2 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 198,778 Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 2,511 50 125,551 4 62 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 224,875 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 3 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 39 39 360 39 E Broadway Av Thierman 40 40 360 40 E Broadway Av Heacox 44 44 360 44 E Broadway Av University 45 45 360 45 E Broadway Av Bowdish 46 46 360 46 E Broadway Av Pines 47 47 360 47 E Broadway Av McDonald 48 48 360 48 E Broadway Av Evergreen 49 49 360 49 E Broadway Av Adams 52 52 360 52 E Broadway Av Flora 53 53 360 53 E Broadway Av Greenacres 736 736 360 736 E Broadway Av Coleman 668 668 370 668 E Broadway Av Extension Av Fancher 13 13 380 13 E Buckeye Av Park 405 405 380 405 E Buckeye Av End 411 411 380 411 E Buckeye Av Bowdish 418 418 380 418 E Buckeye Av End 451 451 390 451 N Burns Rd Wellesley 519 519 390 519 N Burns Rd End 521 521 390 521 N Burns Rd Trent 449 449 400 449 N Calvin Rd Olympic 450 450 400 450 N Calvin Rd Wellesley 511 511 400 511 N Calvin Rd Longfellow 296 296 410 296 E Carlisle Av Bradley 318 318 410 318 E Carlisle Av Ella 416 416 410 416 E Carlisle Av Bowdish 640 640 420 640 E Cataldo Av Yardley 685 685 420 685 E Cataldo Av Bradley 735 735 420 735 E Cataldo Av Girard 739 739 420 739 E Cataldo Av Ella 750 750 420 750 E Cataldo Av Vista 760 760 420 760 E Cataldo Av Argonne 762 762 420 762 E Cataldo Av Rudolf 789 789 420 789 E Cataldo Av Van Marter 806 806 420 806 E Cataldo Av Wilbur 195 195 430 195 N Cement St Pines IMS Infrastructure Management Services Heacox ACP Minor Arterial 1,466 68 99,660 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt+RR2 90 46,951 Park ACP Minor Arterial 1,356 44 59,676 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 104,102 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 44 116,737 1 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 180,683 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,664 44 117,228 1 40 71 71 0 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 44 116,927 1 29 88 88 0 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 44 117,390 5 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 49,826 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 44 116,322 1 57 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt+RR1 90 49,760 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 2,667 44 117,342 1 29 87 87 0 Long ACP Minor Arterial 2,629 40 105,153 1 29 90 90 0 Barker ACP Minor Arterial 1,365 32 43,688 1 29 90 90 0 Lily ACP Local Access 313 40 12,503 1 32 74 74 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 419 32 13,416 1 64 45 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 20,764 Vista ACP Collector 2,586 22 56,901 1 26 87 87 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 603 38 22,896 1 21 91 91 0 Pines ACP Local Access 2,655 40 106,202 1 21 87 87 0 University ACP Local Access 799 26 20,766 1 30 78 78 0 End ACP Local Access 1,935 34 65,798 1 29 61 61 0 Wellesley ACP Local Access 453 40 18,100 1 21 91 91 0 Rich ACP Local Access 617 28 17,287 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 802 36 28,873 1 29 65 65 0 Olympic ACP Local Access 1,203 40 48,125 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 74,487 Heroy ACP Local Access 370 32 11,836 1 21 87 87 0 Park ACP Local Access 1,968 26 51,166 1 21 91 91 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,314 22 28,913 1 21 91 91 0 Wilbur ACP Local Access 754 40 30,174 1 25 85 85 0 Howe ACP Local Access 1,322 24 31,730 1 25 82 82 0 End ACP Local Access 464 31 14,373 1 39 23 23 0 Park ACP Local Access 660 36 23,754 1 21 88 88 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,326 32 42,441 1 49 76 76 0 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,652 24 63,652 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay+RR1 94 100,145 Locust ACP Local Access 1,327 31 41,134 1 21 91 91 0 MacArthur ACP Local Access 306 26 7,945 1 49 76 76 0 Pierce ACP Local Access 977 28 27,357 1 21 86 86 0 Pines ACP Local Access 1,989 40 79,546 1 30 79 79 0 Empire ACP Collector 690 26 17,940 5 54 76 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 7,355 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 4 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ 9 a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 274 274 440 274 N Center Rd 282 282 440 282 N Center Rd 285 285 440 285 N Center Rd 319 319 440 319 N Center Rd 332 332 440 332 N Center Rd 345 345 440 345 N Center Rd 349 349 440 349 N Center Rd 694 694 440 694 N Center Rd 267 267 450 267 N Coleman Rd 311 311 450 311 N Coleman Rd 480 480 460 480 N Conklin Rd 547 547 460 547 N Conklin Rd 437 437 470 437 E Crown Av 454 454 470 454 E Crown Av 460 460 470 460 E Crown Av 366 366 480 366 N Dale Rd 272 272 490 272 E Dalton Av 718 718 500 718 N Dartmouth Rd 899 899 500 899 N Dartmouth Rd 441 441 510 441 N Davis Rd 662 662 520 662 E Dean Av 778 778 520 778 E Dean Av 788 788 520 788 E Dean Av 805 805 520 805 E Dean Av 639 639 530 639 E DesmetAv 659 659 530 659 E DesmetAv 660 660 530 660 E DesmetAv 686 686 530 686 E DesmetAv 749 749 530 749 E DesmetAv 777 777 530 777 E DesmetAv 278 278 540 278 N Dick Rd 287 287 540 287 N Dick Rd 321 321 540 321 N Dick Rd 338 338 540 338 N Dick Rd 742 742 540 742 N Dick Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Baldwin Mission End Rutter Trent Wellesley End Davis Bannen Calvin Shannon Park Augusta Alki End Lake Felts End Bowdish Yardley Fancher Lake Thierman End Felts Euclid Buckeye Trent Indiana Boone South Riverway ACP Local Access 2,311 21 48,535 1 21 91 Euclid ACP Local Access 395 16 6,318 1 37 91 Utah ACP Local Access 779 32 24,942 1 21 91 Buckeye ACP Local Access 1,784 28 49,956 1 21 90 Railroad ACP Local Access 415 36 14,950 1 25 83 Indiana ACP Local Access 182 40 7,292 1 39 25 Nora ACP Local Access 657 36 23,648 1 21 91 Mission ACP Local Access 636 32 20,362 1 25 84 Bridgeport ACP Local Access 2,157 30 64,717 1 21 90 Utah ACP Local Access 2,431 30 72,935 1 21 91 Broad ACP Local Access 606 37 22,426 1 32 71 Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,096 40 43,840 1 21 89 Evergreen ACP Local Access 317 36 11,413 1 37 91 Calvin ACP Local Access 1,118 34 37,998 1 32 72 Progress ACP Local Access 2,063 36 74,275 1 32 74 Knox ACP Local Access 255 40 10,191 1 37 91 Edgerton ACP Local Access 320 18 5,767 1 37 91 Nora ACP Local Access 363 40 14,501 1 21 86 Broadway ACP Local Access 637 40 25,482 1 45 81 Sanson ACP Local Access 773 40 30,930 1 37 91 Thierman ACP Local Access 1,754 35 61,395 1 30 77 End ACP Local Access 995 40 39,816 1 21 87 Woodward ACP Local Access 640 32 20,469 1 21 86 Bates ACP Local Access 195 32 6,256 1 37 91 Howe ACP Local Access 1,321 26 34,347 1 45 81 Lake ACP Local Access 877 30 26,302 1 25 83 Dyer ACP Local Access 876 30 26,286 1 29 64 Bradley ACP Local Access 663 36 23,882 1 39 26 Sargent ACP Local Access 269 36 9,690 1 21 88 Oberlin ACP Local Access 939 40 37,567 1 21 91 South Riverway ACP Local Access 1,759 22 38,701 1 21 91 Utah ACP Local Access 1,187 22 26,105 1 21 91 Buckeye ACP Local Access 1,389 22 30,559 1 21 90 Knox ACP Local Access 656 22 14,435 3 64 46 End ACP Local Access 966 40 38,622 1 30 79 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 91 0 91 0 91 0 90 0 83 0 25 0 91 0 84 0 90 0 91 0 71 0 89 0 91 0 72 0 74 0 91 0 91 0 86 0 81 0 91 0 77 0 87 0 86 0 91 0 81 0 83 0 64 0 26 0 88 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 90 0 96 26,416 79 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 5 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C 9 y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 870 870 540 870 N Dick Rd 304 304 550 304 N Dickey Rd 305 305 550 305 N Dickey Rd 324 324 550 324 N Dickey Rd 325 325 550 325 N Dickey Rd 158 158 560 158 S Dishman Mica Rd 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 160 160 560 160 S Dishman Mica Rd 171 171 560 171 S Dishman Mica Rd 1915 1915 570 1915 N Dollar Rd 326 326 580 326 N Dollar St 266 266 590 266 N Dora Rd 310 310 590 310 N Dora Rd 744 744 600 744 N Dorn Ct 745 745 600 745 N Dorn Ct 679 679 610 679 N Dyer Rd 862 862 610 862 N Dyer Rd 863 863 610 863 N Dyer Rd 1917 1917 610 1917 N Dyer Rd 306 306 620 306 N Eastern Rd 666 666 620 666 N Eastern Rd 667 667 620 667 N Eastern Rd 677 677 620 677 N Eastern Rd 678 678 620 678 N Eastern Rd 478 478 630 478 E Eastland Ct 273 273 640 273 N Edgerton Rd 281 281 640 281 N Edgerton Rd 331 331 640 331 N Edgerton Rd 348 348 640 348 N Edgerton Rd 307 307 650 307 N Elizabeth Rd 276 276 660 276 N Ella Rd 284 284 660 284 N Ella Rd 286 286 660 286 N Ella Rd 320 320 660 320 N Ella Rd 334 334 660 334 N Ella Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Harrington Knox Trent Baldwin End Appleway 4th 8th Sprague Trent End Rutter Trent End Broadway Valleyway Riverside Sprague Broadway Trent Mallon Broadway Nixon Springfield End Euclid Rutter Indiana End Montgomery Euclid Rutter Buckeye Trent Indiana Broadway ACP Local Access 1,772 20 35,434 1 52 66 Mansfield ACP Local Access 314 27 8,485 3 64 46 Knox ACP Local Access 628 27 16,965 1 29 60 Trent ACP Local Access 314 27 8,477 1 21 88 Baldwin ACP Local Access 486 31 15,059 3 64 46 4th ACP Principal Arterial 943 63 59,408 2 74 48 8th ACP Principal Arterial 1,259 62 78,084 2 74 48 16th ACP Principal Arterial 2,871 62 178,028 1 62 66 Appleway PCC Principal Arterial 614 37 22,735 1 26 89 Utah ACP Local Access 1,935 34 65,787 1 42 33 Trent ACP Local Access 262 32 8,381 1 21 86 Euclid ACP Local Access 1,270 18 22,865 1 21 91 Mansfield ACP Local Access 1,012 40 40,467 1 21 91 Boone ACP Local Access 428 40 17,120 1 25 83 Cataldo ACP Local Access 664 21 13,938 3 64 47 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,101 34 37,423 1 42 36 Nixon ACP Local Access 645 30 19,346 3 64 47 End ACP Local Access 246 32 7,861 1 64 47 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,682 21 35,320 1 64 46 Utah ACP Local Access 1,620 24 38,872 1 21 90 Dean ACP Local Access 280 30 8,414 1 21 89 Mallon ACP Local Access 281 30 8,443 1 21 87 Springfield ACP Local Access 1,120 30 33,603 1 30 79 Broadway ACP Local Access 279 25 6,975 1 45 82 Conklin ACP Local Access 395 37 14,619 1 29 59 South Riverway ACP Local Access 2,466 18 44,395 1 21 91 Euclid ACP Local Access 515 18 9,276 1 37 91 Railroad ACP Local Access 334 31 10,352 1 30 58 Nora ACP Local Access 411 47 19,323 1 45 81 Utah ACP Local Access 915 20 18,298 1 37 91 South Riverway ACP Local Access 2,001 20 40,018 1 21 91 Euclid ACP Local Access 172 20 3,431 1 37 91 Utah ACP Local Access 1,020 20 20,396 1 21 89 Buckeye ACP Local Access 1,591 20 31,816 1 21 90 Knox ACP Local Access 542 21 11,381 1 25 84 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 66 0 96 14,472 60 0 88 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 25,684 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,400 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 184,539 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 310,560 89 0 33 0 86 0 91 0 91 0 83 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 25,507 36 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 32,995 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 12,167 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 54,667 90 0 89 0 87 0 79 0 82 0 59 0 91 0 91 0 58 0 81 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 89 0 90 0 84 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 6 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y O LL N u. F Pave Class C C 9 y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 347 347 660 347 N Ella Rd 350 350 660 350 N Ella Rd 695 695 660 695 N Ella Rd 740 740 660 740 N Ella Rd 869 869 660 869 N Ella Rd 509 509 670 509 N Ellen Rd 510 510 670 510 N Ellen Rd 277 277 680 277 N Elton Rd 336 336 680 336 N Elton Rd 337 337 680 337 N Elton Rd 696 696 680 696 N Elton Rd 741 741 680 741 N Elton Rd 275 275 690 275 N Ely Rd 283 283 690 283 N Ely Rd 333 333 690 333 N Ely Rd 346 346 690 346 N Ely Rd 7 7 700 7 E Empire Wy 417 417 710 417 E Ermina Av 6 6 720 6 E Euclid Av 9 9 720 9 Euclid Av 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 11 11 720 11 E Euclid Av 264 264 720 264 E Euclid Av 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 1903 1903 720 1903 E Euclid Av 436 436 730 436 E Everett Av 453 453 730 453 E Everett Av 213 213 740 213 N Evergreen Rd 214 214 740 214 N Evergreen Rd 228 228 740 228 N Evergreen Rd 229 229 740 229 N Evergreen Rd 230 230 740 230 N Evergreen Rd 231 231 740 231 N Evergreen Rd 549 549 740 549 Evergreen Rd 646 646 750 646 E Fairgrounds Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Baldwin Indiana ACP Local Access 329 32 10,533 1 21 87 87 0 Mission Nora ACP Local Access 657 36 23,655 1 30 59 59 0 Sinto Mission ACP Local Access 479 32 15,313 1 21 88 88 0 Broadway End ACP Local Access 1,898 41 77,801 1 29 80 80 0 End Broadway ACP Local Access 1,947 32 62,311 1 42 33 33 0 Rich Longfellow ACP Local Access 293 28 8,202 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 13,616 Trent End ACP Local Access 679 20 13,576 1 21 88 88 0 Euclid South Riverway ACP Local Access 1,840 20 36,803 1 37 91 91 0 Shannon Knox ACP Local Access 282 21 5,926 1 29 61 61 0 Indiana Shannon ACP Local Access 345 20 6,900 1 37 91 91 0 End Mission ACP Local Access 295 32 9,430 1 21 91 91 0 Boone Sinto ACP Local Access 658 40 26,312 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,725 Euclid South Riverway ACP Local Access 2,156 18 38,809 1 21 91 91 0 Rutter Euclid ACP Local Access 275 18 4,958 1 37 91 91 0 Indiana Railroad ACP Local Access 498 48 23,895 1 30 58 58 0 End Indiana ACP Local Access 524 36 18,867 1 45 80 80 0 End Cement ACP Collector 5,828 20 116,551 1 26 89 89 0 Bowdish Wilbur ACP Local Access 737 36 26,530 1 21 89 89 0 Park Vista ACP Minor Arterial 2,588 22 56,927 1 29 90 90 0 End Sullivan ACP Collector 1,373 24 32,944 1 44 25 25 0 Flora Barker ACP Collector 5,149 22 113,275 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay+RR1 96 226,298 Barker End ACP Collector 2,633 16 42,132 1 47 34 34 0 Dora Park ACP Local Access 1,661 16 26,572 1 21 90 90 0 Sullivan Marietta ACP Collector 3,311 65 215,229 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 399,608 Marietta Flora ACP Collector 2,257 65 146,726 4 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 315,298 End Davis ACP Local Access 264 45 11,898 1 37 91 91 0 Best End ACP Local Access 534 36 19,210 1 37 91 91 0 Wellesley Sanson ACP Minor Arterial 2,216 21 46,535 1 29 92 92 0 Trent Wellesley ACP Minor Arterial 2,168 26 56,362 1 29 87 87 0 190 W290 OFF Indiana ACP Principal Arterial 915 102 93,300 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 144,408 190 E290 OFF 190 W290 OFF PCC Principal Arterial 595 89 52,959 1 26 86 86 0 Mission Connection 190 E290 OFF ACP Principal Arterial 1,103 89 98,131 3 62 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 167,369 Sprague Mission Connection ACP Principal Arterial 4,692 73 342,492 1 51 42 42 0 0 Trent ACP Local Access 1,408 36 50,685 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 95,345 End End ACP Local Access 708 54 38,258 4 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon 100 234,223 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 7 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E IL F Pave Class C C O y I _ Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 265 265 760 265 E FairviewAv 291 291 760 291 E FairviewAv 402 402 760 402 E FairviewAv 409 409 760 409 E FairviewAv 714 714 780 714 N Farr Rd 767 767 780 767 N Farr Rd 768 768 780 768 N Farr Rd 719 719 790 719 N Felts Rd 779 779 790 779 N Felts Rd 900 900 790 900 N Felts Rd 244 244 800 244 N Flora Rd 245 245 800 245 N Flora Rd 246 246 800 246 N Flora Rd 247 247 800 247 N Flora Rd 248 248 800 248 N Flora Rd 810 810 820 810 N Fox Rd 924 924 820 924 N Fox Rd 290 290 830 290 E Frederick Av 401 401 830 401 E Frederick Av 408 408 830 408 E Frederick Av 393 393 840 393 N Gary Lauri Ct 385 385 850 385 N Gillis Ct 913 913 860 913 N Gillis Rd 682 682 870 682 E Girard Ct 269 269 880 269 N Girard Rd 313 313 880 313 N Girard Rd 691 691 880 691 N Girard Rd 733 733 880 733 N Girard Rd 261 261 890 261 E Glass Av 723 723 900 723 N Glenn Ct 792 792 910 792 N Glenn Rd 911 911 910 911 N Glenn Rd 912 912 910 912 N Glenn Rd 292 292 920 292 E Grace Av 403 403 920 403 E Grace Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Dora Ella University Bowdish Mission Maxwell Boone Mission Broadway Main Trent Euclid Euclid Mission Broadway Cataldo Main Dick End Bowdish Kalb Fairview Sprague Maxwell Fairview Trent End Broadway End End Maxwell Alki Olive Ella University Rutter ACP Local Access 1,516 16 24,255 1 52 66 66 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,312 19 24,922 1 21 87 87 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 34 90,248 1 32 74 74 0 End ACP Local Access 2,043 40 81,738 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 638 40 25,538 1 32 69 69 0 Mission ACP Local Access 336 26 8,747 1 21 90 90 0 Maxwell ACP Local Access 969 24 23,260 1 21 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 1,218 24 29,221 1 21 89 89 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,648 24 63,561 1 21 87 87 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,993 28 55,810 1 29 80 80 0 Wellesley ACP Minor Arterial 1,339 29 38,830 1 37 64 64 0 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 3,923 42 164,769 1 49 36 36 0 Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 760 45 34,200 1 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 71,211 Montgomery ACP Collector 2,140 31 66,326 1 54 76 76 0 Mission ACP Collector 2,664 30 79,933 1 30 83 83 0 End ACP Local Access 483 20 9,659 1 21 90 90 0 End ACP Local Access 328 20 6,570 1 32 73 73 0 Vista ACP Local Access 654 22 14,399 1 21 91 91 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,189 40 47,574 1 25 83 83 0 End ACP Local Access 2,052 40 82,082 1 21 87 87 0 End ACP Local Access 596 40 23,848 1 21 90 90 0 End ACP Local Access 350 28 9,800 1 21 91 91 0 Main ACP Local Access 676 30 20,268 1 21 87 87 0 Bowman ACP Local Access 869 23 19,992 1 37 91 91 0 Bridgeport ACP Local Access 1,702 16 27,237 1 21 89 89 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 814 26 21,167 1 21 90 90 0 Boone ACP Local Access 254 22 5,586 1 37 91 91 0 Cataldo ACP Local Access 660 42 27,713 1 29 80 80 0 End ACP Local Access 2,569 18 46,237 1 32 71 71 0 Nora ACP Local Access 499 36 17,955 1 21 86 86 0 Mission ACP Local Access 501 40 20,023 1 21 90 90 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 682 38 25,930 1 21 89 89 0 Alki ACP Local Access 322 40 12,860 1 21 91 91 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,309 20 26,180 1 21 91 91 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 36 95,558 1 25 84 84 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 8 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 410 410 920 410 E Grace Av 868 868 930 868 E Harrington Av 874 874 930 874 E Harrington Av 176 176 940 176 N Herald Rd 717 717 940 717 N Herald Rd 482 482 950 482 E Heroy Av 492 492 950 492 E Heroy Av 493 493 950 493 E Heroy Av 513 513 950 513 E Heroy Av 528 528 950 528 E Heroy Av 534 534 950 534 E Heroy Av 538 538 950 538 E Heroy Av 540 540 950 540 E Heroy Av 522 522 960 522 E Heroy Ln 643 643 970 643 N Howe St 645 645 970 645 N Howe St 356 356 980 356 N Hutchinson Rd 368 368 980 368 N Hutchinson Rd 880 880 980 880 N Hutchinson Rd 1976 10004 991 5 Indiana 1977 10005 992 5 Indiana 19 19 990 19 E Indiana Av 20 20 990 20 E Indiana Av 21 21 990 21 E Indiana Av 339 339 990 339 E Indiana Av 359 359 990 359 E Indiana Av 361 361 990 361 E Indiana Av 373 373 990 373 E Indiana Av 1904 1904 990 1904 E Indiana Av 1905 1905 990 1905 E Indiana Av 472 472 1000 472 N Isenhart Rd 473 473 1000 473 N Isenhart Rd 543 543 1000 543 N Isenhart Rd 317 317 1020 317 E Jackson Av 406 406 1020 406 E Jackson Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Bowdish Ella Vista Broadway Augusta End McDonald Mayhew Calvin Progress Tolford Lillian Sunnyvale End Sharp Broadway Knox Dale Riverside Old East Mission Indiana Montgomery Mirabeau Sullivan Park Sipple Hutchinson Skipworth Evergreen End Broad Wellesley Rich Ella Montgomery Pines ACP Local Access 2,651 36 95,437 1 30 79 79 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,301 26 33,825 1 45 82 82 0 Hutchinson ACP Local Access 2,399 22 52,775 1 32 74 74 0 Mission ACP Collector 2,637 26 68,574 1 26 89 89 0 Nora ACP Local Access 541 40 21,640 1 37 91 91 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 886 29 25,682 1 21 91 91 0 Mayhew ACP Local Access 1,688 40 67,526 1 21 91 91 0 Evergreen ACP Local Access 997 40 39,866 1 21 91 91 0 Warren ACP Local Access 255 32 8,157 1 21 87 87 0 St Charles ACP Local Access 389 40 15,553 1 37 91 91 0 lsenhart ACP Local Access 1,974 40 78,951 1 29 80 80 0 Conklin ACP Local Access 340 36 12,240 1 37 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 580 40 23,194 1 21 88 88 0 Lucille ACP Local Access 332 30 9,965 1 21 91 91 0 Railroad ACP Local Access 565 24 13,568 1 21 93 93 0 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,633 28 45,731 1 21 85 85 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 661 40 26,424 1 21 91 91 0 Knox ACP Local Access 1,793 40 71,735 1 45 81 81 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,177 28 32,968 1 21 88 88 0 Indiana ACP Collector 1,164 24 27,944 1 37 72 72 0 Flora ACP Collector 2,033 24 48,786 1 34 79 79 0 Mirabeau ACP Minor Arterial 3,723 67 249,422 1 46 26 26 0 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,699 69 186,201 1 49 36 36 0 End ACP Collector 3,830 70 268,072 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay+RR1 94 435,468 Vista ACP Local Access 2,584 26 67,184 1 49 75 75 0 Sargent ACP Local Access 1,017 40 40,682 1 26 30 30 0 Argonne ACP Local Access 211 44 9,286 1 39 26 26 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 1,630 36 58,686 1 39 26 26 0 End ACP Minor Arterial 3,028 59 178,673 4 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 465,542 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 1,955 79 154,409 1 37 60 60 0 End ACP Local Access 180 44 7,920 1 45 81 81 0 Broad ACP Local Access 498 40 19,914 1 21 88 88 0 Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,838 1 29 63 63 0 Vista ACP Local Access 1,311 20 26,225 1 21 91 91 0 Wilbur ACP Local Access 1,769 40 70,767 1 29 62 62 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 9 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ 9 a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 419 419 1020 419 E Jackson Av 390 390 1030 390 N Johnson Ct 798 798 1040 798 N Johnson Rd 439 439 1050 439 N Keller Rd 503 503 1050 503 N Keller Rd 260 260 1060 260 E Kiernan Av 550 550 1060 550 E Kiernan Av 14 14 1070 14 E Knox Av 303 303 1070 303 E Knox Av 329 329 1070 329 E Knox Av 330 330 1070 330 E Knox Av 369 369 1070 369 E Knox Av 371 371 1070 371 E Knox Av 1922 1922 1070 1922 E Knox Av 486 486 1080 486 E Lacrosse Av 665 665 1090 665 N Lake Rd 676 676 1090 676 N Lake Rd 475 475 1100 475 N Larch Ct 476 476 1110 476 N Larch Rd 544 544 1110 544 N Larch Rd 364 364 1120 364 N Laura Rd 752 752 1120 752 N Laura Rd 279 279 1130 279 N Lewis Rd 743 743 1130 743 N Lewis Rd 263 263 1140 263 E Liberty Av 477 477 1150 477 N Lillian Ct 545 545 1160 545 N Lillian Rd 546 546 1160 546 N Lillian Rd 268 268 1170 268 N Lily Rd 312 312 1170 312 N Lily Rd 688 688 1170 688 N Lily Rd 732 732 1170 732 N Lily Rd 421 421 1180 421 N Lockwood Rd 374 374 1190 374 N Locust Rd 382 382 1190 382 N Locust Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Woodruff End Broadway Wellesley Rockwell End End Vista End Ella Dick Argonne Woodruff End End Broadway End End Broad Longfellow Nora Sinto Euclid Boone Coleman End Longfellow Trent Fairview Trent End Broadway Trent End Montgomery End Grace End Sanson Rich South Riverway Sullivan Argonne Eastern Dick Vista End End Woodruff Vercler Sharp Broadway Broad Olympic Wellesley Knox End Liberty End Vista Olympic Wellesley Rich Liberty Montgomery Mission End End Montgomery ACP Local Access 574 19 10,906 1 39 21 ACP Local Access 205 43 8,803 1 25 82 ACP Local Access 563 28 15,767 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 2,213 22 48,685 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 417 22 9,185 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 1,256 18 22,615 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 987 44 43,423 1 41 41 ACP Collector 2,643 34 89,862 1 57 65 ACP Local Access 646 28 18,092 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 780 22 17,151 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 467 21 9,797 1 45 82 ACP Local Access 353 40 14,112 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 2,646 30 79,374 1 30 59 ACP Local Access 640 28 17,909 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 166 30 4,980 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 1,680 30 50,385 1 41 38 ACP Local Access 1,522 30 45,665 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 298 42 12,516 1 21 85 ACP Local Access 474 32 15,172 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 767 40 30,672 1 45 81 ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,846 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 325 40 12,991 1 37 91 ACP Local Access 639 18 11,509 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 1,167 40 46,684 1 50 75 ACP Local Access 3,918 18 70,528 1 33 67 ACP Local Access 149 48 7,169 3 49 76 ACP Local Access 777 40 31,093 1 52 67 ACP Local Access 255 40 10,196 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 1,359 22 29,907 1 21 90 ACP Local Access 926 30 27,783 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 1,586 21 33,308 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 403 22 8,874 1 25 82 ACP Local Access 1,026 20 20,517 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 1,444 30 43,329 1 21 87 End ACP Local Access 772 34 26,231 1 45 81 A-COL-Thin Olay+RR1 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 21 0 82 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 41 0 94 139,086 84 0 84 0 82 0 87 0 59 0 90 0 91 0 38 0 70 0 85 0 90 0 81 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 75 0 67 0 90 2,533 67 0 90 0 90 0 91 0 91 0 82 0 91 0 87 0 81 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 10 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 713 713 1190 713 N Locust Rd 765 765 1190 765 N Locust Rd 888 888 1190 888 N Locust Rd 483 483 1200 483 E LongfellowAv 494 494 1200 494 E LongfellowAv 514 514 1200 514 E LongfellowAv 515 515 1200 515 E LongfellowAv 523 523 1200 523 E LongfellowAv 535 535 1200 535 E LongfellowAv 537 537 1200 537 E LongfellowAv 539 539 1200 539 E LongfellowAv 452 452 1210 452 N Lucille Rd 520 520 1210 520 N Lucille Rd 771 771 1220 771 N MacArthur Rd 206 206 1230 206 S Madison Rd 1863 1863 1230 1863 MADISON RD 675 675 1240 675 E Main Av 860 860 1240 860 E Main Av 873 873 1240 873 E Main Av 885 885 1240 885 E Main Av 886 886 1240 886 E Main Av 898 898 1240 898 E Main Av 921 921 1240 921 E Main Av 1924 1924 1240 1924 E Main Av 1925 1925 1240 1925 E Main Av 641 641 1250 641 E Mallon Av 663 663 1250 663 E Mallon Av 790 790 1250 790 E Mallon Av 791 791 1250 791 E Mallon Av 196 196 1260 196 E Mansfield Av 300 300 1260 300 E Mansfield Av 301 301 1260 301 E Mansfield Av 302 302 1260 302 E Mansfield Av 352 352 1260 352 E Mansfield Av 355 355 1270 355 N Marguerite Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Mission Broadway Sprague Woodlawn Mayhew End Bannen End Tolford Larch Conklin Broad Longfellow Cataldo 40th Thorpe Fancher Dyer Harrington Argonne Willow Herald Bowdish University Wilbur Yardley Lake Van Marter Johnson Wilbur End Eastern Bradley End Knox Nora ACP Local Access 863 24 20,700 1 49 76 Mission ACP Local Access 2,639 28 73,893 1 21 91 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,647 22 58,234 1 25 83 End ACP Local Access 157 36 5,637 1 39 20 End ACP Local Access 307 36 11,044 1 37 91 Adams ACP Local Access 1,064 32 34,058 1 21 89 Best ACP Local Access 511 32 16,348 1 37 91 Progress ACP Local Access 666 32 21,298 1 37 91 Isenhart ACP Local Access 1,744 40 69,742 1 21 85 Lillian ACP Local Access 340 40 13,610 1 37 91 Sunnyvale ACP Local Access 404 40 16,146 1 37 91 Crown ACP Local Access 1,110 36 39,944 1 30 59 Wellesley ACP Local Access 855 36 30,793 1 21 85 Boone ACP Local Access 618 24 14,830 1 21 89 MADISON ACP Collector 2,988 28 83,674 1 34 62 End ACP Local Access 1,539 27 41,547 1 32 75 End ACP Local Access 489 40 19,549 1 42 37 Thierman ACP Local Access 881 24 21,151 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,228 22 49,007 1 21 91 Willow ACP Local Access 671 40 26,848 1 30 78 Locust ACP Local Access 652 22 14,343 1 49 75 University ACP Local Access 1,987 28 55,647 1 29 79 Wilbur ACP Local Access 665 22 14,637 1 30 78 Skipworth ACP Local Access 1,982 22 43,594 1 41 37 Pines ACP Local Access 1,970 28 55,162 1 52 66 Howe ACP Local Access 1,321 24 31,698 1 21 85 Thierman ACP Local Access 1,756 26 45,658 1 30 58 Pierce ACP Local Access 976 30 29,283 1 21 89 Skipworth ACP Local Access 233 30 6,978 1 21 89 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,999 48 95,947 3 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt Eastern ACP Local Access 1,298 22 28,561 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Dollar ACP Local Access 662 28 18,547 1 21 87 Lily ACP Local Access 1,042 20 20,837 1 21 90 Marguerite ACP Local Access 1,447 40 57,877 1 21 90 Montgomery ACP Local Access 659 40 26,346 1 21 90 76 0 91 0 83 0 20 0 91 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 85 0 91 0 91 0 59 0 85 0 89 0 62 0 75 0 37 0 96 40,634 91 0 78 0 75 0 79 0 78 0 37 0 66 0 85 0 58 0 89 0 89 0 90 36,886 96 44,206 87 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 11 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 367 367 1270 367 N Marguerite Rd 755 755 1270 755 N Marguerite Rd 879 879 1270 879 N Marguerite Rd 295 295 1280 295 E Marietta Av 316 316 1280 316 E Marietta Av 404 404 1280 404 E Marietta Av 412 412 1280 412 E Marietta Av 413 413 1280 413 E Marietta Av 680 680 1290 680 E MaxwellAv 692 692 1290 692 E MaxwellAv 756 756 1290 756 E MaxwellAv 773 773 1290 773 E MaxwellAv 784 784 1290 784 E MaxwellAv 785 785 1290 785 E MaxwellAv 801 801 1290 801 E Maxwell Av 440 440 1300 440 N Mayhew Rd 500 500 1300 500 N Mayhew Rd 501 501 1300 501 N Mayhew Rd 502 502 1300 502 N Mayhew Rd 198 198 1310 198 N McDonald Rd 212 212 1310 212 N McDonald Rd 438 438 1310 438 N McDonald Rd 751 751 1320 751 N Mesa Rd 358 358 1330 358 E Michielli Av 197 197 1340 197 N Mirabeau Pk 1911 1911 1340 1911 N Mirabeau Pk 1912 1912 1340 1912 E Mirabeau Pk 1978 10003 993 5 Mission Av 22 22 1350 22 E Mission Av 23 23 1350 23 E Mission Av 27 27 1350 27 E Mission Av 28 28 1350 28 E Mission Av 29 29 1350 29 E Mission Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 31 31 1350 31 E Mission Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Broadway Harrington Elizabeth Park Van Marter End Fox Lily Park Boeing Oberlin University End End Wellesley Heroy Longfellow Rich Broadway Trent Wellesley Sinto Sargent Mansfield Indiana Pines Flora Flora Barker Vista Argonne Herald University Bowdish Knox ACP Local Access 659 40 26,344 1 25 84 84 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,647 24 63,524 1 21 90 90 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,250 19 42,750 1 21 91 91 0 Park ACP Local Access 2,305 20 46,090 1 21 91 91 0 Vista ACP Local Access 2,587 18 46,561 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 423 31 13,098 1 41 39 39 0 Wilbur ACP Local Access 369 33 12,183 1 37 91 91 0 Pines ACP Local Access 1,458 40 58,301 1 25 83 83 0 Bowman ACP Local Access 790 22 17,389 1 37 91 91 0 Ella ACP Local Access 1,262 36 45,418 1 29 62 62 0 Sunderland ACP Local Access 650 24 15,600 1 21 91 91 0 University ACP Local Access 438 40 17,505 1 39 25 25 0 Pierce ACP Local Access 1,447 40 57,899 1 25 85 85 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 663 24 15,914 1 25 84 84 0 Pines ACP Local Access 2,318 24 55,635 1 29 80 80 0 Sanson ACP Local Access 2,213 18 39,827 1 21 91 91 0 Wellesley ACP Local Access 365 40 14,602 1 37 91 91 0 Heroy ACP Local Access 230 36 8,274 1 37 91 91 0 Longfellow ACP Local Access 640 22 14,090 1 37 91 91 0 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 44 116,676 1 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 180,588 Wellesley ACP Collector 2,398 24 57,559 1 26 90 90 0 Sanson ACP Local Access 2,210 22 48,628 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 316 36 11,388 1 21 89 89 0 Marguerite ACP Local Access 617 40 24,671 1 21 90 90 0 Pinecroft ACP Collector 4,416 35 154,555 1 37 75 75 0 Mansfield ACP Collector 614 76 46,679 2 54 77 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 16,545 Pinecroft ACP Collector 2,524 46 116,123 1 26 88 88 0 Old East Mission ACP Collector 1,009 24 24,206 1 26 91 91 0 Barker ACP Collector 5,253 25 131,327 1 26 89 89 0 End ACP Collector 2,776 44 122,157 1 26 91 91 0 Argonne ACP Collector 2,641 30 79,224 2 54 75 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 28,081 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 3,314 44 145,818 1 49 44 44 0 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,988 44 87,467 4 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 156,663 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,882 1 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 233,505 Union ACP Minor Arterial 1,510 44 66,445 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 23,182 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 12 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 32 32 1350 32 E Mission Av 33 33 1350 33 E Mission Av 34 34 1350 34 E Mission Av 35 35 1350 35 E Mission Av 916 916 1360 916 N Moffitt Rd 15 15 1370 15 E Montgomery Av 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 297 297 1370 297 E MontgomeryAv 299 299 1370 299 E MontgomeryAv 351 351 1370 351 Montgomery Av 381 381 1370 381 E MontgomeryAv 17 17 1380 17 E Montgomery Dr 18 18 1380 18 E Montgomery Dr 298 298 1390 298 E Montgomery Rd 542 542 1400 542 N Moore Rd 1931 1931 1400 1931 N Moore Rd 491 491 1410 491 N Morrow Ct 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 169 169 1420 169 N Mullan Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 674 674 1430 674 E Nixon Av 859 859 1430 859 E Nixon Av 884 884 1430 884 E Nixon Av 908 908 1430 908 E Nixon Av 327 327 1440 327 E Nora Av 343 343 1440 343 E Nora Av 360 360 1440 360 E Nora Av 699 699 1440 699 E Nora Av 700 700 1440 700 E Nora Av 702 702 1440 702 E Nora Av 703 703 1440 703 E Nora Av 704 704 1440 704 E Nora Av 379 379 1450 379 N Oberlin Rd 780 780 1450 780 N Oberlin Rd 781 781 1450 781 N Oberlin Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Union Pines McDonald Mission Connection Sprague Argonne Woodruff End Lily End Montgomery University Wilbur Elizabeth End Wellesley Rich Mission Broadway Dishman Mica Lake Dyer Willow Van Marter End Park Vista Locust Woodruff University Felts Wilbur End Maxwell Sharp Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,154 42 48,484 3 57 77 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 50 132,595 3 72 46 Mission Connection ACP Minor Arterial 3,154 49 154,542 1 37 60 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,286 48 109,737 5 60 66 Main ACP Local Access 676 26 17,568 1 21 85 Woodruff ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 45 119,002 3 57 56 University ACP Minor Arterial 2,872 45 129,220 1 57 55 Eastern ACP Local Access 140 44 6,168 1 39 22 Park ACP Local Access 891 20 17,827 1 37 91 Argonne ACP Local Access 1,401 44 61,652 1 25 85 End ACP Local Access 696 26 18,103 1 32 70 Wilbur ACP Minor Arterial 3,750 42 157,516 1 37 63 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,680 35 93,808 3 60 66 Bradley ACP Local Access 376 20 7,527 1 21 91 Wellesley ACP Local Access 1,308 40 52,326 1 33 68 End ACP Local Access 859 25 21,484 1 42 34 End ACP Local Access 292 45 13,140 1 21 86 Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 1,612 36 58,016 3 59 56 Mission ACP Principal Arterial 2,645 36 95,223 1 54 48 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 36 95,419 1 74 46 Eastern ACP Local Access 443 30 13,277 1 21 89 Thierman ACP Local Access 843 26 21,914 1 42 36 Locust ACP Local Access 652 24 15,652 1 37 91 Pierce ACP Local Access 980 24 23,513 1 21 91 Park ACP Local Access 1,087 40 43,478 1 21 90 Vista ACP Local Access 2,585 20 51,705 1 29 63 Sargent ACP Local Access 1,326 40 53,029 1 21 91 Woodruff ACP Local Access 1,326 40 53,020 1 25 83 Dartmouth ACP Local Access 961 40 38,448 1 29 60 Glenn ACP Local Access 611 36 21,986 1 21 91 Raymond ACP Local Access 641 40 25,623 1 64 47 End ACP Local Access 302 37 11,157 1 21 90 Montgomery ACP Local Access 425 37 15,730 1 41 38 Mission ACP Local Access 549 40 21,955 1 21 91 Sinto ACP Local Access 345 40 13,784 1 37 91 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 18,639 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 328,982 60 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 206,427 85 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 262,068 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 258,152 22 0 91 0 85 0 70 0 63 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 159,996 91 0 68 0 34 0 86 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 127,764 48 0 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 214,799 89 0 36 0 91 0 91 0 90 0 63 0 91 0 83 0 60 0 91 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 42,534 90 0 38 0 91 0 91 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 13 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 782 782 1450 782 N Oberlin Rd 783 783 1450 783 N Oberlin Rd 671 671 1460 671 E Olive Av 906 906 1460 906 E Olive Av 457 457 1470 457 E Olympic Av 462 462 1470 462 E Olympic Av 463 463 1470 463 E Olympic Av 470 470 1470 470 E Olympic Av 140 140 1480 140 N Park Rd 141 141 1480 141 N Park Rd 142 142 1480 142 N Park Rd 271 271 1480 271 N Park Rd 1869 1869 1480 1869 N Park Rd 394 394 1490 394 N Perrine Ct 395 395 1500 395 N Perrine Rd 811 811 1500 811 N Perrine Rd 926 926 1500 926 N Perrine Rd 795 795 1510 795 N Pierce Rd 914 914 1510 914 N Pierce Rd 915 915 1510 915 N Pierce Rd 423 423 1520 423 N Pit St 424 424 1530 424 E Portland Av 425 425 1530 425 E Portland Av 215 215 1540 215 N Progress Rd 216 216 1540 216 N Progress Rd 455 455 1550 455 E Queen Av 456 456 1550 456 E Queen Av 461 461 1550 461 E Queen Av 328 328 1560 328 E Railroad Av 399 399 1560 399 E Railroad Av 635 635 1560 635 E Railroad Av 636 636 1560 636 E Railroad Av 400 400 1570 400 E Railroad Ci 721 721 1580 721 N Raymond Rd 901 901 1580 901 N Raymond Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Dean End Lake End Bolivar Calvin Burns End Rutter Buckeye Trent Euclid Mission Marietta Buckeye Cataldo Sprague Broadway Alki Main Trent End Pit Wellesley Trent Bannen Bolivar Calvin Edgerton Frederick Sharp Howe End Mission Valleyway Sharp ACP Local Access 996 40 39,853 1 21 90 90 0 Dean ACP Local Access 253 46 11,645 1 21 91 91 0 Dyer ACP Local Access 394 30 11,808 1 21 86 86 0 End ACP Local Access 539 30 16,175 1 30 78 78 0 Rees ACP Local Access 1,282 32 41,015 1 21 91 91 0 Burns ACP Local Access 857 36 30,842 1 42 36 36 0 Lucille ACP Local Access 678 36 24,412 1 33 67 67 0 Sunnyvale ACP Local Access 720 36 25,903 1 29 62 62 0 Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 640 42 26,898 1 29 92 92 0 Rutter ACP Minor Arterial 711 33 23,461 1 40 75 75 0 Buckeye ACP Minor Arterial 1,983 32 63,464 1 40 69 69 0 Bridgeport ACP Local Access 1,002 38 38,079 1 32 69 69 0 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 1,986 42 83,396 1 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 173,648 End ACP Local Access 193 53 10,246 1 37 91 91 0 Frederick ACP Local Access 990 40 39,602 1 21 91 91 0 Boone ACP Local Access 664 36 23,889 1 21 90 90 0 Main ACP Local Access 673 44 29,611 1 33 67 67 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,660 24 63,852 1 21 85 85 0 Springfield ACP Local Access 295 24 7,092 1 21 91 91 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 24 15,934 1 21 91 91 0 Empire ACP Local Access 690 22 15,180 1 37 91 91 0 Lockwood ACP Local Access 532 18 9,578 1 21 88 88 0 End ACP Local Access 2,020 18 36,369 1 21 91 91 0 Crown ACP Collector 1,264 54 68,249 1 44 19 19 0 Wellesley ACP Minor Arterial 1,880 20 37,598 1 29 88 88 0 Rees ACP Local Access 794 29 23,032 1 21 90 90 0 Bannen ACP Local Access 497 32 15,893 1 21 91 91 0 Burns ACP Local Access 875 30 26,256 1 21 91 91 0 Ely ACP Local Access 597 27 16,106 1 42 35 35 0 End ACP Local Access 2,939 32 94,034 1 21 91 91 0 Howe ACP Local Access 1,923 24 46,148 1 21 90 90 0 Mission ACP Local Access 776 23 17,854 1 33 67 67 0 End ACP Local Access 1,099 40 43,966 1 37 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 1,157 40 46,261 1 21 90 90 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,324 27 35,746 1 25 84 84 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 14 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 902 902 1580 902 N Raymond Rd 446 446 1590 446 N Rees Ct 447 447 1600 447 N Rees Rd 448 448 1600 448 N Rees Rd 807 807 1610 807 E Rego Ct 484 484 1620 484 E Rich Av 495 495 1620 495 E Rich Av 516 516 1620 516 E Rich Av 524 524 1620 524 E Rich Av 525 525 1620 525 E Rich Av 530 530 1620 530 E Rich Av 536 536 1620 536 E Rich Av 861 861 1630 861 E Riverside Av 881 881 1630 881 E Riverside Av 909 909 1630 909 E Riverside Av 922 922 1630 922 E Riverside Av 396 396 1640 396 N Robie Ct 397 397 1650 397 N Robie Rd 485 485 1660 485 E RockwellAv 496 496 1660 496 E RockwellAv 517 517 1660 517 E RockwellAv 518 518 1660 518 E RockwellAv 526 526 1660 526 E RockwellAv 527 527 1660 527 E RockwellAv 505 505 1670 505 E Rockwell Rd 769 769 1680 769 N Rudolf Rd 12 12 1690 12 E RutterAv 288 288 1690 288 E RutterAv 293 293 1690 293 E RutterAv 435 435 1700 435 E Sanson Av 354 354 1720 354 N Sargent Rd 365 365 1720 365 N Sargent Rd 698 698 1720 698 N Sargent Rd 754 754 1720 754 N Sargent Rd 878 878 1720 878 N Sargent Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sprague Everett Olympic Wellesley Bates End McDonald Bannen End Burns Progress End Dyer Hutchinson University Bowdish Marietta End Vercler Avalon Evergreen Ellen Adams End Keller Cataldo End Park End McDonald Knox End Mission Broadway Harrington Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,334 32 42,682 1 52 66 66 0 End ACP Local Access 348 43 14,967 1 37 91 91 0 Crown ACP Local Access 601 29 17,441 1 37 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 898 36 32,335 1 37 91 91 0 Wilbur ACP Local Access 382 20 7,638 1 25 83 83 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,039 28 29,079 1 37 91 91 0 Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,636 24 63,255 1 21 91 91 0 Ellen ACP Local Access 1,030 32 32,950 1 21 91 91 0 Burns ACP Local Access 301 37 11,154 1 21 87 87 0 Progress ACP Local Access 754 28 21,123 1 21 87 87 0 Sommer ACP Local Access 667 36 24,012 1 21 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 2,060 40 82,420 1 32 74 74 0 Thierman ACP Local Access 882 30 26,451 1 21 90 90 0 Argonne ACP Local Access 318 20 6,350 1 41 43 43 0 End ACP Local Access 461 30 13,839 1 49 77 77 0 End ACP Local Access 371 22 8,152 1 41 45 45 0 End ACP Local Access 193 48 9,279 1 45 81 81 0 Marietta ACP Local Access 268 35 9,385 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 14,525 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 355 40 14,184 1 37 91 91 0 Evergreen ACP Local Access 492 22 10,830 1 37 91 91 0 Best ACP Local Access 1,343 28 37,602 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 390 44 17,162 1 41 42 42 0 Burns ACP Local Access 634 28 17,741 1 21 90 90 0 Progress ACP Local Access 521 24 12,498 1 37 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 234 35 8,179 1 37 91 91 0 Boone ACP Local Access 628 24 15,068 1 21 86 86 0 Park ACP Minor Arterial 2,155 20 43,092 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 82,881 Ella ACP Local Access 1,358 20 27,155 1 21 90 90 0 End ACP Local Access 2,092 20 41,838 1 39 25 25 0 Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,663 18 47,942 1 21 90 90 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 658 40 26,337 1 21 90 90 0 Knox ACP Local Access 1,322 36 47,586 1 21 88 88 0 End ACP Local Access 408 22 8,971 1 21 91 91 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,649 24 63,573 1 25 84 84 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,181 22 47,993 1 21 91 91 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 15 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 186 186 1730 186 S Schafer Rd 187 187 1730 187 S Schafer Rd 664 664 1740 664 N Seehorn Rd 479 479 1750 479 N Shamrock Ct 335 335 1760 335 E Shannon Av 357 357 1760 357 E Shannon Av 372 372 1760 372 E Shannon Av 637 637 1770 637 E Sharp Av 658 658 1770 658 E Sharp Av 683 683 1770 683 E Sharp Av 690 690 1770 690 E Sharp Av 747 747 1770 747 E Sharp Av 761 761 1770 761 E Sharp Av 775 775 1770 775 E Sharp Av 497 497 1780 497 N Silas Ct 498 498 1790 498 N Silas Rd 499 499 1790 499 N Silas Rd 681 681 1800 681 E Sinto Av 693 693 1800 693 E Sinto Av 737 737 1800 737 E Sinto Av 746 746 1800 746 E Sinto Av 757 757 1800 757 E Sinto Av 758 758 1800 758 E Sinto Av 774 774 1800 774 E Sinto Av 786 786 1800 786 E Sinto Av 802 802 1800 802 E Sinto Av 803 803 1800 803 E Sinto Av 362 362 1810 362 N Sipple Rd 797 797 1820 797 N Skipworth Ct 799 799 1830 799 N Skipworth Rd 917 917 1830 917 N Skipworth Rd 918 918 1830 918 N Skipworth Rd 533 533 1840 533 N Sommer Ct 259 259 1850 259 E South RiverwayAv 867 867 1860 867 E SpearAv IMS Infrastructure Management Services Dishman Mica Cimmaron Desmet End Ella Sargent Locust Railroad Fancher Frontage Lily Bowman Bessie Boeing Felts End End End End Park Elton Vista Argonne Sunderland End Van Marter End Wilbur Nora Boone Mallon Valleyway Sprague End 0 Park Cimmaron ACP Collector 2,518 36 90,631 1 26 88 44th ACP Collector 2,107 36 75,846 1 26 92 Sharp ACP Local Access 560 30 16,802 1 21 89 Sunnyvale ACP Local Access 118 50 5,912 1 45 80 Elton ACP Local Access 485 22 10,671 1 21 91 Dale ACP Local Access 267 40 10,676 1 21 90 Woodruff ACP Local Access 1,320 40 52,782 1 32 74 Yardley ACP Local Access 509 20 10,180 1 21 89 Thierman ACP Local Access 2,534 26 65,896 1 41 39 Bowman ACP Local Access 576 22 12,683 1 37 91 Park ACP Local Access 223 56 12,482 1 21 87 Sargent ACP Local Access 663 40 26,520 1 21 90 Sunderland ACP Local Access 632 24 15,169 1 21 88 University ACP Local Access 1,328 40 53,134 1 21 91 Wellesley ACP Local Access 171 47 8,054 1 37 91 Heroy ACP Local Access 177 40 7,065 1 21 89 Rich ACP Local Access 630 32 20,160 1 21 91 Bowman ACP Local Access 180 33 5,940 1 37 91 Ella ACP Local Access 1,320 32 42,242 1 21 87 Vista ACP Local Access 995 40 39,813 1 25 83 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,650 27 71,557 1 21 87 Boeing ACP Local Access 1,667 30 50,007 1 21 87 Woodruff ACP Local Access 336 24 8,064 1 37 91 University ACP Local Access 1,122 40 44,867 1 21 90 End ACP Local Access 403 36 14,507 1 21 90 Wilbur ACP Local Access 316 28 8,858 1 21 90 End ACP Local Access 338 18 6,080 1 21 86 Knox ACP Local Access 1,144 36 41,198 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 516 40 20,620 1 26 33 End ACP Local Access 707 28 19,800 1 21 90 Alki ACP Local Access 664 24 15,932 1 49 76 End ACP Local Access 965 28 27,030 1 45 81 Upland ACP Local Access 731 40 29,252 1 21 90 End ACP Local Access 2,777 18 49,984 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 986 28 27,598 1 45 81 88 0 92 0 89 0 80 0 91 0 90 0 74 0 89 0 39 0 91 0 87 0 90 0 88 0 91 0 91 0 89 0 91 0 91 0 87 0 83 0 87 0 87 0 91 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 86 0 91 0 33 0 90 0 76 0 81 0 90 0 91 0 81 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 16 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 64 64 1870 64 E Sprague Av 65 65 1870 65 E Sprague Av 66 66 1870 66 E Sprague Av 67 67 1870 67 E Sprague Av 669 669 1880 669 E Springfield Av 893 893 1880 893 E Springfield Av 894 894 1880 894 E Springfield Av 903 903 1880 903 E Springfield Av 904 904 1880 904 E Springfield Av 531 531 1890 531 N St Charles Rd 642 642 1900 642 N Stanley St 644 644 1900 644 N Stanley St 1719 1719 1910 1719 Steen 422 422 1920 422 N Stegner Rd 763 763 1930 763 N Stout Rd 221 221 1940 221 N Sullivan Rd 222 222 1940 222 N Sullivan Rd 223 223 1940 223 S Sullivan Rd 224 224 1940 224 S Sullivan Rd 225 225 1940 225 S Sullivan Rd 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 227 227 1940 227 S Sullivan Rd 1906 1906 1940 1906 N Sullivan Rd 465 465 1950 465 E Summerfield Ct 376 376 1960 376 N Sunderland Rd 770 770 1960 770 N Sunderland Rd 891 891 1960 891 N Sunderland Rd 481 481 1970 481 N Sunnyvale Dr 548 548 1970 548 N Sunnyvale Dr 541 541 1980 541 N Tolford Rd 727 727 1990 727 N Union Rd 925 925 1990 925 N Union Rd 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd 179 179 2000 179 N University Rd 380 380 2000 380 N University Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services University Bowdish Pines McDonald Lake Felts Raymond University Pierce Heroy Sharp Broadway 23rd Trent Cataldo Broadway Sprague Sprague 4th 8th 16th 24th Wellesley Burns End Sharp Sprague Wellesley Longfellow Longfellow Mission Main Montgomery Broadway End Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,652 88 233,367 2 59 75 Pines ACP Principal Arterial 2,661 88 234,196 5 59 76 McDonald ACP Principal Arterial 2,667 84 224,017 2 59 77 Evergreen ACP Principal Arterial 2,666 82 218,644 4 59 76 Dyer ACP Local Access 880 26 22,870 1 45 81 Raymond ACP Local Access 664 25 16,588 1 21 87 University ACP Local Access 661 40 26,451 1 21 88 Glenn ACP Local Access 690 33 22,765 1 37 91 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,301 24 31,217 1 25 84 Wellesley ACP Local Access 473 40 18,932 1 21 91 Railroad ACP Local Access 364 23 8,369 1 21 86 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,628 23 37,449 1 21 88 End ACP Local Access 2,747 40 109,879 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Empire ACP Local Access 694 23 15,959 1 21 91 Sinto ACP Local Access 1,276 24 30,620 1 21 87 Mission ACP Principal Arterial 884 102 90,139 1 52 35 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 2,649 93 246,330 1 51 38 4th ACP Principal Arterial 1,333 58 77,315 1 49 25 8th ACP Principal Arterial 1,334 57 76,024 1 52 33 16th ACP Principal Arterial 2,663 50 133,139 1 52 34 24th ACP Principal Arterial 2,668 68 181,446 1 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 End ACP Principal Arterial 1,350 45 60,750 1 51 43 End ACP Principal Arterial 1,326 22 29,173 1 51 38 End ACP Local Access 333 43 14,301 1 33 68 Shannon ACP Local Access 283 28 7,927 1 21 88 Maxwell ACP Local Access 760 25 19,005 1 21 90 End ACP Local Access 1,039 40 41,576 1 45 82 Shamrock ACP Local Access 1,173 33 38,697 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Wellesley ACP Local Access 823 40 32,902 1 21 91 Wellesley ACP Local Access 843 40 33,727 1 21 88 End ACP Local Access 458 34 15,557 1 25 84 Valleyway ACP Local Access 661 21 13,887 1 21 90 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 1,765 20 35,302 2 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 44 117,111 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt Montgomery ACP Local Access 873 41 35,802 1 21 91 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 85,568 90 99,403 90 82,140 90 88,186 81 0 87 0 88 0 91 0 84 0 91 0 86 0 88 0 96 211,089 91 0 87 0 35 0 38 0 25 0 33 0 34 0 96 408,455 43 0 38 0 68 0 88 0 90 0 82 0 96 69,311 91 0 88 0 84 0 90 0 96 77,155 90 45,023 91 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 17 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 722 722 2000 722 N University Rd 532 532 2010 532 E Upland Ct 529 529 2020 529 E Upland Dr 289 289 2030 289 E Utah Av 294 294 2030 294 E Utah Av 1916 1916 2030 1916 E Utah Av 672 672 2040 672 E Valleyway Av 673 673 2040 673 E Valleyway Av 865 865 2040 865 E Valleyway Av 866 866 2040 866 E Valleyway Av 872 872 2040 872 E Valleyway Av 883 883 2040 883 E Valleyway Av 889 889 2040 889 E Valleyway Av 890 890 2040 890 E Valleyway Av 897 897 2040 897 E Valleyway Av 907 907 2040 907 E Valleyway Av 920 920 2040 920 E Valleyway Av 384 384 2050 384 N Van Marter Rd 793 793 2050 793 N Van Marter Rd 794 794 2050 794 N Van Marter Rd 910 910 2050 910 N Van Marter Rd 1907 1907 2050 1907 N Van Marter Rd 488 488 2060 488 N Vercler Rd 280 280 2070 280 N Vista Rd 1871 1871 2070 1871 N Vista Rd 1872 1872 2070 1872 N Vista Rd 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 1874 1874 2070 1874 N Vista Rd 458 458 2080 458 E Wabash Av 459 459 2080 459 E Wabash Av 469 469 2080 469 E Wabash Av 464 464 2090 464 E Wabash Ct 716 716 2100 716 N Walnut Rd 892 892 2100 892 N Walnut Rd 487 487 2110 487 E Walton Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Mission End Sommer Park Eastern Coleman Fancher Eastern Park Ella Vista Argonne Farr Walnut Herald University Bowdish Montgomery Cataldo Broadway Main Mallon Walton Euclid Buckeye Trent Knox Mission Bolivar Best Moore Burns Augusta Sprague Vercler Baldwin ACP Local Access 848 30 25,436 1 21 91 Sommer ACP Local Access 786 40 31,446 1 21 91 Sullivan ACP Local Access 761 40 30,459 1 21 89 Vista ACP Local Access 2,700 20 54,010 1 42 36 Elizabeth ACP Local Access 1,763 20 35,256 1 29 61 Park ACP Local Access 1,406 20 28,127 1 38 28 Eastern ACP Local Access 1,319 20 26,370 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Dyer ACP Local Access 367 20 7,337 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Ella ACP Local Access 1,260 23 28,987 1 42 35 Vista ACP Local Access 1,323 22 29,100 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Argonne ACP Local Access 2,659 24 63,806 1 29 61 Farr ACP Local Access 1,987 24 47,698 1 30 77 End ACP Local Access 621 18 11,181 1 21 87 Herald ACP Local Access 340 24 8,164 1 21 90 University ACP Local Access 1,988 24 47,716 1 21 91 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,654 24 63,695 1 21 89 Pines ACP Local Access 2,663 24 63,911 1 21 91 Marietta ACP Local Access 344 30 10,322 1 25 85 Sinto ACP Local Access 1,156 30 34,668 1 32 75 Mallon ACP Local Access 347 30 10,398 1 21 89 Valleyway ACP Local Access 667 24 16,013 1 37 91 Cataldo ACP Local Access 319 23 7,339 1 21 90 Heroy ACP Local Access 1,798 42 75,521 1 21 91 Liberty ACP Local Access 611 36 21,994 1 52 66 Euclid ACP Collector 1,414 34 48,078 1 26 88 Buckeye ACP Collector 1,188 30 35,641 1 26 86 Trent ACP Collector 754 44 33,170 3 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Knox ACP Collector 1,644 24 39,459 1 34 79 Bannen ACP Local Access 509 36 18,333 1 37 91 Calvin ACP Local Access 756 29 21,918 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Broad ACP Local Access 918 40 36,711 1 29 80 End ACP Local Access 335 44 14,740 1 30 78 Nora ACP Local Access 540 40 21,618 1 30 78 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,656 26 69,065 1 41 40 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 409 45 18,392 1 21 90 91 0 91 0 89 0 36 0 61 0 28 0 96 43,775 96 11,357 35 0 96 54,740 61 0 77 0 87 0 90 0 91 0 89 0 91 0 85 0 75 0 89 0 91 0 90 0 91 0 66 0 88 0 86 0 96 67,889 79 0 91 0 96 42,107 80 0 78 0 78 0 40 0 90 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 18 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 512 512 2120 512 N Warren Rd 1 1 2130 1 E Wellesley Av 2 2 2130 2 E Wellesley Av 3 3 2130 3 E Wellesley Av 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av 5 5 2130 5 E Wellesley Av 398 398 2140 398 N Whipple Ct 927 927 2150 927 N Whipple Rd 928 928 2150 928 N Whipple Rd 389 389 2160 389 N Wilbur 388 388 2170 388 N Wilbur Ct 407 407 2180 407 N Wilbur Rd 726 726 2180 726 N Wilbur Rd 809 809 2180 809 N Wilbur Rd 929 929 2180 929 N Wilbur Rd 420 420 2190 420 N Williams Rd 712 712 2200 712 N Willow Rd 764 764 2200 764 N Willow Rd 887 887 2200 887 N Willow Rd 489 489 2210 489 N Woodlawn Rd 490 490 2210 490 N Woodlawn Rd 377 377 2220 377 N Woodruff Rd 383 383 2220 383 N Woodruff Rd 715 715 2220 715 N Woodruff Rd 772 772 2220 772 N Woodruff Rd 391 391 2230 391 N Woodward Rd 796 796 2230 796 N Woodward Rd 800 800 2230 800 N Woodward Rd 1102 10th Av 1107 10th Av 1146 10th Av 1290 10th Av 1291 10th Av 1302 10th Av 1313 10th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Longfellow End McDonald Evergreen Progress Sullivan Marietta Main End Fox End Montgomery Mission Broadway Main Trent Mission Cataldo Sprague Rich Trent End Montgomery Mission Broadway Jackson End Broadway End End Edgerton Woodruff Robinhood Raymond University Heroy ACP Local Access 370 32 11,836 1 21 89 89 0 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 1,068 36 38,431 1 49 43 43 0 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,660 36 95,761 1 29 92 92 0 Progress ACP Minor Arterial 3,963 49 194,196 1 29 85 85 0 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 1,321 43 56,785 3 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,891 Flora ACP Minor Arterial 5,283 36 190,173 1 37 60 60 0 End ACP Local Access 193 47 9,086 1 37 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 292 21 6,130 1 52 66 66 0 Main ACP Local Access 193 18 3,475 1 41 37 37 0 Frederick ACP Local Access 1,685 32 53,935 1 21 91 91 0 Railroad ACP Local Access 181 43 7,783 1 37 91 91 0 Jackson ACP Local Access 1,229 36 44,261 1 21 86 86 0 End ACP Local Access 517 32 16,551 1 39 22 22 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,667 22 58,670 1 30 79 79 0 Main ACP Local Access 140 25 3,507 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 5,982 Empire ACP Local Access 699 18 12,587 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 495 37 18,325 1 21 90 90 0 Boone ACP Local Access 648 32 20,736 1 37 91 91 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 2,645 26 68,779 1 29 59 59 0 Heroy ACP Local Access 899 36 32,376 1 21 91 91 0 Rockwell ACP Local Access 1,101 40 44,042 1 21 91 91 0 Montgomery ACP Local Access 1,257 30 37,707 1 39 25 25 0 End ACP Local Access 958 40 38,314 1 42 35 35 0 Baldwin ACP Local Access 1,164 26 30,252 1 21 91 91 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,632 28 73,708 1 21 90 90 0 Buckeye ACP Local Access 663 40 26,526 1 21 91 91 0 Mission ACP Local Access 187 37 6,934 1 37 91 91 0 Boone ACP Local Access 1,325 36 47,684 1 21 89 89 0 Dickey ACP Local Access 515 36 18,553 1 32 74 74 0 Park ACP Local Access 4,438 20 88,760 1 49 75 75 0 Center ACP Local Access 354 40 14,163 1 29 62 62 0 Herald ACP Local Access 738 36 26,578 1 30 59 59 0 Mariam ACP Local Access 688 36 24,768 1 33 68 68 0 University ACP Local Access 710 32 22,720 5 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 42,739 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,653 24 63,668 1 29 64 64 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 19 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1323 1341 1376 1393 1433 1946 1103 1108 1303 1314 1324 1342 1361 1394 1395 1396 1417 1941 1974 1049 1104 1109 1110 1153 1343 1362 1377 1397 1418 1942 1943 1070 1292 1304 1325 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 10th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 11th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 12th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av Bowdish Vercler Best Marigold 9th McDonald End Eastern Raymond Pierce Bowdish Vercler McDonald End End Progress Sullivan Mariam Dickey End End Bettman Coleman Edgerton Pines McDonald Evergreen Adams Shamrock University Bowdish Custer Woodruff Herald Perrine Pines ACP Local Access 2,654 24 63,706 1 52 66 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,342 36 48,324 1 30 59 Adams ACP Local Access 1,494 28 41,839 1 32 74 Burns ACP Local Access 489 36 17,594 1 32 71 Turtle Creek ACP Local Access 1,148 36 41,328 1 65 77 End ACP Local Access 1,667 40 66,685 1 29 64 Dickey ACP Local Access 468 30 14,029 1 32 75 Park ACP Local Access 3,975 36 143,100 1 32 75 University ACP Local Access 723 29 20,967 1 29 65 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,913 1 29 60 Wilbur ACP Local Access 649 40 25,959 1 32 69 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,328 40 53,108 1 29 60 Blake ACP Local Access 1,519 40 60,775 1 29 64 End ACP Local Access 281 36 10,104 1 29 79 Progress ACP Local Access 266 24 6,375 1 52 66 St Charles ACP Local Access 511 40 20,452 1 30 58 Homestead ACP Local Access 1,574 30 47,226 1 21 86 Herald ACP Local Access 923 36 33,236 1 32 71 Eastern ACP Local Access 668 36 24,048 1 21 89 Dishman ACP Local Access 227 40 9,092 1 32 73 Bettman ACP Local Access 197 28 5,505 3 52 67 Eastern ACP Local Access 668 36 24,056 1 32 74 Park ACP Local Access 1,367 24 32,803 1 33 68 Park ACP Local Access 99 36 3,552 1 32 74 McDonald ACP Local Access 2,682 32 85,808 5 64 48 Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,666 22 58,658 4 64 48 Adams ACP Local Access 2,653 30 79,588 1 25 83 Sullivan ACP Local Access 2,662 30 79,846 1 29 79 Steen ACP Local Access 327 30 9,818 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,653 28 74,288 1 29 62 Pines ACP Local Access 2,660 32 85,107 5 64 47 End ACP Local Access 265 31 8,227 1 30 78 Herald ACP Local Access 738 32 23,628 1 30 57 University ACP Local Access 1,915 32 61,289 1 64 46 Whipple ACP Local Access 557 40 22,264 1 32 70 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 66 0 59 0 74 0 71 0 90 13,271 64 0 75 0 75 0 65 0 60 0 69 0 60 0 64 0 79 0 94 7,352 58 0 86 0 71 0 89 0 73 0 94 6,998 74 0 68 0 74 0 96 161,414 96 105,063 83 0 79 0 86 0 62 0 96 160,096 78 0 57 0 96 94,862 70 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 20 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1344 1345 1364 1378 1379 1398 1399 1400 1363 1071 1072 1098 1118 1139 1294 1305 1315 1326 1346 1347 1348 1349 1366 1401 1402 1419 1365 1073 1099 1119 1295 1306 1316 1327 1350 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Av 13th Ct 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Av 14th Ct 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av Virginia Houk McDonald Bannen End End Marigold End Avalon End Custer End Eastern Hazel Woodruff Herald End Fox Vercler Pines End Woodlawn McDonald Adams St Charles Sullivan Avalon Morrill Stanley Eastern Woodruff Herald University Fox SR 27 Connection Woodlawn ACP Local Access 204 40 8,142 2 64 46 End ACP Local Access 234 40 9,350 1 41 40 Blake ACP Local Access 1,333 21 27,992 1 29 64 End ACP Local Access 517 36 18,605 1 29 80 Adams ACP Local Access 689 28 19,288 1 45 81 Progress ACP Local Access 181 40 7,255 1 32 69 End ACP Local Access 222 36 7,978 1 30 79 Sullivan ACP Local Access 965 40 38,594 1 32 73 End ACP Local Access 132 36 4,735 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Custer ACP Local Access 1,437 30 43,124 1 49 56 Carnahan ACP Local Access 1,160 24 27,848 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Fancher ACP Local Access 1,187 28 33,249 1 30 78 Hazel ACP Local Access 1,166 36 41,964 1 25 84 End ACP Local Access 848 36 30,513 1 25 84 Herald ACP Local Access 739 32 23,649 1 33 67 University ACP Local Access 1,917 32 61,334 1 33 68 End ACP Local Access 661 36 23,792 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Reeves ACP Local Access 358 40 14,320 1 32 69 Virginia ACP Local Access 180 40 7,207 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Houk ACP Local Access 662 36 23,826 1 30 58 Vercler ACP Local Access 310 28 8,681 2 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 205 36 7,384 1 30 59 Blake ACP Local Access 1,331 28 37,265 1 52 67 Burns ACP Local Access 965 36 34,744 1 29 63 Sullivan ACP Local Access 991 40 39,626 1 30 58 Galway ACP Local Access 2,533 30 75,979 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 281 36 10,133 1 52 66 Gloria ACP Local Access 1,424 30 42,728 1 32 74 Fancher ACP Local Access 1,337 36 48,138 1 41 39 End ACP Local Access 1,395 36 50,207 1 21 86 Herald ACP Local Access 739 32 23,636 1 29 62 University ACP Local Access 1,917 32 61,339 1 29 65 End ACP Local Access 1,104 29 32,002 1 29 62 Union ACP Local Access 452 38 17,181 1 33 68 Vercler ACP Local Access 1,205 30 36,139 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,226 40 0 64 0 80 0 81 0 69 0 79 0 73 0 96 7,329 56 0 96 49,879 78 0 84 0 84 0 67 0 68 0 94 30,242 69 0 96 11,155 58 0 94 10,514 59 0 67 0 63 0 58 0 86 0 66 0 74 0 39 0 86 0 62 0 65 0 62 0 68 0 96 67,981 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 21 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y O LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1351 1367 1380 1403 1404 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 1053 1075 1420 1120 1455 1463 1508 1530 1531 1553 1572 1552 1573 1122 1124 1439 1456 1464 1465 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 15th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 16th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Av 17th Ct 17th Ct 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av Virginia McDonald Bolivar Adams St Charles End Stanley Dishman Mica Herald University Bowdish Pines Saltese McDonald Evergreen Adams Bluff Havana Yale Sullivan Seehorn Glenn Linda Mamer Bolivar Early Dawn Adams Timberlane End Limerick Eastern Seehorn Fawn University Linda Union Woodlawn ACP Local Access 381 40 15,235 1 30 57 Blake ACP Local Access 1,332 21 27,963 1 30 58 Bannen ACP Local Access 507 40 20,295 1 45 80 Burns ACP Local Access 966 36 34,772 1 33 68 Newer ACP Local Access 475 40 18,991 1 29 61 Stanley ACP Collector 1,387 26 36,074 1 26 90 Bettman ACP Collector 1,738 26 45,188 1 26 90 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,101 48 52,850 2 60 66 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,917 48 92,016 2 60 66 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 34 90,182 3 60 65 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 34 90,718 4 60 66 Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 464 24 11,133 1 57 55 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,232 46 102,661 1 37 60 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,665 46 122,598 1 57 76 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 46 122,182 2 60 66 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 45 120,151 5 57 56 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 397 45 17,862 1 49 75 Custer ACP Local Access 1,192 16 19,064 1 30 58 Shamrock ACP Local Access 2,974 30 89,212 1 21 86 David ACP Local Access 2,250 40 90,014 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,986 40 79,450 1 29 61 Union ACP Local Access 897 40 35,880 1 52 66 Evergreen ACP Local Access 668 36 24,055 1 30 57 Airpark ACP Local Access 1,270 40 50,813 1 29 62 Adams ACP Local Access 597 40 23,896 1 30 57 End ACP Local Access 946 36 34,051 1 49 56 Rotchford ACP Local Access 889 36 31,995 1 33 68 St Charles ACP Local Access 317 36 11,412 1 49 77 End ACP Local Access 160 36 5,760 1 32 75 End ACP Local Access 1,252 36 45,081 1 21 86 Bettman ACP Local Access 339 36 12,215 1 21 86 Felts ACP Local Access 1,217 40 48,690 1 49 56 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,653 40 106,118 1 29 65 Union ACP Local Access 866 40 34,640 1 32 72 Pines ACP Local Access 1,335 40 53,407 1 32 72 57 0 58 0 80 0 68 0 61 0 90 0 90 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 85,852 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 149,475 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 153,810 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 162,486 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 20,361 60 0 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 42,773 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 198,478 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 267,002 75 0 58 0 86 0 86 0 61 0 66 0 57 0 62 0 57 0 56 0 68 0 77 0 75 0 86 0 86 0 56 0 65 0 72 0 72 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 22 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1481 1509 1532 1533 1554 1125 1127 1440 1441 1457 1466 1467 1468 1482 1534 1143 1555 654 655 656 1036 1054 1055 1164 1170 1181 1208 1927 1442 1443 1458 1469 1483 1511 1535 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Av 18th Ct 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Av 19th Ct 19th Ct 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 1st Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av Pines Davis Bannen Early Dawn End Seehorn End Dishman Mica Sunrise University Bowdish Linda Union Pines Evergreen Rocky Ridge End End Chronicle Howe Sipple Dishman Mica Willow End Pines Progress End Union Fawn Balfour University Bowdish Pines Saltese End End Evergreen Early Dawn Adams St Charles Lake Wardson Felts University Bowdish Linda 18th Pines Guthrie Airpark End St Charles Custer Carnahan End Dishman Willow Farr Union Houk End Greenacres Pines Dartmouth Sunrise Bowdish 19th Guthrie Evergreen ACP Local Access 630 40 25,210 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 332 40 13,263 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 1,086 40 43,425 4 64 47 ACP Local Access 852 40 34,090 4 64 47 ACP Local Access 317 36 11,421 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 553 26 14,390 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 184 36 6,611 1 41 39 ACP Local Access 1,310 40 52,420 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 160 28 4,482 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 2,656 40 106,258 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 440 40 17,603 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 674 40 26,969 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 1,389 40 55,552 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 760 50 37,988 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 1,165 29 33,773 1 29 59 ACP Local Access 140 40 5,600 1 42 34 ACP Local Access 177 36 6,373 1 33 68 ACP Local Access 814 18 14,656 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 652 24 15,654 1 49 76 ACP Local Access 497 30 14,918 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 1,548 37 57,258 1 32 71 ACP Local Access 339 32 10,849 1 64 48 ACP Local Access 1,321 34 44,897 1 64 46 ACP Local Access 674 28 18,864 3 64 47 ACP Local Access 576 30 17,281 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 592 24 14,199 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 189 36 6,822 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 1,315 28 36,810 1 64 47 ACP Local Access 821 40 32,854 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 470 38 17,861 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 2,657 40 106,296 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 2,070 36 74,538 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 962 40 38,478 4 64 48 ACP Local Access 2,007 30 60,217 1 30 59 End ACP Local Access 820 40 32,795 1 29 59 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 56 0 56 0 96 77,779 96 61,059 62 0 86 0 39 0 66 0 62 0 62 0 58 0 69 0 66 0 56 0 59 0 34 0 68 0 63 0 76 0 62 0 71 0 96 16,792 96 69,491 96 32,174 58 0 58 0 86 0 96 56,974 70 0 62 0 58 0 69 0 96 68,919 59 0 59 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 23 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1536 1556 1558 1576 1594 1459 1470 1471 1484 1513 1538 1559 1579 1578 1580 1444 1460 1472 1499 1516 1539 1560 1561 1595 1581 1582 1583 1461 1473 1485 1517 1518 1540 1541 1562 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Av 20th Ct 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Av 21st Ct 21st Ct 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Av 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 22nd Ct 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av Evergreen Adams Progress Sullivan Vera Crest University Whipple Union Cherry End Evergreen End Timberlane End End Sunrise University Bowdish Woodlawn McDonald End Adams End Vera Crest Timberlane Sonora End University Union End End McDonald Bolivar Evergreen End Sunnyside ACP Local Access 620 40 24,800 1 29 61 Progress ACP Local Access 1,479 36 53,253 1 30 58 St Charles ACP Local Access 511 36 18,406 1 49 77 Sonora ACP Local Access 1,483 36 53,371 1 49 77 End ACP Local Access 440 40 17,604 1 39 20 Skipworth ACP Local Access 1,991 40 79,624 1 41 43 Pines ACP Local Access 644 40 25,771 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Whipple ACP Local Access 567 38 21,564 1 32 70 Guthrie ACP Local Access 915 40 36,584 3 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Evergreen ACP Local Access 667 36 24,003 1 29 60 Sunnyside ACP Local Access 1,071 36 38,551 1 29 61 St Charles ACP Local Access 1,453 36 52,293 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 659 36 23,710 1 32 70 Pioneer ACP Local Access 450 36 16,200 1 30 78 Timberlane ACP Local Access 253 36 9,091 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 University ACP Local Access 370 35 12,952 1 29 60 Skipworth ACP Local Access 1,991 40 79,624 1 29 63 Pines ACP Local Access 2,670 40 106,786 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 858 40 34,339 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Blake ACP Local Access 1,346 40 53,855 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Calvin ACP Local Access 897 40 35,885 1 29 62 Progress ACP Local Access 1,334 36 48,038 1 49 55 Sullivan ACP Local Access 1,143 36 41,152 1 29 62 Conklin ACP Local Access 1,312 36 47,247 1 39 27 End ACP Local Access 176 50 8,809 1 30 59 End ACP Local Access 270 36 9,720 1 49 56 Timberlane ACP Local Access 99 50 4,927 1 29 59 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,408 1 29 63 Pines ACP Local Access 1,333 40 53,318 1 32 70 Guthrie ACP Local Access 1,227 36 44,170 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Evergreen ACP Local Access 492 36 17,711 1 30 59 McCabe ACP Local Access 988 40 39,520 1 49 57 Calvin ACP Local Access 1,676 40 67,035 1 29 62 Bolivar ACP Local Access 320 40 12,801 1 41 42 End ACP Local Access 495 32 15,856 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 61 0 58 0 77 0 77 0 20 0 43 0 96 46,159 70 0 96 62,397 60 0 61 0 94 73,326 70 0 78 0 96 15,505 60 0 63 0 96 200,876 96 61,505 96 91,853 62 0 55 0 62 0 27 0 59 0 56 0 59 0 63 0 70 0 96 79,114 59 0 57 0 62 0 42 0 96 29,826 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 24 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1563 1584 1588 1597 1951 1590 1598 114 115 116 117 118 119 1445 1446 1487 1887 1898 1952 1492 1617 1624 1642 1668 1672 1704 1685 1606 1618 1625 1643 1669 1674 1686 1706 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Av 23rd Ct 23rd Ct 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Av 24th Ct 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Av 25th Ct 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av 26th Av End End End Conklin Forrest Sonora Vera Crest Bowdish Pines McDonald Blake Evergreen Bannen Balfour End Vercler University Adams Sullivan 25th University Bowdish Houk Forrest Blake Progress End Dishman Mica University 25th Pines Forrest Blake Evergreen Progress Sullivan ACP Local Access 667 36 24,027 1 32 74 Sonora ACP Local Access 649 36 23,363 1 49 76 End ACP Local Access 96 45 4,338 5 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Steen ACP Local Access 880 40 35,184 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,682 26 43,722 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 361 36 13,005 1 52 66 End ACP Local Access 135 40 5,400 1 41 40 Pines ACP Collector 2,665 35 93,259 1 54 56 McDonald ACP Collector 3,074 40 122,968 2 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Blake ACP Collector 1,207 38 45,871 3 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Evergreen ACP Collector 1,329 36 47,835 1 34 61 Bannen ACP Collector 647 36 23,281 2 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Adams ACP Collector 2,012 40 80,491 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Sunrise ACP Local Access 510 26 13,262 1 29 64 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 348 30 10,432 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Guthrie ACP Local Access 938 40 37,510 1 49 57 Bowdish ACP Collector 2,660 35 93,092 3 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Sullivan ACP Collector 2,662 36 95,842 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Vera Crest ACP Local Access 2,049 40 81,963 1 25 83 End ACP Local Access 155 36 5,580 1 49 56 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,420 1 30 58 Pines ACP Local Access 2,665 40 106,604 1 52 66 24th ACP Local Access 541 36 19,493 1 49 56 Blake ACP Local Access 876 40 35,053 1 29 61 Davis ACP Local Access 1,089 40 43,574 1 49 57 Newer ACP Local Access 647 40 25,884 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bannen ACP Local Access 138 36 4,967 1 49 56 Balfour ACP Local Access 482 33 15,900 1 49 57 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,666 40 106,624 1 29 64 Pines ACP Local Access 1,668 25 41,689 1 32 72 Tall Tree ACP Local Access 2,498 40 99,904 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Blake ACP Local Access 609 40 24,370 1 29 59 Davis ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,828 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bannen ACP Local Access 647 36 23,281 1 29 60 Newer ACP Local Access 665 40 26,612 1 41 44 74 0 76 0 94 6,082 96 60,008 96 82,245 66 0 40 0 56 0 96 239,788 95 81,090 61 0 95 39,190 96 181,641 64 0 96 16,146 57 0 96 190,528 96 216,283 83 0 56 0 58 0 66 0 56 0 61 0 57 0 96 46,361 56 0 57 0 64 0 72 0 96 170,392 59 0 96 78,162 60 0 44 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 25 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1705 1615 1626 1628 1644 1645 1675 1709 1954 1687 1609 1619 1646 1667 1676 1688 1620 1647 1677 1689 657 1024 1030 1160 1176 1182 1183 1184 1185 1210 1221 1621 1630 1631 1650 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 26th Ct 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Av 27th Ct 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 28th Av 29th Av 29th Av 29th Av 29th Ct 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 2nd Av 30th Av 30th Av 30th Av 30th Av End Sunrise Skyview Bowdish 29th Pines Blake Sullivan University End Dishman Mica University Virginia Guthrie Blake Evergreen University Vercler Avalon End End 2ND AV Thierman End Best Adams End Progress Newer Moen Barker University Bowdish Fox End Sullivan ACP Local Access 560 37 20,720 5 64 47 University ACP Local Access 656 26 17,055 5 64 47 Pines ACP Local Access 839 40 33,546 1 32 73 Bates ACP Local Access 355 40 14,200 1 32 70 Tall Tree ACP Local Access 1,382 40 55,274 2 64 48 Collins ACP Local Access 1,025 40 41,003 1 49 57 Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,335 40 53,386 1 41 42 Timberlane ACP Local Access 786 40 31,428 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,406 1 29 63 Bolivar ACP Local Access 129 36 4,649 1 30 58 University ACP Local Access 1,156 40 46,224 4 64 47 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,414 4 64 48 Guthrie ACP Local Access 1,670 40 66,819 1 41 40 Guthrie ACP Local Access 2,364 50 118,199 1 29 62 Davis ACP Local Access 1,150 40 45,981 1 29 60 Best ACP Local Access 1,378 36 49,604 1 32 74 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,433 1 44 55 Guthrie ACP Local Access 2,250 40 89,987 1 41 40 Davis ACP Local Access 968 40 38,718 1 29 60 Bolivar ACP Local Access 130 36 4,680 1 41 45 Carnahan ACP Local Access 2,633 22 57,919 1 33 68 Thierman ACP Local Access 1,499 28 41,974 1 29 64 Park ACP Local Access 2,642 26 68,688 1 52 66 Bowdish ACP Local Access 235 36 8,460 5 64 47 Adams ACP Local Access 1,116 40 44,626 1 26 33 End ACP Local Access 340 40 13,582 1 64 47 End ACP Local Access 479 40 19,160 1 45 80 Newer ACP Local Access 990 36 35,629 1 32 71 Sullivan ACP Local Access 340 40 13,596 1 29 64 End ACP Local Access 213 36 7,661 1 21 86 Holiday ACP Local Access 1,640 40 65,600 1 21 91 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,430 4 64 47 Bates ACP Local Access 355 40 14,190 1 32 71 31st ACP Local Access 902 40 36,085 1 32 74 Collins ACP Local Access 467 40 18,670 1 49 57 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 38,977 96 32,082 73 0 70 0 96 89,789 57 0 42 0 86 0 63 0 58 0 96 82,792 96 190,599 40 0 62 0 60 0 74 0 55 0 40 0 60 0 45 0 68 0 64 0 66 0 96 15,914 33 0 96 21,022 80 0 71 0 64 0 86 0 91 0 96 190,628 71 0 74 0 57 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 26 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1679 1690 1691 1611 1622 1632 1652 1680 1692 1651 1722 1743 1960 1774 1775 1723 1724 1744 1746 1777 1776 1725 1726 1748 1778 1779 1729 1749 1780 1788 1730 1750 1753 1731 1732 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 30th Av 30th Ct 30th Ct 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Av 31st Ct 33rd Av 33rd Av 33rd Av 33rd Ct 33rd Ct 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Av 34th Ct 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 35th Av 36th Av 36th Av 36th Av 36th Av 37th Av 37th Av 37th Ct 38th Av 38th Av Avalon Sunnybrook End Raymond University Bates End Mamer Evergreen Clinton University Wilbur Pierce End End Pierce Glenn Bowdish Melissa Woodlawn Vercler Pierce University Bates Vercler McDonald Pierce Bates Vercler Woodruff End Bowdish Union End Johnson Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,314 40 52,561 1 41 45 45 0 End ACP Local Access 211 36 7,580 1 49 77 77 0 Bolivar ACP Local Access 130 36 4,680 1 49 57 57 0 University ACP Local Access 539 40 21,574 1 29 63 63 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,422 1 52 67 67 0 Whipple ACP Local Access 1,711 40 68,440 1 32 71 71 0 Clinton ACP Local Access 2,436 40 97,425 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 158,261 Davis ACP Local Access 480 40 19,202 1 30 58 58 0 Best ACP Local Access 1,336 36 48,092 1 32 75 75 0 End ACP Local Access 376 36 13,518 1 30 58 58 0 Pierce ACP Local Access 1,336 36 48,082 1 41 40 40 0 Robie ACP Local Access 1,250 36 45,000 1 49 56 56 0 Woodward ACP Local Access 1,025 40 41,018 1 39 20 20 0 Vercler ACP Local Access 174 36 6,281 1 33 68 68 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 256 36 9,201 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 2,955 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,328 40 53,129 1 38 29 29 0 Gillis ACP Local Access 300 36 10,800 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 18,420 Loretta ACP Local Access 705 36 25,378 1 26 31 31 0 Pines ACP Local Access 1,017 36 36,621 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 62,459 McDonald ACP Local Access 375 36 13,506 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 4,337 End ACP Local Access 337 36 12,147 1 33 68 68 0 Woodward ACP Local Access 1,033 40 41,332 1 32 69 69 0 Pierce ACP Local Access 1,376 36 49,553 1 41 41 41 0 Loretta ACP Local Access 948 36 34,111 1 41 39 39 0 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 864 36 31,105 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 9,988 End ACP Local Access 150 36 5,400 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 1,734 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,334 40 53,345 1 52 66 66 0 Fox ACP Local Access 889 36 31,995 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 49,521 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 797 36 28,686 1 49 57 57 0 Ridgeview ACP Local Access 361 40 14,455 1 29 61 61 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,768 36 63,661 1 32 69 69 0 Loretta ACP Local Access 1,874 40 74,969 1 41 38 38 0 End ACP Local Access 803 36 28,917 1 30 78 78 0 Moffitt ACP Local Access 198 36 7,118 1 32 69 69 0 Skipworth ACP Local Access 226 36 8,139 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 15,310 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 27 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1754 1961 1789 1790 1223 77 78 1025 1031 1161 1165 1171 1173 1177 1186 1196 1211 1178 1733 1755 1765 1773 1768 1792 1756 1796 1815 1816 1797 1817 1810 127 1824 1852 1825 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 38th Av 38th Av 39th Av 39th Av 3rd 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Av 3rd Ct 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Av 40th Ct 40th Ct 41st 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 42nd Ct 43rd Av 43rd Av 43rd Ct 44th Av 45th Av 45th Av 46th Av Bowdish 37th Driftwood Sunderland End End Carnahan David Thierman University Union Pines Blake Evergreen Sommer Flora Greenacres End Dishman Mica Union Reeves MADISON End End End Woodruff Forest Meadows End Locust Forest Meadows Pondra Van Marter End Woodward Farr Bates ACP Local Access 534 36 19,210 1 49 56 Pines ACP Local Access 1,757 36 63,247 5 64 46 Ridgeview ACP Local Access 356 38 13,520 1 42 34 Driftwood ACP Local Access 892 38 33,911 4 64 48 End ACP Local Access 260 40 10,400 1 41 44 Carnahan ACP Minor Arterial 2,631 40 105,243 1 29 91 Fancher ACP Minor Arterial 2,543 40 101,700 1 29 91 Thierman ACP Local Access 331 30 9,923 1 29 60 Park ACP Local Access 2,643 30 79,286 1 52 67 Pierce ACP Local Access 1,365 40 54,598 1 32 70 Robie ACP Local Access 612 25 15,301 1 49 57 End ACP Local Access 694 32 22,214 3 64 47 End ACP Local Access 627 40 25,076 1 52 65 Best ACP Local Access 1,168 28 32,711 1 45 80 Newer ACP Local Access 325 40 13,004 1 29 62 Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,306 30 39,173 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 339 36 12,203 1 21 86 Rees ACP Local Access 92 36 3,302 1 32 74 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,457 40 58,281 2 64 47 Robie ACP Local Access 712 36 25,648 1 33 68 Union ACP Local Access 717 36 25,797 2 64 47 End ACP Local Access 863 28 24,167 1 64 48 End ACP Local Access 185 36 6,660 1 52 66 Driftwood ACP Local Access 198 36 7,129 3 64 47 BATES ACP Local Access 475 33 15,675 1 29 61 End ACP Local Access 462 28 12,932 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 270 36 9,720 1 29 61 Bowdish ACP Local Access 585 36 21,045 1 32 71 End ACP Local Access 537 36 19,350 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 1,007 36 36,259 1 32 70 End ACP Local Access 225 30 6,750 1 21 86 Sands ACP Collector 2,933 24 70,394 2 57 67 Farr ACP Local Access 330 40 13,202 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 352 40 14,060 1 32 73 Woodruff ACP Local Access 660 27 17,815 1 21 86 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 56 0 96 118,975 34 0 96 60,738 44 0 91 0 91 0 60 0 67 0 70 0 57 0 96 37,887 65 0 80 0 62 0 86 0 86 0 74 0 96 94,674 68 0 96 41,906 96 37,406 66 0 96 12,159 61 0 86 0 61 0 71 0 86 0 70 0 86 0 94 101,915 86 0 73 0 86 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 28 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1827 1841 1842 1858 1826 1843 1860 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 1191 1197 1212 1224 1864 1865 1882 1884 1893 1894 1836 1861 1213 1059 1079 1091 1198 1232 1264 1272 1273 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 46th Av 46th Av 47th Av 47th Av 48th Av 48th Av 48th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 4th Av 50th Av 50th Ct 5th 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av 5th Av End Van Marter Van Marter End Woodruff Van Marter Bates Carnahan Fancher Thierman Dishman Mica Farr Pines McDonald Sullivan Steen End Barker End Custer University Bowdish Evergreen Adams End End End End Carnahan Thierman Flora Raymond McDonald Evergreen Crystal Van Marter ACP Local Access 334 36 12,025 1 21 86 Bates ACP Local Access 2,788 36 100,370 1 45 81 46th ACP Local Access 1,342 40 53,689 1 32 73 Sands ACP Local Access 964 40 38,546 1 52 65 End ACP Local Access 2,072 27 55,944 1 21 86 Bates ACP Local Access 2,776 40 111,022 1 32 69 Sands ACP Local Access 903 40 36,112 1 32 74 Fancher ACP Minor Arterial 2,643 34 89,878 2 57 77 Thierman ACP Minor Arterial 2,680 26 69,689 1 53 80 Park ACP Collector 2,646 26 68,799 1 34 62 Farr ACP Collector 1,269 34 43,145 1 26 91 University ACP Collector 3,309 32 105,898 4 57 66 McDonald ACP Collector 2,677 32 85,667 5 69 47 Evergreen ACP Collector 2,667 32 85,339 1 54 55 Rotchford ACP Local Access 2,568 26 66,766 1 29 63 Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,971 26 51,257 1 32 74 Barker ACP Local Access 3,319 16 53,112 1 49 77 Hodges ACP Local Access 2,644 16 42,305 1 21 91 Custer ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 14 18,797 5 57 56 Carnahan ACP Minor Arterial 1,313 34 44,636 1 40 70 Bowdish ACP Collector 2,652 32 84,861 1 57 66 Pines ACP Collector 2,656 32 84,985 5 54 56 Adams ACP Collector 2,650 32 84,808 1 50 80 Sullivan ACP Collector 2,657 32 85,022 1 57 66 Ferret ACP Local Access 436 27 11,759 1 21 86 Ponderosa ACP Local Access 491 40 19,636 1 32 73 McKee ACP Local Access 200 33 6,600 1 49 76 Custer ACP Local Access 1,323 24 31,743 1 49 77 McKinnon ACP Local Access 960 16 15,363 1 52 66 Park ACP Local Access 2,637 28 73,834 1 32 75 Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,273 40 50,928 1 21 86 Oberlin ACP Local Access 465 36 16,747 1 49 57 Mamer ACP Local Access 2,066 32 66,121 5 64 48 Bolivar ACP Local Access 664 28 18,600 1 32 70 Adams ACP Local Access 441 36 15,874 1 30 78 86 0 81 0 73 0 65 0 86 0 69 0 74 0 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 32,955 80 0 62 0 91 0 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 168,966 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 193,322 55 0 63 0 74 0 77 0 91 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 41,771 70 0 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 117,014 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 165,626 80 0 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 117,236 86 0 73 0 76 0 77 0 66 0 75 0 86 0 57 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 124,381 70 0 78 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 29 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1280 1241 1265 1928 1060 1085 1092 1199 1205 1214 1225 1233 1234 1242 1247 1254 1266 1267 1274 1275 1938 1057 1061 1086 1093 1226 1243 1255 1268 1269 1970 1248 92 93 94 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 5th Av 5th Ct 5th Ct 5th Ln 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 6th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Av 7th Ct 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av End End End Perrine End 8th Thierman Arc End Tschirley Michigan Farr End University Bowdish Houk McDonald 7th Evergreen End Vercler Dishman Mica End Eastern Thierman Michigan University Houk End Blake Rees Wilbur End Carnahan Dickey End Pierce Evergreen End Carnahan Thierman Park Tschirley End Long Hodges Woodruff University Bowdish Pines Collins Blake Mamer Bolivar Adams End Farr End Thierman End End Bowdish Vercler Blake Mamer Adams End Carnahan Dickey Thierman ACP Local Access 258 36 9,276 1 49 75 75 0 ACP Local Access 609 37 22,537 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,366 ACP Local Access 328 36 11,803 1 30 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 286 36 10,282 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Local Access 2,633 22 57,919 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 2,772 30 83,163 1 29 64 64 0 ACP Local Access 2,632 30 78,947 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Local Access 626 40 25,031 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 99 40 3,959 4 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 1,469 ACP Local Access 1,335 20 26,699 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 1,207 33 39,841 1 49 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 683 38 25,962 1 39 24 24 0 ACP Local Access 1,084 36 39,038 1 33 68 68 0 ACP Local Access 2,655 36 95,564 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Local Access 2,654 28 74,313 1 30 58 58 0 ACP Local Access 270 36 9,721 1 29 61 61 0 ACP Local Access 1,334 32 42,698 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Local Access 1,090 40 43,592 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Local Access 707 20 14,137 1 33 67 67 0 ACP Local Access 1,284 36 46,217 1 45 81 81 0 ACP Local Access 897 20 17,940 1 41 44 44 0 ACP Local Access 907 40 36,271 1 29 61 61 0 ACP Local Access 1,544 14 21,610 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 6,939 ACP Local Access 1,357 28 37,993 1 32 72 72 0 ACP Local Access 2,272 28 63,615 1 32 73 73 0 ACP Local Access 372 33 12,288 1 49 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 2,652 21 55,695 1 29 64 64 0 ACP Local Access 358 40 14,316 1 30 57 57 0 ACP Local Access 1,066 36 38,368 1 52 66 66 0 ACP Local Access 738 40 29,518 1 52 66 66 0 ACP Local Access 1,178 36 42,403 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Local Access 191 30 5,717 4 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 10,240 ACP Minor Arterial 2,635 20 52,706 3 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 89,893 ACP Minor Arterial 3,283 20 65,667 2 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 143,519 ACP Minor Arterial 1,996 20 39,910 4 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 71,483 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 30 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y O LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1045 1144 1429 1890 1891 1895 1069 1101 1105 1106 1288 1289 1301 1312 1340 1359 1360 1374 1392 1430 1431 1971 1375 1432 236 237 238 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 8th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Av 9th Ct 9th Ct Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Thierman Dishman Mica Farr Herald University Bowdish McDonald Adams Dishman Park Long Pines Vercler Evergreen Chronicle End Eastern Elizabeth Woodruff Robinhood Herald University Vercler McDonald Mamer Warren End End End Union Evergreen Harmony Broadway Sprague 2nd Park ACP Minor Arterial 2,648 20 52,966 5 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 99,635 Farr ACP Minor Arterial 789 44 34,694 3 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 69,928 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,404 36 50,549 5 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 112,331 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,916 36 68,959 1 37 65 65 0 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,655 34 90,281 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 181,966 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,651 32 84,821 1 37 63 63 0 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 28 74,692 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 121,333 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 26 68,977 1 57 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 24,065 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 161 50 8,040 1 29 60 60 0 Vista ACP Local Access 295 32 9,440 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 16,908 Barker ACP Local Access 2,699 24 64,786 1 32 75 75 0 Vercler ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 30 40,297 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 77,370 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 30 40,311 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 62,392 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,650 26 68,892 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 25,260 Carnahan ACP Local Access 659 28 18,446 1 32 74 74 0 Dickey ACP Local Access 632 36 22,762 1 32 74 74 0 Thierman ACP Local Access 1,327 36 47,786 1 49 75 75 0 Park ACP Local Access 2,436 24 58,460 1 32 75 75 0 Herald ACP Local Access 738 32 23,618 1 29 63 63 0 Mariam ACP Local Access 819 36 29,483 1 32 70 70 0 University ACP Local Access 1,915 32 61,290 1 30 59 59 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,652 19 50,388 1 33 68 68 0 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,344 28 37,631 1 30 57 57 0 Blake ACP Local Access 1,507 36 54,269 1 33 67 67 0 Evergreen ACP Local Access 506 40 20,238 1 49 56 56 0 Adams ACP Local Access 471 40 18,858 1 45 80 80 0 Sullivan ACP Local Access 623 36 22,417 1 33 68 68 0 End ACP Local Access 1,714 36 61,709 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 19,815 Harmony ACP Local Access 529 37 19,582 1 49 56 56 0 Pines ACP Local Access 1,325 36 47,690 1 29 60 60 0 End ACP Local Access 515 36 18,540 1 29 65 65 0 End ACP Local Access 151 37 5,575 1 49 77 77 0 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,773 28 49,648 1 38 77 77 0 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,637 22 58,004 2 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 94,224 4th ACP Minor Arterial 715 40 28,617 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 68,967 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 31 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 239 240 241 242 1897 1546 932 944 959 960 976 994 1727 83 84 1489 1010 624 586 623 1203 1204 1287 156 1003 1217 628 583 611 1372 1682 576 581 610 1451 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Adams Rd Airpark Dr Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Alki Av Aloha Ct Appleway BI Appleway BI April Ct Arbor Ci Arc Ct Arc Rd Arc St Arc St Arc St Archery Av Argonne Rd Arties Ct Arties Ln Arties Rd Augusta Av Augusta Ct Avalon Ct Avalon Rd Baldwin Av Baldwin Av Baldwin Ct Balfour BI Sprague 4th 8th 24th 16th 16th End McDonald Best End Adams Flora Pierce Dishman Mica Farr End Laberry Cataldo Mission End 3rd 5th Robinhood Sprague Sprague Long End McKee End 12th 28th Flora End End 16th 2nd 8th 16th End 24th End McDonald End Adams Best End Barker End Farr University 24th Laberry End Knox Mission 4th 6th Mariam Broadway End End Mission Barker Drummond 14th 32nd Tschirley Barker Drummond 24th ACP Minor Arterial 625 22 13,755 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 34,800 ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 22 29,570 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 11,368 ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 22 58,749 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 100,200 ACP Minor Arterial 663 22 14,578 1 50 34 34 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 30 79,712 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 160,664 ACP Local Access 1,335 40 53,387 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Local Access 1,325 40 53,011 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,001 40 40,043 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 1,324 32 42,380 1 30 79 79 0 ACP Local Access 662 40 26,498 1 29 79 79 0 ACP Local Access 340 36 12,240 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 5,270 24 126,468 1 21 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 427 36 15,367 1 32 71 71 0 ACP Principal Arterial 1,632 58 94,628 1 31 91 91 0 ACP Principal Arterial 3,370 58 195,465 1 31 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 297 40 11,896 1 49 56 56 0 ACP Local Access 501 40 20,054 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 455 36 16,376 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 1,656 32 52,999 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 658 36 23,699 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 290 40 11,600 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 225 40 9,000 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 817 40 32,692 1 30 79 79 0 ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,186 1 31 90 90 0 ACP Local Access 300 36 10,787 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 582 33 19,216 1 32 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 1,260 40 50,392 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 476 36 17,134 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 125 30 3,735 1 45 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 524 36 18,858 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 35,474 ACP Local Access 1,449 40 57,967 1 49 55 55 0 ACP Local Access 1,241 30 37,234 1 37 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 1,009 36 36,337 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 125 30 3,735 1 45 77 77 0 ACP Local Access 2,755 26 71,618 1 29 61 61 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 32 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1607 1612 1309 1975 1696 1697 1698 1699 258 844 845 971 972 1382 1383 1384 1544 1545 253 1771 1764 1763 1633 1757 1857 559 1436 585 587 997 1202 1846 1180 846 973 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Balfour BI Balfour BI Balfour Rd Balfour Rd Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Ct Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Bannen Rd Barker Rd BATES Bates Ct Bates Dr Bates Rd Bates Rd Bates Rd Beige Rd Beige Rd Bell Bell Bell St Bell St Barnhill Ct Best Ct Best Rd Best Rd 26th 24th 13th Appleway 31st 25th End End 24th Boone Mallon Valleyway Sprague 8th 12th End 17th 23rd Appleway End End 37th 25th End 44th Bridgeport 8th Knox Nora End Coach Marble Rees Broadway Valleyway Raymond ACP Local Access 366 26 9,515 2 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 11,524 26th ACP Local Access 566 26 14,726 1 29 64 64 0 16th ACP Local Access 1,075 32 34,401 1 30 58 58 0 4th ACP Local Access 393 32 12,576 1 37 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 165 36 5,955 1 29 60 60 0 End ACP Local Access 489 36 17,612 1 32 73 73 0 End ACP Local Access 360 36 12,960 1 49 77 77 0 31st ACP Local Access 346 36 12,449 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 23,418 25th ACP Collector 320 36 11,518 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 18,378 Sinto ACP Local Access 664 40 26,541 1 30 77 77 0 Cataldo ACP Local Access 335 40 13,386 1 30 77 77 0 Alki ACP Local Access 522 40 20,883 1 29 79 79 0 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,462 30 43,868 1 52 66 66 0 End ACP Local Access 644 40 25,758 1 25 82 82 0 13th ACP Local Access 507 36 18,258 1 30 77 77 0 15th ACP Local Access 144 40 5,740 1 49 77 77 0 Sunnyside ACP Local Access 1,012 40 40,490 1 29 61 61 0 24th ACP Local Access 721 40 28,835 1 29 61 61 0 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 1,165 36 41,949 1 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 76,720 End ACP Local Access 633 33 20,902 1 32 71 71 0 End ACP Local Access 190 36 6,840 1 52 66 66 0 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,036 36 37,302 1 30 58 58 0 31st ACP Local Access 1,916 40 76,628 1 33 68 68 0 37th ACP Local Access 1,613 40 64,513 1 41 42 42 0 Ponderosa ACP Local Access 2,007 40 80,282 1 52 67 67 0 Courtland ACP Local Access 387 36 13,941 1 41 40 40 0 10th ACP Local Access 590 36 21,240 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 6,820 End ACP Local Access 514 32 16,462 1 37 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 537 28 15,022 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 5,859 Alki ACP Local Access 648 30 19,454 1 49 77 77 0 3rd ACP Local Access 495 40 19,786 1 21 86 86 0 End ACP Local Access 484 40 19,346 1 32 72 72 0 2nd ACP Local Access 1,081 36 38,913 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 73,200 Mission ACP Local Access 2,225 40 89,014 1 30 77 77 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,184 32 37,888 1 29 79 79 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 33 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1179 1385 1386 1550 1703 1936 1132 1972 1150 1151 830 210 211 953 1174 1370 1371 1525 1939 1011 1496 1514 1051 1052 841 1693 1694 842 843 969 970 1276 1381 1542 1543 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Best Rd Bettman Rd Bettman Rd Beverly Dr Beverly Dr Blake Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Blake Rd Bloom Ci Blossey Av Blossey Av Bluff Dr Bluff Dr Bolivar Av Bolivar Ct Bolivar Ct Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd Bolivar Rd End 8th 12th 23rd 24th End 16th 12th Park Winter End Saltese 24th Sprague Sprague 12th 8th 16th 4th Laberry Vercler McDonald Mica Park End Sharp End 31st Sinto Cataldo Sprague Main 4th 14th 16th 21st 4th 10th 13th 24th 32nd Valleyway 19th 16th Winter Skyline Mission 24th SR 27 Valleyway 4th 16th 12th Saltese 8th Laberry McDonald McCabe End 16th Sinto 26th End Mission Desmet Main Valleyway 6th 16th 20th ACP Local Access 517 28 14,486 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 668 40 26,740 1 45 81 ACP Local Access 505 36 18,169 1 25 83 ACP Local Access 411 40 16,434 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 2,656 22 58,428 1 39 26 ACP Local Access 1,116 20 22,311 1 49 76 ACP Local Access 1,466 24 35,177 1 21 86 ACP Collector 1,037 24 24,888 1 26 86 ACP Local Access 1,602 26 41,651 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 271 26 7,048 1 29 64 ACP Local Access 1,989 20 39,781 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Collector 2,576 20 51,516 3 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Collector 1,543 23 35,487 4 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 ACP Local Access 1,327 32 42,457 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,332 30 39,954 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,338 20 26,760 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,342 40 53,665 1 33 67 ACP Local Access 1,928 28 53,981 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,333 35 46,656 1 29 60 ACP Local Access 652 40 26,070 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,737 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,347 40 53,878 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 245 36 8,818 1 29 61 ACP Local Access 509 36 18,306 1 30 77 ACP Local Access 313 30 9,400 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 243 36 8,759 1 30 59 ACP Local Access 165 36 5,955 1 29 64 ACP Local Access 374 40 14,967 1 30 78 ACP Local Access 337 40 13,477 1 30 77 ACP Local Access 793 40 31,728 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 672 40 26,868 5 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 592 20 11,848 1 45 81 ACP Local Access 668 40 26,716 1 32 72 ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,914 1 29 61 End ACP Local Access 726 40 29,032 1 29 60 77 0 81 0 83 0 62 0 26 0 76 0 86 0 86 0 63 0 64 0 90 12,774 96 105,436 95 65,888 96 65,713 96 71,562 96 41,418 67 0 96 87,690 60 0 89 0 96 101,623 96 96,501 61 0 77 0 77 0 59 0 64 0 78 0 77 0 96 51,540 96 50,542 81 0 72 0 61 0 60 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 34 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1695 618 619 631 817 826 836 1004 1854 1856 189 190 191 192 193 1821 1855 1885 1886 1888 1889 1033 1094 1115 554 1159 41 42 43 50 51 1875 1876 1934 1557 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Bolivar Rd Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Boone Av Bow Av Bowdish High Ct Bowdish Low Ct Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bowdish Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bradley Rd Bridgeport Av Broadview Dr Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Buckeye Av Burns Ct 26th Greenacres Long Barker Pines McDonald Evergreen Greenacres End 48th Sprague Sprague 6th 24th Dishman Mica Sands 45th 8th 16th 32nd 37th Sprague 4th 8th End End Park Vista Farr Sullivan Conklin Argonne Herald Barker 20th 31st Barker Barker Hodges Vercler Blake Best Barker Bowdish Low End Broadway 4th 6th 32nd Sands 44th 46th 16th 24th 37th Dishman Mica 4th 8th 11th Barker End Vista Argonne Herald Conklin Flora Farr University End ACP Local Access 1,666 36 59,980 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 1,308 16 20,934 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 2,664 20 53,275 5 65 76 ACP Local Access 2,432 20 48,632 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 1,336 26 34,726 1 41 44 ACP Local Access 1,316 40 52,643 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 1,325 40 52,986 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 1,433 20 28,662 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 385 40 15,418 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 211 40 8,439 1 30 58 ACP Minor Arterial 2,666 40 106,630 4 60 66 ACP Minor Arterial 1,331 40 53,235 3 57 56 ACP Minor Arterial 1,311 40 52,445 4 57 56 ACP Minor Arterial 2,654 33 87,581 3 60 66 ACP Collector 565 36 20,349 2 54 56 ACP Local Access 1,336 40 53,442 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 292 40 11,669 1 32 73 ACP Minor Arterial 2,684 26 69,786 5 72 47 ACP Minor Arterial 2,645 33 87,290 1 49 40 ACP Minor Arterial 1,822 28 51,016 5 72 46 ACP Minor Arterial 1,784 28 49,956 1 57 56 ACP Local Access 1,322 32 42,309 1 33 68 ACP Local Access 1,328 24 31,867 1 32 72 ACP Local Access 999 30 29,980 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 1,286 40 51,446 1 39 25 ACP Local Access 393 14 5,504 3 64 47 ACP Minor Arterial 2,584 44 113,692 5 57 76 ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,848 2 57 56 ACP Minor Arterial 1,326 44 58,323 4 72 47 ACP Minor Arterial 2,601 24 62,429 1 57 56 ACP Minor Arterial 2,694 24 64,653 1 29 90 ACP Minor Arterial 1,987 44 87,438 1 49 39 ACP Minor Arterial 1,989 44 87,498 2 57 56 ACP Local Access 2,631 26 68,403 1 41 37 End ACP Local Access 225 32 7,200 1 49 57 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 58 0 87 0 90 20,777 87 0 44 0 74 0 77 0 87 0 63 0 58 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 190,986 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 107,298 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 111,009 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 149,374 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 34,254 58 0 73 0 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 176,559 40 0 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 129,070 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 91,364 68 0 72 0 74 0 25 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 9,387 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 48,256 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 224,348 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 140,558 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 114,176 90 0 39 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 167,996 37 0 57 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 35 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 855 980 1187 1408 1409 1410 1565 1566 1129 849 975 1278 1387 1388 1551 1708 1012 129 130 1919 1600 621 820 828 838 851 632 1222 1154 1155 1282 1571 1415 1416 1653 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Burns Rd Buttercup St Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Calvin Rd Cameron Ct Cane Ci Carnahan Rd Carnahan Rd Carnahan Rd Carnine Ct Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Av Cataldo Rd Cecilia Center Dr Center Dr Century Ct Century Ct Century Rd Century Rd Cherry Ct Broadway Valleyway 2nd 8th 11th 14th 17th 21st 16th Mallon Main 6th 8th 10th Early Dawn Mission ACP Local Access 1,578 40 63,125 1 32 74 74 0 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,319 30 39,581 1 32 74 74 0 4th ACP Local Access 494 40 19,750 1 45 82 82 0 10th ACP Local Access 486 36 17,505 1 30 78 78 0 12th ACP Local Access 524 36 18,865 1 45 81 81 0 16th ACP Local Access 642 36 23,126 1 52 66 66 0 20th ACP Local Access 777 32 24,874 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 44,551 End ACP Local Access 818 36 29,448 1 41 44 44 0 End ACP Local Access 847 36 30,497 1 32 74 74 0 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,281 40 51,223 1 30 77 77 0 Nixon ACP Local Access 377 40 15,071 1 29 80 80 0 7th ACP Local Access 320 40 12,804 1 45 80 80 0 10th ACP Local Access 680 36 24,475 1 32 74 74 0 12th ACP Local Access 643 40 25,732 1 45 81 81 0 24th ACP Local Access 1,915 40 76,602 1 29 60 60 0 End Sonora ACP Local Access 430 36 15,483 1 41 40 40 0 Laberry Laberry ACP Local Access 544 40 21,752 1 21 87 87 0 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 18 23,910 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 40,780 8th End ACP Minor Arterial 2,648 24 63,552 1 28 95 95 0 Sprague 3rd ACP Local Access 991 16 15,850 1 30 58 58 0 22nd End ACP Local Access 585 40 23,400 1 42 35 35 0 Flora Long ACP Local Access 2,989 18 53,810 1 21 89 89 0 Virginia McDonald ACP Local Access 964 40 38,545 1 32 74 74 0 McDonald End ACP Local Access 1,639 22 36,060 1 32 74 74 0 Evergreen Adams ACP Local Access 2,697 40 107,880 1 49 77 77 0 St Charles Mission ACP Local Access 940 40 37,585 1 32 74 74 0 Barker End ACP Local Access 2,848 28 79,734 1 21 87 87 0 End End ACP Local Access 265 40 10,600 1 41 44 44 0 End Skyline ACP Local Access 1,402 12 16,821 1 52 66 66 0 Skyline Beverly ACP Local Access 560 20 11,205 1 29 61 61 0 Sullivan End ACP Local Access 362 40 14,494 1 41 44 44 0 End 22nd ACP Local Access 350 36 12,600 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 21,490 12th 12th ACP Local Access 1,002 40 40,069 1 33 68 68 0 14th 16th ACP Local Access 516 40 20,629 1 30 58 58 0 24th End ACP Local Access 206 40 8,257 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 15,532 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 36 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1488 1654 1655 431 432 1586 1710 1712 1452 649 1064 1068 1794 1806 1814 950 1368 1369 1519 1666 584 622 1201 1195 1035 1095 1116 1257 1490 940 1354 1500 1503 1658 1659 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Cherry Rd Cherry Rd Cherry Rd Cherry St Cherry St Cheryl Ct Cheryl Ct Cheryl Ct Chinook Rd Chronicle Rd Chronicle Rd Chronicle Rd Cimmaron Dr Cimmaron Dr Cimmaron Dr Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Clinton Rd Coach Coach Coach Ct Coach Dr Coleman Rd Coleman Rd Coleman Rd Collins Ct Collins Ct Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd Collins Rd 20th 26th Skyview Mirabeau Mansfield End 27th 21st ACP Local Access 355 40 14,190 5 64 47 27th ACP Local Access 510 40 20,380 4 64 48 End ACP Local Access 505 40 20,211 3 64 47 Pinecroft ACP Local Access 642 44 28,240 2 68 65 End ACP Local Access 1,160 32 37,118 1 29 61 20th ACP Local Access 400 36 14,416 1 30 78 End ACP Local Access 524 36 18,856 1 21 86 End 27th ACP Local Access 705 36 25,373 1 49 76 Balfour 19th ACP Local Access 730 30 21,912 1 29 61 Sprague 3rd ACP Local Access 989 18 17,808 1 33 68 4th 6th ACP Local Access 669 21 14,040 1 49 76 8th 9th ACP Local Access 332 28 9,290 1 52 66 Sunderland Schafer ACP Local Access 1,821 32 58,273 1 29 64 Schafer End ACP Local Access 1,005 36 36,182 1 25 84 End Forest Meadows ACP Local Access 291 40 11,651 1 32 71 Sprague Main ACP Local Access 665 40 26,584 1 41 41 8th 10th ACP Local Access 670 40 26,807 1 49 57 10th 12th ACP Local Access 671 28 18,787 1 33 67 16th Wick ACP Local Access 615 40 24,616 1 30 58 Skyview 32nd ACP Local Access 707 40 28,275 1 49 76 End Shannon ACP Local Access 755 32 24,160 1 21 87 Maxwell End ACP Local Access 326 24 7,824 1 21 87 4th End ACP Local Access 438 36 15,764 1 21 86 3rd Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,674 36 60,275 1 21 86 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,319 32 42,214 1 29 63 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,331 32 42,601 1 32 73 8th 12th ACP Local Access 1,171 24 28,092 1 32 75 End 6th ACP Local Access 139 36 4,987 1 49 56 End 23rd ACP Local Access 389 36 13,992 5 64 47 Olive Broadway ACP Local Access 977 40 39,064 2 64 47 8th End ACP Local Access 673 40 26,913 1 33 67 Saltese Houk ACP Local Access 484 40 19,366 1 64 48 16th Saltese ACP Local Access 259 40 10,352 4 64 48 26th Skyview ACP Local Access 823 40 32,938 1 49 56 Lenora 32nd ACP Local Access 825 40 32,998 1 49 56 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 26,692 96 36,503 96 34,471 94 34,201 61 0 78 0 86 0 76 0 61 0 68 0 76 0 66 0 64 0 84 0 71 0 41 0 57 0 67 0 58 0 76 0 87 0 87 0 86 0 86 0 63 0 73 0 75 0 56 0 96 26,320 96 63,458 67 0 96 29,974 96 18,542 56 0 56 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 37 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1805 1593 1599 243 1193 1601 730 1002 999 553 996 1293 1063 1918 1078 1039 556 1812 1058 1307 1449 1029 1136 1138 1529 1673 1681 1528 1684 1605 648 1062 818 819 827 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Conifer Ct Conklin Ct Conklin Ct Conklin Rd Conklin Rd Conklin Rd Corbin Ct Corbin PI Corbin Rd Courtland Av Cowley Av Crossbow Ct Custer Rd Custer Rd Custer St Dale Rd Dalton Av Darcy Dr Dartmouth Rd Dartmouth Rd Dartmouth Rd David St David St David St Davis Ct Davis Ct Davis Ct Davis Rd Davis Rd Daybreak Ln Dearborn Rd Dearborn Rd Desmet Av Desmet Av Desmet Av End End 22nd Sprague Sprague Vera Crest Broadway Appleway Appleway Velox Corbin Robinhood 4th Sprague 16th 1st Velox End Sprague 13th 19th 1st 14th 17th 23rd End 31st 17th 25th Dusk Sprague 4th Pines Virginia McDonald Cimmaron ACP Local Access 706 36 25,413 1 21 86 Limerick ACP Local Access 155 36 5,580 2 52 65 End ACP Local Access 190 40 7,600 1 39 26 Broadway ACP Collector 2,654 24 63,701 2 57 67 Rotchford ACP Local Access 1,459 44 64,211 1 32 74 23rd ACP Local Access 1,718 40 68,716 1 26 32 End ACP Local Access 286 37 10,593 1 32 69 Appleway ACP Local Access 949 22 20,885 1 21 91 Alki ACP Local Access 2,029 18 36,530 1 21 90 Donwood ACP Local Access 942 36 33,918 2 64 48 Barker ACP Local Access 3,886 22 85,498 1 21 91 End ACP Local Access 487 40 19,496 1 30 77 8th ACP Local Access 1,332 20 26,637 1 30 78 3rd ACP Local Access 990 24 23,762 1 30 58 End ACP Local Access 1,199 31 37,165 1 32 73 Appleway ACP Local Access 259 40 10,362 4 64 48 Donwood ACP Local Access 958 36 34,501 1 41 43 University ACP Local Access 498 40 19,926 1 21 86 Appleway ACP Local Access 836 30 25,086 1 52 66 16th ACP Local Access 1,077 32 34,449 2 64 46 20th ACP Local Access 282 40 11,282 1 29 62 4th ACP Local Access 992 26 25,781 4 64 46 17th ACP Local Access 852 36 30,678 1 21 86 18th ACP Local Access 389 36 14,004 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 265 36 9,540 1 30 57 25th ACP Local Access 108 60 6,463 1 30 59 End ACP Local Access 133 60 7,971 1 49 57 20th ACP Local Access 982 40 39,291 1 49 55 31st ACP Local Access 1,914 40 76,574 1 30 58 End ACP Local Access 1,196 31 37,064 1 32 69 3rd ACP Local Access 990 24 23,754 1 29 64 8th ACP Local Access 1,327 22 29,203 1 32 70 Vercler ACP Local Access 1,334 32 42,695 1 32 74 McDonald ACP Local Access 962 40 38,460 1 32 74 Blake ACP Local Access 1,317 40 52,667 1 32 74 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 86 0 94 6,758 26 0 94 92,225 74 0 32 0 69 0 91 0 90 0 96 55,098 91 0 77 0 78 0 58 0 73 0 96 18,559 43 0 86 0 66 0 96 55,961 62 0 96 46,177 86 0 86 0 57 0 59 0 57 0 55 0 58 0 69 0 64 0 70 0 74 0 74 0 74 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 38 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 837 1759 134 433 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 1040 1042 1043 1044 1028 1112 560 1034 1013 1793 1795 602 609 1596 1027 1135 1700 1548 1026 1090 1111 1134 1083 591 Desmet Av Diana Ct Dickey Rd Discovery PI Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Mica Rd Dishman Rd Dishman Rd Dishman Rd Dishman Rd Dollar Rd Dollar Rd Donwood Rd Dora St Dove Ci Driftwood Ct Driftwood Dr Drummond St Drummond St Dusk Ln Dyer Rd Dyer Rd Early Dawn Ct Early Dawn Dr Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastern Rd Eastwood Av Eden IMS Infrastructure Management Services Evergreen Loretta 8th Mansfield 16th 24th 32nd Schafer 40th Sands Thorpe Sprague 1st Appleway 8th Appleway 8th Dalton Sprague Laberry 39th Cimmaron Montgomery Mission End Sprague 14th 31st 17th 2ND AV End 8th 17th Koren Michielli Best End 12th End 24th 32nd Schafer 40th Sands Thorpe End ACP Local Access 1,325 40 53,017 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 445 36 16,020 4 64 47 ACP Collector 1,528 24 36,672 1 54 75 ACP Local Access 1,060 36 38,169 1 52 67 ACP Principal Arterial 2,942 66 194,146 1 31 91 ACP Principal Arterial 2,864 68 194,783 1 31 91 ACP Principal Arterial 1,289 76 97,963 1 31 91 ACP Minor Arterial 2,050 40 81,993 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Minor Arterial 1,718 46 79,005 1 37 63 ACP Minor Arterial 2,734 40 109,344 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Minor Arterial 1,439 40 57,559 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 1st ACP Local Access 325 37 12,032 1 29 61 Appleway ACP Local Access 530 37 19,602 1 49 76 8th ACP Local Access 2,527 26 65,698 1 29 62 Siesta ACP Local Access 1,850 50 92,486 1 30 78 1st ACP Local Access 333 50 16,632 1 33 68 End ACP Local Access 1,207 36 43,437 1 33 67 Courtland ACP Local Access 776 36 27,934 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 3rd ACP Local Access 989 26 25,722 1 52 66 Laberry ACP Local Access 893 40 35,724 1 21 89 End ACP Local Access 257 36 9,250 1 29 59 Sunderland ACP Local Access 1,671 30 50,144 1 21 86 Marlin ACP Local Access 932 40 37,270 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Indiana ACP Local Access 932 32 29,813 1 45 77 End ACP Local Access 907 31 28,130 1 32 69 1st ACP Local Access 346 40 13,843 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 17th ACP Local Access 844 36 30,394 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 207 36 7,470 1 33 68 Sunnyside ACP Local Access 1,462 40 58,487 1 29 61 4th ACP Local Access 552 32 17,663 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 8th ACP Local Access 1,195 20 23,898 1 32 74 12th ACP Local Access 1,327 28 37,148 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 1,472 36 52,995 1 21 86 Howe ACP Local Access 566 21 11,889 1 49 76 End ACP Local Access 1,056 28 29,568 1 21 87 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 77 0 96 28,694 90 12,387 67 0 91 0 91 0 91 0 94 139,844 63 0 94 169,240 95 116,013 61 0 76 0 62 0 78 0 68 0 67 0 96 52,547 66 0 89 0 59 0 86 0 96 57,686 77 0 69 0 96 24,794 86 0 68 0 61 0 96 33,226 74 0 94 52,090 86 0 76 0 87 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 39 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 557 1152 1032 1114 232 233 234 235 1896 594 257 132 322 1140 1866 1867 1868 1969 172 173 174 175 1297 1800 1834 1447 1808 1838 1238 1308 1450 1829 1837 1844 564 Eden St Edgerton Rd Elizabeth Rd Elizabeth St Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Evergreen Rd Fairview Ct Fancher Frontage Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Fancher Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Farr Rd Fawn Dr Felts Ct Felts Ln Felts Rd Felts Rd Felts Rd Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Ferret Dr Flora Pit Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Vista Sprague 8th Sprague 4th 8th 16th 24th End Sharp Sharp Trent 14th Sprague Sprague Broadway Woodlawn Sprague Sprague Appleway 4th 8th 43rd 44th 18th Pondra 48th 4th 8th 16th 50th Holman Van Marter Sullivan End 12th 4th End 4th 8th 16th 24th 32nd Joel Railroad Trent End 15th 3rd Broadway Sharp 8th Broadway Appleway 4th 8th Archery 44th Holman Herald End End 8th 9th Balfour Van Marter 50th Ponderosa ACP Local Access 1,663 43 71,510 1 30 57 57 0 ACP Local Access 1,407 40 56,292 1 33 68 68 0 ACP Local Access 1,320 22 29,038 1 29 64 64 0 ACP Local Access 442 20 8,845 1 39 26 26 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,338 73 97,654 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 35,806 ACP Minor Arterial 1,336 30 40,088 1 37 78 78 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,673 30 80,194 1 38 77 77 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,646 30 79,380 1 29 91 91 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,660 26 69,161 1 28 95 95 0 ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 18,109 ACP Collector 898 20 17,964 2 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 30,239 ACP Minor Arterial 2,510 52 130,504 1 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 238,677 PCC Local Access 53 52 2,756 1 31 95 95 0 ACP Local Access 308 32 9,867 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 16,028 PCC Minor Arterial 872 40 34,865 1 48 82 82 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,651 70 185,598 1 49 37 37 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,527 52 79,404 1 49 39 39 0 ACP Local Access 343 20 6,858 1 50 55 55 0 ACP Collector 2,649 28 74,177 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 102,282 ACP Collector 737 28 20,634 1 26 91 91 0 ACP Collector 600 28 16,803 1 31 31 31 0 ACP Collector 1,323 28 37,036 1 31 32 32 0 ACP Local Access 195 30 5,851 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 9,056 ACP Local Access 495 36 17,820 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 1,704 27 46,017 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 1,968 40 78,731 1 29 62 62 0 ACP Local Access 241 30 7,240 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 1,563 27 42,206 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 1,319 30 39,584 1 33 68 68 0 ACP Local Access 360 32 11,511 1 52 67 67 0 ACP Local Access 1,368 36 49,259 1 29 65 65 0 ACP Local Access 2,357 27 63,637 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 205 27 5,542 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 2,413 40 96,532 1 30 78 78 0 End ACP Local Access 5,924 24 142,167 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 45,651 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 40 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 249 1200 1932 1818 1670 392 1752 1166 1251 1330 1636 1751 1491 1426 1832 1735 1736 1845 1849 1096 1117 1921 1734 1244 1317 1318 1623 1949 1476 595 430 1908 1909 633 1080 Flora Rd Flora Rd Flora Rd Forest Meadows Dr Forrest Av Fox Fox Ct Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox Rd Fox St Galls Park Ct Galway St Gertrude Dr Gillis Ct Gillis Rd Gillis St Gillis Way Ct Girard Rd Girard Rd Girard Rd Glenn Ct Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenn Rd Glenview Ci Grace Ct Grace Ln Grady Ln Grady Ln Grady Rd Granite Dr IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sprague 4th End Sundown 24th Jackson End Sprague 4th 12th Lenora 35th 23rd End Ponderosa End 34th 44th 48th 4th 8th Sprague End 7th 15th 12th 24th 16th 22nd End Pines 4th 6th Boone 5th Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 26 68,965 3 57 76 4th ACP Local Access 1,721 30 51,616 1 25 83 Euclid ACP Local Access 1,412 24 33,888 1 41 45 44th ACP Local Access 2,391 40 95,634 1 32 70 26th ACP Local Access 836 40 33,456 1 30 57 End ACP Local Access 400 32 12,800 1 30 58 35th ACP Local Access 207 36 7,463 1 42 35 1st ACP Local Access 322 28 9,027 1 41 44 6th ACP Local Access 660 40 26,391 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 15th ACP Local Access 1,046 38 39,753 1 29 62 32nd ACP Local Access 1,344 40 53,768 1 49 75 37th ACP Local Access 645 36 23,220 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 80 65 5,201 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Limerick ACP Local Access 426 36 15,330 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 1,444 50 72,209 1 21 86 33rd ACP Local Access 205 36 7,381 1 41 42 35th ACP Local Access 465 36 16,740 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 46th ACP Local Access 651 40 26,031 1 52 67 End ACP Local Access 330 40 13,212 1 32 72 8th ACP Local Access 1,327 28 37,166 1 52 66 12th ACP Local Access 1,167 24 28,010 1 32 75 4th ACP Local Access 1,324 28 37,083 1 52 66 35th ACP Local Access 961 36 34,584 1 41 42 6th ACP Local Access 1,045 23 24,035 1 29 64 16th ACP Local Access 375 28 10,494 1 29 61 15th ACP Local Access 1,015 38 38,557 1 32 72 32nd ACP Local Access 2,642 32 84,558 1 41 39 24th ACP Local Access 2,642 40 105,682 1 41 38 22nd ACP Local Access 1,072 40 42,888 1 29 62 Joel ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Cherry ACP Local Access 303 36 10,907 1 29 60 End ACP Local Access 410 40 16,411 1 29 63 End ACP Local Access 121 40 4,846 1 29 63 Mission ACP Local Access 825 36 29,684 1 21 89 Granite Point ACP Local Access 649 17 11,029 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 26,513 83 0 45 0 70 0 57 0 58 0 35 0 44 0 96 49,644 62 0 75 0 96 35,939 96 9,316 90 5,689 86 0 42 0 96 25,910 67 0 72 0 66 0 75 0 66 0 42 0 64 0 61 0 72 0 39 0 38 0 62 0 96 18,109 60 0 63 0 63 0 89 0 94 15,465 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 41 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1081 592 627 1001 1219 1435 1494 603 1017 1438 1074 1137 136 177 1237 1448 1877 1878 1879 1850 1147 634 1022 1231 1228 1020 1023 1229 1820 1819 1828 1423 1657 429 821 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Granite Point Dr Greenacres Greenacres Rd Greenacres Rd Greenacres Rd Greenacres Rd Guthrie Dr Harmony Rd Harmony Rd Harmony Rd Havana Yale Rd Hazel Rd Heacox Av Herald Rd Herald Rd Herald Rd Herald Rd Herald Rd Herald Rd High Way Ct Highland Dr Hodges Rd Hodges Rd Hodges Rd Holiday Holiday Ct Holiday Rd Holiday Rd Hollow Ct Hollow St Holman Rd Homestead Ct Houk Ct Houk Rd Houk Rd Carnahan Mission End Sprague Sprague 8th 19th Marlin Sprague 8th Yale End Thierman 8th 4th 20th End Main Sprague End Center Boone Main Sprague Michigan Main Sprague 6th End Sundown Spencer End 26th Shannon Sinto McKinnon ACP Local Access 1,249 18 22,480 1 49 76 76 0 Mansfield ACP Local Access 2,482 18 44,676 1 21 87 87 0 Mission ACP Local Access 2,035 14 28,489 1 21 87 87 0 End ACP Local Access 3,012 18 54,213 1 29 60 60 0 4th ACP Local Access 1,333 18 23,991 1 21 86 86 0 9th ACP Local Access 290 36 10,438 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 3,352 25th ACP Local Access 2,479 50 123,939 1 41 37 37 0 Buckeye ACP Local Access 466 40 18,646 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 28,860 Valleyway ACP Local Access 868 40 34,700 1 21 89 89 0 End ACP Local Access 794 37 29,393 1 32 75 75 0 16th ACP Local Access 404 20 8,078 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,122 14th ACP Local Access 205 36 7,384 1 21 86 86 0 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 3,316 36 119,393 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 193,947 16th ACP Collector 2,673 40 106,928 1 34 60 60 0 End ACP Local Access 331 22 7,277 1 30 77 77 0 Dishman Mica ACP Local Access 1,643 40 65,722 1 29 63 63 0 Broadway ACP Collector 1,729 26 44,952 1 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 61,984 End ACP Collector 265 36 9,540 5 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 18,592 Main ACP Collector 663 26 17,239 3 54 55 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 30,475 Low Way ACP Local Access 404 40 16,144 1 52 66 66 0 Beverly ACP Local Access 987 28 27,629 1 29 63 63 0 Mission ACP Local Access 764 36 27,504 1 21 89 89 0 Laberry ACP Local Access 1,373 40 54,905 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 21,413 8th ACP Local Access 2,665 14 37,309 1 21 91 91 0 End ACP Local Access 1,321 33 43,583 1 49 77 77 0 End ACP Local Access 155 40 6,198 1 21 89 89 0 Main ACP Local Access 498 40 19,929 1 21 89 89 0 7th ACP Local Access 462 33 15,249 1 49 77 77 0 Sundown ACP Local Access 400 40 16,000 1 32 72 72 0 44th ACP Local Access 1,010 40 40,390 1 32 69 69 0 Van Marter ACP Local Access 3,959 24 95,013 1 25 84 84 0 End ACP Local Access 745 30 22,344 1 21 86 86 0 End ACP Local Access 203 40 8,132 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 14,565 Mansfield ACP Local Access 622 40 24,860 4 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 33,202 Mission ACP Local Access 681 40 27,233 1 64 46 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 42,150 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 42 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 943 1172 1256 1258 1352 1353 1497 728 1656 651 653 1088 1920 1728 574 575 608 697 414 605 599 601 1437 1740 1097 1281 1520 1521 1522 578 370 573 652 1087 1141 Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk Rd Houk St Houk St Howe Rd Howe Rd Howe Rd Howe St Hula Ct Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Av Indiana Ct Jackson Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr Jackson Dr Joel Rd Joel Rd Johnson St Kahuna Dr Kailas Ct Keller Rd Keller Rd Keller Rd Knox Knox Av Knox Av Koren Rd Koren Rd Koren Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sprague Sprague 4th 7th 8th End Saltese Mission 24th Sprague Koren 4th 14th End Arc Tschirley Barker End Fox End Barker Buckeye 8th 38th End End 16th Wick Saltese Eden Locust End Howe 4th 16th Main 1st End 8th End 14th Vercler End 25th Koren 3rd Eastwood 16th Woodward Tschirley Barker End End End Jackson Montgomery End 9th 40th Carnahan End Wick Saltese Semro Greenacres ACP Local Access 673 28 18,844 2 64 47 ACP Local Access 447 38 16,976 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 659 40 26,363 1 64 45 ACP Local Access 480 40 19,214 1 49 57 ACP Local Access 655 40 26,216 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 979 30 29,364 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 1,237 40 49,462 4 64 47 ACP Local Access 472 35 16,507 1 41 43 ACP Local Access 374 40 14,956 3 64 47 ACP Local Access 423 39 16,502 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 699 39 27,277 1 29 60 ACP Local Access 827 21 17,358 1 49 76 ACP Local Access 643 36 23,150 1 64 48 ACP Local Access 320 36 11,531 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 260 32 8,320 1 37 89 ACP Local Access 3,903 16 62,441 1 21 95 ACP Local Access 2,715 40 108,615 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 1,846 18 33,227 3 64 48 ACP Local Access 400 40 16,000 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 115 40 4,600 5 60 10 ACP Local Access 1,007 40 40,289 1 41 42 ACP Local Access 805 36 28,992 1 64 48 ACP Local Access 480 40 19,203 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 495 36 17,820 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 993 36 35,763 1 42 33 ACP Local Access 200 36 7,200 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 719 40 28,772 1 50 55 ACP Local Access 340 40 13,607 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 682 40 27,265 2 64 47 ACP Local Access 390 30 11,700 1 37 89 End ACP Local Access 472 30 14,174 1 29 60 Tschirley ACP Local Access 1,198 32 38,338 1 21 89 3rd ACP Local Access 701 30 21,016 1 29 60 Eastwood ACP Local Access 1,130 21 23,730 1 49 77 Rocky Ridge ACP Local Access 963 40 38,512 1 41 44 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 30,611 63 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,804 57 0 66 0 62 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 88,591 43 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 25,509 69 0 60 0 76 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 35,831 70 0 89 0 95 0 87 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 56,670 58 0 A-LOC-Full Recon 99 29,573 42 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 44,872 62 0 70 0 33 0 63 0 55 0 58 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 44,291 89 0 60 0 89 0 60 0 77 0 44 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 43 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ 9 a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1008 1126 1131 1133 1175 1629 1649 1261 555 1425 1574 1475 1298 1077 1799 1230 590 626 1000 1216 1745 1283 1486 935 947 948 966 967 990 995 1021 839 840 852 829 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Laberry Dr Lake Rd Lake Rd Lake Rd Leatha Ln Lenora Dr Lenora Dr Leta Rd Liberty Av Limerick Dr Limerick Dr Linda Ln Little John Ct Lloyd St Locust Rd Lone Tree Rd Long Rd Long Rd Long Rd Long Rd Loretta Dr Lucille Ln Macy Ct Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Main Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Av Mallon Ct Barker 19th Seehorn Moreland 3rd Bates Cherry 4th Velox Galway 16th 16th 10th End End 4th Mission Cataldo Appleway Sprague 34th 4th End Pines End McDonald End Best Conklin Flora Holiday Evergreen End Progress McDonald End Seehorn End 19th 4th Pines Virginia 6th McKee 16th Sonora 19th End 15th 44th 6th Riverway Mission End 8th Pines End April McDonald Evergreen End Bolivar Adams End Tschirley End Best Warren St Charles ACP Local Access 2,890 32 92,489 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 839 36 30,196 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 562 36 20,228 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 641 36 23,080 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 441 40 17,650 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 2,512 40 100,480 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 1,401 40 56,058 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 657 40 26,281 1 29 64 ACP Local Access 677 36 24,371 3 64 48 ACP Local Access 1,117 30 33,524 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 1,528 36 55,017 1 49 75 ACP Local Access 1,060 40 42,386 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 272 36 9,792 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 330 30 9,914 1 52 66 ACP Local Access 660 36 23,771 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 543 33 17,930 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 3,214 18 57,852 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 2,021 18 36,383 1 21 87 ACP Local Access 2,370 16 37,915 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 2,490 22 54,776 1 25 84 ACP Local Access 2,235 40 89,409 5 64 47 ACP Local Access 571 37 21,138 1 29 62 ACP Local Access 194 40 7,776 4 64 48 ACP Local Access 2,665 24 63,960 1 64 46 ACP Local Access 1,001 36 36,038 1 64 48 ACP Local Access 621 40 24,858 2 64 47 ACP Local Access 406 40 16,250 3 64 46 ACP Local Access 1,312 36 47,236 1 64 46 ACP Local Access 1,339 30 40,165 1 25 83 ACP Local Access 1,059 18 19,067 1 21 91 ACP Local Access 718 40 28,702 1 21 89 ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,925 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 601 40 24,031 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 267 50 13,346 5 52 65 End ACP Local Access 517 40 20,664 1 32 74 89 0 86 0 86 0 86 0 66 0 74 0 56 0 64 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 41,566 86 0 75 0 70 0 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 3,144 66 0 86 0 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 5,758 87 0 87 0 91 0 84 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 168,188 62 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,927 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 98,997 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 55,779 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,381 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 27,715 46 0 83 0 91 0 89 0 77 0 77 0 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 18,713 74 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 44 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1527 729 831 956 957 1270 1271 1373 1526 1683 577 427 428 572 1405 1564 1299 562 563 596 597 1406 1407 1947 598 612 613 614 615 812 813 954 955 951 952 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Mamer Ct Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mamer Rd Mansfield Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Mansfield Av Marcus Ct Marcus Ct Mariam St Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marietta Av Marigold Ct Marigold Rd Marigold St Marlin Dr Maxwell Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Maxwell Av Mayhew Rd Mayhew Rd McCabe Rd McCabe Rd End Mission Broadway Valleyway Main 5th 7th 8th 16th 30th Eden End Pines End 8th End Archery End Sullivan Harmony McMillan End 8th 12th Buckeye End End Long Greenacres Pines End Main Sprague Alki Sprague 24th ACP Local Access 238 36 8,555 1 49 57 Nora ACP Local Access 635 30 19,043 1 32 74 Mission ACP Local Access 2,627 24 63,037 1 32 74 Alki ACP Local Access 650 36 23,394 1 32 74 Valleyway ACP Local Access 534 36 19,228 1 32 74 7th ACP Local Access 683 40 27,321 1 41 42 8th ACP Local Access 318 40 12,720 1 52 66 End ACP Local Access 1,338 40 53,527 1 33 68 20th ACP Local Access 1,324 36 47,668 1 30 57 32nd ACP Local Access 421 40 16,851 1 29 60 Greenacres ACP Local Access 390 30 11,700 1 37 89 Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,550 48 122,420 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Houk ACP Local Access 950 40 37,994 1 41 39 End ACP Local Access 659 32 21,088 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 344 40 13,760 1 30 79 20th ACP Local Access 330 32 10,560 1 30 57 Robinhood ACP Local Access 1,530 36 55,070 1 30 79 Sullivan ACP Local Access 638 38 24,252 1 52 66 Euclid ACP Local Access 3,428 58 198,832 1 49 76 McMillan ACP Local Access 561 40 22,428 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Montgomery ACP Local Access 632 40 25,262 1 39 22 12th ACP Local Access 480 36 17,280 1 33 68 End ACP Local Access 315 28 8,831 1 49 77 14th ACP Local Access 706 36 25,406 1 45 81 McMillan ACP Local Access 1,414 40 56,541 1 41 39 End ACP Local Access 390 36 14,040 1 37 87 End ACP Local Access 325 36 11,711 1 21 87 End ACP Local Access 855 40 34,218 1 21 87 Barker ACP Local Access 1,302 18 23,440 1 21 87 Houk ACP Local Access 670 36 24,135 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 981 40 39,243 1 32 74 Valleyway ACP Local Access 513 36 18,473 1 32 73 Riverside ACP Local Access 518 40 20,710 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Broadway ACP Local Access 664 40 26,578 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,329 32 42,543 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 57 0 74 0 74 0 74 0 74 0 42 0 66 0 68 0 57 0 60 0 89 0 94 148,264 39 0 90 8,224 79 0 57 0 79 0 66 0 76 0 96 42,189 22 0 68 0 77 0 81 0 39 0 87 0 87 0 87 0 87 0 96 37,356 74 0 73 0 96 33,642 94 37,269 90 13,661 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 45 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1523 McCabe Rd 16th 1524 McCabe Rd 22nd 1671 McCabe Rd 26th 199 McDonald Rd Sprague 200 McDonald Rd 4th 201 McDonald Rd 8th 207 McDonald Rd 16th 208 McDonald Rd Saltese 1892 McDonald Rd Sprague 1957 McDonald Rd 27th 1784 McDonald St 32nd 1220 McKee End 1914 McKee 5th 593 McKee Ct Augusta 1933 McKee Rd Euclid 650 McKinnon Rd Sprague 1082 McKinnon Rd 4th 1019 McMillan Ct Valleyway 604 McMillan Rd Montgomery 1018 McMillan Rd Riverside 1227 McMillan Rd End 1747 Melissa Dr 33rd 1785 Mercy Ct End 1802 Mercy Dr Schafer 1048 Mica Park Dr Dishman 580 Michielli Eden 24 Mission Av Railroad 25 Mission Av Thierman 26 Mission Av Park 566 Mission Av End 832 Mission Connection Av Evergreen 1218 Moen St Sprague 1739 Moffitt St 38th 606 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr Montgomery 607 Montgomery Cul-De-Sac Dr Montgomery IMS Infrastructure Management Services Wick ACP Local Access 835 30 25,046 1 33 68 24th ACP Local Access 661 40 26,432 1 49 57 Blake ACP Local Access 652 40 26,079 1 30 59 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,659 48 127,632 1 60 66 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,323 40 52,904 4 57 56 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,683 40 107,332 1 37 61 Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 846 40 33,826 2 57 56 24th ACP Minor Arterial 1,884 50 94,202 4 57 56 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,333 40 53,317 4 57 55 31st ACP Local Access 1,513 40 60,533 4 64 47 36th ACP Local Access 1,155 36 41,568 1 49 75 5th ACP Local Access 260 40 10,400 1 29 65 End ACP Local Access 390 40 15,600 1 21 90 End ACP Local Access 636 36 22,906 1 21 89 Bridgeport ACP Local Access 759 40 30,366 1 41 43 3rd ACP Local Access 991 34 33,679 1 29 64 8th ACP Local Access 1,337 21 28,080 1 32 69 End ACP Local Access 96 60 5,767 1 21 87 Buckeye ACP Local Access 853 40 34,139 1 41 37 Valleyway ACP Local Access 750 40 30,020 1 21 87 8th ACP Local Access 400 33 13,185 1 65 77 Whipple ACP Local Access 1,441 36 51,892 4 64 48 Schafer ACP Local Access 647 36 23,274 1 33 67 Old Schafer ACP Local Access 215 36 7,723 3 64 47 End ACP Local Access 1,812 36 65,235 1 30 79 Greenacres ACP Local Access 531 30 15,935 1 21 89 Thierman ACP Collector 2,635 24 63,231 5 57 66 Park ACP Collector 2,622 24 62,933 2 57 66 Vista ACP Collector 2,670 24 64,083 1 54 56 Flora ACP Local Access 1,470 22 32,342 1 21 87 Mission ACP Local Access 711 56 39,820 1 49 75 4th ACP Local Access 1,333 40 53,331 1 21 86 40th ACP Local Access 495 36 17,820 1 32 70 End ACP Local Access 113 40 4,520 1 39 25 End ACP Local Access 95 40 3,800 1 39 27 68 0 57 0 59 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 197,546 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 111,980 61 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 64,946 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 199,394 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 112,854 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 108,422 75 0 65 0 90 0 89 0 43 0 64 0 69 0 87 0 37 0 87 0 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 4,234 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 92,944 67 0 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,172 79 0 89 0 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 105,947 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 91,113 56 0 87 0 75 0 86 0 70 0 25 0 27 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 46 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C 9 a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 600 571 1591 986 1123 1603 1076 1263 1507 1664 1711 1569 1948 1190 1286 1414 1570 1046 946 963 964 965 1015 989 582 1930 1240 1311 1453 1616 1803 936 937 1547 143 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Montgomery Dr Montgomery Rd Moore Ct Moore Rd Moreland Dr Morningside Ln Morrill Rd Morrow Rd Morrow Rd Morrow Rd Needham Dr Newer Ct Newer Ct Newer Rd Newer Rd Newer Rd Newer Rd Nina Ci Nixon Av Nixon Av Nixon Av Nixon Av Nixon Av Nixon Ct Nora Av Nora Av Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Oberlin Rd Old Schafer Rd Olive Av Olive Av Owl Ct Park Rd Drummond Flora End Valleyway Bettman Dusk 15th End 16th Skyview Timberlane End 13th 2nd 4th 14th 23rd Dishman McDonald Evergreen End End Harmony Shamrock Bell Pines 5th 8th 16th Raymond End Pines Woodlawn 23rd Sprague Marietta ACP Local Access 2,095 40 83,808 1 41 40 Riverway ACP Local Access 4,002 18 72,038 1 21 89 Limerick ACP Local Access 200 36 7,200 1 30 58 Broadway ACP Local Access 1,339 40 53,556 1 25 83 Eastern ACP Local Access 779 36 28,041 1 21 86 Starlight ACP Local Access 452 31 14,012 1 32 69 16th ACP Local Access 314 31 9,722 1 30 78 8th ACP Local Access 423 32 13,520 5 64 46 Saltese ACP Local Access 714 40 28,571 4 64 47 31st ACP Local Access 510 40 20,400 5 64 47 End ACP Local Access 446 40 17,825 1 30 57 22nd ACP Local Access 355 36 12,780 5 64 47 End ACP Local Access 1,056 28 29,569 1 64 47 3rd ACP Local Access 264 40 10,564 3 64 48 End ACP Local Access 668 36 24,058 1 32 70 16th ACP Local Access 516 40 20,640 3 64 46 24th ACP Local Access 483 36 17,375 1 49 77 Dishman ACP Local Access 917 40 36,693 1 52 66 McCabe ACP Local Access 837 40 33,481 5 52 65 Bolivar ACP Local Access 629 40 25,144 1 49 76 End ACP Local Access 524 40 20,957 1 29 80 Adams ACP Local Access 345 40 13,808 5 52 65 Hodges ACP Local Access 1,717 40 68,663 1 21 89 End ACP Local Access 395 36 14,220 1 25 83 Arc ACP Local Access 165 32 5,268 1 37 89 Mamer ACP Local Access 4,903 30 147,104 1 33 68 6th ACP Local Access 332 36 11,970 1 32 69 16th ACP Local Access 2,668 32 85,368 1 33 67 Chinook ACP Local Access 759 26 19,738 1 30 58 31st ACP Local Access 565 40 22,601 1 29 62 End ACP Local Access 578 32 18,503 1 29 80 Collins ACP Local Access 844 20 16,873 1 41 44 McDonald ACP Local Access 673 40 26,917 1 32 74 End ACP Local Access 250 40 10,011 1 29 61 Valleyway ACP Minor Arterial 2,636 36 94,892 1 29 90 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 40 0 89 0 58 0 83 0 86 0 69 0 78 0 96 25,433 96 51,174 96 38,374 57 0 96 24,041 96 45,766 96 18,018 70 0 96 35,203 77 0 66 0 94 46,948 76 0 80 0 94 19,361 89 0 83 0 89 0 68 0 69 0 67 0 58 0 62 0 80 0 44 0 74 0 61 0 90 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 47 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 144 145 146 147 1870 1973 1253 1334 1847 1162 1245 1320 1862 1950 1955 1959 426 203 204 205 1421 1585 1831 1807 856 982 1188 1284 1411 1567 1707 1575 858 853 1610 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Park Rd Perrine Rd Perrine Rd Pierce Ct Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce Rd Pierce St Pinecroft Wy Pines Rd Pines Rd Pines Rd Pioneer Ct Pioneer St Ponderosa Dr Pondra Dr Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Progress Rd Radco Dr Ravalli Ct Ravalli Dr Raymond Ci Sprague Appleway 4th 8th Broadway Valleyway 5th 12th End 3rd 4th Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 394 61 24,061 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 44,005 4th ACP Minor Arterial 933 22 20,522 1 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 31,763 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,324 22 29,127 2 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 47,315 End ACP Collector 1,854 20 37,070 5 57 65 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 62,113 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,647 36 95,286 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 182,949 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,636 36 94,892 1 52 54 54 0 6th ACP Local Access 324 36 11,653 1 52 67 67 0 End ACP Local Access 539 40 21,544 1 33 69 69 0 47th ACP Local Access 395 40 15,784 1 32 72 72 0 4th ACP Local Access 253 36 9,100 1 32 69 69 0 8th ACP Local Access 1,317 22 28,982 1 52 66 66 0 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,684 24 64,418 1 32 70 70 0 Gertrude End ACP Local Access 511 36 18,404 1 49 56 56 0 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,644 40 105,740 1 42 37 37 0 24th 32nd ACP Local Access 2,646 40 105,838 1 41 41 41 0 32nd 37th ACP Local Access 1,826 24 43,836 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 67,848 End Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,797 44 123,070 1 33 68 68 0 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,655 34 90,281 1 29 91 91 0 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 34 90,343 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 200,762 32nd 40th ACP Collector 2,700 40 107,998 2 54 76 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 38,279 11th End ACP Local Access 480 30 14,400 1 21 86 86 0 20th End ACP Local Access 472 36 17,009 1 49 76 76 0 End Bates ACP Local Access 3,452 40 138,094 1 45 80 80 0 University 44th ACP Local Access 2,241 30 67,226 1 21 86 86 0 Broadway Mission ACP Local Access 1,351 34 45,947 1 32 73 73 0 Sprague Broadway ACP Local Access 2,642 34 89,826 1 32 73 73 0 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,339 30 40,156 1 41 44 44 0 4th 8th ACP Local Access 1,337 30 40,118 1 29 62 62 0 8th 16th ACP Local Access 2,667 30 79,996 1 33 68 68 0 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,663 26 69,226 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 123,991 24th 26th ACP Local Access 625 21 13,125 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 23,508 Sonora End ACP Local Access 1,155 36 41,594 1 30 59 59 0 End End ACP Local Access 172 40 6,880 1 32 74 74 0 St Charles Cataldo ACP Local Access 825 40 33,013 1 32 74 74 0 University 32nd ACP Local Access 1,436 40 57,450 1 30 58 58 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 48 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C 9 a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1721 Raymond Ci 32nd 1239 Raymond Rd 5th 1310 Raymond Rd 8th 1613 Raymond Rd Balfour 1839 Raymond Rd 44th 1678 Redlin Av Avalon 974 Rees Valleyway 847 Rees Ct End 848 Rees Rd End 1277 Rees Rd 6th 1331 Reeves Rd 12th 1577 Renz Dr Sonora 1602 Ridgemont Dr Vera Crest 1787 Ridgeview Dr End 938 Riverside Av Pines 939 Riverside Av End 949 Riverside Av End 991 Riverside Av Conklin 1016 Riverside Av Harmony 570 Riverway St Long 1335 Robie Ct 13th 1167 Robie Rd Sprague 1168 Robie Rd 1st 1336 Robie Rd 10th 1337 Robie Rd 8th 1760 Robie St 32nd 1769 Robie St 37th 1296 Robinhood St Archery 1142 Rocky Ridge Dr 16th 1194 Rotchford Dr 4th 1424 Rotchford Dr Galway 1592 Rotchford Dr 16th 551 Rotchford St Euclid 1495 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd Vercler 1512 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd McDonald IMS Infrastructure Management Services University ACP Local Access 754 34 25,650 1 33 67 6th ACP Local Access 335 36 12,067 1 29 63 16th ACP Local Access 2,670 36 96,102 1 30 58 28th ACP Local Access 640 26 16,643 1 52 65 48th ACP Local Access 1,267 27 34,219 1 25 84 29th ACP Local Access 641 40 25,639 1 29 61 End ACP Local Access 418 21 8,774 1 30 79 Mission ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 1 32 74 Sharp ACP Local Access 259 40 10,372 1 30 77 8th ACP Local Access 645 40 25,800 1 50 75 14th ACP Local Access 652 40 26,096 1 30 57 Radco ACP Local Access 1,304 36 46,949 1 49 57 Conklin ACP Local Access 1,100 40 44,005 1 41 38 Cimmaron ACP Local Access 3,095 40 123,783 1 29 60 Houk ACP Local Access 664 26 17,268 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 219 26 5,696 3 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Evergreen ACP Local Access 966 40 38,627 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 669 32 21,395 1 45 81 Holiday ACP Local Access 1,114 40 44,557 1 21 87 Barker ACP Local Access 4,129 18 74,319 1 21 89 End ACP Local Access 240 40 9,600 1 32 69 1st ACP Local Access 449 30 13,466 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 3rd ACP Local Access 439 25 10,982 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 12th ACP Local Access 668 30 20,030 1 32 69 9th ACP Local Access 354 40 14,158 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 34th ACP Local Access 559 36 20,111 1 29 63 40th ACP Local Access 890 36 32,055 1 32 69 Woodruff ACP Local Access 2,460 36 88,561 1 30 78 End ACP Local Access 1,377 40 55,086 1 41 37 Galway ACP Local Access 2,081 40 83,243 1 32 73 16th ACP Local Access 2,489 36 89,619 1 21 86 Limerick ACP Local Access 672 36 24,196 1 49 76 End ACP Local Access 399 40 15,965 1 41 44 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,419 24 34,052 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 24th ACP Local Access 2,528 24 60,669 1 30 59 67 0 63 0 58 0 65 0 84 0 61 0 79 0 74 0 77 0 75 0 57 0 57 0 38 0 60 0 96 29,452 96 9,715 96 69,186 81 0 87 0 89 0 69 0 96 21,875 96 20,658 69 0 96 25,359 63 0 69 0 78 0 37 0 73 0 86 0 76 0 44 0 96 55,316 59 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 49 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 209 194 1859 434 1038 1041 1130 1498 1515 992 1427 579 1929 133 617 816 834 835 1050 616 814 815 833 1037 1246 1163 1321 1462 1737 1741 1851 1956 1148 1149 1156 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Saltese Rd Sands Rd Sands Rd Sanson Ln Sargent Rd Sargent Rd Seehorn Rd Semro Av Semro Av Shamrock St Shamrock St Shannon Shannon Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Sharp Av Siesta Dr Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sinto Av Sipple Rd Skipworth Ct Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skipworth Rd Skyline Dr Skyline Dr Skyline PI 16th McDonald ACP Collector 2,355 20 47,092 4 69 48 Bowdish 44th ACP Collector 1,538 36 55,368 1 37 72 47th 48th ACP Local Access 210 40 8,400 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End McDonald ACP Local Access 1,043 40 41,705 1 21 90 Sprague Appleway ACP Local Access 550 40 22,005 1 30 58 Appleway End ACP Local Access 790 24 18,969 1 32 71 17th End ACP Local Access 912 36 32,825 1 25 84 Vercler McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,720 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald 22nd ACP Local Access 836 40 33,434 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Main Valleyway ACP Local Access 663 36 23,884 1 25 83 12th 16th ACP Local Access 1,675 40 67,005 1 21 86 End Eden ACP Local Access 130 30 3,900 1 37 89 Houk End ACP Local Access 1,505 40 60,205 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Yardley Fancher Frontage ACP Collector 2,094 24 50,253 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 Greenacres Barker ACP Local Access 1,305 18 23,498 1 21 87 End End ACP Local Access 636 36 22,908 1 32 74 Evergreen Bannen ACP Local Access 1,034 40 41,344 1 30 77 Best Warren ACP Local Access 1,007 40 40,296 1 49 77 12th End ACP Local Access 716 40 28,626 1 30 77 Greenacres Barker ACP Local Access 1,305 18 23,485 1 21 87 Pines Houk ACP Local Access 671 36 24,138 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End McDonald ACP Local Access 976 30 29,271 1 30 77 End Best ACP Local Access 857 40 34,279 1 30 77 Sprague 1st ACP Local Access 294 40 11,751 1 29 64 End 6th ACP Local Access 196 36 7,071 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End 4th ACP Local Access 415 17 7,050 1 49 56 12th 16th ACP Local Access 1,343 40 53,733 1 32 72 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,644 40 105,764 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 32nd 33rd ACP Local Access 195 40 7,800 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 36th End ACP Local Access 736 36 26,479 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 44th 48th ACP Local Access 1,491 40 59,633 1 52 67 24th 32nd ACP Local Access 2,649 40 105,979 1 30 58 Center End ACP Local Access 578 20 11,552 1 29 62 End Beverly ACP Local Access 904 26 23,504 1 32 70 End End ACP Local Access 611 24 14,673 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 101,195 72 0 94 10,677 90 0 58 0 71 0 84 0 96 92,139 96 62,894 83 0 86 0 89 0 90 19,332 94 80,182 87 0 74 0 77 0 77 0 77 0 87 0 96 37,361 77 0 77 0 64 0 94 8,988 56 0 72 0 96 189,435 96 12,671 96 49,810 67 0 58 0 62 0 70 0 96 26,281 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 50 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1627 1648 983 1189 1715 987 1589 1833 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 68 69 70 71 72 75 76 930 958 993 857 1413 1568 1937 1285 1412 1100 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Skyview Av Skyview Av Sommer Rd Sommer Rd Sonora Dr Sonora St Sonora St Spencer Ln Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Sprague Av Springfield Av Springfield Av Springfield Av St Charles Rd St Charles Rd St Charles Rd St Charles Rd St Charles St St Charles St Stanley Rd Wilbur Pines Valleyway 2nd 24th Valleyway 17th End End Carnahan Fancher Dollar Thierman Park Vista Argonne Farr Herald Evergreen Adams Sullivan Conklin Flora Corbin Barker End Evergreen Long Broadway End 16th 2nd 6th End 15th Pines ACP Local Access 2,054 40 82,145 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 115,186 Guthrie ACP Local Access 3,528 40 141,136 1 52 65 65 0 End ACP Local Access 616 36 22,190 1 32 74 74 0 3rd ACP Local Access 264 30 7,920 1 33 67 67 0 End ACP Local Access 797 36 28,702 1 39 19 19 0 End ACP Local Access 663 32 21,231 1 25 83 83 0 23rd ACP Local Access 2,076 36 74,738 1 52 66 66 0 Holman ACP Local Access 383 40 15,320 1 25 84 84 0 Carnahan ACP Principal Arterial 2,635 60 158,080 1 30 95 95 0 Fancher ACP Principal Arterial 2,647 60 158,841 1 30 95 95 0 Dollar ACP Principal Arterial 1,983 44 87,238 1 30 95 95 0 Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 659 68 44,798 1 59 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 81,931 Park ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 77 203,589 1 31 91 91 0 Vista ACP Principal Arterial 2,357 68 160,308 1 30 95 95 0 Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 2,882 68 196,007 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 395,063 Farr ACP Principal Arterial 1,987 68 135,114 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 272,330 Herald ACP Principal Arterial 1,327 68 90,216 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 181,835 University ACP Principal Arterial 1,986 68 135,081 1 30 95 95 0 Adams ACP Principal Arterial 2,647 88 232,919 1 49 21 21 0 Sullivan ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 88 234,429 1 49 21 21 0 Conklin ACP Principal Arterial 2,635 71 187,110 4 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 396,050 Flora ACP Principal Arterial 2,670 71 189,591 2 62 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 307,980 Corbin ACP Principal Arterial 1,645 71 116,830 4 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 247,290 Barker ACP Minor Arterial 3,684 20 73,685 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 25,708 Hodges ACP Collector 2,653 20 53,060 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 73,164 McDonald ACP Local Access 464 32 14,847 1 29 63 63 0 Best ACP Local Access 1,323 40 52,901 1 30 79 79 0 End ACP Local Access 923 36 33,221 1 49 77 77 0 Mission ACP Local Access 1,291 40 51,649 1 32 74 74 0 13th ACP Local Access 1,183 40 47,302 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 80,676 End ACP Local Access 1,999 40 79,950 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 112,108 4th ACP Local Access 484 40 19,380 1 32 70 70 0 8th ACP Local Access 701 36 25,221 1 32 69 69 0 15th ACP Local Access 462 26 12,023 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 20,506 16th ACP Local Access 255 20 5,095 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 8,690 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 51 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1604 1428 1720 1935 217 218 219 220 1235 1798 1786 1804 1813 1702 1549 1701 1537 1454 1608 1614 1474 1665 135 137 138 139 1113 128 1714 1587 1713 985 1422 1848 625 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Starlight Ln Steen Ct Steen Rd Steen Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sullivan Rd Sunderland Rd Sunderland Rd Sundown Dr Sundown Dr Sundown Dr Sunnybrook Ct Sunnybrook Dr Sunnybrook Rd Sunnyside Dr Sunrise Rd Sunrise Rd Sunrise Rd Sunview Ci Tall Tree Rd Thierman Rd Thierman St Thierman St Thierman St Thierman St Thorpe Rd Timberlane Ct Timberlane Dr Timberlane Dr Timberlane Rd Timberlane St Tipaway Dr Tschirley Ct Morningside End 23rd Sprague B Off Euclid Indiana Mission 6th End Ridgeview Schafer End 31st Sunnyside 28th 20th 19th 27th 24th 22nd 25th Broadway Sprague Appleway 4th 8th Dishman Mica 24th 16th 24th End 11th 47th Cataldo Steen ACP Local Access 686 40 27,448 1 29 62 12th ACP Local Access 931 37 34,460 4 65 76 End ACP Local Access 1,589 36 57,204 2 64 47 End ACP Local Access 2,955 16 47,275 1 49 77 Wellesley ACP Principal Arterial 1,839 42 77,219 1 62 66 Trent ACP Principal Arterial 3,426 51 174,731 1 30 98 Euclid ACP Principal Arterial 5,429 60 325,711 1 30 95 Indiana PCC Principal Arterial 1,627 84 136,660 1 34 79 8th ACP Local Access 636 22 13,995 1 52 66 Woodruff ACP Local Access 3,665 32 117,292 1 21 86 Schafer ACP Local Access 2,431 40 97,242 1 30 57 End ACP Local Access 877 40 35,098 1 21 86 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,067 40 82,688 1 32 73 End ACP Local Access 239 36 8,616 1 30 59 23rd ACP Local Access 605 40 24,200 1 29 61 31st ACP Local Access 673 36 24,217 1 29 60 End ACP Local Access 1,551 40 62,039 1 49 56 24th ACP Local Access 1,627 26 42,312 1 29 64 Raymond ACP Local Access 233 26 6,068 1 30 58 27th ACP Local Access 700 26 18,196 1 29 62 22nd ACP Local Access 1,045 40 41,818 1 32 70 28th ACP Local Access 1,236 40 49,456 1 49 56 Mission ACP Collector 2,848 30 85,438 1 34 63 Appleway PCC Minor Arterial 314 59 18,514 1 28 85 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,006 30 30,184 5 57 56 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 36 47,811 2 57 56 11th ACP Local Access 994 36 35,783 1 32 73 MADISON ACP Collector 1,358 23 31,233 5 69 48 End ACP Local Access 100 40 4,000 5 64 48 24th ACP Local Access 2,799 36 100,770 1 32 70 End ACP Local Access 1,456 40 58,241 1 41 44 Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 33 21,921 4 65 75 14th ACP Local Access 966 30 28,975 1 21 86 48th ACP Local Access 492 40 19,662 1 32 72 End ACP Local Access 490 36 17,640 1 21 87 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 62 0 90 12,788 96 92,925 77 0 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 119,518 98 0 95 0 79 0 66 0 86 0 57 0 86 0 73 0 59 0 61 0 60 0 56 0 64 0 58 0 62 0 70 0 56 0 63 0 85 0 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 67,076 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 91,797 73 0 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 70,482 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 7,524 70 0 44 0 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 8,135 86 0 72 0 87 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 52 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 561 588 589 998 1206 1207 1762 1767 1252 1332 1333 1477 1478 1637 1638 1639 1926 1766 180 181 182 183 184 185 1811 1880 1881 1883 1121 933 945 962 978 984 988 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Tschirley Rd Union Ct Union Ct Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union Rd Union St University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd University Rd Valley View Dr Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Valleyway Av Euclid Indiana Baldwin Sprague Sprague End Loretta 40th 4th 8th 15th 16th 21st 24th 26th Skyview Sprague 38th Sprague Appleway 8th 16th 24th 32nd Pondra Main Sprague 4th 17th Pines McDonald Evergreen Adams Sullivan Conklin End Mansfield Indiana Main 8th Sprague End End 6th 12th 16th 20th 24th 25th Skyview Lenora 4th 40th Appleway 4th 16th 24th 32nd Dishman Mica 44th Broadway Main 8th Eastern McDonald Evergreen Adams Sullivan Conklin Flora ACP Local Access 2,633 40 105,339 1 52 66 66 0 ACP Local Access 535 32 17,110 1 21 87 87 0 ACP Local Access 282 16 4,509 1 37 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 709 22 15,602 1 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 17,995 ACP Local Access 2,659 20 53,186 1 21 89 89 0 ACP Local Access 471 30 14,129 1 25 84 84 0 ACP Local Access 515 36 18,541 1 32 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 251 36 9,019 1 32 71 71 0 ACP Local Access 665 40 26,588 1 52 66 66 0 ACP Local Access 1,355 24 32,521 1 29 60 60 0 ACP Local Access 325 38 12,337 1 41 45 45 0 ACP Local Access 1,326 40 53,036 1 32 72 72 0 ACP Local Access 992 40 39,681 1 32 69 69 0 ACP Local Access 356 40 14,251 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Local Access 350 40 14,000 1 32 73 73 0 ACP Local Access 415 40 16,600 1 32 73 73 0 ACP Local Access 1,328 28 37,174 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 66,583 ACP Local Access 521 36 18,754 1 32 70 70 0 ACP Minor Arterial 748 80 59,822 1 29 91 91 0 PCC Minor Arterial 590 80 47,189 1 48 81 81 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,669 45 120,110 1 29 91 91 0 ACP Minor Arterial 2,641 58 153,204 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 387,606 ACP Minor Arterial 2,639 58 153,044 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 387,201 ACP Minor Arterial 1,158 58 67,172 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 169,945 ACP Local Access 1,074 40 42,957 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,985 44 87,325 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 32,019 ACP Minor Arterial 676 52 35,157 1 29 91 91 0 ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 45 59,744 1 29 91 91 0 ACP Local Access 817 36 29,430 1 21 86 86 0 ACP Local Access 2,661 28 74,511 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 94,712 ACP Local Access 2,667 28 74,679 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 2,645 30 79,352 1 45 80 80 0 ACP Local Access 2,662 32 85,188 1 32 74 74 0 ACP Local Access 2,619 32 83,817 1 25 83 83 0 ACP Local Access 2,682 32 85,827 1 25 83 83 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 53 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1014 1009 1830 1840 1958 558 1953 1781 822 1259 1260 1355 1493 1501 1504 1660 1661 1944 941 1262 1505 1662 1783 1356 1357 148 149 150 1145 1300 1128 850 1279 1389 1390 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Valleyway Av Valleyway Ct Van Mader Ct Van Marter Rd Van Marter Rd Velox Rd Vera Crest Dr Vercler Dr Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Vercler Rd Virginia Ct Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia Rd Virginia St Virginia St Vista Rd Vista Rd Vista Rd Vista Rd Walnut Rd Wardson Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Warren Rd Harmony Laberry End 44th 33rd Dalton End Woodlawn Broadway 4th 7th 14th Guthrie Saltese 16th 25th Lenora 8th Alki 6th 15th 29th 35th 13th 12th Broadway Sprague Sprague Edgerton 8th 16th Mallon 4th 8th 10th Hodges ACP Local Access 1,693 40 67,709 1 21 87 End ACP Local Access 513 37 18,991 1 21 87 End ACP Local Access 410 40 16,383 1 25 84 End ACP Local Access 3,088 40 123,511 1 21 86 End ACP Local Access 930 36 33,494 1 41 37 Courtland ACP Local Access 1,013 36 36,473 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 24th ACP Local Access 3,583 40 143,327 1 39 19 End ACP Local Access 1,519 36 54,669 1 32 72 Mission ACP Local Access 2,652 28 74,259 1 32 74 6th ACP Local Access 661 40 26,459 1 30 58 8th ACP Local Access 422 40 16,898 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 802 28 22,455 1 32 69 25th ACP Local Access 1,210 40 48,412 1 30 57 Forrest ACP Local Access 906 40 36,242 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Saltese ACP Local Access 377 40 15,085 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 29th ACP Local Access 879 40 35,144 1 30 58 31st ACP Local Access 500 40 20,006 5 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 12th ACP Local Access 1,355 10 13,549 1 32 71 End ACP Local Access 511 40 20,444 1 32 74 8th ACP Local Access 660 32 21,111 1 29 62 Saltese ACP Local Access 646 40 25,837 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 31st ACP Local Access 1,006 40 40,228 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 36th ACP Local Access 390 36 14,049 1 49 76 15th ACP Local Access 971 40 38,842 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 13th ACP Local Access 170 40 6,794 1 49 56 Mission ACP Collector 2,641 32 84,511 1 38 67 Broadway ACP Collector 2,687 40 107,464 1 37 69 Appleway ACP Collector 690 40 27,617 3 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 53 32 1,690 2 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 16th ACP Local Access 2,674 30 80,230 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 19th ACP Local Access 1,361 36 48,992 1 33 68 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,185 40 47,412 1 49 77 5th ACP Local Access 373 36 13,443 1 30 78 9th ACP Local Access 353 40 14,122 1 32 70 12th ACP Local Access 643 28 18,010 1 30 77 87 0 87 0 84 0 86 0 37 0 96 59,248 19 0 72 0 74 0 58 0 96 30,266 69 0 57 0 96 61,813 96 28,377 58 0 96 37,633 71 0 74 0 62 0 96 48,602 96 65,347 76 0 96 63,097 56 0 67 0 69 0 94 41,978 94 2,046 96 130,329 68 0 77 0 78 0 70 0 77 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 54 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1391 1169 1338 1339 1479 1640 1641 1761 1770 1510 1249 1250 1328 1329 1634 1635 1758 1772 1067 1056 1157 1158 1084 1782 824 825 942 1358 1502 1506 1663 1945 1791 1236 1801 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Warren Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple Rd Whipple St Whipple St Wick Av Wilbur Ct Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Wilbur Rd Willamette St Willow Rd Winter Rd Winter Rd Woodlawn Dr Woodlawn Dr Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodlawn Rd Woodruff Ct Woodruff Rd Woodruff Rd 13th End 12th 10th 18th 24th Lenora End 38th Clinton 7th 4th 12th 10th 24th Lenora 32nd End 8th Sprague Broadview Skyline 8th 32nd Sharp Broadway Valleyway 13th Saltese 16th Skyview 8th End 8th 36th 16th 4th End 12th 21st 26th 32nd Loretta End Blake 8th 6th 16th 12th Skyview 31st 34th Dishman Mica End Appleway Skyline Beverly Fancher End Mission End End 15th Forrest Saltese 32nd 12th End End 44th ACP Local Access 859 28 24,039 1 25 82 ACP Local Access 558 40 22,323 5 64 47 ACP Local Access 527 40 21,100 1 30 58 ACP Local Access 658 40 26,331 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 1,077 38 40,912 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 707 40 28,272 1 52 67 ACP Local Access 859 40 34,364 1 32 73 ACP Local Access 1,113 36 40,064 5 64 47 ACP Local Access 117 36 4,227 1 65 77 ACP Local Access 1,025 18 18,449 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 282 30 8,468 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 661 40 26,424 1 32 69 ACP Local Access 1,343 40 53,726 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 670 40 26,787 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 734 40 29,344 5 64 47 ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,842 1 49 76 ACP Local Access 506 40 20,246 1 64 47 ACP Local Access 630 16 10,082 1 32 71 ACP Local Access 611 36 21,979 1 38 30 ACP Local Access 656 26 17,049 5 64 48 ACP Local Access 451 26 11,714 1 49 56 ACP Local Access 586 22 12,897 1 29 61 ACP Local Access 857 32 27,431 1 29 61 ACP Local Access 2,985 40 119,395 1 49 77 ACP Local Access 982 40 39,277 1 32 74 ACP Local Access 590 24 14,170 1 32 71 ACP Local Access 987 14 13,814 1 32 73 ACP Local Access 966 40 38,643 5 64 47 ACP Local Access 1,192 40 47,670 3 64 47 ACP Local Access 595 40 23,804 3 64 48 ACP Local Access 756 40 30,231 4 64 47 ACP Local Access 1,344 28 37,638 1 29 59 ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 3 64 47 ACP Local Access 837 36 30,140 4 64 47 ACP Local Access 4,047 36 145,710 1 32 72 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 82 0 96 41,992 58 0 63 0 69 0 67 0 73 0 96 75,365 90 1,357 56 0 69 0 69 0 63 0 70 0 96 55,199 76 0 96 31,336 71 0 30 0 96 32,071 56 0 61 0 61 0 77 0 74 0 71 0 73 0 96 72,692 96 81,305 96 40,599 96 54,147 59 0 96 8,869 96 53,984 72 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 55 of 56 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Segment 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class O E A E g L C C O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1835 1940 1322 1738 1742 1853 131 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Woodruff Rd Woodruff Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Woodward Rd Yardley St 44th 8th 14th 34th 37th 45th Broadway Holman 16th 16th 34th End 46th Sharp ACP Local Access 1,662 33 54,838 1 21 86 ACP Local Access 2,675 32 85,587 5 64 47 ACP Local Access 670 36 24,129 1 29 63 ACP Local Access 1,296 40 51,860 3 64 48 ACP Local Access 241 36 8,692 1 32 70 ACP Local Access 480 40 19,185 1 32 74 ACP Collector 1,631 32 52,206 1 37 75 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 86 0 96 160,999 63 0 96 88,450 70 0 74 0 75 0 Appendix D,$7.25M Analysis by Segment 56 of 56 Appendix E $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page e City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1770 Whipple St 38th 1779 35th Av McDonald 1775 33rd Ct End 1298 Little John Ct 10th 1435 Greenacres Rd 8th 1227 McMillan Rd End 1777 34th Av Woodlawn 1230 Lone Tree Rd 4th 1436 Beige Rd 8th 1061 7th Av End 1363 13th Ct Avalon 1395 11th Av End 1297 Farr Rd 8th 1778 35th Av Vercler 1346 14th Av Vercler 673 673 2040 673 E Valleyway Av Eastern 863 863 610 863 N Dyer Rd Sprague 134 Dickey Rd 8th 830 Blake End 1433 10th Av 9th 509 509 670 509 N Ellen Rd Rich 952 McCabe Rd Sprague 397 397 1650 397 N Robie Rd End 1446 24th Av End 1054 1st Av Dishman Mica 998 Tschirley Rd Sprague 594 Fairview Ct End 595 Grace Ct End 1929 Shannon Av Houk 1430 9th Av End 109 16th Av Pines 668 668 370 668 E Broadway Av Extension Av Fancher 1182 2nd Av Adams 31 31 1350 31 E Mission Av Bowdish 102 8th Av Adams IMS Infrastructure Management Services End End McDonald End 9th 8th McDonald 6th 10th End End Progress Archery Woodlawn Virginia Dyer End 12th Mission Turtle Creek Longfellow Valleyway Marietta Dishman Mica Willow Main Joel Joel End End Saltese Broadway End Union Sullivan ACP Local Access 117 36 4,227 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 150 36 5,400 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 256 36 9,201 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 272 36 9,792 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 290 36 10,438 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 400 33 13,185 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 375 36 13,506 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 543 33 17,930 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 590 36 21,240 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,544 14 21,610 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 132 36 4,735 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 266 24 6,375 1 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 195 30 5,851 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 864 36 31,105 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 180 40 7,207 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 367 20 7,337 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 246 32 7,861 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Collector 1,528 24 36,672 1 54 75 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,989 20 39,781 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,148 36 41,328 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 293 28 8,202 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 1,329 32 42,543 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 268 35 9,385 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 348 30 10,432 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 339 32 10,849 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 709 22 15,602 1 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,505 40 60,205 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,714 36 61,709 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Minor Arterial 464 24 11,133 1 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 ACP Local Access 419 32 13,416 1 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 340 40 13,582 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Minor Arterial 1,510 44 66,445 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 26 68,977 1 57 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 1,357 90 1,734 90 2,955 90 3,144 90 3,352 90 4,234 90 4,337 90 5,758 90 6,820 90 6,939 96 7,329 94 7,352 96 9,056 90 9,988 96 11,155 96 11,357 96 12,167 90 12,387 90 12,774 90 13,271 96 13,616 90 13,661 96 14,525 96 16,146 96 16,792 94 17,995 96 18,109 96 18,109 90 19,332 90 19,815 95 20,361 96 20,764 96 21,022 90 23,182 90 24,065 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 1 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 75 1736 603 1500 1758 145 1920 1751 812 814 1773 741 741 680 741 N 1256 1370 821 703 703 1440 703 E 111 672 672 2040 672 E 144 300 300 1260 300 E 601 564 1948 1749 48 48 360 48 E 1917 1917 610 1917 N 947 1927 602 1877 1891 953 1959 1055 246 246 800 246 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Sprague Av Gillis Rd Harmony Rd Collins Rd Wilbur Rd Park Rd Howe St Fox St Maxwell Av Sinto Av 40th Av Elton Rd Houk Rd Blake Rd Houk Rd Nora Av 16th Av Valleyway Av Park Rd Mansfield Av Joel Rd Flora Pit Rd Newer Ct 36th Av Broadway Av Dyer Rd Main Av 1st Av Drummond St Herald Rd 8th Av Blake Rd Pierce St 1st Av Flora Rd Corbin 34th Marlin Saltese 32nd Appleway 14th 35th Pines Pines MADISON Boone 4th 12th Sinto Felts McDonald Fancher Sprague End Buckeye Sullivan 13th Bates Evergreen Broadway End Union Montgomery End Vercler Sprague 32nd Willow Euclid Barker ACP Minor Arterial 3,684 20 73,685 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 25,708 35th ACP Local Access 465 36 16,740 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 25,910 Buckeye ACP Local Access 466 40 18,646 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 28,860 Houk ACP Local Access 484 40 19,366 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 29,974 34th ACP Local Access 506 40 20,246 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 31,336 4th ACP Minor Arterial 933 22 20,522 1 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 31,763 16th ACP Local Access 643 36 23,150 1 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 35,831 37th ACP Local Access 645 36 23,220 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 35,939 Houk ACP Local Access 670 36 24,135 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 37,356 Houk ACP Local Access 671 36 24,138 1 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 37,361 End ACP Local Access 863 28 24,167 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 37,406 Sinto ACP Local Access 658 40 26,312 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,725 End ACP Local Access 659 40 26,363 1 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,804 16th ACP Local Access 1,338 20 26,760 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 41,418 Mission ACP Local Access 681 40 27,233 1 64 46 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 42,150 Raymond ACP Local Access 641 40 25,623 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 42,534 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,665 46 122,598 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 42,773 Eastern ACP Local Access 1,319 20 26,370 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 43,775 Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 394 61 24,061 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 44,005 Eastern ACP Local Access 1,298 22 28,561 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 44,206 End ACP Local Access 805 36 28,992 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 44,872 End ACP Local Access 5,924 24 142,167 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 45,651 End ACP Local Access 1,056 28 29,569 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 45,766 Fox ACP Local Access 889 36 31,995 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 49,521 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 44 116,322 1 57 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt+RR1 90 49,760 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,682 21 35,320 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 54,667 Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,001 36 36,038 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 55,779 Pines ACP Local Access 1,315 28 36,810 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 56,974 Marlin ACP Local Access 932 40 37,270 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 57,686 Broadway ACP Collector 1,729 26 44,952 1 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 61,984 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 30 40,311 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 62,392 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,327 32 42,457 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 65,713 37th ACP Local Access 1,826 24 43,836 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 67,848 Farr ACP Local Access 1,321 34 44,897 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 69,491 Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 760 45 34,200 1 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 71,211 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 2 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 FI 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number F Pave Class 0 0 LL Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 76 Sprague Av 450 450 400 450 N Calvin Rd 253 Barker Rd 57 Sprague Av 1889 Bowdish Rd 1304 13th Av 935 Main Av 172 Farr Rd 40 40 360 40 E Broadway Av 50 Broadway Av 1882 4th Av 1894 4th Av 1899 1899 70 1899 E 8th Av 217 Sullivan Rd 14 14 1070 14 E Knox Av 228 228 740 228 N Evergreen Rd 166 Dishman Mica Rd 1869 1869 1480 1869 N Park Rd 198 198 1310 198 N McDonald Rd 44 44 360 44 E Broadway Av 199 McDonald Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 132 FancherRd 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 160 160 560 160 S Dishman Mica Rd 250 250 210 250 N Barker Rd 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 1145 Vista Rd 1593 Conklin Ct 1348 14th Av 1607 Balfour BI 1737 Skipworth Rd Barker Wellesley Appleway Dollar 37th Herald Pines Sprague Heacox Sullivan University Adams Barker B Off Vista 190 W290 OFF Sands Mission Broadway University Sprague Dishman Mica Flora University Sharp Woodruff 8th Euclid Sullivan 16th Edgerton End End 26th 32nd Hodges ACP Collector 2,653 20 53,060 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 73,164 Olympic ACP Local Access 1,203 40 48,125 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 74,487 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 1,165 36 41,949 1 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 76,720 Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 659 68 44,798 1 59 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 81,931 Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,784 28 49,956 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 91,364 University ACP Local Access 1,915 32 61,289 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 94,862 McDonald ACP Local Access 2,665 24 63,960 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 98,997 Broadway ACP Collector 2,649 28 74,177 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 102,282 Park ACP Minor Arterial 1,356 44 59,676 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 104,102 Conklin ACP Minor Arterial 2,601 24 62,429 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 114,176 Bowdish ACP Collector 2,652 32 84,861 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 117,014 Sullivan ACP Collector 2,657 32 85,022 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 117,236 Hodges ACP Collector 2,640 24 63,368 1 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 117,654 Wellesley ACP Principal Arterial 1,839 42 77,219 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 119,518 Argonne ACP Collector 2,643 34 89,862 1 57 65 A-COL-Thin Olay+RR1 94 139,086 Indiana ACP Principal Arterial 915 102 93,300 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 144,408 Thorpe ACP Minor Arterial 2,734 40 109,344 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 169,240 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 1,986 42 83,396 1 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 173,648 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 44 116,676 1 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 180,588 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 44 116,737 1 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 180,683 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,659 48 127,632 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 197,546 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 36 95,419 1 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 214,799 Barker ACP Collector 5,149 22 113,275 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay+RR1 96 226,298 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,882 1 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 233,505 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 2,510 52 130,504 1 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 238,677 University ACP Minor Arterial 2,872 45 129,220 1 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 258,152 16th ACP Principal Arterial 2,871 62 178,028 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 310,560 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 4,791 34 162,908 1 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 366,725 Marietta ACP Collector 3,311 65 215,229 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 399,608 24th ACP Principal Arterial 2,668 68 181,446 1 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 408,455 End ACP Local Access 53 32 1,690 2 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 2,046 Limerick ACP Local Access 155 36 5,580 2 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 6,758 Vercler ACP Local Access 310 28 8,681 2 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 10,514 Raymond ACP Local Access 366 26 9,515 2 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 11,524 33rd ACP Local Access 195 40 7,800 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 12,671 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 3 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1074 Havana Yale Rd Yale 1344 13th Av Virginia 1140 Fancher Rd 14th 1911 1911 1340 1911 N Mirabeau Pk Indiana 1167 Robie Rd Sprague 1895 8th Av Evergreen 27 27 1350 27 E Mission Av Vista 257 Fancher Frontage Rd Sharp 943 Houk Rd Sprague 1880 University Rd Main 85 4th Av Carnahan 955 Mayhew Rd Sprague 431 Cherry St Mirabeau 193 Bowdish Rd Dishman Mica 232 Evergreen Rd Sprague 205 Pines Rd 32nd 124 124 50 124 E 32nd Av SR 27 118 24th Av Evergreen 948 Main Av McDonald 1765 40th Av Reeves 1522 Keller Rd Saltese 146 Park Rd 4th 969 Bolivar Rd Sprague 553 Courtland Av Velox 1495 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd Vercler 1307 Dartmouth Rd 13th 558 Velox Rd Dalton 120 120 50 120 E 32nd Av Dishman Mica 1356 Virginia St 13th 940 Collins Rd Olive 207 McDonald Rd 16th 1662 Virginia Rd 29th 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd Montgomery 1890 8th Av Pines 157 157 120 157 S Argonne Rd Sprague IMS Infrastructure Management Services 16th ACP Local Access 404 20 8,078 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,122 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 204 40 8,142 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,226 15th ACP Local Access 308 32 9,867 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 16,028 Mansfield ACP Collector 614 76 46,679 2 54 77 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 16,545 1st ACP Local Access 449 30 13,466 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 21,875 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,650 26 68,892 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 25,260 Argonne ACP Collector 2,641 30 79,224 2 54 75 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 28,081 Railroad ACP Collector 898 20 17,964 2 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 30,239 Main ACP Local Access 673 28 18,844 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 30,611 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 1,985 44 87,325 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 32,019 Fancher ACP Minor Arterial 2,643 34 89,878 2 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 32,955 Riverside ACP Local Access 518 40 20,710 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 33,642 Pinecroft ACP Local Access 642 44 28,240 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 34,201 Sands ACP Collector 565 36 20,349 2 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 34,254 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,338 73 97,654 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 35,806 40th ACP Collector 2,700 40 107,998 2 54 76 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 38,279 Best ACP Principal Arterial 2,663 40 106,510 2 59 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 39,054 Bannen ACP Collector 647 36 23,281 2 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 39,190 End ACP Local Access 621 40 24,858 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,381 Union ACP Local Access 717 36 25,797 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 41,906 Semro ACP Local Access 682 40 27,265 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 44,291 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,324 22 29,127 2 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 47,315 Main ACP Local Access 793 40 31,728 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 51,540 Donwood ACP Local Access 942 36 33,918 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 55,098 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,419 24 34,052 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 55,316 16th ACP Local Access 1,077 32 34,449 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 55,961 Courtland ACP Local Access 1,013 36 36,473 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 59,248 University ACP Principal Arterial 652 42 27,371 2 54 49 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 59,821 15th ACP Local Access 971 40 38,842 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 63,097 Broadway ACP Local Access 977 40 39,064 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 63,458 Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 846 40 33,826 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 64,946 31st ACP Local Access 1,006 40 40,228 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 65,347 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 1,765 20 35,302 2 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 77,155 Vercler ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 30 40,297 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 77,370 Appleway ACP Principal Arterial 738 49 36,174 2 54 49 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 79,060 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 4 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 FI 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number F Pave Class 0 0 LL Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 66 64 105 1525 1644 25 139 1498 243 1720 237 1733 127 101 1901 1901 210 1901 N 1300 158 158 560 158 S 93 427 106 1652 1876 1870 159 159 560 159 S 136 112 37 37 360 37 E 42 115 122 122 50 122 E 71 121 121 50 121 E 21 21 990 21 E 123 123 50 123 E 477 477 1150 477 N 66 1870 66 E 64 1870 64 E Sprague Av Sprague Av 16th Av Blake Rd 27th Av Mission Av Thierman St Semro Av Conklin Rd Steen Rd Adams Rd 40th Av 44th Av 8th Av Barker Rd Walnut Rd Dishman Mica Rd 8th Av Mansfield Av 16th Av 31st Av Broadway Av Park Rd Dishman Mica Rd Heacox Av 16th Av Broadway Av Broadway Av 24th Av 32nd Av Sprague Av 32nd Av Indiana Av 32nd Av Lillian Ct Pines University Dishman Mica 16th 29th Thierman 4th Vercler Sprague 23rd Sprague Dishman Mica Van Marter McDonald Cataldo 8th Appleway Carnahan End Herald End Herald Broadway 4th Thierman Evergreen Yardley Vista Pines Bowdish Conklin University Sullivan Pines End McDonald ACP Principal Arterial 2,667 84 224,017 2 59 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 82,140 Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,652 88 233,367 2 59 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 85,568 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,101 48 52,850 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 85,852 Saltese ACP Local Access 1,928 28 53,981 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 87,690 Tall Tree ACP Local Access 1,382 40 55,274 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 89,789 Park ACP Collector 2,622 24 62,933 2 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 91,113 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 36 47,811 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 91,797 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,720 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 92,139 Broadway ACP Collector 2,654 24 63,701 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 92,225 End ACP Local Access 1,589 36 57,204 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 92,925 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,637 22 58,004 2 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 94,224 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,457 40 58,281 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 94,674 Sands ACP Collector 2,933 24 70,394 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 101,915 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 28 74,692 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 121,333 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,485 45 66,819 2 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 128,293 16th ACP Local Access 2,674 30 80,230 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 130,329 4th ACP Principal Arterial 943 63 59,408 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,400 Dickey ACP Minor Arterial 3,283 20 65,667 2 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 143,519 Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,550 48 122,420 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 148,264 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,917 48 92,016 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 149,475 Clinton ACP Local Access 2,436 40 97,425 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 158,261 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,989 44 87,498 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 167,996 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,647 36 95,286 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 182,949 8th ACP Principal Arterial 1,259 62 78,084 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 184,539 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 3,316 36 119,393 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 193,947 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 46 122,182 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 198,478 Fancher ACP Principal Arterial 1,977 46 90,951 2 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 198,778 Argonne ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,848 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 224,348 McDonald ACP Collector 3,074 40 122,968 2 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 239,788 Pines ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 46 122,564 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 267,871 Flora ACP Principal Arterial 2,670 71 189,591 2 62 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 307,980 Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,660 50 132,984 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 314,284 End ACP Collector 3,830 70 268,072 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay+RR1 94 435,468 SR 27 ACP Principal Arterial 3,994 50 199,725 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 472,016 Olympic ACP Local Access 149 48 7,169 3 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 2,533 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 5 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C▪ O a• J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 929 1104 1100 1791 1246 1159 939 1859 240 1792 1802 304 304 550 304 N 1580 1190 1724 32 32 1350 32 E 877 877 250 877 N 1412 1571 745 745 600 745 N 1656 325 325 550 325 N 338 338 540 338 N 249 966 938 1315 1879 1164 862 862 610 862 N 1655 1414 196 196 1260 196 E 1171 1506 929 2180 929 N IMS Infrastructure Management Services Wilbur Rd 12th Av Stanley Rd Woodruff Ct Skipworth Ct Broadview Dr Riverside Av Sands Rd Adams Rd 40th Ct Mercy Dr Dickey Rd 21st Ct Newer Rd 34th Av Mission Av Bessie Rd St Charles St Century Ct Dorn Ct Houk St Dickey Rd Dick Rd Flora Rd Main Av Riverside Av 14th Av Herald Rd 1st Av Dyer Rd Cherry Rd Newer Rd Mansfield Av 3rd Av Woodlawn Rd Main End 15th End End End End 47th 4th End Schafer Knox End 2nd Glenn Union Sprague End End Broadway 24th End Indiana Sprague End Pines End Sprague End Riverside Skyview 14th Wilbur Pines 16th Main ACP Local Access 140 25 3,507 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bettman ACP Local Access 197 28 5,505 3 52 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 16th ACP Local Access 255 20 5,095 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 6th ACP Local Access 196 36 7,071 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 393 14 5,504 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 219 26 5,696 3 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 48th ACP Local Access 210 40 8,400 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 22 29,570 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt Driftwood ACP Local Access 198 36 7,129 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Old Schafer ACP Local Access 215 36 7,723 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Mansfield ACP Local Access 314 27 8,485 3 64 46 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Timberlane ACP Local Access 253 36 9,091 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 3rd ACP Local Access 264 40 10,564 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Gillis ACP Local Access 300 36 10,800 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,154 42 48,484 3 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 155 21 3,249 3 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon 15th ACP Local Access 462 26 12,023 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 22nd ACP Local Access 350 36 12,600 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Cataldo ACP Local Access 664 21 13,938 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 25th ACP Local Access 374 40 14,956 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Baldwin ACP Local Access 486 31 15,059 3 64 46 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Knox ACP Local Access 656 22 14,435 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 26 68,965 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt Bolivar ACP Local Access 406 40 16,250 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Houk ACP Local Access 664 26 17,268 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 661 36 23,792 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Main ACP Collector 663 26 17,239 3 54 55 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Union ACP Local Access 674 28 18,864 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Nixon ACP Local Access 645 30 19,346 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 505 40 20,211 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 516 40 20,640 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,999 48 95,947 3 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 694 32 22,214 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Saltese ACP Local Access 595 40 23,804 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 5,982 94 6,998 96 8,690 96 8,869 94 8,988 96 9,387 96 9,715 94 10,677 90 11,368 96 12,159 96 13,172 96 14,472 96 15,505 96 18,018 96 18,420 90 18,639 100 18,947 96 20,506 96 21,490 96 25,507 96 25,509 96 25,684 96 26,416 90 26,513 96 27,715 96 29,452 94 30,242 95 30,475 96 32,174 96 32,995 96 34,471 96 35,203 90 36,886 96 37,887 96 40,599 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 6 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV D • a a a o ci- co o o n m a n u. rE Pave Class Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 129 188 188 310 188 N 555 150 179 179 2000 179 N 39 39 360 39 E 697 1597 1501 1484 1746 1873 1873 2070 1873 N 96 1674 1413 116 1502 12 12 1690 12 E 1738 92 1516 933 241 73 73 100 73 E 210 190 167 168 168 1420 168 N 164 4 4 2130 4 E 192 107 18 18 1380 18 E 1897 230 230 740 230 N Carnahan Rd Bowdish Rd Liberty Av Vista Rd University Rd Broadway Av Indiana Ct 23rd Av Vercler Rd 21st Av 34th Av Vista Rd 8th Av 26th Av St Charles Rd 24th Av Woodlawn Rd Rutter Av Woodward Rd 8th Av 22nd Av Valleyway Av Adams Rd Appleway Av Blake Rd Bowdish Rd Dishman Mica Rd Mullan Rd Dishman Mica Rd Wellesley Av Bowdish Rd 16th Av Montgomery Dr Adams Rd Evergreen Rd 4th 8th Broadway Mission Velox McKee Sprague Appleway Broadway Mission Thierman Heacox End End Conklin Steen Saltese Forrest Cherry Guthrie Melissa Pines Knox Trent Dishman Mica Farr Blake Davis End 13th McDonald Blake Saltese Forrest End Park 34th 34th End Carnahan McDonald Blake Pines McDonald 8th 16th Corbin Barker Saltese 24th Sprague 4th Thorpe End Mission Argonne Schafer 40th Progress Sullivan 24th 32nd University Bowdish Wilbur Pines 16th 24th Mission Connection 1 90 E290 OFF ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 18 23,910 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 40,780 ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 40 106,484 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 40,937 ACP Local Access 677 36 24,371 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 41,566 ACP Collector 690 40 27,617 3 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 41,978 ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 44 117,111 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 45,023 ACP Minor Arterial 1,466 68 99,660 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt+RR2 90 46,951 ACP Local Access 1,846 18 33,227 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 56,670 ACP Local Access 880 40 35,184 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 60,008 ACP Local Access 906 40 36,242 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 61,813 ACP Local Access 915 40 36,584 3 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 62,397 ACP Local Access 1,017 36 36,621 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 62,459 ACP Collector 754 44 33,170 3 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 67,889 ACP Minor Arterial 789 44 34,694 3 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 69,928 ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,828 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 78,162 ACP Local Access 1,183 40 47,302 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 80,676 ACP Collector 1,207 38 45,871 3 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 81,090 ACP Local Access 1,192 40 47,670 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 81,305 ACP Minor Arterial 2,155 20 43,092 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 82,881 ACP Local Access 1,296 40 51,860 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 88,450 ACP Minor Arterial 2,635 20 52,706 3 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 89,893 ACP Local Access 1,346 40 53,855 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 91,853 ACP Local Access 2,661 28 74,511 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 94,712 ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 22 58,749 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 100,200 ACP Principal Arterial 3,829 70 267,999 3 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 103,031 ACP Collector 2,576 20 51,516 3 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 105,436 ACP Minor Arterial 1,331 40 53,235 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 107,298 ACP Minor Arterial 1,439 40 57,559 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 116,013 ACP Principal Arterial 1,612 36 58,016 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 127,764 ACP Minor Arterial 2,050 40 81,993 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 139,844 ACP Minor Arterial 1,321 43 56,785 3 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,891 ACP Minor Arterial 2,654 33 87,581 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 149,374 ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 34 90,182 3 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 153,810 ACP Minor Arterial 2,680 35 93,808 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 159,996 ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 30 79,712 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 160,664 ACP Principal Arterial 1,103 89 98,131 3 62 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 167,369 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 7 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y O LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1643 62 99 1887 155 155 120 155 N 15 15 1370 15 E 61 33 33 1350 33 E 60 151 151 120 151 N 36 36 360 36 E 1205 1426 985 1491 1248 876 876 250 876 N 1428 1486 1657 1144 258 1503 1039 1707 1027 1337 1156 1759 1260 429 1654 1241 860 860 1240 860 E 459 459 2080 459 E IMS Infrastructure Management Services 26th Av Sprague Av 8th Av 24th Av Argonne Rd Montgomery Av Sprague Av Mission Av Sprague Av Argonne Rd Broadway Av 6th Av Galway St Timberlane Rd Galls Park Ct 7th Ct Bessie Rd Steen Ct Macy Ct Houk Ct 8th Av Bannen Rd Collins Rd Dale Rd Progress Rd Dyer Rd Robie Rd Skyline PI Diana Ct Vercler Rd Houk Rd Cherry Rd 5th Ct Main Av Wabash Av Pines Farr University University Broadway Argonne Argonne Pines Vista Montgomery End End End End 23rd Wilbur End End End 26th Park 24th 16th 1st 24th Sprague 8th End Loretta 7th Shannon 26th End Dyer Best Tall Tree ACP Local Access 2,498 40 99,904 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 170,392 Herald ACP Principal Arterial 1,327 68 90,216 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 181,835 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,655 34 90,281 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 181,966 Bowdish ACP Collector 2,660 35 93,092 3 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 190,528 Mission ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,177 3 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 236,145 Woodruff ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 45 119,002 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 262,068 Farr ACP Principal Arterial 1,987 68 135,114 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 272,330 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 50 132,595 3 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 328,982 Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 2,882 68 196,007 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 395,063 Trent PCC Principal Arterial 866 96 83,151 3 69 47 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 510,642 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 6,136 46 282,246 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 568,883 End ACP Local Access 99 40 3,959 4 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 1,469 Limerick ACP Local Access 426 36 15,330 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 5,689 Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 33 21,921 4 65 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 8,135 End ACP Local Access 80 65 5,201 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 9,316 End ACP Local Access 191 30 5,717 4 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 10,240 Main ACP Local Access 312 21 6,544 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 11,720 12th ACP Local Access 931 37 34,460 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 12,788 April ACP Local Access 194 40 7,776 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 13,927 End ACP Local Access 203 40 8,132 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 14,565 Vista ACP Local Access 295 32 9,440 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 16,908 25th ACP Collector 320 36 11,518 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 18,378 Saltese ACP Local Access 259 40 10,352 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 18,542 Appleway ACP Local Access 259 40 10,362 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 18,559 26th ACP Local Access 625 21 13,125 4 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 23,508 1st ACP Local Access 346 40 13,843 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 24,794 9th ACP Local Access 354 40 14,158 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 25,359 End ACP Local Access 611 24 14,673 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 26,281 End ACP Local Access 445 36 16,020 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 28,694 8th ACP Local Access 422 40 16,898 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 30,266 Mansfield ACP Local Access 622 40 24,860 4 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 33,202 27th ACP Local Access 510 40 20,380 4 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 36,503 Pierce ACP Local Access 609 37 22,537 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,366 Thierman ACP Local Access 881 24 21,151 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 40,634 Calvin ACP Local Access 756 29 21,918 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 42,107 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 8 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1565 Burns Rd 1470 21st Av 1029 David St 1704 25th Av 1072 14th Av 1507 Morrow Rd 1236 Woodruff Rd 1663 Woodlawn Rd 1790 39th Av 1533 18th Av 1499 22nd Av 211 Blake Rd 1926 Union Rd 1483 20th Av 238 Adams Rd 949 Riverside Av 481 481 1970 481 N Sunnyvale Dr 94 8th Av 1174 Blake Rd 1532 18th Av 1485 23rd Av 133 Sharp Av 1609 28th Av 67 67 1870 67 E Sprague Av 1497 Houk Rd 1747 Melissa Dr 1514 Blossey Av 209 Saltese Rd 1496 Blossey Av 1362 12th Av 1957 McDonald Rd 191 Bowdish Rd 200 McDonald Rd 1892 McDonald Rd 1567 Progress Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 17th 20th ACP Local Access 777 32 24,874 4 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 44,551 Whipple Pines ACP Local Access 644 40 25,771 4 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 46,159 1st 4th ACP Local Access 992 26 25,781 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 46,177 Progress Newer ACP Local Access 647 40 25,884 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 46,361 Custer Carnahan ACP Local Access 1,160 24 27,848 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 49,879 16th Saltese ACP Local Access 714 40 28,571 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 51,174 8th End ACP Local Access 837 36 30,140 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 53,984 Skyview 32nd ACP Local Access 756 40 30,231 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 54,147 Sunderland Driftwood ACP Local Access 892 38 33,911 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 60,738 Early Dawn Adams ACP Local Access 852 40 34,090 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 61,059 Woodlawn McDonald ACP Local Access 858 40 34,339 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 61,505 24th SR 27 ACP Collector 1,543 23 35,487 4 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 65,888 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,328 28 37,174 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 66,583 Pines Guthrie ACP Local Access 962 40 38,478 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 68,919 2nd 4th ACP Minor Arterial 715 40 28,617 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 68,967 End Evergreen ACP Local Access 966 40 38,627 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 69,186 Wellesley Shamrock ACP Local Access 1,173 33 38,697 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 69,311 Dickey Thierman ACP Minor Arterial 1,996 20 39,910 4 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 71,483 Sprague 4th ACP Local Access 1,332 30 39,954 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 71,562 Bannen Early Dawn ACP Local Access 1,086 40 43,425 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 77,779 End Guthrie ACP Local Access 1,227 36 44,170 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 79,114 Yardley Fancher Frontage ACP Collector 2,094 24 50,253 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 80,182 Dishman Mica University ACP Local Access 1,156 40 46,224 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 82,792 McDonald Evergreen ACP Principal Arterial 2,666 82 218,644 4 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 88,186 Saltese Vercler ACP Local Access 1,237 40 49,462 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 88,591 33rd Whipple ACP Local Access 1,441 36 51,892 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 92,944 McDonald McCabe ACP Local Access 1,347 40 53,878 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 96,501 16th McDonald ACP Collector 2,355 20 47,092 4 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 101,195 Vercler McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,737 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 101,623 McDonald Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,666 22 58,658 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 105,063 27th 31st ACP Local Access 1,513 40 60,533 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 108,422 6th 6th ACP Minor Arterial 1,311 40 52,445 4 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 111,009 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,323 40 52,904 4 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 111,980 Sprague 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,333 40 53,317 4 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 112,854 16th 24th ACP Local Access 2,663 26 69,226 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 123,991 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 9 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 154 154 120 154 N 43 29 29 1350 29 E 108 89 1462 1619 1621 189 208 1719 1719 1910 1719 38 38 360 38 E 646 646 750 646 E 252 252 210 252 N 72 1903 1903 720 1903 E 70 1904 1904 990 1904 E 587 1588 195 195 430 195 N 1714 572 1732 1080 1653 1160 1878 852 965 79 79 110 79 E 1168 619 1022 1699 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Argonne Rd Broadway Av Mission Av 16th Av 4th Av Skipworth Rd 28th Av 30th Av Bowdish Rd McDonald Rd Steen Broadway Av Fairgrounds Rd Barker Rd Sprague Av Euclid Av Sprague Av Indiana Av Bell 23rd Av Cement St Timberlane Ct Mansfield Av 38th Av Granite Dr Cherry Ct 2nd Av Herald Rd Mallon Av Nixon Av Appleway BI Robie Rd Boone Av Hodges Rd Bannen Ct Mission Farr Herald Bowdish Farr 16th University University Sprague Saltese 23rd Fancher End Mission Flora Marietta Sullivan Evergreen Nora End Pines 24th End Johnson 5th 24th End Main Progress End Dollar 1st Long Main End Mullan ACP Principal Arterial 1,557 35 54,479 4 59 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 125,968 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,326 44 58,323 4 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 140,558 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,988 44 87,467 4 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 156,663 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 34 90,718 4 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 162,486 University ACP Collector 3,309 32 105,898 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 168,966 24th ACP Local Access 2,644 40 105,764 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 189,435 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,414 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 190,599 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,430 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 190,628 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,666 40 106,630 4 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 190,986 24th ACP Minor Arterial 1,884 50 94,202 4 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 199,394 End ACP Local Access 2,747 40 109,879 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 96 211,089 Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 2,511 50 125,551 4 62 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 224,875 End ACP Local Access 708 54 38,258 4 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon 100 234,223 End ACP Minor Arterial 2,766 48 132,759 4 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 237,786 Corbin ACP Principal Arterial 1,645 71 116,830 4 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 247,290 Flora ACP Collector 2,257 65 146,726 4 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 315,298 Conklin ACP Principal Arterial 2,635 71 187,110 4 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 396,050 End ACP Minor Arterial 3,028 59 178,673 4 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 465,542 End ACP Local Access 537 28 15,022 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 5,859 End ACP Local Access 96 45 4,338 5 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 6,082 Empire ACP Collector 690 26 17,940 5 54 76 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 7,355 End ACP Local Access 100 40 4,000 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 7,524 End ACP Local Access 659 32 21,088 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 8,224 Skipworth ACP Local Access 226 36 8,139 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 15,310 Granite Point ACP Local Access 649 17 11,029 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 15,465 End ACP Local Access 206 40 8,257 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 15,532 Bowdish ACP Local Access 235 36 8,460 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 15,914 End ACP Collector 265 36 9,540 5 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 18,592 St Charles ACP Local Access 267 50 13,346 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 18,713 Adams ACP Local Access 345 40 13,808 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 19,361 Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 739 33 24,371 5 54 75 P-PART/MnART-Local Rehab 92 20,337 3rd ACP Local Access 439 25 10,982 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 20,658 Barker ACP Local Access 2,664 20 53,275 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 20,777 Laberry ACP Local Access 1,373 40 54,905 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 90 21,413 31st ACP Local Access 346 36 12,449 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 23,418 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 10 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y 2 LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1569 1263 1490 1488 1504 605 1562 1056 1615 1026 239 1372 951 1661 1664 1705 466 466 350 466 E 1864 1169 596 1302 946 41 1505 1923 1923 180 1923 N 1251 1741 47 47 360 47 E 970 1111 560 866 866 2040 866 E 1634 147 1515 Newer Ct Morrow Rd Collins Ct Cherry Rd Vercler Rd Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr 23rd Av Willow Rd 27th Av Eastern Rd Adams Rd Avalon Ct McCabe Rd Vercler Rd Morrow Rd 26th Ct Broad Av 4th Av Whipple Rd Marietta Av 10th Av Nixon Av Broadway Av Virginia Rd Balfour Rd Fox Rd Skipworth Rd Broadway Av Bolivar Rd Eastern Rd Donwood Rd Valleyway Av Wilbur Rd Park Rd Semro Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End End End 20th 16th End End Sprague Sunrise 2ND AV Sprague 12th Alki Lenora Skyview End Burns End End Harmony Raymond McDonald Park 15th Sprague 4th 36th McDonald Main 8th Dalton Ella 24th 8th McDonald 22nd ACP Local Access 355 36 12,780 5 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 24,041 8th ACP Local Access 423 32 13,520 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 25,433 23rd ACP Local Access 389 36 13,992 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 26,320 21st ACP Local Access 355 40 14,190 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 26,692 Saltese ACP Local Access 377 40 15,085 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 28,377 Jackson ACP Local Access 115 40 4,600 5 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon 99 29,573 End ACP Local Access 495 32 15,856 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 29,826 Appleway ACP Local Access 656 26 17,049 5 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 32,071 University ACP Local Access 656 26 17,055 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 32,082 4th ACP Local Access 552 32 17,663 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 33,226 2nd ACP Minor Arterial 625 22 13,755 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 34,800 14th ACP Local Access 524 36 18,858 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 35,474 Broadway ACP Local Access 664 40 26,578 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 37,269 31st ACP Local Access 500 40 20,006 5 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 37,633 31st ACP Local Access 510 40 20,400 5 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 38,374 Sullivan ACP Local Access 560 37 20,720 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 38,977 Lucille ACP Local Access 618 35 21,613 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 40,657 Custer ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 14 18,797 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 41,771 4th ACP Local Access 558 40 22,323 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 41,992 McMillan ACP Local Access 561 40 22,428 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 42,189 University ACP Local Access 710 32 22,720 5 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 42,739 McCabe ACP Local Access 837 40 33,481 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 46,948 Vista ACP Minor Arterial 2,584 44 113,692 5 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 48,256 Saltese ACP Local Access 646 40 25,837 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 48,602 Main ACP Local Access 664 39 25,882 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 48,688 6th ACP Local Access 660 40 26,391 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 49,644 End ACP Local Access 736 36 26,479 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 49,810 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 44 117,390 5 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 49,826 Valleyway ACP Local Access 672 40 26,868 5 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 50,542 12th ACP Local Access 1,327 28 37,148 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 52,090 Courtland ACP Local Access 776 36 27,934 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 52,547 Vista ACP Local Access 1,323 22 29,100 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 54,740 Skyview ACP Local Access 734 40 29,344 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 55,199 End ACP Collector 1,854 20 37,070 5 57 65 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 62,113 22nd ACP Local Access 836 40 33,434 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 62,894 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 11 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 LL' 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number x y O LL N u. F Pave Class C C O y LL J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 138 1350 128 1358 1180 1559 1761 1951 549 549 740 549 65 65 1870 65 E 95 750 750 420 750 E 24 1568 97 1627 1961 1264 1888 1943 1940 1343 1884 1745 185 1885 119 90 204 1472 35 35 1350 35 E 1898 113 1913 1913 40 1913 E 184 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Thierman St 15th Av Thorpe Rd Woodlawn Rd Best Ct 21st Av Whipple St 23rd Av Evergreen Rd Sprague Av 8th Av Cataldo Av Mission Av St Charles Rd 8th Av Skyview Av 38th Av 5th Av Bowdish Rd 12th Av Woodruff Rd 12th Av 4th Av Loretta Dr University Rd Bowdish Rd 24th Av 4th Av Pines Rd 22nd Av Mission Av 24th Av 16th Av 1st Av University Rd Appleway SR 27 Connection Dishman Mica 13th Rees End End Forrest 4th Vercler MADISON 15th 2nd St Charles Loretta McDonald Trent Bowdish Pines Thierman Park Vista Argonne Railroad Thierman 16th End Farr Herald Wilbur Pines 37th Pines McDonald Mamer 32nd 37th Bowdish Pines 8th 16th Pines McDonald Bowdish Pines 34th Pines 32nd Dishman Mica 8th 16th Bannen Adams Pines McDonald 24th 32nd Bowdish Pines Mission Connection Adams Adams Sullivan Adams Sullivan 190 E285 OFF Thierman 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 1,006 30 30,184 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 67,076 ACP Local Access 1,205 30 36,139 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 67,981 ACP Collector 1,358 23 31,233 5 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 70,482 ACP Local Access 966 40 38,643 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 72,692 ACP Local Access 1,081 36 38,913 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 73,200 ACP Local Access 1,453 36 52,293 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 73,326 ACP Local Access 1,113 36 40,064 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 75,365 ACP Local Access 1,682 26 43,722 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 82,245 ACP Local Access 1,408 36 50,685 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 95,345 ACP Principal Arterial 2,661 88 234,196 5 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 99,403 ACP Minor Arterial 2,648 20 52,966 5 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 99,635 ACP Local Access 2,652 24 63,652 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay+RR1 94 100,145 ACP Collector 2,635 24 63,231 5 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 105,947 ACP Local Access 1,999 40 79,950 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 112,108 ACP Minor Arterial 1,404 36 50,549 5 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 112,331 ACP Local Access 2,054 40 82,145 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 115,186 ACP Local Access 1,757 36 63,247 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 118,975 ACP Local Access 2,066 32 66,121 5 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 124,381 ACP Minor Arterial 1,822 28 51,016 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 129,070 ACP Local Access 2,660 32 85,107 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 160,096 ACP Local Access 2,675 32 85,587 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 160,999 ACP Local Access 2,682 32 85,808 5 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 96 161,414 ACP Collector 2,656 32 84,985 5 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 165,626 ACP Local Access 2,235 40 89,409 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 168,188 ACP Minor Arterial 1,158 58 67,172 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 169,945 ACP Minor Arterial 2,684 26 69,786 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 176,559 ACP Collector 2,012 40 80,491 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 181,641 ACP Collector 2,677 32 85,667 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 193,322 ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 34 90,343 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 200,762 ACP Local Access 2,670 40 106,786 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 200,876 ACP Minor Arterial 2,286 48 109,737 5 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 206,427 ACP Collector 2,662 36 95,842 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 216,283 ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 45 120,151 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 267,002 PCC Principal Arterial 1,318 38 50,089 5 69 46 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 339,155 ACP Minor Arterial 2,639 58 153,044 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 387,201 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 12 of 13 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E 0 F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O y a J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 183 IMS Infrastructure Management Services University Rd 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,641 58 153,204 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 387,606 Appendix E,$7.25M Analysis by Year 13 of 13 Appendix F $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year (Arterials) IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page f City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials) 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 246 246 800 246 N Flora Rd 1899 1899 70 1899 E 8th Av 1869 1869 1480 1869 N Park Rd 170 170 1420 170 N Mullan Rd 10 10 720 10 E Euclid Av 250 250 210 250 N Barker Rd 1902 1902 720 1902 E Euclid Av 226 226 1940 226 S Sullivan Rd 178 178 2000 178 N University Rd 158 158 560 158 S Dishman Mica Rd 93 8th Av 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 37 37 360 37 E Broadway Av 122 122 50 122 E 32nd Av 121 121 50 121 E 32nd Av 123 123 50 123 E 32nd Av 120 120 50 120 E 32nd Av 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 157 157 120 157 S Argonne Rd 210 Blake Rd 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av 1887 24th Av 155 155 120 155 N Argonne Rd 115 24th Av 33 33 1350 33 E Mission Av 151 151 120 151 N Argonne Rd 238 Adams Rd 209 Saltese Rd 1889 Bowdish Rd 43 Broadway Av 30 30 1350 30 E Mission Av 1903 1903 720 1903 E Euclid Av 16 16 1370 16 E Montgomery Av 1904 1904 990 1904 E Indiana Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Barker Mission Dishman Mica Flora Euclid Sullivan 16th Montgomery Appleway Carnahan 4th Yardley Bowdish University Pines Dishman Mica Knox Sprague Saltese Progress University Broadway Pines Pines Montgomery Euclid Hodges Trent Broadway Barker Trent Marietta 24th Trent 4th Dickey 8th Fancher Pines Bowdish SR 27 University Trent Appleway 24th Sullivan Bowdish Mission McDonald McDonald Trent 2nd 4th 16th McDonald 37th Dishman Mica Farr Herald University Bowdish Marietta Flora Woodruff University Evergreen End ACP Minor Arterial 760 45 34,200 1 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 71,211 ACP Collector 2,640 24 63,368 1 69 46 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 117,654 ACP Minor Arterial 1,986 42 83,396 1 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 173,648 ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 36 95,419 1 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 214,799 ACP Collector 5,149 22 113,275 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay+RR1 96 226,298 ACP Minor Arterial 4,791 34 162,908 1 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 366,725 ACP Collector 3,311 65 215,229 1 69 45 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 399,608 ACP Principal Arterial 2,668 68 181,446 1 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 408,455 ACP Minor Arterial 1,765 20 35,302 2 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 77,155 ACP Principal Arterial 943 63 59,408 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,400 ACP Minor Arterial 3,283 20 65,667 2 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 143,519 ACP Principal Arterial 1,259 62 78,084 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 184,539 ACP Principal Arterial 1,977 46 90,951 2 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 198,778 ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 46 122,564 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 267,871 ACP Principal Arterial 2,660 50 132,984 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 314,284 ACP Principal Arterial 3,994 50 199,725 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 472,016 ACP Principal Arterial 652 42 27,371 3 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 62,832 ACP Collector 754 44 33,170 3 69 46 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 67,889 ACP Principal Arterial 738 49 36,174 3 74 45 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 83,039 ACP Collector 2,576 20 51,516 3 69 47 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 105,436 ACP Minor Arterial 1,321 43 56,785 3 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,891 ACP Collector 2,660 35 93,092 3 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 190,528 ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,177 3 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 236,145 ACP Collector 3,074 40 122,968 3 69 46 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 251,674 ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 50 132,595 3 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 328,982 PCC Principal Arterial 866 96 83,151 3 69 47 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 510,642 ACP Minor Arterial 715 40 28,617 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 68,967 ACP Collector 2,355 20 47,092 4 69 48 A-COL-ThickOlay>2.5 96 101,195 ACP Minor Arterial 1,784 28 49,956 4 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 120,394 ACP Minor Arterial 1,326 44 58,323 4 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 140,558 ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,882 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 304,544 ACP Collector 2,257 65 146,726 4 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 315,298 ACP Minor Arterial 2,872 45 129,220 4 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 336,689 ACP Minor Arterial 3,028 59 178,673 4 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 465,542 Appendix F,$2M Analysis by Year(Arterials) 1 of 2 City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials) 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 109 16th Av 239 Adams Rd 144 Park Rd 1888 Bowdish Rd 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 1901 1901 210 1901 N Barker Rd 185 University Rd 1885 Bowdish Rd 132 Fancher Rd 1913 1913 40 1913 E 1stAv 183 University Rd Pines Sprague Sprague 32nd Mission Cataldo 32nd 8th Sharp 190 E285 OFF 16th Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 464 24 11,133 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 28,166 2nd ACP Minor Arterial 625 22 13,755 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 34,800 Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 394 61 24,061 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 60,874 37th ACP Minor Arterial 1,822 28 51,016 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 129,070 Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 1,612 36 58,016 5 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 158,706 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,485 45 66,819 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 169,052 Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,158 58 67,172 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 169,945 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,684 26 69,786 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 176,559 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 2,510 52 130,504 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 330,175 Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 1,318 38 50,089 5 69 46 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 339,155 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,641 58 153,204 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 387,606 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Appendix F,$2M Analysis by Year(Arterials) 2 of 2 Appendix G $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year (Local Access) IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page g City of Spokane Valley $2M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access) 5 Year Rehab Plan Summary Street Number Block Number Pave Class to F R E N t c c c . LL w Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1298 Little John Ct 998 Tschirley Rd 1363 13th Ct 1348 14th Av 431 Cherry St 427 Mansfield Av 477 477 1150 477 N Lillian Ct 1246 Skipworth Ct 1859 Sands Rd 1205 6th Av 1153 12th Av 1426 Galway St 985 Timberlane Rd 1791 Woodruff Ct 1792 40th Ct 1428 Steen Ct 1571 Century Ct 429 Houk Rd 1655 Cherry Rd 1208 1st Av 587 Bell 572 Mansfield Av 10th Sprague Avalon End Mirabeau End End ACP Local Access 272 36 9,792 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Main ACP Local Access 709 22 15,602 1 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 132 36 4,735 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Vercler ACP Local Access 310 28 8,681 2 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Pinecroft ACP Local Access 642 44 28,240 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,550 48 122,420 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End Olympic ACP Local Access 149 48 7,169 3 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End 6th ACP Local Access 196 36 7,071 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 47th 48th ACP Local Access 210 40 8,400 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End End ACP Local Access 99 40 3,959 4 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Edgerton Park ACP Local Access 99 36 3,552 4 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End Limerick ACP Local Access 426 36 15,330 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End Valleyway ACP Local Access 664 33 21,921 4 65 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End End ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End Driftwood ACP Local Access 198 36 7,129 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End 12th ACP Local Access 931 37 34,460 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End 22nd ACP Local Access 350 36 12,600 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Shannon Mansfield ACP Local Access 622 40 24,860 4 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Skyview End ACP Local Access 505 40 20,211 4 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End Greenacres ACP Local Access 189 36 6,822 5 50 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Nora End ACP Local Access 537 28 15,022 5 65 76 A-LOC-Suit Trtmnt End End ACP Local Access 659 32 21,088 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt IMS Infrastructure Management Services Appendix G,$2M Analysis by Year(Locals) 90 3,144 94 17,995 96 7,692 94 10,514 94 34,201 94 148,264 90 2,533 94 8,988 94 10,677 90 1,469 94 4,744 90 5,689 90 8,135 96 9,314 96 12,769 90 12,788 96 22,568 94 33,202 96 36,200 90 2,660 90 5,859 90 8,224 1 of 1 Appendix H $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year (Arterials) IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page h City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O LL J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 134 109 31 31 1350 31 E 102 75 145 111 144 48 48 360 48 E 1877 1891 246 246 800 246 N 76 253 57 1889 172 40 40 360 40 E 50 1882 1894 1899 1899 70 1899 E 217 14 14 1070 14 E 228 228 740 228 N 166 1869 1869 1480 1869 N 198 198 1310 198 N 44 44 360 44 E 199 170 170 1420 170 N 10 10 720 10 E 30 30 1350 30 E 132 16 16 1370 16 E Dickey Rd 16th Av Mission Av 8th Av Sprague Av Park Rd 16th Av Park Rd Broadway Av Herald Rd 8th Av Flora Rd Sprague Av Barker Rd Sprague Av Bowdish Rd Farr Rd Broadway Av Broadway Av 4th Av 4th Av 8th Av Sullivan Rd Knox Av Evergreen Rd Dishman Mica Rd Park Rd McDonald Rd Broadway Av McDonald Rd Mullan Rd Euclid Av Mission Av Fancher Rd Montgomery Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th Pines Bowdish Adams Corbin Appleway McDonald Sprague Evergreen End Vercler Euclid Barker Appleway Dollar 37th Sprague Heacox Sullivan University Adams Barker B Off Vista 190 W290 OFF Sands Mission Broadway University Sprague Dishman Mica Flora University Sharp Woodruff 12th Saltese Union Sullivan Barker ACP Collector 1,528 24 36,672 1 54 75 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt ACP Minor Arterial 464 24 11,133 1 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 ACP Minor Arterial 1,510 44 66,445 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 26 68,977 1 57 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt ACP Minor Arterial 3,684 20 73,685 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 4th ACP Minor Arterial 933 22 20,522 1 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,665 46 122,598 1 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt Appleway ACP Minor Arterial 394 61 24,061 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 44 116,322 1 57 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt+RR1 Broadway ACP Collector 1,729 26 44,952 1 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 30 40,311 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Euclid ACP Minor Arterial 760 45 34,200 1 72 45 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 Hodges ACP Collector 2,653 20 53,060 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 1,165 36 41,949 1 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 659 68 44,798 1 59 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,784 28 49,956 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Broadway ACP Collector 2,649 28 74,177 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 Park ACP Minor Arterial 1,356 44 59,676 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 Conklin ACP Minor Arterial 2,601 24 62,429 1 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 Bowdish ACP Collector 2,652 32 84,861 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 Sullivan ACP Collector 2,657 32 85,022 1 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 Hodges ACP Collector 2,640 24 63,368 1 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 Wellesley ACP Principal Arterial 1,839 42 77,219 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Argonne ACP Collector 2,643 34 89,862 1 57 65 A-COL-Thin Olay+RR1 Indiana ACP Principal Arterial 915 102 93,300 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Thorpe ACP Minor Arterial 2,734 40 109,344 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 1,986 42 83,396 1 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 44 116,676 1 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,653 44 116,737 1 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,659 48 127,632 1 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 Broadway ACP Principal Arterial 2,651 36 95,419 1 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 Barker ACP Collector 5,149 22 113,275 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay+RR1 Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,882 1 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 2,510 52 130,504 1 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 University ACP Minor Arterial 2,872 45 129,220 1 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 90 12,387 95 20,361 90 23,182 90 24,065 90 25,708 94 31,763 90 42,773 95 44,005 90 49,760 94 61,984 94 62,392 96 71,211 94 73,164 95 76,720 95 81,931 95 91,364 94 102,282 94 104,102 95 114,176 94 117,014 94 117,236 96 117,654 94 119,518 94 139,086 94 144,408 94 169,240 96 173,648 94 180,588 94 180,683 94 197,546 96 214,799 96 226,298 95 233,505 95 238,677 95 258,152 Appendix H,$7.25M Analysis by Year(ART) 1 of 5 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV :Number re a o a a o U 0 in m a in a Pave Class . e A e g r c C 0 a J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 160 160 560 160 S 250 250 210 250 N 1902 1902 720 1902 E 226 226 1940 226 S 1911 1911 1340 1911 N 1895 27 27 1350 27 E 257 1880 85 193 232 205 124 124 50 124 E 118 146 120 120 50 120 E 207 178 178 2000 178 N 1890 157 157 120 157 S 66 66 1870 66 E 64 64 1870 64 E 105 25 139 243 237 127 101 1901 1901 210 1901 N 158 158 560 158 S 93 106 1876 Dishman Mica Rd Barker Rd Euclid Av Sullivan Rd Mirabeau Pk 8th Av Mission Av Fancher Frontage Rd University Rd 4th Av Bowdish Rd Evergreen Rd Pines Rd 32nd Av 24th Av Park Rd 32nd Av McDonald Rd University Rd 8th Av Argonne Rd Sprague Av Sprague Av 16th Av Mission Av Thierman St Conklin Rd Adams Rd 44th Av 8th Av Barker Rd Dishman Mica Rd 8th Av 16th Av Broadway Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services 8th Euclid Sullivan 16th Indiana Evergreen Vista Sharp Main Carnahan Dishman Mica Sprague 32nd SR 27 Evergreen 4th Dishman Mica 16th Montgomery Pines Sprague Pines University Dishman Mica Thierman 4th Sprague Sprague Van Marter McDonald Cataldo Appleway Carnahan Herald Herald 16th ACP Principal Arterial 2,871 62 178,028 1 62 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 310,560 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 4,791 34 162,908 1 72 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 366,725 Marietta ACP Collector 3,311 65 215,229 1 69 45 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 399,608 24th ACP Principal Arterial 2,668 68 181,446 1 74 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 408,455 Mansfield ACP Collector 614 76 46,679 2 54 77 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 16,545 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,650 26 68,892 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 25,260 Argonne ACP Collector 2,641 30 79,224 2 54 75 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 28,081 Railroad ACP Collector 898 20 17,964 2 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 30,239 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 1,985 44 87,325 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 32,019 Fancher ACP Minor Arterial 2,643 34 89,878 2 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 32,955 Sands ACP Collector 565 36 20,349 2 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 34,254 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,338 73 97,654 2 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 35,806 40th ACP Collector 2,700 40 107,998 2 54 76 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 38,279 Best ACP Principal Arterial 2,663 40 106,510 2 59 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 39,054 Bannen ACP Collector 647 36 23,281 2 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 39,190 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,324 22 29,127 2 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 47,315 University ACP Principal Arterial 652 42 27,371 2 54 49 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 59,821 Saltese ACP Minor Arterial 846 40 33,826 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 64,946 Trent ACP Minor Arterial 1,765 20 35,302 2 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 77,155 Vercler ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 30 40,297 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 77,370 Appleway ACP Principal Arterial 738 49 36,174 2 54 49 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 79,060 McDonald ACP Principal Arterial 2,667 84 224,017 2 59 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 82,140 Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,652 88 233,367 2 59 75 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 85,568 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,101 48 52,850 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 85,852 Park ACP Collector 2,622 24 62,933 2 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 91,113 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 36 47,811 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 91,797 Broadway ACP Collector 2,654 24 63,701 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 92,225 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,637 22 58,004 2 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 94,224 Sands ACP Collector 2,933 24 70,394 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 101,915 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 28 74,692 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 121,333 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 1,485 45 66,819 2 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 128,293 4th ACP Principal Arterial 943 63 59,408 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,400 Dickey ACP Minor Arterial 3,283 20 65,667 2 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 143,519 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,917 48 92,016 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 149,475 University ACP Minor Arterial 1,989 44 87,498 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 167,996 Appendix H,$7.25M Analysis by Year(ART) 2 of 5 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O LL J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1870 Park Rd 159 159 560 159 S Dishman Mica Rd 136 Heacox Av 112 16th Av 37 37 360 37 E Broadway Av 42 Broadway Av 115 24th Av 122 122 50 122 E 32nd Av 71 Sprague Av 121 121 50 121 E 32nd Av 21 21 990 21 E Indiana Av 123 123 50 123 E 32nd Av 240 Adams Rd 32 32 1350 32 E Mission Av 249 Flora Rd 1879 Herald Rd 196 196 1260 196 E Mansfield Av 129 Carnahan Rd 188 188 310 188 N Bowdish Rd 150 Vista Rd 179 179 2000 179 N University Rd 39 39 360 39 E Broadway Av 1873 1873 2070 1873 N Vista Rd 96 8th Av 116 24th Av 12 12 1690 12 E Rutter Av 92 8th Av 241 Adams Rd 73 73 100 73 E Appleway Av 210 Blake Rd 190 Bowdish Rd 167 Dishman Mica Rd 168 168 1420 168 N Mullan Rd 164 Dishman Mica Rd 4 4 2130 4 E Wellesley Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services Broadway 4th Thierman Evergreen Yardley Vista Pines Bowdish Conklin University Sullivan Pines 4th Union Sprague Sprague Wilbur 4th Broadway Sprague Broadway Thierman Knox Dishman Mica McDonald End End 8th Corbin Saltese Sprague Thorpe Mission Schafer Progress Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,647 36 95,286 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 182,949 8th ACP Principal Arterial 1,259 62 78,084 2 74 48 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 184,539 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 3,316 36 119,393 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 193,947 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 46 122,182 2 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 198,478 Fancher ACP Principal Arterial 1,977 46 90,951 2 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 198,778 Argonne ACP Minor Arterial 2,656 44 116,848 2 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 224,348 McDonald ACP Collector 3,074 40 122,968 2 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 239,788 Pines ACP Principal Arterial 2,664 46 122,564 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay>2.5 96 267,871 Flora ACP Principal Arterial 2,670 71 189,591 2 62 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 307,980 Bowdish ACP Principal Arterial 2,660 50 132,984 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 314,284 End ACP Collector 3,830 70 268,072 2 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay+RR1 94 435,468 SR 27 ACP Principal Arterial 3,994 50 199,725 2 74 47 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 472,016 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,344 22 29,570 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 11,368 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,154 42 48,484 3 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 18,639 Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 26 68,965 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 26,513 Main ACP Collector 663 26 17,239 3 54 55 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 30,475 Pines ACP Minor Arterial 1,999 48 95,947 3 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 36,886 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,328 18 23,910 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 40,780 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 40 106,484 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 40,937 Appleway ACP Collector 690 40 27,617 3 57 67 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 41,978 Mission ACP Minor Arterial 2,662 44 117,111 3 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 45,023 Heacox ACP Minor Arterial 1,466 68 99,660 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt+RR2 90 46,951 Trent ACP Collector 754 44 33,170 3 69 46 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 67,889 Farr ACP Minor Arterial 789 44 34,694 3 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 69,928 Blake ACP Collector 1,207 38 45,871 3 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 81,090 Park ACP Minor Arterial 2,155 20 43,092 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay+RR1 94 82,881 Carnahan ACP Minor Arterial 2,635 20 52,706 3 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 89,893 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 22 58,749 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 100,200 Barker ACP Principal Arterial 3,829 70 267,999 3 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 103,031 24th ACP Collector 2,576 20 51,516 3 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 105,436 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,331 40 53,235 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 107,298 End ACP Minor Arterial 1,439 40 57,559 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 116,013 Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 1,612 36 58,016 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 127,764 40th ACP Minor Arterial 2,050 40 81,993 3 60 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 139,844 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 1,321 43 56,785 3 72 45 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 140,891 Appendix H,$7.25M Analysis by Year(ART) 3 of 5 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O LL J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 192 107 18 18 1380 18 E 1897 230 230 740 230 N 62 99 1887 155 155 120 155 N 15 15 1370 15 E 61 33 33 1350 33 E 60 151 151 120 151 N 36 36 360 36 E 258 211 238 94 133 67 67 1870 67 E 209 191 200 1892 154 154 120 154 N 43 29 29 1350 29 E 108 89 189 208 38 38 360 38 E 252 252 210 252 N 72 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Bowdish Rd 16th Av Montgomery Dr Adams Rd Evergreen Rd Sprague Av 8th Av 24th Av Argonne Rd Montgomery Av Sprague Av Mission Av Sprague Av Argonne Rd Broadway Av Bannen Rd Blake Rd Adams Rd 8th Av Sharp Av Sprague Av Saltese Rd Bowdish Rd McDonald Rd McDonald Rd Argonne Rd Broadway Av Mission Av 16th Av 4th Av Bowdish Rd McDonald Rd Broadway Av Barker Rd Sprague Av 24th 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,654 33 87,581 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 149,374 University Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 34 90,182 3 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 153,810 Wilbur Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,680 35 93,808 3 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 159,996 16th 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 30 79,712 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 160,664 Mission Connection 190 E290 OFF ACP Principal Arterial 1,103 89 98,131 3 62 67 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 167,369 Farr Herald ACP Principal Arterial 1,327 68 90,216 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 181,835 University Bowdish ACP Minor Arterial 2,655 34 90,281 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 181,966 University Bowdish ACP Collector 2,660 35 93,092 3 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 190,528 Broadway Mission ACP Principal Arterial 2,644 36 95,177 3 74 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 236,145 Argonne Woodruff ACP Minor Arterial 2,644 45 119,002 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 262,068 Argonne Farr ACP Principal Arterial 1,987 68 135,114 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 272,330 Pines McDonald ACP Minor Arterial 2,652 50 132,595 3 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 328,982 Vista Argonne ACP Principal Arterial 2,882 68 196,007 3 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 395,063 Montgomery Trent PCC Principal Arterial 866 96 83,151 3 69 47 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 510,642 End Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 6,136 46 282,246 3 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 568,883 24th 25th ACP Collector 320 36 11,518 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 18,378 24th SR 27 ACP Collector 1,543 23 35,487 4 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 65,888 2nd 4th ACP Minor Arterial 715 40 28,617 4 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 68,967 Dickey Thierman ACP Minor Arterial 1,996 20 39,910 4 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 71,483 Yardley Fancher Frontage ACP Collector 2,094 24 50,253 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 80,182 McDonald Evergreen ACP Principal Arterial 2,666 82 218,644 4 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 88,186 16th McDonald ACP Collector 2,355 20 47,092 4 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 101,195 6th 6th ACP Minor Arterial 1,311 40 52,445 4 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 111,009 4th 8th ACP Minor Arterial 1,323 40 52,904 4 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 111,980 Sprague 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,333 40 53,317 4 57 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 112,854 Mission Mullan ACP Principal Arterial 1,557 35 54,479 4 59 55 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay+RR1 95 125,968 Farr Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,326 44 58,323 4 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 140,558 Herald University ACP Minor Arterial 1,988 44 87,467 4 60 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 156,663 Bowdish Pines ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 34 90,718 4 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 162,486 Farr University ACP Collector 3,309 32 105,898 4 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 168,966 Sprague Broadway ACP Minor Arterial 2,666 40 106,630 4 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 190,986 Saltese 24th ACP Minor Arterial 1,884 50 94,202 4 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 199,394 Fancher Thierman ACP Principal Arterial 2,511 50 125,551 4 62 65 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 224,875 Mission End ACP Minor Arterial 2,766 48 132,759 4 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 237,786 Flora Corbin ACP Principal Arterial 1,645 71 116,830 4 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 247,290 Appendix H,$7.25M Analysis by Year(ART) 4 of 5 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Arterials 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV :Number re a o a a o U 0 in m a in a Pave Class . e A e g r c C 0 a J Q Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1903 1903 720 1903 E 70 1904 1904 990 1904 E 195 195 430 195 N 1878 79 79 110 79 E 239 1864 41 47 47 360 47 E 147 138 128 65 65 1870 65 E 95 24 97 1888 1884 185 1885 119 90 204 35 35 1350 35 E 1898 113 1913 1913 40 1913 E 184 183 IMS Infrastructure Management Services Euclid Av Sprague Av Indiana Av Cement St Herald Rd Appleway BI Adams Rd 4th Av Broadway Av Broadway Av Park Rd Thierman St Thorpe Rd Sprague Av 8th Av Mission Av 8th Av Bowdish Rd 4th Av University Rd Bowdish Rd 24th Av 4th Av Pines Rd Mission Av 24th Av 16th Av 1st Av University Rd University Rd Marietta Sullivan Evergreen Pines Main Dollar Sprague End Park McDonald 8th Appleway Dishman Mica Bowdish Thierman Railroad Farr 32nd Bowdish 32nd 8th Bannen Pines 24th Mission Connection Adams Adams 1 90 E285 OFF 24th 16th Flora ACP Collector 2,257 65 146,726 4 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 315,298 Conklin ACP Principal Arterial 2,635 71 187,110 4 59 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 396,050 End ACP Minor Arterial 3,028 59 178,673 4 72 46 A-PART/MnART-Thick Olay+RR1 96 465,542 Empire ACP Collector 690 26 17,940 5 54 76 A-COL-Surf Trtmnt 90 7,355 End ACP Collector 265 36 9,540 5 54 57 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 18,592 Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 739 33 24,371 5 54 75 P-PART/MnART-Local Rehab 92 20,337 2nd ACP Minor Arterial 625 22 13,755 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 34,800 Custer ACP Minor Arterial 1,343 14 18,797 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 41,771 Vista ACP Minor Arterial 2,584 44 113,692 5 57 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 48,256 Evergreen ACP Minor Arterial 2,668 44 117,390 5 57 77 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 49,826 End ACP Collector 1,854 20 37,070 5 57 65 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 62,113 4th ACP Minor Arterial 1,006 30 30,184 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 67,076 MADISON ACP Collector 1,358 23 31,233 5 69 48 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 70,482 Pines ACP Principal Arterial 2,661 88 234,196 5 59 76 A-PART/MnART-Surf Trtmnt 90 99,403 Park ACP Minor Arterial 2,648 20 52,966 5 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 99,635 Thierman ACP Collector 2,635 24 63,231 5 57 66 A-COL-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 105,947 Herald ACP Minor Arterial 1,404 36 50,549 5 57 57 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 112,331 37th ACP Minor Arterial 1,822 28 51,016 5 72 46 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 129,070 Pines ACP Collector 2,656 32 84,985 5 54 56 A-COL-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 165,626 Dishman Mica ACP Minor Arterial 1,158 58 67,172 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 169,945 16th ACP Minor Arterial 2,684 26 69,786 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 176,559 Adams ACP Collector 2,012 40 80,491 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 181,641 McDonald ACP Collector 2,677 32 85,667 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 193,322 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,657 34 90,343 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 200,762 Adams ACP Minor Arterial 2,286 48 109,737 5 60 66 A-PART/MnART-Thin Olay<=1.5 94 206,427 Sullivan ACP Collector 2,662 36 95,842 5 69 47 A-COL-Thick Olay>2.5 96 216,283 Sullivan ACP Minor Arterial 2,670 45 120,151 5 57 56 A-PART/MnART-Mod Olay 1.5-2.5 95 267,002 Thierman PCC Principal Arterial 1,318 38 50,089 5 69 46 P-PART/MnART-Ext Pnl Rplcmnt+Grind 96 339,155 32nd ACP Minor Arterial 2,639 58 153,044 5 72 48 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 387,201 24th ACP Minor Arterial 2,641 58 153,204 5 72 47 A-PART/MnART-ThickOlay>2.5 96 387,606 Appendix H,$7.25M Analysis by Year(ART) 5 of 5 Appendix I $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year (Local Access) IMS Infrastructure Management Services Spokane Valley WA 2013 Final Report page i City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1770 Whipple St 38th 1779 35th Av McDonald 1775 33rd Ct End 1298 Little John Ct 10th 1435 Greenacres Rd 8th 1227 McMillan Rd End 1777 34th Av Woodlawn 1230 Lone Tree Rd 4th 1436 Beige Rd 8th 1061 7th Av End 1363 13th Ct Avalon 1395 11th Av End 1297 Farr Rd 8th 1778 35th Av Vercler 1346 14th Av Vercler 673 673 2040 673 E Valleyway Av Eastern 863 863 610 863 N Dyer Rd Sprague 830 Blake End 1433 10th Av 9th 509 509 670 509 N Ellen Rd Rich 952 McCabe Rd Sprague 397 397 1650 397 N Robie Rd End 1446 24th Av End 1054 1st Av Dishman Mica 998 Tschirley Rd Sprague 594 Fairview Ct End 595 Grace Ct End 1929 Shannon Av Houk 1430 9th Av End 668 668 370 668 E Broadway Av Extension Av Fancher 1182 2nd Av Adams 1736 Gillis Rd 34th 603 Harmony Rd Marlin 1500 Collins Rd Saltese 1758 Wilbur Rd 32nd IMS Infrastructure Management Services End End McDonald End 9th 8th McDonald 6th 10th End End Progress Archery Woodlawn Virginia Dyer End Mission Turtle Creek Longfellow Valleyway Marietta Dishman Mica Willow Main Joel Joel End End Broadway End 35th Buckeye Houk 34th ACP Local Access 117 36 4,227 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 150 36 5,400 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 256 36 9,201 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 272 36 9,792 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 290 36 10,438 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 400 33 13,185 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 375 36 13,506 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 543 33 17,930 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 590 36 21,240 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,544 14 21,610 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 132 36 4,735 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 266 24 6,375 1 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 195 30 5,851 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 864 36 31,105 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 180 40 7,207 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 367 20 7,337 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 246 32 7,861 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,989 20 39,781 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,148 36 41,328 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 293 28 8,202 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 1,329 32 42,543 1 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 268 35 9,385 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 348 30 10,432 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 339 32 10,849 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 709 22 15,602 1 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 325 36 11,700 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,505 40 60,205 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 1,714 36 61,709 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 419 32 13,416 1 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 340 40 13,582 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 465 36 16,740 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 466 40 18,646 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 484 40 19,366 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 506 40 20,246 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 90 1,357 90 1,734 90 2,955 90 3,144 90 3,352 90 4,234 90 4,337 90 5,758 90 6,820 90 6,939 96 7,329 94 7,352 96 9,056 90 9,988 96 11,155 96 11,357 96 12,167 90 12,774 90 13,271 96 13,616 90 13,661 96 14,525 96 16,146 96 16,792 94 17,995 96 18,109 96 18,109 90 19,332 90 19,815 96 20,764 96 21,022 96 25,910 96 28,860 96 29,974 96 31,336 Appendix 1,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 1 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1920 Howe St 1751 Fox St 812 Maxwell Av 814 Sinto Av 1773 40th Av 741 741 680 741 N Elton Rd 1256 Houk Rd 1370 Blake Rd 821 Houk Rd 703 703 1440 703 E Nora Av 672 672 2040 672 E Valleyway Av 300 300 1260 300 E Mansfield Av 601 Joel Rd 564 Flora Pit Rd 1948 NewerCt 1749 36th Av 1917 1917 610 1917 N Dyer Rd 947 Main Av 1927 1st Av 602 Drummond St 953 Blake Rd 1959 Pierce St 1055 1st Av 450 450 400 450 N Calvin Rd 1304 13th Av 935 Main Av 1145 Vista Rd 1593 Conklin Ct 1348 14th Av 1607 Balfour BI 1737 Skipworth Rd 1074 Havana Yale Rd 1344 13th Av 1140 Fancher Rd 1167 Robie Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services 14th 35th Pines Pines MADISON Boone 4th 12th Sinto Felts Fancher End Buckeye Sullivan 13th Bates Broadway End Union Montgomery Sprague 32nd Willow Wellesley Herald Pines Edgerton End End 26th 32nd Yale Virginia 14th Sprague 16th ACP Local Access 643 36 23,150 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 37th ACP Local Access 645 36 23,220 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Houk ACP Local Access 670 36 24,135 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Houk ACP Local Access 671 36 24,138 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 863 28 24,167 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Sinto ACP Local Access 658 40 26,312 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 659 40 26,363 1 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 1,338 20 26,760 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Mission ACP Local Access 681 40 27,233 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Raymond ACP Local Access 641 40 25,623 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Eastern ACP Local Access 1,319 20 26,370 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 Eastern ACP Local Access 1,298 22 28,561 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 805 36 28,992 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 5,924 24 142,167 1 65 77 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 1,056 28 29,569 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Fox ACP Local Access 889 36 31,995 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Sharp ACP Local Access 1,682 21 35,320 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Evergreen ACP Local Access 1,001 36 36,038 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Pines ACP Local Access 1,315 28 36,810 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Marlin ACP Local Access 932 40 37,270 1 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Valleyway ACP Local Access 1,327 32 42,457 1 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 37th ACP Local Access 1,826 24 43,836 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Farr ACP Local Access 1,321 34 44,897 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Olympic ACP Local Access 1,203 40 48,125 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 University ACP Local Access 1,915 32 61,289 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 2,665 24 63,960 1 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 53 32 1,690 2 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Limerick ACP Local Access 155 36 5,580 2 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Vercler ACP Local Access 310 28 8,681 2 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Raymond ACP Local Access 366 26 9,515 2 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 33rd ACP Local Access 195 40 7,800 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 404 20 8,078 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Woodlawn ACP Local Access 204 40 8,142 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 15th ACP Local Access 308 32 9,867 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 1st ACP Local Access 449 30 13,466 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 35,831 96 35,939 96 37,356 96 37,361 96 37,406 96 40,725 96 40,804 96 41,418 96 42,150 96 42,534 96 43,775 96 44,206 96 44,872 90 45,651 96 45,766 96 49,521 96 54,667 96 55,779 96 56,974 96 57,686 96 65,713 96 67,848 96 69,491 96 74,487 96 94,862 96 98,997 94 2,046 94 6,758 94 10,514 94 11,524 96 12,671 96 13,122 96 13,226 96 16,028 96 21,875 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 2 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 943 Houk Rd Sprague 955 Mayhew Rd Sprague 431 Cherry St Mirabeau 948 Main Av McDonald 1765 40th Av Reeves 1522 Keller Rd Saltese 969 Bolivar Rd Sprague 553 Courtland Av Velox 1495 Saltese&Blake Frontage Rd Vercler 1307 Dartmouth Rd 13th 558 Velox Rd Dalton 1356 Virginia St 13th 940 Collins Rd Olive 1662 Virginia Rd 29th 1525 Blake Rd 16th 1644 27th Av 29th 1498 Semro Av Vercler 1720 Steen Rd 23rd 1733 40th Av Dishman Mica 1300 Walnut Rd 8th 427 Mansfield Av End 1652 31st Av End 477 477 1150 477 N Lillian Ct End 929 929 2180 929 N Wilbur Rd Main 1104 12th Av End 1100 Stanley Rd 15th 1791 Woodruff Ct End 1246 Skipworth Ct End 1159 Broadview Dr End 939 Riverside Av End 1859 Sands Rd 47th 1792 40th Ct End 1802 Mercy Dr Schafer 304 304 550 304 N Dickey Rd Knox 1580 21st Ct End IMS Infrastructure Management Services Main ACP Local Access 673 28 18,844 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Riverside ACP Local Access 518 40 20,710 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Pinecroft ACP Local Access 642 44 28,240 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 621 40 24,858 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Union ACP Local Access 717 36 25,797 2 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Semro ACP Local Access 682 40 27,265 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Main ACP Local Access 793 40 31,728 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Donwood ACP Local Access 942 36 33,918 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,419 24 34,052 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 1,077 32 34,449 2 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Courtland ACP Local Access 1,013 36 36,473 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 15th ACP Local Access 971 40 38,842 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Broadway ACP Local Access 977 40 39,064 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 31st ACP Local Access 1,006 40 40,228 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Saltese ACP Local Access 1,928 28 53,981 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Tall Tree ACP Local Access 1,382 40 55,274 2 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,720 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 1,589 36 57,204 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bowdish ACP Local Access 1,457 40 58,281 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 2,674 30 80,230 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Mirabeau ACP Local Access 2,550 48 122,420 2 68 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Clinton ACP Local Access 2,436 40 97,425 2 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Olympic ACP Local Access 149 48 7,169 3 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Main ACP Local Access 140 25 3,507 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bettman ACP Local Access 197 28 5,505 3 52 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 16th ACP Local Access 255 20 5,095 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 130 40 5,200 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 6th ACP Local Access 196 36 7,071 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 393 14 5,504 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 219 26 5,696 3 64 47 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 48th ACP Local Access 210 40 8,400 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Driftwood ACP Local Access 198 36 7,129 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Old Schafer ACP Local Access 215 36 7,723 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Mansfield ACP Local Access 314 27 8,485 3 64 46 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Timberlane ACP Local Access 253 36 9,091 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 30,611 96 33,642 94 34,201 96 40,381 96 41,906 96 44,291 96 51,540 96 55,098 96 55,316 96 55,961 96 59,248 96 63,097 96 63,458 96 65,347 96 87,690 96 89,789 96 92,139 96 92,925 96 94,674 96 130,329 94 148,264 96 158,261 90 2,533 96 5,982 94 6,998 96 8,690 96 8,869 94 8,988 96 9,387 96 9,715 94 10,677 96 12,159 96 13,172 96 14,472 96 15,505 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 3 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1190 Newer Rd 1724 34th Av 877 877 250 877 N Bessie Rd 1412 St Charles St 1571 Century Ct 745 745 600 745 N Dorn Ct 1656 Houk St 325 325 550 325 N Dickey Rd 338 338 540 338 N Dick Rd 966 Main Av 938 Riverside Av 1315 14th Av 1164 1st Av 862 862 610 862 N Dyer Rd 1655 Cherry Rd 1414 Newer Rd 1171 3rd Av 1506 Woodlawn Rd 555 Liberty Av 697 Indiana Ct 1597 23rd Av 1501 Vercler Rd 1484 21st Av 1746 34th Av 1674 26th Av 1413 St Charles Rd 1502 Woodlawn Rd 1738 Woodward Rd 1516 22nd Av 933 Valleyway Av 1643 26th Av 1205 6th Av 1426 Galway St 985 Timberlane Rd 1491 Galls Park Ct IMS Infrastructure Management Services 2nd Glenn Sprague End End Broadway 24th End Indiana End Pines End End Riverside Skyview 14th Pines 16th Velox End Conklin Saltese Cherry Melissa Blake End Saltese 34th McDonald Pines Pines End End End 23rd 3rd Gillis End 15th 22nd Cataldo 25th Baldwin Knox Bolivar Houk End Union Nixon End 16th End Saltese McKee End Steen Forrest Guthrie Pines Davis 13th Forrest 34th Blake McDonald Tall Tree End Limerick Valleyway ACP Local Access 264 40 10,564 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 300 36 10,800 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 155 21 3,249 3 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon ACP Local Access 462 26 12,023 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 350 36 12,600 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 664 21 13,938 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 374 40 14,956 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 486 31 15,059 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 656 22 14,435 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 406 40 16,250 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 664 26 17,268 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 661 36 23,792 3 68 67 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 674 28 18,864 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 645 30 19,346 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 505 40 20,211 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 516 40 20,640 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 694 32 22,214 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 595 40 23,804 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 677 36 24,371 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,846 18 33,227 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 880 40 35,184 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 906 40 36,242 3 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 915 40 36,584 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,017 36 36,621 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,146 40 45,828 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,183 40 47,302 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,192 40 47,670 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,296 40 51,860 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,346 40 53,855 3 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 2,661 28 74,511 3 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 2,498 40 99,904 3 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 99 40 3,959 4 49 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 426 36 15,330 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 664 33 21,921 4 65 75 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 80 65 5,201 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 18,018 96 18,420 100 18,947 96 20,506 96 21,490 96 25,507 96 25,509 96 25,684 96 26,416 96 27,715 96 29,452 94 30,242 96 32,174 96 32,995 96 34,471 96 35,203 96 37,887 96 40,599 96 41,566 96 56,670 96 60,008 96 61,813 96 62,397 96 62,459 96 78,162 96 80,676 96 81,305 96 88,450 96 91,853 94 94,712 96 170,392 90 1,469 90 5,689 90 8,135 96 9,316 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 4 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1248 7th Ct 876 876 250 876 N Bessie Rd 1428 Steen Ct 1486 Macy Ct 1657 Houk Ct 1144 8th Av 1503 Collins Rd 1039 Dale Rd 1707 Progress Rd 1027 Dyer Rd 1337 Robie Rd 1156 Skyline PI 1759 Diana Ct 1260 Vercler Rd 429 Houk Rd 1654 Cherry Rd 1241 5th Ct 860 860 1240 860 E Main Av 459 459 2080 459 E Wabash Av 1565 Burns Rd 1470 21st Av 1029 David St 1704 25th Av 1072 14th Av 1507 Morrow Rd 1236 Woodruff Rd 1663 Woodlawn Rd 1790 39th Av 1533 18th Av 1499 22nd Av 1926 Union Rd 1483 20th Av 949 Riverside Av 481 481 1970 481 N Sunnyvale Dr 1174 Blake Rd IMS Infrastructure Management Services Wilbur End End End 26th Park 16th 1st 24th Sprague 8th End Loretta 7th Shannon 26th End Dyer Best 17th Whipple 1st Progress Custer 16th 8th Skyview Sunderland Early Dawn Woodlawn Sprague Pines End Wellesley Sprague End Main 12th April End Vista Saltese Appleway 26th 1st 9th End End 8th Mansfield 27th Pierce Thierman Calvin 20th Pines 4th Newer Carnahan Saltese End 32nd Driftwood Adams McDonald 4th Guthrie Evergreen Shamrock ACP Local Access 191 30 5,717 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 312 21 6,544 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 931 37 34,460 4 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt ACP Local Access 194 40 7,776 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 203 40 8,132 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 295 32 9,440 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 259 40 10,352 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 259 40 10,362 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 625 21 13,125 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 346 40 13,843 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 354 40 14,158 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 611 24 14,673 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 445 36 16,020 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 422 40 16,898 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 622 40 24,860 4 68 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 510 40 20,380 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 609 37 22,537 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 881 24 21,151 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 756 29 21,918 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 777 32 24,874 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 644 40 25,771 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 992 26 25,781 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 647 40 25,884 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,160 24 27,848 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 714 40 28,571 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 837 36 30,140 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 756 40 30,231 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 892 38 33,911 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 852 40 34,090 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 858 40 34,339 4 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,328 28 37,174 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 962 40 38,478 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 966 40 38,627 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,173 33 38,697 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 4th ACP Local Access 1,332 30 39,954 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 10,240 96 11,720 90 12,788 96 13,927 96 14,565 96 16,908 96 18,542 96 18,559 96 23,508 96 24,794 96 25,359 96 26,281 96 28,694 96 30,266 94 33,202 96 36,503 96 40,366 96 40,634 96 42,107 96 44,551 96 46,159 96 46,177 96 46,361 96 49,879 96 51,174 96 53,984 96 54,147 96 60,738 96 61,059 96 61,505 96 66,583 96 68,919 96 69,186 96 69,311 96 71,562 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 5 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1532 18th Av 1485 23rd Av 1609 28th Av 1497 Houk Rd 1747 Melissa Dr 1514 Blossey Av 1496 Blossey Av 1362 12th Av 1957 McDonald Rd 1567 Progress Rd 1462 Skipworth Rd 1619 28th Av 1621 30th Av 1719 1719 1910 1719 Steen 646 646 750 646 E Fairgrounds Rd 587 Bell 1588 23rd Av 1714 Timberlane Ct 572 Mansfield Av 1732 38th Av 1080 Granite Dr 1653 Cherry Ct 1160 2nd Av 852 Mallon Av 965 Nixon Av 1168 Robie Rd 619 Boone Av 1022 Hodges Rd 1699 Bannen Ct 1569 Newer Ct 1263 Morrow Rd 1490 Collins Ct 1488 Cherry Rd 1504 Vercler Rd 605 Jackson Cul-De-Sac Dr IMS Infrastructure Management Services Bannen End Dishman Mica Saltese 33rd McDonald Vercler McDonald 27th 16th 16th University University 23rd End Nora End 24th End Johnson 5th 24th End Progress End 1st Long Main End End End End 20th 16th End Early Dawn ACP Local Access 1,086 40 43,425 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Guthrie ACP Local Access 1,227 36 44,170 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 University ACP Local Access 1,156 40 46,224 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Vercler ACP Local Access 1,237 40 49,462 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Whipple ACP Local Access 1,441 36 51,892 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McCabe ACP Local Access 1,347 40 53,878 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 1,418 40 56,737 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Evergreen ACP Local Access 2,666 22 58,658 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 31st ACP Local Access 1,513 40 60,533 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 24th ACP Local Access 2,663 26 69,226 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 24th ACP Local Access 2,644 40 105,764 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,660 40 106,414 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bowdish ACP Local Access 2,661 40 106,430 4 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 2,747 40 109,879 4 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay+RR1 End ACP Local Access 708 54 38,258 4 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon End ACP Local Access 537 28 15,022 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt End ACP Local Access 96 45 4,338 5 52 66 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 100 40 4,000 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 End ACP Local Access 659 32 21,088 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Skipworth ACP Local Access 226 36 8,139 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Granite Point ACP Local Access 649 17 11,029 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 End ACP Local Access 206 40 8,257 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Bowdish ACP Local Access 235 36 8,460 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 St Charles ACP Local Access 267 50 13,346 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 Adams ACP Local Access 345 40 13,808 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 3rd ACP Local Access 439 25 10,982 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Barker ACP Local Access 2,664 20 53,275 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt Laberry ACP Local Access 1,373 40 54,905 5 65 76 A-LOC-Surf Trtmnt 31st ACP Local Access 346 36 12,449 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 22nd ACP Local Access 355 36 12,780 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 8th ACP Local Access 423 32 13,520 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 23rd ACP Local Access 389 36 13,992 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 21st ACP Local Access 355 40 14,190 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Saltese ACP Local Access 377 40 15,085 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Jackson ACP Local Access 115 40 4,600 5 60 10 A-LOC-Full Recon 96 77,779 96 79,114 96 82,792 96 88,591 96 92,944 96 96,501 96 101,623 96 105,063 96 108,422 96 123,991 96 189,435 96 190,599 96 190,628 96 211,089 100 234,223 90 5,859 94 6,082 96 7,524 90 8,224 96 15,310 94 15,465 96 15,532 96 15,914 94 18,713 94 19,361 96 20,658 90 20,777 90 21,413 96 23,418 96 24,041 96 25,433 96 26,320 96 26,692 96 28,377 99 29,573 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 6 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1562 23rd Av 1056 Willow Rd 1615 27th Av 1026 Eastern Rd 1372 Avalon Ct 951 McCabe Rd 1661 Vercler Rd 1664 Morrow Rd 1705 26th Ct 466 466 350 466 E Broad Av 1169 Whipple Rd 596 Marietta Av 1302 10th Av 946 Nixon Av 1505 Virginia Rd 1923 1923 180 1923 N Balfour Rd 1251 Fox Rd 1741 Skipworth Rd 970 Bolivar Rd 1111 Eastern Rd 560 Donwood Rd 866 866 2040 866 E Valleyway Av 1634 Wilbur Rd 1515 Semro Av 1350 15th Av 1358 Woodlawn Rd 1180 Best Ct 1559 21st Av 1761 Whipple St 1951 23rd Av 549 549 740 549 Evergreen Rd 750 750 420 750 E Cataldo Av 1568 St Charles Rd 1627 Skyview Av 1961 38th Av IMS Infrastructure Management Services End Sprague Sunrise 2ND AV 12th Alki Lenora Skyview End Burns End Harmony Raymond McDonald 15th Sprague 4th 36th Main 8th Dalton Ella 24th McDonald SR 27 Connection 13th Rees End End Forrest End Appleway University 4th 14th Broadway 31st 31st Sullivan Lucille 4th McMillan University McCabe Saltese Main 6th End Valleyway 12th Courtland Vista Skyview 22nd Vercler 15th 2nd St Charles Loretta McDonald Trent Vista Argonne 16th End Wilbur Pines 37th Pines ACP Local Access 495 32 15,856 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 656 26 17,049 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 656 26 17,055 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 552 32 17,663 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 524 36 18,858 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 664 40 26,578 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 500 40 20,006 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 510 40 20,400 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 560 37 20,720 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 618 35 21,613 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 558 40 22,323 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 561 40 22,428 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 710 32 22,720 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 837 40 33,481 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 646 40 25,837 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 664 39 25,882 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 660 40 26,391 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 736 36 26,479 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 672 40 26,868 5 64 45 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,327 28 37,148 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 776 36 27,934 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,323 22 29,100 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 734 40 29,344 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 836 40 33,434 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,205 30 36,139 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 966 40 38,643 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,081 36 38,913 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,453 36 52,293 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 1,113 36 40,064 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,682 26 43,722 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 1,408 36 50,685 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 ACP Local Access 2,652 24 63,652 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay+RR1 ACP Local Access 1,999 40 79,950 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 2,054 40 82,145 5 52 65 A-LOC-Thin Olay<=1.5 ACP Local Access 1,757 36 63,247 5 64 46 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 29,826 96 32,071 96 32,082 96 33,226 96 35,474 94 37,269 96 37,633 96 38,374 96 38,977 96 40,657 96 41,992 96 42,189 96 42,739 94 46,948 96 48,602 96 48,688 96 49,644 96 49,810 96 50,542 94 52,090 96 52,547 96 54,740 96 55,199 96 62,894 96 67,981 96 72,692 96 73,200 94 73,326 96 75,365 96 82,245 96 95,345 94 100,145 94 112,108 94 115,186 96 118,975 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 7 of 8 City of Spokane Valley $7.25M Rehabilitation Program by Year(Local Access 5 Year Rehab Plan Summa IV 0 0 0 0 Street Number Block Number N a` N N E LL F Pave Class . e A e g L C C O a J 41 Rehab Year Rehab Year NPR Rehab Year OCI Improved OCI Rehab Cost($) 1264 1943 1940 1343 1745 1472 IMS Infrastructure Management Services 5th Av 12th Av Woodruff Rd 12th Av Loretta Dr 22nd Av McDonald Bowdish 8th Pines 34th Bowdish Mamer ACP Local Access 2,066 32 66,121 5 64 48 A-LOC-ThickOlay>2.5 Pines ACP Local Access 2,660 32 85,107 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 16th ACP Local Access 2,675 32 85,587 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 McDonald ACP Local Access 2,682 32 85,808 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Pines ACP Local Access 2,235 40 89,409 5 64 47 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 Pines ACP Local Access 2,670 40 106,786 5 64 48 A-LOC-Thick Olay>2.5 96 124,381 96 160,096 96 160,999 96 161,414 96 168,188 96 200,876 Appendix I,$7.25M Analysis by Year(LOC) 8 of 8