5698926 STV-02-07 07/18/2008 03:48:32 PM 5698926 Recordang Fee S48.00 Page t o! 7 Ordinanoo GOVERNMEN'j, CITY OF SP6KRPJE VRLLEY Scokane County Washirtgton I IIIIIII WI~I ~ Ilil III~I I~~II IIII IIII I~I II~III III ~III ~II Illll Illl If N RE TUTt~v AnnRESS: City of Spokane Valley f1ttn: City Clerk 11707 E,ast Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 9920E Cover Slreet Document Title: CtTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY" ORDI\'A\'CL' 07-017 cYC 07-012 FOR STREET VACATION (ST-V-02-07) File Number(s) of 17elateci llocuments: Ordinance 07-017 and Ordinance 07-012 s•rv-o2-o7 Grantor: 1. City of Saokane Vallev 2. Grantee(s): 1. Thomas Hanilton 2. . Leeal Description: Quarter INNN"/ of SF % Seciion 10 ToNNqiship 25 Range 44 (See. Section 2 of (7rdinance 07-012 for legal descriptivn) All Assessor's Tax Parccl ID Number(s): U Une ~,p D 1 3 CTTY QF SFpK1,\~T~ VALLFY SPOKr1~\'~ CQUNTY, R'ASI•]NGTQN O:K:0119Ai\TCE NO. 0 7-01.7 AN O1tDINANCF OF 7Tf.F. CiTY nF SPOKA\TF VALT•1'X, NVASH1it7C:TUN, t1il-LCND TNC; ORD:I1tANCE 07-012, SLCT1dN 5(C), RC:[.,_ATliYG TO CONDITIQNS nF VA_CAT10N FOR A1'1'ROYI:I1'IATELY 30 FFET «T.i)F I3Y 750 L.TNFA.1.2 FEFT Oh' SHAIN\ON AVENiJF A.RU'1:171\iG 1'AlYCJEl, 1\rlJibl:BE17S 45103.0244, 45103.0245 and 451.03.0203 AN]J 1'1ZOV'1:Uli\°G , F017 OTFi.ER Ni,AT7`.F,RS PRnPF,RLX RFTJATTl\'G'T`HFRFTO. . WI-lEREAS, and the City Council passed Ordinance 07-012 on July 24, 2007, granting the application for vacation of a portion of Shannon Avenue; anc! WHEREEIS, staff subsaquently discovered that the conditions For vacation in Section S(c) contained a scrivener's error, specifiicAl.ly in that it required conshvction of a road at specifeci climensions that should not have been included. 'l'his amcndmerit would remove two sentences so that the cureently aclopted standards would be applied at t:i.me oi'constructidn; and 11THEf7N,AS, the City Council desires to amend Ordinance 07-012 to re.move the ineorrect dimensional requirements from the vacation conditions. NOW, TKREFOTZ:F, the City Council of tlhe City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washing-ton, do ordain as follows: Section l. Intent - The City of Spokaiie Valley dcclares chat the intent of this Ordinance is ' to amend Ordinance 07-0 t 2 to rnake il' eomply with adopted City Codc rcquircments. . Section 2. Urdinajice 07-012 to be anended. Spokane Valley Ordinance 07-012, Section 5(c) shall be amended as follows: c) Dedication of the right-of•-way and border easements for the eontinuation of A7ansfield Avenue, which will cross the main parcels tLiat front onto tMis porlion of Sliannon Avenue, iylansfield Avenue is t4 be consiructed iiCCOCCIIIIg to Collector Arterial standaeds; matching the section of the existing MFUisficld Avenue to the east. 'rhis ' requires 54 feeC of right-of-«=ay dedic,ation and 14 fooC border easements on bAth sides. Secdon 3. Remainder Unchanged. "l'he remaining portions of Ordinance 07-012 remain . unchang ,ed by this amenclment. Section 4. Closing. Pollowing ssCisfaction of the avove conditions of vacstinn set fqrth in Ordinance 07-012, as amended by this Ordinance, the City Clerk s11111 record a ce.ni(ied copy of Ordinanee 07-012 and of diis Ordinanee in the office of the Counry Auclitor, and the City Manager is aut:horized to eaecute all necessary clocuments, including a Quit Claim Deed, in order to comptete the tuuisfer of the propcrty icient:ifiecj herein. Seetion 5. - Severabilitv. Tf. aaly section, sentence; clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall bc Lield to be invalid ar unr.onsritutional by a cour[ of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstilut:ionality shall not affect the validily or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase ofi this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. 7'his Ordinance shall be in fiill force and effect five (5) days after publication oF this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokaiie Valley as provided by la-vv. , , . PASSED by the City Counc.il this 9'6 d ay of OcQo6er, 20 07. ATTL-S T. _ tMayor, Djana Wilhite . ~ CITY C lerlc; Ciiristine J3ai~ricl;~ _ Approve4l.AsTn +nrro: - ~ ~ ,0ffiC,e 0'F City AttC7rney Date ofPublication: Octubcr 19, 2407 Lffective Datc= October 24, 20 07 - r . . , , CiTY OF SPQKA'tNT VALLEY" ' SPOKANE COUiv1Y, VVASHINGTO`T ORD I1a 74NCE NO. 07-012 AaV URllllVAiNCE OF TI4F C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEX, R'ASH.MM Y,1'1tOV1ULITG FOR : THF VaCAT10~F Ok APPRQXfa1'Ir1TLGY 30 FEET W1D~: BY 750 ~..11~~AR FTTT OF SI3ANNOi1FAVF\`TFE ABUTTliNG 1'A1tC:l'::IJ NTIT,VIBFRS 45103.0244, 45103.U245 and 451.03.0203 A.Nl) PRUVIDiz\`G hOR OTTTF.R MATTERS PROPLRLY REL-AT:ING TN:FR,FTp. Wf-IEREAS, the City Coumcil by R.esolution 07-005 initiatcd vacstion proceetlings for a portion ' of Shannon Avenue located north of Union 1'acific Railroad anc! Indiana Avenue (STV-02-07) by providing that a hearuig on the proposal would Ue held before the 1'lanning Commission on tlie 14th day of June, 2007.; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearin-, oti June 14, 2007; and WHEREAS, following a hearing, the Planning Comrnission found that the notice and iiearing requirements of `Citle 10 Artic1c LY Section of the Spokane Valley Vtunicipal Code have becn met; «rHEREAS, the Plaiuling Commission .fi.ndings and/or minutes have been Flecl with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; and WHEREAS, none of the property,owners abutting the property to be v3cated filecl awritten objection to the proposed vacatiion with the City Clerk; and WHERrAS, tlrough adopted City Code provisions, the City shall provicie that the vacated property be transfenect to the abutting properiy owners, one-half to eac}i, unless circumstances rec{uire a difterent clivision of property; that the zoning district designation of the prnpereies adjoining cach side of the strcet shall attACh to the vacatecl property; that a record of survey shall be submitted to the Director of Community llevelopment; and that all direct and induee[ costs of title trxtisfer to the vacatecl slreet be ptiici by the pmponent or recipient of the transferned properfy; and ' \trHER-EAS, the City Council desires to vacate the ahove street pursuairt to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Sections 10A5.220 -.380. . NOW, 1't-ir.1tEFORE, the City Council of die City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Sectiun 1. Findinss ofI'act. T}ie City Couneil makes the fdllowing finclings of faet: (1) die City laepartinent oP Public Works has revie,.ved the right-oE way ca bc vacated snd detennined that the property adjacent to the vscated property is othenviso served by public or private access; (2) a public hearing on the proposecl vacation }ias been held in accordance with State Law and City Code before the Planning Conunission with the record of such hearing and proceediugs Fled with the City Clerk; (3) no wriften commen~,s were received by zin abutti.ng nroperties; ajid the Planning Commission made the following recommendations: I. 'l'he vacation of the streetlalley wi11 perrnit full dcvelopment of the property for benercial uses Fuid permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works 17epartment submitted cominents which analyzeci the portions of Shannon Avenue for nEed and future use and responded by specifying Shannon Avenue is not required for public access and is being replaced by the continuacion of Ntansfield avenue through a recommended condition. 3. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will c6angc in the future to provide a grcater use or need than presenily exists. This porlion of the slreet has no continuation at either cud. [.t is an inaccessible landlocked island of public right-of- way; an d 4. No objcetions have been re.ceived to the proposed vacation from die notice of publie hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies 5. The applicant, as a c4ndition of this vacation, will dedicate right-of-way and border easements for the eontinuacion of Ivfansfiel(l Avenue as we_Il as const-uct iN4ansfield Avenue accordino to Collector Arterial Standards, as Nvell as provide public sanitary sewer easements wd an access easement Erom currently improved Vlansfield Avenue. 1n light of these contxibutions, flie public interests are best served by not imposin; anp additional charge pu.rsuant to Resolution \TO. 07- 009. Secdon 2. 1'ronertv to be Vacateci. Based upon the above findings and in aceordttnce wi[h t}lis Ordinancc, the Cit), Council does hereby vaaace the st.reeC or a11ey described on the attached Exhibit "t1" which is incorporafed herein by reference, and defined as follows: 17tut partion af Slunlnon ftvenue right of }vay adjoniiiig the Sorrtherly hoTa?da?y of the Fr,st ha~fof TR,4CT 7 artd TRACTS S 9 rnrd 10 ofAsses.ror's F'!at.,W.(, UCCfjYCItJ2g to the .l'la.t ehereof recor-derl in Volwrre "F' " of Pluts, Pa,ge 14, records af Spokarze Cowrty, Wasirington. Seetion 3. 17ivision of 1'rouertv to be Vacated. Pursuajtt to RCW 35.70.040 ancl SViMC 10.09.04. 10.1 l, facttial circumstances dictate a difFerent division and distribution of the sbeet or alley to be vacated than one-half each to abutting property owners, thus the property to be vacated shall be divictecl as recorded in the reeord of survey which shall be created and recorded widi the County as required under SVMC.10.09.Q4.10.16. SecCion 4. Zoning. The Zonin? designation for the vacatecl property shall be the designation attached to the a(ijoining properties .is sct forth within the respective property or lot lines. The Director of Commtmity llevelopment is authorized ro make tliis notation on die official 7oning Vfap of the City. Section S. Conditions of Vacation. The follovring conditions shall be fully sal:isfted prior to the transfer of titlc by the City. a) A record of sur-vey of che area cn be vacated, prepared by a registered sun=eyor in [hc Sta1e of Washingion and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, anci spocifying iC applicable any and all easements for constructioii, repair and maintenance of e.usringand futurc utilities and servicesj shsJl be submittea by the proponent to the llirector. The record of survey shaU contain the professional starnp and si,-rmature of the registered suiveyor aild filed upon complerion with the Spokane County .auditor. The sunreyor shall provide the - City of Spoka.ne Valley «<ith a mylar copy of the recordetl survcy al.ul the Atlditor's Uocument Number ald date of recordation. b) The sunleyor shall locate at least nvo mollurnents on [he centerline of the vacated ri;lit-Af.- way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated riaht-of way with each street or rigllt-of-way in accordanee with the standards established by tiie Spokane Coiurry Standurds jor Roud and Setiver Coiutructioiz. c) Dedieation of the rig6t-0f-way and border easements for the conti.nuation of Mansfield Avenue, which will cross the main pareels that &ont onto this portion of Shannon Avenuc. A9ansfield Avenue is to be constructed according to Collector rlrterial standards, matching the section of the existing eylansfield to the east. Mansfeld is Yo be composed of 46 feet of asphalt widdi and on cacli sidc Type 8 curb and gr.itter (2 feet), 10 foot roadside swale and a 6 foot sidewalk. The total wicith of improvements is 32 feet. °fliis requires 54 feet of right- of.-way dedication and 1.4 foot border easements on both sides. . d) A recorded ptiblic sanitary scwcr easement is requireci for future e.ctension in the . portion of Shannon Avenue proposed for vacation pursuant to the Spokane Counly Division of. Utilities. e) Aii easement shall be crcated to providc access f'rom currently improved Manstield Avenue (abuttuig the site to the east) prior to Shannon Avenue being vacated for access to the cYistuig residcnce located on parcel number 45103.0204 or tLie structure shall be removed. f) All necessary easements require(l by Avista shall be shown on the record of survey and «Tittsn dacumentat.ion from all utility companies is required tn be submitted to the Coinmunity T)evelopment lairector, or desigiiee verifyino all easements have been indicate(l. g) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private otivnership including but not limited to t:itle company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume amy financial responsibilil'y for any direct or indirect costs for the traiisfer of title. h) The zoninc, district designation of die properties adjoininS each side of the street or alley to be vacatecl siiall be auComakical ly extendeci ta the center of such vacation, and all area shall iricluded in ehc vacation shall t:hen and henceforth be suUject lo a!l regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall speeii'y this zoning clistxict ea-tension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. i) A eertified copy of the ordinance vacating a sh•eet or ailey or part thereof shall be i-ecorded by the city c(erk in the offiee of the Spokanc County auclitor, j) All condieions of city couneil authorization shall be fully satisf ed prior to any transFer of title by the City. Seetion G. Closing. Follotivin~ satisfaction of ttie al~ove conclitions, the City Clerk shall rccord a certified copy of this Ordinance in the oflice of the Coimey rluditor, and the Cily Manager is authorized to execute a11 necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Deed, i.n orcler to complete die transfer of Hie property identified liereui. . Section 7. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrasc of this Ordinanee shall be held to be invafid or unconscitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or uneonstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitucionality of any other seetion, sentence, clause or plirase of this ordinance. Seetiori S. Effective Date. "1'his Ortlinance shall be in full force amd effeet FAve (S) days after publication of this Ordinanoe or a summary thereof in the o1'ficial nawspaper of tlie City of Spoka.ne Valle}, as provided by law. i'ASSED by die City Council this 24'i' day of July, 2007. f t ATTF-ST: Mayor, Diana GVilhile Ciiy Clerk, Chrisline Ba'►nbr dge Approved As To For 3~ice of t e i Flttornev Jaate of PublicatiQn:08-03-07 Effective l7ate: 03-03-07 1'roperty DescriPtion ~ _ - y - . - . ' ( N ~ I . ~ I _sL ~ r = I 9 } f tlTansfield Avc , I ~ ~ I Cfa + y e 30' (Nvide) 750' (length)