13-235.00 Code Publishingcode publishing.inc Scope of Work and Costs for Comprehensive Plan City of Spokane Valley, WA December 5, 2013 Convert Comprehensive Plan to HTML format Code Publishing Co. will convert the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan to an HTML format for Internet hosting and searching. Convert document to HTML, $1.95/p 550 Format tables, $15 /page, 72 pages 1080 Insert graphics, 84, $75/hr 375 Total conversion cost estimate 2005 Internet Hosting for Comprehensive Plan Code Publishing Co. will host the searchable Municipal Code on the company's web server and will provide a link to the City's web site. The online code can be supplemented on demand with each ordinance provided by the City. Ordinances should be uploaded both in word processing format and in scanned PDF format for signed copies (or mail hard copies via USPS) to: http:// www. codepublishing .com/upload/SpokaneValley.asp Annual Internet hosting fee (if hosted along with the 75 municipal code) Supplement Service All codifiable ordinances will be supplemented in the existing page layout and format. Service includes editing, proofing, indexing, updating tables, and instruction and checklist pages. CPC will provide the County with printed supplements on a schedule to be determined by the County. The supplement frequency and number of copies may be modified by the County at any time. There is no minimum number of printed sets required. Editorial (includes updating online code), per page Maps, tables, diagrams, per page additional Printing, shipping, and handling, per impression Supplements in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) By:- /3 144-(404 Margaret O. Bustion, President Code Publishing Co. Dated: 12`3' f3 By: Mi City of Spok Dated: / 21.45 15.00 0.10 Free ty Manager Valley /3 Code Publishing Company 9410 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 -2844 206.527.6831/800.551.2633 www.codeoubiishing.com coca codeoublishing.com 0,01`3 —Z S code publishing.inc Scope of Work and Costs for Comprehensive Plan City of Spokane Valley, WA December 5, 2013 Convert Comprehensive Plan to HTML format Code Publishing Co. will convert the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan to an HTML format for Internet hosting and searching. Convert document to HTML, $1.95/p Format tables, $15 /page, 72 pages Insert graphics, 84, $75/hr Total conversion cost estimate 550 1080 375 2005 Internet Hosting for Comprehensive Plan Code Publishing Co. will host the searchable Municipal Code on the company's web server and will provide a link to the City's web site. The online code can be supplemented on demand with each ordinance provided by the City. Ordinances should be uploaded both in word processing format and in scanned PDF format for signed copies (or mail hard copies via USPS) to: http:// www. codepublishing .com/upload/SpokaneValley.asp Annual Internet hosting fee (if hosted along with the 75 municipal code) Supplement Service All codifiable ordinances will be supplemented in the existing page layout and format. Service includes editing, proofing, indexing, updating tables, and instruction and checklist pages. CPC will provide the County with printed supplements on a schedule to be determined by the County. The supplement frequency and number of copies may be modified by the County at any time. There is no minimum number of printed sets required. Editorial (includes updating online code), per page Maps, tables, diagrams, per page additional Printing, shipping, and handling, per impression Supplements in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) By: Margaret O. Bustion, President Code Publishing Co. Dated: By: Mi - Jackson, City of Spok Dated: a 21.45 15.00 0.10 Free ity Manager Valley >.3 Code Publishing Company 9410 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 -2844 206.527.6831/800.551.2633 www.codeoublishino.com cpc(a.codepublishing.com