2014, 02-28 Special Regional Council of Governments MeetingMINUTES Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting Hosted by Spokane County Board of County Commissioners Friday, February 28, 2014 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 a.m. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, Conference Facility 404 N Havana Street, Spokane Valley, Washington Attendance: Spokane Valley Council Mayor Dean Grafos Deputy Mayor Arne Woodard Councilmember Bill Bates Councilmember Chuck Hafner Councilmember Rod Higgins Councilmember Ed Pace Councilmember Ben Wick Staff Mike Jackson, City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Others in Attendance: Various elected officials and staff members 1. Welcome & Review of Meeting Agenda — Spokane Co. Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn Commission Chair O'Quinn welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave those in attendance the opportunity for self - introductions. 2. Transportation Update — Wayne Brokaw, Executive Dir, Inland NW Associated General Contractors Mr. Brokaw said there is still time to get a transportation package together; said legislators are working to come to a consensus, but that the House is not yet ready; said there have been meetings statewide with members of the Building Fund who started work to support a package that will put more jobs back into the system; he said there are many bills being discussed and that many are trying to get a meeting with the Governor; he said Congress is working on another Transportation Package for 2015. 3. Voter Registration — Spokane Co Auditor, Vicky Dalton; Elections Manager Mike McLaughlin Ms. Dalton reminded everyone that March 7 is the last day to file a resolution for the April ballot; briefly explained what they do; that they are involved with voter registration and elections, as well as petition verifications; and she went over the voter registration figures as well as projected 2015 figures. Ms. Dalton mentioned the on -line voter registration and update which has been popular with the public; said voter turnout by age shows that the younger voters are not returning their ballots, and that the majority of those who do return ballots are in the 50+ age group. 4. Updates from area Cities/Towns First to give an update was Ms. Micki Harnois, representing the South Spokane County Consortium; a group consisting of the five small towns /cities of Fairfield, Latah, Rockford, Spangle and Waverly; and she mentioned one of the projects they are working on is signage. Second, Cheney Mayor Trulove announced that Cheney recently lost their city administrator, who is now the City Manager of Mountlake Terrace; and he briefly mentioned Highway 904 and other transportation projects. Third, Ms. Katy Allen, Liberty Lake Administrator reported that Liberty Lake has seen a large residential boom; mentioned their round - about, the golf driving range, and that they are working on better access off I -90 into Liberty Lake. Special: Regional Council of Governments 02 -28 -2014 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 03 -11 -2014 5. Regional Solid Waste Issues — Spokane County Utilities Director, Kevin Cooke Mr. Cooke gave a quick re -cap of the previous night's Regional Solid Waste Meeting, said the timeline is short; that they have the agreement in place with Spokane City, and that draft interlocals were submitted to other jurisdictions for their review; said the RFP (request for proposal) for the operation of the transfer stations is due March 31, which will be followed by negotiation, with a contract in place hopefully by July; he mentioned that a comprehensive solid waste plan must be in place by mid - November; and he encouraged other municipalities to e-mail him comments concerning the draft interlocal agreement; and said he hopes to have a second version of the draft interlocal out by mid - March. 6. Fairchild Air Force Base and Spokane County — Colonel Brian Newberry, 92nd ARW Commander Colonel Newberry talked about the upcoming air show scheduled for May 31 and June 1; reported about a potential upset should the reduction in force occur, as was reported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff's remarks concerning possible budget cuts to reduce the size of the military to its smallest manpower since before World War II. 7. Protecting Fairchild Air Force Base — Helping Families — Spokane County Commissioner Al French Mr. French talked about last November's failed ballot measure and said he feels the difference between passing the measure and the measure failing, could be the number of under votes, which he said indicates a greater need for education and community outreach; and said the measure might be placed on the August ballot; he mentioned past BRAC's (Base Realignment and Closure Commission) around the Country, and said that since Fairchild was not affected before, that the likelihood of a BRAC is now higher. Mr. French mentioned the mobile home parks and residents and of their encroachment to Fairchild's air space; mentioned previous encroachments which were identified and handled, such as Solar World Estates, which he said, the County now owns; and said the mobile home parks are the last remaining encroachment. Mr. French said he wants to make sure we won't have any encroachments in the future; and mentioned the work of Community Frameworks, Habitat for Humanity, and the Catholic Charities, which are all working together on this challenge of moving those mobile homes residents. Mr. French also mentioned some of the political impacts if the Base closes; and said it could represent as many as 12,000 jobs lost, a drop in housing prices; and an abundance of homes, office, retail, schools, hospitals, etc.; said the Base closure would also affect sales tax revenue, and we would see reduced construction and loss of those associated jobs. Mr. French said if the next ballot measure were to pass, they would put deed restrictions back on the tax rolls to limit the uses in that area to light industrial. 8. Updates from area Cities /Towns First, Spokane Council Member Steve Salvatori mentioned his and other's commitment to work on the cleanup of the River; mentioned that Spokane is a participant with the Regional Animal Control; said they have finalized an agreement to sell the two transfer stations to the County; mentioned a retail marijuana implementation task force, and briefly spoke about revitalization within the next few years on the U- District and pedestrian bridge. Second, Airway Heights Mayor Rushing mentioned the upcoming air show; and briefly spoke of transportation projects such as part of Highway 2 resurfacing, and of the 1,000 acres undeveloped but developable, as well as many undeveloped but developable lots; and said they are also recruiting aero -space industry businesses. Third, Ms. Carol Evans, Spokane Tribe of Indians Vice Chair spoke about their connections with various cities; of the Tribal College and of the bridge to help; and mentioned the 100th celebration coming up Labor Day Weekend. 9. Emergency Management Update /Overview — Spokane Co Emergency Management Deputy Director Ed Lewis Mr. Lewis said he has been to twenty -six disasters including Katrina; he showed a video of how a community functions, specifically in connection with the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse in 1977, and all the various aspects of emergency management that went into handling that disaster. Mr. Lewis also mentioned an upcoming tabletop disaster exercise along Trent. Special: Regional Council of Governments 02 -28 -2014 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 03 -11 -2014 10. Regional Animal Control Update — Spokane Co. SCRAPS Director Nancy Hill Ms. Hill went over some of the history of the many functions of SCRAPS, including having all lost pets under one roof; and reminded everyone of their upcoming move to their new facility in May. 11. Roundtable Discussion of the following topics of regional Importance: ❖ Marijuana issues and associated bills ❖ Legislation related to code costs, i.e., major cleanup of nuisance properties, ❖ Any other topics Spokane Valley City Manager Mike Jackson mentioned the recent Attorney General opinion concerning pre - empting marijuana legislation; and Deputy City Attorney Erik Lamb went over some of the basics of our City's interim legislation and the rationale behind those interim regulations. In the interest of time, other topics were not discussed. Commissioner O'Quinn announced that the next Council of Governments meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2014. The meeting adjourned at 12:05. ATTEST: A istine Bainbridge, ity Clerk an Grafos, Mayor Special: Regional Council of Governments 02 -28 -2014 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 03 -11 -2014